#I'm thinking about intentionally bombing the interview
bad-at-metaphors · 29 days
The good news it's I got an interview for the first real big girl job I applied to
The bad news is I don't actually want it
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lilisouless · 1 year
just read an anon's ask hating on jack wolfe's wylan. no honey. he's too precious. he's so wylan he's exactly how i pictured him and there's also plenty of time for character development in s3 !! the only thing i was slightly bothered by was how quickly wesper just. appeared. don't get me wrong i'm as in love with the ship as they are with each other but it was so quick...
anyways i'm just saying, many people also love jack's wylan :)
Oh boy, you got a long one, sorry
I honestly didn't think anon intentionally wanted to hate on Jack, i used those words so they (and people that think like that) would actually reflect on what they were saying and the implications of that, maybe finding out if there were actually some prejudice on what they were saying because sometimes what you hate on a character can reflect on the actor and its not fair critism them for that and in this case, it doesn't apply because at least on my perspective there was nothing on Wylan being overly cutesy or childlike, other than, again; being played by an actor that looks younger than he is and has very expresive mannerism (actually, if you have seen Jack´s interviews, he moves and gesticulates way more than Wylan)
The thing was that i wasn't interested in using courtesies until the person reflected on that, i kind of kept waiting until the person write again to say "i didn't mean that, i actually meant..."
This is why sometimes i am careful on what characters i express my dislike over because i try to reflect if there is some prejudice i have that i have failed to reconigze in myself. Sure, in my head there are valid reasons to not like them, but i sometimes end up self questioning if i am trying to excuse myself to not revise that prejudice (i am thinking about two specific charcters right now)
But enought about me: wesper , the rush on them is disapointing, yes or yes. You may like them on the show, you may like the story made of them but its rushed, it is and it leaves the hole, people know why Jesper fell in love with Wylan on the book, but on the show you don't , there is no explanation on why Jesper suddenly is interested in starting something with Wylan, if you read the book it makes some sense because you know Jesper did appreciated Wylan´s wit (bomb building) his courage (standing up to Kaz) and generous soul (you could say enjoying playing the piano), you can take that from the show but if you haven't read the book you´ll think it was only the piano. Is not that it doesn't makes sense (it kind of does if you recall Jesper went to live with Wylan at the end of CK and they were dating for a day by then) , is just that there is something missing, a hole in the story that they forgot to fill.
Thats why i would like to say that Show!Wesper aren't in love yet, i have said that before and to me it works better that way, they are both exited with each other but have yet time to actually being the love of each others lifes (which is good, i wouldn't want them to be show!Nina-ed) and the resolution for that could be actually interesting, the thing is that hole in the middle of the develoment that well, it can't be filled so its easier to just ignore it.
Now to the Jack-Wylan thing, i have said before that you have to play attention who to actually blame.
Nina and Inej are wonderful and rounded characters but there are people that still recude them to their love interest, Jesper is a wonderful and rounded character,but some people still label him as a purely comic relief, is that Leigh´s fault? no! , sometimes people just are awful readers . The same happend with Wylan, Leigh didn't wrote him as a uwu baby (neither the mini kaz crazy yandere the fandom want btw) yet people still read him like that, still not Leigh´s fault
IF the show had portrayed Wylan the way those people think he is , believe me i would have complained too (it would still not be Jack´s fault for doing his job) but, while the show has a LOT to critize (they are so gonna pay for validating Helnik shippers that secretly hate Nina) and there are valid critism on Wylan´s portrayal, "the show made him a little sun baby" is simply not true
-He is not innocent, he tries hard to be but he still gets involved in exploting things and even kills someone onscreen (probably not completely intentional but not-not wanting to do it either)
-He is not (i say this because a lot of the uwu baby thing overlaps with sexualization most of the times) a virgin or sexuallly inexperienced. Now, to get this out of the way; not every character needs to be sexually experienced to have agency, be mature or assertive ; hell, i am a virgin myself and as you can see i never shut up. What i am trying to get here is that Wylan being not a virgin on the series seems like a deliberate way to avoid the "shy virgin guy meets the sexually experienced man that teaches him to do sex" trope before the fans could ever interpret this like that (you know there are people that see book!Wesper like this) so there was a deliberate move to defy the uwu baby wylan trope. I have in mind a couple of things that people would say about this but i will keep them to myself because they may be taken as creepy
-I think most of the "show!Wylan baby" actually comes down to that tic he has of deviating his smile , but i think thats meant to be a reemplacement of his (book canon) constant blushing, like if thats the whole base of claiming show!wylan is a uwu baby then...its pretty few to talk about
Lots of text, sorry, you just wanted to say you loved Jack as Wylan 🤐
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stargirlfics · 4 years
I loved the first chapter of Cherry Bomb🍒 and I was wondering if the DD/lg dynamic is going to slip into the interview. That video about being asked a Marvel question had me thinking... Cherry inadvertently rubs Chris the wrong way with a question and he's already feeling a vibe so he uses his stern daddy voice and she falls into her little space HARD. (1/2) 🤷🏾‍♀️🍒🌸👅
So the rest of the interview is feeling like foreplay, she's trying to make up for the not so tactful question and he's intentionally praising her : "wow that's a great question, I never get asked something so insightful", "you're so perceptive", "...but you're a smart girl, I'm sure you're asking for the audience's sake".Just to watch her giggle and smile. (2/X)🤷🏾‍♀️🍒🌸👅
Reader is trying to hold onto her credibility but he is pushing ALL the right buttons.She thinks she's made it but as the cameras stop, it takes a compliment about her hair and outfit (like that Knives Out video with those white cowboy boots 🥴) and she lets out a velvety soft "thank you Daddy". She's all flustered, hot and bothered now but Daddy doesn't mind. She tries to leave but as she's about to dart out she's stopped dead in here tracks with a "`where are you going princess? 🤷🏾‍♀️🍒🌸👅
I had a different version of the interview partially written but then yesterday I saw that video again of Chris during an interview where he was using that stern voice and had to change what I wrote to make it so that he’s intentionally doing it to fluster her!!!
