#I'm nervous that my notifications will blow up :b
the-consonant-remover · 6 months
This blog is purely for removing consonants from posts. However, because I don't want to stress myself out, I'll be reblogging from @the-disemvoweler and @the-other-disemvoweler. Let's see how long this lasts lol.
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bumblesimagines · 3 years
Green Thumb
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Part 7
Request: Yes or No
Yeah.. This is most def my least fav chapter. I need to get better at explaining fight scenes and abilities lol
"Hit the three targets at once."
"I can only focus on one-"
"No, no, that's not true. You can do this, (N/N)." You sighed, nodding as you raised your hand, lifting up the three rocks. Clint pointed at each target he had set up. The farm was a great place to practice. You looked at each target, spreading your fingers apart and watching the rocks line up with each target. You thrusted your hand forward, watching the rocks fly forward and hit the center for each one. You grinned, laughing as you heard Laura and Lila cheer from their spot on the porch. Cooper mimicked your movements, feeling Laura pat his head.
"That's what I'm talking about." Clint grinned, ruffling up your hair. You rolled your eyes, looking forward at the targets.
"Now, try out water." Clint said, picking up the bucket and placing it infront of you. You moved your hands infront of you, focusing on the water. The bucket began to shake as the water swirled around.
"Relax." Clint said softly, glancing between you and the bucket. "Don't get nervous or frustrated."
"Okay." You nodded, relaxing your shoulders. You took in a deep breath, eyes closing. You heard Clint let out a suprised chuckle. You opened your eyes, seeing the water in a bubble above the bucket. You slowly pulled your arms apart, watching the water separate into thirds.
"Now, focus on the targets." Clint instructed. You shifted your gaze away from the water, focusing on the targets. You thrusted your hands forward. The water almost reached the targets before falling to the ground.
"Well, better than yesterday." Clint said, hands on his hips. You chuckled, nodding. The only thing you had done was tip the bucket over.
"So.. Natasha mentioned something about you and Wanda." Clint looked at you, cocking a brow. "Do we need to have the talk?"
"Yeah, no. I'm good." You shook your head, chuckling. You rubbed your arm, opening your mouth to speak before you got a notification on your phone. You checked it and sighed.
"New mission?" Clint asked. You nodded, glancing at your mother and siblings.
"I'll try to make it back for dinner."
You fixed your hat, glancing at Wanda as she took a sip of her tea. You heard Steve's voice through the earpiece as you scanned your surroundings.
"What do you see?"
"Standard B cops." Wanda replied, making eye contact with you. You rested your head on your fist, gaze flickering over to the police station.
"Small station.. Quiet street." Wanda added, glancing over her shoulder. "It's a good target."
"There's an atm on the south corner which means-"
"Cameras." You muttered, looking down at the drink in your hand. You listened to Wanda and Steve, looking up when Natasha cut in.
"You guys know I can move things with my mind, right? (Y/N) over here is slowly becoming Father Nature." Wanda said, grinning. You rolled your eyes, shaking your head.
"Looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature." Natasha said, shooting you two a look.
"Anyone ever tell you that you're a little paranoid?" Sam asked.
"Not to my face. Why? Did you hear something?"
"Eyes on the target, folks." Steve cut the chit chat. You continued to look over the people around, frowning.
"Go now."
"Why?" Wanda asked, looking at you in confusion and slight panic.
"He's not hitting the police." Steve answered. You and Wanda stood up, ditching the small cafe area. She grabbed your arm, using her powers to lift both of you into the air. She flew over to the Institute of Dieases, letting go of your arm as you shot out a root to a wall. You were able to swing down to the ground, landing beside her. You swallowed, thrusting your hand forward and blinking when a ball of fire shot out, hitting one of the men back against a truck.
"Now really isn't the time to be figuring out new abilities, (Y/N)." Sam called, knocking out a guy Wanda had thrown up into the air.
"I know." You breathed out. You really hoped the new abilities didn't interfere with the mission. Wanda lifted Steve up to one of the floors, glancing at you.
"You'll gain control of them." She assured you as she used her powers to clear out the gas. You ran a hand through your hair, growing nervous. Sam took up into the air, arms extending downward. You raised your hands, roots shooting up and wrapping around his arms.
"Christ, you're heavy."
"Oh, fuck you, bird boy." You huffed, gripping onto the roots as Sam took off. You definitely still hated flying. You didn't look down until Sam got to the marketplace. You followed Sam, spotting one of the men. You clenched your fist, making the ground under the man split off and rise. Sam flew up, punching the guy off and knocking him out when he landed on the ground. You let the piece of ground down as Sam searched the guy. Sam shook his head, standing. He helped Natasha out with 'Red Wing', getting what the team needed. You rolled your eyes as he and Natasha went back and forth, walking through the market to find Steve. You flinched, looking up and seeing a building with a few floors on fire. You looked forward, seeing Wanda with a hand over her mouth.
