#I'm not defending ppl who r like
ablednt · 9 days
I like how the death of literacy is because tumblr users watch kids cartoons and not that we live in a capitalist hellscape where you don't own what you have and curating your internet space to include anything of substance is increasingly inaccessible
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septimus-heap · 9 months
Thinking abt septimus and marcia again. As always. They're so good and I AM obsessed
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olderthannetfic · 14 days
Re: discourse about using outliers / the worst examples of a group to justify generalizations-- this is also a problem with the femslash wank asks
I'm one of those filthy f/f folks who actually does want to see more femslash relative to mascslash, but I'm not anti-fujo or a terf or telling ppl to change their own tastes. I'm proship / SALS and kinkmato and I think fujoshi are great; I appreciate their massive contribution to fandom culture including AO3's existence itself
But some ppl seem like they just hate f/f fandoms generally and want a reason to bitch about us? and I've felt super demoralized by it whenever I read your blog lately
Like the complaints about f/f being too wholesome and fluffy and that this is somehow bad?? tumblr is C O V E R E D with cutesey fluffy bubbly m/m art using That Artstyle we all know and nobody complains about it. But when sapphic art is like this suddenly its cause we're boring sexless puritans who dont know what pussy should look like? The huge amount of kinky weird depraved f/f thats out there gets totally erased and the wholesome stuff gets scapegoated as a symbol of regressiveness.
Or the constant lecturing to "JuSt CrEaTe It YoUrSeLf" as if nobody who says they want more f/f would actually be making it??? How do you KNOW they're not making it? Are you stalking the tumblr of every ao3 f/f author to make sure they never expressed the opinion you hate , and vice versa??
Yeah a few awful ppl have been super obnoxious, terfy, or puritanical bullies with how they talk about this topic. But when you constantly bring those people up to demonize talking about it at all it feels like you're creating a taboo around it because you want those annoying lesbian feminists to shut the fuck up. Cause how dare we, right? How dare we express desire for something in a way that reminds you patriarchy exists.
You won't even let us express that we're bitter or sad about feeling like a minority even amongst other queer women. You won't let us express simple jealousy without interpreting that jealousy in the most terfy antiship bad faith way possible!
I won't defend those who actually harass ppl or moralize over ships. I won't defend anti-fujos. But when you constantly lump me in with those people just because I looked at AO3 stats and went "Hmmm, it would be cool if this was more balanced :/" or whatever it feels like you just don't want me to say anything at all
Is this about me personally? Yes, I agree that topics that are repetitive start to feel like an attack.
But with regards to AO3 stats, this is my pet peeve, as you probably know if you read here often, and I'm unlikely to stop being angry about it.
AO3 is extremely unusual in the history of fandom for being a very big, very multifandom site that is not m/m-specific but where m/m outnumbers other things. There have been large-ish slash archives before. There have been and still are other large, multifandom archives, from FFN and Wattpad, which are in AO3's weight class, to medium size ones like MediaMiner. The spaces that aren't m/m-specific generally have f/m vastly outnumbering m/m. They also make it harder to get stats than AO3 does.
I don't have an issue with people looking at overall fandom stats and complaining that f/f has the short end of the stick when it comes to fanfic broadly. I do object to people pulling only AO3 stats and going "The one anomalous clubhouse that looks like this is the problem" and pointing at m/m.
It's the same problem you point out, just in another direction. After being told "Okay, but the amount of m/m..." constantly for years, people are fed up and never want to hear it again. Even if it's phrased nicely. Even if the person saying it is also hurting.
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selinascatnip · 1 month
My two worthless cents about the Neil Gaiman situation: I've been hearing ppl calling Neil Gaiman a "rockstar" since I was a child and, and now people are surprised that he sleeps with groupies.
At least they are all over 18.
Yes, the bar is in hell.
And yeah, pretty sure most women who slept with older men in their youth grow to regret the decision, they feel used and manipulated, and they are probably right, you get these stories all the time.
And the stories I've heard involving Gaiman fall more in the professor/student category isn't like he was drugging and r word those women in dark alleys, they all knew him and were in a sort of consenting relationship with him.
And as someone who read Sandman when I was 13 and by 15 after reading his other novels had already clocked that Fat Charlie, Richard and Shadow had all the same eeeeeeeeviiiil ex, and then there was the whole thing with Amanda Palmer on twitter in the middle of the Covid lock-down, look... If you convinced yourself that this old english comic book writer guy was a respect women juice drinker you have a whole lot of more faith in him than me, someone that had been his fan and reader for almost 20 years.
He's an old rich famous man, nothing that has been revealed is much of a surprise to me, quite contrary, I'm appalled at the cliché really, but it's still upsetting it is being exposed like that. And for what? Because let's not be dishonest here, this isn't about bringing him to justice, or making the hurt women voices be heard, nobody involved in making that podcast cares about women, they just want to bully the fake feminist guy, probably for transphobic reasons given the people involved making the damn thing.
And like I feel like someone is subjecting me to hear about my grandpa's nasty sex life.
I say leave them old perverts alone.
and to the Jared 19 on this site:
I'm not defending him or his actions, I'm just not surprised, like, at all.
