#I'm legit considering spending a lot of money to get one...
coolerhope · 2 months
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king--dom · 18 days
"Goddammit Caleb, fuck off. I really thought you were different"
"This IS different! We've been friends forever, Lucy! I was one of the first people you came out to and I've been by your side for years!"
"Waiting for your chance, evidently!"
"Is it such a crime to wanna help my friends start a family?"
"It should be to pretend to be someone's friend just to be 'the one man'."
"You said yourself that IVF is too damn expensive!"
"Yeah, and that me and Amanda gonna save up for it "
"But what if you don't have to? It could take way longer than you expect and with the way politics are going, it may not be an option in a few years."
"Then why don't you help us pay for it if you care so damn much?"
"I would if that's what you needed! But if we don't HAVE to spend the money and if my genes are as good as anybody's and--"
"And if you get to fuck your lesbian couple friends."
"Only to help start your family!"
"Yeah, I'm sure you'll keep insisting we 'make sure' until we start showing."
"They came out with an app that alerts you the second your pregnant, so it would just be until the alert goes off"
"Oh my fucking god...you realize Amanda is the one who's gonna carry the baby right? This still isn't your chance to fuck your old crush"
"Like I've been saying, that's not what this is. And y'know before she came out I--"
"Shut up before I hear something you'll regret. That's my wife you fucker"
"Alright, just promise you'll talk it over with her, okay?"
"What makes you think she'll agree?"
"I don't necessarily think she will, but I still want to offer any help I can"
"Ugh, fine. But don't get your hopes up."
"Babe you can't be serious."
"Lucy, I know you're stressed out trying to save money, but I don't think he's being underhanded."
"I'm not talking about that! I got over that, he's just a ridiculous dork. I mean you can't seriously be considering fucking that goober."
"To save a quarter year's wages? Maybe. It doesn't have to be a big production, it's just sex"
"But it's more than just sex. I don't know, sex with you is something really important and special to me. Him just giving you a boring fuck is almost worse than you having sex with a man in general."
"So you'd rather he seduce me and blow my mind?"
"I'd rather put a baby in you myself! Stop laughing!"
"I'm sorry babe, I know you're much more of a man-hater than me but I really don't see the big deal."
"Oh yeah? You're the one with a nonstop libido, I figured it'd be a pretty big deal to you"
"Stop~ you might get me riled up haha. I've looked into that app, y'know. It's legit, it even tracks orgasms. Why don't I set it up and you can see just how much you've got me wrapped around your finger. Would you feel less scared that your best friend will steal me away then?"
"Pff, he doesn't scare me. Fine, let's see if it works and if it does I'll tell Caleb he's got a chance at being a donor."
"You seem a lot more chipper today"
"Let's just say it's nice to put numbers on how good of a top you are"
"You tried out the app? It's pretty great right?"
"Hmph, I guess. Listen, I appreciate you want to help, but you have to understand this is about more than money for me. My pride as a provider, a top, and a lesbian are in the mix. My girl deserves the best and if I'm gonna allow anybody else to fuck her they gotta prove they're up to the task"
"Uh, okay? I think I get what you mean. So what do you propose?"
"I'm not gonna just let you fuck my wife. You're gonna have to somehow get her hot and heavy for you and treat her right before you even get a shot"
"You want me to...seduce Amanda?"
"I want you to try. Since I can track her orgasms, I'll know if you don't satisfy her before you try to knock her up. If you dare try to pump and dump my wife, it's seriously gonna be the last thing you do."
"Okay okay! Sorry, this is just a full 180 from what you were saying last time. And wait...you're gonna use the app to track it? You're not just gonna be in the room?"
"One: I don't wanna have to watch you fumble with pleasing my wife. Two: I still have to make money to pay the mortgage and groceries."
"Okay...so what time should I--"
"Figure it out."
"I told you I'm not gonna just let you sleep with Amanda. I'm actually going to be playing goalie as much as I can to keep you from getting the chance."
"Wait but you said--"
"These are the terms of my challenge: if you try to come over when I'm home I'm going to physically throw you out like Jazz in Fresh Prince. If you somehow get Amanda to let you in and get in bed, the first orgasm I'm alerted to I'm heading straight over to-once again-bounce your ass on the pavement. You have a week starting tomorrow morning to do your best and if you can't, you're paying for half the IVF"
"God, I forgot how competitive you get. Okay fine I'll--"
"Ah! Not done. To make sure you don’t chicken out, 'cause you're my friend but I really wanna enjoy cockblocking you, if you somehow manage to put a baby in Amanda after making her cum...I'll let you put a baby in me."
"Ha! What's wrong? Too scared or too horny to think straight?"
"Sigh...fine...if this is what it takes to help you two, I accept."
"Good! You're not a coward of a man after all. Go ahead and get your finances straight tonight because starting tomorrow, it's the beginning of the end for you."
"You're so dramatic"
"Don't act like it doesn't turn you on~"
"Two things can be true haha as long as you're comfortable, I'm willing to play along"
"I still can't believe you're okay letting him come onto you"
"Well I guess now I don't have to be since he has to pay up if he doesn't. As dramatic as it is, I appreciate you prioritizing my pleasure.
"Like I said, sex with you is sacred. I intend to enforce that. Why don't I prioritize your pleasure before we go to sleep~"
"Have a good day babe!"
"You too Amanda, remember to not even open the door unless Caleb somehow manages to make you blush"
"I probably won't even hear the doorbell, you got me all revved up I'm probably gonna stay in bed a but longer and jill to the thought of what you did last night~"
"God I love you."
[3 orgasms @ 8:32, 9:14, & 9:56]
"God she couldn't even wait for me to get to work. Lunch is almost done and she never texted saying Caleb swung by. He must not be taking this seriously enough. I was certain my wager would light a fire under him, oh well his loss."
"Hey Lucy, glad I caught up with you. You back on the clock?"
"About to be what'sup?"
"Got a rush order that has to be done today. Marketing fucked up and never sent us their info, now we need it ready for tomorrow's presentation."
"Goddammit, okay. If I start now I can probably bang it out before quitting time."
"Awesome, I gotta go put out some other fires, you're a life saver"
"Just remember that at my next review! ...man he moves fast, better get a raise from this."
[1 new orgasm @ 12:34]
"Heh, Amanda must be getting her second wind."
[1 new orgasm @ 12:43]
"Damn...she never bounces back that fast. I really must have set her on fire last night
[2 new orgasms @ 12:58 & 1:05]
"Fucking hell, she must have gotten a new vibe? Shit I'm getting wet just thinking about it. I should be home right now instead of working on this last minute bullshit report"
[3 new orgasms @ 1:19, 1:26, & 1:37]
"I just have to put my phone away. I can't think while I'm checking this every time."
*Da-ding! Da-ding!*
"What the fuck is that notification??"
[2 new orgasms @ 1:49 & 1:56]
[3 new orgasms @ 2:09, 2:16, & 2:25]
[2 new orgasms at 2:37 & 2:48]
[Successful impregnation @ 3:08]
"What the fuck!? When did he even...HOW LONG HAS HE BEEN THERE!?"
"Lucy? What's wrong?"
"Jerry, I need to get home right now! Jesus this is--"
"Family emergency? Somebody at the hospital?"
"Yes! I mean not that, but--"
"Are you almost done with the report?"
"I'm like halfway through, I can finish it first thing!"
"East coast branch needs it first thing their time EST."
"I can finish it at home, I promise!"
"Not this one, it's some serious NDA stuff. We'd lose our accredidation if you took this home."
"Fucking...is nobody else able to take this over?"
"Not without overtime. Listen normally I'd let it slide, but unless someone is dying or being born I can't spare you. I'll try to send someone over to help you out."
"God it's already too late to...okay thanks Jerry. Fuck..."
"Sorry Lucy"
"Stupid fucking marketing that cant send shit on time. Stupid fucking interns that can't read excel. Stupid fucking traffic holding me up! Stupid fucking CALEB! FUCKING MY WIFE!"
