#I'm sorry I didn't end up getting to read This Empty Love and get excited about it with her...I know I should have done it last year
setsumushou · 10 months
I cried again in a public restroom because it is hitting me that it's probably finally over for me, despite all I've tried to do, despite all I have left to give. And I cried because of what bogbeast told me yesterday - that they were done with Top Gun (thankfully, it's because they genuinely found another interest and not because of anything else). That I probably won't be getting what I hoped at least would be my parting Christmas gift this year. This fandom was kept slightly alive for me because of them and yellow_crayon for so long - the only two people who freely talked to me on a personal level this year and still wrote for Roosmav - and how disappointing of an ending to something they loved this was because of their friendships with me.
I'm getting up to write this at 4 a.m., so I'm not coherent, but I want to elaborate on this more later, and all that they have done for me, but I remember bogbeast being upset that it seemed less people were caring about their writing this year as time went on, and I couldn't explain to them that the reason less people from the Roosmav server were commenting on their fic was because it was becoming more obvious that they were friends with me. And all they had done was befriend me and help me with my writing this year (it's obvious now, but they beta'd my first four stories/all of my bottom!Bradley fics this year).
I remember being so relieved that Fopps commented on the second-to-last chapter of their Roosmav longfic, "Hold Me Under." Tbh, I was surprised Fopps had kept commenting on it after I became friends with them. Fopps was the first comment on that fic, so while I know she didn't end up commenting on the last chapter - and maybe she didn't even end up finishing that story - I know she really liked it, at least in the beginning.
I told yellow_crayon that in the likelihood it doesn't work out for me, and I have to leave the fandom for good, I want her to be able to formally disassociate from me so that she can finish her WIPs in peace and link them on the Roosmav server because she had always had a wonderful reputation with everyone there until her friendship with me. I don't think she linked her priestfic on there in the beginning of the year because she had gifted it to me, and I had even told her at the time - because I had felt so bad and was aware that her gifting it to me meant that she couldn't post it there - that she should un-gift it to me. But she kept it gifted to me, and it's this kind of gesture which showed me that I really did matter to her - that she would sacrifice that ability to post her work on there because of our friendship.
I've felt so terrified and guilty that my friends are friends with me for so long, because I have had to wonder: If they openly associate with me, will other people stop commenting on/supporting their works? I cried when Lake agreed to let me give her beta credit on my priest fic because I had fully expected to not be able to - that I had to hide my friendships with people forever because I didn't want to put them in a bad position with their other friends.
I have had to calculate everything I did this year - every work I have posted, every conversation I have had with a friend - because I wanted to show that I still wanted to give to this fandom, that I was willing to draw/write things that no one else in the Roosmav fandom, after all this time, has; and I didn't want to inadvertently get my friends in trouble for simply associating with me, but I still wanted to show that I was 1000% loyal to Roosmav by the fact that every person that I still talk to and remain friends with is from the Roosmav server. That I have everything to lose - Lake, Lily, YC, my friends - if I had any intent outside of just wanting to positively contribute to something I love.
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love-bitesx · 1 year
I loveeeedd the last story Tysm ❤️❤️❤️ Keep up the amazing work 🌈
I have another request
Hobie x fem spider reader
Reader has a weird stalker ex-bf, and the reader tries to keep it a secret from Hobie but he finds out and deals with the ex.
: ̗̀➛ STALKER. hobie brown x fem!reader
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any criminal minds fans out there … i hope u see the parallels of my baby spencer also i'm so sorry, i didn't see until after i wrote this entire thing that you said 'fem spider reader' so it's a fem normal reader, so sorry! i hope it's still okay, tho!! thank u sm for ur support angel !! summary: hobie & y/n have been doing long distance for months, but she never told him exactly why. words: 2.8k (the words just kept coming, sorry its so long lmao) warnings: fem!reader, pronouns not really used but "my girl", "lady", etc. are, read at your own risk! weird stalker bf, creepy fella, hobie n y/n are long distance, very very soft hobie
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“when can i call you next, darlin’?” hobie’s voice was laced with longing, bass distorted by static at the other end of the phone.
“if you’re quick, we can call tomorrow after 5,” you smiled, and if you were in an 80’s romcom, you’d be twisting the phone cord between your fingers.
“5pm it is, don’t be late,” you can hear his smirk, and a bolt of guilt strikes your chest.
“look, i need to ask something, and i think i already know the answer,” hobie speaks, and you bite your lip in anticipation, “the band and i are playing at a new venue tomorrow, it’s the biggest we’ve played, we’re all dead excited, and…”
a sigh.
“well, it won’t feel the same without you there, pretty.”
if the first bolt wasn’t enough, then the second one lived up to it, striking you into the dead center of your heart. it had been well over 6 months since you met hobie. well, “met”. you’d accidentally called the wrong number one day, meaning to contact a friend of a friend, but typing the last number wrong. picking up at the other end was a deep, almost mesmerising voice, telling you; “no bother, darlin’. it happens, just make sure not to lose this number, wanna hear more from ya.”
“hobie, you know i can’t,” your voice is brimming with remorse and you look to the ground.
“i know, shit with your parents, i get it," he tried hard to hide the disappointment, but his heart twanged with neglect and it creeped through into his words.
parents. strict, all-demanding 'parents'. that's what you told hobie when you first started dating, that the reason you aren't able to see him was because your mother was overbearing and extremely protective – it was a lie. a lie that was eating you up from the inside out. the truth was slightly more grim, however.
years ago, you got involved with a guy at work. a couple brief conversations turned into dates, and dates turned into anniversaries, anniversaries turned into toxic, violent arguments and after a long time of dating, you broke up with him. to say he took it badly, was a criminal understatement. threatening phone calls, showing up at your work, sending you gifts and menacing letters – his signature move was scaring off, and even once harming, any man or potential love interest that you interacted with. it was exhausting, and terrifying.
and hobie was different. he was sweet and kind, but rough around the edges, and his voice dripped in passion no matter the topic of conversation. his promises were never empty, and most importantly – he loved you. and you loved him. the last thing you wanted, was your ex to pop up and scare him off, so you kept it from him. limiting your relationship to phone calls at arranged times incase your ex was keeping tabs.
“i’m sorry, hobie,” is all you could muster, not even scratching the tip of the catastrophic iceberg that wedged the back of your throat.
“it’s okay, darlin’, don’t worry that pretty little head over it,” and just like every phone call, you melted into his words, “i love you, yeah? i’ll call you tomorrow at 5.”
“i’ll be waiting,” you smiled, cheeks flushed at his gentle affirmations, “i love you.”
with a ruckus of movement, and what sounded like a kiss, the call ended, and you stared at the screen silently for a moment. not much longer could you avoid it, and the malten bubble of dread spilled into your gut.
sending him a quick text:
‘good luck tomorrow, handsome. what’s the venue called again? you’ll do amazing x’
you turned off your phone, discarding it on the bed as you climbed into the hole of guilt you’d dug yourself.
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“oi, you ready, blud?” hobie’s band mate yelled above the bustle and cheers from the crowd before them. large, bejewelled hands poised onto his guitar strings, he smirked.
with a nod to the roadie, the lights went up, illuminating the stage and instruments, hobie's glowing with a harsh red tint. immediately, his sepia eyes digested the crowd. seeing the flushed, excitable faces staring back at him sent a shot of confidence to his bones, and they moved, strumming the guitar with such vigor that the stage floor shook beneath his feet. cheers erupted, and yet felt oddly empty. it was missing something, and he knew what it was immediately.
he'd truly give his all to have you there, front stage in his eyeline, screaming his songs like gospel. not that he'd ever seen you properly, only seeing teasing selfies you'd sent him over the months you'd been together. he didn't care, inherently, he'd fallen head over heels for your personality; a pretty face was only just a bonus.
however, he did yearn for your touch. to feel his hands in your hair, to kiss your cheek, your nose, your neck. he longed to have you with him, even just doing stupid little tasks, having you by his side through the domestic side of life.
his gall spurred him on, his passion surging through his fingertips, spilling out into the sound waves. the audience were lapping it up, screams and chants only barely audible under the booming power of their set. song, after song, after song his talented blood seeped out onto the strings, and his feet were almost numb from the vibration of the bass.
the final song arrived, and his chest was burning, vision blurry, heart pounding against his chest – and he loved it. it was their biggest crowd, their most excitable achievement so far, and his blood pumped with adrenaline as he finished off the set, falling to his knees as he strum his guitar with one final chord. lights falling, his chest was heaving and his eyes scanned the audience one final time – you weren’t there. he had to accept that.
“that was fuckin’ sick, blud!” his bassist yelled as they exited the stage, palm slapping hobie’s shoulder blade and elicited a wide, ecstatic grin.
“you smashed it, mate,” hobie shouted back over the booming stereo that took their place.
“nah, man, you stole the show,” his bassist shook his head, patting him again in appreciation, “good that your lady’s here to see it, too, she must be proud.”
“i wish, mate,” he sighed.
“did you not see her?” his ears perked up, and at his confused expression, his bandmate continued, “over at the back, by the bar, i didn’t know what she looked like, but she was asking after you. ‘er story adds up.”
"shit," he mutters, feet solid on the ground. his heart pounds, skeptical of your presence, but chest bursting with hope that it just might be you, "look, bro, i need to–"
"go! go, man, go see her," his bandmate pushes him in the direction of the bar, and he almost stumbles over his own feet to push the stage door open, met with the chaos of the crowded bar.
dark eyes scanning the aimless faces, he searched for anyone who could look like you; his stature brought him above everyone else, only by a little, but gave him an advantage to seek you out.
"sorry, i need to get past," he repeated, over and over to unassuming bodies, setting through the chaos to find his peace. pushing out at the back, a wave of light met him, shining through empty pint glasses and illuminating the bar.
there you were.
standing quietly, head nodding along to the blasting instrumentals, drink in hand; you were heart-stopping. and he was pretty sure his did. even if he’d never seen you face-to-face, he’d memorised the soft plump of your lips, alluring light in your eyes, even the way your hair fell against your skin from the photos he'd seen. there was no doubt it was you, and my god, you were beautiful. he couldn’t even stop his legs if he tried, as they carried him over to you.
"y/n?" his voice barely travelled through the sound waves, but it hit your ear like a familiar embrace.
turning to him, eyes wide and bright in the twinkling of the bar lights. you drunk him in, warm eyes swallowing every part of him. you'd seen pictures, again, but it could never compare to him. dark brown skin, soft to its complexion, hugged his bones in every perfect way; folding at the creases of his handsome face. he was tall, very tall, and the detail of the curves and indents of his muscles, altered by the shadows of the dim bar light, made your head fuzzy. god, he was beautiful – nothing that a digital screen could ever portray with justice.
"hobie," your voice was crisper than he was used to, and he would bottle it if he could, "hey, handsome, you got a–"
"come 'ere," he interrupted, essentially scooping you into his tense embrace, melting into your scent, the feel of you in his arms. his heart was pounding against his chest. you wrapped yourself around him, running your hands along his leather jacket, ghosting the skin below it.
"you interrupted my introduction," you pouted against his shoulder, "had a whole little joke planned and everything, you know."
"go on, hit me, love," he pulled back a tiny bit, his arms still glued around your waist, looking down through his lashes. you faltered under his intense gaze, giddy smile bursting onto your face and you buried your head in his chest.
"nuh uh, not anymore," you shook your head against him, "you ruined it."
his hand came up to touch your face whilst you spoke, following the edge of your hairline and tucking your hair around your shoulder. he was in awe, having you here, having you with him. tightening his embrace, he didn't want to let you go – ever.
"mhmm," his voice vibrated his chest, and you pulled away, "i'm sure it was hilarious, love."
"it really was," you chuckled, giddy in his presence.
the air grew thicker, your laughter dying out and left with just his strong gaze, his dark brown eyes following yours. you could barely comprehend him being here, in front of you, around you, and he was so much more than you had imagined. feeling his calloused hand caress your cheek, you leaned into his touch, inviting him into your world. cupping your face, hobie bought himself to you, leaning down until his pierced lips were ghosting your own. months he'd dreamed of this, imagined how it would feel to kiss his girl, to taste your lips and feel your love. he could feel your breath, and you were about to give in, until you pulled away.
"wait, i–" you swallowed thickly, pulling your touch from him.
"what's up, darlin'?" his eyes scanned your face for any sign of reason, "did i do somethin'?"
"no! no, you," you sighed, "you're perfect, it's not you."
he'd be lying through his teeth if he denied the pit of anxiety building deep in his stomach, bubbling up his throat.
"what is it?"
"i–" you stuttered again, and fought to get your words out of your brain and into the thick air of the bar, "i haven't been telling you the truth."
silence. just for a second. hobie's brain working over time.
"look, if you've got another fella, or somethin', just get it over with–"
"no! no, hobie, i'm yours, i promise," your words settled him for a second.
"my parents don't care about us, they aren't strict, in fact, they were happy when i told them about you," you begun, opening the dam.
"they know about me?" his voice was smaller than you were used to, and if your brain had a spare synapse to process it, you'd probably have melted.
"yes, and i'm sorry i haven't told you," you avoided his eyes, "it's my ex."
"oh, fuckin' 'ell," he sighed, dropping his arms to his side, and he's about to speak, until you interrupt.
"we broke up years ago, but he's never left me alone," you ring your wrists with your hands nervously, and hobie notices – you looked terrified, "i've tried everything; i've tried the police, i've moved countless times, i've changed jobs, made new friends, met new people – he won't leave me be."
tears welled up now, and his heart reached for you, but his arms stayed stuck by his side.
"every guy that i meet, he's, i don't know, calling them telling them i'm someone i'm not, or following them home and slashing tires, or roughing them up outside pubs," paranoia enveloped you, and your eyes darting around the crowd, "i was so scared, because you're the best i've ever had, and probably will ever have, and i don't want him to scare you off."
"and i understand if this has done exactly what i'm scared of, because i get that keeping it from you was awful, but i was only trying to protect you and–"
his lips cut you off, warm against your own, capturing your words and pushing them back down your throat. hands on your cheeks, body flush against your own, you melted into him completely. it felt like heaven, like months of tension and longing unravelling like ribbon into the wind. it was safe, gentle, like a promise – a promise that it didn't scare him, and that he was yours.
"is he here?" his voice was low, lips hovering yours.
"i-i don't know," you were flustered, your brain trying to make sense of it all, but his hand on the small of your back stopped any cognitive thoughts, "i haven't seen him."
watching him, hobie's dark eyes floated around the crowd, before falling back onto you. smirk on his lips, he placed a quick peck onto your cheek.
"hmm, i hope he enjoyed the show," he chuckled lowly, and you couldn't help but mimic it, relief flooding off your shoulders, "how about we go somewhere a bit safer?"
"like where?" you questioned, intrigued by the coaxing tone of his voice.
"well, i only live around the corner," he shrugged, before offering his hand. blushing, you slipped your hand into his, the soft skin of his fingers pulling you towards him, until he threw his arm around your shoulder.
"nothing could scare me off, you know," he whispered, placing a kiss to your hair, "i'm 'ard as nails."
"oh yeah?" you giggled.
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clothed eyes glued to the suspicious figure, hobie stood on a rooftop, footsteps silent as he follows the man below. tailing him through the cobbled back lanes of london, hobie's back tingled with apprehension – he'd been following him for at least a mile, waiting for a perfect opportunity.
and he'd finally found it.
pausing his heavy stroll, the man dug into his pockets and pulled out a slightly crushed pack of cigarettes, fumbling further for a lighter. a small orange glow lit up the air around him as he puffed away, smoke fluttering to meet hobie's nose.
silently, hobie swung to a platform below, pulling his guitar tighter against his back and dropped to the hard ground. the sound of his leather boots colliding with the cobble made the man turn in his direction, eyes wide at the sight.