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anti-spop · 7 months
i'm seeing more ppl here talking about r/epkyle, in a positive or a negative way, and i'm sure you all know how i feel about the ship. like i hate that it doesn't rlly shine a lot. the cute moments we see are mostly in the background, bc otherwise rogelio never does anything to defend kyle from being bullied. not to mention they don't even communicate somehow. and they don't have to talk verbally - what about sign language, for example? though i find it odd that lonnie seems to understand rogelio while kyle doesn't. then again, i think that was just for a cheap joke.
i think the main problem with r/epkyle is that the show, once again, tells us that rogelio and kyle like each other, but we barely see that other than through brief cameos. and kyle is a joke most of the time, literally nobody stands up for him, unless he's on the verge of literal death. which is fucking awful, as someone who's been in his place.
other than that, i would honestly stick with r/epkyle any day instead of shoving lonnie with them.
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I get ppl that are completely hating on tae are going too far but there's people who feels disappointed and rightfully so. The show was marketed as their show but there's a guest which is not a problem but the guest is taking place in 3/8 episodes. People signed up for the two members they wanna see and not others. Yes jimin and jungkook loves him but others are not obligated to like who they love. There's people out there who dislike members for their personality so it has nothing to do with shipping or any anything. If someone who U can't stand who was not meant to be there nd now you're forced to watch it then yes it's disappointing. Again nothing to do with shipping but if u can't stand someone's personality there's no way you're going to be okay with it.
That's human emotions so some Acting like u can't feel those are not being real. But again hating on the guy is stupid nd I'm totally defending ppl that r showing disappoint. Also people saying "If they didn't want him there he wouldn't be there" needs to apply that in real life and see if you're able to say that to ur frnd. The insisting wouldn't have needed would it?
Look anon I can sympathize with the fact that we were sort of played for a fiddle with the way disney hid taes presence in the show and I can even sympathize with the fact that this decision has invited the worst breed of tkkrs to directly invest into the show but anything else after that is your own personal feelings.
Taehyung is a part of bts and will remain one for as long as bts exists. Once 2025 comes around, trust you will see him around and about jikook just as much or even more, who knows? Maybe the show might help you warm up to him more because as long as you're stanning two members of bts you're bound to get a taste of all of them. You can disagree with certain actions of tae here and there but it's odd to speak of him as if he's some abhorrent insufferable presence. So maybe take this as a twisted form of exposure therapy?
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zai-doodles · 4 months
How does Lisanna fit into your rewrite?
She was done so dirty in the show I think she deserves so much more
I'm insane u don't know what uve done
I've talked a bit about my lis hcs before and her dynamic with her siblings but she just has like SO MUCH POTENTIAL!!
Like ok let's just get into it
First up, as much as I loved Lucy Ashley in edolas and how she had a really fun dynamic with the trio i just,,,,
like no everyone stop I have so many thoughts about lifetime in edolas
Ur telling me she was the only one who knew about the existence of earthland and she DIDNT SPEAK UP??? LIKE GIRLIE THIS IS UR MOMENT HELLO??
Even if she tried to pull the like "this is my home now" shit I just think it would have been so fun to watch her have this weird dynamic with natsu where she knows exactly what's happening and is trying to lead them both to safety and save earthland fairy tail
PLUS seeing how she interacts with lucy for the first time?? Make them friends??? Please???? I'm on my hands and knees
Edolas high key needs a lot of work when fitting into the overall narrative because as a solo thing it's really fun but raises so many questions for no reason just ugh weird
It could have been cool if lis didn't immediately speak up but in order to defend the guild or save natsu and lucy she had to get one of those pill things to restore her magic so she could defend them and it was this big dramatic reveal rather than, what to me felt lime an after thought
I want full side plots and stories dedicated to lis relearning how to interact with the guild once she's back in earthland. She got so use to them acting a certain way like it takes her a while to unlearn it.