"Fuck." You whispered, jogging over to her and placing an arm around her. Wanda stared at the building, eyes watering. You swallowed, rubbing her arm.
"(Y/N), I'm gonna need some water." Steve called. You gently let her go, walking forward. You looked at the fire truck, raising your hands and watching the water. You guided it to the fire, a small smile slipping. You took out the fire, a breath of relief leaving you. You turned towards Wanda, approaching her.
"Come on, let's go." You said softly. She gently grabbed your arm, flying back to the aircraft. You entered and sat down, watching her. Wanda gently rested her head on your shoulder.
"I'll never be an Avenger.. I'll never be good enough to be one." Wanda whispered, staring at the ground. You frowned, giving her arm a squeeze.
"You are good enough, Wanda. You did what you thought was right." You said softly, watching her. Wanda sighed, biting her bottom lip.
"What if sometimes doing what you think is right.. Is actually wrong?"
"There would've been way more casualties if you hadn't done that. Cap might've been hurt too." You pointed out, glancing up when Sam arrived. Natasha and Steve arrived soon after. The ride back was silent apart from Steve and Natasha giving out reports.
"Where should I drop you off, (Y/N)?" Natasha asked, looking over at you.
"Home." You answered. Natasha nodded, looking forward again. You gently nudged Wanda.
"Stay for dinner." You said softly. Wanda gave a small nod, avoiding everyone's gaze. You sighed, glancing at Sam. It had been the first mission as a team. It was technically a success since Natasha had gotten what was needed. You stood up as Natasha lowered the aircraft, letting you and Wanda out. You headed towards the house, entering and sighing.
"You two look exhausted." You turned towards Laura, chuckling softly. Laura gave Wanda a smile. After the mess in Sokovia, Clint had introduced the family to Wanda. She was beyond happy when Clint told her Nathaniels middle name would be Pietro.
"Hi, Laura." Wanda greeted her, leaning in and giving her a hug. Laura smiled, hugging her back.
"You two should take a bath. Come on, you can use some of my clothes." Laura said, smiling and pulling Wanda upstairs. You looked at Clint, rubbing your neck.
"I shot fire out of my hands." You muttered. Clint blinked, staring at you with raised brows.
"The mission was a successful but.. There were accidental casualties." You told him softly. Clint sighed softly, offering a supportive smile.
"I'm sure if you could've prevented it, you would've." Clint said, giving your shoulder a squeeze.
"What if I hurt a teammate by accident? That guy I hit with fire could've easily been Cap or Sam." You frowned, arms crossing. Clint gently pulled you into a hug.
"You won't hurt anyone. You just have to figure out how to make your powers come out when you want them to." Clint leaned back, patting your shoulder. You turned your head, hearing Nathaniel coo and blow raspberries. You smiled softly.
"I'm gonna go shower." You said, heading up the stairs. You entered your room, getting a towel and clothes before entering the bathroom. You turned on the water and sighed, looking into the mirror. You wiped at some ash on your cheek, watching the mirror fog. You stripped and entered the shower, relaxing at the feeling of the hot water. You gently ran your hands over your arms, thoughts drifting back to the fire ball. You turned, letting the water hit your back.
"How the hell am I gonna do that again?" You frowned, watching the water. You cupped your hands, letting water fill in. You licked your lips, focusing on it. The water slowly took a circle form, rising up from your hands. You smiled softly, lifting a finger and touching the side of it. You blinked, lips parting as it slowly turned to ice. You caught it as it dropped, hissing softly.
"Jesus, fuck." You shivered at the coldness, giving it a light squeeze and turning it back to water. The water slipped through your fingers, still cold. You finished showering, drying off and changing. You stepped out of the bathroom, entering your room and noticing Wanda brushing her hair.
"How you feeling?" You asked softly, dropping the dirty clothes into the laundry basket. Wanda shrugged lightly, placing the brush on the bed.
"Fine, I guess.. Can't wait to hear what the media has to say about it." Wanda replied, playing with the hem of the sweater. You took a seat beside her, gently bumping shoulders with her.
"Nobody cares about what the media says. They say we're heroes one day and villains the next." You said, watching her. She nodded, fingers going over the brush. Wanda turned her head, giving you a defeated smile. You stayed silent, taking in her tired features. Wanda slowly leaned in, pressing her lips against yours. She leaned back, humming softly.
"That felt weird." You mumbled, chuckling softly. Wanda nodded, smiling as a small laugh left her.
"We're better as friends."
"Yeah, definitely. Plus, I think Vis likes you." You told her, smiling. Wanda's brows rose, looking at you.
"Really?" She asked with a small smile. You nodded, looking up when Laura peeked in.
"Dinner's ready." She chirped. You got off the bed, helping Wanda up from the bed and heading downstairs for dinner.
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