#I'm sry I said too much about vox again
scourgeofshadows · 4 years
Some Obscure Hazbin Hotel Character Headcanons
Tv demon (rainbow suit): He’s associated with Vox due to the fact that he’s a tv demon & already showed 666 News on his screen/face. He’s literally a walking tv himself, which allows him to assist Vox.
“Wow! That was shit!”: He’s obviously a huge fan of old-fashioned cartoons (especially Disney?). What caused him to wind up in hell is due to the fact that he saw so many inappropriate cartoons that he copied the same actions as the characters, thus why he cussed as a reaction to Charlie’s idea & has a cartoon-like appearance.
Bat overlord: He’s a vampire & might be Dracula (this is probably a joke, but he seems like a vampire to me). He also has some kind of close association with Lucifer.
Camille/Camilla: She has a close association with Lucifer & may know Lilith well. She looks like the kind of demon to be friends with Lilith (or sisters?).
Two headed overlord: They run theatres & their heads have different personalities. Perhaps that’s due to the fact that they were conjoined twins. That or perhaps they suffered some kind of personality disorder before they died.
Birb overlord: For some reason I think he’s a head figure of rock & roll & reminds me of Elvis Presley.
Flame head overlord: Part of his brain is exposed, which may suggest how he died. He may have got his head burned from an incident & all that’s left of his head is part of his skull & miraculously his brain. His head can also go another direction when it comes to symbolism. Perhaps his exposed brain & flames represent his hot-tempered personality & “losing his mind.”
Rosie: In the pilot’s intro, two demons pulled angel weapons out of a corpse & walked away. Rosie herself runs an emporium as well. Due to those details, she runs a black market & the two demons are her employees.
Raptor demon: In the pilot, she’s seen at a bar. Perhaps she runs bars & casinos. Husk may be familiar with her.
Velvet: Ah yes, HH fans’ favorite clown. She follows & experiments trends, cosplays, has several social media accounts, & watches anime (perhaps in charge of anime entertainment?). I like thinking of her as a weeb, but who knows? She might be the overlord of circuses like a lot of fans assumed. It must be the obvious clown makeup that made fans assume that she’s a clown herself. Perhaps she has a connection to Blitzo’s circus family. That is if she isn’t the goddess of anime or social media (lol).
Valentino: He’s associated with Vox due to the fact that he runs a porn business & that’s a type of entertainment. They interact with each other often cuz of their entertainment connection.
Vox: I said so much about him on a few posts already, but I came up with several more ideas about him (I doubt anyone’s surprised). According to a stream (I think it’s HuniCast?), he’s charismatic, manipulative, egoistic, & craves attention. In his past life he’s a con-artist who topples down tv businesses for his own gain. He has a god complex that drives him to do any kind of action in order to have the best tv business ever & have everyone focus on him. He rigged game shows, hacked into electronics, pirated tv shows & movies, & played innocent with his excellent acting skills. Someone eventually took action & slaughtered him by ramming his head into a tv (welcome to prime time, bitch!) as an act of revenge. He ended up becoming an overlord because of his con-artist skills. He tricked several humans into selling their souls to him & he showed off in front of demons in such a way that they assume that he showed enough info to expose himself, Instead, he gave an uno reverse card & ended up trapping his opponents. He also hypnotizes victims & opponents & once someone gets interested in him, they fall into deep obsession & aren’t able to get him out of their heads. He runs game shows & the losers end up as new channels while winners get to be in the next episode. 
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