#I'm sorry to my tag list I'm not at home so I don't have easy access to it T_T
typically-untypical · 2 years
I was thinking of Loceit in mind, but I guess Roman works too? But polyglot Logan, maybe still tired or sleepy, accidentally ordering in two languages in one sentence. The barista, Janus or Roman, is Intrigued but also amused :-]
You asked for Loceit so I shall give you Loceit.
Seducing the Nerd
Five in the god forsaken morning wasn’t an appropriate time for any sentient being to be awake, at least, that was Janus’ belief. He held that belief very strongly, and yet here he was. Did he really need this job? Did he really need to be standing in front of a cash register for a job he hated? What made things worse was this wasn’t even the beginning of his shift. He had already been here for thirty minutes, setting up the ovens, warming up the coffee maker and brewing the first batch. Who in their right mind would come to a coffee shop this early in the morning, certainly not anyone with an ounce of sense. Then again, he worked in customer service. He was sure he rarely got the chance to meet the mythic customer with sense.
“One coffee and one bagel with… fuck, what’s the word?” The man in front of him looked exhausted and he waved his hand in a floundering motion as if that would somehow get Janus to understand what he meant. “Geléia?” Considering Janus had no idea what that meant, he assumed that wasn’t the word this man was looking for. Apparently the customer knew it too, because he ran a hand through his black hair, looking Janus in the eyes. It was also far too early in the morning for Janus to be feeling this gay. Those blue eyes were beautiful, and Janus did enjoy a man who could speak multiple languages.
“The… the stuff… with fruit. You spread it on a bagel after you put on the cream cheese.” The man sighed and his shoulders dropped in defeat. “Sorry, it’s too early.” Finally, someone who was speaking a bit of sense. 
Janus couldn’t help but snort, grabbing a coffee cup. He wasn’t good at flirting, but he was good at cool condescension with a bit of sweetness. Hopefully that would keep this nerd talking, because Janus was into it. “Do you mean jelly?”
“Yes!” The man snapped and a small smile slid onto his face. “Jelly, I… what language did I even say that in?” His eyes looked a bit off as if he was trying to figure something out, mouthing the word. “Was that Portuguese? I’m… I’m learning Portuguese but that’s not even one of the two languages I speak. I don’t even know how I would know that word.” His smile shifted, something soft and sheepish. Yep, definitely too early for Janus to be catching the gay.
He turned around quick to get the coffee. Janus was happy to listen to the polyglot with wrapped attention as he attempted to figure out how he had managed to forget a word in two languages he spoke but remember it in another he didn’t. It was hard not to laugh, and even harder not to be interested. “We all do strange things this early in the morning,” He said, holding out the cup for the man to take.
“Yes… Yes we do.” The customer looked a bit sheepish at his mistake, but there was still the smallest hint of a smile on his lips. It seemed like he wanted to say something, but the words wouldn’t come out. Fascinating, multiple languages and he still couldn’t find the right words. Janus brushed his fingers across the side of the cup, putting on his best actual smile, not the fake customer service one he normally used. There was a silence between them that spoke volumes, and Janus was far too curious for his own good, but he continued to play it calm and cool, allowing his hand to drop back to the counter. 
“Can I get a name…” He let the silence hang for a few moments, allowing the other man to make his assumptions before Janus continued “for the bagel?”
Logan looked around at the empty shop, eyebrow raised, so Janus wans’t as smooth as he thought, sue him. It was still far too early in the morning. However, the customer nodded, setting the coffee back on the counter as he went to reach for his wallet out of his back pocket. “Logan,” He said, “My name is Logan.”
“Thank you Logan.” Janus wrote the name on one of their paper bags before returning to the cash register. He rung Logan out, taking the payment and the receipt before using his nail to draw a small circle on it. He also wrote a single number at the top. “I’d appreciate it if you took the survey, and here you’ll see that I circled my name. It’s Janus, by the way.”
Logan took the receipt and nodded. He looked down at it quizzically, forming the name silently on his lips before nodding accepting that he… had it memorized? Honestly Janus was just making assumptions at this point, but it felt like a good assumption, and if Logan was trying to memorize his name, that was a good sign too. “And what about this number.” Good, he was asking the important questions. 
Janus shrugged with a little smirk. He had to play it cool, suave, he couldn’t let this man know how the slight quirk of his smile was extremely cute and endearing. “It’s part of our rewards program. If you come six more times while I’m on shift, you’ll get my number.”
Once again the other man raised his eyebrow at Janus’ antics but that stupid little smile was hiding underneath it all. That, Janus could read, it was so obvious, shouting to Janus ‘I know your secrets’. Two could play at that game though. He was about to speak again, ad some little caveat when Logan opened his mouth instead. “Interesting, so I only need to come back six more times until I have the full number?”
“That is correct, but it does have to be while I’m on shift.” None of his coworkers would believe Logan if he came in asking for Janus’ number, which was fine, Janus preferred to keep his private life a secret anyway.
“And do you always work the early shift?” Logan was pulling out his own phone, and Janus could see he was opening up the notes app to type something in. Oh, oh he was seriously going to come back, just to get Janus’ phone number… was he really?
“Everyday except for Tuesdays and Wednesdays.” Janus smiled, if only to hide his nervousness. Logan nodded, looking up at Janus with those eyes that suddenly had a lot more clarity for the early morning hour.
“Noted.” Logan finally smiled and nodded, “I will have to come back every morning then. Seems I might have found a reason to be up this early.” 
Janus was desperate to hide the blush that was forming on his face, desperate to pretend he was still in control of this situation and hadn’t fallen for a set of midnight blue eyes. Swallowing, he nodded, forcing his shoulders to relax as he leaned against the bar ‘nonchalantly’. “Seems like it,” he whispered in a voice he hoped sounded calm and cool.
Logan just smiled and left.
Maybe this job wasn’t so bad.
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spookysteddie · 9 months
That Friday Night
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Modern!Rockstar!Eddie Munson x Influencer!fem!reader
read part one here
cw: alcohol, drugs (weed and cocaine), clubbing, slight Dom!Eddie if you squint, possessive!Eddie, swearing, pet names, oral (fem!receiving), light choking, unprotected sex, penetrative sex, edging, creampie. (let me know if I missed anything)
wc: 4.3k (I'm so sorry)
a/n: First of all, I want to thank every single person who liked, reblogged or made comments about part one. I was shitting myself posting it because (like I said) this is not an original thought. I'd read a few and it gave me this wave of inspiration. I am very proud of this part. It's also a little long (sorry sorry sorry I couldn't stop) . Also I don't think I'll be doing a tag list? When I used to do that no one on the list would like the fic and it was a lot of work. I hope that is okay? Let me know if you want more! I love and appreciate all of you!
You weren’t the type of person who got shy. Your entire job is being in front of a camera, telling people what you like, what you wear, the type of music you listen to. You did brand deals and went on lots of trips with people you didn’t know. Public interaction was easy for you and you definitely enjoyed it. 
But being personally invited to your favorite band's concert (even if you had tickets already) as their frontman's personal guest? It makes you weak in the knees. 
Telling your team about the phone call went about as good as one would expect. Anna and Case frown at you while continuing to say ‘you could’ve let it go to voicemail and we could’ve handled it directly with his people. AND why did you have him send the information directly to you?’
They weren't necessarily wrong in being upset. There were plenty of ways a conversation like that could be twisted and fucked with, especially if, for whatever reason, someone was recording the phone call. It was very easy for them to manipulate and edit that kind of shit, and drama was the last thing you wanted. 
However, the rest of the week went by without an issue. The gossip magazines had moved on to something else (though there were a few who continued to speculate about your non-relationship with Eddie. You did your deals, and kept yourself busy. And by the time Friday rolled around you were hardly nervous. 
Or that’s what you kept telling yourself. 
“Bell bottom star pants. Absolutely,” Hana says from her place on your bathroom counter, practically in the sink. “With that black leather top you love AND the red leather jacket. Oh! Oh! Oh! And the red boots!” 
You put the outfit on, looking in the mirror, “you don’t think it’s too… stereotypical?” 
Hana looks at you through the mirror, “no such thing. You look great.” 
Hana was one of the few people in your life who’d tell you like it is. You could trust her to tell you if her gut feelings were off, or on. She was your best friend and one of the few people who weren’t just here for the exposure. She’s here to be your cheerleader and you were hers. 
“Alright, let's get this going before I change my mind which I am two seconds away from doing.” 
You should’ve changed your mind. 
You can hardly keep from throwing up as you're led by security to a private entrance. To get there you have to pass by their tour buses. All you can hear is loud music and whooping from inside. It’s clear they’re running around in there as the bus is rocking and all you can do is pray they don’t see you. 
You’re far too sober for the interaction you’ll be having at this current time. 
Unfortunately for you, the universe hates you. Just when you think you’re home free, the door opens, almost smacking you in the face. 
“Don’t think you can get away that easy, Asher,” Eddie says as he looks down at you. His pupils are blown wide, clearly from whatever drug he’s consumed. More than likely cocaine and weed. His words aren’t slurred so he isn’t drunk, though he does have a beer bottle in his large hands. 
God his hands, there have been many times where you’d imagine them wrapped around your throat, cutting off air as he fucks you like he hates you. You bet he could reach you even as he’s eating you out, he’s so tall and long. 
You wish you could say the grin you shoot at him is fake, however with the way he’s looking at you, like he wants to devour and smother you, it's not. You feel like a fucking school girl who has a crush. Your heart pounds so fast in your chest and you swear everyone around you can hear it. 
“We weren’t running away,” you say, voice a little breathier than you’d like. “Um this is my best friend-” 
“Hana, nice to meet you,” he cuts you off. It’s then that you see his eyes get wide and you know he’s been stalking your profile. Not that you can say anything because you’ve done it… a lot. “I, uh, saw the instagram story you put up earlier.” 
Hana smirks, “sure you did, big boy.” She pats his chest and is clearly much braver than you. That’s another thing about you and her, if one of you is feeling not confident, the other makes up for it. Like, on your own, asking for ketchup feels like cutting off a limb, but if she can't do it then it's up to you and vice versa. 
Eddie scratches the back of his neck, his black t-shirt stretching over his wide shoulder, “want to join us? We have alcohol!” 
“We would love that. Wouldn’t we?” Hana looks down at you with her brows raised, still taller than you in heels. 
You nod, “yes. Yeah absolutely! Are we allowed to photograph in here?” 
You know it’s a stupid thing to ask, but you also don’t want to take a photo of you and Hana and then not be able to post it. And what if you get photos with the rest of the band? Everyone already knows you’re going to be here. Just not… in this tour bus. 
Eddie nods, holding out his hand, “you are allowed to do whatever you want, pretty girl. And if anyone has an issue, send them my way, yeah?” He kisses the hand you’ve placed in his before leading you up the stairs of his bus. 
It's chaos in there, pure and utter chaos. You turn to look at Hana, silently telling her how insane this is. She nods slightly, but you see the grin on her face. Hana loves this stuff; the parties, the madness, all of it.
Eddie introduces you to the band, pulling you in closer by the waist. “You all need to be on your best behavior. No one touches her. Do you all understand me?” Your heart flutters at how serious he is and it instantly forces his bandmates eyes to fall to your feet. It’s impressive, actually. 
Suddenly, a bottle of beer is in your hands, passed to you by Eddie. “Oh… thank you.” You can hardly look at him as a small smile forms on your lips. His attention makes you feel all kinds of funny inside, your stomach doing flips. You know you have to look at him eventually, but he’s just so pretty that it actually hurts. 
“Um, so are you excited for your show?” This time you manage to actually drag your eyes to his. He smiles at you, his teeth so beautiful and perfect. It’s when he sits down that you realize that was a stupid question. Of course he’s excited. This is his actual job. 
He leans forward, elbows resting on his knees as he looks up at you through his lashes, you could kiss him. But you don’t for obvious reasons. Reasons you can't really think of at the moment. Not when he’s looking at you like that.  The beer bottle hangs in his right hand between his legs. 
“Very. Not much comes close to the feeling I get when we’re on that stage.” He shakes his head, curly hair moving with him, “plus, being able to hear people sing my songs back to me is fucking incredible.” 
His hand finds yours, pulling you a little closer. Eddie is testing the waters, you know this. Unfortunately for you, your brain can’t see through the cloud of lust. So, you let him pull you closer, sit you on his lap, and wrap an arm around you. 
Your brain does catch up, quicker than expected. “It seems like it’d be incredible. I applaud you cause I could never do that. I have stage fright.” 
He blinks up at you, “stage fright? Haven’t you done red carpet interviews and stuff?” 
You shift a little, shrugging, “well yes. But that’s different.” You can't stop the awkward laugh that comes out of you. It was true, it was different. You weren’t exactly sure why but it was. 
Eddie's thumb moves along your side slightly and it leaves goosebumps in its wake. 
“I’m being honest, the lights are so bright that I can’t see everyone in the crowds. Mainly just the front rows. Makes it easier.” 
Eddie puts his beer bottle on the ground by his feet before sitting up and grabbing a joint. He’s quiet as he lights it, puffing out smoke to get it going. “Want some?” 
He holds the joint towards you, waiting for your answer. You’ve done this before at the frat houses at college. You’ve done it here and there in high school as well. This is second nature, but this time you’re nervous. What if you forget how to inhale? What if you throw up? Any number of things can happen. 
Something happens inside you and your brain finally catches up to itself. A small stroke of confidence happens and without taking your eyes off of him, you lean forward, wrapping your lips around the joint and inhaling. His eyes stay locked on yours, his tongue wetting his lips. You pull back, slowly blowing out the smoke. 
“Fuckin’ hell.” It comes out in a whisper and you know he didn’t mean to say it out loud. His eyes falling from your eyes, to your lips and back again. 
God you want to kiss him. His pillowy lips would feel amazing against yours, you just know it. You start to lean into him, desperate to know if you’re right.   
A bang on the door scares the fuck out of the both of you and Eddies boot knocks over his bottle. It’s a good thing he drank most of it, the contents not spilling on the plush carpet. 
“Let’s get going guys. Put your dicks back in your pants, we have a show to do.” You know that voice, that’s their manager. He’s the one who called your people to make sure you had all the rules for this evening. 
Photos are fine. 
Everyone must be tagged. 
Nothing negative. 
Absolutely no photos of any white substances. Even if it’s sugar. 
That last one would be hard considering it was on every flat surface in neat, clean lines. 
You go to stand up, but Eddie stops you, his hand tightening on your hip. “Promise I’ll see ya after?” 
You nod, “y-yeah of course.” 
Before you know it, his lips are on yours. The kiss is soft, sweet and you don’t want it to end. In fact, you totally forget about all the other people in the room. Your hands find his face, pulling him closer as his tongue begs for permission. And once you grant it, it’s game over. 
He tastes like beer and weed and cigarettes and you love it. You want more. You want to get closer. 
But it’s not long before the door to his trailer opens up, his manager stepping into the bus. “I said get your dicks and tongues together. We cannot be late.” 
By the time the show is over you barely have a voice, and you’re sure you’ve never been more turned on in your life. It might seem silly to say, but Eddie's kiss lingered the entire show and all you want is more. 
Back stage the band is still running on adrenaline, drinking water for once to try and refuel for the rest of the night. The rest of the night being a club that they frequent. A club you don’t go to because of that exact reason. 
“Ohhhhh! There's the prettiest girls I’ve ever laid eyes on!” Eddie's voice booms as security goes to double check you and Hana. “Hey! Leave them alone. They’re with me.” 
Security stands back, hands raise like he knows it’ll cause more issues if he doesn’t. You almost feel bad for the poor guy, he was just trying to do his job. Like what if you had a bomb or something? 
“C’mon we gotta get outta here.” He laces his fingers with yours before he pulls you along with him. You look over your shoulder, catching Hana's eyes. 
Go! She mouths, hanging off Gareth's arm. I’ll meet you there! 
And so, you go. Are you nervous? Yes absolutely. Are you going to pretend you aren’t and have some confidence? Yes. Fake it till you make it right?
Eddie opens the door to the car, extending a hand, “ladies first.” 
You grin at him as you elegantly slide into the car, “wow. I didn’t know you were such a gentle man.” This time when you giggle, it's cute and self assured. 
“Yes, I have been told my entire life that I look,” he slides in sucking in a soft, thinking breath, “mean and scary.” 
“You look like a doberman but they’re precious babies.” You mean it too. He looks a little mean and scary, especially in the red lights of the stage. Not to mention the “devil music” (says the media) which can get a little dark. But that’s what makes it great, in your opinion. Plus, he does look like doberman. Like he could probably kill you but would actually not? 
“‘Precious babies?’” 
You nod, “mhm! I grew up with them. Very sweet and love kisses. Oh! And they each had their own comfort toys.” 
“Then maybe I am one because I do love kisses.” He’s closer now, his breath fanning over your face. He still smells like beer and cigarettes mixed in with the smell of his cologne. 
It’s your turn to close the gap and planting your lips on his. The kiss is hotter, more intense. One could argue it’s because of the alcohol swimming in your system that makes you so bold. You’re buzzed, but not drunk. It isn’t long before his hands are in your hair, tugging. It makes you moan in his mouth, opening up to him. 
He sits back, his hands in your hair pulling you with him, making you sit in his lap. Your legs rest on either side of his hips, your cunt nestled right against the bulge in his pants. He couldn’t hide it even if he wanted to. You test the waters by rocking your hips, the friction being so sweet that you’re the one who lets out a moan. 
“God, that is the sweetest sound I’ve ever heard.” He kisses down your neck, nipping and sucking as he goes. “Should record it and use it in our next song.” 
You hum and grin, “I wouldn’t mind that. Always wanted to be in a song. Can’t sing though.”  
He nips at your ear, “that’s my job baby.” 
Eddie's large hand grips your hips, stopping your movements. You want to whine, you want to protest. You were so fucking close. 
“We’ll save that for when we're back at my place.” 
You grin and kiss along his jaw, “who says I’m going back to your place?” 
“The way you were just grindin’ against my cock, angel.” He grins, “also with how you’re lookin’ at me.” 
“And how am I looking at you? Hmm?” 
“Like you want me to fuck you while your brain leaks out your cunt.” 
You shudder at the crudeness of his words. No one has ever spoken to you like that and looked like him. The car stopping in front of the club saves you from trying to come up with an answer. One you know will either be embarrassing or non-existent. 
He looks over at the paparazzi that is waiting and sighs, “are we going in together or…” 
The decision you make is quick. If you’re going to do this, even for one night, you’re going to do it together and let them talk. You give him a quick kiss, “together. Give ‘em something to talk about, yeah?” 
So, you do. 
The second you’re out of the car, cameras flash and photographers call out a mix of your name and his and you can hardly understand what they’re saying. You don’t stop to pose, letting them only photograph you and him walking hand and hand. Give them crumbs as your manager says. Once you’re in the club, not even needing to show an ID or give a name. 
From there the night happens in a blur. The band has the VIP section where bottles of expensive liquor are brought over by women dressed in a bikini. You know how much all of this costs (more than you can afford that’s for sure) but you also know that all of this is on Eddie and the bands tab. He’s told you six times. 
So you drink. And you smoke. And you watch pretty white lines disappear, most of which disappear up Eddie's nose. Of course you take videos, vlogging your night and making sure to follow all the rules that were set prior to this meeting. Taking photos to remember the night. Hana is having a blast, taking shots like it’s her job and making out with Gareth in between. Of course she takes photos with you, sitting in your lap and giggling so much the photos come out blurry. But those are your favorite kinds of photos. 
“Dance with me?” Eddie says in your ear over the music. 
You take the shot that is in your hands, “lead the way.” 
The second you’re surrounded by sweaty bodies you feel invisible. You’re sure someone has cameras on you and him but at the moment you don’t care. 
Your hips move to the music, back against Eddie's chest while his hands explore your body. His lips move against your neck, sucking a dark mark into it that you know you’ll struggle to cover later. Again, you don’t care. What you do care about is the hardness that you feel against your back. 
You spin around, grinning up at him. God he’s so fucking tall you have to tilt your head up a good bit to look at him. 
“We should get out of here,” you say as he pulls you into him. 
He smirks, “thought you weren’t coming back to my place sweetheart.” 
“Seems I told a fib. Now, I need you to take me home and fuck me like you hate me.” 
It’s all he needs before he’s grabbing you by the hand and pulling you out of the club. The car is there and he quickly pulls you into the back seat. Once those doors are closed, the window tint so dark you couldn’t see inside if you tried, his mouth his on yours. Your stomach flips and the neediness you feel coming off of him. He pulls you till you’re straddling him, legs on either side of his hips. Not really the safest but at this point, all you need is his lips on you. 
The ride to Eddie’s consists of lots of kissing, so much so that you know your lips are swollen. You don’t get to see much of Eddie’s house, too focused on getting inside the house and into his bedroom. He drags you up the stairs, your hand is his. And once you’re in his room, he has you pressed up against his bedroom door. 
“You’re so fucking hot, baby.” Eddie pushes your jacket off your shoulders while he speaks, his words going straight to your clit. Your mind can barely comprehend that Eddie Munson, the man you’ve had a crush on since they were considered an ‘underground band,’ is currently taking off your clothes. 
You do the same to him, pushing his leather jacket to the ground before tugging at the ends of his shirt and pulling it over his head. “Me? You are so beautiful.” 
He hums, popping the button on your jeans, “should we take a poll on who's prettier? Winner takes the loser on a date?” 
That makes you laugh, “sounds like a deal. But first, you need to fuck me.” 
His eyes nearly go black at that and before you can think, he’s throwing you on this bed. You land with a small oomph. You decide to take a little initiative, pulling off your boots, scooting off your pants and pulling off your top. 
Eddie watches, rapt and almost possessed, his eyes scanning your partially naked body. It’s not anything more than someone would see if you posted in a bathing suit, but you can’t help but feel nervous that he isn’t going to like you. 
He quickly puts those fears (fears he knows nothing about) to rest as he settles between your legs. His eyes don’t leave yours as he kisses up your thighs. You know there is a wet patch on your underwear and you know he can see it. You do feel embarrassed about it, but at the same time, Eddie is slightly rutting against the bed so he must like it. Right? 
You can feel your body heat as he gets closer and closer to your center. 
“Eddie, please don’t tease me.” Never have you begged a man. Typically whoever you were in bed with did the begging, much to your dislike. You were desperate for someone to take charge. Now you know why they didn’t. One bruise and they get shit from all your followers. Even if you tell them to leave these men alone. 
But Eddie? He wasn’t afraid. 
“But it’s so much fun to watch you squirm.” 
You huff, squirming exactly like he said as he sits up to pull your underwear down your legs before setting back between them. “Need you to touch me.” 
He licks a stripe up your slit, sucking on your clit as he gets to the top. The sound that falls from your lips is beautiful, sweeter than the sound you made in the car. Now Eddie really wants to put you in a song, but the jealous, primal side of him never wants someone else to be able to hear your moans. 
In fact, he doesn’t want to think about any of the other men who’ve heard you make these sounds. Murder wasn't really on his list of things he enjoyed. Bar fights? Yes. Murder? No. 
“You make the prettiest sounds, sweetheart. S’very hot.”  He slides two fingers inside you with little resistance, curling them up to hit the spongy spot inside you. The stretch feels good, your hips moving on their own, riding Eddie's fingers. 
You're close, the build up of this moment really getting closer than you originally thought. “Squeezin’ my fingers so tight, baby. Are you close?” 
You nod, afraid if you speak you’ll say something ridiculous. 
But that isn’t good enough for Eddie. “Words.” 
That was clearly the wrong thing to say because he pulls his fingers from inside you, the emptiness making you gasp, “no! No, no, no I was so close!” 
He laughs as he pushes his pants and boxers off his body. “Exactly. Want you to cum with my cock inside you.” 
You look down between your bodies and your eyes widen. He was big and you accidentally voice what you’re thinking, “fuck… not gonna fit.” 
His laugh drags your eyes back to him, his cock moving through your slick and bumping your clit. “Baby you are so wet that I have no doubt it’ll fit.”  
You don’t have time to be embarrassed about it because Eddie is pushing inside you. The size of him stretching you makes you feel like he’s going to split you in half. But you don’t care, the burn just turns you on more and more and before you know it he’s seated inside you fully. 
“Fuck, Eddie.” 
Eddie is panting, trying to keep still so he doesn’t cum before he wants to. “Feel so fuckin’ good, sweetheart. A man could become obsessed with this pussy.” 
He moves right as you begin to speak, nearly knocking the air out of your lungs. He feels like he’s everywhere. “W-witchcraft” 
He fucks you harder, his cock hitting your cervix. You’re definitely going to have a bruise there but it's so worth it. 
“Didn’t know you were into dark shit. S’my schtick.” 
You wrap your legs around him, orgasm building again, “more alike than you originally thought huh?” 
He wraps a tattooed hand around your throat, squeezing gently and making your head spin, “oh, angel, I knew how alike we were the second you told everyone how bad you wanted to fuck me.” 
“C-can you blame me? Knew you’d fuck me just h-how I like.” 
