#I'm sorry for all the new followers who think I write fluff only when uni begins again and the angst rises again
starsstuddedsky · 2 years
hi hi hi! im a new follower but already so invested in "as a matter of fact". i think the storyline is amazing and i can't wait for more updates >< and my wish to your star is a fic of a love triangle b/w seungkwan, wonu and our girl y/n :) if you decide to accept this (totally cool if you don't) - i think a uni au would be nice with tons of fluff and angst. and you can decide who to end up with! thank you for reading this, your works are amazing and take care <33
Date #4
seungkwan x reader, wonwoo x reader
summary: Seungkwan and the crushing realization of having feelings for a friend
genre: angst, fluff, uni au
warnings: food mention, alcohol mention, swearing(?)
wc: 2.4k
a/n: hello!!! tysm for this request!! first of all, i'm sorry it took me so long to get to this, i was in a bit of a writing rut and also real life is so difficult.. that said i had a lot of fun writing this and i hope it isn't took different from what you imagined!! i'm not the biggest fan of love triangles (read: i despite them) so idk how this turned out.. pls pls enjoy &lt;/3
req masterlist | guidelines
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Seungkwan has his apron on, tied behind his back in a bow (a skill he learned during the two months he survived working at Foot Locker). He chose all black, turtleneck tucked into his loose jeans, even digging out the sneakers he got (discount price) when he thought he was actually going to run every day. He shudders at the memory of wearing the Foot Locker uniform, thankful yet again to find a job at Soren’s. Close to campus, minimal dress code and iced Americanos whenever he wants them. Plus it rarely gets busy, so most of the time Seungkwan gets paid to read behind the counter. 
He drums his fingers on the counter, scanning the limited view of the sidewalk that the window provides. If only he could take down the giant poster, promoting some campus band, especially since the concert was two months ago. 
He smiles at the memory. Two months ago, the first of these little schemes. You wore your favorite jeans and the purple sweater, with the swirly patterns that Jihoon makes fun of for looking like obscene shapes. Seungkwan had to promise you that Jihoon was just being immature, and there were middle fingers and dicks absolutely nowhere on you. 
That was back when you still had faith in your dates. 
He can see two pairs of shoes underneath the poster, the Sketchers he got you (also discount price) and unfamiliar Nikes that are gray and worn down. Seungkwan is tempted to pour the cup of water already. 
Because of the cursed poster, he can’t see you until you’re opening the door, the little bell jingling softly. It’s still a fond noise to Seungkwan, a notice that customers have arrived and he’ll have to actually earn his paycheck. Jeonghan, the other barista, hates the noise, obvious by the way he drags his feet approaching the register. He shoots a glare at Seungkwan as he walks past, though he agreed to this at the start of the shift. 
“Welcome to Soren’s, how can I help you?” Jeonghan asks in a cheery voice. He stands straight and even though his back is to Seungkwan, he knows that the older boy is flashing a blindingly bright smile and perfectly covering his disdain for the job. 
From his stool on the corner, Seungkwan gets the perfect vantage point to judge your date. He’s tall, broad shoulders, wearing a loose navy blue sweater and brown corduroy pants. A point in his favor, definitely better than Failed Date #2 (Seungkwan still wants to know who let him go on a date in flip flops and board shorts). He has thick glasses, round frames that sit perfectly on the bridge of his nose, which is straight and looks like it’s never been broken (a step up from Failed Date #1, who managed to break his nose during the date). 
This date was set up by Jun (much more reputable than Mingyu by Seungkwan’s judgment). According to Jun, he met the dude in his freshman English class, and cited him as the sole reason Jun passed the class. “Certified genius” were the exact words he used to describe Jeon Wonwoo. 
You order first, though Seungkwan doesn’t need to listen to know what to make. He gets off the stool, hands moving without looking; he’s made your order so many times since he started working here, he could do it in his sleep. 
“I’ll take a caramel latte, iced,” Wonwoo says. His voice is smooth and deep, even Seungkwan feels his heart skip a beat. So far so good. He remembers a night where you were rather drunk and very rambly, and mentioned how you found deep voices attractive. 
Seungkwan doesn’t miss how Wonwoo pays without a word, passing his card to Jeonghan before you can say anything. Another point to the Date #4. Seungkwan has to actually pay attention to his job now, ignoring the faces Jeonghan is making at him. He pours the drinks carefully, making sure nothing sticky is left on the outside of your cup since apparently he got syrup on it last time. 
Seungkwan is proud of how quickly he finishes the drinks. He has gotten rather good at being a barista, though it feels arrogant to say. He sets them on the counter, calling out the order. You and Wonwoo stand at the same time, and your table is close enough for Seungkwan to hear the awkward laugh. 
“Why don’t we go together?” You say, gesturing for him to lead the way. Wonwoo nods, and even though his back is to you, he still smiles. Seungkwan feels a prickle in his stomach watching you two walk up together. You look good together, he realizes. 
You don’t look at him when you pick up your drink, muttering thank you under your breath. Seungkwan has to force himself to smile and nod at Wonwoo, who meets his eyes and thanks him, holding up his glass in a small toast. 
He watches you return to your table and decides it has to be a good sign that you are avoiding him. It must mean the date is going well, since you aren’t making faces at him or giving him the signal. 
You sit facing Wonwoo, though you’re also facing Seungkwan. He shifts the stool so that he can watch you out of the corner of his eye without outright staring. He’d hate to miss the signal like last time. 
The minutes drag by. Seungkwan can’t hear much from behind the bar, but can he see your face light up in that lovely smile that makes your cheekbones pop, see the way you lean into the table when Wonwoo is talking. And even when both your drinks are empty and the ice is melting, you don’t make any move to get up or give him the signal. 
Seungkwan sips on the cup of water before realizing he’s meant to spill it on you. He sets it down, realizing this means he has to resort to plan B. Even if you don’t look like you’re going to give the signal, he should stay ready. It’s his duty, as your friend. 
Friend. He frowns at the word. That is, by definition, his relationship to you, someone with whom there is mutual affection. He is affectionate to you, but watching someone else make you smile, for the first time he wonders if affection is all he feels. 
He ducks his head, wiping the counter down. These thoughts are dangerous, capacity-to-destroy-a-relationship level of dangerous. You’ve always been a precious friend to him, and he won’t throw it away because he maybe thinks he feels something. 
It’s true he’s thought of it before; the first time was in the library, when someone wanted to borrow a chair and mistakenly thought you were dating. It was a careless mistake but for a moment Seungkwan entertained the thought. It passed quickly, his essay on data ethics taking priority, but every once in a while he’ll be by your side and wonder what it would be like to be more than friends. Passing thoughts that vanish before they can destroy him. 
Seungkwan scrubs at the sink, waiting for this thought to pass, but it’s taken root in his stomach, twisting and turning. He has had one iced americano too many, and everything is a clouded mess. 
“What are you doing?” Jeonghan hisses from next to him. “That’s the wrong rag!” He snatches the rag from Seungkwan’s hand, tossing it in the back. Jeonghan shakes his head. “I trained you better than this. Sponges and orange rags only for cleaning the sinks!” 
“Sorry,” Seungkwan mutters, glancing back at you. 
“It’s going well this time,” Jeonghan says. Seungkwan turns to see that Jeonghan isn’t even trying to hide his snooping. He’d shove the older boy if he didn’t think it would get him fired. 
“Can’t you be subtle?” He whispers. 
“No fun,” Jeonghan says, craning his neck to try and get a better look at Wonwoo. 
“I never should have told you anything.” 
“Nonsense, I’m an integral part of this team,” Jeonghan says. “Plus you’re conducting this on company property, I have to make sure you don’t get us sued or anything.” 
“Since when have you cared about getting sued,” Seungkwan says, remembering last week when Jeonghan got into an argument with a customer. 
“I care about getting sued when my protégé can’t focus on his job because he’s too busy being overly invested in the love life of his friend.” 
“How noble.” Seungkwan dares to peek at you again. Is he imagining things? 
