#I'm new at tags. And Tumblr. And posting?
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
jellyfishhhhhhhhhhh · 22 hours ago
You continuing to make new accounts despite Tumblr 'nerfing you' is ban evading. Hell, this backup account is literally proving my point.
The vent account has since been deleted since I found better outlets than posting into the Tumblr void, so the screenshots are gone, but anyone looking at your account will find similar instances of transphobia---including ones where you contradict your own previous statements.
To clarify: my vent blog was not a 'pro ana' blog. It was mainly venting about my PTSD, OCD, eating disorder, or family life. I am diagnosed with ARFID and bulimia, though I do struggle with extreme restriction. A lot of pro ED accounts do post in the eating disorder trigger tags, so I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say you mistook my venting as being pro disordered eating. Regardless of that grace, you sending hate to people is not going to cure their eating disorder or make them less pro ana. What it is instead going to do is push them further into their insular community, make them more fatphobic, and more disordered.
I could continue to give you the benefit of the doubt, but I still think you are a troll. Especially due to your constant flip-flopping of morals, which you acknowledge.
I probably should have worded this part better, but the username point was more of a theory as to why your username was so similar to theirs. Alongside the fact that creating similar usernames in order to confuse people is a common tactic used by trolls, especially those trying to turn a person they don't like into a lolcow (example: "Huh, this person's username sounds familiar. I'm pretty sure they harassed a mutual of mine/said something bigoted. I'm going to block them."). I have no reason to believe that this is not the case given the fact that you still post about them.
You are having a boy who cried wolf scenario right now. You are making posts feeling bad about yourself because people dislike the things you have said. You are saying that you don't stand by many of the things you have said in the past (which may be true given how your mind seems to change every two seconds). If you were truly sorry, you would actually try to change your behaviour instead of making a new account to post business as usual.
But if you are actually being genuine when you say that you are sorry, I am going to give you some advice. Delete your accounts and go outside. Find a hobby and look for ways to engage with it outside of the house. You like reading? Go to a library or join a book club. You like to cook or bake? Host a potluck and invite your neighbours. Make friends with the queers in your town or city. In order to improve yourself, you are going to have to deal with the mortifying prospect of being known.
I'm going to leave a link to a video I really think you should watch, as it might help you go online less:
I really do wish you the best and I hope you make better decisions for yourself. Being constantly angry is not healthy for you.
I am blocking you in case you keep up this behaviour as I do not have the energy to deal with it and I am about to go offline for Lent.
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story in three parts
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avastrasposts · 2 days ago
This is not how you spread the love
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I was scrolling Tumblr this evening and saw a fic that had these depressing numbers.
See that difference between reblogs and likes?
That's the difference between Tumblr being alive and well, and Tumblr being dead.
To fic writers and gif makers, this is not news. We've seen this for a while now. And although I don't think this post will make much difference, it's a reminder:
If you don't reblog the things you like on this site, it will die. Reblogs makes it thrive, reblogs makes posts you enjoy visible to other users.
Pedro tax for your time:
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Yes, I'm totally abusing the tags.
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kedreeva · 15 hours ago
Forgive me, but I'm new to Tumblr and thus am a bit "slow" when it comes to how things work.
I saw in your bio (status? Description? Whatever you call the thing on a profile) that you help when something something, so I figured you were a good place to start!
How does this platform work, exactly? I get that there are the posts on the front page and the questionnaire you fill when you make an account, but aside from that, they kind of drop you in without a map XD
What's with the #'s, why is everyone so forcibly autistic and gay (no problem, just a bit confusing as an outside observer), where do I go to get where I want to?
Sorry if this seems scatterbrained as a question, but I am bloody lost XD
First of all, welcome! Of course I am happy to help!
Second of all, Tumblr is kind of the gay and neurodivergent website. Asking why we are this way is kind of like going to a food blog and asking why there are so many recipes. It's just sort of the place we've chosen to gather amongst friends.
As for how the site works... well, most days it doesn't, but through the power of will you can make it do stuff.