You clench around him making him hiss, “yeah you need someone who will take control huh?” 
The hand around your neck slides down your body till he finds your clit, circling it. 
“Oh god! Please.” 
“I can get used to you prayin’ to me.” His thrusts are losing rhythm (something he’s usually very good at keeping) and you know he’s close. “Cum baby. I need it.” 
And it’s all you need to fall over the cliff and into bliss. He follows you, coming inside you while you squeeze around him. You both moan each other's names and you sigh as you come down. 
Eddie breaks the silence first, ��that was… amazing.” 
You hum in agreement as he slides out of you and curls up beside you. You take a moment before getting up and cleaning up in the bathroom. When you come back Eddie has left out an old Corroded Coffin t-shirt and some boxers. And once they’re on, you slide back into his bed, laying your head on his chest.
“We should put that poll up, huh? I’m itching to win this bet.” Eddie laughs as he says it and before you know it, you two are finding a photo the both of you like and posting it on your story with the caption, ‘which one is prettier? Honesty is the best policy.’ 
“And now… we wait.”
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russellsppttemplates · 6 months
All the milestones (Lando Norris)
Fraser came earthside earlier than you expected
Note: english is not my first language. Believe it or not, I'm also a preemie (genetically and health wise, I am a catch, I know). Jokes aside as this is a serious topic, I was born at thirty three weeks because of some complications and it all turned out well, but I am aware of what it entailed from people telling me and it isn't something I've seen around here! Knowing that the diversity I write brings comfort to read and to ask this warms my heart up so much 🫶 I'm also basing this off of my mum's experience!
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: mentions c-section and themes related to hospital stays and procedures, prematurity, pre-eclampsia
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
"I'm really sorry I can't go with you, darling", Lando apoligised as he set the plate with lunch in front of you, "it's okay, it's just an ultrasound", you responded, "we're just going to check if everything is alright with you, right, little one?", you tapped your babybump softly. At thirty weeks pregnant, you were starting to feel the tiredness and aches like you had felt in your previous pregnancy, only now you had a toddler to look after as well, so you had been taking it easy. Fortunately, you were able to juggle work and family life in a way that allowed you to make the minimum compromise to both spheres of your life.
"Drink your water, baby", Lando reminded you, tapping the jug, "I'm going to pick up my dad from the airport and then we'll both get Tilly. Are you feeling like going out for dinner or should I get take out and we eat here?", he questioned, taking a bite of his food.
"I'd prefer to stay in", you stated, "are you feeling like anything special?", he asked back.
"Right now I can't think of anything", you offered, not really looking forward to eating the delicious food in front of you if you were really being honest. Still, you manage to eat the most of it.
"Have a good meeting, Lan, I love you", you said as you put your coat on, grabbing your bag with all your documents.
"Be safe, okay, baby?", he checked, kissing the top of your head and then kissing your baby bump, "and you too, buddy, keep yourself and mummy safe and sound, don't give her too much trouble", he said, helping you out of the door before you went on your separate ways, "I love you, gorgeous mummy!", he winked before he got inside his car.
Once you arrived at the hospital and checked yourself in, your midwife Amelia greeted you in the examination room, "how have you been feeling, Y/N?", she asked as she slipped the bad on your arm to get your blood pressure numbers, sending the urine sample to the lab.
"I've been feeling a little tired, especially compared to last time, which I can only put down to having Tilly, and she's a very calm child", you giggled, remaining quiet as the machine got your numbers.
"These look quite high, did you run up here?", she asked, "no, I got here earlier than I expected actually, I've been sitting on the waiting room for a bit", you scrunched your face.
"We'll just wait for your results and then we'll see if it's something we have to wordy about", she tranquilized, "let's see you baby boy, shall we?", she smiled as you lifted your shirt, letting her apply the cream and move the wand around.
"There's your son, Y/N", she smiled, "He's a bit quiet, but the heartbeat sounds good", she smiled, taking a few more pictures so you could bring them home for Lando and Matilda to see.
A knock on the door alerted you both as Amelia was taking your measurements, "I have the results for Y/N Y/L/N-Norris", your OB checked, seeing you in the room, "Hi, Y/N, I thought I'd only see you later", she said as she walked in. She pulled on a stool and sat on it, "your results are indicating that you might be in pre-eclampsia", she said as she showed the tablet's screen to Amelia, her stern expression confirming your suspicions on how serious the situation was, "your body is having trouble keeping up with everything, hence your high blood pressure and your urine results suggest your kidneys are working overtime as well", Dr. Martin said as you straightened up, hands coming to wrap around your baby bump protectively, "your baby is fine, so that's not a big worry, but we do think it would be best if we delivered him tonight", she advised.
"But he's too small", you argued.
"You're at thirty weeks, which isn't ideal, but the survival rate is very very high for babies born at this time, and we also have a team that is specialised in preemie care, so he will be in the best hands", she comforted, "we need to give you corticosteroids to make sure the baby's lungs are ready for when he comes earthside, we'll get you admitted and monitor you and the baby to make sure he's not struggling either. In a few days, depending on how this goes, we'll do a c-section. I know it's not ideal, but this is the best way to make sure you and baby boy stay safe".
Sighing, you nodded, "okay, whatever is best for both of us", you asserted, "I just need to call Lando - my father in-law is coming to stay for a bit and they're getting Matilda from school", you thought out loud.
"Absolutely, dear, everything is going to be just fine", Amelia conforted while Dr. Martin set you up to go to a room.
Lando helped Matilda up to her car seat, strapping her in as she spoke to his father, "and did you have a good day, princess?", Adam asked, "yes, we coloured lots and we saw a couple of butterflies when we were having our snack!", she smiled as Lando drove home.
The car system alerted them of a call from you, "hey, beautiful, I'm in the car with my father and Tilly - say hi to mummy, babygirl!", he encouraged, "Hi, mummy!", she cheered, "Hey Y/N", Adam greeted too.
"Hey, guys! Lando, can you give the phone to your dad, please?", you asked, "sure, love", he said as he disconnected the phone from the car, nodding his father to take the phone in the console.
"Hey, Y/N, is everything alright?", Adam asked over the phone, "Hey, Adam, I hope you travelled well! I'm not sure if Lando told you, but I had an appointment today, and it turns out I have to be admitted", you began, "I don't want to worry him, much less when he's driving, so as soon as you get home, can you tell him to call me back again, please? Baby Fraser might join us sooner than we expected", you mumbled, nerves obvious in your voice as Adam stayed with a neutral face.
"Absolutely, Y/N, I'll let him know", he said before hanging up.
"What was it? Is everything alright?", Lando asked, knowing there would be a reason as to why you didn't want to have everyone listening to the conversation.
Checking the rearview mirror to see Matilda playing with one of her books, Adam clarified Lando, "she is going to stay at the hospital for a little longer than she expected for some check ups, she didn't want Matilda to hear about it", he said. It wasn't too much of a lie, and he certainly didn't want to scare anyone and since Lando would be calling you anyway, it could wait for a bit, "she asked you to call her when you got home. Don't worry, I'll keep Matilda entertained", he smiled.
Once they arrived, Adam left his things in the guest bedroom and met Matilda in the kuchen, "grandpa will make you some snacks. What do you want, darling?", he asked as he urged Lando to go and make a call to you.
"Hi, baby", Lando said as you picked up, "dad said you wanted me to call you, is everything alright?", he asked as he stepped inside the bedroom, hanging his coat in the closet.
"Hi, my love", you sighed and sending Lando into alert, "when they did my check up, Amelia took my blood pressure and it was really high, and my urine sample didn't look great either. It turns out I'm in pre-eclampsia and they want to keep me for observation, and it's likely Fraser will join us in the next few days", you added, "I need you here -, and things for me", you let out.
"Are you okay? I'll start packing right away", he said as he put his phone on speaker, looking for pyjamas and toiletries.
"My blood pressure is high - so far there's no distress for the baby, and they want to keep him in for as long as they can", you explained, "I, I am fine staying here on my own, that's okay, but I really need you here for a bit", you asked, "of course, my love. I'm going to pack these up quick and I'll be there. I love you", he said before you said it back, putting his phone in his pocket and zipping the bag.
"Daddy, where are you going?", Matilda asked as she saw the bag, "princess, mummy is going to stay in the hospital for a bit so the doctors can make sure her and baby are okay, and daddy is going to take a few things for her", he announced, crouching down so he was at her level.
"Is mummy sick?", she pouted, "she's a little tired, so they're going to make sure she rests up as much as she can", he slipped out, "I'm going to be there for a little bit to giver her her pyjamas so she's comfy, and then I'll be right back, okay? Can you stay here with grandpa?", he asked.
"Okay, daddy", she said before walking away, "but wait!", she called from the hall.
"I'll get dinner started and tuck her in if it gets too late - she didn't want me to tell you until you were home", he apoligised, "I know, I know, thanks for being here, it was bloody good timing", Lando mused.
Matilda came back with one of her stuffed toys, a McLaren bear she loved, "this is for mummy, so she doesn't sleep alone", she smiled sweetly. Maybe her innocence was positive because it meant she was dealing with the situation quite well.
"I'll give it to mummy, baby girl, I bet she'll love it", he smiled, kissing her cheek and leaving to the garage so he could drive to the hospital.
When he arrived, Amelia walked up with him as she told you all there was to know, knocking on your room door before they stepped inside.
"Darling", he said, setting the bag down and sitting next to you on the bed, kissing your forehead protectively, "how are you?", he asked.
"Fine, although I don't think it has really sunk in", you mumbled, playing with his fingers, "how is Tilly?", you wondered.
"She gave you Mr. Brown", he said as he fished out the bear from the bag, "she said she wanted you to have it so you wouldn't be alone in here", he smiled.
After spending as much time as he could with you, he bid you goodbye and went home, finding his father washing up the dishes as Matilda got her pyjamas on for the night, "I have a tupperware for you in the fridge if you want something to eat".
"Thanks, I've got it from here though - c'mon, little miss, we're going to sleep!", Lando hoisted her up, holding her on his hip as they walked upstairs to the bedroom, "can I sleep in your bed, daddy?", Matilda spoke in a small voice, "I don't want you to be alone either", she admitted.
Smiling at her sweetness, he nodded, "of course you can, love. Mummy sent her goodnight wishes for you, and maybe we can visit her tomorrow, how does that sound?", he smiled, "yes, please, daddy!".
"I made these for you, mummy, so your room is nice and colourful!", Matilda smiled as Lando let you in for a cuddle, your little girl getting help from her grandfather at ripping the tape so she could display her drawings she brought you almost daily, only missing days where Landk hadn't been able to bring her to the hospital because of their schedules.
"That's beautiful, darling, thank you so much", you gushed before turning to Lando, "has she cried again?", you whispered. You had been in the hospital for five days now, and two nights ago Matilda started with what was a tantrum at first and then evolved to crying about the fact that you weren't home. Lando was able to talk it out with her, welcoming her and allowing her to talk about how she was feeling and how it was beyond the fact that her tights were itching her.
"No, yesterday she told me she couldn't wait for you to come home, and that you were taking longer than she liked", he snickered, "always little miss rushing when it comes to you", he kissed the side of your head. Even though she was a daddy's girl through and through, she never made you feel left out.
"Y/N", Dr. Martin called after she stepped inside the room, "Oh, Matilda, you're so grown up already! Time flies by", she said as she waved at your little girl while Adam pulled her to sit on his lap, whispering "That's mummy's doctor, she is going to check up on her so you have to keep quiet, okay?" into her ear.
"I was checking your results, and I think between tonight and tomorrow, we might have to deliver your baby boy", she stated, everyone in the room straightening up as Matilda tried to read the adults' faces.
"His lungs look really good in the ultrasound we did this morning - as you know those were our biggest concerns, so we'll come up to monitor you, okay?", she rubbed your shoulder comfortingly before excusing herself.
"Well, I think it's best if we get going, then", Adam said as he got up, coming up to kiss the top of your head and squeeze your hand in his.
"Mummy, I know you're going to do very well", she said, earning small giggles around the room, "when can I come and meet the baby?", she stepped up to give you a kiss.
"We will have to see how it all goes, princess, but when you can, you'll be the first to come, okay?", you smiled, brushing the curls out of her eyes and kissing her head.
"I'll drop these guys home, get the baby bag and then I'll be back", Lando said, kissing your lips and your baby bump, "you stay in there for just a little longer, okay buddy?".
By the time Lando got back to the hospital, you had already been given a few medications to prep you for the c-section, "Kelly and Max advised that I shopped for some smaller clothes, so I have those in there", he tapped the baby bag, "and how are you feeling?", he cupped your cheek.
"My blood pressure is really high, so they're thinking about putting me under, like, full body anesthesia", you bit your lip. Getting surgery was already a big thing, but being completely under was another.
"Oh, okay", Lando gulped, "they won't let me be in there then", he realised, "that's not how we wanted this to happen, but it's going to be okay, gorgeous. You're the strongest woman I know, you're going to be just fine", he smiled, "and our baby boy will come out screaming and he will be the strongest little one ever", he said, trying to convince you and himself of his words. He was scared too, but it wouldn't do you both any good to dwell on it too much.
Knocking on the door, one of the lovely interns and Amelia came to get you, "are we all ready? I'm afraid you already know this, Lando, but you won't, be able to be with us in the OR", she apoligised, "I'll wait right here, if that's okay", your husband suggested, kissing you one last time before they wheeled you off, "I love you, Y/N", he muttered against your lips.
While he waited, he looked at the drawings in the room with precise attention, finding one where Matilda drew the four of you, her brother in your arms and Lando holding her hand, names scribbled under each person in Adam's writing.
Less than an hour later, Amelia stepped into the room, Lando getting up from his spot on the chair immediately, "everything went well, they were weaning Y/N off of the anesthesia, she's going to the PACU until she wakes up and then back here", she smiled, "your little boy is in the neonatal unit, do you want to come and meet him?", she asked, Lando letting out a sigh of relief at her words, "I'll let you know when Y/N comes back to the room", she ensured, having been in the job long enough to know the dilemma of wanting to be in two places at the same time.
"Yes, let's go", he said as he straightened up his sweater, "can I hug you?", he allowed himself to feel emotional, Amelia's open arms offering him a little comfort, "they're both alright, Lando, you have such a beautiful family", she cooed.
Walking with him to the neonatal care unit, she helped him into one of the gowns as they greeted the other parents inside along with all of the staff, "this is your little boy", she said, offering him a sanitizer for his hands, "he can't eat on his own just yet, so that single tube on his nose is feeding him, the other one is giving him oxygen, and those stickers are to make sure his heart is doing okay - little milestones and little victories", she explained as Lando took him in.
Surely, he was much smaller than Matilda, but he could already spot some similarities, "Can I touch him?", he asked, weary of disturbing the perfectly architected environment inside the incubator, "yes, of course! Just be mindful of the wires and tubes", she encouraged, opening the little doors so Lando could touch your son.
"Hey, buddy", he spoke as he touched his tiny fingers, "you're already such a fighter, breathing so well without ventilation", he cooed. He looked up all the complications and when he didn't see a mechanical ventilator, he couldn't help but feel proud of the baby, "he is, we did all the tests and for now supplemental oxygen seems to be enough", Dr. Martin said softly, not wanting to spook them as she showed up, "everything went well with Y/N, she should make a full recovery once it heals", she rubbed his back.
"Thank you", he said, keeping the tears at bay as he looked back at Fraser, "you're so tiny they had to roll up your diaper, hm little love?", he spoke, "there are so many people who love you and they have so much of it to give you".
A little while later, Amelia told him they were taking you up to your room, so Lando said goodbye to Fraser, "I'm going to see mummy, Fraser, and I'm going to tell her how much of a higher you are, I love you", he cooed one last time, rubbing his arm before taking his hands away, closing the little doors and folding the gown for later.
Walking into the corridor to your room, Lando could spot you in the other end, smiling as you spotted him too, "nearly beat you in this race", you smiled at him as he gestured for them to wheel you into the room, "everything went as expected, Dr. Martin will be up shortly to speak to you two", one of the interns said.
"How are you feeling, gorgeous?", he said, brushing your hair away from your eyes and behind your ears, "I'm fine, the meds are helping with the pain, I'm sure", you giggled, "they gave me a good dose".
"That's nice, at least", he said, "I've texted everyone to let them know you were okay and everything went well", he added.
"Have you seen him yet?", you asked, "yes, I have", Lando beamed, "He's very tiny and he looks a little bit like Tilly already. And he's such a fighter, too! He only had those little pin-like tubes to help him breathe, they didn't need any incisions or anything. I would've taken a picture but I couldn't take my hands away from him", he admitted.
"Hopefully soon I can see him", you gulped, knowing it would off the books for a bit since you had abdominal surgery.
"All in due course, baby. I'm so happy you're both fine", he kissed your forehead.
"I just want to hold my baby!", you hiccuped, wiping the tears falling on your cheeks while Amelia conforted you, "just one more day, Y/N, maybe two at maximum to make sure you're healing well, too", she smiled apologetically.
A knock on the door alerted you as Lando and Matilda walked inside, making you wipe your cheeks quickly, "mummy!", she cheered softly, approaching you and climbing on the bed softly since she knew you were healing, "have you been crying, mummy?", she said, hugging your arm and resting her head there.
"Mummy is upset because I can't go and see Fraser today", you explained as Lando kissed the top of your head.
Amelia excused herself as you caught up with everything back home, "grandpa asked me to give you kisses", Matilda recalled as she kissed your cheeks, "his plane has landed alresdy", Lando added, "That's nice of him, thank you darling".
"We can go and meet Fraser, Tilly", Lando said as the window they allowed visitors in was coming to the half-time mark, "I'm going to give him loads of kisses from you mummy, don't worry about it!", your daughter said sweetly as she climbed off the bed, "I'm going to try and FaceTime, okay?", Lando confirmed, handing you your phone before they left for the neonatal unit.
"Matilda, darling, you have to put this on, okay?", one of the nurses gave her a mask, "she's in nursery and she might have caught some bug that isn't showing symptoms yet and it could be harmful for the babies", he checked with Lando as your husband nodded.
"It's like a costume, Tilly!", Lando tried to make it fun for her, adjusting the gown and then the mask around her face, "you can't go around touching things, okay princess?", he stated as she nodded, ready to meet her little brother.
Lando got himself gowned and led them to Fraser's incubator, "that is Fraser, baby", he cooed, typing on his phone inside the clear bag and FaceTiming you like he promised so you too could see the moment they met for the first time.
"He's so tiny", she gasped, standing on the stepping stool so she could see him properly, "I can't kiss him, can I?", she asked and Lando shook his head, watching you smile on the screen, "I'm going to blow him the kisses I have from mummy then", she said, her hand making the movements from her covered mouth to her brother, "I love you, Fraser, and mummy loves you too, she can't be getting because her tummy still hurts a little", she told him.
"This just makes you want to have another right away, doesn't it?", Lando croaked out as he wiped a tear from his eye, your wide eyes looking at him, "not anywhere in the near future - my body knows that much!", you giggled at the soft sight, "but it is incredibly cute, yes", you smiled as tears fell on your cheeks too.
"Look, mummy! He moved his hand, he's saying hello to you", Matilda smiled, "He's saying he wants to see you, too!".
You were finally able to stand up and sit in a wheelchair, so your other goal for the day was going to see your son.
Amelia was the first to say she would take you, helping you sit and getting you there, "That's your little boy right there", she pointed as you were filled with giddiness and excitement.
Wheeling you to face plastic bassinet, your hand went straight inside, "he doesn't need oxygen anymore?", you asked his doctor, noticing the single tube you recognised as a feeding tube, "no, not anymore", he said, "we ran some tests this morning and he's doing just fine on his own, strong set of lungs he has! He woke two of the other babies up yesterday", he smiled.
Chuckling, you touched his arm softly, his hands opening and closing, "do you want to hold him?", he asked, catching you by surprise. Until now, no one ever held him as to make sure the treatments being done were working as best as they could.
"Can I?", you asked, eyes hopeful, "me and the rest of the team think he's finally strong enough to move out of here actually", he added, "not enough to go home just yet, but he can be in your room. This way you can have him close to you and of anything happens or you need help, the staff in your floor know what to do. He just needs to be able to feed without a pump, so either breastfeeding or bottle feeding", he stated.
"Wow, okay, I wasn't expecting this, I was so happy that I got to see him", you teared up, bringing your arms to position so the doctor could place your baby in your arms, mindful of the feeding tube that was still in him, "hey, my love", you cooed, touching his cheeks, "I'm your mummy. I know you were rushed out of my tummy, and it was scary for both of us, but it's looking up now", you cried, Amelia wiping your cheeks as she smiled too.
"Do you mind if we take his tube out now? Might be a little better for this little guy to be in his mummy's chest", the doctor suggested, getting the supplies he needed and setting them in the tray.
"It's okay, little guy", he said as he pulled it out, baby Fraser crying at the discomfort you could only imagine as you rubbed his back, "it's okay, my love, mummy's here to make it better", you shushed him, kissing his head multiple times.
"There, all done!", the doctor said, "if you want, you can feed him here or in your room, where you feel best", he wondered, "could we go to the room, please? I have my supplies there, too", you asked.
You had been pumping milk out since it came in, and you were finally able to feed him straight from your nipple, "okay, little one, you can't get lazy on us now that mummy has you in her room", Amelia encouraged, tapping his cheek slightly as he began suckling on your nipple, "there we go!", she cheered, "I told you it would get better, didn't I?", she winked at you.
When Lando and Matilda came for their daily visit, they didn't expect to see you walking around the room, your back facing the door, "you're up, mummy, that's good!", your daughter said as you turned around, showing her brother on your chest, "oh", she gasped.
"He passed all his tests, and he's getting chubby too", you cooed, squishing his thigh softly as Lando took the sight in, Matilda holding onto you as you patted her head and held your son. Your family was complete.
"That's daddy, Fraser", you cooed, pointing at Lando as your baby boy looked around to the two new people in the room.
"Can I have a cuddle?", Lando whispered before you transferred Fraser to his arms, your little boy curling up against him just like he had been curled up to you.
"Does this mean you get to go home?", Matilda asked, hugging you properly as you sat down on the bed with her, "not for a few days still, they just need to make sure Fraser is alright", you informed, "then we can go home and the four of us are going to have loads of fun", you smiled.
"Tilly, can you help me here, please?", Lando called as her footsteps approached your bedroom, "can you get me that bedding from the drawer, please?", Lando asked as he held the mattres up, not wanting to miss the exact placement of the sheet, "thank you, baby, you're such a clever girl", he complimented, folding the corner in and letting the mattress fall back into place.
"When mummy comes home tonight, is Fraser coming with her?", she wondered, touching the next to me bassinet you kept in your room for the baby to sleep in the first few months, "yes, he is, he's finally good and big enough to come home, no more hospital visits", Lando sighed. The last couple of weeks were hard. Juggling things on his own made him even more appreciative of you and the efforts you made to make sure everything was smoothly running in the house, as well of your friends and family who suported your family in every way they could.
"That's going to be nice, the hospital smells funny", she scrunched up her nose, "and it's going to be like before but with baby Fraser?", she wondered.
"At first mummy will need our help in many things - she still has some recovery to do, but then it will be back to normal, yes", Lando offered, "and we'll have Fraser to go with us in our adventures".
"I can't wait to show him my soft blankets and my toys", she beamed, helping Lando with the bed and then getting ready to pick you up from the hospital.
"Thank you again for all of your work and dedication, we truly can't say it enough for all you've done for our family", Lando said to the team as they discharged you from the hospital, waving at Fraser in his carrier as he looked around.
By the time the four of you were back home, you ate dinner on the sofa, Matilda cuddled up to your side while Fraser slept in your chest, Lando holding the four of you in his embrace as much a she could, "we're finally all together", you smiled, "the Norris family is all together in one place we it should be", he said, kissing your lips softly, hand coming to rest on top of yours in Fraser's back as Matilda smiled up at you, "this is the best day ever", she murmured.
Post partum blurb
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, power imbalance, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your relationship with your boss takes an unpredictable turn.
Characters: Nick Fowler
Note: double chapter day! Thank you to @alicedopey for the ask! I see you girl.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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Cotton drags over tinted skin, flecks it red catching along with the new blood trickling from the split. A hiss passes through clenched teeth despite your gentleness. The act reminds you of when your daughter was only six, crying over a scraped knee as you covered it with a Spongebob bandaid. You don't have any of the yellow strips now, just the roll of gauze and medical tape.
"Ah," Nick clenches his jaw again.
"Sorry," you murmur, "it needs pressure."
You push your thumb against the cotton and he winces, forcing a smile as he crackles out a chuckle.
"I can handle it, honey," he assures you as you hold the cotton above his brow, his other brilliant eye looking up at you. "Just like you handle me so well."
You don't respond. Your boss is a mercurial man. One moment, charming, the next rigid and ignitable. You've learned it's better to just go along with whatever mood he's chosen.
"Other guy looks worse," he remarks as you lift the cotton.
You nod, "I'm sure, sir."
