#I'm very passionate about kurenai can you tell
teatitty · 2 months
This will not make any sense to anyone who does not religiously follow my Iruka posts but I woke up with the vivid idea of Iruka offhandedly telling Kurenai not to burden herself with his health problems [the chronic back pain] and Kurenai getting so mad about this she tugs his hair to make him look at her and asks if he thinks it's a burden when Kakashi gets migraines. Is it a burden when he has to lay down flat and hold a press over his eye because it throbs so harshly? Is it a burden when Gai's neurotic hyper energy goes too far, and we have to remind him of an inside voice? Is it a burden when we help one another out of the hospital? When Asuma got injured on a mission and needed help limping back?
And Iruka can't say anything to this because no, he doesn't see any of that as a burden he can only say "That's different" without being able to explain why and then Kurenai hits him with "We're friends, Iruka. You could be missing half your limbs and I'd still be in your life." Iruka, of course, doesn't know how to deal with that either, outside of getting irritated and bothered and shrugging her off so he can leave only to feel like an arsehole when he gets back home
He feels so bad about it, in fact, that next time he sees Kurenai he drops off some takowasa for her to eat and awkwardly accepts her invitation to sit at the table with her. He gets better about accepting her help after that
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ereawrites · 1 year
Book Club (Kakashi Hatake)
Prologue - The Ambush
Kakashi sure as hell isn't going to flirt. Good thing you've got sleep-deprived courage (and Gai) at your back.
cw: alcohol use
word count 1.9k (chapter 1/9)
read it on ao3 here
"Maa, Asuma, did you forget to invite Kakashi again?", you scold, scanning the room for a flicker of silver hair even though you know you won't find it. All you see is Genma at the bar, buying a drink for a woman you're pretty sure is different to the one he was flirting with fifteen minutes ago.
"No. He just didn't want to come.", Asuma states this in a tone that suggests a lack of surprise, even as Gai slumps in his seat with disappointment. Kakashi has never been much for getting together with your old academy class, even when alcohol is involved. Asuma shoots you a sideways glance over his drink. "Although I'm sure that would have changed if I'd told him you'd be here."
"Come on-", he takes another sip of sake and scoffs, not unkindly. "You've noticed how strange he acts around you."
You also take a swig of your drink, intrigued but not quite sober enough to really think about his words. "It's Kakashi. Isn't he strange all the time?"
Asuma laughs loudly - Kurenai looks at him from all the way across the room, you notice, you'll have to corner her in the bathroom later on - and claps a hand onto your shoulder. "Alright, I won't spoil it for you." He's smiling at you like the cat that's got the cream. You don't like it one bit.
"Asumaaaaaaa, don't be like that!", you complain, shrugging his hand off your shoulder and trying to fix him with a stern glare. When he returns it, you crumble - you're glad you didn't have him as a sensei back in your genin days. Besides, Asuma is too loyal to Kakashi, and not much for gossip. But-
"Gai! You know what he's talking about, don't you?!". You point an accusatory finger across the table at Gai, who has already won three separate drinking contests and has the flush to prove it. It's comical how hard he tries to avoid your gaze.
One more drinking contest later, he's yours. Asuma sighs as Gai begins his usual speech.
"My eternal rival Kakashi feels very strongly about me! Our rivalry is intensely passionate, in fact, it is unmatched! But, because our hearts are so inexplicably connected-", Gai lurches to his feet here, eyes shining with tears, "-I can sense that Kakashi feels almost as passionately about you!"
Huh? That can't be right, can it? You take a deep drink and barely even wince; then you look at Asuma, who surely can put the story straight. It's probably more like you've accidentally offended Kakashi, and inadvertently sucked yourself into a weird eternal-rival-threeway. Maybe one of his ninken likes you more than him. Yes, that'll be it. Pakkun was particularly taken with you that time you had to swing by Kakashi's apartment to deliver a message.   Asuma looks somewhat defeated, but also a little pleased. "Oh, yeah. He's got it bad for you. Remember how he disappeared from your birthday party?" You'd assumed Kakashi had just got bored and went home to nap. He'd barely even said hello to you that night. "Genma got him pretty drunk and we managed to get it out of him. Then I got him more drunk, and he fell out the chair when he tried to get up and wish you a happy birthday."
"And I carried him home in my arms.", Gai sniffles, clasping your hand tightly. "And he opened his soul to me and cried freely from the power of his love!"
