#I'm trying to gain back any semblance of how I used to write
yanxidarlings · 3 months
yet another non-canon character. i'm trying to mature my writing style a little bit? i started this blog when i was pretty young but i wanna start exploring dialogue, very mild spice and darker themes. would love some feedback!
honestly so obsessed with non-canon character atm especially mongolia (mostly cuz of an oc but i digress), was going to release all of east/south asia at once, but started on mongolia's and it got too long. the characterisation i've done is a combination of fanfics i've read over the years and my own thoughts.
i will literally combust if anyone else starts writing for mongolia man i am STARVED
tw. yandere toxicity, mild suggestive themes, reference to the mongol empire(?)
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MONGOLIA (Temüülen Mönkhbataar)
• Temüülen was once an empire of unimaginable size, and as is, with most once great powers, wants to exert as much control over his dearest as possible. His darling's position be damned, he wants them to submit to him (whether that be as a lover, mentor, or all of the above), and god fucking dammit he won't be content until they do. • Others might view his behaviour as Temüülen clinging on to any semblance of power, and truly, deep down, many of his desire is fueled by a lingering want for power, Temüülen fully believes that he's this great protector and guidance in his darlings life. • He's not delusional in any way, Temüülen realises that they might not particularly revel in his presence, but life isn't all sunshine and rainbows, his dearest doesn't have to be happy with him for Temüülen to be content. Many nations aren't always comfortable with their company, but at least Temüülen has their best interests at heart! (unlike China or America, who would only ever use them as a political pawn). He likes to tell them this, how much worse it could be, so stop complaining and read those damn papers your boss sent you to him already- • Truth be told, he likes a bit of fear in them. Temüülen has no shame in using his past to scare them into submission, if diplomacy doesn't fair well.
"you know, erkhem, if you had the gall to complain like this during the great mongol state, i would have had every right to flog you" temüülen spoke in their ear quietly, not in a whisper, yet not so loud that anyone else could have heard him "until you were begging for me to stop" he added, the contrast of his warm breath against their chilled skin sending shivers down their spine.
temüülen's cold, calloused hands gripped onto their gloved ones, re-aligning to nock to the bowstring "you wouldn't have survived a day in the old steppes, with a grip this poor.." the mongol trailed off, his hands moving to either side of their back and chest, forcefully straightening their posture
his eyes narrowed as they drew the bow, waiting for them to reach the anchor point, his disappointment evident as they began aiming "teneg!" he snapped, gripping on to their bow arm, forcing them to fully anchor the weapon "now aim" he quipped, taking a step backwards, following their gaze "higher" they slouched again as they attempted to aim towards the target "posture" he raised an eyebrow
the mongol's eyes didn't leave their figure as they released the arrow, admiring his job, if only they took his opinions on everything in their life this seriously.
• He told himself he'd be content when they accepted him as their mentor... yet it just wasn't enough. Temüülen wanted to be closer to them, he wanted to be the closest to them. He had always thought matters of the heart to be frivolous, something that fatuous nations did to satisfy their own mortal desires. Temüülen knew he was better then that, definately, but was his darling? • If... they were going to pursue an intimate connection with another, would it not be safer for him to be the one they pursue it with; instead of some self serving stranger who would only use his dearest for their own gain? This is Temüülen's reasoning for courting them, no matter their relation to him or anyone else, in his mind, he's the only one with pure intentions. • Temüülen isn't so experienced in romancing as he is in carnal desire, but even then, this is dating back to his days as an empire, which have long passed. To his darling it appears as if he's approaching them for a singular night of salacious intimacy, yet whether they would welcome the advances or not, their body would never be just theirs again. • He feels entitled to stick into every aspect of their life, from national to personal, to physical affairs, damned if they want him there or not, they'll just have to learnt to like it
there they were, once again confining themselves to their study; sedantrists, he thought to himself, no connection to the real world. temüülen glanced at the clock, 12:49 am, yet they were still 'working'. "what could possibly be keeping you occupied for hours on end" he tutted, poking his head through the doorway.
they shrugged their shoulders, making a noise that suggested they didn't have a good answer. "erkhem" the dark haired man continued into the study, reaching down to grip their arm as he came next to them "did nobody ever tell you to speak when spoken to"
temüülen gaged their reaction, the disturbed look on their face almost satisfying "did no one ever tell you to knock before you enter a room; or, deep down, are you still the same, uncivilised barbarian you were in the 1200's" the mongols nostrils flared, golden eyes glaring intensely at them. there was a moment of silence, before temüülen seemed to snap.
his strong arms wrapped around their waist, hoisting them up over his shoulder "mongolia!" his dearest shouted, hitting at his back "for once in your life leave me alon-" it seemed to take only seconds for temüülen to reach a soft surface to throw them on to. before they could let out another protest, two fingers were stuffed in their mouth, his free hand gripping onto their hip "how about you shut up, unless you'd like to find out what i used to do to brats like you"
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gaytotaldrama · 1 year
gwens nonbinary crisis
hi i'm sorry this is so late! i've been pretty sick this week and then i started writing this and lost all my progress when my computer crashed </3 hope u enjoy
also on my ao3!