"Oh hey Lucy, I was wondering when you were getting home. Amanda here's been pretty impatient."
"What the FUCK is going on??"
"Well right now she's sucking me off 'cause she's too blissed from cumming her brains out but still feeling pretty amorous"
"I can fucking see that you--how the fuck did this happen?
"I waited to come over when I knew you were settled at work. Maybe it's best Amanda tell you the rest from there~"
"Ha...ha...ha...hi Lucy~ y’know even after wearing myself out I wasn't ready to just let Caleb in...but he started talking about wanting to get to know his future baby mama better and I was already feeling like a prized treasure after last night~ I really was just planning on talking to him, catching up on things, but he said such sweet things and really listened to everything I had to say about my boundaries and what feels good. Then he asked to make sure he knew what I liked and I let him touch me and...oh boy I don't know how we never clocked him as a lover boy but mmmm he knows how to use his hands"
"Amanda...you came so many times...so fast...faster than I've ever..."
"Lucy it's okay! I still love you and I can't wait to fuck you again, nothing's changed between us"
"Then why did you keep fucking after he knocked you up!"
"Heehee, well we really thought you'd be here by then... and we already had your permission...and you made a big deal about how I deserve the best~"
"Would you say I passed your test, Lucy?"
"Caleb I swear to god I'm--You need to leave before I do something that'll land me in jail."
"Sweetie, don't be like that~ Come here lemme--"
"Don't touch me, you're covered in his--"
"Shh shh shh, we're all friends. This was always a possibility"
"No it wasn't! He's a dork that's crushed on me since high school! There wasn't a world where he was gonna one-up me!"
"Well here we are, you didnt consider this when you made your wager?"
"I was gonna win!"
"Well now you need to own up to your end of the bargain"
"No fucking way! I'm not gonna--"
"It's okay Amanda, I knew it'd be a long shot. Honestly I'm honored to have helped this much. If Lucy wants to back out I'm--"
"Fuck you! Don't you act all high and mighty; I don't need your pity!"
"Sweetie it's okay, he's not gonna hold you to it"
"It's not about him! I...I put my pride on the line...and I fucking lost...welching on a deal isn't gonna fix that..."
"Whatever you need to do, I'm right here with you."
"Goddammit Amanda...I love you..."
"I love you too Lucy."
"Alright you fucker...you win...you knocked up my wife, you fucked her better than I ever could, and I couldn't even stop you...come and claim your prize..."
"Lucy I really wanna say this was never about humiliating you, I wanted to respect your challenge and...I'd be lying if I said your wager didn't motivate me, but I love you. As my best friend, as my future baby mama, and as whatever we may be in the future."
"You really did all this and were completely serious this whole time?"
"Well...yeah. what can I say?"
"I can't believe I'm letting such a fucking dork impregnate me..."
"We can take it as slow and steady as you want, no rush."
"Fuck that, let's get right to it"
"I had a feeling you'd say that. I may have talked to Amanda about what you like as well"
"You'll think me later sweetie. Now kiss your baby daddy while I set up the app for you"
"So we know when you're knocked up. Unless you wanna keep going after he's already bred you."
"Fine! I get it! Come here you fucking--"
"Oh wow he's really been wanting this...damn sweetie he's all over you. I thought he'd need some warm up first, but he must have memorized everything I told him. The app should be set up and synced to--"
"No way...Lucy there's no way you just--"
"Shut it! Shut up! We're not talking about it! I'm just pent up from a long day!"
"Aw c'mon it's not from me rubbing your clit like this?"
"You fucking bastard...not in front of my wife"
"It's okay sweetie, it's kinda hot seeing you like this. I always thought you liked to top because it's the only thing that made you feel good. I never realized you were so sensitive, it's kinda cute~"
"I told you she probably had a humiliation kink"
"Haaa! D-don't talk about mmme, like-fuck...like I'm not here!"
"Sorry honey, I've been your lover for years, but he's been your best friend for longer, I think he's got the full read on you."
"It's not that you're pathetic, it's that you're a badass who always has to keep it up. But you've pushed down the fear of not measuring up and now you get to safely feel what it's like to be a sensitive little bottom that's ready to fall apart for a man that can wrap you around his finger."
"Did I mention he's good at dirty talk?"
"Caleb! You motherfucker...if you tell anyone about this..."
"Shh, don't worry. This Lucy is just for me and Amanda to see. Speaking of, why don't you help your wife lie down and get ready mama?"
"Oh wow, Lucy you even cum when I call your wife mama? Good to know"
"Haaaa, I swear I'm...mmmm, going to..."
"Calm down sweetheart, let's get you ready. You're the only one with clothes still on. This is nice, usually you're leading me, but now I can lead you on how to be a good sub. Just focus on me, think about all the fun we've had on this bed and how you've made me look when you fuck me with your strap. Now that's gonna be you, and you're gonna be so hot~"
"Amanda I don't know if I can do this...if he makes me cum with his...and I like it...then he knocks me up...then--"
"Then you'll still love me and I'll still love you. And if there's room in our lives for our baby daddy, we'll work it out. We haven't failed, we've succeeded! We're gonna start our family! You've already made it happen"
"I love you Amanda"
"And I love Lucy"
"Shut up and kiss me before I hurl"
"I know I'm standing here with a raging hard-on, but you two are the most adorable couple ever."
"Yeah yeah, just come over here and don't make me regret this"
[56 new orgasms @ ...]
"Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck, goddamn you motherfucker! Fuck me into the mattress! Batter my womb! Knock me up! Breed me! Pump your fucking kids into me! Fuck!"
"Damn Lucy, your dirty mouth perfectly matches the rest of your sexy body! You feel so good squeezing my cock, you're ready to be a mother now aren't you?"
"Yes! Goddammit, impregnate me so my tits can swell up and I can feed your fucking children! You fucking bastard, stole my fucking wife and then fucked me too. You motherfucker!"
"He hasn't stolen me Lucy, I should be worried about him stealing you from me at this point."
"Don't worry mama, she's just reveling in how her pathetic male friend outfoxed her and outfucks her too, isn't that right, Lucy?"
"I guess you're right honey~"
"Oh wow she really lights up when you call me pet names. Show her how much you've fallen for me, hm?"
"Yes dear, whatever you say. Even though Lucy wanted me all to herself, she was no match for my big strong man. I'm so lucky to have such a lovely baby daddy, though if you really love me you'll become my husband too~"
*Ping* *Ping* *Ping*
"She loves that! I think I love it too! Maybe I will make an honest woman out of you, poor Lucy here couldn't."
*Ping* *Ping*
"Please do sweetie, make me the happiest woman she never could~"
*Ping* *Ping* *Ping* *Ping*
"This is it! I can't hold it anymore! Lucy's feels too damn good cumming on me! Here it comes Lucy! I'm going to breed you because you get off on your wife cheering me on! Now fucking take it!"
"Fuck yes! Make me your woman! Steal my wife! I-I...I love you Caleb!"
*Ping* *Ping* *Ping* *Ping* *Ping* *Ping*
"Oh fuck! Ah! Ah! God I've never cum so fucking hard in my life, not even when I fucked your wife! Ahh fuck I'm still...take every last drop Lucy. You're my baby mama now...you're both mine now..."
*Da-ding! Da-ding!*
[Successful impregnation @ 1:34]
"He's right, we're both carrying his children now. Are you happy Lucy?"
"Aaa..aa...Amanda...he did it...we're both gonna be mothers..."
"We are Lucy! I'm so happy, we're gonna have kids together."
"Ha..ha..and they're gonna have the best dad in the world"
"I'd be honored to join you two, I can't believe how lucky I am."
"No...not join us...we're yours...we're the lucky ones."
"She's being dramatic again, but I'm not arguing. We'll figure out the paperwork later, for right now, let's all go to sleep as a new family~"
"I...I love you two...Amanda...Caleb..."