He laughs again, closing his eyes with a sigh. He sits reclined in one of the leather armchair, his head tilted as you tend to him. It's after midnight. You're supposed to be at home sleeping. Your daughter's coming back from college for the weekend, you planned on brunch.
You sift out the box of slender steri-strips and bend over him, carefully sealing the gash above his brow. He's a handsome man. Objectively, you must admit it. Dangerous, too, but you don't wonder about the cuts and bruises. He has a shining badge that tells you more than enough.
"Hands of a goddess," he purrs as he opens his other eye again.
You stand and gather up the waste, packing away the medkit. You thank him plainly and fight the urge to look at the clock. You wad up the used gauze in your fist.
"Sir, is there anything else tonight?"
He lifts his head, both eyes on you now. He considers you as he sits straight and grips his knees. He stands and shrugs, spinning on his heel and striding to the mirror hung on the wall, just above the low table decorated with brass and oak.
"Did I interrupt you?" He asks as he checks his reflection. His left cheekbone is purpled and scraped.
"No, I was only sleeping," you say. You try not to let on that it doesn't come easy or often for you. It's not his concern.
"Mmm," he squints at himself and winces as it tugs at his wound. "Well, you can find an extra room here, drive back in the morning."
"That's kind, sir, but I'm okay," you back up, "I'll clean this up and go if there's nothing else."
"You'll just be back tomorrow," he turns and crosses his arms.
"Um, it's my day off, sir."
He clicks his tongue and nods, "forgot."
You force a small smile. No big deal.
"Got big plans then?"
You hesitate. He doesn't usually ask. You shake your head. You don't think he really cares.
"Would you like some scotch before I go then?"
He inhales, chest rising deeply before falling again. He drops his arms and slips his hands into his pockets. One tail of his shirt is untucked and his jacket is splotched with dark stains. He is sauvely unkempt.
"Sure," he grumbles as he paces before the artificial fireplace.
You dip your chin and leave him. You toss away the garbage and tuck away the kit. You wash your hands before you return to the den and take the thick-bodied decanter from the cabinet. He stands with one hand on the mantle as he stares at the floor.
You pour him a glass and bring it to him. He accepts it without looking up. You ask him if he wants the rest left out for him. He says it doesn't matter.
You bid him good night as he resumes his pensive trance. The adrenaline slakes away and now he's coming down. He'll be in for a good sleep, a lot better than your own. You'll be lucky to get a few hours before you're due to meet Josephine.
You smile across at your daughter. Every time you see her, she seems more grown up than the last. She has a pretty flower pin in her hair and her lips are glossed the perfect shade of rose. She reminds you of your age, both in a good way and a bad way.
You don't fail to notice the other looks in Josephine's direction. Joey, she corrected you when you picked her up. The changes in her make you feel stagnant. You suppose that comes with age too. You're done blossoming, you only have the wilting ahead of you.
"So, exciting," you say as you pinch the stem of your glass, a pair of mimosas between you as you await your entrees, "you got an internship."
"Um, yeah, it's not bad," she pushes her shoulders up, "my boss is okay, I guess."
"That's good, most bosses don't earn much more than 'eh' as a rating," you kid, "sorry, kiddo."
"Mom," she warns.
"I know, sorry," you correct yourself, "I'll try not to do it again."
You remember being her age. Caught in between adulthood and childhood, not wanting to be reminded of the latter.
"It's fine," she sighs, "I just... I'm trying to be a grown-up, you know?"
"Oh, you've got lots of time for that, Miss Lawyer," you trill, "you are very grown up. You know that, don't you? I'm so proud of you."
"Still got a far way to go," she sips from her own glass. You couldn't have ever imagined your daughter with prosecco sparkling in her hand, but there she is. You almost can't believe she's yours. "Let's talk about you. That's a lot less stressful."
"Ha, but boring," you roll your eyes. "You know, same old."
"Oh, trust, I could tell by the dark circles."
"Oof, you did not," you cackle, "Josephine-- Joey."
"You should try some vitamin C cream--"
"Don't," you warn her with a point across the table.
She giggles and her eyes flit around. There's something else. Something she's not telling you. But she wants to.
"What's going on?" you prompt.
"This is such a nice place," she looks at the table and fidgets, "thanks for breakfast, mom..."
"But..." you add on.
"I... hate to ask but..."
"You need money," you utter, "that's okay. We can make it work. What's it for?"
"Books," she says, "I kinda ran out before I could buy them all, so..."
"That's okay. I'll see if I can't get a few extra hours at work then."
As if he could hear the very allusion to his existence, your phone flashes with a private caller. It's Nick. It's only ever him. You flip the phone down to hid the call.
"Take it," your daughter insists, "it's fine."
"No, it isn't. It's my day off. It's our day," you say, "it can wait."
She smiles. She's so pretty. You can't help but feel inadequate next to her; your own daughter. She's young and vibrant and you're wearing a blouse you bought a decade ago that squeezes your middle a bit too tight.
"Like I said, I'm boring," you sit forward, "tell me about the good stuff. The juicy stuff. Any boys-- or, men?"
"Mom," she snipes.
"What? I gotta live vicariously through you."
She rolls her eyes, "no."
You laugh. You always loved teasing her. She's hard-nosed and too focused to worry about the piddly troubles caused by boys. Or...
"Any girls?"
She looks at you with fire in her eyes. Ah, that's it.
"What's her name?" You goad.
"No, it's nothing. We're not even-- I mean, there's no one," she takes another gulp of her mimosa.
"Sureeee," you drag out the word teasingly, "how many more of those to spill?"
"Enough," she warns, "what about you, huh? You seeing anyone besides your soap operas?"
Now it's your turn to frown, "no," you answer evenly, "I... don't think that's in the cards for me, honey."
"Mom, it's okay," she softens her voice, "dad wouldn't... he would want you to be happy."
"Mm, he would, but he was my happy," you bat your lashes against the singeing heat. "I'm okay, really."
"You deserve someone," she says. "You don't have to be alone."
"I am alone, doesn't mean I'm lonely," you deflect. "Anyway, let's enjoy this. I don't get enough of you."
"Alright, twist my arm, I'll settle for free mimosas and a breakfast bowl," she gives a snarky grin.
You smile. She's the hope you have left. You hope that she never goes through the same pain again. One loss is enough for both of you.
Joey orders and Uber and you sidle in next to her. You clutch your phone over your purse as the haze of the mimosas fogs in your vision. You may have indulged a bit much.
Your phone shines and you look down. 'Private'.
"I see what you mean about bosses," Joey chides.
"It's not-- not a big deal," you dismiss the call.
"Mom, maybe it's an emergency," she sniffs, "he's been calling a lot."
"He's an adult, I just sweep up his crumbs," you wave her off.
Your phone lights up once more. You're starting to get paranoid. Still, you have to maintain boundaries. Today is your day off.
You exhale and sit back. You watch the city smear by and yawn. The restless night tingles on your eyelids.
Finally, you get to your apartment and slump out of the Uber. You stop as Joey helps you tip the driver with the app and you carry on into the lobby of your building. The feeling of the world passing you by lingers beyond the car ride.
Upstairs, you get Joey settled into the room you haven't changed since she left. She puts her bag on the bed and hangs out in the living room as you put on a pot of coffee. It's too early to be this tipsy. You yawn and your phone once more comes to life.
You swipe it up and tell Joey to help herself to the coffee as you sweep out of the room. You head down the hall and step into your bedroom as you answer, "Mr. Fowler."
"You're busy?" Nick asks.
"It's my day off," you say firmly.
"Yes, we talked about that."
You're quiet. Confused. You try to recall the last time he bothered you outside of work. When you're not being paid for it, you never really hear from him.
"Is something going--" you stop and suppress a hiccup. It's more dehydration than the alcohol. "On?"
"I have guests coming," he says, "thought you might like some overtime."
"Oh, sir, I'm sorry, but--"
"Clearly you're disposed," he says tersely. Is he mad?
"I wasn't expecting--"
"It's fine. It was an offer. I can manage on my own."
"Of course, sir, I wouldn't--"
You flinch as the line cuts and the call goes dead with a bloop. You pull the phone away from your face and furrow your brow. Really? He hung up on you.
You toss your phone on the bed. Whatever. Forget him. Even if you weren't three glasses deep, you wouldn't leave Joey just to kowtow to his pretentious friends.
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sailor-aviator · 1 year
Don't Hang'em Til Noon: Chapter Six
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Don't Hange'm Til Noon: Chapter Six
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Reader
Summary: Jake "Hangman" Seresin is a notorious leader within the Dagger Gang of the old western territories of the United States. You, a recently orphaned socialite from the eastern seaboard, find yourself swept off to live with your older brother who has set down roots in said western territory. Determined to to make the best of your situation, what will you do when said outlaw sets his sights on you?
Warnings: Swearing, Smut (oral, f receiving), Jake Seresin. I think that's it?
Word Count: 6.4k (I'm so sorry, oh my god)
A/N: I have no words for this one. I warned y'all the train scene was gonna be something else. Also, shoutout to @im-just-ken for taking the time to do research for me and putting up with informing me about all of the different aspects of the Victorian Age!! You're the best!! As always, reboots, comments and likes are greatly appreciated!! 18+ ONLY!! Find me on AO3 under sailor_aviator!
Series Masterlist || DGU Masterlist || Jake "Hangman" Seresin Tag List
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The sky was overcast and the distant rumble of thunder sounded off in the distance. Autumn was beginning to give way to winter, and a new routine had settled in over the ranch in the three weeks since Jake had started working there.
“What are you doing here?” you had asked him with wide eyes. His smirk had widened at your flustered appearance. Your mind raced back to the events of the night before and you gave your tomatoes a run for their money with how red your cheeks must have been.
“Didn’t your brother tell you?” Jake asked, quirking an eyebrow at your brother. “I work here.”
“No, you don’t,” you gaped, glancing wildly back and forth between the two men. “Since when?”
“As of yesterday afternoon,” Benjamin sighed, casting you a sideways glance.
“But, why?”
“You made it pretty clear yesterday morning that you were only interested in men who work for a living,” he explained, cocking his head to the side with a bemused look in your direction.
“I didn’t mean here!” you spluttered.
“Well, Benji here was kind enough to offer me a job,” Jake nodded at the other man. “Isn’t that right, Benjamin?”
Benjamin let out a sigh that sounded something akin to “lovesick fools” as he turned to stalk off towards the barn. You stared after him helplessly before Jake cleared his throat, gaining your attention. His smirk was gone, replaced by a much more serious look as he gazed at you.
“I’m not going to cause any trouble,” he stated, shaking his head when you gave him a dubious look. “I mean it. I’m here to work and earn my livin’ like a man should. I give you my word.”
You studied him for a moment. His green eyes held a look of sincerity and a desperation for you to believe him. You sighed. “Alright, Jake. I’m taking you at your word.”
“Excellent,” he beamed down at you before giving you a stern look. “Now go on and get now. I’m tryin’ to work and you’re distracting me.”
You chuckled lightly, giving him a small smile. Jake’s stern expression dropped, a look of wonder replacing it as he stared at you. A moment passed before he broke out in a grin and turned his attention back towards the fence.
Now, an air of easiness had settled between the two of you as life on the ranch continued. Jake worked hard, and he never complained about what was asked of him, even going above and beyond on a couple of occasions. You had even found him napping in the barn one day after a night where the coyotes had been particularly active, and you had allowed the poor man to catch up on his rest in thanks.
You were on your knees in the garden, digging up the onions you had planted a while ago, when you heard the sound of a horse making its way up the path to your home. Looking up, you saw U.S. Marshal Simpson making his way to you. You wiped the sweat from your brow, stumbling to your feet despite the numbness that had paralyzed your limbs from sitting on them for too long. Beau Simpson smiled at you as he dismounted, walking over to meet you by the fence to your garden.
“Marshal Simpson,” you greeted politely.
“Afternoon, Scout,” he said. “Please, call my Beau.”
“Of course,” you smiled. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Well, I was hopin’ you could help me out with something.”
“And what is that?”
He looked out to the empty pasture before glancing at you from the corner of his eye. “Was hoping you could tell me where I might find Jake Seresin.”
Your blood ran cold. You knew he was probably out with the others, moving the cattle in from the far pasture, but you weren’t about to tell Beau Simpson that.
“And why would you think that, Beau?”
He fixed you with a look that said he knew you knew why he’d think that, but he played along. “Well, amongst other things, I heard he managed to get himself a job here against your brother’s better judgement.”
“You shouldn’t gossip, Beau. It’s the Devil’s pastime.”
He let out a laugh at that one. “Well, from what I hear, it’s hardly gossip, Scout, but alright. You seen him around?”
“Can’t say that I have,” you responded cooly, picking at the dirt underneath your fingernails. It wasn’t a lie, exactly. You had told him the truth, you reasoned with yourself. You hadn’t seen Jake that day. Beau was quiet for a moment, studying you thoughtfully before letting out a long sigh.
“You should be careful, Scout,” he began, pushing up off the railing. “It won’t do you any good to get tangled up with someone who’s due a hanging. You might end up caught in the rope yourself, if you aren’t careful.”
You didn’t respond. He tipped his hat to you before moving towards his horse. You watched as he mounted and made his way back towards town. You stared after him long after he disappeared from sight before walking slowly back into the house. You went upstairs to wash the dirt from your face and hands before setting out to make dinner. It was a couple of hours before the four ranch hands made their way through the back door, laughing and smiling the entire way. You scowled at the group of men.
“What do you all think you’re doing?” you snapped. Four pairs of wide, shocked eyes turned to look at you, the laughter and chatter stopping immediately. You glared down at the floor where their boots had left muddy shoe prints on the hardwood. They followed your gaze before slowly looking back up at you with sheepish grins.
“Sorry, Scout,” Levi apologize, already moving back towards the door. “We’ll go get washed up outside.”
The others murmured their agreement and filed out after him. Jake was the last to move for the door, and you quickly grabbed his hand, pulling him back. He turned to stare at you, surprise turning into a question.
“I need to talk to you,” you said. He smiled down at you with a wicked gleam in his eyes.
“Oh yeah, honey girl?” he drawled. “What about?”
“Marshal Simpson came by today.”
“Cyclone?” Jake asked, taken aback. “What did he want?”
You dropped his hand, and moved towards the stove where you had left dinner unattended momentarily. “Came by to ask if I had seen you.”
“Oh?” he questioned, leaning up against the wall by the door, watching you with an unreadable expression on his face. You hummed, nodding.
“Don’t worry, I told him I didn’t know where you were.”
He seemed surprised at that, pushing off from the wall and coming to stand by your side. “What?”
“I told him I hadn’t seen you. It wasn’t a lie, technically,” You rushed out. Jake stared at you incredulously before frowning.
“You’re not telling me something,” he said, narrowing his eyes at you. You glanced at him before looking back down at the pot of soup you were stirring. “What else did he say to you?”
You sighed and recounted what Beau had said. Jake swore, turning and running a hand through his hair. “I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about,” you offered in a huff. Jake whirled back to look at you, worry lines crinkling his brow.
“Nothing to worry about?” he laughed humorlessly. “Scout, don’t you know a threat when you hear one?”
“I don’t see why he would be threatening me,” you argued, hands on your hips. “I’ve done nothing wrong.”
“It doesn’t matter if you’ve done something or not, sweetheart,” he groaned out. “He knows I work here, and he knows what to go after now.”
“I don’t understand,” you frowned. “You weren’t this worried when I mentioned him before. Why are you now? What changed?”
Jake stared at you for a moment. He moved to say something, but the door swung open as the other ranch hands filed in.
“You better go get washed up quick, Hangman,” Phillip laughed, clapping Jake on the back before taking a seat at the table. “Might not be any food left for you when you get back.”
Jake gave a half-hearted smile to the other man before giving you one last look and walking out the back door.
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The next morning, business continued on as usual. You had just hung the laundry out to dry when you heard the front door creak open with a thud as it hit the wall.
You walked into the parlor where Benjamin stood, grinning wide as he searched for you. His smile grew impossibly wider as his eyes finally landed on you. He raised his hand up to reveal an envelope, and he shook it in excitement.
“Benji, wha-”
“It’s a letter from Aunt Jo!” he cried excitedly. You let out a happy cry of your own as you rushed forward. Your Aunt Josephine had been your mother’s older sister, and you had spent many days running around in her orchard growing up. She was a kind woman, and she had helped to fill the void of your mother’s passing. It had been hard to leave her behind.
“Have you opened it?” You were practically vibrating from excitement. Benjamin shook his head.
“No, I wanted to read it with you.”
“Well, go on!” you laughed, gesturing for him to open it. He did so, eyes scanning the paper quickly.
“She wants us to come for a visit,” he smiled, looking up at you. Your grin matched his own as you hopped excitedly.
“What’s going on here?”
The both of you turned to see Jake standing in the doorway with an amused glint in his eyes as he watched the two of you giggle like school children. You felt heat rise to your cheeks.
“Our Aunt Josephine wrote to us,” you explained in a hurry. “She wants us to come visit.”
“Yeah?” Jake grinned at your enthusiasm. “When?”
“Says she wants us to come up for Christmas,” Benjamin frowned, scanning the letter over. Your heart jumped at the idea of seeing a white Christmas again. You thought it was one of the many things you had given up when you moved out west to Maverick. Benjamin lowered the letter with a grim expression. “I can’t go.”
“What?” you cried, looking over at him. “What do you mean?”
“I mean,” he said slowly, “that I can’t go. There’s too much work to be done here on the ranch, and I can’t take the weeks off from the firm.”
“Oh,” you said dejectedly. “Well, we’ll have to write back to Aunt Jo to tell her we’ll come at another time, then.”
“No, Scout,” Benjamin said firmly. “Just because I can’t go, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t. I know how much you miss it there, and the trip will mean so much more to you than it will me, anyway. No, I insist. You’re going.”
“But, Benji-”
“I’ve already made up my mind,” he said, offering you a smile. “Now we just need to find someone to go with you. Ah, but Hondo and Joel aren’t do back for weeks now. Maybe I could get Tom to-”
“I’ll do it.”
Both of you turned to look at Jake. His eyes darted between the two of you as you gaped at him.
“What?” Benjamin questioned. Jake cleared his throat and stood up a little straighter.
“I’ll go with her,” he said firmly. Your eyes darted to Benjamin who was already looking at you. He cocked his head as if to say that he was okay with it if you were. You bit your lip, mulling your options over. You worried about the implications that might arise at having a man who wasn’t family show up with you in Baltimore. But you knew that Jake could be trusted. He had shown you the kind of man he was capable of being, and you trusted him enough by this point to know you would be safe.
“Yes,” you said finally. “Alright, it’ll be the two of us.”
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Two days later you were adding the final items to your bag for your journey. Benjamin had already sent a reply back to your Aunt Josephine explaining the circumstances, but had told her you were eagerly preparing for your trip. You had just placed your last skirt in your bag when something caught your eye. You glanced up to see the wooden horse still standing proudly on your end table. You chewed on your bottom lip, slowly walking over to grab the figurine. You smoothed over the back of it before turning it over in your hand to stare at the initials that were carved into its belly.
“Scout? The cart is ready, and Benjamin wanted me to-”
You looked up to see Jake standing in your doorway. His eyes were focused on the wooden statue in your hand before they slowly traveled up to look into your eyes.
“You kept it?”
“Of course I kept it,” you scowled at him. “Why wouldn’t I?”
He shrugged, a smile tugging on the corners of his lips. “You were just so mad at me then. I didn’t think you’d care enough to keep it.”
“Well,” you mumbled, trying to come up with something, anything to weasel your way out of the conversation. “I did.”
Jake studied you for a moment before smiling. “You almost done packin’? Your brother’s waiting downstairs to send us off.”
“Yes,” you breathed, thankful for the out he had offered you. “You go on ahead. I’ll be down in just a minute.”
He nodded before turning and walking off. You let out a sigh, looking back down at the wooden horse. You walked back towards the foot of your bed where your bag lay, and gently placed it on top before closing the clutch and heading downstairs.
The first couple of days passed without incident. Benjamin had wished you to a safe and pleasant journey, watching you as Jake drove the cart down the street. The two of you camped out under the stars of the wilderness, Jake making sure you were plenty warm and comfortable in the back of the cart before settling down on the blanket he would set by the fire.
“You don’t have to sleep on the ground,” you told him on the third night. He had looked up to where you hung over the side of the cart to look at him. “There’s more than enough room to fit the both of us comfortably.”
Jake had let out a low laugh before giving you a look that made your core clench. “Honey girl, I already have to sit next to you during the day. I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands to myself if I didn’t have this time to cool down.”
You blushed at his words and had quickly rolled over to try and get some sleep.
Jake was a surprisingly good cook, and an even better shot. The two of you survived off the bread and produce you had purchased from the general store as well as the rabbits Jake managed to shoot during your camp-outs. By the fifth day, you had run out of polite conversation topics, and the two of you drifted towards more personal ones.
“Do you have any siblings?” you asked him that afternoon. Jake quirked an eyebrow at you in amusement. “What?”
“You wanna know if I have any siblings?”
“You already know about Benjamin,” you pointed out. “I think it’s only fair if I know about any siblings you have.”
“Alright, Scout,” he hummed with a smile. “If you must know, I have an older sister.”
“What’s her name?”
“Sarah,” he smiled. “She’s about two years older than me, and she has a son named Billy who’s a little terror of a kid.”
He smiled down at you, and you returned the gesture. He turned his head back to the road and frowned. “Her husband died just after Billy was born. So, I’ve been tryin’ to help her out where I can. She works in town as a seamstress, but the hours are long, and the pay is shit.”
“What about your parents?” you asked, and he gave you a wry smile.
“They died in the scarlet fever epidemic that swept through Maverick years back. The same one that took out Rooster’s mama and daddy and Bob’s pops. It was a real mess there for a while, but Mav and Penny took us all in, gave us a roof over our heads and put food in our bellies. I don’t think any of us were really much of the same after that, though.”
“Jake,” your heart broke for him. “That’s awful. I’m so sorry.”
“Ain’t nothin’ for you to be sorry ‘bout, sweet girl. We get along just fine now. Jus’ wish my sister didn’t have to work so damn hard all the time, is all. Don’t wanna see her work herself into an early grave.”
You hesitated. “Is that why you do what you do? Steal, I mean.”
Jake didn’t answer for a moment. “That’s one reason. I’d do anything for my sister and that kid of hers. The money and treasures I get from doin’ all those jobs mostly goes to help her out.”
“And the other reason?” you asked. Jake pursed his lips, contemplating his next words.
“Rooster was real torn up about his parents. I, at least, had Sarah. Bradley? He didn’t have anyone. Think something died in him the day he lost the both of’em. He started acting out when we got older, and before long he was out robbin’ banks and all sorts of other shit. I think a part of him just wanted to hurt the world the same way it hurt him, and he decided that that meant he had to take. Take what isn’t his, and keep taking before the world takes from him again.”
“And what about you? Why did you join him? Why did any of you?”
“We’re not goin’ to leave a friend to walk through hell alone,” he stated with a shrug of his shoulders. You studied his profile for a moment.
“You’re a good man, Jake Seresin.”
You saw the tips of his ears flush a bright crimson. He cleared his throat and turned to look at you with a playful glare.
“Alright, you’re turn,” he smirked. “Which of my friends do you like the most? And if you say Javy, I’m dumping you on the side of the road.”
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Steam billowed as a train whistle sounded on the platform. Jake was handing your luggage over to the conductor as you surveyed the station. It was still the same as when you had arrived months ago, but you felt that you yourself had changed. You supposed you had.
“Are you ready? Guy says we’re leavin’ in a couple of minutes,” Jake said as he sidled up to you, placing a gentle arm around your shoulder.
“Yes, I’m ready,” you smiled at him, allowing him to steer you towards the train car. The conductor reached out a hand to you, and you took it gratefully. You felt your cheeks flush as Jake laid his hands gently on your hips, lifting you onto the step as the conductor pulled you up. Jake followed after you, and the two of you quickly found seats near the middle of the car. You sat by the window as Jake sat across from you just as the train began to lurch forward. Jake jumped at the sudden movement, shoulders and face tense.
“Are you alright?” You asked him, reaching out to rest your hand on top of his. He glanced at you, then took a deep breath to relax.
“Jus’ never been on one of these before,” he answered, offering you a nervous smile. You returned the smile, patting his hand before pulling away.
“Yes, I suppose it can be a tad nerve-wrecking when you’re not used to it.”
“You travel a lot?” he asked you, watching as you turned to look out the window.
You shrugged. “Not so much anymore. I used to take trips with my friends up to New York every now and then.”
“You must miss it,” he murmured, eyes never leaving you. You looked at him.
“I miss them.”
Jake frowned, his turn to look out the window at the landscape that rushed past you. “Well, you’ll see’em soon enough.”
You weren’t sure how to respond, but before you could, and older woman and her husband joined you in your seats. Jake was polite, but you could sense something was off with him as his smile never quite reached his eyes. You retired for the evening, wishing the older couple a pleasant evening as Jake rose to walk you to your sleeping quarters. You stopped in front of the door to your cabin, looking up at Jake with a coy smile.
