#I'm okay in a fallen-down bat-shit sort of way????
mollymarymarie · 4 months
The artist formerly known as Father Lupin would love the new Bayside album just fyi
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SPOILER ALERT: if you have not seen ANY of Barry season 4 yet...
Okay, so I'm just sitting here waiting for the next episode of anxiety (I.E Barry) to premiere and I started thinking some stuff...I would like you all to read this fully and leave any/all comments for the end. I am about to say some really crazy shit and it might not make sense, but trust me, it does.
There is very little known about Barry's mother. I mean when he was in jail, we got a flashback of Barry as child, and his dad (John) is introducing him to Fuchs. His mother is not in anyone of those flashbacks by the way. Ergo, I started thinking: what if Fuchs and John were working together as in John was Fuchs' hitman before Barry? Makes sense, wouldn't it? I mean, Fuchs didn't just wake up one day and say he wanted to start a hitman venture. It had to be something he was already doing before, right? Also he sort of mentioned that he would look after Barry since John saved his ass during Vietnam. But instead what if it was because John wanted to help Fuchs out by giving him a "new blood" knowing that his son had violent tendencies, which would make him a great hitman? Also do we know if Barry's dad is even alive anymore? what if he was killed during a hit? (yeah I realize I have fallen deep into the abyss. I am so deep in fact that there is no sunlight down here and I can't find my way back out)
Anyway, don't jump in yet, just hear my out. So, Barry's mom finds out that John is a hitman and/or they don't have a great relationship, so she medicates with alcohol and goes into a deep depression resulting in her self-assassination. I mean it is a common theme in the show. This leaves Barry in the care of his father, who let's face it, if he is a hitman, he's not going to be very loving towards his son. This results in Barry looking for other male role models to fill that void as he gets older (Fuchs...then Gene). So, moving forward, Barry joins the marines to try and validate his life. Spoiler alert, its only temporary. Now who does he see when he comes home? Fuchs. He comes in like an angel of death dressed in black, ready to help Barry and give him a purpose. (Also I wonder if it is Fuchs who got him out of the Marines in the first place?) He knows Barry has these violent tendencies (so does Barry's son, John).
I say all that for context. In the last episode of Barry, we see him and Sally have created some sort of "Family" as they play the roles of parents to an 8 year old child, named...John (after Barry's father). I hope you all are still with me because what I'm about to say next will BLOW your minds, and probably piss off some of you.
Sally is depressed, clearly. She is self medicating with alcohol and trying to hold up this "role" of being a wife/mother. She sucks at it by the way. If we were to say that Barry is sort of mimicking/or maybe trying to recreate his childhood (because let's face it, he is as the flashbacks are strangely similar to his "current" life). I can see Sally taking a trip down self-assassination boulevard leaving Barry to raise his son on his own. How will he do that? I can see him becoming a hitman again. Why you may ask, because Barry is a violent person and he is irredeemable. (He tries to bury these urges, however he is showing his son videos of a kid getting killed with a baseball bat and dying; those feelings are still very much present in Barry). Now becoming a hitman will cause him to grow distance towards his son until one day he introduces John to a man who will give him the paternal needs he has been looking for...and that man is...wait for it...HANK!! Then Hank grooms John into becoming the perfect hitman...BOOM full circle!! The cycle of violence continues!!
I see you Bill Hader and if you end the series like this, you'd be a fucking genius!! This would be an interesting twist, if I'm being honest.
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sholiofic · 2 years
If there’s room for one last prompt in this heaving pile… Zemo + Walking pnuemonia 🐹
I already had something started that this prompt was perfect for, so ... enjoy. :D
Also on AO3: Fever Fall.
They were in the middle of a firefight when Zemo just went down.
"Bucky—" Sam yelled over his shoulder.
"Busy!" Bucky yelled back.
It took him a minute or two to work his way to where Zemo was—at least he'd fallen in a relatively sheltered location, behind a big piece of rusted equipment in the warehouse where they had gotten pinned down by HYDRA. The entire time Sam was imagining Zemo bleeding out; there really wasn't much other than a bullet that could have taken him down like that.
When he got there, Zemo was struggling weakly to get up, trying to drag himself up on the rusted metal hulk in front of him, one hand clinging to the metal hulk and the other fisted against his thigh.
"Down," Sam snapped, catching hold of a double handful of his coat. "Lie still. Where'd they get you?"
Zemo drew a shuddering breath and coughed into his fist. "Give me a minute."
"A minute ain't gonna cut it if you're bleeding out. Let me look."
Zemo shook his head and pulled back, sinking down to sit flat on the floor with his back against the rusted metal. His hand opened and something rolled under the machine. Zemo started to move toward it, but Sam got there first. It was an empty syringe.
"What the hell's this?"
Zemo clutched his coat around him with one hand and drew his backup gun, or tried to; his hand was shaking, and it took him a couple of tries. "Go help James." His voice was a raspy thread, his breathing choked, but it seemed to be easing.
"Bucky can take care of himself," Sam said. He hoped that was true; it at least sounded like Bucky was handling himself capably out there. There was nothing worse than being torn between two teammates who both needed him, even if one was a pain-in-the-ass felon who ought to know better and the other was a supersoldier. "What'd you just shoot yourself up with?"
Zemo drew a shaky breath and didn't answer.
"What's wrong with you? And I mean that in both senses of the word."
"I'll be fine in a minute." Zemo gave him a little nod, a jerk of the chin, like this was okay and normal, like he wasn't chalk-pale and shivering. "Go help James. I'll be out in a minute."
Bucky dropped down beside them, coming seemingly out of nowhere. "James doesn't need help," he said, because of course he had ears like a bat. "Just took care of it on my own, no need for backup, nice time for you two to decide to take a break." But his sharp gaze was flicking across Zemo, marking the little tells: the trembling, the pallor.
"You okay?" Sam asked Bucky.
"Fine," Bucky said. "What happened to him?"
"I'm still figuring that out," Sam said.
He reached out a hand in Zemo's direction. Zemo jerked back hard enough that he banged his head into a metal protrusion of the machine. Sam winced sympathetically and paused, but Zemo closed his eyes and went still, a sort of tacit capitulation. Sam felt his pulse (very rapid, not surprising). His skin was hot and sticky.
"You're running a fever," Sam said. "Where'd all this come from?"
"I knew he was too quiet in the car," Bucky said. His eyes were alert, not worried exactly, but intense, like he was cataloguing Zemo's every move. "Shoulda known there was a problem when he wasn't complaining about the weather and us not having his favorite brand of tea waiting for him."
Sam was kicking himself now, because he had noticed that Zemo was pale and quiet back at the Raft drop, but he'd written it off as the inevitable outcome of weeks without sunlight and the general stresses of solitary. Oh hell, why not be completely honest with himself: he'd wanted it to be that, and only that, because they had a tip on a HYDRA outpost in Jersey, Sam had the congressional oversight committee breathing down his neck, and it had taken days of delays to clear everything and get Zemo there. They had places to go and things to do, and Zemo was in the Raft for good reasons, damn it, and they didn't have to get him out for this, so if something was genuinely wrong, it was the very least they could ask of him to be honest about it and say something.
Hell. He knew who he was dealing with. It was Zemo. Of course he wouldn't.
And not just to be a manipulative little shit, Sam thought, looking at him with a fresh perspective. Zemo was pale and sweaty and shaking. He wouldn't be out in the field if he didn't think it was what they wanted. What they expected.
Ross had delivered him this time. They'd picked him up off a Raft helicopter at the drop site on the Atlantic coast, and drove straight to Jersey that day, with Zemo barely out of the wrist-and-ankle restraints that he was wearing when the helo dropped him off. They had a duffel in the car with fresh clothes brought by his butler, which Sam, hewing stubbornly to his own moral code, hadn't looked in. Now he wished he hadn't given Zemo quite so much privacy, that he'd paid more attention to the signs he should have noticed back then.
Zemo had seemed basically okay, though, just his usual, tightly controlled and mildly sardonic self, with an extra air of studied calm that wasn't strange for a guy who had been in solitary for weeks. He had changed in a gas station restroom, and he'd come out a lot more put together and energetic ... in fact—
"You shot yourself up with something in the bathroom," Sam said. Bucky's expression flickered. "What was it?"
There was a pause during which he thought Zemo wasn't going to answer, but then, eyes half-lidded, staring at nothing, he said, "Military-grade stimulant and anti-pyretic."
"It was in the stuff your butler dropped off?" Sam didn't bother expecting an answer; he knew he was right. "You're sick and you shot yourself up with speed. That's great."
"We had a job to do. And we still do." Zemo stifled another cough, his whole body shuddering, and then his eyes snapped open and he caught hold of the machine and pulled himself up in a single swift movement. "Let's go."
He looked steady enough at first glance, but the tells were still there: slight shivering, a little swaying. His hand was steady on the gun at his hip, but the other hand, the one still clutching his coat around him, was visibly trembling.
"You know, I had to power through a bad case of bronchitis in the field one time," Sam said conversationally. "So let me take a guess at what you're dealing with right now. Killer headache that feels like your head's about to split open, right? Can't get a deep breath, and it feels like someone's jabbing you under the ribs with a knife. Nauseated, and either too hot or too cold, but no in between. That sound about right?"
Zemo straightened his back, head tilted a little, and it was kind of alarming to watch the shivering just stop, except for an occasional, involuntary little tremor that rolled through him that he couldn't seem to contain. "I'll be fine for the next couple of hours. I apologize for putting you two in danger. It was an error and—" He visibly stifled a cough, then went on in something like a normal voice. "—a miscalculation that won't happen again. Let's wrap this up, gentlemen."
He was still the appealing color of wallpaper paste. 
"The only place you're going is bed," Sam said. He had to force himself not to grind his teeth, because Zemo shouldn't have gotten that sick in solitary, and Sam was very definitely not thinking about how he might have ended up that way. "Buck, you said you took care of things, right?"
"More or less," Bucky said. He was tense, balanced on the balls of his feet, and Sam was too fucking glad just to have him there, a solid presence who he knew had his back.
"Great. Let's call in SHIELD to clean up and get out of here."
"I'm capable of finishing the mission," Zemo said tightly.
"I don't doubt that you are," Sam said. "What I'd like to avoid is having you mission your way straight into the hospital, because what you've got there is what's commonly known as walking pneumonia, and if you keep pushing yourself, it's going to turn into fun-trip-to-the-ER pneumonia. And so, we're going to let SHIELD deal with the rest of this, while we reserve a hotel room and get you off your feet and hydrated. How's that sound?"
Zemo looked like he wanted to argue, but was unable to muster coherent arguments, especially when Bucky unceremoniously took a fistful of his coat and steered him toward the door. Sam covered their six, weapon out.
"This is undignified," Zemo said.
"More undignified than you working yourself into a faint and pitching over on your face? I gotta say, I wish I hadn't missed that."
"I did not faint."
"He totally fainted," Sam reported.
"I hate you both," Zemo ground out.
But he allowed himself to be manhandled into the car. Bucky mumbled something about making sure they wouldn't be followed and went back into the building.
"You need help?" Sam called after him.
"No! Just don't leave without me!"
"Just for that, I'm totally leaving without you!" Sam yelled at his back. Bucky flipped him off.
While they were waiting for Bucky to do Bucky things, Sam shoved a bottle of water into Zemo's hands, along with a couple of ibuprofen, and rested his hand on the sticky back of Zemo's neck while Zemo worked at the bottle, drinking carefully like his throat hurt. Which, given his symptoms, it probably did.
"This isn't necessary," Zemo said, between careful sips.
"I know it's not," Sam said, and Zemo looked up at him in quickly veiled surprise, like that wasn't what he had expected. "You're right, you would have been fine for the mission, then you'd go down afterwards, god knows how hard. But ..." He hesitated; he wasn't sure how honest he wanted to be, or how much honesty Zemo would accept. He finally decided, why not; Zemo could take a little unwanted honesty as his punishment for being an asshole.
Meanwhile, Zemo evidently had been going on his own little mental journey, as indicated by his next comment. "I've done similar things in EKO Scorpion. I know how much I can take. I would have been all right, Sam."
"I believe you," Sam said. "At least up to a point, because you aren't twenty-five anymore and I know firsthand how much more punishment you can take in your twenties than you can in your forties. But that's not how we do things, all right? That's not how we treat our teammates. Which you are," he went on, feeling Zemo go still under the light grasp Sam still had on the damp nape of his neck. "Yeah, even though you're a total pain in the ass. Even though I'm aware we're not who you would have picked, and you're not what we would have picked; let's just take that as a given, okay? We didn't take you out of the Raft in the expectation you'd be—cannon fodder, or a useful tool, or whatever it is that you think you are. And we have certain expectations for our teammates, one of which is that we don't make you go in the field when you feel like shit. Okay?"
There was no outright response, but Zemo took another sip of water.
Sam looked up nearby hotels on his phone and made a reservation by the time Bucky came back. "So take forever, it's fine, nobody's worried," he said, taking in Bucky's state in a quick glance—Bucky looked satisfied more than distressed, and there was no blood on him, so Sam was going to take it as a given that he hadn't gotten hurt or hurt anyone worse than he was comfortable with. "I got us a suite, because I think we've earned it, and Richie Rich here is gonna pay for it, although he doesn't know it yet."
"It's fine," Zemo said. He had recovered a bit of composure and was sipping his water as if it was top shelf whiskey. He stifled a cough and closed his eyes.
"And we're not going anywhere for at least two days," Sam added. "Anyone got a problem with that?"
No one did.
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baeklination · 3 years
bartender love pt.3
Tumblr media
Warnings: ANGST, mental health (unnamed) , unease about sex (not very detailed or long), g.e.l.
Pairing: Kyungsoo x F.Reader
WC: 6,2k
NOTE: I know... But, save for a 1 week break, I'm gonna try to stick with this one.
pt.1 pt.2 Masterlist
Going on three months you and Kyungsoo still had as much fervor for one another as in the beginning, only now it was cemented by a comfortable knowing of each other; you knew it could take him hours to reply to a text, but it’d be something sweet when he did; he knew you could seem a bit blasé when he asked you to come over, but you’d be as happy about seeing him as ever. There had really only been one thing that had bothered you (save his underwhelming cooking skills). You’d told yourself that it wasn’t a big deal, yet it kept playing in your mind, that time, a few days ago when he woke you up in the middle of the night:
You woke up by him kissing your shoulder and stroking your breasts, waist and legs. Sluggishly turning around, he was on top of you just as you opened your eyes, continuing with the kisses.
“Shit, Kyung, slow down, I’m not even awake yet”, you said, not minding his actions, but rather his pace.
“You’re plenty awake, Y/N”, he said excitedly, making you chuckle. “You’re not wet yet.”
You weren’t a stranger to the saliva solution, but up until now it’d been reserved for the quickies - the bathroom at a party, a dark alley, the laundry room - so for him to spit in his hand and use it as lube instead of waiting caught you off guard.
“I’ve been awake for an hour thinking about fucking you”, he breathed in your ear as he pressed himself in. “Shh, shh, relax…”, he prompted when he felt how tense you were.
“I haven’t been up an hour, Kyung…”
“You’re right, sorry”, he said and pulled out a bit. “I have to be careful with my precious baby.”
“Well you are...”, he cooed, while kissing you “...my baby.”
“I’m not a baby.”
“Oh, really...?”
He started moving his hips slowly, feeling much less resistance than before.
“Then why do you like it so much?”
The sex was great, per usual, but how it started out had left you feeling...something. You hadn’t even told Iseul about it. If it happened again you would. But since then he’d been the same cute and caring guy you’d come to know him as. Sitting at the end of the bar, waiting for his shift to end you smiled to yourself at the girls batting their eyelashes at him “Damn, you having a seizure or summin’?”
Your phone buzzed - there was a text message from him: “Can I kiss you in 5 seconds?” You looked up to see him counting down with his fingers, taking big steps towards you. When he reached zero you nodded.
“You may.”
He held up a menu, blocking the view to the rest of the room:
“Privacy screen”, he smiled before pressing those plush lips against yours.
Walking home together, there was a chill in the air not usual for this time of year, and seeing you shiver Kyungsoo put his jacket over your shoulders.
"Did you see that in a movie and think that's a great move, gotta try it?", you teased him, laughing all the while.
"What! I was being a gentleman..!"
"Alright…", you held your hands up in defeat. "I guess there's a first time for everything."
"You're such a..!", he exclaimed, pulling you in by your shoulder and giving you a kiss on the head.
There are two things - opposites really - you love about being as close with Kyungsoo as you are. One is being able to have hour-long conversations about miscellaneous issues, like narwhals and the making of milk cartons; the other is being silent, like now.
If you could only choose one, holding hands would win, but having your arm around his waist, your hand just under his t-shirt to feel his warm skin isn't bad either.
"Hey, do you think I could walk the whole way there?", he asked, pointing his finger when you came to the bridge.
"What, the railing?"
"Technically… If you're not afraid of heights."
"I'm not. So you think I can?"
"Can? No, I don't think you can, 'cus only an idiot would try to."
"Am I?", he asked with a mischievous smile that made your throat tight.
"Stop it, Kyung."
"Wanna bet? Ten bucks says I can."
"Are you serious? No. No, I don't wanna bet, I wanna cross the bridge on the ground like normal people."
"Guess I'm not normal then", he said and jogged to the railing.
"Jesus Christ, can you just stop fucking around..."
You were sure he was yanking your chain, but when he started heaving himself up on the ledge you realised he was going to try.
"Ta-da..!", he said triumphantly, stretching his arms out. "It's barely five metres down, I wouldn't die if I fell in."
His stupidity didn't just scare you - it angered you - but you didn't want to shout at him while he was up there.
"It's not the fall that kills you, it's the undercurrent."
"I guess that's what it'll say on my tombstone", he laughed as he started walking. "It was the undercurrent…"
"Can you just get down?", you pleaded, feeling a burning behind your eyes. "Please. You're scaring me, Kyung. Kyung!"
When he didn't say anything is when you'd had enough.
"Fine! I guess you are a fucking idiot", you hissed, picking up the pace to leave him behind. "Here's your fucking jacket", you continued, throwing it on the ground.
"Come on, Y/N..!", Kyungsoo chuckled. "You're cute when you're mad."
His whole demeanour baffled you. He'd always had a carefree up-for-anything attitude to things, but he was never outright stupid. And the fact that he wouldn't come down when you asked when his soft nature had always been his strongest trait… There was a clank followed by a yelp from Kyungsoo - your stomach turned to a vacuum, heart in your throat, as you spun around, ready to hear the splash of him hitting the water.