"We love you too sweetie. Go on Caleb, you can say it too."
"I love you too mama. And I love you too, darling~"
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atopearth · 4 months
Court of Darkness Part 13 - Lou Route
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Lou should have the most interesting route (hopefully)! I love how he carried her to him with magic instead of waiting for her to run to him, it is definitely more efficient lol. Aww, it's sweet of Lou to pick the heroine up and take her to dinner, too bad he can't cook but at least he got all the ingredients for her. LMAO when he cheered for her saying "hurrah hurrah" because Haru said that's what he does when the heroine cooks🤣 I like how he agreed to ignore her crying as long as she cried as much as she liked. Honestly, every time we have to experience the heroine's loneliness of being stuck in a fantasy world by herself, it always makes me so sad for her. It's nice to see how relaxing it was for Lou to spend time having tea with her that he fell asleep whilst she was reading books about this world. I'm not sure what his intentions are, but it is true that he is providing the heroine comfort and reassurance in a place unknown to her. Honestly, it wasn't until Lou bought the heroine doughnuts that I realised the heroine legit has no money! She obviously can't work, has to stay at the academy blah blah, so she literally has no money at all! How insecure of a life is that... It's nice that not only did their little excursion outside allow the heroine to get a lot of gifts in terms of clothes and everything, but it also helped her understand that as long as she creates a wall between the people and her, she'll never be able to truly understand this place, their people and the magic that could possibly take her home. It's understandable that she would reject this world to protect her own identity though, since she feels like she'll lose herself if she assimilates into this fantasy world.
I love how forthright the heroine was when she told the S Ranks her boundaries and how she won't tolerate random kissing and touching without her consent. I completely forgot that she hasn't talked to them at all since their first meeting in this route haha! But yeah, I really liked how she stated her thoughts clearly and succinctly and didn't let them step over her. So proud of the heroine that she was able to show how capable she is in magic now thanks to Lou. Lunas is quite cute but I wonder who he is. Lmao at Lou having his own fanclub as well and they're not toxic! They sincerely hope for his happiness! Best fanclub🥹 Lou really casually just holds her hand haha, but I guess the way he so casually does it makes it feel like it's not anything romantic but that of reassurance and care. One thing I always find saddening is that the heroine always thinks it might be better to stay in this world not because she's found people she wants to stay for but because there's no one left in her world that she thinks is willing to go back for.
Lou is the spirit of Vanum and the heroine is the incarnation of Vane? I didn't think Lou didn't actually have these memories, it always felt like he knew everything. Honestly though, I feel like this makes it as if the reason why Lou likes her because she was Vane and he was Vanum rather than because he likes her for who she is. Like it's nice that the past them are able to reunite in this way but Lou at least seems mainly smitten because of who she once was, I'm sure he's interested in the current her at least but not enough to consider it romantic so it's kinda disappointing that the romance is being handled like this. Lmao at how casually Lou tells all the guys he's Vanum and the heroine was Vane and then asks for tips on how to have a successful first date🤣 I have to admit though, their date was pretty sweet and fun haha. I'm glad it's being addressed whether Lou really loves the heroine for who she is or if it's because she's Vanum because I think it's the latter and have never really felt Lou's love for the heroine herself even though I do think he's fond of her. It was nice to know that Lou found it difficult to tell the heroine that he loves her even if she wasn't Vane because it's undeniable that she is and regardless of what they do or think, she will always be her and resemble her so he can't confidently say he loves her for just her now and I think that's understandable. It made me respect him a bit more at least haha. Lunas was Lou's valet back in the day?! I was really happy with Lou's confession. Despite my actual thoughts on their romance, I think his confession was beautiful in the fact that you could see how genuine he was and how much he noticed all the little things unique to the heroine and his love specifically for her rather than Vane. I guess it was worth the wait haha! The truly strong one is the heroine though! This girl was ready to fight and get him to love her in this life as well if he said he loved Vane rather than her.
Overall, I'm not a fan of Lou's route and I have to say it was quite boring and made me quit the game for a bit lol (real life also got busy). I think it was nice to see them spend time together and simple stuff like that, but I think the Vane and Vanum thing made it difficult for me to believe Lou really loved the heroine for who she was in this life. But, I do admit that I really loved his confession and all the words he said, it made me believe in his love in that moment even if I don't think he loves her as much as he says. Heroine was definitely the highlight of this route because of how headstrong and sweet she is but yeah, sadly not a romance I could really feel in this relationship.
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beevean · 7 months
You know among the many reasons of why piracy will never go away; the trend of people officially working on IPs with either ulterior motives for doing so, or just being plain rude and unprofessional by telling people to just go somewhere else at the slightest sign of anything that's not endless praise, definitely adds onto it. At that point you can't complain about people pirating your work when you kind of eliminated any real insensitive for them to give you their heard earned money, especially with the cost of living nowadays. Even if someone still wants to have an informed opinion on a piece of media, don't think they're about going to throw their principals to side and to take their wallet out in order to do so.
What would seriously be worth spending your money on? On people who hold no respect, and maybe even disdain, to an IP that means a lot to you, and will be rude and disrespectful towards even the most neutral thing said to them? Or groceries and bills that will keep your power and water on? More benefits to buying a bucket of ice-cream, instead of something that shits all over something you love or you in general. Or better yet, use your money to commission more dependent and unknown artists.
It's even more rich when the people who told everyone to pirate Hazbin Hotel or you're the worst person ever, tend be the same ones who will get on their soapbox when they see others pirate stuff like Netflix Castlevania or the IDW Sonic comics.
Yeah. At this point I'd say that the main reasons to pirate something are 1) the product is no longer legally available/it costs an exaggerated amount of money to get due to its rarity (old games/vaporware, cartoons removed from a streaming service) and 2) spite, as you said :P no way I'm paying money to a guy who said that if I think his writing is too childish I should read better material. Lol. (or, you know, a legit criminal.)
And even then, I'm reminded of the discourse surrounding Hogwarts Legacy, and how people were torn on whether even pirating that game was a big No No considering its ties. The discussion about piracy and the morals surrounding it will never die out.
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Ok ngl the fact that you refuse to watch the video before making an opinion on it strikes me as anti-intellectual. The video gives a very clear list of things to look out for for future instances of plagiarism and discusses why plagiarism (especially the plagiarism Somerton was doing which included stealing and harassing other smaller lgbt creators when they spoke up about it) is such a problem and how it’s easy to forget to check sources or think critically when it’s packaged in a well produced video like the ones he made.
I was not a Somerton fan (I bounced off his videos since they couldn’t hold my interest) but you have to understand he scammed a lot of people out of money while positioning himself as the True Queer Authority while spreading misinformation. Of course people are angry.
And were hbomb and todd just supposed to keep quiet about the fact that he was plagiarizing and spreading misinformation? If not for those videos, he would’ve kept scamming people. He was causing harm, and in an attention based job like this, the only way to stop them is to deplatform them. How else were they supposed to spread the word? Genuinely interested in how you think it should’ve been handled.
My guiding principle here is that when someone does a bad thing, the response to that should be proportional to the badness of the thing that was done.
The problem with HBomber as a handler of this kind of controversy is that he has no apparent upper limit on the number of hours he's willing to spend on this. And as I highlighted in an earlier post, he seems to treat any one thing he finds bad as equally bad as all the other things he talks about. I think it might be a consequence of the way his videos are formatted, and it all adds up to being disproportionate by definition.
Consider: If it's worth spending two hours talking in general terms about how plagiarism on Youtube is a pervasive problem, which I have little reason to doubt, why is it worth spending another two hours calling out one specific guy who does this thing that apparently a lot of people do? Does James McBlandname also kick puppies and protest against Planned Parenthood in his spare time? Like, the impression I get from that split is that one guy's acts of plagiarism are considered equally as bad as every other act of plagiarism on Youtube put together. And I'm sorry, I simply don't believe that any amount of plagiarism from one guy can be that morally bad.
