#I'm rambling now you can tune out it's cool
djosephqueery · 1 year
I've linked my ko-fi in my profile, in case anyone is interested. It's not very exciting, and doesn't have a header image yet (working on it), but it's there!
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quakiebaka · 1 year
I would give anything to rewatch Come From Away in person again
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beelsbignaturals · 1 year
What is the perfect birthday gift MC can give to the brothers, in your opinion?
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Lucifer hates surprises. Probably because anytime someone "surprises" him, it's almost always his brothers fucking shit up catastrophically. But… he does have a soft spot for you. If you are insisting on surprising him with something nice for his birthday just… promise you won't give him more gray hair, okay? Honestly, just keep it simple. Get the other six out of the house, set up a cute candlelit dinner, grab some demonus and you are all set! If you really want to go all out, that coveted factory tour to top it all off would be very much appreciated.
As much as Mammon would be so down to be a sugar baby… he really doesn't want you to spend your life's savings just to get him a gift. I mean, if it's from you, it's worth more than its weight in gold in his eyes. I think Mammon is the type to keep absolutely everything you give him. Tickets from when you went to the movies, a rock you found that you claim matches his eyes, one of those weird spider rings from an arcade. You get the point. He is absolutely whipped. So yeah, something nice would be cool. But he would treasure a handmade card or jewelry just as much, if not more. Simply because it's from you.
I think Leviathan would really appreciate something that ties in to one of his interests but isn't super obvious. Like, of course, everyone gets him Ruri Chan or TSL merch. But something from an anime he showed you once or twice means a lot to him but doesn't have a huge fan base? Levi would cry. Because it means you really do listen to his endless rambles. It's more about the fact you care, that you don't tune him out, rather than what the gift itself is. 
Take Satan to a used bookstore. You can hold hands while walking through a maze of dubiously organized bookshelves, your pinkies linked together while you browse. Let the fourth born pick out a new book or two. If you want to be extra as hell (pun intended), go the extra mile and get him a cat plushie. Preferably with a green bow wrapped around its neck. It's a guarantee that you will soon find Satan and Catan curled up with a book and some tea. He won't let anyone else know it, but Catan is his most prized possession now.
Asmodeus would absolutely love something romantic. Maybe a simple locket. Heart-shaped and rose gold with a picture of the two of you inside. Preferably a photo where you guys look goofy. Perhaps from one of your spa nights, when you were covered in homemade face masks (that Beel had taste tested…) Or, if you want to go old school, a lock of your hair instead. Something that shows the love you feel for him, as opposed to lust.
This is 100% inspired by the Devilgram where Beelzebub teaches you how to snowboard, but.. I honestly think Beel would be the type of person who prefers an experience over a physical gift. And I'm sure the Devildom has some sort of magic ski resort that is always snowy. So why not spend a day snowboarding with Beel?! You can hit the slopes early and then grab some hot chocolate together, sitting inside by a fire until you can feel your fingers again. End the day with an impromptu snowball fight that leaves you breathless, the cold air stinging your lungs as you both collapse on the ground laughing.
I think Belphegor would appreciate something like one of those paintings of what the night sky looked like on an important date. Like maybe your birthday, or the day you first climbed the stairs to the attic, or your first date. Something like that. A gorgeous watercolor background with an exact chart of what the night sky looked like that day, a moment frozen in time. He would keep it right near his bed so it's the first thing he sees every morning. It makes getting up less awful.
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
YOOO Can i get Gun having a (kinda)strong reader but is overly sensitive like they get mad easily, they get sad easily, they get happy easily nedbndnsjs take as much time as u need
Of course! Here's a fic/hc mess :)
Gun Park x Sensitive!Reader: Making up
G/N. Soft.
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You don't hang around with someone like Goo Kim day in day out without perfecting the art of tuning him out. The high incessant whines and the endless rambles, only developing an ear for the truly useful, pertinent information.
It's a handy skill for dealing with you too.
Preferring to ignore your outbursts, unstable and unhinged when you get going, Gun tends to let you tire yourself out than get involved... At least that's what he thinks.
(He also blames Goo, all the time spent with him, that he has now chosen a partner with a disposition more similar to that blonde chaotic demon than himself.)
Turning a blind eye or deaf ear never lasts long, although Gun will never admit that to anyone including himself. He takes your highest highs with a small smile, and your lowest lows with a deep breath and a reminder to not lose his own cool.
There have been a few times where you have both butted heads, your sensitivity rising and his own disdain for your temperament increasing alongside. However, more often than not, he gives you an inch despite knowing you would take a mile.
(In the beginning, you both tried to resolve any bickering with an actual brawl. After Gun won pretty much every time, you quickly put a stop to that.)
"What's wrong?" slips out his mouth before he can stop it at the first sign of your lip trembling. Even if in the past tears have fallen from watching silly NewTube videos.
Likewise when you're grinning maniacally and laughing, Gun doesn't ask why but the question is apparent on his face and you answer him anyway.
Being able to tune you out is most convenient though when you're mad at him. Half the time it's over something that Gun thinks is completely inane. The other half he believes you're in the wrong.
He ignores you sometimes, like he ignores Goo most of the time. Especially the other night when you perceived something to be a slight and blew it out of proportion. Neither of you have spoken for a few days due to your one-sided argument.
Gun doesn't think he's at fault, does think you're being overly emotional but realises it would just make it worse if he expresses so. He also doesn't dwell on the idea that perhaps you get away with how you are because he indulges you too much.
Case in point, he finds himself in line at your favourite take-out, ordering your favourite meal.
It's not an apology, he reasons with himself as he also picks up your favourite flowers, because he doesn't intend to say 'I'm sorry'. In fact, all of the other times he has never said the actual words.
Yet as he walks back to your shared home, meal and gift secured in hand, it somehow feels like an apology anyway.
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its-a-me-mango · 8 months
okay i know im late to this but like-
your wolf smg4 design is so cool i wanna pet him lol
may i ask if you have some lore behind this? (if not thats ok just curious🤗)
Sure you can pet him! Good luck! :3
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As for his lore, I went with the more "traditional" version of werewolves. Yeah turns out a lot of modern werewolf trivia and stuff is just for movies so I wanted to be a bit more true to real folklore with him. But also it's my AU so I get to add and remove whatever I want LMAO.
I'm not a writer at all (heck I can barely read) so forgive me for rambling lol.
Basic story is that, SMG4's hat got stolen and on his chase to get it back, he found a newer, cooler hat which he (stupidly) decided to wear. To no one's surprise it was cursed and now every night he turns into The Beast™ and wreaks havoc on everything around him.
I like showing him as just a big doggy but he's actually really dangerous, 4 isn't aware or in control at all as a werewolf so he has no memory of all the destruction he's causing. At first no one around knows its him but they pick up on it before he does (4's kinda in denial because he doesn't believe in werewolves), they all try their hardest to help him out to get rid of this curse while he's busy fucking shit up every night.
