#I'm really hoping they don't screw up the Ice Emperor even more
localguy2 · 2 years
Apparently we got a new quest for lost powers leak.
Crusty's tweet:
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Aaaand it's of Zane again, this time however it's The Ice Emperor. (art style is fire ngl)
If I recall correctly our first real major leak/look into Quest For Lost Powers was a little extract of post-Crystalized Zane having to watch Dr. Julien turn off his younger self's emotions, while helpless to do anything about it
And considering how this is about the Ice Emperor, it makes me wonder if Zane's arc within the book is going to be about him finally confronting his worst memories. (or worst moments i guess?)
Buuuut we can't be sure until the book is out, or until someone on the writing teams tells us more info, for now we're just left to speculate.
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P3 maniac mode... I DEFEATED IT! Shinji time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Eagle thingy: level 5/6
Dancing hand: level 9 (it's HELL. Took way too many tries for my liking. My strategy is to make one of the hand dizzy after bashing all of them. Junpei should attack with Cleave. Yukari heal. Use Shirt of Chivalry on Junpei cuz +3 strength is really great
Wheel guy: level 10 (incredibly lucky that it doesnt use Mazio)
Priestess: level 11 (incredibly easy??? I should've stayed at level 10 lmao)
Crying Table: level 13 (first attempt was brutal because all persona that learn ice at this point are weak to fire....... thankfully I still have my Bufu card from Apsaras and I taught Nekomata that skill, since she's strong against fire. Multiple Agilao and still standing!!!)
The coffin thingy: level 16 (had to remove Junpei from the party because he kept dying and coffin thing got 1 more move :( sorry Junpei, but I don't think I will use you in the future)
Empress/Emperor: level 16
Bug: level 21 (Tam Lin is so insanely OP... however I feel like I was too overleveled... but I need Tam Lin and Akihiko's Mazio :/ I tried this at level 19 and uh it was Bad)
White knight guy: level 23 (Mind Charge + Garudyne.... Christ. My strategy is have a persona that has medium magic damage (Hua Po) and hope that it either use Magarula or the Garudyne goes to Yukari)
Lovers: level 23 (holy arrow beating my ass... thank god I don't have Diarahan)
Giga guy thingy: level 26 (I had to fuse something with Magaru so that it'll be dizzy before it attacks. Empusa it is, cuz Fortuna needs grinding first since I don't have Fortune SL yet. My God Empusa is ugly sorry!!!!)
White tower thingy: level 28 (holy shit this one's a doozy. I'm trying to beat this on low level so yeah. Mazionga is an insta kill on both Yukari and Aigis, even without Mind Charge (Aigis barely survived). I myself died several times even tho I already equipped persona that resist electric (Tam Lin). My final strategy is fuse Setanta and Angel to make Take Minazuchi with Power Charge and Sukukaja. I have a Kill Rush skill card from rescue mission, tho I think you can get Kill Rush from Setanta? The reason why Kill Rush is used is because this thing resist Slash and Pierce 🥲🥲 anyway Akihiko debuff the defense and Aigis can buff Aki because this thing also has Dodge Strike... oh and also use Sukunda with Oberon, since Oberon also null elec (you can get Setanta with Sukunda but I'm lazy so I use Oberon). Then pray that the Zionga went to Aki or FEMC because even with defense it still take half of Yukari and Aigis' HP... Akihiko also attack btw. You need massive RNG luck for this. But it's so satisfying once you beat it :) )
Justice and Chariot: level 30. My god I was severely underleveled. Definitely the point of this run but WOW one pierce attack almost killed Yukari... Also Myriad Arrows??? Isn't that heavy pierce attack?? In this economy???
Magus peeps: level 32. I had to bring Mitsuru back because my entire party kept dying and Akihiko is weak to ice... I used King Frost equipped with Rakunda and Kill Rush. Ugh I forgot which persona that I use but this guy nulls ice and has Power Charge so I switched him with King Frost.