As I said, this is a failing of HBomber's format, and the end result is that James Blanderson kind of... takes the fall for every Youtuber who has ever plagiarised. Is he worthy of derision? Yes, absolutely. Is he worthy of personally being a scapegoat for the entire Youtube plagiarism industry? There's practically no way that can be true.
It kinda makes me wish and hope that I never jumped on the Tommy Tallerico hate bandwagon—I legit don't remember if I ever have. But the same principle applies. Do intellectual property rights and their various abuses suck? No doubt. Does Tommy Tallerico deserve to be an icon of that particular sin when, say, the entire Microsoft corporation exists? Maybe not.
The question is, why single one guy out at all? Especially if it's a pervasive problem! If you're gonna go down the route of Prestige More-Than-Movie-Length Callout Post, the net result from that is you've entirely obliterated the online presence of one guy. Have you actually solved the problem? Even if the General portion of the video does the smart things, like tell viewers which genres of content farm are especially susceptible to this, or advising them how to spot when content might have been plagiarised as you're watching it, are people talking about that? Or are they talking about the one guy the other half of the video was about? What is your net impact here, and could it maybe be improved by cutting the video down to 30 minutes and being a bit more general?
All this doesn't even touch on how morally bad plagiarism is. Like it IS bad, sure, but there's degrees of badness. If you remember illuminaughtii's defining toxic trait as plagiarism, when in fact she was also very likely guilty of workplace bullying and financial/verbal abuse, then something has gone very wrong. I understand that this is Youtube, so the value of Content is at a premium, but maybe that means their own moral compasses have been warped, naturally treating plagiarism as considerably worse than the average person would or perhaps should. This is part of the point of me saying you aren't a Youtuber's foot soldier! They decided to make Youtube their lives, but you don't have to!
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nerdsandthelike · 1 year
starting STRONG with chisme: 😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
❌ What's a trope you will never write? (note: don't say teacher/student because that one I already know and I am legit curious if there are any OTHER tropes that are never nevers for ya!)
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
😅 You KNOW I love chisme, so let's see.... a lot of my more embarrassing things never make it to Ao3. I also am just hard to embarrass. Like, I wrote my very first fic when I was pretty young and now I think it's cheesy, but also it has a lot of things that I still do (I remain a slut for tenderness and second chances and miscommunication and imperfect people making it work) and I feel such affection for baby me who wrote it. So going to something that's embarrassing enough that I never (and will never) published it, I have a high school AU of the TV show Kings that involved the characters putting on the musical Rent. Which is just such a sentence, but it was fun to write at the time. I know it was a different ask, but I would also pay a LOT of money for nobody IRL to ever read my Old Guard fic "she tied you to the kitchen chair" but that's because I don't want my students or coworkers or parents to get any ideas about my relationship to knifeplay (which I don't have! It's characters only! But I still don't want to have that conversation!)
😈 playfully mean... does stopping stories before they get to sex scenes count? Because I spend the entirety of the Billy Elliot fic "Take Me Up and Hold Me Gently" building up to a sex scene that I did not write. In a similar sort of tease without followthrough, I hint at Eliot as a Dwarf in my Leverage-Lord of the Rings crossover and then end the story before you actually get to spend any time with him. Though I'm not ruling out a "Let's Go Rob Smaug" sequel that gives him more screentime. The only other thing that's coming to mind is my unpublished WIP Old Guard Joe/Nicky enemies to lovers royalty AU where I keep letting them ALMOST communicate what they need to and then having something drive them apart again. Oh, and in the later fics of my Jane Austen/Temeraire crossover that I just started posting this week Elizabeth Bennet is literally never going to meet Mr. Darcy. Sorry!
🛒 (Mis)communication. Every damn time. So much of real life is about making connections with other people but it is so hard and so vulnerable to actually do that work and we all carry around so many assumptions and secrets I just... it's always relevant. I especially like thinking about communication between people who have very different life experiences, whether because of trauma or geography or queer identity or centuries of immortality. I also love building a story around a Secret that is central to the character and then dealing with how keeping or revealing that secret changes their relationships. Another sort of big thematic one is choosing relationships, both in a chosen family sense and a romance sense. I really think about relationships as an active and ongoing commitment, so my characters also spend a lot of time thinking about what those commitments are and what responsibilities they have to the people in their life. And then my characters (when appropriate) all have crushes on David Bowie, go to midnight showings of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and hate Ronald Reagan.
❌ You are 100% correct that teacher/student is a hard no for me. In the same vein, I'm pretty unlikely to write anything that could be meaningfully tagged as "Age Difference." Like, I will write canon Andy or Quynh or Booker with a mortal person in their 30s+, but that's not really what that tag is for. I don't write explicit fic, so anything that is 100% a sex trope is probably not going to come up. Also, A/B/O or dom/sub AUs (like where the whole world is divided into doms/subs, not just an individual character dynamic). Otherwise, I can at least think of a scenario where I might write a trope, even if it's pretty unlikely. I've definitely written things with tropes that I would never read if someone else did it.
🎉 I do a lot of (a very different kind of) writing in my professional life, so I really firmly believe that if I'm writing for fun it should BE FUN. So for me, a fic is really successful if I enjoyed writing it. I also am always really proud when I re-read a fic and I feel the same emotions I felt while writing it. Like, if nothing else, my writing is making me feel things! I try not to focus on the external metrics of success, but the one that really does get me is literally any comment that suggests that somebody else cared about this story. That can be a "reread kudos" because it means that somebody spent part of their life reading my story and then for some reason came back and did it again!!! Or, it can be somebody who found that the story resonated with them, like some of the comments on my Leverage series make me super emotional because people are talking about their own experiences of being queer in a conservative area or coming out later in life or parenting. And I don't have personal experience with all of those things, so the fact that my story resonated with people who do have those experiences makes me feel like I was successful (and compassionate and putting good out into the world!) in writing them.
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bigsecrets69 · 5 months
on friday, i took sylvie to knotts berry farm so she could enjoy all the snoopy related activities. it was a pretty good time. kind of funny in a way where i'm not sure we really did any legit dating back in the day when we were whatever we were. it was more of a hooking up thing than anything else, but still. it was a bit funny taking someone i could in very loose terms consider an ex on a first date years after the fact. sylvie isn't always the easiest to read in terms of genuine excitement sometimes, but i do think she was actually pretty fascinated with the whole thing. lots of rides and food and so much money spent on snoopy-related merch. i kinda think the whole camp snoopy thing and getting some pictures was probably the highlight.
i have to say, i did really enjoy getting to see sylvie have a fun day even if it is a bit silly. i think sometimes our interactions are so thick with jokes and sarcasm that the moments when genuine enthusiasm breaks through are probably some of the best. i always have a good time with sylvie as company, but i think this made me feel fairly certain she had a good time in my company as well.
i had another date on saturday, this time with iris. that was kind of a different vibe. i do know iris well enough, but i was pretty excited that there was a survivor event lined up kind of perfectly in time for a date. honestly one of the most prominent things i know about iris is her love of jeff probst and survivor and initially i was trying to see if there was some silly fucking thing where you could look into some jeff probst hollywood kind of stuff, but instead saw there was an actual activity and figured that was probably a better set up anyway. it's always easier to bond when you're doing something and it's not a ton of down time trying to think of new topics or information to talk about. i like the whole straight into action thing and it was honestly a lot of fun, even though it was pretty hard and competitive. i definitely think i was already at a disadvantage not being a huge survivor fan. i really haven't watched it in years and i think things had changed a lot, but it was still pretty cool. i like physical activity and puzzles, so it was definitely still within my interest.
in general too, iris is a lot of fun. it was kind of nice to spend some time with someone new and honestly just get the chance to see her in person while she happened to be in the area. i definitely think id do it again, if given the opportunity. she's definitely an interesting person and a lot of fun to spend time with. we have some things in common that i don't know i would've anticipated initially. i'm really so glad she was game for it all and just as competitive about it.