I like leaving his lore open ended (mainly so I can play around with it as much as I like hehe, and also I haven't decided) but in order for him to be freed from his curse, he has to either;
Find whoever cursed the hat and get them to remove it.
Kill whoever cursed the hat in the first place.
The angst potentials are out of this world maaan. I haven't made this AU to be ship oriented but you knowwwwww, I can make it gay for the hell of it tee hee! SMG3 is the first person he tries to attack/kill so I'm sure that does well for him lol. Also he keeps the hat on all the time and can't take it off, it repairs itself when he turns back into a human because oooooo the curse.
Thank you for asking though I promise I have more stuff planned for him soon! I've got a few fake screenshot type pieces I wanna do for him when I get the chance so stay tuned! :D
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himbo-in-limbo · 1 year
[Glamrock Bonnie fluffy headcanons n stuff!] 💙🐰
Just some random stuff of him with his s/o idk I'm rambling
This guy is such a cuddle bug
He needs to be touching you in some way since physical touch is his love language!
If you pet him his foot will do a lil stomp out of excitement, it's uncommon but it has happened b4
Even when y'all are standing around he'll just have his arm over you or around you, he just likes to hold you 🥰
He gives you kisses at random times and it'll always catch you off guard
Bc he likes to make you flustered hehe
If you happen to have tattoos he just loves looking at them and admiring the artwork
He's a baby girl so he def wants to sit on your lap or just have his leg on you
If he's his robotic self that might not be possible 😭 tho he wishes he could be carried like a bride
He'll settle for just leaning into you if y'all hug so brace yourself
If you also happen to know how to play an instrument he would be so happy n he'll definitely want to have a jam session with you
If you somehow also play the guitar he's gonna have heart eyes watching you play
Tbh I feel like he'll have such a weakness for you if you can sing too
He just loves people who can sing like
Man wants to be serenaded
Aww then when y'all have a jam session he'll play a tune and y'all can duet
if physical touch ain't your tune all the time he can totally just chill on the side
He just wants to be close to you is all!
Make overs are also fun for him!
Tho he usually just dose the eye liner he's open to you doing whatever to him!
He'll rock anything tbh
If y'all cuddle to nap he's cool with being the little or big spoon!
Tho you'll wake up to find yourself flushed to his chest and his leg over you
If you cry he cry's
An endless endearing cycle of cry
I feel like all of the animatronics are programmed to calm crying kids down so...
I feel like he'd be good at making you feel better
His go to method is just to make you laugh
If that doesn't work n if you let him he'll just hug you from behind n hope it helps
His ears will flop on your head 🥺♥️ aww
Tell him he pretty n he's a happy bunny
He is a bit of a jock so he would definitely flex to impress you on occasion
Especially when he scores another strike in bowling 🙄
If you can somehow beat him in a bowling match he's gonna be so impressed
Like finally a worthy rival
He can go all out now!
You probably didn't beat him after that but it's amazing you were able to win one at all
He still thinks about that loss once in a while 💀
Even then he gives you hugs n kisses to make up for your losses
Honestly u can't stay mad at him he's just to cute
Since he's a bit of an athlete if your into it he would definitely work out with you! He'll be super encouraging and spot you if you plan to lift that day!
Don't even worry about pre workout he's already making the smoothies n everything
I do think he's an active guy so if you like to run he'll always be up for it
He's a bit competitive so don't race him 😭
N when y'all have had your fun for the day all he wants to do is just chill with you on the couch n watch something till the both of y'all knock out
With him laying on your chest 💕
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aquatark · 3 months
Can I ask your opinion on Endless Ocean Luminous?
Thanks for the ask anon! :D
I've been trying to get my thoughts on this game together into something that makes sense for a while now, but no better time than the present!
tldr: I seem to like it more than most people! I think this game is alright though it's still very flawed, and I'm still enjoying myself with it, but it seems very clearly rushed and it shows. I'm still very happy that the series has a third entry at all, and am looking forward to the future of the series after this game!
...okay, now I'm gonna aimlessly ramble for wayyy too long lmao (spoilers under the cut if you haven't played)
So, to get a few of my biggest gripes out of the way:
Having completed it... the plot is god awful (esp the ending, iykyk). I think I would have preferred having none at all, but Daniel is cool
The English voice of Sera isn't ideal, though this is an issue other languages (like Japanese, French) don't seem to have
The setting, character development, and lore is much more shallow, uninteresting, and poorly-explored through gameplay than any other diving game Arika has made, which is saying a lot bc EO1's plot was invented pretty close to release, and is known for also not being great
The game doesn't run as smoothly as I'd like. maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I remember a time when devs didn't feel like they could release their game if it crashes as often online as this game does
Some of this game's creature textures are far less polished than they ought to be for a Switch game. Surprisingly, most of the ones ported from Arika's defunct mobile fishing game are fine! It's stuff like the megamouth shark and bigfin reef squid that really stand out to me as sub-par
I'm not as bothered about this as some ppl seem to be, but I would have liked a little more customization freedom, ala EO2's suit cuts
Many creature descriptions are copied verbatim from EO2, which I really dislike. wasted a perfect opportunity to highlight different aspects of creatures, not rehash the same tired and basic facts
Though I love the concept of dynamic time of day underwater, it's executed very poorly imo. Could have done with some more fine-tuning (something that could be said abt... a lot of this game lol)
All of this however only detracts a little from my enjoyment of the game overall.
The fact that something like the story can be shipped in the final product with a dev team that shares many many people with the original EO games (seriously, compare the staff lists on the wiki, I genuinely teared up seeing so many familiar faces again)... suggests to me that this game was subjected to crazy time constraints, though I don't have any concrete proof. Nintendo has been known recently to be anti-crunch with some of its biggest IPs, so maybe an Arika problem? Regardless, this game shouldn't have released in the condition it's in, and definitely should not be the price it is.
I really don't like being too negative though, so I won't be! After all, and this may be controversial coming from an EO blog... but the various flaws of Arika's previous diving games made this not be the biggest surprise to me. I mean, I 100%ed EO1, including collecting every salvage and getting all gear/hairstyles! Do you have any idea how hellish that is? I eat slop for breakfast!!
I've still been playing a lot of this game with my dear friend MDB (us pictured below), and there are a lot of things I like about it!
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I will, for example, drool all over this game's sound design till the day my son "dies" in a tragic submarine accident. Ayako Saso (main talent behind Everblue 1/2, EO1/2, and Luminous' original compositions and sound in general) knocked it out of the park as usual, with the menu sfx feeling really Everblue reminiscent in a way I adore, and the music easily being some of the best in the series. I know many fans are disappointed by there being no vocal tracks, but honestly? While I like the fact EO1 and 2 had them, they simply wouldn't have fit in this game. So I'm chill about it.
