#I'm not a coffee snob or anything I'm just particular with how I like my coffee
murderboisblog 8 months
Also, how do you like your coffee? It IS for writing reasons but it's NOT for coffee burn smut reasons
Dark roast, I like it a lil bitter. Hot, I don't like ice coffee. 2 sugars, raw sugar not white. Lactose free milk, the dairy kind not a milk alternative.
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katbrando 2 years
[ questions are from this post, 1-10 here, 11-20 here, 21-30 here, 31-40 here ]
馃挍 What are your names saved as in each other鈥檚 phones? i have him saved as "馃dingus馃挏" bc i must have emojis for every contact, he has me as "Darling", simple and sweet
馃挍 How do you guys take your coffee/tea? Do you know how the other likes it? i can't do coffee unless it's sweetened to hell and back, he's extremely particular but i can't even tell you what he likes because the order he makes at starbucks is so long and complicated.. he's a coffee snob.. as for tea, we both like a nice hot cup of earl gray in the evening 馃グ
馃挍 Where do you get takeout? Who usually pays? anywhere and everywhere, though we try to stay away from fast food chains for the most part.. we take turns paying tbh, sometimes we rock-paper-scissors to decide LOL, that's a common decision making tool in our relationship, as silly as it is
馃挍 What鈥檚 your favourite (type of) show to watch together? Do you watch on routine or set time aside to binge? we don't watch tv that much, if we're watching anything it's usually a movie because he's a movie buff, but our favorite movie genres are thrillers and dramas, he dislikes comedy movies because they usually don't align with his brand of humor (he's a bit of a snob about it, smh), and he wouldn't proudly admit it but he Adores a well-animated kid's movie, spirit is one of his top 5 films but shhh you didn't hear that from me
馃挍 What roles do you take on when you play games together? It can be co-op, or talk about how you play games in general. we don't game together that much, he's not really a fan of video games and i don't play them as much as i used to hfdkjsg.. but i'd Absolutely rope him into playing minecraft and animal crossing with me 馃ズ his attention to detail and dedication to aesthetics means he would work very hard to make our lil world/island look as beautiful as possible
馃挍 How do you dress? Do you look like you match as a couple, or are your styles different? oh MAN.. we both care a lot about this, his style is very much inspired by the 70s. he's very particular about the way clothing sits on him so everything is fit as perfectly as possible, he doesn't mind blowing a lot of money on a piece he's been eyeing, and while he maintains alternative hints (his messy mullet, his nose piercing, the DIYness of his denim jacket) there's a strong undertone of sophistication. does that make sense... for ME i think my style is so eclectic and weird that i can't pin it down, i like bold patterns and vintage silhouettes, i tend to gravitate towards stuff from the 80s and 90s, but i'm also a huge fan of a big plain sweatshirt and some basic comfortable jeans, it just depends on my mood tbh.. and we Absolutely like to match as a couple, i think our styles definitely sort of meet up in a lot of ways, esp in our love of denim and dark colors.. we look hot showing up to an event in matching black turtlenecks and well-fit jackets/jeans
馃挍 What could you not live without? Does your partner know what it is? soda..... yes he knows and he Hates it LOL.. also a fan blowing directly on me at night, can't fall asleep without it.. he knows this too, he gets cold very easily and that's why he's always little spoon.. so i can warm him up 馃グ
馃挍 Where do you like to be touched? Innocent or suggestively. if we're talking innocent: hands, back, shoulders, neck... suggestively, oh boy ummm: neck (again), decolletage area, hips.. i think he could touch me anywhere and i'd be like "y e s..." but literally all of this is only acceptable to me if it's him bc i'm mostly touch-repulsed, he's just unlocked that part of me 馃ズ he like his arms and back touched (innocently) and turns into putty if i lay a hand on his chest, his waist, or his ass (a good spank makes him incredibly weak)
馃挍 Mix your favourite colours. What is the resultant colour? OOOOO he loves yellow and teal... mix those together and you get something like hex color #88b92d.. mine are lavender and maroon, mix those and you get #863871.. mix those and you get a very bland #87794f LMAO
馃挍 Who needs space, and who needs more attention? Do you cling together or are you loosely together? if anyone needs more space it might be me, but that's just because i get socially overwhelmed very easily.. but also he's Aware of this and can comfortably exist with me without either of us speaking :')) he's very clingy and feeds off of attention, it can be hard to keep up with sometimes tbh BUT we really do love being around each other and, because we feel Safe together, we prefer to be in that place of comfort as much as possible, if that makes sense
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breanime 2 years
So how do the Mannys take their coffee/tea?
I love this. And I love you. I'm not a big tea drinker, so coffee....
Logan (I Hate the Man In My Basement) takes it black. He doesn't drink coffee too often, but when he does, he doesn't add anything to it. To him, coffee is for warmth and energy, so the taste and quality don't mean much to him. This is a man who will drink a cup of coffee at a gas station that's been sitting in the coffee maker for 3 days with no problem. Heathen. I'll lock him up in my basement too (consensually, for.... games 馃槒)
Zapata (Undrafted) cafe con leche is his jam. He likes it a with a bit of sweetness, but not too much. His mom makes the best coffee, so he usually will only drink hers. But he'll order a coffee and take a handful (and he's got BIG HANDS) of sugar and cream packets to add in. I love him.
