#I'm sick of clinging to greetings hugs Just to be asked If i'm okay and making Things awkward
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mrs-snape5984 · 4 months
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“I'll meet you on a day that never ends. I'll greet you in a way that heaven meant…”
“I hope you don't break my heart of stone. I don't wanna scream out loud and wake up on my own…” (“Idler’s Dream” by Oasis)
Considering, that I don’t see any way out of the misery, which my life has become since this cruel and inexorable disease ME/CFS has robbed me from being myself, I’ve started to commission some of my beloved artists of Snapedom with a special project of mine. I explained to them, that I’m slowly fading away from my life as well as from other people’s lives. It started two years ago, when this sickness got me into her relentless grip, forcing me to let go of the life, I’ve known before. Losing more and more of my abilities and strengths with each passing day, I’m finding myself in an unstoppable spiral of torments.
Nowadays, I’m not capable of leaving my room and most of the times even my bed anymore. Day in, day out I’m surrounded by darkness, silence and solitude. Participating in social activities, in milestones of my children or even in longer conversations with friends isn’t possible for me anymore. My presence has lost its meaning and purpose.
Whereas my phone didn’t stand still in the beginning of my disease, when friends and colleagues were worried about me…it’s getting more silent now. People are starting to forget about me…and yes, I can absolutely understand them. It must be frustrating to send messages or attempt to call me without getting a proper reply. My former boss told me some weeks ago, that people are feeling speechless about my situation, so it’s easier for them to forget about me…letting me become a faint memory in the back of their heads. This is exactly, what I meant, when I said, that I’m fading away…and it’s okay. I can’t be mad about it. I understand.
It’s also happening here on tumblr…and yet, here are still some kind people, who seem to notice my silence. I was astonished to hear, that my friend @capysnapeart, whom I commissioned for this beautiful artwork of Severus and my highly self-inserted OC Jules, searched me in a sweet post on their blog, after not hearing from me for several days. I was even more dumbfounded, when I realised, that other lovely people of Snapedom had also noticed my absence from my online life. This was very unexpected, but - indeed - touching and heartwarming to me. Thank you for not forgetting about me.
The project, which I’ve commissioned @capysnapeart and some other artists for, should show the different stages of the life, I’m expecting to have after my final breath, which doesn’t seem to be so far away anymore. I’ve set myself a limit…a certain point of no return, at which I won’t be able to accept and endure my pain and my suffering anymore. Well…let’s just leave it like that.
In my imagination, I will be able to choose, how my afterlife will look like. I will be with Severus, the character, I’ve been clinging on for the past 21 years, already. I imagine, that we will meet at the age of 11 years and from then on, we will spend the rest of our lives together...growing old together. It may sound strange and pathetic, but this is all, that I'm wishing for. I want to come home to him...
I asked Capy to draw Severus and Jules as a middle-aged couple…sitting on a bench in front of their little cottage at the sea. I’d love to see them being happy together…finally living the life, they’ve always wanted to live…the life, they’ve deserved to have! They’re cuddling on this wooden bench…feeling like home in themselves.
Capy, my dear friend, I’m beyond grateful for your understanding of my wish for this mesmerising artwork. You’ve managed to capture the peace and the silence of this scenery so perfectly, that it made me shed countless tears of longing. A longing for this fantasy to become true one day, when I will let go of my existence, eventually. Thank you for your talent, your kindness and your acceptance of my ideas. Feel hugged! 🫂🥹
🖤Severus & Julia🖤
🖤Sevy & Jules🖤
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darkmoka · 3 years
Saw you had a bnha masterlist. Can you do yandere Todoroki clan x horny reader? Lol- idk why but I find it interesting.
Yandere Todoroki clan x Horny Dom reader ?
Part 2 - part 3 - part 4
minors, don't interact. don't like incest? -> don't read.
I never really thought of doing those yandere Todoroki clan things but here ya go, anon. Hope it turned out fine
Wait, this is actually turning into actually full fic? Well, shit. This isn't safe for work and it's incest. If you don't like those I really don't think you should read this /\. _ ./\,
The youngest of the Todoroki family, was a very 'active teen'. He had always been playing around but lately, he was playing with his family. He always gropped them or would say very pepper pick up lines.
Enji Todoroki was surprised to find his youngest resting on his daughter's, Fuyumi's, chest while playing video games instead of going out and having out with his friends. "Oi, are you sick?" Enji asked. The boy didn't answer but kept playing on his switch and Fuyumi ended up with a glaring Enji Todoroki. After Enji left, the youngest of the Todoroki family looked up to his sister. "Nee-chan, wanna play?" The boy asked with sparkly eyes. Fuyumi could practically see dog ears but she responded with "I'm sorry, I don't know how to play." The boys imaginary puppy eyes drooped but he responded with an "okay" then turned around to continue playing his game all the while leaning on his nee-chan's chest. Natsuo, was surprised as well when he found out his little brother at home instead of being out with some people. He had approached the brother-sister pair and started ; "What's wrong ottouto, you aren't going out today?" He looked at Fuyumi but she had litterally an 'X' shaped mouth and was shaking her head right 'n' left. The youngest looked up and stared at his brother before he started tearing up. "D-Does nii-san not want m-me at home..?" He asked and started sobbing, very loudly. At the sound of hearing a sob, Rei rushed towards it and saw her youngest, precious, sweet, sweet son sobbing in the crook of her daughter's neck. "Natsuo, what happened?" She asked with a bit of a strict tone. "Ma, Natsuo made him cry." Fuyumi answered while patting her little brother's head.
But, in the little brother's head, he was doing a victory dance. He, of course faked his tears. Well, he just wanted to mess around with his family for a while.
After scolding her son, Natsuo, Rei went towards her youngest son and hugged him very, very tightly. But, little brother reader really liked that. So, he fell asleep against Rei's chest while nibbling on his mother's ears. Rei was in pure bliss and just wanted to stay like that with her son forever but she was struggling a bit as Little brother reader was still quite heavy for mama Rei. Enji walked back to Fuyumi's room just to be greeted by the sight of his precious son nibbling on Rei's ears while asleep. He really wanted to be in Rei's place. "Rei, give him to me." Enji said feeling a little bit pissed off. "No, he came to me. Go back and prepare him something to eat, you lazy husband." and with a puff, Rei left leaving everyone in the room jaws drop as they'd never heard Rei speak like that.
Rei on the other hand, was in her room with her son still clinging onto her like a koala. Rei really, really wanted to just stay like that but she couldn't because she wanted to do many things with her son. Rei accidently rubbed her son's head too hard so he woke up. "Ma?" The youngest asked with the most adorable [fake] face. "Mom's sorry, go back to sleep, sweetie." Rei said while pushing her son's head in the crook of her neck. "Ma, wanna suck.." Little brother reader mumbled. "Want to suck what, my dear ?" Rei said as she took a look at her little innocent [not]  son. "Wanna suck mommy.." He said and he hid his face on his mother's neck. He was smiling but he was still 'crying' the outside. "W-What? You want to s-suck mom?" Rei stuttered out while her face heated up into to a nice red color. "Nevermind.. I'm gonna' go out. Have supper without me.." Little reader mumbled while getting up. He knew very well that his mother [Rei] was going to make him stay back. "Fine, stay for dinner. And don't say anything to anyone else. Okay?" Rei said. "R-Really !?" The son turned back to see his mother unbuttoning her blouse. Little reader locked the door and hurried back onto his mother's bed. Rei was about to unclasp her bra but her son, [reader], told her to stop. "Ma, I wanna do it!" He said as he was waiting for her approval. Mama Rei was still flustered but still told him he could. He quickly unclasped her strap, laid her down, layid on her and he started nibbling on her cherry pink nipples.
Dabi/Touya was on the other side of the window of Rei's room, watching everything. He saw as his baby brother was playing with their family members like they were mere chess pieces. Dabi saw the lust in his little brother's eyes. He had followed his little brother when he went out before. There were a couple of times where Dabi followed his little brother and saw him fucking the living daylights out of men and his little brother was surrounded by women and men that were way too exhausted and some waiting for their turn. He knew that his little brother wasn't innocent.
While Rei's youngest son was sucking on her nipples while sniffing his tears, she heard a knock. She panicked and was telling her son to let go. Enji, heard Rei's voice and bursted into the room. He saw his youngest son sucking his wife's nipples while sniffing his tears. Enji was beyond furious but most of all, jealous. He also wanted his son to be intimate with him. But he shook that off and walked up to Rei.
Frick. I think I understand why people like writing for this todo clan thing. I like this shit a bit too-
Frick- [don't worry, I'm still doing jjk fanfics :)]
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rachaworks · 3 years
Could I request a Changbin x Male or Gender Neutral reader (whatever you’re comfy with) where reader had a panic attack in public and Changbin tries to calm them down. Also I plan to be frequent so can I be 🦊 anon? Thank you :)
Comfort in a crowd
A/N: Hihi!! First off, I wanna thank you so much for your request - as someone who does experience frequent panic attacks, writing this felt like I was writing in my diary for comfort which made me really enjoy doing this one 🥺 I’ve written it with changbin x reader are not in a romantic relationship (yet, maybe it could spark a part 2? 👀) Hope it’s okay with you and that you enjoy this one! ♥️ (and of course you may claim 🦊!!)