"spiderman?" the man breathed between puffs, voice hoarse, "can i help you?"
"you know what, i think you can," hobie strutted, hands stuffed into his leather jacket, lanky stance towering him, "are you y/n's ex fella?"
"who's asking?" he questioned stupidly, and hobie let out a laugh.
"bruv, who's– are you stupid or somethin'?" hobie punched him lightly in the shoulder, "do you not see the whole get up?"
"the fuck have you got to do with y/n?" he spat, defensive stance taking over his body.
"none of your business," hobie knew that would sting, "but you're gonna leave her alone, fella."
"you don't know what you're talking about."
"i'm not askin', mate," hobie stepped closer, "and i'm not givin' you a choice."
before he could even utter a response, hobie had swung his spike-studded arm in his direction, knuckles colliding against the pathetic man's jaw, knocking him to the ground below.
"tha's my girl you're messin' with now."
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timmyyyturner · 4 months
Gone: Jason Todd x Fem! Reader
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"Baby, wake up." The kiss pressed on your forehead soothing you awake, you're half asleep, he pulls you into his arms. "I'm going away for a little while okay, baby?" You snuggled into his arms. "Gonna miss you." He kissed your cheek. You mummer something on the lines of "gonna miss you more." Jason chuckled softly. "I love you." You smile leaning up to kiss his soft and a bit chapped lips. "I love you more." He mummers against your lips. He lays you down. "Go back to sleep, Kay?" You nod. "Don't be gone too long." He nods, slipping on his helmet. "I won't. 2 weeks, I promise." You hum, watching him jump out the window.
Jason Todd disappears alot, but it doesn't mean he doesn't miss you and it doesn't mean you miss him any less. You've been together 2 years, 3 in six months. You could barely contain yourself when the second week without him arrives but to your disappointment he doesn't arrive but he send flowers with a note that reads missions gonna take longer than i thought, maybe 2 weeks? i love you.
You miss his voice, his touch, his taste, his pretty lips, him. You miss him. Two weeks later, you wait for him again, propped up on the windowsill, with a cup of coffee, under a blanket. Alas you fall asleep, when you woke up you were in bed, the scrumptious smell of breakfast. You were excited to see him, rushing in the kitchen only to find it empty. "Jay?" You called out. "Baby?" You stumbled into the dining area. "Jas-" You stopped at the table, seeing the flowers, a note sticking out from the flowers beautifully set behind a plate of pancakes. You picked up the note reading it disappointedly. enjoy breakfast :) i'll be back in a month, promise. i love you.
Two months later and you haven't heard anything from him. Not a word. You missed him. You just wanted to know if he was alive, thinking about you as much as you were thinking about him. The house is too quiet, too empty. You wanted to know where he was.
You were propped on the couch reading a Jane Austen book when you got a knock on you're door. You didn't even attempt to get your hopes up. "Package and flower delivery for Miss. L/n." You sighed for it, took it closing the door. You searched the carnations for a note, nothing. You put them in a vase. You knew it was from him though. Red carnations were his favorite flower. You opened the package, nothing but a black hoodie and a red plushy. The hoodie smelt exactly like him. You drowned yourself in his hoodie, falling asleep holding the plushy.
Another two months and you were considering leaving the house for bit cause everything reminds you of him, sleeping in his side, buying his perfume so you could smell like him all the time. It wasn't exact but you could bare with it for a little while. This two months however there wasn't even an indication that he was alive.
The day six months arrived. Your anniversary. Midnight. You had enough. You wanted to be loved, you needed to love and you had so much love to give. Your stuff sat neatly in suitcases on top of the bed. You heard a soft thump on the floor, in the middle of writing a note to Jason. "Where you going, baby?" Tears stung at your eyes. You got up and walked to him. "Sorry for being away so long." Before he could say anything more, you hand came in contact with his face. It stung. Hurt. He deserved it though.
"Why the fuck would you do that to me?" You whispered, looking up at him, eyes red and puffy from crying. He didn't say anything after, neither did you though. You sighed, taking the suit cases off the bed, pulling them next to you. "So, is this it? Is this the end?" He asked, fists balled up, angry with himself. He knew he couldn't live without you. You bent down to open the suitcase. You didn't say anything for a whole minute, just ignored his presence and opened the closet door. "Y/n. Are we over?"
"Don't be fucking stupid, Jason." You started packing your stuff back in the closet. "If we were over, I would've left already." Jason smiled softly. "Nuh-uh. Don't smile at me, you stink."
"Ouch? I thought we were cool." He frowned playfully. "No, we are. You just smell extremely repulsing and you're full of mud." He nodded. "I agree, gimme a hug and a kiss."
"What? No." You turned to him seeing him gone. "Jason, I swear to Go- JASON PUT ME DOWN! You're making me dirty!"
He put you down slowly. "Great, now I have to shower too." You frowned. "You're so fucking lucky I love you." He paused, holy shit it felt so good to hear you say it again. "So, we gonna shower now? Or you want me to run us a bath?" He wanted to hear you say it again. "Bath... I love you." He muttered the last part. You kissed his cheek. "I love you too, honey. Now take off those dirty ass clothes off before I burn them off." He smiled. "I love you more."
"What are you playing, Mr. Todd?" He looked at you pleadingly. "Say it again, please."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"I love you more."
"I love you most." He cleared his throat. "Will you marry me?" You stopped in your tracks. "What?"
He swallowed. "I want to marry you, Y/n. Will you marry me?" You didn't say anything for a while, just stared at him, tears falling from your eyes. "I know you're extremely mad but i love you and want to mar-"
"Yes." You both didn't say anything for a while. "You said yes." He said. "I did." You spoke. You practically jumped in his arms. "I love you so much, Jason. Please don't ever do that again."
"Not even thinking 'bout leaving, princess. Never."
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swiftiewillwrite · 3 months
how you get the girl
jason todd x reader
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fanart by @twalxx (found on pinterest)
pairing - jason todd x reader
warnings - smut! starts angsty, fluff and smut later :))
a/n - this is my first smut, but i had like all of my friends proof read so im super excited to share this with yall! songfic based on how you get the girl by taylor swift (and a bit of i wish you would)
Things had ended with Jason, but it hadn't had the desired effect.
It was just too painful when you were together, the not knowing. Not knowing if he was safe every night. Not knowing if you were safe. You were scared constantly, just never knowing. All you wanted was for him to be safe.
You realized you couldn't do it anymore when he went no contact for two days.
You had thought he was dead. You were pacing your townhouse nonstop, music following suit. Trying to drown out the silence and your thoughts. You plopped onto the couch, picturing every other time this had happened in your mind. The pain you felt every night, that worsened every time another hour went by. So you made your decision.
When he finally came home that night, ready to run into your arms, you closed them. and you fought. The front door opened and shut and all the built-up anger from two years of sleepless nights and not letting yourself be selfish flooded out of you.
“What the hell, Jason? Are you okay? I thought you were dead, you asshole!”
The tone in your voice shocked him, you could see it in his eyes. “What?”
Your tears were threatening to spill from your already red eyes, but you didn't let that stop you. You pressed the back of your hand to your cheek. “I'm sorry, it's just-, I can't do this! Every week, I have to grapple with the fact that you could be dead! And what if you were? You can't come back every time you die, you know that!”
“What- what do you want me to do? There are always going to be people getting hurt, you know that.”
“Exactly. And I will never come first. You’re just too fucking good a person, Jason. you never let yourself be selfish! I wanted you to put us first.” You look at him; “Just go.”
“Is this for real?” And now tears were welling up in his eyes. “This was all so fast.”
“This was the opposite of fast. I just tried not to see it. Because I love you so, so, much Jason, that's why I can't do this. Just- send one of your siblings to get your stuff tomorrow.”
He pauses. “Okay, Doll, if this is what you want, I will go.”
“Don't call me that, you're gonna make this too hard,” You hear yourself let out an embarrassing snort through your snot and tears.
“Then can I kiss you goodbye, instead?”
Already sobbing, you nod.
And now you can't get him out of your head. It's been six months, and he won’t get out. Every time you see lights through your window coming from the street, you think maybe. Maybe he came home to you.
And you just hope that when he's out every night, saving more damsels, he thinks about your home in the center of the city.
Every night you prayed that he would come back. And say that he wants you, no matter what. Even if it was you who broke his heart, because you also broke your own. You wished for it like it was the only thing that kept you going, because it was.
But you never really believed your wish would come true. You had already burnt that bridge. And in doing so, burned away your past. Your friendships with the Waynes, every late night spent tending wounds.
2 A.M. another late night, doing anything you could to get your mind off of him. Especially tonight. The twenty-seventh of April. For the past two years, on this day, Jason had been in your bed. You held him, and told him he was safe. Safe from what happened to him on this day, years before you were able to take care of him. Your bed was empty, and it killed you to know he was probably in his own, having the nightmares you worked so hard to keep him safe from.
2 A.M. A rough and fast knock against your front door cuts through the sound of the pouring rain, and you find yourself looking through the peephole of your townhouse. Eye level with you is Jason Todd, curly hair soaked. You could see his breath in the cold, and how little his unzipped leather jacket was doing to keep him warm. You pull the door open.
“Are you insane?”
“I know, I just- I need you. Sweetheart, I need you back. God, it's been a long six months. I know, I fucked you up, i fucked us up, and that is reason enough for you to slam the door in my face, but..” he trailed off and made eye contact with you; “I will make it up to you. I just need you tonight. You know what tonight is, I know that you didn't forget,” He was pleading, eyebrows furrowed and tears welling in his eyes. “I can't get through tonight without you,”
And before you can process it, you're leaning in and your lips are on his again, and it feels like home. They're soft against you and feel the same as they did the last time you touched six months ago, if just more desperate. He wraps his arms around your back, embracing you tightly. You pull away for a quick second just to say: “Come in, stay the night. I missed you too. We can talk this through in the morning.”
He enters the home that had missed him so much, and you close the door behind him as fast as you can. He dives back for your lips, like a man who had been lost in the desert finally getting water. It was passionate, and for a moment made you forget that you had waited for so long. It just felt like before, and for the meantime would put a band-aid over the months of pain. You kissed him through the hallway, pushing him back to your room, and somewhere along the way, he lost his jacket. When you got to the bedroom, you shoved him against the door, biting his lips and letting yourself absolutely lose control on his mouth. When you pulled away, you could see that it was swollen and redder than when you had started.
You slowly moved down his neck, starting with a hickey on his jaw in a spot that you knew was his favorite place. He breathed out your name, giving you motivation to move down and kiss his adams apple. “Jesus, doll,”
You spread out, leaving marks all over his neck. The closer you got to his collarbone, the more vocal he was, letting out a dozen sickly-sweet nicknames for you. You start to make another bruise on his neck, but he squeaks out a “stop,”
You pull back. “Is something wrong?” for a moment fear creeps into your mind, and you remember. You haven't seen him in months, what if this is too much? This is the anniversary of his death, for god's sake-
“Can we move to the bed?”
“Yeah, if you're ready-” you cut yourself off when Jay removes his shirt as youre speaking, revealing a tapestry of scars. A breath catches in your throat. Shit, you had almost forgotten how good he looks shirtless. Almost. “Yeah, okay,” You follow suit, pulling your shirt over your head and fumbling at your bra hooks.
You both stumble down the hallway, when you sit on the bed, back against the headboard. Jason looks at you like you're his last meal, and sits in between your legs, hands already reaching for your breasts.
Almost immediately, his fingers are tugging at your nipples and his lips are suckling at them. you squeal each time he bites at your nipples and he's moving back and forth between each like he can't choose his favorite, and humming nicknames for you every time he stops to breathe. After a couple minutes of sweet bliss, you put your hand in his still damp curls and push him off of you.
“Jay, I think you need some attention too.” you put his hand on his chest and push him down so he's lying on his back. You struggled with yanking his jeans down his legs as they were still wet with rainwater, but you managed. He starts: -wait, I didn't even get to- When you get down his boxers, his erection springing free, and he gasps, cutting himself off at the sensation of the cold air hitting him.
You settle in between his legs, wrapping a hand around him. Your thumb finds his tip and spreads his precum over his length, lubricating it for your hand to move. This elicits a reaction from him. “Jesus sweetheart, you never stop,”
You're confused. “Stop what?” you ask, pressing a kiss to his tip. He grunts.
“Making my heart pound out o’ my fucking chest, Doll,” He puts a hand on your cheek. “Never - fuck - stop.” you tighten your grip on his cock halfway through this phrase.
This makes you smile profusely, and to mask the grin, you open your mouth and fill it with the familiar feeling of Jason's member. He nearly howls in response, a string of profanities falling out of his mouth.
You look up at him with eyes you know he loves, and you hollow out your cheeks to - just for a second - suck harder. After this, you run your tongue along his base and pull off of him with a pop.
“Wait no- why- why did you stop? Baby, why did you stop?” Jason starts to whine, a sound you would never forget in your life, and you giggle.
“Relax,” you smile as you move to sit on top of him. You pull your shorts off, taking the panties with them. “I just want to ride you,”
“You're ready? Doll, I didn't even touch you, are you sure it won't hurt- ohmygod!”
You had started to lower yourself onto Jason's cock as he spoke, enjoying the way he was extra vocal when he didn't expect it. You leaned down to kiss him, and it was softer this time. Sweeter, romantic. Loving, not just lustful. And you can feel it, the affection for you that he had never lost. You pull away, your breathing fast and heavy, to say:
“I still love you,”
“I love you too,”
And just like that, it feels normal again. No time has passed and you got through another year together, trying to make what had once been the worst night in his life liveable. You laugh as you continue to lower yourself onto him, but the sound is garbled through a moan.
“What?” he asks, voice gruff from the pleasure.
“Nothing, it just did hurt a little, you were right.” Your eyes are sparkling, and your smile is somehow more beautiful than he remembered.
Jason smiled at you from his place on the bed, starstruck by you, and reached his arm between your legs to rub at your clit. You let out a whine that made you feel pathetic, but Jay reached behind your back to hold your chest against him, letting your bodies line up in an embrace that you were unsure if he knew was reassuring, or was just doing it to be closer to you. Either way, you were glad for the contact, and the feeling of his arm pressed between yours and his chest.
Jason's grin glinted in the warm lighting of your bedroom. You're reminded of a chip in one of his front teeth that you find all too endearing before he speaks. “Can you move, baby?” He punctuates this with pressing a circle against your clit. He smiles wider when you arch your back, pressing your tits harder onto him. You take a moment to regain words, but respond after a moment.
“Yeah,” you responded breathily, returning his smile. You lift your hips up and slowly lower yourself back down. Jason groans loudly, something that resembles your name falling from his mouth. Something snaps inside of you at the noise you had missed so much, and the next time you pull up, you slam yourself down on him.
“Holy fucking shit! Sweetheart, don't you need to take it sl- oh my god, oh my god, you're so perfect,” you continue this pattern, speeding up when he rubs your clit in that perfect way he would never forget.
You continue, sick slapping sounds filling the room. The muscles in your thighs and lower back are sore, and you start to slow down, sitting up so you're no longer lying on him. “ ‘M sorry Jaybird, I just - haven't done this in a while.” You look at your lover apologetically, but he doesn't speak a word back. All Jason does is grab your waist, looking into your eyes for a nod before he takes control.
He pumps up into you, hips lifting off the mattress and pushing deeper into you. You let out a pleasured scream, putting your hands on Jason's pecs, rolling a nipple in between your fingers absentmindedly. His thrusting speeds up when you start doing this. “Jason- Jesus Christ, so good.”
“Yeah? I know baby, I know it feels good,” another of his moans interrupts his sentence, but he continues- “You make me feel good too. So good.”