But there he sat, swinging his legs on either side of the railing. He burst out laughing.
"You should see your face..!" He jumped down and clapped his hands, still laughing. "You thought I went over, right..!"
Still reeling from the shock of thinking he had fallen, his mockery sent you into a rage - now you had half a mind to shove Kyungsoo off the goddamn ledge yourself.
"What the fuck's wrong with you?!", you screamed at the top of your lungs, barely recognizing your own voice.
"Jeez, calm down, babe", he snorted and put his arms up to pull you in.
"Fucking idiot", you spat at him and shoved him in the chest.
"Stop being such a rabbit”, he frowned and tried again. “I-”
“Don’t fucking touch me”, you warned him and swatted his hand away.
“Jeez... Okay, I’m sorry, alright? Let’s just go home. I bet you’ll forget all about it once we’re in bed...”
You were flabbergasted.
“Yeah, well that’s another dumb bet you’ll loose. You’re not coming with me.”
“Come on, Y/N-”
“Leave it.”
He looked at you for a moment then lifted his hands in defeat.
“Alright…” When he turned to get his jacket he chuckled. “Fucking downer…”
You didn’t want to talk to Kyungsoo during the following two days. Ironically though, not hearing from him had stressed you out all the more. Going from is he angry with me now to what if he went up on the railing again and fell? You didn’t believe any of those things, but it didn’t stop them from picking away at your mind. That you hadn’t spoken to Iseul about it probably hadn’t helped - this is exactly the type of situation one needs friend therapy for. You didn’t want to admit it to yourself, but you were embarrassed, without even knowing what about; it’s not as if she thought he was perfect - or better yet - that everyday of her relationship with Tony had been a Hallmark card. Was it because you had gone on and on and on about him only to now think that maybe you don’t know Kyungsoo that well at all? Whatever it was you trusted she’d sort it out for you as you poured her a glass.
“Damn, white wine… What happened?”
“Aeh...nothing”, you sighed and grimaced.
“Sceptical Iseul is not convinced…”
“Of course she isn’t. I don’t wanna have to tell you - but I want you to know...”
“Yeah”, you nodded and frowned. “Fuck it.”
So you told her what had happened on the bridge, start to finish, not trying to make yourself out as having been sweet and sensible; if anything, you sugarcoated Kyungsoo’s behaviour, so she wouldn’t hold it against him in the future.
Iseul pursed her lips and knitted her brows.
"Hm… Is it that bad, though?"
"Agh..! You don't think so?"
"He was an idiot, for sure, and I get why you're angry, but I thought you were gonna tell me something major. You know how guys, not even guys - people - are. Out of the blue they do some weird shit", she said, shrugging her shoulders. "Or are you seriously thinking of ending it over this..?"
You had a knot in your stomach. You knew you had to tell her about when he'd woken you up.
"No. But I'm worried it might be a part of something else, his true self or something …", you sighed, making byunny ears. "The other night. He…" You paused, trying to find a segway in. "I don't know, he…"
Iseul's eyes narrowed as she leaned slightly forward.
"Did something...", you said, fidgeting with the seam of your trousers.
She put her glass down and looked you dead in the eye, her chest rising high with nervousness.
"What do you mean "he did something"?"
"Listen. I didn't think it was a big deal when it happened, so I didn't tell him."
"I mean, it's not like I brought it up to him and he's had a chance to explain himself - it. It's been sitting uneasily on my mind, is all, alright?"
"You're making me uneasy. Just tell me."
If you said it out loud it would be fact and real, instead of your bothersome secret.
"Agh! Okay", you sighed loudly. "He woke me up the other night, last week, wanted to have sex. But you know how you are when you wake up like that, you need a minute to understand that you're even up, right? And if your head needs a minute…", you trailed off, raising your brows demonstratively.
"Your body needs two", Iseul filled in. "Yeah, course."
"But he didn't...care? He just spat and tried to do it anyway-"
"Wait", she said, and went still. "Are you telling me that he-"
"No. NO", you said sternly, grabbing her wrists. "NOT THAT. I swear. God, Jesus, the saints, it wasn't like that, Is. It was just...", you shook your head, yourself still not being able to put words nor feelings to it properly. “It was…”
“Not right..?”
“Yeah. It was just not right. But he didn’t like...force it, when I told him to slow down. It was normal after that, so I don’t know… Do you get why I’m- no wait. He called me baby.”
“He always says that to you, doesn’t he?”
“No, it was more like that.”
“Like daddy baby?”
“Yeah. He’s never done that. Maybe he’s wanted to, but didn’t know how to ask, but with the whole thing and now this...fucking bridge thing…”
“I think you should talk to him about it, all of it. What? What’s with the face?”
“I thought you were gonna fly off the handles when I told you. You know how nervous I’ve been..!”
“Few years ago I prolly would have…”, she smiled, and took her first sip in a long time.
“Ah, Tony calmed you down?”
“More like Tony taught me people are allowed some fuck-ups… Not just him, me too. Things can snowball so fast. If we hadn’t started talking - or listening - we wouldn’t have made it. ‘Cus...you don’t wanna break up- wait! You’re not officially a couple are you..!”
“No, we're not, Mrs Tony. And no, I don’t.”
“Well, then it’s simple, if not easy. There might be something going on with him that he’s not saying, you know. If you manage to get your foot in the door maybe he’ll let you in, hun.”
“Ah..! Now you made me wanna call him now, forgive and have sunsets and roses..!”, you wailed.
“Fuck that. He apologizes first, you hear?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be angry again in an hour. Thanks.”
“Before we go all sunset… If you ever feel not comfortable with sex, don’t do it.”
“I know.”
“No, I’m serious. Trying new things, you do for him, he does for you, sure. But never do it so he won’t be in a pissy mood, or whatever. That shit will fuck with your selfworth so bad you don’t even know...“
“Mm… I guess I just don’t know how to broach the subject…”
“Do you trust him? Apart from being mad at the moment?”
“Yeah. Yes.”
“Then start with some Dr. Phil shit “Kyungsoo, I trust and lo-”. Iseul stopped mid-sentence and looked at you with glittering eyes. “Do you love him?”
“Go on with your Dr. Phil.”
“Do you? Come on, you do..!”
“Go. On”, you said, trying to be stern, but breaking into a smile.
“Kyungsoo, I trust and may love-”
“Oh, shut up, Is..!”, you hollered. “See, this is why I always regret telling you things…”
“You didn’t even tell me anything”, Iseul affirmed innocently, putting her hands up.
“Yaic… Give me the damn bottle, and let’s talk about something else.”
“Cheers to that. Let’s leave anger behind. Let’s talk about…”, she giggled, and you knew precisely what was coming “...loooove.”
Iseul was your best friend in everything.
Another two days passed and as predicted, your anger came back. As you lay down to sleep after your shift, the day just getting started with a pale blue on the horizon, you continued the three-stop circle you'd been on for a few hours: blazing irritation, want, anxiousness. You grabbed your phone and open the inbox to read the text for the umpteenth time:
Your heart had skipped a few beats when you read the first part, but went stone cold when you read the rest. Or rather; when you didn't read what you should have - an apology. Incensed is the perfect way to put it, and of course you hadn't done yourself any favours by going over it again and again, in a sense deciding what Kyungsoo was thinking (that there was nothing to apologise for) instead of sticking with the facts (he said he misses you and wants to see you). That part is what had you feeling restless, thinking maybe you shouldn't have ignored him; even seeing his missed call you could've texted him to let him know you were at work. But then again, why should you? Why should you come running as soon as he snaps his fingers - especially after all this time without a beep from him? And that's how you went until you dozed off.
You couldn’t tell how long you’d slept, but judging by the dark shadows still stretching out from the corners of your room it wasn’t very long. You looked around, ears pointed, to figure out what had awoken you.
It was coming from outside. Throwing your covers to the side you got up and peeked out through the curtains. Sitting on the grass below your apartment was Kyungsoo.
“For fucks sake…”, you swore under your breath as you opened the window. “What!?”, you hissed.
When he got to his feet and brushed himself off he stumbled: he was - as they say - as drunk as a skunk. As if your patience wasn’t already wearing thin he continued shouting.
“Open the door..! I miss-”
“Shh! People are trying to sleep..!”
“So let me in!”
If not for anything else than to make sure your neighbours didn’t call the cops on you, you hurried down the stairs and let him in.
The sweet smell of alcohol surrounding him nauseated you, so you kept your distance as he was kicking off his shoes in the hallway.
“Why didn’t you go home?”
“I wanted to see you. Why didn’t you come down to the bar?”
There’s no point in arguing with an intoxicated person, so you gave work as your excuse.
“I was working too, but I still made time for you”, he said like a little know-it-all, bobbing his head, squinting with one eye.
“How much did you drink, Kyung? Henki isn’t even open this late…”
“Not enough. We went to Andrew’s place.” He paused to swallow a burp. “And then I missed you, so now I’m here..!”
“Dandy… Well, I just got back, I have to sleep”, you said and went back to your bedroom.
“Does that mean no sex?”
You bit your tongue, careful not to give him the earful you so desperately wanted to.
“That’s okay”, he said and slumped down on the bed. “We’ll be sexless from- oh, shit!”
They way he hurried out the door you knew what was coming - literally. Luckily you heard the lid smack open before the retching. You were annoyed as hell that he’d come over, and the sounds coming from the bathroom made you cringe - but it also made you feel sorry for him, and remember what Iseul had said about patience.
“Where’s my…”, he groaned, then stopped to spit.“Where’s my toothbrush..?”
He looked so pitiful where you found him, sat grimacing on the floor.
“Are you sure you’re done?”
“Yes”, he nodded with his eyes closed. “I just wanna go to bed.”
“Here”, you said, holding out his toothbrush, pasted and ready.
His eyes had become glossy, making him look almost like a seal when he looked up at you. You sat down with him as he brushed his teeth and felt the ice thaw.
A bit more lucid, but tired and somewhat slurring his words he crawled under the covers.
"I'm so glad you're not still mad."
"I am", you sighed tiredly.
He stopped mid-motion of putting his arm around you, letting it rest on your hip instead.
"Why'd you let me in?"
"The cops..?"
"Don't be mad at me, Y/N", he whined. “Please…”
"I won't be", you replied and pulled his arm up around you.
The sweet vapors of drink still surrounded him, but the feeling of his body enveloping you one-upped them. When you're used to sleeping with someone's chest on your back, being without is like going without a safety blanket. The scolding could wait til the morning.
Getting over a fight, finally seeing each other, has a way of shining the brightest light on things, making them new. As you lay listening to Kyungsoo’s breathing, his stuffy nose irregularly whistling, all traces of anger seemed to have vanished. That is not to say the issue had, but you thought the best course would be to actually talk, not berate.
When you started tracing the lettering on his back his shoulder blades pushed together as if it tickled.
“Good morning. Day”, you said and scooted closer.
To your disappointment - albeit not total surprise - he pulled the covers over his head when you put your arm around his waist. Not what you were hoping for after so many days apart.
“Did the nightly prince turn into a hungover frog?”, you snickered. “Hey”, you said in a softer voice, but you could see the silhouette of his hand moving up to his head. “I’ll get you something for your head and make some broth. You need something in your stomach.”
You’d been there a few times yourself; headache so bad you think you’ll never be able to stand on your feet again and nausea so bad you feel you never want to eat again. One fed the other, so starting off with the soup from insta-noodles was perfect - it could be downed in a few mouthfuls and it restored your salt levels. In an hour or two he’d manage to get some fruits and coffee down.
But when you went back to see if he was ready for more you found he hadn’t even finished half of it, seemingly swallowed the pills and rolled around to your side of the bed. You opened the window a bit, hoping the fresh air would make him feel better, before kneeling down by the bed. His hand was peeking out so you held it lightly.
“I put some coffee and nectarines on the table here”, you whispered. “I know you feel sick, but you’ll feel better if you eat. I’m working tonight, and going over to Is in a few hours. You can stay, but I’d worry less if you got a little better before I leave, Kyung.”
When he didn’t say anything you sighed in compassion, kissed him on the hand and let him rest.
He hadn’t eaten anything before you left - nor responded to any of your texts or calls from work - so it was with pity, worry, and determination to get him to eat you opened the door. It was dark in the hallway with only a faint light coming through from the living room window. It wasn’t without some despondency, not having spent actual time with him, you flicked on the lights and looked at the floor to see if he had dropped your spare key through the mail drop like you said. Not seeing it you got a little excited - had he kept it, claimed it, as his?; did that mean you would be getting one in return next time?
When you took your shoes off, you realised that the chill you’d felt on your body and chucked down to you being tired, extended to the floor - it was freezing cold. The radiator was warm to the touch.
“Kyung…”, you sighed.
Guessing he must’ve forgotten to close the window, the thought of laying down in the iced bed made you groan as you turned the corner and braced yourself to go in. The door was closed. He can’t still be here, you frowned. The temperature drop gave you goosebumps in a second and seeing Kyungsoo did nothing to warm you up; exactly as you had left him, there he lay.
“Jesus, Kyung, it’s freezing in here”, you exclaimed, and hurried to close the window.
When you turned on the lamp on the nightstand you saw he hadn’t taken a bite or sip.
“Haven’t you be-”
You stopped dead in your tracks when you saw the look of him. He had the covers pulled up to his eyes, but you could see clear as day that he was drained; his skin had an almost greyish hue to it and his eyes were tired, zoned out.
“What’s the matter?”, you asked, putting your hand on his forehead to see if he was running a fever. He shrunk away from it and turned, making you all the more worried. “Hey…”
You tried soothing him by caressing his back, but he curled his shoulders with dislike and grunted something sounding like “no”, or maybe “don’t”. Realising it was the same thing he'd done in the morning you got worried - scared - for real, thinking this wasn't just some metaphysical hangover. What do I do? Call the emergency services? Loey. What if he doesn't want me to? Shit. Call Loey. You sat motionless, staring at his back for what seemed like an eternity. You wanted so badly to touch him, to hug him, but it obviously made him feel worse. Why… Gathering courage you went to find his trousers, feeling the pockets for his phone.
"Kyung… I'm gonna call Loey. I… Can you tell me if you don't want me to?"
Perhaps it was nothing more than a slow blink, but it could’ve been an OK.
You paced back and forth in the living room, swallowing nothing from your dry mouth, as you waited on Loey to pick up. What if he didn't think it was a big deal, or understand what you were talking about, what then?
"Radio night love with Loey, what's on your mind, caller?", he answered jovially.
"Eh, hi, Lo'. It's Y/N."
"Yeah, I don't know… I think something's wrong with Kyung. He's-"
"Wrong how? Are you- where are you?" The change in his tone meant he knew what this was.
"At home, he's just lying there-"
"Okay, I'm coming."
"What should I do? He hasn't even eaten in a day."
"Don't worry, I'll be there in 20. Just let him be."
You waited for Lo' on the bedroom floor; sitting out of Kyungsoo's view so he wouldn't feel watched. Having Lo' take control of the situation made you feel both better and worse: he obviously knows what to do - which means it's likely this has happened before. And will happen again. Thinking back on the past two weeks, you see it so clearly now - so fucking clearly. Did I make it worse by fighting with him? Could I have stopped it if I'd caught- the phone rang in your hand. Finally, Loey was downstairs.
"Has he been weird, hyper?", he asked, keeping you in the stairwell.
"Yeah. I thought he was just…", you throw your hands up. "Acting a little wild, having extra energy. We had a fight last week, so I hadn't seen him until last night."
The guilt of having shut him out overwhelmed you and your tears started pouring freely from your eyes. “I should’ve known something was wrong, instead of just-”
"Hey. Hey, hey…", Lo' tried to calm you down, grabbing your shoulders. "It's not your fault. If anything it’s mine, for not knowing he was lying to me...", he sighed.
“I asked him if he was off his meds last week. I should’ve fucking known he was lying, he wasn’t just in a good mood. I didn’t get back until a few hours ago so I couldn’t check either. Is he sleeping?”, he asked, and continued up the stairs.
“I don’t know…”
Off his meds?
“Can I talk to him alone?”
“Mm. I’ll…”, you trailed off, but walked towards the kitchen.
“Hi buddy…”, you heard him say in his deep, low voice before closing the door.
You could hear a faint rustling of the covers and gathered Kyungsoo was at least reacting to Loey. Thank god.
You hadn’t waited very long when Loey came back out. He sighed and tried to put on a brave face.
“We’re gonna go. I’m taking him to the hospital…”
“Oh… Can’t you take him home, give him his meds?”, you asked, feeling small and dumb.
“Not with this”, he said, pointing backwards. “He knows he has to.”
“Yeah… Of course. Um…”
“We should go…”, he said awkwardly and turned around.
“Lo’… Will he get back to normal?”
“Yeah, don’t worry. I’ll call you when we’re done, okay?”
When they came out, Kyungsoo was fully dressed. The clothes that yesterday represented a very drunk and stupid Kyungsoo were now doused in helplessness. You could see that everything was heavy for him; standing up, waiting. For a split second the haze covering his eyes was lifted and they were clear as day - for a split second you saw utter despair. You pressed your body hard against the wall to stop yourself from moving, holding your arms crossed tight.
Loey looked around the hallway, lifting up your clothes.
“His jacket..?”
“He didn’t have one”, you said, remembering how cold it was.
“Here", he said, pulling off his own sweater and dressed Kyungsoo in it. "It's bad enough without you catching a cold."
Kyungsoo seemed to let Loey do what he wanted, like a child who's done crying and tiredly agrees to everything. Selfishly, you wished he'd responded to you like that instead of being uncomfortable with your touch.
"Okay, let's go", he said and opened the door. "I'll...call you later."
Through the window you could see them getting in the car; Loey's hand reaching out to put the seatbelt on Kyungsoo. As they drove off towards the paler sky you shivered and breathed out slowly. Don't cry. You heard Lo', he's gonna be fine. Blinking your tears back down you decided there wasn't much else to do than go to bed - unless you wanted to stay up and stay worried - so you washed up and went to lie down. There was a whiff of his scent whenever you moved the covers or pillow, making it impossible to banish the thoughts completely; and so you fell asleep with a ghost in your body, clutching your phone waiting for Loey's call.
You were startled awake by the heavy guitar riffs blasting in your ears.
“Yeah…”, you grunted, still drunk with sleep.
“Shit, did I wake you? It’s Lo’.”
“No”, you said, rubbing your eyes. “I mean yes. How’d it go? How is he?”