Genre: Fluff, Angst?
Warning: Reader experiencing a panic attack, swearing
Pairing: Changbin x Male reader
Word count: 1.6k
“Come on, don't be such a party pooper!!”; you hear Jisung’s voice echoing across the hallway. You and Jisung have been friends for almost forever - both of you knew each other inside out. And of course, his constant yelling through your shared apartment was something you have gotten used to after many years.
You groan and the sound and squirm in bed for a quick second, before finally getting up and going across to Jisung’s room.
“Do I seriously have to come along? It’s the damn weekend and you know I don’t do well with crowds…”, you slowly muttered the last bit sounding a little embarrassed.
“Yes. Of course, I know that, which is why I'm gonna be with you the whole time!”
“I know..but-“
“No butts. We’ve not hung out with them in forever and plus- Changbin’s gonna be there!”, Ah yes. Changbin. You have had the biggest crush on him since the beginning of high school (you’re in college now so, it’s been a pretty long time). It’s not that you guys weren’t close - you could consider him to be one of your closest friends actually. It’s just you never could build up the courage to tell him how you felt and also mostly you guys share the same group of friends; just scared you so much that you could lose all of them if things were to go sour. Jisung has pestered you for so long to go ahead and ask him out but you’ve always managed to find your way to end that conversation.
“Yeah, that pretty much is definitely gonna change my mind!”, you tried to sound sarcastic with your response, though deep down you knew that was in fact the actual reason you wouldn’t mind being dragged to spending time with everyone at the carnival.
After you and Jisung got ready, you made your way to the docks to meet your friends. Already on the way there, you started to feel a little sick in the stomach picturing just how crowded it would be. As Jisung drove he thankfully noticed and began to sing along (off-pitch) to the song playing on the speakers, allowing you to get distracted from those thoughts.
After parking your car at the venue, you took a deep breath in and slowly walked out of the car park. The sounds of joyful screams and noises from the rides were starting to get louder. Thankfully, you managed to see your 4 friends waving you over near the entrance.
“You guys finally made it!” Felix runs to you giving you a big squeeze as he always does greeting you.
“Yeah, it took me ten years to get him out of bed, and no I am not exaggerating.” you snicker at Jisung’s response. When you made your way to hug Changbin, his cologne practically engulfed you - a scent that you became really familiar with over the years and gave you much comfort.
After greeting the rest of the guys, you made your way to purchase your tickets and slowly entered the carnival. Seeing the many huge rides around you, you finally started to feel excited to start your adrenaline going. As you walk along the boardwalk you finally see a ride that caught your eye - the gyro drop. Yes, you feared many things but the gyro drop has always been your favorite carnival ride to take.
“Oh my god, guys let’s start with that one!!”
“Oh HELL no I’m not taking that”
“Yeah are you fucking crazy y/n??” Minho clearly clinging onto Jisung for dear life after hearing your suggestion.
“Come on! you told me to have fun, this IS fun!” You look over to Felix and Ryujin who were already aggressively shaking their heads at you. You sigh knowing you never could take it alone considering you’d have to-
“I’ll take it with you”
You turn and see Changbin giving his million-dollar smile with his hand extended ready to lead you to the ride. You look over to Jisung, who already had the smuggest look on his face, trying to get your best friend to save you from being alone with Changbin.
“Yeah, you guys go ahead! the rest of us are gonna take the kiddy rides and eat ice cream”, Jisung turned the rest of the gang away and waved cheekily specifically to you. Suddenly being hyper-aware that you were alone with Changbin, you sheepishly laugh and comb your hair back with your hand a couple times as if it would help break the tension.
“You don’t have to take it with me if you don’t want to”
“No, I want to” Changbin grins at you before leading you to the queue for the ride. Unfortunately, the line was pretty long, so you had to take your small steps amongst the crowd; the main thing you dreaded prior to coming to this place. After waiting for about 10 minutes, you started to feel light-headed. At first, you thought you were just dehydrated due to the heat, but you suddenly became fully aware of everyone around you, zooming in to specific conversations and having words fill your eyes but not understanding anything. You unconsciously stepped closer to Changbin who became aware of your evident discomfort and held your arm.
“y/n, are you feeling okay? you’re looking a little rushed”, he began scanning your face as if trying to find an answer, to which you couldn’t give him one. You began to feel panic and started hyperventilating, finally realizing you were about to have another panic attack (as you unfortunately frequently experience).
Noticing your change in breathing, Changbin began to visibly grow worried and was now using both hands to hold onto you, trying his best to be of some form of comfort.
“Excuse me, is he doing okay?”
“Yeah what’s going on are you alright?”
People who were queuing in front and behind you began to question your distress which in turn just made you feel even worse. Changbin then tutted before coming closer to you to whisper into your ear.
“I’m gonna get you out of here okay”
You looked into his eyes and saw a man who had his full attention on you. He then softly held your forearm and maneuvered you out of the line and finally into open space. He looked around and decided to take you out to the car park in front of his truck. Once he finally let go of you, he ran to the back and opened the lock behind to allow you to take a seat. At this point, you were still heavily breathing and unable to fully grasp what was happening.
“Y/n look at me. Try and follow my breathing pattern” Changbin takes a seat next to you and softly holds both your hands whilst facing you, taking a slow deep breath in and out. You try your best to follow suit, closing your eyes and listening to his slow breaths. You begin to feel Changbin slowly rubbing your arms, the comfort beginning to settle in and stopping your body from shaking. The two of you stayed like that for a few minutes. Finally, in tune with Changbin’s breathing, you slowly open your eyes and take one final deep breath out, noticing your heart rate has managed to go at its normal pace again.
“I’m right here, don’t think about anything else,” he began to cup your cheeks and inched slightly closer to your face. That small action truly made your heart flutter and at the same time calm yourself down from your panic attack. Never had you ever been able to calm down from one so quickly. It usually took Jisung 20-30 minutes just to get you to sit open your eyes and look at him.
“Thank you, I’m feeling way better now. Oh god, that was so embarrassing I’m sorry-”
“Please don’t ever apologize. It wasn’t embarrassing at all - it’s completely normal to experience this..and I heard from Jisung this isn’t your first time?” his hands then drop to your lap trying to give you as much comfort as he could.
“Yeah...I tend to not do well in crowds, now I realize we’ve never spent time together at such a busy place ‘till today” you chuckled, still taking deep breaths here and there.
“Ahh I see I see, I’m sorry if the way I helped you was uncomfortable or anything, I’m not familiar with these kinds of things..But I’m willing to learn to take better care of you!” Changbin rushed to the second part of his sentence, you could feel your ears turning red at his enthusiasm to want to help you out.
“Don’t worry, you did great! Thank you for getting me out of there too, it really helped.”
“Of course”
The two of you then stared at the view in front of you - the sun was still shining bright considering you didn’t even get through half the day yet. Unfortunately at this point, you were not in the mood to enter the carnival again and just wanted to go home. You were wondering how to tell Changbin when-
“You wanna just crash at the dorm and binge movies instead? I’m kinda lazy to go back there”
You smiled at his suggestion and nodded. He jumped off the back of his truck and extended his hand to help you get off as well. With his grasp of your hand, you again felt the sense of comfort in him that you always knew he gave you. Only this time, you could slightly sense that he was feeling the same way. Perhaps it was just the butterflies in your stomach talking, right?
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drethanramslay · 4 years
Perfect (Happy Birthday Bree!!)
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Pairing: Ethan x MC (Leah Garcia)
Word count: 1500 words
Warning: None, this is just a load of fluff 
Author’s note: Happy birthday @jamespotterthefirst​, the most talented and amazing writer🎂🎂 Hope you have a great day and keep rocking babe❤
I have taken part in @wackydrabbles so the prompt will be in bold 
Title inspiration: Perfect by Ed Sheeran 
Forgive me if i make any mistakes 🥺
"Happy birthday, doctor!" A cheerful nurse greeted as Ethan stood at the nurses' station, signing charts at a break-neck speed.
"Hrm." He answered absent-mindedly, not even bothering to look up from the file and continued to look down at it as of it were the most interesting case but the fact is that Ethan did not care to celebrate his birthday.
But if Leah were to hear that, she would have him by his balls.
And Ethan wasn't one to go against a woman with a mission. She had said that they would do something in the evening and Ethan was low key looking forward to it, which is quite the growth from a year ago.
According to Ethan, birthdays were irrational. He couldn't figure out the entire hype to celebrate the day which is just a marker that you are one year closer to death. Sure it's a pessimistic way to see it but Ethan never promised to have a positive outlook on life.
No wonder Leah calls me the human equivalent of a robot.
The thought just whispered into his head which had him halting what he was doing and a small smile made its way on his lips.
Just her very name has his face splitting into a wide grin. Her very presence has this flux of endorphins in his system that he feels as if his heart is going to burst or a blush would sear through his cheeks.
She was his Kryptonite. Yes, Leah had taught him that reference when they watched that Super-boy movie.
Coming back to his birthday, Leah had wished him in the morning itself which comprises of affectionate kisses with a side of old man jokes.
