#I'm sorry Mampo
nurulkassim ยท 3 years
Hate people/nurses who uses SISTER (Nursing manager) as a way to solve problem. I only join your ward today and you expect me to know all your practices. Sorry babe I'm not scared with the sentence "I will tell sister" gi mampos. For your info I'm used to this kind of line la. Nk tkotkn aku. Yes im a SN for 2 years only but I've already work in NUH for a total of 10 years. 10 freaking years and I met lot of ppl like you. Kaki bodek!!! I've been thinking of this issue only until now not because I'm scared but I'm just worry how many more ur kind will I have to face. Jijik! What a first impression you gave to me. Kau SSN tpi perangai mcm bdak kecik. Even bdak primary school also knows how to handle simple problems. Kau sikit sikit "I tell sister" gi mati la ngan kau nyer tell sister. Aku lagi suke kalau bbual ngan sister. Bole mintak transfer balik tk ya nk keje ngan org org mcm kau.
If you don't trust that nurses just go n tell sister directly you don't have to gertak argh... all my medication kau kite timing duration. Mmg kene check but also certain medication depend on pt. Especially when it comes to IV KCL it's a painful infusion and most of the pt whats the rate to run slower. So be it there is no problem and I did explain why is the replacement completed late at night.
1. The dr only order it at 345pm so I start it late.
2. There is 3 cycle supposed to run 1 hour each bag but due to the irritation pt request to run it slow for 2 hrs each bag. So I need a total of 6hrs to run all the 3 cycle
3. Pt also have other IV medication to be serve so in between of the 3 cycle I have to serve the IV paracetamol. Then continue back to the 2 hr KCL
So if I were to start at about 4pm I should complete all the 3 cycle by 9pm(6hrs). BUT in between I administer IV paracetamol for 15 min so I need a total of 6hrs and 27min ( remaining minutes for flushing lines). So before 10pm everything should be completed and I basically did not leave you any thing to followup. Only left to final flush and disconnect from the cannula.
I still don't get it why are you questioning so much about this replacement and the timing....
Come to the next pt....
Question me how I prepare my antibiotic. Cause this ampule is not suitable with the minibar so I have to dilute it.
My way ( I was taught )- normal iv infusion set
- dilute ampule with 20mls NS and further dilute it in 50mls NS total of 70 mls to be administer and I use the normal iv infusion set.
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Her way -iv burette set
- dilute ampule with 20mls NS and push it into a burette set and connect to 500mls NS. Thn further dilute it with 50mls NS.
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The only different as you can see is the set used. The dilution and preparation is all the same. Burette is much more expensive then the iv infusion set and burette need to connect to 500mls solution also expensive. If the antibiotic only last for 1 day and to oralized the next day thn it's a waste to used the burette set. Its okay to used the burette set if the duration of the antibiotic is long. So I don't know why is there a need to "I tell SISTER" ?????
I have 4 month before my ML. And I hope my sister able to push my ML and leave closed to 1 month or so. So i only spent in this hell ward for only 2 month plus.
No point to continue working in this ward if I unable to work hand in hand with the people there. Layanan terok and 1st thing that comes out from your mouth is "I tell sister" mcm nie ker kau treat budak budak deploy yg dtg ur ward to help. No wonder everyday banyak org MC. ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„
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aroguexenolith ยท 7 years
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Godspeed, Mampo. ;-;
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