#I'm just kinda puzzled cause way people are starting to act like having one of this two three maybe five classic tropes is a necessity
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nadiajustbe · 3 months ago
I think the most beautiful thing about writing of Howl and Sophie's pair is that they are written as people before being written as a pair. Let me explain this very quick.
The thing about book Sophie and Howl is that they are not really fully fitting into any "classic" romantic trope. They are not exactly enemies to lovers, as their angry chats are definitely cannot be considered a life or death battle, they are not rivals to lovers because the only aspect of rivalry between them is the cleaningness of Howl's room. They are not friends to lovers, as their relationship just doesn't fit into "friendship" structure at the very start, nor they are roomates (yes, they live in the same house but that's not the core aspect of their relationships). Of course, you can go on and fit the name of the trope you found specifically for them, but that's the thing.
They simply cannot be processed through a pairings lenses only, in order to understand how they act in relationship you need to analyse them separately, as a characters first of all. Cause that's what the book itself does!
Sure, it doesn't have a whole lot of romance instead, but it gives us time to learn and observe the life of incredibly written, alive characters, understand them as personalities first of all, while slowly immersing the dynamic between two characters (in this case, Howl and Sophie) into work. They are written as personalities, both being fully separated and interviewing, changing eachother's point of view.
It's difficult to find a trope for them. They're are not a trope. They are Howl and Sophie, and that's probably the only way their dynamic can be properly described. Just as real people, they are not really fitting into the boxes of linial character progression, but go way deeper into being complex, filled with little differences and moments only people with their personality can have in romantic (or any different) kind of interaction. They're imperfect, and silly, and multidimensional and the reader knows them well enough to imagine them interacting way beyond of what the book says to them.
They are being people before being a ship, a pair of a trope — and that's why they work so perfectly charming in the end.
Howl and Sophie are unique in being themselves.
#and that's not that they're the only ones like that#I'm sure there's a lote of well-written paintings like them as well#it's just I feel that people would try to find them some kind of a trope in the end anyways#actually If you let me brag about it a bit#I feel like people nowadays are trying a little to hard to force romance (and other dynamic but romance especially) into some kind#eh..tiny boxes instead of letting characters actually interacting on independent manner?#like there's so many bookshops and book covers that say “enemies to lovers!!” on it and like#nothing else. that may be a fault of booktock cause so many videos in there are “top-5 friends to lovers books of the year!!”#I don't care?? tell me about the characters about how their personalities are connecting them tell me about their story about their quircks#about the parts of them that led to romance being as it is about the parts of them that compliment each other#TELL ME ABOUT THE BOOK AND THEIR PERSONALITIES GODDAMIT#I have nothing against people inventing a way of naming the progression their characters relationship are that's actually pretty handy#I'm just kinda puzzled cause way people are starting to act like having one of this two three maybe five classic tropes is a necessity#I cannot understand why people won't read a book simply because the cover doesn't say enemies to lovers#I cannot understand why ppl are thinking it's enough for characters to be enemies to lovers and nothing else#I was doing tell me abt your ship template with Sophie and I had to add a million of arrows and little texts explaining every specific#AND I LOVED IT SM LIKE THEY ARE SO??! THEMSELVES THEY ARE SO ALONE#you cannot understand how much I love it#(and yes I do categorise my ships sometimes it's just I feel I don't put as much meaning into it as someone else would??)#hmc book#howl's moving castle book#hmc#howell jenkins#sophie hatter#howl x sophie#howl's moving castle#howl pendragon
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thegeminisage · 2 years ago
i wanted to liveblog the trailer but there was too much too fast there was no fucking way so i am going back through with my initial impressions for posterity while theyre still fresh:
opening music instantly causing me to well up. cried one perfect tear when the logo came in with the main series theme. then transitioning into the botw theme the moment he hit the ground? buttery smooth. i was a mess before we started
btw the little constructs milling about is the PERFECT opener
PEOPLE! i feel like i have been talking about how we havent seen any PEOPLE in these trailers...i was so surprised to see them and see how hateno had changed, AND THE TENTS...people are coming back to the castle...nature is healing...except no it isn't
changed geography was cool, i'm always shocked when i don't recognize places in the trailers
WHAT is that big stormcloud thing...it's Gotta be a dungeon
a single shot of the gerudo desert had me in hysterics and then when they transitioned to ganondorf's theme as the castle rose into the sky i gave up on texting my brother with my jaw on the ground
DEMISE. RIGHT AFTER THAT. it's NOT ganondorf. look at his hair glowing. his buffness. HIS SCALED ARM. his striped clothing. THAT IS DEMISE!!!
reader, this is where i let out my first scream.
the shot of the big internal area under what i presume is the desert (where the sand is flowing) HAS to be a dungeon
the various montages of puzzles and combat with ganondorf's rising theme i'm pretty sure gaveme palpitations
IS THIS HYLIA? or a monster. the thign with the pointed head and the necklace. WHAT IS THAT? WHO IS THAT? it looks too humanoid to be a run of the mill monster but it doesn't look humanoid enough to be hylia...this was my second scream
WHO IS SPEAKING TO ZELDA? WHO IS THAT??? i know there's absolutely no way it's rehydrated ganondorf but let me believe. they both kinda sound like matt mercer, even though i don't think either of them actually are
like WHO IS IT that puts the hand on her shoulder...some zonai priest or something...he has the same fucked up hand that link has
FINALLY a shot of zelda's face...she is so beautiful i could cry
is it just me or does zelda ask who link is? "our last line of defense will be link." "link?" WHAT IF SHE HAS THE AMNESIA THIS TIME. I'LL SCREAM.
these next few shots...the timing of the blow with the music...the big scenes and the escort mission and the totk theme coming in full for the first time...i could only just sit there with my face doing like: O O
i mean honestly. ROCKET LAUNCHER. MINECART RACE. LASERS. BOSSES. there's no SHORTAGE of variety in this trailer. y'all are not gonna see me for a month. i will become nothing but a conduit through which zelda tears of the kingdom flows
zelda is remembering she's hylia i think but HAS SHE FORGOTTEN LINK?
i totally missed the shot of dehydrated ganondorf first time it's SOOO fast but wow <3 him <3
like, HIS THEME coming in like that? i was shaking. and then HIS REHYDRATED SELF AFTER ALL THIS TIME? the iconic yell??? scream #3
shocked by voice acting from minor characters.
WHO IS THE BLONDE GIRL? she's wearing the same earrings and head thingy as zelda and she was wearing the tear zelda was holding too. my brother thinks that if the humanoid monster is hylia this could be a PREVIOUS ZELDA??? dis she blast those enemies??
RIJU DOING URBOSA'S FURY! i hope this is how we get champion abilities back
the tiny group of people one with a bucket on his head...link has made friends and CONNECTED people 🥺🥺🥺
is the voice right there "but you are not alone" the blonde girl?? ohhh i love her
WAHHH zelda holding the sword again!!!!!
and then zelda's lullaby coming in at the end. i definitely shed another tear. and now here i am
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comicaurora · 2 years ago
Question, from one aspiring writer to another: how do you manage to maintain the drive to keep writing and how do you not lose interest in what you've created before it's done? Asking because I need advice.
Tricky question. I don't think it has a single answer.
For me personally, there are a few things that buoy up my enthusiasm:
Rabbit Holes - random deep-dives into topics I find incredibly interesting. Because I have so many outlets for my rants about highly specific cool things, I don't need to stifle any random hyperfixations because almost all of them can be turned into scripts or worldbuilding concepts. If I feel the enthusiasm strike, I chase it down as far as I can and take as many notes as possible along the way. However, these things work like lightning strikes and I can't just get randomly super interested in any one thing. Almost all of my longform videos start out as these.
Comedic Reframing - the bread and butter of the channel and the lifehack that let my poor brain actually focus on extremely long and boring books through college. It's easier for me to retain information and enthusiasm if I can find humor in what I'm dealing with on a smaller scale. When working on illustrating videos, for instance, the way I avoid burning out on individual frames is by making sure they have witty dialogue or fun character moments, because I genuinely enjoy drawing those a lot more than just "character moves into position" or "scene change" shots. Same goes for the comic - the more dynamic or interesting the pose, the more interesting the panel is to draw and the easier it is for me to stay jazzed.
Audience Feedback - I feel like this part is simultaneously understated and overstated in different ways. Creating art solely for the accolades it might garner is seen as generally both gauche and inefficient - it'll turn into an existentially draining losing battle like all pursuit of fame for fame's sake does - but any writer or artist will tell you that people losing their minds over their art is the number one way to guarantee they want to make more art. When drawing the comic, even when I'm lower energy, I'll often think to myself "oh man, they're gonna be yelling about this panel" and that'll help give me a boost. Early on in the comic I read through the discord discussions almost every day, but now I'm mostly sustained just from people yelling in my askbox.
Letting The Characters Run Wild - I've mentioned this elsewhere, but one of the most fun parts of writing for me is when the characters kinda tap me on the shoulder and say "hey boss, I really wanna do this". Their character-moment is almost always spicier, more complicated and more interesting than whatever plot-serving guideline it's replacing. Making the characters act as automatons that solely move the plot forward is less interesting for me as a writer than turning them loose and seeing the havoc they cause. Before I ever put pen to paper for this story, half my fun would just be playing out extremely fraught conversations and encounters between characters - no script, no plan, just "here's the premise and GO." Lots of stories start out as daydreams, and daydreams are like the purest form of energizing creation, existing only for the joy of the creator and thus flowing almost effortlessly; I think it's important to retain the heart of that when the daydreams start being set down on paper. If it's not a little self-indulgent it's not gonna be too much fun, and sometimes all it takes is letting the characters do the wild thing with consequences you haven't fully worked out yet.
In my experience, the thing I enjoy most as a creator is solving puzzles. I have more fun writing my story when I only mostly know where it's going, and I have to work out the most interesting consequences to my characters' unexpected actions. I have more fun drawing out a joke if the punchline didn't even occur to me before I started the frame, because the idea is fresh and fun and hasn't gone stale from sitting in my head too long. And my enthusiasm for my older work is reinvigorated when I see how other people respond to it, because it lets me almost see my own work through fresh eyes, which is a rare treat for any creator.
And when I get really worn down, I treat that like a sign that something needs readjusting. I don't force it when I'm worn out or can't bear to look at my tablet - I step back, take a break, take a walk, indulge in Floor Time, watch a movie, buy a coffee, do something that isn't trying to floor the accelerator when I'm stuck in a creative snowdrift. Sometimes that means putting a project down for months. Sometimes that means realizing I wouldn't actually be able to make a project happen because it'd be draining my will to live the whole time.
I sometimes use the metaphor that a creator's mind is like a garden. Its works need to be cultivated, but sometimes they also need to be left alone, or maybe the soil needs to be actively left fallow for a while. It may look like the project isn't doing anything, when in actuality it's spreading its roots and developing a much more solid foundation where you can't see it. Maybe two concepts cross-pollinate in an unexpected way and you get a new third thing to cultivate. But the most important part of this metaphor is that the well-being of every individual thing growing in the garden is heavily dependent on the heart of the garden overall. If you aren't doing okay, your art isn't going to be okay either. If it's feeling like a fruitless and nothing is growing, you might just need rain. Or nitrogen-fixers.