Natural dancer: level 35. Oh my God SCREW SEXY DANCE. I was doing good but it has to charm THE ENTIRE PARTY... I ended up using Narcissus' items for all 4 members. Thank god Yukari's SL is level 6 so I don't have to grind much. Anyway I use Kusi Mitama with Power Charge and Getsu Ei... but then somehow it resist slash?? Only does 21 damage??? I switched to melee attack and it did more damage so no, it doesn't resist slash. Also I defeated it at the last day of deadline so that Shinji can join :D I don't want his only boss battle to be the table guy
Hermit: level 36. Um since when does this guy have pierce attack??? Also it crits me and Shinji?? :(
Arcane Turret: level 37. Sadly I have to google search his weakness because yeah this fight is insanely HARD. I didn't know they're weak to ice... After that it became significantly easier tho Yukari still died lmao
Sleeping Table: level 41/42? Fuck I forgot to type the level :/ I used Eligor because it nulls fire and I made Shinji a weapon that resist fire. I also used Revolution so that Shinji has a higher chance to crit. Wow this took SO MUCH ATTEMPTS. I finally get the girlies that said this boss is the WORST. I guess I could've used my Magic Mirrors but my habit is saving em for Nyx despite that I never used them anyway LMAO. Aki and Yukari dies after Megido and Maragidyne. Shinji barely holds on but because I fought the boss when he's on Great condition he was able to dodge several times (oh yeah I also use Masukukaja items from the antique shop). There was an attempt where Shinji crits 3 times in a row but my dumb ass died when the table barely has any health left.... anyway my tips for this battle is that pray that it use Hamaon and you still have Homunculus. Oh yeah also Eligor is weak to light yet the table never noticed??
Strength/Fortune: level 44. I was kinda overleveled because I had to get Aigis into level 40 after replacing her with Shinji :( I know Shinji isn't a recommended party member but look I can't help it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chu Chulain is the MVP, Torrent Shot is still such a fantastic skill in P3. Kanji was so OP with that skill, worth keeping until Kanji has Primal Force
Knight peeps: level 46. I didn't grind at all lol that was my level after I fought Strength/Fortune. Using Dreamfest is a must. I got lucky that the knight used Torrent Shot on Aigis lol what a dumbass
Giga guy: level 48. Had to level up because I gotta fuse Dionysus to get Mind Charge + Ziodyne. Shinji I love you so much...
Takaya/Jin: level 48. I think I am the first person in the world that died because of them.... EMBARASSING. Jin used Mind Charge + Megido and THEY ALL DIE AND I GOT LIKE 50 HP LEFT. I know I'm underleveled but damn... Look at this shit bruhhh
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Hanged Man: level 49. OH MY GOD I FUCKING HATE THIS FIGHT. In Normal it's fine but Maniac??? HANGED MAN IS FUCKING TANKY. He's like Nyx but without the climatic theme and just the spongy part. It's HORRIBLE. In hindsight I should've used Attack Mirror more instead of wasting my Balm of Life :( oh I will NEVER repeat this fight again. Worst boss in the entire game hands down
Hand sword: level 51. That was quite tough... I used Dionysus my beloved as always with Power Charge + Heat Wave. At the end I managed to crit 2 of them, Aigis helped, and it ended with AoA!!!