As soon as you got your bearings, the somersaults in your stomach were back at it.
“Eh, he’s...not fine, I mean, you saw him. But at least he’s sleeping now”, he sighed, worn out not just by this night’s event, but every night like this.
“Where is he?”
You were desperately hoping Loey would say he was with him at home, but it didn’t come as a surprise when he explained Kyungsoo had been admitted to the hospital and would be staying there for some unknown amount of time. Understanding you didn’t know what - or how - to say or ask, he tried his best to put your mind at ease.
“He’ll be back, Y/N. It’s like he says, just a glitch in his matrix. He’s pretty sedated now-”
“Sedated?”, you burst out. “What do you mean? He was calm when you left..?”
“No, not sedated. It’s a side effect from the drugs he takes to avoid worse ones from his real meds. He gets tired, sleeps all the time. He’ll be up in a few days.”
“Shit, you scared me", you exhaled heavily. "Are you allowed to visit him?"
"Yeah, sure. His mum will call once he's up. You want me to go with you?"
"Should I go?"
Judging by the silence on the other end of the line, Loey was surprised at your question.
"I mean, maybe he doesn't want me to come? He never told me about this. I don't want him to be embarrassed…"
"He won't be."
"Okay, maybe not embarrassed, but like he wants to tell me himself when he's ready, you know. If he knows you've already told me-"
"He's not like that", Loey interjected. "What was he gonna say? That he just had a bad hangover, come on. He'll be happy to see you."
"You sure? What if...ai, I don't know..."
"I'll ask him when I see him, alright?"
"If he says it's okay, yeah, I'll go."
"He's not gonna dump you over it. He was gonna tell you anyway."
"He was..?"
"Of course he was. You couldn't very well get hitched without him letting you know, could he?"
"Hitched? Married? Eh, I think we're a few years away from that carnival, Lo'…", you brushed it off, but couldn't help smiling to yourself.
"That's what the kids always say… All I'm saying is he's nuts about you and I know he'd like it if you came by. Unless..?"
"Uh-uh, no. If he says yes, just you try to stop me", you said energised.
"That's the spirit, Y/N..! But one more thing…"
"What you think of my new hair?"
You could tell he was grinning, trying to lighten up the heavy mood.
"Oh, shit. You're blonde!", you shouted, suddenly realising he'd dyed his hair. "Shit, Lo'..! It looks good."
“I wasn’t sure about it myself, but one of the other roadies convinced me to try it.”
“Did this roadie happen to be a woman, Lo’..?”
He laughed and cleared his throat.
“I’m not saying she wasn’t...”
“You two…”, you sighed and felt the absence of Kyungsoo. “You okay?”
“Me? I’m tough as nails, an iron man. Honestly, if I’m not freakin’ out, you don’t have to.”
“I guess… Yeah, you’re right. Thanks. Call when you hear something?”
“No doubt. Bye.
A part of you wanted the elevator to malfunction so you’d be stuck between floors, unable to see him. Ever since waking up, the scales of excitement vs. nerves had slowly been shifting towards nerves and every time the digits on the monitor changed the buzzing in your body increased. You knew - or at least thought - that it was just a matter of getting the first awkward moments out of the way, but logic was apparently not applicable to this situation. You rubbed your sternum with your knuckles, hoping to relax the electrified lump you had in there, but as soon as the elevator pinged you knew it was no point, you’d simply have to walk in there, ready or not.
As soon as you came up to the desk a kind-faced nurse looked up from her seat. Reassurance.
“Hi. Eh, I’m here to visit someone..?”
“M-hm. Who?”
“Kyungsoo”, you answered, again somehow making it sound like a question.
“Hm, okay, let me see here”, she said, and fiddled with the computer in front of her. “Ah, here it is. 4 PM with Kyungsoo...and your name is…”
“Y/N. Yep, that’s right. Let me just see he’s not sleeping”, she said, getting up.
In a sudden onset of self consciousness you looked in the window of the entrance door to make sure you looked okay; straightening out your already straight shirt; fixing your hair that looked exactly the same as it had done. When the nurse came back down the hallway and nodded you almost liquified. But it didn’t last long, because peeking out from the room, there he was. After a quick scan his eyes found you and he smiled shyly, but widely. If there is ever a good sort of punch to the stomach, this was that. Like sitting outside when the clouds suddenly give way to the sun to warm your face. There was no way you looked normal walking, not with the way your wobbly legs felt they were gonna give out any moment. But if he noticed anything he didn’t remark on it as he shuffled inside to let you in. He stretched his arms out a little, but brought them back to his side, chuckling. He was as nervous as you were.
You didn’t say anything, laughed a bit, and went to hug him. His embrace was as before: you could feel he was strong; the contours of his chest against your cheek, his arms reaching round your shoulders - but he was also gentle. The sweet-sticky smell had vanished, and you could smell him, warm Kyungsoo.
"Can I kiss you..?", he whispered.
You nodded, your head still against his chest, eyes closed.
"You better…"
He blew out a giggle through his nose and cupped your face as you turned towards him. Warm Kyungsoo. So soft you registered the way his lips were pushed down as he pressed them against yours, the tickle of his upper lip over yours. His tongue tasted exactly like it should. Too soon did he break the kiss to hug you tight.
"Ugh, I'm so glad you came…", he sighed. "Do you wanna sit outside? I've got a balcony."
"Ocean view?"
"You bet", he said, and took your hand to guide you. "Do you want something to drink, eat?", he asked, filling up a glass of water.
"No, I'm fine. I had a late lunch."
The balcony was barely 4 square ft., with a pair of those white plastic chairs. Looking behind, beyond the banister, there wasn't much of anything; a few trees in a pretty rundown playground, and a seemingly abandoned warehouse. He put his glass on the edge and declared:
"There..! Ocean view", as he sat down.
"Not really what I expected…"
"I'm sorry to disappoint you", he smiled.
It was meant as a joke, but it shifted the energy profoundly. There was a tug in your gut. Kyungsoo frowned, suddenly looking tired, and ran his hand through his hair which fell on his forehead now that it was without styling. He leaned forward and took your hand.
"Hey, tell me what you're thinking."
He tilted his head, not letting you get away with that answer.
“I…” You shrugged your shoulders, looking anywhere but at him. “Everything..? I jump to the next question before even figuring out what the previous question was… I’m worried - scared.”
“Of me?”
“No, for you!” You emphasized by nearly crushing his hand. “Never of you, Kyung… I don’t know what to do.”
“You don’t have to do anything.”
“Yeah, I do.”
“Fix me..?”, he chuckled despondently.
“I’m not that dumb, Kyung. It’s just…” You started gesturing widely, so he let go of your hand. “Like on tuesday. Lo’ knew exactly what to do and I just sat there without a fucking clue... I should’ve called him sooner - I should’ve known something was up..!”
“Hey, hey. You can’t think like that”, he said in an effort to calm you down. He put his hands on your knees and looked at you, his brows knitted, upset you’d even consider blaming yourself. It worked. You lowered your voice and finally looked at him.
“I just…wish I’d done something.”
“Listen to me. Don’t just nod your head, Y/N. Listen, okay?”
“Mm”, you said, nodding again as you felt a lump in your throat.
“Whatever you think you did, you didn’t. This is how I am.”
Fast, like ECT, the current went through your face - shutting your eyes tight didn't stop it.
"No, don't cry, babe. Please don't cry", he begged softly, putting his hands on your arms, your neck.
It'd only been the shock that made you start, not your overall feeling, so you managed to stop.
"Sorry", you laughed and dried your eyes, feeling a little silly. "I'm just a little…", you exhaled loudly, fanning your face.
"...little emotional?"
"Yeah...", you sniveled and laughed again. "Little bit."
He looked so sweet with his crooked smile and compassionate eyes, but also sleepy.
"Do you want to go to bed?"
"Is it that obvious?"
"I'm sorry..!", he wailed. "I really want to be with you, I missed you like hell, but I'm-"
"So fucking tired", he chuckled.
"Well, it's no use trying to talk if you're over here falling asleep anyway, is there. Come on", you said, getting up. "I'll come back soon anyway."
"You're leaving?"
You looked at him dumbfounded.
"Well, I… No, I can stay. I'll sit with you."
"Sit with me? No, sleep with me."
You looked at each other then burst out laughing.
"Going straight to the point, are we?"
Kyungsoo's rumbling laughter filled the room as he got into his bed.
"Aish… Come here."
"Am I allowed to?"
"What are they gonna do, I'm already in here, ain't I?"
Strange, giddy, nerves took hold when you unlaced your shoes and got into bed, but dissipated as soon as he put his arm around you and pulled you in close.
“Good night”, he said and kissed your neck.
“Oh. No…”, he said drowsily. “The other…”
You waited to hear his final answer, but instead felt him settle; his hold loosening, chest rising slowly.
“Good nap, Kyung.”
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riseofarmy · 3 years
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i can do this all day 03 | do you ever look at someone and wonder
author : @riseofarmy
pairing : kim seokjin x original character
words : 2533
i can do this all day masterlist
previous chapter
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How isn't she tired yet?
I'm tired, and I've only been floating behind her for the last three-ish hours. When she first noticed that I was laying on air, her dumb cat hissed at me, but she just widened her eyes for a second before ignoring me.
Maybe she's just been desensitised by all the stuff she got sprung with today.... which is strange because people usually come looking for the lamp knowing there's a djinn inside. Then again, it's been a while since I've been awaked this far in the past, and it's further in the future that people know about the 'genie' myth.
I know that my first few masters summoned me one after another, but somewhere along the line, I started serving people from all different times. That stunning suit I had on before was made for one of the most popular boy groups of the 21st century, but I hadn't considered that I would be so far back in time that it would be ridiculed.
I still can't believe that: my master tried to kill me, then barely two minutes later made fun of my sexy jacket and oh my god, I don't even know her name.
"Oh my god, I don't even know your name." The little terror on her shoulder stares at me with its dumb, beady eyes.
"Darling." She didn't even turn to me when she answered.
"My name. It's Darling. Darling Surya".
Darling. I size her up, running my gaze over her. Her face was a little plain, but it looked downright fierce with her buzz-cut and wicked jawline. Paired with her long jacket and the general get-out-of-my-way vibe she gives off, she doesn't seem like a Darling at all.
"Darling? Is it weird when some random person calls you darling without realising it's your name?"
"I had been using the name Surya while I pretended to be a man, so I've never had to experience that." Wow, plot twists be like.
"Why did you pretend to be a man?"
"Because all women are good for is marriage, and I needed a job to save up money so I could come here."
Yikes, alright then. I have a feeling she's always this intense.
She has my interest piqued though, and I keep asking her questions. She's blunt at first, obviously preoccupied by something else, but eventually she relaxes enough to give me more detailed answers. I even suck up my dislike to her dumb cat and float beside her instead of behind, and she doesn't seem to mind.
I learn that her father is from Daehan-Minguk and her mother from Paaratham (modern-day South Korea and India respectively, which explains her darker skin) and that she was a heavy labourer for two years to save up money to move from Paaratham to Daehan-Minguk.
She explains that the king is an asshole - making downright treasonous comments about him throughout - and that we were currently going to his son's birthday ball.
She doesn't tell me why we're going, though, because supposedly she's 'still sorting it out', but it must be something serious since she dances around the question with a tight expression until I ask her about her cat.
It's a little strange to just talk like this.
I always make sure to learn about each of my masters so I can serve them better. Darling, though... she one of the few who I can say don't feel like a master. Most of the others went straight to telling me everything they would do with the money they were going to wish for themselves, or the apparently tragic stories that made them so deserving of the power they wanted.
Darling, just talked about her parents and Yoongi a lot, and even asked me questions about being a djinn.
She was baffled when I told her I've served people from different times, mouth dropping and fingers tightening on the lamp which she still held in her hand, and she wanted to know what the world is like in the future. When I told her about phones, though, she decided I was making it up and asked something else.
Still, it felt nice to talk to Darling. Nice enough that another hour and a half passed without me noticing, and soon enough, dusk had fallen and we were approaching the nearest town.
"I know an inn nearby, but I'm not sure how people would react if they saw someone in the air. I think you should stop floating for a bit." Darling looks pointedly at me until I set my feet on the ground with a huff.
"Silly humans and your non-floating ways. Do you realise how much of a time-waster walking is?"
"My bad, Seokjin. I'll make sure that next time I'm born as a genie." My lips curl into a grin of their own accord at her response, and I see her own do the same out of the corner of my eye.
The streets of the town are busy, but Darling navigates them fairly easily. It becomes more and more apparent, though, that there is currently something going on - people are bustling around busily, and Darling looks increasingly worried until we finally end up in front of an inn.
Inside, I immediately understand why Darling looked troubled - the inn is almost overflowing with people. Darling runs a hand over her buzz-cut and pushes the lamp deep into her pocket, then tells me to wait in the corner while she talks to the innkeeper. I try to follow her anyway, but she gives me a wicked glare and leaves her cat next to me so I stay put.
"What are you looking at?" The cat doesn't even blink, just lays down next to my feet. It doesn't seem to mind when I crouch closer to it, so I give its fur an experimental poke.
It opens its eyes lazily, slowly flicking its tail in my direction until I give it another poke, soft this time. Dumb cat. I could make you disappear from existence right now and you wouldn't even realise. As if sensing my thoughts, the cat bats at my hand, but then lets me pat it again.
"Yoongi likes you." Darling, who appeared without me even realising, looks down with sickeningly love-filled eyes at the cat.
"He what now?"
"Yoongi. He doesn't like anyone touching him except me, but he seems to be okay with you."
"Oh. Well, that's too bad for him because I hate cats."
"If you say so." She raises her eyebrows as if she doesn't believe me, but before I can reaffirm that no, really, I hate cats, she jerks her head to the stairs that I think lead to the rooms. "It's good we came here first, because the other inn is already full. There's a festival in Mansae the day before the ball, so people are staying here on their way to it and there's only one room left here. You okay with that?"
"I live in a lamp, Darling, I'm sure I can manage." She gives me a small smile and hikes her rucksack up before picking up her cat.
The innkeeper comes to us with a very capitalist smile and leads us to our room. He doesn't shut up, somehow managing to fit his life story, three comments about how 'we're never been this busy' and even an offer for me to marry his daughter in the two minutes he has our attention.
Darling just rolls her eyes when we're finally shown our room, and I remember her words from before - 'all women are good for is marriage'. I wonder if the innkeeper's daughter knew she was basically being given away by her own dad.
"Seokjin!" I pop my head into the room, which Darling had already unlocked and was going through. It was just big enough for a bed, a small table with a chair, and a tub behind a bamboo screen to bathe in.
"We have to get to the palace by tomorrow afternoon, so we're leaving early." She grabs a pillow from the bed to fluff it before throwing it back down. "You sleep here, I'll take the chair."
I think the sight of me floating has completely disappeared from her brain. "Darling. Sweetheart. You are a human, and need sleep. I am a genie, and have my lamp and don't need to sleep. Take the bed."
Darling's hand had been hovering protectively over her pocket, but now she pulls the lamp out of it and glances up at me.
"Oh. I guess that makes sense. I thought you wouldn't be too thrilled at the idea of going back into your lamp so soon. Plus, I wasn't planning on sleeping."
That makes me pause, and I consider her predicament for a moment. Darling - visibly tired, stressed out and her mind obviously occupied by something that she's been turning over for who-knows-how-long, yet here she is offering me a bed. Me. A literal genie with my whole-ass magic thing going on. Because she thinks I would be sick of being in my perpetual home one more night. Cute.
Then I notice how tight her grip on the lamp is, and that's when something clicks in my brain.
Hah. I wonder if she realises how easy it is to read her.
"Interesting, Darling, but may I offer a proposition? You sleep on the bed, your dumb cat can do whatever, and I'll do my floating business. Win-win-win, am I right? Also, c'mere."
She widens her eyes warily when I hold my hand out for the lamp, but passes it over with some hesitancy.
"What are you doing?"
"Trust me, Darling."
I watch her expression morph from confusion to distress as I melt the golden lamp into a chain-link necklace. Taking a step closer to her, I reach across the space between us to loop the chain around her neck and seal the ends together so there isn't an opening to the necklace. The purple gem thing - even after all this time, I don't know what it is - rests just below her collarbone, glinting in the dim light from the candle we were given.
"There you go! Now you can sleep without having to worry about losing it! Wow! You can thank me now!" I smile at her, but she doesn't notice. She fiddles with the necklace experimentally, a frown bringing her eyebrows together.
"What if someone pulls it off?" How Darling of her, always going around ruining the mood with her silly questions.
"Nopsies, the only ones who can even touch it are you and me. And your stupid cat. And I'm the only one who can take it off you or change its shape, so hurry up and thank me you ungrateful shit." I smile wider, tilting my head in expectation, and the tiniest hint of a grin graces her lips.
"Thank you, Seokjin."
"You are absolutely welcome, Darling dear. Now sleep." Before she can say anything else, I push her onto the bed and tap her forehead. She doesn't even have a chance to look surprised before she's unconscious, fast asleep as the purple remnants of my magic curl around her head.
I pull a blanket over her and poke my tongue out at her dumb cat when it jumps up to sleep next to her. It ignores me.
Oh well.
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"Look, Mansae will be in front of us in a second. We'll be able to see the sea too."
Darling draws my attention to the view ahead of me, where we're about to break through the forest's treeline.
She woke up at fuck-all o'clock to find me playing on my Nintendo, and barely ten minutes later we were out of the town and on our way to the palace. We avoided the main road until now by picking our way through the mountain, but we were close enough to the capital, Mansae that we couldn't avoid it any longer.
With one last turn, the palace is laid bare in front of us.
The main road snakes to the palace and the houses and markets that surround it, which were in turn set within a wide valley circled by the Mansae mountain range. Through the space between two of the mountains, we could see the faint glimmer of the ocean far away. The palace itself was a spread of white towers spearing the sky, the path leading to it choked with people weaving between markets.
We join the crush of people heading to the palace for Jungkook's birthday-and-wife-picking-ceremony and are instantly shoulder-to-shoulder with sweaty strangers. Darling's elbow digs into my side as we walk, but she's too focused on babying her dumb cat to realise. I bear with it until we reach the markets, but I can't stand it anymore.
"Darling your elbow has been jackhammering a hole into my ribs for an hour."
She practically rips her gaze away from her cat to look up at me. "Seokjin, I can promise you that you are not the only one in this crush of people with an elbow in your ribs. Still, sorry about that, I wish there wasn't so much of a crowd."