Like in my mind lis is very good friends with all the guild members because she floats around and stays back at the guild alot with mira at first but she truly has to pause when she goes to yell at levy when something breaks Meanwhile levy is just sitting peacefully reading a book like-
Plot wise I want her to force natsu to confront his past and his hard-core attachment issues because when she gets back he literally can't process that she is back so he keeps their interactions very light and short and it hurts lis so much but he's just so unconsciously afraid that once he embraces that's she's back she's going to evaporate because the world hates him fr
And then lucy and juvia and lis I feel all have this weird little club of like, ppl who joined the guild in the past 5 years and loves everyone very much however all these people grew up together and are basically a hivemind and it's hard not to feel left out sometimes
Bc again, even tho lis grew up there and has her siblings, she's literally labeled as the dead girl so she's very isolated at first, especially with how overprotective her siblings become, so lucy and juvia r the only ones who don't treat her that way because they didn't know her before she died
Anyway later in the story I want her to go back to being a full time wizard and taking on jobs whoever needs it since, again she has a dynamic with everyone so she doesn't commit to a team really and just floats around providing support on jobs she thinks ppl can use a hand on, and again it's just more vignettes of her relearning her guildmates and I'm crying thank u for coming to my Ted talk
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tending-the-hearth · 1 month
I lost u again 😭 I'm sorry
I'm here to talk about ur 🐢angst au if it's ok🥺
1) I was genuinely happy to see u including the bay bois into ur fic. Not a lot of ppl like them which is a shame cuz I think theyre great(I'm biased lmao I love all iterations)And I honestly can't wait to see the bay fam interact with everyone else.(Honestly the 2012 bois desperately need elder siblings or like a stable adult figure in their lives cuz YIKES they keep losing everyone 😭)
2)U mentioned B4 in a hypothetical scenario that the other alternates would freak when they realized the 2012 bois were constantly fighting kraang daily. Do u think it would happen again when they realize the extent of like what they had to go thru? Like aside from the comics, 2003 and 2012 r like basically getting beaten up in every way possible 😭 (the creators literally were like hmm 🤔 how should we torture them today? And got paid for it😭 like have u SEEN the stuff they go thru? My bois :(( )
The 2012 bois stepped out of isolation and practically turned into soldiers as soon as they went topside. Splinter taught them how to fight so they could defend themselves but then they had to do more than just defend. So much more :((
How do u think the other would react if they ever find out about this info?-🫘
the bay boys are actually one of my absolute favorite iterations of the turtles. i think their characterization is done so well, i love the relationships they have with each other + splinter + april, and their fight scenes are some of the most engaging!!
I think the 2012 boys would, at first, be a little unsure about totally having to rely on older versions of themselves, because the only older sibling figures they have are Xever and Chris, so having a new group that is totally prepared to take them under their wings and take care of them so they don't have to take care of themselves? It would be very, very odd for them. And yeah, they'd also be hesitant to trust them just due to the amount of abandonment issues they've all got, but I do think that once they get past all that, they're absolutely inseparable from them, especially Raph and Leo and their bayverse counterparts!
OHHHHH i have so many thoughts about the absolute horror the other groups feel once they realize just how much fighting the 2012 boys have had to do.
you're so right, they've been fighting for years nonstop. With the Bayverse boys, they fought Shredder twice, never encountered the Kraang, and really only had run-ins with the Foot. The MM Boys are new to everything, and they've only ever fought Super Fly and a few others. The Rise boys are kind of the only ones who come close to how much the 2012 boys have fought, but even they've only fought the Kraang once, and Shredder isn't as much of a threat to them as he is to the 2012 turtles.
I have an idea in my mind of Donnie showing the others a video of all the brothers from a few years prior, like just something they made maybe a little bit after they started going topside, and Mikey starts laughing and says "I forgot how different you used to sound, Leo!"
and the other 2012 boys also start laughing, so ofc Blue asks "what, did you go through puberty or something?"
and Leo just shakes his head and says "We fought the Shredder, and I basically went into a coma for a month before waking up, and my voice changed since there was a shit ton of damage to my throat"
there is just the LOUDEST silence after he says that, and the others immediately start to talk over each other, attempting to make it sound less awful, but just doing a terrible job.
Raph: "It's no big deal, I got my brain switched with a Kraang, and I've honestly lost count of how many times I've been poisoned during fights"
Mikey: "I got trapped on the Kraang's home planet for a few months! That really messed with my sense of time, though"
Donnie: "I got disintegrated."
but it does not help at all, and the 2012 boys suddenly find themselves in the middle of a giant group hug, with the Splinters all holding their boys close, and the bayvers boys secretly making plans to make sure their little bros don't ever get hurt again, meanwhile the MM and Rise boys are wondering if it's possible to send anyone who has ever hurt their big bros into a black void.
(also the Raphs comparing fights and injuries and Red talking about how his shell was cracked during the fight with the Kraang when he was protecting Blue, and they all ask Raph how his shell was cracked, and he tells them it happened when he was a toddler and a Kraang robot attacked his sensei and his brothers and he fell out of the carrier and had the cart land on his back and the others just have to try SO hard not to start crying and bundling Raph in as many blankets as possible)
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yulsbabymama · 8 months
Disventure Camp Headcanons Part 1
Half Argentinian Half French Canadian
Had a huge TOP phase in middle school
Only child
Super good singer but hates hearing his voice
Afro-Turkish and Japanese
Diagnosed w Autism when he was a child
Started drinking shortly after he got married; relapsed after his separation w his ex
Has an older sister by 7 years
Transgirl; came out to her grandfather and he was the only supporter she had
Definitely had obsessive love disorder when meeting Hunter the first time
Super fucking bad at dancing
Likes K-pop (Fromis_9, Stray Kids, Billlie, P1harmony, Enhypen, Stayc, aespa, ITZY)
Country music defender
will actually die on the Country Music hill
like she's from Texas but she's FROM TEXAS ykwim
Transgirl; realized she was a girl at a young age and transitioned w a supporting family
Would probably roll her eyes at u if u assume she loved AppleJack when she was younger
I mean, she did
but not as much as ppl assume
Despite having a booming business, he still doesn't understand technology
but he WAS a boss at programming his MySpace page
"programming is my passion" college dude
Nickelback liker
I'm so sorry
He and his sister shared a bedroom until she moved out
Actually convinced her to come back home bc he missed her
crying on his knees
blasting a radio to her favorite songs
did i mention he loves his sister
Pokemon kid
Oh, he's also autistic
Half Filipino and half Columbian
Transguy; was an unhappy "girl" growing up and would refuse to listen to anyone who didn't call "her" by Derek
Facebook user
only to troll, tho
He tried trolling on Twitter too but Trevor had to pry the phone out of his hands
Secretly likes Trevor
and by secretly I mean he angry-cried while writing drafted emails of his confession
Barely cries or anything like that, emotionally, but angry-crying is his #1 basically
Is not a registered gun owner
Other than the notebook, he has a communication device
Video games hurt his eyes
so do mobile games
Honestly i think he just needs glasses
likes dogs :)
Half Irish and Half Singaporean
Transgirl; came out in her last year of junior high
Middle child w two sisters
While struggling w her identity, she was a Pick Me girl to fit in #sad!
