#I'm sure none of those other people needed a Drs appointment :)
ribs hurt enough I'm attempting contact with the NHS... It would be pretty damning on the state of the service if I had been wandering around with a broken rib for a month, huh? :P
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alex51324 · 1 year
Some fairly serious news
Okay, so, I've been hesitating over whether/how/when to mention this "in public" but there are a bunch of people on here that I've known for ages, and most of y'all I don't have another contact method for, so...anyway.
A couple weeks ago I mentioned having a trans-abdominal pelvic ultrasound, which found some masses on my ovaries. These masses are fairly large--one's 18 cm and the other is 7.5--and based on that and some other findings from the ultrasound, my GP has referred me to a gynecologic oncologist. The oncologist (who I haven't seen yet) ordered some bloodwork, which is showing elevated levels of the tumor marker for ovarian cancer. None of these things necessarily always indicate cancer--in fact, what I'm learning is that they often don't know for sure whether a person's got ovarian cancer until after surgery when they get the tumor in the lab--but they aren't great signs.
I'm basically at the point where it's starting to look vanishingly unlikely that this story arc is going to end up as "those couple of weeks where I thought I might be dying but then when I finally had the appointment the Dr. was like LOL you're fine." Like, it could still turn out fine, but not that quickly.
I'm getting a CT scan on this coming Thursday, and then seeing the oncologist next Thursday. I'm pretty much expecting to be referred for surgery--probably the absolute best-case scenario here is something like, "Holy cow, these things could turn malignant any second, let's get them out of there ASAP."
So that's what's going on with me.
I don't particularly need anything now--I've got a family member to go to the appointment with me, and decent insurance, and another family member who can help out with my expenses if I have to take some time off work. If the money situation becomes more complicated and I need to fundraise, I'll let you guys know.
I'm planning to mostly use Tumblr as a place to distract myself from this stuff, so let's try to keep questions and suggestions to a minimum--if you have relevant, direct experience that is somewhat positive/optimistic in nature, that would be good to hear about, but I am a librarian, I don't need help Googling my symptoms.
Once I know what the treatment plan is, I'll probably post again to ask for practical suggestions (I've never had surgery or been overnight in a hospital before, so if that's part of the plan, I'll want some tips about what to pack and so on, and ideas for suitable entertainment while on post-op pain meds, stuff like that). But I'll ask when I'm ready for those tips.
What you can do:
If you have a relevant spiritual practice--prayer, holding in the light, sending positive energy, etc.--please go ahead and do some of that. The oncology appt. is the 21st; as far as I'm concerned, until then I have Schrodinger's cancer, so if there's a time when it's at all possible to shift the probabilities using intangible means, this is probably it. You can tell me about it or not, either way is fine.
Like I said, I'll be on Tumblr for distraction purposes, so feel free to @ me on anything you come across that might amuse me.
Also, on the distraction front, comments on my fics give me a notification on my phone that isn't a family member asking for details about my medical situation, so that's helpful. I like ones that mention a specific detail that you liked--that way, if I feel like talking, there's something there that I can reply to.
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literaila · 3 years
really? i didn't know that. i never really cared about my early childhood. i'm sure you were adorable when you were a little baby.
i don't think i have.. nope, i haven't. i'm very self aware. i know what my flaws are but i don't care, not enough to change it. plus, i'm pretty toxic and manipulative. obviously not to people who i like. i always adjust my personality, to who i'm talking with. none of those are good things.
dr strange is sappy? and crimson peak? really? i'll watch 50 first dates and pride & prejudice. hmmm.. the thor trilogy was amazing. but, other then marvel movies, of course. i don't think so? i can't choose. but my comfort movie is mean girls. don't know why. i also like the bo burnham movies on netflix. what about you?
i basically can't live without music. i sleep with it, i shower with it, literally everything. oh. really? i think i'd almost cry if you did that. almost. that's really sweet. i would make you one for your birthday, but that was a month ago.. i'll still make you one, though.
good, try not to overdose on caffeine, v. how do you like your coffee? a tangy one? haven't heard of that. i have 3 favorites. mango loco, ultra rosa, and ultra violet. in more simpler terms, the blue one with drawings all over it, the pink one, and the purple one.
online? how does that work? you both text or call? mmm. anxious to see how this is gonna happen.. but it'll be fine, i think. i've seen therapy in the falcon & the winter soldier only. if it's going to be like that, then well. i dunno.
yep. seven continets. and the thing is, we get a paper and the oceans & continents are numbered and we have to write which is which. probably easy, but i don't think i'll do well. i'll try not to beat myself up over it.
good! take a nap or something.
that's five blankets, then.. sounds nice. i've always wanted a lot of blankets n pillows. i hate eye appointments. last time i took one, it took like a million tries. my eyes were too sensitive. as do i! i hate cleaning though. i feel bored. don't know what to do or what to watch.. i'll do my math homework soon.
it was a depressing book. pride & prejudice is long.. i need more time to read that. i will, thank you. hope you're doing well right now, v.