So if you look at the top bar of the site (or if you're on mobile, the bottom corner with the little pencil in a colorful circle), you'll see you can make several different kinds of posts. MOST posts on this site are going to be text or photos, very few posts will be anything else, but it happens. You can make your own posts ("posting") or you can use the circular arrows button to reblog someone else's post ("reblogging"). Reblogging a post places a copy of a post on your blog for others to see, and is highly encouraged as the main form of community. Reblogging maintains connection to the original poster, who retains credit and can see where the post goes and who likes it. This is good!! There is another form of post that is BAD, and that is taking the content of someone else's post, making a new post, and posting it as a fresh post- this is called reposting, and it WILL get you blocked by... pretty much everyone as it's widely considered stealing. Reblogging (using the arrows button) is GOOD, stealing someone's stuff and making a new post is BAD.
The #'s are called tags, and they are NOT like tags on instagram or twitter (at least, not ONLY). On tumblr, the first few tags in any original post are used as a way for the site to file posts you MAKE into "the tag" (singular) which is what comes up when you use the search function. So, if you tag something "Birds" and then you go search "birds" you post should show up in that tag's feed. HOWEVER. Since this ONLY happens for original posts, and you can add tags when you reblog stuff, tags on reblogged posts are just for talking in ways that aren't designed to follow the post. People use the "the tags" (plural) to talk to their followers, to talk to OP, to add clarification, to answer other tags in the notes of posts, etc, and they use it as a filing system for their own blogs (if you search ON THEIR BLOG only, you can search the words they normally use for tags to find stuff, and this works for reblogs too. it actually doesn't WORK work, you'd be better off using google to find stuff on people's blogs. tumblr is a functional website). So if you MAKE post, your post gets seen in The Tag of each tag you add for the site's general search function, and if you REBLOG a post the tags only matter to your blog's search function (and whoever is following you or reading the notes). If you want, you can reply in the body of a reblog post, but what you reply will follow the post around if someone reblogs it from you. Most people try to keep that form of post addition to relevant info. Tags are kind of like using your indoor voice to talk to a little group of friends, vs adding to a post in the body which is like having a megaphone.
You get to "the notes" by clicking on the number in the bottom left of any given post. You can see replies, tags and comments, and likes, on different tabs. "Liking" a post does not feed an algorithm here; this is a place which scorns algorithms. We spread things by hand, by reblogging them.
If you want to find creative work here, you can search the site for tags that might interest you. If you like birds, for example, you might search the site for "birds" or "bird" or "feathers" or "peacock" or "bluejay" or whatever birds you want to see. You have the choice to follow a tag (not recommended, as anyone can post spam to tags) or to scroll through the tag and click on the usernames of people posting things you like. Scroll through their blogs a little ways (10-20 posts) to see if you like their general vibe/whatever they're posting, and if you do like it, follow them! Following another user will then place them on your dashboard (the little house icon at the top or bottom takes you to your dashboard, or dash). Your dash amalgamates all the people you follow into a feed that you can scroll, kind of like following reddit forums (maybe?? I don't really use reddit so don't quote me).
You can scroll your dash to see posts you like (typical) or if you have the fortitude, you can become a tag diver. Tag divers are time honored and respected members of the tumblr ecosystem. These are folks who go into the main tag (for example, search the site for "birds" and scroll it) and look for good posts to reblog/queue. People then follow tag divers to see just the good posts from The Tag, without the spam or off topic or whatever stuff.
There are other sections of the site, like "for you" but idk what they do. Hardly anyone that's been here long term uses that. It's the closest to an algorithm as you'll get on the site, and we're very anti algorithm.
I mentioned a "queue" and that's another vital part of tumblr, and something unique to tumblr that makes it very special. You have the ability to either post instantly, OR.... you can add a post to your queue. The queue collects posts you put into it, and spits them out at regular intervals throughout the day, according to the preferences you set. So, mine is set to post I think 3 times a day. I've had it set as high as 20 times a day before, but it's usually at 3-5 depending on how many posts are in it. You can queue up to 1000 posts at a time. If your queue is full, you can add posts to your "drafts" section to queue or post later (or just post them). There's a post limit per day (I think it's 300? I could be wrong), so you can only make 300 posts a day. You may or may not ever hit that, but it exists.
If you want to view your notifications, you can find them in the lightning bolt on the webpage, or the little chat bubble on the app. You can filter activity, which is a great tool.
