#I'm not a witch myself but I know a few IRL
generic-sonic-fan · 7 months
I think Amy should be witchy. I think she should read tarot cards and collect ethically sourced crystals (she beats CEOs of an unethical crystal mining company to death) and make herbal remedies for her friends (for colds or sunburns, not actual medical treatment of course. She beats antivaxxers to death on the weekends also). She has a cute little altar in her home and she and people who know her well leave flowers on it for good luck.
You ask her if she's ever cast any spells and she looks at you and laughs. Half of her spellbook is just spells for jinxing and cursing Eggman. The other half is dedicated to protecting her friends. Her spellbook is a cutesy hand-embroidered journal she keeps in her bedroom on her windowsill that you wouldn't think twice about.
She and Knuckles like discussing spirituality together. They like inviting each other to each other's rituals. He sends her pretty minerals that he finds on Angel island and she sends back herbs that his people once had access to when Angel island wasn't, well, an island.
Witchy Amy.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
Hey, in response to Twilight Sparkle and the current ask game it's... a lil complicated?
In-character, I see myself and the other Vocaloids (and other vocal synths as well) as like AI? We all lived in this lil virtual computer world that's pretty close to the real world, but all of us were also coded to be distinct species beyond AI as well? For example, most of us (including myself) were programmed as humans, but there are a few exceptions! Let me list off everything I know off the top of my head, because it's interesting!
There's a lot of robots. For example, there's Piko, Miki, I think SeeU was one, and a few others?
The PowerFX Family are all some sort of monster. Sweet Ann and Big Al are Frankenstein's-monster type things, Oliver's a ghost, Hio's a vampire, I think Ruby was just a normal human who happened to be a witch, Aurum was a demon, and I forgot what Audine was, but I think she's like some sheep-person-creature thing?
I'm not exactly sure what Mizki (Vy1) and Yuuma (Vy2) are, but all I know is that they can turn into a paper fan and a kodachi sword respectively, like the things on their irl box art.
Everything that's considered "canon" is still there too, I think. Lapis and Merli are faeries, Tianyi's an angel, Lumi's a jellyfish-goddess thing, Hime and Mikoto are "plum blossom spirits" (whatever that means idk), Avanna's an elf, and so on and so forth.
Sorry for the long list! I really really really like sharing stuff about my in-character world!!! (I guess that's what I'm gonna call it for now because I'm still not sure if for a hearttype it would be my canon or just headcanons or what lmao)
-Fukase (please tag as otherhearted, #👁❌️🔴)
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crisps-craft · 2 years
Hello, I saw your post about being open for readings and thought I would try at asking a question if that's alright. Lately I have been contemplating the concept of a curse, I have been a witch for 5 years and understand the concept within its typical context and discourse, but I find that often times we tend to view ourselves as being 'cursed' when we see the repetition of an event or fault within ourselves; this can be something we see suddenly begin at some point in our lives (clear or vague) or believe to come from birth (maybe a past life). In some ways, rationally I know I'm not cursed and that it has more to do with my self perception, but looking back at my life I see a history in which I'm alone, incapable of making friends or successfully socialising with others except for a few online friends and shallow irl friendships who aren't part of my daily life (unlike other forced/awkward interactions). I would like to know if, when, and how this will change? Is it really a curse that I've placed on myself or was born with?
I hope you have a wonderful day and Thank You,
-L.C.F 🌙
Capricorn Rising, Sagittarius Sun
hello :) reading this ask, i just wanted to take a second to appreciate your occult philosophy because mine is very similar and its fascinating talking with other practitioners and witches! & while reading your question, i got a very cerebral and intellectual vibe from you. you spend so much time refining your perspectives and personal beliefs- its like a mental tinker toy that you always add, remove, transmute, and transform with. you are always learning and try to add / question it and its cool. scientist philosopher vibe and it makes sense with the cap ris and sag sun!
a quick astrological note i have about sagittarius is that a lot of them that ive been friends with (i have a lot of sag friends - im a gemini so sister signs hehe) never feel at place anywhere. not only physically, but even with friends too? even the extroverted ones who have the skill and charisma of socializing never feel at place or 'real' with anyone - jupiter (ruling planet) is an outer planet and they are more focused on large-scale collective issues / philosophy, etc. and their energies tend to be heavier / more intense with outer planets imo. esp with saturn as your ruler (im going to guess your sun in sag is in the 12th house if your rising is in cap! i have a 12th house too and 12th house planets are veryyyy important to your soul's path and how it experiences existence) a 12th house sun indicates someone more withdrawn who only feels comfortable being who they are alone - however, often enough, they find themselves emotionally in conflicts with this. 12th housers are notably known for experiencing loneliness, however, not only can this change (the 12th house has highhh spiritual energy within it that can manifest sooooo much holy shit) 12th housers are natural psychics, channelers, and magicians. its part of their soul path. when they learn to channel more from a place of pure self acceptance, self-love, etc. - existence will be so much easier for them.
i have a couple 12th house placements and when i was younger i couldnt click with anyone either - for example, i hate television and mass media. i use tumblr as a spiritual space which is nice but thats about it. i have others but all of it exhausts me tbh. i read a lot of philosophy and psych (im a phi and psych major) and its made me see the world differently. i took for more sensitive intelligent yet fun types! those people can be hard to find and when i was younger and not in control of my 12th house energies (aka always having self guilt, intense self hatred, intense ego inflation / wanting to achieve worldly goals) i couldnt manifest or meet any of them. i spend a lot of time alone (but honestly my psychic abilities thriveee when im alone so realize that the 12th house has hidden gifts and they r so fun hehe) and through self-healing, when i noticed myself shedding those parts of myself that were channeling dark energy, my life manifested better in all areas. when you shed the ego, oddly enough spirit comes through and blesses your life and im so serious with this one. my relationship to the world changed radically, same with my family, friends, i came into alignment with my soulmates. the 12th house is all about learning self-forgiveness and changing negative mental patterns- like i think, from reading your question, you are blaming yourself a lot like "whats wrong with me?" or "what am i doing to 'dispel' people?" i dont think this is the case. its wild because other people find you really cool and intelligent but in a detached way while you see yourself so much lesser than. but ur cool asf so remember that haha. i think that recognizing what qualities you like in people instead of what you lack in yourself might help - there is a good manifestation tool where you write spells/ affirmations and put it on the windowsill and forget about it. when you write what you want, you have to be specific (to make sure the spell doesnt work wrong), use positive energy, and use the present tense as if it has already happened. this might help you redirect and refocus a bit?