“I’m fairly certain that couple thinks we’re married,” you chuckled. Jake’s face remained stoic as he watched you.
“Would that be so bad?” he asked softly, voice barely above a whisper. Your smile dropped as your eyes widened up at him.
Jake watched you for another half second before shaking his head with a sigh.
“Nothing,” he muttered, knocking his fist on the doorframe twice before turning to head to his own cabin. “Goodnight, Scout.”
You watched him as he closed his door behind him before turning into your own cabin, shutting the door behind you.
The next morning you found yourself only hours away from St.Louis. You dressed slowly before walking over to Jake’s cabin. When he didn’t answer your knock, you decided to see if he had gone on ahead. You found him minutes later in the dining car, nursing a cup of coffee. He looked tired, bags heavy under his eyes as he looked out the window. A couple of women at the table next to him were casting him barely concealed glances as they giggled amongst each other. You marched down the aisle and sat in the seat across from him. He started at your entry, but relaxed when he realized it was you.
“You’re up early this morning,” you commented. He hummed at you, taking another sip from his coffee. You pressed on. “Are you usually such an early riser?”
“Yeah, I suppose so,” he grumbled, and you pursed your lips.
“Is something the matter?” you asked. He glanced at you.
“Do you ever think about getting married?”
The question caught you off guard, and you balked before fixing him with a curious look.
“Sometimes,” you admitted slowly. “I suppose most girls do. It’s something we’re raised to do, after all.”
“But do you want to?” he asked, eyes twinkling.
“Yes,” you stated, shifting in your seat. “I do. Someday.”
“And what about the groom? Who is it you want to spend the rest of your life with?”
You scowled at him. “Why are you suddenly asking me this?”
Jake just stared at you, waiting for you to continue. You huffed. “I suppose I’ve never really given it too much thought. I knew I would have to get married one day, and I assumed that one day I might fall in love with someone. There were several young men pushed for me to choose, but I suppose none of them ever felt right.”
“What about you?” you asked suddenly. “Have you ever thought about marriage?”
“Me?” Jake laughed, leaning back in his seat. “Not really. Never thought I’d like anyone enough to want to spend the rest of my life with them. Used to laugh at the idea of ever finding someone who could make me want to settle down.”
“And now?”
Jake’s expression remained amused, but there was a hint of an emotion behind his eyes that, try as you might, you couldn’t place. Jake glanced out the window and made to stand up. “Looks like we’re here.”
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The train ride from St. Louis to Baltimore started off much of the same, except this time you were seated next to a group of young women who openly gawked and giggled over the handsome man across from you. You felt a rush of irritation as one dropped her hand fan in the aisle. Jake reached down to grab it for her, staring up at her with a polite smile.
“I think you dropped this,” he offered as she took it. Your blood boiled when she batted her eyes at him with a coy smile.
“Thank you, handsome,” she grinned as her friends broke out into another round of giggles. Jake cleared his throat with a wince as he leaned back into his seat. You stood up abruptly, and Jake was left scrambling to his feet.
“I’m tired,” you announced, making a pointed effort to not look at the girls. “I’m going to bed.”
“Sounds like a good idea,” Jake agreed, following down the aisle after you. Neither of you said a word to the other as you made your way towards your cabin for the evening. Stopping in front of the door, you turned to look at Jake.
“This is me,” you said. Jake looked at the number on the cabin and then down at the ticket in his hand.
“That can’t be right,” he muttered, running a hand through his hair.
“What?” you frowned. Jake looked up at you and then back down to his ticket before letting out a sigh.
“Ticket says this is my cabin too.”
“What?” you shrieked, snatching the ticket from his hand. “Give me that.”
You stared down at the black ink, willing the information to change. You glanced at Jake who was still watching you, waiting for you to come to terms with the situation.
“What do you want to do?” he asked finally.
“Well, we’ll just have to find the conductor and get this mess sorted out.”
“Alright,” he nodded. “I’ll go try and find him. You stay here.”
A half hour passed before Jake slunk back to the cabin looking defeated. He offered you an apologetic smile. “I couldn’t find him.”
You chewed on your bottom lip before letting out a heavy sigh.
“I suppose it can’t be helped,” you muttered, turning to open the door. “Come on, then.”
“What?” He said, eyes growing wide.
“Look,” you gritted out as you stepped through the door, “we can be adults about this. It’s one night.”
“Would you rather sleep out here?” You argued. Jake didn’t respond. “That’s what I thought. Now come on.”
Jake followed you into the cabin silently, closing the door behind him. You moved to open your luggage that had been placed inside when you boarded, taking out your nightdress. You turned to see Jake still staring at you. The two of you stood in the tiny space facing each other for a moment.
“I need to change,” you whispered, swallowing thickly.
“Yeah, I’ll just,” Jake stuttered, moving to turn.
“Don’t look,” you threw in for good measure, earning a nervous chuckle from the man in front of you. You turned around, quickly undressing before throwing your nightdress on. You turned back around to see Jake still facing the door.
“Okay,” you breathed. “I’m decent.”
Jake turned around to face you, and you heard his breath catch in his throat. He slowly looked you up and down before meeting your gaze again. “My turn.”
You watched as Jake removed his shirt. You blushed when he pushed his pants down to reveal the white, knee-length undergarments he wore. You took in the smattering of blond hair that covered his broad chest, almost blending in with the gold of his skin. Jake cleared his throat and glanced at the bed.
“How do you wanna,” he trailed off. You looked at the bed and made your decision. You brushed past him, moving to lay down. You laid back, glancing up at him shyly. Jake watched you in a reverie, breaths coming out quick and stuttered as he looked down at you. He turned to dim the gas lamp, casting the room in darkness save for the moonlight that filtered through the window. Silently, slowly, he laid down in the bed next to you.
The two of you laid in silence for almost an hour, Jake’s back to you as you fidgeted with your fingers.
“Jake?” you called out softly. “Are you still awake?”
You rolled onto your side, facing his back. “You never answered my question.”
Jake rolled over so that you two were now facing each other. “What question is that, pretty girl?”
“Back at the ranch, when I told you what Beau said, I asked you why you were suddenly so worried about him when you weren’t before.”
Jake didn’t say anything for a moment. “Do you know why they call him ‘Cyclone?’”
You shook your head.
“They call him that because when he sets his mind on a job, he comes in with a fury, leaving nothing behind, just like a tropical storm.”
“Oh,” you breathed.
“Yeah,” Jake agreed, reaching up to cup your cheek.
“Are you scared?” you asked him quietly, and he gave you a wry smile.
“Only of something happening to you, sweet girl.”
You reached up to run your fingertips over his cheek, running them down until they brushed over his lips. He parted them slightly, looking at you with eyes ablaze. Before you could think on it, you surged forward, planting your lips on his. Jake quickly deepened the kiss, bringing his other hand up to your hip to pull you close. He grabbed the flesh of your thigh as he lifted your leg up to drape over his waist. You parted your lips at the movement, and he took advantage of it, licking into your mouth with a desperation that left your head dizzy. You moaned into his mouth, pushing yourself against him as he slowly guided you up into a sitting position.
You grabbed at any part of him that you could reach, whining when he broke the kiss. He chuckled as you chased his lips with your own, but fixed you with a serious look in his eye.
“Tell me to stop,” he said softly, hand skimming the ends of your nightdress. “Tell me to stop, and I swear I will, y/n.”
“Don’t stop,” you responded breathlessly. Jake leaned in to grant you another kiss before pulling back to lift your dress over your head. The cool air of the night washed over you, and you suddenly felt exposed as he drank in your naked form. You moved to cover yourself, but he grabbed your arms, gently leaning you back down onto the bed as he hovered over you.
“Don’t,” he said firmly, the green of his eyes swallowed by the blacks of his pupils. “I want to look at you.”
You watched him as he drank in your form, hands softly gliding down to rest on your hips. A small smile played at the edge of his lips.
“You look so pretty for me, honey girl,” he hummed. Your breath caught in your throat as he parted your legs. Leaning back to take all of you in, his eyes blazed with want as he stared down at your most intimate part. He surged forward, capturing your lips in an unexpected kiss before trailing hot, open-mouthed kisses down the column of your neck. He sucked a bruising kiss onto the base of your neck, you gasped as you felt the hard, covered length of him push against your dripping core. One of his hands reached up to grasp your breast as his mouth encased around one of your nipples. You mewled, thoughtlessly pushing your chest up into his warm mouth. He pulled off of your hardening peak with a low chuckle.
“You gotta be quiet, pretty girl,” he smirked down at you, fingers still toying with the nipple that hadn’t just been in his mouth. “Don’t want to disturb the other passengers, do we?”
He didn’t give you a chance to answer before his mouth was attached back to you. You squirmed underneath him, desperate for more of the mind-numbing pleasure you knew he could give you. Jake was in no hurry, though. He took his time lapping at your sensitive bud before switching his attention to the other. Your head fell back in frustration as your hands moved up to tug on his blond strands.
“Jake, please” you moaned. Jake gave you a playful glare before giving a particularly hard pinch to your breast that had you crying out.
“Greedy girl,” he rumbled, leaning up to kiss you, nipping at your bottom lip. “You’ll take what I give you, understand?”
You nodded your head desperately, and Jake hummed in approval. Mercifully, he trailed his lips down your body, giving fleeting sucks and nips to your nipples before moving further down. Your breath hitched as he shifted down the bed, face level with the junction of your legs. He teased open-mouthed kisses up and down your thighs, never touching you where you wanted him most, and you began to squirm yet again. Jake moved to wrap his arms around your thighs, caging them in his hold so that you couldn’t move. He nuzzled up into your mound before making eye contact with you.
“Been thinkin’ about this for weeks, honey girl,” he murmured, breath fanning over you and making you cry out. “Been thinkin’ about how sweet you tasted that night in the alley. Fucked my hand at the thought about all those little noises you made jus’ for me as I made you fall apart on my fingers. Fuck, you squeezed me so tight. Imagined what it would be like to have my cock buried in this pretty pussy instead of my fingers.”
“Jake!” you cried out at his words. You let out another cry as he snaked a finger around to run gently run through your folds.
“Look at you, darlin’. I’ve barely touched you and you’re already soaked. You’re practically drippin’ on the bed for me. The thought of takin’ my fat cock inside of you makin’ you this wet? Jesus, I see you clenching. This greedy, little cunt is practically beggin’ for me.”
“Jakey, please,” you sobbed, feeling the tears start to prickle behind your eyes. Jake continued his torture, finger now grazing lightly over your clit, and your hips started to buck up into him before he pushed them back down.
“Uh, uh, sweetheart,” he chided, casting you a light glare. “You take what I give you, remember?”
You whined as he began to draw tiny figure eights on your sensitive nub.
“That’s it, darlin’. You just lie back and take it. Let Jakey make you feel good, yeah?” he drawled, sinking a finger into you. He let out a low groan as you clenched tightly around the digit. “Fuck, pretty girl. Love the way you grip me like that. My pretty pussy is just beggin’ for me to fill her up, huh?”
You felt yourself clench at the thought, and he chuckled, adding a second finger.
“Yeah, she likes the sound of that. Loves the idea of me pumpin’ into you until I give you everythin’ I have to give.”
You cried out when he pulled out of you, but his fingers were quickly replaced with the feel of his tongue diving into you. You raised your hand to bite your fist in an attempt to keep quiet. He thrust his fingers back into you as his mouth moved to nurse on your clit, sending you headfirst towards your orgasm.
“Been thinkin’ about this since I tasted you the first time, honey girl. Couldn’t wait to get my mouth on you and get my fix. Never gonna get my fix, though. Taste too good for me to ever have my fill o’ you,” he rasped. You watched his hips rut into the mattress as he feasted on you, your slick coating his lips as he nipped at your bud. Your legs began to shake as he continued to eat you out like a man starved.
“Jakey,” you cried out as his fingers hit that spongy spot inside of you that made you see stars.
“Yeah, honey? Did I find your special spot again? Fuck, you’re squeezin’ me so tight. Can’t wait to sink my cock into you and fill you up with my cum. You want that? You want me to fill you up pretty girl?” he asked you breathlessly, the pace of his hips quickening against the mattress. “That’s okay, you don’t gotta answer me. Your cunt is doin’ all the talkin’ for you. She’s weepin’ for me to pump my load into you, get you nice and swollen with my baby.”
The tears flowed freely down your cheeks now. You flung a hand over your face, but Jake was having none of it.
“Look at me, sugar. Wanna see your face as you fall apart for me. Fuck, I’m gonna keep you so full. Gonna keep you all nice and round while I take care of you. Gonna take care of my gorgeous, little wifey.”
You cried out as your vision went white, his words flinging you over the edge. You watched his own eyes widen as you came apart, his hips stuttering against the mattress as he let out a whimper into your core. You ground your hips down into him as you rode out your high, and Jake grunted as his hips stilled, shaking with the strain.
You slowly came back to yourself, a sheen of sweat covering your body as Jake pressed soft, gentle kisses up the length of your body before pressing reaching up to stroke your cheek affectionately. You met his gaze, his green eyes watching you. Your chest rose quickly as you fought to control your breathing, and Jake gave you a small smile before placing a chaste kiss to your lips.
“Sleep now, honey girl,” he whispered as he dragged the blanket over you. You reached out for him, and he pulled you into his chest with a slight chuckle and one last kiss to the top of your head.
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captainlunaxmen · 5 months
Panic 2.0
Chapter 1
Dodge Mason x fem!reader x Ray Hall
This is a rewriting of my old series on @lunamadhatter99, I decided to rewrite it because the series wasn't completed, and I didn't like it that much anymore.
Let me know what you think and if you want to be tagged in the next chapters.❤️❤️❤️
Chapter summary: graduation day!
Chapter warnings: none.
Tag list.
@stuckinthesmalldoor @once-upon-an-imagine
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Relief is all I feel right now in the auditorium, waiting for Graduation to begin. I patiently sit with the other students waiting for my name yo be called, next to me my closest friends: Natalie, Heather and Bishop. I look behind me, a few rows behind I spot the new guy, Dodge Mason. I gently smile at him and he smiles back, we bonded a lot since he arrived last year, which is something that makes me proud, since he's not known for being the most open person here.
Graduation is the first step out of here, out of Carp, Texas, which all of us call the capital of Nothing.
The second step would be the local summer game: Panic. It's easy to explain Panic: you play and if you win, you're out of here. What's the catch? It's in the name, Panic, the challenges aren't exactly children friendly.
And, funny enough, the game has one simple rule: do not panic.
"Is your aunt coming?" Heather asks me as we walk out of the building. Natalie and Bishop being congratulated by their families.
"Nah... I didn't even get a text, I don't think she will show up." I shrug, "what about your mother?"
Right before she could answer a sweet little voice calls Heather's name.
"They're here." She smiles, almost apologetically to which I respond with a reassuring smile.
"Guess I'll see you tonight." I chuckle.
"You don't have much of a choice." She laughs walking off.
I dare to take a look around for my aunt, but as expected, no one in sight.
"Congratulations, Y/n." I turn around seeing Natalie with his father walking to get their picture taken.
"Thank you, officer!" I wave at him and Natalie and start to walk off too.
I take just a few steps before another voice calls for me.
I turn around once again, watching Jessica, Dodge's mother, walking towards me with Dodge next to her.
"Hi, Jessica." I smile, warmly at her.
"Congratulations, sweetheart." She hugs me tightly once sheclose enough, Dodge sends me and apologetic yet amused smile.
"Thank you." I say pulling away, "so nice to be finally done." I laugh.
"I bet." She smiles brightly, I notice her looking around.
"She won't be here." I casually say, Jessica looks at me, sorry.
"Do you need a ride home?" Dodge cuts in, sensing the beginning of embarrassment.
"Oh... no, no, I'm good." I quickly say.
He looks at me unconvinced, then hums.
"We'll give you a ride. C'mon." He motion on and starts to walk without waiting for my answer. Jessica smiles proudly and walk away as well, so I have no other choice but to accept and follow them.
"I think I already know the answer but... Will I see you at tonight's party?" I ask, as I step out of Dodge's car.
"You definitely know the answer." He smile at me and I sigh, nodding defeated.
"You're lucky I'm not like Natalie, or you wouldn't hear the end of it." I say.
"I tried to make him change his mind, but he's stubborn." Jessica chimes in from the driver seat.
"Yeah, it's one of the first things I learned about him." I laugh, "but I can't say he's wrong. I'm not a party person myself."
"You're young, enjoy these years, trust me." She tells us, using a sweet and motherly tone.
"We do enjoy them differently." Dodge replies smugly.
"I agree" I support him and Jessica just rolls her eyes with a smile, "I'll see you tomorrow at work then."
"Of course." He smiles.
"Be careful tonight, sweetheart."
"Drive safe!" I say walking to my house.
Well, my aunt's house, but since she's never here, it might as well be mine.
My phone rings once I change into something more comfortable.
Natalie, of course.
"Yes" I greet with a laugh, "I promised, I know."
"Oh good, you're making my job easier." She cheerfully replies. "I'll get there around 8? Does it work for you?"
"I don't have much of a choice so... yeah." I laugh.
"Wear something cute. We have to celebrate! Wear that cute dress you wore at my birthday party." She suggests at the end.
"Do you want to control what I wear now?" I scoff out a laugh.
"You're just so cute in that! C'mon!" She insists, "I'm making my puppy eyes."
"That doesn't work if I can't see you, you know that, right?"
"But you know what I look like." She sings trying to get me to agree.
"Fine.." I sigh, deeply, letting out a laugh too, "fine, I'll wear that stupid dress."
"Hey! It's not stupid! It's cute!" She scolds me jokingly. "I'll see you tonight, bye!"
"Bye!" I say having up the phone and heading ot my wardrobe to take out the short dress Natalie referred to.
To pass the time I'll clean around for a while, just to keep my mind busy. If I start to think, I'll end up thinking about Panic and I really don't want to think about it right now. I don't want to risk thinking too much and then back down. I'm taking the risk this time and I'm determined to win.
We arrive at the already started party, Natalie parts from us to go greet some friends of hers, while I go find Heather and Bishop.
I spot them near the fire, drinks in hand already so I make my way to them.
"Hey." I say taking a set next to Heather.
"Hey Y/n. You came!" Bishop cheers, surprised.
"Natalie forced her to promise she would be here." Heather explained, simply.
"Exactly. Can't break a promise." I sigh, but glad I spend time with them.
"We're happy you're here." Bishop nod towards me, "you're just in time, we were-"
Ray's loud voice interrupts him mid-sentence.
"Oh god.." I sigh, Heather pats my arm comfortingly.
Ray gets close enough to shove the cup against Bishop.
"Final collection." He, basically, demands.
"School's out, okay? I'm not even playing." Bishop replies, raising both hands up.
"Think of it as an insurance." Ray says bending over to get on Bishop's eye level, "it's gonna be one he'll of a summer."
"C'mon, man, I'm not gonna play." Bishop tries once again, with a nervous laugh.
Suddenly Ray grabs his arm, it looks painful from Bishop's expression.
"We're all playing, one way or another," Ray says, not letting Bishop go.
Heather looks at me, pleading, and I sigh.
"Ray, leave him alone." I warn.
He turn his attention to me, looking me up and down until a smirk appears on his face.
"Well, well, well... did you dolled up for me?" He asks.
"No." I answer.
"Are you sure, baby? You know I love you in that dress..." he says, staring at my legs.
"You say that about everything..." I say annoyed.
"That's because you are my favourite." He winks and gets closer.
"Could you leave us?" I ask.
"Mmh?" He hums, then bends over, the cup rests quietly on the ground, he then puts his hands on both armchair, caging me.
"Listen, I know you have some trouble understanding human language, but this is pretty basic." I say and his smirk only grows.
"You can lie to yourself, but not to me. We both know the truth." He says and I catch him looking down at my lips.
"If it helps you sleep at night." I turn my head to find some support in my friends, but they only loom unsure of what to do.
"I do think of you at night, actually, if that's what you're wondering, but I don't... sleep exactly." He leans closer.
"You're disgusting." I push him away.
"Took you long enough to push me away." He winks again, "see you soon, baby."
And with that Ray finally walks away with his cup.
"Prick." I mutter out, takingn a sip of my drink.
"Hey," Heather calls for us, "a toast. To global amnesia."
I nod, grateful, at her and raise my cup.
"Nah..." Bishop says, "selective. There's a few things I want to remember."
I notice Heather and Bishop looking at each other, something passing through their mind and I would swear There's something going on between these two.
As we toast, Natalie finally joins us.
"Hey, what did I miss?" She asks.
"We were toasting to a future free of Ray." I answer her.
"And who will you angry flirt with?" She teases.
"That guy sucks." Bishop intervenes, to which I nod.
That's how the evening goes, we talk, remembering the good old days, while Bishop and Heather also try to talk me and Natalie out of playing Panic... no success on their part.
"Let's go dance!" Natalie exclaims, to change subject. She grabs Heather's arm and goes to grab mine too, but I manage to avoid it.
"I'll sit this one out." I say, I notice Natalie's stare, "I never promised I would dance."
She scoff and grabs Bishop, who gives me a helpless look and I just shrug waving at him.
I decide to just stay seated and enjoy my beer and my peace.
"Waiting for me?" Ray's infamous voice makes me groan annoyed.
"Obviously not. Now if you don't mind leaving me alone." I say, not looking up at him.
"I do mind. Especially when you play hard to get, you know how much I love it." He replies, sitting down and dragging the seat right next to me.
"I'm not playing anything. I simply don't like you." I tell him and he leans closer to me.
"Yeah... sure." He softly says, looking down at my lips.
"It's not gonna happen again." I warn.
"Let's bet, then."
"Uh?" I can't deny I'm intrigued.
"I know, you like challenges, so let's bet." He says, confidently looking into my eyes.
"Bet what?" I ask, pretending not to be interested, but his smirk only shows me he see right through it.
"If I win Panic, you'll be mine." He says, looking at my lips again, biting his own.
"Yeah, sure." I laugh at that, taking a sip from my beer.
"Too scared?" He teases.
"No." I, too quickly, answer.
"C'mon," he whispers, "you're sure I'm not gonna win, right?"
"What I get if I win, uh?" I ask, raising my eyebrow.
"I'll leave you alone. Even though we both now you don't actually want that." He winks and stands up.
I consider him for a moment before nodding my head, standing too.
"Fine." I say.
He takes my beer and take a sip from it.
"Deal." he holds out his hands waiting for me to shake it.
"Deal." I sigh, taking his hand to shake it.
He hold my hand for a moment before he pulls me to him so he can whisper into my ear.
"Can't wait, baby." He leaves a peck on my ear and I quickly move away from him.
He smirks and starts to walk back, my beer in hand, before nodding his head and fully turning to walk away.
"Shit." I sigh.
I go look for Natalie and tell her I'm about to get going, since I have work tomorrow.
She tries his best to keep me here and celebrate, with Heather and Bishop's help, but I did my part and it's time for me to go and get some rest.
They reluctantly let me go, Natalie offers to take me home, and since it's already too dark I accept.
I can't wait to lay down on my bed, hopefully forgetting about the bet for a while.
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dazed--xx · 8 months
⚠️Love Is Gone..⚠️
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Summary: I'm sorry, don't leave me, I want you here with me. I know that your love is gone. I can't breathe, I'm so weak, I know this isn't easy. Don't tell me that your love is gone…..That your love is gone
Member: Han Jisung x Reader
T/W: ANGST!!!!!!!!!!!!, hate comments, distant partner, mentions of depression, mentions of anxiety, assault, recording of an assault, hate speech. Cursing, SUICIDAL THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS, Crying, Feeling alone, happy-ish ending, etc
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: ❗!!!!!THIS STORY IS TRIGGERING. I USED MY ACTUAL HISTORY WITH DEPRESSION FOR THIS ONE SO THERE IS AN ACCURATE DEPICTION OF SUICIDAL THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS. PLEASE READ WITH CAUTION!!!!!!!❗this is the only authors note I'm making on the playlist please read this. I'm adding this story because a break up is not the only form of heartbreak you could experience. I added the mature tag because of the themes in this. This is an important story for me and this song genuinely inspired this story. No matter what member I used for this song this was going to be the story so any members name could have been used for this one. I felt Jisung fit the story so well though I love this quokka and he deserves an impactful first solo story on my master list. I struggled to not cry while writing this so let's see if you can hold back tears while reading it. After every thing they go through they deserve a happy ending I needed to give them one😭😂 but please comment your thoughts. I love your opinions and I respond to almost everyone. Anyway please enjoy the angsty goodness.
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Don't go tonight, Stay here one more time.Remind me what it's like, oh…And let's fall in love one more time, I need you now by my side. It tears me up when you turn me down
“Do you have to go?” you question hesitantly, nibbling on your bottom lip as you watch Jisung put his coat on. “Yes, I already told you that, Y/N” He sighs, almost sounding annoyed. You pout, staring at your interlocked hands. “Yeah, you did sorry…” you trail, trying to maintain your composure at your boyfriend's reluctance to be around you “Don't wait up” He calls as he makes his way out of the door. The moment you hear the ‘click’ of the lock you allow the tears you had been holding back to flow down your cheeks.