No, you’re definitely tucking your hair behind your ear with both hands, though you aren’t looking at him. Still, the signal is the signal. Seungkwan ignores Jeonghan, grabbing the mop bucket from the back. It’s time to prove his worth. 
The mop bucket clatters on the tiled floor, drowning out your conversation. Seungkwan decides it’s fate; he doesn’t need to know why you called for evacuation, he just needs to help get you out. 
So he trips. He doesn’t know how convincing he is, especially when he puts most of his effort into tipping the bucket of water over via mop handle. Unfortunately, as he falls, Seungkwan realizes two things. First, he miscalculates how much strength it would take to tip the bucket, and instead of knocking it over, he sends it flying into the air. Second, he thought the water was still clean but Jeonghan must have mopped before his shift started because the water flying into the air is very soapy and very dirty. 
Seungkwan falls flat on his back, mop handle clattering next to him. He squeezes his eyes and mouth shut as the water sprays all over. 
“Oh. My. God.” He hears your voice and opens his eyes slowly. You sit in the chair, hand over your mouth and Seungkwan realizes he didn’t just spray himself. 
“Are you okay?” Wonwoo asks. He stands, the chair kicking up mop water. “Oh, I’m so sorry.” He holds out a hand to Seungkwan, covered in mop water. Seungkwan tries to think of an excuse to say no but comes up with nothing, so he takes the other man’s hand and cringes when he notices the water on his glasses. 
Seungkwan has failed before, but never this exponentially terribly. 
“I’m fine.” Seungkwan says, unable to take his eyes off you. Why haven’t you gotten up yet? 
“You’re sort of…” Wonwoo points to his chest. Seungkwan groans. He’s covered in the mop water, seeping through the apron. It’s probably all over his face. 
“Here,” Jeonghan says, passing paper towels to you and Wonwoo. “I apologize for the clumsiness of my coworker, he’s new.” Jeonghan glares at Seungkwan, sticking a paper towel to his forehead. 
“I’m so sorry,” Seungkwan chokes out, reaching up to peel the paper towel off his face and use it to wipe off some of the water. Maybe Jeonghan will let him go home early, or, even better, follow through on one of his threats and toss Seungkwan in the dumpster behind the store. 
“It’s alright,” Wonwoo says. “Accidents happen, no harm no foul.” 
You say nothing, staring at Seungkwan. He feels so small when you look at him like that, frown creasing your brow, like you don’t understand why he would do something like this, like you don’t know him at all. 
“Sorry,” he mutters again. 
“It’s fine,” you finally say, though your smile isn’t very convincing. “We’re fine, right?” 
Wonwoo nods. “Absolutely fine, though I think I’ll have to wash this as soon as possible.” 
“Oh,” you say. “Right. Me too, I guess.” 
Wonwoo laughs. “I had fun, though.” Seungkwan knows that he should follow Jeonghan behind the counter but his feet are planted to the ground, stuck standing between you and Wonwoo listening to your very first successful blind date. Except you gave him the signal. Right? 
“I’d like to do this again,” Wonwoo continues, “though maybe with slightly less water involved.” He glances at Seungkwan, as if just realizing that he’s still standing there. Everything in him screams to run but he can’t get his legs to move. 
“Oh,” you say. You don’t look away from Wonwoo. “I… I think I’d like that too.” 
Seungkwan’s heart drops. He hates the feeling immediately, he knows that he should be happy that you’ve found someone and yet his stomach still twists. 
“Okay, well, I guess I’ll see you,” Wonwoo says. He smiles at you one last time before walking toward the door. Seungkwan watches him leave, sees the exact moment he pauses (one foot out the door) to get one last look at you. And then he’s gone.
“What the hell, Seungkwan?” you cry as soon as the door shuts. 
“You gave me the signal!” He says. He tucks invisible hair behind his ears with both hands. “Double tuck!” 
You frown, probably trying to remember whether you actually did it or not. But Seungkwan knows it doesn’t matter. He should have seen how happy you were. With Wonwoo. 
“I really am sorry,” he says, folding his arms. 
“It’s alright,” you say before he finishes talking. “He didn’t take it badly. Actually, he took it quite well.” You smile. “I think I could really like him.” 
Good, Seungkwan tries to say. Then, I’m happy for you. The words get stuck in his throat. And he knows why, the forbidden words lurking at the edge of his thoughts, the twisted sickness that has been growing for so long without his knowledge cannot be ignored anymore, not when it demands a name. Jealousy, the cruel monster. 
Jealousy because without realizing it, he stopped thinking of you as just a friend. It’s not fair to call you anything more, but Seungkwan can’t keep pretending that this is enough, that he doesn’t want to imagine more. He’s spent too long denying it that the floodgates have opened and can’t pretend like he doesn’t want to be the one making you smile, the one you call in the middle of the night because you had a bad dream, the one you call in the middle of the day just because. He wants to look at you and not feel guilty.
But he knows you’ve never looked at him like that, not when you keep going on these dates. So what now? He can tell you the truth, risk losing you completely. Or he can stand back and watch you inevitably fall in love with Wonwoo, or some other man that sweeps you off your feet. 
He stands before you, covered in mop water and sick to his stomach. And he makes a decision. 
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a/n2: i'm sorry if anyone doesn't like this ending i just really hate love triangles,, feel free to believe whatever you want about what happens next
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fandom-necromancer · 5 years
541. You made your choice.
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ships: Reed900, Hannor, Allen60
‘Okay, so: The next question is:’ Tina grinned into the round, picking a card from the stack and dragging it out, trying to drag out the suspense as long as possible. ‘Would you rather: sneeze every three minutes… or… always have the sensation to sneeze and never do?’ There was a thoughtful silence, until Hank was the first to speak: ‘Guess sneeze every three minutes. Would be annoying but at least you had your peace in between.’ ‘Yep’, Gavin nodded, taking a sip from his beer. ‘Agreeing with that one. Also you could time it and use it to annoy the shit out of someone trying to talk to you.’ ‘I think you are getting it wrong’, Sixty claimed. ‘Constant stimulus in humans most of the time causes it to dull over time. It’s only logical to pick that one. You’d just get used to it.’ ‘Valid’, Connor nodded. ‘I’m going with the first one. Mainly because I’m agreeing with the mischief-factor and also because I can’t sneeze.’ ‘Really? You guy can’t?’, Allen asked, already relatively drunk from just a few glasses. ‘Damn, I don’t know, I’d most likely cut my nose off, both of these are terrible.’
‘Skip summer or winter?’ ‘Skip winter’, Hank answered. ‘Too damn cold and I have to go out with Sumo regardless of what I think of the weather.’ ‘Yes, skip winter’, Connor nodded, sounding bummed out. Too many memories of what had nearly happened. Sixty fell into line with them. Gavin disagreed: ‘Nah, it’s dark early and there are few people on the streets. Winter’s cool. Skip summer.’ ‘Also, Christmas’, Allen added. ‘Lights everywhere.’ ‘I like the prospect of getting cosy on cold nights at home’, Nines admitted. ‘You still live in one of these android-homes they have build after the revolution – basically a fancy broom closet.’ ‘An android can dream, Detective.’
‘Okay, no need to get into that too deep, here’s the next one: Listen to a song four hours straight: The Macarena or Mambo No.5?’ ‘Mambo No.5. More variation, simple as that’, Hank stated and no one was to disagree with him on that except for Allen, who very loudly, very drunk started screaming the refrain and had to be stopped before more could happen.
‘Okay next one: Be electrocuted every time you swear or have all profanities censored on your TV?’ ‘Oh, phck, I would die!’, Gavin answered reflexively. ‘Hell, yeah, censor the TV, see if I care, but I wouldn’t be able to speak a damn sentence!’ ‘Maybe that wouldn’t be too bad’, Nines chuckled. ‘Finally learning some manners.’ ‘Oh, come on, you like the “tin-can” and “toaster”’, Connor smirked knowingly, and earned himself a deadly glare from the other android. ‘Wait.’ Sixty sat up from next to his barely awake partner. ‘Nines, don’t tell me you fell from grace too and actually started to-‘ ‘No! What are you thinking, I… This is not the question asked here!’ Hank simply laughed, leaning back against Connor who was equally amused by what he had caused.