"Ohoho, is that your first wish?" I waggle my eyebrows at her jokingly, but she doesn't realise I'm only kidding.
"No! No, that is not a wish!" She seems to be visibly panicking, a flush climbing her throat as she splutters in her attempt to make sure her wish isn't used. Cute.
"Okay okay, that's not your wish, I get it. But uhh, now that we're on the topic... What is your first wish?"
"I'll tell you when it comes to it." Ah yes, Darling - putting up brick walls faster than you can ask her questions. This time, though, that's not an option.
"Nopesies, you have to tell me. Come on bestie."
"I will. If I need to. Do I really need to? Can't I just say it when I need it to happen?"
Some times, it's a real bother being the only smart person on a whole planet of dummies. But that's okay - I suck back my exasperation and hide it behind a tight smile.
"Okay. Look. Here's the deal, Darling. It's obvious to me by now that you are not going to wish for money or power or whatever else my masters usually want. If, when you make your wish, it isn't precise enough or it's something I can't grant, I will not know what to give you and that's a wish wasted. I need you to explain this big idea of your's, or else I literally cannot do my job properly, so please tell me: what is going on inside your head?"
The flush on her neck spreads to her face as she mutters something without meeting my eye, but I miss it because she says it so quietly.
"What was that?"
Squaring her shoulders, Darling turns and holds my gaze straight on. There's some emotion tightening her face that I can't fully decipher, something between agitation and determination
"I need you to make the prince fall in love with me."
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i can do this all day masterlist
next chapter
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0 notes
dcmissionaries · 6 years
Absolute Territory
After the events of the day previous, the Angels had gone home feeling not only a hollow point in their stomachs for asking the Demons for some sort of help. On top of it all, they had lost an Angel to some unknown, incredibly ambiguous Ghost that seemed to have a taste for stones. Which was weird. It left the Angel Leaders with a feeling of dread. It had been days since the event, and though the activity had ceased with the Angel Ghost eradicated, an even bigger threat had presented itself. Shades and Undershirt watched Strappon pace back and forth in his living quarters for a good couple of minutes after he called them there. The Angels watched him stop for a moment, open his mouth as if to say something, then shake his head and continue pacing. Finally, Undershirt spoke up. "Look, Strap, I know this is a hell of a decision, but what's the damage if we head back?" He asked, tapping his foot impatiently as he was slouched back on the couch. "We're not able to get any information from just sitting here." Shades added. Strappon stopped and turned to the two. The expression on his face was something of defeat and discontent for sure. "You're right." He finally said, "I know if we don't go to investigate now, we'll never find anything on our own. No one seems to know what that thing was, so it's best to go back, but armed and prepared for something much worse." The two nodded and were finally glad the man stopped pacing a hole into his carpet. Though from the marks, it was obvious that was a common practice. It was too late to save the carpet, now. "We'll head there, and if we can find a way to defeat it on our own, all will be well. We won't have to rely on the Demons' knowledge or anything of that sort." Strappon finished, pounding the side of his fist into one hand with a short nod, "I don't want to rely on them for their knowledge. On top of that, if we get there first, we can stick it to the Demons." He smiled at the two and they nodded with agreement. "Good, now let's get our asses out there and kick some Ghost butt." Shades said, giving Strappon a thumbs-up. Despite the Angelic enthusiasm to re-enter the Ground Zero of Daten, another threat lurks among the midst of the rubble, waiting...
ABSOLUTE TERRITORY Angels continue their search for the mysterious ghost that devoured an Angel's Soul Stone, but they have a few obstacles to weave through before finding it. --------
The atmosphere of Ground Zero was even worse than before as it seemed even more desolate and eerie with the overcast day that was cast over it. As Strappon and the Angel Crew pulled up to the area, the ominous feeling had left the Templar almost intimidated.
Almost, if Jacket hadn't already jumped out of Tee's truck beaming like it was a sunny day in July. The twinkle in his eye was only matched by the automatic headlights on Strappon's Benz. He was like a shining beacon of hope if he hadn't already been regarded as an idiot.
Strappon looked over the group of Angels that had followed him.
"This is it. Last time we were here, we backed down. However, Duster and Shades said they had seen the same Ghost here again, so we best get in there before it finds its way back into the city." He said with a gesture to the area.
DJDEVIL:  Helmet stood dutifully as Strappon debriefed the group, gripping the  hilt of his 'sword' in it's scabbard. However, there was something  different about Helmet today. Was it his helmet? No. His shirt,  perhaps? Couldn't be.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary! Didn't have a little lamb but he had a bike for sure. The baby  bat peddled as fast as he could, mothers love tailing behind him in  the wind. His feet barely touched the peddles but her was zooming.  Mart Janes comes to a screeching stop and he gets off his  bike,panting.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Collier was something of a unique angel, one satisfied with his fallen  status, and was somebody that for the long time spent most of his time  away from angels. Being the brothel owner he was, he did not like  other angles much, but alas, he decided that he would join in on this  event at the very least. Flying on in, Collier landed gracefully with  a smirk on his face, slicking back his hair he chuckled a little “Ah  oui, what a wonderful day out, I cannot wait to get things started.”  Collier had been entered by two male fallen angels at his side who  soon flew off with a wave of his hand. He was quite the interesting  individual to say the least.
 On the other hand, there were those who were the opposite of beautiful  and luxurious. Cloak was one of them, he was disgusting, and liked to  vomit a lot. Slithering on up to the scene he heald his scythe with  him, a massive weapon that towers over the boy. He figured that  wherever angels are, ghosts might be
OSCARK9:  Gloves drove down with Sapphire Necklace from the Abbey to Ground Zero  on his new green kawasaki motorcycle. The previous bike that he own  was long gone from West Hollywood. He still miss it as of today, but  with the new bike that he got, with the help of father Strappon and  Jacket, he'll make sure that this one will be treated right.
 When they got to the area with the rest of the Angels, they got off  the motorcycle and look at the area.
 It was bad as Gloves remembers. Sapphire was still new, but in her  reaction to Ground Zero, she really doesn't like the atmosphere.
 The two look at Strappon and heard what he said to the other Angels.  "Understood." He said, giving him a nod while Sapphire nods as well.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer and Crucifix were walking from side to each other thought Father  Crucifix was keeping his eyes on his Angel; Boxer. "You better behave  this time" Father Crucifix said as he cover his mouth with  handkerchief because he didn't want to smell the sin of this district.  "I understood, Father" Boxer said not caring for what he said. "I'm  serious Boxer, if you do not control yourself something bad might  happen to you. You might fall again and never see your mother"  Crucifix said as he stop to look at Boxer taking off his glasses and  looking at him dead in the eye. Boxer look down at the thought of  never seeing his mother. "I know it's hard to control your anger but  you must for you, your mother, and for me. Now then i want you to go  to Strappon and apologies for your behavior on that Mission" Crucifix  said to Boxer. "But Father!" Boxer whined as he didn't like to  apologies. "No But's or would like a another Bible lesson?" Crucifix  said as he got his bible out. "Fine!" Boxer walks over to Strappon and  taps on the shoulder to get his attention. "I'm sorry Father, i was  angry at teaming up with the Demons. Please forgive for my action it  wouldn't happen again" Boxer apologies in somewhat of a nice way as  Father Crucifix watches him.
KRO:  Shades was looking over at the debris. He felt a little uneasy being  around the area, still. Especially since it still smelled like  absolute garbage.
 "God, we really need to get the city to clean this place up. Whenever  the northern winds come in, it just brings in this awful smell with  it."  He was clearly still traumatized from when he first came in Daten,  just after the Anarchy sisters wasted The Other Gods. He remembers the  smell vividly.
 "Anyways, we'll stay grouped up. Those with Soul Stones are advised to  stay in the middle of the crowd. Duster and I have confirmed that it's  actively looking for Soul Stones to ingest so you have been warned."
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong stood quietly in the back, not quite paying attention. He was  bored. He would have much rather been back in bed, but in the chaos he  somehow got dragged along, and he wasn't quite sure how. He gave a  little sigh as he looked around the growing crowd. He really just  wanted to sleep.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones was on his tiny Vespa going vroom vroom as he parked it  quietly. Suddenly everyone was heading the fuck out and he was left  sitting there in his best heels all confused. It was gonna be a night  on the town where he was going to some sort of gay establishment,  unsure of what but it was called Men squared. He had to go. But it  looks like this took up more presidence than expected. Watching an  angel being flown in by other angels, he shrugs. At least he'll be  able to stave off boredom, then again he did bring some entertainment  in his pocket. He slides over to Collier sighing,  "So, you always delivered by flight or?"  Knittens dribbled an empty can with his hockey stick as he shoots. The  can fly in the air as it knocked straight into Mary Jane's side.  Knittens panics as he runs over,  "Fiddlesticks I'ms orry man! Didn't see you there. You okay?"  He always seems to aim for his friends and family, the hockey puck  even turned on him and punch him square in the jaw. He still was  waiting to get his tooth gap fixed. Why was he here? Well, good  question. Catholic school let out, so obviously, he would just end up  in the sin district, no nuns to stop him anyways.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt and Wristband stepped out of Strappon’s car. Here they  were, back at it again with the bull shit. At least this time there  was a lead on the whereabouts of the ghost again. It seemed like it  had been keeping a low profile for a while. But it recently had shown  itself, hence them being there. The two of them stretched. The ride  had been enough to make their muscles stiff. Undershirt sighed and  turn to his sister.
 “So, what do you think? Think we’ll get the ghost this time?” He  asked his sister.
 Wristband simply shrugged, which caused Undershirt to turn to Shady.
 “What do you think? Did you find anything that might lead us to  places it may be? Like behavior patterns and stuff?” he asked.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary jumps and turns around, striking a karate pose. "HIIIY- Oh! H-hey  Knittens, I'm fine no worries. Nice shot by the way..been practicing?"  He rubs his side and he smiles Knittens.
BRIT:  Strappon nodded at Boxer.  "It's fine. You still have a lot to learn." He said, "For now, I'd  rather concentrate on finding this ghost and figuring out what's going  on. It's appreciated, though."  He turned back to the wreckage.
 "It's gonna be sweet! We're totally gonna kick this ghost's ass!"  Jacket said with more enthusiasm than was needed.
OWLIE:  Sneakers waited patiently alongside Strappon and the other Angels, his  nose was already stuck in a book. It was a beautiful day, but he  really rather stay indoors.  
 Monocle and Polo was walking towards the group of Angels, Monocle took  a deep breath and cracked his knuckles, the past week was a bore,  though he was glad he waqs finally able to remove the blasted cast off  his arm.  Polo on the other hand, smiled and waved towards the angels.
 "Maidin mhaith!" Sneakers exclaimed, greeting the pair as they  arrived.
 "'Morning Sneaks," Polo said, ruffling the young boy's hair, Monocle  waved at Boxer, "Hey dude! How ya doin?"
KRO:  "Oh, we can easily find the ghost," Shades explained, "Only if..."
 His sentence trailed off as he loomed over Undershirt.
 "Only if you're willing to be bait. It does like Soul Stones for a  snack."
DJDEVIL:  Wait a minute! Of course, Helmet's not wearing pants today for some  odd fucking reason. But that wouldn't stop him from serving the lord!  "Let us hunt this foul fiend! Et pro gloria Dei!" He shouted before  taking off into the ruins with righteous zeal, having completely  ignored Shady's instructions to stick together.
KUMA:  Em was present, feeling a bit disappointed, as he had canceled a date  to be present for this. The person hadn't paid too much, so it wasn't  so bad, but he lost an excuse to dress up. He was dressed unusually  casual, and sighed to himself.  "Well, maybe I'll be able to really help out this time," he verbally  assured himself.
 Bow Barrettes and Pasties had recently arrived, standing together.  Pasties had really just bummed a ride off her and BB was too polite to  decline. The pink haired angel was tapping on her phone, not bothering  to look up.
 "Tell me when the ghost gets here, okay? I'll take care of  everything!" she spoke with confidence.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt looked at him with a raised eybrow. It took him a split  second to put together what he meant because it just seemed so  childish, but…
 “Don’t even think about it! Me dying is more of a loss to the  Abbey than you dying! Use Wristband, she likes being eaten” he said  as he pointed back behind him to Wristband.
 “HEY! I DO NOT!” Wristband yelled, face matching the color of her  hair.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong notices a particular pair of weirdos and makes his way over to  them. Upon closer inspection, he notices that one of them is wearing a  particularly tacky outfit. who in their right mind wears a cropped  vest? OVER a swimsuit? On the other hand, the other weirdo is wearing  a really nice pair of heels. Jong approaches them, and holds the arm  of the high heels wearing one. "Hey mister~" Jong says, in his most  seductive tone "I'm reeeeally bored~ do you maybe wanna get out of  here?" Jong winks.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Okay, Father" Boxer said as he head back to Father Crucifix. "See was  that hard?" Father Crucifix said to Boxer as he puts on his  sunglasses. "No..." Boxer said as he then notice Monocle waving to  him. "Friends of yours?" Father Crucifix ask Boxer as he look at him.  "Yeah, They are" Boxer response to Father Crucifix as he waves back at  Monocle. "Well, come on then! Let's go meet them" Father Crucifix said  as he walks over to Polo, Monocle, and Sneakers, Boxer follows him  from behind. "Hello there Fallen Angels and Humans" He said as he  greets them with small smile as Boxer was behind him.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Collier spoke up gently, his voice deep and sensual a smile creeping  across his face at the other boy
 “Ah no, not particularly often, today was just a day of fun for me,  and the boys wanted to escort me here.” Honestly most probably  wouldn't have been able to tell that they were boys at first.
 Collier looked the other over gently, unsure even if this one was a  boy or not, he spoke up gently to them, running a hand behind is own  ear. “Say, are you a boy deary? You’d think after all these years  of working with femboys I’d be able to tell but it never gets any  easier.”
 He puts his hands in his pockets and smiles.
 Collier’s attention is drawn to Jong now “Ah a pleasure to meet  you too, you don't meet very many people like you around”
OSCARK9:  While Gloves and Sapphire was walking in the group, they turn their  heads towards Helment and was surprise he's not wearing pants.
 "Oh my!" He said, surprisingly while his eyebrows raise.
 Sapphire face was totally red that she covering her face with her  hands.
KRO:  "Being eaten out and being eaten ain't the same thing, ya ditz."  Shades laughed, patting Undershirt on the back.
 "But seriously, stick close to a bunch of people. You're in danger  just being here."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens smiles,  "Thanks! I just got outta hockey practice. Well... Sorta snuck out  when McClaney got in the nuts. You should've seen his face, it looked  like he saw the face of God."  School let out hours ago, but becaue the late bus system sucks melons,  he jst about got back into the city, or really the most recognizable  parts. He snickers,  "But Nah, how're you, my man? Feeling okay? Not crunching any mints?"  Headphones chuckles feeling flattered that he looked like a girl but  he reassures Collier,  "Yeah, I got a dick. Barely exists but y'know, easier for the thong."  He narrows his eyes at Jong more narrow than lines. Like, the most  Brock eyes possibly. He couldn't even see. He was closing his eyes.  But he felt the light of God shine down on him because of THIS CHILD.  IS OFFERING. UNHOLY THINGS????? NOT IN HIS HOUSE. NOT UNDER THE LORDS  ROOF. NOT TODAY. He picks Jong up easily, while whispering,  "Not in God's neighborhood."  Then harnessing Jogn to him with his long soul thread securely, he  used it like a leash as he repeats,  "Not in god's house. You're too young."
OWLIE:  Polo perked up as he saw Father Crucifix.
 "Father Crucifix!" Polo said as he and Boxer made their way to them.  Polo shook his hand "I can't thank you enough for your help,"
 Monocle stared at Polo, since when did he met the Human?
 Sneakers drifted from the conversation and sat down to read. This boy  needs more friends
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong is left speechless. Everything happened so fast that it took a  few seconds to register what had happened. "DUDE. Why'd you- How?  WHAT?" Jong tried to wiggle his way out, but it was useless. He was  stuck there. "Can you please let me go?"
BRIT:  Without waiting for everyone else Jacket ran ahead.
 "Catch you later, guys! I'm going to find that ghost!" He yelled to  the group of ill-prepared Angels.
 Duster had hung back behind Shades, observing the area, when he  spotted Jacket running off.
 "We lost an idiot." He pointed out, nudging Shades and Undershirt and  pointing as Jacket all but disappeared into the rubble.
 "Oh, Lord." Strappon sighed.
KUMA:  BB glanced over towards Pasties. Her more caring personality just made  her worry about the other angel.
 "Don't you want to go talk with the others? We should at least group  up, right?" she asked.
 "Bow, you're really sweet, but I have a full combo right now and if  anything breaks that, I'll probably die!" Pasties responded.
 Em stared as Jacket went off. Should he.. help? Maybe? He was  indecisive and just stood there.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary giggles,"I swear you're something else. Must've hurt if he looked  like that! Guy ghosts beware."  He didn't go to school today because  ew. No. "I've been way better but I'm doing my best. How've you been?"  He starts walking with his bike, following the others.
SAIYAN:  Wristband huffed as she turned away from her brother.
 “See?! I only like being eaten OUT. Not being vored” she said.
 There would be none of that in this house. It’s bad enough someone  touched the spaghet.  Undershirt meanwhile, laughed at Shady. He made it sound like we were  helpless children.
 “Please, we’re Ophanim, we can take care of ourselves. We’re not  helpless” Undershirt said.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Collier was not used to this kinky shit being so public, did this man  just leash the other “Wow… kinky” collier was remided why he  doesnt come to these sort of things, and alas, the twinky angel boys  that got him, took him away. Cloak died btw, hes like, gone.
DJDEVIL:  After running about roughly 50 yards into the ruins like the reckless  warrior of god that he is, he stopped to catch a breather then zipped  his head around, looking for potential hiding spots this ghost could  be in. "Could thou be in here?!" He exclaimed, lifting up a nearby  chunk of rubble, "Or here?!" he continued, looking through a broken  window.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "It's Good to see you too, Fallen Angel" Father Crucifix said as he  shake Polo hand then let go after the shaking. "Sorry about not  introducing myself, My name is Father Crucifix former Templar of the  Order" He introduce himself to Monocle and Sneakers. "I see, you all  made friends with my angel Boxer" Father Crucifix said with a small  smile on his face. "Hey Guys..." Boxer said to Monocle, Polo, and  Sneakers from behind Father Crucifix. "So, How are all you? Hope you  doing good after that Demon attack us a few days ago" Father Crucifix  said as he was holding his bible.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong stared in awe at the flying twinks. "PLEASE TAKE ME WITH YOU!" He  shouted, but it was too late.