When they were dating, Duncan used to call Gwen my girl. She'd let him do it without complaint, resolutely ignoring the feeling that he only used it as it was a less exciting alternative to Princess. Gwen's never been much of one of those, so it's not like the nickname would have worked for her in the first place at all - but she never loved my girl, either.
Trent had called her babe, which was basic and cliché and, overall, more welcome. Maybe a part of Gwen had always wanted, loath as she was to admit it, for a boy to smile and tell her she drove him crazy. It would have been direct. A sign she really wasn't on her own any longer. But now, even though Total Drama is done and Duncan's in jail and Gwen is finished with it all - she still feels off-kilter. Unbalanced. Wrong.
She's not part of her cousin's wedding party. She and Stella have never quite gotten along the best out of everyone in the Kaczmarek extended family. Stella was Prom Queen; Gwen stayed home. Stella led the volleyball team; Gwen stayed in the shadows. Stella, the perfect movie star looker that she was, never got famous; Gwen did, and wishes she hadn't.
She'd love to skip out on the wedding entirely, but that would be sure to prove more trouble than it would be worth, having her whole family all pissed at her. So Gwen resigns herself to going, rents an AirBnB on the North Carolina coast just a few miles from the beach where the wedding will be held. The beach - Gwen would rather Stella be marrying this weirdo boot Marine guy in your stereotypical Christian chapel, as long as it meant Gwen wouldn't get sand blown in her eyes and spend an hour trying to forget the crackle of Trent's voice on the walkie, inside the small glass box.
But, she supposes, only slightly scornfully, it isn't her wedding.
The ceremony itself goes fine. In all honesty, she doesn't pay it much attention. When the newlyweds kiss, she claps. When the party begins to relocate to the reception hall, Gwen quietly migrates with them. She's already been made to talk about Total Drama to about fifty odd relatives, their reactions ranging from genuinely interested to sniffily labeling Gwen as a slut. At the afterparty, she drinks heavily and wakes up back in her AirBnB the next morning, head splitting in two and left wondering which poor bastard took it upon themself to see her safely home.
Her flight's in a few hours. Time to get the hell out of dodge, get the hell out of the States, go back home to her studio full of paint splatters and sketchbooks full of old dreams. Instead, on a whim, she extends her time with the rental car. Intent on finding someplace where she can just have a moment of her own time to think and breathe, Gwen heads to the west, unsure exactly of where it is she's going. When she sees the rolling Appalachians through her windshield, she might gain some semblance of an idea.
No food, no firewood. Not even so much as a sleeping bag, but still Gwen rents the cabin. She can worry about the essentials later; right now, she's too busy gazing off the mountain into the valley of gold below. 
The air smells fresh. A strange, secret part of her finds familiarity in the cabin and its wilderness furniture. She sits out on the front porch, feels the crisp autumn air nip at the tips of her ears, her nose. The dead leaves rustle softly against each other in the breeze. Somewhere, not too far off, a stream babbles.
Gwen should visit Duncan in jail. Gwen should shoot Trent a quick text, or something, see how the guy is holding up. She should check in with Courtney, too, while she's at it. Make sure she's all right.
Instead, Gwen simply breathes. In and out, in and out. Centers herself. Closes her eyes. Thinks.
After opening them to drink their fill of southern sunset, Gwen's fairly certain they've got the inklings of an idea about something important beginning to blossom in their mind.
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kimsohn · 2 years
if it's okay to request can you make one shot with olivia hye (college!au with angst but happy ending) 🙏🙏🙏
universe . olivia hye x gn!reader about . 669 words, angst + fluff warnings . rejection
you don't have the heart to face hyeju, but the universe has other plans.
confessing to her at the university festival might've been the worst mistake of your life, but you're glad you don't have to spend time pining over her anymore. the many years you'd spent by her side, trying your hardest to hide lingering feelings had now ended, and although she'd run away from your firework-lit confession in the blink of an eye, at least the torture was over.
however, it was now replaced by an even more painful question. was the confession worth it to stay true to yourself, or should you have hidden in a mere attempt to have her somehow? the gaping hyeju-shaped hole in your heart used to be filled with the semblance of friendship, but now you have nothing to disguise it anymore.
but the ping on your phone seems like a figment of your imagination, because how can the very person that has been the object of your demise for years suddenly want to meet up? whether real or true, it has you rushing out of your physics lecture ten minutes early, bleary-eyed in disbelief.
and somehow, the hole starts to overflow with something new. hope.
the university's central water fountain hasn't changed, reminiscent of the times you'd meet up here with hyeju to walk her back to the dorms, but the people that frequent it have. hyeju sits on the ledge with her hands in the pockets of her oversized hoodie, head hung low and eyes scrunched shut. the sound of your shoes hitting the pavement makes her look up, wide-eyed and fearful.
