#I'm like if zane had brown eyes. Practically
taniushka12 · 6 months
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Do you guys think i could pull zane's look? I've got the hair :)
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I spent 4 hours, albeit maybe like 30-45 minutes to eat and talk, but here is 3.3k words of Dragon Kai!
Tw: Kidnapping. Off screen injury to ninja. Derogatory phrases towards ninja (brief).
If Kai could recall the past few years and summerize it up, the only way he could come up with is 'chao, and I'm surpised to say little bloodshed'. There wasn't much happening now, especially witth how little threats there were in Ninjago. Petty crimes was something Pixal was dealing with as Samuri X for the safety, occasionally being joined by Zane or Nya for the thrill.
Currently, Kai was allowing himself to lounge around, arm tucked under his head as he rested on the table, blankly staring to the screen of flashing colors and moving images. He wasn't registering much, aside from small noises that came from his team mates, or distant phrases. This including the approaching footsteps of bouncing steps, quick paced and practically hopping like a bunny rabbit. He cringed to himself at the feigned feeling of what he considered an ear flicking back to the sound. He moved his free hand to rub the affected spot, before giving a quiet hum.
Jay. The steps were too sporadic to be Lloyd's, but too light to be Zane or Cole. Pixal and Nya were out on patrol, so they weren't an option to begin with. With the door flinging open and the yap of enjoyment, Kai couldn't help but smile as he glanced tpwards the door behind him. Bingo, Jay stood in the doorway, a bright smile breaking over his freckled face, showing off a toothy grin. Sharpened canines, electric blue eyes, and staticy, but curly, light brown hair sat in promience to Kai. "Hey, Jay. What's up?"
"I called it! He's in here sulking!" Jay called outside of the room. This caused Kai's own smile to fall, glaring to Jay with confusion, which only amused his future brother-in-law. "I'm not sulking! I'm watching TV!"
"With the lights off. On a show you don't like. And not even paying attention to it!" Jay fired back, with Kai rolling his eyes and resting back on his arm.
"Can't I just relax a little with background noise?"
"That's called sulking!"
"I'm not sulking!"
With a sharp turn, Kai spotted Cole standing behind Jay, arms crossed over front, and an amused smile on his face. Dark skin contrasted against Jay's much lighter tone, the slight red-tone to his arms and up his shoulders was always so noticable to Kai, even more now with the man in nothing but a tank top. Deep brown eyes wiith the slightest bit of green tinting them trailed to the green mark on his left temple, showing and glowing from behind the braid that lead to a braided crown of his hair. Kai rolled hiis eyes at the amused look, flopping down dramatically onto the table to earn a laugh.
It worked beautifully, and as he planned, hearing Cole's laugh from behind Jay, and te same, quick steps over to Kai. Air wooshed around Jay from beside Kai, indicating the other was sat down. Which, he was, right in Kia's view.. Right in Kai's reach.. With a smirk, Kai wrapped his arms around Jay before the other could talk or react, earning a surpised yelp as he was toppled onto his back, with Kai's arms around him and the fire master nuzzling into his jaw. The more giggling and laughing he could pull from Jay, the more he continued with the nuzzling, pleas and begs leaving Jay for Kai to stop.
Only when Jay was near tears did Kai stop nuzzling, pulling away to look at the giggling ninja. He gave his own toothy grin, his naturally sharp teeth showing at the top, hiding their points and consciously having to make sure he didn'tt give them away. Inhuman features was common amongst the ninja, but he still grew self conscious about the sharpened points. The scars and stings inside his cheeks and across his tongue had a lot of say in it. Still confused himself of why, but chalked it up to genetics.
He lifted himself off of Jay, stretching out the stiffness of his back in the process with a small and pleased hum at the breathless nature of Jay still. He watched carefully as Cole made his way over to the nearby couch, sitting on the farthest cushion to the left, claimed as 'his spot'. Not really, but they always sat in the same spots, with minor tradde outs here and there. Kai, Lloyd, and Jay cycled between the floor, the chair, the couch, and the bean bag. Cole sat on the far left, and Zane on the far right. Nya, whenever she joined, would take the bean bag, and Pixal on the floor, or leaned against the wall, depending on how long she felt like sticking around, before predictably leaving towards the garage or her room to tinker around.