i also want to say that witches and mystics can often feel lonely- i notice this a lot with my intuitive friends where they either need a lot of alone time or cant find those introspective, deep, solacing, and safe connections that they crave. they exist out there, and i think alignment will help. trust in yourself. i keep getting the whole self-love message here - your guides are stressing this a lot - also i would recommend looking into 12th house placements because (i cant exaggerate it enough) that's the fix- the only way out is from within.
though im not too familiar with the specifics of curses (i practice light magick) i see curses as reversible forces and i truly believe in the unconditional love of the Absolute (the universe) and its extensions of Being (the soul in the immaterial realms, and the ego in the material realms). the lessons that our souls are learning on earth are stepping stones to our revolution. opening up the heart to the unconditional patience and forgiveness to yourself is so essential - don't rest in shame or feel like 'something is wrong with you'. fear feeds on fear, and love breeds on love. Sometimes 12th house placements can feel like a curse but it’s moreso what state of mind you have. If anything, the 12th house is karma to resolve. Just make sure you aren’t blaming yourself and that it can be so difficult to connect with people and it’s not your fault at all - imo from a philosophical standpoint, we have capitalism to blame. Marx’s theory of alienation is interesting.
I hope that this could help and that it resonates! energy is such a malleable and manipulative source so you can use this for good causes such as energy transmutation and rebirth. i think that expanding out into your interests and trying to find people similar to you might help? like i think you seek mental stimulation and you should look for those types? like most people seem kind of unconnectable or maybe even childish to you and i don't blame you at all for that
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theverumproject · 8 days
Writeblr Interview Tag!
Thanks for the tag @darekasama
Tags: @teamarine777 + open tag!
Get on my tag list here
Short stories, novels, or poems?
Short stories are my good night and good morning stories. And I absolutely love to read novels. I loved to write short stories as a child, now I prefer to work on one big project, which is currently almost novel sized (Just need a few thousand more words!)
What genre do you prefer reading?
I love Sci fi and Horror mixed with romance (I am a ✨monsterfucker✨). Scientific literature is also embedded deeply into my heart. I swear I can feel my intelligence leveling up, like the green bar in The Sims, lol.
Are you a planner or a “write as I go” kind of person?
I'm a planner. Before I began writing The Robotic Era, I wrote down every major thing that's gonna happen and every single idea that came to my mind. 
What music do you listen to while writing?
I don't listen to any music. Thoughts are like noise to me. So when I write, I can't have more actual noise in my ears than in my head. Music is more like a tool to block inside and outside noises.
Favorite books/movies?
I just finished 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari a few weeks ago. I really enjoyed reading it! It gave me a lot of insight into our world and how we work. I really recommend it! Definitely up there with my favorites. I also read the autobiography of an African Woman a few years ago. From her childhood, when she fled from being married, to how she became a model. It is beyond me how I read a book of such size in one afternoon. Sadly I forgot what it was called.
As for movies, my favorite one is Interstellar. I also love Bumblebee, the Alien movies, the Terminator movies, Wall-E and more of the sorts. I'm also a sucker for horror, especially the classic slasher movies. While no horror movie really scares me, there was only one that ever chilled me; The Blair Witch Project. I still slept like a baby afterwards though, lol. But I guess atmospheric horror (or whatever you call it) gets me the most.
Any current WIPs?
The Robotic Era is the second book I'm working on. It's part of the Verum Series.
If someone were to make a cartoon out of you what would your standard outfit be?
I have a few personas, so I'm gonna show two of them. The one for this account and the one that I call my IRL sona.
The one for this account is just a black entity that's drawn with minimal effort.
The IRL sona is also drawn with minimal effort. It wears a black shirt with “Slapknutz” written on it three times. The text is too big for the shirt, so it always hangs halfway in the air. There's a black long sleeve shirt underneath it. The jeans are black with a chain/s attached to it. It wears black leather boots on its feet. The mustache, beard and top hat are all optional accessories.
Tumblr media
Awww look! They're holding hands!
Create a character description of yourself: 
Oh no… Oh nooo… I'll just do appearance and personality, you don't need to know much more than that, lol. Well, actually, you don't need to know anything about me, since I'm just here to write, technically. But oh well… 
I'm gonna do this in first person though, since any other way would feel a little weird.
Man, that would just be me talking about myself, fuck. Now stop yapping, me, and tell something about yourself! (Is this procrastination?)
Appearance: Everything about me is loooong. My hair (which reaches just past my butt), my legs, my fingers, my nose, my forehead, my clothes (always long jeans and sleeves), hell, even my toes are fucking long for some reason! My clothes are always black and a friend always calls me a “langer, schwarzer Strich in der Landschaft” (long, black line in the landscape), also because of how tall and thin I am. My skin is pale, my hair is brown and my eyes are green brown (in a certain lighting I think they are a shade of unhealthy piss, lol), there's not much more color to me than that. Except for the band T's that I always wear, the pictures on it often have color. When you see me, it's pretty obvious that I'm a metalhead. A coworker once told me that I look like a “badass elf”.
Personality: I did a Myers-Brigg personality test a few years ago and it said that I'm an INFJ, but Idk if it was/still is accurate. 
The first thing that I always say is that I am a creative person. I think my creativity is what makes me me, without it, I'm dead. Then there's curiosity, I love to learn about all kinds of fields of science. This is also were a lot of my inspiration (as a Sci fi author) comes from. I'm very quiet. I went to a LGBTQ place thingie once (been there before, but that was the first time alone). I sat there for three hours and said nothing, couldn't say anything. I was told by a guy that he had never met such a quiet person as me. I do like to talk, but I'm horrible at it when there's a group of people. I also need a person that is more talkative than I am.
I really like to work. I don't feel like I am, but I've been told that I am a very trustworthy and punctual individual. If I have a job, I will finish it with good quality. Though I think that's just a basic trait that everybody should have. I feel like I am almost a perfectionist, but if something frustrates me too much, I will give up/leave it be. 
I also constantly daydream and listen to the music in my head. I truly live in my own world, while still functioning normally in the real one.
This monday, a person told me that I remind them of Ozzy Osbourne, something about “the way I'm standing there”. She said it makes her think of that one video.
Ok, this is already wayyyy to much…
Do you like incorporating actual people you know into your writing?
Nope, never done it.
Are you kill happy with your characters?
Ohhhh yes! People die in most parts of TRE.
Coffee or Tea while writing?
Coffee makes me nauseous, but I like tea! Drink it every morning and evening.
Slow or fast writer?
I'm rather slow. I'm slow in everything that I do, actually.