‘Okay, Tina, hand over the cards, I want to ask a question for once’, Sixty announced, picked a card and without even reading it asked: ‘This one’s for Nines: Would you rather fall in love with a human or an android?’ ‘Oh, you got to be kidding me, there is no way that is printed there!’, Nines bristled at that. ‘Come on, Nines, we all agreed to answer them honestly as we started playing’, Tina poked at him, pursuing the same goal as Sixty for once. ‘Thank you, officer Chen, now answer the question!’ Nines sighed heavily and stared at the table. ‘I guess, I know more humans than androids… Being the android hunter and such. I have more human friends, so I guess, it would be… human?’ Gavin, without ostentation, scratched at his temple and averted his gaze, trying to hide his micro-expressions from the androids around him. But he had forgotten Tina in that equation, who had fetched the stack from the opposite end of the table again. ‘Okay, weird, the same question again, Gavin.’ He sighed, being tired already. ‘Android, I guess.’ Until something in him realised what he had just enabled with his thoughtless answer. ‘Wait, can I still change?’ ‘Nope. You made your choice. But I’m giving you another chance: Would you rather spend the night with Jeffrey or with Nines?’ Gavin’s eyes threw daggers at her. ‘I’m not answering that.’ ‘Oh, I never thought you would take a liking to the captain’, Hank teased, getting into that new game they were playing more enthusiastically than he should be. ‘What? No!’ ‘Ah, so it would be Nines?’ Tina grinned devilishly. ‘I’d never thought you to really be an android kinda guy.’ ‘Argh, stop putting words in my mouth!’ ‘Then I would suggest answering the question yourself’, Connor advised. ‘Okay, fine.’ ‘Good. Spend the night with your Ex or Nines?’ ‘Seriously, phck you, Tina!’, Gavin spat out. ‘Fine, if I’ll cater to your childish desires, you’ll stop. I’d pick Nines. My ex took my extensive collection of box sets with him, I would do anything to not have to see the asshole again.’ ‘If you had to pick someone to spend the rest of your life with, who out of the people you know would it be?’ ‘There’s not even an option there!’ ‘Answer the question, Reed.’ Sixty’s expression was hauntingly similar to his interrogation face and Gavin wondered how it all had come to this. ‘Okay, I know what you want to hear now, and I would pick the damn tin-can, just to get this over and done with, but actually, I would pick my cat. Already made that decision a long time ago. And now excuse myself, I’ll go home. I have no interest in playing these dumb truth or dare games with you.’
‘Oh, we should have picked that one! Could have told them to kiss!’ Sixty was immediately hooked up by that pre-construction. ‘Seriously, I’ll never go out drinking with you guys again!’ Gavin put on his jacket and marched towards the door, Nines already up and hurrying after him. ‘Detective, wait!’ The rest of the group looked after them, meeting at the door and discussing something. ‘Damn, they don’t have much sense of humour, don’t they?’, Sixty sighed and faced the cards again. ‘Yeah, well, maybe we were a bit too pressing’, Hank admitted. ‘But it was fun.’ Gavin shook his head at the door and answered something they couldn’t hear over the background-noise of the bar. Then he walked out, Nines following after him.
In the spreading silence Allen lifted his head from where he nearly fell asleep on the table and lulled: ‘I ship them.’
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gucciwins · 3 years
proud of you
harry works through his feeling and you're nothing but supportive
Word count: 3304
A/N: hi friends! thank you for the response to this story. i know tour has ended, but i promise this story is still going. on the bright side i've got two weeks left in uni then i'm free to write. this part is short and I hope you enjoy it as much as the others. i love you
please remember to reblog! let me know what you thought!
warnings: none (fluff, mentions of eternals)
love on tour series // previous part
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Milwaukee, Wisconsin
New York always treated you well, but you were happy to continue on with the tour. Harry was excited to be in Wisconsin. He shared how he was a big fan of the Green Bay Packers. You were too kind to burst his bubble that you already knew. He wore that fact about himself with pride, easily slipping it in interviews or spotting out fans in the crowd wearing a jersey.
There's something about visiting new cities with Harry. It makes them memorable and holds a new place in your heart. It really is about the memories because if it weren't for him, you'd find nothing remarkable about Wisconsin. It's a great state, just not meant for you.
Everyone was excited for show day, lots of chatter and laughter were heard around the arena, and orders to fix lights or secure wardrobe was ready.
It seemed like a great day, except you noticed Harry was quiet today, reserved. You had no idea what it could mean or how to help, he was always talkative and cuddly, yet today you've only received a few kisses and a single "I love you."
To be honest, it made you worried. No one else seemed to pick up on it. You gave him space but were near in case he needed you. You hoped he would.
It went like that all day; the soundcheck was calm. He walked out with you holding your hand, grinned, and kissed you repeatedly as you told him "I love you" repeatedly as he was yelled at to get on stage. Not as present on stage, made little comments but no jokes as usual. The band assumed he was tired, but Mitch shot you a look. You shrugged, not knowing what it could be.
After that, you had dinner with Mitch and Sarah. Well, the parents ate while you and Harry watched over the young bub, who was growing quickly during this tour. He shared small smiles with the young baby, mainly leaving you to chat about nothing with the baby and your friends at the same time.
Ayae came in search of Harry when it was time to get ready, as she liked starting with him in case anything came up at the last minute. She knew she had time. He got up, not looking to see if you were following until he got to the door, turning to see you seated, not having given the baby back. You urged him to go on, saying you'd be there soon.
To your surprise, he listened, nodding, and whether he liked to admit it or not, all he wanted was some time alone, and you'd get that for him.
"You look like a creamsicle." You smiled, closing the door behind you, moving towards him to fix his collar, but stopped when he turned to look at you.
Harry narrows his eyes at you, "are you laughing at me?"
You laugh, "what, no. I happen to love creamsicles a lot, second only to paletas de fresa."
Harry relaxes and meets you halfway, presses a kiss to your lips, "fine."
He walks back over to the mirror, smoothing out the peach shirt with lace overlay tucked into his cream wide-leg trousers and leather boots. Harry looks stunning. It might be the first time you didn't greet him with a direct compliment that made him feel a little insecure.
"Yes, my love."
"I think you look amazing. Sorry if you thought differently." Your words are sincere, making him turn to look at you.
He opens his arms wide, gesturing for you to come closer, and you do so. You tuck your face in his chest, allowing him to rest his chin on top of your head. "Don't have to apologize. I know what you think, could see it in your eyes. Just feeling a bit off tonight."
"Do you want to be alone for a bit?"
"You wouldn't mind?"
You take a step back, wanting to look up at him, "of course not. Alone time is good."
"I know, I know."
You pat his chest. "Tell you what, I'll go hang out with Elin, and you meditate and relax. You've got half an hour before they come knockin'."
"Thank you."
"Course," you peck his lips before grabbing your phone and walking towards the door but stop at the sound of Harry calling your name.
"You'll come back right to wish me luck."
"If that's what you want."
"I do, I really do."
"Then I'll be here and take you to the others. How does that sound?"
You walk out, hoping he takes the time to relax; you know better than anyone what it's like having a day off, not focusing on anything. It happened a lot when your grandparents passed away, but with time that stopped, it also had to do with the help of your therapist. Now those kinds of days hit randomly or when their birthdays or anniversaries are approaching. Something you're thankful Harry won't be around to see, at least for now.
All in due time.
You bump into Sarah shaking you out of your thoughts, telling you she's off to change the fussy bub in her hands, and you offer her company that she happily accepts. Truthfully, you're glad for the distraction.