KRO:  Lost a what? Oh. Shades nearly panicked as he saw Jacket run off, and  chased after him.
 "Hey now! I don't think you wanna rush in. That thing isn't even a  ghost..."  He grabbed at Jacket's collar, keeping him in place.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones pinched Jong's cheek as he scolds,  "You're much too young to be offering that shit, understand boy? Now I  gotta baby sit ya, and make sure you don't start sucking dick."  He rolls his eyes at Collier and flips him off as he watches Collier  fucking ascend. Headphones lets him down, but the ahri was like those  leash bagpacks, He can sense when dick was gonna be touched by this  young one. He asks with a huff,  "Now what's your name and how old are you?"  He starts dragging Jong off with the others, grumbling a bit.
 Knittens followed Mary Janes as he shrugs,  "Pretty good! Hit two guys with the bible and didn't get caught."  He flashes a grin as he jokes,  "'Cause if I did get caught the nuns would've held me over a cliff."  He starts to dribble a pebble like a hockey puck as he contiued on as  he adds,  "So whad'ya think is happening? After all, I didn't hear anything on  the news besides something about a clebrity thrownig wine in another's  face."
PLUTO/VANIR:  Mirror Mask, or MM for short, had a habit of nothing but keeping quiet  and watching. If anything he won’t do anything until told to. This  entire time he watches quietly behind the reflective mask, watching  everyone run around like the circus act they are. The wait was  bearable but the people he has been set to be around has him  uncomfortable. The clicking of his heals were loud and honestly made  him cringe as he stepped into his own secluded spot. He refuses to  move until a more intelegent person in this group of people goes  ahead.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt looked at Duster and then looked back at Jacket as he was  wondering off, before glancing at Shady then back at Duster…then  look at your mom, then back to me.  “But Shady’s right here” Undershirt said sarcastically as he  watched Shady go retrieve the actual idiot from doing something dumb  probably.
 Why did he end up joining them at the worst times? Someone would need  to babysit his ass for sure.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong made a pouty face at headphones as he kept tugging at the  makeshift backpack leash. "Well, I might as well tell you since I'm  clearly gonna be stuck with you. I'm Jong. Jong De'Nim. Yeah yeah its  a stupid name. I know. And I recently turned 18. How about you? If I'm  gonna introduce myself then so are you."
OSCARK9:  Gloves turn her head at the blushing angel, "Hey. Are you alright?"
 While her blushing face faded a little, she uncover her face and  looked at him. "I just saw a man wearing no pants! But...I'll be  alright." She answered.
BRIT:  "What the hell are you talkin' about? It's not _that_ big!" Jacket  pointed out, trying to wiggle himself free from Shady's grip. For bird  bones he seemed to have a hell of a grip on him.
 "That 'Ghost' is so much more dangerous than the ones we've faced."  Duster reinforced Shade's words with a more stern tone.
OWLIE:  "Finally got of that Hospital," Polo said, "Monocle was confined for a  week, he told me he can take care of himself but I wanted to be there  for him, you know, he's important to me whatnot,"
 Monocle stood next to Sneakers. "Why not make some friends?"
 SNeakers shrugged, "Eh, maybe later," and he went back to his reading.  Monocle sighed and grabbed the book from Sneaker's hands.
 "Big brother Monocle!" Sneakers protested, but he knew there's no  reasoning with Monocle. He went back to his feet and grumnbled as he  made way towards Knittens and Mary Janes.
 "Uh... Haigh..." he said awkwardly, "I-I'm Sneakers, nice to... meet  you,"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  "Oh my God, Knittens!" He nudges the others shoulder. "I'm surprised,  hey maybe we should do pranks sometime together." He shrugs. "I have  no idea, it's most likely that ghost from before. The one that ate  that angels stone..thing..rock..thing?"
KUMA:  Em kind of moved over to Headphones. He recognized him, so it'd be  better than just standing around alone. He tried to just ignore the  whole, twink flying through the air thing.
 "Hey... Headphones, it's nice seeing you again," he said.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones flicked his forehead,  "No tugging this is my hair. But I'm Headphones. No last name. I've  herd worst, there's someone named Fascinator. I'm.. 26?"  He tried doing the math in his head but he couldn't fgiure out how old  he was. All he remembers was that miley cyrus was popular so fuck that  doesn't help. Noticing Em, he tugs Jong the fuck over as he waves,  "Em!! It's been so long, it's a pleasure! How have you been? Don't  mind this little punk kid, he tried to hoe."  He motioned to Jong as he clicks his pretty boy heels, looking all  proud of himself.
 Knittens makes an 'o' face as he snickers, "Definitely, we can prank  my cousin any time. One time I put an air horn near him, and he  literally jumped out the window. Like we had to get a new window pane  and everything!" He walks down as he looks around with a calm face.  He's a teenager he barely remembers what happened yesteday after 5  hours of making sure that his reign in fighting games stays secured.  He looks over to Sneakers and grins,  "Nice to meet ya Sneaks! Name's Knittens, this is Mary Janes. Haven't  seen you around, you new?"
KRO:  "Yeah, it's not big but it don't mean it'll mess you up good."
 Speaking of the devil, or ghost, it spotted the large crowd of people  mingling about, just outside its territory. It caught whiff of a few  Soul Stones and it didn't wanna waste this opportunity. Only problem  is that they're all surrounded by Soul Thread Angels and that's a  problem. It'll just have to split them up.
 Seeing two outliers right off the bat, it start getting to work. The  ghost moved about the debris, just out of sight and positioned itself  just behind Shades and Jacket. It lunged, going between the two men  before scampering off, hoping it'll give chase.
 "There it is!" Shades yelled, taking out Lionhearted. But the ghost  didn't engage, which was...odd.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary bursts out laughing,"Oh man we really need to then. You're  freakin awesome." He turns to Sneakers and he waves,"Hiya Sneaks."  Mary moved a little closer to senpai.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong looked at Em, mouthing "help me". But his attention was quickly  drawn to the commotion. Jong saw the ghost scampering away, which  immediately made him  jump, holding on to headphone's arm. "What the  FUCK was THAT?"
KUMA:  "I've been, doing alright! Work has been kind of slow," Em spoke in a  friendly tone to hide how tired he seemed. He waved at Jong as well,  ignoring the clear cry for help.  "If we have similar jobs I could always help you, starting out is  always hard..." his voice trailed off and he also jumped at the  mention of the ghost.
 "What was what?!"
 Pasties looked up from her phone and then looked back.
 "Who just yelled?! You broke my combo!"
BRIT:  "YO, FOLLOW THAT SHIT!" Jacket yelled at the Shades as it rushed past  them, breaking free at last, "Get that Ghost, damn it!"
 He took off after it and broke into one hell of a run.
 Duster saw something red dart past him, then noticing it was Jacket  not long after. He looked at Shades, then Undershirt, before taking  off after him without much word. He probably nearly knocked a few  people over trying to keep up with the rambunctious teen.
OSCARK9:  Both of them heard the scream and immediately turn their head quickly.  "Oh shit! Come on!" Gloves said as he runs and summon his gauntlets,  while Sapphire runs and also summons her glaive and follow the ghost.
 "Get back here!" Sapphire yells.
OWLIE:  "Uh... Yeah, been here for just a few months," Sneakers replied.
 Monocle summoned Eyesore as he saw the Ghost. "Welp, killing time,"
 Polo turned and saw the ghost, he also summoned his gladius, Flannel  and proceeded to chase after it with Monocle.
DJDEVIL:  Helmet searched high and low but every possible hiding spot he could  think of proves fruitless. Slightly annoyed, he sat a giant piece  rubble. "There has to be some way I could draw the beast out." He said  to himself, picking up a small rock, Then something caught his eye, a  slightly paint bucket hanging off a bent metal pipe of a wrecked  building. On the bucket was a piece of tape with the words "Shiny blue  paint" on it. He stared at the bucket then back at the rock. Then the  bucket again. Finally it clicked. He remembered Shady saying that  ghost eats soul stones and soul stones are blues, if he recalled  correctly. With a clever smile, not at anyone would be able to see it,  he got up and grabbed the bucket then proceeding to open the bucket  and dump the paint all over himself. When the bucket was emptied, he  dropped it then picked up a piece of glass if it he was blue enough.  "Perfect!" He exclaimed, "Hopefully the beast will take notice and try  to eat me!"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Well, it's good to hear that he doing fine" Father Crucifix said to  Polo with small smile as Boxer was still behind but when he heard  Jacket said "YO, FOLLOW THAT SHIT!" that's when it was time for action  and time for to kick some ass! "IT'S FIGHTING TIME! Boxer shouted as  he follows Jacket. "BOXER! Urgh i can never stop that boy from a  fight" Father Crucifix said as he got out his weapon ready for battle.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones nods but ripped his namesake off as he snapped his neck to  the sounds, and sure enough in the distance was a running ghost.  Basically grabbing Jong, and rushing him towards the ghost as he  shouts,  "C'mon! You're an angel aren't you? Ghost Huntning is our jobs, so get  ready. Em, stay behind me, don't get hurt!"  Headphone's head was getting clear, getting more focused on repenting  as the days go on. It just felt like that was the best course of  action. Perhaps it was longing for his home? Nah, still hated his  family. Maybe he wanted to feel like he wasn't such a shit? Most  likely not. But whatever it was, Headphones was starting to be more of  an angel, surprisingly.
 Knittens nods as he pats Sneakers back,  "I hear ya, but I-"  Getting cut off by shouthing he grabs Mary Jaes and Seakers with hsi  weapon, while chasing after the fleeing ghost. He was at the back o  the chasing party, huffing and panting as he tried to take a good look  at their foe. He looks at the two other kids,  "C'mon ice cream puffers! Get ready for a scrap!"
SAIYAN:  Undershirt and Wristband jumped as the ghost appeared out of the  debris pile. They quickly turned around just in time to watch the  ghost run off into the distance.
 “Well shit, here we go again. Let’s go!” Undershirt yelled as  his aura exploded outwards and flew into the sky at high speed after  it.
 Wristband sighed as she watched him fly away now. It didn’t seem  like he remember that a direct attack didn’t work but, it wasn’t  like she had a better idea.
 “Fine…” she said before her aura appeared and flew after him.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary grabs his bike and lets the two hop on to it. One hand on the  handles of the bike, the other swinging his tazer bear, he let out a  war cry..screech..thing! Mary stops the bike and he swings his bear.  "LETS WHIP SOME CREAM!"
KUMA:  Bow Barrettes gently patted Pasties' shoulder.
 "I think the ghost is here, so that means it's time for you to impress  everyone, right?" she asked with a smile. She had learned how to  placate Pasties and actually get her attention.
 "Oh! Of course, time to show everybody up!" Pasties said, putting her  phone back in her pocket.
 Em had no problem being protected by Headphones. One day he'd figure  out how to actually fight Ghosts, but probably not today.
 "I'll stay safe, thank you."
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong pulled out a spare jong out of his pocket, summoning moon. "Dude  put me down or my Guccis are gonna fly off." Jong started lightly  punching headphones to see if that would make him put it down, but it  didn't seem to work. Well, he was glad that at least he didn't have to  walk.
OWLIE:  "Oh..." Sneakers grabbed the book on the asphalt before going with  Mary Janes and Knittens. He brandished the leather-bound book like a  club. The ghost better be ready for some hard knowledge.
KRO:  Shades stood there staring at Jacket, rubbing his wrist. The child  nearly tore off his arms. Seeing Duster run after the kid, Shades also  kept up.
 The ghost rubbed its hands once it hid from the group. Yes, all  according to keikaku (keikaku means plan). Seeing everybody scatter,  it went on to higher ground to see if there were some lone stragglers.  Lo and behold, there was...One oddly blue thing walking around.  Curious about the scene, it pounced from its perch on to Helmet. It  picked up the man by the collar of his shirt. It wasn't doing much  other than staring at him, tilting its head much like a bird's. After  a bit, it tore off Helmet's namesake.
 It...didn't know what it was expecting, but it was clear that this  creature didn't have what it wanted. It simply put the human's  namesake back on and sat the man on the ground, walking off  disinterested. Well. It was more disappointed.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer was following Jacket and Father Crucifix was following Boxer who  was following Jacket! "HEY JACKET! WAIT FOR ME!" Boxer shouts out as  he runs. "BOXER! WAIT FOR ME YOUNG MAN!" Father Crucifix said as he  follows his Angel.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens shouts,  "REMEMBER THE ALAMO!"  He wasn't in texas, what was he even saying? It seems they could never  get in time as the ghost attacked Helmet, Knittens almost has to stop  the bike entirely just so Mary jnes could down to turn. Panting he  tilts his head,  "It's not... Attacking?"  Headphones arrives on scene and he looks down at Jong's flip flops.  Fucking. Gucci flip flops with stripped socks? He breathed in deeply.  Shame on this child. Just. Boy Where are his parents? Who let him  dress like this? Headphones kept a tight grip on Jong as he winces,  "Careful I bruise like banana. And not that's not a dick joke."  He stops and looks at the ghost, lowering his guard as he watched it  leave Helmet alone. He wasn't sure why it was doing this. Was it  confused? Peaceful? He looked around to Em asking, "What the fuck?"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary looked about, the group was out of sight, leaving him with his  trio. He holds his bear and he looks back at them, his hair a puff  ball from the static."You guys, it might be curious..? Maybe we can  lead it to the group if we pretend to be lost?"
DJDEVIL:  Helmet barely had time to react when the ghost grabbed him and tore  off his namesake. "HEY, GIVE THAT BACK!" He protested. When the ghost  did give it back and sat him down, he simply stared the ghost as  walked off, a bit surprised by what happened, before shaking his head  and pulling his sword. "HEY! I DIRTIED MYSELF TO BRING YOU HERE AND I  SHALL NOT LET YOU LEAVE! NOW EAT ME OR FIGHT ME!" He shouted angrily.
OWLIE:  "That might work," Sneakers said, his eyebrows furrowed, he held the  book tightly, "We just have to find a way for it's attention is drawn  to us,"
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong stared nervously at the ghost which seemed to be walking away.  "Hey, maybe we shouldn't get too close to it without the others? That  thing is really freaking me the fuck out, aaaand now the blue dude is  shouting. Can we leave?"
BRIT:  Strappon followed after the rest of the group, trying to keep up with  the Angels.
 "What the hell!" Jacket shouted after it as he was homing in on the  Ghost. He was barrelling ass. Duster wasn't far behind Jacket.
KUMA:  Pasties caught up with everyone, motivated by getting all the  attention and showing up everyone else. BB was making sure to keep up  with her, amused by her change in tone but not wanting her to get too  injured.
 "Hey! Ghost! Over here!! I can totally give you a real challenge!" she  said while zipping up her sweater.
KRO:  The ghost turned to look at Helmet and hissed as if annoyed with the  human. It had no more business with you, leave it alone.  It snapped its head to turn in another direction, feeling strong  energy readings flying right at it. Of course it was the only two  Angels with Soul Stones flying right at it. But hey, free food. It  wasn't gonna start complaining.
 It grabbed the two of them out of the air, holding them up by the  hands where their Soul Stones were located. Hello naughty children,  it's dinner time.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong stared alarmed at Pasties. "She clearly has a death wish and I  suuuuper want no part of that. Headphones can you just let me leave? I  Really dont want that thing near me."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary thinks for a little bit before getting an idea, he reaches into  his pocket before grabbing his moms hair locket. He looks at the soul  threads and he gulps. "Maybe my moms..hair? It seems to like it  considering it nommed that mean ladies hair."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Your not getting away Ghost!" Boxer shouted as he was chasing the  Ghost. Father Crucifix trying to catch up the Group of Angels, he can  understand angels are faster than humans. He goes to Strappon to see  if he can help. "Brother Strappon, you alright?" Father Crucifix  called out to him as he was still running after the Ghost but making  sure that he was still in some distance with Strappon.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt and Wristband were within striking distance when they were  grabbed by the ghost. They two of them screamed as they were being  crushed in the hands of the ghost. Undershirt was surprised, he  wasn’t expecting the ghost to be this fast.
 “Damn it! I wasn’t expecting such fast reflexes” Undershirt said  as he was being literally turned to dust.
 “FUCK WE’RE GONNA DIE! THIS WAS A HORRIBLE IDEA!” Wristband  screamed in horror.
 Someone, anyone, save my glowy boys from death and vore.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones keeps a tight grip on Jong and instructs,  "Listen you gotta get used to this shit, Id id. Get ready to get some  bruises."  He lifts Jong, about to throw him at the ghost but decided to wait as  he watched others fly to it. And now it holding soul stone angel up.  Fuck. Setting Jong down, Headphones slides over and swung his weapon,  trying to grab the angels and yank them out of danger.  Knittens raised his eyebrow at Mary Janes, asking,  "Why... Do you have that? Like do you always have that?"  He shakes his head,  "Never mind don't wanna know but I don't know that lady's hair was all  shiny. It reminds me of certain types of hair I've seen before but I  don't remember."  He watches as the ghost lifts the angels up and he gasps in shock. He  basically tried throwing his hockey stick at the ghost in fear. He  didn't need other people to die.
OWLIE:  "Woah dude," he said, surprised, "Are you sure, isn't it important to  you? I mean, it's your Mother's after all.." Sneakers asked Mary  Janes.
 Monocle and Polo finally caught up and they saw Undershirt and  Wristband in the hands of the ghost.
 "What the hell hppened?" Monocle yelled.
OSCARK9:  While Gloves and Sapphire was chasing the ghost, they saw the ghost  jump in the air and grab the two Angels. "Shit! This is bad!"
 With their holy weapons out, they charge in there with rages on their  faces.
 "The hell your eating our friends!" Sapphire yells at it.
 "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" Gloves screams at it and attacks it.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong shrieks at headphones "DUDE IF YOURE GOING TO THROW ME AT LEAST  LET ME SUMMON SUN TOO and also hold my flip flops. But it really seems  like we should do something." Jong sighs and takes off the jong he was  wearing, puts his shorts back on and summons Sun. "Not a word about  what you just saw, okay?" Jong really didnt want to get involved. But  he'd feel REALLY bad if someone died and he could have done something  about it.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary shakes his head. "It's a Victorian hair locket, they used em to  mourn their dead. I made it when I burried my mum." He says as he  takes a small strand from the segment. He pockets the locket and he  turns to Sneakers. "Of course it is, my moms made sacrifices for me  all the time, might as well try too. And I'd never use all of it."  He  sees the ghost grab someone and he gulps. "Braveboyimabraveboy"
BRIT:  Duster spotted Undershirt and Wristband getting snatched out of the  air and immediately ran ahead, launched himself off of Jacket's head,  and summoned Blood-covered to slash the Ghost's arms. In one pass, his  blade passed through the arms and completely shucked them off from its  elbows to free the twins.