she ended up giving up on fitting in #gogirl
Malay's her first language
Mom passed when she was little
tolerates cats
3/4th Italian 1/4th Chinese
hates horror movies
not bc she's scared of them or anything
she just thinks they suck
forced into a ton of shit to become normal
girlscouts, ballet, soccer, etc
she hated everything
but she can make a good cookie deal
Has an unhealthy obsession w watching drag shows
she doesn't understand any of the lingo
she just thinks the outfits r pretty
LPS kid
also watches too much animal documentaries
will actually sit down and say "im bored, time to watch a 6 hour doc on cheetahs"
she just cray cray like that #loveher
unhealthy addiction to stickers
Transgirl #slay
was a Toddlers & Tiaras kid
passenger princess
forces Yul to drive her places
they have almost broken up 5 times bc of this
she also genuinely forgot to tell him she was #trans
u should've seen the look on his face
that's ooc but idc
she's bi :3
Half Chinese Half White
Dad left after his youngest sister was born
Lived in China until he was 8
He has autism
Christian btw
like pslam bunch-of-numbers in his bio
can quickly change languages like that
will talk to u in english then will answer his phone in cantonese
texts like a millennial
:/ sorry
the killers, staind, blink-182, and r.e.m fan
plays the guitar
Half Korean Half Japanese
cannot speak those languages fluently, tho
he and his brother wrestled a lot
his brother would always win
anyways he was a theater kid
but quit bc of some drama
haha. get it ?
one of those gays who cries to mitski & ricky montgomery
but only listens to them when he needs to cry
which is often
has been in cringe compilations before
imagine if i just ended this w just that hc
would that be funny
one of those middle schoolers who was violently supportive of the lgbtq+
like everyone knew he liked boys
except him
loves his younger sister
like a lot
they r bffies
will call her in the middle of the night randomly
"i just posted a new tiktok, go like it."
genuinely have nothing for him
can i just say he's dreamed of men shirtless before and end it at that
um so yeah
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expectopatronum18 · 1 year
I'm probably the only one here who likes Cho Chang more than Ginny Weasley (PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF I HV COMPANY). It's not because ginny ends up with Harry, I've objectively never cared abt the pairings in this series (except Grindledore), neither is it to spite Ginny as her fans might scream. Its just them as characters.
Personally, cho's just a lot more likable for me. She's sweet, friendly, brave, insanely loyal, and sticks by her beliefs no matter what (also ravenclaw rep). People really underestimate her loyalty, she was the only one who stood up to harry over hermione's insane trick with the DA parchment (i love u hermione but wtf) and supported her friend. And yet she didn't seem to have any friends to talk to about cedric, even her parents supported the ministry. I really don't blame her for her failed relationship with harry, she wasn't exactly in the right there, but both of them were just teenagers who didn't know how to handle complicated emotions, and at any rate harry was no saint either. She just needed a shoulder to cry on n just about no one was there for her. She was a sweet, sensitive girl and deserved someone who just loved her the way she was. Ik a lot of ppl complain abt representation in the hp series using cho as an example (yeah, the name certainly warrants tht), but as an asian myself, she and parvati patil are still my fav back round characters in the whole series.
I've already discussed in detail as to y i don't like ginny here and a little bit here
to summarize though, she became an important character only when harry needed a love interest, which is y her entire personality is just a cumulative of every single trait harry wants in his 'ideal woman' (confirmed by the author herself) instead of making her an interesting and layered character (not all characters need to have so much depth ofc, but she's one of the 'big seven' so its kinda a necessity). Her flaws r appreciated by the narrative, and her possession is completely ignored post book 3 (i've already detailed on y tht scene in ootp didn't hold good for me, its above). She even defends harry when he uses sectumsempra on malfoy, and personally, her humor just seemed like the author was trying very hard to make her funny and likable. It also seemed like her character was designed to somehow be better that cho's to appeal more to harry (not weepy, better at quiddich) I sorta liked her till book 5, but book 6 onwards i just rolled my eyes whenever she was on page.
Ultimately, I personally just prefer a sweet, sensitive, loyal girl over this over the top mean spirited character just filled to the brim with positive attributes. People often say that cho's character was just restricted to being harry's gf, but i don't think thts entirely true, she's a much more dynamic character than what people give her credit for.