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shadowofroses · 5 months
another excerpt into chp 2 I'm doing currently
Jujutsu Kaisen x Trigun
Warnings: Gojo bought Vash some clothes and doughnuts.
You were about to call Gojo when the man knocked on the door himself letting himself in. This time having his blindfold on instead of Sunglasses. “Yo!” Your eyes widened seeing him with a couple of shopping bags full of clothes. A few boxes, one was a dozen doughnuts, a pizza and the other mixed pastries. “Figured our Friend would be hungry, and need clothes to fit in. At least without looking like a complete cosplayer.”
Vash sniffed the air, before it seemed to be sparkles around his face and in his eyes. “Are those doughnuts?!” Instantly Vash shot over to Gojo taking the boxes out of his arm and hugged him with his free arm. “You’re a real life savor Mister!” Without a second word he took a doughnut and chomped down on it. “MMMM SO GOOD~”
Gojo walked over to you with a sort of swagger, handing the bags of clothes to you. “Here. I figured you’d need these.” Gojo looked over to Vash amused as he was working on his third doughnut.
You looked into the bag and nearly feinted. “WHAT THE HELL SATORU?!” You cried out noticing how expensive everything was. “THIS SHIRT IS 250,000 YEN?! And there are 5?!”
“Not to mention pants, underwear, shoes. Just the essentials.” Gojo said casually, as he raised a finger up, saying it just casually.
Your soul left your body, as Vash paused tilting his head. “wait if 61,000 for the figurine was a lot, I assume…” Vash’s eyes widened nearly dropping the doughnut he was holding, half of it was gone. “I don’t need anything that expensive!”
Gojo sighed at that shaking his head. “Will you two pipe down. You’re acting like money is important or something.” Gojo moved to pat your head for a moment. “So what?”
You sighed brushing his hand off of your head. “Will you stop that! Shouldn’t you be trying to preserve what money you have or something?”
Gojo grinned, shrugging while waiving his hands. “To be fair, it’s paper, it’s meant to be spent. Having it laying around collecting dust is useless.”
Vash picked back up the doughnut since it landed onto the coffee table. “He has a point…” He bit into the doughnut once more and spoke while eating, “The purpose of money is to help stimulate the flow of the economy….” He swallowed the bite.
Gojo beamed at that, or what would be considered beaming with his blindfold on and what not. “See he gets it!”
“Can’t say I’m comfortable wearing stuff like that...but I guess...as the saying goes, can’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Thank you.” Vash stated nodding into Gojos direction
Gojo however flashed you a smile, “Does that mean you’ll let me spend money on you too?”
“Please don’t…” You sighed.
“When can I go back?” Vash questioned. “Not that I’m ungrateful or anything...but I do have to…”
Gojo waved his hand, lifting his cell phone “OH LOOK I have a mission! Take care you two~” Instantly the man teleported, causing Vash to deadpan and run a hand down his face.
“COME ON~ Is he always like this?!” Vash pouted giving you a look, “are you sure you can’t send me back?”
You bit your lip feeling bad, and looked off to the side, Vash couldn’t help but think that it was cute. “Unfortunately yeah he’s always like this. And no I can’t send you back...We’ll need Gojo.” You tilted your head. “I can’t even call him out on this, it could be a farce, but it could be a legit mission to any part of the world.” You sighed holding your hands up like Gojo did earlier.
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What Will fake bags Be Like in 100 Years?
My ally told me the other working day that she bought herself a fake bag.​ She stated that it absolutely was just an inexpensive a single also! Once i heard that, I used to be like, "What?! You just received a fake bag?" She seemed to be all excited about it, though.​
I keep in mind going for walks with the marketplaces of Hong Kong a single time and becoming intrigued by the many incredible replica luggage on sale.​ Becoming an avid lover of designer items, I was promptly drawn to them.​ I noticed how intricate they looked and the eye to detail was almost nothing short of amazing.​ I desired to talk to all-around to learn extra but I was not guaranteed if it was legit or not so I just saved it to myself.​
Tiny did I are aware that People duplicate bags have been essentially extremely popular and extensively approved.​ Every person wanted a bit of luxurious without having to pay back the hefty price tag tags.​ I could see why individuals were starting to be so directed to it.​ It was as In the event the baggage had been an extension of their personality, enabling them to specific their style and class promptly.​
The widest choice of duplicate baggage appeared to occur within the spring.​ Just about every corner of the marketplace had a variation of sizes, kinds, and prices.​ The shopkeepers ended up delighted to reply all my concerns And that i even managed to choose up some distinctive parts.​ The intricate ending and top quality top quality genuinely shocked me.​ I could not consider the level of craftsmanship that was set into the baggage although the positives definitely outweighed the negatives.​
I took my replica luggage home and employed them on many instances.​ I am able to confidently claim that I received my cash's worthy of regarding use and good quality.​ I felt like one million pounds every time I placed on a new accessory.​ It produced me a lot more confident and complemented my apparel in a method that only designer products can.​ I have now become relatively of the collector and hardly ever miss a possibility to invest in a brand new reproduction bag.​
The secondhand industry of duplicate baggage has actually been expanding massively in the last few years and this can be an excellent spot to get them at a lower cost.​ There are numerous dedicated Web sites and apps for purchasing and offering higher-end duplicate bags so It fake bags online really is becoming much easier to come across stunning pre-cherished pieces.​ I have managed to select up some fantastic discounts from thrift outlets way too.​
Due to their flexibility, my replica luggage may also changeover from day to night time seems to be without difficulty.​ There is one thing extremely lavish about aquiring a bit of fantastic Italian craftsmanship that can elevate any outfit.​ Even when I'm inside a hurry and only have time to pick a number of equipment, I am sure that my duplicate baggage will always make the cut.​
The most effective items about reproduction baggage is that they do not have to suit into a certain type or pattern.​ You may style and design them any way you prefer and express yourself in ways in which genuine designer luggage cannot.​ Not to mention they appear in a number of colours and supplies so I'm often spoilt for alternative.​ I'm also surprised to find that they are much more tough than authentic designer luggage in selected conditions.​
I now realize why so Many of us are so fond of replica luggage.​ These are inexpensive and trendy and really ideal for every day use.​ Irrespective of whether you are a maximalist or possibly a minimalist, There exists a reproduction bag around for everyone.​ You can not go Mistaken whenever you spend money on a piece of higher-conclusion craftsmanship that oozes with appeal and sophistication.​
Initially, I failed to realize why she was so pleased about this.​ I imply, would not she are aware that phony goods haven't got the identical excellent as being the genuine types? I had been surprised that she didn't Believe two times about this.​ I absolutely informed her to rethink her determination.​
But then, she began to clarify to me why she desired to purchase the pretend bag.​ She said that the original bag she desired was also high-priced and she was looking for a much less expensive 1.​ Now, I kinda understood her.​ I signify, we've all been there correct? We wish some thing really nice but the price tag isn't going to healthy our finances.​ That's why more and more persons are turning to faux luggage.​
But that's not all.​ My Buddy also pointed out that a lot of the bogus luggage she identified on-line search a lot better than the original types.​ I used to be like, "That is undoubtedly not genuine!" But she insisted that it was genuine and showed me a handful of photos.​ I gotta say, the phony types did seem pretty good.​ I used to be beginning to adjust my thoughts about faux luggage.​
And afterwards, one among my other close friends chipped in.​ He mentioned that purchasing a faux bag may not be this kind of poor thought mainly because it's much less expensive, Which the quality of the fake is likely to be pretty much as good as the initial kinds.​ Which is when I started to definitely see why folks obtain pretend luggage.​
Certainly, I am continue to not certain that It is really ok to obtain phony merchandise.​ I signify, It is nevertheless a counterfeit item and I'm versus the thought of supporting the people that steal other brand names' patterns.​ But I'm able to now understand why people would Opt for fake bags, particularly when their finances is limited.​ I suppose everything boils down to your own preference.​
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jovialenemywitch · 11 months
5 Qualities the Best People in the fake bags Industry Tend to Have