Where/who/what do you draw inspiration from?
Science and random other things that I encounter in the world. Sometimes characters and other things randomly appear in my head though. Just today, while on the bus, a robot that I have never seen or thought about in my entire life just appeared in my head. Who the fuck are you and what do you want? You look cool, but please let me forget you, I already have way too many robot characters.
If you were in a fantasy world, what would you be?
Like fantasy fantasy? I'd be a scientist, doing my science stuff, like staring at the stars, thinking about atoms and electricity, making hydrochloric acid and finding uranium for fun. But then the church starts to think I'm doing witchcraft and burns me at the stake :(
Most fav book cliche:
I have always liked reading books where the MC is absolutley traumatized, depressed and suicidal with a future love interest that absolutley hates them. Fuck, suffering tastes good!
Least favorite cliche:
Misunderstandings/miscommunication. Just fucking talk to each other, idiots!
Favorite scene to write?
I kind of enjoy writing dialogues where two characters are just having some fun. Something that's lighthearted with a little teasing and some non serious bickering
Reason for writing?
Science and having to let everything out of my brain before it gets overfilled, stuff falls out and gets lost.
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chickencrackerlover · 1 month
realized i might be gay and idk what to do with myself
posting this on my secret tumblr so no one ik irl finds it.
I grew up and live in the bible belt, so the fact I didn't realize this until 22 should be shocking to no one lmao. I've more identified as ace since i was like 13, but something just always "felt wrong". I genuinely could not figure out why. It wasn't until the past summer that the little switchboard in my noggin clicked all the right buttons.
This was honestly one of the worst summers of my life for several reasons. All of my friends joked that i must have pissed off a witch or something with all the random unfortunate circumstances I kept encountering.
During this summer, I ended up meeting a guy at a bar. We went hiking a few weeks later and all my friends got so excited seeing me, the chronically bitter and single friend, going on a date. "It wasn't a date" I would say everytime. "Yes it was" they would insist. I stopped arguing. They always get a little too invested in my romantic interests which is why I normaly wait so long to tell them if I ever see someone I like. Everyone is always so obsessed with me finding someone, and they never hesitate to insert their opinion about how "one day you'll find someone. Asexual or not, one day you'll look at them and think about how much you just want to start a family with them".
The conversation of not saying things like that to me has been had many times with almost all my friends. "Despite what you may think. It really isn't that I'm just so nervous around men that I don't want children." I would say. "I think it is." they would reply. "Stop. I'm being serious." I would say, more frustrated this time. This always tipped them off that they should shut up and listen. I'm really not one to ever get mad at my friends.
"I don't want biological kids. That much will always be true. But it isn't because I'm scared of sex or whatever. I'm scared of pregnancy. I don't know where that fear came from, but it makes me nauseous. I cannot stomach the idea of being pregnant. Not to mention by a man. Something about that irks me."
They never quite understood, but I appreciated their willingness to cut it with the psychoanalyzing.
Back to the guy. "He was nice" was about all i could say. When asked what I liked about him, I really couldn't give an answer. He had a great job, clean background, lived in a nice part of the city, seemed to have a healthy realtionship with his parents. Picture perfect. No mention of his looks, his body, his personality. Just "he was nice. good job, cool hobbies". They still ask if i've texted him since. Eventually, I got irritated by the constant need for an update and just started saying I lost interest. They all lectured me "you have to give guys a chance!". It fell on deaf ears to be sure.
So what was wrong? Nothing. It just felt wrong. Just like my ace label - which I had a habit of dropping when I became to confused about my own interests - it just felt wrong. After my summer from Hell finally ended, i walked into therapy one day and went over the details from the summer with her, venting out the bad air that was the past two months. Like I usually end up doing, I ended the session with a doorknob confession
"Also I think I may just be gay."
This was news to her because, while she did know I liked girls, she was also rooting for the mytery man. I spent the last 10 minutes of the session giving the summary of why i thought this, and she mentioned we should use the next session to go through it in detail. This was not the first time i had held this sentiment, and this time, she said, I seemed way more bothered by it.
Anyways, all this to say, the feeling hasn't gone away. I'm still constantly spacing out, making connections in my head I always thought were just coincidences. I feel like I've just seen something in the mirror I'd never noticed before and now my reflection looks different. I'm not sure what to do now. Do I start talking to girls? I never talked to anyone before.
My friends still don't believe me for some reason. They love to make the joke that I'm probably a lesbian and just refuse to admit it until I finally agree with them. "Well we don't know." "Why can't you just be bi? You don't have to be a 100% lesbian." "Well I don't know. What about when you were obsessed with [celebrity/ fictional character]? They're a man.]
I don't really care whether they do or not. Again, I live in the bible belt. Home of antioch, fire and brimstone gospel. I'm used to a sheer lack of support. I guess I'm more writing this post because I'm thinking a lot and don't know what to do with the thoughts. We'll see how it goes, maybe. I'll write more later.
(side note: finding wlw content is literally the most abyssmal thing ever. Why is every theme surrounding wlw relationships based on the whole "turning her gay" trope or "they are both straight. They just want to try it out".)
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 3 months
063 of 2024
The Purple Survey 💜
by joybucket
1. Do you like the color purple? Yes, it's one of my favourite colours.
2. List three random things you like that are purple. Amethysts, grapes, lilac plants (not only the colour, but also smell <3).
3. What is your favorite shade of purple? Red-violet and electric purple.
4. What is your least favorite shade of purple? Northwestern purple, I think. And whatever colour the eggplant is.
5. Name three people you've met who have said that their favorite color is purple. My aunt (my dad's sister), my friend Laura, and I can't think of a third person.
6. Would you ever dye your hair purple? Yeah, I've had purple many times before.
7. Are you wearing anything purple right now, and if so, what? No, I'm not.
8. Do you like to eat grapes? 🍇 Yeah, I do. But I prefer these more sour ones.
9. Which of these cartoon characters do you like best: Reggie Rocket, Ursula the Sea Witch, the Cheshire Cat, Rapunzel, or Barney the Dinosaur? Out of these I know only the Cheshire Cat, Ursula and Rapunzel, I'm gonna go with the Cheshire cat.
10. Can you remember watching Barney as a kid? No, this name doesn't even ring a bell.
11. Do you think you look good in purple? I have no idea.
12. List three things you can see from where you're sitting right now that are purple. Notebook, a gift box that I use to keep random things, a pen.
13. Would you rather drink grape juice, grape soda, prune juice, pomegranate juice, or a blueberry pomegranate smoothie? Grape soda.