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t4tpumpkinduo · 3 months
Hey i come to you in distress because i know you’re a c!schlatt enjoyer. Do you get filled with anger when you see dad-schlatt hcs or is that just. Just me
you KNOW #1 fanon hater schlatt defender and tubbo has agency and his own opinions believer is constantly seething and thinks it's the lamest shit ever 😎👊 i have things to complain abt here for sure. first off:
the dadschlatt stuff in a TRUE dsmp disconnected au does have the potential to be extremely moe. to me. cschlatt ctubbo are my favorite guys, so all the gooey art and cute concepts and little matching sweaters they're always portrayed w are deeply adorable to me it makes me coo so audibly ;___; mis chivitos
howeverrr uhhh. whenever i see it in fanbase as applied to the dsmp itself well 😋 you really can't divorce that from the fact ppl r INVENTING an alcoholic abuser parental figure to be creepy and gross to tubbo. just to add a dynamic to their ints that isn't there at all, and can't be by nature of who they are and how they act. why are you doing that to the addict character who's never presented that way at all lol? why are you taking away all the deeply interesting choices tubbo makes and why he makes them, the traumas he suffers, and center them on one guy forever to the point you have to lie to justify it lmao? take a writing class and an addiction empathy class RIGHT NEOWWWW
like idk what to tell you but cschlatt is v explicitly coded as like...an older brother's cool ass friend. cclingy speak to him casually and w familiarity, as does cwilb like. they know him. for clearly a while. ctommy ctubbo both think he's awesome, they both wear little schlatt replica suits when he first joins the server bcs they're so excited to see him again, they snap a bunch photos w him, and then when cschlatt got banned he spent the next TWO HOURS just hanging out on call w them, which is canon int. (like how there's a dsmp iskall cuz of the time he joined fundy on a tour, or cq's first official time on the smp was in a vc w tommy.) like schlatt's far enough away for them to still be smone to be star-struck by, and they clearly hold him on a bit of a pedestal, but he's still close enough they're chummy and comfortable w him. it's textual and like. rridiculously adorable oh my gosh. my special guys.
so the coding w ctubbos relationship w him is just. yeah that older brother's friend, a shitty boss, guy who's snappy to you but is clearly projecting about it. and while there is sm stuff abt them thats incredibly purposeful and original to them, v reflective of their mindsets and parallels, there's no layer to it like that. cschlatt isn't his guardian, he isn't responsible for him in that way. they're just sm guys.
the thing that makes it even more annoying to me is there's ALREADY characters w a fraught emotional relationship w their father, that tackle how it affects their treatment of eachother, and responsibility the guardian owes them and fails to deliver on. cfundy and cwilbur !!!! ctommy and cwilbur too, cuz don't forget cwilb canonically raised him!! the layers of that are insane, especially paired w the layers cwilb has with his own father. this shit is generational.
so yeas to summarize 👍 ithink dadschlatt can be v v cute and sweetness, i am a sucker for some domestic aus and complex character relations. but generally speaking, i'm v soured on the concept of it being in the dsmp bcs like. why are you writing edgy creepypasta tier scenarios abt two guys who all things considered would end up pretty cool w eachother. don't talk to me
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zingaplanet · 2 years
Can you explain the carraville ship to me please (like context and the steps of the relation and so on? If it isn't too much)?
I see your posts and I grow curious.
R U KIDDING?? IT'D BE MY PLEASURE!! I feel a huge responsibility to represent the carraville fandom lol, so my dear carraville mutuals pls do help fill the blanks n lol hope you don't regret this ask cause as you know, I have a slight tendency to go on a maniacal j-stor length rant hahaha
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So basic's basic first, who are they? They're football pundits! They work for sky sports (the major broadcaster of premier league football in the UK), and their work encompass commentating on matches, giving their analysis on tactics, players etc, we'll go into details later. But there's an incredible background story to how they came to work together and here's where the fun begins!
Righto so, if you know my blog, I'm always most fascinated with enemies or rivals who came together in the end despite their differences (or actually BECAUSE of their differences like fedal!). I just thought that this is one of the most uniquely special and incredibly powerful bonds that represents how amazing human relationships can be, it is often our opposites who understand us the most!
Jamie Carragher and Gary Neville encapsulates this relationship perfectly but also perhaps most comically. They are an example of how ironically funny life can be as they are technically THE SAME PERSON but from opposite sides (hey WE LOVE MIRROR OPPOSITES!)
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How, you ask? So football pundits don't just get plucked out of journalism school, they are mostly former players, and very specific ones: Those that have strong characters (that ppl actually found interesting to watch on telly), and those that have brilliant tactical minds. So both of them are incredibly witty and funny, and they're great readers of the game!
And this actually comes from their playing days. So both Neville and Carragher were defenders. Carragher especially played centre back (Neville played right back) and were leaders of their team for a long time, which meant they had to organise everyone while reading the game at the same time. But here's the catch:
They played for 2 different clubs who have the oldest, fiercest longstanding rivalry in the premier league (UK football) and perhaps even in the world: Carragher played for Liverpool FC and Neville played for Manchester United. In here they call this the Northwest Derby, as they are both clubs from cities of Northern England who are historically most successful both achiement-wise and size-wise.