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saintmurd0ck · 2 years ago
hey babe hope ur doing well. i've been scrolling through ur nyc posting and... ur making me miss nyc sm i'm actually tearing up. i love. that fuckin city so much idk how to describe it. i know it sounds so fckin stupid and cliche but legit since i was little i wanted to live there.
seeing it in shows and movies when i was little and becoming obsessed with various marvel characters who lived in different boroughs (my main one being matt ofc lol)
and then visiting for the first like a few years ago and staying in the city a long weekend and finding little local places to eat. getting into the residential areas and everything just feels so... right.
you can hear people moving down on the street, you can see the chrysler building from your window, you can hear the ambulances and the construction workers and the trash collectors, you can smell the food the neighbors are cooking when you step out in the tiniest hall and into the tiniest elevator
seeing people talking and yelling at each other from open windows cause these people have lived here years and sitting there eating the best damn food youve had in your life from a tiny hole in the wall place on the edge of china town.
going across the street and down steps into a second hand bookstore where the floorboards creak with EVERY step and the back is literally a shed shoved up to the door taking up most of an alleyway and you just feel so fucking at peace and alive because the city is alive and FUCK
the subway and the architecture and the PEOPLE
RHI the first time i ever visited i was doing all the dumb tourist things and was walking through hells kitchen (didn't even realize I was at the time) and some middle age guy stops me on the street
he has a thick ny accent and starts asking me about my day and if i'm a tourist and what attractions ive visited and hes cracking jokes and acting like he's known me for years and telling me about his wife and hows hes traveled the world and giving me tips on how to dodge random vendors
and he tells me he stopped me cause i reminded him of his kids and he says "oh, welcome to hell's kitchen by the way, best part of the whole city"
and i. i'm so fucking broke im so broke but i swear im going to live there i have to live there i have to
and i thought it would wear off, cause that's what everyone says. the more you visit the more trash you see and the more bad things you see. and you do. i saw more trash and rats and all of that but. it just made me fall in love with it more
everyone's just there, trying to survive and trying to live their lives and i love that. yeah it has it's problems but i don't care. every time i visit i see one bad thing and twenty good things, and twenty-one reasons to love that stupid city even more
anyways let me actually shut the fuck up, ily hun, hope your day continues to get better
i am absolutely over the fucking moon receiving this, ren. i hope you know how much it means to me that you took the time to write all of this out and share your thoughts with me. firstly let me say, i feel like new york city is kinda a city of clichés, but they're all true. it has this... magic to it, and it kinda sucks you in.
when you say everything feels right, i know exactly!!!! what you mean. here i was, in a country i'd never stepped foot in before, over 15 thousand km (9320 miles) away from familiarity, but yet i knew what i was doing. it felt like some kind of puzzle piece had just clicked into place, and it only took me 21 years to find out.
i feel that the thing with new york is, the residents all have the same thing to say. "oh yeah this city fucking sucks" or some sort of variation on the criticism. but at the end of the day -- at the end of the day, they step back and think, "oh yeah, i live here. in new york freakin city." and it's such a bonding thing.
i thought it would wear off too, and after a while you'd just get used to it and everything would be mundane, but it never felt like that. even being back home, back to reality, i'm pining for it. the thing i've stressed the most about going away is that it never was a holiday. it was never supposed to be that. it was actually the chance for me to go there and ask myself honestly: "can i actually live here? would i like it?" and i am so glad i proved myself right.
so yeah, let's get an apartment in hell's kitchen. let's wake up to the sound of traffic and sirens and someone yelling on the street below, then go for coffee where the baristas pretend to care about our coffee orders (until they do). everything's a subway ride away, one way or another. fuck it, let's go on the staten island ferry at three in the morning and laugh about all the people who've paid $200 to go see lady liberty (when they can be doing it for free).
the city is alive, and while it can take and take and take from you, it leaves a part of its magic in your soul. and you know what? i'm fine with it.
the city awaits with open arms...
and i can't wait to go back.
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hxseok-honee · 4 years ago
blossom || part 12
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blossom [part 12] || I'm happy being okay
[‘cause all i need is to see you blossom out, blossom out, blossom out]
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a/n : i have no idea who i love more!! hobi or yoongi!! no idea!!!
When Y/n wanders across the grounds later that morning, just past 7am, she’s checking her phone to make sure she’d read Hoseok’s text properly.
The forest? What the hell could we have to do there this early?
Convinced her sleep-deprived mind is playing tricks on her, she almost misses the head poking out from the treeline just ahead, followed by the body of a tall boy she’s come to be very familiar with.
“Y/n!” Squinting at the person with burning eyes, exhausted out of her mind, she finally sees that it’s Hoseok. He’s waving excitedly, arm stretched high over his head as he uses his whole body to beckon her over. He’s got a thermos in his free hand, which he holds out to her once she stumbles over to him. She takes it curiously, so he reaches out and uncaps it for her while he explains.
“I woke up this morning expecting to see you and Yoongi still passed out in the common room, but you were gone! And when I checked my phone, I saw you guys had stayed out instead of going back to Slytherin, so I figured you haven’t slept.��� Pulling away with the cap in his hand, he points into the open container with a smile, so she peers into it. Hot steam billows out, followed by the smell of freshly brewed coffee. She looks up at him, a gesture of appreciation on the tip of her tongue, but he only waves her off.
“Not all of us can be energized by life -- some people are weak and require caffeine.” He grins impishly when she scoffs, the gratitude gone as she reaches out to nudge him with her elbow.
“Well, this weak human thanks you for supplying her with her daily fix.” Hoseok grins widely, his smile bright and pleased, and she’s amazed, as she tends to be, that he can be so infectiously happy all the time.
“Anything for you, Y/n -- besides, I need you awake and alert for today’s activities!” Lifting the thermos to her lips, she sips straight from the bottle, savoring the heat it brings her in the cold November morning. She doesn’t respond while she drinks, only raising an eyebrow questioningly at him. He lets out a small giggle, waving her into the forest as he heads back to the trees. She sees then that he’s got a backpack on, seemingly empty. She assumes it’s bottomless, one of the many everyday conveniences of being a wizard. Swallowing her coffee, she hums at his back while she follows.
“What are you hiding in there?” He glances at her over his shoulder with a shy smile.
“Patience, Miss Y/l/n.” Rolling her eyes with a smile, Y/n decides to just trust the sunny boy in front of her. While she follows behind him, she notices that she recognizes this path, an inkling that’s confirmed when they finally step into a clearing they’d only been in one other time. She gasps, the sound loud in the quiet morning, and Hoseok turns to walk backwards while he talks to her, his smile wide.
“I told you Wiggentrees grow fast, didn’t I?” Just there, in the middle of the clearing where they’d planted a seed not a few days prior, is the sapling of a tree, almost 4 feet high now. It’s clearly taken root, growing steadily in the bright, open space, the sun’s rays coming down prettily on it as it sways gently in the breeze. Hoseok watches with a fond smile as Y/n heads for it with wide eyes, passing him with a quick glance in his direction, her expression full of wonder.
“But we just planted it! It was just a little mound of dirt, like, 72 hours ago!” Hoseok nods, knowing she can’t see it.
“It’ll be fully grown probably within the week-- ah ah!” He steps in quickly when he sees her nearing it, hooking his fingers into the hood of her sweater and stopping her from getting any closer. She looks back at him in confusion, comically child-like as he holds her hood up behind her. “I know you love bowtruckles, but I promise they’re not as cute when they’re doing their job.” He gestures with his chin down at the ground around the tree sapling, and when she follows his eyes, she sees there are two little green heads poking out from the dirt, tiny eyes peering up at her cautiously. She lets out another quiet gasp, enamored by the little creatures.
“I didn’t even notice them… they usually have leaves sprouting out of their heads…” Hoseok releases Y/n while she talks, her voice nothing more than a whisper as she crouches to get a closer look at them. She hears Hoseok settling down on the ground beside her, and when she turns to him, he’s setting his bag in his lap and opening it. Reaching inside, he pulls out what looks like a metal breathmint container, small enough to fit in his palm.
Glancing up at her, he pats the ground next to him, an invitation. When she sits next to him, her back is straight and she’s got her hands in her lap, cradling the thermos of coffee as she looks at him attentively, waiting for him to direct their next move. It makes him smile sweetly, seeing her trust his expertise in herbology so fully. He hands her the container silently, explaining in a low voice when she looks at it curiously.
“I thought you might like to do the honors -- they’ll like you a lot more if you’re the one giving it to them… they might even remember you later on.” Popping the lid open, she sees that the mints once inside have clearly been eaten, the container kept for storing something else -- wood lice, to be exact. The small black insects squirm around inside, still alive, and Y/n can’t even begin to wonder how Hoseok had acquired them so fresh.
“Growing up a plant nerd in a muggle household made it pretty easy for me to be fascinated by magical plants and their inhabitants once I got here… you wouldn’t believe how often I have to pick wood lice from the plants at my apartment when I go home.” Y/n blinks down at the little bugs before turning to Hoseok, a question about what he'd just said lingering on the tip of her tongue. He gestures to the two bowtruckles when they make eye contact, continuing the conversation before she can ask, and she wonders if he’d seen her curiosity and purposely avoided it. It seems distinctly unlike Jung Hoseok to hide something, but she lets it go when he starts talking.
“They’re still babies, by the way -- you were curious about not seeing the leaves on their heads… They’re still taking root, just like the tree…” He trails off, pointing to the container of wood lice in her hand. “But those are their favorite -- they’ll love you for sure if you give them that.” Glancing back down into the metal tin, Y/n smiles, finding it incredibly endearing that Hoseok had brought her out here just so she could befriend the bowtruckles.
Reaching out without a word, she tips the container slightly, letting the wood lice roll out onto the fresh dirt around the Wiggentree. The two baby bowtruckles had disappeared back underground in the time she and Hoseok had been talking, having apparently decided that these large humans were no threat to the tree as long as they stayed away. Now, they poke their heads back up, honing in on the meal laid out before them. Hoseok and Y/n watch quietly as they clamber out from beneath the dirt, crawling over to the wriggling lice and scooping them up in tiny arms. They return to their burrows to eat in peace, and Hoseok turns to Y/n while they wait, opening up his bag with excitement.
“So! I brought you out here to make evil stick bug friends, but I also thought it could be nice to do this, too.” Y/n watches with a sip of her coffee as he retrieves an entire wicker basket, contents covered with a damp paper towel. He sets it down next to her, smacking the back of her hand lightly with a playful glare when she tries to peek inside. “Patience, I said.”
Y/n rolls her eyes, unable to stop the smile that spreads across her face when she hears his quiet giggle, his joy truly infectious. He reaches back into the bag, setting out two pairs of scissors, a stack of twine, and a roll of thin, green tape. He does allow her to pick that up while he sets his bag down, explaining with a small smile.
“It’s floral tape… kinda like washi tape for flowers, I guess.” Y/n spins the roll around on her pointer finger, humming in contemplation as she puts the pieces together.
“So, you brought flower tape, flower wire, flower scissors, and--” She points at the covered basket with an inquisitive look. “--fresh flowers? Hopefully?” Hoseok smiles sheepishly, peeling the damp towel back from the basket, revealing a variety of flowers, all different types and colors.
“Welcome to the Jung Hoseok Flower Crown Process?” He waves his hands dramatically, but his voice is hesitant, like he’s unsure if she’ll even like this idea. It makes her smile, the fact that he’d gone out of his way to let her into this private part of his life even though he’s insecure about what she’ll think. Peering into the basket curiously, she picks out a small purple flower, twirling it between her thumb and pointer finger carefully.
“You know I won’t be able to do this as well as you do, right?” Hoseok smiles, some of the tension leaving his shoulders as he sees that she’s clearly curious and not about to tell him she thinks this is dumb.