I think that's mostly the basics, although I am sure people will add more info in reblogs. You can find their added info by clicking on the "notes" in the bottom left of this post and then clicking on their reblog title. You can try doing a reblog by reblogging this to respond!
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painacony · 2 days ago
we need to talk about spoilers and tumblr etiquette
hi all. i've noticed a rising problem in the ssmy/hrkg fandom with people getting spoiled against their will on a website that used to be pretty good about spoilers, particularly in the hrkg side on account of the more frequent chapter updates, plus the influx of people coming from twitter, etc. i'm gonna go out on a limb and assume a lot of you are new to tumblr. i don't fault you for not being familiar with how things work here but we need to talk about how to post in a way that is mindful to others as to not disrupt people's experience, especially with the new chapter schedule and so we don't have to be here every month.
there are really only 2 basic things to keep in mind:
tag your spoilers. tumblr has a pretty functional tagging system, with the option to filter/hide certain tags and key words. if your post contains spoilers it is the most basic of rules to tag them so tumblr filters can do their job. to tag effectively, it's recommended to use #(series name) spoilers. you can use as many tags or variations as you want for more effect.
hide all spoilers under a Read More. tumblr has a function when creating posts where you can add a "cut" and put stuff under it. this will hide the content in the dashboard and people have to click manually to see it. this is also ideal for images, as merely putting a text warning at the top of the post unfortunately does nothing, since our eyes tend to go over the text and land directly on the larger visual. this way, people won't see the spoilers unless they actively choose to.
honestly, that's it. these two things are all you need to do to post spoilers safely so everyone can have a good time.
on to the faq:
Q: why should i tag and hide spoilers?
A: because not everyone likes to get spoiled! some of us want things to be a surprise, and we don't want the experience ruined for us by people posting spoilers out of context. even for the people who don't mind spoilers, they deserve the option to choose whether or not they want to see them. it's just common courtesy and allows people to curate their own experience.
Q: shouldn't people know not to go into the series tag if they're avoiding spoilers? why should i use additional tags?
A: if you tag your posts with the series name or use certain keywords, it doesn't just show up when people explore the tag, but tumblr may put that post in their dashboard or for you tab as a recommended post, so they may end up seeing it against their will even if they stay away from the main tag. also, it's just pretty basic etiquette and provides context.
Q: why is it necessary to hide spoilers under a read more if i already tagged the post?
A: it's possible that posts may bypass tumblr's filtters for whatever reason. maybe it is not the exact same tag as the filtered one (ex. "#hirakagi spoilers" vs "#kagihira spoilers") or someone who reblogged failed to tag it properly, or they didn't have spoilers filtered. hiding under a read more is just an extra safety measure that goes a long way to ensure people don't get jumpscared by unwanted spoilers or images.
hope this helps! honestly other than this the ssmy/kghr community here on tumblr has been amazing and it's been wonderful to see this side of the fandom grow. i just want all of us to blog safely and have a good time. anyone is free to add to this post if there's anything i missed.
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fictionyoubelieve · 14 hours ago
#listen it is late and so i have sourced and researched the best i can#but like. its laughable that prev tagged misinformation#bc i do not think my original post has any misinformation at all [...] #if you have the sources to back up your claims which were not sourced correctly then im happy to read about it
In my initial reply, I took the zine claims at face value for simplicity, because you do not indicate which claims come from which source, and your sources are mostly two or three steps from the research they repeat, making it very annoying to track down the actual data. But since you mention it, let's take a look at those now:
(Source 1): This is an article talking about 2 other reports. The first report link goes to this Washington Post article, which is paywalled and ultimately references this paper. The second report link goes to this paywalled Bloomberg article about new natural gas-fired power plants opening in the US. Despite the clickbait title ("AI Boom Is Driving a Surprise Resurgence of US Gas-Fired Power"), the actual article only mentions AI once, in an unsourced claim about three industries that are driving the resurgence.
(Source 2): This article is also discussing a different (again, paywalled) "report," this one in the New Yorker, which references (but does not link!) this paper, and also makes another unsourced claim about ChatGPT's daily energy use. (*Wikipedia voice*: "It's been estimated" by who???)
(Source 3): The substantial claim about AI here is a link to this paywalled Financial Times piece, which I think may be referencing this report from the NERC, though it doesn't give me a lot to go on.