"y/n," she whispers, standing up as you draw closer to her.
you can't tell whether it's the harsh wind or her mere presence is making your eyes blurry, but you might have the slightest guess as to what it is with the pang in your heart. she looks so beautiful that it's easy to believe this is just a dream, and despite the weary features the both of you adorn from sleepless nights, you feel anything but tired.
"why are you here?" you mumble, afraid to speak any louder in fear that your voice will crack and tears will overflow.
"i... i wanted to apologize."
the hope in your heart starts to dwindle.
"for rejecting me? it's okay, you can't force yourself to feel the same way."
"no!" she exclaims, grasping your folded arms and holding on tightly as if it was all she could do to make you stay, "i'm apologizing for running away. i was just in shock, and i was so scared to face you because no words were coming out of my mouth. i didn't want to disappoint you."
"well, you already did. you could've at least rejected me instead of running away; it would've hurt less."
the words are harsh, but it was something she needed to hear. communication was extremely important to you, and you'd at least assumed that you'd be given enough respect to be verbally rejected. if you were going to gain closure now, you needed to let her know how much it meant to you.
"you don't understand. i didn't run away because i was scared to reject you, i ran away because i was scared to confess to you."
the world seems to spin as you find yourself at a loss for words.
"confess?" you speak, your throat dry and hoarse.
"yes. i love you y/n, and i'm so, so sorry i couldn't tell you that night."
the glistening tears on her cheeks are the last thing you see before you pull her into a hug, wrapping your arms around her middle like you'd done for many days together. the cool breeze doesn't affect the two of you anymore, and as you stop shivering and start embracing, the wind seems to quiet down to let you have your moment.
the universe did indeed have other plans for you, but this time, you're thankful.
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azuraskys · 2 years
But like what if the champions had an s/o that’s human that played BotW :00 so their s/o knew they would die and stuff
I really like this idea. Someone from our world just plops into Hyrule PRE Calamity, like super pre-Calamity. Maybe a good few years, to allow for relationships to grow, right? And once the Champions are called together, their S/O comes along to assist. God it sounds so good.
Headcanons for each Champion meeting their world travelling S/O below the cut! Its long;;
The Champions with an S/O that has played Breath of the Wild
He would have met his future S/O by the Flight Range. One minute, he was calmly training and practicing using his Gale, the next minute there's just... this change. A strange energy surrounds him. Its not necessarily malevolent. Its just... strange. Something has changed in the nearby area.
He comes upon someone shivering like a leaf in the cold, laying in the frigid snow of Northwest Hebra. They are severely underdressed for the weather. Not only that, but strangely dressed, too.
Coming up to the stranger in the snow, he sees they're barely conscious. "They should have prepared better," he thinks. Luckily, they don't appear to be frostbitten. But, its strange. There's no footprints to suggest they walked here, and it hasn't snowed recently. Its almost as if they just... appeared here.
He fights with himself for a bit. On one hand. this is a defenseless stranger, obviously in need of help, but on the other, this could potentially be something dangerous. After all, with talks of Calamity Ganon's possible resurgence, it has been reported all over Hyrule that the ancient Yiga Clan has resumed movement. This could be one of their tricks. But if not, Revali would just be leaving someone to die.
He groans and picks the person up, taking them to the Flight Range's loft by leaning them on his shoulder. He puts them down on the pillows and checks to see if the fire under the cooking pot is hot enough. Then he simply takes a seat nearby and fiddles with his bow to give himself something to do until this stranger wakes up.
When they do, his life changes forever.
This stranger, that he encountered purely by chance, is now talking of things unimaginable. They speak of a future laid with ruin, Hyrule's downfall, and most shockingly of all, his death. Revali, like anyone in that situation, refuses to believe it at first. He's insulted, maybe even angry, that they would dare to say he'd fail like that. He scoffs, asking them what proof they have. When they falter, it actually makes him anxious. Proof can be forged. But, a lack of it...
What the person said to him wasn't entirely unbelievable. Like him becoming a "Champion", for instance. He knew he was the most skilled out of all the Rito, and his Gale only added to that. He didn't doubt that the Royal Family would inevitably come looking for his help, seeing how desperate they are to build up manpower.
He can see that this stranger is very downtrodden by his skepticism. They keep pleading with him to just believe them, because they don't want to see him, or anyone for that matter, die.
"If what you say is true... then what can we do to prevent it?"
Revali struggles with the idea a lot. Especially the fact that he supposedly died. It almost makes him want to give up at one point.
But his future S/0 is with him every step of the way. They're kind, patient, and always telling him that his death wasn't his fault. It wasn't that he wasn't strong enough. It was that Ganon simply planned ahead, and they didn't know.
He's pessimistic at first, of course, but eventually... he starts to believe them.
Their relationship slowly grows from there. His S/O's insistence on being there when he trains, and constant pep-talking starts to begrudgingly become endearing.
"You can do this, Revali." "Yes, yes. I know."
They're never seen apart from one another. While they don't explicitly state they're together, everyone knows.