For weeks now, Jisung had grown distant; during comeback and award season it was unfortunately a normal part of your relationship. But, you had always been able to maintain a conversation with him if something was bothering you. Except for some reason this comeback season, the first since you and Jisung had announced your 1-year relationship, was different. While, both you and Jisung had expected some backlash, things seemed to be easier for Jisung than they had been for you. You have received many snarky and rude comments about how unfit for Jisung you were.
Your hair is too dry and straw-like.
You are too fat.
You are too unimportant.
You wished to tell your boyfriend as soon as these comments flooded your social media. He had warned you to turn your comments off and avoid social media for a while, but you didn't listen figuring you could deal with a couple of mean comments. However, as time went on you wished you had listened as the comments got worse and worse.
Kill yourself slut
Jisung deserves more than some useless bitch as his girlfriend!!!
She's so disgusting clearly she's a gold digger, I wish someone would just get rid of her!
She is such a cunt, I hope she kills herself soon…
You broke down the first time you had read those comments. You couldn't understand what you had done wrong by falling in love. You first tried to bring it up 2 weeks ago. They had finished filming the music video for their latest single. He had come home; energy high, he radiated from the adrenaline. He froze when he saw you seated on the couch tears streaming down your face. You looked at him startled. “ what's wrong?” He questioned as he rushed over to your side taking your face in his hands. “You're home early…” you mutter the only words that could be released from your mouth in your vulnerable state. Little did you know those three words would trigger and argument and the hate comments were left forgotten. After that day you tried to ask him to talk but he would zoom out of the house and that's when the loneliness set in.
You felt pathetic
You dreaded every morning you opened your eyes. Questioning why you were still here. You slowly realized your level of insignificance. Breathing hurt, a physiological natural event felt wrong. While you know the act of breathing didn't hurt physically, it hurt emotionally. Every morning you lay in bed, not bothering to pull yourself out unless you had to go to the bathroom, or to drink water. Sleep didn't stop most days, Jisung spent most of his days working until well after you'd fallen asleep. You rarely saw him, these days.
If you hadn't run out of feminine products you'd have spent another full day in bed, but as those familiar cramps continue to wreak havoc on your uterus you trudge your way to the store. You were grateful for the large hoodie that helped shade your eyes from the blinding sun as you crossed the street. You continue on your way, you pout to yourself as you see the influx of hate comments while you check to see if Jisung had responded to your inquiry of if he needed anything from the store. Nothing… you sigh to yourself as you pass a group of about 5-6 girls as you make your way into the store.
You hear them murmuring to themselves as you make your way down the aisles. You scan the pads when you feel a dainty finger tap your shoulder. Giving the person a side glance you raise an eyebrow. “Hmm?” you hear a petite soft voice call to you “Um excuse me are you Y/N?” she questions in a sickeningly sweet way. You get a sinking feeling in your gut.
Run…Run as fast as and as far as you can
your conscience screams at you but your feet are glued to the floor as you stare at the girl like a deer in headlights. You struggle to find words as a devious grin grows on the girl's face. Two girls begin to come up behind her, you step to turn the other direction only for two more girls to block your escape as they creep towards you. The girl who approached you first now has her phone pointed in your direction as she begins to question you “Why is someone as dirty as you near Jisung oppa?!” She growls as the girls crowd around you. They shout profanity at you as you stare at the ground, murmuring apologies for your relationship not wanting to insult your boyfriend's fans. The last thing you wanted to do was embarrass him further.
“Look at her! She's so pathetic” the ring leader instigated “She's just standing there like an idiot!” she growls before sending her free hand flying across your face. You feel a sharp sting on your cheeks as you attempt to push past two of the girls. They send you flying roughly against the shelves behind you. You whimper in pain mumbling another apology begging them to let you go as they unleash a flurry of hits and kicks on you. They laughed as they told you how pathetic you are. You tried to protect your face by curling up in a ball. You drowned out their insults, holding in your tears and words until they were finished. They walked away in laughter as you groaned in pain rolling on the ground for a moment. You pull yourself off the ground grab your pads and limp your way to the counter. The cashier stares at you with concern in his eyes, “Ma'am do you need me to call the police?” he questions. A sense of pity and worry settles over him as you shake your head “N-No..I don't want this to be a big thing. I'm okay” you state blankly, putting your money on the counter you grab your pads and rush out of the store. You hold onto your ribs as you limp your way into the alley beside the store.
Pressing your back against the wall you wince at the contact you collapse to the ground. You bury your face in your hands. You sob harshly, your body trembling as you allow the tears to stream down your cheeks. You hiccuped as you pulled your phone from your pocket. You dial Jisung’s number, you waited trying to catch your breathe. One, two, three rings “We’re sorry the number you have dialed—” you end the call holding the phone to your chest you allow your sobs to shake your body. Dark thoughts beginning to take over when your flurry of calls go unanswered.
You're so pathetic, Jisung won't even answer your calls. You're worthless, You're nothing, You just want to die. you should die….Life is too hard. It's over what's the point anymore? The entire world hates you…. I give up…
With final resolve, you open your conversation with Jisung and begin typing.
I'm sorry, I wish I could have said goodbye properly. I love you please remember that. I'm sorry I wasn't good enough. I'm sorry I couldn't be what you deserve. I wish things weren't like this. I'm weak. It's all too hard. I can't handle it anymore. It feels like I'm in open ocean and I'm so close to drowning. I'd can't do this anymore. Please don't blame yourself. None of this is your fault I just wasn't strong enough. I'm just pathetic. I hope you can forgive me one day. I'm so sorry. I love you. Goodbye…
You hit send before turning on Do Not Disturb. You slowly limp toward the park. You felt numb as you stared at the ground, you come upon the walking bridge. You stand in the middle of the bridge, you watch the water. You had heard somewhere that the most calm-looking water was the most dangerous. You pull yourself onto the banister. Taking a deep breath you lean forward.
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I'm begging please, just stick around; I'm sorry, don't leave me, I want you here with me I know that your love is gone….
The moment Jisung read your message an uneasy feeling settled over him. He didn't even think before he was dashing out of Chan’s studio and the recording they were currently doing. He called you in a panic; his anxiety growing worse and worse at your failure to answer. He felt his throat closing as he ran in a frenzy out of the JYP building ignoring his member's worried calls of his name. Quickly pulling up the Find My Phone app he sees you at the park nearby. He ran faster than he ever has before getting to the park in no time. He looks around for a moment. He spots you standing on the bridge. He clutches his chest relaxing as he sees you standing there, staring at the water below. He breathes a sigh of relief as Chan and Changbin catch up to him he continues to catch his breath as Chan questions him. All three men are caught off guard as you pull yourself up onto the banister. Jisung's eyes widen as he rushes toward you. “Y/N!!” His voice is pained, your head turns to face him. Chan and Changbin running behind their friend worriedly.
“Baby! Please, stop!” Jisung's voice cracks as he reaches the end of the bridge. Your eyes meet his, Only then can he fully see you. Your eyes were bloodshot, tears streaming down your cheeks. Bruises littered your face. Dried blood speckled all over your hoodie. Your appearance sent Jisung into shock he stared at you wide-eyed “I'm sorry…” you whisper to him as you let go. Jisung's world crumbles as you disappear from his sight. He dashes to where he last saw you. “Y/N!!” He cries his voice hoarse as his legs give out from beneath him. Chan wraps his arm around Jisung and guides him to the floor holding him close he allows the younger man to cry to his heart's content as Changbin assists the paramedics in finding you. He never imagined this would happen. You, the only other person besides Felix, that was the definition of sunshine. Jisung felt numb as Chan held onto him as he replayed his last moment with you in his head.
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I'm sorry! don't leave me! I want you here with me! I know that your love is gone….I can't breathe! I'm so weak! I know this isn't easy! Don't tell me that your love is gone…
When the video of your assault surfaced the day after your attempt; Jisung felt sick to his stomach. He hates himself for not being there with you. After watching the video over and over, he finally decided to check your phone. When he was able to charge the device Jisung could feel a wave of nausea crash over him as an influx of disgusting hate messages and comments came through. He stared at your unconscious figure, he held your hand tightly as he cried “I'm so sorry baby. I'm sorry… I didn't know. I'm sorry I was too late.” he pressed his forehead to your hand “Please…please wake up. I'll do anything. Please don't let go, I know you feel alone, but you have me. Please don't leave me behind, without you I'm nothing…” his breathing grows heavier, tears cascading down his face. “I love you so much. I need you—I need you, baby, I can't keep doing this. I need you so much right now. Please wake up….Don't let me lose you, not like this. I'll fix everything…I'll show you how much you mean to me, please!” He exclaims he can't handle the expressionless look on your face. He was grateful you were no longer pale though.
It took three more weeks before you opened your eyes. your head pounded as Jisung muttered something under his breath. “W-what?” you choked out, your voice sounding coarse and scratchy. Jisung's eyes widen as he stares at you at the sound of your voice. He collapsed to the floor as tears built in his eyes, he sobbed harshly “T-Thank you! You're awake! You're okay!” his body trembled as he reached for your hand. You stare at him your face void of any emotion as he cried you pulled your hand away from his as if his contact burned you.
You saw his expression fall as he shook his head in denial “N-No..” He states in disbelief as he meets your eyes. “P-Please I—Where were you?…” you cut him off with heartbreak and disappointment in your tone. Jisung whimpers at your question. “I'm sorry, I-I should have—I didn't realize, okay? I'm so sorry, please don't pull away from me..” he stammers his apology causing your heart to clench. “I don’t want to see you right now…” you whisper. You hear the most heartbreaking sob erupts from Jisung’s chest. “No, please! I should have been there for you. I should have done more but I can't lose you When you jumped I felt like my entire world was falling apart. You were so close—I was right there. I should have answered your calls. I should have noticed something was wrong. I'm sorry okay? I'm so sorry. There's nothing I could be more sorry about but please I can't—I can't lose you. I don't want to be without you please let me fix this..” he begs his eyes not leaving yours once.
“Please. I'm sorry okay? I'll say it forever if I have to. Please I want you right here, next to me, always. I know it's hard but we love each other. I can make you love me again. Please….please don't hate me. I know I messed up but please don't break me too…I can't handle the thought of losing you let alone it actually happening. Please stay with me?” he pleads his eyes filled with hope as he holds onto your hand. “I'll never let you feel alone again I promise. You'll always have me. I'll give you the world if you ask for it. I'll spend the rest of my life making up for this please let me…” He begs, his voice cracking between sniffles. You stare at him, your heart yearning for him. You feel your resolve crumbling as he continues to cry. You caress his cheek, staring into his eyes. He looks at you hopefully, melting into your touch. “Please just, Don't tell me that your love is gone…i wouldn't be able to handle that.” he whimpers. You give him a sad smile, caressing his cheek. You lean in pressing your lips against his softly.
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Taglist: @yangbbokari @havenwithleeknow
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skyward-floored · 3 months
Blog intro! That I'm finally getting around to after several years lol.
Hi there! I’m Peggy, Sky Floor, Floor, Skyward, or Peg if you like.
Basically any variation of my username is fine.
I'm a Christian girl, muddling my way through life 👍
This is my Legend of Zelda/Linkeduniverse blog, the home of all my Zelda stuff I reblog and create. I’m a writer and random theory person mostly, but I also draw and reblog a lot of stuff, talk about the loz games, and bust out various insane AUs every so often. I also never shut up. sorry.
Writing tag is #writing from the floor
Talk tag is #rambles from the floor
And my ao3, Skyward_Arpeggio
I also make an effort to tag everything for easy organization and proper warnings, but I can't catch everything. I do my best though. Also no political discussions or NSFW asks, please. I try to keep this a light-hearted space, so please respect that.
I'm always willing to talk Zelda/Lu, and have an unhealthy amount of lore memorized, so don't be afraid to shoot me an ask if you wanna chat :D
Some of my projects and AUs I'm working on:
Linked Universe Incredibles AU, an semi-modern superhero au, where I basically dumped the lu boys into the Incredibles movie(s). If you're looking for family stuff, superpowers, and way too much angst, this is the au for you. You can find it under the tag: #incredibles au, and all the writing I've done for it under: #incredibles au fic. (also on ao3!)
Brethren in a Cradle, my longest-running and most intense plot-wise project (with the very slow updates 😭). The chain gain an unusual addition to their ranks, and somehow Wild is a dad now. Wait, all of them are. Oops. Link to the fic.
Hyrule Dragon Warriors, which is a hyrule warriors au in which Link's dad is Volga, and his mom is Impa. Yeah. Family drama. You can find it under: #hdw au. (also on ao3!)
I have two original Zelda stories I'm working on, one that I just call Lost AU, and the other Hero of Sages, or Berry Link. Lost is about a Link who's corrupted very early in the story, and Zelda setting out to save him and the kingdom. While Hero of Sages is about a Link who has six older sisters... who happen to be six of the seven maidens needed to bring back Ganon. You can find them respectively under #Lost and #hero of sages.
You can also find my own all the links from the games go on an adventure together au at the tag: #Courage of Ages. There isn't a whole lot posted on here about them, but I always love talking about my boys :)
I have much more than this though, AUs/projects and other stuff I’ve written, but I'm going to put it under the cut (...still under editing so it's messy and unfinished!)
The past three years I've participated in the whumptober challenge! I did half of 2021's for lu, and in 2022 and 2023 I did all 31 days for lu! You can find the list for 2021 here, the ones for 2022 here, and the 2023 ones here (or find them all on my ao3 (see above), as well as some ao3-only bonus scenes!).
Kitty Wind, which is exactly what it sounds like. Wind touches Twilight's crystal, and finds himself as... a cat. A tiny, fluffy, adorable little cat. Needless to say, he isn't thrilled. You can find it under #kitty wind or read the fic on ao3!
A Royal Castletown Wedding
Accidental Domestication
Scales and Gills, a collection of Mermaid Legend fics
The Twilight Turns (true form au),
Pup is only a oneshot for now, but I have more fics planned for this idea! Dark Link goes back in time, and after the chain when they're too small to defend themselves. Unfortunately for Dink, he doesn't bet on them having protectors in the form of their predecessors.
Many Courses of Love
Up in Arms
Botw Dark Link AU
Downfall IAU
other aus(?) you're probably forgetting some so check later girl
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secretswiftymarvelfan · 8 months
I love you 3000 writing bonanza!
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I’ve hit 3000 followers!!!
Now if you remember a while ago I asked how you guys would like to celebrate and this is what I’ve come up with! If you remember my 2.5k Followers Writing Challenge and Exchange its kinda similar to that but I’ve made some improvements!
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What is going to happen is I am going to open up my askbox/dms for requests!
To make this manageable and allow me to complete as many as possible I will only be accepting requests in these following forms:
1) A question about a character or series
For example: How would X characters feel about Y character doing XYZ?
2) A What If…. For one of my series
For example: What If the character for X series met 10 years prior
3) A request using a maximum of 3 of the prompts below (the list is hella long so I’ve put it below the cut!)
For Example: Ari Levinson / Mob AU / You won’t get away so easy
If I receive a request that does not fall into one of these three categories then I will not fulfill it!
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And because I like for everyone to be able to get involved if you yourself are a writer/want to give writing a go and you like any of the below prompts feel free to use them (the max of 3 doesn’t apply to you guys) all I ask is that you tag me, use the hashtag Niamh Loves You 3000, use appropriate warnings and let me know which ones you’re using so I can keep my eye out!
If you are writing a fic using the below prompts I ask you to follow these rules:
No sexual relations with minors, no somnophilia, necrophilia, incest, toilet stuff, snuff, or beastiality!
Dark Fics are allowed (Non-Con/Dub-Con) but they MUST BE APPROPRIATELY TAGGED!
Any creation MUST BE ORIGINAL! No stealing, stealing is bad!
The creation if part of a series must be able to be read as a stand alone!
No word limit! If it’s over 500 please use the read more function!
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All the prompts are below the cut, remember its a max of three, but you can mix and match as you like so the possibilities are endless!
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Chris Evans
Steve Rogers
Andy Barber
Frank Adler
Ari Levinson
Curtis Everett
Johnny Storm
Jake Jensen
Ransom Drysdale
Any other Chris Evans character
Fake Dating
Only One Bed
Enemies to Lovers
Friends to Lovers
Cuddling for warmth
Trapped together
Mistaken Identity
One night only
Love Triangle
Fated Mates
Childhood Sweethearts
Grumpy x Sunshine
Forbinned Love
Forced Proximity
WILDCARD! (You can pick an Trope not listed!)
Mob AU
Sports team AU
College AU
Emergency Service AU
(Medieval) Royalty AU
(Modern) Royalty AU
Pornstar AU
Fairytale / Fantasy AU
Biker AU
Soulmate AU
Band/Musician AU
WILDCARD! (You can pick an AU not listed!)
"I told you not to touch that"
"I'm tired of answering that question"
"Why didn't they come?"
"I'm so sick of pretending everything's okay"
"don't just stand there! do something!"
"do you remember that night in [insert place]?"
"is there a problem here gentlemen?"
"what on earth happened here?"
"there's blood everywhere"
"Get in the van!"
"I'm not saying you're a bad cook, but even the flies in the kitchen wear gas masks."
"I may be a terrible dancer, but I've got great moves in bed."
"I'm not high maintenance; I'm just low tolerance for mediocrity."
"I love the sound of your voice and the way you say my name."
"Being with you feels like coming home."
“You're not the person I thought you were."
"I never imagined my life without you."
"I never got to say goodbye."
"I'm so glad you're here to point out my flaws. I would never have noticed them on my own."
"Oh, don't worry about being late. We'll just sit here and wait for you forever."
"I'm sorry. Did I ask for your opinion?"
"Why do you always insist on seeing the worst in people?"
"It's not my fault you can't handle the truth."
"You don't know what I'm capable of."
"I'll do whatever it takes to get what I want."
"You think you're better than me, but you're not."
"I'll use anyone I need to achieve my goals."
"You've made a huge mistake, and now you're going to pay for it."
"Don't you realize how much you've hurt everyone around you?"
"you have no idea what you do to me"
"don't you dare go slow"
"I don't think I'll be able to walk tomorrow"
"move and you won't be coming tonight"
"hands behind you're back"
"Beg for it"
"you can take it, you've done it before"
"I'm going to fucking ruin you"
"do you think you deserve a reward/punishment?"
"show me how much you missed me"
"Are you holding back? don't"
"shall we put your mouth to better use?"
"Slowly, I'm not going anywhere"
"I said I'd take care of you"
"Please, I can't sit still"
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So there’s absolutely so many to pick from covering fluff, comedy, angst and smut 😉 don’t forget to follow the rules I’ve set out above!!
I love you all 3000 🩵🩵🩵
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Crutches and Crushes
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Chapter Three of the Through the Scope series | Chapter Four
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 4.9K
TW: Unhealthy relationship and mentions of cocaine
Chapter Overview: You run into Frankie while you are out shopping.
Notes: Hey everyone ! I love that I'm still going to say no set posting schedule even though I have been consistent in my posting schedule. I just don't want to give a day and then miss it and blah blah blah. ANYWAY I'm absolutely beside myself that people wanted to be on the tag list for this series (i could cry) so thank you to the people that are investing time into this just like me (: my asks are always open if you want to chat about this series in particular or literally anything else !! happy reading <3
*no use of y/n & female presenting reader*
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With a whole week of work at Brass Knuckles now officially under your belt, your dad wanted to celebrate. He called you and asked if you would come and eat lunch with him on Sunday afternoon. You knew that this meant you would be the one selected to go pick up and pay for lunch at some restaurant, but it was the fact that he remembered in the first place. Your dad was the kind of man that remembered globally recognized celebratory events: Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Thanksgiving. However, he struggled a bit with remembering ones that hit closer to home: your birthday, his own wedding anniversary, and any school function you had. You knew that he never did this with any malice or bad intentions, that wasn’t in his nature, but that didn’t ever numb the pain when it inevitably happened. 
“Did you really have to get me a salad?” 
You already knew that he was going to ask this. “Yes, I did.”
“Well could you have at least ordered me one that is topped with fried chicken and not this skinless bitch chicken.”
“Fried meats are one of the main foods that you have to avoid because of your diabetes,” You narrow your eyes at him. “So eat your ‘bitch chicken’ and be happy.”
“You’re right, you’re right. I’m sorry, Sweet Pea. Thank you for bringing the food and for putting up with me.” 
“Of course, dad, but speaking of putting up with you…how has your physical therapy been going with Miss. Maggie?”
“I have my good days and my bad days. I actually managed to hold myself up on the uhh…what’s that thing called again? The one that has those horizontal poles on either side of me?”
“The parallel bars?”
“Yeah!” He snaps his fingers together. “I managed to hold myself up on the parallel bars, but I used all my strength focusing on not falling over which meant that I didn’t have much left in me when it came time to try taking a step.”
“I’m still really proud of you! Doing everything that you’re doing isn’t easy. All that anyone can ask is that you take it day by day and to try your best.”
“When did you grow up and get so smart?” His voice sounds airy. 
“When you blinked.”
“Is that so? Okay, smarty pants, what’s the first thing that I’m going to do when I can walk on my own again?”
You lean back in your seat and ponder his question. It wouldn’t have anything to do with playing cards, since he has that poker tournament every Sunday evening. It wouldn’t be going on a date, although you suspect he might have a little thing for Miss. Maggie. As you rack your brain for the answer a car fires up its engine in the retirement home parking lot. Got it.
“The first thing that you’re going to do when you can walk on your own is go to a car show. Then after you’re done, you’ll probably go get the greasiest burger you can get your hands on just to spite me.” 
“Fuckin’ hell. You got me all figured out.” 
“How about this? We go to the car show together, but skip the burgers.”
“Or we go to the car show together, skip the burgers, and get a basket of fries instead?”
You know when you're in the middle of a losing argument. A frustrated sigh comes from you as you nod your head at his counter-proposal. 
“Deal, dad.” 
You should have known this was a bad idea. You should have turned your car around the moment you saw how packed the parking lot was. Days like today were the reason why online shopping and curbside delivery were invented. Unfortunately for you, you had no better way to spend the afternoon of your day off than braving the hectic crowds of IKEA. Your desperate need for items inside the store outweighed your hesitation to go inside. You have only just grabbed a basket when your phone starts ringing.
“Thank fucking god you called, Robbie. I just got into IKEA and I need someone to talk to so I don’t get completely overwhelmed here.” 
You spend the next 45 minutes wandering in and out of different furniture sections while filling Robbie in about your new job and friends. You tell her about Benny and how he has become your closest friend so far down here. She audibly gags when you mention Brunson and how he acted when you first met him. Although you reassure her that Benny stepped in and shut him down, she still has a few choice words that you hope the family standing next to you can’t hear through the phone. 
By the time you finally bring up Will, Pope, and Frankie your basket is quite full. You found all the kitchenware you needed: pots and pans, cups, plates, bowls, utensils, etc. Then for your room you got a nightstand, a dresser drawer, a lamp, decorative throw pillows, and a full length mirror to hang on your closet door. You wrote down the item numbers for some of the items that are too big to cart around, kitchen table and chairs and a couch, so you could order them on a later date. 
“So, Santiago is Pope, Will is Ironhead, Frankie is Catfish, and Benny is…just Benny?” 
“It’s weird, I know.” You laugh. “They’re all really sweet, but Frankie is by far the most attractive one in the group.” 
“What did I fucking say?! I knew that you would have better luck finding a boyfriend in Florida than back home!”
“He’s not my boyfriend! I just think he’s cute, damn!”
“Tell me about him! I need a good mental image.”
“He’s a few inches taller than me, maybe 5’11? His hair curls at the end and is this beautiful brown which matches his eyes. Broad, and I mean broad, shoulders.” Robbie squeals on the other end of the phone. “Big nose and probably 10-15 years older than me?”
“I told you that you like ‘em older.”
You playfully roll your eyes at her comment as you walk into the section of the store that carries the bed frames.
“But I think you would really like Will. He’s tall, ruggedly handsome, has a sexy southern accent, and seems really smart.”
She’s quiet on the other end of the phone while you explain more about him to her. You love Robbie, but the men that she has dated in the past couldn’t match her on any level. She needed a partner that could challenge her intellectually and push her out of her comfort zone. Will is the kind of man that could do that for her. 
“Basically, what I’m trying to tell you is that you should date men that are actually men.”
“Well, it looks like I’ll have some homework to do when I come down next month for spring break.”
“Just give him a chance, that’s all I’m asking. Hey, I should probably go. I’ve already been here way longer than I intended and if I keep talking to you there's no telling when I’ll finish.” 
The two of you make plans to talk later and you hang up the phone. Now to find a bed frame and get the fuck out of here. You survey the room to see if anything catches your eye and something does. The only issue is that it's not a piece of furniture. Familiar curls peek out from underneath a black cap. He’s facing away from you which allows you to read the lettering on the back of his shirt.