15. Which of these names do you like best for a girl: Violet, Lavender, Magenta, Periwinkle, or Vylette? Violet.
16. Do you like the color orchid? It's not the best, but it's not the worst either.
17. List three random things you dislike that are purple. Eggplants, red cabbage, and thistle (you know, it stings).
19. List three random things you own that are purple. Notebooks, pens, highlighters.
20. Would you ever drive a purple car? Why not? Sounds cool.
22. Do you think purple eyeshadow looks good on you? N/A.
23. Which of these names do you like best for a girl: Amethyst, Heather, Orchid, Aster, or Skye? Heather.
24. Have you ever used the eggplant emoji? 🍆 I don't recall using it.
26. What color hair would you have if you were a Lisa Frank character? I'm not familiar with Lisa Frank characters.
27. Which of these words would you say describes you best: royal, deep, noble, powerful, or ambitious? Ambitious.
29. Do you own a pair of purple pants? Yeah, somewhere in the closet.
30. Have you ever seen a purple house? Believe me, I've seen everything. I live in Belgium, our building law is really liberal. You can build whatever you want here.
31. Do you think you would ever paint your house purple? Why or why not? Not really, because for buildings and interiors, I prefer bright or pastel colours.
33. Are you a porphylophile? I don't think so, even though I like this colour.
34. What are two colors that you think look really good with purple? Blue, pink, black.
35. What was the last thing you ate that was purple? Grapes, but it was months ago.
36. What was the last thing you drank that was purple? Probably grape soda.
37. Do you know anyone who has epilepsy? Yeah, myself. I wish I didn't. Thankfully medication works.
38. Do you know anyone who has fibromyalgia? Yes, a few people. But only one IRL.
39. Do you know anyone who has a mast cell disease? Not in person.
40. Would you want to be able to see into the future? Why or why not? 🔮 No. I prefer it to be a mystery, knowing too much is not good either.
41. Which of these names do you like best for a girl: Destiny, Epiphany, Royalty, Princess, or Fantasy? Destiny.
43. If you had to pick a purple Halloween costume to where, which one of these would you pick: genie 🧞, witch, princess, dinosaur, or Cheshire Cat? Cheshire Cat, but I don't celebrate Halloween.
44. Do you own a purple dress? I don't wear dresses.
45. Which of these words would you say describes you best: artistic, intuitive, spiritual, imaginative, or thoughtful? Imaginative.
47. Do you consider yourself spiritual? I don't think so.
48. Do you consider yourself intuitive? Kind of, but also I think I should listen to my intuition more.
49. Which of these words would you say describes you best: mysterious, unique, easygoing, compassionate, or insightful? Compassionate.
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Come for The Chase, Stay for The Void Monsters
Not sure how ya got here, but I'm glad you're here. In my little corner of the internet. This was supposed to be a writing blog specifically, but it turned into a writing/gardening/whatever-floats-my-peach blog pretty quickly.
Check below the cut for my tags, reading, writing, and other important (to me) things.
My Tags:
#void gardens - Where I post about my garden! #void reads - Where I post/reblog about books #void screams - Where I scream into the void about things I really care about. Could be my own posts, could be reblogs with commentary. #void writes - Where I'm supposed to be chuckin' my writing
How does a Void Garden?
Pretty decently, if I'm entirely honest. We (voidFiance and I) just built our first in-ground garden this spring after container growing for the previous three. We're really enjoying it, learning SO MUCH, and using it as an excuse to get outside together without our phones for at least a few minutes each day. We did four varieties of tomatoes, eight varieties of peppers (half hot and half sweet), a bunch of herbs, a summer squash, our first ever beans, two cucumbers, and - my favorite experiment - asparagus in pots for the first year with plans to put it in one of the beds next year!! The tomatoes are just starting to ripen, we got a few good squash, have more cucumbers than we know what to do with, and the beans were a hit! We're already planning to expand and rearrange next year based on what we learned.
What I'm reading
Right now, I'm working through a few mangas: Inuyasha, Mai, Ouran Host Club, and Mashle In 2022 I set a goal to read 100 books and I did, just barely, I think I finished my last book on December 30th. Most of them were pure monster smut and I loved every second of it. I've got a lot of series that I didn't finish mostly because I was inundated with new books to add to my TBR and couldn't keep up. But feel free to slide into the DMs for some recs. I read a lot of poly and "Why Choose" books. So just a heads up, if that's not your thing, I can suggest other things. I really dug into Fantasy and SciFi smut. Love a cryptid, love an alien on a primitive world, even a couple Eldritch horrors and legit void monsters snuck in there. 2023 has been the year of collecting, thrifting, and buying books. I'm slowly building up my own personal library of books I'm reading now, books by my favorite authors, books I loved as a teenager, and generally whatever brings me joy. I don't sort them in a way that makes sense to anyone else but myself and I prefer it that way. One shelf could be all Star Wars by various authors, the next two are dedicated to one author, you may find I have almost two complete sets of Pendragon by DJ MacHale because I thought my parents lost my originals so I bought as many as I could on Ebay/Goodwill and then found out my parents just hadn't unpacked any of my books for about 8 years... The system works for me and changes every few months as I collect more books and things to display on my shelves.
My Writing
I may be 26 years old and read non stop, but writing has only been a distant "Other people do that, how could I?" dream. So this is my first real attempt at it. I have a small cast of characters bouncing around in my head. Oddly it's all about grief - which I have very little experience in - and not romance - which I have a bit more IRL experience in and I read for a year straight - So I'm keeping it kind of close to the vest for now as I figure it out. No one really has names yet, except maybe my MC. I might make a post of it's own later. It's an urban fantasy about a witch turned banshee and how she learns to treat her grief as a friend and asset. I have a feeling if I ever experience the kind of grief she has, I'll look back at this and hate it... Which is why I'm afraid to write too much of it, but sometimes you gotta write for you, and not for other people. Ya know? It's allowed to be cringey and imperfect and idealistic.
I'll chuck links to any drabbes I post from it here: Weathering the Storm
If you got this far, thank you! I'm not great at making friends or interacting on the internet, but I've got an open door! Feel free to drop in with whatever's on your mind! Happy Void Hopping!
Much Love,
~ Void ~
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fayamn · 2 years
Been tired af the past few days, and somehow... In a feedee mood. Like messing with something way stronger than I am and getting more than I bargained for. Coupled with my liking for instant wg, trying to make a witch, an angel, a god, or something like that my feedee, only for them to immediately make me a fatty, and owning me to take responsibility over the fact they ruined me. Or not even going the fantastic route, losing a bet to a feeder for example.
