#I'm sorry i know im overdoing it with the tags
knucklesex · 7 months
tumblr dot com please give me some directions on how to hire a hacker... i lost the password to a google account and cant access anything i had used it for, I didn't even set up a recovery... please please please help me out.
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YIPPEEEEEEEEEEE I'M GLAD YOU LIKE IT he has been living rent-free in my head since I read your tags... marshmallow type of guy... figured he would be nice to View since you've had a rough week too :)
Also, I Too Would Like To Cut Hijikata's Tendons (<- Normal)
Speaking of normal. Two and a half hours to summit. Godspeed
NO PLEASE 'LIKE' IS SUCH AN UNDERSTATEMENT HE'S SO SO CUTE THANK YOU SO MUCH (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) ABSOLUTELY helped put a smlie on my face..... most CERTAINLY made my week a whole lot better i cannot stress this enough......
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mintymemesandrpshop · 2 years
@torens-nightshift replied to your post “Open for Business! Hello~ This is an RP help blog!...”:
Hi!! sorry if this isn't the right place to ask (i still struggle with tumblr etiquette & didn't see anything against this in your rules ><) how do people get started in tumblr rp? i've been quietly observing a few blogs for a while and it looks fun but i feel like no one would be interested in talking to me or whatever ( _ _")
Tumblr media
Hello there! Getting Started™️in tumblr rp has two parts, I think. making the actual blog, and networking (while Doing Things.)
Your blog itself probably needs a rules page, this can be anything you want to say or express- some people's rules are specific, some are just a few sentences. Establishing some boundaries or guidelines can be pretty important! But! it's entirely up to you, it gives a first impression to others on you as the writer. People mostly hesitate or have anxiety about accidentally upsetting others, so having something there helps! Even if it's just saying you're pretty chill.
Something else helpful is a muse page- people want to know what kind of character that you are writing! For some they will link to a wiki page, and for some they write out a whole bio for their headcanons- For example if you looked in my Volo's bio, you'd see that he's 32, cisgender, albino, and can see through fog. all headcanon stuff that might not appear in every reply i do! For OCs especially there can be a history section detailing their life and who they are!
The other major half is networking. Following RP blogs, making a promo (which you can make visible in tags;; blahblahfandom rp, multifandom rp, crossover rp, etc.) when you find a blog you are interested in, you can reach out! through ims or asks as well. (If your blog is curated enough and has its own dash/account, your sidebar may of course recommend rp blogs! that's about the only algorithm involved. the rest's work. sideblogs notoriously have trouble because they can't Follow people.) Like, I figure a lot of personal blogs find my posts/blog through tumblr's search function- which i'm still not used to because it's the new default, rather than going into the Actual #tag.
a subset of networking is Doing Stuff. Making headcanon posts, in character posts, open starters, and threading with other people will show off your writing enough for people to notice. Some people turn their nose away if a blog 'only' contains 'too much' RP memes, vent posts, or just doesn't have what they're looking for. While it's not a requirement, it may be helpful to make sure you have examples up to see. This part kind of really never ends imo, networking and doing stuff, but it's pretty essential to getting noticed. But like any facet of the internet or world, there's always someone who wants to talk to you! And would love to hear what you have to say! I'm sure that's something that even seasoned rpers might need to hear, everyone gets discouraged sometimes. It only takes a few people getting going to boost you along tho, so! Try to appreciate people! Y'know, socializing and all that, haha.
As far as some etiquette goes, try not carelessly spam-like or reblog. Since the person is writing a story thread, they use their activity to keep track. 'hmmm i wonder if someone replied today?' i ask! i look in my notes! somebody liked this somebody liked this somebody liked this somebody liked this
oh no! where is my post? it can be a little frustrating, so try to keep likes to real time or so, it's much more manageable. People do enjoy likes and feedback, but the first major reason that people block personals is to avoid this kind of thing. In my opinion, it probably doesn't help that it's a wordless interaction, but it depends! If you're not overdoing it, it's delightful, too!
Replies are much more free game imo, it's words as feedback and a bit more enjoyable. (I'll admit a reply on a pinned post is...a first for but hey! this works!)
Asks are enjoyed and adored. Literally as long as it isn't hate, any tumblr user likes getting asks, but RPers are ravenous, lmao. Some may get overwhelmed by their own workload and have to delete em, but socially speaking people love talking about their muses! Or how they as a mun write!
The second reason people block personals is discourse. I'd say the biggest cultural difference, if you are stepping into rp, is to please learn to share. Especially with the onset of Search showing things even mentioning character names. (some people even cen.sor their muse's name to avoid this.) You've probably seen mockey of kin discourse 'no doubles' and etc. Basically, don't be an ass about headcanons and try to respect people's portrayals. RPers would rather write, so many will not deal with the bullshit and their blog is not for arguing. Trust me that when anons or whoever interject in order to be a dick, you become the butt of the joke for that blog's whole audience. Many people love to write threads with duplicates! But even those whose rules say no duplicates as far as interactions go know that it's not nice to insult people and stay in their lane. Be Kind! Ask questions! If you'd like to share a headcanon of your own, the blog owner might like to see it, just don't be pushy and you're good! They might even have their own headcanon even if they disagree with yours and may share that! Everyone's writing is unique and that's the beauty of it! I've personally even had some random personal reply trying to shut down my headcanon/simping in a belittling way, which....i didn't fucking ask. let me have my fun!!! Sooo yea read the room! Have fun!
hopefully this isn't too much of a ramble but the first two sentences I said are the short and sweet answer :')
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pleasedontgethurt · 6 years
Hi! I saw your reblog about social anxiety, and as a fellow roleplayer (I'm new at this) that also has social anxiety I was wondering if you could tell me how you... yunno??? Start talking to people?? I have a couple of roleplayers following and I don't... know... how to start talking to them?????? I just??? I'm sorry if I'm bugging you...