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So... they used to LOATHE each other, and this isn't just the passive-agressive détente Messi and Ronaldo used to have during el clasico matches, oh no, English football in the early 2000s was quite violent, and both Neville and Carragher were amongst the staunchest characters in their teams. There are reasons for this, which comically prove that they are actually the same person!
Aside from playing in the same position as each other (though on opposite sides of the field), they also have similar backgrounds/relations to their clubs. They are ONE-CLUB MEN. Now this is very rare in football and have gone quite extinct nowadays, but basically, they are LOCAL boys who were born in their cities (i.e., Liverpool and Manchester), grew up supporting their clubs, and their club identity became their identity so much so that they only ever played in that club for their whole professional career (i.e., they were never transferred nor loaned). They also came from working-class backgrounds in Northern England (Liverpool and Manchester are basically only separated by the M62 highway).
Being local lads means they were the most LOYAL of the bunch, and are also rare breed leaders since they've been with Manchester United and Liverpool FC from their youth academies. They've never left the city and usually have quite an important leadership roles within the team.
But Carragher and Neville were never star players (nothing of the Virgil Van Dijk defenders type you found nowadays). They didn't have amazing skills etc yet they have the most caps (number of appearances) in their club games, and they were still playing matches even close to their 40s. Make no mistake they were actually really good players, both with significant england caps (even during the golden generation of Rooney, Ferdinand, Becks, Lampard, etc!) This is because even tho managers can buy star players, they could never buy loyalty nor replaced the way these two know their club and led their peers. They were sort of the emotional backbone of the clubs so to say.
This also means that their roles have always been as supporting characters and with them it's quite literally. So Carragher (or Carra as we call him) is best mates with non other than Liverpool former captain and forever supertstar, Steven Gerrard. Meanwhile Neville grew up and is still best mate with the global superstar, spice-girl married David Beckham. Carraville were often vice-caps for a long time, taking a sidelined but important role.
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Even more mirror symbolisms (it's all a bit poetic really): both LFC and Manchester United have red as their club colours! (Everton and Man City are the blue side of their cities). Neville was part of the Man United team that won EVERYTHING in english football (including the unrepeated treble), but they never really dominated Europe (as Carragher likes to point out). Carragher was part of an underestimated LFC team who didn't win much of local cups but did one insane miracle and beat Paolo Maldini's superstar AC Milan team after being 3-0 down IN THE SECOND HALF in the 2005 Champions League final in Turkey. That night was called one of the greatest comebacks in football, dubbed "the miracle of Istanbul!"
NOW on to the crazy bits:
After they retired, both of them were invited to do this programme on SkySports called Monday Night Football. It's actually one of the most prestigious and highly difficult punditry programmes to do in football, since it's hours of LIVE analysis, dissecting the game one by one using statistics, and reacting live to the teams' tactics as they watched the match.
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Safe to say the sky producers must have had the biggest balls on the planet when they decided to put those two together in one studio. The first few shows were quite patchy, but LO BEHOLD the strangest things happened: Gradually the animosity of rivalry turned into something more of a friendly banter (AKA what the english calls a very passive aggressive curmudgeon way of saying they're becoming awfully fond of each other but are too 😤 stupidly 😤 manly 😤 to admit it 😤). Once they realised they're not on opposite teams anymore, their walls came down and people called them two peas in a pod as they started noticing how similar they are to each other!
But this old rivalry makes for a hilariously fun relationship! They hold no barrels and take every. single. opportunity. to slander and make fun of each other. This includes turning each other into memes and petty saving all of each other's past football analysis lest the opportunity arrives when the moment proves them absolutely wrong to make fun of each other on social media.
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Fact is: Even though they'd rather be shot dead than get caught saying it in public, they've actually become best mates lol. They still argue endlessly over football, and as the English call it, the season's never officially begun before a Neville-Carragher high-pitched argument on live TV. They even left their former teammates speechless, as they were known to be one of the most aggressive loyalists to their clubs. Neville used to not even be able to walk through Liverpool without getting mangled lol once he had to have a police escort just to get to the stadium, yet nowadays they get greeted by everyone in their respective cities 🥲
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So in a nutshell: They are basically the definition of school scoundrels who used to beat the shit out of each other every week being put together in detention (by skysports) and ended up becoming besties lol. I have to say they are probably the most hilarious relationship development you could ever witness lol:
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Ok so if you've made it this far (I AM IMPRESSED) and by some crazy reason decided that you still want some more, here are some starter packs for you:
This ad they did for fifa perfectly encapsulates the disgruntled fond and hilarious nature of their relationship!
Here is a compilation of them turning into 5 year olds in front of each other, and debating until only dogs can hear them!
Here is Carragher hilariously tackling Neville on a charity football match after they retired cause they ARE that petty lol
P.s. carraville mutuals lmk if i missed anything!