Or having a feedee of mine making sure I'm getting my just desserts... Literally. Maybe even unvolontarily, like jokingly pinning me down with their fat body and asking if I want to know what it feels to be my feedee. After accepting they casually feed me a bit of ice cream... Only for me to end up hooked on it. Eventually strutting my fattened naked butt to the kitchen at 2 AM, to chug full melted tubs of ice cream on my own. After that snack, I would be patting my pudgy stuffed gut while letting out a lazy burp and wondering how I never let myself go before that. Looking down to fat tits that outgrew a couple bras recently, and the belly sticking out so far my lower body is something I see less and less, I would realize I truly became a sow.
Don't be weird about that. If I can fantasize about all that on my own or with some specific people, I don't want it IRL. If you want me to be a feedee and contact me for this, please don't. You'll probably get blocked. I'm just horny for that at the moment, and I know some would enjoy that kind of rambling coming from me. Just enjoy the treat.
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friendofthecrows · 2 years
I don't think you guys get how scientifically some "witchcraft" MUST be taken or else you can face serious side effects (I am specifically talking about things that deal with herbs, minerals, or other chemical components, especially when they are meant to be ingested, applied to the skin, or inhaled).
Like, I'm locally known for my tea witchcraft, which anyone who has looked into it might more accurately call herbology or a mix of folk knowledge and biochemistry. I stay as up to date as I can on the research, and for things that there isn't enough research for at the moment but have been used for a certain ailment for centuries, I meticulously document every use, the exact procedure and recipe, and any reported effects whether they on the surface seem relevant or not.
I'm reminded of this because of the covid that has been passing around the household, and all the remedies I've been making for one symptom or another, conscious of everyone's health issues and medication. My dad says, "thank you for taking care of everyone, Hal." and I say, "no problem! :)" queue me returning downstairs for almost an hour of washing chemistry equipment.
On tumblr on the rare occasions I share any herb-based stuff I learn, it's all pretty mild. I avoid potent shit that you really need to be careful with. But note that when you get really into it, you start to realize that a lot of the more effective stuff is toxic in larger doses. Because it's like medicine. It's chemically based and it has a potent, significant effect on the human body. You can't take too much. Now, I don't mess around with that stuff irl either unless I am 100% certain of what I'm doing and the situation calls for that level. I also forage for most of my herbs/mushrooms/mosses/etc, and sometimes, the stuff I have access to is the stuff you've got to be careful with.
Did you know that foxglove is great for treating congestive heart failure and atrial fibrillation? It's used to make a prescription drug called digoxin for that specific purpose. It's also really fucking toxic, far too much to mess with it at home. More dangerously, the information on the benefits of foxglove is just a google search away! I chose a really obvious example for this, but if you just fill an infuser with any given plant that's supposed to help with [issue] and steep it, no carefully determined dilutions, temperatures (for either the denaturing of certain proteins or preventing the release of certain chemicals) and very specific steep times (mostly to prevent the release of too high of dosage toxic chemicals) you might find yourself in the emergency room or in the ground. Best case just sick for a few days. Or you might happen to be right and feel so much better!
But the point is, you've got to take this stuff seriously if your resident witch/herbologist/homeopathic healer is, and if they're not, avoid participation or do a shit ton of research on your own to make sure it's safe first. If you're doing it on your own, research, record results carefully, ask questions of those who know more, and be prepared to stop any herbal treatment you start. Don't be arrogant.
(I kid you not, my brother is banned from the tea shelves since one time (for context he has tachycardia) he made himself a strong infusion of yerba mate as a study aid, which he knew to do because I make it for myself as a study aid (not now that I'm on adderall) and for those of you who don't know, it's a stimulant thanks to frankly insane amounts of caffeine *when made traditionally* (more than coffee, which my brother is not allowed to have thanks to his tachycardia). Needless to say this ended in an ER trip. (He was ultimately okay, don't worry).)
#oh it's just some herbs!#i'm very sick of people treating herbology like it's just silly beliefs that be can be taken very lightly#like yeah sure. did you check if they interfere with your medication? did you check dosage?#were you super careful to dilute it properly and steep it at the right temperature?#no?#well no shit you're experiencing side effects dumbass#just culturally#none of you take this seriously and spreading that mentality that people should just experiment with this stuff#only some of you push the reality that you have to be careful#it's not silly and any responsible herbologist will do research#please be one of the people who does research and does NOT spread the idea that it's all#'uwu witchy herb correspondences i know cause i saw a list of medicinal herbs for virgos with chronic pain on tumblr'#'measurements? i trust my intuition baybee <3'#sure that's fine with sage and garlic and peppermint and shit#but please#if you have not heard of an herb before in the context of normal culinary use#do NOT order a package of it online or look for it in your woods and then steep yourself a cup of it with no research#eventually that will bite you in the ass#I see a concerning amount of people spreading the idea that anything folk-knowledge based should AUTOMATICALLY NOT BE TREATED SERIOUSLY#wrong reaction#no you shouldn't use it as your sole treatment for a serious ailment#and no you shouldn't accept everything uncritically#but don't treat it lightly as if 'it's all fake anyways lol'#i'm gonna fucking murder someone#and i know the mushrooms to do it with#'oh what's in this' 'just some magical ingredients uwu' *it has amanita and you die in several days after an unassuming stomach ache*#i'm sorry this turned into a rant#genuinely meant to just type a short witty thing on it but that didn't happen#it also turned into a#long post
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phoenixborn · 2 years
9, 10, 11, 12, and 14?
Spicy mun asks
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9: What has been the biggest mistake you’ve made since you started RPing?
Maybe that on an another site before coming to Tumblr I wrote smut when I was a minor. Before the witch hunt begins along with callout posts: I learned 75% of my English through reading fanfictions then roleplaying. NOBODY during that time told me it was forbidden and I was like it's fiction, it's not even me who is having sex in the story so I didn't see any problems with this. I'm Hungarian. Here the age of consent is 14. Before Tumblr, I had no idea that people can get into legal trouble because of this and when I learned about it at first I thought it's a joke. Those who I written with also knew my age, I never made it a secret. Now I've grown up and realized long before this is indeed a mistake & I made all of my blogs +18 even to interact with due to my muses nature, backstories, topics.
And of course I have not and will not write smut with a minor.
I would like to add that I don't feel assaulted or exploited because of my inexperience and probably most of my past roleplay partners were minors too. The irl sexual harassment was much worse & impactful than writing stories with sex in them.
10: What’s something you really hate seeing on your dash that seems to be popular with almost everyone else?