My ally advised me the opposite working day that she obtained herself a pretend bag.​ She mentioned that it was just a cheap a person as well! After i listened to that, I used to be like, "What?! You merely received a pretend bag?" She seemed to be all enthusiastic about it, though.​
I remember strolling throughout the markets of Hong Kong one time and getting intrigued by all the incredible reproduction bags on sale.​ Staying an avid lover of designer goods, I was right away drawn to them.​ I discovered how intricate they looked and the attention to depth was almost nothing short of exceptional.​ I planned to question close to to see far more but I wasn't confident if it was legit or not so I just saved it to myself.​
Minimal did I realize that These duplicate bags had been basically extremely popular and commonly acknowledged.​ Absolutely everyone wanted a piece of luxury without having to pay the hefty cost tags.​ I could see why persons were being getting so directed to it.​ It had been as In case the luggage ended up an extension of their identity, allowing them to specific their style and class quickly.​
The widest choice of replica bags seemed to occur round the spring.​ Every corner of the marketplace had a variation of sizes, models, and prices.​ The shopkeepers have been satisfied to reply all my queries and I even managed to choose up a couple of exceptional parts.​ The intricate finishing and quality good quality truly stunned me.​ I could not consider the level of expertise which was put into your bags although the positives unquestionably outweighed the negatives.​
I took my replica luggage house and applied them on multiple events.​ I am able to confidently mention that I received my money's really worth when it comes to use and high-quality.​ I felt like 1,000,000 pounds each time I put on a whole new accent.​ It made me a great deal far more confident and complemented my attire in a method that only designer items can.​ I've now turn out to be relatively of the collector and never ever overlook a chance to take a position in a brand new duplicate bag.​
The secondhand marketplace of duplicate luggage is developing massively over the past few years and This may be an excellent location to get them at a cheaper price.​ There are plenty of committed Web-sites and apps for purchasing and marketing significant-stop reproduction bags so it's starting to be simpler to uncover gorgeous pre-beloved items.​ I have managed to choose up some fantastic offers from thrift retailers far too.​
Because of their flexibility, my duplicate luggage may transition from day to night time appears to be with ease.​ There's something quite lavish about possessing a piece of great Italian craftsmanship which can elevate any outfit.​ Regardless if I am inside a rush and only have time to pick out a handful of components, I am particular that my duplicate bags will generally make the Minimize.​
Among the finest matters about replica baggage is that they haven't got to suit into a certain design or trend.​ You can layout them any way you like and Specific on your own in ways in which actual designer luggage are unable to.​ As well as they occur in a number of shades and elements so I'm normally spoilt for option.​ I am also surprised to discover that they're a lot more resilient than actual designer baggage in specified predicaments.​
I now understand why so many people are so fond of reproduction bags.​ They're inexpensive and fashionable and rather ideal for day to day use.​ No matter if you are a maximalist or maybe a minimalist, There replica handbags exists a duplicate bag available for everybody.​ You cannot go Mistaken any time you spend money on a piece of substantial-finish craftsmanship that oozes with appeal and sophistication.​
To start with, I didn't understand why she was so content over it.​ I imply, does not she are aware that faux products do not have precisely the same good quality as the real ones? I used to be stunned that she didn't Believe twice over it.​ I undoubtedly told her to reconsider her determination.​
But then, she started to explain to me why she wanted to buy the fake bag.​ She mentioned that the initial bag she preferred was way too highly-priced and he or she was looking for a more affordable just one.​ Now, I kinda comprehended her.​ I mean, we've all been there ideal? We want a thing really nice but the value tag does not suit our spending budget.​ This is exactly why A growing number of people are turning to fake luggage.​
But which is not all.​ My friend also pointed out that a number of the fake bags she observed on-line search even better than the first types.​ I used to be like, "That is unquestionably not accurate!" But she insisted that it was correct and confirmed me a few photographs.​ I gotta say, the bogus ones did seem pretty good.​ I had been beginning to adjust my mind about bogus luggage.​
Then, considered one of my other good friends chipped in.​ He said that buying a pretend bag may not be this kind of negative thought mainly because it's more affordable, and that the standard of the faux could possibly be pretty much as good as the initial kinds.​ That is when I started to really see why folks acquire fake luggage.​
Of course, I'm nonetheless not convinced that it's all right to buy phony merchandise.​ I necessarily mean, It really is even now a counterfeit merchandise and I'm from the idea of supporting the those who steal other makes' styles.​ But I can now realize why men and women would Opt for fake bags, especially when their budget is limited.​ I guess everything boils down to your own preference.​
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Sooooo I just bought myself a fancy-ass (and in my opinion quite feminine) watch, and this is not a normal thing at all for me (it is my first time buying a watch that's over 40 bucks & not purely about function) and I'm excited!! Like, it's functional jewelry I can wear all the time and it's actually gonna provide me with legit useful information! Wow!! (It even has a lil crescent moon hand that points at the day of the month for Pete's sake. UGH!)
I... also have some mixed feelings (lol) because the world of watches can be so goddamned ridiculous (see: exorbitant prices) and it seems like it's some Deep Capitalism shit a lot of the time.. and I suppose I'm buying into that? But it ain't like this is a six-figure ~TiMePiEcE~ or anything extreme like that... I suppose "extreme" is relative, but this is a battery-powered quartz watch that barely has any precious materials in its construction: just stainless steel, and eleven(? nine?) little bitty probably-lab-grown diamonds on the face. It's fairly chill.
But it's so prettyyy! And it's a quality unit so it will likely be with me for decades. The MSRP for this one is $625 CAD (omg) (I say omg, but the company can decide on whatever freakin' price they want, can't they? It's not like that reflects how much the thing is actually worth, which is about to become evident). With discounts I was able to get it for $422 plus tax {$472.49 all in), which is a lot of money for a watch, considering that a sub-50 dollar watch tells the time and date just fine.
But now we get to what this is really about. It's about feeling special. It's about owning things that spark joy. And it's about celebration, too. I've bought this watch to celebrate my coming out as a feminine person (hard femme, specifically). I'm a goddess, really, and I deserve to adorn myself with items that are lovely if I so choose, y'know?! (Disclaimer: being a goddess is by no means exclusive to me. Anyone can be a goddess!)
Ehem... real talk though, I get BIG autism energy from watches and watchmakers and watch collectors. Watches are so... THING. They are such object, undeniably. "DON'T TALK TO ME I AM LOOKING VERY CLOSELY AT THIS LITTLE PIECE OF METAL," said the watchmaker, a totally normal person who would fit in with zero issues at any party...
Expensive watches are all about the attention to detail (my experience as an autist is so detail-heavy it's not even funny). And honestly I am here for it. If you can afford to buy a mighty fine watch and it makes you feel good, freakin' buy that shit and enjoy it, and thank a watchmaker for its existence maybe.
Once this lil moon-goddess accessory arrives at my home I am gonna spend so much time looking at it and obsessing over its details. I'm stoked. It's a special thingy just for ME! Plus low key I feel like it gives off lesbian / witchy vibes (depending on how you style the rest of your look) and just, yas.
P.S. - The first image is from Citizen's website (they're a Japanese company by the way eh! As an otaku/weeb [depending on who you ask], I dig). The second image is also from their site but was posted in the review section by a person who only put down "Picky" as their name. Thank you Picky, it's a nice shot.
P.P.S. - Let me be clear: Japanese culture is rad because there really seems to be an emphasis on pouring your heart into your craft or whatever it is you do, hence Japan producing so much high-quality stuff (cars are a big one; like goddamn). I will say though, from what I've seen, they've got a long ways to go when it comes to work-life-balance, and like... uhhh sex positivity and queer rights, and drinking Respect Women Juice. Anyway I'd rather my money go to Japan's economy vs. that of the USA (for the record I was considering buying a Timex watch).