I think the random generation and focus on multiplayer are fun and fresh for the series! I have EO1 and 2 when I want polished singleplayer gameplay, and this game when I feel like something else. EO1 and 2's multiplayer objectively sucked, so it's a really interesting angle to take. The gameplay loop is entertaining enough for me - I like salvaging, scanning creatures, collecting tags, and hunting orbs, both in solo and shared dives. The framework is solid, but could use a little more meat.
The fact they were finally able to realize the "Ancient Sea" concept that had been thrown around during development since EO1 is lovely. Despite having been a dinosaur kid, I'm not really knowledgeable on any of the species depicted in-game, so their designs don't bother me... I'm just a sucker for human ruins overrun by prehistoric life!
Though there are some categories of sea creature that I'm a little sad not to see anymore, like seadragons, sea slugs, and many marine mammals... I don't mind this game's different roster. I like the creature variety, because imo, it would have been a little boring and predictable to have the roster just be every creature that was previously in EO, plus some new ones. This system avoids the kind of problem Pokémon games are currently having, where they have so many critters that they can't possibly put them all in one game, but fans are upset not to have the entire dex ported, y'know? It's like playing EO for the first time again!
I've seen several people theorize that the series was "intentionally sabotaged with a bad new game, so that they have an excuse not to make any more EO games", and... I mean... all I'll say about that is that there's no use killing something that's already dead lol. There'd been no games for over a decade, and very little demand for one - why would a game company looking to make money put so much effort and money into marketing, development, pre-order bonuses, and My Nintendo rewards in order to create hype for a game that's bad on purpose... when they could have kept the series dead for free? Nintendo clearly believe the concept of diving games has legs (or fins ig), with a staff team who love the ocean and dive irl, and are trying new things to see if it sticks better than the previous four games they've made, which collectively sold worse than Luminous did.
It may not all be great, or even good, but experimentation and trying unconventional things is what made EO such a special series in the first place baybee! We just remember the parts of it we liked, and forget the really dumb stuff. The EO team has never been perfect, and I can see their smudgy fingerprints all over this game... I mean, these are the same devs who didn't notice a crash so bad it had their game recalled, and repeatedly yoinked copyrighted material without permission to use in their games... but that's a long post for another day lol.
Soooo yeah! Those are some of my thoughts! Feel free to express your own thoughts on the game here - I'd be curious what other people think, and I'd be more than happy to answer more asks on specific elements of the game, or just getting me talkin' about this game, or any other game in the series for that matter! Any EO questions at all, ask away~!
Thanks for reading, hehe! >( ')
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aurora-313 · 8 months
In all your readings, have you found another couple that functions perfectly as both platonic friends and as lovers as ichiruki do, but that is so underutilized by its creator in any capacity?
(Imagine Lisa easing out from Black and Blue, then she and Kaien are friends for a little while, then they see each other once a century.Fans of their relationship will be upset, and it will be their right. What will not be their right will be to act nasty about it. You know that you assume a risk with a WIP. )
Any author can do what they want with their story, but when you create expectations that you don't meet, people will be upset, especially if they pay you, and you use their friendship/romance as a selling pitch. I still don't get why people are upset on the people that are upset. Again being a WIP, doesn't mean that I have to like whatever direction the author chooses. I personally rarely take risks on WIPs, so I STARTED BLEACH AFTER IT WAS FINISHED AND I KNEW THE ENDING, and the false advertising still hit me. I fell for ichiruki, and the end and then the soul burriel chapter where they barely speak on the phone and Renji now replaced Rukia as Ichigo's friend was an 180degree if I ever saw one. I wonder if in the Hell Arc, they'll even recognize each other anymore..
P.S. Thank you for remembering Rukia in your fiction more than her creator does in canon.
(Please forgive me. This answer went on a ramble and I don't think I actually answered your question.)
I'm sure I've seen a few in my time.
The ones that readily leap to mind from my childhood are Major Carter and Colonel O'Neill from Stargate SG1, and Doctor Weir and Major Shepperd from Stargate Atlantis. Although I'm not sure the first duo count since there's multiple alternate universes where they do get hitched.
But onto Bleach. IchiHime fits under this category in my opinion: the 'under developed and under utilized' part.
Sure we have the 'love you in five lives' speech and the not-kiss, but"
One: Kissing an unconscious person that you're not in a committed relationship with is not cool. Under any circumstance.
Two: She's consistently scared shitless of Ichigo's powers and rejects his hollow, even though the Hollow is literally his soul manifest.
Three: Orihime repeatedly demonstrates she doesn't really understand how Ichigo works.
In the post-Deicide novels, Orihime was actively happy Ichigo didn't have powers anymore, only to reluctantly change her tune when she saw how thoroughly miserable he was without them.
It would've been great character progression to see Orihime delve into that personal stance: why was she happy about Ichigo being powerless? Because she legitimately didn't want him to get hurt anymore? Or relief that he wouldn't turn into a monster again?
And overcoming those personal scruples would've been a fantastic personal journey to see in the manga. Her coming to terms and reconciling her image of Ichigo being this heroic ideal and the flawed, deeply traumatized individual who had the capacity to be literally monstrous.
Orihime could've reexamined her feelings about ichigo at their core, and realise perhaps she doesn't actually love him after all. That she lusts after an ideal she's modelled in Ichigo's image. In realizing and coming to terms with that error, in abandoning her preconceived notions and actually seeing Ichigo for the first time, warts and all, Orihime could've paved the foundation to build a genuine friendship. Later possibly a romance.
If this was the journey Orihime went on through Bleach, taken entirely of her own accord, with a conclusion on her own terms? Then I wouldn't have been nearly as jarred by the epilogue. Ichigo's Oedipus complex aside.
But I digress.
Rukia was one half of the main duo that made Bleach compelling. And Kubo absolutely pushed her away after FKT, attempting (key word "attempting") to put Orihime in her place. Which is a frankly bizarre decision. Rukia is the "Death" to Ichigo's "Strawberry". She is the deuteragonist, the inciting incident to the whole story and the primary motivation for the first two arcs (Aizen's and Kisuke's century's long trans-dimensional chess match aside).
Ichigo pushed himself beyond breaking and learned skills well beyond his paygrade to save Rukia from unjust execution. In his desperation to achieve that goal, Ichigo had to learn to fly before he could crawl, ultimately mutilating his own powerset in the process.
In any other media, in any other story, that tends to be a giant glowing give away about the nature of his feelings, even if Ichigo wasn't entirely clear on them himself. Its the classic handsome knight rescuing the princess in the tower and riding off in the sunset to live happily ever after.
Yes, Ichigo went through the same motions to rescue Orihime from Aizen, but he had doubts about her. Even in his venture, Ichigo entertained the idea that Orihime had legitimately betrayed them. Then the narrative goes out of its way to demonstrate her presence was merely an excuse for Ichigo to settle his scores with Grimmjow and Ulquiorra, and for Aizen to remove Soul Society's best weapon from play. Ichigo did personally want to save Orihime but he felt like he was conducting himself out of obligation, driven by his white knight/martyr complex. As soon as Ichigo felt Rukia's reiatsu flagging, he immediately shifted gears because 'Oh shit, gotta go save my totally platonic bestie first, bye!' and would've proceeded to do exactly that until Ulquiorra goaded him.