Or you could say it was the other way around.
She then proceeded to give him a hand-knitted scarf which she made along with this gold plated bar set which he had been eyeing for a couple of months but never had the chance to buy it.
"I hope you like it?" She had asked in a tiny voice, watching his every expression.
"Leah, you are the best gift I could ever have. You didn't have to go all the way out for me."
And it was true. Leah just wishing him was the only thing that mattered to him. Nothing could compare to it. Just like the shine of glitters can't compare to the radiance of the sun. But Leah just pressed her lips in a soft kiss and said that he deserved the best of everything.
I am so lucky to have a partner like her.
He shut the file and submitted the last chart to the nurse. He lifted his left wrist to check the time and he noticed that there was only an hour of work left before he could head back to their home.
With a sudden burst of motivation, he turned down the hallway to visit his next patient.
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It would be an understatement to say that Leah was nervous.
The pressure of this entire evening being perfect weighed down on her like a pile of bricks. She paced in the living room, digging tracks from her walking back and forth so that she could work off the nervous energy settling into the pit of her stomach. The posh, classical music did nothing to calm her racing heart down.
Will he like it? The doubt filtered through her head which had her gulping and smoothening the little black dress which Ethan liked a lot.
Jenner whined, sensing her distress. She trotted towards the stressed intern and nuzzled against her leg, stopping Leah in her tracks.
"Hey, girl... Guess I'm just overthinking huh?" Leah ran her fingers through Jenner's silky ears and scratched behind her ears which earned her a happy bark.
The sound of the door unlocking had the duo looking up. Jenner cocked her head before running to greet her dad. His familiar baritone voice echoed through the hallway leading to the living room. Leah ran her eyes around the apartment, just running a final check to see if anything was out of sight.
She had lit candles all around the house and turned the lights down low, to set the relaxed ambience of the place.
But that wasn't the main event.
She had come home early so that she could cook an entire extravagant meal for him. From butter garlic shrimps and stir fry vegetables as appetizers to Pastelon which is Puerto Rican version of traditional Italian lasagna as the entrée. She had used her grandma's recipe which has been passed down for generations on her Father's side of the family. Last but not the least, she had baked him a coffee cake which was the only flavour he liked.
She had set the table out on the balcony because it was a wonderful weather and nothing beats a candlelit dinner under a starry night.
"Leah?" His voice called out and she turned to face him with an incandescent smile which beautifully complimented against the dancing shadows of the lit candles. She walked towards his open arms and embraced him.
Hugging Ethan was something she thoroughly enjoyed, The way this man was all hard and soft at the same time often blew her mind away. The way his arms would tighten around her waist and the way he would tuck her head under his chin was her personal heaven. His cologne mixed with his manly essence was intoxicating, which blanketed her senses, making her feel safe and at peace.
Placing a soft affectionate kiss on her forehead, they pulled back just enough to see each other's face.
"Hey yourself, E."
"So what is this surprise you have planned for me?"
Leah chuckled, her hands looping around his neck. Her fingers played with the short hairs on his nape as she looked at him adoringly. "Eager are we?"
"If it comes to you? Always." He pecked her lips.
"Good. Go get fresh and meet me at the balcony."
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Ethan and Leah were having fun.
They had popped open the champagne bottle which Ethan had stored for a special occasion and poured copious amounts into the sparkly glasses. And the food was amazing.
The way Ethan devoured the food and gave compliments every now and then made Leah smile with pride.
"Sunshine, you have to feed me more Puerto Rican dishes because this is delicious," Ethan said as he sipped on his champagne.
"I am not as good as my dad. He can make so many more yummy dishes than me. He actually hosts a cookout Sunday for the boys working at his security firm. I have only been to a few but they are super fun."
"You have already met my dad so I think it is about time I have to meet yours."
A rosiness settled on her cheeks as she smiled back at him. "Of course. I know he will like you."
Giving a smile which has his eyes glimmering like the stars, they went back to their meal. After a while, with their stomachs full and plates wiped clean, Leah rose from her seat. Ethan shot her a questioning look but she just kissed his cheek.
"I baked a cake for you. Just getting it out so that we can cut it, old man."
Ethan groaned as Leah chuckled. "I am not that old, okay? I'm a millennial!"
"Whatever you say, gramps."
She went indoors to take the cake out of the fridge, where she had placed it after icing it. A sudden thunder resounded throughout the penthouse, which had her raising her eyebrow.
Rain? But the weather forecast said it won't...
She placed the cake on the counter and headed out only to find Ethan standing there, with his eyes closed and enjoying the raindrops washing his face. The water seeped through his black shirt, making it cling to the hard planes of his chest. A small smile played on his lips.
"Ethan? Come in, you will fall sick." She said as she stood at the threshold. To be honest, there was a reservation in her voice because it had been so long since she has seen him so peaceful.
"No, I will be fine. Come, join me." His eyes smoldered as they fell on Leah and it felt as if she was hypnotized by his brilliant blue eyes.
She walked towards him and instantly Ethan settled his hands on her waist. Placing her hands on his chest they just swayed to a rhythm of their own.
"Are we really dancing without music?" She whispered as she looked up at him.
"What can I say sunshine... you make me want to dance even when the music stops."
The cool raindrops fell on her flushed face while Ethan smiled down at her gently.
"I hope you liked your birthday, Ethan."
She wrapped her arms around him and placed her face on his chest, this heartbeat lulling her into her own safe haven.
"I won't forget this. Ever. This was by far the best so thank you, Leah. I love you so much."
"I love you too."
I would have attached pictures but a bitch is lazy 😔✊
Taglist: Tagging separately because that seems so effective
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nicka-nell · 4 years
I'm Kiyoomi Sakusa and I'm a germaphobe - Chapter 34: From nightmare to dream and picture book (END)
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Words: 2.357 Warning: fluff, manga spoiler
Chapter 33 -  When everything breaks, I believe in you.     | Masterlist
(y/n) = your name | (l/n) = last name | (e/c) = eye colour | (h/c) = hair colour  | (c/n) = child name
Time flies and Kiyoomi holds his little miracle in his arms and hopes that her first words will be Father and not Mother. (y/n) is still at the weekly market when Kiyoomi sits on the couch with his little daughter and holds her tiny hands in his. “Fa- ther.” he forms the words with his mouth. But the little one looks at him questioningly. “Fa-ther” he repeats, but again nothing. Slightly sulking, he lifts her up and holds her tightly in his arm. “It’s no big deal. You don’t have to say Father yet. You’re still my little princess.” lovingly, he gives her a kiss on her little nose and watches her smile on him joyfully. It looks so funny when such a small creature smiles without teeth. “Kiyoomi? Darling? Are you there?” he hears the voice of (y/n). “We’re in the living room!” he calls to her. With the groceries in hand, she walks past the two into the kitchen, followed by Kiyoomi and her little ones. “Do you need help?” he asks, with his daughter still in his arms. “No. Thank you, darling.” she smiles and greets her husband and their daughter with many kisses. “Hello my little (c/n).” (y/n) greets her. “Mo-ther!” she mumbles incoherently to herself. Both look at her with big eyes. “Did she just say mother?” asks (y/n) Kiyoomi. For real? All the time he’s practicing the word father with her and the first thing she says is mother? “No, I think she said father.” Kiyoomi tries to talk himself into it. “She must have said mother.” (y/n) grins mischievously and looks over again in (c/n). “Did you say Mo- ther or Fa- ther my little sunshine?” Her tiny hands still cling to Kiyoomis shirt as she looks at her mother. “Mo- ther, mo- ther, mother.” she says a little louder and faster. (y/n) looks triumphantly over to Kiyoomi with her eyebrow raised, who turns away from her with an eye roll and sulking mouth. “You won. You two have already conspired against me. How will that be when she can speak properly?” he keeps pouting. “Come on, honey, come on. Don’t be such a bad loser.” (y/n) calls him from the kitchen. “Yes...” he murmurs surly and sits down on the couch with(c/n). - Kiyoomi is often at his training. However, try to take as much time as possible for his family. Because his family is the most important thing to him. He doesn’t want (y/n) to be solely responsible for the education. After all, they decided to have a child together. Therefore, he only plays as a substitute for the Japanese national team. But still has to come to important games. Today he has another game, fortunately in Japan. Somewhat tensely, he says goodbye to his two favorite in the morning and then goes to the hall where the game will take place. The hall is filled with several hundred thousand people and the crowd is raging as they see the players of the national team enter the hall. “So many people...” he muttered as he looked around the hall. “Hey, Sakusa, how’s your wife and daughter? Are they also at the game today?” he hears Ushijimas voice behind him. Thoughtfully he turns to his fellow player and stays in his movement. “Ushijima. (y/n) is fine and (c/n) is also fine. They are not here today. I think (y/n) wanted to meet my father.” He mumbles to himself. “Oh... To bad... I haven't seen them in a while. Maybe we’ll see them again at practice soon? Will you bring them back soon?” he asks curiously. Because he likes (y/n) and he also likes little (c/n). She liked to be lifted up by him or sit on his shoulders. “I can ask them if they want to come next time. Yes.” he answers him with a small smile. But what