Welcome to the rp-community! Not sure if you’re in the same fandom as I am, but I think I’m speaking for everyone to say we all wish you welcome here among us, it’s honestly great to have more people here! I hope you enjoy your stay and will have many great experiences. :)
Sorry this took a while, I had a busy day! But you’re talking to the right person!! Thank you for sending me this message, and you’re not bothering me the least bit, don’t you worry about that, nonnie
Fair warning, this is going to be a long post so please read more under the cut:
First off, wow, look at you reaching out to people! Way to go!! :D Anons like this are a great way to start off interaction with people, so if you don’t yet really have the courage to come off anon, keep doing this!
Also, do what I’m doing now. Act happy, excited and cheerful. You don’t have to overdo it, but it usually makes people feel more welcoming towards you. How I’m really, truly, feeling right now? Definitely uplifted in my mood, because I love when people reach out to me like this, but otherwise pretty neutral. Not bad, I’ve had an okay day, but when I speak normally I don’t exactly sound like this. But I do this because it’s a generally nice thing to do and is kind of a cultural thing I’ve gathered and hey, it’s an effective way to get the message across that I’m happy to receive this ask? 
With me personally then, how I began to talk to people here, I’ll let you on a little secret. I still don’t really talk to people on here much. Welp. It’s true. I’m really terrible at reaching out to people. There’s a million things contributing to this, aside me being on a semi-hiatus anyway, being terribly shy and feeling uncomfortable around most people, and the fact that I actually have contributing issues in the form of Avoidant Personality Disorder and PTSD from abuse and abandonment, which in short means I simply don’t feel welcome around others most of the time and feel incredibly awkward reaching out to people so I usually just save myself the trouble and... don’t. At this point I’m not sure I even know how to, even, unless I get a really good feeling about someone.
I’m honestly such a weenie in this that if I hadn’t already had friends to rp with here, I would have NEVER in my life even made this blog. I made many new connections through my friends and got to know them better in group chats and that kind of thing. Most of the rest of my partners I’ve gained through them reaching out to me first, and then began talking.
Not all, though. There are people I reached out to first, and basically... You just find someone you connect to in some way based off their muse or the personality and interests etc of the mun, go read their rules, and approach them through IM or asks. Anons are good at first, like I said, but going directly into the IM’s isn’t wrong. Asks though feel less personal so being off-anon in asks and speaking about their muse or anything else related to rp such as headcanons,specifics, etc, is also usually a good idea. That way you can get to know each other better without there being pressure for anything else.
Talking to them about their muse is a really good place to start, but you can also just ask if they want to plot, ask about ideas for a plot, that kind of stuff (and whatever is said about this in their rules, just remember to respect those). Most people don’t object to that. Then you just try find common interests, like your muses or the fandom/franchise or things related to each, and if you just are nice, respectful, understanding and patient, and if all goes well, you not only got yourself a new partner but a new friend!
And as far as the anxiety itself goes... Practice makes perfect. It gets easier the more you do it, but things like age and stuff also affects it. Just trying to ignore it is the best you can do. Use it to develop yourself into a better person who is more in tune with their partner’s needs and feelings, but don’t let it crush you or allow it making you into a doormat who ignores their own needs in favor of others’ (*cough* may be talking of personal experience here* cough*). You also don’t have to speak or rp with all of your followers or mutuals, and you don’t have to be friends with all of your partners. The sooner you have fully understood and internalized these, the better.
But, one thing you could also do is to just...since it’s followers you’d like to connect with; why not, for example, make a post where you tag them, greet them in some way and say you’re open for rp if they’re interested--even better if there are more than one person tagged in the post so it becomes less personal and puts them less into the spotlight than if they were there just by themselves? It shouldn’t usually matter but some people are shy and may scare off easily.
You could also make a promo post for people to reblog that introduced your muse and yourself a little, so people interested in rp’ing with you may find you and approach you.
Also, just a friendly tip: don’t take losing partners/followers personally (if you possibly can avoid it). It’s bound to happen, it happens with everyone, it may not be personal for one and sometimes some muns/muses just don’t mix well or aren’t feeling it so it happens. It’s life. When you don’t build yourself any pressure (or as little as possible) on this aspect of things, and are properly prepared, it will save you a ton of upset and heartache. Also, keep more than just a handful of partners if you can. That way if one goes on a hiatus or you lose one, you won’t lose the entire reason why you were even rp’ing to begin with.
And lastly, which is also very important. If your social anxiety is so bad that it prevents you from communicating well with others or anything else, seek professional help if you possibly can. Sometimes all you need is to talk with someone about it, or sometimes your condition is so bad you also need medication. Remember to take care of yourself. Your well-being should be most important to you, so if you notice things are getting way more difficult for you to handle, seek help. You deserve it, and it also makes it likelier more people will like you, when your anxiety isn’t there making things more difficult. Saying this as someone who did that and is now feeling a bit better.
Other than that, unless someone finds anything to add, I hope this helped clear things out for you! :D
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