— 🐢
i wish i could go back and watch myself as a child. just so i could know what i was like. i was adorable though, that changed of course, but the pictures are still there. you don’t know anything about how you were as a kid?
you are not toxic and manipulative!! you’re self aware, as you said, and toxic people can’t accept their negative traits. it influenced the toxicity. everyone adjusts their personality, it comes with trust and who the other person is. you’ve got my blood boiling with that talk. your negative traits do not cancel out the positive ones.
dr strange is literally so sappy— he begs those people who were trying to rob him not to take his watch just because the person he loved gave it to him. sap. crimson peak is definitely happy— “you lied to me” “i did” “you poisoned me” “i did” you told me you loved me” “i do”
ah. that’s my favorite line. ever.
mean girls is a very good movie. would watch any time. and obviously the thor trilogy— obviously. my favorite movie is cars. no, i will not be taking any questions at this time.
music is wonderful. your playlists in processing, i’ll tell you when it’s finished. just to make you cry.
no promises. i’m definitely a cream person, more sweet than bitter. though, sometimes i drink really dark roasts. it depends. i don’t know. it was tangy. okay messy blue one, purple one, pink one. i’ll look.
it was over zoom. it will be fine! i don’t know if the falcon and winter soldier one counts…
mix and match then. i’m sure you’ll do great. even if geography sucks.
it went okay. picked out some new glasses— i didn’t like the place as much as the one i went to for my last eye check but.. i broke my glasses so i needed to get those done. hope you figured something out. no bored feelings allowed
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Grace & Ali
Sad, sad times
Grace: Please don't start drama but I do have something to tell you Grace: hopefully you'll be happy about it but I know dad won't be so I'm doing it here Grace: Not sorry mum Grace: Anyway the news is that you're gonna be a 👵 again! So exciting Grace: 👼💙💜 Ali: Hold up for one second Ali: How do you know? Have you been to the Drs? You didn't need to do that alone, Grace Grace: I took a couple of tests no need to hold my hand through that mum Ali: Those tests are less certain than that birth control we got you on for a reason Ali: Don't be taking the result as gospel yet Ali: And have you thought about this, properly? You don't even know this boy, so who knows what help he'd be if any, and you're nowhere near done with School, what about all your plans? How does a baby fit in with them? Grace: I'm not stupid, I've got loads of symptoms like Grace: yeah but I don't need him anyway it'll only be a bonus if he stays Grace: You managed so can I Ali: Okay, well, we'll get you an emergency appointment today, you have to deal with these things head-on Ali: It isn't a bonus, Grace, if a child is made by two people, it needs both of those people on its team, needs to know they care Ali: You know that, its all well and good to say otherwise, and ultimately, its your choice, but pretending no one else is involved or will have an effect is stupid, and you aren't repeating my mistakes Ali: Not to mention, our situations were different, we're different people, you have to do what is right for you, now, and you really need to think about what you're going to want a year from now, 18, 'cos its your whole life changed forever Grace: She wasn't a mistake, mum Grace: and neither is my baby Grace: I'm just saying if he's not happy about this, I am and I'll have plenty of people around to help me if he won't Grace: So don't be mad at me, okay? I need you to talk down round Ali: I'm not saying she was Ali: but she was undeniably a very unhappy little girl and I wouldn't wish the guilt I feel for my part in it on anyone, least of all you, any of my children, okay? Ali: You know you have both our support no matter what Ali: But, give yourself time to think about this properly, okay? Ali: You know you rushed things with Harry Grace: Did you say all this to Billie or does she get a free pass for being across the pond? Grace: Maybe it's just me because you don't think I can do this. Well fine Grace: I can and will. You'll see mum Ali: Hey now, of course I did, your different people in different situations but I still told her what she needed to hear, too Ali: What are you trying to prove, Grace, and to who? Ali: A child isn't a test, a chance to say fuck you to the world and everyone in it, you can't do that, it's not fair Grace: It's not fair that you're treating me like I'm 6 either Grace: I know you don't like Harry, but you should have a bit more of an idea about me by now Grace: If you can't be happy for me then don't but don't try and tell me what to do Ali: You're not acting like an adult at all right now, so don't expect me to treat you like one Ali: No one is trying to tell you what to do, Grace Ali: I'm telling you its your