he doesn’t know, (y/n) had talked to his coach and managed to stand behind the barrier with her little daughter in the front row. She wore one of Kiyoomis jerseys and had also bought her little princess a small jersey, which was still too big for her, because the jerseys were only for children from three years. (y/n), with her daughter in her arms and (c/n), with a rattle and a flag bearing her father’s name, are looking for Kiyoomi. They start the game and Kiyoomi has the serve. “Go Dad! Go Dad!” brings him the voice of a very familiar person from the concept. With his eyes searching for the voice, he looks into the crowd until he sees his wonderful wife and his beloved daughter standing in the front row with a wide smile. A narrow but loving smile draws his face, and he waves to the two briefly, but then concentrates again on the game and makes one of his best serves. It is not easy for their team to play against such a strong team as the Argentina's. But after two exhausting hours they can look forward to it. Because they did it and they won. The players embrace each other with joy, but Kiyoomi is the first to break away from the embrace of his comrades. Then he wants to go to his wife and daughter. Hold them in his arms. “What a nice surprise that you two are here.” he greets them joyfully and hugs them. “You did a great job, darling.” (y/n) grins and gives him a kiss. “Great Dad! Great Dad!” Even the little pretty (c/n), who sits on (y/n)’s arms, is happy. She has her eyes, but her father’s dark and curly hair. “Come here my little one!” Like a proud father, he takes her out of (y/n)’s arms and lifts her up. The cameras on them don’t bother him. Because the most important thing right now is his family. “Hello (y/n)!” Ushijima greets her and looks at Kiyoomi. “Didn’t you say they weren’t here today?” Laughing, (y/n) beats her hand on his shoulder. “That was a surprise. He didn’t know we were going to be here." With a barely visible smile Ushijima looks from (y/n) over to (c/n), who also looks at him joyfully and reaches her hands out to him. “Wow just look at yourself (c/n). You've grown up so well my pretty girl. Shall we look again at the clouds and let you fly?” he asks her. She joyfully raises her hands, cause on Ushijimas shoulders everything looks completely different. After the departure of the Argentine team, the team decides to go to Osamu together with (y/n) and her little one to celebrate their victory. Having arrived there, Osamu is already expecting the troop, but is most looking forward to his little princess. When he sees her, he approaches Kiyoomi with sparkling eyes and takes the little one from his arms. “There’s my little princess! Do you want to come back to the kitchen with Uncle Osamu and make Onigiris?” he asks joyfully. “Yes! Uncle Osamu is great, but dad is greater!” Laughing, (y/n) puts her hand on her stomach. “That means better, my pretty one.” Thoughtfully she looks at her mother and then looks at Osamu again. “Dad is better!” She grins, but that’s fine with him. As long as he’s in second place with Kaede, that’s okay. When the two disappear in the kitchen, Kiyoomi and (y/n) sit down next to Atsumu, who still pouts because the small whirlwind did not want to come to him. She kept saying that Atsumu was a stray. Whoever taught him that... “Don’t sulk around Atsumu...” sighs Kiyoomi, who puts his hand on his forehead. “Did you really teach (c/n) I’m a stray? What's wrong with you Omi-Omi?” he keeps pouting. “But I'm right with that. Who knows where you’ve been all day.”, hisses Kiyoomi. Atsumu wants to answer him just as a voice prevents him. “Can we join you all?” This voice... He knows that voice. Somewhat surprised, Kiyoomi looks at the entrance and sees Kaede and his father entering the restaurant. “Father?” he asks a little surprised. “I wanted to congratulate you on your victory. Besides, I wanted to see my granddaughter. (y/n) told me she wasn’t coming to me today, but that I could come to the store after your game.” With raised corners of the mouth, Kiyoomi greets the two men. Not only did he have a wonderful wife by his side, an incredibly great child, friends who stand by him, and a well-running career. He has had very good contact with his father since his accident. He and his siblings were at their wedding and congratulated the two. He didn’t want his mother there. He didn’t forgive her for what she did to (y/n). His father is often at their home and plays with (c/n), reads to her or makes a few trips with her. His siblings also visit the three regularly. And his cousin? Yes, he is there almost every week and does a lot with them. And from Osamu and Kaede he doesn’t even have to start. The two are felt thirty of twenty-four hours a day there. They always help (y/n) when Kiyoomi is abroad. Sometimes he has to admit that he is also jealous. Because the men were also there in situations in which Kiyoomi himself would have liked to participate, but he had to go abroad for a volleyball game. For example, Kaede was there when (c/n) first said 'Dad is the best'. Osamu was there when she got her first tooth. But Kiyoomi was also there in many situations. He was there when she took her first steps, at her first word. When she was sick for the first time, (y/n) and he sat at her bed all night and measured her fever. He was also the one who got up at night when (c/n) cried. The only thing he didn’t like was changing diapers. To this day, he does not understand how such a small person can bring so much out of herself and how the diaper dustbin can stink so much. “But then you have to get her away from her beloved uncle Osamu.” (y/n) grins and puts her hand on Kiyoomis lap. Your touch gets him out of his mind. “Wait! Osamu won’t be the better uncle!” Kaede hisses sulking and stomping towards the kitchen. Followed by Bokuto and Atsumu, who also believe that Osamu should not be the only one who can seize this sweet little princess. Also Hinata wants to play again and runs after the men. “Osamu! Give us (c/n) finally! She is not just yours. We all want to play with her and make her laugh. The little mouse doesn’t always have to sit in the kitchen with you!” Atsumu calls to his brother as he stomps into the kitchen. “Yes Osamu! Just because you’re her godfather doesn’t mean she can’t do anything with her real uncle. So give me my little princess.” Kaede also calls to him into the kitchen, followed by Bokuto and Hinata. Ushijima, who is sitting at the table in front of Kiyoomi, clears his throat and stands up. “If you’ll excuse me. I have to go to the bathroom.” He says in a quiet monotonous tone. But he does not move towards the toilets, but also goes into the kitchen. “Don’t be so loud. You still scare little (c/n).” he says earnestly and goes over to Osamu, who holds (c/n) in his arms and protects her from the men in the kitchen. “May I?” asks Ushijima and takes without waiting for an answer, (c/n) from Osamus arms. “We both wanted to fly again after the game. Right?” Usually Ushijima never smiles. But (c/n) warms his heart, and without realizing it, his corners of his mouth warp. “Yes! Fly, fly, fly!” she shouts joyfully, while Ushijima puts her on his shoulders. “Excuse us.” are the last words that come out of Ushijima as he passes the men together with (c/n). Partly sulking, partly with open mouths, they all stand silently in the kitchen and look after Ushijima as he walks away with little (c/n). “But she’s still far too young to leave with such a serious person as Ushijima. She needs idiots like us...” Bokuto sulks. “She grows up so fast.” Atsumu complains when his brother pulls a rag through his face. “So! Now get out of my kitchen!” “If I’d known we were going to bring such a crazy bunch together, I would have stayed in bed today.” Kiyoomi sighs a little desperately and leans his head against (y/n)’s shoulder. “But this colorful bunch belongs to us Kiyoomi. They love us and we love them, too.” (y/n) answers, lovingly scratching his head with her hand. Yes, this colorful bunch belongs to them and somehow it also completes their colorful picture book. Kiyoomi would never have thought that he would be so happy at some point. And all this is thanks to (y/n). Her, her personality and his then sprained index finger. “I love you, my queen.” He whispers softly and a gentle smile draws his lips. “I love you too, darling.” Together with (y/n), he is already looking forward to getting old and cranky and sitting together with her in two rocking chairs on the terrace. Holding her wool while she knits little baby socks for her grandchildren. In the end, it was not wrong to face his fear... although he is still a germaphobe and could not completely overcome his fear... because he has gained something wonderful instead... A life like a picture book.
Taglist: @kara-grayson04​ @suna-allie​ @pleasemelafook-outta-ere​
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drakewalkerisreal · 5 years
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Chapter 10: Thoughts are free to go anywhere
Amour Sans Fin
Note from writer:I apologize to all regular readers of Amour Sans Fin for disappearing. I was really sick and wasn't able to write.I promise to post regularly from now on.
The chapter contains mention of sexual abuse and violence. So its strictly not for under 18.
This chapter will be more of Riley's POV than Drake's.
Drake’s POV
Waking up can be really harsh, especially if your dreams are better than reality. The saddest part of it is, that eventually even the memory of your dream will fade. If you are even lucky enough to remember, then you're left with this lonely feeling of detachment, the only proof that you ever had the dream.
I half wonder if I'm still dreaming as I sit up to take in the shafts of light that burst through the gaps of the blinds. Now I'm awake, perhaps more fully awake than I've ever been. There is no sign of another person. As usual.
Mostly I get up early morning for jogging. Suddenly I remembered the events of last night and what I was dreaming about. I didn’t realize that I was smiling the whole time. I kissed her. Not in real but in my dream. We were kissing like crazy on the stone stairs. She was clinging to me and my fingers were roaming in her hair. She smelled like roses. My palms travelled down her body on both sides and rested at her waist. She moaned. She kissed me as if it was her first, like no man had ever kissed her, soft and moist and hot and breathy, not trying to win a battle but seeking union and closeness and the sharing of one breath, one sensation, one timeless and passionate moment. The heat rose in her cheeks as my tongue touched her tongue, quick and electric and delicious. My palms were cupping her ass cheeks now. I pulled her even closer to me.
