#I've also gotta start picking one draft and working on it till its done I'm gonna try I promise
hisredhysteria · 2 years
Locked In
Note: Just for fun—! I've been wanting to do something like this for Cutthroat because of the beginning manga panels, but thank you to my friend for involving Hacker in this—
TW: mention of murder and the reader in Hacker's scenario may come off a little yandereish in a sense
Summary: Scenarios to do with being locked up or in-? IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE IT—
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Once detained, the other correctional guards didn't feel they had to so much as roll when coming to their conclusion. They could have flipped a coin, asked you to pick a number from 1 through 10—hell, why not have added your name to a roulette wheel for such a heinous decision? Every single one of them chose to back up the other though, all as they anxiously informed you that it would be your turn to pick up their cowardly slack. The criminal going under surveillance was dangerous, but in what world is a criminal entirely not? If watching the murderer really was the death sentence everyone made it out to be, then you were determined to survive just to prove them wrong.
You made your way through to the lowest level of a dismal prison, an entanglement of keys finally jingling as they clicked into alignment with the room door of his temporary holding cage. Relieving the previously stationed guard of their daunting duty, it was as if he had been on edge for all of the five minutes he'd been standing there. Concerned about the longevity felt from simply being in the same room as a death row patient, he did what anyone would have done by wasting no time rushing out of there. The criminal was your friend for the night, silently elated as he could feel your new presence—hear your differing footsteps. The only thing missing now was a face to match the sound of your pretty voice.
"I've heard a lot about you.."
The murderer didn't stir, but did you expect him to under the confines?
"Cutthroat, was it?"
Growing beneath the mask across his face was a smile at your question; surely this wasn't going to lack any of his own amusement.
"Hm...~? Is someone there..?" He cooed, starting with a hum that made you wonder about the relevance of his serious tone after.
Was he joking or was he trying to be serious?
"Is someone ever not..?" You sighed, clinking the cage cell back shut without you inside. Better safe than sorry, you stood from a bit of a distance to be sure.
"Never usually this close...~" He continued.
"This close? ... I'm not standing any closer than the last guy who was here." Interested to see you encourage a conversation, again something echoed beyond his covered face.
"Well, the other one didn't greet me... He was no fun because he didn't answer any questions either..." His reminder that you really weren't supposed to be entertaining him, you swallowed an antsy feeling in the pit of your throat.
"Whatever it was that you said, it must have scared him. He left in a hurry..." You answered quickly so it felt less against your own rules, taking mental note that from there on out it was best not to respond to him.
"I only asked to see his blood...it's pretty on everyone, isn't it...? I bet yours is pretty too..."
Shooting your eyes to examine the constraints that bound him, Cutthroat was eerily still for someone in his position—with the staggering strength he had too. Silence filled the air once more and usually the killer would have grown bored by now. You had chance of answering anything more by doing so previously, and because that was so, Cutthroat wasn't ready to leave you alone just yet.
"I hope you're the one to take me to the execution room ~" He subsequently tried.
Admitting fondness so soon for something as easy as a blunt greeting and reciprocation in conversation, his attempts unsettled you the longer he kept talking. In fact, it wouldn't have been such a fever dream if he wasn't also detained for the murder of nearly one thousand people. Shifting in the spot you stood however, a step forward from the cell didn't seem like such a bad idea as you took it.
Discouraged by the tap of your shoe distancing yourself from him, he'd still test you a final time.
"You'll be there to watch my blood spill with everyone else though, won't you? ...Of course you will, who would miss the chance to see someone die..? Hm~ It would be nice to watch someone else die one last time though..."
His ending comment sat with you. It killed not to provide an answer, so you surveyed your surroundings to find no one but the security camera's watching.
"....Are you asking to kill me..?" You fell into round two of his deadly game.
"Would you let me..!?"
You jumped for how foreign it sounded—for how muffled and excited the gasp was. It had to be a joke or another intrusive thought, you really did not have a death wish for tonight. All you needed to do was pass time, but...what was the harm in a little fun? A prideful tease at best—you propositioned Cutthroat.
"Do I get something in return....?"
"Huh...? Is dying not fun enough?"
How insane he must have been to think that it was, but more so to think you'd forfeit your life either way.
"Is that why you want to die?" You asked, turning around to glance through the gaps of the bars curiously. "Is dying fun to you..?"
His small laugh was rewarded for your kindness towards him.
"Of course~! I have yet to find out if dying is as good as killing... but I'll know soon enough.. Maybe you will too ♡ ~"
Lying to his own advantage wasn't a deed Hacker took part in often, but when it came to being on the receivers end, something about it was just thrilling enough. From the tasteful and underhanded way you trapped him in this room, who was he to admit any disliking towards it? Arguing with you to open the door would have never worked, and just by glaring down at the cruel silver knob, Hacker knew it was tightly locked.
"You did this on purpose, didn't you..?" He asked, your greater plan slowly sinking through like he was as thin as wet paper. A personal hell awaited him—all from the moment he told you he was going to be leaving.
"I suppose I should have seen this one coming sooner or later...it's just that I never expected it to be you holding me back..." Hacker added, and where you thought one would have grown weary or more nearly now angered, the way he spoke instead sounded intrigued with every last drop. Your breaths deepened however, stuttering to hold back a cry. Hearing what would be your back slide down against the door, he eventually caught on that maybe you hadn't wanted to do this at all in the first place.
"If it made you this upset...you could have told me."
You let the tears threatening to spill finally touch skin. If the solution was all that simple, did he really think you wouldn't have tried? Telling him your true feelings may have been nice, but it would only make it that much easier for Hacker to slip between the lines. As long as he didn't expect your heart to get in the way of anything, he couldn't plot against what he was enduring now.
"...It's not that I didn't think of bringing you with. Leaving together wouldn't be so bad. I need something new though, something with a faster pace—and I don't expect you to be able to keep up. This is just the better option for both of us."
Your body continued to become further distraught as he spoke, and now perhaps you were the one that was angry.
Had he always thought you were slowing him down..?
"Then..." You whispered, rolling your head back so it was flat against the door. Hanging on the edge by your words, Hacker must have had no idea how bad this actually hurt. "I can't let you leave."
His eyes lit up. It was controlling, but the fact that you thought you were the one with the upper hand made him feel like your competitor.
"If I wanted to, I could turn this door to ash using my drones... It'll hurt more later if you continue to sit in that spot." He threatened, an empty one at its best. Was it one he could even fulfill?
"Try it..." You inhaled, stuffy from the rainy vision. "Burn me to cinders if you have to..." Testing him, you knew Hacker wasn't going to do it. There was little to no point in the test because of that, but it was to spark his interest instead.
Working as planned, his fingers strained themselves on the singular bubbled keypads. His drones aimed at the wall facing the outside street, Hacker tried them for himself. With no patience or hesitation, he pressed a key sure enough to elicit a reaction from both drones—for them to crumble the waiting wall beneath their wrath. When nothing happened though, his wide eyes suggested horror.
"What..? How..." Confused by the lack of response, maybe technology was always a little faulty. Slamming his finger on the key once again, your quiet laugh in success wasn't what he'd been ordering. Enough to have slowly broken him the longer things lasted, suddenly this wasn't going to be as fun as he initially planned.
"You told me you wanted something new. You've never been locked in a room for longer than a year, have you...?"
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