“Don’t worry about how it looks! It’s just… kind of like my puzzles, in a sense -- a good way to sit and not think for a while. It helps me process whatever's going on in my head without the actual... processing part.” He grabs the stack of twine, running a length of it into a circle between his fingers before snipping the end with scissors. Tying the ends together, he reaches out and sets the crown of wire experimentally on her hair, smiling when he sees that he’d guessed at the size of her head properly. “After the night you had, I figured we could either talk about it while we do this, or we could just do this and not talk about it… up to you.”
Y/n stares at Hoseok while he goes back to his twine, unrolling a bit more and snipping when he thinks he’s got the right size of his own head. When he ties it together and sets it on his hair, she snickers -- it’s too small, sitting on his head like a little hat instead of a crown. He breathes out an embarrassed laugh, the tips of his ears going red when she takes it from him, switching it out for her properly sized one.
“Allow me the privilege to make your tiny crown into a really ugly tiny crown?” He smiles at her request, nodding as he lays out some of the flowers on the ground before them.
“It would be my honor to wear your really ugly tiny crown.”
“Okay, and then you just twist it… around… like this-- okay no, not like that-- you know what? It’s perfect, Y/n. I love it.” Y/n groans loudly when Hoseok laughs, shaking his head at her poor recreation of his work. The crown he’s making is a perfect mix of purples and blues, some white flowers peeking through to create a nice winter arrangement. Hers is… not quite the same. The colors are there, but the flowers hang lamely off of the twine, very obviously not secured to the wire despite Hoseok’s best attempts to get her there.
It’s close to 9am by now, and they’ve been working at the flower crowns for almost an hour already -- there are two finished ones next to Hoseok, but Y/n’s still on her first, having started and restarted a million times to try and get it right. The baby bowtruckles sit perched on her shoulders, having decided not long ago that she was worthy of their affections after the meal of wood lice. They croon quietly, swaying in the wind as they watch her work -- she knows they’re not particularly engaged in her struggle, but she definitely feels like they’re judging her right now.
She watches as Hoseok ties up the ends of his third crown in an hour before offering the loose bits of flower in his palm to the bowtruckles. They lean in curiously, climbing into his hand and picking at the purple petals with small sounds of interest. He smiles down at them as he lifts his hand to Y/n’s shoulder, helping them return to their previous spots so they can examine their new possessions. Y/n watches him closely, not even realizing she’s staring until he’s meeting her eyes self-consciously.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Y/n blinks, biting at the inside of her lip with a shake of her head.
“Just wondering how I happened to meet someone as lovely as you.” Hoseok’s flushing red almost immediately at the unexpected compliment, and it makes Y/n laugh quietly. “You know, you can be pretty shy when you want to be, Hobi.” He purses his lips, twiddling his finished flower crown between his thumb and pointer finger as he thinks.
“I’m not really used to having friends… this is kind of the first time I’m doing any of… this, I guess.” He gestures vaguely to their setup, but Y/n notices that he’s mostly gesturing between the two of them, and she sees that by ‘this’, he’d meant them.
“How’d a guy like you go 7 years without making any close friends?” She curses herself as she asks -- she hadn’t meant to be insensitive, and she certainly hadn’t meant to word it like that. But Hoseok only smiles, his eyes taking on a faraway look as he stares down at his lap.
“It’s funny… that question used to bother me a lot. Especially first year.” Y/n groans internally, dropping her head to her chin in shame at her own idiocy. The bowtruckles let out quiet complaints, disgruntled by her sudden movement. Hoseok chuckles under his breath, reaching out and setting his finished crown on her head when she lifts it to eye him cautiously. “Don’t worry, I’m not upset. I just thought it was interesting.” He takes another pause, humming while he thinks about how to explain this to her.
“My life… has been remarkably unremarkable. I’m healthy, I study hard, and people generally like me without trying too hard to get close to me because I’m a little weird.” He lists these things as facts, even going so far as to tick them off on his fingers while he talks. Y/n finds herself disagreeing silently, thinking of no less than ten different things that make him undeniably remarkable. But she doesn’t say anything, letting him finish.
“It’s kind of a blessing in disguise -- no news is good news right? So, if there’s nothing important to say about me… then that means I’m doing enough to get by successfully. I’m okay where I’m at, and I’m okay whether I have people… or not.” Y/n furrows her brow, entirely confused by him.
“But being okay isn’t the same as being happy.” He blinks when she says it, not having expected the way her voice wavers, the way her eyes fill with an emotion he can’t place right away. If she’d been anyone else, he would have mistaken it for pity. But it’s not. She seems upset, like she’s frustrated that she’s trying her best to understand him and failing. It makes him smile -- no one’s ever tried that hard.
“What if I’m happy being okay?” He lets it slip out, fully aware that it’ll only upset her further -- how could it not? She’s so different than him, someone who isn’t satisfied just letting things happen around her. It’ll confuse her, the way he sees his own life, and he figures it won’t help to say what’s on his mind without explaining everything. Because she won’t understand unless he says everything.
But he doesn’t want to -- he doesn’t want to ruin the day they’re having, and if there’s something he’s come to know about Y/n Y/l/n in the time he’s known her, it’s that she cares. She cares about everything -- her friends, her feelings, and most recently, him. And he just doesn’t want to worry her, not today. So he smiles at her furrowed brow, setting a fingertip in between her eyebrows so that she’ll release them from their torture.
“Tell me about Yoongi.” Y/n blinks, taken aback by the sudden change of topic. He grins widely, eyes turning into little half moons as he laughs at her expression. She shakes her head, not sure where he’s taking this.
“What about Yoongi?” Hoseok leans over, plucking her admittedly bad flower crown from her hand and setting it on his head -- it’s somehow gotten smaller in the time she’d been working on it, pinching and squeezing at the twine. It sits on his hair like a little flowery top hat, but it makes her smile, so he leaves it there. Then he picks up a yellow flower and spins it in his fingers slowly, plucking all the petals off as he goes before offering them absentmindedly to the bowtruckles while he explains.
“Well -- you’re confused how I ended up here, a 7th year with only one good friend that didn’t show up in my life until 7th year--” Y/n smiles shyly, realizing he’s talking about her when he gives her a knowing look. “-- but what I’m confused about is you. We already established last night that you're his metaphorical safety blanket, and I wanna know how that happened. And how you ended up here, a 7th year Gryffindor whose best friend is a Slytherin… so tell me, Miss Y/l/n. How does a lion like you end up with a perpetually horny, unapologetically heinous snake of a best friend like Min Yoongi?”
Y/n smiles at Hoseok’s unflattering description -- painfully accurate, to be fair -- and thinks about Yoongi. She thinks about everything he’d said to her only hours prior, still drunk but feeling surprisingly emotional. He’d always been honest with her about everything that passes through his mind -- he does lack a filter, after all -- but he’d never brought up their friendship until then. None of it needed saying, really -- she’d always known what they are to each other, but it’s different knowing where his mind goes when he’s unsure of himself. It made her feel protective of him in a way that she can only guess he feels about her most of the time. So she doesn't feel right telling Hoseok what she means to Yoongi -- but she can say what he means to her.
“Min Yoongi… is everything to me.” Her lips are moving before her brain can catch up, but now that it’s there in the air between her and Hoseok, she knows she means it. “I think maybe that’s why I’m having such a hard time understanding that you’re happy being okay… that you’ve been perfectly happy not having someone the way I have Yoongi. I don’t get it because I wouldn’t be who I am if he hadn’t come around.” Hoseok tilts his head, somehow fascinated by her -- the way she says it, it’s obvious she’s been overcome with emotion. He figures these thoughts must be fresh -- that maybe she and Yoongi had had some moment of vulnerability that morning and he’d asked the wrong thing at the wrong time.
He'd only wanted to hear more about her life, something real, and it was clear she didn't want to discuss her ex-boyfriend. So he'd thought her best friend might be a safer topic, something he's not so sure about anymore. But she’s only smiling, almost laughing as a thought crosses her mind, and he thinks maybe he hasn’t just opened a fresh wound with his curiosity.
“The thing about Yoongi is… he’s an only child in a rich pureblood Slytherin family. He’s got the perfect life by all standards -- he gets everything he wants when he wants it, and he says what he’s thinking without caring how it’ll affect anyone because it doesn’t really matter to him. He’s spoiled beyond belief -- he’s arrogant, rude, cold. Some people hate his guts -- apparently, even our friends need a break from him sometimes… and I guess I get it. He can be really terrible sometimes…” Hoseok frowns, not seeing how this can be headed anywhere good -- she’d just spent a full minute insulting the guy. But she’s smiling again, peering down into her now-empty thermos with eyes full of affection.
“But he’s the best friend I’ve ever had. I’d do anything for that asshole, no questions asked.” Hoseok breathes out a laugh, unable to believe how quickly her tone had changed. “We had a class together first year -- it was Potions. And I remember feeling so awkward because I hadn’t gotten to know anyone in my house except Jungkook and Taehyung by that point, and their schedules didn’t match up with mine. So I was just sitting there alone in a room full of Slytherins and Gryffindors that had already paired up, and there were some snakes trying to gang up on me because I looked sad and lonely in the corner waiting for class to start.” Hoseok nods, but he simply can’t imagine a version of Y/n that would be anything but headstrong and sure of herself.
“Imagine my surprise when this… obnoxious, bratty Slytherin stands up from his seat with his stuff and just leaves his housemate to come sit next to me.” Y/n laughs under her breath, lifting a finger to one of the bowtruckles and smiling when it latches on, climbing into her palm peacefully while she thinks back to that day.
“He was so annoying, Hobi -- I wanted to smash his head in. He just kept bragging about his family and how cool he was and how much money he had. It seemed like he already had all of Slytherin hanging onto his every word, like they all wanted to be his friend. And then he just grabs me and goes ‘anyway, this is my new friend, so if you mess with her, you mess with me!’, and I just remember thinking… ‘Who is this dude and why do I want to punch him in the face?’
“And then he just kept showing up… he was everywhere, and I couldn’t seem to get rid of him. But it was weird… after a while, I didn’t want to get rid of him. He was just always there. And it started to get to the point where I didn’t feel right if he wasn’t. Because I’d stopped being shy and lonely when he was around, and I liked that feeling. I needed him. He was rude and annoying, and as we got older, he was horny and gross and always off hooking up with someone and then telling me about it in an unnecessary amount of detail.” She cringes, thinking back to the literal full-body nude photo she’d gotten last year, completely unsolicited. But rather than enrage her the way it had then, she’s only amused now -- because of course Min Yoongi would send her a nude without realizing how messed up that is. It’s just who he is.
“He’s probably the most ridiculous person I’ve ever met. But… I wasn’t myself if he wasn’t around, so never once did I think about what my life could be without him. I could never have become the Gryffindor that I am without the Slytherin that he is. So, yes -- everyone sees him as this gross, loud asshole with more confidence than anyone can handle because that’s exactly who he is. But… that’s not what I see at all. All I see is the person that made me who I am.” She trails off then, suddenly shy and very aware of Hoseok’s eyes on the side of her face.
“That was… a lot, wasn’t it?” Hoseok smiles, shaking his head.
“No… never. I loved hearing you talk about him. It makes me happy that you have someone like that in your life -- and it makes me feel grateful for him, oddly enough. I wouldn’t have met this version of you if it hadn’t been for him. And I quite like this version of you.” The ends of his ears are painted pink when he says it, but it’s nothing in comparison to the blush on Y/n’s face. She’s never met anyone quite like Jung Hoseok -- never been around anyone so unconditionally good -- but she can tell even now that he’s probably going to change everything. It certainly doesn’t help that, as she looks at him, the only thing that comes to mind is what Yoongi had said to her while they’d watched the sun rise not even 4 hours prior.