To me, Ichigo and Rukia is what made Bleach BLEACH. Their banter is what I loved about the first arcs, the teasing sprinkled with moments of heartfelt connection (in case you can't tell, its my favourite love language. Hence why Lisa and Kaien poke and tease each other all the time).
There's no 'Now I realise I why I wanted to save you' moment with Orihime in HM. She's narratively bait for Aizen's schemes and little more, as soon as she's safe-ish, Ichigo ditches and moves onto other grudge matches.
Then the final arc and the epilogue chapters roll around and I had to ask myself, is this even the same manga? Where's the Death and the Strawberry? Where is the bond that started ALL of this? Rukia is the woman who gave Ichigo the means to combat his despair, and they don't even talk anymore? You don't think Ichigo would've wanted to extend his congratulations for Rukia getting married? Having a kid? Getting prompted to Captaincy? Or anything to indicate they were friends at all?
(yes, Ichigo does in the novel but its telling one interaction between them is completely overshadows the story's 'main' pairing.)
My issue with TYBW and epilogue isn't the pairings - though that is a part. My issue is the narrative took great pains from the start to demonstrate Ichigo never felt like he belonged in the living world. His life was a dull tedious affair. The Fullbring arc reveals how much he actively hates Karakura and wants to leave ASAP.
Ichigo only began to truly LIVE once he gained shinigami powers (we'll ignore the fact he was only born and raised to be a weapon/universal battery). He loved every second of it, even when the power scared him and acted beyond his control. He fit into the realm of the dead far better than he ever did in the living.
Then Kubo turns around and claims; actually, NO. Ichigo's super content with exactly the same quiet kind of life he despised with every fibre of his being, living in a town he fucking hates and wanted to leave as soon as he graduated.
How does that shift in gears not raise serious red flags?
I'm not saying Ichigo had to go and live in Soul Society (though that was being set up thanks to the god-tier powers he'd been juiced with) but I did expect him to leave Karakura behind when all was said and done.
As a random-ish segue on the matter of friendship.
The Karakura gang feel like fair-weather friends more than anything else, excepting two circumstances: Ichigo and Chad (first arc) and Tatsuki and Orihime. Even then, those friendships become a stretch in later arcs before basically disappearing entirely. Sure, Chad, Ishida, Ichigo and Orihime have had life and death adventures together, but those scenarios were either a matter of self-preservation or wounded pride. Sometimes both.
But remove the supernatural circumstances, the Karakura gang felt like the average transient high school friendship. Circumstance brought them together, they would remain friends until graduation, then they'd all go their separate ways never to see each other again. Which is a sad state of affairs given Bleach's theme about the heart and nature of human connection.
But one must ask how strong those friendship really are when Ichigo will jump to the worst conclusion at the drop of a hat?
Orihime in Hueco Mundo, as stated above, Ichigo seriously entertained the idea she was a traitor until Ulquiorra claimed otherwise.
Chad with Xcution, Ichigo immediately assumed the worst intentions about it until Chad revealed he joined as a means to help Ichigo get his powers back.
Ishida joining the Quincy, Ichigo instantly assumed Ishida was 110% on board with the whole destroy reality plan until Ishida outright states 'I'm a double agent, you fucking dumbass.' (I give the Fullbringer arc incident a pass because Ichigo was not thinking clearly at the time)
It doesn't strike me as particularly strong or healthy when the first instinct is to immediately assume the worst.
But anyway, I shall get off my soapbox for now.
I do enjoy writing a great deal of Kaien, which means Rukia is inevitably involved given how intrinsically linked their stories are. Kind of hard to have a story about him and not have her in it. :D
I hope you continue to enjoy Kaien and Rukia in my writings. :)
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ryker-writes · 1 year
Taking a smol break
Hey guys, nothing big happening or anything here. I'm just going to be taking the next couple weeks to focus on school work since I have a lot to do! So I'll still be active but I won't be posting any new works of mine.
Don't fear, I'll be back around the 18th because classes will be over then! When I get back I have a short story to write, some requests, the next piece of Jaxon lore, and even an event around the 25th so stay tuned for those!
If anyone needs me, of course I'll still be online, I just won't be posting! Smol man needs smol break
But in the meantime you can check out my friends!
@theroseredreaper writes for TWST! Their requests are also open and they write really well! They're so nice to talk to and so fun! I platonically love Mimi like they're so sweet and understanding and we talk for so long about pokemon and stuff. Mimi even wrote me a comfort piece not to long ago and I go back and re-read their things because it's so good!
@starboyshoyo also writes for TWST but isn't taking requests right now but she has an event open with one slot left for a musical song with the TWST boys! Birdie has endured many of my Sebek rambles and encourages them +_+
@azulashengrottospiano requests aren't open right now but if you like Azul, silly random content, or the ikemen series, Auburn has got you covered! Auburn is so sweet and so cool! I love to read her rambles about random things and it's so fun to see all the interactions! Auburn is also the (what I call) fish wizard. She knows so much about the ocean and sea life and you can ask about a specific species and Auburn will fill you in on it and it's so cool
@pyroxeene isn't taking requests right now but she's so lovely to talk to and she writes Honkai Star Rail content right now! She's such a talented writer like a role model to me and honestly the main character in life
@leonistic is super cool! Also probably the biggest Leona fan out there but so understandable. Soru is very nice and even has an event going on right now! But please be mindful and don't spam them with requests for the event! You'll never understand my hype when they followed me back-
@paraccosm is super nice! If you like the spiderverse, she's a wonderful writer who's also taking requests for the spiderverse! She's seriously so sweet and it makes me sad that I don't know the spiderverse stuff so I can't request, but I'll be like the supportive father that doesn't understand a thing but is cheering you on anyway!
@minimallyminnie deserves. more. support. and. appreciation. Seriously they're so kind and supportive of me and my oc Jaxon and there's no words to express how grateful I am to them. They write things so beautifully and are very underappreciated. While their requests are closed, feel free to check them out and explore their blog! Fuyuki belongs to them too!
@spritofthesea is so fun! They have lots of ocs and you may recognize Akuji and Karrigan because they belong to them! While they have a separate blog for their TWST things, they also like One Piece, so if that's for you then feel free to check them out!
@l1ttleclouds my platonic husband <3. He may be a bit busy because he has a beautiful newborn daughter (Congratulations again!), but he takes requests for moodboards and aesthetic boards and they're +_+ so good! He's done a few for me for Silver, Sebek, Mammon, and even my style! He's also the first friend I made on here and I'm so grateful to him!