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winterandwords · 3 years
What if..? (writing, reading, and fucking the system)
What if writing the thing that brings you absolute joy, that you obsess over and can't wait to spend time creating, that other people get excited about reading and yell about wanting more of, wasn't considered indulgent or a guilty pleasure, but was actually thought of as valid and legitimate and genuinely worthy of dedicating time and energy to? I don't mean there's no-one out there writing stuff they love and having it viewed as legit, valid, whatever, but there are a hell of a lot of us who struggle with that, right?
It's super weird to me how that approach is so often viewed as only acceptable if you're doing it alongside Serious Writing (whatever that is), as if you have to earn creative freedom and joy, and you can only have those things in your spare time. As if you should feel guilty for reading things that give you one-more-chapter-at-3am vibes. As if all this is somehow less-than instead of just another form of creating and consuming (I'm not using that word like "Be a good little consumer". I'm using it like "I love your writing so much I want to eat it". OK?)
So often, the whole "That's all well and good, but you should take it more seriously and do something else for your real writing" vibe is more about "You should write something that trad publishers will be able to sell" or "You should write something that you can market on Amazon etc" or "You should write something that people of this particular demographic will take seriously".
Don't get me wrong, those things are fine. No shade on anyone choosing those paths, publishing in more mainstream ways, or appealing to specific groups of people. If you're doing that and it's authentic and real and soul-deep right for you, awesome. Keep going. You rock. But are you honestly telling me there isn't also an enthusiastic, voracious market for writing that doesn't fit into those structures?
What are you basing your idea of Real Writing vs guilty pleasure/indulgent/not-serious writing on? Is it rooted in traditional or mainstream self-publishing conventions? Hierarchal or academic or aggressively capitalist norms? How much fun you're allowed to have? Whether or not you can currently, right now, within the systems available, make money from it?
Not to get all revolutionary about it, but nothing changes if nothing changes. Maybe if we start looking at the things we love creating that other people love consuming through different eyes and viewing them as worthy, if we make an effort to support people who create the things we love who are sharing them in unconventional ways, we can cause a shift and take a step beyond the limited options that currently exist.
I'm rambling a lot today, but I have a lot in my head and maybe it's stuff that's also a little bit in your head too?
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dittolicous · 2 years
I feel like the situation would be reversed. Sinnoh law would have a hard time getting Lady Sneasler and her children for a few reasons. 1.) Ingo and co are already in Unova and enforcing laws in different countries is nigh impossible especially since it might only be illegal in one country. 2.) As of right now we have no reason to believe that there is any laws that say you can't own extinct pokemon, they can own fossil pokemon, also long extinct. It is also legal to own legendaries.
Well I mean if you wanna go by the most basic game logic, but I'm trying to give this a more actualized, lived-in world
Re: Legendarys - these fall under the category of 'no one should really have that kind of power, but what are going to do?' because you can't exactly tell a God what to do. if a legendary Pokemon chooses to go with a person out of their own free will, then that's it. Now, if you're trying to force a legendary to follow your command (like Villain Teams usually do) then law enforcement can jump in. Otherwise, there's only a few protective measures and protocols to ensure such Pokemon won't be abused or misused
Fossil Pokemon - There is a bit of a difference between Pokemon who died out millions or billions of years ago and have little cultural importance vs one that died out in living memories and is LITERALLY a Noble of a Sinnoh Clan/culture, holding deep importance.
Along with that, fossil Pokemon are revived from legit intact fossils (for the most part) and are considered to fall under the umbrella of cloning technology. To do so, they need a certain amount of fossil/DNA to work with and the technology used does not work well with non-fossilized materials.
(Cara Liss is a lawsuit waiting to happen and yes, it will)
Plus, at least in the 'catching trains' world, reviving mammal Pokemon is leagues harder than non-mammalian. I mean, look at the whole New/Mewtwo fiasco. And hence why all fossil Pokemon are reptilian or the like. But in Lady Sneasler's situation, cloning isn't much of an option.
So while you can have a fossil Pokemon, there are still hoops you have to jump through and while Galar is a fucked up land where anything goes, in the other parts of the world, there are legal standards and regulations involved.
Regional difference - This is where things get tricky! Because we are talking about a world where one can vary easily be teleported through time and space at any moment! So, there are laws, regulations, procedures, and agreements in place across all regions for Pokemon related shenanigans.
In Ingo and Dawn's situation, there are a lot of ways to spin it, particularly because... There's no good explanation for what happened and how they got the Pokemon except for the honest truth. And with the right lawyer? Well, anything is possible.
For instance, yes they are now on Unovan land, BUT the Pokemon were acquired on Sinnoh soil! And then, this is the important part, KNOWINGLY taken to forgeign land despite being culturally important extinct Pokemon. That's willfully running from the law by one Miss Champion, who has shown that she knew of their extinction.
And Dawn herself IS a Sinnoh resident, a minor even, so it could be pushed to have her return to Sinnoh, at which point they force her to give up the team
Ingo is a whole boat-load of issues as a 3+year long missing person aaaaand... Someone declared dead. Dead people cannot own Pokemon, extinct or otherwise. If Emmet takes them under his name, that becomes an issue of illegal Pokemon trade, since they were legit Hisuin/Sinnoh Pokemon, who followed someone else home, and then KNOWINGLY placed under his name in spite of species protection.
There's many ways to spin a case when it comes to protecting cultures and endangered species. A good lawyer has much power, and there are many forces that are willing to spend that money or spread nasty reports (not false but spun in negative fashions) to win public approval for pushing Pokemon seizer forward.
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Something that has bothered me about the two Jurassic World films thus far is that they feel incredibly cheap compared to the Jurassic Park films. Lacking unique artistic style, and in the way danger is presented or portrayed, etc. I was content to chalk this up to lazy film making even though that felt odd considering the amount of effort put into the rest of the films. But I'm beginning to think it was intentional to leave a dissatisfied audience wanting bigger and better from future installments that they undoubtedly will make and are confident people will go see even if a previous film wasn't that good. And while it might seem odd for a major film studio to intentionally make a mediocre trilogy it makes some sense if you look at Universal/NBC vs Disney/Marvel. I'll get into why I think that in a moment but first, why would they do it?
In short, Disney is a juggernaut milking Star Wars and Marvel for literal billions. Universal isn't NBC's only entertainment company but they need to start putting real money on the table to compete. JW was planned as a trilogy from day one and Universal was bringing back the Universal Monsters as well. But why make a few sequels when you can make a trilogy that starts weak and builds back towards the original JP film and leaves the audience hungry for more media and content? The Mummy (2017) failed for several reasons and the Universal Monsters plan is shelved for now. This makes the Jurassic franchise much more important in NBCUniversal Media's planning.
Now, why do I feel this is the case in JW?
Jurassic World vs Jurassic Park:
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This guy makes a comment early in JW1 saying "That first park was legit" and he isn't wrong. John Hammond's vision for the first park and it's planned future expansions was that of a resort in the middle of a zoo. We see more of that in the book but it still shows in the artwork and design of JP1. The whole aesthetic (which I love) is like a safari camp built on the heavy industrial bones needed for safety. Everything about JW1 is cold and corporate approved. It is the same as every other theme park in the world, it just happens to have dinosaurs. Claire and Owen have to go outside the main park to start getting that wild vibe. I will say the Gyrospheres and the glimpse of the kayaks in the river suggests that the park has more to offer but we don't get to see it. We spend too much time with corporate goons and InGen's weird Blackwater'esque division. The control room staff also feels incredibly different which is partially due to JW featuring an operational park and JP featuring a park still in shakedown testing. John, Robert, Ray, and Dennis arguing and the subsequent trouble shooting feels like a real workplace, the control room in JW is just a place where Claire yells and buttons are pushed by minons.