 He landed behind the Ghost and turned to see if he had been accurate  enough.
 Jacket skidded to a stop and stared with a very clearly excited and  shocked face.
DJDEVIL:  "Hiss at me, will you?" He snorted then let out a latin battlecry  before joining Gloves and Sapphire int their, swinging at the the  beast's sides with his sword.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones averts his eyes as he suggests,  "Carry two around in each pocket."  He lowered Jong once Duster sliced off its arm as he retracts his  grappling hood. He sighs,  "Good Id idn't have to do anything. Keep your weapons out. And gucci  flip flops??? Like boy."  Knittens watched Duster severe it's arm and lowers Mary Jane's hair  lock down as he pats his back, honestly at least they didn't have to  do anything. Retrieving his hockey stick, he tilts his head,  "Was that it?"  He pats Sneakers and Mary Janes on the back as he lowers his guard,  relieved that no one got hurt this time. Joking,  "Ground-Zero ain't as bad as I thought!"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary holds his bear by the arm and he looks around. "I have a feeling  a ghost that smart isn't going down that easy.." He holds Knittens  hand and he turns to Sneakers. "What do you think Sneaks?"
TORIBIRDSEED:  Hey look, Collier is back, who knows why exactly but he was back. He  probably had his reasons but for the most part he was looking for  something interesting until he saw a fucking ghost. Well he was having  none of that so he simply kinda stood there staring at it, kinda just  confused as to waht to do about it. He was in no mood to actually  fight the thing. CLoak was still around but he was jsut orgasming  because of the fact a ghost was even there.
KRO:  Humans trying to catch its attention, others trying to engage in  fighting it, and then there's this guy with no pants thinking he has a  right to get pissy for not being eaten. It hissed, whipping its tail  at Pasties as it backed up trying to take Wristband and Undershirt  somewhere.  Dinner was cancelled though, as the Angel from the day before severed  its arms. How rude.
 It jumped back to get some breathing room, beginning to screech as it  regenerated its arms back as if nothing had cut them off at all.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer then jumps at the Ghost and tries to punch it in the face! "HERE  COMES THE PAIN TRAIN!!!" Boxer shouted as he reels back his fist and  throws at the Ghost. Father Crucifix stops and goes over to Strappon,  he breathes heavily for a minute. "Brother Strappon, i will ask you  again. Are you alright you seem shock?" Father Crucifix ask as he  breathes heavily for he was in his 30's.
OWLIE:  Sneakers cursed under his breath. The ghost was tough, plus he doubted  that whatever attack the three of them made would do more than just  piss the ghost off, Sneakers rubbed his temples.
OWLIE:  "I suggest we attack? We may distract it so the angels can attack it  better,"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary shrugs and starts swinging his bear. "Alrighty. Hey Knittens? You  think you could just that fire hydrant?" He tilts his head and sets  his bear to full charge.
KUMA:  Pasties jumped back from the tail swing. She was still clearly  frustrated she didn't have the ghost's total attention. She drew her  knives and looked around. She'd have to think of some actual plan for  this.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong stares in shock at the ghost as it's arms grow back. "What the  fuck is this thing? Ghost aren't supposed to do that, are they?" Jong  steps back until he's behind Headphones. "What the fuck are we  supposed to do now? Do you still want to throw me?"
TORIBIRDSEED:  Claok exited from the shadows, he had been reather quiet recently and  had not had anytghing to say, but had been fauning over the ghost fro  the distance for a while. With one loud shout he began to speak  however, to the ghost, and any who were listening. The boy was foaming  at the mouth “ANOTHER MAGnigicANT BEATs! A GHost with REgenerative  Properties! ANd Such BEauty! OH How I live for such beauty in this  world!” He holds his arms over his stomach “IT MAKES ME SIck! THs  Sin ANd HAtred IFEEL FOr these BEings! YEs hOW SENSUAL THEY ARE!”  Wow was he actually just admitting to the fact that he wants to fuck  ghosts, yeah probably.
 Collier on the other hand was sort of at a loss for what to do, he was  looking for that one who looked like they whore themselves off as a  hobby specifically to offer a position at his brothel which he can  assure would pay more than what he does normally, but regardless the  ghost was a problem, he was in no mood to fight it however. After 100  years you kinda get sick of them. “Oh sacre bleu… this is not what  i returned for.” He spots Jong and headphones and approaches  “Interesting creatures no? They all come in unique shapes and  sizes… though I am not in the mood to get my ass pounded in by a  ghost today, so i'll be passing up the chance to fight it.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt and Wristband landed on the ground with a heavy thud. The  two of then groaned in pain as the two of them laid there for a bit to  regain the strength to stand.
 “Ah fuck! That hurt!” Undershirt said with a cough as he tried to  regain his breath.
 The force of the hands knocked the wind out of him and he was  struggling to get it back. Wristband wasn’t faring much better. She  too was out of breath, groaning as she tried and failed to get on her  feet multiple times. Eventually she accepted the fact that she  wasn’t going anywhere for a bit and just waited for a but to get the  energy to stand.
 “Just give us a bit” Wristband sputtered
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens raised his eyebrow,  "I dunno... I don't think it can be attacked. The angel weapon didn't  leave a scratch on it"  He gave an annoyed look at Sneakers. Because of his strict rearing in  school, cursing became taboo and he would get all kinds of annoyed  that he can't do this but others can'ts he clears his throat,  "C'mon man if I can come up with alternations for curses so ca you."  Looking at the fire hydrant, he gawks at Mary Janes,  "Mary. My hockey stick is made of wood. How can I bust up a fire  hydrant? If we had a wrench I could loosen the nuts and get the water  to release."
 Headphones shakes his head,  "Listen if he didn't make a dent in that thing, us twinks ain't gonna  do shit, baby. But it don't seem interested in us, at least."  He glances at Collier, like he was a bit tardy to the mcuckin' party  He made a note that the ghost was going after soul stones and that it  would make sense that their motives would be the same considering the  last time. He rolled his eyes,  "I'm into necrophilia so same here. But... It's going after soul  stones.. It ate one already."  Deep in thought, he hypothesized,  "... I don't think our weapons are going to do shit to it, like the  broken angel's spirit before."
OWLIE:  Sneakers readied his book and prayed to god for guidance.
 Meanwhile like a madman, Monocle screamed as he attempted to attack  the ghost. Polo followed suit.
BRIT:  "I'm fine, get the fucking Ghost!" Strappon snapped at Crucifix,  pointing at it, "It's trying to _eat our Angels_!"
 Duster whipped around and began to slash for it again, but only to  parry its moves.
 "Our blows won't work on it!" Duster called to the rest of the Angels,  "This isn't an ordinary ghost! We believe it may be a Nephilim!"
 Strappon spotted Wristband and Undershirt and ran to their side,  pulling his gloves on and using his magic to alleviate their wounds.
 "A Nephilim? What on Earth is that?"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  "Hmm..maybe we can get the ghost to hit it?" Mary turns to Knittens.  "This might not be a good idea but..I might slap it with my bear." He  hears Duster and he raises a brow. "A Nephi-who now?"
DJDEVIL:  Helmet blinked with surprise as the ghost's arm grows back. "Tis like  a lizard!" He exclaimed but then heard the sound of a certain  ghostophile. He turned his head and looked at Cloak with bit of  disgust. 'How the Lord's name is that heretic on our side?' he thought  to himself.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong looks at Collier, and instinctively hold on to headphones' hand.  "I didn't know they could do that. I really just wanted to stay in bed  but instead I got dragged out here. And duuude, really? Necrophilia?  What the fuck?"
OSCARK9:  As they save the two from not being eaten, they witness that ghost  regenerates its arms.
 "What the what?!" Gloves said, surprisingly.
 "Shit!" She said, angrily, while gripping her glaive tightly.
 Both of them heard what Duster said and thinking at the same time,  (What the hell's a Nephilim!)
KUMA:  Em glanced over at Cloak. He'd never seen someone so strange before  and also so... excited? He walked over to him and tapped him on the  shoulder.  "Uh, are you... doing okay over there?"
 "I can take it no matter what it is!" Pasties said.
 BB put her hand on her shoulder, "Let's listen to everyone first  though, okay?"
OWLIE:  Nephilim? Sneakers heard of it before... "The Nephilim were on the  earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in  to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were  the mighty men who were of old, men of renown. Genisis 6:4" He quoted.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary blinks,"Did the daughters have doors..? How does someone come in  another person?"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Wait...Nephilim..." Father Crucifix said as he get out his bible and  flips through it. "Here it is!" Father Crucifix said as he clears his  voice. "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also  afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and  they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old,  the men of renown, Genesis 6:4!" Father Crucifix shouted out to all  the Angels and Heavenbent to hear his words of God. "Basically, what  the Boy said..." Father Crucifix sigh as his thunder was stolen from  him. Boxer was still punching the Ghost.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Heapdhones shoots Jong a glare,  "Vampires are dead so it counts."  Headphones squeezes his hands for reassurance, poor kid. Got thrown  into this like he did. Well, like him, he'll eventually get use to  this bull shit because it doesn't leave you. Like Headphones tried to  live a normal life but naaaaaaah. He cursed,  "A fucking what-now? Lost souls ghosts and now this? Great. Perfect."
 Knittens nods in agreement, Sneakers was right on the dot. Bible class  finally comes in handy, too bad he was too busy checking phone than  reading the words of God. With mary's question, he flushed a bit as he  responds,  "Welll... Fascinator told it's like... Something with babies and a  cabbage field??"
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak creeks a smile onto his face “OKay?! Ive never been better! Oh  I just cannot express my joy every time  Isee a ghost!” HE holds his  head, running a hand down his face “Please do not worry, I simply  love ghosts!”
 Collier looks at Jong “Ah yes, I was actually looking for you but  now seems like a bad time, I was going to offer you a job but alas, it  seems we are all going to die because of a ghost… how pitiful, what  a tragic end to my management at my establishment.”
OWLIE:  "I, uh..." Sneakers blushed and looked away, remembering when Polo  gave him 'the talk' "I dunno.."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary he nods,"Hey! My mom told me about that! She said my cabbage was  bright pink!" He smiled and rocked on his heels.
KUMA:  "Oh..." Em responded. Just someone with weird interests then. He was  used to that considering his line of work. Was he aware how weird it  seemed outwardly though? Getting that excited with only visuals...  "This must be uh, pretty fun for you then?"
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong looked at Collier puzzled. "A....Job?" Jong looks up at  headphones, clearly confused by the offer. "and anyway i don't think  that thing wants us to die? It just seems kinda...Hungry?"
KRO:  It was beginning to get surrounded. The ghost, or Nephilim? Ghost for  simplicity's sake. Either way, the ghost was having none of this. It  wasn't worth it to fight all these Soul Thread-based Angels to get the  stones out of those two idiots. It croaked at the group of Angels as  it ran off once more.
 Shades finally caught up with everybody else, Jacket in tow.  "Hey guys, what did we miss? We kinda got lost on the way."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Wait, why does the Nephilim look like a Ghost?" Father Crucifix ask  himself this as he thinks. "Nephilim are a child of a Angel and  Human...." He said as he keeps thinking about it while Boxer was still  punching the Ghost Nephilim or whatever it is?
KUMA:  "Oh no way! You're mine!" Pasties called back towards the ghost. Screw  plans, she was so skilled everything would have to work out. She ran  after it, making attempts to jump and grab it's leg or possibly even  tackle it to the ground. She could already imagine how impressed  everyone would be!
 "Oh dear," BB said with a sigh.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt and Wristband sighed as the smooth healing power of Gold  Bond Body Spray…I MEAN HEALING MAGIC washed over them both. In no  time at all, the two were on their feet checking themselves out to  make sure that they were in fact okay.
 “Wow, thanks Strap! Looks like you’re useful after all!”  Undershirt said with a laugh.
 Wristband nodded her head in agreement.
 “Yeah, when did you learn to do that stuff?” She asked him.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  "Off topic, lets concentrate before we die... Pretty sure it had  something to do with a stork and RNA..."  Knittens was never given the proper 'talk' before, just scientific  definitions and half assed excuses because a ertain guardian can't  bring himself to explain something that he never had without dying a  bit inside. He asks,  "But why is Nephilim here?"  He watched it run and he whistled for the Calvary to keep on its trail  but its like it disappeared.
 Headphones galres at Collier, picking him up as well as he repeats his  point,  "No hoeing in God's house. Yeah I think it's targeting Soul Stones so  all of us are safe..."  Sighing, he keeps Jong on hisside away from Collier and he calls out  to Shady,  "Nothing much, Undershirt and Wristband almost died and people are  thinking this is a Nephilim. You know. Normal shit."
OSCARK9:  Both of them heard what Father Crucifix said about Nephilim, it really  helps out alot.
 "Thanks man with a cool black fedora!" He shouted.
  Turning their heads at it, the ghost's running away once more. "Damn  it! It's getting away again!" He said, angrily.
BRIT:  "No, a Nephilim is a type of Ghost that the Thrones and Inquisitors  had to deal with way back when." Duster explained, "We consulted  Ovr'koht about this and found this may be the case. Mother said  something similar, an ancient sort of malicious spirit."
 Then the Ghost fucking left. Well, they'd have to pursue it once  again. He was about to take off when Shades showed his face with  Jacket being dragged like a toddler.
 "I wanna chase the fucking ghost!" He whined at Shady, kicking more.
 Strappon whacked Undershirt over the side of his head and stood again.  "I leave the Ghosts to you, dunce." He snorted.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary shrugs and stretches, his teddy touches his side and he screams  and flales on the ground for a good minute. He gets up,twitching and  he shuts his teddy off. "O-o-o-oh m-m-maybe it s-s-smelt the s-s-soul  stuff."
KRO:  Shades ignored Jacket's tantrum as he gave a thumbs up for Collier. He  snapped his fingers, remembering something.  "Oh! I...guess we forgot to mention that this thing is a Nephilim,  huh?"  That would of been useful information five minutes ago, thanks Shades.
 "Apparently they like eating Soul Stones, so that's also a thing."  Again, would of been useful to know when they got there.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "HEY COME BACK HERE!" Boxer shouted as he tries to chase after it.  "BOXER!" Father Crucifix shouted angrily as he follows Boxer. "That  Boy and his fights..." Father Crucifix muttered as he follows his  angel who was going after the Nephilim.
BRIT:  "I learned healing magic when I decided to be more useful for you all.  I can't fight, but I can assist." Strappon answered Wristband, holding  out his hand to show her his gloves, "It was some time after Father  Handcuffs' death."
 "Yeah ya shoulda told us this shit before!" Jacket yelled, still being  held by the scruff of his jacket.
DJDEVIL:  Helmet wanted to resume chase with the ghost, but his swinging left  him out of breath. "Since you both know more about these Nephilim than  we do? How do we slay it?" He asked Duster and Shades as he walked  over to them, "Clearly, not by any conventional means, since it can  regenerate."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens knelt down to Mary's side as he shouts,  "DUDE YOU JUST TAZED YOURSELF WHAT IN THE FRAHITO?!"  Making sure no one was touching to make that the electric current  din't taacel to someon else he checks over Mary Janes,  "Any burns? Can you stand?"  He takes his phone ou, ready to call the ambulance.  Headphones walked over to Shady with Jong tangled in his hair,  grinning,  "At least we're matching then, two little shits being carried."  He was being a little mean, but he was being nice by carrying Jong on  his back as they pursued slowly to where the Ghost was. He sighs,  "So what's your sin?
OWLIE:  Monocle sighed as he held his weapon. Polo on the other hand reverted  it back into his namesake. They have no clue what's going on.  Apparently the ghost was a Nephilim, and it fucking retreated.
 He looked over at Sneakers' direction and smiled.
 "Are you okay?" Sneakers asked Mary, The guy just tazed himself.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary blinks and looks at Knittens,"I-I'm okay. It's o-on high. I'm  j-just a lil j-j-jittery." He twitches again. He wobbles over to  Knittens and kisses his cheek before giving Sneakers a thumbs up.  "M-m'okay. Just g-gimme a sec. I-its happened before."
KUMA:  Pasties had faceplanted a few times, but brushed the scratches off  like they were nothing. Nothing would stop her, she was very motivated  and in the lead compared to some of the other angels. She'd brag about  it if anyone complimented her, but she was actually pretty fast.  
 "Just.. a little.. more!" she said, getting even closer to the ghost.
SAIYAN:  “OW!!” Undershirt said as he was beaten over the head.
 That was so unnecessary! Why you have to be mad? It’s only a joke.  Either way, Wristband didn’t seem to be too concerned over  brother’s pain and was instead focused on Strappon’s new healing  abilities.
 “Ah that makes sense” she said to him before waiting for a moment.  “RIP father Hamcaps…”
 “Anyway, what’s all this commotion about?” She asked she noticed  some excitement from the group of Angels.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong laughed at the question. Laughter is how he dealt with painful  memories. "Would you believe me if i told you it was Lust and Greed?"  Jong gave a big smile, clearly fake. He was still upset about the  whole ordeal, and hated that his parents didn't cover for him.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens squints his eyes, confused. Was mary janes French all of a  sudden? Knittens didn't really feel anything from the kiss, it was  more a reaction like someone just poked your belly button. Just,  random. He ignores it, obviously confused as he pats Mary Jane's back,  That's how you get brain dmamage ya hear? I don't need you going back  to the cabbage field."  He motions for them to follow the ghost but offers to help Mary Janes  walk by leaning his wieght on him.
 Headphones ooked over concenered at Jong, not all falls were so happy.  Patting his head he smiles,  "Me too, sloth on top of that. Don't worry I don't judge. Listen...  We're all guilty here."  He lifts him up, to show his more sympathetic sile as he offers,  "Wanna talk about it? Got nothing to do anyways."
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong looks away for a bit, and speaks quietly. "I mean, what is there  to say? I clearly did something shitty and got kicked out for it. The  best part is that everyone back home knows, and despite how many  people were involved I magically was the only one who got kicked out.  Funny enough, getting kicked out was what started this whole thing.  But that's a long story for another day. Right now we're ghostbusters  or something." Jong was upset now. Why did Headphones have to ask  about this? It didn't matter anyway. Jong sighed, and then smiled.  "Any sign of where the ghost went?"