(Source 4): This is a very short, non-paywalled (yay!) Forbes article that's mostly about water, and makes a single, unsourced claim about AI's projected water usage over the next couple years.
I believe the most honest and helpful way to source your information would have been to reference and link the free PDFs of research reports directly, instead of laundering the information through layers of paywalled news articles from different sites. I tagged your post as misinformation because its claims are misleading when presented without context, and you made it unreasonably difficult to fact-check them. Some of them may be factually wrong as well, but if it's too hard to tell either way, the point is somewhat moot.
For the rest:
I emphasized that AI was not the primary concern for the sustainability goals I mentioned not because I thought you were construing it as such, but because I was anticipating what most of the tumblr audience is going to take away from your post, whether you intended it or not. This is really important for a professional sustainability educator to understand.
When megacorporations take a voluntary "sustainability pledge" and then renege on it a couple years later, you should take both their original pledge and their excuse for reneging with a whole fistful of salt. We need actual legal regulations and enforcement, because "self-regulation" is a joke. (I know that you, OP, know this. Just repeating for the audience.)
"[Generative AI] has a vastly higher carbon footprint than any other type of AI" -> this is apples and oranges, it doesn't mean much. The costs are vastly different, but so are the use cases.
If an individual wants to reduce their personal water footprint, their personal generative AI use effectively doesn't matter, except maybe if they're a super-user of image generation.
Using 1 fewer liter of water at a datacenter in the midwest United States obviously does not translate to 1 extra liter of water for people who otherwise don't have access to clean, safe water. Those are mostly two different issues.
As explained in the replies, I'm pretty sure you're confused about electric units, so the electricity section of your followup is mostly wrong.
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is it worth using AI when it harms our planet?
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starmocha · 2 days ago
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My main masterlist broke </3 so I've moved all of my Sylus fics and miscellaneous writings to their own post :D
LINKS: AO3 ⋆ ★ FF.Net ⋆ ★ FF.Net ⋆ ★ Dokuga
OTHER LINKS: Series Index ⋆ ★ Breeding Kink & Family Fics Masterlist ⋆ ★ Tag List
new → old
last updated: march. 2, 2025
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Be My Valentines i'm on the run with you, my sweet love — 《 MDNI 》 meet me at midnight — 《 MDNI 》 ‘tis the damn season and deck them goddamned halls to: my true love Sunday Reset want me, need me, love me — 《 MDNI 》 Bride of the Dragon King :: Prelude Little Dino Hide-and-Seek Elysium — 《 MDNI 》 Relentless Conqueror — 《 MDNI 》 it was always you — 《 MDNI 》 but if it's forever, it's even better — 《 MDNI 》 even if the stars fall down pain is all you'll find would you still love me if i was a worm? (and other thought-provoking questions) yours & mine — 《 MDNI 》 Crow in the Bedroom Caller ID Rock-a‐Bye Unhelpful Company you are my favorite mistake — 《 MDNI 》 tag, you’re it — 《 MDNI 》 fly to you like birds do — 《 MDNI 》 Mirror, Mirror — 《 MDNI 》 call me master (and i’ll call you mine) — 《 MDNI 》
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Scenarios, headcanons, sometimes ask box ficlets, yapping, brainrotting, deteriorating...
Beyond Cloudfall: In Another Life Daddy is a Kitty? Taking Little Birdie to the Amusement Park Sylus' reaction to his daughter making a (boy) friend at the park Horny Tribal!Sylus Thoughts — 《 MDNI 》
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All Love and Deepspace fanfics are posted only on Tumblr (@starmocha) and AO3 (loveppears (108am)). They will always be cross-posted to one another. Stories are prohibited from being posted elsewhere and I do not allow translations of my works under any circumstances. Reblogs are ok and encouraged! ♡
Thanks for reading! ☆
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still--kicking · 3 days ago
I’d love to see your klance fic rec!!! I was BIG into the show/fandom back in 2018 but mostly read wattpad ones back then (tragic, I know… still read Dirty Laundry though), so if you have recs from the last 6 years (omg it’s been so long wtf) I’d love too see them!!!