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lordsukunas · 7 months
jjk spoilers again whoopsie
can ppl leave megumi alone... like it's actually pmo
we saw him for like .3 seconds, for the first time in a couple of chapters and everybody is doggin on him 💀
he's a teenage boy who has witnessed so much, too much at his age. his body has been used for destruction, taken countless lives (two of them being his sister and teacher, both people he was/are extremely close to). and while u could say "oh well erm shibuya happened to yuuji!!1!1" yes but here's the thing:
megumi and yuuji are different. like y'all get that... right?
bc i've seen ppl comparing the two and saying megumi should just get up and fight, but we've seen his resilience + yuuji also had a moment where he just wanted to die during shibuya.
i think ppl tend to forget that they are kids. children!!! they aren't meant for this bc no one should have to endure all this trauma at such a young age.
but back to my earlier point. megumi from the jump has always been willing to lay down his life. first ep? "with this treasure". at the prison? "with this treasure". (i think he also did this against todo, i'm not sure) during shibuya where he pulled it off? "with this treasure". we know megumi is willing to die, even without all the stress of having his body being used by some 1000+ bum.
so he's already suicidal. imagine adding all that trauma of losing his sister who cared for megumi sm she was willing to call him out on his wrongs, losing his teacher who took megumi & tsumiki in when they had no one else and who helped him become a jujutsu sorcerer.
obviously, he's gonna wanna die even more?? megumi likely thinks he's unsavable or unredeemable and that it'd be best if he died. it'd likely be easier, too, i think. kill the body kill the host right?
megumi isn't weak or a bitch or a pussy, he's just a traumatized ass boy, and i rlly need ppl to get that. mischarcterization and not actually understanding what ur reading/watching has a grapple on jjk fandom and i don't get why
anyway! pls stop comparing megumi n yuuji. bc while they r both willing to lay down their lives to defend the ppl they care about, yuuji will use everything at his disposal until he has no other option but to die. megumi, on the other hand, will take down his opponent & himself without trying to maximize everything at his disposal (and i think this is bc he doubts his own strength. or it might be that he just doesn't let go like sukuna said forever ago)
leave my son alone pls!!! <3
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note: this is all just my opinion so if u disagree lmk :
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rvspecter · 2 months
ramble about each of ur suits ships for as long as u can (might result in a novel)
omg sweet anon asking about all my ships <3
ok so first i don't ship something because i want to see two ppl get married i don't do that. i'll ship it because i find it interesting/sexy etc
-everyone sleeping on this ship makes me so mad. like they are so sexy!?!?!?!?!?? even when they banter they are sexy. THEY ARE TOTALLY FLIRTING?!??!?! anyways i particularly like when they fight for dominance which is basically every scene with them. oh and i like how she's taller than him in heels and how she stares him down like he's breakfast. SO WHY ISN'T THERE MORE FIC!??!? what i need is for someone to help me establish their backstory. like i know they fucked in a bathroom stall on the 53rd floor but i'm not sure when. was it when harvey was working in the mailroom? i feel like they are the hardest ship to write for actually and make believable. BUT I KNOW THEY FUCKED!!!!!
-mike legit has harvey wrapped around his finger. if that boy said “hire me as a lawyer even tho ive only finished high school and then offer to go to prison for me when im found out” harvey would be like “how high”. i don't think anyone can argue that harvey loves mike
but to me marvey is an unrequited love story. idk what to say. mike doesn't love harvey. sometimes i don't even think mike likes harvey as a friend. that's how soured by s6+ i was. mike treated harvey like shit and harvey kept coming back for more. it was actually painful to watch. i read marvey and usually the stories i find believable r the ones where mike leaves with rachel and GROWS UP (even tho he's a 30 yr old man at the start of the show) and everyone's wounds have had time to heal. i can buy marvey getting together then. what i don't find believable are stories where mike is pining for harvey!?!??! i don't know what show that is. the guy literally couldn't get away from harvey fast enough. he gets out of jail and almost immediately fucks off to seattle with his wife and doesn't even tell harvey about it like??