A knock on the door woke up to reality. It was just a dream. Nothing like this has happened previous night but I danced with her. Yes, I danced with her.
I dragged my body to door.
“Morning Drake” It was Bastien. “I thought you would be awake already. Didn’t get up for jogging?”
No, I was awake late last night coz I was feeding Liam’s suitor and a few seconds ago my tongue was battling with hers in my thoughts before you barged in.
“Umm. Last night was tiring” I replied lazily.
“Yeah, Dancing can be tiring sometimes” He said straight.
I searched for any hint of sarcasm in his voice but found nothing.
“Liam wants you to get ready. We are leaving for Palace in half an hour”
“Okay. I go” I shrugged.
I got ready and reached the Patio. Everybody was ready to get back. Regina and Constantine were making announcements for Royal Regatta tomorrow. It is Ceremonial Boat Race where Liam’s suitors will have to lead a boat to win a race. My eyes searched for her. She was talking to Penelope and Kiara; throwing her hands like a kid. I suddenly realized that I was staring at her like a hungry man. Suddenly her eyes met mine and she smiled. Before, I can give any reaction she continued talking with them again.
I definitely need some art of living class, man! Sometimes, I even forget to greet with smile. Fuck!
Suddenly Liam clapped at my shoulder. I hope he didn’t notice that I was staring at his favourite suitor. And that too like a pervert.
Riley’s POV
Its been more than a month since Maxwell literally took me to this fairyland. Who expected something like this to happen when your life is most usual and common in every sense? I was not sure at first about my decision to join this mad race but finally I thought what worse can happen?
My life is already shittier than I have ever expected. I still don’t believe that I am out of reach of Luke. I don’t want to see him again in my life. I don’t want to get into any relationship serious or casual in near future. I have had enough. I never thought that a causal relationship would have hurt me this amount. Not just physically but mentally.
May be nobody was there to guide me all this time what to look in a boyfriend. I was so naïve and childish. That’s why all of this happened with me. He did all that to me and I was not brave enough to come out of it.
As soon as Maxwell invited me to compete for Prince’s hand, past few years swirled in my mind. How my parents almost abandoned me. How I earned in worst conditions to at least feed my hunger? How I completed my college without any family support? How I met Luke? How relationship with him turned into an ugly face? How he used to beat me in alone or in front of his cronies? How sex has become less pleasure and became more painful with him?
Finally, I accepted Maxwell’s invitation and went away with it. It was not very ideal meeting with Cardonian men at my work place. Yet I can’t deny they are handsome people. Maxwell looked nice and funny. Tariq was fussy, yet he looked stylish. Liam was most gentle person of all. And there he was, Drake. The angry head-- Mr Grumpy. He mostly keeps it to himself. He looks like those men who keep girls at their arm’s length and are arrogant. Although I like bulky and tall man but I always had problem with such attitude. When I changed into that green dress, he accidently said 'wow' and then made a face like I am not even worth praising. What attitude??
I took them to beach. Liam enjoyed it. Maxwell was funny and humorous. Drake’s attitude annoyed me there too. I reckon he didn’t like me talking to Liam. I ignored him. But I wonder how can someone hate me even in very first meeting.
Maxwell called me next morning. He explained me the whole thing and expected me to answer over call. He explained there will be no problem as Cardonia offers Visa on arrival. He promised to arrange everything. Finally, I said yes. Let’s go with it.
Atleast I will be away from Luke and he won’t be able to find me. I didn’t even inform about it to anyone except Daniel. He is the only friend whom I can trust. There was no family I needed to inform. Nobody cares.
I packed my stuff hurriedly. I ran to chase the airplane. It was first time that I travelled on a private airplane.
Drake was on plane too which annoyed me to hell. When Maxwell told me that why he invited me Cardonia, Drake’s reaction was most snarky. Dude! what have I done to you. He tried to frighten me with all the possible warnings. Huh!! I already had enough and became tough. I won’t be getting hurt easily.
Maxwell supported me all the time. I already started liking him. I hope Liam will be like him and not Drake.
Finally, Drake got busy in his music and Maxwell explained me everything about Cardonia on the way.
I looked at him while sleeping. This man looked ruggedly handsome who is now sleeping peacefully. He has tousled brown hair. Does he behave same with every girl or I am his special choice of hatred?
He must be thinking that I am here for Liam’s money. Yes. Money is worth a thing when you don't have much yet I seek a peaceful life.
Somewhere inside I always wanted a family. With Luke, I behaved like an independent girl because he wanted me to capture and keep in his cage. When I was with him most of the boys don’t even try to pursue me. He has reputation of badass. I always pretended to be independent and carefree. Inside, I want someone to take care of me, to look for me, to protect me. I always imagined a knight in shining amour who will come and rescue me from all this mess. But fairytales won’t happen in real.
First event of the social season was Masquerade ball where all suitors were introduced. Maxwell ensured that my entry was at least sophisticated. They called me ‘Lady Riley Brooks from New York’.
Nobody called me with such a formal name before. It’s not very common in New York. I doubt most of the people around me in New York didn’t even know my last name.
I entered the main hall in the dress that Beaumont brothers provided me with. That was a white mermaid style dress which hugged me perfectly. Bertrand wished me to wear mask but I refused to wear any. At first, I didn’t find any known face in the main hall. It felt very awkward without any acquaintance here.
Where is Maxwell when I need him the most.
Suddenly, I saw Drake standing in the blue formal shirt.
Oh, this person knows how to look like a gentleman.
Since I didn’t know anyone else, I moved to him and he behaved as charming as ever and lashed me with his snarky comments.
Urgh!! he was so annoying and called me ‘Kid’. I spotted Hana and went to her. She is a savior. Hana is the sweetest girl here.
Then, there was Olivia who was so rude that I can consider Drake sweet over her. She tried to play prank and embarrass me on my very first night. I escaped it narrowly.
I was looking for Liam as I was eager to know his reaction. He was really sweet to me in New York. I hoped I didn’t disappoint him here. It’s not that I like him but he seems to be nice guy and, after all, he is a king.
When Liam saw me, he looked amazed. He was so polite and humble, just too good for me. I know he is interested in me. He asked me to join in the balcony. I am not looking forward for a relationship but yes, it was hard to say no to Liam. When I walked to the balcony, he was already waiting for me. I bowed to him but he made me comfortable. He looked handsome as ever and was dressed up perfectly. I enjoyed talking to him. Even if our relationship doesn’t go well, we can be good friends.
Next day was Derby event. Maxwell and Bertrand drove me to Honey Hills down in their Limo. I never sat in a Limo before. As a matter of fact, I never owned a car.
As soon as I entered the place, the press reporters gathered around me and bombarded me with their questions. I was nervous at first but I knew I have nothing to lose so I went on with the questions. They surprisingly liked me. They already knew that I have met Liam somewhere else before and eager to know about it.
Maxwell told me to look for the tents so I went on the expedition to find one. But I accidently found myself in a horse stable. I thought, I could ask someone which is the way to tents. I called but no one replied. Suddenly I turned back and found a horse moving towards me. Shit. The horse looked so angry at me as if I have breached his territory.
I was unable to think of anything and moved a few steps back which made me fall in a stack of hay. I was terrified with the idea of losing at least my one or two bones. Suddenly someone came between the horse and me. Is he?
He led the horse towards his stall, then offered me his hand to get up.
Am I in the parallel universe? Drake Walker saved me from a horse and offering me his hand.
I said thanks to him for saving me. I was still terrified but yeah, I am back in the real world. He told me that he was saving the horse.
What’s up with him? Mr. Grumpy!!
I wondered what was he doing here all by chance. Drake told me that Liam asked him to look out for me. Liam is a real gentleman. Wow!! I like how much he’s concerned.
Drake led me to the tents and I thanked him once again. Even if he was told by Liam but it’s true that he saved me and I could get really hurt if he wasn’t there.
Derby event was all about fancy nobles gathered together and boasting about their wealth. Maxwell told me before that Drake hated these noble due to these show offs and hypocrite behavior. I could understand the feeling now. Being a commoner it’s hard to survive here.
Next, we had to go for the tea party picnic. Such events are too weird for a New Yorker. Maxwell told me that press is calling me ‘Mysterious woman from New York’. These people can really make a hill out of mole. I don’t think there is anything mysterious about me. Hell, yeah it sounds cool.
I saw all the girls gathering around queen Regina. She looked like a complex lady. If such woman becomes my mother-in-law, I’ll be doomed for sure.
There was some blonde girl with her. Hana told me she is Madeleine and she almost won Leo’s hand before he abdicated the throne. How unfortunate?? But she looked so creepy in a way.
Finally, I met Regina. It’s curious that Regina doesn’t look like Liam at all. She asked me some questions to check my wit and I knew I impressed her. Seeing me talking to Regina, Liam joined us. I knew that he wants me to go well with Regina.