Somehow his thrusts get more rushed, pushing deeper into you. You let out a pitiful scream when he presses against your cervix, pain mixing into pleasure at the feeling of him bruising you. Jason hears you, and you can feel his cock twitch inside of you. You can tell he's close. “Baby, I'm gonna- where do you want it?” He whines, and your walls tighten at the sight of his eyes pleading with yours.
“Baby, are you sure-”
“Please, Jason. Pill,” You start to beg, even though he hadn't asked for you to. “I need it. Need you. Missed you so much. Please!”
During your last word, you feel him release into you. Jason's hips sputter as he lets out another slightly pained moan. He lets his cock sit inside you for a moment, before he pulls himself out, his still hard cock sitting against his stomach. “Baby, get off. Let me make you cum. Let me clean you off.”
You blush at his words, as if you haven't fucked him a million times, nodding as you move off and onto the mattress. Jason repositions so you can rest your head on a pillow, pulling another to rest under your ass and lift you up.
Once you've settled as quickly as possible, Jason puts his face right against your pussy, admiring the way his cum mixes with your juices, spilling out of you. He starts with licking a stripe up your slit, and the image of his cum on his own tongue will never leave your brain, and causes your walls to tighten before he even puts a finger inside. He swallows, and goes back to licking into your hole, one hand absentmindedly rolling your clit in between his fingers as the other one squeezes your thigh. He moves them down from your clit to press into your hole, mouth instead focusing on your clit.
“Fuck, Jason!” He looks up at you, puppy dog eyes somehow turning you on more than you already were. He holds eye contact with you as he presses a third finger into you, curving to press against your sweet spot. You tangle a hand into his damp curls, pressing him onto your cunt.
Your walls tighten around his fingers, and he puts all of his effort into sucking and lapping at your clit. He hums on the bud, sending vibrations through your core. When you approach the edge, he starts licking at it instead, flicking the muscle back and forth. He talks into your pussy, praises for you being drowned in the flesh.
He lifts his head up for a gasping breath, still moving his fingers inside of you and quickly muttering: “Cum for me,” before diving back in. You listened, one last touch of your clit sending you over the edge. As you cum, Jason laps up the liquid that had leaked out of you over the night, flattening his tongue against your skin as he collects the last he can without a towel.
You shudder as he sits up, leaning forward to press a kiss onto your stomach before getting up from the bed. A moment of panic comes over you before-
“Are your washcloths still in the same place?” He asks softly. You nod at him, feeling too fucked out to speak, and watch him leave your bedroom.
After 30 seconds, he returns with a damp washcloth, and settles back in between your legs to wipe off your legs, pressing kisses on your inner thighs. As he moves up to your overstimulated cunt, he reaches for your hand. When the cloth passes over your sensitive spots, you squeeze his hand. After a few minutes of tender silence, he returns to your side, head on the pillow next to you.
“Hey.” He smiles.
“Hi,” you giggle back. After a brief pause, you continue: “I'm sorry. I was inconsiderate. When we broke up. I know what you do is important, and people need you-”
You're cut off by a kiss. “No. I needed to communicate more. And either way, it doesn't matter.” You quirk an eyebrow at him, “This is a fresh start,” he takes a breath in. “But really, I love you so much.”
You giggle, which seems to confuse him. Through your laugh, you attempt to speak- “Would you say- most ardently?” He rolls his eyes at the reference to his favorite book, but still leans in to press a peck to your lips.
“I love you most ardently,” he smiles at you.
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goldfades · 4 months
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౨ৎ ─ summary | this is taking place pre-relationship! paige apologizes for distancing herself after her injury. this can be read by itself but i would highly recommend reading my headcanons first so you have a bit of context!
─ word count | 1.1k
─ warnings | paige's injury, mention of tension/pettiness, the reader and p weren't on good terms for a while.
─ ev's notes |
⇨ missing out on updates? check out my wcbb masterlist! (updates once a week or so)
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THE KNOCK ON your apartment door was sharp and slightly unexpected, your expression turning confused and slightly annoyed.
KK and Ice had left your apartment almost an hour ago, could they really be back already? You sighed before closing your laptop, getting up to open the door only to be met with the person she least expected to be there.
Paige, in all her glory ─ crutches and everything.
You couldn't really explain exactly what happened to prompt Paige to begin acting weird, but she was. She had been, for a while now and you didn't really know why. This was almost two months before her injury so you couldn't even use that as an excuse; she just was.
Despite her efforts to create distance, you couldn't help but worry about her. After all, you had grown close and you even considered her to be one of your best friends at some point, but right now you really didn't know what your relationship was. And of course when she got injured, you made it your mission to take care of her, offering support and comfort whenever she needed it.
But no matter how hard you tried, she always pushed you away. You didn't understand it, you didn't even know why ─ so eventually, you just gave up.
As Paige stood at your doorstep, a whirlwind of emotions seemed to flash across her face. You ushered her in quickly, noticing the slight grimace of pain as she maneuvered on her crutches.
Before you could even begin to speak, she began to talk. "Look, I'm sorry."
You stared back at her, taken aback by her sudden apology. This whole thing had been happening for three months, and even after the millionth time you tried fixing the issue, she continued to act distant with you. It was frustrating and disheartening, to say the least. You had racked your brain trying to understand what went wrong, what could've caused Paige to pull away, but you always came up empty-handed.
"I'm sorry for being a bitch, especially the other night," Paige's voice was devoid of any of the usual excitement she had, it didn't even sound like her.
You couldn't really blame her though, she had just suffered a potentially season-ending injury and the weight of it all seemed to be pressing down on her shoulders. Despite her usual extroverted energy, Paige appeared diminished, her usual spark dulled by the frustration.
You felt a pang of sympathy as you looked at her, realizing the immense toll her injury must be taking on her both physically and emotionally. It wasn't just about missing games or the possibility of a season-ending setback; it was about the loss of something she loved, something that defined her in many ways.
"No, it's okay. Don't even apologize, I get it," you said softly, your voice laced with empathy. "I shouldn't have pushed you, especially with your injury and all,"
"You were just trying to help, I really am sorry," Paige mumbled as she sighed. "I've been so caught up in my own anger that I haven't stopped to think about how it's affecting everyone else, especially you."
You frowned at her words, your heart aching for her. You had been there; the exact moment it happened and you almost couldn't believe it, all the pettiness from the previous months were thrown out the window as you ran to her side.
You moved closer to her, wanting to offer her some comfort. "Please, don't stress yourself out about it. I just wanted you to get better and... well, I just wanted my best friend back," you let out a nervous chuckle as you spoke.
Paige finally met your gaze, her eyes watery and red as she sniffled. She felt ashamed, she couldn't believe that she let anything get in the way of her relationship with you.
"P, it's okay," you said gently, reaching out to wipe away her tears. "I understand why you've been feeling the way you have. And I want you to know that I'm not going anywhere. I'll always be here for you, through the good times and the bad."
Paige sniffled, leaning into your touch as if seeking comfort. "I'm really, really sorry, Y/N. I've been such a mess lately, I missed you."
You could practically feel the exhaustion radiating off of her as you sighed. Without any hesitation, holding her close as if trying to shield her from the weight of the world. Paige buried her face into your shoulder, her body trembling with pent-up emotion as she finally allowed herself to release the weight she had been carrying.
"You don't have to apologize, P," you whispered, your voice filled with warmth and reassurance. "I've missed you too, more than you'll ever know. But more than anything, I just want you to be okay."
Paige buried her face in your shoulder, her breath hitching as she let out a shaky sigh. "I'm trying, Y/N. I really am."
You held her tighter, offering her the comfort and support she so desperately needed. "I know you are, Paige. And I'm here for you every step of the way. We'll get through this together."
Paige nodded against your shoulder, her breaths coming out in ragged sighs as she let herself be comforted by your embrace. In that moment, the walls she had built around herself seemed to crumble as she let go of all her fears.
Paige spoke up again, her tears soaking into the fabric of your shirt. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Y/N. You've always been there for me, even when I didn't deserve it."
"That's what I'm here for, right?" You replied, tightening your hold around her.
Eventually, Paige pulled back slightly, her eyes red and puffy but filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Y/N. I don't know what I'd do without you."
You gave her a gentle smile, brushing a stray tear from her cheek. "You don't have to do anything alone, Paige. I'm here for you, always. Are you hungry?"
She was slightly taken aback as she let out a soft chuckle. "Sure, yeah. What's on the menu tonight?"
You smiled back at her, feeling yourself fall back into the natural swing of things. "Mac and cheese, if you're up for it?"
"Hey, it's a thanksgiving food! It's kinda fitting the vibe, don't ya think?" Paige's voice came out hoarse but you could see the amusement in her red-brimmed eyes.
With a gentle arm around her shoulders, you guided Paige to the kitchen, mindful of her injury. As you worked together to prepare the meal, the tension that had been weighing heavily between you seemed to dissipate, replaced by a sense of familiarity.
However, you could still sense a little tension in the air ─ but you decided that issue was for another day.
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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ch3rry-wink · 8 months
Even in Death
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Pairing: curse!Yūta x f!reader
Summary: Yūta has returned from the grave just for you.
CW: +18, murder, yandere Yūta, slight gore, obsession, blood, stalking, smut, co-dependency?
Author's note: I've read a lot of Yūta and I wanted to write something too
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If you had known the implications of killing your boyfriend that night, you might have stayed still as he criticized you for that letter you wrote months before you became a couple, confessing your love to someone else. But no, in a fit of rage, you decided to thrust that kitchen knife into his chest and then dispose of his body by burying it in an empty lot.
The police had come a couple of times asking questions; you lied and made sure to lie convincingly. Getting rid of them was easy.
On the other hand, getting rid of the entity that resembled your boyfriend would be a greater challenge. Three days after the incident, a figure began following you, and people seemed oblivious to its presence. A week later, the entity took shape and appeared before you – a more lifeless version of your boyfriend.
He stayed with you, coiling around your body, sometimes feeling him groping you. When he wasn't on top of you, he lurked in corners, staring at you intently. Nights became sleepless, hearing the sound of his nails on any surface, pulling your blankets, and if he was in a good mood, he would cuddle with you.
Mornings were a hassle too; he found it amusing to make you struggle to find your things, causing you to be late.
Nowhere and with no one were you safe. This was confirmed during a night out with friends when the entity whispered a command in your ear, threatening harm if someone didn't remove their hand from you.
Terrified, you left the place, locked yourself in a bathroom, and his head appeared under the cubicle door in an unnatural position.
"Leave me alone!" you screamed. "No, you'll always be mine," the entity slid under and stood in front of you. "You'll never be with anyone else; I'll kill anyone who gets close to you."
"Yūta, I'm sorry."
"Save those crocodile tears," he approached your neck and kissed you from the collarbones to your ear. "You didn't look very sad when you left me in that field that night."
"Is that what you want, a confession? I'll do it if it means you'll leave me alone."
"And how does that benefit me? I want you to be mine like in the old times." The thought disgusted you.
You broke free from his grip and ran to the subway. He followed, sat next to you, and began touching you everywhere. The announcement for your stop came, and you walked through dark streets. Some guys approached, and unsurprisingly, Yūta intervened, blood and guts at your feet – he had always been protective.
Back home, you rushed to the small altar your parents had set up in honor of Yūta. Seeking comfort and wisdom in prayers, but Yūta was guiding the situation, hands on your breasts, lips kissing your neck.
"Fine, we'll be together," he got excited, wanting to take everything right there. He was no longer bound to behave; it was just a hungry curse for you and resentment.
He lunged at you, you fell, and he held your hands over your head. Your eyes filled with tears. Despite the hatred, his love was greater, wanting you to desire him, enjoy him as when he was alive, not just a curse to annoy you.
So he was gentle, caressing your body adoring every part of it with small, slow kisses, gently removing your clothes.
You gasped when his fingers finally found their way to your panties and he moved them aside, made perfect circles over your clit and your hips lifted towards him as you felt his fingers enter, you missed this sensation, missed him - the version that was a sweet guy, not the jealous Yūta, and certainly not the cursed Yūta.
You ran your hands through his hair and pulled him in for a kiss, he followed your kiss and his fingers kept curling inside you at that sensitive spot that would bring you to the end, yet he stopped leaving you there halfway to orgasm.
"I want you to beg for me." He stood up, and you did the same; your body was tense, and you were angry.
"Please, Yūta," you used that little voice when you wanted to manipulate him into doing something; however, it didn't work, and you approached him, following the swirl button shape, and began unbuttoning one by one.
Curse Yūta was very thin, almost bony. You touched his collarbones and then descended to do the same with his ribs, while kissing his neck, your hands reached his pants, and you heard them fall.
He was holding back, playing hard to get, wanting to see how far you'd go to have him. Then, you knelt in front of him, ready to give him pleasure; he stopped you.
"Tell me what you want" he towered over you, looking down with his sad, lifeless eyes.
"I want you... Please don't leave, stay with me, I need you," you said between sobs.
"I wasn't planning on leaving, I'll always be with you," he reassured you. "I promised to always take care of you, but now I need to feel you," he said as you nodded in agreement."
You lay back on the floor, offered yourself to him by spreading your legs, removing your panties and running your fingers through your wet folds indicating you were ready just for him. He directed his cock towards your needy pussy, and began to move it over your folds teasing you and how needy you were. A growl came from his throat as he began to slide his length inch by inch inside you, he stood there not moving just waiting, feeling you throbbing around him. His thrusts were sudden and rough.
"Yūta!" you moaned as he pressed again and again on your g-spot. You squeezed his cock hard, he knew you were close by the way your pussy clenched and sucked on it.
His bony fingers moved to your clit and started rubbing it, your back arched and your pussy contracted on his cock. You felt his cock and balls spasming.
With a firm grip he held your hips and buried himself deeper into you, his fluids filling your pussy until they spilled out; It felt good, like in the old times when he was your boyfriend, because he still was; he was Yūta, a different version but the same Yūta.
Yūta collapsed next to you, you smiled at him your cheeks were flushed and on your eyelashes was still the wetness of some tears.
"I'm sorry" you put your hand on his chest and then moved to kiss him.
"It doesn't matter, we are together now and we will always be together..... You will always be mine."
"Always yours."
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jeongheart · 1 year
super shy
summary: he's been receiving these letters for the past year but, he doesn't know your name, does he?
w.c: 7.1k.
tags: friends to lovers, fluff, slice of life.
a.n: this is the longest fic i ever written omg, i've been playing new jeans latest comeback for a few days and this is the result lol. as always, english is not my first language so sorry in advance for any mistakes. leave your thoughts if you liked it, means a lot!
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It was there again.
Sitting immaculately on top of his messy folders, the envelope was white without any type of decoration, the owner of the cursive handwriting wouldn't even risk placing a sticker since it could give a clue, even minimal, about who was behind it.
The classroom was almost empty, since recess ended a few minutes ago and the students were still lazily getting up from the grass where they were lying, not wanting to lock themselves in a room again for hours while the day was shining beautifully outside the building.
However, Chan looked around him, narrowing his eyes as he scanned his classmates for the smallest trace of uneasiness as he took the envelope in his hands. But he didn't find any, unless the author had a master's degree in poker face no one around him seemed interested in what he was doing.
After the failed scrutiny, he sat down again with no care on the wooden bench, eager to read what that person had to say today. This excited feeling was new for him, the letters had been arriving about a year ago, right at the beginning of the new semester and at first, Chan found it funny. Surely one of his friends (he bet his life on either Seungmin or Minho, those two were always up to something no matter how much they said they weren't) found it fun to piss him off this year, after all, it has been a long time since his last relationship and sometimes he felt the need of affection, so the "joke" made perfect sense in his head.
He didn't read them the first few months, he just crumpled them up and kept them in a hidden place in his backpack, to let whoever was behind them know that he wasn't interested. But they kept coming even after that vile act against someone's real feelings; and that was when Chan began to question if there really was a person genuinely interested in him, interested enough to send him handwritten letters as if they were living in a classic romance novel. The person had a beautiful vocabulary, and it was clear that they paid attention to details that he didn't even noticed about himself.