“I know this started as me being upset because you’ve been slacking on our best friend time, but… that Hoseok guy’s gonna be good for you -- I can tell.”
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jaesvelvet · 4 years ago
precious — park jeongwoo
warnings: lowercase,grammartical error,mention of death,nightmare
words: 1.8k words
pairing: jeongwoo + fem reader
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it's nothing strange when jeongwoo stays with your family during holidays or school days. you guys' bonds are really strong, besides your parents are also best friends since high school so that's why both of you are close to each other.
it's usual summer breaks, jeongwoo hanging with you at your house, binging some netflix series. jeongwoo who is already bored watching the vampire diaries for thousand times, secretly glancing at his best friend.
he never thought of having a girl like you as his best friend (beside haruto of course) for him, you're perfect. sometimes he has a thought that he would never bored live in this world with you only. sounds creepy but that's how he loves his friendship with you.
turning 17 is a lot harder than jeongwoo ever imagine, he thought going through puberty is a lot easier. but trust him, it's not.
when he gets older, he realized that he saw you not as a best friend but as a girl he wants to date. he doesn't know when or why he fell for you but for sure he head over heels towards you.
"woo, stop looking at my pretty face"
"am i supposed to look at your damon then?" jeongwoo scoffed, flustrated you caught him looking at her
"um, yea?" you answer, grabbing a handful of popcorn from the bowl and stuffed into her mouth, without breaking the glance from television
jeongwoo let out a small laugh, seeing you, really into that show although this is their thousands time watching it
"im tired of these vampires, i'm bored" he confesses, lean back on the beige couch, once again he glances at you hoping you would respond to him
"you can't get tired of this, we're gonna binge this show until we're old," you said
"old? are you gonna be old with me y/n?" jeongwoo asked
without looking at the brown-haired boy, you nodded
"how about your future husband? doesn't he be jealous when his wife binge her favorite show with her guy best friend?" jeongwoo asked, when he sure his feelings towards you, he can't help but think about their future, if they ended up with someone else, does their friendship will last long? or they're gonna be like a stranger?
jeongwoo's question finally made you pause the show and turns her back to jeongwoo, staring at his relaxed face
"i don't want to be married, no-one can't stand if i'm having one of those ruthless nightmares" you frowned and pout at the same time, jeongwoo can't help but smile as a response, he just wanna pinch your soft cheeks.
you suffer from nightmares, although it happens occasionally, when it's happened, you will call jeongwoo, face-timing the sleepy boy until the next morning because you're too scared to return to sleep and spent the rest of the night, crying. and jeongwoo is the one and only who accompany you till the next morning no matter how tired he is.
he never sleeps when you having a nightmare, he will take care of you and calm you down, you will keep apologizing to jeongwoo and treat him with good food the next day, and of course, jeongwoo didn't mind at all, because he hates seeing someone he loves suffering.
"so do you want to get married to me then?" jeongwoo asked, if haruto is here, he will screaming at the top of his lungs cause jeongwoo finally got some brave to make his move.
you let out a big laugh
"nope, i want to marry with damon" you stick out your tongue at jeongwoo, making the boy tickles your body.
the house filled with your and jeongwoo's laughter, although you guys didn't notice you guys are really at your highest of happiness now.
it's 4 am and you once again woke up because of the nightmare. however, this nightmare felt different, it made you shaking so bad and out of breath, your body all covered with cold sweats, tears slowly falling to your cheeks.
quietly you sobbing in your blanket, although all of your nightmares seem real, this nightmare felt too overwhelmed for you— usually, you would call jeongwoo but today you didn't, it because your nightmare this time is about him.
you never dreamt about anyone else, never! but tonight you dreamt about jeongwoo, you dream that he is dead. his soul left his body because saving you. all the scenarios from your dream keep playing in your heads and you want to forget it but you can't.
and that time you realized,
you and jeongwoo fit together like a puzzle piece.
you didn't sleep after the long night. you calmed yourself by watching some of your and jeongwoo videos together. you cried when you realized you fell way too deep at jeongwoo. his laughs are loud and annoying, he's too talkative, and he's too clingy. for others, he may be annoying but not to you, you could listen to his laugh, he's never-ending story while he clinging onto you every day and you feel weird if he didn't do that for a day. he also always put others first before him, he always cares about the people he treasure. how can you not fall for this boy!?!?
you grabbed ices cube from the freezer and put it on both of your eyes to get rid of the swollen eyes. although you knew so well jeongwoo would notice your swollen eyes but it's never hurt to try.
minutes later you heard jeongwoo's voice across the living room, greeting your mother. quickly you threw the ices into the sink and wipe your wet eyes using your sleeve.
you grab your mom's morning coffee and greet jeongwoo who already enter the kitchen, smiling widely as he saw you.
"jeongwoo, your voice is so loud my ears hurt!" you said trying to act normal.
jeongwoo grins and side hug you, jeongwoo frowns when he saw you drink a coffee? you hate coffee, even the smell made you mad.
"you drank coffee y/n? are you a real y/n?" jeongwoo look at you with a suspicious look and hit your head
"you ghost, get out from y/n's body, she sleeps and watching the vampire diaries all days it's no hope for you to control her body" he hit your head once again
"ouch! ya, park jeongwoo!" you slap jeongwoo's chest and put down the mug on the counter.
"that was my mom," you said making jeongwoo mouthing an 'o'
you and jeongwoo are now in your study room, studying for your guys' upcoming exam after summer breaks end. the room is so quiet, and it made you nervous. whenever you with jeongwoo, you guys are never this silent. usually, jeongwoo would sing or throw some stupid jokes that could lighten the darkroom.
you glance at jeongwoo, you lowkey surprised seeing the male is so focused on his study, jeongwoo is indeed a smart boy but you never see jeongwoo study so seriously???
"woo, you okay?" you asked
jeongwoo drops his pencil and finally look at you
"um, the silence is too loud, you know"
jeongwoo continues his study after the short answer. his short responses making you shocked. never in your life he treat you like this
"woo, are you okay?" you asked again
jeongwoo sighed and his eyes bore into you.
"your eyes swollen, i thought we have no secrets at all? but i think we have now" he said and crossed his arms.
he felt upset when you didn't tell him why you were crying. he saw your eyes red and swollen in the kitchen but he didn't wanna ask, usually, you're the one who would tell him from a to z, what happens.
you bowed your head, you bite your lips. how you're gonna tell jeongwoo about your dream? you start picking your nails, all of a sudden you remembered your dream crystal clear, you recalled how jeongwoo's body full of blood, exited from his chest and his face so pale, mouth shaking while try to said his last words
'be safe y/n'
you shriek when the image of jeongwoo's death felt too real for you. you cover both of your ears and your face buried down between your knee.
"y/n are you okay?" jeongwoo asked, panic, he goes to your back and rubs your back, whispering 'everything is okay. he shocked and clueless since this is his first time facing this kind of situation but he copied everything you do whenever he felt blue.
after a moment you finally raised your heads and look at jeongwoo who worriedly stare at you. your face pale, trying so hard to forget about your dream and the fact that your dream feels too real not to help you at all. you quickly hugged jeongwoo, you buried your face in his chest, crying, and begged him to not leave you. jeongwoo froze at your sudden action but he still ensures you that he would stay.
"i got a nightmare yesterday" you finally speak up, your face still buried deep in jeongwoo's chest, too scared to face him.
"what? y/n why you didn't—"
you make a little space between you and jeongwoo
"the dream is about you woo! i dreamt you died last night and it felt too real! i scared, the dream wouldn't go away so i cried all night, i– still clearly saw your dead body in my dream. it all felt too real woo"
jeongwoo face become soft and his unsettle towards you faded away, he hugs you tightly and kiss your head
"i won't go anywhere, those dreams are devil trying to hurt my precious best friend," he said, rubbing your back to calm you.
you let go of the hug and look at jeongwoo with shy looks
"because of that nightmare, i realized something"
"i don't love damon anymore, i love you" you confess making jeongwoo giggles
"finally i beat damon! come here bestfr—"
"no woo! i love you as a boy, man, or whatever it is. i love you not as a friend!" you said
jeongwoo froze, his smile faded
"i,i— you what? y-you love me?" he asked again
you shyly nodded
jeongwoo froze
his brain still processing all of your words. it's kinda strange when your crush has the same feeling as you
"woo, you're making me scared. say something"
jeongwoo looks at your red and swollen face, he smiled at how he is so lucky to have this girl as his girl?
"i love you too, i love you a lot and it's hard to keep it since you're my best friend," he said making you smile and tears falling on your cheeks
"please stay tonight i'm still scared," you said
"of course, now come here precious girl" jeongwoo said, wrapped his hand around you and kiss your head.
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nothing-but-dreamy · 4 years ago
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x Reader
Words: 1.836
Warnings: none, fluff
Synopsis: after a bad mission, yn is there to support Leon who is doubting himself
"Here you are.", Yn said with a soft smile as Leon opened the door of his hotel room.
"Yn, hey.", he said low, looking tired and exhausted.
"May I come in?", she asked carefully, nodding into the room.
Leon stepped aside, "Sure. But I'm not the best company at the moment."
"I know. Chris ... told me what happened.", she said as Leon closed the door.
Leon leant against the doorframe with crossed arms, "And now Chris sends you to talk with me as his last chance because I don't wanna talk with him?"
"Actually...", she said while putting a bottle of Whiskey and two glasses on the table, "I'm not here to talk."
Leon looked at her with confusion written on his face and a raised brow.
"I know you, Leon. After this mission, I expect you to hide in this room to get drunk. But getting drunk alone sucks. So, here I am. Your support. We can talk, we can sit in silence. Whatever we do and everything that happens while we drink this bottle stays between us and with this bottle. You know like 'what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas'.", she explained smirking.
“Like an oath?”, Leon asked amused, feeling already a bit better. He had no idea how she was able to do that but it seemed to be her magical power to let him feel better even if Leon didn’t think he deserved it.
"Yeah, kinda. So, come on, let us go to bed- no! Not what you think but if someone passes out, it would be more comfortable.", she said, taking the bottle and the glasses. Leon followed her and together, they sat side by side on the huge hotel bed with pillows in their backs and with a perfect view of the night city lights from the window facade.
Yn poured Whiskey into the glasses and handed one of it to Leon. While taking it, Leon’s fingers brushed over her skin but even if Leon checked her reaction closely, she was good at hiding the impact he had on her even by this small contact.
"This is good.", Leon said after the first small sip to taste the liquid.
Yn nodded and let the amber liquid slowly swirl in her glass while watching the light dancing in it, "Yeah, it's my dad's favorite Whiskey. I hoped you would like it.", she said, looking at Leon with a soft smile before they touched glasses.
Leon was still staring into his glass, after a while of pure, comfortable silence, he said: "I never expected everything would go so wrong."
Yn stayed silent to give him time. She also had no idea what she could say. Yes, the mission had gone wrong but she was convinced it wasn’t Leon’s fault. At least, not how he thought it. He always did what he could to save as many people as possible.
"It's almost as if whenever I make one step forward someone comes around and pushes me two steps back. It's exhausting.", he sighed.
"But you're still fighting. That's all that matters.", yn said low.
Not looking at her, he answered: "Are you sure? How long can a man fight before he starts to break?"
"I don't know. But I saw you fighting. You still have a lot of energy. I guess much more has to happen before you even start to break."
Leon scoffed and looked at her with a grin that wasn't reaching his eyes, "You have a high opinion of me.", he said bitterly, doubting himself.
