#I'm just so glad to be info dumping on one of my favorite OC's
What would Titus’s favorites movie genre? Does he have a favorite movie?
Music: Planet Supreme - They Spoke To Us
Growing up in the Orbital Colonies, Orion 13 Specifically, Titus's entertainment interests have always been War Games. Every year the games are held and hosted at the Crystal Palace. Powerful families like Atreides, Azimuth, and Volkov; to name a few. They bring their children and they connect into a deep dive simulation of Celestial Conquest. Simulating large scale battles with their most advanced tech. Battle Cruisers firing energy cannons and kinetic weapon systems blitzing through the vacuum of space.
If you've ever read Red Rising, a novel by Pierce Brown, the series has a depiction of galactic war much like this. It would also be a good comparison for reference.
So the question, what is his favorite movie genre? Movies about grand scale battles and the feats performed within. Particularly in space. Something along the lines of Mass Effect meets EVE Online.
The movies are essentially scrolled footage of previous War Games or dramatic recreations of them. These simulations include civilians. The players must choose how to deal with them, how to help or oppress them. Whatever tactics they choose to employ in order to achieve victory. While some families like Azimuth are known for their more altruistic approach, Atreides is known for oppression. Other families have other means of victory but Atreides has a history of conquest through dominance. It's these victories in the last 9 War Games that have secured their position as the most powerful family in the Orbital Colonies.
Titus has a fascination with conquest and heroic feats. The Atreides genetics at work. However; something that his family never noticed, aside from his sister, Artemis, is that he tends to sympathize with the commoners in these movies and games. Titus himself as won 4 out of the last 9 war games, his brother Pax having won the other most recent 5.
Titus won his through collaborative effort with the civilians aboard the enemy frigates and colonies, enacting similar tactics as Darrow in Morning Star, the second book of the Red Rising series. Link provided
I know that was a long winded answer but I don't get to elaborate on Titus's life much, so I apologize, I do not apologize.
As for his favorite movie, Prometheus.
A movie about many things, but I'll touch on the parts that make it special to him.
The subject of pre-human intelligent life, aliens, and inter-planetary travel. Architects of an advanced civilization leading early man into a new age.
Something to be said about this, is that after seeing this movie, Titus stopped thinking so much about winning War Games, and began to look even further away from Earth. Deeper into the stars, towards Jupiter's moon, Europa. Where Orbital Colonies Pisces 4 and Ursa 9 sent expeditions to establish moon colonies. He thinks about how he wants to be part of the first intelligent life on a planet. Earth isn't enough, its already there. He wants something new.
However; after our "Cosmic Angel" fell from grace, he has to worry more about how he'll handle this new hand in life. Will he return to the stars, or will he conquest assist Night City?
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populousgraph · 2 months
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So... Thsc oc! Yay!
(This is an info dump about Devin, so it might get pretty long...)
Okay, so! It all started when two Toppat members loved each other very much and had a baby. Which was Devin! They took care of him until he was 8 or 9 when they took him on a mission and ended up getting killed in front of him.
With no one to care for him, the Toppat Leaders (Reginald and RHM) decided to take him in and raise him as it says above on his card.
He turned out to be one of the best Toppats in the clan (obviously), but he was also very reckless. He would often rush into things without a plan and end up succeeding by a pure miracle.
Devin is also pretty lighthearted and cocky with him facing his issues with a smile and joke.
Well, what are his relationships with Reginald and RHM?
They have a close bond with Reginald being Devin's go-to for emotional support. Reginald shows his affection and concern for Devin a lot more openly. He's usually the one to fuss over him when he ends up doing something dumb that got him injured. He also taught Devin how to use swords with both hands, one he was old enough. (I read a fanfiction where Reginald knew how to fight with swords, and I thought it fit so well for his character.)
Right Hand Man:
RHM is a lot more subtle with his relationship with Devin but is not neglectful. They've spent enough time together that Devin knows that RHM cares for him just as much as Reginald does. He shows his affection and concern through his actions more than words, and it is the one to patch up Devin after he does something stupid. They like to train together by fighting one on one which is Right's favorite style of fighting.
(He's also pals with Burt, Carter (my oc), and Cathat (friend's oc), but I can always expand on that later if you're REALLY interested.)
What's he like during different endings, you ask?
Well since you asked!
Government Supported Private Investigator:
Devin doesn't show up on screen really for this ending, and instead has more offscreen importance.