And when Princess Zelda comes to request Revali's assistance in the fight against The Calamity, his S/O grabs his hand and holds it firmly. They're going to be with him, no matter what. And he'd expect nothing less.
Once the Champions are all called together and begin the real meat of their endeavors, they tend to stay a few days in the castle. Revali would be okay with it at first, but after a while, he'd request to bring his S/O along. "For good reason, of course." He says. Zelda would remind him this is a serious mission, and that it isn't a time to be flirting, and Revali would probably retort a little harshly. But he'd take a breath and say, again, that he has good reason.
When his S/O comes along with him the next time, things are very professional, unlike what everyone was hoping for expecting. Revali asks them to tell the Princess what they told him, and he vouches for their honesty.
"I know, I know. I didn't believe it either. I mean, me. Dying?"
Daruk would encounter his future S/O while out patrolling the area one day by Goronbi Lake. They'd be unconscious from heatstroke, leaned up against a rock.
"Hey, buddy, you alright there?" He tries gently nudging them awake, but they groan. He knows Hylians can't handle the heat of Eldin Volcano without elixirs... and it seems like this person didn't get the memo. Worried, he carefully picks them up and takes them farther down the path, out of the hotter areas so they can cool off.
Being the one who found them, he can't leave them until he knows they're okay, so he waits patiently for them to wake up, all the while checking to make sure they're still breathing. Hylians can be fickle creatures!
But why are this person's ears so weird?
Daruk doesn't even consider the possibility that they could be a threat. If they were, they would have attacked by now. He could tell they were just someone in need of help.
He was lost in his own thoughts when the stranger woke up with a "oh my god" before promptly vomiting.
Who would've thought this would be the beginning of everything?
When initially hearing everything his future S/O would have to say, the first thing Daruk would think is "Are you sure the heat didn't mess with your head?" But just... seeing how earnest they are, he's inclined to believe them. He doesn't really understand this whole "magic" thing the Hylians talk about, despite essentially having it himself, so he assumes this person is some kind of magic seer, like the fortune teller who warned of Calamity Ganon's revival.
"So... What can we do?"
The stranger explains everything. They're serious, but optimistic. They're always saying to him "You're strong, Daruk! You just need the right tools, and I'll help you get them."
The two of them are inseparable. They work together to brainstorm different strategies for dealing with Fireblight Ganon, and how they can help fight in the larger battle. Daruk lets them stay in Goron City, making sure to catch every Fireproof Lizard he sees on his patrols so they're stocked up. He's caring like that.
Over time, their bond deepens. He sees how much they care for Hyrule, and for him (and how they're not a Hylian). But Daruk wouldn't really know it was love until someone pointed it out to him. That person would probably be Revali, through sarcasm. That he would have to end up explaining.
When Princess Zelda asks Daruk to be one of her Champions, Daruk and his S/O share a look before giving the Princess a hearty "Yeah! We're ready for anything!" "I'm asking Daruk, but, okay..."
Daruk would immediately ask to bring his S/O along to the castle. Zelda is a little put off, and asks "Why? This is a very serious mission!"
"You won't believe it but... They're magic!" What? "They can, you know, see the future. Like that fortune teller." Zelda's mind is literally spinning. His S/O? A seer? She needs to hear it for herself.
That's when Daruk gets them to tell the Princess everything.
"I believe them. They told me you'd ask me to be a Champion, and you did!"
Mipha would find her future S/O at the edge of a riverbank while out swimming. They'd be groggy, but not unconscious. Of course, Mipha would be extremely concerned, checking them up and down and asking if they feel alright. Their strange appearance is the least of her worries.
They're not wet, so it doesn't seem like they had trouble swimming. But if that's the case, why were they waking up at the edge of a river?
The first thing this stranger says is "... Are you... Mipha?"
She's a little surprised, but nods affirmatively. Now she's a little wary. But, she still wants to make sure they're okay.
Immediately this person just begins to ramble, fumbling over their own words before just looking up at her and Goddess do they look so sad.
After giving them a moment, she tells them to say everything again, but slowly. When they do, she just can't make sense of it. "What a cruel thing to say." She says, hearing them speak of Hyrule's downfall. The stranger in front of her pleads with her. Promises that what they're saying isn't a cruel joke, but what could very well happen in the future.
Honestly, it makes Mipha get really downtrodden. Just the idea of everything falling apart, her dying, Link dying...
"B-but don't worry! There's still time, we can prevent it!" The stranger grabs her hands and looks at her with hope. While she doesn't entirely believe them... she appreciates their optimism.
Finding out they don't have anywhere to stay, Mipha allows them to stay at the Domain for a bit. They start following her whenever they see her, talking about strategies to fight "Waterblight" as they call it, the best ways to handle Calamity Ganon, and how soon enough the Princess of Hyrule is going to be asking Mipha to be a Champion.
She finds their presence endearing, thinking at first that its because they remind her of her brother, but after a while she realizes that's not the case. She likes having them around because she likes them.
Of course, to her, Link comes first still. But that doesn't mean she doesn't appreciate her future S/O. It just takes time for her to move on.