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You're there wearing your cozy cream Pleasing sweater enjoying the band on stage dancing around to "Sunflower," allowing yourself to take in the positive environment around you. The pit is always dancing and singing along, but this crowd is surprisingly louder, meeting his energy ten times as much, and Harry feeds off it.
There were lots of stares from Harry, more than usual. He kissed you long and passionately and wished him good luck. He assured you he was fine, and you believed him. His time alone let him get his head on straight and get out of his funk. You didn't know how much Harry appreciated giving him time apart; as much as he wants to spend every minute with you, he would rather be with you than alone with his thoughts.
Mediation is something Harry had made you try more, and honestly, it cleared your mind a lot. You did Yoga to center yourself, but honestly, you haven't found the need during the last month because Harry's a comfort for you. Strangely, you never thought you'd find yourself dependent on someone else, not that you need him to move forward. No, you know you're worth it when you're alone, but when he's by your side, it reminds you that someone is supporting you. That they are with you one hundred percent, giving their all just like you. It's the best feeling.
Harry is on stage singing, a cheese hat on his head. It brings you close to tears. Everyone around you with their phones out zoomed in on the moment. Gosh, he really does anything when he's up on the stage.
It's time for his small intermission where he speaks to the fans, reads some signs. He walks around when he stops chuckling to himself before asking if he can read the sign. He, of course, gets the go-ahead, and being the drama queen he is, he clears his throat, "How does the moon cut his hair?" Harry waits, going silent, waiting for the fans to yell a bit, and the sign flips. "He eclipsed it." He shouts, earning another round of cheers. "Ohhh… that's a stinker."
You laugh, knowing very well he'd be telling his mum the joke over the phone.
The show continues on, and you dance your heart out for those fifteen minutes with your friends around you. It's been a long time since you've been in an environment so loving where you have a friend in every corner, and if you're honest, you never want it to end.
The band extends their exit, your grin wide as you see Pauli run off the stage loaded with gifts from the crowd. Sarah strolled slowly behind, waving, with Mitch following behind, smiling at a person in the crowd offering her his guitar pick. If you had kept looking, you would have seen the girl collapse to the floor in tears, overwhelmed.
You exit, following close behind the others that had stayed behind, making your way to Harry, who had already begun to strip down from his outfit of the night.
"Didn't think everyone would be getting a free show," you tease, pushing the door wider to slip in.
"Love, hi. I'm ready to leave." He shrugs.
Harry slips on his Pleasing hoodie and grey sweats. He offers you a soft kiss as he moves past you to get his bag, eager to leave the arena.
"Proud of you," you whisper.
He stops what he's doing and turns to face you. There's a look in his eyes you don't recognize, but in the next second, he's wrapping you up in a hug. It brings you a calm that you had been missing and knows he must be feeling the same.
"Thank you, I love you."
"I love you too. Meet you out front?"
"Five minutes?"
You nod, removing yourself from his hold, pressing a much longer kiss than he had given you before.
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At the hotel, you offered to run Harry a bath, and he happily agreed, showering you in kisses just for the thought alone.
You give Harry his time alone, assuring him to relax, not wanting him to rush. He thanks you as you walk out. You change into a shirt that might be Harry's and sleep shorts, knowing it gets hot with Harry, who likes being cuddled right on top of you each night. Not that you minded, you just hated waking up sweating. Thanks to him, you learned to sleep with less clothing, making your mornings that much more fun.
You pick up a book that Elin had lent you, telling you she could not put it down. It's a good book, but you don't allow yourself to get lost knowing Harry could come out anytime soon.
It takes him 45 minutes to come back, knuckling at his eyes, fighting back the sleep that has started to sit in after the adrenaline rushed night.
Harry smiles at you, lifting the covers, scooting right next to you until he's comfortable laying his head right over your heart. The sigh he releases is one of relaxation, thankful to finally be alone after an eventful day.
"Thank you."
You set your book on the nightstand, slipping your hands into his damp curls, wanting to focus all your attention on your tired boyfriend. "For what?"
"For taking care of me."
You chuckle, "I know you like baths."
He shakes his head, pressing a kiss to your heart through your sleep shirt, "no, earlier."
"It's okay."
"I was overwhelmed, "he confesses.
His response is unexpected. You feel yourself tense up and hope he missed it, but it's impossible with him laying on top of you.
"Not like that," he continues, not giving you a second to question him. "I love you. And you love me."
"I do."
"I know, and well, there's so much you give me, and I–I didn't know if you felt the same. That I love you like you love me."
You feel your eyes well up with tears. He was questioning himself more than anything, "Oh Harry, I feel it."
"Do you?"
"How could I not?" He lifts his head to look at you. "You kiss me and hold my hand. Make me laugh with your terrible jokes. Don't get bothered when I forget a word in English, only knowing the Spanish version."
He giggles, "forgot blender."
"Alright, don't need to bring it up," you joke, loving that he's laughing with you.
"I love everything about you, how you put your cold toes on me to warm up, to claiming you like my grilled cheese even though it always ends up too burnt," he frowns at the thought.
"It's the love that counts." You remind him as you have multiple times. "Harry, it might not always be easy, but I hope you know I love you. I'm going to fight for you, for us every single day."
"I'll fight for us too, my love."
You both go silent, letting your declarations sit in the air for a moment.
"Can I take you out tomorrow?" He asks sheepishly as if he's never asked you before.
"Yes, you can."
"Good," he rests his head back on your chest and knows it's time for bed. You reach up gently to turn off the light, ready for a good night's rest.
"I love you," you whisper into the darkness.
"I love you," echoed back.
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"You know we leave tomorrow, right?" you ask Harry as he lets you hold his hand in his lap using his other hand to hold the steering wheel as he drives you to the mystery location.
"Yes, I do." He assures you are making a right turn. "I also wanted to take my girlfriend out for our month anniversary."
You scrunch your nose at that, only a month. That's a bit insane; you feel like it's been longer, and Harry has expressed he feels the same. You aren't sure what you're going to do when you're not seeing each other every day.
"I try," he giggles.
He takes his final right turn, and that's when you see he's brought you to a movie theatre. You sit up in your seat, taking a look around; the lot is half empty for a premiere night.
"You brought me to see Eternals. I'm so excited."
"Excited to see me?"
"Sure, your two minutes of screen time," you tease.
"Bel," he rolls his eyes as he pulls into a parking lot.
"Kidding, very proud of you. This is the start of something really incredible for you, and I'm proud of you."
"Thanks, love." Harry pecks your lips and jumps out of the car, running to your side to open your door. A true gentleman.
After walking in, the workers don't bat an eye at either of you. Harry gets popcorn, and M&M's something about them being the perfect combination. You're too sweet on him to judge him.
The movie theatre brings you so much joy, as much as it did when you were a young girl. Your parents brought you for every significant moment in life. You watched films you didn't recognize to the Hollywood Blockbusters, and it didn't end with them. Your grandparents kept that tradition alive for you.
You find a bit of your family in all that you do.
Harry got the middle seats reserved in row H. Not all the way in the back and not at the very back where it felt like you might strain your neck.
"Good seats, amor."
"I debated honestly."
You chuckle. That sounds very much like him.
"I love previews," he confesses.
"Makes me excited," you smile at him, bouncing in your seat, ready for the film to start when you hear the intro music to West Side Story. You pull your phone out of your sweater pocket and begin filming. Zooming in closer for Rachel Zegler. The rising Colombian actress.
You feel Harry watching your every move, but pay him no mind as you post it to your Instagram story. "Rachel Zegler, our maria" is the caption, and you know all your fans will have a field day begging to know what movie you're watching and if you're working on something new with her as a co-star.
"Do you go to the movies a lot, love?"
"I try," he grabs your hand, placing it in his lap, encouraging you to keep going. "Haven't tried as we've been on tour."
"My apologies."
You shake your head, "all good." You promise.
"I love consuming as much as making," you continue on about how it's important to watch all because there is always something to learn, good and bad.
The lights went off, and in a few minutes, the film would begin.
"This cast is amazing," you whisper, still respecting the few others sitting around you.