The notes weren't very long since they didn't exceed ten lines, but each word was full of admiration and affection. They always reminded him to eat and take care of his health, in addition to telling him day by day one of the qualities why his mysterious person had fallen in love with him. Chan blushed every time he read those reasons, it was no secret (to himself, since he didn't like others to know) that he didn't think very highly of himself; from his point of view there was nothing nice or admirable about his existence. But this person believed just the opposite, and they had made their life's mission to let him know that every day.
Today was no exception, the lined sheets were a pastel color (pink? orange?) and had small animal decorations at the bottom and top (he noticed that these came in "groups", the representative animal of these last ten notes was a smiling giraffe). It was incredibly adorable, and Chan found himself laughing softly every time he took out the contents of the envelope.
'Mondays are always hard! Especially this time of year (can't the professors trust in me and my knowledge of things? I don't see the need for them to take a test).
Anyway, Channie, this weekend I found myself thinking a lot about you, every time I start writing my reasons I feel like I'm going to be left speechless but then I remember that it's not difficult at all to love you. So here is another one:
Your resilience, I greatly admire your ability to always get up no matter how many blows life throws at you. The vast majority of us feel discouraged by the slightest inconvenience, but not you. And that is something incredible.
I hope you have a beautiful start to the week, remember to eat your meals and feel the sun.
And that's how all the letters ended, the author seemed to hesitate every time they traced the last line, he could feel the uncertainty even on the paper. Chan knew that they were shy and always wondered when they were going to stop being to finally sign with their name and be able to meet that person who stole his heart with every word.
He was reading the note, hunched over his things, almost shielding the contents of the paper from the prying eyes of anyone who passed by him. You knew he was going to do it (he always did) but you couldn't stop your heart from racing like it was the first time it happened. You watched him from the hallway, hiding behind one of your textbooks while a silly smile appeared on your face, nothing made you happier than making him happy with your words, it's true what people say about "butterflies in the stomach" because that was what you were feeling right now.
His eyes crinkled in the most adorable way possible every time he smiled and from your spot in the hallway you could almost hear the sigh he let out after finishing reading the letter. After scanning his surroundings one last time, Chan placed the paper back into the envelope, and carefully placed it inside his notebook.
"You and your Shakespeare complex again" The sudden voice of your best friend so close made you jump in your place and drop the book you had in your hands. It hit the ground with a dull sound due to the thickness of its contents, and when you picked up the book again you turned around to face the figure of the perpetrator. He just laughed at you and your reaction, which earned him a closed-fist blow directly to his shoulder.
"You deserve it" You didn't even bother to return his reproachful gaze since he clearly felt like fighting, and instead, you returned your focus to Chan's classroom and his figure. He was no longer in his seat and you didn't want to look weird by leaning out the window door to look for him. So you sighed heavily and leaned your body against the wall while closing your eyes.
Until you felt Jeongin's presence come to your side "Are you going to tell him sometime?"
You didn't answer him.
Well, actually you did, with a growl that could mean either 'I'll do it today, stop bothering' or 'not even dead'. However, the blonde wasn't satisfied with your interpretation of an animal as a response and he began poking your ribs with his long fingers, drawing high-pitched sounds of protest from your lips.
"Stop it, Innie" You moved his hands away from your figure and stood firmly looking him in the eyes like a mother who is trying to discipline her misbehaving son. He crossed his arms with a satisfied smile crossing his face with foxlike features and, with a movement of his head, he invited you to speak.
"What do you want me to say? 'Hello Chan! It's me, the person who has been sending you letters like a fifteen-year-old for a year now. I've been in love with you since the moment I saw you at my best friend's house. Do you want to be my boyfriend?" You rolled your eyes tiredly and didn't wait for Jeongin to tell you what he thought, and so you started walking towards your classroom, with an exasperated five foot seven boy following closely behind you.
You still remembered the first time you'd seen him, and how couldn't you. His presence could illuminate even the darkest corner, and his personality attracted anyone around him.
It was the summer, and you'd gone to Jeongin's house to spend an afternoon together. The air conditioning in your apartment had broken two days ago, and you couldn't stand being in your room for another second, which was already beginning to feel like an industrial oven. When you arrived at your best friend's residence, you weren't surprised by the fact that there were more people than just the two of you. Jeongin was taking singing lessons at a nearby academy and had hit it off with some of his classmates; so while you didn't know them as well as he did, you had the chance to hang out with some of them a couple of times and you could say that they were the funniest guys you'd ever come across. Especially Hyunjin, who seemed to be like a glove with your best friend.
Jeongin's house felt cold, as if winter had come only for the Yang family and, although you shivered with every step you took towards the kitchen where voices could be heard, this felt like paradise compared to the hell you lived in your house (and you even thought it was cooler in hell).
Reaching the kitchen, you heard Hyunjin's melodious voice followed by his nasal, boisterous laughter at a comment Jeongin made. You shook your head laughing inwardly as you pushed the wooden door open to enter the space, the boys turning their heads in your direction as they heard the hinges snapping back into place.
Your best friend gave you his characteristic smile as he got up from his seat on one of the stools in front of the kitchen island to give you a small hug "I thought you weren't coming anymore!"
From Jeongin's shoulder you saw how Hyunjin gave you a smile and a wave, you tried to return the gesture as best you could considering that you were trapped in the arms of a boy who flatly stated that he didn't like hugs. It was getting long in your opinion, so you patted Jeongin on the back, letting him know that yes, you loved him very much, but you were still sticky with sweat from the walk in the sun and you didn't want to make him uncomfortable when he was so cool. When Jeongin let go of you, he opened his palm to introduce you to a person you hadn't seen before, "I hope you don't mind, that's Chan over there. He also goes to our academy, and he goes to university with us! Although he is a year ahead"
You smiled at Jeongin as you walked further into the kitchen to greet the new guest and in front of you stood one of the most attractive men you'd ever seen in your entire life. He wasn't very tall (you could tell even if he was sitting) but his broad shoulders gave him an intimidating presence, his hair looked messy in a swirl of brown curls, and although he was dressed from head to toe in black (you were sure his nails were painted that color too) on his face was a dimpled smile that took your breath away.
From one moment to the next you forgot how to articulate words and you felt like a fish opening and closing its mouth trying to find something to say, but your brain didn't seem to want to work.
You felt a small push on your right shoulder that took your body forward, towards the table, and towards Chan.
"How rude you are" Jeongin rolled his eyes, and although deep down you knew he was doing it to tease you, your cheeks turned red. You felt your tongue heavy in your mouth as the seconds passed and you were unable to utter a single word.
"Leave her alone, Innie. It's pretty hot outside, isn't it?" Chan's deep voice brought you out of your trance and forced you to look him in the eyes. He had a sincere smile on his face and was watching you with raised eyebrows, letting you know that he was going to listen to you when you wanted to respond.
Your heart did a complete turn in your chest, you were surprised in the best of ways at how friendly he was, the vast majority of boys with his attractiveness made that their only personality trait but he was attentive and considerate of all the people around him, even with complete strangers who hadn't stopped looking or saying anything to him in three minutes.
"Yes...yes, it's horrible! And the air conditioning in my house is broken and you can't imagine how hot it is! I feel like I'm going to die one of these days" The words came tumbling out of your mouth, since you hadn't had the time to stop and think about what exactly you wanted to say, and your nerves were playing the worst trick of your entire life.
Chan laughed again (even his laugh was pretty) and he nodded his head, not at all scared or surprised with the lexical vomit you just made.
"It must be like torture, really. You must be tired from the walk under the sun, why don't you sit down for a bit? The boys and I were planning to watch a movie" The brunette softly kicked one of the stools that were stored under the table in your direction.
You nodded shyly and took the seat he offered you, right in front of him. You left your phone on the cold marble of the table and looked around the kitchen for your best friend, you'd been surprised by the fact that he hadn't gotten into the conversation for five minutes and to be honest you desperately needed to focus on something other than Chan's penetrating gaze you felt on your face.
"Innie?" You called out to him with a small shout, loud enough for him to hear you even if he'd gone into the garden.
After a few seconds, your friend's blonde head peeked out of the left door that led to the living room, and a mischievous smile appeared on his face. "I'm sorry! Since you two were talking, we decided to go prepare things for the movie."
Jeongin paused and looked at you evilly, a look that you knew very well and that didn't give you a good feeling at all "Chan, why don't you prepare something to eat? I bought some snacks today, come when you have everything ready~" And before you could protest, he disappeared from your sight again while laughing and yelling something at Hyunjin.
You immediately tensed up and cursed Jeongin in your mind, how dare he leave you alone with your newfound crush. If he was getting revenge for the time you tried to play matchmaker and failed then he was being very childish, that'd been years ago!
While the insulting thoughts against your best friend and all his ancestors accumulated in your brain, from the corner of your eye you watched as Chan got up from his seat and went to the counter where the mentioned snacks and bowls of colors were located, apparently the prankster you called your best friend had already prepared the trap before you even arrived.
You didn't want to look weirder than you already felt so with your limbs shaking and making even the slightest of movements difficult; you also got up from your seat and slowly approached where Chan was, you stood next to him (close enough for him to know that you were willing to help but far enough not to invade his personal space).
He looked at you briefly and smiled sideways, and didn't say anything as he gently pushed a bowl towards you. The task wasn't very complicated per se, but it did become extremely difficult when the only thing you could focus on were the large, veiny hands of the boy next to you, you hadn't realized how attractive it was to see a man opening packets of potato chips and arranging them in a small container until now.
"Jeongin said we go to the same university, do you study the same as him?" You were startled by the sudden interruption of silence, you turned to look at Chan after finishing preparing the bowl with the nachos.
"Yes, I mean, no. We share some classes because some subjects are correlative in each one's career but I could never do the same as Innie" You smiled shyly and shook your head.
"I study psychology," You finally said and looked at your companion, who had his eyes open and bright like a puppy's (how could it be possible for a person to be incredibly attractive and adorable at the same time? It would have to be illegal), and you wondered what it was that'd amazed him so much, there were millions of other people studying the same thing as you.
Without meaning to, you raised an eyebrow; studying his reaction. He laughed again (it was something he loved to do, apparently) and turned his entire body towards you, resting his left hip against the counter and crossing his arms over his chest.
"That's incredible, the human mind is fascinating. I understand why you study that, for my part, I wouldn't read everything you have to read even if someone paid me."
You laughed loudly, infecting Chan as well. He was doing so with his whole body, his shoulders were shaking to the rhythm of his giggles and you could notice that, from time to time, a small squeak would appear in the sound of his laughter.
When the laughter died down, you looked at him again as you put the last bag of snacks in the cupboard in front of you.
"Yes, I mean, it's a lot to read but it's like you say. I'm interested in knowing the reason for behavior, and I would like to help people in the future. Mental health is something important" This last part came out in a whisper, you weren't used to revealing the reason for your career choice, most people told you that you should have chosen something that would make you rich in twenty years.
"That's incredible, I admire you a lot" Chan said in a soft voice, and you hadn't realized how close he'd gotten until you noticed the small touch of his fingers on your arm, the color quickly rose to your cheeks again and panic took over you, making you choke up when you spoke.
"Y-yes, thank you... not many think that way" And you moved your body away from his space; maybe a little abruptly but you were sure that if you continued in that position you were going to do or say something ridiculous, you couldn't trust your ability to reason at the moment.
Chan cleared his throat at your reaction and took two bowls in his hands, starting to walk towards the living room. You hadn't realized how loudly the other two boys were talking, were you so immersed in the situation to forget the outside world? Apparently yes.
"Are you done yet? The boys must be waiting" He stopped right in front of the door, waiting for you to take what you'd prepared.
You nodded softly, and after grabbing your preparations, you followed him into the living room.
You don't really remember what happened after that, you assume you watched the movies that the boys had already chosen before you arrived. You also don't remember if you had even paid attention, probably not, because you were very focused on keeping your breathing as normal as you could since unfortunately Hyunjin and Jeongin decided to each sit in an individual chair and by coincidence the only place left to sit was in the two-seat chair that your best friend's grandmother had given to his mother at her wedding, and conveniently Chan sat there too. So as the movie played on the screen, your heart raced with every accidental brush of your arms or legs against Chan's.
The only thing you remember clearly from that moment is that you couldn't help but look at his profile, trying to memorize every detail and every peculiarity of his expressions.
The rest of the summer felt like a haze, every time you made plans with Jeongin you knew Chan was going to be there. And that did nothing to dispel the feelings that were beginning to become more present with every minute you spent in his presence.
You liked him a little too much.
His kind nature and the way he treated everyone made you dizzy every time, but you were too shy to act on your feelings and unfortunately you weren't the only one who thought Chan was a good catch. Every now and then different girls approached him to ask him out, and although he always rejected them; you couldn't help but feel a little insecure about the situation. And there was also the small problem that he confessed to you one night in Hyunjin's garden: his last relationship had been somewhat toxic, and although it ended years ago, he was deeply hurt and didn't feel ready yet to fall for someone again.
That confession left a sour taste in your mouth, so you decided not to actively act on your feelings, you really didn't want to make Chan uncomfortable or force him into something he didn't want to do, let alone ruin the friendship you were building. But something as strong as love cannot be contained, and one sleepless night you found yourself scribbling in your notebook the things you wanted to say to him, the things you liked about him, and how he made you feel when you looked at him.
You weren't thinking when you left the first envelope on his desk, it was a completely impulsive decision that you regretted the moment you left his classroom. But when you turned around to go back and throw the letter into the trash, he already found it.
At first he didn't read them, you knew because you'd overheard when he mentioned it to Hyunjin during an outing the three of you made, Chan believed that one of his friends was playing a prank on him.
And that was the last straw that broke the camel's back, although you told yourself that you weren't going to write anymore letters for the sake of your friendship and your own feelings you had to let him know (even if anonymously) that he was someone worthy of love and that he wasn't what the people in his past made him believe he was.
Once you arrived at the classroom (miraculously before the professor, you didn't think you could endure another lecture and there were still three more hours before leaving the university) you sat down in your respective seat by the window. The day was really beautiful, and from your place you could see the large patio where the entire student body went to relax between classes, it was your favorite place in the entire building and at this moment you wanted nothing more than to be leaning against a tree feeling the warm sunlight on your face.
"I'm not saying you have to tell him that but don't you think it's been too long already?" Jeongin didn't seem to want to drop the topic for today, he'd gotten up from his seat taking advantage of the fact that there was still no sign of the teacher and sat at your table, almost knocking all the things that were on top of it to the floor. You rested your head on the bench and waved a hand in the air, brushing it off in an attempt to say 'leave me alone already'.
Your best friend snorted exasperatedly, "You really are a special case, you've been in love with him for a year, for God's sake."
At the boy's aggressive tone of voice, you took your head off the table and looked at him with a frown. He looked back at you like he always did: challenging and forcing you to speak for yourself.
"It's not as easy as you say, Jeongin" You spat angrily.
"For all I know, if he finds out, he could throw my stupid letters in the trash and confessing would not only make me look weird but it would also ruin the friendship we have" You lowered your face, feeling a little sad "And the last thing I would like to do is lose him"
Jeongin’s expression softened as he realized the depth of your anxiety, and he reached out to place a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "I get it, I really do. You don't want to jeopardize what you have but you deserve happiness too, you know? Maybe it's time to take a risk."
“I don’t even think I have a chance” You sighed, feeling defeated.
Jeongin moved closer and lowered his voice conspiratorially, "You may have more possibilities than you think, but sometimes you have to give destiny a little push."
