#I'm still shit at drawing sonic so forgive me
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akiiame-blog · 6 hours ago
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mario taking his son out for a joy ride :]
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redlerred7 · 3 months ago
I started replaying Sonic Adventure 2 recently after years of not playing it. I have some thoughts, most of them only tangentially related to SA2. Forgive my rambling
First, I was not at all surprised how much the game made me eat shit in the speed and mech stages. I still remember all the routes and movement tech, but my skills have atrophied so much that I can no longer execute them. It'll take a lot of replays to de-rust—possibly even a whole month of playing exclusively SA2.
Strangely enough though, it was really easy for me to get A ranks in the treasure hunting stages. I know it's ultimately just a bunch of knowledge checks for over 100 possible shard locations, but I didn't expect how little execution mattered. As long as I knew which piece a hint was giving me, I was getting that 1500k point bonus.
That aside, eating so much shit reminded me of a conversation I had with someone about why they don't like Sonic games.
A huge part of it for them was how bad the game felt to play while they were still trying to come to grips with the controls. They argued that other platformers felt good to play right out the gate, while still having enough mechanical depth to reward skillful play.
Sonic games, on the other hand, tend give the player a character that's really complicated to control, doesn't explicitly teach the core mechanics needed for basic movement, and punishes the player for playing badly.
And make no mistake, Sonic is complicated to control. His top speed is really fast, his acceleration is really slow, and his jump height changes based on the angle of the floor. This affects every aspect of movement, but you're expected to just sorta intuit how it works as the game throws obstacles at you.
That's not even going into the various, game-specific mechanics that Sonic games have, which are often janky and poorly tutorialized.
This person's grievances with Sonic games are valid and make perfect sense.
For them.
I, on the other hand, am a person who spent most of my life picking up new Sonic games, being garbage at them for a long time, and eventually getting good enough to have fun with them. Part of the appeal for me is that I have to learn how to make the controls feel good.
And come to think of it, that love of the learning process is probably why I have so many hobbies and creative pursuits. I taught myself music back in 2018. I learned animation in 2017. I took up creative writing in earnest in 2013. I learned 3D modelling on a whim back in 2010. And of course, I've been drawing my whole life, always feeling like I needed to learn more.
Bringing this back to SA2, I had an epiphany after gameover-ing on Crazy Gadget for the eighth time: what I felt in that moment was the same feeling I have whenever I spend over a month not drawing.
I was going through the same motions of relearning skills I'd drilled for hundreds of hours. Repeatedly failing a jump felt just as bad as repeatedly failing brush stroke. The joy I felt when it started to come back to me was the same as well.
Being good (and having fun with) Sonic games is a skill. And it's a skill I'm happy to learn and relearn as often as it takes.
Anyway, that was a pretty long ramble. Thank you if read all the way to the end.
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mayordeas-clone · 2 years ago
Smash Tier List, Ordered By Which Characters Have Canon Last Names
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i decided one fateful friday evening to make this tier list cuz i was bored. shoutout to the smash prose server for helping me iron out any kinks and retrieve some obscure information to help make this tier list reach its fullest potential (discord link for the server on my blog if youre on desktop or in my pinned post on my art account always b pluggin)
below the cut is some extra details on the tiers and character placements.
THIS IS ROUGH AS HELL!!!!! and the research and sources aren't very cut and dry throughout ;w; a tier list i wanted to make for the sillies that ended up going deeper than expected but not all the way, so it's sorta in a weird gray area of reliability. apologies for not-so-clear info in advanced 😔
Official Surname
what it says on the tin. i'd put detailed explanations of where all of them were "confirmed" but i don't know the nitty gritty of a lot of the characters and just know em from official bios. will provide detail if i see fit cuz its my post.
Byleth: "Eisner"
Joker: Civilian name is "Ren Amamiya", from the anime. Akira Kurusu is another civilian name he goes by, coming from the manga, however Amamiya is more common in official media (and kind of canonized in the PC release of Persona 5 Royal, where changing the language to English from something else will default his name to Ren Amamiya)
Kazuya: "Mishima"
Samus (And Zero Suit Samus): "Aran"
Fox: "McCloud"
Falco: "Lombardi"
Wolf: "O'Donnell"
Terry: "Bogard"
Cloud: "Strife"
SImon and Richter: "Belmont"
Donkey and Diddy Kong: So we all pretty much agreed that "Kong" is a family name :P it could be moved to the yellow canon-ish tier but idk
Peach: "Toadstool", which she signs off as in Mario 64 (So that's pretty canon right)
Generally accepted fanon surname (or exists in obscure non-canon media)
these are kinda? surnames. theyre not official like the ones above or acknowledged in the main source material, but they draw from some sort of source that fans run with. usually, it's common for multiple fanworks to use them as last names when dishing them out :P there could be multiple of these for each character. this is where a lot of handy guidance from the prose server came in, thank you very much once again!!