when i first got into the fandom side of suits i really liked the romanticized version of marvey where they wud do ANYTHING for each other. but when i watch the show - this only goes in one direction
-this is this ship i was rooting for when i watched the show the first time. the thing about them is their history and emotional connection. to me they are a single entity. they r partners and they have always been partners. u don't even get to talk to harvey without going thru donna - she is literally the physical border between him and the outside world
i love how they protect each other. harvey has never let anything bad happen to donna. it's a fact. he'd do anything to protect her and we see that. but here's the thing about their relationship - it's mutual. donna does INSANE THINGS for harvey like KEEP A DOCUMENT THAT SHE STOLE FOR OVER A DECADE ON THE OFF CHANCE THAT SOMEONE GOES AFTER HARVEY FOR CAMERON'S CRIMES. they wud do anything for each other and they both know it
i also love how highly they think of each other. we always see donna defending harvey. she defends him because she thinks he's a good person ("because ur worthy"). she's one of few ppl on the show who does. most ppl think of him as a dick and that group includes mike
the way harvey views donna is almost worshipful. he thinks she can do no wrong. “donna doesn’t make mistakes.” he trusts her completely. she's his compass. every success he has is a shared success. “we made partner.” he doesn’t even think he can be himself without her. and don’t get me started on how debilitating her moving 3 doors down the hall was for him
anyways tldr their relationship is a two way street. they love each other and they both know it. and i'm not talking about after they finally get together (let's not talk about s9). i'm talking about before. because even if they didn't know the other person wanted to be with them - they knew they loved them and would do anything for them
-s1 version of them was so fun! i wanted this to have been a long term friends with benefits type thing. when they became a couple i didn't like it because it was always her sacrificing stuff for him and not the other way around
sean cahill/harvey
THIS SHIP NEEDS MORE FIC. i was just thinking about them. sean tells harvey 'I MOVED HEAVEN AND EARTH FOR YOU ONCE BEFORE AND NOW THE WELL IS DRY' like sean was totally IN LOVE WITH HARVEY. it's crazy how much he did for him actually. like what did sean get out of it??!?!?!?!??! anyways they totally fucked while mike was in prison
travis tanner/harvey
they way i see them is travis is obsessed with harvey's hair and hands and generally thinks he's just a pretty girl he wants to get with. harvey is like eww no but also we know harvey likes fucking the competition. so i think they fuck on and off, after or before cases and it's very kinky because travis is a total freak in the sheets
cameron dennis/harvey
plz see this fic for details
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zeep-xanflorp · 10 months
realised i've never done an intro to this blog so it's probably about time
my name is zeep!
i'm 20, audhd, queer and non binary. any pronouns.
i love ppl interacting in reblogs and leaving asks.
feel free to dm me! i probably won't reply if you just say "hey" or "how are you." just start talking to me like we're already mates. i'm nice i promise.
more about my blog + boundaries below the cut
what i post:
my original posts are mainly rick and morty metas analysing the characters, certain episodes of the show, themes and fandom analysis (tag: #rick and morty meta or #[character name] meta)
for generic posts about specific characters, i use their names (eg. #rick prime, #evil morty)
for posts regarding a certain episode, i use the episode titles (eg. #the abcs of beth, #unmortricken)
posts about a certain season are under the season number or spoiler tags (eg. #rick and morty season 7, #rick and morty season 7 spoilers)
sometimes i thirst over rick and it's embarrassing (tags: #rickfucker #old man alert). i get nsfw sometimes which will be tagged #rickfucker nsft and/or #mdni (srsly minors don't touch these posts, see boundaries below)
if i'm not thirsting or analysing then i'm shitposting.
i do write fanfic but im yet to connect my AO3 to this blog. maybe someday i will.
my main ships in this fandom are: rick c-137/rick prime (#prickcest), rick/birdperson (#birdrick), rick/reader (normally gender neutral, no designated tag yet).
i try to keep things sfw but sometimes i deviate and post some sexual stuff or gore, mainly in reblogs but sometimes in text posts.
i discuss some heavy shit sometimes so i try to consistently tag tws and cws. i use some tags pretty often so blacklist these if you need to: tw suicide, tw suicide mention, cw gore, cw blood, tw alcohol, tw substance abuse. i try adding both the cw and tw tags bc i can't remember which r used more. sometimes i mess up so do lmk and i'll fix it.
i won't and cannot stop anyone from interacting with my posts, however i would ask that you're respectful of my boundaries. if not then you get blocked.
general dni criteria. general don't be a dick rule.
proshippers mainly incest and underage shit, dnf. i'm anti censorship and won't engage in discourse but seeing that especially in the r+m fandom is a genuine trigger. tag your shit correctly and leave me alone and i'll do the same.
i'm a passionate justin roiland anti. anyone who defends him gtfo.
if you're a minor or ageless blog dni with my nsfw posts.
if you're cool w all this then feel free to stick around.
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sophieinwonderland · 6 months
Ur not obsessed lol? Fym syscourse/plurality is what ur blog ab- the sub is an syscourse/plurality- it’s- almost- about the shot ur blog is about?? Lmao ppl need attention soooo bad 🤣😭🤪
I will add that I do find r/systemscringe to be useful.
I want to be fighting against hate, sanism, pluralphobia, and misinformation about plurality.
But these threats are too generalized. They're too nebulous.
r/systemscringe gives me a name and face to attach to this societal threat of pluralphobia.
I could go after sysmeds in the system community, and I do often, but I think only targeting them just results in in-fighting.
Being despised by pro and anti-endos alike lets r/systemscringe serve as a common enemy to both sides of the system community.
And calling out transphobic posts I see there, I believe, can help foster unity between the plural and LGBT communities while making it harder for r/systemscringe and other pluralphobes to gain foothold there.
And correcting misinformation I see, with sources, lets me put those sources in the hands of people who are commonly fakeclaimed and can defend themselves with actual science.
None of this is to say I like the hatesub. Ideally, I want r/systemscringe banned so it can't continue to harm more people. And the sooner the better. But as long as it does exist, I find it more useful to talk about and debunk than it would be to ignore.
But if they want to say I'm obsessed, more power to them! Let them think they're getting under my skin! People who mistake calculated moves for emotional ones are most likely to underestimate you. 🤷‍♀️
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