You raised an eyebrow at his choice of words and just as you were about to question him further, the professor made an appearance in the classroom ordering everyone to take their respective seats and apologizing for the delay. Your best friend flashed you a bright smile with his trademark dimples and snuck over to his table, effectively ending the conversation and leaving you wondering what he meant for the rest of the day.
If Jeongin's plan was for you to not sleep for a week, then he'd achieved it. His words had been spinning through your head like a whirlpool that seemed to have no end. You knew that he'd been friends with the brunette for a longer time than you, but were they close enough that the youngest knew the secrets inside Chan's heart?
Or was he giving you the advice that all friends gave to their other friends desperate to believe in the illusion that the person they like reciprocates their feelings? No, Jeongin wouldn't do that, he was too honest for his own good and besides you'd known each other longer (your mothers said you were born to be friends). So did that mean there really was a chance?
No, of course not, that was ridiculous.
You shook your head in an attempt to get rid of those thoughts as you rang the doorbell at Hyunjin's house. Your group had agreed to meet to study and you needed to have a clear mind, the exams were around the corner and you couldn't afford to keep your brain preoccupied thinking about something that would never happen.
The minutes passed slowly as you waited for the homeowner, and while you were thinking about ringing the doorbell again fearing that the boys inside hadn't heard you, the door suddenly opened, and nothing could have prepared you to see the person who has been living rent free in your mind, you knew he would be there, but you didn't expect to face him so quickly.
"Hey, you arrived just in time, Hyunjin's mom just brought us some drinks" Chan was his usual self, with his beautiful smile plastered on his face and his relaxed attitude.
You blinked once, twice, three times before you managed a small forced smile and responded, "Oh, great, thanks," and you stood there in silence, unable to look him in the eyes.
Chan tilted his head in silent question at your attitude, "Is everything okay?"
His concern for your well-being was evident in his voice and he struck a chord in your heart. You looked at him briefly, meeting his gaze for a fleeting moment and nodded, still struggling to find your voice.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” You finally responded, trying to sound casual despite the jumble of emotions inside you.
Chan's friendly demeanor never wavered as he led you into the house, you followed him with a notable distance between your bodies and so when you arrived at the living room where the boys were already seated with open textbooks and a monstrous amount of things to eat you almost ran to sit next to Jeongin, an attitude that didn't go unnoticed by the blonde, who looked at you with his eyebrows raised in a telepathic question.
Meanwhile, Chan didn't take his eyes off you as he sat next to Hyunjin on the couch in front of where you and your best friend were.
The afternoon went by slowly, too slowly for your liking, you'd gone with all the desire to study and get your mind out of the anxiety that was consuming you, but that attempt had been futile.
Although your gaze remained glued to your notes and your blue highlighter (which hadn't highlighted anything in the last hour, you'd read the same paragraph five times without getting a clue of what it was trying to say) you felt how two eyes were burning holes in your figure. The room was suffocatingly silent, and you were sure that your irregular breathing was evident to the entire group; your nerves were so on edge that when your best friend's voice filled the void you almost jumped in your place.
"I'm tired, how about we take a break?"Jeongin raised his arms towards the ceiling, stretching his back and then collapsing gracelessly against the soft cushions of the sofa.
Hyunjin nodded while massaging his neck, stiff after so many hours of looking down at his notes and reading "I thought no one was going to say it, I was going crazy."
Chan didn't say anything, he just closed his notebooks and imitated Jeongin in his relaxed pose against the couch. You felt out of place when the boys started chatting about meaningless things to lighten the atmosphere.
You only nodded when you felt your input was necessary, or laughed when you thought that was the reaction you should have but you didn't speak, because in fact, you weren't sure you were going to say anything coherent or at least make your voice louder than a whisper, so you decided that the best course of action was to stay quiet.
If the boys noticed it, they didn't say anything, and you couldn't be more grateful for it.
"You know" Chan interrupted the laughter of the other two boys after a not-so-funny story told by Hyunjin.
Everyone focused their attention on him, the tone of voice he'd used was more serious than his usual; so serious that it forced you to look up for the first time since the recess began and you found Chan's brown eyes looking directly at you, doing it so intensely that you thought he was staring right into your soul.
You held your breath, but you weren't prepared for what he said next.
"My secret admirer hasn't written to me in a few days" He was still looking at you, but there was something strange hidden in his irises, something you couldn't decipher.
Silence once again took over Hyunjin's living room, and the tension could be cut with a knife, it almost seemed like time had stopped when the brunette pronounced the last syllable. Your mouth felt dry, and your palms began to sweat. The weight of his words floated in the air and a thousand thoughts passed through your mind, each one more disconcerting than the last.
Hyunjin snorted, and looked maliciously at Chan "Maybe they are tired of you."
His mocking comment broke the heavy silence like thunder. Jeongin joined in with a playful smile, taking the opportunity to tease Chan mercilessly. “Maybe your secret admirer found someone else,” he joked, his tone light and teasing, “Or maybe they are just playing hard to get.”
Your heart was pounding in your chest, wanting to burst while the boys laughed at Chan's expense while he, in response, rolled his eyes and smiled sarcastically at the jokes that his friends kept saying, he also looked at you from time to time making your discomfort even more evident.
You desperately searched for words to contribute to the conversation, your voice choked by the rising anxiety. But as Jeongin and Hyunjin's playful teasing continued, you remained silent, feeling like a bystander in a conversation that was becoming more cryptic by the second. Chan's gaze never left you, and despite the teasing, there was something in his eyes that betrayed a deeper understanding. His comment felt like a puzzle piece falling into place, yet you couldn't put your finger on what he truly knew.
As the laughter subsided, the room descended into an awkward silence once more, and then Chan finally spoke up, his tone more subdued than before. "Well, whoever it is," he began, his eyes still locked on yours, "I hope they know they've brightened my days with their letters."
The comment hung in the air, carrying a weight that seemed to pull everyone into its gravity. Jeongin and Hyunjin exchanged glances, their playful demeanor suddenly giving way to something more conspiracy.
You, on the other hand, felt an overwhelming mix of emotions. The anxiety that'd been building throughout the day reached a crescendo. You wanted to say something, to respond in some way, but the words caught in your throat.
Hyunjin broke the silence once more, this time with a touch of sincerity in his voice. "Whoever they are," he said, "they must really care about you, man." Jeongin nodded in agreement, and the room seemed to shift, it was a subtle transformation, but one that you couldn't help but notice.
Chan smiled, a genuine one that reached his eyes. "Yeah," he admitted, "They do mean a lot to me."
You desperately needed a moment to collect your thoughts and emotions after that serious conversation, so you mumbled something about getting a drink from the kitchen, excusing yourself with a weak smile and slowly, you retreated from the living room, the voices of the boys fading as you put some distance between you and the group.
In the dimly lit kitchen, you leaned against the countertop, your heart still racing from the tension in the room. The realization that Chan cherished those anonymous letters hit you like a ton of bricks. You'd never imagined how much they meant to him.
Just as you were lost in thought, the sound of footsteps behind you made you jump. You turned to find Chan standing there, a serious yet gentle expression on his face. His presence seemed to fill the room with warmth, and your anxiety ratcheted up another notch.
"Hey," he said softly, "You okay?"
You nodded, unable to form words an he took a step closer, his gaze never left yours.
Chan's brown eyes bore into yours, and for a moment, it felt like the world had frozen around you. You couldn't contain the thoughts racing through your mind any longer. With a trembling voice, you finally asked the question that'd been gnawing at you.
"Do you know who's been sending those letters?"
Chan's expression remained calm, but you could see a glimmer of something in his eyes, a hint of knowing. He didn't answer immediately, instead, he stepped closer, narrowing the distance between you.
His voice was soft as he replied, "I have a feeling I might have a clue."
Your heart pounded in your chest as you searched his face for more hints. What did he mean by 'a clue'? It was clear he was being deliberately vague, and it only added to your curiosity.
"But," he continued, "I'd like to hear it from you. Tell me, do you know who it is?"
You hesitated, the weight of the truth pressing down on you. The walls between you and Chan seemed to dissolve, and the vulnerability in his eyes was mirrored in your own. With a shaky breath, you summoned the courage to speak, your voice quivering with fear and anticipation.
"It's me."
The admission hung in the air, heavy and uncertain. You couldn't bring yourself to meet his gaze, your eyes locked on the floor as you waited for his reaction. The seconds felt like hours as you replayed all the letters, and the emotions you'd poured into them.
Chan's silence stretched, and the tension in the room became palpable. Your heart raced, and you feared the worst — rejection, awkwardness, or even laughter.
Then, he reached out, gently lifting your chin with his fingers, forcing you to look into his eyes. The warmth and kindness in his gaze melted away your fears.
"Thank you," he whispered, his voice soft and sincere. "I've cherished every single one."
As tears welled up in your eyes, Chan reached out to gently wipe them away with his thumb. He pulled you into a comforting embrace, holding you close as your emotions overwhelmed you. You couldn't hold back the tears any longer, and they flowed freely as you nestled into his embrace. He whispered soothing words, his voice a balm to your soul, reassuring you that everything would be okay.
After a moment of shared comfort, you pulled away slightly, looking up at him with curiosity. "But how did you know it was me?" you finally asked, your voice still trembling.
Chan smiled softly, brushing a strand of hair from your face, a knowing twinkle in his eye, and replied, "I had my suspicions, especially after some of the things you wrote. But what really gave it away was your handwriting."
You blinked in surprise.
Handwriting? You hadn't considered that, no, haven't even thought about it when you started this a year ago, and to be honest you felt a little dumb.
Chan continued, "I recognized your handwriting from a birthday card you gave me a while back. It was similar to the writing in the letters. And then, well, I saw you looking at me during our hangouts, and it all just started to make sense."
You blushed, feeling a mix of embarrassment and relief. It seemed like you'd left more clues than you thought. But instead of feeling exposed, you felt a strange sense of comfort knowing that he'd noticed your feelings all along.
With a shy smile, you said, "I guess I'm not very good at hiding my feelings, am I?"
Chan chuckled softly. "No, but that's okay. I'm glad you told me."
As you gazed into Chan's eyes, you noticed something change in his expression. The initial surprise and curiosity gave way to a more tender, understanding look. He cupped your face gently, his touch warm and reassuring.
"You know," he began softly, "I've always appreciated those letters. They made me feel special, like someone out there truly understood me. And I never wanted to pressure you into revealing yourself," Chan continued. "I wanted you to do it when you were ready."
"I was just afraid," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "Afraid of what you might think, of how it might change things between us."
Chan's thumb traced small circles on your cheek as he reassured you, "Don't be. This doesn't change how I feel about what we have. If anything, it makes it even more special."
A tear escaped from the corner of your eye, but this time, it wasn't a tear of anxiety or fear. It was a tear of relief, of happiness. You leaned into Chan's touch, and he leaned closer, his eyes locked on yours, and before you knew it, his lips met yours in a soft, gentle kiss. The world seemed to melt away as your lips met his, you felt the warmth of his body against yours, and the sensation sent shivers down your spine. His hands cradled your face, holding you gently but firmly, as if he never wanted to let you go.
The taste of his lips was sweet and comforting, like a warm embrace on a cold winter's day, you could feel the steady beat of Chan's heart, matching the rhythm of your own. The world around you disappeared, and there was only the two of you.
And just as you were lost in that sweet moment, the kitchen door burst open, and in walked your friends, their playful banter filling the room while wearing grins so wide they threatened to split their faces. Jeongin couldn't help but tease you, waggling his eyebrows playfully. "Well, well, looks like someone finally got the courage to make a move!"
Hyunjin joined in with a mock-sympathetic tone. "And here we thought we'd have to wait another century for this to happen!"
You blushed furiously, pulling away from Chan who chuckled in amusement, still holding you close. "You guys have impeccable timing," he remarked, his voice laced with sarcasm.
Jeongin winked at you, "Hey! We're just glad we won't have to hear you two mooning over each other anymore."
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febuary30thday · 1 year
Flora, Fauna
Okay, but I'm imagining a demon reader, who uses chlorokinesis as her BDA. But the catch is that she seems so comforting and warm with no ill intention until it's too late.
She is the New Upper Moon Six as a replacement for Daki and Gyutaro, and very often interacts with the Uppermoons so they happen to go yandere for her.
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This man is powerful, and he very often makes it known.
He's a cold, terrifying demon who cares very little about human emotions.
He's ruthless and strict, so he bottles up his heart
So, when he meets his....match? He's not letting go.
When you were first introduced as an Upper Moon, he didn't think much of it
He just acknowledged your presence and that was it
That changed when he stumbled upon you devouring an entire village of people, still looking elegant and poised
That surprised him slightly, normally all the demons all crazy when it comes to battle, and let themselves go
He is humble, and you ask him to join you in your feeding session.
With that elegant smile on your face, how can he say no?
You are quiet and he finds himself enjoying your presence more and more
You carry yourself in a very elegant way, and over time, he falls in love.
But then things get dark from there.
He doesn't want you to leave him, always accompanying you when you hunt for humans, using his position against you, and not allowing you to interact with the other Uppermoons, and his threats are not empty promises.
"Kokushibo, I need to leave, I'm going to go hunt."
"I'm coming with you."
"There is no need. I insist I can go by myself. I'm not going to die."
"That wasn't up for discussion."
Good luck with him.
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(He is so daddy. I'm sorry, but he is)
Muzan isn't loving, he never has been
He believes he is the perfect being, and that you are an extension of his perfection
Anything you do, connects back to him
He can read your thoughts and read your emotions and actions very well, so he can basically read you like an open book
This man sees potential in you, so you receive much more blood from him, and are promoted to the status of an Uppermoon.
He's seen your blood demon art before, but can't find it important enough to remember what it is
All he remembers is your carnage and chaos he had stumbled upon as you killed the last human in the village
He didn't bother caring about you
Until once again, he stumbled upon your chaos, only this time, he got to observe it, firsthand
He watched as you danced calmly in the streets, your voice ringing a strangely sweet sound in his ears
As people came out of their homes and watched, listened to you, enraptured by your voice
It was annoying watching you, so he went to leave until he heard a scream
It ended just as abruptly as it began.
He wasn't mesmerized, but he did enjoy your rather fast and efficient way of killing, but then he watched in surprise as you placed a hand on the ground and a red spider lily bloomed
He calls you over.
"My Lord! Forgive me for not noticing your presence earlier."
My darling, please tell me, what it was that you just did.
"Please forgive me, My Lord! I didn't mean to..."
"Answer me."
"Do you mean when I bloomed the spider lily? Did that inconvenience you, My Lord?"
"Tell me, what other flowers can you bloom?"
"Anything I wish, My Lord! I just need to know what it looks like and then I can make it!"
"No matter how rare?"
"No matter how rare, Muzan-sama!"
"My dear, you've done well. I have one simple task for you, if you can complete it, I'll be extremely proud of you."
"Can you make me a blue Spider Lily?"
"Yes! Of course Muzan-sama!"
Out of simple excitement, you made quite an abundance of them, and he scooped you up and the flowers with one hand an all-to-knowing smile on his face.
"Good job, my perfect darling."
You are never leaving his grasp again.
"I wonder when Muzan-sama is going to let me leave." You thought, a puzzled expression on your face.
There was a smirk on his face as he studied the flower, not truly believing that this was real, and that it was all a fever dream.
"You don't get to leave, my darling. Stay in here and be a good girl, and I'll reward you with more of my blood."
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This man can't feel a thing, so when he meets you and his heart skips a beat, he is instantly intrigued
You catch his attention pretty quickly, with how humble and elegant you are in comparison to him.
This man is flashy and sort of gaudy
He follows you around like a lost puppy
So much so, that Kokushibo has started to get annoyed with Douma following around his beloved
Even if Douma was assigned by Muzan to make sure you didn't step foot outside the Infinity Castle, that doesn't mean he could be obnoxious about it
Douma is very affectionate, so expect plenty of hugs and cuddling and stuff
He is forceful in his affections but you'll just have to learn to accept that!