"No he didn't.", you deadpan.
"No-", he concedes. "But I know he wanted to!"
This is not how you expected the evening to go. Part of you doesn't quite believe them - then again, Asuma isn't the type to stir the pot and he knows Kakashi well - and you've heard enough of Gai's power of love speeches to know how serious he is about the topic. Thank God Kakashi isn't here tonight, or you might combust.
"He's going to bolt if I tell him I like him, isn't he?" Both of your friends nod gravely. One thing you remember very well from the academy is that Kakashi loves to brood: you need to let him stew in his feelings until he can't ignore them anymore, or you'll just scare him off. It only takes you and Gai two more drinks to come up with a brilliant idea - why not give him a little push in the right direction?
Ah. There he is.
He's running late - again - to meet Gai. You're not sure why Gai doesn't just start scheduling their weekly training sessions for the afternoon, instead of an ungodly time in the morning. You don't remember ever seeing Kakashi out before noon of his own volition. Then again, you don't remember Kakashi being on time for anything either. You briefly imagine Gai trying to fit in 1000 pushups before his eternal rival arrives at the training ground. 
Oh, well. He's already late. Might as well commit to it.
Clearly, Kakashi is unbothered by the thought of neglecting his poor, dedicated rival. In fact, he isn't even looking where he's walking - and why would he? The wide street down to the yard is always empty at this time, because any sensible shinobi is in bed, asleep, and staying out of trouble. He doesn't notice you perched up on the rooftop of the ramen shop even when he walks right in front of it. You grin a little to yourself: you really are quite good at masking your chakra. You're so confident in your abilities that you even lean over the edge of the roof to get a proper look at the book he's buried his nose in. 
It takes everything in you not to gasp out loud with glee. You'd recognise Jiraiya's preposterous illustrations anywhere.
This makes everything so much easier.
There's a little side alley a short way up, that weaves between shinobi apartments before coming out onto the boulevard right by the weapons store. Kakashi is wandering along at the leisurely pace of a man with nowhere to be, so it isn't much of a rush to reach it, but you're still a little breathless with anticipation. He's chuckling quietly at his book when you dash out the alley, swing a left, and crash square into his chest. Right as you do, you unmask your chakra, allowing it to just brush against his in a faux expression of surprise. He recognises your chakra, you can feel it, how his own energy reflexively gives way to yours. Kakashi doesn't stagger at all and you pretty much bounce right off him, but you do hear the snap of his book closing swiftly.
"Woah! I'm so sorry, I'm in such a rush to-", you exclaim, with what you think is a pretty good attempt at shock, as you right yourself and look him in the eye. "Oh. Hey, Kakashi!"
He blinks, then greets you in return. "You should be more careful. There's no need to be in such a rush all the time."
Your heart flutters a little bit at the implication that he pays such close attention to the chaotic pace you live life at.  If you aren't careful, you're going to be the one leaving this encounter flustered. So you laugh it off, and pretend to readjust your flak jacket. "I do rush, don't I? It's just, I've been up all night pretending to be a particularly noisy owl outside one of my genin's window, and honestly I'm just desperate to go home and sleep."  This is true - Haruki called you old for needing a nap yesterday, the little shit.
Kakashi doesn't even question why you've decided to torture one of your students. "I prefer to make monster noises outside Naruto's door when I'm aiming for sleep deprivation."
The one eye you can see crinkles slightly at the corner when you laugh. Otherwise, he doesn't react, so you decide to store away the image of him growling with his face pressed up against a dingy apartment door for a time when you need cheering up. Instead, you decide to set your plan into action. You're going to lose your nerve if you don't get a move on. 
"Are you going to train with Gai?", you ask, as if you don't already know. Kakashi hums nonchalantly, switches his book to the other hand, and leans his weight against the wall of the store. You inch forward just a little as you continue, "We should get together someday soon too."
Kakashi's eye widens slightly. "Hm - to train, oh -", and you're so glad he has a dirty mind, because the thought of flustering him has your courage building by the second.
Finally, you allow your eyes to flicker down to his Icha Icha novel - he's carrying the discreet cover version, rather than the much more lewd one you've seen in the bookshop underneath your apartment. The plain binding makes it easy to see how well-thumbed the book really is. Flashing him your loveliest smile, you move in for the kill. "Say, Kakashi, what are you reading? It must be quite a book for you to be so engrossed so early in the morning."