Your mind anon!!! Brilliant!!! Yeahhh so you’ll see how it all kinda comes together for something super similar to what you described to happen!!! And thank you omg I’m glad you liked the first part! 💕 I’m hoping to post the second part tomorrow if I finish writing it tonight!
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doyleanddickens · 5 years
EXCERPT [chapter 2 scene 5]
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So this is an excerpt of my current wip. I just edited it and I thought I’d show you. 
Vincent Hastings is a creative genius and spends his time mostly by reading books and remembering everything he ever knew. He is arrogant, he is selfish but he is the mastermind which the Secret Service is clearly in need of after a suicide bombing at JFK airport.
[English is not my native language. I translated my German into English using my brain and online translators. So there may be huge ass typos and mistakes, I am sorry for that]
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It turned out that my father understood "Café" not only a very upscale establishment but an actual gourmet restaurant.
The "Café Carlyle" was set in a secluded street in the Upper East Side and was filled with men of pompous faces and women with pompous jewellery. So my dad fit in perfectly and it took me a long time to find him at a table for two.
I could not really say what I expected. I could barely remember what he looked like five years ago, but he was the kind of guy who looked five years younger than five years ago. He himself would probably blame it on a "healthier lifestyle," but he actually could not deceive me as easily as the media. I recognized Botox and a supposedly professionally coloured approach. I recognized pedicured fingernails and accurately plucked eyebrows as if I were the stereotype of a fashion-conscious woman. But I was not. I was just not blind to obvious things.
The man, whom I was reluctant to call my father, had neatly patted his nearly perfected hair into a side vertex and, judging by the smell, poured at least a pint of hairspray, which he unsuccessfully tried to cover up with expensive perfume. I could not say exactly if his three-day beard was an aesthetic remedy or if he simply hadn’t resorted to a razor because there was too much going on in the last few days. Judging from his tired eyes and the deep dark circles, it was the latter, since I could not imagine that a man who obviously made every effort to look young, intentionally had relatively unkempt facial hair. His suit was probably tailor-made, and under the dark grey jacket, he wore a classic white shirt and a dark brown tie. I could not remember exactly how old he was but if I had to guess ... I would probably still be right because I was in the knowledge of the details just mentioned. But I was sure that an average lady sharing her limited mind with the rest of the world probably had to think that this handsome man was not even in his early 40s.
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"Vincent," something lit up in the man's eyes when he saw me. I almost gagged when I realized that it could actually be joy.
He had got up and now held out his hand to me. Manicured, as I could already imagine. I saw an expensive watch peeking out from under his sleeve. He did not wear a ring. Of course not. If you had been married to the best woman on this planet, it was difficult to find a suitable replacement.
"Hello," I said coolly, ignoring his outstretched hand and sitting down in the square opposite him.
"I'm so happy you could take you time," James Scott began.
"Of course," I said, looking up. "The actual meaning of time is very distorted, is not it?"
A small amount of confusion crossed his face but only so briefly that I could not fully enjoy the moment.
"Thanks anyway," he finally said.
"Not too early," I countered quickly in a calm voice. "You would regret it"
"I know what you're all about," he sighed. I saw the age in his eyes. It was as if he was visually ageing every second. This case really seemed to gnaw at him.
"Oh yes?" I asked ironically.
"Yes," he said. "You want answers and explanations and justifications, I'm so sorry I left you, that I did not contact you and reappear out of the blue ..."
"No," I said, holding back a small laugh.
"What?", God, the man was not used to being interrupted.
"No," I repeated. "You are well on the way to take the completely wrong move"
"Excuse me?" Came from him.
"You do not always have to apologize if you do not understand something," I said instead. "You are not the only one with limited brain function"
I heard him take a deep breath.
"I'll have a coffee, black, no sugar," I said to the expressionless operator as she came within earshot of our table.
"Me too"
"The only reason I'm here, James Michael Scott is the assassination and the fact that my help is needed," I told him patiently.
He nodded slowly.