B.K.B.G Sponsor of the Month
Tire Town Auto Body Repair Shop
When you first met Frankie, Benny had accidentally cut it short. You have been embarrassingly hung up on the fact that you didn’t get to talk to him the way you had with the other two men that evening. Now the universe has allowed you a second chance by placing him just a few feet away. You find yourself stuck in between feeling excitement and apprehension to approach him. Would he think you were weird if you came up and talked to him? Would he see you as Benny’s little receptionist and nothing more? These questions and countless more plague your mind as your feet guide you over to him. 
He turns around and looks down at you with those enchanting eyes. The wrinkles that form around them when he smiles softly at you echo the photo you saw of him. The front of his shirt has ‘B.K.B.G Friday Fight Night’ written in a large font across his chest. 
“Hey! What are you doing here?”
You shily gesture to your very full basket. “Turns out that one of the many consequences of moving quickly is having to buy all new furniture because you didn’t have time to bring the stuff you already owned.”
“Oh God, I’m sorry,” he chuckles and scratches the nape of his neck. “That was a stupid question.” 
“No, no it wasn’t! At least I have a job now so I can pay for it all.”
“How is that going by the way? You just finished your first week, right?” 
You try to convince yourself that him remembering how long you had already been working at Brass Knuckles for wasn’t a big deal. He had come into the gym on Monday and since today is Sunday, a logical person could conclude that you had completed your first week. Try as you might, you couldn’t stop the balloon-like swelling you felt in your heart. 
“I did! It was pretty good, honestly. I feel like I’ve got the hang of everything I’m in charge of. Speaking of Brass Knuckles, I like your shirt.”
He looks down at the shirt he probably didn’t think twice about throwing on this morning. 
“You don’t have one of the fight night shirts yet? I think this is the one my job sponsored.” You laugh as he tries to look over his shoulder to read the back of the shirt.
“No, I haven’t been to the fights yet. You work at Tire Town Auto Body Shop?”
“For the time being.” His eyes drift away while he says. You can tell that there is more to the story than he is letting on.
“Well it’s comforting to know that you work there,” His gaze falls back on you. “I have the worst luck with cars so it’s only a matter of time before I’ll need to find a shop.”
“I hope nothing goes wrong with your car, but if it does, just bring it over to me and I’ll take care of everything for you. Wait, wait…did you say that you haven’t been to the fights?”
“In my defense I have only known about them for a week! Benny is the only one I know there, but he is either preparing the fighters or organizing the event as a whole. I would feel out of place if I went by myself.”
“Well now you know me and Will and Pope. Come with us.”
“Yeah,” he rests his hand on the edge of your cart. “It’s actually a pretty fun time. I would love it if you went with me- me and the guys.” You watch his fingers pick anxiously at a piece of tape on the end of one of your boxes.
“Sounds like a plan to me, Frankie.” 
Upon hearing you agree to go with him the corners of his lips curl into a smile. It’s so infectious that you find yourself beaming in the middle of the bustling store as well. His shyness makes you yearn to know what makes him tick. Makes you want to know how to coax that coveted smile out of him. Because maybe doing that will help you smile more as well. 
It looks like he is opening his mouth to say something when he’s cut off by the blaring of his ringtone. He easily takes the device out of his pocket, but falters when he sees the name that's displayed on the screen. His once relaxed demeanor has now been replaced by something tense and foreign to you. 
“I’ve uhh I’ve gotta take this. I’m so sorry.” He hits the answer button and places the phone to his ear. “Hello?”
“No worries,” You whisper to him. “I’m sure I’ll see you later.” 
You watch as he nods and starts to walk deeper into the store. Before he gets out of your ear shot you hear him say the name ‘Rochelle’. Leave it to you to be into a man that already has another woman first in line.
“Why do we always have to come to this dump? They don’t have any good drinks and the music sucks.”
Frankie sits across from Rochelle at a random table in The Barrel. He knew better than to let her sit at the guy's designated table. He didn’t want her to corrode them the way she had done with him. 
“Why do you want to get back together, Rochelle? We never made each other happy. Our whole relationship was a coked out blur.” 
“But you liked it.” She places her hand on his. It was cold and wet since she had been using it to hold her beer bottle. 
“I’m not the same man I was before, Rochelle. I can’t do shit like that anymore. I don’t want to do shit like that anymore.” He forces himself to look her in the eyes. “You know what it cost me.”
She meets his plea with a scoff and brings her drink to her overlined lips. She never seemed interested in conversations where she wasn’t leading or the center of attention. 
“You were fun. I was fun. We were fun. So what if we needed a little bump every now and then to get there?” Her fingers curl tighter around his hand. “I miss you, Frankie.”
He missed having someone ride shotgun. He missed having someone there when he needed to vent about the shitty day that he had at work. He missed having a warm body to sleep next to at night. He missed having someone to care for. He just didn’t know if he missed her. She gave him a distraction when he needed it in the past, but could she give him the support he needs now? The support he would inevitably need in the future?
“The only way I would consider revisiting ‘us’ is if it's just us. No more coke.”
He can see the annoyance in her eyes as he lays out his boundaries on the table. She slowly retracts her hand from his and coils it back around her glass. 
“Fine.” Her tone is flat.
“I’m not kidding. I want a fresh start. If we are going to try again I want to do it right.”
“Then let's start with that woman’s voice I heard on the other end of your phone today. Who was that?”
“Are you serio- I ran into Benny’s new hire while I was out shopping for stuff for my place. She’s new to the area and doesn’t have a lot of friends here yet. It was just a friendly conversation, Rochelle.”
"Well,” Her voice is syrupy sweet. “You don’t need to be her friend because you’re already mine.”
He really wanted to believe her when she said that. He really wanted to believe that she cared for him enough to change and grow as a person. He really wanted to ignore the sound of the water calling his name the longer he sat with her. 
By Wednesday, you felt completely at ease working in the gym. You recognized and chatted with regulars, became quite the sales woman for both memberships and Friday tickets, and were able to kick the washing machine into submission without Benny’s help. Your desk was also coming along nicely too. You had posted notes in your favorite color, a photo you and Robbie took together in a photobooth shoved into the top right corner of your computer, multi colored pens, and even a small filing basket so you could better organize your paperwork. Your new found confidence in the job gave you the push you needed to officially pitch the idea of gym wide air fresheners to Benny.
“I don’t want this place smellin’ like a fruity little spa.” 
“You do know that they make dozens, if not hundreds, of different kinds of scents right?”
“People come here to workout, not pretend that they are on a tropical vacation.” 
“People can’t workout if the smell suffocates them.” You retort.
“It’s not even that bad!”
“You’ve gone nose blind, Benny! Please know that I say this out of the kindness of my heart, but it is fucking rancid in here.” 
“Now you’re just bein’ mean.” 
“Listen, what if I buy some, only the most manly smelling ones of course, and let you test them out? It’s a win-win because you won’t have to charge them on the company card and if you hate them I can just return them all.”
“Alright, but you promise that I will get the final say?” 
“You’re the boss, Benny. Oh, what should we eat today?”
The two of you have been eating lunch together during the week. There is a good window of time right after the gym’s lunch rush and before the after work rush. You even made sure to block off at least an hour in Benny’s schedule around that time so he could have a much needed break. 
“Have you tried that burger place up the street? Goddamn, they’re so good.” 
“Burgers it is then. Text me your order so I know what to get you.”
What? Just because your dad has to be on a strict diet doesn’t mean that you have to be on one.
Benny had wheeled his rolly chair all the way from his back office and crammed it behind your desk. Both of you sit snugly with your feast of burgers and fries littered in front of you. The silence is only broken up by the occasional ‘can you pass the ketchup?’ or ‘are there extra napkins in the bag?’. When you have eaten half of your burger you decide to set it down and bring up what’s been on your mind. You know you can’t just come out and ask it so you opt to bring it up gradually. 
“I saw Frankie the other day while I was out and he suggested I come to the fights this Friday.”
“I’ve been askin’ you to come since you got here!” His mouth is still full from the last bite he took. 
“Gross, Benny!” You swat him in the shoulder. “I know you have been asking, but you’re busy helping organize things! You’re the only one I know here.”
You can’t tell if he chooses to keep his mouth shut because you’re right or because you just reprimanded him.
“Frankie said I could go with him and the other guys. Plus I have no social life and it's starting to feel like the walls of my apartment are closing in on me.”
“Regardless of who convinced you to go, I’m happy you’re comin’! You’re gonna have a blast! Fish and the guys throw down pretty hard at these things too so you’ll be in good company.” 
“Yeah I think I will be too.” You have to shove a fry in your mouth to hide the smile you can feel making its way across your lips. Only once you have finished chewing, you don’t want to be a hypocrite, do you bring up what you really have been wanting too. “Can I ask a question? It might not be my place though.”
The man across from you motions, burger in hand, for you to continue. You take a deep breath and rip the band-aid off.
“Well, Frankie and I’s conversation was actually cut short when he got a phone call. I wouldn’t have said anything except- except he looked so tense when he got it? I don’t know, maybe I’m imagining things.”
“No you’re definitely not imaginin’ things. I don’t want to get into Frankie’s business because that's his own shit to talk about, but long story short, a woman is tryin’ to come back into his life that shouldn’t have been there in the first place.”
You pick your burger back up and take a bite as he carries on with his story. 
“The guys and I all found ways to cope with comin’ back to reality after dealin’ with the worst of the worst in and out of the service. Mine was openin’ this place, Will’s was helpin’ other vet’s, Pope’s was bein’ a military consultant, and Frankie’s was…well Frankie’s was Rochelle.”
“Rochelle.” You wanted to feel how her name felt on your tongue. “I heard him say that name when he was walking away.”
“Damnit, Fish.”
“So, remind me again why we are here?”
Frankie pulls into Brass Knuckles’ parking lot with Pope in his passenger seat. He knew he should have done this without him. If anyone was going to sniff out that he had a small thing for you it was going to be Pope.
“Benny left some clothes at my place last week and since we were in the neighborhood I figured I would just drop them off.” 
“As opposed to giving them to him on Friday? Which is only two days from now, might I add.” He looks in the backseat and grabs the small cardboard box. “I think he would have made it until then without a t-shirt and a pair of jeans.”
“Shut up and get out of my truck, man.” 
Frankie takes the box of clothes out of Pope’s hands when they both round the bed of the truck and start walking towards the door. He can see you entranced by something on your computer screen through the windows. 
“I also invited her to come to the fights with us this week.” Frankie flicks his chin in your direction when Pope looks at him. 
“You already have her number? Damn, Fish. I thought I worked quickly.”
“No, man,” He groans. “We ran into each other while I was at IKEA on Sunday. I just thought it would be fun, you know? It’s not like that, Pope.” 
“Fish, you were a bad liar when we served together and you’re a bad liar now.” He turns to look at Frankie. “Come on, you think she’s cute don’t you?”
“She’s just cool.” He should have never brought Pope.
“Whatever you say.” 
The chime of the door bell pulls you from your emails. You’re shocked, but not unhappy, when you look up and see the two of them coming through the door.
“Hey guys. I didn’t know y’all were coming by today.”
“I would have texted you, love, but I haven’t got your number.” Pope flashes his signature beaming grin in your direction. 
“Well you never asked, love.” You tease. 
“We wanted to drop some things off for Benny.” Frankie says as he comes up and places a cardboard box gingerly on your desk.
“Who's ‘we’?” Pope gabs. 
Your attention stays on Frankie as you speak. “Oh, sure! He’s in the back office doing…actually I'm not really sure what he does back there.”
When Frankie doesn’t immediately move, Pope reaches over and slides the box towards himself. 
“Hey, what are you-?”
“Let me take this for you, Fish. Why don’t you stay here and get her number for me? Strictly for scientific purposes of course.” You can see a playful look in his eyes when he turns back to his clearly panicking friend. 
“Wait, no it’s-”
“It’s no big deal, exactly.” Pope whisks the box off your desk and starts walking into the gym, but not before tossing you a wink. 
It suddenly feels a little harder to breathe when it’s just the two of you up front. You want to compliment the soft, yellow jacket he is wearing, but no words come. The only thing you can selfishly focus on right now is your heart and how it's beating so hard in your chest that he can probably hear it. 
“It’s nice to see you again.” You think you can hear his voice shutter a bit.
“It’s nice to see you again too, Frankie. Still alright for me to come with everyone on Friday? I don’t want to impose.”
“You’re not imposing!” The words tumble out of his mouth. “You’re not imposing. I invited you, remember?” His tone settles.
“Thanks again for that by the way.” 
A silence falls between the two of you. You both must have been racking your brains for something to say because you speak at the same time.
“Did you-?”
“Were you able-?”
Comfortable laughter blossoms and it dawns on you that he might be just as nervous to talk to you as you were to talk to him. 
“No, no you go first!” You choke out while trying to catch your breath. 
“Did you end up getting anything else after I left the other day?” 
“I actually did; thanks for asking! I found a bed frame I liked. It took me longer than I'd like to admit to put it together though.” 
Frankie has never been more grateful for the front desk than in this exact moment. Images of your naked, writhing body cuffed to a bed frame flood his mind. God, he could do anything he wanted to you. He would take it slow at first, not wanting to leave any part of your body undiscovered by his tongue. Then, only when you were begging him, would he give you what you wanted. 
“I-I’m sorry what did you say?”
“I asked if you were able to find anything? You didn’t have a basket when I saw you.”
“No, I didn’t. The thing I wanted was just out of reach-stock! The thing I wanted was just out of stock.” He corrects.
“Oh, that’s too bad.” You pray your voice doesn’t give away the curiosity you have about his little slip up. “Here. Let me give you something to make up for it.” 
You take out a pen from its holder and move your stack of sticky notes in front of you. His eyes capture your every move. You write out your number slowly on the small piece of paper as you revel in the knowledge that you have his undivided attention. When you’re finished you sign it with your name and a tiny heart and pray that you haven’t misread this situation. 
“I know Pope was the one that asked for this, but I want you to hold on to it.” 
Your cheeks burn as you hand him your proverbial olive branch. When he takes it from you and reads what you had written he laughs quietly to himself. 
“You know, so you can text me about this Friday.”
“Not for scientific purposes?” He mimics his friend's earlier statement.
“Unlucky for Pope, I was never really that into the sciences.”
“Lucky for me then.” 
He folds up your note and carefully places it into his front shirt pocket. His timing couldn't have been better because Benny and Pope emerge from behind the brick wall as soon as he’s done. 
“I hear that you managed to convince our girl here to come with y’all to the fights, Fish! Good on you!” He comes up and claps his friend on the back. “I’m not at all jealous that you did it when I couldn’t.”
“Benny.” you chide.
“Why don’t you make it up to Benny and come to the bar with us?”
“One step at a time, Pope. One step at a time. I do have something for you though.”
He comes over to you as you start writing your number out again. Out of the corner of your eye you see him give Frankie and Benny and thumbs up. Oh you poor, sweet, incorrect bastard. You nonchalantly pass it to him and hope Frankie see’s that there is no heart drawn on this time. 
“Your reward for being such a big helper today by returning Benny’s clothes. If you text me in the middle of the night and wake me up I swear to God I’ll kill you.” 
“What bliss that would be.” 
“Hey! Unless y’all are gonna workout y’all better get a move on. Just because we are friends doesn’t mean y’all can take up valuable lobby space in my gym.” 
“We’re going, we’re going.” For a man that is getting ushered out of a building, Frankie sure looks happy. 
“Bye, guys!”
They both wave and say ‘bye’ to you and Benny as they open the door and head into the parking lot. Benny heads back to his office before they reach their truck, but you keep watching. As Frankie’s hand curls around his truck door, he looks back at you, and pats over his shirt pocket. Then he disappears inside and drives off with Pope. 
Frankie could feel the note he placed in his pocket burning a hole through his chest the whole ride back to Pope’s place. It made it hard to carry on a simple conversation with him because that fiery sensation was all he could focus on. It was the type of heat that seeped into his very bones and made him feel as if he was glowing from the inside out. He knew you had unknowingly seared yourself onto his heart and that feeling scared him.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
{tag list: @pimosworld @c-justhere @javicstories @saltybutteredtoast @hoeslingz @avastrasposts @bitchwitch1981 @smol-beb @cutesyscreenname }
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viking-raider · 2 years
Fright Night *Halloween Fic*
Summary: It's Halloween! You and Henry take to the great city of London, as Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf, to enjoy some of its Tricks and Treats. Before letting the night enchant you.
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count:
Warning: M - Cotton Candy Fluff, Dressing Up, Alcohol Use, Jump Scares, Stupid/Chessy Jokes, (I'm so sorry!) Flirting, Haunted House, Teasing, Protective!Henry, SMUT - Unprotected sex, (wrap it, before you tap it!) Oral: F-Receiving, Biting, Light Role Play, Body Fluids, Hand Job
Inspiration: It's Halloween! Let the mood inspire you!
Author’s Note: There is a possibility of future parts! I hope you enjoy this! Line divider by @FIREFLY-GRAPHICS!
If you would like to get notifications for my writing! Just follow my Tag List blog, @VIKING-RAIDER-TAGLIST and turn on the notifications for it! It’s that easy!
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“It's Fright Night, babe!” Henry cheered, suddenly coming up behind you and grabbing your sides, scaring the living daylights out of you.
“Jesus Alive!” You yelped, body jerking, before you spun around and started a barrage of slaps to Henry's chest. “Would you quit doing that!” You snapped, even though a smirk was spreading across your face.
“Doing what, my dear?” Henry grinned, scrunching up his muscular upper body against your assault, while chuckling at you, mischievously.
“You've been jump scaring me every day, since the bloody first of October!” You replied, shaking your head at him and turning back around to the mirror. “You messed up my makeup too!”
“Babe, it's Halloween, your makeup isn't supposed to be perfect!” He said, watching you through the mirror.
“Speak for yourself, Wolf-Boy.” You giggled at him, checking him out.
Henry was dressed up as a sort of biker, Big Bad Wolf. He was rather dedicated to this costume as well! Having grown his beard out for it and everything. He had a pair of realistic wolf ears molded over his own, a painted-on wolf nose and a pair of red and black, Halloween contacts. He had on his leather biker jacket.
You would easily admit though, Henry looked pretty badass and spooky.
“I'd rather bite you, Little Red.” Henry purred, snaking his arms around your waist and playfully nibbling on your exposed neck.
“Now now, naughty Wolf.” You cooed, turning your head and kissing his temple, leaving a pair of red lips behind.
“I don't know if I'll be able to make it through a night out with you looking like this.” He said, stepping back to look you over in your dark Red Riding Hood costume.
He loved the black, silk and floral stockings that went all the way up above your mid-thigh, felt a tingle in the base of his spine that wanted to make love to you, with only you in those stockings. You smirked at him, fixing and finishing your makeup, then picked up your cape.
“Would you like some help with that?” Henry asked, holding his hand out.
“I don't know.” You frowned at him. “My grandma-ma told me not to trust big, bad wolves.” You said, batting your eyes at him.
“Hm.” He hummed back, stepping closer to you and lowering his spooky eyes, causing a little chill to race down your back. “What a smart woman, your grandma-ma is. But worry not, Little Red, I'll keep my biting to a minimum.”
“Well,” You smirked, resting your hand on the black, v-neck he was wearing under his jacket. “At least until we get home.” You purred, with a wink.
Henry threw his head back and let out a loud howl, which caused Kal to start barking elsewhere in the house and you to giggle. Taking your cape, Henry helped carefully tie it over your shoulders, then planted a delicate kiss on your lips.
“Are you ready to go?” He asked, pulling back.
“I am, are you?” You nodded, giving yourself a once over in the mirror.
“Yes, ma'am.” Henry nodded, zipping his leather jacket halfway.
“Wait, Mr. Big Bad!” You called out, as Henry stepped out of the bathroom. “You still got kisses on your face.” You giggled at him, grabbing a makeup wipe to remove it.
“No, leave it.” He protested it, turning his head away from the wipe. “This Big Bad Wolf wants the world to know he's been awoo'd by his Little Red Riding Hood.” He chuckled, grinning at you impishly.
“What a silly Wolf you are!” You chuckled back, shaking your head and tossing the wipe away. “Aren't you supposed to have fangs?” You asked, following him out of the master bathroom and into the bedroom.
“Yeah, I was just waiting to put them in.” Henry replied, picking up a small, U-shaped case off his nightstand. “The creative department for the Witcher helped me out with these.” He smirked at you, opening the case to show you the custom werewolf fangs inside.
“Oh, those look so wicked, Puppy.” You nodded, seriously impressed with the top set of fangs.
“Mmhm.” He hummed, happy with them as well. “So, where do you want to go first?” He asked, taking one of the fangs out and started putting it in.
“I don't know.” You replied, biting your lip and glancing down at your shiny flats. “You know more about the London Halloweens than I do.” You pointed it out to him.
This was your and Henry's second Halloween as a couple. Your first Halloween had been spent at an amazing party thrown by one of Henry's friends, where the two of you had gone as Geralt and Yennefer. This year, even with several party invites, you and Henry decided to spend Halloween together and hit the town. But you knew almost nothing about what London did for Halloween events, other than the typical haunted houses and trick or treating.
Getting the last fang in, Henry grinned at you, and you smirked back, he looked absolutely amazing as the biker Big Bad Wolf. “I'm more than sure I can find several things to keep our adrenaline pumping and our Halloween spirit high.”
“Lead the way then, Big Bad!” You said, waving your hand towards the door.
Winking at you, Henry led the way downstairs, he grabbed your coat and held it open, while you put it on, then grabbed the car keys. “Kal, guard the house from tricksters!” He called out to the Akita, pulling open the door and ushering you out first.
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Finding parking in downtown London, You and Henry make your way towards the Thames. You could see the London Eye looming in the darkness on the river's edge. You wondered, if the Eye was doing some sort of late night Halloween rides, that Henry was taking you on. Letting you see the City in all its sparkling glory on All Hallows Eve. But as you both turned the corner, you found a decent size line and looked up at Henry, with a cocked brow.
He grinned, wolfish, and squeezed your hand.
Trusting him, you got into line, and thankfully Henry looked different enough with his costume and everyone being more interested in what was at the head of the line, to take a closer look at the fact a celebrity was waiting among them. Enabling you and Henry to enjoy the wait undisturbed by would-be fans, asking for photos and autographs. You were curious about what your boyfriend was getting you into though. Everyone in line seemed super excited about what it was. The two women in front of you, dressed up in really wicked SteamPunk outfits were chatting excitedly with each other.
“It's going to be amazing; I can't wait for us to get down there.” One of them said, adjusting her top hat.
“Down there?” You echoed her words but looked up at Henry.
“Oh yeah, down into the bowls of London.” He said, making his voice sound spooky and leaned close to you. “Where the shadiest and scariest Londoners go.” He whispered, holding your gaze for a long moment before jerking forward. “Boo!” He wailed, grabbing you by the arms, and laughing as you yelped.
“You're so easy to scare, babe.” He smirked, pulling you in towards him, winking at the two ladies as they looked back and chuckled at the two of you.
“I hate you!” You huffed, punching him in the chest as he hugged his arms around you.
Henry chuckled again, lips ghosting across your forehead as he held you. “I know.” He replied, swaying side to side, before moving you both forward with the line.
Getting to the head of the line, you noticed a ghoulish black and red sign above a set of glass doors, The London Dungeon. It piqued your interest in stepping through the doors, finding the inside heavily decorated for Halloween. Henry paid for your entrance and the two of you were ushered, by a guide, to a lift with a small group of others. The lift took you deep underneath the building and out into a dark coordinator that was a blast from the past.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the London Dungeon!” The guide called out from the head of the group.
There were loud sounds from all-round, ominous dongs, the rumbles of what sounded like distant thunder and screams, along with bright flashes of light. The guide led the way through the dark hallway that was lined with all sorts of things. Buildings from medieval London, gently swaying clotheslines hung high above your heads, things you couldn't quite make out strung along the walls and over darkened doorways and windows.
Through one window, a woman in old clothing and a cloth cap, face painted to make her look much older than she was and several warts, jumped out and feigned reaching for your group, making many of you scream and jump in the air. You nearly climbed up Henry as you grabbed onto him, gasping with fright. While he just jerked with surprise and laughed, smiling and shaking his head as the woman retreated back into her dark hovel.
“I think my heart leapt out of my chest back there.” You panted; arms tightly hugged around Henry's as you urgently panned around for the next scare.
“It's still there, babe.” Henry chuckled, threading his fingers through yours. “I can feel it hammering against my arm.”
The group paused before an open building. It looked menacing, shelves lining the walls with various sized bottles, a skeleton hung from the ceiling on one side. But it was the table on the raised platform that drew everyone's attention. Laying under a soiled and grungy sheet, was the outline of a body. Then, from a door, came another woman, but she didn't jump scare the group like the first one, she was dressed in a bloody smock and her hair was covered in a bandanna, while holding a Plague Mask on a long stick.
“They say this beak is to help prevent the plague!” She said in a high-pitched voice, pointing to the long leather nose attached to the mask. “They put herbs and spices in the end to keep you from getting infections, like the Plague.” She grinned at the crowd, leaning close over the barrier fence that separated them.