It's hard not to almost, almost, feel bad for him as his whole body tenses up. "It's, ah... well... it's...",  Kakashi pauses, clears his throat, and then clears it again. You give him an encouraging mhm as his knuckles turn white against the cover.  "...An action novel." He finishes, his voice strained.
"Well, I've been looking for a new book to read in my downtime. Would you mind if I borrow it once you're finished?", you ask. You're starting to grin a bit too much as you speak, but hopefully you're managing to pass it off as just being happy to talk to him - to be honest, you smile at Kakashi far too much even when you aren't torturing him.
He's starting to slide down the wall just a little as his knees weaken."You want to read it?"
"If that's okay with you. It would be interesting to see what you like," you respond, allowing the pause to drag out just a little longer than necessary,"...to read." He might actually be having a nosebleed under his mask, you think, as he fixes his gaze very intently at the lamppost behind your head. 
"Everything alright, Kakashi?"
Suddenly, he's skirting around you like you're hot coals. He starts to skitter away up the street, one hand rubbing the back of his neck as he mumbles,"Yes. I just realised how late I am to meet Gai, I should go, hate to leave him waiting-"
A gentle hand on his forearm stops him dead in his tracks. "Of course. Well, it was a lovely surprise to see you. Enjoy your training session." You're sure to give the exposed skin there a gentle squeeze before letting go. His chakra chases after you.
"Enjoy your nap.", he replies, staring at you unblinkingly, voice absent. Something tells you Gai will be winning whatever fresh hell he's got planned for this morning - he's probably about 500 pushups deep right now, so you really should get going. Maybe you'll have a nice warm bath and read an action novel of your own. You start down the boulevard in the opposite direction, in much less of a rush than you began, and wave back over your shoulder.
"See you soon, Kakashi. Remember to bring me that book once you're finished!"
You can only see one quarter of his face, but you're pretty sure he's blushing. God, you really do like him. 
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*pulls up a chair* Rant about something 💜💜💜
Its funny this was the first ask I got and the last I will answer because I really dont know anything to rant about really... :D
I'm very passionate about what the Kishimoto has to say about mentors and studens in his story. I wonder where this comes from, this need to talk about how teachers, more than parents, can shape a person into a full formed personality, but he uses it over and over again. While Shikamaru and Ino are influenced by their fathers and their deaths, more so it is Asuma that really hits them. I just really really love that. I think also it shows that not only do the mentors really open up in their role (Kakashi for instance just really needed that sort of thing, tho he was a leader in anbu already and a good teacher to itachi, he really needed those kids to open up completely), students also help the teachers grow. These Jonins are usualyl like in their end twenties and they grow adults by helping young children grow into teens.
Heck, the first connection Kishi gives Naruto is Iruka, who is not a very strong Ninja like kakashi or a bloody or loud or strong one or whatever, no, he is a teacher, an empathetic teacher, who from the first moment on never leaves naruto's side. In my nart reread it has really hit me how often Iruka is JUST THERE and oh it makes me emotional.
As such I grow very pained at all of these implications. Hiruzen having to fight Orochimaru. KAkashi wanting to take Sasuke out. MInato having to stop Obito (Obito fighting Minato and hurting Kushina). Nagato killing Jirayia.... and the pain oif the ones left behind. I know Jirayia is an unliked character on this website, and i know there are some who dont care for his death and I'm not telling you not to, I just personally cry everytime because NARUTO is sad, because naruto is hurt and idk, living with the sage for two years has bound them together and now he is all alone.
Like... I really cant fantom the pain Jirayia must have felt when he came home to Konoha and both Kushina and Minato were dead. Not only his miracle student, but also his wife. Or how pained minato must have already been with obito and then rin dying, so desperate in fact that he wanted nothing else as to keep kakashi close (As misguided as we all know that was). Idk, it kills me to think about it too much. (minato was only like. 23 when rin died !!! imagine this would happen to you at such a young age!! god). gai with neji too. we never see them grieve you now, but you just know it destroyed him
so teams are important to me. It is important to me that we see hinata and shino and kiba still have coffee with kurenai, that no matter what happens naruto always asks kakashi for help, that when minato gets reanimated kakashi calls him sensei and listens to every word he says. it is important to me that these relationship exists in a story liek naruto that is for young people, for teenagers.
teachres can be great influence on your life, and once you let them help you they can be a supportive force forever.
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