The buff castle guys: level 53. I wasted my Attack Mirrors for this :( ah it's not like I'll use them for Nyx anyway. Need a Tetrakarn persona asap :( so many comrades are falling... And so many lucky evasion!! Aigis was on like 50 HP and I expected her to die but she managed to evade!! Just... Wow. It seems like Cadenza is more useful than I thought.. I ran out of revival beads lol hoping I could finish the entire dungeon before December cuz Aigis would be gone for an entire month
Ghost white guy: level 54. The first run is a complete failute because it kept spamming Mind Charge + Megido. I got lucky in the second run because it mostly used Evil Smile (got lots of Me Patra gem) and Hamaon (got Homunculus stocked up thx to Bunkichi). Also Akihiko got it shocked once. Still, those Megido is dangerous
Dancer 2: level 56? At first I was big STRUGGLING because it kept spamming Sexy Dance, I tried to heal the charm but then heatwave. DISASTER. But I remembered that I got Narcissus Flower from earlier, similar encounter.... Second try is much easier with it, tho I had to sacritice 1 attack mirror :(
Evil dice: level 58. I had to grind a bit because it had Megidola/Megidolaon. I barely even survived Megido... In the end I survived thanks to Thor
Chidori: There are tears in my eyes she tried to attack Akihiko but SHE FELL 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I wish I recorded it goddamn... Wait I forgot to put my level it's level 59. I actually did this fight TWICE because I forgot to do something AND SHE STILL FELL
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Eyeball white: level 61. Easiest boss compared to the hell I've been through... Perhaps it's because Surt is so OP? Or I'm too overleveled? Not gonna grind on the next boss
Snakes: level 61. Okay it's getting difficult again.. it resists fire so I can't use Surt and my team is constantly demolished with Maragidyne... Managed to get lucky when they spam Dekaja/Dekunda
Cross: level 61. Oh god this is even easier than the eyeballs. Mind charge + Ragnarok is instant demolishment. I had to double check if I played on Maniac or not and I did??? Like wow. Surt really is so OP
BDSM Jotun: level 64. I accidentally increased my level because one of the enemies on Tartar Sauce gave me 35k EXP??????? After I got the 10x EXP card????? Insane. But anyway, this boss is HARD AGAIN. Vorpal Blade is no match for Siegfried but it kept resisting all my attacks :( it blocks electric, resist slash strike and fire and wow it was tough to figure out. Thankfully it did not resist ice, so I made Scathach with Ice boost + Ice Amp from Titania and Loki. I still got leftover Minr Charge on Siegfried and it was a breeze afterwards
Horse guy: level 65? I was about to give up because it seems like it absorb all attacks BUT I remembered Yukari has Wind Break. After that it went quite easy. Spongy, but easy
Jin: level 66. Wow this battle is easy. Just spam Thunder Reign and he's dead thanks to him using Infuriate
Takaya: oh my god. This is embarassing. I think I am the only person that died from this fight TWICE. I tried this on level 67 and his Mind Charge + Megidola KILLED ME. Perhaps I should've not wasted Endure... He also used a charged Megidolaon but somehow I dodged that attack... Wow. Embarassing
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Nyx: Okay. First try on level 67. Did not go well at all. We all died at Chariot because she used Power Charge and Revolution. Even prior to Chariot the party is massively struggling. I'm going to grind until level 70 to see if I can defeat her
Nyx attempt 2: Level 69. Seems like everyone has a better endurance (previously they were only like level 64 lol now theyre level 68). Unfortunately Nyx hit me with Tentarafoo on Lovers so he crits when using Almighty and I instantly died lmao. I think I'm gonna farm Null Panic skill card. I think this level is doable!! UPDATE: oh no there's no persona that produces null panic.. I have to get them on the shops... I don't want to do Takaya again :(
Nyx attempt 3: level 69. Oh no. She crits all my team while on Hierophant. It's joever. Possibly gonna increase my level again to 71 so that my party will have better endurance. My maximum level increase is 73 I promise (so that Yukari won't learn Mediarahan)
Nyx attempt 4: level 69. Already on Death. She's halfway dead. CRITS ON ME. RIP. Maybe I should've used Endure. That's it I'm increasing my level
Nyx attempt 5: level 72. Imo it's getting way too easy UNTIL Nyx used Revolution + Almighty on Hierophant AGAIN. And I got the crit AGAIN. Lord. If it doesn't use that one move this would be an easy win. I still have my level 69 save just in case. Planning a new strategy which is farming Sharp Student (the persona that has the skill card is level 17 so it'll be easy) (btw I increasednmy level to 72 because I want Michael's Heaven's Blade. Genuinely such an awesome skill it literally crits everytime)
NYX. ATTEMPT 6. LEVEL 72. IT IS DONE!!! I'll upload it on YouTube. So many close calls... In retrospect, I should've used Ken instead of Yukari :( Ken had access to Mediarama earlier, you can get Null Dark accessory from Thanatos and there's no Dark Break skill, and he has better endurance and more HP. Yukari kept dying :T I lowkey want to do this run again but with Ken. Hmm but I just realize that if I equip Null Dark accessory I can't equip Divine Grace so maybe using Yukari is a good call
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