Yn turned over to him, "Of course I have. You're the one everyone of us can count on. I can count on you whenever I need you. No one could do what you're doing to stop this whole bullshit."
Leon saw the truth in her eyes but still, "I'm not so sure about that."
Quickly, she put her glass on the nightstand to face him, "Leon, if you give up, there won't be someone else. If you give up, they will win."
Leon drew his brows together, "And what if I don't wanna fight anymore? All the people who died because of me-"
"And what's with all the people who are still alive because of you? Doesn't this number count as well? And I bet it's higher than the other one.", yn said convincingly, waiting for Leon’s reaction.
Leon put his glass away as well. After the third glass, his mind already felt a bit cloudy. Maybe that was the reason behind his courage. As he turned back to yn, he leant closer to her, "You know, I like the way you see me.", he admitted low.
"I always saw you like this and I always will see you like this. Leon, you're the best man I know-", she got stopped by his lips on her own. The kiss was careful, soft but also desperate. As Leon noticed that she stayed where she was, he tangled his fingers into her hair to deepen the kiss even more. While still kissing her, he snaked his arm around her small waist to pull her close and just like that, yn laid on her back with Leon hovering above her.
Her mind was clouded with alcohol, and maybe it was because of this that she got brave enough to act the way she always wanted: yn digged her fingers into his long hair to scratch along his neck what caused him to moan. She had imagined how Leon would kiss her but to feel it was so much better.
Leon drew back to look into her eyes but neither of them said something. There was a silent agreement between them. Both wanted the same thing. And so, they were just relishing the moment together.
The next morning, Leon awoke with the first rays of sunlight warming his naked chest. A movement next to him brought the events of the past night back into his mind. Leon rolled on his side and looked at yn. She was naked and her legs tangled with the blanket. A beautiful view in the rising sun. Her hair was tousled and spread across the pillow. Carefully, Leon took a strand of her hair to pull it out of her face.
As Leon brushed her cheek with his fingers, she moved, slowly opening her eyes and smiling sleepily at him, "Hey, good morning."
"Morning. I didn't mean to wake you up.", Leon said softly with an apologetic glance.
"Well, with such a view in the morning, it's not the worst thing to wake up to.", she said while placing her hand on Leon's chest, feeling his heartbeat.
He watched the move and sighed. Everything just had happened and now, he wasn't sure if that had been right. Leon liked her. A lot. He respected her and before the mission, he wanted to ask her out and now, it seemed to be more complicated. His eyes moved to the bottle on the nightstand. Half of it was still filled.
"Leon? Buyers remorse, huh? It's okay if you regret the last night. Like I said, what happened during the bottle stays with the bottle. We don't have to talk about it. Ever.", she said, slowly retrieving her hand away from him and pulling the blanket closer to her body.
Leon noticed the shift in her mood and hurried to stop her from leaving the bed, "No! No, I don't regret anything. I just.. I...", he said and laid an arm around her middle.
"Yeah?", she asked insecure and feeling vulnerable.
"Damn, I had planned it differently.", Leon cursed low and looked away, brushing his hair out of his face.
"You had planned what?", yn asked confused.
Leon rubbed the back of his neck, avoiding her eyes, "I... I wanted to ask you out but then, there was this mission and everything went so wrong. And now, we're here... skipping a few steps."
"Mhh...", she said, slowly nodding while Leon watched her curiously. She looked at him, at the bottle and back at him before she grinned, "So, Leon Kennedy wanted to ask me out, huh? Good to know. But as I see it, the bottle is still filled."
Matching her grin, Leon pushed her back to climb on top of her, pushing the blanket away on his way to have her naked again, "You have an idea, sweetheart?", he whispered low and smirking while stroking over her jawline and neck with his fingers, tracing her facial lines.
Yn slid her hands over Leon's naked back, digging her nails into his skin now and then, which caused him to shudder with pleasure, "You know the oath, whatever we do, it still counts to the bottle."
"So, until this bottle doesn't get empty, the thing between us, doesn't have to stop either?", Leon asked.
"That's my idea.", yn said and nodded slowly, already seeing the hunger in Leon’s eyes.
"I really, really like your idea.", he breathed before he crashed his lips on her. He found his way between her legs and within a few more moments, the two were busy with the second round to explore each other.
Leon took a cardboard box with 'kitchen' written on it to carry it inside the house he and yn had just moved in. Yn already were unpacking another box. She took some glasses to put them away. From the corner of his eyes, something caught Leon’s attention. It was the black cap of a bottle. He took it out of the box and smiled as he held a half filled bottle of Whiskey in his hand. He remembered the night where yn had brought it. It was the night where everything had started between them, "We still have it.", Leon said and raised the bottle up as yn looked puzzled at him.
She grinned, the same memories were running through her mind, "Of course, we do. I won't allow that something happens to this bottle or otherwise, things are over between us. Remember the oath."
Leon chuckled and snaked his arms around her waist to bring her close, "Even after ten years, you still think I would leave just because the bottle would be empty or broken?"
"Whatever we did, we do or we will do, it still sticks to the bottle. So, why should we take the risk?", she asked with a smirk. It was silly but it was the thing that had brought the two together.
Leon cupped her chin and kissed her softly, considering if he should be honest after all these years, that this wasn't the original bottle anymore. It was another one he had brought after the original one got destroyed by accident. As he left her lips and saw her smile and sparkling eyes, he stayed silent. There was no reason to take that away from her. He loved her just too much and the tradition was just a silly thing of theirs.
It was their oath and it shouldn’t be broken.
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impala1967dwinchester · 4 years ago
Dean Winchester: Change is due
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*Credit to gif owner*
Pairing: Dean W. x Reader
Pov: Reader
Warning: Fighting, Swearing, fluff, angst, Dean being a douchebag, guilt.
Summary: What about talking instead of fighting.
Word Count: 1.8k
A/n- This is for band-pyschos 1.5 followers bingo writing challenge. This makes me sad, but whatever.
Square- "Stay with me"
Dean Winchester Master List
Main Master List
Tag list: @akshi8278 @deanswaywardgirl @wonderfulworldofwinchester @doctorlilo @hit-meup69 @fofisstilinski
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The drive to the bunker was quiet. The rev of the engine. The downright scariness of the way that all I could hear was the passing of other vehicles on the road. That sound too eventually stopped as the driver back to the bunker was much longer than originally anticipated.
Dean had a temper like nobody's business. The temper of a wild dog, or maybe it was a wild bear. Regardless Dean's temper was downright scary most times. But then again most times that temper of his was never directed towards me.
Yes between miniature fights, and getting annoyed with each other fights did occur, but nothing too bad. You see, three years into hunting and now living with the famous Winchesters. I had fallen deeply for Dean Winchester.
Falling for someone is an already dangerous game, but falling in love with a Winchester. The most hunted after, hunters of them all that was a dangerous game to start playing.
I played the game regardless. Can you imagine falling for someone so much that your worlds just connect so well? Like amazing jigsaw puzzle pieces. Or maybe falling in love was like finally figuring out the correct word in a crossword puzzle.
Like Forrest says "Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you're going to get." I would have never been able to tell you that when I was a little girl playing in my room running around in the pure white dress that I would one day grow up kill the monster that haunts this earth, and fall for the most righteous man, the fallen soldier, the best hunter I had ever met.
Could you imagine a six-year-old, coming up to their parent and saying that one day they'd fight monsters, and fall in love with the greatest monster hunter of them all. In your dreams.
Life with the Winchesters was most of the time pandemonium. Life with them was like living in the thunder dome. Like driving on the icy roads and hoping that you don't fall off the cliff. But life was calm sometimes, being able to have a half-assed normal life was good for all of us.
Sam was the best brother a person could ask for. The best friend a person could ask for. I think the moment I met the Winchesters, Dean and I were like magnets dragging each other together. Slated to be together for the rest of our lives, soul mates if you will.
This last hunt was nothing like we had ever dealt with before. So many children had been killed. I had put myself in the way, getting hurt instead of letting more children get hurt. A natural mother... or maybe just a natural instinct of a woman.
Dean, of course, was anger like normal, but usually, his anger would blow over and we'd either make-up or like the band, AC/DC says "You shook me all night long".
this night was different though. Something was off, something felt wrong. Yes, the drive was long and very fucking quiet but something in the air felt wrong. I'd like to think that I'm a tough cookie, a queen disguised as a princess.
I always think that Dean forgets that the reason he and I get along so well is that we are almost alike, in almost every way. We act the same way, love the same things, react the same way. Two peas in a pod if you will.
Dean tends to forget that when he gets angry, but comes to his sense rather quickly after, he either gets blown off, or the subject gets changed, something that he does often to Sam or me. In the situation where he knows he has no control, or where he is uncomfortable, feeling like he's being pushed into the corner.
I used to let Dean act like a douchebag. I let Dean get mad, yell, throw things, get in my face. But recently. Dean's anger has been out of this world, too much to bare, too much to handle. he almost turns into the hulk. It's like he forgets his normal manners and just wants to hulk smash literally everything around him.
How do you make someone realize what they are doing? How do you show someone how they are acting is affecting you?
Finally after what felt like days, but was really just hours of driving we pulled into the garage, the sound of the engine bouncing off of the cinderblock walls. During said drive Dean and I made eye contact once, his green ember eyes staring deep at me through the rear-view mirror. My own eyes making sure to stare at him with just the same amount of deep soul searching Dean was.
Sam steered in his sleep, the coldness of the garage and the car smell waking him from his sleep. Not a single word was said. Sam was the first one out of the car, opening the impalas back, grabbing his bags, and making a rather quick exit of the garage.
Neither of us moving from our spots. We sat in silence. A silence that's a funny word if you think about it. It the most screamed word when you're being told to be quiet. But it weighs heavy between two people.
Fighting was and has never been my style with Dean. Dean wants to yell and be an idiot then I'll let him be, but I won't go without saying my peace. I'll get up and leave if I want to. There's nothing holding me to the man, an argument is just a battle of words.
Finally, Dean moves, moves to look in the back seat. His eye passes over my figure like always. Passing by over my crisscrossed shins up to my jean-covered thighs, over my hips, up my t-shirt and flannel covered belly, up to my tall shoulders, and to my face.
The little light that was streaming into the impala's backseat. "Why?" Was all Dean said, staring at me. I chewed my lip thinking of anything to say. "Stop chewing on your lip. It's finally started to heal." Dean said.
Still, my body stuck in my crisscrossed position. I heard the creak of the impala, as I saw Dean shift from the front seat to the back seat. "I'm pretty sure that I just told you to stop doing that." He said bringing his thumb up to my lips, gently pulling down releasing my bottom lip from my teeth.
"What were you thinking?" Dean asked picking once again at the issue at hand. "I was thinking about the children," I said looking at the man next to me. It was quiet for a moment, then a heavy sigh filled the air.
"The children?" Dean said questioning me. A cocked-eyed eyebrow raised in confusion to my answer. Sometimes it's like my answer is either not good enough, or isn't the right one. "Yes, the children," I stated calmly.
"I'm getting confused here Y/n," Dean said shifting causing the smallest of creak from the old impala. "I stepped in front of the children," I said.
"Yeah, I kind of figured that but why?" He asked. This firstly is going calm, and Dean's asking questions just before assuming shit, but why does this seem odd, kinda like all of the sudden protecting the young kids isn't enough to get a few scrapes and bruises.