Right now, though, Kai wanted the couch. He wanted to be in the middle to keep a watchful eye. So, once Cole got himself settled into the couch, Kai's amber eyes gave a certain glint, before he all but pounced onto the couch, shuffling to rest his head on Cole's thigh. This, of course, earned a chuckle from Cole, taking this as just some odd phase of wanting to be near, before bringing his left hand down to pet at Kai's gelled hair. Never failed to shock him at how soft Kai's hair felt, despite the gell. He knew better than to comment on the nature of Kai, not wanting to get rid of the practical heating pad during the turn of autumn, so he kept quiet and watched Jay move around with a content smile.
Kai's and Cole's eyes were both trained on Jay, watching as he plugged up the console and plopped in a game cartridge into the slot, before powering the console on. He grabbed four controllers from the shelf nearby, powering them on one by one and setting them on the ground nearby. The only thing that broke Cole's focus from the game powering on was a whiff of sweets, a mixture of different kinds that made his mouth water and eyes widen. Especially when seeing Zane walk in with a two plates of cookies, one being chocolate chips and the other red velvet, and Lloyd behind him with a plate of brownies, some brownie on his right by his lip, and his bag of sweets that he's continuously collected over the past few days.
The plates got set carefully on the table by the nindroid, said ninja giving a polite tap to Kai's knee to urge him to move, which Kai did without complaint and sat up, and Lloyd sat down on the bean bag chair near Cole. Jay soon handed controllers off, one being held for himself and Lloyd all but snatching the second one from Jay's hand. Cole grabbed one while leaning over to grab a brownie, shoving one in his mouth and grabbing a second without a second thought, and it was a toss up for the forth. Zane or Kai coul get it, and while Zane offered to wait, Kai said he wasn't wanting to game at the moment, but was more than willing to watch.
The slightest smile that graced Zane's lips as he grabbed and thanked Jay for the controller made Kai's entire being warm up just a little bit more. The right choice was made. Jay remained on the floor, on the other side of the table, but he was laid down on his side, in what was deemed as 'the Jay pose'. Rustling of wrappers from Lloyd's bag made Kai chuckle under his breath, grabbing the entire plate of red velvet cookies and beginning to eat on them, relaxing as the white chocolate and velvet mixed together to create a wonderful effect. He slouched back on the couch, barely focusing on the screen as he watched Jay tap around for the cookie plate from time to time, Lloyd with a lollipop stick hanging out of his mouth, Cole slowly scarfing down the plate of brownies and cookies, reserving just a few of the brownies for Jay and Lloyd, and Zane smiling at the screen when he thought no one was looking.
This was a day off, and Kai loved it...
The twitch happened again, snapping backwards and almost staying there, which got Kai's attention. He glanced over to the screen, as well as making sure each of the others were there, aside from Nya and Pixal. The giggling, laughing, and playful yelling. No one was worried, no one heard anything. Yet, there was a feeling of evergrowing protectiveness bubbling in his chest and throat, mouth almost becoming dry. His senses were beginning to scream at him, as the fre master set down the half empty plate of cookies, moving swiftly to stand up and leave the room. He earned a confused glance from Zane, but Kai only dismissively shook his head to the other, as if not to worry. Of course, this made Zane worry, but he focused back to the screen of gameplay instead for the time being.
Once outside of the room, shutting the door carefully, Kai tilted his head a bit in confusion as how eerily quiet it sounded, aside from the yelling of Jay's rage, Lloyd's retaliation, and Cole's hearty laughter from the closed door. Shouldn't Nya and Pixal been back by now? A shudder ran down his spine as he moved cautiously around their living space, checking in every location and straining his ears to listen for any sort of noise to get the location of the two females, his sister and Zane's lover. Part of his family. Missing? No, no.. No?
Moving into the garage, he found no signs of them entering again, which made Kai progressively more concerned. He moved swiftly over to the table, typing on the computer that laid there fo location of the Samuri X gear. Car, garage. Mech suit, repairs. Suit, missing. Bike, missing... Wait a minute..
Looking at the log again, seeing that the locators were not only removed, but completely busted and only showing last known location, which was seen around thirty minutes ago. He felt his heart sink with worry at that, frowning at the results and glancing to the door. They had just gotten relaxed, but.. One more glance to the monitor, the protective urge once again filled him, almost feeling sufficated by the feeling, and that was all the motivation he needed to rush off back to the game room.
