#I'm probably clogging dashboards so I'm gonna start putting longer Asks under the cut
taronunwin · 5 years
People notice that Taron's been getting wrinkly (fast) these past few months bc of all the stress from Rocketman promotion. He doesn't seem to be taking care of himself as much as he should (sleep, skin, all of that). I don't know if people want him to look as he did 6 years ago but everyone can see that Taron doesn't look like Eggsy anymore, and he'll be playing Eggsy again soon. That said, he is a very attractive man -not a boy- and I'm here for it. I don't care what he looks like, I love him
And when I say Taron doesn’t look like Eggsy anymore I mean it as a good thing. He can’t be Eggsy forever, that would be ridiculous. He looks amazing, he looks like a 30 year old man, I love him. He is what dreams are made of. But I don’t think we can ignore the wrinkles around his eyes, that seem to come from lack of sleep and too much work. I just want to make him hot chololate and let him sleep for a week, but I can’t. He’s rocking his new look anyways. Richard is also a wrinkly boy, btw. 
He’s admitted many times that he’s not good at going to bed on time and that does affect how a person looks. I speak from experience. I do think his face shows lack of sleep and stress quite easily but then he’ll show up a day after looking a bit rough (but still always beautiful) looking like a radiant 20-year old so I don’t think there’s anything to worry about 😏 And the fact is that yeah, he won’t look the same as Eggsy in K1 or K2 but then again, between those two movies, he didn’t look much like the other.
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He went from boy to young man and now he is man.
The wrinkles around his eyes are the cutest things, they just accentuate his smile and asjdflkasdf oh my goodness. They’re beautiful. All of him is beautiful. And I totally agree on the hot chocolate and letting him sleep for a week. I’m 100% on board with that. Can we start a petition? Fried chicken, hot chocolate, and sleep. That’s all he’s got on the agenda for the foreseeable future. Maybe a vegetable or two and some water just to be safe. See, I care about him.
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