"They are," he shares.
"Are you excited to watch?"
"I am."
"Do you know what scene they used?"
"I do."
"Hmm...you look nice with red hair," you comment.
Harry turns his head to look at you, and you giggle, knowing he didn't expect that, "okay, you have seen the scene."
"No," you lie.
"Okay, maybe."
"Oh, you impatient girl."
"But I saw it a few months ago. A friend sent it over, very discreetly."
"So you know," he trails off.
You shush him as the title words begin to appear. Time to enjoy the movie and then Harry for his two-minute intro.
You're relatively quiet during the entire film, releasing gasps here and then. Leaning forward when scenes got intense, Harry swore he saw you wipe your eyes, but he couldn't be sure. You sit there quietly, letting the actor's name flash across the screen; it's when Eternals flashes on the screen do you squeeze his hand in a small way to tell him you're excited.
After the scene fades out, you're looking at Harry with the biggest smile on your face, and Harry can't help but replicate it. You press a chaste kiss to his lips, "that was you."
He chuckles, "it was."
"You're an eternal."
He nods proudly, "I am."
"Okay, was it weird seeing yourself on the big screen? I know it's been a while. Personally, it always feels a bit weird. Like it's you but also not." You try to explain.
Harry smiles, bringing you in close for another kiss, "it is odd, but something to get used to. Got two new films releasing soon."
"Trust me, you will never get used to it."
You turn to look at the screen and see Harry's name next to his character Eros.
"That's insanely hot."
Harry smirks, "think so."
"Oh yeah, Gemma Chan as the first name. Proud of her," you tease.
After the second credit scene ended, Harry and you exited the theatre and began your return to the hotel. He promised you take-out on the way back, and who were you to deny such a treat.
"Favorite characters?" Harry asks as he munches on your shared friends he claimed he didn't want.
You take a bite of your veggie burger, taking a second to think, "hmm…Makkari and Druig, oh and Phastos.”
"Not Eros," he teased.
"As much as I found him attractive, I need to know more about him before saying he's a favorite."
"Is that so? Well, what if I tell you about him?"
"Okay, I'll bite. Go ahead."
You finish off your burger, taking a drink of your water as Harry throws the trash out. "Well, he's handsome."
"Noted," you interrupt. He shoots you a playful glare for cutting him off.
"As I was saying, he's handsome, kind, and funny."
You move over to the bed as he discusses how Eros is all about the pleasure he brings to others. Having the best time, the joy he brings others.
"Hmm…I could get behind him."
"Yeah, that's good."
"Just one thing?"
"What's that?" Harry asks curiously if you're going to keep this going or not.
"Well, I have to see how good he is at bringing pleasure," Harry instantly knows what you're referring to, removing his shirt as he moves to lay on you on the king bed.
"Oh baby, you have no idea what I'm capable of."
You smirk, knowing you're in for a good time for a long time.
Going to the West Coast would bring something new, but for now, you'd enjoy the city you were in tonight for one last night.
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thank you for reading <3 i adore you
taglist: @alienorknight @harry-is-my-sunflower @myfavfanficsever @4hazza @springholland @michellekstyles @harryismyfwend @evanjh @onlyamylee @golden-hoax @itsmycorneroftheinternet @harryspirate @tenaciousperfectionunknown
part seventeen tacoma
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sanghyukstattoos · 4 years
I'm sure of that. Dawon stans, show up here! 🙋🏻‍♀️ About your requests open, this is the best news ever 😍 So, let me think... What about something cute, I don't know well, maybe a cuddle night with a sweet make out session? Or a late night date watching the stars... Something like that. I'm lacking with my ideias these days, so feel free to improve it. And thank you ^.^ 💟 - 🦋
Date night 
Pairing: Lee Sanghyuk I Dawon x Reader 
Genre: Fluff
Words: 2699
Summary: Today, the heart- warming memories of how you two started dating came back to you and while work may not have been the best, it sure felt like the right day for a date with your loving boyfriend, Sanghyuk. 
A/N: Heyyy 🦋, I’m sorry for making you wait once again but here it is! *Presents proudly* I loved your idea and had such an amazing time writing it. Also, I’ve been receiving support on my other fic ‘Warmth’ and I’m really thankful for that so here is another fic that I hope you can enjoy!
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Dates weren’t uncommon between the two of you but suddenly reminded of how much you love him, there had to be a date for a date somewhere in the near future. Since you started dating during the summer of last year, tooth- rotting fluff between the two of you made you shy. The kind of shy where you would smile widely but look away and try to force it off your face. You were embarrassed at how he made you feel so you tried to hide it and send subtle signs hoping he would get the hints.
Unfortunately he didn’t because anytime you would flirt, he would do the same under the guise of friendship. Ripples of frustration made its course through you and one day, all your pent up feelings splashed like a bucket of paint hurled across canvas. You didn’t go for the obvious options of screaming, shouting or crying but just kissing him. Pouring all your feelings into one kiss, relief flooded through you and the desire to hug him overcame you but holding back you hoped that at least this time he would be able to return your feelings. That is exactly what he did and ever since then, the both of you have been going strong. 
In the past couple of weeks there had been changes in your work. A change of leadership and office politics not only made the atmosphere tense but working with your team was hard. Back straight and unbiased smiles towards everyone, you made sure to do an excellent job of not getting involved in any drama. The outcome would be greater than getting involved however, it was eating away at you and you could see that the same was happening with your co-workers. The less the issue was treated, the more difficult it became to solve it. 
Break time came and you were about to leave when a buzz caught your attention. It may have been a passing moment’s worth of information travelling through your visual field but you knew it was him. 
Picking it up, you read, ‘’Hey, how is work? Are your co-workers still having that fight 😂😢’’ causing a smile to light up your face. 
Laughing, you texted back, ‘’Hey, work is still the same. Oh yes, they definitely are and this is making everyone antisocial 🤧 Feels great to be here, you know💀 How is your work?’’. 
Collecting your coat and making a headway for the elevator, you exited the building and walked towards the café opposite- not an unusual place to meet up with colleagues from different departments. 
Opening the door, you were greeted with the distinct smell of cinnamon and pecan nuts. Your eyes caught your friends sitting at different tables. They look like a bunch of students gossiping but the difference is that it’s over coffee. You smiled at the thought. They instantly recognised you and waves were exchanged. Making your way to the table and taking a free seat, a senior spoke, 
‘’I heard that there are some plans underway to build a building at the back’’ to which someone else replied, ‘’Is that where all the resources are going? We need more hole punchers though, because someone seems to be stealing all of them.’’ eliciting laughs from those at the table. 
Your phone buzzed back and opening the message, you read, ‘’Oh nooo, is my baby having a hard time? Don’t worry, some things take time so cheer up and hope for the best~~. Also, I’ve been thinking, since you need a break, why don’t we go on a date?’’. 
Your heart skipped a little at the mention of a date and you texted back, ‘’Ah yes, your baby is having a hard time T_T. Is there a small chance if any, for me to scream on the rooftop tonight? Thank you, I’ll be here waiting 🙋‍♀️ A date sounds super refreshing right now and I wouldn’t mind the idea ~^~’’. 
Online now he texted, ‘’Hehe, you’ll get plenty of hugs when you get home. Very funny or did you forget that we don’t have a roof? Obviously you didn’t so do you think our neighbours will call the police, they think we’re are crazy people already..’’
Resisting the urge to laugh, you replied, ‘’I don’t even know who our neighbours are, should I just call it a half day and head home? Time and place for our date?’’. 
‘’That’s cute ;) I’ll pick you up but at what time do you finish today? Also, I don’t remember our neighbours being scary or anything like that 😶. This one’s a bit random but one day, just one day, lets sleep in. The place is a surprise and no, it doesn’t matter how many times you budge me, I won’t tell you 😘 ‘’ came his reply.
Looking back up from the screen and sipping your coffee, you decided that you had a decent amount of time remaining. 
