#I'm really a sentimental and melancholy sort of person and it shows XD
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~ Slow dance ~ Indulgent artpiece for my melancholy soul! Inspired by the song: Vår sista dans! Explanation of the song choice/text under read more for those of you who want a deep dive :D
So here is my rambling about the song that inspired this piece and I shall share with you all the lore of this really old Swedish song. The song is called “Vår sista dans” which translates into “Our last dance”. It's from the genre that in Sweden is called “dansband” but could most certainly be called a ballad of sort. From my limited knowledge (bestowed upon me by both my curiosity and grandparents) these sort of songs would play before the establishment was supposed to close for the night. A slow, intimate song for all the couples in the audience. This song is however rather “modern”, measured in how long this genre was around. The song's protagonist sings about how this is their last dance with their significant other. There are a few lines which alludes to the fact that some promises has been broken and that the winds of destiny have changed. Still the entire song is them begging the person they love to still hold them, to give it one more chance and to remember that they were their loved one (the word used is “kära” which is an old fashioned way to refer to a significant other). Some lines really stuck with me for this piece and I'll allow myself to share those: “Så håll mig hårt är allt jag ber dig, som ingen annan fanns.” “So hold me tight, that's all I'm asking for, as if no one else existed.” “När musiken dör ut och dansgolvet töms ska jag stå. Ensam kvar, det är slut. Förkrossad ska jag se dig gå.” “When the music dies out and the dance floor empties there I'll stand. All alone, this is the end, With heartbreak I'll watch you leave.”
All of this just resonates with me, as the never ending sentimentalist I am and with all my headcanons about two broken people trying to grasp what “normality” they can ever get. Of trying to have just one dance, not weighed down by all of the events that have and will transpire.
If you read this all: thank you, for listening to me ramble about old Swedish songs from my childhood! :D
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