The day Zelda asks Mipha to be a Champion, it really starts to set in that her S/O was right. Mipha immediately pushes them in front of Zelda at the earliest chance, saying "This person has very important information that you must hear!"
Baby Sidon may or may not be EXTREMELY jealous of this stranger.
Encounters her future S/O outside of Gerudo Town, in the nearby area. They're passed out in the sand, starting to shiver from the oncoming desert night. Urbosa is cautious, approaching carefully and asking aloud if the person is alright.
They'd awake with a "Huh?!", quickly sitting up, causing Urbosa to reach for the hilt of her sword. The stranger would look at her and ask if she really is Urbosa.
This would be the final straw for her and she'd take out her blade, pointing it straight toward this mysterious person she's found passed out, in the desert, at night, who is now asking if she's "really Urbosa". Sounds like a Yiga plot to her.
"Woah, woah! I promise I'm not a threat!" She narrows her eyes. "... Ma'am."
After a moment, she'd put her sword away and sternly question them on what they're doing out in the desert. They'd sheepishly shrug, explaining they just ended up there. They are not making a good case for themself.
"Y-you guys need help fighting Calamity Ganon, right? I can help! I've seen what's going to happen!" This sounds unbelievable, until they mention that the Princess was going to ask her to be a Champion. No one else should have known that- it was only spoken of in private talks between the Princess and Urbosa at the moment.
She points her sword at them again. "How do you know that?"
From then on, she starts to see the sincerity in this person. They're not pulling anything. They're being genuine. Instead of waiting for Zelda to come to her, Urbosa immediately calls for Zelda to meet with this stranger. Its from there that their relationship deepens over time, as they assist both Zelda and Urbosa with the situation at hand.
If her S/O is male, that's a little bit of an issue. She'd likely set them up in the Kara Kara Bazaar, as they can't enter Gerudo Town. Otherwise, they'd stay with her in the Royal Palace.
She'd have them by her side often though. With the rising threat of Calamity Ganon, she has to frequently visit the castle. She'd take her S/O along, silently admiring how awestruck they are at everything.
He'd encounter his future S/O while out with Zelda, trailing behind her as her guard while she investigates a point of interest. As they're walking around, they come upon a stranger laying in the nearby grass, unconscious.
Zelda goes to help them, but Link stands in front of her, reminding her to be cautious. Carefully, he approaches the figure, hand wrapped around the hilt of the Master Sword.
But before he can do anything, they stir. Slowly rising up from their spot in the grass, they look around before looking right at the pair of Hylians staring intensely.
The stranger immediately tries to get up to approach them, fumbling over their words before Link unsheathes his sword and points it at them.
"W-okay, Master Sword in my face." Throwing their hands in the air they insist they're not trying to do anything, its just that they're kind of freaking out like is this really Hyrule????? Are you Link and Princess Zelda????
Antics ensue. After ensuring they're not a threat, Zelda begins questioning them on everything. They scramble to explain as much as they can, and how they really, really want to help in the battle against Calamity Ganon.
But after hearing everything, Link feels really upset. He feels ashamed. If what you're saying is true, in the future, he dies before defeating Calamity Ganon. He fails at the one thing he has been expected to succeed at his entire life.
His future S/O would undoubtedly notice this. When they're brought to the castle to assist Zelda and the rest of Hyrule, they try to catch him when he's alone so they can try to make him feel better.
"I know you won't take it if I say its not your fault, but its not, Link. You- No one could have predicted what Calamity Ganon would do. You can't expect yourself to always be prepared for the unknown- that's impossible."
"And don't try to give me the "its my duty as the Hero" thing. While I respect it, at the end of the day, you are one person. You cannot save the world alone."
Link would actually consider their words. At least, he would appreciate the fact they considered his feelings.
The two would start to bond during their time spent with Zelda, because if you spending time with Zelda, you're spending time with Link.
If his S/O was trying to explain something important to a crowd of officials and they were refusing to listen, he would shoot them all a stern look that would let them know the Hero himself trusts this person's word.
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astro-rain · 4 years
delicate; b.barnes
chapter seven - “the king is dead”
delicate masterlist
word count: 1.7k
synopsis: shuri has awful news. the reader is terrified but bucky is strangely calm. the world is turned upside down, and not in a good way.
pairings: bucky barnes x fem!reader
[A/N]: this was so fun to write omg get ready it’s finally getting interesting!!! (as always, OC on my wattpad @ / typicaldaze)
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Months had gone by since that day at the lake. Countless therapy sessions had been endured, several hard questions asked, many many issues worked through. Bucky suffered through a few more anxiety attacks along the way, but they never hindered his resolve, thanks to (Y/N). They had made progress, good, solid progress. Bucky was pleased; (Y/N) was thrilled. It's hard to see change when you're the one going through it. However, to the person guiding that change, every step forward is recognized. She was proud. She was genuinely proud of him. He wasn’t “fixed,” he still had struggles, but he was a lot better off then before.