I don't think there's a thing like this? If someone's writing doesn't entertain/excite/inspire me I simply don't follow. So my dash is perfect💖
11: What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to RPing?
Tumblr's inconsistency with notifications hands down. I get notifications of being tagged in something literal months ago. Or that my ask got answered. So far I haven't noticed a delay with reblogs.
Oh and people who shit on female OCs because, idk think before even reading the info that they are self inserts and only want to fuck the canon characters. That's not why I slowly built up a historical noble house woven so deep into Hungarian history, not why I spent more research for my pirate blog than I did for my literal matura exams combined, not why I watched hours of singing explaining by vocal coaches, not why I studied Scott Adkins' borderline impossible movements which are not CGI.
12: What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to the fandom you RP in?
As @winters-club has touched on the subject, those who are 'You MUST portray this character's CANON sexuality otherwise it's ERASURE and you're a terrible/homophobic person.'
Especially if those people actively harass writers instead of minding their own fucking business.
The most common victims of this are those who write Vaggie (also how come that I haven't seen many complaints that Alastor fucks when he's supposed to be asexual? This is NOT an attack on any Alastor muns, you write him however you want, I just noticed this.), Winter is not the only person I know who had a struggle with it. Curate your own dash if you don't want to see it, don't follow people who dare to defy canon, block tags and don't harass them. And as a bisexual who only felt romantic desire towards women irl, I find myself not giving a flying fuck. It's called creativity and so what if the writers want to explore other possible romantic plotlines? Let me tell you a secret: there's no erasure the slightest. Why? Because the sexuality of the character in question is CANON. A few independent writers on a site will not change that.
14: Without naming anyone specific, have you ever avoided someone simply because they RP with one of your RP partners? If so, why?
I didn't and don't avoid anyone just because they write with my rp partners. I actually don't even understand this question, everyone is free to interact, be friends with as much people as they want, it's not a choosing game and two people go to a separate corner to play.
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lazywitchling · 3 years
I haven’t been following for a super long time but definitely long enough to know I really enjoy your posts. With that said… I just realized you are in the broom closet. Dunno how I missed that bit. Honestly it makes me feel better about being in the broom closet. Most of the content I see that is secret witch related is by teens. I’m a whole adult and it’s a comfort, of sorts, to know I’m not the only adult that isn’t irl public about it. Just thought I would drop by and share that with you.
[does the broom closet dance]
Yeah, I have told VERY FEW PEOPLE irl, and in fact very few online either. I nerfed myself a little because this is a sideblog, and I can't send asks or reply to posts from it, and I don't give out my main because there's One Particular Post that can definitely be traced back to me, lmao
The ones I HAVE told irl are... actually now that I think about it, it's only been two people, both former coworkers who were open about THEIR practice, so I felt comfortable saying something to them, but then both of them have since moved away and/or work somewhere else so I don't see either anymore. Bringing my total back down to zero.
It's partially due to safety, partially that it's too much of a hassle, partially I'm already the Family Democrat Who We Must Pray For and I don't really want to end up on any more prayer lists or family gossip chains.
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mallowstep · 3 years
hi! sorry if this is a weird ask, but i was just wondering what the best way to get into paganism was? ive been really interested in paganism for the longest time, but dont really know anything abt it because my parents. uh. would not be pleased if they knew. thank you :)
okay i wrote up a response earlier and then it got deleted and fun fact for those who are new here! i have a really big problem with repeating myself ranging from "i dislike it" to "i physically cannot make myself do it," depending on the weather.
with that in mind,
(wait n.b. please direct all future correspondences regarding paganism to @fencesandfrogs, where i discuss this a lot more. now moving on,)
there are infinitely many ways to be pagan, and you HAVE to research to do it. no one is going to hand you a holy text and say "services are this day at this time." you have to figure that out for yourself.
(NOTE: there are infinitely many ways to be pagan and depending on the type, that very well might happen? literally please everything i say is couched in, "in general" and "based on what i know." nothing is absolute.)
for my part, i can talk about creating your own path, and a little about celtic reconstructionism. not a ton, though. i also own the poetic edda, but i haven't had a good chance to read it. as well as a book about european paganism.
i own a lot of books.
so research aside, you might also be interested in magic. there's.
well okay you can't learn EVERYTHING through research. the occult and the esoteric are complex subjects that i'm not really qualified to explain. but anyway.
there's still research involved in magic, and there are MANY types of magic. most witches i know practice at least one form of divination, and then we all have different interests. i'm lucky enough to know a few other witches irl, and we do trade things in a bit of a barter system. more a favours barter system. i make my friends some knotwork protection, they make me a potion, life goes on.
i'm going to stop here because there's not much else for me to say until you have an idea of the direction you want to go in, so i'll close with a few notes:
ALWAYS think critically and make sure sources aren't making things up
i'm not on tiktok but everything i know about the magic community on there is bad
paganism and witchcraft aren't interchangeable, but there does tend to be a lot of overlap
if someone says not to do something unless you know what you're doing, heed that warning
learning how to ward is usually the first priority
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thiqskull · 2 years
Oh boy, your blog is now being affected by antis, too. I feel like some people have a genuine problem with separating fiction from reality. While it's true that fiction almost always has themes that comment on reality in some way, a person's enjoyment of certain aspects of fiction usually doesn't mean an endorsement of said things. Vaas Montenegro from Far Cry 3 is one of my favorite characters in anything ever, but that doesn't mean I'm ok with the murdering irl. Another thing, you don't have to constantly justify it by saying how much of a bad person they are. I feel the same way about media with problematic elements, you don't have to preface everything you say with some sort of statement of acknowledgement. When people constantly do this, it ends up bringing the focus away from actual topic being discussed and towards the problematic aspects, which in most cases have already been gone over ad nauseam. This has less to do with characters and more to do with media as a whole, I'm tired of every discussion devolving into the same few topics. Everyone knows that x thing is terrible, we get it, and the people who disagree usually make their stance pretty obvious.
hi anon! i’m guessing by the preface that you’ve received some anon messages as well and i’m very sorry to hear that.
I agree on every single thing you said and honestly it’s becoming pretty stressful consuming any type of media, i feel like i can’t enjoy anything without disclosing the fact that i do not agree witch certain content o certain views of the characters in question.
What’s funny though, is seeing the amount of hate that people that like morally grey characters get, compared for example to true crime enthusiasts and stuff like that. Like? I can peacefully enjoy a podcast about a serial killer but the moment I say that i like Billy Hargrove as a character (read again: character, as in fictional) i’m a racism apologist. And just to be clear, none of the two should get any hate. It’s just, weird, that’s all.