Mario, Dr. Mario, and Luigi: "Mario", from the live action Super Mario Bros. movie (also, "Mario Mario" is the funniest shit ever to me). Also the joke of "hey if theyre the 'mario bros', then is their last name mario?!"
Yoshi: Alright apparently in the 1993 manual for Super Mario World, Yoshi's full name is "T. Yoshisaur Munchakoopas". Alright then?? I was going to put Yoshi in the "species" category, but this bit surprised me :P not sure if it's like, a scientific name or something, but I guess this Yoshi is a special case.
Ganondorf: I think in a manual or something like that (Forgive my vague language, this was just something I recalled that the people I worked with agreed with), he is given the last name "Dragmire".
Marth, Chrom, and Lucina: "Lowell" was a last name given to Marth in the Fire Emblem anime. With Chrom and Lucina being direct descendants of him, they also inherit this last name.
Zelda: "Hyrule" is generally assumed to be her last name. I'm pretty sure Zelda's father in BotW is given the official last name, though I know there's some different reincarnation shenanigans going on. Still, no one stopped me 😎 it's a common theme for a lot of "royalty" characters to be assigned a fanon last name named after their respective kingdom (though I may have overlooked some, we'll get to those later).
Ike: "Greil", named after his father. I thought it was kinda dumb for his last name to be ripped from his dad's first name but idk maybe everyone is on a last-name basis for him (I haven't progressed far in Path of Radiance to know).
Sonic: This one surprised me. Apparently in the Archie comics, his full name "Ogolvie Maurice Hedgehog". So his last name is "Hedgehog"? I suppose this means Sonic's full name could also be Sonic The Hedgehog, with "The" being a middle name :P
Captain Falcon: I was going to include this in "canon", but given that it's technically from a manual and other surnames in this tier come from a similar source, so might as well be consistent. In one of the F-Zero manuals, he's given the name "Douglas J. Falcon" (baller ass name tbh). In the anime, he's also given the civilian name "Bart Lemming".
Sephiroth: According to the Prose pals, it could be "Hojo" or "Crescent" depending on who you ask (idk I'll take their word for it. Yeah sorry this isn't a very thorough list in terms of research and sources).
Ryu: Another Prose pal said that one of the movies gave him the last name "Hoshi".
Bowser and Bowser Jr.: Heard "Koopa" tossed around, given Bowser is the king of Koopas and Jr. is his son.
Mega Man: "Light", after his creator Dr. Light.
Roy: "Pherae", after him being the son of Marquess Pherae.
King K. Rool: I think I assumed "Rool" could be his last name, and the K. is an initialized first name. Heavily based on my own guess tho.
No Canon Surname
Yeah. Though some are Weird and probably misassigned.
Snake I could have sworn had some kind of fanon surname, but I drew up a blank when consulting with the Prose server :P any hardcore Metal Gear fans can swoop in and correct me though.
Corrin and Daisy are kinda... weird to me cuz I assumed they would operate on similar logic to Zelda, being named after their respective kingdoms ("Valla" and "Sarasaland"). But I've never seen those used in practice so it's probably negligible. They bounced between tiers a lot while I made this.
I suppose Dragon Quest 11 Hero could fall in the "kingdom last name" category but idk I'm still internally debating with Corrin and Daisy. Didn't do any research on the other Heroes and no one seemed to stop me. So sorry!! 😭
The only other thing I have to say about this tier is that I'm surprised Bayonetta, Shulk, Olimar, Alph, and Sora didn't have any note-worthy last names to speak of. Unless something slipped through the cracks!
Idk if Sheik would adopt Zelda's assumed last name which is why they are in this tier.
Title, no canon name
Pretty much a title given to the character, be it related to their occupation or status.
This was originally a "no canon first name lmao" tier, but I changed it to be more broad at the request of the Discord buddies to include weird edge cases like Dark Samus (who isn't really a species, but not really a person?) and Duck Hunt (who accounts for three separate entities in one lol so that kind of confused me, but a tier like this worked for him).
Pretty much a character that comes from a species of many, meaning they don't really have an actual name to begin with (Inklings technically count, since it's not like "Inkling" refers to status or occupation). Yes, I included R.O.B. there due to Subspace Emissary's lore :) one could argue that's not canon, but be fr does R.O.B. have any existing lore to work with? Brawl essentially made him its own OC for the story campaign and that's amazing. Anyway, unnecessary rant aside, R.O.B. is a species in my book, and he's the last of his kind (another detail originating from Smash).