When the government came to arrest the leaders and most of the clan, Devin fought his hardest to stop it but didn't succeed, which got a lot arrested. He also lost his arm in the airship crash and was taken by remaining Toppats to help him survive.
Once his injury was taken care of and he woke up, he was made the new leader. Of course, he took the position, but he wasn't ready for it. His main goal after this ending was to break the previous leaders out of prison. (Also, he gets a cool cybernetic prosthetic. Aw, like father like son.)
Pure Blooded Thief:
Devin isn't really on screen for this one either and really only shows up at the end with the leaders. Right wants to do something about Henry stealing the Ruby, and Devin is on board with it, but Reginald talks them both out of it. They all escape, but now they really don't like Henry.
Rapidly Promoted Executive:
Devin is on screen more as he runs with Reginald while Henry chases them down. (He would've been with RHM to fight with Henry, but he was told to go with Reg and who is he to disobey Right?)
Anyway, after Right is defeated and Henry tries to get Reginald, he's tackled to the ground and stopped by Devin. So they fight it out while Reg tries to get help. (I have fails and a success for this part, but I'll save that for another time.) Henry finally gets advantage over Devin and slams him into the wall, which knocks him out.
Of course, there's the whole betraying government thing, and Henry becomes leader. Devin is not happy with it...
Relentless Bounty Hunter:
Same thing as the previous ending, but this time, once Devin woke up and found out about it, both him and Right were rightfully pissed about it. Both of them become a terror to the government and work together to get that space station up in orbit so they can go break Reginald out.
(I might talk more about the Completing the Mission endings, but this is already long, and I have no idea how interested people will be in this guy. 🥲)
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ocshowandtell · 8 months
Hiii! Found your Tumblr yesterday and was so happy to see a Tumblr dedicated to OC sharing! We all know how hard it is to be an OC creator as people tend to overlook OCs a lot so having a space for them here was such an amazing idea!
I, myself, love to share my OCs around and see other's OCs so I would love to share these two cuties from my original story with you all!
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This beautiful art was a commission I ordered from the sweet Calmomila, one of my favorite TLK artists.
If you don't mind I'd like to take advantage of this piece to explain a bit about these two girls (more of an info dump, I'M SO SORRY FSKJFKDJS) because I am totally crazy over them. *screams* The one standing is Thabisa, the leader of the Jabulani pride, which is a pride that consists only of females, they are seen as atypical and other prides don’t appreciate their ways, however, they are also feared because they are extremely capable lionesses and are known to drive away males trying to invade their territory, especially the ones who still follow the old ways as they do not approve these (my story happens during a period of change, prides are slowly appropriating the new ways, basically the old ways are just like how lions work in real life, while the new ways work kinda like the The Lion King world, but with a few differences). The Jabulani pride is a very unique pride, with their own culture and rules.
The one lying down is Matimba, she is a trans lioness that had a very rough past and wasn’t well accepted by her previous pride. She was kicked out of the pride after she finally got the courage to face them about their acts of prejudice towards her, especially towards her incomplete mane, for which she was bullied. Unfortunately for her, their territory wasn’t far away from the sandy lands where the Jabulani pride lives and she ends up getting lost into a totally different biome than what she was used to, not being able to thrive alone due to the lack of experience and adaptation. She was found by Thabisa and some of her lionesses weeks later, she was severely dehydrated and malnourished, could barely get up. Together the females were able to move Matimba to a safe place within their territory and took care of her for the next months.
Once Matimba gained some of her strength back, she finally started to introduce herself, she wasn’t sure if she could trust them yet so she still presented herself as Mavuto, her now dead name, quickly she started to realize there was no need to hide her true self, Thabisa knew the signs and to Matimba’s surprise, she was totally fine with her being trans. She was loved and cared for since the day she was found and it didn’t take too long for her to finally feel at home, a home where she could finally be herself. The name Matimba was suggested by Thabisa when she decided she wanted to get rid of her birth name, not only because it was a male name, but also because it gave her some sad memories that she wanted to let go, she didn’t feel right with it anymore. The name means “strength” and that was how Thabisa started to see her after finding out about her past: a representation of courage and strength. I am an avid shipper of these two, I don’t care if I am the creator and if people find it cringe for a creator to ship their own OCs, I'mma shipping them until the day I die, I love them so much.
Thank you so much for creating this blog and I hope you are having a great week! :D
i'm telling you guys there is no cringe only joy here!!! im glad you're loving this, this is the whole point!