There was something peculiar, though. Their relationship was strictly professional, (Y/N) knew that. However, she couldn't help but feel as though along the sidelines of their progress, they had grown to become friends. She knew that, clinically, this was not appropriate, but there were no corporate guidelines she was working under. She was helping him. So, what would it matter if after all this was over, they were friends? What would it matter if his therapist also operated as his friend? Hell, she didn't even have an official therapist position here! Sharon just sent her to help. (Y/N) had decided she didn't care about the boundaries being crossed. Nothing ever went wrong with someone gaining a friend. It's fine.
Regardless, the two of them had thoroughly addressed the anxiety and the PTSD, and he now officially had both diagnoses. He understood himself and his brain so much better, and with (Y/N)'s help, he not only acknowledged his disorders, but accepted them. She taught him to not see them as the enemy, not something that was wrong with him. They were just a part of him, same as his brown hair or blue eyes.
Bucky was so much more open now. He was less on edge and more comfortable, especially around her. In all honesty, he was usually his most comfortable with her. He had coping skills and everything!
This was all grand and good, but (Y/N) hoped with everything in her that it wouldn't be ruined by the present disaster.
"I thought he was automatically supposed to be king?" (Y/N) asked, confused.
She was at her weekly meeting with Shuri for Bucky's treatment plan, and the young genius had just told her she couldn't make it next week due to T'Challa's coronation.
"He is," Shuri started, "but it's Wakandan tradition to open the position up to a dual. So, his rule isn't set in stone."
"Oh... What if someone... challenges him?"
"Then they will fight! However, I have no worries. T'Challa is a great warrior, and though I doubt anyone would challenge him, he would win if they did."
(Y/N) admired the faith Shuri had in her brother. She could tell their bond was strong.
"Couldn't you technically challenge him?"
Shuri revealed a kind of devilish smirk that only a sibling can muster. "Oh, I have thought about it. But I am much more useful in my lab, and T'Challa wouldn't know what to do with himself if he wasn't in charge."
(Y/N) looked back on the memory anxiously as she stared in horror at the look on Shuri's face. A wicked mix of fear, grief, and stress drained all the color from the princess' normally dark, beautiful skin. Shuri had always radiated confidence and composure; seeing this change worried (Y/N) deeply.
"The King is dead."
Her face became void of any expression and all she could process was fear. She thought she gasped but she couldn't remember breathing out again. Her brain was frozen. (Y/N) was in a foreign country that just lost its monarch. She was alone, and all the people she was relying on to protect her just had their kingdom invaded and taken over by someone with the word kill as part of their nickname. She was almost certain that this would be her end.
"Dr. (Y/L/N)?" Shuri said unsteadily. "Did you hear me?"
"Y-Yes I... What are we going to do?" her voice was weak and small. Pathetic and afraid.
Then, thoughts of Bucky crossed her mind. What would happen to him? He could fight, she supposed, but he doesn't have any weapons or gear and he'd be against an entire regime. What if they killed him? What if they tortured him? Different scenarios quickly flashed through her brain, but she could only one concrete thought.
I have to find him.
"My family and I have a plan, but we can't take you with us."
Any remaining semblance of hope dissipated from (Y/N)'s body, and she swore she could feel her veins quiver with apprehension.
Her voice felt far away.
"It is not ideal, and I'd never leave you unless I had to. But Agent Everett Ross is here. It's a long story, but as you know, he can't find out about Sergeant Barnes. He can't know that either of you are here. If we take you with us, it could compromise everything we've been working for," the nervous princess explained.
"So... what of me and Bucky?"
"Again, it's a long story, but there's a... sort of fallout shelter - I guess you could call it - that was built years and years ago when the first tribes of Wakanda were constantly at war with one another. I will give you supplies and directions, and you two must go there and remain hidden until this is all over."
Fantastic. (Y/N) would get to play Cold War nuclear fallout in Wakanda.
"How will we know?"
Shuri gave her a somber look. A look of uncertainty and immense guilt.
"I wish I could apologize enough, my partner, but I do not know. I promise I will try to contact you as soon as I get any information, but for now we must hurry. We do not have much time."
With that, Shuri took (Y/N)'s arm and quickly led her her outside. It was late afternoon and the air was beginning to cool. They ran, locked together, until they met the Queen under a large tree among the outskirts of a nearby forest. The woman looked just as shaken up as Shuri.
(Y/N) could see bags of different shapes and sizes at the base of the tree. She could only hope whatever was in there was sufficient for survival.
Shuri immediately embraced her mother, but the moment was short lived as she then bent down to gather the bags.
The Queen placed her hands gently on the sides of the psychologist’s face. "I am so sorry, child. This does not involve you in the slightest yet you are swept up in the middle of it."
Shuri handed her mother the bags and they both geared (Y/N) up with all her supplies. It was heavy. Really heavy. She realized she was carrying supplies for two. Then, there was panic.
"What about Bucky?"