if you're just getting back into klance fics I'm going to hit you with my list of must-reads, I've posted about some of these before but I'll include some new ones too!! all of these are by authors I've read and loved multiple fics by so if you enjoy them check out the author's pages :)
Dear Reader by heavily_caffeinated (80,982 words, rated M) this one is wildly popular in the fandom and absolutely deserves to be, it's a college au where Keith is a jaded psychology student and Lance is an education major, and someone starts posting scathing but anonymous complaints about the university on the school's tumblr page, and when Lance starts being mentioned frequently by the anonymous writer he enlists Keith's help to find out who it is
after dear reader I highly recommend reading caf's other works, A King and His Fisherman and Silver Bells are two popular ones but their shorter fics are excellent too!!
if I ever don't recommend There, Nestled Against His Pulse by hiuythn (55,081 words, rated T) when I'm asked about my favorite klance fics, assume I've been replaced by an imposter. this is a canon compliant soulmate au where the first and last words your soulmate says to you are written on your wrists, and Keith's last words make him believe he's going to kill his soulmate so he does everything in his power not to find his soulmate
Follow My Lead by klancekorner (117,792 words, rated M) is another long time fave, I'm going to just copy paste the description from ao3: "a Friends w/ Benefits AU where Lance wears sleeveless hoodies, plays basketball in abandoned parking lots, and follows his dreams, and Keith comes from a high class, reputable family who never let him have any dreams of his own. They go home with each other and don't expect it to matter until it totally does."
I'd also recommend Hearts Don't Break Around Here by this author, it's a childhood friends au that I absolutely adore and it follows Keith and Lance through their childhood and into adulthood together
if you're looking for something spicy, Heatwaves on Autopilot (58,493 words, rated E) and Crowd Pleaser (129,169 words, rated E) by WhatTheBodyGraspsNot are both great ones. heatwaves is in-universe where Keith and Lance inhale an alien aphrodisiac by accident that makes them horny at the same times and crowd pleaser is an au where Keith gets a bartending job at a male strip club where Lance is the most popular dancer. this one includes an abusive relationship between Keith and an oc for part of the fic so check the tags before you read <3
some other authors to check out are iybms, existwounds, shatterinseconds, and SirCumference
hopefully this is a helpful reintroduction to the fandom, and if you have any other requests don't hesitate to ask again!! I hope you enjoy <3
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slytherinbangchan · 3 days ago
SlytheringBangchan's reads you can't find on tumblr
First of all, hi! In case there's someone reading this who doesn't follow me. I've been writing for Skz and Nct since 2018💕 I used to write for other groups too, though~ This post is mostly Nct cause I feel like I've yet to reach the Nctzen side of tumblr (which is why I mostly post these on Ao3) but if some of my followers are Czennies please take a look and share~
My works on Ao3~ Inked Dreams (���🍆💕)
(Tattoo!Artist Au//College!Au):
Probably one of my fave works in general~ A NCT Dream Tattooist!Au where the Dreamies are college's heartthrobs and most likely will steal your heart whenever you less expect it. Pairings: 7Dream x diff fem readers.
It's focused in a different reader x member/members per Arc but EVERYTHING is connected since they're all in the same AU~ if you started readind this here, you may be aware that I stopped posting it on tumblr for lack of interaction but know that there're a lot more chapters posted on Ao3❣ (Currently 28 chapters)
<<Inked Dreams link here>> (Don't read the tags on ao3 if you don't want spoilers)
The Summer We All Turned Pretty(🔞🍆💕)
Summer!Au // Childhood friends to lovers!Au You've spent your every summer in a huge house at the beach with a bunch of guys you've been friends with since you were a baby. After some years not being able to get everyone in the summer house due to "schedule incompatibilities", you finally get to see all of the guys together again this year. Will partying with the neighbors bring up some old affairs?