KRO:  Shades tapped a finger on his chin, trying to recall information,  still holding on to Jacket.  "Ovr'kot told us that the way they dealt with Nephilim back in the  hayday was to destroy their Soul Stone. Problem is, this Nephilim  doesn't seem to have one so that poses a problem."
 Shades chuckles at Headphones, waving hello a bit, "Well, I know the  kid's mom personally and I don't want that guy yelling at me for  Jacket getting injured."  He already deals enough with Cowlneck.
 The Nephilim started to slow down. It was both impressed and annoyed  with this child coming after it. Eventually stopping to inspect her,  picking her up by a leg. Who's sassy lost child is this.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary giggles a little bit, his cheeks flushed deep red. He nods as the  other speaks and he sighs. He takes Knittens up on the offer and he  walks with him. "Sorry you're always carrying me."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "SPECIAL TECHNIQUE!" Boxer shouted as the Nephilim slow down he jump  at the Nephilim. "FLYING DROP KICK!!!" He shouted as he does a flying  drop kick. "Oh lord..." Father Crucifix said as he faceplams thinking  that Boxer going to mess up.
KUMA:  Pasties was getting even closer but was caught off guard by the  Nephilim actually stopping. She yelled out when it grabbed her by the  leg.
 "Hey! You can't do this! This is kind of supposed to go the other  way!"
 Then Pasties looked down at everyone else.
 "Guys, your really important ally is being taken away!"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones chuckles sadly, vaguely remembering how despite his parents  and brother neglected him they were innocent in the eyes of the Lord,  he sighs,  "I know how you ya feel man. I probably did something wrong, but no  one would listen. Not even my family... "  He pats Jong's back,  giving a bit fo support for the kid. He offers a  olive branch of peace,  "I now we're strangers, but we're in the same boat as fallens. So  don't be scared if you need help okay? I'm not exactly the best but  I'm not gonna turn a blind eye."  He shakes his head as he points to far off figures.
 Knittens chastisizes Mary Janes gently,  "Well just don't taze yourself my man."  Walking both of them towards the action but made sure to stay in the  back so that they wouldn't get hurt. He motions for Sneakers,  "C'mon you're apart of the team man!"
DJDEVIL:  "I see...." Helmet said as he began to think again, trying to come up  with a way to defeat the ghost. He thinked harder, and harder, and  harder until smoke started coming out of the holes in his namesake.  His brain was working at full power, until he got it. "I GOT IT! I GOT  A PLAN ON HOW TO DEFEAT THE BEAST!" He shouted with excitement as the  smoke from his helmet cleared.
BRIT:  "We can't just let it get away. Some of the Angels -- well, one of  them- is still chasing it alone." Strappon pointed out, switching  gears back to the chase, "We need to get it before we can't find it  again."
 Duster nodded in agreement to Strappon.  "It's likely caught her by now." He said, turning and taking off in  the direction of the ghost.
 Jacket screamed a little.  "You let _HIM_ go?! BUT NOT ME?? Please don't tell mom, just let me go  I'll be good!" He griped.
OWLIE:  "Oh shit!" Monocle said as he turned. He saw Pasties dangling by the  leg, carried by the Nephilim.
 "Oh," Sneakers' eyes lit up. He actually felt happy. He smiled, "I'd  be honored,"
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire stares as the ghost takes the friend of our ally  by the leg. They took 5 steps back incase it did something drastic.
OSCARK9:  *With worry for it ally, they took 5 steps back incase it did  something drastic.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary chuckles and sighs,"I won't I won't. C'mon Sneakers!" He smiled  and walked with the two. "I'm not gonna stand back though, I wanna hit  it at least once." He gains his barrings and he starts walking towards  it. "You with me guys..?" He turned to them.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong felt himself give a genuine smile. They managed to catch up and  were surprised to see a dangling pasties. "I think now would be a good  time to help maybe?"
OWLIE:  "Yep," Sneakers said to Mary, once again lifting the leather book that  looked like it's too heavy, he definitely pumped up by now.
KRO:  This Nephilim should get an award for the number of Angels it was  picking up with lightning reflexes. So it grabbed Boxer as well before  flinging him into a pile of rubble. Listen, it's investigating one  loud kid, it doesn't have time for two. There wasn't much to  investigate, she didn't have a Soul Stone as far as it could tell. It  simply set her down and continued on its way past what seemed to be  military barricades. There was some screaming and even gun-fire before  everything became quite. Or just, no guns firing, just people yelling  from shock.
 "You really want your mom bringing you back to life to shame you for  your shit life choices? I don't think so," Shades replied.  He kept dragging Jacket, running after Duster to make sure Pasties was  okay. Which she was, thank God, but the more pressing matter was the  sound of guns. There were humans here? That's definitely not good.  Finally letting go of Jacket, Shades motioned for everybody to follow  behind him as he found the barricades and police lines.
 "I guess the feds are here. We should be careful to announce our  presence while checking in and make sure they're okay. They could...  Shoot us."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "BOXER!" Father Crucifix shouted as he saw Boxer get snatch by the  Nephilim. "Let go of me!" Boxer shouted as he was being carried away  by the Nephilim. "Don't worry Boxer, i'm coming!" Father Crucifix  shouted as he runs after the Nephilim.
BRIT:  Duster stared at the barricades and the humans, turning to Shades with  a slight look of disdain.
 "What are humans doing so deep into this territory?" He asked,  gesturing to the police and federal agents.
 Jacket shook himself off as he was finally free at last! However, the  presence of cops made him a tad nervous.  "Yooo, is this area 52 or something? People gettin shot and shit?" He  asked, crossing his arms like an impatient child.
KUMA:  Pasties blinked in confusion. Oh. It just put her done? That was kind  of disappointing.
 She scoffed in the direction of it as it flew off, "I guess I was too  tough for you, huh?"
 Though she was upset with herself, she could have taken the time to  actually investigate the Nephilim, but hey, that could be everybody  else's fault.
 Em caught up to everyone, breathing heavily.
 "H-hey everybody... what's going on?"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens, sighs, supporting Mary Janes. He was going to shout on the  count of three but then the police came and guns were fired. Hushing  the two others he motions to the police and to keep quiet. If anything  they were a bunch of heaven bent kids, they would be fine. Hopefully.  Keeping behind Shady, he watches around worried. They were getting  pretty deep into Ground Zero by now. He mumbles,  "I don't need the police shooting us, I've seen what happens to people  when they get shot."  Headphones was about to throw Jong until the ghsot decided to fuck off  once more and continue its rampage. Annnd then the police. Fuck, he  didn't need another night in jail. Nudging Jong,  "Listen, best behavior I dont wanna get handcuffed. but it looks like  shit's happening."  Gulping he looks at the police barricade, standing in front of Em to  protect him and asks in a low voice,  "SO what're we gonna do?"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary runs at the Nephilim and he tosses his teddy at it, at the  highest voltage. The teddy squeaks when it hits him. "HEY CHICKEN  BUTT."
DJDEVIL:  Overrun with excitement about his plan, Helmet began to gather rubble,  broken wood, and strands of rope and strong strings. "I'll need  this...this could work  too...yes...yes....no...yes...ye-No....Yeeesss!" He said as he  gathered the junk for his plan.
OWLIE:  Sneakers threw the heavy book towards the Nephilim's head. As it  reached impact the book tore apart and it rained paper. Oh well, he  can always buy another one. RIP War and Peace.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong was nervous. There were police around and he had had a very bad  experience with them. He held on to Headphones' arm again, clearly  scared at the whole situation. "I think the best thing is to keep our  heads down for now. I really hate this more than the ghost."
BRIT:  "We're trying to repent the Nephilim so it doesn't eat anymore Angel  Soul Stones. We just keep losing it." Strappon said before he took off  after the rest of them. "We should keep up, you two are prime targets  and I can't do much to protect you."
 He observed the area where the Angels were all standing around outside  of the police barriers and approached Shades.  "Shades, what's going on? Do I need to talk to the humans?" He asked,  looking over the area. Some of the uniforms weren't as familiar to  him.
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire was relief that their ally is put down without no  harm. Over heard what Shade said to all Angels, they walk back behind  with the rest of the angels. Better save then sorry.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary quickly runs over and picks up his bear. He punches the  Nephilim's butt,"BOCK BoCK BoCK." This..this boy was doing the chicken  dance. At the..the freakin Nephilim.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  When the Nephilim threw Boxer he landed in the Garbage in a alleyway.  "Ouch..." Boxer said as stars were spinning around his head. "Boxer!  Thank Goodness your alright" Father Crucifix said as he came to him  then help him out of the Garbage. "NOW FOLLOW THAT NEPHILIM!" Father  Crucifix shouted and pointed to the Nephilim. "YES FATHER!" Boxer said  with wild grin as he chase the Nephilim along side Father Crucifix.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  But soon they were blocked by the Police. GHOST BLOCKED!
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones brushes Jong's hair, trying to comfort and calm him down.  He whispers,  "Listen, we're just doin our job. They can't arrest us."  He coughs as he tries to pass through without trouble, not looking  directly at their faces He did't need this. He whispers to Jong,  "Worst comes to worst, I'll get you a head start, alright?"
 Knittens pulled back mary Janes, motioning to the police around them.  He didn't need his friend to be shot either. He sighs, rubbing his  temples as he drags Mary Janes back. He scolds,  "Listen, you should't risk getting into juvenile detention. We needa  talk to the police, tell 'em we don't knows anything, okay?"
KRO:  Shades looked back at the police or...whatever they were. The uniforms  did seem a little familiar, like he's seen them in the slums he  visits.  "Yeah, probably. We'll have to enter with our hands up if we don't  want to get shot..."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary looks around and hides behind Knittens."Imsorryimsorryimsorry."  He hugs his back and he nods. "I-I don't wanna lie..b-but okay!" Mary  looks around. "S-Sneakers? You t-there..?"
SAIYAN:  Undershirt clenched his fists and powered up his aura.
 “Prime target? We’ll see about that. Come on, Wristband, let’s  go get this Nefilim and show him what we’re made of” He said as he  dashed off to meet up with the other angels.
 Wristband sighed, but followed her brother’s lead. The two of them  quickly arrived at the military base where all of the angels were  gathered. The two landed on either side of Shady at the exact same  time.
 “Hey bud, miss us?” Undershirt said with a smile.
OWLIE:  "Uh huh," Sneakers took a step back. He went from excited into a ball  of nervousness real quick
BRIT:  Strappon adjusted his clothes and hair and straightened out his  posture with a nod at Shades.  "I'l talk to them, then." He stated, almost slyike. He must have had a  plan.
 He walked up to the edge of the barrier and flagged them down.  "Excuse me, sirs! I would like to speak with whoever has sent you  here," He asked, "We're trying to get to that enormous creature that  just passed by and we would be grateful if you let us pass. We're only  trying to help the city."
 Duster and Jacket stood beside each other and watched as Strappon had  approached them. Duster with his brow raised and arms crossed, Jacket  with his hands in his pockets and his brow furrowed. What the fuck,  Strap. At least he sounded smooth.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Father! What's going on!?" Boxer ask as he was confuse why would the  Police stop them from defeating the Nephilim. "I don't know, Boxer.  Let me try to talk with the Police" Father Crucifix said as he puts  away his weapons and raises his hands, slowly going to the police.  "Don't Shot i'm unarmed! What is the meaning of this? Why are you  blocking us from doing Gods Work?" Father Crucifix called out to the  Police that were blocking them.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary walks over and he hugs the both of them. "We're gonna be okay  guys.."
DJDEVIL:  Once Helmet gathered the materials he needed, he placed them all in a  large pile and began constructing the object of his totally fool-proof  plan. He laid down the foundations, built up the core pieces, tied  some knots, and all the other construction jargon until it was  complete: A GREAT ROMAN CATAPULT!
OWLIE:  "Let's hope so," Sneakers mumbled. Hell, trying to be optimistic is  hard.
OSCARK9:  With a nod from the two, they lower their holy weapons and stare at  Strappon talking to the police.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens clenches his fists and he sighs,  "All we gotta do is stay quiet, they wont' do anything to kids. Worse  thing that'll happen is that they'll try to ticket us or something."  Knitten sounded like he was all to familiar with this situation,  police would come his house every other month, it was just how his  house works. He's seen how to avoid trouble, and only once or twice  they got a warrant. He sighs,  "Trust me, if anything I learned how to get outta trouble."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary nods," We should be okay..hopefully..I trust those angels.." He  holds onto his teddy, he sees that Sneakers is more nervous than he  probably is. So he hands him the bear.
KRO:  "Oh hey, well-" Shades was cut off as someone in a power suit of sorts  ran up to Strappon, grabbing him rather harshly by the collar of his  shirt and shaking him.
 "What the living fuck are you doing here!? This area's on lockdown,  nobody else is allowed here!"  Shades ran up to the two, separating them.
 "Whoa there, no fighting. What would Shakira think?"  A good, honest question.
 The guy in the power suit removed his helmet, revealing himself to be  Hot Pants.
 "Okay, one. You got me there. Two, GET OUT! AND FOR THE LOVE OF FUCK,  get that man some pants!"  He pointed over to Helmet who was being apprehended by two Lethocs  units.
 "Sir please...you can't do that on federal property..."
 "Sir please, you don't have any pants.."
OWLIE:  Sneakers was a bit unnerved that Mary was handing him the bear, he was  already aware of its tazing capablilities, but he did not wish to  offend his friend so he accepted. Squeezing the bear gently. /It was  soft./ Sneakers noted
BRIT:  Duster snapped out of his confusion at the sound of Hot Pants' voice  and immediately kicked a barrier over.  "Hot Pants, what are _YOU_ doing here?" He questioned, absolutely  pissed. "Correction, what are you doing here and on the _other side_  of the barricade?"
 He was clearly mad. Oh yeah. His hair was _almost_ doing that thing  that happens in Miyazaki movies. You the one.
 Strappon held onto Hot Pants' hands for dear life so he didn't get  shook to death. Way to scramble his brains, he was in a mode, there,  buddy.
DJDEVIL:  Helmet looked at the catapult with pride. It was a mighty siege engine  and he couldn't wait to test it out. At least until he was apprehended  by the Lethoc officers. "Hu-what?! Hey, release me, damn you! And i  would be wearing pants if they weren't stolen!"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens blinked when he saw Hot Pants. Nani the Fritta? He somewhat  recognized him, thinking he saw him before. He pats the two guy's  back,  "I think we'll be fine, they'll probably escort us out if anythin."  He was more trying to keep out of sight, unsure if the Lethocs unit  would recognize him, if he think he knows him form somewhere then  somethings not good. He smiles,  "C'mon! We're gonna be fine guys! Perk up!"
KUMA:  "If your area is under lockdown, you guys are doing a bad job at  keeping it that way," Pasties said, walking in, totally ignoring the  barricade. She had returned her knives into actual pasties and  unzipped her top. "For actual, effective security, you should get  someone who's really skilled! Like me!"
 She glanced around, "So what's even going on here?"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "What!?" Father Crucifix said as he was now confused as hell as he  goes up to Strappon. "Brother Strappon, do you know this man?" He ask  as Strappon as he looks at Strappon then Hot Pants. "Ummmm, can we go  punch the Nephilim now?" Boxer ask someone as he really want to punch  the Nephilim.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary jumps at the sudden pat on the back and he exhales."True  true..why does..that guy look..familiar..?" He turns to Knittens.  "O-okay! Um so..do you guys just..wanna hide here till something  happens?" He said with a brow raised.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong made Headphones stop walking. "Hey so, who is that?" Jong points  in the general direction of where Hot Pants was, clearly unamused by  the stress that he had gone through for what now seemed like no  reason.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knitten nods, deciding to sit down on the curb and watching the adults  bicker about.
 Headphones look up and raise his eyebrow. He does seem familiar. Where  has he seen him? He mumbles,  "Pants somethin'. Think he's a friend's of mine's workout partner.  He's making good progress, even though he sent me a picture of him  eating a 6x6 In and out burger while frying mac and cheese..."  Seriously how did he even stay thin? He pats his back,  "SInce e got some time to kill, wanna talk?"
KRO:  Hot Pants snapped back at Duster, straight up yelling at this point,  "I told you that I was at work, I'm still at work! You can't get upset  at me doing my job!"
 Two young cadets came over to pry Strappon of their captain's hands.  "Captain, calm down, we don't need another dead man on federal  property."
 With Strappon pulled away, his full attention was on Duster.  "ANYWAYS. We're all kinda jumpy after that fucking /thing/ came in  running through the premise so NO. None of you are allowed to go in  here. The commander already gave us orders to track it down on behalf  of the city. You all get your asses out of here before another captain  decides to drop by with arrest warrants."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  "Ahhh..I think that's hot pants..from what I can hear. Annnd sure!  Maybe a game of twenty questions? It's quiet enough to not get us in  trouble I think."
SOUP-KITTY:  "I think we should be trying to figure out how to get in but.. They  still do look pretty scary."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens chuckles  "Does Ground Zero cause a 20 question crave? But yeah sounds good.  I'll go first. What do you wanna be when you grow up?"  He holds his phone, ready to call his family wif things get too  heated. He loves to help but there's a fine line when he doesn't wanna  interfere.
 Headphones shakes his head,  "Listen those guys have guns so they're in charge. But as much as I  wanna blow this off... People are gonna be in danger with that thing  running around."  He glances to the barricade and sighs, there's nothing much they could  do. Despite Headphone's creativity, such as using a giant dildo for a  table leg when one would be too short and kept making the table  uneven. But he's drawing a blank here. Unless parental battering rams  were sold out here like candy. He mumbles,  "Seems like Angels are old news now."
BRIT:  "Are you kidding me?" Duster near growled, "Hot Pants, we're _chasing_  that fucking thing."  His fists we clenched, his face was still pretty steely calm, but we  has very clearly still angry.
 "You're knot allowed to come onto this property because we're in  control. You'll need authorization from Hell Corp." Came a very  familiar voice, that same annoyingly calm monotone that made every  Angel cringe. "I get the notion you're knot very fond of that."
 Behind the barrier stood the Mayor and his posse of disguised demons.  They seemed to be observing the area as well.
 Strappon clenched the barrier he had been leaning on.
 "What? What do you mean-- You're _actually_ the mayor?" He spat,  shocked and also probably offended.