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mediical-trek · 1 year
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🌸It makes me feel so happy that you lot love my silly lil OC<3
🌸More below the cut, yes I am going to be a sap cause oh my gODS
🌸I've never really had success with OC blogs before, the fact that remotely anybody wants to interact and learn more like you all just
🌸Makes me happy! Please don't be scared to DM me or lemme know that you'd love to hear me ramble about her, I promise you
🌸I am filled with too many ideas and would love to spout out to someone!
🌸info dumping is my specialty especially since, even though I made her like-weeks ago, I got a whole lot to talk about
🌸thank you all so much I'm so glad to call you friends qwq
🌸 @starfleetsxvulcan you write Spock so amazingly- honestly one of the reasons I even wanted to make an OC for Star Trek in the first place and actually get more into the fandom that, admittedly, I thought was dead. I also love the friendship between Spock and Blue- definitely going to develop interestingly.
🌸@bcnes Y O U- You're also so amazing and cool, and I love how you RO McCoy. The dynamic between how stubborn vs how sweet the two are is so great. Really just opposites that can come in the middle and not get on each other's nerves.
🌸@finalfronticr Your Kirk and the way you write him is- so silly and so nice. The idea that despite being the commander he cares about his crew is something you capture perfectly- a character I can definitely see Jim being someone Blue could be able to confide in (aside from McCoy, believe it or not).
🌸@calmlythrilling YOUR VENOMOUS IS SO SPOT ON AND I LOVE HIM. Honestly it's been so long since I watched and enjoyed OK KO, but having Blue interact with one of my favorite villains from the show is. You are amazing. You write amazing! All aspects of him too!
🌸@teapottroubles Alice is so caring to Bluebird in her own way and I love the fact it feels like they've been friends for a while <3 you're writing is so amazing and Admittedly- I also think Blue would be good friends with Scotty! I love how you portray your characters and just- AUGHHH /pos
🌸thank you all so so much <3
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spaghett-onaplate · 2 years
"one of these" im feeling chatty, and also we're new mutuals, so let's do all those little ask things!
what's your favorite animal? :3c
i followed you cause i noticed you interacting with Abram and i was like "oh this person seems fun" and i rotated the thought of followin for... several weeks? and then was like "yea let's goooo"
i am currently thinking about my OC Procyon <3
idk if this is considered a compliment but your reactions to my info dumps fill me with glee (๑˃ᴗ˂)
ocean or outer space?
i am debating if i should self reblog my original works on a more frequent basis cause sometimes folks don't realize i post my stuff and they wanna read it... thoughts?
everything about me is an open secret alxhskdbsk
currently im associating you with yr and slowly building connections to Australia, and i have a few Australia related info dumps but the thing about that is ya gotta not dump them all at once... so know that i am chilling for opportunities
okie this is a long ask, oop;;
Hoohoohoo this is a very welcome long ask >:))
Favourite animal: I don't really have a specific favourite animal anymore tbh, but I do particularly like fish (as a general thing, but I'm thinking of comet goldfish - i very much hope to get some when I get a job :>), giraffes, foxes, cats, birds (as a very general thing again, but noisy miners stand out to me. they are little bastard bullies that annoy every other bird and animal but their little FACES. their faces you do not understand they are so adorable. there are some nesting on our side garden thing and so one day one kept repeatedly banging headfirst into the window,, we thought it was at my cat first. she was loving the bird show). I used to loveee foxes so much, they were my absolute favourite animal for ages!!
Why you followed me: Oho yes that's cool!! I saw you and Abram interact a few times so I assumed that was our mutual.. mutual?? connection?? well anyway that is very nice :>>
Currently thinking about: oo i like the name Procyon!! Is it pronounced prock-yon or does the "cy" blend together like in cyan, to make pro-syon? Or another way?? Either way very cool <33
Compliment: hoohoo well I take any positive perceptions of myself as compliments, and I'm glad that you appreciate my appreciation :>> but yes your tags are always so interesting to read!! Either cool info or a time that you got into a Situation
Ocean or outer space: Ocean, by far. In terms of exploration, it's right here!! May as well discover all the uncharted ocean before expanding to the rest of the solar system, no?? And for personal interest, I find the ocean and its life very cool. Immensely terrifying, especially considering the fact I can hardly swim, but very cool. (about the hardly swimming thing - I did take lessons, but they were more of an initial getting over the fear of water thing. Then I just never got the hang of freestyle at all, my body just doesn't stay up when I go to take a breath. Maybe that has to do with the burning-sinuses-and-hasn't-seen-the-surface-in-several-eons level of desperation I take a breath with, but I digress. So my swimming proficiency ends at doggy paddle. I tend to avoid water)
My thoughts: don't be scared to self-reblog if it's something you want other people to see!! And if there are people who want to see it, you could ask if they want to be tagged in future posts??