Frankie Cruz (Conviction) depends on coffee to function, to live. He's accustomed to drinking it black, and ever since he's gotten out of prison, he can't stand coffee with added syrup or too much sugar. He likes a little flavoring in the beans, but Frankie tends to add maybe a few flakes of suagr to his coffee if any at all, no cream. Every coffee shop he goes to, one of the baristas ends up crushing on him. There are several places that think he's a devoted regular and give him free coffee. Frankie doesn't question or correct it. Good for him.
Manny (Mayans MC) will drink coffee however he gets it (for the most part). However, he won't drink Dunkin coffee cause he finds them too sweet, and he'll only drink certain flavors from Starbucks. He comes off as "nah, whatever, coffee is coffee" but he's secretly kind of a coffee snob? He has a French Press and he loves it. He collects different beans from the best places in the world, primarily very potent beans from Mexico. The first time he had a cup made by EZ, Manny almost spit it out in his face. Now EZ isn't allowed to make coffee anymore.
Johnny Tuturro (Graceland) likes iced coffee. He likes that he can chug it or leave it to sit for a while without it going "bad". He's down to try different flavors, and was surprised to find that he likes lavender coffee. He's also big on espresso, and he sometimes orders coffee with a shot in it. Then again, he'll also just down espresso shots while working on a case, and the next thing anyone knows, he's doing laps on the beach while on the phone with his mother flirting with girls (mostly various baristas and cafe owners who's places he frequents; like Frankie, they all think he's a loyal customer and they all want to be his main squeeze) on the beach while also being chased/hunted by Mike and Briggs cause Charlie told them to keep an eye on "Caffeine Johnny". For some reason.
Rio (Good Girls) is bougie. BOUGIE. He'll drink coffee black, but only if it's quality coffee. He will and HAS poured out coffee that he's deemed unacceptable, in front of whoever made the coffee. He don't give a shit. Rio prefers dark coffee, strong coffee that will get you right with just one cup. He likes it to taste good, so he's very particular about what coffee he buys. He also uses almond, coconut or soy milk with his drink, never just Basic Milk. He likes simplicity, so he doesn't like any machines with a lot of buttons or settings, he wants his coffee to be strong, delicious, and high quality. Like him.
Bonus: My poor little meow meow Johnny after the baristas in town discover his whorish, coffee shop hopping ways:
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stellaluna33 3 years
What are your head canon ideas for Jess and Doula??? If they made AYITL 2, what would you like to see regarding their relationship?
Do you think Doula/Jess/Rory could be the new Rory/Luke/Lorelai???
Hmmm! My headcanon ideas are that one of the main reasons why Jess helps Luke so much with "Mom Maintenance" (as per the Revival) in adulthood is that he wants to make sure his sister has a more stable childhood than he had. I think he's definitely done some babysitting over the years. A lot of this I've used in my fic "The Long and Winding Road," but in my head, Doula has ADHD (it's an inherited family propensity, shared by Liz and Jess as well) and dyslexia, so Jess has taken to reading her a lot of books over the years (she doesn't enjoy reading but she does enjoy stories), sometimes over the phone. He takes her out for ice cream (in cones, of course!) when he comes to visit and likes introducing her to music and movies that he likes (or thinks are "essential," because he's a pretentious snob like that 馃槀), and she's still young enough to think he's "cool" and be receptive to all that, haha! She likes that he's calm and quiet and actually listens to her. But he also likes to tease her and do magic tricks and tell jokes. Jess expresses affection physically, so this manifests itself in a lot of tickling and throwing/carrying Doula around when she's younger, but also, when he sits in the corner of the couch with a book, she'll come burrow into his side and just... snuggle there.
Regarding a second AYITL (oh please, no. Haha!), I don't really know what to say! Doula was never even mentioned in the first one, and we never saw Liz and TJ. So, I'm guessing they wouldn't come into the story much in a second one either. And so much would depend on the direction of the storyline, too. But, if a Literati endgame was meant to be implied/worked towards, Jess's involvement with his family and especially with his little sister would be a good way of showing his maturity and potential to be a good stepfather to Rory's kid (since that's what she'd need in a good partner at this point).
Regarding the last question, I don't really see the story going that way? I mean, the great thing about fanfiction is that we're free to explore possibilities like that! 馃槉 But I don't really think the Palladinos had anything like that in mind. In terms of repeating character archetypes in a "Full Circle" theme, I do think they intended the correlation to be Lorelai-Rory and Luke-Jess, but they ARE different people in different situations, so in my opinion the fun would be in seeing how the story would play out DIFFERENTLY by changing the people involved (like plugging different characters into a Coffee Shop AU, you know? Like the basic set-up/framework is the same, but the STORY won't be the same, because of the characters' unique personalities and dynamics). But as I said, just because the show creators didn't intend that particular dynamic doesn't mean we can't have fun imagining it ourselves! 馃槉
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