You texted him back with, ‘’I finish at 5:30 today, what about you? I could meet you at home if there is a lot of waiting time. It’s a bit random ahaha, I wouldn’t mind sleeping in and plus we could do it on a Friday so we have a three-day weekend. Because you won’t tell me, I’m super excited now. You may get into trouble if I call you right now but just wait, when we meet I’m going to shake it out of you😊’’. 
You could picture him laughing a little on the other side as he replied, ‘’I finish at 4:15 today so I’ll pick you up and don’t worry, it’s only a little bit of a wait. I love how we are scheduling a perfect time for us to be lazy and you know what? That sounds absolutely amazing to me right now so tell when you want to do that. Also, my lips are sealed 🤐 🤗 ’’. 
Excited for the date, a small smile reached your face as you texted back, ‘’I’d love that too so tomorrow let’s schedule it together. Alright, I guess I can wait for up to 6 hours 😑 I can’t wait to meet you though, see you soon.’’.
‘’Whoever said 6 hours is long? I can already see you frowning at the mention of that 😂 😂 . Anyways, see you soon babe’’ you read and pocketed your phone with the thought of a date lingering at the back of your mind. 
Break ended within the span of a couple of minutes and exiting the café, you made your way back to work. A small sigh escaped your lips thinking about the workload but you straightened your back and walked confidently pursuing the idea of dedicating these hours to doing what you loved the most. Even if it meant dealing with the tension, in hindsight, the office would most likely joke about it after it ended so until that time came, you just had to wait. 
Sitting at your desk, you took in a deep breath preparing yourself for whatever was to come. Powering through the work felt satisfying, if not, at ease because not only did you get most of your work done, it was almost the end of the day and you could finally see your boyfriend- the moment you had been waiting for. 
It had always been like this as the day was fun but the most exciting part was leaving knowing that you had done what you came for. In the elevator, your senior from another department walked in. Recognition flashed across your faces and you greeted one another but subtly, you felt nervous.
 Your co-workers absolutely, and you meant absolutely spent all day dreaming about how fit this man was. You couldn’t have disagreed more, nudging Sanghyuk forward as more fit even though he wouldn’t admit it even if his life depended on it. ‘’You okay?’’ he asked and you looked up, wondering what was happening. Small talk?. Nodding, you asked, ‘’You okay?’’ sealing the awkwardness in one question. After this you highly doubted any more words would be exchanged. 
Nodding, the rest of the ride was in silence and after exiting, the both of you parted ways like a middle parting hairstyle. Reaching for the doors, you kept a lookout for Sanghyuk’s car spotting it almost instantly. Inside, you could see him on his phone so you knocked hoping to scare him just a little bit and scared he was. Laughing as you opened the door, he placed a soft kiss on your lips, whispering a small, ‘��hey’’. Mouthing ‘’hey’’ back, he asked, ‘’Are you ready?’’. In excitement you replied, ‘’I’ve been waiting for this moment all day, so let’s go!’’. He laughed at your enthusiasm and you joined in, feeling content. 
‘‘By the way, you never told me where we’re going!’‘ you spoke suddenly, startling Sanghyuk. Ahahaha, he thinks I’ve forgotten, but forgotten I have not. ‘’Why do I feel like this is the start of you badgering me for information?’‘ he said as he laughed, rubbing his forehead. Nodding, you smiled replying, ‘‘Do we even know each other?’‘ drawing a laugh from him. 
‘‘Thank goodness the place isn’t that far away then’‘ to which you asked, ‘‘How far is it?’‘ knowing that wherever this place is, it was going to be at least half an hour away and that was enough time to break the surprise. ‘‘Forty five minutes’‘ he replied with a pink tint to his cheeks making you squeeze in delight. ‘‘Please tell me you can wait for that long’‘ he stated, making me look out the window and laugh. His eyes widened as you grabbed his hand in yours and you could tell from the look on his face that he was suspicious. 
‘‘You’re always doing something like that you know, like poking me or what not so honestly, I’m scared right now’‘ he said with a rush and almost immediately followed with, ‘‘Babe, I’m driving’‘. Suppressing the urge to tickle him, you wiggled your finger threateningly in the air as if to intimidate.
 Unimpressed and with the flattest look in his eyes, he stated, ‘’Bring it on. I’m just thinking right now, what’s the worst that could happen?’’ but you knew that his weakness was being ticklish, something you would love to voice loudly on speakers. Giggling, you raised it and dashed it as close to his suit jacket as possible, retreating when he smiled at your antics. Using a childish voice he said, ‘‘Cute’‘ dragging the end as far as the wide ocean and this time, it was your turn to be unimpressed. 
‘‘Wow, that’s mature’‘ which led him to give you an offended look. Bringing a hand to your mouth, you laughed to which he replied, ‘‘Coming from you?’‘. ‘‘Excuse me!’‘ you spluttered and the both of you sat there laughing. He shifted the position of your hands onto your lap and on the open road, the trees and the house passed by in a blur. If you looked back, the speed slowed down and everything was much clearer and resting your head on the headrest, you took in the fresh sandalwood scent of the car’s interior while the warm rays of sun ran across the dashboard as the ending of the trail led to his hand on the wheel. The backdrop a blur, your eyes traced the lining of his nose bridge all the way to his jawline, admiring his relaxed face. 
It wasn’t exactly a wonder but in the span of less than forty-five minutes, the sky had begun to darken. A pink and purplish hue descended mixing in with the darkness of the blue night sky. Among the low moon, the stars that littered the sky caught your eyes and this was the first time you had paid attention to the beauty of the sunset speaking gently, ‘’The sky is so pretty today’’. 
Looking up, he sucked in a sharp breath as he took in the stunning sight. ‘’It is’’ he said in agreement. Breaking the comfortable silence that enveloped the two of you, he stated with joy in his voice, ‘’We almost reached by the way’’ peaking your focus on your surroundings. 
‘‘Not a lot of people come here so we should have the place to ourselves’‘ he said, turning left and finding a parking spot. Stepping out, the wind blew calmly like the sea breeze at the beach- welcoming and pleasantly. Coming around the side, he hugged your hand in his own and tenderly tugged you along. 
‘’Where are we?’‘ you asked looking up at him with wide, honest eyes. ‘‘Somewhere where you can relax. A colleague recommended this place so I’m just as new to this place as you are.’‘ he ended with a twinkling laugh. Adorned with tiny, green plants, the pathway wasn’t lit but there was just enough moonlight for the both of you to walk up. From the distance, you realised how much wider the place actually was.
Sculpted, a dark green hedge was accompanied by dome- shaped, glossy bright orange flowers that could be seen even as night approached. It acted as an entrance and replaced all the signs welcoming confused visitors. Leading you towards a bench, the two of you took a seat side-by-side. He left your hand and instead wrapped an arm around your shoulder pulling you to rest your head on his chest. 
‘’Are you cold?’’ he asked and you shook your head disagreeing. ‘’You were right, this place is really relaxing. Thank you for thinking of me and bringing me here’’ you said in appreciation. Moving his right arm to the side of your head, he turned your head so that you were face to face with him. Eyes, a warm shade of dark brown, he connected his lips with yours.
Sweet passion fruit and milk chocolate, the sky blue hydrangeas bloomed; in the distant ambience of the place, a bird took its first flight, soaring. Carefully and softly, your lips moved with the flow of his lips which feel velvety and delicate. Leaning away, the both of you took a breath as he said, ‘’You know those people who you just click with? As in, you become their best friends and they become special to you. So always- I will always think of you.’’.
Your hands moved up to his face and capturing his cheeks, your lips met his. Connecting for the second time, he felt just as sweet as the first, like every kiss you had shared. Endearingly, he managed to daze you each time reminding you of the shiny and sugary glaze on doughnuts, simple and classic. 
Smiling, your hands moved to smooth his hair which really didn’t need any smoothing but you felt the need to press his face in between your hands. Slyly you said, ‘’I think I like you, like a lot’’ to which he chuckled and said, ‘’I like you a lot too so stay with me’’. ‘’I’m not going anywhere, I’m just here to bother you’’ you replied with a giggle and facing you he incredulously asked, ‘’Did you just ruin-?’’.