What? What do you mean you need to leave and go hunt?
Muzna assigned him to make sure you stay alive and healthy and never leave
Don't be stubborn now!
He also occasionally leaves kisses on your cheeks, arms, and hands
Just because he's obsessed doesn't mean he's possessive, right?
He is clinging to you like a baby and legitimately feels discouraged when you aren't around
He guilt-trips you a lot
Fake crying, begging, the like, he has even ripped out his heart to offer it to you
You can use his vulnerability to your advantage, like crying as well, pouting, sulking
He hates seeing you sad, and when you are sad, he does his best to reassure you, even if it means he has to leave to get you food to bring back
He showers you in affection and makes his followers worship you too, proclaiming you a goddess because of how beautiful he thinks you are
He buys you everything and anything
He offers up his prey to you so you can eat together, thinks of it as a date
He loves spoiling you, so just don't leave him, alright?
"You don't get to leave, snowflake! I have all sorts of things planned for us today! Behave, okay?"
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And then she was gone
Pairing: Rebbeca Welton x reader
Warning: Angst, mentions of smut
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You loved Rebecca aggressively as if your lungs should collapse without her and you thought that maybe she felt the same, how tantalising. It had been blissful the first three years minus the interference of her ex-husband but you worked around him- worked around everything.
Still, it never seemed enough, you simply never felt enough not when Rebecca's attention remained elsewhere you understood her job was demanding. Though blatantly there were times she simply ignored you, and found reasons to be in the office or out of the house.
It was okay at first, nothing big until people began noticing it too how miserable you had become and how quiet you were, things had changed. Today was your anniversary. You were scared shitless would she even attend? you wondered as you shimmied into a beautiful green gown matching Rebecca's eyes.
Getting ready for the night only filled you with more anxiety than excitement while you did your makeup, your hands slowly growing clammy and starting to tremble. You had made up your mind either this relationship was fixed or you had to leave it was only fair, you didn't want anything from the blonde.
The truth was you had been offered a new job and only needed one reason to decline, one reason to stay, one reason and that was the blonde you loved so furiously.
Rebecca loved you there was no doubt about it she just wasn't sure if she was still in love with you, she was always afraid you would leave and break her heart just as Rupert had. She sighed closing her laptop, she was tired and wished to go home hoping to catch a glimpse of you dancing in the kitchen or reading on the sofa.
She found that she loved routine, you had built a routine that took years to create, a solo symphony just for her eyes after a long day where she could hold you in her arms. Maybe she was still in love with you to an extent but what is a relationship if it's only one-sided, sex was scarce so was affection until the day's end.
You drove silently to the restaurant and waited for the woman to arrive, your eyes roamed around the crowds hoping to catch a glimpse of her blonde hair as you sipped your water. However, Rebecca was shocked to see an empty house, it was strange for you to be out unless you had plans. you would've told her right?
The young waitress dropped you off a glass of wine with a sad smile you had been there for an hour and counting it was clear you had been stood up. With a sigh, you chugged back the glass before leaving a generous tip this was it you decided six years for this? you felt stupid no matter how beautiful you looked.
Rebecca rested in bed alone with a book in hand, glasses perched on her nose the lamp on her bedside casting a smooth shadow across the dark room as you entered the home kicking off your heels with a huff. Your makeup had begun to smudge as you ventured upstairs tears staining your face afraid to look her in the eye "You're out late" she spoke turning the page.
You laugh but nothing humorous "What's so funny?' she asked taking off her reading glasses "You really don't know?" a subtle anger simmered in your chest "No Y/n I don't know". Rebecca scoffed "It's our anniversary" you whispered gazing up at her watching how her facials had changed "oh" her eyes flickered with sadness.
"I'm sorry Y/n, I forgot but I will make it up to you" she promised but you shook your head "I can't do this anymore Rebs" you cried, the walls you built had crumbled into nothing. "I'm nothing but nausea, nothing but reverie, nothing but longing" you spoke with disgust as you stared at your hands "I love you but you make me so sad".
Rebecca had believed everything was fine and that nothing had changed no, she loved you, and she was terrified you would leave "I love you too Y/n/n" she smiled tear-eyed. "And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you"
"Do you truly love me or are you scared to be alone?" doe eyes stare at her silencing "Because I feel nothing but alone" You shook your head as you began to change clothes.
"W-we can fix this though surely?" she asked wide-eyed "Rebeca it's been years in the making, we're not growing younger" The blonde quickly got up reaching for your zipper. "Please Y/n/n. let me fix this" she cried pressing kisses to your bare shoulder her arms wrapping around your waist "You said it, we're not getting younger".
The light from the lamp flickered highlighting your shadow "And what if I'm only wasting my time?" you asked turning in her arms "You won't" she pleaded "but I might". Resting your forehead against her own "And I'm that I'm losing time" she sighed "So let me go" You looked into her gentle green eyes.
"One night?"
"One night and I'll be gone by morning"
One night of burning passion as Rebecca stored your body in memory, her words failed so she hoped her actions this night would count silently as you brought you to greater heights. "I love you" whispered along your skin in kisses, in pleas of don't leave, she was everywhere so suddenly it was intoxicating. Rebecca refused to sleep that night afraid she might miss you leaving, she knew there wasn't changing your mind she had already dealt her damage, a speech on her lips.
When you awoke she sat with a hand playing in your hair with a sad smile "Where will you go little dove?' she whispered "Sicily, I accepted a job offer there last night on my drive home" She pressed a kiss to your hairline and letting you get up. "So this is it? this is for real?" Rebecca swallowed harshly "I guess so" you sighed beginning to pack your things "But must you leave so soon?" she rested a hand on your arm. "I held off this offer for three weeks, I need to leave tonight" You bit your lip gazing off, Rebecca nodded "You will find me when you return, even if you're a thousand years late" she promised, she begged, she hoped and wished.
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patriwoso · 1 year
alexia putellas x child!reader
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"Mami we play on the swings?"
"Sí, we can play on the swings."
"And the slide?"
"Sí, we can go on the slide"
"And the spinny one that goes in lots and lots of circles?"
"Sí, y/n/n. We can go on the spinny one that goes in lots and lots of circles." Mami tells you, sighing and agreeing to go on everything at the park.
"I like sliding the best." You tell her, reaching to hold her hand as you entered a busy area.
"Stay in this park, bebita. No going past the fence please. Stay where Mami can watch you play." Mami tells you. She wants to keep you safe but the long talk gets boring and you squirm out of her arms and run towards the play equipment.
Alexia sits on a bench, beside a slightly smaller women who was reading a book.
She didn't say anything, she didn't feel the need to. Her eyes staying on you took enough of her time with how fast you bounced around the play park.
You watched an older girl go down the slide on her tummy, so you decided it was a good idea for you to try too.
Wiggling down you picked up speed and shot out the end of the slide, falling into a little lump on the floor.
"Careful Y/N!" Mami gasped, standing up to make sure you were ok. She sighed with relief when you got up giggling, brushing the mud off of your knees.
"Y/N, don't mess around.. you'll hurt yourself."
"Mami the big girls do it!" You whine, not liking the telling off, just wanting to copy the older girls around you.
"You are 4, princesa. not a big girl yet!" Mami sat back down, taking your jacket from you once you got too hot.
"She practically bounced down that! You've got a tough girl"
Mami Alexia looked to her side, the book reading lady talking to her.
"She thinks she's one of the big girls. I have to remind her she's only small." Mami smiles.
"Your daughter is beautiful. She looks just like you." The women smiles back, pushing her hair behind her shoulder and putting down her book. "I'm Olga, by the way."
"Alexia. And mi niña is Y/N."
"Such beautiful names too."
Mami takes her eyes away from you on the slide , so you take your opportunity to go down on your tummy a few more times.
"Do you want to climb the trees?" You look up to see a taller girl pointing to the trees just outside the fenced area.
"Sí, I can go super high!" You get excited.
"I'm Thalia, I am 9."
"I'm 4!" You tell her, grinning big at your new friend and following her out the gate to the trees she was talking about.
"My mami tells me to be careful, but I'm a really good climber!" You tell your tree climbing friend, grabbing a branch as you climb up higher.
Mami looked away from Olga for a moment, the conversation pausing as she looks around for you. "Where has she gone?" She whispered to herself."
"Y/N!" Mami calls out for you, standing up and scanning the park eagerly.
Olga puts her book into her bag, standing up and calling for her little nephew to come back over, getting worried about you and Alexia's panic.
"Y/N!!!" Mami shouts again. "Excuse me, have you seen a little girl, brown hair in braids. She's wearing white trainers, black shorts and a pink flower top?!" She goes around asking people.
"No sorry, love."
A few parents call their children back by their sides and Mami starts to worry even more when this empties the play equipment, confirming you were not in the fenced park.
"Fuck!" She mumbles to herself. Putting you little backpack on her own back as she rushed outside of the gate. "Can you see her?" She asked Olga, who had agreed to help her find you.
"You look that side and I'll go this side." She tells her, planning that it'll be easier to split up.
"Have you ever fallen out a tree?" The older girl asks as you dangle from a branch.
"Sí, I fell into a splat pile on the floor and mami took me to hospital because I cried so much, but I was ok!"
"I fell out a tree and broke my arm once." She tells you, acting smug and another moment of her acting as a show off because she was bigger.
"Well that's dumb." You tell her, climbing back down. "I'm going back to find my Mami now. Bye Thalia!"
"Bye Y/N!"
You picked up your shoes from the floor and skipped across the field back towards the play park.
You looked up to see a strange lady running towards you.
"You Mami is looking for you!" She offers out her hand. "She couldn't find you when you left the park, querida!"
You looked a little confused, taking the ladies hand in yours and she walked you back over to the park.
"Where Mami?" You ask, looking around as everyone's pointing at you.
"That must be the girl who went missing!" You hear someone say.
"Mami!?" You bottom lip starts to wobble and you look up at Olga.
She crouches down beside you and wraps and arm around you. "Mami will be back in a moment. Look! There she is." She points to Mami coming through the gate and rushing towards you.
"Y/N!! Where did you go?!"
You cried a little and buried yourself into mami's chest and arms. You were confused why everyone was scared and angry.
"We went to climb trees!" You tell her, sniffling and wiping your teary eyes on your hand.
"Who is 'we'?"
"A big girl, called Thalia!" You sniffle again.
“Bebita. I told you NOT to leave the park!” She snaps.
A few more tears spill from your eyes and you wrap your arms around Mami’s shoulders and bury your head into the crook of her neck.
The feeling of her hand rubbing soft circles on your back calms you down slightly. She apologises, whispering softly that she was sorry for shouting and that she loved you and was just worried.
“Lo siento, Mami”
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jellyfiishatr · 1 year
hey! i saw you had your reqs open and i was wondering if i could get some tooth rotting fluff of pavitr prabhakar x gn!reader? im fully obsessed with him since i saw ATSV and i’ve read through every fic/hc/drabble on this hellsite :,)
a/n : OFCOURSE!!! He's so silly and idk why more ppl won't write abt him (ノД`)
(Also sorry I've been gone for a bit!! Little writers block, I'll be getting to other requests shortly (ノ_<、))
content : tooth rotting fluff / Romance
In class, he watches as you silently take notes. Admiring the way you lean against the palm of your hand, or the way you softly sigh. He copies your expression with a loving gaze behind it.
When class ends, he slowly gathers his things. Giving you quick glances as you do the same. He wait for you to leave before walking out himself, turning to watch you turn the other way to walk home yourself.
Everyday's like this, admiring you from afar. Whether it'd be in class or when he's out patrolling and happens to pass you by as you're out and about running errands. He's always so giddy afterwards, telling Hobie or His Mayan Auntie about you.
He'd take any chance to work with you in class. Project or a simple errand for the teacher, he'd run up to the front of the class as you stand up. He's always so eager to be by your side even if it was in silence. Though, he will ask if you had notes for a certain class paper he "didn't get to finish." When you'd give him a copy of your notes he'd give you a beaming smile and a "Thank you."
You never knew why he was always so excited to see you, the way he'd perk up at just the sound of your voice as you talked with friends. Or the way you'd laugh at someone's jokes, he was always staring at you and would always smoothly look the other way when you'd catch him.
After moments like those, you'd always find yourself thinking about him. The small smiles he'd give you as he'd pass you by, or the thank you's he'd say when you handed him notes you knew he didn't need. It was adorable and you found it endearing.
Just like any other day, the last class had ended. The relieving sound of the bell ringing through the quiet halls. Classrooms being emptied, as the once empty halls were flooded by students. Chatter bounced off the walls as people rushed out the building, excited for the weekend.
and just like any other, Pavitr had watched you patiently as you packed your bag. Doing the same as he placed his papers and notebooks carefully in his bag. Your friends waited by you, talking about how you would spend your weekend.
He knew how he'd spend his. With you.
Atleast he'd hoped so, he got the hint you were interested. With the way you started going out of your way to speak to him, the way you'd get so nervous when he'd lean over the desk and help you with work, or the way you would slightly smile when you heard his name be called. He truly thanked his brain for giving him the power of being such an attentive person.
After he heard the sound of giggles and footsteps quickly retreating, he turned to you.
You were nervous and he could tell. You fidgeted with your bag as he sent you a small smile and a small wave.
"Hey," he said. His heart felt like it was beating out of his chest.
Yours felt as if it was doing jumping Jack's, "Hey."
It was getting somewhere though and he didn't want it to stop. "Were you planning on doing anything this weekend?"
You shaked your head, thanks to your friends "canceling" their plans because suddenly "they had chores," or had a "really important essay" they need to get to. You wanted to strangle them for putting you in this position.
You felt like a sitting duck, an idiot if you will. I mean, maybe he did like you like your friends told you. Or maybe he didn't and your friends maybe heard his friends wrong.
But something in your gut told you this was right, that for some reason what was going to happen was meant to be.
"No, I'm free this weekend."
He smiled, his heart jumped excitedly as he stood there. "Did you maybe wanna go out and do something? My treat,"
You watched as he nervously chuckled, the sun that peaked through the windows shinging against his skin beautifully. You admired him in this scene for just a moment before giving him your answer.
"Yeah, i'd love that."
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lilacmingi · 9 months
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT interact with me or any of my works
Pairing: Mall employee!San x mall elf!fem reader
Word count: 2,634
Note: A couple of you guys have let me know how much you’re enjoying these Christmas imagines and it’s so nice to hear! I’m glad that people are genuinely getting enjoyment out of reading these 🥹 Reminder: This imagine is from Wattpad so there will be no continuations or extra parts
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You trudged up to the Baskin Robbins in the food court, your legs aching and feet burning from being on them all day. You didn't even take time to change out of your uniform, going from your job straight to the food court as soon as lunch break started.
You approached the ice cream joint, dropping your head on the counter.
"One (your favorite ice cream)." You said, holding an index finger up before dropping your hand back down onto the counter.
"Rough day?" Your friend San's voice came from above you.
Lifting your head, you gave him an expression that said "You think?"
"Let's see, some kid waiting in line wiped his boogers on my tights, another one cried... a lot, and it's always a jolly day when someone gets so excited to see Santa that they could just about throw up—and they do! You know who had to clean it up?"
"Let me guess? Santa's happy little helper?"
"Ding, ding, ding. Correct." You rolled your eyes. "So did I have a rough day? You you tell me."
"I'll get that ice cream right away."
You watched as San got to work preparing your frozen treat, resting your elbows on the counter. As you were waiting, a little girl ran up, tugging on the bottom of your elf costume.
"Excuse me. When will Santa be back?" She asked.
You turned to the little girl, bending down to the her height, a warm smile on your face.
"He's eating lunch right now, but he'll be back very soon." You assured her.
Suddenly, a woman who you assumed was the girl's mother came hurrying over.