It was pleasant conversation till Madeleine joined. This woman is really cruel as she seems at prima facie. It looked like I have to tackle one more to survive. She embarrassed me for being a commoner in a subtle way that neither Liam nor Regina seemed to noticed it. I didn’t know that they ignored it intentionally or people don’t mind such petty things here. I looked around the crowd for Maxwell or Hana. My eyes met Drake. He was looking directly at me. It looked like he was trying to understand what’s going on here.
Urge! Does he care? Obviously, No.
Maybe he wanted to tell me that he is right about this place and his dire warnings are justified now.
Everybody sat for snacks served. I was too hungry that I can eat them all. Drake was again fussy about the place and I taunted him well. I was amused to see that everybody agreed with me that he and fun doesn’t go together. I gave him the winning smile.
Don’t mess with me Walker.
Enough of all the formal events, I proposed to go for drinks and to my surprise Drake agreed immediately. Liam and Hana were confused about it but finally agreed to go. Maxwell found a nearby American style bar named “Sehnsucht’.
It was all dark when we entered the place. Suddenly we looked up and saw discarded bras, underwear and old bike parts hanging from the ceiling. Hana and I looked at each other with wide eyes. I never imagined such place in Cardonia and that too I’ll go there with some foreigner man I didn’t knew a week ago.
I accidently looked at Drake and he blushed. I never knew he is shy kind of guy.
Maxwell was excited as usual for a new adventure. I am sure, Liam never have visited such place before. He is a total gentleman type of guy.
Drake volunteered to get the drinks. I offered to go with him as I wanted to check out the drink’s menu. We ordered some beer from the menu. Drake immediately was up for paying. Although I don’t have much in my card but I am not such girl who let boys pay all the time. However, Drake didn’t let me pay.
Finally, I breathed and asked him why he hates me. This was the first time and I looked him in his eyes.
He has brown eyes with a hint of golden.
He said that he is too straightforward that’s why people can’t handle it and found him rude. I reckon he was genuine in his reply.
In the conversation, I got to know that he’s half American. That was a real surprise. But this man is annoying as hell. He must be only two or a few years older than me and was already calling me kid.
Apart from this, the night went like crazy. Everybody enjoyed it. I loved the look on face of Liam and Hana as they must not get much any chances to get high like this. The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. This drinking session gave me the idea that I can have some of the best buddies here and finally can have freedom.
@drakewalker04 @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @emceesynonymroll @star-spangled-eyes @dcbbw    @jovialyouthmusic @drakesensworld   @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria @ao719 @duchessemersynwalker
@pug-bitch   @rainbowsinthestorm @burnsoslow @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @iplaydrake   @katedrakeohd   @nikkis1983 @qween-corgis @thorfosterlove @butindeed
 @gardeningourmet @speedyoperarascalparty
@pedudley @ibldw-main @irishwhiskys-blog @inlovewithwalker @addictedtodrakefanfic
@notoriouscs @grumpymarshmallowswife
@maria-soederberg @camersworld
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Counting the Years
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Gryffindor!Reader
Word Count: 4, 023
A/N: just an idea I had that i thought might be cute~ i may have messed with certain events to make this work
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You've become close to the whole Weasley family over the years, and you'd always gotten along great with the twins, but there was something about Fred that always seemed to linger in your thoughts after he'd leave the room.
You've also fallen hopelessly for one of your best friend's older brothers— how pathetic and typical of a trope is that?
Let's count through the years to see how you came to free fall for years without even noticing until now.
Year 1
You had just been sorted into Gryffindor, and you couldn't be happier as a crowd of students welcomed you to the table.
You had been worried about sitting under the sorting hat, especially after all your newly made friends from the train ride here had been sorted into the same house. Harry, Ron, and Hermione had all been so kind to you, despite you being so shy and stumbling into their cabin after all the others being full. You really liked them, and after the unfortunate exchange between Harry and that nasty Malfoy boy in the hall, you were even more afraid due to your blood status, which seemed to matter a lot more than you thought it would. Walking up the steps to the stool, your anxiety had taken over as your mind raced, you knew for sure the hat would see how scared you were and thought it wouldn't deem you brave enough. You were so shocked upon hearing the sorting hat shout "Gryffindor!" after taking so long to contemplate.
You were so surprised, in fact, that you froze on the spot long enough to embarrass yourself, earning a some nasty snickers from the same group of boy from earlier. Thankfully though, Hermione snapped you out of your daze and led you to the table to be welcomed enthusiastically by wizards and witches in red-accented robes.
Among those students, was none other than Fred Weasley, who had at first introduced himself a George along with his brother who introduced himself as Fred, and kept switching names throughout the welcome dinner, making you feel like you were home.
Year 2
It was Gryffindor vs. Slytherin, the game that was to be a major showdown between Harry and Draco, and you couldn't wait to see your team take the match.
From the start, you and Hermione noticed that something felt off. It became clear when the bludger kept targeting Harry, and you nearly had a heart attack when it almost killed him after he was already down. Rushing to the field close behind Hermione, you could already the damage from his fall. Everything was taken care of in the end, but if that incident proved anything, is that you're Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher was a bloody imbecile.
You had gone to check up on Harry later, when you saw the twins were already there. They saw you approaching and waved to you in unison. George continued to speak with Harry whilst the other Weasley walked over to where you stood a short distance away.
"Hi," you greeted him, casting a glance past his shoulders to wave at the other boys.
"Hey," Fred wore a sullen expression, something clearly on his mind.
"How is he?" You asked, reminded of the reason why you came.
"He'll be all right I reckon," he looked back at Harry as he nervously scratched the back of his head. "I'm really sorry, Y/N."
"What are you sorry for?" You inquired, registering his defeated tone.
"Georgie and I are the beaters, we should have—"
"No," your voice was stern, but still as soft as always. "You did what you could, that ball was cursed, and Harry made the decision; an 'accident' was bound to happen."
"We didn't want to leave him alone—"
"Fred," you stopped him, reaching up to place a comforting hand on his shoulder as you offered him an emphatic smile. "It wasn't your fault, okay?"
Your hand held his attention for a moment— long enough to make you feel self-conscious about the gesture and you instantly brought it back to your side. Fred nodded, as though not to argue about the guilt he felt any longer, and you gave him another smile in return.
"Here," you pulled out a bag of sweets from your robe. "I brought these for Harry, but I'm sure he won't mind you taking one."
Year 3
"I heard the news, great job guys!" You exclaimed, pulling both twins into a hug where you'd be sandwiched in the middle. They both thanked you, chuckling and making a few jokes about cheating, but you knew they wouldn't. "Who knew the Weasley twins had brains?" you teased them.
"Oi! I take offense to that," George put a dramatic hand over his chest, and you laughed at his antics before once again congratulating them, and bidding them goodbye.
"Hey, Y/N," Fred caught up to your smaller strides in a few seconds, lightly tapping you shoulder as he continued to walk by your side in the hall. "I heard about what those Slytherin girls said to you and Hermione," he brought up the topic on a more serious tone, genuine concern in his expression as he spoke.
"Oh," is all you thought of as a response. That scene was something you had tried to keep quiet about, but it was bound to reach him. The same group had always bullied you and called you that dreadful name since the first time you held the top scores back in your first year. Hermione of course played the situation off perfectly like she always did, but you stood there frozen, like you always do.
"They're probably just jealous that the two of you alone basically got Gryffindor all the points for the cup— you're bloody brilliant, you know that?" he chuckled, and you bit back a smile at the compliment. "Are you okay, though?" You nodded your head up and down without speaking. "Just say the word, and I'll make sure that word never leaves their mouths again— seriously, I'll hex them all if I have to." You laughed, knowing that he was half-kidding, and probably wouldn't do anything those unpleasant girls.
You then felt a gentle grasp on your shoulder, halting your steps. With a light pressure, he swiftly spun you to face him and pulled you into a hug— a surprising gesture, and once you processed what was happening, you gladly wrapped your arms around his taller frame and let yourself sink into his chest.
It was then that you noticed the comfort and support that came with being close to Fred Weasley.
Year 4
"George!" Arthur Weasley shouted through the oncoming crowd. "Ginny is your responsibility!"
That was the last familiar voice you heard before you got lost in the mayhem. You tried to follow your friends, but Harry was the first to be separated, and upon trying to get to him, so did you.
People around you were pushing and shoving their way through the mass of others that were doing exactly the same thing and you were being propelled around like a ping pong ball. A certain motion sickness settled in with your anxiety and you thought you might start crying or throw up— perhaps both. How the hell were you supposed to find your way to the portkey now? To make matters worse, you were then knocked to the ground, stepped on, and kicked.
Your saviour came in the form of an unidentified tall figure who lifted you off the ground and seemed to be examining— wait, could it be?
"Y/N! Are you okay- are you hurt?" Feeling immense relief, you grabbed onto whatever part of him you could.
"Fred," You felt like a complete coward clinging to his arm in the midst of all this chaos. Despite everything you've already been through with your friends, you were still scared out of your mind, and you grew absolutely terrified when you saw the ominous mark appear in the sky. "Fred, I-I'm—"
"I know," he told you, looking down at you with an intense, yet soft and comforting expression. "It's going to be okay, but first we have to get out of here— hold on!"