"Did the great Dean Winchester just ask me that?" I said now turning the tables and questioning him. "Yeah, I did." He said so cut and dry-like. "You really wanna know why?" I asked
We were still sitting in the back of his precious car. I had rested my head on the headrest, closing my eyes. Dean was just staring, it had become a bad habit of his after we got together.
"Because Dean those kids didn't deserve whatever that monster did to them. Hell, I just pulled ten kids out, you and sam pulled at ten each. Can you even imagine that, because I can. Being so scared that I can't even protect myself." I said.
Taking a deep breath in and sighing loudly.
"What are you talking about Y/n?" Dean asked, looking at me now with more intent. Wanting yearning to get to the bottom jar of worms we had so carefully opened.
"You know what ignore me, it doesn't make any difference," I said uncrossing my legs and turning to unlock the back door. I was stopped before my fingertips even grabbed onto the cold metal on the handle.
"Do you remember that promise you made me? All those years ago." Dean said, pulling me into his warm touch. His scent of bourbon and wood fell down around us. "No, I don't Dean," I said honestly confused about what I had promised.
"You promise me that whatever was on your mind you would come to me and talk about it. I know six years is a long time, but that day you promised that you've never broken that promise." Dean said while he drew small circles into my lower back.
"Tonight though right now, you're breaking that promise. You don't have to give me every single detail but just don't go walking in front of a monster because you don't know what else to do. You know that you can talk to your boyfriend right?" He said questioning me towards the end.
I only shook my head in response Dean took that as his sign to continue talking. "I just, I'm fearing that you're starting to drift away, and honestly Y/n. Honest;y Y/n I don't think I would know what to do without you." Dean said.
This is different, new, and odd. This Dean is someone who only comes out when the world is ending or the tears are about to be shed for the umpteen amount of time. This Dean, this is the Dean I fell in love with. "So make me this promise now, stay with me," Dean asked.
"Stay with you?" I asked, "Of course stay with you, I guess I just have to learn to be able to ask for help, right Dean." I said hugging him from the awkward position we had fallen into when he pulled me away from the back door.
"No more running, no more fighting alone. We do everything together now." Dean said, cupping my slightly tears stained cheek." Bumping our foreheads together in a sign of good faith you could say. I hummed and returned the favor.
Moments like this the calm, and the quiet. These were those times where I felt at home. I've realized with this job, hunting home isn't a place with four walls and a roof over your head it's about the people in your life. Make a home with the people who care about you. Make a home with the people you would fight anything to hurt, Make home able to be anywhere.
And when you can do that finally you can make home turn into love, and love into strength. Having all three makes you happier I'd like to think in the long run of things. So just "stay with me" that's all I'm asking of you, the rest we can do together.
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Completed on: 05/06/2021
*Happy Throwback Thursday*
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suganovakawa · 4 years ago
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PAIRINGS : tooru oikawa x fem! reader , slight hajime iwaizumi x fem! reader
GENRE : angst , romance
WARNINGS : cursing , car accident , recovery from amnesia
SYNOPSIS : tooru doesn’t understand how special you are to him until he comes close to losing you forever . as he struggles to comes to grips with his feelings and balance it with his future , you still have to recover from your own injuries , but without your memories to assist you .
with no other option left, you’ve got to find oikawa and get answers from him.
word count : 1.4k
saudade masterlist .
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( 𝐧 . ) a nostalgic longing to be near again to something or someone that is distant , or that has been loved and then lost ; “ the love that remains ”
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⠀if you weren't going to be able to get answers from makki or mattsun, there was only one more option for you to go with. hajime was unwilling to tell you anything, and from what you witnessed the other day, he wasn't willing to let other people tell you, either. if you didn't know any better, you probably killed someone before the car accident.
⠀your last resort was to search out the infamous tooru oikawa and get answers from him yourself.
⠀you knew iwaizumi would be absolutely pissed if he found out you've made up your mind with such a risky idea. then again, who was he to keep your life a secret? you had every right to know what you wanted to know, and you were so damn close to finding out the truth, only for disappointment and defeat to wash over the moment you saw hajime walking side by side with takahiro, as if holding the latter at gunpoint.
⠀it wasn't impossible to get hajime off of you, but with each passing day, he clung to you more and more. it was getting harder to get him off of you - and while you enjoyed his company, enough is enough. you needed to get away from him, at least for the day.
⠀you decided to get your chance at lunch. it was either now or never.
⠀you were surprised to see iwaizumi's tired expression as he made his way over to you, his eyes depleted and his posture completely slumped over. it was unlike anything you had witnessed in the time you spent with him post-accident. seeing him so dejected, tired... you almost felt bad for coming at him with your next wish.
⠀at least, almost. ridding yourself of any doubt by shaking your head hastily, you sucked in a deep breath and pursed your lips together tightly.
⠀"hajime." your voice was firm, causing him to turn his head towards you quickly, his face unreadable as you clenched your jaw at his peculiarity. "today, please, i just want to be alone. just me. i need my distance for today, to see things for myself. i don't dislike your company or anything, i just want to explore some things on my own for a little bit, even if only for today." as to why you had to explain yourself to him, you honestly thought was a bit ridiculous.
⠀"alright." you didn't even register his response at first, it was so quick. when it did hit, your eyes widened slightly, almost in disbelief, as your fellow third year simply shrugged, the scowl on his face still very evident. "yeah, okay. that's fine."
⠀was he planning something else? you didn't want to question it, but he had already walked off, away from the table the two of you usually sat at. you stared at his back as it became farther from your reach, a suspicious feeling growing in your gut as you folded your fingers together loosely, turning the other way and walking opposite direction of where he was going.
⠀it wasn't like hajime to just... let you do that. the hajime iwaizumi you knew, would at least fight to stay by your side. to be fair, his efforts would've been futile if he had tried to persuade you otherwise, your mind was fully set on being alone for the day. did he know you were going to find oikawa and get answers from him? did he finally gain some common sense and actually let you do your thing?
⠀you had resumed your daily life at seijoh for quite some time now, your injuries from the car accident had almost fully subsided, but occasionally there was the extreme migraine that would come out of nowhere. the doctors had told you to stay away from any athletic activity for the rest of the year, just to be careful that your bones aren't glass fragile.
⠀the one thing that upset you the most, was that none of your memories had come back. not a single one of them. you continued to make more with every passing day, but you wanted to remember the ones before everything happened. since you couldn't, wishing for something that seemed like would never happen, was useless.
⠀it was playing detective, in a case about yourself. the only witnesses you had to get your answers, were silenced by the one you could confide in the most. you didn't know what he could be hiding from you, and the thought of it was quite scary; there were no clues that you could pick up to put together like puzzle pieces - whatever you were living out, this seemed to be the reality before the accident, but something felt off. your conscience had become less and less blurry, but it wasn't all there. your brain refused to unlock that part yet, leaving you in the dark.
⠀where the hell is oikawa?
⠀after school hours were the best time to look for him, with no one around and classes done for the day. you had heard through rumors that the brunet frequently spends his time alone after school, roaming through the halls without anyone to whisper or look at him. it had come to a point where oikawa wasn't noticed by his classmates anymore - every time you saw him in the halls, he was simply pushed aside and cast out by fellow classmates, their faces not so friendly as he passes by them with his head hung low.
⠀what did he do to be so looked down upon? he was way too attractive to be pushed to the side like that. the way he carried himself, walked, and even spoke during class - his confidence was there, you could tell he was the charismatic type. it boggled your brain whenever you saw how the others treated him when you were around to witness it. he couldn't have done anything that bad to make people think so poorly of him, right?
⠀would it be stupid to randomly call out his name? you had walked through the halls for about ten minutes now, with no one in sight. you were beginning to think today was just unlucky; he probably went home for the day. maybe it was time for you to go home too; the universe seemingly didn't want you to know anything, it was inevitable in fighting it.
⠀the noises in the gym were saying otherwise, though.
⠀sprinting instinctively towards the sound, you appeared in front of the gym doors, a large sigh of relief coming out of your mouth as you looked at the singular person with the gymnasium all to himself.
⠀you couldn't help but smile. he's here. maybe the universe would give you your answers after all.
⠀from the looks of it, oikawa was jump serving a volleyball to the other side of the net; with the number of volleyballs dormant on the ground, you could tell he had been here for a while. you almost felt guilty for wanting to ruin his concentration for your sake - his eyes were narrowed as he stared straight forward towards the other side, bending down to grab a volleyball right in front of him. you crossed your arms and waited quietly. watching him serve just once wouldn't hurt anyone.
⠀what you weren't expecting, was the awed gasp that escaped your mouth the moment oikawa's palm touched that volleyball.
⠀nor were you expecting him to stop midair and fall to the ground, any focus he held long gone. he screamed as he clutched his right knee, tumbling to the ground instead of landing on his feet. your heart rose in a panic - he had hurt himself on the way down. you sprinted to him reflexively, the shock on both of your faces clear to see as you crouched down beside him, placing a hand on the knee he had injured.
⠀"y/n - "
⠀"does it hurt? are you okay? i'm so sorry for breaking your concentration, i shouldn't have been peeking in on you like that." in a anxious state, you swallowed a nervous lump in your throat as oikawa clenched his jaw to suppress any pain he was feeling, but you could see the tears welling up in his eyes. looking around, you had to find something that would help him out.
⠀screw looking for answers right now. oikawa's wellbeing is more important than that.
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a/n : huehuehue here it is, i’ll be sure to have part eleven up in a jiffy! to those also reading rumor has it, i’ll have act two started soon!
taglist ( closed ) — @ot127 @rena0921 @karlitabi-rrito @psychicpercyjacksonfan@crescentbitch @amelimiles @damnirina @pasta-warlord @blossomingbangtan @clinomanians @i-am-kinda-in-alot-of-fandoms @manq-fandoms @cirtruss @sugar-wara @haikoo @anime-simp @kairostatue @awkwardspontaneity @iwantapoptartqwq @aquariarose @softestdreamer @plantisnotplant @avylee@froppysgirl @that-animebitch @wisepandaslimeland @samanthaa-leanne @dumplingzumispam@0hakaashi @captain-janeway @afterglowkuroo @bellabelieveme @attixca @chickenrest@tycrackculture @ynjimenez @karaseijoh @lavieenblancetnoir @dabilove27 @cuddlesslut @crypto-s @keigosbitch@readeretal @shittykawaa @donghyuckster @adriloen @ella-solei @emiyummy @kukiisan @catyuyuyuu @sillykittt @dolan-mendes @kiritokunuwu @the-third-wall @yammerss @monviemoo
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thebrotherssalvatore321 · 5 years ago
Keeping Secrets Ch. 1
Keeping Secrets Masterlist
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Pairing: DamonxOc. TylerxOc in future chapters, ElijahxOc, KlausxOc is endgame. She’s never sleeping with more than one guy at a time. This is just a long story with 25 chapters so far that I’m also posting on FanFiction.net. Warnings: She does however cheat on someone in future chapters if that counts as a warning.
Keeping Secrets 
Katie Finnegan’s house sat on a beautiful street lined with beautiful houses. It was actually right down the street from her best friend Elena’s. Elena had recently lost her parents and was now under the guardianship of her aunt Jenna. It was a bleak situation, but one that Elena and her brother Jeremy could with time bounce back from with the loving support of their aunt. Katie on the other hand had long been plagued by the loss of her parents who died from a cause unknown to her when she was just ten years old.
Unlike Elena and Jeremy, Katie didn’t have any loving aunts or uncles to take her in. All she had was the abusive grandfather who she had never even met despite the fact that he lived in the same town that she did. She didn’t even know what he looked like until he showed up on the doorsteps of her parents house with a suitcase and two moving trucks. One was for her parents stuff to be packed up and auctioned off and the other was full of his.