“At least, that's what they say!” She cackled, pulling back and running off to put the mask up.
“Now, I'm one of the last physicians here in London fighting the infection!” The live actor declared, hopping up onto the stage with the autopsy table and body. “And this poor fellow is one of my patients! He went mad from the pain in his brain! Jumped out the third story window.” She said dramatically, pressing her fingertips into her temples and leaning over the covered body.
“And splat!”
Looking over the group and grinning sinister, she giggled. “What a shame.”
Then, slowly peeled the sheet back.
“Now! It's very important to know what Plague he died of, the Bubonic or Septicemic. To do that, I must first cut a hole in his chest!” She pulled a knife from under the table that was rather overkill and cut through his chest, little spurts of blood coming out as she did, before delving her arm inside.
“Oh, my dears, the smell is really quite awful now!” She groaned, face pinched, and fanned the air with her free hand, all while struggling with something inside the body. “It's putrid and quite squishy in there.” She gagged and grimaced, before finally pulling something long, bloody and wriggling out. “Hm, I wonder what this is for?” She hummed, waving it around, then tossed it behind her, filling the room with a wet splat.
“Good lord.” You gulped, even though you knew it was an act and all a show, your stomach still churned.
Her hand disappeared again inside the man's chest. “Ah-ha! The heart!” She beamed, rubbing it against her cheek, smearing blood all over the side of her face. “Still warm too!” She cackled, setting it between the man's feet.
“We'll save that for later.” She said, winking at the crowd, who laughed, Ooo-ed or gagged.
You noticed faint noise, like a low groaning, that was steadily starting to get louder the longer the autopsy went on. The small hairs on the back of your neck and along your arms started to stand up. Suspense building inside of you as you waited for someone to jump out of the darkness or something to fall from the ceiling above. You clutched Henry's arm, while he continued to watch the performance, in thralled by the historical terror and gore going on.
The plague doctor stepped away from the body, squinting into the darkness. “What's that noise? Do any of you hear--” She started to ask, before a blood curdling scream filled the air and the body on the table sprang up into a sitting position.
Everyone cried out and the plague doctor screeched at the top of her lungs, arms flying up in the air, as she bolted past everyone and vanished into the darkness, her screams fading away.
“You all right, babe?” Henry asked, smirking at you, feeling you shiver against him.
“I'm fine.” You replied, trying to put on a brave face.
“Mmhm.” He nodded, kissing your forehead.
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You and Henry finished the London Dungeon, and even though you had been scared out of your wits more times than not and it was a good thing Henry was wearing a leather jacket, protecting his arm from being maimed by your nails as you clutched at him. You had actually loved the tour, learning about the history, dark as it was.
“Where to now, Big Bad?” You asked, looping your arm with Henry's as you strolled along the river.
“Hm.” Henry replied, taking a deep breath of the evening air coming off the Thames. “Are you hungry? We could go for a nibble.”
“I do say, I could go for a nibble and something to drink.” You nodded, resting your shoulder against his, and smiled up at him.
“Then, let's find somewhere spooky to satisfy ourselves!”
“Please, Hen, no more scares.” You begged him, as you headed back towards the car.
Henry chuckled and squeezed your hand. “Oh, all right. I suppose you've had enough for one night.” He conceded, turning the corner with you, only to have two teenagers jump out, scaring you enough to hide behind him with a scream.
“Very funny, gents.” He chuckled, but his face gave away how unamused he actually was.
The kids tore off down the street, laughing their heads off, while you worked on swallowing your heart back down into your chest. “It's a good thing I love Halloween so much.” You said, coming out from behind Henry.
“Only Halloween?” He asked, giving you a side glance, as you made it back to the car.
“I love you, three-hundred and sixty-five days out of the year, Henry.” You replied, beaming at him, as you buckled your seatbelt. “I don't need a holiday to love you even more. I wouldn't even know if there's anything in the multiverse that could make me love you more.”
“I could—TURN YOU!” Henry proclaimed, suddenly lunging across the console to attack your neck.
You howled with laughter, feigning trying to fight him off, pressed between your seat and door. Henry nibbled on your neck and tugged on your earlobe. “Down, boy! Down!” You wheezed, still giggling hysterically, but Henry kept up his assault, even licking up the side of your neck and making you squirm.
“Easy.” You cooed, turning to your Kal soothing tactic, gently petting Henry's hair and rubbing one of his earlobes. “Who's a good werewolf, huh?” You smirked, hearing him start to pant in your ear and nuzzle the side of your face. “You are!” You said, voice slightly high pitched.
“Yes, you're Little Red's favorite wolfie.”
“I damn well better be!” Henry huffed, pulling back slightly, to look you in the face.
“You are, as long as you don't tell Kal.” You chuckled, kissing him on the lips. “He thinks it's him, and I can't bear the thought of him knowing otherwise.”
“I see how it is.” He smirked, straightening up in his seat. “You're playing both of us. Calling whoever is with you the good boy.” He said, pulling out of the parking lot.
“And what would be my reward in this scenario?” You chuckled, lifting an interested brow at him, wanting to know where his thinking was going.
“All the perks of Kal and I being good boys.” He replied, checking the street for any trick or treaters.
“Ah, like Kal keeping all his toys in his bed and you remembering to put the lid back on the milk container.” You pointed out, shooting him a playful look.
“Something like that.” Henry blushed, reaching out to take your hand and resting it on his thigh.
“So, where are we going for our nibble?” You asked, relaxing and peeking out the window, admiring all the amazing Halloween decorations that dotted the businesses and parks.
“There's a cute pub in Leadenhall Market that really goes all out for Halloween.” He explained to you. “They do different themes each year. The last time I was there, they did Harry Potter. Which was fitting, since one of the movies had just come out that year. They serve great drinks and appetizers, so I figured we'd go there, then walk around the Market. Snag some of the treats from the pop-up stalls.”
“That sounds really lovely.”
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The pub was alive with people, when you and Henry arrived, the murmur of voices, laughter and music. As you entered the Nightmare Before Christmas themed establishment, a woman dressed as a cat was passing by with this strobing and smokey drink in her hand, drawing your eye, instantly.
“Oh my god, what is that?” You blurted out, pointing to her drink, and slightly startling her.
She smiled at you and held it up. “It's called, A Witch's Brew.” She explained, taking a draw from a black and white silly straw with a witch's hat, then continued on.
“I want one of those!” You declared, looking up at Henry, eyes wide.
Henry laughed and nodded. “All right, one Witch's Brew coming up! Why don't you go find us somewhere to sit, while I get it and something to eat.” He suggested, turning his head towards the crowded bar counter.
You weaved your way through the packed pub, looking for an open table, making a couple comments to others on their costumes, before finally finding a corner booth. You took your phone out of your jacket pocket, while waiting for Henry to return, and snapped a couple selfies of yourself and several of the pub, posting them on your Instagram, then answered texts you had from family and friends.
“One Witch's Brew for Little Red Riding Hood.” Henry's voice called over all the noise, as he made it over to you, setting your drink down on the table.
“What do you have there?” You asked, motioning to the other glass in his hand.
“This is a Poisoned Apple Cider.” He said, sitting beside you with a glass of red and luster-y liquid. “Non-alcoholic, of course! Since I'm the designated Werewolf for the night.”
“Ha-ha-ha.” You chuckled, slapping him on the thigh, then looked at your drink, blinking and smoking, with purple alcohol in a stemless wine glass. “Did you manage to figure out what's in this?” You asked, picking it up.
“Um, yeah.” He nodded, taking a quick drink of his cider. “Vodka, blue curacao, grenadine and Sprite.” He rattled off the list the bartender had given him. “How is it?” He asked, watching you try it.
“It's pretty darn good.” You nodded with approval. “Did you manage food?”
“I ordered something sinister.” He replied, giving you an impish look.
“Oh dear, Cavill. What have you ordered for us?”
Henry leaned in close to you. “Mummy fingers and blood.” He whispered, before letting out an evil laugh.
“What would a Mummy finger count as, beef jerky?” You teased, taking another draw off your curly straw. “Well, I guess that's what I get when I let a werewolf order for me. Nothing, but bones to gnaw.”
At that, Henry let out a deep belly laugh, eyes sparkling in the orange and purple lights hung around the pub. “I keep forgetting you haven't turned yet.”
“You only just bit me, big boy.” You said, rubbing his chest. “These things take time; I know it's your second try after all.”
“Second?” He mumbled around the rim of his glass.
“Well, you did try it with my grandma-ma, and failed.” You deadpanned, stirring the ice in your drink with your straw.
Henry choked on his drink, setting it on the table, and started coughing. Pounding on his chest to try and recover. You gently pat him on the back, concern on your face, until you saw he was all right, feeling bad to a degree.
“My apologies, Wolf. I'll put less silver in my jokes next time.” You grinned, kissing his cheek, as a server made her way over with your plate of appetizers. “Thank you.” You nodded at her and discovered Henry's Mummy's Finger were Mozzarella sticks made to look like Mummy fingers and the blood was marinara sauce. “Oh, these are so cute, and look tasty!” You cooed, picking up the warm stick, smirking at it, before dipping it in the sauce and taking a bite.
“That they do, my love.” Henry agreed, digging in himself. “You got sauce on your lip.” He pointed out to the small spot at the corner, leaning in.
“Don't you dare, lick it off.” You warned him, in a low voice, smirking.
“My mother taught me manners.” He replied, calmly, before kissing the corner of your mouth for a moment, and when he pulled away, the spot was gone.
You let out a shaky breath and shifted in your seat, picked up your drink and took several sips of it, ignoring the straw, then cleared your throat. All the while, Henry smugly ate beside you, like he didn't know what he had done wasn't driving you wild.
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“You all done, Little Red?” Henry asked, finishing his cider.
“Yep!” You nodded, wiping your mouth.
“Cool. Let's hit the Market and get some treats.” He said, standing up and waited for you to do the same, dropped a tip on the table, then walked out with you. “Oh, that cool air feels good.” He commented, unzipping his jacket all the way.
“I'm the one that had alcohol, but you're warm.” You giggled, shaking your head at him. “Or is it all that werewolf hair? Do I need to get you to a groomer?”
“Ssh-shh-ut up.” Henry chuckled, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you in against his side. “Let's just get some sweets.” He said, kissing your temple and leading the way into the main thoroughfare of the Market.
Scents greeted your nose, making you moan, as you entered the hustle and bustle. Freshly popped popcorn, warm and sticky, candied apples, hot out of the oven biscuits, the whirl of candy floss machines, spinning all sorts of fluffy, brightly colored clouds. The treats were just too many to account for and every time you turned your head, you found another treat you needed to get your hands on.
Henry's eyes weren't on the confections, they were on you, seeing the lights in your eyes, the wonder and the short circuit of not knowing where to start or what to try first. “How about candy floss?” He suggested, motioning over to the station, where a woman was walking away with a fluffy pink cloud on a stick.
“That sounds good.” You nodded, heading over with him.
“Two, please.” Henry said, digging into his back pocket for his wallet.
Nodding, the vendor filled the machine, and you watched excitedly as the thin webs started to whirlwind out of the holes, filling the basin. You knew it was just heated up sugar, but watching it happen in front of you was so magical. Dipping a stick in, the worker collected the thready goodness into a puffy pillow, then held it out to you.
“Thank you.” You smiled, taking it from him.
Henry paid and took his own, before the two of you moved on, picking contently at your treat and checking everything out. You picked up a bag of different biscuits, shaped like pumpkins, witches and skulls. Henry grabbed a box of delicious and gooey brownies and a pair of candied apples, drizzled with white and milk chocolate, then wrapped in Halloween cellophane.
“What do you have there?” He asked, as you came back to him.
“Cake-pops!” You smiled, holding a cloth tote with a smiling pumpkin on it.
“Nummy.” He cooed, licking his lips.
“But there's one thing.” You said, moving really close to him.
“I'm listening, Red.” Henry replied, seeing a familiar look in your eyes.
“I wanna go home, Wolf.” You whispered, ignoring all the people moving to step around you and Henry. “And have our own trick or treat.”
A smirk twitched at the corners of Henry's lips. “I couldn't think of a more appropriate way to end the night, Red.” He winked, then offered to take your tote of cake-pops.
“Nope, these are mine.” You shook your head. “Last time I trusted you with cake-pops, I got one bite and only saw the sticks to the other ones.”
“You know cake is my weakness.” Henry chuckled, as the pair of you navigated your way back to the car.
“Just like silver.” You quipped, taking out one of the eyeball cake-pops and started nibbling on it.
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The drive home had started off light, nibbling on the treats you had bought at the Market, but they were quickly forgotten, as the mood you had only became more infectious. Amplified by the alcohol and sugar in your veins and the mysterious atmosphere of Halloween. Henry was by far just as aroused as you were, having you touch him. But he was frustrated, when you finally got home, since he couldn't touch you like he wanted, having to drive.
He was literally like a werewolf, when the two of you were finally out of the car and in the driveway, abandoning the containers of treats for each other. Henry swiped you up off your feet as soon as the door was open, making you yelp with surprise and giggle, seeing the rabid look in his eyes, even through the contacts. He kicked the door closed and hauled you upstairs, capturing your lips in a hungry kiss along the way. Kal barked at you from the bottom of the stairs but went ignored.
“My, my, what big eyes you have.” You cooed, panting as you broke the kiss, making it to the bedroom.
“All the better to feast on you with.” Henry replied, pushing your jacket off your shoulders and tossing it aside, looking you over in your costume, then growled in his throat. “And feast on you, I will.” He purred, untying your cape and letting it drift to the floor behind you. “There's never been a more beautiful Red Riding Hood.” He said, leaning in to start kissing your shoulder and neck, while his hands moved over your hips and kneaded your sides, then disappeared behind your back, to slowly unhook the back of your dress.
Shivering, your hands found the front of Henry's jeans, impatiently tugging them open and shoving your hand inside of his boxer briefs, finding what you knew as already there. His rock-hard shaft, that you'd stroked into existence on the car ride home. Henry let out a shuttered growl in your ear, feeling your hand wrap around his cock, the tips of his wolf fangs grazing your neck made you gulp and whimper, worried for a moment that he might actually bite down.
“Henry.” You whispered, tipping your head back to look at him, the concern of his fangs in your eyes.
“I should take them out.” He mumbled, blinking a couple times, before tugging them loose and tossing them on his nightstand. “I'll turn you next year.” He smirked, helping you out of your dress.
“Leave the stockings on.”
You giggled. “As you wish, Wolf.” You smirked, kicking out of your shoes. “But you have to keep the rest of your werewolf stuff on.”
“I'm taking these out.” He said, taking out the contacts. “They're starting to make my eyes itch.”
“Fair.” You smiled, then turned and crawled up to the head of the bed. “Come and get me, my Big Bad Wolf.” You beckoned, crooking a finger at him.
Henry let out a loud howl and scrambled out of the rest of his clothing, dashed over the bed and between your stocking-clad legs, playfully snapping at you. You giggled and pretended to be terrified. Henry actually did bite your neck this time, making loud growling noises at the same time. You rubbed your hands over Henry, squeezing his nape and lightly dragging your nails down his back, hissing as one of his rough love bites landed near your throat.
“My, what sharp claws you have.” He rumbled, placing chaste kisses on his artwork of bites on your neck and shoulder.
“All the better to mark you with.” You cooed, turning your head to tug on his earlobe.
“Mmm, Big Bad loves the sound of that.” Henry hummed, turning his head to look at you, the side of his nose lightly touching yours, his eyes giving you a devilish smirk. “I want to go trick or treating.” He said, kissing you and started working his way down.
“Oh, two treats right away.”
Henry's hand cupped one of your breasts, gently kneading, and rubbing his thumb over your hardened nub, sending bolts of pleasure through your body. Mouth closing around your other breast, as your back arched off the bed and eyes fluttered shut with a soft moan. His hot, velvety tongue glided over the little bud of flesh, applying the slightest amount of suction. The pooling heat between your legs only intensified, the more Henry toyed with you. You hooked one of your legs over his waist and rubbed up against him, letting him feel how slick you were.
Getting the hint, Henry moved on, nibbling down between the valley of your breasts, the muscles under your skin dancing as his teeth grazed ticklish spots. He smirked, his face leveling between your legs, nuzzling the inside of your thigh, your leg resting on his shoulder. Licking his lips, he dipped his head, your scent filling his nose, as his tongue flicked out to taste your wet folds. A hum vibrating in his throat and a smirk spread across his lips, your flavor taking over his tastebuds.
“So much better than Halloween candy.” He purred, warm breath wafting over your glistening womanhood.
“Oh yeah.” You moaned, carding your fingers through his hair. “Even cake-pops?” You teased, squeezing his shoulder.
Henry buried his face between your legs again, splitting your folds with his tongue, drawing a surprised gasp out of you, and collected your juices, savoring it for a long moment, slowly nodding as he did. You giggled and melted again, pressing your palm to the headboard and tangling your fingers into the back of his hair. Henry's mouth cupped you, the tip of his tongue circled your clit, drawing maddening designs that had your legs twitching and toes curling in those black, floral stockings. Your chest heaved, as a light sheen of sweat broke out over your body, whimpering at the invasion of Henry's tongue inside your core.
“W-wolf!” You mewled, bucking against his lips, thighs hugging around his head and feeling the burn of his bearded cheeks. “Henry!” You cried out, slamming your palm against the headboard, eyes rolling into the back of your head, feeling your orgasm build.
Your legs grew numb and heavy, while goosebumps formed over your damp and fevered skin. A bubble of moans and whimpers flowed past your slightly parted lips. Henry's mouth worked your pussy greedily, lapping at the heady slick that flooded from you, grunting like a starved man satisfying his appetite. The seedling of your orgasm was almost in full blossom, when Henry came up for air, lips glossy with your juices and spread with a grin.
“No! What are you doing?” You whined, as he moved up your body, instead of finishing his task. “Hen-'' You gasped, his heavy fingers finding your swollen and charged clit, sending an electrical charge, like Zeus's lightning bolt, shooting up your spine.
“So impatient, Little Red.” He husked, watching your face through hooded and stormy-blue eyes. “This Big Bad Wolf wants to savor his meal.” He smirked, a deep laugh rumbling in his flushed chest, sweat drenched curls stamped to his forehead.
His thick digits scissored as they stroked the length of your sleek privates, intentionally avoiding the stimulation you truly wanted, him buried to the root inside of you. Henry sealed his lips over yours, delving his tongue deep into your mouth, filling your senses with the mixed taste of your arousal and his love. All the while, he still fingered you, working you into a whirlwind orgasm that left you dizzy, limp and sighing, softly.
“Beautiful, Little Red.” He cooed, pressing a kiss between your brows and wrapping his arms around you, rolling over until you laid, heavily, on top of him, face nuzzled into his neck.
You laid there with him for a moment, existing in a teeter-totter of euphoria and sleep, the scent of Henry's hot and sweaty skin filling your nose. But you found balance and pushed yourself up, palms pressed to his muscular chest, as you sat and positioned yourself. Rubbing your sticky womanhood on his hard, throbbing length, feeling his growl against your hands. You planted your knees on the bed, to either side of Henry, to steady yourself, then took him in one of your hands, fisting him. Every ridge and vein reacted to your touch, the velvety skin hot, like lava in your palm. Thick and lustrous pearls of come dripped from his tip and over your fingers, acting as a lubricant.
Henry's hands caressed your thighs and tracing the floral pattern of your stockings, while pushing up into your fist. His body glowed, in a warm flush, the werewolf makeup on his face began to lose its definition with each new bead of sweat. Working him for a few moments more, you straightened up and aligned yourself over Henry's dripping tip. Looking directing into Henry's eyes, you sank onto his shaft, sighing softly as it started to fill you. Henry wiggled his hips, helping you adjust to his size and move ever deeper inside of your core, humming softly.
Reaching out, Henry rested his hands on the back of your arms and pulled you down onto his chest, then turned to lay you both on your sides.
“Henry.” You sighed, hooking your leg over his hip and shifting him deeper in you.
He let out a breathy chuckle, nuzzling his face close to yours, to capture your lips in a slow, but sensual kiss. Rocking together, Henry's hand caressed the length of your back and pulling your leg higher, while still kissing you. Your fingers played with his curls, twisting them around your fingers or tugging them straight, only to have the downy strands bounce back to true.
You pressed your chest against Henry's, and felt his pounding heart, its strong rhythm matching your own. As if, a war drum was being played between your bodies. Breaking the kiss, you tucked your head beneath his, clinging onto him, like a second skin. Soft sounds escaped both of you, as the strength of Henry's movements grew stronger, caught in the primal frenzy of his building climax. Hugging yourself tighter against Henry's smoldering body, you rode every thrust he made, moaning sonorously into his chest.
“Babe.” Henry crooned, fingers curling in the hair at your nape, the sensation of your walls constricting around him, driving a shiver up his back, and milking him over the edge, he buried himself deep and took you with him.
Laying there, still linked and catching your breath, you placed soft kisses all over his chest, while stroking the small of his back and he nosed your hair, cradling you close. You tilted your head back, pressing your lips to the underside of his jaw.
“Hey.” You wheezed, staring up at him.
“Hm?” He hummed back, angling his head down to look you in the face, smiling softly and rubbing noses with you.
An impish look crossed your face. “Aahh-wooo!” You giggled, howling loudly.
“I knew I'd turn you!” Henry roared, wrapping his arms around you and squeezing you tight.
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The Housekeeper - Erling Haaland
Who: Erling Haaland Request: hello, could write something of the plan love / hate. Reader works as a housekeeper in Erling's house and they initially do not have a good relationship. But everyone understands why she is not fired at the same time. Requested by: anonymous Warnings: none
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For a few months now, you worked as housekeeper in Erling's house. Several times a week you went over to his place to do the cleaning or run some errands for him.
He was an impressive man, not only by reputation, but surely too in appearance. A big, strong man, and he didn't act overly friendly to you. He wasn't mean or rude, but mostly ignored you or gave you the cold shoulder.
Whenever you spoke to your friends about it, they didn't understand why you didn't quit. But Erling never complained or made comments about the quality of your work, and the pay was surely good, so you stuck to it.
At first, you didn't think much of the way Erling treated you. You had your space to do your job, and if he wasn't in for getting acquainted or small talk, than that was fine by you. But lately you had the strange feeling he was stealing glances at you. It weren't suspicious glances, rather some strange form of fascination. Also, where he usually was away when you worked in his house, Erling now was at home much more often.
For a few more weeks you paid close attention when you worked in his house, and quickly learned that Erling was most definitely checking you out whenever he had the chance. It took at least a week more for you to gather up the courage to speak to him, before you finally did.
"Can I ask you something?" You asked when Erling 'coincidentally' needed to be in the kitchen as you worked there. Erling shortly looked at you, before grunting his approval. "Why are you staring at me?" You blurted out quite bluntly. "You don't speak to me unless you absolutely have to, but I catch you staring at me whenever you have the chance lately. And, frankly, I don't know what to think of it anymore."
The big man in front of you seemed to shrink a few inches. Erling hung his head, but you still caught the furious blush spreading across his cheeks. "I'm sorry." You had never known it would be possible for such a big man to produce such a small voice, and you suddenly felt slightly guilty for confronting him like this. But that blush did confirm your suspicion.
"I--I..." Erling tried his utmost best to get words out, but could only brabble some incoherent nonsense. "Stop," you said quickly, your tone compassionate. "I know. You don't have to say it." Erling's eyes held a mixture of embarrassment and surprise. "You... you know?" "I may only be a housekeeper, but I'm not dumb," you smirked.
A deep exhale deflated his chest as a smile now made its way onto Erling's face. "I handled this all wrong, but... I was so caught off guard by my own feelings that I did some stupid things." You nodded in agreement, but didn't speak. "I fully understand if you don't want anything to do with me," Erling continued, voice a little unsteady. "But, if... if you would give me another chance to do this right and have dinner with me. Or maybe just coffee."
You could easily see the nervousness in Erling in the few seconds it took you to answer. He was clearly contemplating whether or not he had permanently screwed things up with you before any kind of relationship had even begun.
"You would actually have to talk to me." You grinned jokingly. Erling chuckled nervously. "Believe it or not, I've wanted to for a long time." The fact that this man, this big, well-known man, was apparently so swept off his feet by you, suddenly hit you. It made you feel special and the decision ultimately very easy. "Yes," you smiled, "I would love to go on a date with you."
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Tags: @stonesyyyy, @footballffbarbiex, @football1921, @laurasstufff1, @ella33
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sciderman · 6 months
I also tried to find that Peter neurodivergent post recently and yup, vanished. But anyway, I just read your post and tags responding to that other person's ask saying they can't find it. I really really don't think you sound stupid (not that I'm a professional either).
That post hit deep for me because as someone very new to getting therapy, it reminded me of my first session (in which I said, do I have audhd or what?). My therapist told me first thing "there's a lot of overlap between these traits you're listing and trauma". I kinda sat back like 🧍she said what's more important is making sure I'm functioning, coping... That not everything needs a label unless I really want one. I went home and asked my housemate (who's currently doing their psychology masters) and she said, "yeah, both often get misdiagnosed for the other".