Grabbing your hand, he weaved his way through, never letting go of you. You almost fell for a second time, but he was quicker and pulled you to him.
After stumbling through more people, the two of you finally had a moment to catch your breaths away from all the madness.
"Thank you, Fred," you breathed out, pulling him into a tight hug like you could lose him at any second.
"Hey, are you okay?" He asked you again, giving you a once over to check for injuries with his eyebrows knit in concern.
"Yeah, I'm—"
"Bloody hell, that's a big one," he uttered, gently holding your arm where there was a huge patch of skin turning purple already.
"It's all right, it's just a bruise—"
"It's massive- and you've got a scratch here," he observed aloud as he pushed back stray hairs from your face to reveal the split skin at your eyebrow.
"Really, Fred, I'm okay," you reassured him and he gave you one of his signature grins. "Thank you, I don't know if I would have—"
"Of course you would have, although it certainly helps to have a handsome lad like me, doesn't it?"
"Yes," you agreed jokingly, rolling your eyes. He wasn't wrong though; it did help to have a handsome lad like him lead you out.
Year 5
You had heard of the Weasley twins' grand exit plan that would take place during your OWLs before anyone else did, but despite being close to them, they still hadn't told you exactly what they were doing yet.
It was approximately an hour before your first examination that Fred pulled you aside to wish you good luck.
Well, not only that but also to tell you, "I'll miss you."
"Of course you will," you said in a cocky, joking manner to rival his.
"Of course I will," he repeated, the humour notably less present in his tone as he spoke softly. There were a few seconds of silence that seemed like it stretched on for hours as you fell victim to the trance his warm, fudgy eyes put you in. But of course it was only a few seconds before he stayed true to character and resumed his usual shenanigans. "How could I not miss this face?!" He took your face between his index finger and thumb and squishes your cheeks together to make you look like an adorable chipmunk.
"Fred!" You shrieked as you attempted to wiggle your way out of his grasp.
"C'mon, admit it, you'll miss me too," he laughed as your efforts proved futile, and took the opportunity to tickle you.
"Okay, okay!" You succumbed to his expert knowledge of your vulnerable spots and backed away panting. "I'll miss you too," you said, returning to a calm, mellow tone. His lips curved into a soft smile as he reached forward to grab you gently by your shoulders and pull you to him.
You could have been imagining the light pressure, but you swear you felt him press his lip to the top of your head before letting go.
"I think you're what I'll miss most about Hogwarts, love," he remarked cheekily before running off, leaving you to wonder exactly what he meant by that.
Year 6
It was during the holiday break that you paid the Weasley twins a visit at their shop. You had gone before the school year started with the gang, but hadn't gotten to see them since.
The shop was bustling with customers searching for gifts and you scanned the aisles as you tried to spot the familiar red head of hair. You had already seen George since he greeted you at the door, and now you really wanted to see Fred.
As you continued your search, it became shorter than you expected as he came to you. He tapped on your shoulder and you were so excited to see him that you practically threw yourself into his arms.
"So, have you missed me?"
"You wish, Freddie," A small laugh escaped your lips as he dramatically acted hurt over your words.
"Merlin, Y/N, you could at least try to spare my little heart!"
"Thank you for that, ehm, cough potion by the way," you chided him, clearly not pleased. "I was actually ill, by the way, and instead of helping my symptoms, I ended up followed Seamus Finnegan around with heart eyes for a whole day!"
"Huh, only a day? I they're supposed to last longer than that..."
"Yeah, thanks to Harry! At least he knew what to do after the same thing happened to Ron as well!" You grumbled, shoving his shoulder lightly as he laughs at your unfortunate past predicament.
"In all honesty, though," he calms down, catching his breath. "I have missed you quite a bit." In a classic Fred manner, he coughed, and added, "W-We both have- Georgie and I that is—"
"Don't worry about your reputation, Fred Weasley, I won't tell anyone that you missed me SOOOOOOO MUUUUUUU—"
"All right, all right, I missed you a lot," he laughed, covering your mouth with his large hand. "Come and visit more often, yeah?"
"Will do, Freddie," He then pulled you into another one of his hugs you love so much, this time holding you so tight that your feet lifted off the ground, and let you go before you were ready. "I guess I'll be going, then."
"I wish you could stay longer."
"Me too, Freddie," you gave him a small smile that has a hint of sadness in it. You really did wish you could stay with him longer.
"I'll see you soon, Y/N."
Year 7
Yesterday had been the mission to get Harry to the safe house, and you had volunteered yourself to take the polyjuice potion.
You had been the last one to arrive, and it was an understatement to say you were quite shaken from the trip. After being separated from your own partner, you saw that Mad Eye had been left for dead by Mundungus, that weasel. Since you were disguised as Harry and didn't no linger had your companion, you tried to reach him as fast as you could, but you were too late. You bore witness to the fall of a great auror, and an even better man.
You hadn't come out of the journey unscathed either, you had a nasty gash on your shoulder from when you had been knocked off your broomstick. Thankfully, you had been fairly close to the ground and that's all you got away with, but you did nearly get hit by a bus in the street.
When you did finally arrive to the safe house, you assumed you were the last one since you could see a crowd formed around what seemed like an injured person laying on the couch through the living room window. Taking a moment to catch your breath, you walked slowly, faintly hearing Bill explain what happened to Alastor as you approached the entrance.
"What a-about- wh-where's Y/N?!" The sound of frantic concern in Fred's voice pierced through the walls. You focused on transforming back into yourself and ditch Harry's awfully dense glasses before entering quietly.
"I-I don't know where she is- sh-she went after Moody—" Bill never got to finish his explanation because that's when everyone notices your arrival.
"Y/N!" Fred was the first to run to you, causing you to stumble back from the sheer force of his body colliding with yours. If it weren't for how tightly he held you, you probably would have fallen backwards.
"Oh my- Georgie- is he oka—"
"What happened to your—"
"Y/N!" Your best friends rushed over to you, swerving around Fred, and your quartet was reunited with a massive group hug. Your eyes welled up from the immense relief you felt knowing that they were all safe, and came out of this mission without any serious injuries. Three pairs of arms hugged you tight, and although you were overjoyed by the heart-warming moment, you couldn't help but let out a small wince of pain at the pressure on your wound.
"Y/N, you're hurt," Hermione pointed out, her eyebrows knit together in worry as she observed it.
"It's just a scratch, really," you shrug— with your good shoulder— not wanting anyone to fuss over you when George clearly needed the medical attention more than you did. "Barely grazed the pavement," you tried to laugh it off despite it starting to burn now that your adrenaline levels were dwindling.
"I've had quite a few of those in my day," Remus declared, making his way to you. "Let me have a look, dear." You tried not to let your mind picture the worst and most irrational scenarios while you gauged his reaction as he examined the gash. At least it wasn't from a magical attack, the worse that could come from it was an infection. "A nasty one, but isn't too deep, should be easy enough," he stated, following up by taking out his wand and mumbling a spell that cleared away most of the blood caked on the skin surrounding the laceration as well as closing it up enough so that you wouldn't need stitches or any additional external healing procedures.
You started to thank him, but your words were cut short by Fred tackling you with yet another hug. His long arms wrapped around you and held your head tight to his chest as though he was trying to whisk you away from all possible harm.
"I almost thought I lost you," he whispers into your hair, and you could have imagined it, but you swear you heard his voice start to crack.
There were countless other instances, of course, where you'd establish certain levels of intimacy and fall into the relationship you have now— which is fairly close, but a lot more platonic than you would like. As you watch him joke around with George from across the wedding tent, you come to the seemingly obvious conclusion that he must just see you as his little brother's friend, as well as his, and nothing more.
It hasn't even been twenty-four hours since the intense trip to the safe house that resulted in a death and the loss of George's ear, and here you are sitting alone at a table while guest dance about at Bill and Fleur's wedding. It might seem like a ridiculous time to have a wedding, but that's the precise reason why now is a good a time as any— you don't know what will happen next.
"Hey," You greet him with a smile as he takes a seat beside you.
"And how is the lovely lady enjoying her evening?" Fred asks in a terrible posh accent.
"The festivities are simply delightful, and I have the most dashing suitor," playing along, you perfect your posture and add dainty hand gestures.
"Yes, I hear your suitor is quite the sophisticated gentleman," he says, adjusting his tie.
You both break out in laughter simultaneously, momentarily forgetting about the ongoing war. He's always had this way of making you feel like happiness is still an option, no matter how dire the circumstances may be.
"And would the lovely lady care for a dance with her dashing suitor?" He stands, extending his hand for you.
Smiling, you place your smaller hand in his and he leads you to the dance floor. He places his other hand on your waist, you place yours on his shoulder, and he starts to sway the both of you to the music that has coincidentally slowed down upon your arrival on the dance floor.
"Infuriating, isn't it?" You quip, noticing that you both cast a glance in Ron and Hermione's way at the same time. Fred hums in response, as though to ask what you're referring to. "You would think that with the impending doom, they would finally confess their undying love for each other."
"Tell me about it," he chuckles, and you feel his chest rumble against yours. You don't catch when his focus shifts to you, and there's a moment you're totally oblivious that he's taking in every detail of your face, making sure he never forgets.