Only after he showed up did she realize that she had seen him around town, but her parents never acknowledged him. At first she couldn’t understand it. For the first few months he was okay. He didn’t talk to her or play with her much but that was fine with her since she was always good at playing by herself, but once the social workers stopped coming by to make sure she was settling in okay, things started taking a turn for the worse. If she accidentally spilled her drink or dropped even a crumb he would lash out at her. Then she started understanding why her mother ran away with her father at the age of seventeen.
As she got older she got to know how to stay out of his way when he was sober, but when he was drunk there was no avoiding him. By the time she was seventeen she was sneaking out of the house on weekly biases just to get away from him. She thought over the years that her friends, Elena, Caroline and Bonnie would have figured out what was happening to her at home, but they never did. She became too good at hiding it and brushing off the bruises and cuts as her being clumsy. So they never asked more and she never told. She put on a good face and acted like every other sporty teen age girl looking forward to getting into college on a scholarship. She dreamed of the day she could leave Mystic Falls in her rear view and never look back.
Chapter 1
Katie Finnegan sat at the dimly lit roll top desk, in her bedroom writing in a spiral notebook that had the word journal written on the front cover in black ink. Her auburn waves, tamed with just the right amount of styling product, hung around her face and she tucked one tendril behind her ear then pushed her glasses up her nose and continued writing. "Today was the second day of school. Summer is officially over, no more avoiding my friends as much as possible. I saw Caroline and Bonnie at cheer camp, but Elena didn’t make it this year. So it's back to the real world. And the real world has given us high school girls some new eye candy. His name is Stefan and he already has eyes only for Elena. Although, it seems like Caroline is going to give her a run for her money. She's already practically stalking the guy. I'm supposed to be getting ready to go to the stupid back to school bonfire tonight, but I don't really want to go. Why would I? It's just going to be a bunch of people getting drunk and hooking up and that will just remind me that no one wants to be with me. I'm invisible. Sometimes I think I'm just a ghost that only my friends can see and sometimes even they don't see me. I'm not looking forward to sneaking out tonight. Last time I got caught Grandpa nearly beat me to death. But I have to go tonight otherwise I will never hear the end of it from Caroline in the morning. So I’ll talk to you later, Journal."
Katie tucked the pen inside, closed the book and pushed it away from her. With a sigh she pulled on a pair of dark wash distressed jeans, a black ac dc tank top and her favorite black leather jacket that she'd found for a good price at the local resale shop. She finished the look off with red converse and touch of tastefully smudged eyeliner.
With tentative steps she pushed open her bedroom window and eased herself out onto the roof. After glancing over the edge to make sure her grandpa wasn't waiting for her at the bottom like the last time, she started climbing down the surprisingly strong rose trellis. Now that she was safely out of the house she put her car into neutral and pushed it a few blocks away then started it and headed to the party.
The party was what she expected it to be and after drinking a few cups of beer and having a few laughs with Bonnie, she decided to stop, otherwise she wouldn't be able to climb back up to her room. She was tossing her empty cup into the trash when she spotted Stefan, who had taken up most of Elena's time, near the treeline watching her talk to her ex boyfriend Matt. Excusing herself from Bonnie who was telling her how she saw a crow when she touched Elena's hand she headed over to Stefan. "Hey." She greeted him with a small smile that he returned with his own greeting as if he didn't want to talk to her. "Don't worry unlike every other girl at this party I'm not going to throw myself at you." She laughed as she moved to stand a few feet beside him, making Stefan surprisingly give her a laugh and a genuine smile. "I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Katie, Elena's friend." She informed him. "I saw you over here looking all jealous and I figured I'd let you know that you don't need to be."
"Yeah, why's that?" He asked turning toward her without moving his feet as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.
"I know it's not my place to say and I'm sticking my nose where it doesn't belong, but...she's over Matt. Has been for a long time now. She just couldn't make herself hurt him." She answered. "She's sweet like that."
"Well, you're..."
"Weird." She finished since it seemed like he was looking for the right word to describe her.
"I was going to say forward, but weird works." He laughed. "You know, you're the first girl that hasn't tried to hit on me since I got to this school. It's kinda refreshing, but I don't get it." He looked at her with pursed lips and puzzled eyes. "Why are you trying to help me get the girl?" Stefan asked.
"Because I’m weird.” Katie answered as if she were trying to sound mysterious then laughed. “Na, it’s really because I knew I didn't stand a chance." She answered as she dropped her eyes to the ground then got quiet for a second. "And also because she's one of my best friends and she's had a hard year. She could use a little happiness."
"How do you know I'll make her happy?" He asked with a tight lipped smile.
Katie glanced up at where Matt and Elena had been to see that Matt was gone and Elena was looking at the two of them. "Because," she started then turned to look at Stefan across her shoulder, "now she's the one looking jealous."
She was pretty sure that once Stefan looked at Elena he forgot all about her. So she went back to the party, meeting Bonnie at the top of the small hill. "Hey, where you goin'?" Bonnie asked when Katie walked past her.
"The grill. I need coffee if I'm going to sober up enough to get home before Grandpa leaves for work and realizes my car isn't there." She replied and kept walking.
"Okay, we’ll meet you there later." Bonnie called after her and Katie waved over her shoulder letting her friend know she heard her.
After getting a hot coffee Katie chose a table outside and pulled the book they had been assigned for English out of her bag. She was half way through the assigned chapters when sirens started blaring and cop cars sped past the grill toward the party. After they passed out of sight her phone vibrated and she looked at the screen to see a text from Bonnie that said, "Vicki was attacked by an animal."
She didn't have enough minutes left on her phone to text Bonnie back, so she called her since it was free. "Hey, what do you mean she was attacked by an animal? Is everyone okay?"
"I don't know, Elena and Jeremy found her in the woods with some kind of bite on her neck. No one else seems to be hurt, but they’re putting Vicki in an ambulance right now." Bonnie answered, sounding worried and tense.
"Oh my god, do I need to come back?" Katie pressed her fingertips to her lips not knowing what else she could say.
"No, me and Caroline are about to head your way. We’re gonna sober up while we wait for news." Bonnie told her.
"Okay, just...stay safe okay?" She got a positive answer from Bonnie then hung up the phone. Not being able to read anymore she tucked the book into her bag and focused on sipping the still hot coffee. Ten minutes later Bonnie pulled up and parked in front of the grill. They got a table inside and the other two girls ordered coffee.
"Why didn't he go for me?" Caroline asked sounding whinier than usual, clearly talking about Stefan. "How come the guys that I want never want me?"
"I'm not gonna touch that one." Bonnie answered.
Caroline looked to Katie for answers. "Yeah, I'm not answering that either."
"I'm inappropriate. I always say the wrong thing..." She started listing off the things wrong with herself. Katie pulled a I'm gonna keep my mouth shut look and took a sip of lukewarm coffee. "And Elena always says the right thing. God, she doesn't even try and he just picks her. She's the one that everyone picks for everything. I try... SO hard and I'm never the one."
"It's not a competition." Bonnie said, looking at Katie for back up.
"Sorry, Bon, but sometimes it kinda feels like one." Katie said with a shrug.
"See." Caroline said with a motion to Katie. "Thank you."
After things calmed down and Caroline sobered up a little, Bonnie left the table to go pay the bill. Katie looked up from her empty cup and noticed Caroline smiling at someone and followed her gaze to a dark haired, ice blue eyed, gorgeous guy who was smiling back at her. "Looks like you found someone to like you back." Katie told Caroline with a grunt as she slid out of the chair and grabbed her bag. "Tell Bonnie I said good night."
"I will." Caroline replied not breaking eye contact with the guy. Katie just rolled her eyes and walked away.
She managed to sneak successfully back into her room and sat down at her desk, pulling her journal out and flipping to a fresh page. "Well the party was as I predicted it would be, except Vicki Donovan got attacked by some kind of animal. I wasn't there to see it, but it was apparently pretty bad. After the party Caroline, Bonnie and I met up at the grill to sober up. I got to listen to Caroline complain about how she never gets the guy and Elena gets everything. Of course right after this conversation she catches some super hot, blue eyed guy’s attention. Like, I can't stress enough how hot this guy was. The contrast of his dark hair and ice blue eyes was enough to make a girl's heart melt, not to mention the cute smirk he was giving Caroline. I hate to sound like Caroline, but why don't guys ever look at me? I mean I may not be crazy beautiful like Elena, Bonnie and Caroline, but I don't think I'm ugly either. Maybe that's why, because no one notices the average girl. And that's exactly how I would categorize myself. Whatever, who needs a guy anyway? All they bring is trouble. I need sleep. Ttyl Journal."
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I Do. (Post 1/2) (part 1 of ?)
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"I just want a nice, normal guy to sweep me off my feet, and support my carmel vanilla coffee addiction. Is that so much to ask?!"
My best friend gave me an amused glance before dropping her gaze back towards her phone. I swear, that girl could hold two conversations face to face, surf facebook, and hold a buisness Skype call, all at the same time. A.D.D., they name is Rae.
"I've set you up on five dates so far, and you havent lasted longer then ten minutes with any of them," she countered. "So how about this...you tell me your dream guy, and I'll work off of that."
I sighed, tapping my foot nervously against the metal rung of the coffee shop table. I was always fidgeting. Whether it was shaking my foot, drumming my nails along the table, or pacing aimlessly around, I was always moving.
"I don't know," I sighed out on a breath. Picking up my iced vanilla, butterscotch, and chai latte, I took a sip before responding. "Dont you know anyone that actually has a life?"
Rae glanced up at me, cocking an eyebrow. "A life? Like, the other 5 were dead?"
I groaned. "The first guy had the ambition of a goldfish. Second guy wanted me to move into his mother's basement with him. Third guy was perfectly content to be a cashier th erest of his life and didnt want to even think about making more than minimum wage or he would loose government assistance.....shall I go on?"
Rae gave a throaty chuckle, causing three random guys to stop their conversations and look her way. She just had that way about her.
"Tell you what," she mused out loud. "Since the last five was a complete disaster, and I thought they would have been perfect for you, the next guy I pick will be the one who I think you'll hate the most. So.... Here's what I want from you. You pick what you want him to wear. You pick if you want flowers or not. And you pick the place to meet for drinks, dinner, movie...whatever. deal?"
I thought about it for a moment, the shrugged. "Fine. I want to come here. This coffee shop. No flowers. No expectations. I'll even pay for the both of our drinks. But he has to have a job. A good job. Or at least have a goal in mind," I amended.
Rae nodded. "Tell me more. Actually, tell me your dream. What's your fantasy date for this coffee. Close your eyes and describe the guy to me. What is he wearing. What does he look like. What is he drinking?"
I laughed, but saw the amusement in her eyes. Deciding to play along, I closed my eyes and tilted my head slightly back.
"White button down shirt with the sleeves rolled back a bit. Nice jeans, probably faded with a hole in the leg," I laughed out. "Gorgeous smile because he laughs a whole lot and has an amazing sense of humor. Eyes that are kind and sparkle. Shaggy hair that probably falls into his eyes...." I trailed off.
"Sounds like quite the catch," Rae laughed out on a breath. She sounded amused, which kind of worried me a bit.
I opened my eyes and glanced at her. "Why do you sound like you just ate a canary?"
Rae's eyes sparkled as she tried to suppress a smile. "I know who would be perfect for you, and...he should be here in about two minutes."
My jaw dropped to the floor. "What?! Theres no way you could have called someone and set it up so fast. You had this planned!" I shrieked. Not because she set me up, but because she didnt warn me.