It's completed. I'll be posting an epilogue at some point but that's all. Read the notes in last chapter (9) for more details on the epilogue and possible extras💕 It's a reverse harem type of fic most of the time. I'm not stating the members in the harem to avoid spoilers but the main characters are: Fem reader, Lee Haechan, Park Jisung, Mark Lee, Lee Taeyong, Kim Doyoung, Byun Baekhyun, Bangchan, Kim Seungmin, Hwang Hyunjin, Lee Felix, Yang Jeongin, Seo Changbin. I know it may sound like a weird mix, but please trust me on this and give it a chance💕 (Inspired by Jenny Han's "The Summer I Turned Pretty") <<The Summer We all Turned Pretty link>>
São Paulo. (Fuckboy Haechan🔞🍆💕)
Named after The Weeknd's "São Paulo" song. It is an Au where Haechan could be considered a fuckboy, but it's not your typical fuckboy!Au
This is a new fic I've been working on and I'm really excited to share it so I'd be eternally grateful if you'd read it and leave some comments/kudos💕
It'll have 3-4 chapters probably and I'll be posting chap2 soon~
The main character/reader is a chubby girl. There's no specific plot around the reader being chubby, I just felt like writing for this type of body this time💕
<<São Paulo Link>> Double Kill (🔞🍆💕)
You and Baekhyun have been friends since your college days. After some ugly relationships you both decided back then to stop thinking about dating and just going out and have fun every chance you got with anyone you'd fancy. Now, years later and still pretty much afraid of commitment, your ritual remains the same. Then one night, someone special caught your eye...
Multiple pairings: Fem reader x Lee Haechan / Byun Baekhyun / Mark lee. Byun Baekhyun x ten / Taeyong.
<<Double Kill Link>>
agapē (🔞🍆💕) (Fallen Angel Lee Taeyong)
Believe it or not, I wrote this inspired by the Señorita dance cover Taeyong did a long time ago~ It's a one shot, kinda steamy, full of feelings too. Keep either red haired Taeyong or pink haired Taeyong on your head while you read it, hahah💘 <<agapē Link>>
That's all for now! Of course comments/kudos are highly appreciated on all of my works, same as reblogs and likes here~
In Other News:
SKZ Projects I want to bring to Ao3 apart from the ones that are already there: SKZ Tattoo Artist!Au (Rewritten for ao3) SKZ Benders!Au. Ryuusei (Rewritten for Ao3)
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gege-wondering-around · 2 days ago
Third Penny Prompt work is out!
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Pick Me Up When Our Eyes Meet
When Derek gets the chance to save Stiles from the Nogitsune, he doesn't think twice about trying to rescue him by sharing their minds, but he doesn't really think through the consequences of what he'd end up doing for his packmate, which leave Stiles with another problem at hand when he wakes besides a motionless Derek Hale, pale as the death. Now, he has to find a way to wake him up and seal the fox spirit away from them both.
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Category: M/M Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | Derek Hale & Stiles Stilinski Characters: Derek Hale | Stiles Stilinski | Alan Deaton | Nogitsune (Teen Wolf) | Minor Characters Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence | Friends to Lovers | Demonic Possession | Mutual Pining | Hurt Derek Hale | Hurt Stiles Stilinski | Hurt/Comfort | Emotional Manipulation | Possessive Behavior | in part two | Not Beta Read | Blood and Violence | Guilt | Getting Together | Tumblr Prompt | Stiles Stilinski Takes Care Of Derek Hale | Derek Hale Takes Care of Stiles Stilinski | Protective Derek Hale | They Are Married Your Honor | Everyone Needs A Hug | Other Additional Tags to Be Added | Spark Stiles Stilinski | Magical Stiles Stilinski | BAMF Stiles Stilinski | Overprotective Stiles Stilinski | Cuddling & Snuggling Language: English Collections: Penny Prompts Words: 8,802 Chapters: 1/2
alright everyone! this work is for @dontcallpanic who had submitted to me a prompt a while back and that i'm still working on, but this is the first half of it! i hope it can be a good start to get back into writing and i really think it is, besides, lemme know what you think if you read it!
plus, does anyone knows why the link doesn't do the box-y thing????
and here's the usual pretty reminder to @jadezdominion for my usual 'new work post' and i hope @sterekloverforever and @patolemus dont mind if i tag them! maybe you'll like this work too!
this said, have a nice read if you decide to join in on the ride!
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y2kweens · 2 days ago
y2kbbie is back 💗
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header by @hcneymoonsavenue
hi everyone! 👋🏼
i used to be @y2kbbie but i lost access to that account. i'm going to tag a couple of people i remember interacting with on that account, but there is absolutely no pressure into sharing this if you are tagged.