"Guys! The girls are-" Kai paused as he flung the door open, eyes wide as he stared at the now empty room. His body tensed up as he could see clear signs of struggle, his nerves and mind screaming and burning him from the inside out. Where? Where are they?! Sick joke, call a sick joke, now! He moved into the room a bit more, seeing how much struggle there actually was, and-
His vision went black.
How much time had passed? He didn't know. He didn't care to know. He wanted to know where his family was. Where are they?
A deep groan left Kai as his eyes opened up, aching beginning to spead all over his body. He became acutly aware of the cold chains that had a hold on his wrists, using his tired limbs to sit up from the equally, if not colder, ground. He blinked away the water that had began building in his eyes, looking around to see the others in a similar state as he was.. Only, the bruise around Jay's eyes caused Kai to whimper a little to himself, the out of breath nature of Nya made him worry more. Seeing Zane and Pixal tied together in a forcedown state, only allowed to see made Kai tug at his chains, Cole's continuous but forced back whines and whimpers from breathing.. Lloyd shoved in a cage with a angry but sorrowful look..
The string was being pulled tighter within Kai's chest, tugging at the chains with a purpose to try and get free. The more noise he made, the more attention he dragged to himself. The more attention he gained, the more time the others had. With that, he continued, twisting his chest forward and pulling his arms in front of him to try and bust free. Going as far as to turn around and tug with all of his weight. Nothing. THe chains were stuck.
The twitched happened again, causing that string to get a little tighter, small strands breaking within the string as he heard voices. Still, he kept it up, every single sense beginning to burn. Get them free, get hem to safety. None of them deserve this! The burning only got hotter as he heard Nya all but pleading in a whisper for him to stop. "It's hopeless. We're stuck, for good this time." More little strands broke at how heart broken Nya's voice sounded. He looked to her, a fire burning even more within him. No, no! He wasn't giving up! They weren't safe- They weren't safe!
"Well, well. It's about time." Kai could feel his ears burning. The twitch directed right to the voice, not caring who or what. Everything within him continued to burn, the protectiveness beginning to suffocate him again as he yanked at the chains harder, ignoring the pain that spiked through his wrist. They weren't safe yet. His hoard was under attack.
"Which one should we start with? One of those pesky robots over there? Or the sorry excuse of a master?" The malicous tones.. Those words.. The chains began to rattle, seething at how they dared talked about his family. His hoard. They were his! They were his!
"Ohh, how about the Mrs. Rain-Threat over there?"
That. Was. IT! THAT WAS IT!!
The string snapped, a yell leaving him at first, but the yell was quick to shift to an angry roar. As quick as the chains tightened, they snapped pathetically from the rapid growing size of Kai. His! They were his! Standing between the cage that captured Lloyd and the foes, he stood tall, and angry, above their captors.
Deep, orange eyes peirced through the foes, teeth bared to show just how sharp they were in dragon form. Smoke left through the gaps of his teeth threateningly, deep growls leaving his throat. Black, glittering scales trailed down his neck and belly, filling it out with the occasional gold and red around. On his back, down his head and spine, various shades of red filled out, with those same gold scales decorating around. The inside of his wings seemed to mix the black, gold, and red, making it looks as though lava rivers were running down mountains.
It would look beautiful, if it weren't for the fact that this said dragon was pissed. A threatening growl left the ground rumbling just slightly, leaning his large head down to the quaking threats, before blowing smoke in their faces with his nostrils. This caused the two to cough, before their eyes widened and they ran for the hills. The metal clang of keys made Kai perk up just a bit, looking to the ground and carefully grabbing the key ring.
Jay knew how to power Pixal and Zane back on, so he dropped the keys in Jay's reach, nudging it closer when he saw the other not paying attention to him dropping them in the first place. He was staring, wide eyes and shocked, mouth agape, and not even breathing. Why was he..? Kai took a moment to back up, sitting back on his haunches as he looked to his hands, his wrist beginning to burn with pain the transfomation, the pressure he had on it, and the fact that he knew it would take longer to heal from turning back and forth.. Turning back and..?