"Sweetie, what are you doing?" She asked, gently pulling the girl away from you. "I'm so sorry." She apologized, giving you a sympathetic look.
"It's totally fine. Don't worry about it." You waved it off.
San, who was watching the whole exchange, couldn't help but smile as an overwhelming feeling of adoration took over. Just a moment ago you were complaining about kids and being tired, yet you put on a bright smile for the sweet little girl that just approached you. He watched with a fond gaze as you spoke to the girl, assuring her that Santa was eating lunch and would be back soon. The girl proceeded to ask you what he eats besides cookies because, "He can't eat cookies all the time."
When the girl and her mother walked away, San handed your ice cream to you. You began digging for money, but he stopped you.
"It's on the house."
"What? You have to let me pay you."
"Anybody who has to clean up puke deserves a free ice cream." He told you.
"You're too kind, San." You said, taking the frozen treat from him.
"You deserve it. I know you've had a tough day."
"You're the best."
"I know." He grinned, cutely. "It's almost time for my lunch break. I can see if I can take it early and we can hang out. Does that sound good?"
"I'd love that. I could use some company."
San disappeared in the back only to return a few seconds later.
"Manager says I can take an early lunch break." He beamed. "Let's go."
The two of you found an empty table nearby and took a seat.
"You in the mood for any real food?" San asked. "I'm sure ice cream isn't very filling."
"Maybe a slice of pizza. I'll have to eat something pretty quick. My break ends in about 20 minutes." You told him.
"You stay here and finish your ice cream and I'll order us something, okay?"
"Sounds good. Let me give you some money for my food."
"That's not necessary."
"Again?" You asked.
You opened your mouth to protest, but he stopped you.
"It's just a slice of pizza, Y/n."
You sighed, a reluctant smile playing at your lips. "Alright."
San left for food while you stayed put at the table. The ice cream you had been given was making you feel better, and sitting down to rest your legs and feet was nice as well. You pulled your elf hat off, placing it on the table before smoothing your hair.
As tired as you were, you didn't exactly dread getting back to work. All you really did was stand around and hand out candy canes, sometimes you would unclasp the velvet rope at the beginning of the line, letting kids and their parents through. The job was easy, the only crappy part was standing on your feet all day.
"I'm back." San announced, placing a slice of fresh pizza in front of you, the delicious smell drifting upwards to your nostrils.
At this point, you had just finished your ice cream and were ready for pizza, in need of something salty to balance things out.
"Thank you." You grinned, excitedly.
San grabbed his own slice of pizza before taking a huge bite, the cheese stretching as he pulled it away from his mouth.
You were quick to start eating yours, a hum of satisfaction escaping you.
"This is so good. Really hits the spot."
"Mhm." San hummed in agreement.
Once yours and San's plates were empty, you pulled your phone out to check the time.
"It's time for me to get back to work." You spoke up.
"Yeah. As much as I'd love to stay, there's probably a line of kids waiting to sit on the big man's lap."
"You're right. You go on, I can clean up."
He nodded. "I don't mind. Plus, you need to get back as quickly as you can."
"Thanks, San."
"Of course."
With that, you hurried off, back to work.
You headed into the mall, decked out in your red and white striped tights and green elf dress. You weren't really in the mood to work, but the hours weren't that long and it was sometimes nice seeing the happy smiles on the kids' faces when they see Santa for the first time.
You approached the large area decorated especially for Santa, some other workers standing around, all seeming a bit nervous.
"What's going on?" You asked.
"We're one elf down. He didn't show up and when someone got in touch with him, he said he was sick." One of the workers responded.
"Yeah, we're supposed to have five people here today and there's only four." Someone else spoke up.
"I think I know someone who can help out." You told the three.
"Can they get here quickly?"
"I think so."
You stepped aside quickly dialing San's number. He answered after just a couple rings.
"San! This is so last minute and I know this is one of your off days, but we're one elf short today. Do you think you could fill in?"
"Fill in? What would I be doing?"
"Opening and closing the little velvet rope, lifting kids onto Santa's lap, or handing candy canes to the kids as they leave. It's super easy."
"Sure. I can help out. How long do I have to get down there?"
"The meet and greet starts in about fifteen minutes."
"I can do that."
"You can?"
"Of course."
San was at the mall within ten minutes and had been given a uniform. Thankfully, the people behind the whole meet and greet carried extra uniforms with them.
You watched for San to return from the bathroom where he went to change. You were quick to spot him as he walked over, donning the red, green, and white costume. You had to admit, he looked pretty handsome, even in tights. You weren't surprised by that, San is a good looking guy, it doesn't matter what he wears, he'll always be able to pull it off.
"Well, don't you look cute." You giggled.
"No teasing. I'm doing you a favor." He pointed.
"You're right. But, you do look good."
"Really?" He asked, glancing down at the costume.
"Yeah. You can pull off anything. Even little striped tights."
"They do make my legs look great, don't they?" He asked, sticking his leg out.
"Yeah, yeah." You waved your hand dismissively. "Come on. Santa's here and we're about to get super busy."
San was told by one of the coordinators to take his place by the exit and was handed a basket of candy canes while you stood at the front of the line, pulling the velvet rope back for the first family to pass by.
Hours went by and lunch break was called. You and San paired up and headed to the food court together.
"Aren't you embarrassed to be seen in your work outfit?" San asked.
"Not really. It's Christmastime and people know there's Santa meet and greets at the mall, so I'm not really embarrassed. It's not like I'm dressed up for no reason."
"Why? Are you embarrassed?" You turned the question back on him.
"A little."
"Don't be. Plus, I already told you that you look good."
"I never got the chance to tell you, but you look adorable in your costume."
"Adorable?" You parroted, your cheeks feeling a tad warm.
"Yeah." He smiled softly.
"Ah. Well..." You trailed off, not sure what to say.
San could tell he'd gotten you flustered and he was proud of it. He watched in amusement as you struggled to find the words to speak.
"What are you in the mood to eat?" He inquired, changing the subject (for your sake.)
"How about Chinese? They always have good food at that place over there." You pointed.
There were at least three different Chinese restaurants in the food court, but the one you pointed to was the best out of the three.
This time, you paid for lunch. It was quite the task, but you managed to drop a wad of cash onto the counter before San could. He gave you a look that told you, you successfully caught him off guard.
"I can't believe you did that." He mentioned as the two of you sat down.
"You're helping me out today, it's the least I can do."
"Alright. You have a point. I'll let it slide, but just this once."
"We'll see." You grinned, taking a sip of your drink.
Your lunch break ended sooner than you would have liked, but you were happy working with San. He made work much more bearable just being there.
San stood by the exit, watching you as you pulled back the velvet rope, allowing the next family to see Santa. As the kid spoke to the jolly man, you clasped the velvet rope back into place, the next kid in line tugging on the bottom of your elf dress.
San was close enough where he could hear the conversation.
"What's it like at the North Pole?" The boy asked.
"Ah. Well, it's always covered in snow and there are Christmas lights everywhere on every home and workshop. The streetlights look like candy canes and there's a huge Christmas tree at the center of town."
"Wow." The boy gaped. "I wanna go there one day."
"Maybe you can." You smiled.
The mother and father gave you a kind smile, happy that you played along.
"Oh. It's your turn now." You told the boy, unclipping the rope.
San handed a candy cane to the girl who was leaving, his eyes staying on you. Every time he sees you, it feels like he falls harder and harder for you. At this point, it was too much and he had to say something. He couldn't hold his feelings in any longer.
At the end of your shift, you went and changed out of your uniform into regular clothes. San, who had accompanied you to the restrooms to change himself, was waiting outside for you when you were done.
"Thanks for filling in today." You told him.
"It was no problem. I enjoyed working with you."
The two of you walked side by side, exiting the mall. The Santa meet and greets go on until about 7:00, which is two hours until the mall closed. Due to it being winter, the sun was mostly set, the sky a dark blue color.
"Where'd you park?" You asked.
"Over that way near the Barnes and Nobel." San pointed. "Where are you parked?"
"Down that row somewhere." You pointed to a nearby row of cars.
"I'll walk you there."
You allowed San to accompany you on the short walk to your car.
"Is it okay if I drive you to your car?" You asked. "I'd feel bad letting you walk halfway across the parking lot to get to it."
"Sure." He smiled.
You drove San across the lot, allowing him to direct you to the spot where he parked. When he got out, you couldn't help but notice a bit of hesitancy in his actions. He came to a stop when he got to his car, standing and staring at the driver's side door. Putting your vehicle in park, you stepped out.
"Is something wrong?" You asked, stepping towards him.
"I have to tell you something." He spoke up.
You frowned a bit, wondering what it could be and if what he had to tell you was the reason for his sudden odd behavior.
"Yeah?" You urged, wanting him to continue.
"Y/n, I like you."
Four words. That's it. Plain and simple.
Your mouth was slightly agape as you processed what he said.
San likes you? San likes you? San likes you?
You blinked a few times, bringing yourself back to reality as San waited anxiously for an answer.
"I like you too."
San was so excited by your answer that he grabbed your face and abruptly kissed you. It caught you off guard and before you could reciprocate the kiss, San had already pulled away, surprised by his own actions.
"I'm sor—"
He couldn't even get the apology out before you smashed your lips against his. San's eyes fluttered shut as his hands made their way to your waist, gently pushing you against his car.
Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer as the kiss got a little more heated. San's fingertips dug into your hips as he angled his head a little more so your mouths fit closer together. Part of you was vaguely aware that you were making out with your friend (and crush) in a parking lot, but you didn't care.
At some point, you had to pull away. Your mind was in a foggy haze as you gazed at San.
"I left my car parked in the middle of the lane." You breathed out.
"Right." San responded, clearly out of breath as well. "I should let you get back to that."
The two of you stared at each other for a few moments, neither one moving.
"I don't want to leave." You spoke up.
"I don't want you to leave either."
Your hand rested against San's cheek, your thumb stroking the side of his face, lovingly.
"I have the weekend off." He spoke again.
"Then let's make out—hang out." You corrected. "Let's hang out."
A smirk tugged at the corner of San's mouth as he ran his thumb over your bottom lip, amused by your slip up.
"You're cute." He chuckled. "Yeah. Let's hang out. I'll text you later tonight and we can talk about it."
You hesitantly parted ways with San and got back to your car, giving him a small wave before driving off.
Your brain was still a little foggy from the kiss and you struggled to process it. It wasn't until you got home that the events truly sunk in.
Your face became hot as you replayed what happened earlier. As if on cue, your phone buzzed.
So, when are you free?
Hongjoong ❄︎ Seonghwa ❄︎ Yunho ❄︎ Yeosang ❄︎ Mingi ❄︎ Wooyoung ❄︎ Jongho
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Masterlist ᝰ — enjoyed this imagine? reblogs & comments are very much appreciated!
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potchi-fics · 11 months
One look
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✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ one look is all it takes. one look and you don't know how to function, your brain stops working, your palms start getting sweaty, and all those cliché things you read in a story where a character starts falling in love. but you don't believe those. you don't believe that someone could make you experience such sappy things, i mean--this is real life, no?
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
you look at the clock hanging on the wall, its hands saying that it's thirty minutes before you start closing your cafe.
you saw that right, your cafe--your very own. it always has been your dream to work on one, to manage one, and to own one. your business bloomed the moment you opened it. of course, you're thankful for your customers, but every once in a while, you enjoy the peaceful of the place when it doesn't have many people in it.
on rare days, your cafe would be completely empty, and it's one of those days.
you were so lost in the ambience of the place that you didn't notice the soft creaking made by the entrance door being opened. hearing a gentle voice call out to you makes you snap out of your trance.
"excuse me?" the person called out, "are you still taking orders?"
quickly straightening yourself up, you finally see their face. it was a woman, a beautiful woman, you think inside your mind. your eyes meet hers.
one look.
one look is all it takes just for you to be proven wrong.. so so wrong. you feel the world around you two goes into blur, the time seems to slow down. are you losing your mind?
the woman's oreo themed hair suits her so much, her oversized and baggy clothes make her more appealing, and her height.. makes your palms sweaty, your brain stop working, and your knees weak.
"i'd like a caramel macchiato and a glazed donut, please."
jesus, her voice trances you like some hypnotized human. hastily ringing up her order, you thank her and informed her that you'll just call her name.
"i'm gonna need a name." you're surprised when your voice comes out stable.
she smiles, her eyes seem to disappear when she does, "bada."
and with that, your interaction ends. before you start working on her coffee, you take a moment to calm your beating heart. what's happening to you?
all the while making her coffee, you keep stealing glances at Bada. her aura makes you nervous and excited.
should you ask her her number? or is it too soon..
shaking your head, you finish her order and say out her name.
"for Bada?"
you see her figure stand up and walk towards you, it makes you more nervous.
she reaches for the coffee from your hand and her fingers comes into contact with yours; you feel electricity running throughout your body, your chest feels so tight like your heart is about to burst out of your body.
Bada smiles again, "thank you."
after she walks away, you lean back on the counter, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape.
this is real life. you don't experience those things, and yet.. you're standing there like a high school girl who just got her first crush.
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
over the course of a few weeks, Bada continued to go to your cafe nightly. your impending crush weighing on your very soul, and you swore that you're gonna talk to her tonight.
as usual, Bada comes in and makes her order.
you look at her, and you just can't bring yourself to talk to her. her stare roots you on your spot, she makes the words you want to say get stuck in your throat. but before you could say anything, she beats you to it.
"do you want to come and sit with me?"
your cheeks flush red, "i.. yeah, i would love to."
Bada smiles triumphantly, like she just won a contest.
and just like that, you're in your own movie.
✮⋆˙♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧🦭✧˖°
thats it for my very first fanfic here on tumlr, i really hope you guys enjoyed reading even though its so short huhu. also, english is not my first language guys so sorry for the mistakes..
૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა
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lees-chaotic-brain · 11 months
Bakugo, K. With fluff (maroon) and #4 gravitating towards your soulmate at a certain age
oh I love this!!!! i'm sorry, I might have added a little bit of hurt/comfort. i couldn't help myself.
It Was Always You (Bakugou x Reader)
CW: swearing, you don't take care of yourself so Bakugou does, slight spoilers, not entirely canonically accurate
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While you were as excited to meet your soulmate as any other person your age, you weren't eagerly counting down the days to your eighteenth birthday like other kids.
No. While the war had finally ended, it was hard for you to adjust back to normal life after spending the last two years fighting for your life, as well as the lives of your friends and innocent civilians.
But, transition you must, seeing as the war was over and it was time for you to resume your normal life.
Well, as normal as it got for hero course students.
All of Class 1-A had been given an extensive break to recover physically, and to begin to cope with the mental scars they all bore.
You had always been a bit of a loner, caring deeply about all your classmates and treasuring the friendships you had built without ever becoming close with any of them.
So naturally, while everyone else sought support from the others that they had forged unbreakable bonds with, you withdrew into yourself, always ready to be there if anyone needed it, but never going to anyone when you yourself needed support.
This didn't go unnoticed by a certain spiky haired male.
After he was sure he understood what you were doing, he wasted no time calling you out on it.
Stepping out of Uraraka's room after allowing her to cry on your shoulder and soothing her for the last hour, you were confronted by none other than Bakugou himself.
He tilted his chin up at you.
"We need to talk."
You said confused, and a little tired.
All you really wanted to do was go back to your room and read a book to keep the night terrors away. But if he needed something of course you were going to be there for him.
"Where do you want to talk?"
"You'll probably be most comfortable in your room. We're going there."
Grabbing your wrist, he spun and marched you in the direction of your room.
A little bewildered, you allowed him to push the door open and sit you on your bed before closing the door behind the two of you.
"Bakugou, what's going on? Are you okay-"
"That's what I should be asking you."
He interrupted you, pulling you desk chair in front of your bed and sitting down.