@officialdaydreamer00 is so cool! Irene currently has an event going on where you can request a drawing of your oc and a TWST boy dancing and it's so cool and their art is so good! Their ocs are so cool too and the lore is scrumptious! Irene is so nice tho
@rose-the-witch1 is so fun and nice! While requests are closed, she posts really cool content and she knows a bunch of anime things! Rosie is a Lilia lover so if you want to share thoughts on Lilia, feel free!
@it-happened-one-fic is such a good writer and so nice like ;-; how? She's super cool and all her works are so good I definitely recommend checking them out! She writes for Genshin Impact and Twisted Wonderland and they're all so good that I just eat up every fic
@thebettybook we don't really interact on Tumblr but she is so nice! She's great at giving writing advice and has delicious writing for TWST, Transformers, and the spiderverse too! The strawberry theme is so cute too!
@animusicnerd is so cool! Ryker approved cool kid right here like omg I'm friends with a cool kid?? She's always so nice and chill to talk to and in a lot of different fandoms like TWST, spider-man, Haikyuu, and Ensemble Stars! We don't interact much on Tumblr but she's super chill and I will be going through her masterlist and rebloging/liking everything later because yummy content-
@xxheartspadexx is such another cool kid! How am I friends with so many cool kids? IDK. Anyway Spade is so nice and cool and involved in a lot of different fandoms. She helped guide me in Honkai Star Rail and I won't forget it also she's really good at drawing +_+
@xxoomiii so nice and a lot like me! They're also friends with Auburn and have been a supporter of mine for so long! I'm so grateful and I still have your request I have to write but I'm sorry it's taking so long! You're super cool though!
Oh my gosh I have a lot more friends than I thought and this somehow turned into an appreciation post for my friends so
A quick message to all my friends: Sorry to bother you with the notification but I appreciate all of you so much like you have no idea and you're all so cool and fun to talk to and kjasbdkajbjk how did you all become my friends??? This smol man doesn't understand but I'm so grateful anyway-
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honeydewandcake · 22 hours
I'm actually crying omg youre so kind
(Tumblr fricking closed on me when I was almost done and I had to write this all over again AAAAAAH)
Uhhhh I guess I'll start with some game mechanics and info about my first OC:
"Twist" the Mobile
Name: Twist(Called Twisty by her friend Meta)
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Skill Check:
Movement Speed:
Extraction Speed:
This is Twist. She's a mobile.(You know, the ones for kids? She's a planet mobile.)
She has a very close relationship with her chldhood friend named Meta,(who I'll ramble on about later)practically inseparable from her. Who knows what would happen if Meta were to just disappear…
Here are her game mechanics, both Twisted and Playing. Rest of the stuff will come after cause this is too long. Keep an eye out for bits of lore scattered in...
Game Mechanics(Twisted):
(Due to her song's hypnotising ability)
Speed: Average
Mechanic: Has a song that will temporarily hypnotise the player into going towards them.(More details below)
Attention Span: High
Detection Range: Low
Half of the planets that normally would circle around her head have been dipped in ichor, and the other half have pieces broken off of them. The once pure white hoop that holds all the planets has also been splattered with ichor. ...You can see smudges if you look closely.
Has a recording made for children to help them calm down that will eerily play once in a while. It’s become staticy and quiet since she was turned into a Twisted, and so is somehow hypnotising. If she's spotted you and the tune plays, you'll walk towards her for 1.5 seconds.(Keep in mind: walk, not run.) This event purely depends on if you have bad timing and how far away from her you are. If you happen to be playing the character Meta, you'll be drawn to her until she takes one heart of damage from you.(Lore?)
When she pauses in her walking(like Tisha), she'll stare at one of her planets and reach up to tug it. It's a habit(caused by stress) she's kept through becoming Twisted.
Game Mechanics(Playing):
Her skill, "Glow Stars" lights up the room a bit, making it easier to see. Doesn't light up you, only the room you used it in, so if you walk out of the room, it'll be dark again. Is permanent, but you can only use it once. Be wise with it. Especially handy for blackouts.
When paired with a another player who's using Meta, she'll get a speed buff of 10%. If there's a Twisted Meta on the floor, she'll get a -10% speed debuff. The player and Twisted(if on the same floor) cancel each other's abilities out.
Requirements to buy:
3000 Ichor
100% Research on Twisted Meta
Walk 120000 meters
I might draw her later but for now everything else. God this takes so long but I'm really excited to see people's reactions...will continue later. It's 1:49 am and I need to get a snack/drink.
Wait I love this idea!! A mobile. . . Omg I would have never thought of that!! And the gameplay is cool too!! Oh, I want to see her design so bad!! :00
This is so awesome!!!
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Whirl, Swerve, x Weirdcore!Reader Romantic HCs
Reader is portrayed as a gender neutral human.
You have a pet hairless cat.
Tw for swearing and mention of organs such as eyes n stuff
Very friggin weirded out by you at first.
"The fuck do they look like that???"
He did like the repeating theme of blood and organs though.
In fact, its what made him talk to you in the first place.
You were chillin at Swerve's with Rewind when he came up to you and was like
"So.... are those real? if so, who did ya kill, and how?"
Was very confused at why you were giggling until you said they were fake and you made them yourself.
".....they look so real- Aight thats it, fleshie. You, me, this evening, my place."
"Wait why-"
Not knowing what else to do, you ask Rung for directions to Whirl's room. You don't know what you were expecting, but you weren't exactly expecting to be snatched up by his giant claw by the back of your shirt and interrogated about your appearance and mannerisms as if you tried to bring a knife on a plane.
You somehow managed to keep calm though.
Over time though, Whirl did warm up to you and one day confessed and boom! Yall a thing now.
Anyways uhh. He also likes the overall unsettling/calming vibes it can give off.
The liminal spaces kinda work on him? Like yes the place does seem a bit familiar to him, but he doesn't feel the strong sense of deja vu like he's been there before.
Likes your hairless cat.... but also doesn't.
"Yeah, its cute and all, very friendly, nice little fleshy.... but why the fuck does it look like that."
Loves any weird accessories you wear, just these teeny random creatures, items, and organs dangling off you.
Stole a necklace of (fake) teeth from you and he has it hanging off his weird antenna thing on his head unless he's off killing cons or whateva.
Kinda likes the the music you listen to??? Hes weirded out by it definitely, but he does like the melodies.
Not one for physical touch but isn't opposed to it.
He usually pats you on the head with a claw, or has one around your torso (gently).
Pet names include: Babe, Squish-ball, Teeny, Creepy Crawly, Critter, Weirdo, Fucker
Will attempt to murder anyone who dares hurt you or the cat, mentally or physically. Unless you stop him of course.
He loves you a lot despite your overall strangeness.
He loves your style so much, like i'm not kidding.
I mean how can he not? He's discovering a new human thing, that's right up his alley!
Doesn't like the bugs though. Only mildly unsettled by the organs.
And he loves your cat too, absolutely died of cuteness the first time he met them.
They get along p well :)
Big fan of your outfits, they're unique, cute, and fun!
Carries the two of you around almost anywhere he goes.