I could really see how difficult it was for him not to get out of his skin. He was James Scott, people did not talk to James Scott like that. Why? Because they cannot venture it, because he was always superior. But now it was not like that. I was far superior to him, I was holding the upper hand and he knew that. And he did not like it.
And that's why I liked it even more.
"Tell me about the case," I demanded, folding my hands under my chin and looking at him knowingly. "Why do you need me?"
He breathed in a moment and then straightened up.
"It's a suicide bombing," he said slowly.
I breathed and looked up at the ceiling.
" Of course," I said emphatically. "You're fucking James Scott, Boss of the Secret Service, I was hoping for information that I cannot find on any news page"
He cocked his head in annoyance.
"We do not know any more," came from him and I burst into loud laughter.
I put a hand over my mouth and tried to suppress the urge to point my finger at him and keep laughing.
"No," I finally said in disbelief, staring at him.
He said nothing, just pressed his lips together.
I became serious.
He was not joking. He did not play. He said the truth.
"Are you serious?" I asked, leaning forward. "And you call yourself agent?"
"It could have been an attack on the president," he said softly. "Donald Trump was supposed to be flying back to Washington at the time, from the JFK."
I looked around, looked at my father, and leaned forward.
" No", I said playing surprised. "You don’t say"
I leaned back.
"I admire your willpower to speak out loud about any obviousness," I sighed, silently accepting my coffee. "I wonder how you came to do your job. Did you just throw all the most obvious facts into the room during the interview?"
I smirked.
"That's not funny, Vincent," he said softly.
"I think it's a little bit, especially considering that in reality you just let your son solve your case"
I looked around me, down at me and up to him.
"Oh wait, that will happen again"
I laughed at the pain that flashed in James's eyes. He did not deserve it otherwise.
"Are you helping me now or not?" He finally forced out.
"Why?" I asked. "Are you going to get a promotion at my expense? I'll tell you something: You cannot go any further, you're already the boss."
"Because we need you", he answered emphatically. "Because I need you"
I smiled at my coffee.
"But it took a long time for you to admit that to yourself, right?" I asked.
He snorted.
"Are you helping me?" He asked again.
I moved my chair back slightly, put my coffee on my side, and lifted my lightweight leather briefcase onto the table. James looked up in confusion and I knowingly opened the lid. Inside was a single, small envelope made of heavy paper, sealed with wax.
I lifted it almost reverently out, let the case snap shut again and put the case back next to my chair on the floor.
"What's that?" James asked, looking spellbound at the cream-coloured paper.
"My demands," I said soberly as I handed him the envelope.
He looked at me with a mixture of incomprehension, anger, and relief.
Yes, I had planned from the beginning to help him. I knew he would crawl on his knees in front of me and still I wanted to see him beg. Just because I was the son of the biggest asshole in the world.
James still did not take his eyes off the envelope finally leaned back and opened the seal.
He silently read my demands and his face became more serious from line to line. I saw his eyes flitting across the sheet, reading through the dots several times, sometimes getting stuck at one point and then moving on. Otherwise, his face was almost annoyingly meaningless and I waited patiently until he spoke.
"You were very thorough," he cleared his throat and laid the sheet of paper on the table in front of him.
"Either you conscientiously fulfil all these points or I will not help you," I said and nodded.
"That's blackmail," he said, narrowing his eyes.
"No," I clarified. "That's called a contract"
I nodded to him knowingly.
"This is about giving and taking, James"
"This is about you getting your will," he growled wickedly.
"And about you getting yours," I said. "That's the point of the whole thing"
He said nothing more.
"I mean," I put my hand to my chin. "You may like to think about that. Maybe a few days, weeks, months. I don’t care"
I leaned forward.
"Just be aware: these demands will not change, no matter how long you wait," I pointed to the piece of paper between us. "And the murder case is a game against time"
He sighed and rested his head on his hands.
"Okay," he finally said softly.
"Excuse me?", I bowed my head.
"I agree, I will fulfil your demands," he said louder and looked up.
"Nice that we were able to agree so quickly," I nodded approvingly, conjured a filler from the inside pocket of my jacket and handed it to him.
"Please sign below right"
Then I pulled out my smartphone, finished the voice recording that recorded our conversation and the verbal acceptance of the demands, and sent out a short message.
"What was that?" James asked after putting the capsule back on the filler and returning it to me.
"Oh, I just want to make sure you cannot find a legal loophole," I said, and at that moment a young man in a suit appeared next to us. A waiter put a chair to our table and he sat down on it.
"Lorcan," whispered James Hastings as he recognized the brown eyes under the thick curls. As he recognized my twin brother. His son.
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"My witness," I said, stretching my hand across the table.
"I will comply with the request of James Michael Scott to fulfil the given demands and be available to the Secret Service in the suicide bombing investigation at JFK Airport," I said soberly and had to hold back, not too amused by the perplexed look on his face.
James cleared his throat and took my hand.
"I will comply with the demands of Vincent Michelangelo Hastings on the condition that he is available to the Secret Service in the investigation into suicide bombing at JFK Airport and any related investigations," he said, looking at me with his cold eyes.
Lorcan nodded and as if on command, we rose at the same time and left the Café Carlyle.
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