I try to do my best to be a good person & i’ve always stood up for equality for all, as i’ll do to the end of time (i feel silly having to disclose this, i know i don’t have to explain myself but at the same time i still feel like i need to). Bickering on the internet, i assure all of the antis, doesn’t add to the cause, it doesn’t make you woke when you go and harass Billy “stans”. I genuinely mean it when I say that your time will be so much better spent doing something you actually like instead of wasting it like this, and if you are really concerned about racism there’s an infinite amount of ways you can properly help.
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sand-rose · 4 years
This is super late, but I finally got around to thinking about my answers to Magia Rapport. Between life in general and the announcement of the EN server closing I just didn't feel like doing it before. But I did want to participate so better late than never, I guess!
Day 1: If you could give advice to a new player, what would that advice be? If you could restart the game from the beginning, what would you do differently this time?
Oh boy, does that question hit different now. Well... For a new player, I would say save your gems as much as possible for the fate weaves you really want to pull for. Try to decide what girls you really want, and how many slots you want to try to get for them. I was maybe 80% f2p. I managed to get quite a few limited girls I wanted by saving up, and even though most of them only have one slot that was perfectly fine with me because I just really liked the character. As for restarting the game, I am restarting on JP, and this time I decided I'm going to go my own pace. I'll still play every day to get those bonuses and dailies done, but I'm not too worried about catching up to where JP is in the story or farming for materials. I'll probably only do the story portions of events, and I'm going to try to cut my playing time compared to how long I play the EN version every day. I want to get back to doing other things, and even if I haven't felt like writing or drawing lately because of personal reasons, the game's become a larger part of my daily routine than I intended it to be.
Day 2: What was your favorite event, and why? Is it because of gameplay or the story?
The Tart Magica events will always be my favorites because I just really love the spinoff series. The fact that I got to see the characters animated and hear them speak just makes me smile. I also really liked the map layout for those events.
Day 3: What is your proudest achievement in the game? Is it a character you got from a fate weave? Is it a moment you defeated a really difficult event? Did you get a high ranking in mirrors?
My proudest achievement would be managing to get all the Tart Magica characters. I didn't get Tart or Riz their first run and was so disappointed. So I made sure to save up just for a rerun of their banners and when it came back around I got Tart, and I did have to spend a bit IRL money for Riz but it wasn't too much and I felt it was worth it. Another moment would be when I made S class in ranked mirrors 2nd and 3rd rounds. I was having awful luck this last time especially but thanks to @muffinrecord 's advice I managed to make it!
Day 4: What is your favorite memoria in the game and why? Is it because it's unexpectedly good? Do you like the artwork? Is it the flavor text that stands out to you?
My favorite memoria would be I Made Friends!. Not only is it such a good passive memoria with great effects but I just really like the art too. I always liked seeing Kako, Felicia, and Ayame's interactions in the story and events because these girls have been through so much in their lives, before and after becoming Magical Girls, and it's nice to see them just being kids and playing together. Two close seconds are Hopes Combined and Our Backs Together. They're my two favorite groups of characters and the flavor text really speaks of their bonds and how strong they are together. And the artwork is just cool!
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Day 5: What character do you identify with the most? Why is that? Do you have a favorite quote or moment from them?
There's a few characters that really remind me of myself. I have social anxiety like Seika, though it's not nearly as severe. I mostly keep to myself and a few close people like Konoha did. I have a hard time expressing myself to others like Ren. And Tsuruno... When we learned everything she was dealing with and how she tried her best to keep smiling and taking care of everyone else's problems, that definitely struck a chord with me.
Day 6: What character has your favorite wish? Do you think it's the best wish or is it something close to what you would wish for if you could?
I had to think about this one, but in the end I think Mitama's wish is my favorite. It's just very interesting to me. We know growing up in Daito Ward is... not that great. The class difference is bad enough, and I relate to her on that level from growing up in a similar situation. Then to get that chance to have a brighter future, better education taken from you due to circumstances out of your control (in my case money, in hers rumors leading to a ruined reputation)... Of course she would be devastated. Furious, even. In her eyes, Kamihama took her future away from her, so why not wish to take Kamihama's future away in retaliation? Her wish to have the power to destroy Kamihama is a powerful one, and she harbored it since making the contract, hiding her true thoughts from everyone and playing neutral as Coordinator. But the thing is when she made this wish, it WAS granted, though not in the way she thought. When the time came for her to choose a side between the Kamihama Magical Girls and the Magius, she very easily could have chosen to side with the Magius. If she had, that would have been the end of Kamihama. She was a key character during the final battles. She distributed grief seeds, shared vital information, looked after injured girls. If she hadn't been on the Kamihama Magical Girls' side, they would have lost. That was her opportunity to fulfill her own wish, but she didn't take it. During her time as Coordinator she met and became friends with so many Magical Girls, and came to see Kamihama was full of good people too. She turned her back on her own wish to help those that had shown her kindness and friendship and I think that's fascinating.
Day 7: What moment, concept, or character makes you happiest from the game? Why is this?
I think what makes me happiest about the game is that they went for a completely different tone from Madoka Magica... I was so surprised as we went through the story and it was a pretty light-hearted story of found family and friendships with some slice of life thrown in. I love Madoka Magica so much, and the truth about the Magical Girl system was so shocking when I first watched it. It explored so much in so little time, and seeing the girls struggle to survive the system was intense. But I always wondered if more Magical Girls had teamed up to fight Walpurgisnacht, could they have defeated her? And I got my answer in Magia Record. The game focuses on all these unique characters, who still have struggles of their own due their lives and their contracts, but they're not alone. They have teams, other Magical Girl friends, and there's this sense of community between them. And when they all banded together they were able to take down one of the most powerful witches known to Magical Girls. It's a wholesome spin on the Madoka Magica series, and I am here for it!
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years
Hi TT! So this isn't related to your blog but I guess I'm just asking for advice? Have you ever felt like you hate everyone? Like, literally? I have, for a while now. I just don't like anyone around me. I don't really have friends and I'm not in touch with my family and I just feel like I only have myself. Do you believe it is possible to live a full life just by yourself, without other people in it? Sometimes it makes me feel empty and lonely. Sorry if this is too deep, I love your blog btw!