 "Wow, he's pretty short." Jacket commented.
 Shroud turned to them completely, his arms clasped behind his back.
 "We're knot letting you in."
KRO:  Shades nearly jumped a barrier to get at Shroud, being stopped by  another Lethocs unit and it wasn't much of a struggle. Shades just  gave up after a bit of pushing. He still wanted his meeting, dammit.
 Hot Pants huffed as he started walking away from the Angels, "Alright,  you heard the guy. Scram before you're all in deep legal trouble."
What a twist! The Demons have control of the inner city's Ground Zero. What will they do to solve this dilemma? Will they actually catch the Nephilim before it disappears? Find out tomorrow!
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artificialqueens · 7 years
See You in April Ch. 3 - NQOTB (Trixya)
A/N - Hey guys, hope you enjoyed Chapter 2. The Queen of indecisiveness has struck again, and we’ve gone straight in for the kill with “The Talk.” Last Chapter I think I was attacked by a glitch in the matrix and some parts of the last couple paragraphs got cut off so I’ve put them at the beginning here to make up for it :)
Buckle up and experience 4K of pure, unadulterated angst. 
*generic female voiceover artist* “last week on See You in April…” 
He noticed Trixie shifting uncomfortably on his feet and realised his internal monologue of all the things he wished he could say had probably gone on for too long and that the frustration on his face was becoming clear. He couldn’t think straight. He had to end this conversation now before it became an external monologue and he said something to hurt his favourite person in the world.
“Well you know, I’ve never really had a favourite movie… just a top 10 that I watch in rotation.” Katya could feel himself distancing as he always did. Don’t do it. Show him that he’s all you want. “I don’t really believe that anyone ever has just one perfect… movie… for them.” Yes you do. “I think that there are lots of movies that can make you feel the same way that your favourite movie makes you feel.” You can still feel him touching you, you liar. “I don’t think you should get too attached to a film, to be honest.” You love him. You’ve loved him every day for the past three years. “I think maybe you should ask, uh, Dan? Yeah, Dan. You should ask him what kind of movies he likes on your date next week.”
He wanted to punch himself in the face the second he finished speaking. But he had done the job - Trixie was nodding his head and pushing an empty plastic cup that had fallen on the floor last night with his foot. He carried on glancing down at his feet when he spoke, the defeated tone in his voice clear as day.
“I see. Yeah, I think you’re right. Like you said… I need to get out there a bit more. See some more movies.”
Now or never, Barbra. Looks like you’ve chosen never.
Six months later
Trixie cautiously put one foot into the apartment as if he were dipping a cautious toe into a cold pool. He had been here so many times, but his mind hadn’t been there quite yet - he was always looking forward, thinking of the next gig, the next filming day, the next date he had with his boyfriend. Boyfriends. Katya stood in the hallway for a second and shuffled on his feet. Trixie could tell he didn’t really know what to say to him for the first time in his life.
“I'm… gonna get in the shower quickly. If that’s okay. I’m super sweaty from the journey and I need to wake myself up a bit. You can make yourself coffee if you want? Uh - pay no attention to the broken mug. That was a thing. I’ll sort it out in a bit.” The blonde man darted left into his bedroom and shut the door behind him, leaving Trixie standing there in solitude without having said a word in response. “Uh, yeah, sure. See you in a minute” he called out and made his way into the lounge.
He had never paid enough attention to the minute details of his friends apartment. Did he always have this record player? What records did he even play? He was pretty sure they didn’t put German industrial house onto vinyl but if anyone could find a copy, it would be Katya. He gazed around now to the nooks and crannies that he had never thought to dissect; the stack of videotapes containing grainy footage of all the Russian Olympic gymnasts of the 80’s and 90’s in the corner, a collection of crystals soaking up the ever-cascading sunset on the window ledge, the cowb– the cowboy hat. Trixie had worn it the day she was eliminated (for the second time) from the show that had crashed their lives together. And now it was here, on the wall, right above his head and the couch. A faltering beam of sunlight was coming through the window, and Trixie could see a couple of hairs in the light that were stuck in the weave of the hat that had come from the dark wig she wore that day. He reached out to touch it, but it was just out of his arms reach. Seems fitting.
He walked into the kitchen and padded over to the coffee machine. I pay $300 for this and that fool hasn’t even learnt how to put the beans in properly?” He should have known better than to buy the older man something like this to impress him, such a fuss. He was far too free-spirited to be in awe of a coffee machine. Trixie watched the coffee drip down into the jug laboriously and eagerly poured himself a mug as soon as it was done. The hot liquid coated his empty stomach like a fur coat in winter, and he could feel the caffeine take a hold instantly. God, when did he last eat? Or sleep for longer than half an hour? He couldn’t even tell you what day it was. The past 6 weeks had just felt like… a permanent Monday.
He heard the bedroom door click open and Brian walked in, vigorously drying his hair with a towel.
“Penny for your thoughts, mama? Wanna tell me what you’re thinking?”
Trixie stared up at the man in front of him. He tried to look for any physical signs of what might have happened to him over the past 6 weeks, but all he could see was his silly little soulmate standing there with a silly little grin on his face. It was always a surprise seeing him in his most natural state, stripped of all the paint and cloth that turned him into the Russian woman he met three years ago. He still found it incredible how the man could transform - not just physically, but characteristically, and still remain the same fantastic human being with those piercing blue eyes that sucked him in every damn time. He stared into them until they started staring back with an inquisitive squint and he remembered that he had been asked a question. He shook his head, partly in answer and partly to snap himself out of it. He had to try and stay focused.
“If I did, we would be here forever.”
“I’ve got time.”
The younger Brian bit his bottom lip, pondering where to start. He had envisioned seeing his friend again so many times, laid awake imagining where he might be and what he might be doing, but he hadn’t exactly thought through what he was going to say when he saw him. Being the rational and chill woman he was, Trixie had spent pretty much every night panicking that Katya was somewhere in the world doing something, or someone, he shouldn’t be. Getting himself in trouble. Doing things he had been strong enough to not do for a long time. He had tried calling his phone every day, and every day he would hear the same voicemail of Katya saying some shit in Russian and then laughing down the end of the receiver, followed by the inevitable beep to leave a message. He hadn’t expected the phone to actually ring today, so when it did he panicked and made his way to his apartment as quick as he could. He saw his friend get out of Amy’s car and make his way inside from the bar across the road, and decided to wait a while until he followed him in. He got to the door, froze, and sat down to collect his thoughts and calm the fuck down. That’s when Katya had opened the door.
“Where were you going?” He finally asked the blonde.
“You mean where have I been, or…?”
“No, I mean just now. When you opened the front door, you looked like you were in a rush to get somewhere.”
“I was, but it just so happens that it doesn’t matter now.”
Trixie’s mouth twitched into a slight smirk as he hoped that meant he had been on his way to see him. Then he remembered he was the one that was supposed to say something next and his tongue suddenly forgot how to work. Katya looked at him intently, reading his face.
“So. One hundred and sixty five texts, huh? Were you trying to get an advertising deal with AT&T?”
“You think I’m some kind of animal? Verizon, bitch.” Katya’s wheezing laugh broke the tension and Trixie found himself smiling properly for the first time in weeks. He could always count on his best friend to laugh at him as well as with him. “Listen, I… uh…”
“…You wanna know where I’ve been and why I’ve been there?”
Trixie was taken aback by how willing Katya seemed to be to have this conversation.
“I mean… yeah. But what I was actually gonna say is I know that it’s not my business. And I know I shouldn’t have been so caught up about it. I was just so scared that you weren’t okay that I went a little bit, uh… well, bat shit crazy would be a good phrase.”
Trixie could feel his cheeks warming up as he remembered some of the things he had done over the past six weeks. He’d never listened to more Johnny Cash in his life, he’d been performing to Lana Del Rey songs, he was drinking almost every day. He told everyone it was because Dan had broken up with him but only he knew that he hadn’t really cared about that at all. He knew what Dan was going to do the minute he walked into his apartment that day, and he just sat there staring at the blank television screen and playing with a hangnail. He barely even listened to what he was saying to him, the reasons he was giving. Because he knew why, they both did. He let him finish, picked up the bag his now ex-boyfriend had already packed with the stuff Trixie had left at his apartment and left without so much as even looking back. He had never felt so… relieved. Relieved that he didn’t have to carry on pretending. That he didn’t have to be the one to break it off and look like the heartless dickhead. That he didn’t have to keep closing his eyes to imagine blue ones staring back at him and blonde locks of hair twisted into his fingers in the dark heat of the night.
A cough from the blonde jolted Trixie back into his stream of consciousness. Brian was nodding in slow motion to himself, the cogs of his brain visible in their desperate efforts to think of what to say next.
“I wouldn’t say that is entirely true. I do think it is partly your business where I go, especially if I just fuck off like that. So I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. But you know me, mama, I’m a creature of impulse.” Brian flipped a lighter over and over in his hand as he spoke. He shuffled on his feet restlessly before he jumped up on the side, and Trixie knew he was trying to control the anxiety that was starting to brew, as it always did when a conversation between the two turned serious. “Where do you think I went?”
“I thought you might have gone home at some point. I did a gig in Boston three weeks ago and I went to your mom’s house to see if you were there.”
“Oh yeah, Amy told me about your little visit.” Trixie looked up to find Katya smirking at her. He’s enjoying this, isn’t he?
“Oh man. Can you tell her I’m sorry? I really shouldn’t have pestered her like that, with all the emails and the texts and the -”
“- drunken phone calls?”
Fuck. “I forgot about that. For god’s sake, I’m a mess. I… I called you too, didn’t I?” Foggy recollections were now making their way back into Trixie’s mind. A bar in Tennessee, a whole bottle of bourbon, a random dirty blonde guy with blue-ish eyes taking him into a bathroom stall and then Trixie leaving as soon as he realised he couldn’t fill that void. A phone call. Shouting. Wait, he shouted at the guy on the street, right? Or was he shouting down the phone? He cried, he definitely knew that. But was it because the call never went through, or… it was hurting his head just trying to remember.
“Yeah, yeah you called me. You left a voicemail, that was interrupted by a halftime show of you fighting some random dude.”
“The guy! Yes, I remember that. What did I say? Oh god, I don’t even wanna know. If I was a cunt please don’t pay any attention, I was so wasted I would have said anything. I promise I didn’t mean anything I said.”
Katya’s smirk looked like it had been slapped off of his face in half a second.
“Was I that bad?”
Katya snapped back into the conversation and quickly plastered a smile back onto his face. “Uh… yeah, yeah you were a total asshole. It’s okay though. Too good to be true.”
“What does that mean?”
“I… nothing. I thought maybe it was a call from a drunken mind speaking a sober heart, that’s all. But it’s okay, honestly.” Katya poured himself a coffee and chugged it, the nerves showing in his shaky hands. “So, uh, how’s things with Dan?”
“He’s gone, it’s whatever. What did I say on that voicemail?”
Trixie saw Katya’s jaw muscles clench shut, and he knew that his walls were about to come rushing back up. Let me in. Please. He exhaled quickly and shot Trixie an annoyed glance.
“It doesn’t matter what you said, you just told me you didn’t mean it. And what do you mean he’s gone and it’s whatever? Is that what you came over here to talk to me about, that you’ve broken up with him like I’m supposed to be happy about that? It’s whatever? Six weeks ago you were thanking me for covering your fucking tracks so that he wouldn’t find out that you only went out with him because I told you to.”
“You heard me. I stupidly encouraged you to go on a date with him and now look at where we are. Six months later and still both just as miserable as we were before. I tried to not see you as much, I tried to keep it on a professional level. I even invited the both of you out for dinner. You argued, he left, I came home with you. Held you in my arms and kissed you to sleep. Looked like a fucking fool the next morning when he turned up with a bunch of flowers and an apology and you were shoving me out of your bed and into the shower before you opened the door to him. I went to the other side of the fucking world to sort my head out, did yoga all day every day to block out what your collarbone felt like on my lips and instead it made me focus in on everything even more. I tuned into my inner core and it turns out you’ve managed to bury your way in there. God damn it.”
Katya jumped off of the kitchen counter he had been perched on and walked into the living room, pacing up and down. He grabbed his Rose Quartz and stroked the smooth side with his thumb. Trixie got up and slowly followed him into the living room, sitting on the couch. He was trying to read the other man’s face for a sign of what to say in response, but he was looking down at the floor and muttering to himself as he paced. Looks like you were wrong on this one, girl. A yoga retreat… other side of the world… because of you.
“So that’s why you left? Because of that night and the text I sent you after?”
“Yeah, it was because of that night. And every night before it. And every day. I can’t do this anymore, Bri.”
Trixie swallowed down a lump that had formed in his throat.
“What, you don’t wanna be friends? You don’t wanna be in my life anymore?”
Katya stopped pacing, and faced the younger man sat down in front of him. He sat down on his knees and stared Trixie straight in the eyes. “I want to be in your life, every single day of it. But I don’t want to blur the lines that you wanted to set and then spend those days watching you with someone else and then feeling like I’m going to have a heart attack every time you break up with someone. I told you to get out there for a bit but I didn’t mean get out there and go away from me. I knew the second I finished talking that day that you would go on that date and fall in love with him. I knew you didn’t want me, it was just because you were lonely and drunk and confused, that’s why I didn’t let things go too far that night. Because I knew you would regret it. But I didn’t know that telling you to go on that date would make you push so far away from me as a friend too.”
“Are you kidding? You pushed away from me!” Trixie knew that came out a lot louder than he meant it to, but the hurt that had built up over the last six weeks was slowly making its way out. The desperation he had felt, the need to see Katya and make sure he was safe had now been satisfied, so he had room for his anger to come bursting through. “You are the one that pushed away from me after that night in Palm Springs. Gave me all that bullshit about not wanting to commit to one person. Told me to go on the date with Dan. You are the one that spent two months after that trip spending time with everyone else except me. I had to see picture after picture of you with Violet, and I would spend all night thinking about you and your rotation of guys that you can fuck without all this bullshit and drama. You are the one that wouldn’t be in a room alone with me for weeks. Okay fine, I agree, I shouldn’t have invited you back to mine after the argument with Dan. And I shouldn’t have asked you to lie to him. But for the record, he split up with me. I didn’t make that call, he did. He said he couldn’t be with me any more. What the fuck did you expect from me anyway, Kat? You made it clear - you don’t want this. Not in the same way I thought I did, anyway.”
“The same way you thought you did? So you don’t feel that way any more?” Katya’s eyes were now burning holes into Trixie’s with their intensity. Something had changed in the way Katya was looking at him, and a knot formed in his stomach as a lie formed on his tongue.
“No. I don’t.”
“But you’re not with Dan any more?”
“No. I’m not.” Stop staring at me.
“And he broke up with you?”
“Yeah, that’s what I just said.”
“Why did he break up with you?”
Because I have fallen in love with you and I wasn’t even trying to hide it from him after you left. “Same as always, touring got in the way.”
“And you don’t have feelings for me.”
“That’s right. You said it. I was drunk and lonely. And you were just there.” You were there too, Trix. You felt it. You both did.
“And you told our friends that what happened at Palm Springs was just a bit of temporary fun.”
“That’s what it was, wasn’t it?”
“But you didn’t like seeing pictures of me with Violet because you thought we were having sex?”
“N-no, it wasn’t because of tha-”
“-but you don’t have feelings for me? All your outbursts and love songs and texts since I’ve been gone were normal because you don’t have feelings for me? And you said ‘I love you’ down the phone because you don’t have feelings for me?”
“You can say I love you to your friends. I say it all the time.” Trixie’s heart had fallen into his ass. He was surprised he could even form a sentence, his heart was pounding so loudly it was drowning out all thought. Three years of will they won’t they and your big Ross and Rachel moment is one you were too wasted to remember?!
Katya stared at him for a few seconds more, and quietly got up to walk over to the window ledge. He picked up his phone and without saying a word, pressed play on his voicemail. They listened in silence as Trixie’s memories came screaming back to him. Katya kept his back to Trixie as he spoke.
“Forgive me if I’m wrong, but to me that sounds like someone who sounds very confused, conflicted and unsure of their feelings. But it definitely does not sound like someone who doesn’t have any feelings for me at all.”
Trixie’s head sunk into his hands as his brain scrambled for the right words to say. All he could think of was the truth.
“I don’t know what this feeling is, but I do know that you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.” Katya turned around. “I thought I had lost you forever and then I couldn’t breathe. I didn’t breathe for six weeks. I’m barely breathing now. But I don’t know what that means.”
Katya exhaled for the both of them, and sat back down on the floor, his back up against the wall. “What do you want, Trix?”
“I want to go home and sleep for a whole night for the first time in almost two months now I know you’re safe and not laying in a ditch somewhere.”
“You’re the one that’s gonna be found dead under a mattress, you pig.” Katya smiled weakly at the younger man. “I’m sorry for worrying you. I really am. If it had been the other way round…”
“I know. I wasn’t done - I want to go home and sleep, and then I want you to come to my gig tomorrow. Last night of Ages 3 and Up, loads of bitches are gonna be there. It will be fun.” Katya opened his mouth to speak, but stopped himself and clamped his teeth shut again. “Just think about it. No pressure, just a friend showing his face to support another friend.”
Trixie got up from the couch and walked over to Katya, sticking out a hand to help him up from the floor. As he helped him up, Katya lost his balance and grabbed onto Trixie’s hip to stop himself from falling. He steadied himself but his hand lingered, and he stared up into Trixie’s eyes intently. Trixie kept the gaze, trying desperately to ignore his knees weakening as he lost himself in two tiny oceans before him. He reached down with the back of his hand and lightly stroked Katya’s cheekbone. The smaller man shivered underneath his touch.
“You should have let me choose now.” His hand dropped back down to his side as he turned around and walked out of the apartment, racing to the front door before Katya saw the salted tracks starting to run down his face.
Trixie shut the front door of his apartment and collapsed in a heap on the floor. Katya. The exhaustion of the past few weeks had finally hit him and he could barely think straight. He needed to sleep. Katya. He dragged himself into the shower and allowed the warm water to soothe his aching muscles, finally relaxing for the first time in weeks now he knew his friend was safe. Katya. He turned off the faucet and shivered at the cool air of his bedroom hitting his damp skin. His body remembered just how exhausted he was and he collapsed onto his bed, pulling the covers over him. Katya?
20:09pm Katya: I’ll be there.
Trixie kissed the screen of his phone and, for the first time in a long time, allowed sleep to take him into aquamarine dreams.
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