Yall met when you were wandering the ship with your backpack of art stuff and listening to your tunes. You went down a hall you haven't been to yet and stumbled across his bar.
You walk in, staying close to the wall so you don't get stepped on or something. you make it near the main bar when he spotted you.
"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod they're real-"
He excitedly ran out from behind the bar toward you. He did that thing where you jump, land, and slide on your knees in a sitting position. What a dork XD
He landed next to you and started rambling, You couldn't help but let out a small laugh and smile as he went on.
"Oh wait sorry i forgot to say- My name is Swerve, its so nice to finally meet you!! You look so cool, like weird but very cool. It reminds me of something but i can't remember what- oh wait whats your name?"
He put you on the bar counter as he continued his work all the while continuously chatting with you.
Months later yall got together.
Very affectionate. Like i'm not kidding. Prepare to be held gently.
Liminal spaces work on him. Experiencing the Deja Vu and feelings of unsettlement fr.
Pet names are: Sweet-spark, Sugar, Kiwi, Love-bug
Loves weirdcore music. Specifically songs by Jack Stauber.
Swerve set up a lil place for you on the bar, mostly blankets and pillows with weird patterns, along with some plushies. Like a four eyed cow, a two headed dog, and a clay-face plushie of a duck.
Has lots of lil snacks for ya too.
Won't stop rambling about how much he loves you.
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aromanticautiesworld · 11 months
If you write poly, can you do poly finntress? Also I'm curious will moth experience bi panic via finntress?
oh yes absolutely i write poly please send me poly requests! not 2 ramble about mushrooms but this first part (there will be multiple parts) kinda takes place middle of season 5-ish (sorry flame princess was with finn earlier in the timeline so mushrooms isn’t right after their breakup) there wont be any bi panic from moth abt fintress BUT! definitely in later parts (i love huntress wizard so much). ANYWAYS request time !
poly fintress with a gender neutral reader
word count: 1098
You squirm your way through the underbrush of the forest, following the path of the boy with the bear hat.
You were more introverted and withdrawn around other people than Finn, so he would sometimes take you with him (often very much like this) to meet new cool people he knew. Not that you object to any of this, most of the people Finn knows are cool with you too—as long as they’re not some sort of shapeshifting monster or illusion trick. That’s also happened before, unfortunately. While terrifying in the moment, you two look back and laugh about it. But still, never again.
So here you are now, legs halfway dipped into a creek, its weak current tugging at your clothes (which you regret wearing. Why couldn’t you have worn your waterproof pants today. Or at LEAST shorts).
“This is the spot where we usually meets. Me and yous just gotta wait,”
“And you’re a hundred percent sure she’s not a demon? Or a cursed witch?”
“Yeah I am dude. Hero’s honor,”
You consider. “Arrite,” You punch him in the shoulder, “I’m trusting you on this one,”
You both hear a rustle of branches and leaves coming from the opposite side of the river, and who you think is some sort of cat-person at first, based on the eyes that appear out of the darkness, effortlessly pushes her way out of the woods.
“What’s up, dudes,” She puts her bow back in its sheath, a bow that seems to have been drawn ready to fire a few seconds ago. You’re a little concerned about that, but if anything it makes you want to get to know this stranger more (also the name ‘Huntress Wizard’ could’ve spelled it out for you, but you didn’t think she’d be hunting right then).
“Meh, nuthin’ much. You said you wanted someone who can sing for this spell, right?” He gestures over to you, “They can sing,”
“Hey,” You pipe up awkwardly from where you stand, both still sort-of behind Finn and halfway in the water. Small fish swim past your legs.
“Hey,” She makes her way over to you, now also halfway in the river and half soaked, seemingly inspecting you, “Yeah. Yeah, you’re what we’ve been looking for,”
Ah. Pretty. Girl. Close to you. You are, at this moment, very normal and very functional. Both of those things.
“Thanks? Um. I mean I’m..I’m down to help with anything you guys need,” Glob, you feel like a student trying to talk to the ‘cool kids’ in one of those old teen movies right now. What is happening…
“Thanks dude! Love it when my friends are friends,” Finn grins, missing teeth only adding to his charm.
You now found yourself singing for a spell to bring forth some ancient magical plant. You wouldn’t say you didn’t care about that, it was a very cool thing, but your mind was occupied by…other topics.
The two taller people in front of you play their flutes, somehow in tune with your voice. Magic spreads in the air, emanating from both their playing and you, along with a feeling similar to when the air pressure drops before a storm begins (but with a more comforting feeling than that of impending doom).
Wait, no. That was actually the air pressure dropping.
The sky flashes with lightning, breaking open and letting loose a torrent of rain.
“Shelter! Quick!” Huntress yells out.
You start to follow her, when you’re quickly brought off of your feet and out of the now-muddy ground, scooped up by Finn. The water that’s suddenly pouring down on the three of you in the clearing and the flashes accompanied by thunderclaps do nothing to snap you out of your shocked and flustered state, and your face burns.
You’re eventually put down, now in the safety of a nearby cave, and are still recovering.
“Sorry about that, haha…” Finn chuckles nervously, “I might have panicked a little,”
You say nothing for a second, still stunned, before zoning back in.
“No, I would’ve done the same thing…at least, I would if I was as strong as you are,”
Finn ruffles through his backpack, while Huntress casts a spell under her breath to light a pile of twigs you guys’d found ablaze.
Finn then dumps out the contents of his backpack (a copy of Ble, an old sandwich, an uncursed dagger, the head of a mini cyclops, an energy bar, miscellaneous pens, and many other items now strewn across the floor.
“Guys. I don’t have my emergency sleeping bags,”
You both look up, Huntress now finished starting the fire.
“Looks like we have to huddle. We can use my cape as a sleeping bag for now,”
“Well…wait. Who’s gonna be where?”
“What’chya mean?” Finn asks from where he gathers the contents of his bag back to where they came from.
“I mean who’s gonna be on the edge, who’s being in the middle…”
“Hmmm…It’s just for one night, so…What do you think, Huntress?”
“I think you should be in the middle,” She turns towards you as she talks.
Your brain is flooded with both giddy excitement, and slight embarrassment.
“Yeah, I’m good with that. What do you think?”
“Yes. Yes. Good. Cool. Very good,” You nod quickly, shooting them a thumbs up. Words aren’t working too great for you right now, it seems.
Huntress takes off her cape, her hair (leaves?) are very pretty, spreads it out—this thing is big—onto the floor of the cave, and rolls herself up into one side of it. Finn then drops down his bag (he’s managed to put everything back) And rolls into the cape on the other side. Your turn.
You snuggle in between the two, heart practically beating out of your chest, and unbeknownst to the two surrounding you, a large grin on your face.
You were the first to fall asleep, of course, and both Finn and Huntress reflected on today.