Fallen Kingdom vs The Lost World:
Both films are very adventure oriented and feature hunting parties that can be a lot of fun. But once again the characters and vehicles from the JP trilogy feel much more authentic than the JW trilogy. I think the only guy in Fallen Kingdom's hunting party that stands out is this guy:
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Who's name is apparently Ken Wheatley which I don't remember being said and he's played by Ted Levine but you'd never guess because he has zero material to work with. He's just the weird tooth collecting goon. Meanwhile The Lost World's hunting party had Roland, Ajay, Dieter, Carter, and Dr. Burke. Most of whom aren't even villains, they just have a jerk boss. Similar to the new control room staff in JW1 being forgettable, the new sidekicks for Owen and Claire are easily forgotten, there's Zoe the veterinarian or biologist, and screaming guy. Nothing in Fallen Kingdom has the suspense of the cliff scene in Lost World. That truck jump at the dock? Of course they will make it, literally all of the protags are on board. It's not like three are hanging off a cliff, another is in a tree top, and one is in a car while a T-Rex family separates them all.
But back to my point of starting weak and getting better towards the end. The final act of Fallen Kingdom is set in a mansion that's half a natural history museum. Essentially a sinister dark stained wood counterpart to the plaster and concrete visitor center in JP1. This is also where many more characters are in real peril. The trailer for JW: Dominion shows a massive return of original characters and lots of JP trilogy visuals. The marketing is based around a franchise conclusion that Universal can't afford. They have hyped this for years and remodeled their theme park sections to match. They will probably wrap the InGen based storyline and a main character or two might die, but this is not the end of their cash cow. I predict an intentional unsatisfactory "ending" that leaves the fandom screaming for more, which NBCUniversal will deliver in some way or another.
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literaticat · 2 years
This is the most champagne problem, I realize, but my debut is going to be a lead title at a major imprint, and I'm getting really nervous the closer we get to pub. I always hoped I'd be successful obviously, but wasn't prepared for anything like this. It's hard to comprehend on the scale they're hinting at. Have you had any clients who were majorly successful sort of suddenly? Do you have any advice on how to handle it based on their experiences?
I have! I really think you should enjoy every scrap of fun stuff that comes your way, relish it, bask in it take lots of pictures of cool stuff -- if you start to make extra money FOR GOD'S SAKE SAVE IT TO PAY YOUR TAXES.
Write as much as you can when you can, like in this "before time" -- because later, when you are hectically promoting your book and running all over creation, you will have a lot less quiet time to write. But guess what? People will still expect a next book! Hopefully an even better one than this one! But you'll have less time and space to write it! Sooo.... sure, give yourself a couple weeks after launch to promote and whatever but then figure out how to carve WRITING TIME into your schedule somehow, whatever that looks like for you, and keep it sacred.
This is going to sound like a downer and I don't mean it to be, but I think the main thing to realize is, regardless of how "big" this launches -- it doesn't actually change anything. Like, it might FEEL like things have changed -- but actually, not really. (And that's OK, as long as you know it!).
If you are in a bad relationship, or you are depressed or anxious or whatever -- sudden dramatic success is not going to fix it. You will still have the same problems, just now with more deadlines and pressure added. So please DO consider or continue therapy or meds or whatever solutions for the underlying problems, because 'cool book stuff' is not the fix your imagination might have told you it would be.
Keep your head on your shoulders and your feet in real life, rather than getting caught up in the Internet of it all. Definitely cherish your close and trusted writer friends -- but also, keep up with some real life friends who don't know or care what books are, who are perfectly happy to root for you but also won't blow smoke about it because they don't actually have an interest in the weird world of publishing. Spend lots of time with your family and go outside a lot.
Maybe your book will be a besteller -- but Bestseller or Lead Title status or whatever also doesn't mean that your book is ACTUALLY BETTER THAN any other book that didn't list or that isn't a lead title. I know you know this -- but the thing is, that some people (particularly people on the internet) will appear out of nowhere once you start to have public success and seriously start to pump you up. Suddenly you have a bunch of folks praising you or adulating you or talk about how AMAAAAZING your book is -- and while I'm certain (most of them) are legit well-wishers who have the best of intentions, they are also living in a fantasy world - don't let them drag you into it.
Being able to put "NYT Bestseller" in your twitter bio doesn't mean that you will even earn out your advance, or come close. You might - but it's no guarantee, even with bestseller status. It just means you sold more than other books THAT WEEK, it doesn't mean you are now rich, or famous, or life is better. It's just a cool thing, but in the scheme of things, is not particularly meaningful REALLY despite how people start to act about it.
In other words - Don't get a big head, because today's "superstar" can truly be forgotten tomorrow. There will always be ups AND downs in this business if you stick around long enough. NYT bestsellers still get rejections, authors with some hits still also usually have books that tank, and on the flip side, people who have been toiling away in obscurity will sometimes gets a hit nobody could have predicted. These are just facts. I rep several authors who have many dozens or even hundreds of books published over the course of decades, and you can SEE that success never looks like scaling a mountain that never stops going up, or scaling a mountain with an easy chair on top and just parking there -- it's hills and valleys and sometimes gulches and sometimes weird spikes (and sometimes you can be on a hill AND in a gulch at the same time!!!) -- anyway, hopefully you have good, sensible shoes.
So if you start with the realization that all the *fancy* stuff is just abnormal and not something PERMANENT, and that's FINE -- you're a lot less likely to have a difficult "pride goeth before a fall" moment, you know?
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one-winged-dreams · 2 years
hmmmm 3, 7, and 10?? for your gargoyles s/I mostly but also just abt ur s/is in general,,,
-now facing the reality that i asked people to ask me about my gargoyles s/is and now i have to TALK ABOUT THEM-
:) Thank you.
Does your s/i have a full backstory yet? Or is it still in the works? If it’s done can we see it?
Brooklyn ship s/i: I didn't get into it very much when I posted the insert reference because I'm embarrassed and I'm STILL EMBARRASSED but I'll elaborate anyway.
He's an artist by trade and makes a lot of his money doing mural commissions for the city. But he's also a hardcore activist so sometimes his murals aren't like... legal. He's in and out of jail sometimes (with minor offenses, because Elisa thinks he's a good dude) and is just a whole ass riot lmao.
His story is he was doing a mural next to the clock tower (Elisa, staring up at him: That one legal, Wrynn? Insert: 👌) and the gargoyles were watching him like "Wow, he's so cool" and Brooklyn was like. "Yeah. Cool... -gay panic-". They actually MEET when something corny happens like his tether to the top of the building breaks and Brooklyn saves him from plummeting to his fucking death. And then it's like "Oh. Thanks." "No problem. You're not afraid of me?" "My dude, I assure you that I too am considered an abomination shunned by society. You're cool with me." "Okay."
Coldstone ship s/i: (from a previous info blurb)
He runs a metaphysical shop that he lives above. He does divination readings on the side and he kinda mixes spirituality with psychology and other non-spiritual views.
Like “And over there are the crystals and stones, if you need help finding out what means what I can help you but if you don’t believe in that stuff there’s just some really cool rocks so you should get some anyway.”
He becomes relevant to the story when he comes across a spell book that’s... relevant to the plot I guess. And he’s like “Oh shit, this is the legit stuff” and then suddenly he’s tending to the magical wellbeing of a monster cyborg.
But yeah he's just some witchy guy that runs a shop and takes care of Coldstone's magical issues.
Give us 3 random facts abt your s/i!
Brooklyn ship s/i: 
Has resting bitch face but doesn’t mean it.
Seems like he’d be angry all the time but really only is about justifiable things. Other than that he’s super chill.
Spends all his money on alt fashion and at independent art galleries.
Coldstone ship s/i:
Has DID babeyyyy. 
Also psychosis in general. 
Massive introvert. Basically had no friends before meeting the gargoyles. Hitting hard with that mental eelness.
How many s/i’s do you have? Do you use the same s/i for multiple f/os or make completely different ones?
Yo. I have.
SO many fucking s/is.
It's not even funny, bro. I mean it. I have a separate s/i for almost every dude in my roster, not including the polyships.
If I don't make an insert that fits the theme of every f/o I'll die.
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