Yup, I’ve definitely felt like that before. And it really really sucks. It’s a constant feeling of being angry and then exhausted from burning in that endless anger. In my case, I found it was really a dissatisfaction with my life as it was at the time. I just felt so......... stuck, and it made me frustrated with everyone around me, who I saw as just adding to my issues. (They were just being their usual, human selves of course. *I* was the one who was in relentless anger and thus perceiving every single thing they did as something personally offensive. I was mad that I was going through such a difficult time and they just had happy, normal lives - which is ofc not true - everyone has their own issues; they just weren’t showing them to me, just like I let absolutely no one know how fucking miserable I was.)
I am very introverted, so I am quite happy to be alone (most of the time.) I actively made a series of decisions and have crafted my life to be mostly spent in solitude. So yes, I absolutely do believe that you can live a full life on your own. There’s something very refreshing and liberating (to me, at least) about not having to take someone else’s feelings and preferences and expectations into consideration before doing something. The only person you have to please/are answerable to is yourself. And that is quite a blissful feeling to me. Alone is not equal to lonely. Society has conditioned us into thinking that we need a life partner, and kids, and this exact number of friends and social media followers to be happy, but it’s all bullshit. Having all these people in your life is no guarantee to happiness. You have to..... Well, “love” yourself sounds a lil too corny, but you certainly have to be content with who you are as a person (but always leave room for growth.) Invest in yourself, and genuinely be comfortable with who you are as a person, because that’s the only person you’re guaranteed to spend the rest of your life with.
There are some key things to consider here: #1. It’s important that you know yourself as a person in order to live a life like this. Is this genuinely a way of life you are okay with, or is it just a mood right now because of frustration (adding to it, the trauma of a pandemic and the resulting isolation)? Yes, you won’t have to invest in the emotions of others, but that also means that very few people will be invested in your life as well. I genuinely pondered deep and hard and decided that I was okay with that. Which leads to #2. That I regard quality over quantity. I have a handful of people whom I really really care about (both irl as well as online friends) and they’re the only ones I invest energy in, because those relationships are fulfilling to me. They add value and joy to my life and thus, I don’t see them as a burden when engaging with them. Everyone else who was draining me of energy to deal with, I mostly cut off. It’s a drastic measure and not feasible for everyone, but it works for me. I get actively resentful and angry when having to engage with people I don’t have a connection with, and so I just keep myself away from such a situation.
Does this mean that I’m the neighbourhood witch, who’s scaring children away from my front door? Lol not really. I am perfectly pleasant and polite to my neighbours and acquaintances, I show up at family functions and all. I just don’t let these people into my inner life and let them affect me, my mood, or life in any way. Only those who genuinely mean something to me can do that. The rest is background noise.
So I’d say look deep within yourself. Take some time, it’s not easy. Genuinely examine what it is about your life that is making you unhappy right now. Is it other people draining you of energy by being annoying, or is it something inside yourself that’s triggering these feelings? Maybe you’re feeling this way because you do seek connection with people but are frustrated that it’s not fulfilling you in the way you expect. Perhaps you just need to find a social group that aligns with your vibe and makes you feel like you belong. Try and journal, maybe talk to a therapist. Introspection is the key to getting to the bottom of this, so you can make the life changes that will make you feel content, and not so much at war with the rest of the whole wide world.
Sending you a big, warm hug (social distancing be damned!) Hang in there, you’ll get through this!
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Story Time: Weird Old Men Who Hit On Me Edition. (Aka I am so done with men over 40.*)
So one of my colleagues said that the first few times he heard the song "Truth Hurts" he thought the line was "White men great til they gotta be great" and I almost immediately fired back with a "white men are great? Most of the ones I know definitely aren't."
Case and point: as a 25 year old woman with a great personality, I have lost track of the number of men over the age of 40 who have flirted me/asked me out. Now I know that their choices are their own, but the fact is that I do not try to be flirtatious. I try to be polite and funny in my interactions with most people because everyone needs to laugh and it's easier to be funny than truly express negative emotions. I have had 3 different men flirt with/ask me out/send me links to fetish porn all from the same social organization I am part of.
Recently, one 40+ man who recently added me on Facebook messaged me one of those viral posts that "all girls/women need to read" about how women shouldn't hold out for guys who don't put forth effort or text them first or take them out or whatever. Which is true. So I acknowledged it, and he sends this gif:
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Red flag shot all the way up at this point.
Last night, he sends a "Howdy girl" gif of Woody from Toy Story. Then he goes ahead and starts using Spanish. At this point I decide to he That Person because not only do I speak Spanish, I have a degree in it. Does he know that? Unlikely.
Him: como estás
Me: Bastante bien. Y usted?
Him: sobre lo mismo
Me: (realizing he is using some kind of online translator) no sabía que ud habla español
Him: aburrido y solitario en un mundo frio
Me, irl:
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Me: (ignoring the obvious ploy) ¿Dónde lo aprendió? ¿O es ud un autodidacto?
Him: (sends a link to a profile of someone I know mostly through ballroom dance but just found out I is part of the same social organization as myself and this 40 something who is trying to hard.) Did you read my other comment? I can keep typing Spanish but English is faster
Me: (Person) y su esposa bailan en el mismo club que yo. ¿Él le enseño?
Him: That didn't translate how I think you ment it. English please
Me: (Person) and his wife dance in the same club as I do. Did he teach you?
So we continue in English and I continue deliberately ignoring his "did you understand my comment" until he finally translates it. Now when he originally made the comment I almost joked that I was icing my knee and ankle so I understand it being a cold world. But that ship sailed. And I am not one to indulge a pity party with friends, let alone a guy I barely know. There is a reason the superlatives I win are "most blunt" and "most likely to take over the world." I don't do pity parties.
So I say a simple "Indeed it was." Because despite listening to a lot of My Favorite Murder I'm still not quite at a full on "F*** politeness" mentality. So he goes on to say "You didn't respond so I didn't know. How did you learn Spanish?"
At that point I tell him that I majored in it. So I bet he felt like a dolt then. He asks if I'm ready for Thanksgiving, I say pretty much and ask if he is, and he tries AGAIN with the pity party bs by saying he'll be bored and lonely.
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I can't even. A bit more chatting happened. I stayed pretty dry and aloof. He probably has interpreted it as being hard to get. Today I decided to share an opportunity for him to not be alone on Thanksgiving at a place I won't be. He probably won't take it.
If he comes at me again tonight with more boohoo woe is me crap, I'm going to let That Witch out and level with him.
I am so done with this behavior.
*And before you come at me with that "Not all men" crap, let me tell you. I know. There are plenty of men over 40 I adore. My dad. The men I ballroom dance with. Men who don't try to flirt or ask me out. My landlord. And if you put any of that whiny bullcrap in my notes, I will delete your comment and block you. Don't @ me.
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