You’re cool. A cool person to add to their weird little relationship-hangout thing they have going on. Based on what Huntress has seen today (that you’d tried to hide, to no avail. You were way more obvious about your crush on her than Finn was), and on what Finn knows about you, you wouldn’t object if they asked. If you did they would back off of course, but he knows that’s not the case.
Drip, Drip, Drip…
Honestly, it was very peaceful in this cave. The sound of rain outside, your steady breathing, the warmth you all shared.
You guys should do this every night.
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goldensunset · 10 months
ok ok khml beta spoilers (part one of whatever this is going to be idk i'm just gonna ramble about my thoughts and observations)
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh wah awa wahhhhhh i want this game now i won't lie to you this looks really cool i can't believe it's real. or a mobile game for that matter. imagine this as a full console game. imagine khux and khdr as this. insane
remus... nice!!! can we like. see him in full lighting though so i could get a good sense of his color scheme. ok i like this guy already i like his casual/rude vibes and the way he talks
i hope he has a brother named romulus and i hope romulus kills him it needs to happen sorry. idc whether it's shock value or something very narratively heavy i need fratricide in this game idc
so they're doing the good old 'every other character in the cutscene is gonna be voiced except the protagonist whose dialogue just shows up silently but their mouth still moves' thing huh. can't wait to see how this plays out. looks like player is still gonna have limited dialogue overall so that works. but like man i kinda wish they'd just give player a canon voice or two or three. imagine that being something you could choose
i'm gonna read too deeply into player's amnesia including their name but not including their fighting ability. like they could've had you type in a name during the character creation screen and had player respond to the question later but nope we specifically establish that they don't remember and have to make one up on the spot. you know what they do remember though? combat. weapons. carrying out their missions as a keyblade wielder, all they were ever meant to do. gonna be normal about this for sure
the scala world card... DUDE...
so after multiple joke posts we finally have a real freya... i don't know why i'm surprised. dunno if i vibe with her full outfit yet (i think the red jacket uniform is kinda overbearing and might get old fast if both she and remus and probably at least 20 other characters will have it but in a cleaner or more stylized render i'd love it probably) but like dude the cat ear accessories... were those there last time? did i not notice them last time? those are perfect
literally ALL of this music is so cheerful... the dearly beloved is super upbeat, the new field theme for scala and the astral plane and combat and the tutorial menus etc etc... it's so strange. i KNOW they're hiding the absolute tragedy from us. goth aesthetic combined with whimsical peaceful tunes. what's happening here
the. the pit... that's their portal?? when you wanna go to the astral plane you jump in The Machinery Hell Pit? absolutely not you would never convince me to do that
so begins the gacha/microtransaction hell. i sure hope it's easy enough to get whatever ingame currency there is through other means
i'm actually loving the amount of customization options dude that's so cool
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thewhizzyhead · 1 year
before I sleep, here is my definitive ranking on all the NPMD songs and some rambles on why I placed them there - also the ranking is based on how much I vibe with them (music production and lyricism have different rankings)
1. Hatchet Town (aka the hatchetfield trilogy theme song like this tune perfectly encapsulates the chaos Hatchetfield has to go through with every Starkid project pos-2018 and I love it - kinda wish it was a number that is more integrated with the plot with the kids tho BUT I REALLY DID LIKE that this melody was quite prominent in the other songs too)
2. High School is Killing Me (I've watched many teen centered musicals and believe me when I say that this song is one of, if not, the best introduction numbers out there for this genre - also it's a really great opening hook for a show)
3. Nerdy Prudes Must Die (FUCKING AMAZING HONESTLY - amazing way to REALLY re-establish a villain back from the dead and to establish the main theme for the nerds here: "I'm Not A Loser" (tho i fucking wish that motif was used a bit more))
4. Just For Once (everyone cheer for Lauren Lopez flexing not just her high tier soprano skills, but also how amazing of a fucking actor she can be like the concept of this song is quite layered and to pull it off both comedically and emphatically takes great lyrical and acting prowess)
5. The Summoning (a well-anticipated onstage introduction to all 5 of the LiB that balances out befuddling neon-entertainment with genuine fucking menace)
6. If I Loved You (I think this song could be a bit more honestly like I know how much Starkid has explored Steph and Pete's relationship in their other projects and I was really hoping that they would have it more portrayed here - however the song is a bop nonetheless and it matches neatly with their themes and the harmonies are top tier. I placed this higher than the next just due to my personal bias like I really do like the song)
8. Dirty Dudes Must Die (A GREAT TWIST THAT MAKES ME WANT ANOTHER MUSICAL ABOUT GRACE CHASITY'S DERANGED SELF - also the new context of the song Grace is reprising here makes her a villain even scarier than MAX of all people but that's just me)
9. Literal Monster (A very catchy beat and well structured song that provides a good introduction to a jock-bully with the god complex. also kinda foreshadowing to nerdy prudes must die)
10. Cool As I Think I Am (the instrumentation reminded me of Dear Evan Hansen ngl fjsjd but it really does sound like an I-Want song from a teen-musical which is of course what they are going for - it sounds very nice and earnest though and I loved how it was utilised in the reprise. However I still fucking wish that the I'm Not A Loser motif was used more)
11. Dirty Girl (look I'm sorry for ranking this quite low on the list but like there is no fucking way I'm using this as bait to lure other people in like they'd be scared away I'm sorry fjdjs BUT I love how Will and Angela perform this though like top tier starkid performances ever - its not just what I would listen to on repeat personally jgjdjs)
12. Go Go Nighthawks! (This one gets plus points because of FUCK YOU CLIVESDALE GO GET FUCKED. otherwise its nice and cheery and perfectly shows how happy everyone is without Max but um I kinda wish it could be a bit more especially in terms of showing how happy the other nerds are now that Max is gone but that's just me)
13. Bully The Bully + Bury The Bully (Look I couldn't decide which was better like they both are the same melodies so like gjxjs these two are cute though and I liked seeing the 5 kids bonding in Bully The Bully since we don't get that many scenes with them)
14. The Best Of You (the pop-punk happy number is a staple of teen-centered musicals and it does really sound nice - just isn't that much of a standout compared to the others.)
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unclewaynemunson · 2 years
Time for Wingman Wayne (Ronance Edition™) part 6! | Read pt1 here | ao3 link
'Are you free next Sunday?' Steve asks Robin on Tuesday evening, when they're wrapping up their shared shift at Family Video.
'Yeah, why? Eddie didn't ditch your date plans, did he? Should I be mad at him?'
'No, don't be mad at him!' Steve exclaims. 'Date's still on. We just decided we should make it a double date.'
Robin arches her eyebrows at him. 'Do I need to remind you that I'm very much not dating anyone?'
Steve rolls his eyes in response. 'Yeah, I am aware of that,' he says. 'That's why we invited someone for you.'
'Um... Have you already forgotten how that worked out last time?'
'Yeah, and this time I actually know who we're setting you up with, so this is no doubt gonna be a success! She's really cute.'