"Georgie caught Ginny and Harry snogging in the kitchen earlier," blurts out, not knowing what else to do with his overwhelming surge of emotions. Then, he breaks out in a fit of laughter thinking about all the ways he and George will tease her and Harry incessantly.
"Talk a out seizing the moment," you laugh along with him.
"Meh, I reckon Ron and Hermione will confess to each other any day now," he suggests nonchalantly.
"I hope soon, for their sake." Fred gradually slows the pace, and you continuously subconsciously gravitate towards one another until there is little to no space between your bodies. "The possible end of the world as we know it seems like a good time to confess such feelings, don't you think?" You say absentmindedly, only realizing the impact of your words when you turn your full attention back fo him. Fred swallows nervously, and his eyes dart around the room before meeting yours again. "Oh, I-I'm so-sorry- have I made you uncomfortable—"
"N-No! Not at all," Those chocolate brown eyes of his widen in panic for a split second before mellowing out again. "I-It's just that I-I—"
"Oh, just tell her already!" George calls out with his hands cupped around his mouth.
"All right, all right," he chuckles, not being able to take himself seriously on top being totally clueless about how he could possibly tell you that he's been in love for you for years and—
"Fred," you say his name slowly, snapping him out of his daze. "What did you just say?"
"What- n-no- I—"
"Fred Weasley, did you just say you're in love with me?"
Shit. There's no way he thought he was saying all that out loud. They were all mumbled murmurs, but you did manage to make out those three words.
"Y-Yes?" He answers truthfully, although it sounds more like a question as he observes your reaction. A huge wave of relief washes over him when a soft smile graces your lips.
"Me too."
And just like that, it's feels like a huge weight you've carried around for years has been lifted from you’re shoulders, and feel like your walking on air when the goofiest lovestruck grin appears on Fred's face.
"So, are you going to kiss me, or...?" You ask him, playfully raising an eyebrow. "Or are you going to wait another—"
Fred cuts off your teasing by pressing his lips to yours. Suddenly, all oxygen leaves your lungs, and the only way you can breathe is by kissing him back. It's passionate, and full of emotion, it definitely isn't slow, but it's also far from rushed. Your lips move in synch with each other like one knows exactly what the other feels. If he weren't completely immersed in the moment, he'd be kicking
"Took you long enough," you mumble breathlessly, finally letting your eyes flutter open to meet his melting chocolate orbs.
"Hey, it takes two," he protests with a light chuckle. The smile you give him right there is enough to make him weak in the knees.
He soaks it all in; taking in every curve and edge of your face, and memorizing how your body fits perfectly against his as he leads you in slow circles with your head leaning peacefully on his chest.
You're in the midst of an all out war, and there's no telling what tragedy will strike next. Too many lives have already been lost, and anyone can fall victim. So for now, you choose to forget about the rest of the world and live in this moment with Fred Weasley, vowing to never let him go.
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Close As Strangers l Shawn Mendes Imagine.
(a/n): thanks to the anon who requested this, though I apologize because it’s not very good but I really wanted to post something. anyway, I hope you enjoy it!
prompt: so tell me are we wasting time, talking on a broken line? (based on the song “Close As Strangers” by 5 Seconds of Summer.)
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Touring was hard.
It was hard because after some time, everything became so repetitive; the same songs, same stage, same routine.
There were days Shawn didn’t even know in which city he was in, he had to be remembered minutes before heading to the stage so he wouldn’t screw up and say the name of a different city.
it was hard but he knew he wouldn’t have it any other way.
On the other hand, touring was hard for you, his girlfriend, who struggled every day with compensating your daily life with your boyfriend gone.
The first days he was on tour were hard, yet not the hardest. You could still smell his perfume on your sheets, he could still feel your velvet skin against his hand. The phone calls didn’t sound forced, it was quite the opposite, actually, and you laughed at silly things that didn’t carry much importance.
But now it was six weeks since he’d been away, and the both of you could tell everything had changed.
You didn’t notice when his smell didn’t linger on your sheets anymore until it just wasn’t there.
Shawn was clinging to the short phone calls every other day, calls that showed him you were still waiting for him, but he was scared.
He was scared because he could tell you weren’t having a good time, he was scared because he didn’t want you think he wasn’t there when you were feeling down. He was scared that he was losing you, his love.
“Baby, you know you can talk to me.” Shawn said on a soft voice.
“I’m fine, Shawn. You have to believe me.” you said with your voice barely over a whisper.
“I can’t believe you, something’s obviously wrong.”
“I miss you, okay?!” you let out. “I just miss you so much.”
“I miss you, too, baby. It’s just a couple more months...”
“No, you don’t get it. It’s like my skin is aching for you, like my day resumes into this five-minute call and then I’m go back to missing you, and sometimes I feel like I am losing you and I don’t want that to happen.” you cried.
“Don’t you think I feel the same?” he said on a quiet voice. “All I want to is to be back home next to you, but I can’t. We just have to hold on for a few more months.”
“Hold on for what? To have you back for a couple of weeks and then return to this never-ending circle?”
Shawn sighed. “Now you are being unfair. This hurts me just as it hurts you, (y/n).”
“Maybe we should stop this for a while? See how we do...?” you didn’t get to finish your sentence because Shawn groaned in annoyance.
“Please don’t go there. You know I don’t want anybody else, I want you. You just have to bear with me, please.”
“I don’t want us to become a couple of strangers, Shawn. I’m scared.”
“Me too, baby. We just have to be strong. Please don’t give up now.”
He didn’t know what else to say to convince you that what you had was worth fighting for, and he didn’t know what else to do to reassure himself that you weren’t slipping through his fingertips.
It was funny how he crossed paths with hundreds of people over the days, yet he couldn’t get to see you, the one person he wanted to hug and take silly pictures with.
Things never seemed to get better over time; only more late night calls and texts filled with emojis so none would notice there wasn’t much to talk about apart from the show he was playing or the exam you were studying for.
But even that was ruined because he was constantly moving around, it seemed like even timezones were taking you away from him.
But not everything was as bad as it looked.
It was early in the morning for you, afternoon for Shawn. 
You were sitting with your laptop in front of you, listening to your middle-aged professor telling you how the economy was affected by politics. You were almost falling asleep when your phone buzzed on your pocket, announcing a text from your boyfriend.
“FaceTime? I’m free.”
“can’t. I'm in the middle of a lecture.”
“are you actually paying attention?”
“not really, but I can't just walk out.”
“just mute your laptop, it’s gonna be fine.”
“I'm taking notes, shawn.”
“I don’t care, I just wanna see you. please?”
A stupid smile made its way to your lips as Shawn’s call appeared on you screen. You quickly made sure no one was really paying attention to you before accepting it and his beautiful face filled the screen.
You winked at him before opening the document where you were taking notes.
Shawn just stayed there, watching you take notes while faintly hearing the professor, but all he cared about was you.
He smiled every time you bit your lip in concentration, huffed in annoyance or checked your watch. He stared at the screen in adoration, even if you weren’t really paying attention to him, just seeing your face gave him all the strength he needed to carry on with his dream and keep fighting for your relationship.
There were only two months left of the tour, but the relationship seemed to be hanging by a thread, again.
“Why can’t you understand that I don’t want to do this anymore?” you told Shawn on the phone.
“Because I don’t think you want to! You are just tired of feeling alone, and I get it...”
“Oh, do you really?”
“Stop acting like you are the only one affected by this, please!”
“This is not doing us any good, please Shawn! Wake up, I need more than this.”
“Well, this is all I can give you!” Shawn said as his eyes filled with tears.
“I’m getting sick, Shawn,” your tears were streaming down your face freely. “I love you, but I don’t think I can do this anymore.”
“Baby, please. We made it here, this is the last part, the last effort. Don’t give up now.” he cried.
“This is the last effort? What about the next tour? Is this going to change?” you asked already knowing the answer.
“Maybe I shouldn’t tour, maybe I never should’ve done this tour...” Shawn started rambling.
“Don’t say that.” you breathed. “This is your dream.”
“It’s not my dream if you are not in it.”
Silence filled the already broken line, none of you wanted to say anything, not wanting to push each other into what each thought was right.
“Are you sure this is the last effort?”
“I promise you, baby girl.”
Today was the day marked on your calendar.
Today was six months since Shawn had left for tour.
When he boarded the plane he didn’t know if he was happy or sad.
Happy because he finally had time to rest and enjoy the products of all his hard work during the tour, or sad because he didn’t know what to expect for when he arrived.
Everything had changed since he left for tour half a year.
He didn’t know if you were going to greet him with open arms and a warm welcoming kiss.
Or a nervous glare while both your hands were shaking and your hearts were beating at a speed that wasn’t healthy.
He didn’t wait for the flight attendant to announce he could use his phone to send you a message:
“I’m coming home, baby.”
On the other hand, you were nervously sitting on the edge of your bed, listening to one of your boyfriend’s songs in the background when you received his message.
You knew it wasn’t the same, but you couldn’t wait to feel his lips moving against yours.
You had been waiting six months to feel your body trapped under his as your fingers ran through his soft hair.
And the wait was almost over.
“I can’t wait, honey.”
And you both knew that whatever was coming your way, you were going to work it out.
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