"Barnes doesn't know about any of this yet. I thought it best he heard it from you," Shuri expained, "and we cannot afford anymore delays. Us or you. You must go now, tell Barnes what is happening and go. I wish I could be more help, but we simply don't have the time."
(Y/N) nodded, trying to process all the chaos. She was internalizing every bit of it. As a result, she was once again, frozen.
"Dr. (Y/L/N)!" Shrui exclaimed.
Her head shot up, snapped out of it.
"Go! You must go!"
And with that, (Y/N) took off. She had been in Wakanda long enough to know her way around the castle's surrounding land. Her speed didn't last very long as she was carrying for two, but she tried all she could to keep going as quickly as possible.
Eventually she found herself outside of Bucky's living quarters. She didn't know what to do, so she knocked.
An array of different emotions went through Bucky's face. At first he looked pleased, but then he saw the horror etched into (Y/N)'s features, and the bags she was carrying. He could tell something was wrong.
"What happened?" he asked, surprisingly calm, while immediately taking some of the bags from (Y/N). He still only had one arm but that really didn't seem to matter to him.
She was out of breath, face flushed and eyes wide.
"The King is dead," she said breathlessly. "Someone... someone killed him a-and took over."
Bucky didn't look as scared as (Y/N) felt. In fact, he looked... totally fine?  She was so out of it she wanted to curl up in a hole and allow natural death. How was the anxious man she was accustomed to so at ease? The world was flipped upside down and (Y/N) had no control. She wished there was a word stronger than fear because she couldn't even describe what she was feeling.
"Okay," Bucky said, gently taking another bag, leaving her with only one to carry, "What did Shuri say? What do we have to do?"
She shook her head, trying to regain her breath and her composure. "There's um - there's a fallout shelter thing we have to go to. Here."
She handed  him a crumpled up piece of paper that Shuri gave her. A map with directions. (Y/N) knew he would've been better at locating it than she could at that moment.
"Alright," more of the calm voice filled her ears. "Anything else?"
"There are more details, but - we don't have time," she sighed, restlessly. Her voice began to shake ever so slightly. "Bucky, I'm so sorry. We have to go now. I promise I'll tell you everything."
"Okay," he said again. He bent down slightly, looking her directly in the eyes. " (Y/N), we're fine, okay? We're good, and we're gonna be fine. I will get us there. Are you ready?"
She nodded, steeling herself.
Bucky looked at the map, then glanced up in the direction of the shelter. He took (Y/N)’s forearm firmly. She gave him a look, confirming she was ready. And off they went.
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ashes-in-a-jar · 4 years
The Princess Hold: a Jon, Martin and Also Martin Tale
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@dathen​ asked and I'm attempting to deliver XD
Really wanted to do this anyway as a sort of writing exercise. I hope y'all like it!
The Wind whipped around him angrily as though the air was cross at being forced to move around. The hallways, doors, shifting carpets, tacky plants and all that was that maze of a hotel were folding into themselves, creating a void for the air to rush in. Jon barely managed to find his bearings eventually completely losing his footing as the floor beneath him gave way into nothing. Vaguely he thought he was lucky he was on the bottom floor and immediately realized it didn't matter because now he was midair and falling fast.
He hardly had time to think beyond the bitter notion that while time and space didn't function, gravity seemed to work just fine when impact occurred.
Only it was not what he was expecting.
That is, it wasn't jarring or painful as it should have been. It was soft and gentle and made a muffled 'oomph' noise.
Jon tried to catch his breath as he looked up. His mind immediately calmed at the sight. Martin. His lovely Martin, slightly rattled was looking down at him as his arms were somehow wrapped around him in an almost princess hold.
But not quite.
Because the way he landed, there was no way a mere princess hold could catch him so securely and steadily. And that's when Jon looked up to his other side.
There was Martin. Again. As disheveled and surprised as the first.
"Christ, Jon??"
Jon whipped his head around to the first Martin. Then back to the other one. Then back again.
His mind took a moment to finally let the information seep in as he Knew what he was seeing. Oh. Interesting. It did not make it any less bizarre for him though. While fully comprehending what was going on he suddenly realized his current situation and his face began heating up.
"O-oh Martin. G-good. Um, it’s good to see you... both." He really didn't know which way to look and being held the way he was was not helping.
Martin (and... Also Martin?) must have read the daze and astonishment on his face because despite their evident bewilderment they both chuckled and gently set him down between them in perfect synchronization. They did not step back.
"W-what happened? We just got here, there was a hotel and suddenly..." Martin said, still confused.
"Jon what did you do this time?" The other Martin chided fondly.
"I, um, I killed Helen." They were not backing away and it was very distracting.
"Oh." Said one.
"Why?" Said the other.
Jon couldn't keep up. He just had a whole building implode like a black hole around him and he was still trying to adjust to the sudden change from being immersed in distorted, dizzying patterns to being back in the gray, eye-full, monotone landscape that now surrounded him and his beloved(s). He could hear the rain not too far away.