Robin hesitates. She feels skeptical about the whole thing, but maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to actually meet someone new, because getting over Nancy hasn't exactly been easy so far and it's getting a little pathetic.
'Okay, yeah, let's do it,' she decides.
'YES!' Steve shouts out, in the same over-excited way he did back when she said yes to being set up with Mr. Munson's mystery match.
'So what's the plan?' she asks.
'Apparently there's this tea garden at the other side of Lover's Lake that opened this spring,' Steve says, and Robin freezes. Oh no. The tea garden. The perfect second date proposed by Nancy right before Robin told her how there was never gonna be a second date. Suddenly, this whole thing seems like an extremely bad idea.
'What's wrong?' Steve asks her, perceptive as always.
She can't tell him. Of course she can't tell him. So she plasters on a fake smile and says, 'Nothing! The tea garden it is. Um, are you sure Eddie is gonna be into that, by the way? Doesn't really sound like his kind of thing.'
Steve snickers. 'It was his idea, actually. He's way more romantic than he seems, you know.' His eyes start lighting up in that adorable yet slightly concerning way which warns Robin that a totally vomit-inducing monologue is gonna come out of his mouth. 'Last night, he –'
And yep, that's her cue to tune the fuck out of whatever story this is going to be.
Instead, she lets her thoughts wander to that stupid tea garden. She had rambled on about it for almost half an hour on Eddie's porch, so either Eddie totally forgot about that or had shamelessly stolen the idea from her without even realizing that a double date right there would be literal torture for her. And honestly, both possibilities are kind of rude of him.
Sunday comes around way faster than Robin would have liked and she spends way less time spreading clothes around her room and squinting at herself in the mirror than she did the last time she got ready for a date. It just seems a bit pointless, this time. It's too soon. Fuck, she should've said no to Steve's suggestion when she had the chance. Because now she's going on a date while her heart isn't in it at all, and this girl might be genuinely cool but she won't stand a chance against the perfection that was Nancy Wheeler, and that's actually really unfair towards this new girl that she hasn't even met yet. God, she's probably gonna be super sweet and caring and funny and deserving of so much better than Robin can give her right now. Fuck this. She should probably call Steve and tell him she's ill or something.
But then the doorbell rings, which means Steve is already here to pick her up, and she has no choice but to face the music and go to the goddamn tea garden that's only gonna remind her of the one person she can't have.
She tries her very best to feign excitement when she gets into Steve's car. Luckily, Steve himself is too caught up in his own enthusiasm about their plans to notice Robin's weird mood. He keeps talking her ears off about how cute she's looking and how she'll for sure meet the love of her life this time. She suspects that he still feels guilty about the whole Nancy thing and that's why he's overcompensating, but it's actually just as sweet as it is annoying, so she decides to let it slide this time.
'So are you gonna tell me her name this time?' Robin asks when they stop at Forest Hills and wait for Eddie to get out of his trailer.
'Okay, so I actually do know her name this time, but I'm not gonna tell you,' he tells her, with a weird smile around his lips that tells her she's missing something.
'Oh my God, Steve.' She groans and lets her head fall against the headrest behind her.
'You did something. No, don't look at me like that! What did you do?!'
'Nothing!' he exclaims, way too fast.
'Steve,' she says, deadpan. 'It's someone I know, isn't it? Wait, please tell me you're not trying to get me back together with Vickie, that'd be really awkward and I'm not –'
'No, it's not Vickie,' he's quick to interrupt her.
She squints at him, trying to figure out what exactly is going on in his brain. The look on his face is way too guilty.
'Did you set me up with Tammy Thompson?!'
He bursts out into loud laughter, which at least tells Robin that she won't be going on a date with her crush from years ago that Steve's been relentlessly teasing her about ever since he found out about it. That's good news, she supposes, because that would probably have been the single most embarrassing thing to ever happen to her and she might have to move states afterwards.
'What's so funny?' Eddie asks, flopping down on the backseat and pressing a kiss against the skin of Steve's neck.
'Steve won't tell me who you guys are setting me up with,' Robin states, turning around to face Eddie. 'Would you maybe care to fill me in on this little detail of my own love life?'
But Eddie only grins his signatory broad devilish grin while mysteriously wiggling his eyebrows.
'It's a surprise,' he says in a conspiratorial tone, which really doesn't help ease her suspicions in the slightest.
'Don't look at me like that Buckley, I promise you you'll like her, okay?' he says, his eyes suddenly all wide and innocent. 'She has Wayne's stamp of approval. If you don't trust us, can you at least trust uncle Wayne?'
Robin sighs and leans back into the seat while Steve drives them off the trailer park. She tries very hard – and fails, of course – not to think about what happened the last time she got set up with someone who had “Wayne's stamp of approval.”
Taglist: @munsonsuccubus @messrs-weasley @shrimply-a-menace @booksandsience @sadcanadianwinter @mightbeasleep @theysherobinbuckley @bisexualdisastersworld
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halogalopaghost · 5 months
So. Just a couple observations since being diagnosed with fibro
At first, I wasn't sure how to tell when I was "in a flare" versus just. Being a big baby. I asked people on forums and they were like "idk you'll be able to tell"
In the couple months since then, I realized. I was in a months-long flare lmao! Apparently this is relatively normal for ppl who've recently developed it and/or didnt know they had it, so never went easy on themselves. I've had a couple weeks where I felt like a mostly normal, healthy person. Except for the POTS symptoms but I digress. Anyway, now I can confidently say: yeah you'll be able to tell.
It really DOES feel like the flu a little bit. The skin/light/sound sensitivity is weird and obnoxious. Anything particularly cold or even cool touching my skin feels like getting slapped, it hurts. Being hugged hurts. My eyes start to hurt like I have a high fever, my feet and ankles feel swollen and painful. It's like you ran a marathon with the flu. (And as a side note: I did my EMS physical testing while I had the flu for the first time ever, I have some real experience here okay.)
And the sleep issues really really go hand in hand. The longer I'm awake, the more pain I feel. Right now I've been awake for about seven hours and I'm at a good 5-6/10 pain wise. Which sounds like a lot on paper but that's an extremely manageable amount for me, I could still do the dishes or run out to the store if I really needed to. At least, until the fatigue kicks in. For me it's really the combo of the two that makes me Feel Like A Sick Person.
Brainfog is a huge issue. Idk if you can tell from the kind of rambling I have going on here but keeping a thought straight is difficult. It's like ADHD on nightmare mode, it's like holding water in a sieve, etc etc etc. Trying to speak when I'm in the room with my little brother and dad (both of whom have ADHD, trouble waiting their turn, and a uniquely frustrating tendency to burst into song mid-convo like we live in a fucking musical) is IMPOSSIBLE. Literally impossible, I end up having to leave the room or abandon the thought. My ability to multitask and tune out sensory input was already very limited and now, sometimes, it simply does not exist.
Anyway my arms are starting to hurt from typing and I'm sneeby thanks for coming to my Ted talk
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