Laughing while shaking his head, he pressed a kiss to the side of your forehead making your cheeks turn pink. When you returned the kiss, he questioned, ‘’What was that for?’’ and looking at his flushed cheeks, you smiled at the accomplishment. ‘’Just so, for once, you can feel how you make me feel’’ you replied with a bright smile. 
Hand to his chest he acted like his chest was hurting and breathing hoarsely said, ‘’Slow down’’ making you laugh a little. Settling down, your head went back to lean on his chest. Fingers gently pushed your hair out of your face; you moved your arms to envelope his torso, feeling the toned lines. Lying in his embrace, the two of you sat and watched the stars.
 Therapeutic, your relationship was something that you looked forward to everyday because apart from seeing one another, new adventures and exciting thrills came your way. Ultra realistic stills of your time with him were printed and couldn’t be easily forgotten so together, you took baby steps, one day at a time.
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kalimagik · 4 years
Congratulations again! You deserve all your followers, Mags. ^^ You know, I need something to get my mind off the 4 uni essays I have to write, so here I go :D Hogwarts House: Gryffindor, male ship from Marauders era, I'm a huge fan of DADA, Charms, Duelling, Quidditch and Transfiguration, I am quite loud and like to be the centre of attention (in a leader kind of way if that makes sense) and fluff fluff fluff :D Take your time hun, I have 1000s of words to write anyway xD Congrats again ^^
THANK YOU SO MUCH! <3 4 uni essays is a ridiculous number of essays, so let me give you a little distraction and hopefully some entertainment... 
I ship you with *Drum Roll Please* : 
James Potter! 
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How you met : 
It was your 3rd year at Hogwarts and you were FINALLY able to try out for Gryffindor’s quidditch team. You had been hyping yourself up all week to anyone who would listen, describing your flying skills, how quick you were, and why you’d be a great addition to the team (you really hoped that the captain would notice)
The day of tryouts came and you were in full gear, ready to go. Out on the pitch, you had your new broom in hand and were surveying your competition. You didn’t really care which position you got, but were hoping for chaser or seeker. 
“so you’re my competition, huh?” a boy with glasses stood beside you. He towered over you, but you figured you could take him in this. Size wasn’t all important for the positions you wanted. 
“I don’t know if I would call it competition,” you snorted as you mounted your broom. The captain blew his whistle and you were in the air before the boy could even get off the ground. 
You gave this tryout your everything, which included showing off a little bit. Winded and slightly glistening from sweat, you landed back on the pitch when the captain called for everyone trying out to return to the ground. Being in the air felt so freeing, but you couldn’t wait to see if you made the team. 
“That was some fancy flying up there!” the same boy commented, nudging you slightly. 
“I like to practice a bit,” you smirked. 
“A bit?! How’d you get that good?” 
“My dad plays for Puddlemere United,” you shrugged. 
The boy’s mouth hung wide open. “Wow! I’m James Potter by the way,” he held out his hand for you to shake. You took it gladly, telling him your name in return. At that moment, the captain announced that you would both be playing chaser. 
“Looks like I can show you a few tricks,” you winked before walking away. 
Okay...I really went off for that one and I’m not sorry at all
Fluff Blurb : 
“James! Behind here!” You called, pulling James behind a tapestry. You tried your best to stifle your laughter as you heard Filch’s footsteps running by. 
When James finally caught his breath, he noticed the proximity between the two of you. “Looks like we’ve found ourselves in a compromising situation, love!” You could feel the head rising in your cheeks as you wiggled your eyebrows at him. 
“What are you going to do about-” Before you could finish your sentence, James pulled you even closer to him, locking his lips on yours. You had to catch your breath all over again. “I think I could get used to that type of solution,” you chuckled once your lips broke apart. 
“I think it’s better than this one where we hide when a prank goes wrong,” he smirked, motioning to the tapestry next to you. 
You shrugged your shoulders. “I may be the brains of the operation, but you are definitely the one who messed that up,” you accused him with a mischievous twinkle in your eye. 
“Darlin’, I think I would follow you to the ends of the earth, but still manage to mess up your plans somehow,” he grinned, pulling your waist towards him once more so he could continue to kiss you while you had a moment alone. 
Okay, if you couldn’t tell, I absolutely adore James Potter XD I hope you like your ship and that it brings a smile to your face and motivates you to get those essays done! (Only after it distracts you for a bit of course lol) 
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Salt and vinegar
First of all, thanks to everyone who read my first attempt at the first person writing, I always struggled with that.
I must say I didn't plan to write a second part to Cakes and accidents because I am a sucker for one shots with open endings, but I actually had a clear idea in my head about how it should continue, and I found a spark of inspiration so here is the part II.
And thanks to @tholland96 @jillanaholland for commenting.
Also part of the inspiration came from this interview in case you want to check it out.
Tom Holland x reader
One shot
Warnings: Fluff, cursing, poor table manners.
The message was bright and clear in your cellphone screen, but still you had to look at ti three more times to make sure what it says, and once the idea had sink in your head you tossed the device away in the laundry basket you were supposed to do that night as if it had somehow offended you. That wasn't real, it was a cruel joke of destiny that Tom Holland, actually Stanley, said the voice in your head, invited you to have dinner with him.
And of course you didn't want to read much into it, you have been talking in an amicable way for the last three days and he was probably trying to be friendly with you. But if you had to sit next to that charming smile and those breathtaking eyes that make you smile like an idiot just by thinking about them, for more than 20 minutes you will end up making an awkward mess of yourself and he would probably feel uncomfortable and would run away scared.
You pick up the phone and ignore the text to call your sister, she may be younger but the list of broken hearts in her past made her the perfect person to give advice, and since it was almost 8 at night she may be free in her new home all those mile away.
"Well he clearly enjoys your company" The voice of your sister told you in the phone after you briefly summarize how you meet him "Y/N why are you doing this? This Holland guy is clearly interested in you, what the hell if he said is name is Stanley or Lucas or Wenceslaus" She made a pause to let you laugh, she always did that, even when she was angry, making jokes was a second nature for Y/S/N "If anything it only means he wants to have a more normal discret experience as a young adult, and trust me it that is hard to find, you should see the blokes out here, they feel like just because they have a couple thousands followers in IG I should be kissing the floor they walk on"
"I suppose you are right, but I haven't done this in so long what if I mess it up?" You said with a voice a little more desperate than you hoped for.
"Then at least you have had dinner with a handsome lad, and you will move on. Look you are not sure if this is a date right? Then take it that way just two friends eating, a normal conversation, maybe a beer and please big sister put on a bloody dress" she said before you start lecturing her on how little you cared for gender specific clothes and she talked some more about her new school. By the time you hung up it was 9:00 and you sent the answer to his text.
Sorry, busy doing laundry. Sure mate! 6 works for you?
"Oh Y/N why did you say mate?" You asked yourself outloud, you really were bad at this.
And here I am, being useless. You are such an adult. 6 works perfect, I'll pick you. Sweet dreams mate! 😉
His text came in within minutes and you let go a relief sigh, before start thinking about what you should wear, but Y/S/N was right, you had to take it as calm as you could, and he was in fact a charming friend, worst case scenario you still were going to have dinner with Tom Holland, that couldn't be bad, and with that in mind you finally went downstairs to do the bloody laundry.
"Looking good Bristol" he said once you open the door at exactly 6:00 pm the next day. "Good thing Tessa is not coming today, will be a shame to get grass and dirt on that dress" he add pointing down to the skirt of the flowy summer dress you finally picked, looking at you for one second to long. So maybe it is a date your mind said happy.
"Oh that's too bad, I actually got her something" You said picking out something from your purse "So she won't be out there chasing innocent british pastries" You said giving him a chocolate cake plush toy. And following him out to his car.