His eyes widened in realization, it hitting him why Jay was staring in shock. Kai wasn't in Kai form. The string had been pulled so tight it snapped and crumbled at the degrading phrases of their captors towards his family. Not only that, Kai was massive compared to their dragons before, rivaling Firstborne, despite his age. Upon this realization, he dropped back down to all fours, the silence becoming an annoyance, as he curled on himself as tightly as he could. His wings rested on his back, tucked tightly, as he looked to Lloyd. The same shocked reaction, causing him to look away, becoming more ashamed of this form by the second.
The rustling of chains boke the silence, finally, and Jay made his way to Cole, undoing the other's cuffs, before moving to Zane and Pixal and doing the same. He handed the keys to the newly freed earth ninja, working swiftly and easily on releasing the code's force hold. Cole worked just as quickly to release Nya and Lloyd from their physical holds, the large dragon watching this happen with a careful eye. Safe... Safe.. They're safe again..
No... No, they're not safe.. Not from this.. Kai could easily crush one of them underneath his paw by accident..
"Dude.." Cole finally spoke up, breaking Kai from his thoughts and turning to see Cole.. Admiring his scaling? He seemed in awe rather than shocked like before, and carefully, he reached his head up to graze Kai's body with the scales, taking in the texture. Rough bumps made the edges a bit spiked, while the remainder of the scale itself was smooth. Taking another look around, he saw Lloyd near his wings on the other side.
Cautiously, Kai opened up one of the wings, allowing the scales to glitter. This caused Lloyd to gasp, the same one he did when he saw a new print of a Starfire comic book for sale, in admiration and excitement. He glanced over when he heard bouncing and hops, before quickly catching up on hearing Jay beginning to ramble about how cool this was, Nya right beside him to try and shush him. No avail, Jay was too excited.
"Well.. This does explain a lot of your more odd natures." Zane said, the group chuckling as this got an offended 'what's that supposed to mean?' look from Kai himself. "I mean that in a nice way. Your cocky and proud nature, stubbornness, and I'm guessing you becoming so protective of all of us.."
"We have become part of Kai's hoard, like how Lloyd hoards his candy away." Pixal picked up, with Zane nodding in agreement. Jay's eyes practically grew stars in them, looking at Kai swiftly. "You DO care for us!" Still, Nya tried to calm her over excited yin. Kai smiled, before slowly and carefully standing up, being careful of his right forepaw from the stinging and heated feeling it gave. He tucked his wing back on himself, moving over to a nearby wall and nudging his way easily through it, grabbing Pixal's bike up ad settling it down. No damage other than the locator, two seater.
"If Kai's comfortable with it, two can ride on the Samurai X bike, and the rest on his back. We can make it home safely and together that way." Pixal suggested, Kai noticably perking up at the word 'safe'. Safe.. They'd all be safe!
"I CALL KAI!" Jay yelled out, causing Nya to roll her eyes, glancing over to Pixal and shaking her head softly. Despite how logical and calm Zane tried to be, Jay's excitment was becoming infectious, along with the new knowledge of Kai being a dragon and wanting to ramble about how similar it was- He burst into a sprint as soon as he saw Kaai lower himself down and spreaed his wing out for the other's to climb on. Lloyd and Cole, being the closest, managed to get on first, followed by Jay being next and Zane hesitating. Kai, however, didn't allow it to settle for long, swivling his head around to pick the nindroid up and settle him down in an open spot.
The crank of the bike, Kai glanced over to spot Pixal and Nya on the bike, helmets on, with Pixal as the rider. She gave a nod to Kai, who gave a nod back, and opened his wings up, catching air and making it out of the opening of the roof. A victorious roar rumbled through Kai's chest, hearing te cheers of the other four on his back. The engine and flying of the bike calmed him that Nya and Pixal were there, beginning to fly overhead and lead the way back to their home.
Safe.. His family was safe again..
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mcmusing · 3 years
While Neal Caffrey is more of an eccentric toddler, Mike Ross often comes off as a preteen with hormones raging at random. The second he catches even a whiff of a father figure in Harvey, he doesn't just enjoy his attention the way Neal does with Peter. Mike practically mandates it from Harvey. He always wants to be in Harvey's presence, gets extremely territorial if another associate even glances in the man's direction, and quickly becomes spoiled by Harvey's every kind gesture towards him. Mike seldom takes prompt responsibility for anything and tries to pass the blame whenever he gets into trouble. This isn't criticism of Mike but observational puzzle pieces coming together.