It was disorientating how nice and warm he suddenly felt. From both his sides. Both Martins had put their arms around his waist and back to steady him and kept their hands there. Two arms more than Jon was used to. It was strange. It was nice. It was... What were they talking about?
"Uhh.. I-It's a long story. Ish. I-I'll explain later." There is no way he could concentrate enough to explain all of the convoluted manipulation games he and Helen played. Not now when there are two very distracting persons standing so near him.
One Martin sighed "And of course you couldn't wait until you were safe outside to make her disappear."
"No. I'm sorry."
"It's okay Jon, we're just glad you're okay." The second Martin was stroking his back in reassuring circular motions.
"Uhh... H-how was your domain?" This is getting ridiculous. He needed a way to differentiate between the two Martin's in his mind otherwise he will just become more confused. He settled on a simple Right-Martin and Left-Martin where they were positioned around him accordingly.
"Uh, as you can probably tell, it was a... An enlightening journey of self discovery." Right-Martin said, eyeing Left-Martin reflectively. "I... didn't realize I’m quite so… argumentative."
Despite himself Jon snorted while Left-Martin rolled his eyes "Well..."
Right-Martin tightened his grip on Jon's back "Oh, be quiet you."
"I was going to say it goes both ways." Left-Martin smirked. "We had some important things to discuss so the split just... happened. Sort of underwhelming compared to what we're assuming you just went through, to be honest."
"Yeah." Right-Martin agreed.
"Hmm" Jon hummed, letting himself lean into Right-Martin's arms. He was quite groggy and being surrounded like this did not help him regain his attentiveness. Left-Martin stepped forward to sandwich Jon even further and buried his face in Jon's tousled hair. Right-Martin sighed and brought his arms down to tighten around Jon's lower back. Jon's breath stuttered slightly.
"So... Helen's gone then." Right-Martin said quietly.
"Yes." Jon breathed.
"Time to mourn?" Left-Martin asked. He lowered one hand to catch Jon's. It was a bit awkward in this position but his hand felt warm and secure so Jon wasn't complaining.
"You can if you want..." He looked up from Right-Martin's chest to his face. "Do you? want to mourn?"
"A bit? I mean, she was our friend, sort of."
"No she wasn't and you know it" Left-Martin quipped, squeezing Jon's hand. "She was just pretending to be our friend. Probably thought she had something to gain from it. You know how the Distortion is."
"Yeah, I guess. But she was one of the only other people we met on our journey that we could actually talk to. That must count for something, hm?"
"Maybe. But Jon killed her and probably had a good reason to, no?"
"Yeah, you're probably right, as usual." Right-Martin conceded begrudgingly.
"Well, when I'm right you're right. I'm you." Left-Martin stated and then unprompted leaned forward and planted a kiss on the Archivist’s left cheek.
Jon, who was half listening to the back and forth banter while blissfully basking in all that was his wonderful boyfriend Martin, started. "Wha-"
"Hey!" Right-Martin exclaimed.
Left-Martin rolled his eyes again. "Come on, you know you want to. Look how lovely and adorable he is." He pecked Jon's cheek again. Jon’s face was at this point so warm he felt like a Desolation domain in the making.
"Fine, yeah I do." Right-Martin tentatively looked at Jon who stared back wide eyed and gently leaned to plant an identical kiss on his right cheek.
Jon was almost gone at this point. This was more overwhelming than the confusion the Distortion tried to enforce on him. He hugged Right-Martin back with one arm and squeezed Left-Martin hand where it held his. They stayed that way for another moment before Jon gently extracted himself from between them, attempting to regain some semblance of control. He coughed and moved to straighten his hopelessly disheveled clothes and hair.
He could feel Martin slowly returning to himself, the effect of his domain wearing off as Left-Martin began fading while drifting closer to Right-Martin with a wispy, floating quality about him.
Jon was a bit disappointed at that. But maybe it was for the best. He's not sure he'd be able to handle having two of his boyfriend, even in the long run. Especially in the long run.
"M-Martin. Um... That was... Interesting. Th-thank you for the kisses."
Left-Martin let out one final snort before he faded into Right-Martin and became just. Martin.
They looked at each other a moment longer, drinking in one another's sight with endless affection. Jon broke the silence.
"If you need a moment to adjust, to... to mourn, take your time. But not too long."
Martin sighed in mixed relief and melancholy as he felt the effects of the merge. He smiled at Jon gently and asked "Why the sudden rush?"
"See that over there?" Jon pointed to the grey horizon, dark shapes sticking out like strange twisted fingers. "That's London"
"Oh." Martin said in a hushed tone. He laced his fingers with Jon's as they stood there, taking in the view.
"This is it then. The final leg of the journey."
"Yes." Jon said. "Let's find out if my efforts to clear our path were actually worthwhile."
"Hmm?" Martin hummed, confused.
"I'll explain on the way. Come on let's go."
He smiled fondly, oh so fondly at Martin, squeezing his hand.
Martin smiled back, lifted the hand to kiss it and stepped forward.
Jon followed suit and hand in hand they walked away from their meeting point, towards the unknown fate ahead.
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