decision and you have to make it alone, and that's a terrifying and exciting prospect to a 16 year old all at once but if you can't handle the idea of doing that with a little bit of thought behind it then I don't know what to tell you Grace: I already have thought about it Grace: I wouldn't be telling you yet if I hadn't Ali: Okay, good. Ali: So, how are you going to provide childcare whilst you finish School? How are you going to afford the roughly 10 grand in the first year alone? Are you taking time off for the first 6 months, at least? How are you going to catch up? Ali: Talk to me Grace: I'll just leave school I'm rubbish at it anyway Ali: You are not Ali: but okay, what are you going to do for your career then? You can't get on the beauty course without at least seeing out this year and next Grace: I'll do my exams and stuff later if needs be Grace: It's not like I was going to get the beauty place so Grace: might as well have a rethink now instead of then Ali: Why not? Its vocational, you've got the talent most girls are going on that course to learn already, even if you don't get your 3Cs, which you're well on target for anyway, you can do your English and Maths alongside your course, they'll help you get them Ali: You just need to get the qualification out the way, then you can set up your own business if you want, but would you let someone without the certificate touch your face or hair? Ali: If you're having this baby, you need the money now, not later Grace: get over it, I am Grace: I'll just become a mummy blogger or whatever that's a skill I do have Ali: Don't be childish Ali: You might not want to tell me, whatever; but this is the sort of stuff you need to be sorted before the baby comes, end of Ali: How long do you need to do that before you've got your audience large enough for adsense? Which is pennies, you need to attract sponsors to really earn, for that you need to know how to negotiate, write and give proposals...then all that money comes in a chunk, you have to save wisely, budget Ali: Its a lottery, love, not impossible but not guaranteed Ali: You need guarantees in place Grace: excuse me for not having the next 40 years set in stone Grace: not like you and dad did so chill please Ali: No, no excuses Grace, they won't cut it Ali: We both knew what we wanted to do before any of you were born, and we were putting those plans into action Ali: Not only do you need this all set out and into motion, you'll have to do extra you didn't expect, didn't want to Ali: Begging favours left and right, working extra jobs on the side that you have no interest in but it covers the costs Ali: Its the hardest thing you'll ever do, and trust me, its a damn sight harder when the father doesn't pull his weight Grace: yeah well I didn't plan to have this baby and I haven't even told Harry yet Grace: Not sorry for not having everything figured out the second I got the result Ali: No, Grace, you ARE planning to have this baby Ali: you're doing it now, this is what I'm trying to tell you Ali: None of my pregnancies were 'planned', so few people's are Ali: but when you find out, you have to hit the ground running, the plan is being made, don't get swept up in panic or excitement or whatever emotion you're feeling, you can't afford to Ali: Are you going to tell him? Grace: Obviously, but like you said, I have to go to the doctor's first Grace: even if I know he'll want it confirmed Grace: want to know it's his too probably Ali: That's probably the best idea, yeah, got you in @5, okay? You can go in alone, if that's what you want Ali: Or if you want to bring one of your sisters, a friend, instead Ali: Well, I can't say anything on that, can I? I can see the merits but insulting, I'm sure Grace: I'll go on my own Mia's got a driving lesson so Grace: it's chill that's just what lads are like, esp when you haven't been coupled up long Ali: Is it? Ali: Chill, I mean Grace: yeah Grace: he's not used to keeping girls around before me that's all Grace: none at his school are loyal like Ali: I can see why Ali: Hardly inspires it, does he Grace: None of you know him well enough to be shady thanks Ali: Neither do you, Grace Ali: Come off it Grace: Don't start, mum Grace: I know enough Ali: I wish that were true Ali: but its yours to find out if you're not up for listening, can't blame you, I rarely did Grace: okay Grace: are you gonna tell dad? Ali: If you want me to Grace: Only if you make sure none of the others are around Ali: Of course, you can tell them all in your own time Grace: thanks Ali: No problem Ali: Anything else you need? Grace: No I'm fine Ali: Love you sweetheart Grace: Love you too 💜 Grace: No need to drag dad into my drama if you haven't already Grace: correct it to fake news otherwise Ali: Oh Grace, I'm so sorry Ali: Are you alright? Grace: yeah obviously Grace: not cut out for it anyway so Ali: Don't say that, I certainly didn't, you'll be a cracking mum one day Ali: Just not your time right now Grace: might as