@scarlettspectra @gea-chan96 @lilithlinen (if i forgot u, i am very sorry)
i hope to reconnect with some old friends. my aim is to be more active in the tumblr community with the new fandoms including the keanuverse posts to fully enjoy the process of writing.
anyway, expect me to post the following: marvel/the mcu, keanuverse, the last of us (show or game), or the x-files
thank you for taking your time to read this! here's a cookie 🍪
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critters-collection · 8 days ago
I'm trying to make a catalog of whatever not art school related work I have the time to do, and as I have a bit of a twst obsession this is probably gonna be mostly about this perfect wonderful game for the foreseeable future I'll post whatever I have on hand, messy and quick doodles -like this one- or actual illustrations and designs I put effort in (I'm partly doing this to force myself to look the stuff I'm not satisfied with in the eyes and resist the urge to throw it away) ANYWAY I originally made this thing because I wanted to best communicate my opinion in a "twst alcohol hc" poll post, but recycling's good for the worms so here it is See, my enlightened vision is that as much as Lilia can daintily swing a sparkling fairy wine flute, I headcanon him to chug down ginormous mugs of gnome mead bigger than his head Like, in my mind, during Malleus's post-hatching childhood he spent way too many nights hanging out in burrow pubs with the smaller/wilder kinds of nocturnal faes to gossip with bog hags, get shitfaced with or without a goblin party, or if tipsy enough to butt heads with grouchy reactionaries (I picture this gnome to not have politically correct views on the peace treaty)
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I zoomed in on the pixies because. Because I like pixies.
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I also like this guy, he's probably stationed as a guard but he'd have made a good foot soldier
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goatsandgangsters · 2 years ago
how to find literally any post on a blog in seconds (on desktop)
there are so many posts about ~tumblr is so broken, you can’t find any post on your own blog, it’s impossible, bluhrblub~
I am here to tell you otherwise! it is in fact INCREDIBLY easy to find a post on a blog if you’re on desktop/browser and you know what you’re doing:
url.tumblr.com/tagged/croissant will bring up EVERY post on the blog tagged with the specific and exact phrase #croissant. every single post, every single time. in chronological order starting with the most recent post. note: it will not find #croissants or that time you made the typo #croidnssants. for a tag with multiple words, it’s just /tagged/my-croissant and it will show you everything with the exact phrase #my croissant
url.tumblr.com/tagged/croissant/chrono will bring up EVERY post on the blog tagged with the exact phrase #croissant, but it will show them in reverse order with the oldest first 
url.tumblr.com/search/croissant isn’t as perfect at finding everything, but it’s generally loads better than the search on mobile. it will find a good array of posts that have the word croissant in them somewhere. could be in the body of the post (op captioned it “look at my croissant”) or in the tags (#man I want a croissant). it won’t necessarily find EVERYTHING like /tagged/ does, but I find it’s still more reliable than search on mobile. you can sometimes even find posts by a specific user by searching their url. also, unlike whatever random assortment tumblr mobile pulls up, it will still show them in a more logically chronological order
url.tumblr.com/day/2020/11/05 will show you every post on the blog from november 5th, 2020, in case you’re taking a break from croissants to look for destiel election memes 
url.tumblr.com/archive/ is search paradise. easily go to a particular month and see all posts as thumbnails! search by post type! search by tags but as thumbnails now
url.tumblr.com/archive/filter-by/audio will show you every audio post on your blog (you can also filter by other post types). sometimes a little imperfect if you’re looking for a video when the op embedded the video in a text post instead of posting as a video post, etc
url.tumblr.com/archive/tagged/croissant will show you EVERY post on the blog tagged with the specific and exact phrase #croissant, but it will show you them in the archive thumbnail view divided by months. very useful if you’re looking for a specific picture of a croissant that was reblogged 6 months ago and want to be able to scan for it quickly 
url.tumblr.com/archive/filter-by/audio/tagged/croissant will show you every audio post tagged with the specific phrase #croissant (you can also filter by photo or text instead, because I don’t know why you have audio posts tagged croissant) 
the tag system on desktop tumblr is GENUINELY amazing for searching within a specific blog! 
caveat: this assumes a person HAS a desktop theme (or “custom theme”) enabled. a “custom theme” is url.tumblr.com, as opposed to tumblr.com/url. I’ve heard you have to opt-into the former now, when it used to be the default, so not everyone HAS a custom theme where you can use all those neat url tricks. 