Open book: hah me too tbh, I am struck with the urge to share every single thing I have experienced in the face of crushing dread that it will be erased from my memory unless I do,, so I too have few secrets.
Associations: yr makes a lot of sense, and Australia! Yes! Well in case you haven't already figured it out, i am very much appreciative and interested in any and all of your info dumps, so feel free share to any time >:)) I could do with more information about Australia tbh, i feel that I take much of my surroundings for granted. But it's hard to romanticise familiar surroundings, right?? One random cool thing I like is that one of the peninsulas has Canadian rocks from before continental drift
The long ask was very much welcome, so here's my long post in response >:)) thank you for sending it in Milo!! Also fun fact, there is a very popular drink here called Milo. I'm pretty sure it's not a thing overseas?? But disregard this if it is lmfao. Well Milo is this chocolate powdery stuff that you add to milk and it tastes great, so I associate your name with that!
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koko-raccoon · 2 years
Teddy for the meme, of course!
1: sexuality headcanon
Bi/Asexual/Pollyam curious? Like under the right circumstances he would be in a throuple
2: otp
LMAO no one in canon really because I'm /that/bitch. an oc/canon bitch.
I did like onesided Teddy/Helen I know she never liked him but his crush on her was just adorable it's not his fault she's the way she is
3: brotp
TeddyBob because when they get along its genuinely so cute teddy really is Bob and Linda's platonic life partner lmao
Also MortTeddy I miss when they were friends so much it was so fun 😔
4: notp
You're not gonna believe this babes but I do NOT like Kathleen I think she is so uninteresting like she was fine in the Helen Hunt but she should've stayed there.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
He will info dump about everything to anyone but if you ask what his problem with Mort is he will say "its a long story I don't want to get into it." LIKE GIRL /WHAT/
6: favorite line from this character
FAVORITE??? god idk I really like "they're playing all the hits!" and "cars don't run on batteries idiot! they run on gas! and batteries! dammit."
7: one way in which I relate to this Character
We are both loyal ride or dies. Also have anger issues that most likely come from childhood trauma??
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Oh his pathetic desperate attempt to win back Denise in Sea Me Now 😔 I like that episode alot but she really fucked this poor man up.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
cinnamon fave roll
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sw4tch · 2 years
u should info dump about smth, anything
(ali my friend my beloved my good time gamer and bestie HIIII!!!! 💕💕💕)
it's not like i don't have topics to infodump about, but the truth is that i feel like you've handed me a mic in the middle of karaoke and now it's my turn (oh god it's my TURN)
also 👉👈 um um i'm not sure if the info i'd be dumping would be NEW or interesting to anyone. why am i overthinking this. "I have no mouth but I must Rant" kinda situation over here.
Like I'd LOVE to infodump about my very, very personal deltarunesona au shenanigans I've been working on for like, a YEAR now- but that feels too PERSONAL to TALK about on my PERSONAL blog, gods forbid I show any kind of Intense Passion i have which might be deemed """""weird"""""
Same goes for my 4 DnD characters (DID U KNOW I RECENTLY FINISHED A WHOLE CAMPAIGN?!?!?! MY FIRST CAMPAIGN and my tiefling paladin got the happiest most lesbian ending possible, hell yeah) bcus i have LOTS of lore for them but i always end up. Not sharing it? Not even with my fellow players on the table bcus man i know they don't really care lol. Like, did u know i have Powerpoints of various lengths talking about them?!?!?!? For at least 2 of them. Eshuu (my most favorite warlock, my goat boy whomst i love deeply) got the 5 star treatment and his powerpoint has 40 slides of content. I JUST LOVE ALL OF MY CHARACTERS and i have been CURSED, cursed I TELL YA to play on tables that don't really. Have that same passion for roleplaying characters (acting wise, u know) or creating OCs. Like cmon guys i thought we all agreed dnd was for repressed theater kids (JOKE)
hmm hmm I MEAN my on rotation rants currently are:
Deltarune (just. listen this is MY BEHEMOTH talk about deltarune with me and i will just not shut up. mostly i like to talk about speculation of what will happen on the next chapters and my god. my god, toby fox when will ur brainworms end (never apparently)).