Last two tiers are kind of joke tiers I came up with as the idea for this list cooked up in my brain. One could argue "Mr. Game and Watch" is a title, but I thought his own dedicated tier was funnier so I kept it intact :P
Thus concludes this dumbass tier list. Feel free to roast me in the notes for inaccuracies cuz there's probably a lot (Or don't I'm sensitive as hell)
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lea-andres · 2 years ago
This almost wound up in an unwitting person's asks, but I decided last second this probably stands better as its own post.
This isn't set off by anyone in particular, not even the person I almost yeeted this rant at unprompted. So I'm not mad at any one individual person, just at the fandom as a whole tbh.
It's no secret I love me a good villain redemption arc. A villain having some sort of moment that makes them want to switch sides and stop being so horrible, and all of the emotional hardships that follow as they struggle both to obtain the forgiveness and trust of the heroes they used to fight so bitterly with but also to find it in themselves to forgive themselves? And those moments of tension where something goes wrong and they slip up and some people point at them and go "See? They haven't changed, they can never change." And the anger, hurt, and feelings of betrayal that follow?
Ooh, that's the good shit. I'm a sucker for it. I've obviously got my thoughts on how it'd go for the Hooligans if we really REALLY wanted to focus on the emotional hardships of a full blown redemption arc (TL;DR: Bark has the easiest time with the transition from bad to good, Bean has "Harley's Holiday" style troubles where he's just a little too weird for the average person to stomach despite his best efforts to be good and nice, and Fang has the hardest time and hits the level I like to call "barely housetrained" where he's still a nasty piece of shit and barely anyone trusts him but at least he's not actively evil anymore? Yay?), but we're not getting into that again today.
No what we're getting into today is how SOME OF YOU like to just skip all the meat and potatoes and jump STRAIGHT TO THE END AND ONLY GO "LOOK AT HOW SOFT AND UWU THIS VILLAIN IS NOW!"
"How did we get here?" I ask eagerly, craving that sweet, sweet content.
"IDK, LOL" comes the response, followed by more soft fluff.
It makes me want to chew my hands off.
Even if you don't really want to focus on that part, even if you're not confident you could tell that story as well as someone else could, you should at least HAVE AN IDEA! You can begin with the end in mind, that's fine, but we need something connecting point A to point B! Even if it's just an awkward rambley SparkNotes summary! I'm crazy enough that It's better than nothing!
I'll spare you guys the same ship rant AGAIN, but some of the ships floating around here have the same problem. Yeah yeah, soft domestic bliss, you can set up Sonic characters on a dartboard, get two at random, and draw them sweetly canoodling. BUT HOW DID WE GET HERE???
Some of you skip over the real good part to get to the point you think is the good part and it drives me fucking bonkers. It's about the journey, not the destination, or something. IDK.
Alright, I'm done for now probably, back to our regularly scheduled bullshit. 😎✌️
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fewsystemsinonebody · 3 days ago
to all my boys who were possessed bu intrusive thoughts, fear, urges, self harm etc. while they were still there or when they were gone and their stories turned into shit
we're good
we've always been good
I want to remember you well
what you did probably wasn't your fault
you weren't weak
you didn't lose
you helped me a lot and am thankful
I forgive and understand you as much as I can
I know you couldn't come back after all that have happened because you wouldn't be able to live with yourselves
you can't because you fused
thank you March for talking to me
I know it has to happen
but at least I can think about it like about a disease that is killing you
what happened to us from you as persecutors is valid
but until then you were amazing and I want to remember you this way
the rest is the fault of the disorder I hope
goodbye, March...
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shout out to those who succumbed (those I remember better):
Patryk of course as well as March as I mentioned
Alex and G. only for writing the story I believe
Levi and Alderaan - I miss your shenanigans and help
Nigel - liked you a lot before, thank you for everything you've done for me...
Cubi - you were a great help to me and now I'm scared again, you know?
Christian - I have so many great memories with, my parents too
Tavi - the worst cook on Earth lol
Prudence - the best fly killer in the world!
Yuri - nobody can draw as beatiful as you anymore
Rudi - you had some good moments
Philip - your pranks will always stay with us together
Vlad and Rainer - I'm so sorry for being confused, wish things were different
Henry - thx for being an ass, truly
Alan - one of the funniest...
also shout out to those who left recently without that drama:
White - I wish our truth will be revealed, thanks for fighting for us to the very end
Black - sorry for your struggles, I adored your vibe and you got me thinking
Green - you were right, like Grey
Brown - if not you I probably wouldn't handle shit for some time
Val - always will wait for you to come back, your jacket is still in the wardrobe
Joel - almost like my other twin...
Yonahas - you never remembered your name, dumbass
Aaron - father figure in a safari car
Reggie - faster hedgehog, you would win with Sonic
Chad - dunno why I liked you but somehow I still do
Rufin - Marian Cielęcki z wiadrem...