well've no need to backtrack now mum it's fine Grace: Not gonna be my time ever but there's always the beauty course for you to be buzzing about Ali: Don't put words in my mouth, especially not such nasty ones, that wasn't what I was saying at all, you know that Ali: What are you saying, Gracie? Grace: just what I said, you'll have to get your grandkids from the others Grace: plenty of us though so Ali: Hold on Ali: What did the Dr tell you? Grace: She said not only am I not having a baby now I can't have them. Ever Ali: Darling...I'm so sorry, that is, a lot for you to have to process now, too much Ali: And there's nothing I can say to make it better but where are you? You should come Home Grace: I'm fine where I am Grace: I'd rather be on my own anyway Ali: Okay but I don't think you should be Ali: Are you with Mia? Ali: Harry? Grace: No Grace: they'd only want to know what's up Ali: Of course... and you don't have to tell anyone, but I'm glad you told me. You shouldn't have to shoulder this alone, you don't need to, please come find me when you're ready Grace: No need mum I'm fine and like you said, there's nothing you can say Ali: I know Ali: But we can be there, we are Ali: When you're ready Grace: The doctor handled it I've got more info than I wanna read thanks Ali: I'm not going to lecture you, God, what kind of monster do you- Ali: The Doctor isn't your family Ali: I'd be a shittier Mum than I am if I didn't let it be known, even though that's all I've got to offer Grace: You've had loads of kids and could have more tomorrow if you wanted so excuse me if I don't come crying to you about something you'll never understand Grace: None of you can help me with this Ali: I know Ali: I know we can't Ali: Won't stop us trying, though, I'm sorry Grace: Save it for someone else's drama Grace: I don't need it Ali: I wish with everything I could give you what you need but I can't Ali: I just can't Ali: Stay safe, okay? Grace: I'm sure I already radiate enough saddo vibes to keep everyone at a safe distance Grace: is it okay if I stay at Mia's? Ali: That isn't true Ali: Of course, I'm glad you can have a friend around you, take as long as you need Grace: thanks, I'll come and get some of my stuff later but I can't deal with Janis thinking I'm moping because Harry dumped me or whatever Ali: Okay darling Ali: I get it Ali: She would be there if she knew, you know Ali: but you don't have to tell anyone Grace: she's a bitch mum Grace: and she hates me so like no way Ali: She doesn't hate you, not really, you just have your differences Grace: 🙄 I'll believe her instead of you thanks since she tells me enough Ali: We all say things we don't mean Ali: Especially when we're angry Grace: 🙄 Grace: anything else cringey you wanna add Ali: You know its true Ali: I love you so bloody much Ali: How's that? Grace: 💗 Grace: thanks for not telling anyone Grace: Mia's mum is always gossiping with her friends about everything Grace: I'd die if anyone found out about any of this Ali: Well, we'll both thank our lucky stars I'm not anything like Mia's Mum then, ay? Ali: It is nothing to be ashamed of, okay? Don't you ever think that, its okay to be heartbroken or furious at the world, God and me and everyone else who takes it for granted but don't you be ever ashamed, there's nothing wrong with you and there's a million ways to be a mum if that's what you decide you want still Ali: But you don't owe anyone an explanation, either Ali: I'll tell Dad, yeah? But that's as far as it goes Grace: I'm scared though and not just because the pharmacy woman is gossipy af Grace: The doctor was saying all this horrible stuff Ali: I know, well, I think I do...but we can talk it over when you come Home, or I'll come meet you for coffee in town or whatever and we can go through it all together Ali: Those leaflets are a bit scaremongery, but they have to be, cover their bases, I promise we will sort this so you don't have to be afraid of it and get you any help you might need Grace: Can you meet me soon? I don't think I can face Mia and not talk about this until I've talked about it Grace: Stupid I know but Ali: Not at all Ali: I'll come right now, we can sit in the car, have fish and chips if you like Grace: Thanks mum, sorry I was such a bitch before Ali: Nah, not at all, I don't need to be cringe and tell you we all say things when we're scared too, do I? Grace: 😂 Grace: You were right about me rushing the baby thing, I was, I just wanted it so much Ali: I know sweetheart, I know Ali: and I have been there, I really wasn't trying to be a hypocritical cow about it Ali: One day, I promise Grace: I know I shouldn't have pinned my hopes on it but everyone else has something Grace: I don't and I can't even mess everything up the same as the rest of you Ali: You're 16, Gracie, you don't have to even fake having it together like you would if you were having a baby right now Ali: and a terrible thing happened to us all Ali: the others are struggling too, doesn't downgrade