You stared at him, unsure you understood what he was saying.
"Don't think I haven't noticed what you've been doing lately."
He leaned back in his chair.
"What-what have I been doing?"
Racking your brain you tried to come up with anything that you could have done to set off his explosive temper, but came up empty.
"I don't think I've done anything lately-"
"Cut the bullshit."
He cut you off mid sentence.
"You're always supporting others without expecting any support in return. How long are you going to keep this up? I'm not the only one who noticed either."
He folded his arms over his chest.
"I've heard the other extras talking about you, and how their worried about how you're doing."
He squinted at you.
"You clearly haven't been taking care of yourself. When was the last time you ate? Hell, the last time you slept more than a couple hours?"
Your guilty silence was answer enough.
"Tch. Dumbass."
He scoffed, jabbing his thumb over his shoulder.
"C'mon, we're going down to the kitchen to get some food in you. After that, you're going to bed."
He glared at you.
"And actually sleeping."
You wince. He saw right through you. You were just going to turn off the lights and wait for him to leave before getting back up.
And that wasn't the last of your little lies he would see straight through.
After that night, he seemed to make it his personal mission to take care of you, to ensure that you were sleeping and eating, as well as getting the emotional support you so desperately needed.
After a couple months, you began to do better and started to take care of yourself on your own.
But during the last couple months of Bakugou being by your side practically 24/7, it felt weird without him around, so the two of you continued to spend time together.
Somewhere along the way you became close friends, each of you going to the other before anyone else if you needed something, or wanted to share something with someone.
And at some point after that you had fallen for him.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Months had passed since you realized you were in love with your best friend, and life had gone on.
Waking up, you went about getting ready as you always did. What was not normal was the hard pull that knocked you to the ground?
What was that?
Looking around, you shrugged and chalked it up to your clumsiness and finished getting ready.
Opening your door, you felt another hard tug, this one causing you to crash into the opposite side of the hallway.
Staggering back, you had just managed to recover your footing when you were yanked several feet to the side, shooting down the hallway.
After it happened several more times, you resigned yourself to your fate and allowed whatever the strange force was to bully you in the direction it wanted for a couple more minutes.
Just as you were about to yell for help, you collided with a warm, solid mass and collapsed beside it.
Panting, you looked over to see Bakugou of all people laying beside you.
"What the fuck was that?!"
You blurted, sitting up straight.
"What just happened?"
Bakugou slowly sat up next to you, with an expression of amusement, shock and affection on his face.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Have you really not realized?"
He asked, tilting his head at you with an amused expression.
"We're soulmates."
You jolted, looking at him like he had a third head.
"But your soulmate traits don't show up until both you and your soulmate are eighteen! And I'm only seventeen-"
You stopped abruptly, and Bakugou looked smug.
"Wait...it's my birthday, isn't it."
"Damn right it is."
He smirked at you.
"How did you forget your own birthday?"
Flustered you tried to splutter out an answer, but stopped short when he leaned in, ghosting his lips over yours.
"Can I kiss you?"
He murmured, his warm breath fanning across your face.
Breathless, you nodded.
Leaning in to close the last of the distance between the two of you he captured your mouth with his own.
Eagerly, you kissed him back, melting against him.
When the two of you seperated for air, you looked at him.
"So, are we...a thing now?"
He huffed a laugh.
"I mean, yeah, we're soulmates, and I thought kissing you made my feelings pretty clear."
He brushed a piece of hair out of your face.
"What about you? Do you wanna be a 'thing?'"
You nodded, but something was still bothering you.
The ever observant Bakugou picked up on it instantly.
"What? Something's bothering you. Do...do you not want to be with me?"
The slight fear on his face made you panic.
"No- no! I want to date you! Of course I do! It's just that I-"
You ducked your head shyly, hiding behind your hair.
"I wanted to date you before I knew we were soulmates. I mean I think I'm in love with you, and have been for a while. And I-I don't want to to feel like you have to be just because we're soulmates-"
"I'm in love with you too."
Your mouth dropped, and the tips of his ears turned red.
"I was going to ask you out anyways, but I wanted to wait until after your birthday, so that if I wasn't your soulmate, you could meet them without feeling tied to me."
You breathed, your eyes filling with tears.
"It's Katsuki."
You corrected yourself.
"I love you."
You beam at each other.
"I love you too."
He kissed you again.
"It was always you for me, soulmate or not."
You couldn't agree more.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Thank you so much for requesting! I had so much fun writing this! Keep the event requests coming!
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acceptance - muse a kisses muse b’s forehead and lingers for Clegan ? 🥺❤️
Hi! ♥️
Some fluff set in the Such Stuff universe for you 🥰✨
John looks at the list on his phone one more time: ID, phone charger, one of Buck's books, eight clean shirts, two pairs of short sweatpants, underwear, socks, a spare pair of jeans, a camera, a notebook, toothbrush and toothpaste, a comb, his trusted razor. For the body wash and shampoo, he'd debated whether to steal some of Buck's, but he'd like to still have a place to stay once he's back.
“All done?” The man in question asks him from where he's looming, leaning against the open door of their bedroom. He's feigning nonchalance but by now John's fully able to read him like an open book; the subtle crease of his brow and the glint of sadness in his eyes are enough to make him sigh as he zips his backpack closed. He still has less than half an hour before he has to go and pick up the others, and then they'll be off for a week touring with their new show, a shortened rendition of The Odyssey.
John would lie if he said he's not excited about it, it's the first show they're touring with since The Tempest; it's also the first time he's leaving to go on tour since moving in with Buck, and that's the not so great part of it. They are so used at having the other around all the time, at coexisting in the same space, at never going to sleep alone; and now John is leaving, even if not for long, and he knows the distance will be a little harder this time.
So he walks up to Buck, who's still stubbornly staring at the void in front of him, and tucks a finger under his chin to tilt his head up. “It's only a week,” he says softly. “I'll be back before you even notice.”
Buck tenses, then lets go. “I am already noticing,” he says, a huge fucking confession from one like him. “There's no beer in the fridge and no socks scattered around in our room. And you stole my book,” he adds, looking pointedly at his now empty bedside table.
“I thought you didn't like beer and having to pick up my dirty socks,” John tries with half a smile.
“It's better than spending a whole week by myself,” Buck answers, then he sighs and brings his hands up to his face, rubbing at it. “I'm sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me. You're working, I know, you're not going on vacation without me. I shouldn't be here complaining like a child.”
John drops his backpack to the floor to hold his boyfriend properly, enveloping him in his strong arms until he can rest his cheek on the side of Buck's head; he feels him tense for a moment, almost resisting the hug, but then Buck melts into it, nuzzling his face in the curve of John's neck, breathing deeply as if to store the smell of him in his nose for the days to come. His arms snake behind John's back, hands clutching at the soft fabric of his sweatshirt to hold him there.
It's been a harsh period on Buck, John knows it very well. Now that he's not a substitute teacher anymore he earns more money and can be more relaxed about his financial stability but he also works a lot more, and now that the winter break is approaching there hasn't been a single day in the past two or three weeks where he didn't have lessons to prepare, tests and essays to grade, parents-teachers meetings to attend to – it's also the reason why he can't join John on these dates in Michigan, despite his tries.
“It's ok, love. You're just working too much,” he reassures him, petting his hair.
“I barely even have the time to take shifts at the Abbotts,” Buck responds, voice muffled by John's skin.
“But your students love you, algebra is doing well thanks to you, and the drama club is fire this year.”
“They are pretty good,” Buck admits making John smile. “I just can't wait for these two weeks to end. I'll be better in January, after I get some rest.”
“I know. Here's what we're gonna do: you're going to survive this week, I'll be sending you math puns and stupid pictures every day like I'm not even gone. Then when I'm back I'm going to take care of you for the remaining week, cleaning the house and cooking all your favorite foods, listening to your rants and cuddling you whenever you need it. Then, for Christmas, we're going to relax at my uncle's cabin just like we planned, and when I say relax I mean I'm not going to let you leave the bed for three days.”
“I don't know that I'm capable of sleeping that much,” Buck comments, a smile clear in his voice.
“And who said anything about sleeping?”
Before the playful teasing can continue though, the alarm on John's phone starts buzzing and he's forced to disentangle himself from the hug to shut it off.
“I have to go,” he says apologetically. Buck still looks like a kicked puppy, but there's more color on his cheeks and the faintest spark in the deep blue of his eyes – it can be enough, for now.
“Did you grab the instant ice?” He asks.
“Ah, fuck. No, I forgot. Don't worry, I'm gonna stop at the supermarket when we get there and-”
“I got you three packs,” Buck shuts him up, this time with a small smile on his lips. “Somehow I knew you were going to forget it.”
John plants a kiss on his lips in response. “That's about the millionth reason why I love you, Buck,” he tells him, making him blush, then he picks up the backpack and follows Buck to the kitchen where he's stored the medical supplies. Then it's really time for him to go, or he'll be late and Crosby will be insufferable.
Buck walks him to the door. John shoots a text to Brady to tell him to meet him at the car, then turns to his boyfriend one last time. “I'll call you when we get there,” he says, leaning to give him one more kiss.
“Be safe. I love you,” Buck tells him, so softly it makes John's heart flutter in his chest. He kisses Buck's forehead in response, lingers there inhaling the familiar smell of his shampoo. “I love you too,” he says, punctuates it with another kiss.
In all his years spent traveling around the country with this show or that one, he's never once felt such a pull to return to one specific place, not even to his parents's house in Wisconsin. He's never felt, John realizes as he watches Buck disappear behind the closing doors of the elevator, at home.
It fills his heart with love, and such tender nostalgia; now he knows how Odysseus felt on his long journey to Ithaca. Lucky for him, a week is bound to pass much quicker than ten years.
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blitzosicedcoffee · 28 days
Ficlet: Anniversary
Notes: I am feeling really sad today so the only way I know how to express it is through fic right now lol.
So enjoy.
Timeline: Blitz and Stolas are dating, Blitz sleeps over at the Palace most nights.
Stolas wakes up, the sun shining through the sheer curtains of the palace bedroom. He turns and admires Blitz next to him, the light glinting off his horns. He rubs his forehead.
"Good morning my love", he coos, Blitz groaning and eyes fluttering open, "Huh? What're you doing up so early?"
"I just wanted to be up with you while you get ready for work", he says, giving him a peck on the cheek. Blitz gives a tired smile and yawns, wiping the crusts from his eyes.
"You're too cute", he takes Stolas's cheek in his hand and kisses him gently, then flops his face back into his pillow, "but I dun wanna get up".
Stolas chuckles, "You have responsibilities, darling" he explains softly, "IMP?" But Blitz waves his hand in the air, "Moxxie can handle it".
Stolas crosses his arms, "Is there something you want to talk about, Blitz? You're always excited about work".
"No..." But just then an alarm goes off on his phone and Blitz goes to smash it with his fist but Stolas grabs it, "Honestly, you need to stop breaking your phones! I'm getting tired of adding your contact every week", he says honestly and Blitz groans then tries to grab the phone as Stolas sees the alarm that went off before swiping it away.
Visit Mom's Grave
Blitz swipes the phone from him and puts it back on the side table, turning away from Stolas and pulling the blankets back over his head.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude", Stolas says, putting a hand on Blitz's back. Blitz sighs and covers his face with the duvet, mumbling into it.
"Mhmm myhh mmm mm", he says and Stolas cocks his head, "Uh...pardon?"
He lowers it a little, "Its not you it's that damn alarm".
"The reminder?" Stolas asks and Blitz whimpers, "Yeah".
"I am sorry, I didn't know your mother was deceased. I am sorry for your loss", he replies but Blitz has heard it all before from everyone around him. When they aren't blaming him for her death. Or he isn't blaming himself.
"It was a long time ago...", he pushes the topic away and squeezes his horse stuffy from Stolas, sighing into it. Stolas hesitates. He never knew his mother. He doesn't know if he can even relate to this. But..losing a parent he can. He felt like he lost Paimon, as horrible as a father as he was, he seemed to want nothing to do with him once he was 18 besides what he could do for the family.
"I...never knew my mother". He admits, holding his knees, making himself small again like when he was a child. Blitz turns his way and he realizes he'd been silently crying.
"Well, probably better cause once they're gone, there's this...emptiness like, like the only person who cared for you is gone. Because they are", his lip quivers and Stolas reaches out his arms and he crawls into his lap, leaning his head on his chest. Stolas moving his horns gently against his shoulder so they aren't in his face.
"I always tried to imagine what she looked like. I don't look much like my father. Him being a changeable being and all, I imagined her as like a female version of me, but she'd be witty and clever. And funny. She'd tell me stories that I ended up reading to myself, and she'd kiss me good night every night", he rubs Blitz's hand as his tears continue falling down onto his hand.
Then Blitz smiles softly, "She would do that. Kiss barb, I, and even Fizz good night every night. Even when we were teenagers". Stolas fights tears now. One escaping and falling down his face onto Blitz's forehead and he looks up.
"Fuck I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you sad too", he says and uses a claw to wipe Stolas's tears. Stolas chuckles, "No no, it's okay. It's just...nice to talk about her. Mothers. I always imagined her but, even imagined, she was a great comfort to me".
Blitz stayed silent for a moment, then sat up and takes Stolas's hand, "Wanna meet my mom?"
Stolas's eyes widen and he nods, "Of course".
They stop by a floral shop and pick out his mother's favorite flowers, Wrath marigolds because they're resilient, and he squeezes the bobble around his neck as they step through the portal in front of the IMP and Succubus cemetery. Hellborn cemeteries when they aren't for demons like Stolas are often not talked about or fussed about. So he was not surprised to find it's gate rusted and the headstones small. He was however, taken back by the sheer amount of dead imp and succubi in the grave yard.
He tries to stay silent to respect the dead as Blitz scans the headstones, searching for his mother's. Then he finds it. A smaller one with wings on the back and the same emblem on his bobble on the front.
"Here she is! Looks like Barb and Fizz have been here already", he gestures to the other pair of marigolds that are different colors than his. He sits in front of the grave and pats the ground next to him, signaling to Stolas. He hoots and sits next to Blitz.
"I feel eerie", Stolas admits and Blitz smiles, "That's just what graveyards feel like". Stolas nods and looks to the headstone, "Well...nice to meet you uh-" he starts and Blitz interrupts,
"Tilla. Was her name", he pulls out other supplies from his bag.
"What are those for?" Stolas asks, pointing to a jar of honey, and some biscuits. Blitz takes a biscuit and splits it in half, spreading the honey on it with the knife from his pocket.
"It's an Imp tradition to bring the dead their favorite snack. My mom loved honey on biscuits", he smiles fondly as he finishes spreading one half and sets it in front of the grave.
Stolas smiles, "That's so sweet". Blitz looks at the other one, "I usually eat this one but...do you wanna try it?"
Stolas puts his hand to his chest, "What? I- don't know this is your mother after all and-" but Blitz is already putting it straight in his beak, and he chews it to keep from choking on it.
"Mmmm!" He says, giving a thumbs up. Blitz chuckles, "Mom would give you five more if you told her they were good".
Stolas chuckles, "I think I'm content with just one".
They sit in silence again for a moment, Blitz's claw grazing over the marigolds set at the stone from Barb.
"Why don't you come here with your sister?" Stolas asks and Blitz turns, considering giving a cold shoulder but that's not how his mom would want him to act today.
"She...resents me for my mom's death. But I don't think I can talk about it right now, okay Stols?" He asks with pleading eyes and Stolas nods, "of course, I'll never push you into talking about something you aren't ready for".
"Thank you", he replies quietly and leans into his chest again, his feet reaching the headstone, "I miss her so much".
Stolas kisses him on the top of the head right on his tattoo, "I am sure she misses you".
Blitz looks around and hugs himself as Stolas hugs him, "Yeah".
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