Star wars (THIS IS A SPECIAL ONE. OKAY??? BCUS I BECOME A FUCKING HATER WHEN SOMEONE EVEN BRINGS IT UP. Not because I don't like star wars per se, BUT I HAVE FUCKING BEEF WITH IT AS A FRANCHISE. This all started on the day i was born ON THE DAY they released that last trilogy movie and my life fucking ended. "somehow palpatine returned" I WILL NEVER LET THAT GO, THEY MADE MY BEAUTIFUL MAN OSCAR ISAAC SAY THAT LINE AND NOW HE'S THE FACE OF STAR WARS' SECOND GREATEST NARRATIVE SIN- HOW COULD THEY DO THAT!!!!! WHO WROTE THAT!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I MEAN. I MEAN. I'm always ready to list all of the reasons why i fuckin love Mob Psycho 100 but i don't think that's revolutionary. Everyone is doing it these days. Anyway I am in love with Reigen Arataka and my hot take is that HOW could you not love him. Also the Reigen spinoff is GENIUS bcus it's not even ABOUT him.
This is also a special case but it's not a rant im always ready to make but. Homestuck 2. The epilogues. Krusty from the Simpsons going "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT".gif As I'm sure you'd suspect I have STRONG emotions and OPINIONS about All that mess. What a trainwreck. They did ONE thing right but it did not justify the Clown Show it all was. My god. my god.
The legion of super heroes (and by extension, the CW and Michael fuckin' Bendis): Do you wanna know my complicated relationship with DC comics, my love-hate relationship with it, my love for supergirl, my love for the supergirl series which ENDED UP BADLY and also my deep deep love for one of the most BEATEN AND BRUISED hero teams in modern runs???? My god this rant is for YOU. But all u have to know is that I love Brainiac 5, he's my beloved, and i think my love cursed him to be the most DONE DIRTY character of all time. It is my cross, my burden to bear.
I'd add the magnus archives to that list BUT admittedly I still haven't finished the podcast and I have still a very loose grasp on the concepts they just introduced on s3. BUT. B U T. JUST KNOW. I love Elias Bouchard he's evil and he sucks and he made me listen to the brutal pipe murder of a man and i went "wow :) what the hell is his deal <3"
Well. Well I think that's my infodump about MY possible infodumps. Now that I think about it, i'm not sure if this is the answer u wanted. As in, was ur ask made in response to something else? Literally i dont know why i am once more overthinking about it. ANYWAY ALI ILU AND I'M ALWAYS GLAD TO HEAR FROM U!!!!!!! SORRY I DONT TEXT MORE LIFE IS HECTIC AND WHEN TOO MUCH TIME PASSES I START TO THINK I MIGHT BE BOTHERING PEOPLE, BUT ILU FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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joaquinwhorres · 2 years
So I finally watched Top Gun: Maverick and now I’m going around and bothering(affectionate) my mutuals about their ocs.
So can I hear about Kindall? Maybe how she changes the movie, or just info dump some stuff you’ve been wanting to share about her!
I am so glad you finally watched Top Gun. Not just so you can join the fandom but because dang, it's one of the best summer flicks in a long time.
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Her real name is Katelyn Thomas. (birdiefliesaway is her social handle to avoid hometown people following her. This has not worked since she's now an Influencer.) Hangman calls her Katie.
She became big after appearing on a Netflix reality TV show called The Network where wannabe influencers live together and complete challenges in order to gain a following & audience. They stay in the house based on an engagement metric & of course task perks. She placed third but was a fan favorite because of her small town charm and witty one-liners about the other contestant.
Grew up in Coolidge, Texas with Hangman. Was prom queen, homecoming queen, and well known as the pretty face who was gonna make it out.
Has a terrible relationship with her parents but is really close to her sister Emily who is 6 years younger than her.
Has a love life reminiscent to pre-Joe Alwyn Taylor Swift and the media is treating her just as kindly about it.
People who know her find it somewhat difficult to believe that so many people like her.She's not exactly warm or kind.
I'm currently working on the prequel to her & Hangman's Top Gun story where we learn more about both of them. It's called Tis the Damn Season, and yes it is based off of the Taylor Swift song.
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