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if the person doesn’t have a “custom theme” enabled, you’re beholden to the search bar. still, I’ve found the search bar on tumblr.com/url is WAY more reliable than search on mobile. for starters, it tends to bring posts up in a sensible order, instead of dredging up random posts from 2013 before anything else
if you’re on mobile, I’m sorry. godspeed and good luck finding anything. (my one tip is that if you’re able to click ON a tag rather than go through the search bar, you’ll have better luck. if your mutual has recently reblogged a post tagged #croissant, you can click #croissant and it’ll bring up everything tagged #croissant just like /tagged/croissant. but if there’s no readily available tag to click on, you have to rely on the mobile search bar and its weird bizarre whims) 
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redraccoondog · 2 years ago
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Yes THIS but since Rauru has the exact same energy as my literal dad he would consistently replace Link’s name with another random four-letter word that starts with L and be completely serious about it every time, LIKE SO:
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[original post x] @somehowmags​
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murkying · 2 months ago
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redstone supervisor
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littlefankingdom · 1 month ago
One of the thing I hate the most about the batfam fanon is the very popular belief that Crime Alley is Red Hood's territory only and that they love him more than Batman, or even hate Batman.
And sure, you are free to have headcanons, but when those diminish other characters so you can uplift your blorbo, or disregard other characters' morals so your blorbo is loved by everyone, it's an issue.
First, do you realize for how long Batman has been operating in Gotham and Crime Alley? He has been there for Crime Alley's folks for so long! There's this great episode of Batman: The Animated Series where Batman protects and saves Crime Alley folks when a business tycoon is set on destroying their homes. He is also shown to go visit Leslie Thompson as Batman, and helps her as Batman. ("Appointment in Crime Alley" is the episode, GO WATCH IT) In the comics, it is redundant that Bruce spend each anniversary of his parents' murder in Crime Alley as Batman. That's literally how he got Jason. He doesn't just beat up criminals, he shows up to protect the people there, from the elite just as much as common criminals. Bruce, as Batman, has been seen by Crime Alley folks helping Leslie multiple time and listening to her. In No Man's Land, the poorest population of Gotham cannot leave, and who shows up to help and protect them? BATMAN (with Huntress and Batgirl, the boys are out of town) He is the one to save them, to bring them food and medecine, to take them to Leslie. He is not letting a single one of them die and suffer more. And you're telling me people in Crime Alley don't like Batman???
Secondly, people don't feel safe around cops because they kill people who have committed crimes or are criminals in their eyes. The thing about cops is that, the system should held them accountable for that, because they work for the government. Red Hood is doing the same shit, but he cannot be held accountable. This is literally one of the canon reasons Batman cannot kill. How the fuck can you think people, especially minorities and poor folks who are the most targeted by police violence, feel safe with a man using the same logic as violent cops but with no authority to stop him. "He only kills REALLY bad people" this is totally not canon, but also, how to people know that? How do you knows that who he sees as really bad people is the same as you and you are safe? Like, racists think black people and arabs are bad people, for example. They have no reason to trust Red Hood, he is just another crime lord doing the same crime lord shit of being like "I'll protect you as long as you are following my rule and paying me money, or else you'll die". Y'all love to call Bruce naïve for believing in the human rights and rehabilitation (Norway is literally doing that shit rn and they are doing so well), but you are naïve if you think everyone in Crime Alley love Red Hood and trust him.
Side note: Bruce is the one financially supporting Leslie's clinic. She has way stricter morals than Bruce (for example, if Bruce killed someone, she would call the cops on him to send him to jail. Bruce wouldn't call the cops on Jason) She would NOT accept Jason's crime money, and she doesn't need it with Bruce backing her. She probably doesn't like Red Hood at all, because he is violent and kills, and if some Crime Alley folks give a fuck about what Leslie thinks, they would also not like him.
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hiddencarpet · 6 months ago
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It took me like 6 years but i Finally drew this old idea of mine.
"What if Dante and Vergil were born as grubs and changed their forms to human-like only with time?"
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