That kinda changed my whole perspective on everything and so reading your post brought me back to that. Hoo, emotional and stuff,,
Enough rambling though, my points are:
• Thank you for saying that, it meant a lot (I'm kinda crying haha)
• You're right about it all to my knowledge!
• I hope everything's okay with you and you're happy with what stuff will mean for you ❤️ good luck and all that!
(sorry for the essay)
bless you anon!! i'm really proud of you for taking the steps into therapy, and i really hope that it's a helpful experience in getting to understand yourself better! wishing you so, so much luck on your journey, anon!
i definitely think labels aren't for everyone - and sometimes, sometimes they can be a stifling thing. it's a fantastic thing when you need to simplify something to explain to someone else - especially fantastic when you need someone else to make considerations for you. i find i only really use labels when i need someone else to understand something about me in a simple sort of a way. so i say "bisexual" when i need to explain myself quickly, but it's a shorthand, and there's probably a much more complicated label that might fit me better - pan, maybe, but who has time or courage to explain pan to a 50-something-white-guy - certainly not i, so - for ease of understanding, i'll put myself in that box.
i think labels are fantastic when they make your life simpler - but sometimes they can do the adverse when you realise they don't fit as well as you'd thought. when you need a label to fit, and you feel that pressure to fit into it when - actually, actually, you are more complicated than that. then - then, you might realise, the label isn't for you, and you can either hunt down another or - be easy with the fact that you're a unique beast, and not everything will fit all the time. there's overlap, and every brain case is so so unerringly unique to the person.
it's like lgbt+ labels, lord knows, the kids are inventing a new one every week because there's no way to encompass everyone's unique approach to attraction. we can say "this is me, and you might feel similar" and that helps - but truly, no human is 1:1. no experience is 1:1. one of you watched cats (2019) and it irreparably altered your viewpoint on the world once you saw fuzzy idris elba dance on the screen. one of you (mercifully) didn't, and didn't sustain that trauma. you're different.
i hope any explanations you get help you move forwards, anon! but i hope you're also comfortable in the knowledge that there ain't no thing like you, 'cept you! (and i love you)
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callsigndragon · 2 years
The Christmas Date | Chapter 4: Santa Tell Me
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Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Fem!Kerner!Reader
(Ron Kerner is Slider, Iceman’s backseater)
Wordcount: 2.8k
Summary: Y/n “Athena” Kerner and Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw hate each other. Everybody knows. What happens when they have to fake date for a whole week to avoid Iceman and Slider’s matchmaking plans?
(there won't be smut in this series)
Warnings: OKAY SO. If there is any transphobic person reading this, i’m sorry but it’s time to LEAVE. Iceman’s grandSON is trans, Rooster/Thena being supportive godparents, Rooster’s ex-gf still being a bitch, body dismorphia, mentions of alcohol, CAR ACCIDENT (everyone's okay don't worry), driving under the influence, mentions of death, mentions of Carole's death... you know the deal.
A/N: Yeah, I know. I should be taking some time to rest. I got bad news today, my heart is getting worse again and I have to go through surgery BUT writing is my coping mechanism so expect more works soon.
Tag list:@ducks118 @milestellerwife @craftymoonchaos @littlebadariell @xoxabs88xox @alexxavicry @tayrae515 @shrimping-for-all @mak-32 @my-soulmate-is-mycroft @harper1666 @purplevortexx @abaker74 @ssprayberrythings @melllinaa @loveless-simp @k-k0129
(If you want to be tagged comment or sent an ask <3)
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The room is amazing. If you hadn’t seen it before, you could never tell that it had been filled to the core with princess things. You can’t wait to see your nephew and Rebecca, talk to both, and learn more about this new part of your lives that has just begun. 
“You went all extra with the Christmas tree.” says Nick looking at the 7 ft tree that Rooster bought. 
“Christmas this year is special. Let’s make it a one to remember” Bradley admits, looking at you. “Can I talk to you?” 
“Oh, am, sure!” 
You two move to the kitchen, Rooster seems to be a bit agitated. “What’s wrong?” 
“I don’t think we should lie to Jes- well, to him” 
You sigh, knowing that he’s right. How can you lie to that poor kid? You clearly haven’t thought about all the aspects of this ruse. 
“Rooster, I know what you mean but… If we tell him, everyone will know. And my father will bring that girl over for you to meet her” 
“Yeah, I know. I don’t think we have a choice” 
Then, as if that little kid knew you were talking about him, you hear a car park “That’s not Iceman’s car” you adduce, going to open the front door. They shouldn’t be here yet.  
Parked in front of the garage is Rebecca’s car. She is opening the door to your five-year-old nephew. Rebecca has a worried expression, and the kid climbs out of the vehicle, a black beanie on his head, and pulls the hoodie up to hide his face from the world. 
Rooster, who is beside you, gets closer to the kid, opening his arms to give the younger one a hug. “Hey, buddy! Long time no see” 
However, the kid enters the house, ignoring both of you, and runs upstairs. 
“He’s been like this all the way back home. I’m sorry, guys. He was excited about his new name but well… He wants it all and he wants it now. I'm happy to see you” Rebecca says, giving each a quick hug. 
“Is he okay?” 
“He’s been begging me to cut off his hair” Rebecca confesses, making the two of you nod. “I told him to wait to get home, so we could look up for some haircuts and see which one he likes best but…” 
“He’s still a five-year-old, Becca. It’s not gonna be easy” you tell her. 
Nick joins you outside to hug his sister. “Your son has gone straight to the bathroom. He didn’t even say hi” 
You look at Rooster before running all the way to the bathroom with him behind you. Everyone knows that Sarah’s special scissors for cutting Iceman’s hair are in the second drawer. And he knows too. You try to open the door, but it is closed. “Hey buddy, it’s Uncle Roos. Can you open for me?” 
“No!” yells a muffled, hurt voice from the other side of the door. 
“Y/n, he can hurt himself” Rooster mutters, as if you haven’t thought about it. 
“I know, shut up” you knock on the door softly. “Hey bud, can you tell me your name? Mom says you got a new one.”
There’s a silence that prolongs itself for a few seconds. You hold your breath trying to hear what is happening on the other side of the door but all you can hear is the quick, pounding sound of your own heart. 
“Jesse, huh? That’s such a cool name” you sit on the floor, legs crossed, waiting for this to be a long conversation. 
“Thank you. I chose it myself” 
“You did? Woah, Jesse. That’s amazing. Much cooler than mine” 
“I’m not going to open the door” Jesse’s voice is calmer now, but still full of sadness. It breaks your heart. 
“It’s okay, pal. I just wanna talk. It’s been so long since we saw each other, I think you are a lot different now” 
“I’m different. But mom doesn’t want me to be different” 
You look at Becca over your shoulder. She’s biting her nails off. You need Jesse to open the door. And fast.
“You sure? 'Cause your mom called us this morning and told us to change your room. She wants you to be yourself, sweetheart.” 
“It’s that true?” you can hear him pout and it’s so painful to see him like that. 
“We got rid of all the princesses and now your room has a lot of Paw Patrol things. And we even found Marshall’s fire truck!” 
“Mom, did you do that?” the door is still closed, but he seems to be closer to it now. It's working. 
“Uncle Roos and Aunt Thena helped me, but yes. I told them to do it” 
“Hey, Jesse” Rooster speaks for the first time in a while. “I know what it is to hate what you see in the mirror. If you open this door, Aunt Thena and I will take you to the hairdresser, so they can get you a good haircut” 
“Promise?” Jesse asks, opening the door for you to see him. 
“I promise, buddy” 
Jesse hugs you and Rooster and then goes to his mom. “I’m sorry, mom… I just wanted to be like the rest” 
“I know, baby, I know. But you have to understand that you can’t get everything at the moment. Mom’s not a hairdresser. How was I supposed to cut your hair?” 
“I’m sorry… Can I see my room?” 
You all laugh at the sudden change in his tone. From being sorrowful to excited. Jesse can be a lot different now, but he’s still a kid, and he will do what a five-year-old does. Be loud, happy, get angry when he doesn’t get what he wants… Normal things for a kid. 
“Let’s go see it!” 
Nick, Rebecca, and Jesse go to see the room, and you stay sitting on the floor with Roos. It’s been a tiring day. And it’s not even noon. 
“I’ll go get the car ready” you say, getting up from the floor and leaving Rooster alone. 
I know what it is to hate what you see in the mirror
His words echo in your head, and several questions on the tip of your tongue are trying to make you turn around and find out the meaning behind his words. 
You have to remind yourself for a second that you hate him, that he took everything away from you, and that if he has a problem, he has a lot of people he can talk to. He doesn’t need you.
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Rooster and Jesse stay at the beauty saloon, and you decide to go to a tactical gear shop nearby, hoping to find the perfect Christmas gift for your nephew. You, luckily, haven’t bought anything yet. And you hope to find a leather flight jacket for Jesse and maybe even get him his own name tag. You thought ‘Marshall’ would be cute as a call sign. 
You’re going out of the shop, gift secured in your bag, when your phone begins to ring. You pull it out of your jacket, smiling at the name appearing on the screen. 
“Natasha Trace, I love when you call me” 
“Are you dating Rooster and you didn’t tell me?! I’M YOUR BEST FRIEND” she yells angrily in your ear. You move the phone away from your ear, but even like that you can hear her. 
“Hello to you too, Nat” you roll your eyes. 
“Don’t roll your eyes, you little bitch” she says, as if she could see you. 
"We're not dating" 
"What? Hold on, let me FaceTime you" 
She hangs up and calls you again, this time you can see her face frown in a confused expression. "Spill" 
"Iceman and my dad were playing matchmakers, and we didn’t want random people at our table on Christmas Eve so… we lied,” you confess, sitting on a bench outside the beauty saloon. Rooster and Jesse are still waiting. 
“And here I thought you were finally getting laid” 
“Natasha!” you whine, covering your face with your free hand. 
“What? Facts only” 
“Oh wait, you know who we met this morning?” you say, trying to change the subject.  “Mandy” 
“Mandy as in Mandy the whore?” she questions. 
“That one. She was with Solo. They’re dating” you reveal to your friend. Her eyes are widening more by the second. 
“WHAT?! Oh my God do you think that’s why-” 
“Y/N? We see each other again!” 
You raise your head from the phone and see Mandy in the flesh. Gosh, you hate that stupid face she has. 
“Mandy! Nat, wait a second, don’t hang up” you say while getting up “Two times in the same day, what a coincidence!” 
She gives you the fakest smile ever, one that seems to be the result of years of practicing. “Yeah, it is a coincidence. Hey, Solo said that the four of us should go out one day, talk about the old times and all” 
“Oh, I’d love to, but we have only this week to be with the family, and then we have to go back to the base for months and-” 
“What about tomorrow?” she interrupts you, not being interested in anything you have to say. “There’s this pub in the center-” 
“O’Malley’s, yeah. I know where it is. Owner’s a friend” 
“See you tomorrow at 6, okay?” she insists, and you don’t have any other choice than accepting. 
Jesse comes running out of the establishment and grabs your hand. “C’mon auntie, it's my turn!”
“Oh, what a beautiful baby girl! What’s your name, princess?”  Mandy says, kneeling down to Jesse’s height. 
“I’m not a girl, you old bat” he says, pushing her and running away. You see how Mandy falls and slap your hand against your mouth to not laugh. From any other person, it would seem like you're embarrassed by your nephew’s actions. Those who know you well enough, however… They know you're enjoying every second of this. 
“I’m sorry, Mandy. My nephew Jesse is a bit… hot-headed. I’m gonna go with him and give him an earful. We’ll see you tomorrow, okay? Bye!” you move from her quickly, almost running, and when you’re far away, Natasha laughs hysterically. 
“Jesus, I love your niece” she says. 
“Nephew. It’s Jesse now. I’ll tell you later, okay? Gotta go” 
“Take care, Thena” 
You hang up and go with the two boys. “Jesse, what you did…” 
“Auntie, I know it’s wrong. I just don’t like her” 
“What did you do, young man?” Rooster says, walking with him to one of the chairs. 
“This old woman who was talking to Aunt Thena called me a ‘girl’. So I pushed her” 
“It was Mandy” you clarify. 
Rooster looks at you, then at Jesse, and then at you again. He opens his hand and high-fives the five-year-old. “Don’t tell your Mom” 
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“What are you going to wear for the party?” Sarah asks you during dinner, hours later, with a happy short-haired Jesse sitting beside you. 
“What party?” you look at Rooster, but he shrugs, not having any idea what she is talking about. 
“The Christmas Party! Didn’t your father tell you about it?” 
You look at your father, who is very interested in the food on his plate. "He didn't tell me anything, as usual." 
"Well, the town is holding a Christmas party on the 25th. A formal party. You have to wear a dress." She points at you with her fork. "You're not wearing your uniform, only a dress. Is that clear?" 
"Yes ma'am. And what about Bradley?" 
"I'll wear a suit, obviously. Have to match with you," he smiles and then leans to whisper something in your ear. "Please, don't choose the dress yourself. You have horrible fashion sense," 
"Says the one that is always wearing Hawaiian shirts" 
"They're cool" Bradley defends himself. 
"No, they're not" you laugh, and he kicks your leg under the table. "Ouch!" 
"Sarah, darling, we need to do the Secret Santa sorting" Tom remembers his wife, helping her clean the table. 
"Oh I have it all prepared!" She goes to the living room and comes back with a red Santa Claus hat. "All the names are in here, just pull one. Y/n, dear, you first!" 
You smile at her, grabbing a paper from inside the bag and reading it. 'Rooster'. 
Is this a joke or what?
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You're getting ready to sleep, Rooster refusing for the second night in a row to sleep in the same bed with you, when you remember that you're supposed to meet Mandy tomorrow. 
"No, I'm not sleeping on the bed. If you want to be that close to me, you're gonna need to beg a little more" he says. 
"You wish. Anyway, Mandy said to meet tomorrow. She wasn't accepting a no for an answer." 
He sits and looks at you. "Are you kidding me?" 
“I don’t like the idea either, you know.” you let out. 
“Is Solo coming too?” you nod, and he sighs. “You know how to say ‘no’ or do I have to teach you? It’s not that hard, look: ‘something has come up, and I can’t’, ‘We already have plans’. Oh, and this is the simplest one: ‘No.’” 
“I know how to say no, Bradshaw” 
He laughs dryly. “If you knew how, I wouldn't have to be in the same room with my ex and her new boyfriend. Again” 
He turns off the lights and lies down. He tosses around, trying to find the most comfortable position to sleep on the hard floor. 
“I’m sorry” you whisper. But you know he can hear you. 
“Don’t worry, Thena. Go to sleep” 
A few minutes pass, and you can’t sleep. There’s something you need to find out. Something that you can’t stop thinking about, and you know that it will keep you up all night. 
“Jesus, Thena, go to sleep” he complains, but after a few seconds, he gives in with a sigh of defeat. “What?” 
“What you said to Jesse… about hating what you see in the mirror… Is that how you feel?” 
“Like you care” 
“I don’t. I’m just curious. You’re usually proud of that stupid face of yours. So… it doesn’t make sense” 
He sits on the floor, his back against the bed, and his head pressed against the mattress. “It’s the scars” 
“Really?” you move closer to him, your hand a few inches away from his hair. 
“Yeah… It’s a constant reminder of how I almost killed us” he admits, his sorrowful voice almost a whisper. 
Your hand moves automatically to your belly, your fingers finding the scarred skin. You had your own scars, too. And you wish you could tell him that it wasn’t his fault but… it doesn’t matter how many times you’ve tried. He still blames himself. 
“If it makes you feel better, lots of girls at base are obsessed with those scars. And even some boys.” 
“Why are you trying to make me feel better?” he questions, and you also want to know why. 
“Because I don’t want to see you broody all day. That wouldn’t make me look like a good girlfriend” you scoff. 
“Aw, it’s little Y/n worried about me?” he mocks, lying down again. 
“Good night, Bradshaw” you say,  pulling the blankets over your head. 
You dream about the accident. You dream about a young Rooster parking at the front of your house, ringing your doorbell repeatedly and yelling for you to open the door. It’s been years but it feels like yesterday. 
Bradley’s coping mechanism when Carole died was alcohol. That same night, he got really drunk and drove to your house. It was late. When you opened the door, the emptiness in his eyes was the only explanation you needed. She was gone. And Bradley didn’t know how to live in a world without her. 
You managed to get Rooster into his car, snatching the keys away from him and driving him to his home. You knew Maverick would be very worried about him. 
But, you never made it to Rooster’s house. A truck driver fell asleep and swatched lanes, forcing you to swerve. The car crashed against a tree. You don’t remember a thing, just waking up with a big stomach wound and a body full of scratches. 
Rooster took the worst part. People thought he wouldn’t make it, that he didn’t want to make it. He was giving up. 
He opened his eyes again three days after the accident. 
It wasn’t your fault. Or his. Well, he shouldn’t have driven to your house under the influence. He knows that and you, too. But nobody could have expected the truck. And he wasn’t driving when you crashed. You were driving. If someone was to take fault here, it should be you. 
But it didn’t matter how much you tried to make Rooster understand that he wasn’t the one to blame. He never listened. And you know he never will.
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dramaticvhs · 2 years
7 fics with 100k+ words (Teen Wolf)
I don't make a habit of reading longer fics because I get migraines and once I'm invested I can't bring myself to put them down. even if you're like me and don't read long fics, i encourage you to give these a try if they interest you. these are the longest ones I have bookmarked and I hope you enjoy them as much as I have ❤️
read tags. some fics may contain sensitive content. check pairings, ones included on this list might not be your cup of tea.
1. Don't Savage The Messenger by exclamation
(Sterek, Explicit, Graphic Depictions of Violence, 172,379 words)
There is an uneasy truce between the werewolves in the woods and the humans who live in Beacon Hills, protected by a magical boundary that gives warning any time a werewolf crosses it. Then the sheriff is taken by the werewolves and his son offers himself in exchange.
Stiles promises to serve the werewolf pack, not knowing what horrible use they might have for him. But it turns out his most useful skill is the ability to cross the boundary line between humans and werewolves. Life with the werewolves is nothing like he feared and the werewolves themselves are nothing like the hunters' stories would have him believe.
2. Bodies Can Be Bought But the Heart Cannot Be Owned; Only Given Freely by kyrene
(Sterek, Explicit, Underage and Rape/Non-con, 102,965 words)
In a world where the human race is enslaved by the werewolf race, Derek Hale struggles to recover from the damage caused to his teenage self by the human, Kate Argent. More to the point, he doesn't believe that slavery is right. But each werewolf gets a personal slave when they become an adult and he's long overdue.
The moment he sets eyes on the filthy, naked slave in the corner of the packed warehouse, Derek knows he has to bring him home. But can he ever gets Stiles, who has never known a kind owner before, to trust that he's finally found a safe place?
3. My, What Big Shoulders You Have (The Better to Help You Carry the Weight) by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
(Sterek, Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply, 285,568 words)
“Talia was just telling me an interesting story,” his dad informed him. Stiles didn’t have the nerve to glance over at him, because he knew no matter how much he argued, the proof was all there. The wolves had found him, Parrish had picked him up on the side of the road, he had a fucking picture on his phone. He was screwed. No point in arguing, all it’d do is piss his father off even more.
“You don’t say,” Stiles offered slowly. “What uh—you know, I like stories. Is it a uh, good one?”
“It seems to be a matter of opinion,” Talia said with another kind smile. “I hear you had quite the night last night.”
Okay, time to cut his losses. He was already fucked, all he could do was apologize and hope she didn’t press for him to get fined and arrested. Given he was her husband’s friend’s son, he had high hopes.
“I’m really sorry,” Stiles blurted out. “It was stupid and-and irresponsible and just—I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have crossed into your territory. I should’ve known better, I do know better! It was a complete lapse in judgement and I am just—I am so sorry.”
4. Where the Real Beasts Are by kaistrex (weishen)
(Sterek, Explicit, Graphic Depictions of Violence, 109,100)
Crown Prince Stiles is gifted a direwolf on his eighteenth birthday by King Gerard I of Venatia. The only instruction? Never remove the collar.
Stiles never has been one to do as he’s told.
5. But I Know (a love like this will end in tragedy) by LadySlytherin
(Steter, Explicit, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, 175,687 words)
What happens when you combine outstanding medical bills with a werecoyote ex-something-or-other, who doesn't understand boundaries?
In Stiles' case, the answer is: Peter Hale as a sugar daddy.
Stiles knew doing this with Peter was probably a bad idea. He knew it wouldn't be easy. He knew his friends wouldn't understand. Stiles also knew he was going to do it anyway.
6. What the Hell Is This, Baywatch? by Jenetica
(Melissa McCall/Stiles Stilinski, Explicit, Graphic Depictions of Violence and Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, 101,913 words)
The summer Melissa expected: A happy reunion with Scott after his junior year of college, a slight uptick in work at the hospital, and a generally quiet couple of months.
The summer Melissa did not expect: A strangely tolerable friendship with Lydia Martin, a hellish bout of supernatural antics, and Stiles Stilinski turning into a hot lifeguard who’s decided he wants to spend his summer giving her some kind of sex-fueled conniption.
Guess which one she gets.
7. Divided Loyalties by LennaNightrunner
(Stackson, Explicit, Underage, 154,031 words)
Jackson returns home after a month spent in London trying (and failing) to start the next phase of his life there. Knowing now from experience that he’d be a fool to try to make it as a werewolf on his own, he asks Derek to take him in as a beta. Derek agrees on the condition that Jackson will do as he’s told. Jackson hopes that, despite the mess left in the wake of the Kanima, he might be able to repair his life in Beacon Hills. Of course, things haven’t really been going the way Jackson has hoped lately...
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bloodyknucklesforme · 4 months
Sauvignon Blanc | Guest Check
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Tags: Nina first person POV train of consciousness, suicidal thoughts, self harm, substance abuse, it's a heavy one, sorry
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The year I was born was the year that the government made it so that paracetamol had to be sold in blister packs rather than bottles. It was meant to prevent suicides as opening up individual packs was harder and gave a person more time to think. I want nothing more than to kill myself every time I have to dig my nail in to pop the foil but whatever. It worked, at least from what I've been told, never bothered to actually look it up.
Paracetamol poisoning is lousy fucking way to go anyways. Very English to choose a slow and miserable death. On par with the other preferred, yet slow, method of alcoholism. Nothing beats a destroyed liver and kidneys, I suppose.
I decided years ago how I'd kill myself. I won't mention it here in case someone gets nosy and gets me sectioned. It's not something I dwell on, but it feels like a back up plan, I guess. Like how some women have a secret cash fund in case their boyfriend beats them, I have my suicide plan.
I don't want to kill myself. More out of not wanting to hurt Kyle than anything else. It also seems like too much work most days. Why kill myself when I can drink a bottle of wine and curl up in bed?
There are rough days.
Like a spring is being compressed inside me and one day it'll release in some violent display against myself. I have to gently release the pressure. Always quietly. Always invisibly. Fear of my father trumped all other emotions growing up.
Plucking body hair (avoid the face!) and skin picking and scratching (avoid face and hands!) being two particular favorites of mine. One pair of tweezers can reliably do both. Sit in the tub to clean away any hair, skin or blood. Come out and present myself like the glossy, red eyed girl I am.
It's my biggest secret, strangely proud of that. Kyle doesn't know, despite once walking in on me aggressively plucking arm pit hair out (Do you not own a razor, you weirdo?). Growing up in the early era of "mental health awareness" that hammered in this behavior was not done for attention. That only made me feel worse as a teen, who fantasied whole heartedly about her father walking in on her, razor in hand, who would then fall to his knees and sob out apologies for not paying enough attention to her to notice. I never good at getting his attention in the first place so feeling like it was faux pas only increased my covert skills.
None of that helps with the post pain shame. The patheticness of it all. If I was a man I could simply punch a whole in the wall and break my fist. I don't want any more pity. My family is already dead.
Everyone looks at me different now. i try to act like it doesn't bother me and most of the time it doesn't. I'm not really friends with the rest of the staff at work.
It's Kyle though. Twenty odd years of friendship and he looks at me differently. I don't know if its pity or something else but I hate it. It's like he gets sad looking at me. I don't want to be that. Sex was never rough rough but now its like he doesn't want to break me, like he's afraid to touch me.
We broke up. I couldn't fucking do it. It was like chewing glass.
The only person who doesn't look at me differently, abiet he rarely looks at me at all, is Simon. Maybe it's why I let him take me home and basically give him free reign.
I don't have to think about it. I don't have to worry about him telling me he loves me. I don't have to worry about disappointing him. It might be because he doesn't actually like me so nothing I do will make him think less of me. I can just lay there. He does the work to make me cum and that's it. Wears a condom without complaint too.
It's easy.
He doesn't stay the night, which is fine, I can just enjoy myself with a bottle of wine in bed.
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Tag List: @queen-ilmaree@macravishedbymactavish@gogh-with-the-flow@water-bearz @pvssytrux
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