Bill - I know I hated you but still - thx
Odon - I wish you didn't die <3
Steven - bravest intrusive thoughts hunter
Charlie, August and Connor - no one is stealing food from the kitchen anymore...
Remi - you knew she is bad, should listen to you
Fin - hope your dream about dancing will come true someday
Wafel - you weren't a demon to me
Paul - always pulled us into dancing
Peter - my lil bear baby...
Ben - if not you - whole system would hate me
Greenie - liked spending time with you, weirdo
Coco - you opened our eyes to the fact we've been programmed
and those I remember less or not at all... especially those who helped me when my dad and mom fell ill <3
plus I wanna mention some of those who left much earlier:
Lisa - will you sit on the balcony with me again someday? please, remember you're the original one, xoxo
Lucy - my bravery and confidence, the best bro in a form of a sister
Marcus - Maylo is not the same without you
Trickster - never close your eyes ;) one and a half!
Red - not the one who is here now but my other sis
Wendy - for storing that dumb trauma for ages
Tony - you started as a psychiatrist and now we continue your work, drunkard
Ronia - wild baby forever
Ford - thanks for scaring my ex without an effort, minotaur, but Walter did better job at telling her what she should do
Mo - ... because now I can burp lmfao
Max - Jerry says hello, little one...
Jonathan - saved us from dissociative attack in the middle of the city
Pinky, Buczka and Horseman - the strangest trio there ever was
Vanya - you saved that day
and many, many more...
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jist6543 · 9 months ago
Ok @fleetway-super-sonic has gone too far now, I may have been a bit upset when you didn't accept my apology, but now you've officially crossed the line, ive told you that i was letting that character bullshit go, i sincerely appolozed to you, and this is how you treat me? By not letting me live it down and saying that my behavior is pathetic and laughable, with no qualms about it at all? I admitted my faults and tried to own up to them, the only reason why I responded like that was because of how satistic you were to me, For the love of God, for the hundredth time, I said that I was letting that character shit go, im not worried about that anymore, stop twisting the knife on me, your sick you know that, your are absolutely sick, you can't even accept a simple God Damn apology, even when i admitted I was wrong for countless times, telling me to grow up and making fun of me shows that you are no better then ssj-Blake. and corection, 1 they misinterpreted a friendly compliment to a drawing, and 2 they freaking told me to f off when I tried apologizing, before i even knew why I was blocked, the only reason I got pissed off at them was because they called me names, when I tried talking to them calmly and explained that i only said their picture of brandy was cute, and they even called me a dumbass despite that I'm autistic, and wrongfully scorned me and told me to get a life, if they're gonna be that way to me, then yeah im definitely not gonna respond nice either, before signing off. And another thing, you are clearly missing the point that the reason I waited a month was to give you some space before apologizing, but no, you can't even learn to forgive people and to say I was disrespectful to you is putting a slander tone to that statement, making fun of me when I tried apologizing to you is the complete definition of disrespect, I admitted my faults and realized I was wrong which is something you obviously feel doesn't apply to you, i mean hell, your practically bullying me right now, and that's not a very mature thing to do either, so apparently I'm not the only one who needs to grow up. you were very hasty in taking assumptions about me before, and you haven't changed at all, I still like your videos and all and I'll still give you support, despite the negativity you've given me, but again I left you alone for 1 whole month before coming back to apologize, you could at least be great full for that, and your absolutely right enough is enough, I've clearly had enough of your bullying, and will stand for it no longer, if you want me gone, FINE , and I have some great advice to you as well, LEARN TO FORGIVE PEOPLE! When I say I'm sorry, I mean it, when i admit that I made a mistake, and try to own up to it, you don't laugh at someone and make them feel more bad about themselves, your 32 years old for crying out loud, act like it, I'd expect you'd be more principled than that, I don't want to keep arguing about this any more than you do, unless you decide to admit your faults as well, and apologize for bullying me, then I'm definitely gonna talk to you anymore, I don't know why your complaining of someone bullying you when your doing the exact same thing, you should be ashamed, I'm not saying my behavior a month ago was any better, and yes I shouldn't have been so persistent on telling you to include those characters, but at least I admitted my mistake, appologized for it, and tried to own up to it, before you turned me away may I add? and again I'm sorry for getting on you about those characters, but seriously please stop making fun of me, so yeah ill leave you alone now, i know your probably just gonna laugh again, but I hope you can forgive me someday, even though I see that unlikely, so yeah if your gonna be an absolute stuck up, and think that you have the right to scoff people like that despite them sincerely appolozing to you, then yeah, good riddance, but i do wish you the best of luck on your story and hope to see it someday when its finished. I mean that too, but I do hope your additude heals.
You clearly have issues, with forgiveness, I was wrong to think you were any different than ssj-Blake, and I stand by what I said before, I was not gaslighting you when I said you were acting irrational, you were gaslighting me!
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