or touch on your own, and I'm not saying it to act like it should Ali: but you really aren't alone in being not okay right now, not at all Ali: as much as it might pain me, its the truth of it Grace: I wish we could all go back and do it over Ali: Me too Ali: but, we can't, we've got to find a way to push through or we'll all be stuck Ali: none of us want that, do we? she wouldn't want it for us either Grace: but I don't know how to talk to any of the others anymore, especially Janis Grace: I miss them Grace: We used to tell each other everything Ali: Me either...I don't think Janis wants to be talked to anymore, not by anyone, all we can do is be there waiting when she does. I know it hurts. Ali: I know you do Ali: We all miss each other Ali: We got blown apart, but I have to believe we'll find our way back one day Ali: I know we all want to, I really do know that Grace: I keep thinking if I sit here long enough of my own, Edie'll pop up like she used to do Grace: She never came to me but, maybe this time because it's all so unfair already Grace: So stupid Ali: You can try talking to her, if you like Ali: One of the only alright things about it, you can get her to appear whenever you like Ali: if you're stupid then I'm absolutely daft Grace: She'd get it I think how I feel Ali: I reckon she would too Ali: She was a lot wiser than she let on Ali: Than people gave credit for Grace: Yeah Grace: Do I have to tell Harry any of this? ugh Grace: about me I mean, not how messed up the rest of us are Ali: No Ali: he's got no need to know, its none of his business unless you wanted the emotional support, that's the only reason Grace: But what if it changes everything he wasn't here to get with a 👵 Ali: If it changes anything he's a piece of shit Ali: not to mention, he didn't even know he was about to be a daddy so I don't think its a dream dashed for him Grace: yeah but all these side effects like, might as well be dating nan Grace: ugh I hate this Ali: I think nan's got enough boy drama with granddad, still, like Ali: Its shit, really shit but manageable Ali: You're stronger than this, millions of girls live with it and its not stopping them living to the fullest, so like fuck it will you Ali: Do you want me to sly ask Ro? See if she has any Doctor know-how, no more leaflets required Grace: She won't let it slip to anyone will she? Ali: Nah, 'course not Ali: Confidentiality, she'd never break her oath #goodytwoshoes Ali: and I'm pretty creative, I've asked her much stranger questions than this before now Grace: cool Grace: ask her then Grace: It was hard to take it all in earlier Ali: It would be Ali: Nothing prepares you but Drs are notoriously bad at even trying, like Ali: Right, now leaving work, where do you want me to pick you up from? Grace: I'll meet you there, anywhere but the CG obvs Grace: I wanna walk Ali: Cool, I'll text you when I'm here 💚 Grace: Love you 💜 Ali: Love you too
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this might be out of your range for the muslim ban questions but I heard that more than just muslims/arabs were being held back from coming back home and that, in action, the policy seems to be holding more ppl back than were originally targeted? is that something that could actually be true? how is any of this legal? and if it is as illegal as i think it is, how can it have even become a policy to begin with? I'm sorry, I still don't have the clearest concept of US laws/policies.
Part 2: also, one last question, if they confiscate your green card from you, is that legal and what does that mean in relation to your immigration status?
Thanks for the question! I think I’ll start with your broadest question first and then move to the more specific ones. So, here goes:
Is it a Muslim Ban? So let me start this answer by just laying out exactly what the Executive Order does: (1) for 90 days, it blocks all entry by foreign nationals from seven specified “high risk Arab” countries (though Somalia and Sudan are certainly not Arab and no immigrants, permanent residents, or refugees from any of these countries have committed a terror attack in the United States since 9/11 and even then, the 9/11 hijackers were from UAE [2], Egypt [1], Lebanon [1], and Saudi [15.] You may notice that none of those countries are on the travel ban list though. But, Trump and his team has made it clear for the entire campaign and even through some of his comments since the Inauguration, that the target of these laws are Muslims (Trump has even said priority will be given to Christian refugee applications once the program restarts.) But in the US, we don’t just look at whether a law is specifically discriminatory but whether there was discriminatory intent (which seems true here given the statements of the candidate) or discriminatory impact (which this absolutely has.) So, while the Executive Order does not call itself a Muslim Ban, its underlying intent and its impact seems to suggest that that is exactly what it is.