"This is adorable" He said again smiling with his whole body, and you wonder again how does he do that? "Sorry I forgot to tell you to don't posh up, I'm actually just coming out of the gym" Actually never mind. Your mind told you since he was wearing again a simple black tshirt and dark blue jeans, and then you could notice his hair was wet, he probably had just taken a shower ... don't go there. "And I'm actually starving, chips sound good?"
"Sure, I actually didn't like the ones in Bristol so it would be nice to eat them here." Yo said trying to shake your thoughts away from the danger zone and putting on the seatbelt "Isn't it late for being at the gym? I hope you are not an excercise addict"
"I don't think I am" he said with a little laugh "But what do you think is this too much" He said with an obvious pretend innocence flexing up his arms making the tshirt rise on his abs. That's obscene sir, sorry girl you are on your own. Said your inner voice shutting down all logical thinking
"No, you look quite... healthy" You said finally looking to the left, never finding a review mirror so interesting.
"Good I would hate to be too big" he said and you could hear the amusement in his voice, and somehow the fact that he was aware of your obvious crush on him make you confident enough to acknowledge the elephant in the room.
"Obviously, period pieces never look good on beefcakes and you can't be spiderman forever" you said casually and he turn at you a bit astonished.
"When did you knew?" He said and thankfully his tone was not anger nor embarrassment just genuine curiosity "And I would love to do a period piece, what about Heathcliff ?"
"Well I don't believe there is many Staffordshire bull terriers around named Tessa" You started "But I actually recognized you when I saw you" You finally confess, feeling the pressure lifting off your shoulders "But I thought since you were not comfortable giving out your own name it wasn't my place to say anything. And Heathcliff is overrated Linton on the other hand is more of a challenge"
"Oh don't be so harsh on yourself, I didn't mind giving my name or not, it just seemed something funny to do at the time, and Tom or Stanley I actually enjoyed talking to you" He said while he found a place to park. "Do you mind walking from here? Is a nice place but doesn't have and actual car park".
"Not at all, as long is not more than 5 blocks, I am getting hungry" you said with a smile while he maneuver to park his Audi.
"O'Neill's Kingston upon Thames" He said once you were both on the ground and he once again offered you his arm "Have you ever been there? Great food"
"I actually never been there, but sounds fine, let's go" you said gladly taking his arm and walking by his side and a couple blocks later you were finally at the Irish Pub.
"A pint of Guinness and cod and chips" He said returning the menu to the waiter.
"And the lady?" He asked while you struggle to not take forever to decide what you wanted, an old bad habit that your mother have tried to change constantly.
"The Bacon cheese chips and a pint for me as well" you said finally putting the menu away.
"My kind of girl" He said and winked at you, clearly not realizing that your legs will stop working because of it "So when do you go back to bristol?" He asked and that honest interest encouraged you to speak.
"By mid September, my mother is actually about to toss my train ticket in the trash since I didn't came back for spring vacations, but I had so much work that I couldn't."
"I totally get it, whenever I'm away my dad makes such a big deal about it" he said letting go a little laugh "I mean is not the same since I didn't go to college but is sweet"
"Oh but you cross the Atlantic, they have reasons to be worried. I'm just one train away" you said and a small spark of pride shine in his eyes, was he self conscious about you being in college? No that was ridiculous. "Anyway I actually needed this, my friends from uni are in their houses and my friends from high school are too happy with their boyfriends and girlfriends to hang out with me." There I'm a loser now we are even.
"And your sister is gone, been there. I have the feeling Harry is going to break up with me when he gets a real girlfriend" he said and make you laugh, a bit louder and more nasal than you wanted.
"That's some laugh" he said laughing too but instead of making you shut up or get embarrassed you laughed louder causing the waiter to look at both of you like you were crazy while holding your food.
"Yours is no better sunshine" Yo said finally and giving a I'm so sorry look at the guy that kept looking at you and he finally put your food on the table. "This looks delicious" You said taking out one of the chips making a cheese string to extend from the hot plate.
"That's like too much cheese" He said making a funny disgusted face, and then proceeded to add more vinegar and salt to his chips.
"And that's like too much vinegar" You teased back at him, and then taking a big sip of the Guinness.
"No darling, this is too much vinegar" He said taking one of the complementary pickled eggs on de table and giving it a big bite.
"That's actually fucking disgusting..." you started but ironically and unplanned you were betrayed mid sentence by the beer and a loud and horrifying burp came out of your mouth, and the shame and the look on other people faces made you want to be swollen by the floor "Oh shit, I'm so sorry, that was so awful, I'm so gross..." The apologies start bubbling in your mouth while your face turned red and you dare to look at him, and the serious look on his face could have broken your heart in the very moment because you could almost hearing him say how you should end the dinner for once.
"Oh you wanna get tough" He said instead and took a sip of his beer and let go an even bigger burp and then looked at you with the brightest smile yet and add "Beat that baby" and he raised his opened arms as if he had won. You only smiled and nodded and you kept talking about other nonsenses until two beers and a order of onion rings later he was waiting at the door for you to came out of the bathroom to walk back to his car.
"Sorry I take forever, I went back to give a bigger tip to the waiter, we were so awful" You said at him.
"You were awful, I was being completely charming" He said and this time he didn't offer his arm to you instead simply took your hand without saying a word and before you noticed you were already walking holding it tightly.
"Of course you were, the guy put two more picked eggs at the table for you and kept looking drooling" You said and he laughed.
"Sorry sweetheart I can't turn off this pretty face" He said pointing at him when you reached the car, you couldn't agree more.
"Well he must be in love, that's a lot of vinegar to want to kiss someone" You said, again before you could think better and stop your tongue, he stood still and you questioned yourself if you had offended him, since he didn't say anything you let go of his hand and try to walk to open the door, but before you could do it he grab you by the wrist, and you froze immediately.
"That's actually quite disappointing you know?" He started no smile, but no anger either, just an honest tone, he let go of your wrist but you remained in your place "But I have never think it's okay to try and kiss someone in the first date so I figured it would be okay"
Your feet were still on the ground but for a moment your head was miles and miles away in the sky screaming of happiness and incredulity, it was a simple four letter word yet it felt like the most beautiful poem in his lips, and at the same time your logical thinking brought you back to the ground in a millisecond, you needed to be certain of what he had said.
"Well I was not aware this was a date, otherwise I wouldn't have ordered the extra onion rings" you said and give him a timid smile.
"Then I must be terrible at this" he said opening the car door for you "Although I wouldn't mind, but as I said it's a first date so I just want to take you home safely.
"Well that's really sweet of you" you started and he start the car to get back to your home "And since apparently I'm incapable of behaving like a decent person in public when I'm with you next time you should come to my place".
"I like your indecency" He said "And I would love too, are you going to tell me that you can cook too? Because in that case you are officially annoyingly adult"
"Of course, my speciality is reheated pizza in the microwave" You said and he laughed, there was a narcissistic pleasure about being able to make him laugh.
As a perfect gentleman he walked you at your door, there was so much that you wanted to tell him, but the idea of going out with him again soon was so powerful that you almost didn't mind watching him leave.
"That was the funniest and more amazing date I ever have"
"Oh stop it" You said blushing again "I'm going to start believing you and it would get to my head"
"Believe me, I almost run to the drugstore to buy a toothbrush" He said and give you a devilish wink that make you thank your door for being behind you holding you still.
"You know how unfair this is when you look like that?" You said desperately looking at your feet "And for what is worth I have an amazing evening too, and if I'm honest I wouldn't have mind at all too" You said and dare to touch his arm softly before turning your back at him to get inside.
He suddenly grabbed you by your waist and turned back to him, planting a quick soft kiss on your cheek, and you could see the fun grin on his face, he was not being considered he was torturing you with anticipation, and you love it.
"Goodbye then" He said and with one last wink he walk away and got in his car.
You stood ther for solid five minutes touching your face where he had just kissed you and watching the street, then you finally get inside thinking about how happy and uneasy this force of nature of a man made you feel, he would be the end of you, but you wouldn't change it for the world.
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