Even more, this is far and away from accusing Harvey of 'making Mike' this way. Harvey vows loyalty in exchange for loyalty. He is an absolute man of his word in this regard. As far as Mike is concerned, Harvey is his only strong male influence after nearly two decades of being without one. As their relationship grows, Harvey becomes Mike's only family. He is the adopted elder tasked with handling the issues of his protege/brother/son that Harvey himself did not create.
Unlike Jessica, the volatile Louis, or the Zanes- Rachel's parents he has to impress 24/7, Harvey is the one adult Mike can be raw and real with. This causes him to wrongly aim a lot of his frustration Harvey's way. Being the spectacular alpha he is, Harvey is able to deal with Mike at his worst and remain mostly patient with him. As grating as some of Mike's behavior can be, it's true to life with his stunted emotions. Such a thing is next to never addressed in media.
All of that said, I'm proud to admit there's a special place in my heart for Suits Season 1 Harvey. He swore at times to cement a point, but he never really yelled. In fact, his calm but dominating demeanor and cryptic nature made him uniquely intimidating.
As with Peter, here are some Season 1 moments of Harvey's version of mentoring while actually raising a delayed child:
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Mike's really behind, isn't he? I learned this in early high school.
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As funny and sweet as this interaction is, it's strange that Mike would be so comfortable acting this juvenile with a boss he hasn't even had a week. He certainly freezes and settles down in Jessica's presence. Evidently, there's some sort of platonic soulmateship between the two guys since the second Mike sat down for that impromptu interview.
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If you ever want proof that an authority figure is worthy of your respect, here ya go. Harvey subscribes to 'do as I say, not as I do' quite often, but displays integrity where it counts.
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Able to scold and show concern in a single bound. Love how Harvey's basically saying....
Harvey: Have you been in the sun too long? You know your fair skin is sensitive.
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Eh boy, the calm but firm 'look at me' demand. Mike even, likely subconsciously, tries leveling their heights as he complies, but the meager effort is powerless against Harvey's Boss Brown Eyes.
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More to come, but the first two episodes are loaded with these.
Say no to suicide and Suit up 💓
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saw a meme that said "post 20 first lines of writing projects you're working on" and who am I to wait to be tagged in a meme that looks fun
so! first lines under the cut because twenty of anything is a lot of anything
"I'm doing my homework with my headphones on but no music,"
or else, ""Two days after I get expelled from the co-op, Ms. Warren comes to the house again," depending on which draft you like.
2. "Twelve hours after Robert Thompson is shot in broad daylight, you fly back home on a crowded flight"
3. "Molly and Zane are hiding from the ghost."
4. "When Marlee was seven and Seth was eight, Miss Ashley called them into her big office with the leather chairs and potted plants."
5. "On her last day of school, Quinn woke up to the security alarm blaring and then abrupt, jarring silence."
6. "Claire remembers, before Evolve, thin hospital sheets, a bed with buttons, lots of tubes full of her blood, a black dog in a blue vest."
7. "Sonia dreams she is trying to escape the bunker."
8. "Cooper dreams he is zipping and clasping first Luke and then Emmy into their spacesuits, impossibly small spacesuits, but in the dream they’re just there, hanging on a hook."
9. "It is five-thirty on a Thursday and Eleanor is caught between anxieties, twisting in different directions like a fish on multiple hooks. 
10. "They called me a misanthrope in the papers, which is bullshit."
11. "Cait held the baby on her lap and watched through the screen door as Amber stepped into the chalk circle Jack had drawn. "
12. "Eliana hums to herself as she operates, steady-handed, on the anesthetized mice."
13. "It was Molly who discovered that the magic mirror runs on trigonometry."
14. "Mama didn't want the new king to visit, but that didn't matter."
15. "Lucy cracks quail eggs into the pan and there's a cup of nutty tea steeping on the counter."
16. "Ana sat on the near-empty trolley, eyes still sore behind the black plastic glasses they had given her at the clinic, and practiced her name in her head."
17. "Stella is learning how to be a person for the third time."
18."Elly was whisking bad fake eggs when Pastor Gwendolyn cursed loudly, startling frightened giggles out of the younger children."
19. "Julia Nolan is trying to do her homework on the bus when the little brown frog plops on the windshield and startles the driver." 
20. “I’m going to the airport,” Dad says, and Mama, who is making her own birthday cake, turns to him, quirking her eyebrow to ask a question.
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