So, what that means for your question is that Christians and other non-Muslims can absolutely be blocked from entry if they are a refugee from anywhere or any kind of visitor from the seven countries. I have seen at least one story about a Christian Syrian refugee family being turned back en route to the US with visas in hand. While I think any religious test aspect of the order is horrific and unconstitutional enough on its own, let us not forget that also swept up in this morass are the Yazidi people of Syria, who ISIS has committed brutal and public genocide against, or the Kurds of Iraq and Syria who have fought on the American’s side against ISIS for years at great personal risk (and who cannot go to Turkey for safety where they are viewed as little more than insurgents themselves.) So, not only is Trump’s EO terrible, probably unconstitutional, and wildly mismanaged, but it is also inhumane in a way that should make everyone sick to their stomachs.
How is this legal? The long and the short of it is, it is probably not legal. Read this article by a well-respected Constitutional law scholar for a better explanation of why than I could give. But the larger question isn’t whether it’s legal really, but rather how an illegal policy like this could have gone through. Generally, the US system has a series of checks and balances that tries to block these illegal laws before they become law - whether in the Congress or the Senate, when the President does or doesn’t sign it, and then in the manner in which it is enforced by the agencies. But Trump’s Executive Order circumvented these “normal” checks … but the Judicial branch remains as the ultimate check on the Executive power, which is why those emergency restraining orders over the weekend were so important. And why I do not support judicial elections, but that’s a topic for another day.
Still confused about why an Executive Order is even a thing? Our Constitution gives certain powers to the Executive (mostly administering the laws that the legislative body passes) and some are given to the Executive exclusively, like negotiating with foreign powers and being Commander in Chief. So there are certain topics on which the President can act unilaterally on and Presidents have been doing it for years (Obama used Executive Orders to order Guantanamo closed [unsuccessfully] and to protect the DREAMERs [hopefully more successfully but who knows now.]) But Executive Orders still need to conform to the Constitution and existing federal law (Trump can’t change those with just his signature) and they are only in effect for as long as the Executive chooses to let them stay in effect, which is how Trump is reversing so many Obama policies. People on both sides of the aisle complain frequently about EOs…until it’s THEIR party’s President using it.
Green Card Confiscation: So, this is a bit more of a detailed question that I’m not as sure about, but my brief research suggests that it’s a bit like having your driver’s license confiscated when you borrow bowling shoes or paying bail when you get released pending trial; the intention is to make sure you come back/return the shoes or in this case, show up for whatever hearing they are having re: their status. It doesn’t invalidate their green card and Customs and Border control doesn’t have the authority to unilaterally revoke a green card.  
Due Process: There are a lot of benefits that come with having a green card, especially a permanent resident one and revoking a green card is not easily done. Before a permanent resident green card can be taken away (and possibly all of them as far as I know,) the holder is entitled to what US law calls “due process under the law.” In short, that means they are entitled to some form of hearing and review of any administrative decision to revoke their green card; again, Trump cannot simply circumvent due process (again, if our political system is working correctly, due process is a check on government’s power over the individual and was one of the central beliefs of the Founding Fathers and Enlightenment philosophers in general.)
TL;DR: Everyone form a prayer circle, séance, meditation, or just cross your fingers that Ruth Bader Ginsburg is actually immortal because SCOTUS (and the federal courts in general) may be the institution in our country most capable of resisting Trump’s agenda.
And yes, the law is probably illegal (lots of laws and policies have been passed and enforced for decades before the Court caught up an declared it unconstitutional … and sometimes things don’t become unconstitutional until society progresses and suddenly SCOTUS justices are talking about the Founder’s “intention” when it came to marriage equality of all things [if you sense some sarcasm in there, you are reading correctly, but the arguments between the progressive theory of the Constitution as a living document vs. the conservative obsession with the Founder’s intent is a discussion for another day.]
But, so, for Americans especially, we need to make sure that we are pushing the Senate to force the appointment of competent and independent judges throughout the federal judiciary system; we all tend to fixate on Supreme Court picks, and that’s fair, but sometimes the most important judges in the world are the Honorable Ann M. Donnelly (E.D.N.Y.) or Magistrate Judge Judith Dein (D. Mass.) (who is awesome by the way, I interned for her during law school and I learned more from her about how the justice system works and how it should work, but that’ s neither here nor there.)
Thanks for the question!
Anyone got any others?
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