#I'm obsessed with characters wearing just a plain yellow dress
pumpkiinns · 3 months
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Day eight: Doodles
I'll probably draw tomorrow but here are a bunch of doodles
Also sorry about there being to "It's shrimple reelly" drawings lmao i forgot that I drew two
Btw the red splatter on some of the papers is not blood it was water with red food colouring
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treesandwords · 2 years
I finally got around to drawing an oc...
And I'm gonna use this occasion to talk about something I've been wanting to for a while: wedding traditions in my world! And also costumes, because I'm Obsessed.
(Yes I know the picture quality is crap. Sorry.)
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This is Bronwyn, the oldest sister of my main WIP's protagonist, and the first character to get married within the story (and she happens to be one of my favourites out of the side cast).
So the main characters in the story are of Dviric heritage, the Dviric people being the second cultural-ethnic group to inhabit the region they live in. This means most of their traditions are based on that culture even though there have been other migrations since then. Other cultural-ethnic groups have their own traditions.
It's important to note that Bronwyn gets married in winter, which is unusual. Normally there's a kind of handfasting ceremony held in autumn for a couple, and they then spend the winter as a courtship period. The official marriage ceremony then takes place in the spring.
In this drawing, Bronwyn wears a relatively plain dress, but with several pins and brooches adorning the outfit. The clasp on her outer dress is part of the wedding tradition; that, the bracelet on her left arm, and her ring, are all ornaments given from a husband to a wife during the ceremony. In her hands she's carrying a bundle of oak leaves and mistletoe, which the bride would traditionally give to a groom in turn. She's also wearing a crown of winter-associated foliage (holly, pine etc.) which normally would also include flowers.
The marks on her face are part of wedding tradition too; both parties are marked with smudges from four bowls; water, soil, soot, and dust. They are also marked with a streak of each other's blood across their forehead. I kind of really really want to include that thing where they each cut a palm and then bind the hands together, so I think that's where the blood comes from, lol.
Weddings are normally held outdoors, with one family standing on one side of the space and the other on the opposite. The two members of the marrying couple would stand with their respective families until the beginning of the ceremony, when they come together. In general, weddings of the upper classes are more solemn and traditional, with peasants having livelier and more casual ceremonies (generally the rich people just don't have as much fun). Green, yellow, grey, and white are all common colours for wedding clothes, though this character is wearing red for Reasons. (Or would be, if I'd coloured it in.)
That's all for today. Maybe more art will come another time, maybe not...we'll see.
taglist: @kaatiba
(let me know if you'd like to be added!)
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