I was dressed in my -I dont give a shit, today is my day off- clothes. A pair of faded dark grey sweatpants with a hole in the left knee, dark green jumper with a faded brand logo running down the arm, and hair unbrushed and tossed into a messy bun. Plus I was still wearing yesterdays makeup which had faded to a lovely raccoon inspired look.
"This wasnt a setup," she argued lovingly, tossing her hands up to her side quickly. "Swear it. You know i was meeting a few friends here today. One of them would be perfect for you."
I eyed her warily. "The so-called friends that are mysteriously out of the country doing something tha you refuse to tell me, along with their names? The ones who you are best friends with...yet I know nothing about, and we have been best friends since middle school?!" I mused, scrunching my nose up at the thought.
Granted, my and Rae are best friends for over 15 years now, but there was a random 2 year period where were were heavily into the party and drug scene. We kinda split ways and didnt talk for 2 years, then both of us, separately, decided to get our lives in order and somehow reconnected as if nothing had happened.
Strange how life works out.
"They aren't...." I trailed off.
"They were, " she nodded. "Not anymore tho. I used to hang out and binge with them tho. They cleaned their lives up as well. Just took them longer."
I nodded, glancing down at my almost empty iced coffee as I dragged my nails along the styrofoam, making patterns on the cup. "I'm willing to give it a go I guess. Coffee never hurt anyone, right?"
"Right," she agreed, glancing down once again to her phone to resume whatever multi-conversation she was having.
I didnt realize until a few minutes later that I was humming and singing along the the songs playing over the cafe speakers.
"Do you like this band?" She asked randomly, not taking her focus from her phone.
"Love them," I remarked, not really paying attention. "I just got their new album yesterday actually."
She made a small chuckle. "Let me guess then...you were always a guitar or lead singer chick. So.... Luke?"
I grinned, breaking my gaze away from all the pretty little designs my nails etched into my now empty coffee cup. " Usually , yes you would have been correct. And while he is hot, as is the othe guitarist...my heart lies elsewhere in the band."
"Bassist?" She chanced, finally placing her phone down and looking up. Her eyes darted over my shoulder, then came back to focus on my face. A grin broke out, smile so wide it reminded me of the Cheshire cat.
"Um, nooo," I drawled. "I actually seemed to be drawn to.....why the hell are you staring a time like that?!" I asked, breaking the conversation. "You look fucking creepy."
Her eyes seemed to dart over my shoulder again to where the cashier counter was, then back to me again. "So the drummer then?" She mused, not bothering to hide the grin. "You have a thing for the drummer?"
I continued to stare at her, trying to puzzle out what the hell was making her act so weird. "Yeah...?" I dragged out.
"Hmmm, and why would that be? I'm honestly curious. Usually you always go for the guitar rock-God type for looks."
I cocked my head to the side. "You really want an answer?"
Rae grinned again. Nodding her head emphatically. "Oh yes. Please, by all means."
I shrugged, taking the last small sip from my coffee. "He always seemed the most put together. Knows how to laugh, but always seems polite. Has an amazing voice, but would rather be in the background playing his heart out. And he gives out total Daddy vibes," I joked. "Plus, he is seriously hot. They all are in that band actually."
Rae burst out laughing, covering her mouth with both hands. I swear, tears started to form in her eyes.
I just stared at her. "Seriously Rae, what has gotten into you today?! What's so funny?"
Her eyes darted behind me once again, but this time she nodded. I didnt even have a chance to turn around to see what she was looking at before an arm snaking over my shoulder, placing a styrofoam cup in front of me.
"You can call me Daddy if you feel the need to, but I prefer Ashton on a first date," a voice said.
I closed my eyes tightly, slowly opening them as panic filled me. My eyes traveled from the coffee, up to a bare forearm dusted in dark golden hair, to a shoulder and chest that had a white button shirt...sleeves rolled back.
Damn, but did Rae tell him how to dress?
He smirked at my dazed expression, while Rae finally got herself under control. "I didnt tell him," she rasped out, still trying to hide the amusement as she spoke. " He really was randomly dressed like that to come here."
Ashton raised a brow as he pulled up a chair, leaning over to give Rae a quick one-armed hug before sitting on the chair backwards between us.
He reached over, palm up while smiling at me. "She did however, demand that I randomly walk in and order you a vanilla butterscotch coffee without even telling me your name, or why I was buying you one. I'm being set up on a date, I take it?" He questioned again, glancing to Rae for affirmation before looking back at me, then down to his still extended hand. "Do I get a name? Or should I introduce myself again?"
I shook my head, trying to snap out of the surreal experience going on. Placing my hand in his, I cleared my throat. "You're Daddy, right?" I smirked, trying to fight the blush rising on my face. God, but do I hope he can take the joke.
His face split into a grin, laugh bursting out of his lips. "I like her," he chuckled, looking over to Rae. " This one actually knows what a joke is."
I grinned at that as he looked back at me. "I take it that Rae has tried setting you up before as well?" I questioned.
He nodded, a faint smile still gracing his lips. "One girl who decided living in her car way her dream goal. One who only ate foods that were yellow. And one who wanted to be a psychologist because she didnt understand how people laughed or why we smile at things."
My eyes went wide. "Wow. And here I thought I had it bad with the guy who only showered on days it rained cause that's how the bathtub got refilled."
Ashton let out another bark of laughter, breaking eye contact to speak to Rae once again. " You suck at setting people up. You know that?"
She raised a brow at that, stopping her cup of coffee in mid air before she could take a sip. "Oh, so should I not have introduced the two of you?" She asked, feigning a look of hurt. "And here I thought you were getting along fairly well."
Ashton shook his head. "Are you kidding me? this girl is horrible! Wont tell me her name, wont call me by mine, and she laughs at everything I say!" He rambled out. A small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, but he didnt stop looking at her.
"And he isnt the greatest catch either, " I added. "Eavesdropped a private conversation, assumed I wanted him to pay for something. I didn't ask for without asking me. And he wont let me go," I added, flicking my gaze down to our still entwined hands.
Rae nodded, a huge, fake sight escaping past her parted lips. " okay, I give up. Sorry to waste your time, Ash. I'll take her home and be back in a few minutes to catch up with you all. I assume the others are on the way?" She asked, standing up and motioning for me to follow.
Ashton shook his head. " They are on the way. But you cant take her."
Without warning, he turned and licked a wet line up my jaw. "I licked her. Shes mine now."
My jaw dropped open, but rae looked amused. "Are you gunna pee on her too?"
He turned to look at me finally, slightly swaying our hands back and forth. "Is that your kink?"
"What?! No! Why would you ask that?!"
He shrugged. "Well, I know you have a Daddy kink, just had to be sure."
"I do NOT have a Daddy kink!" I hissed out, trying to pull my hand out from his grasp. "And why the hell did you lick me?"
He was having none of it. Keeping hold of my hand, he slowly brought it up to his lips and kissed the back of my hand before finally releasing his hold. "Cause I wanted to see what you tasted like. Vanilla, I like it." He winked.
"You do have a daddy kink," Rae interjected, laughing through her words. "I'm going to go get another coffee and grab 2 other tables for the guys. You two enjoy yourselves."
Ashton glanced at me before looking at Rae. "If I did that, we would be arrested and barred from this shop."
I think my heart stopped. Was I breathing?
"Mind if I go grab myself a drink?"
I blinked, trying to focus on his face once again. "Didn't you just order one while you were up there?"
He shook his head. "Only ordered yours. I wasnt sure if I wanted to stay once she told me she had a girl with her for me to meet."
"And now you are sure you want to stay?" I questioned.
He smiled. A sweet smile that lit up his eyes. "I think you are fucking perfect."
I blushed at that. "Yeah, right. Cause messy girl with raccoon eyes in your kink, right?"
He gave me an amusing look. "Like a guy in jeans and a white shirt is yours?" He retorted. A small sigh left his lips as he pulled out his phone and scrolled through a few messages. Once he found what he was looking for, he stopped and put the phone down on the table in front of me.
Raelyn- her fantasy sounds like you, in a white button down and a pair of worn out skinny Jean's. Just get your asses here!
Ash-and you are so sure I would like her? I sisnt agree to another date with your wacky high maintenance friends. They just want a sugar daddy.
Raelyn- shes sitting here in pajamas, messy hair, and yesterdays makeup. And she insists on buying our coffees every week. Still wanna pass her up?
Ash- ....be there in 5.
Raelyn- get her a butterscotch vanilla iced coffee.
Ash- thought she didnt want people to buy her shit?
Raelyn- then get it for me.
Ash- do I have to buy flowers or anything?
Raelyn- only if you want her to hit you with them.
Ash- I like her already.
I glanced up at Ashton, a small smile gracing my face. "So I guess it's my turn to buy you a coffee?"
He shrugged, swinging his leg back over the chair to sit down backwards on it once again. "If you insist. Pick whatever you think I would like."
I grinned this time. " whipped cream, cherries, and handcuffs?" I joked.
He beamed at me. "Nah, that's the second date. And woulsnt you know it....you already know what to call me then," he teased.
I laughed, walking away to get him a drink. I slid up alongside Rae, elbowing her in the side gently. "Are the other three coming?"
She smiled at me. "Yeah, be here any minute."
The barista asked up for our orders, while I pushed Rae's card back towards her. "I got them."
"That's 7 drinks you are paying for today," she reminded me.
"Glad your good at math," I remarked. "You can get the next round. And if they like me as a friend and we hang out in the future we can all take turns. If not, then I get to say that they are forever indebted to me. Win-win I say."
She shrugged, but didnt argue. "Fair play, that. I'll go shove the tables together and be back to help you carry them all."
But it wasnt her who came back over when the order was ready. It was Michael.
"HI," he practically yelled, squeezing me in a tight bear hug. "I'm Michael. Or Mike. Whatever."
"You seem overly happy to meet a stranger, " I laughed out, hugging him back just as tight before letting go.
"You made ashton happy," he shrugged, a huge smile on his face. "Anyone who can make his smile in the first few minutes of meeting him...especially lately, deserves to be treated like the fucking queen they are."
My brows shot up at that. "I'm a queen now. High praise. Does that make you the court jester?" I asked, handing him a cardboard tray with 4 drinks in it.
He grinned. "Sure. Anything else you wish me to carry, m'lady?"
I laughed and gave a curtsey. "Not at this time, good sir. Go forth and conquer the bistro que!"
Michael laughed, draping an arm across my shoulder while walking back to the now full tables. He set his 4 drinks down, then took one out of my hand and gave it to Rae before distributing the 4 he had.
"They're marked, and we all drink the same shit every time we go out," he explained. "The one you have is the only one I dont recognize so I assumed it is yours."
I shook my head and resumed my seat next to Ashton, with Luke next to me on the other side now. Michael and Calum were sat across from me. "Its for Ashton actually. He bought me my coffee and forgot to get his own."
"Trying to ditch her," Calum asked.
"Nope." Ashton stated. Simple. Direct. One word.
"Finally found a girl that will put up with your crazy-ass for longer than 10 minutes?" Like remarked.
"Gunna marry this one, mate," Ashton laughed out.
"Shit, you move fast," Michael snorted. "And here I was being engaged for over a year already. What am I doing wrong?"
"You actually asked your fiancee," Luke answered. "Ashton will just be standing in front of the magistrate with a blowup doll."
Everyone laughed, including me Ashton fake pouted, poking me in the side before lacing his fingers through mine. My heart gave a little flitter, but I didnt pull away.
"Come on, Love, you're supposed to defend our relationship!"
I chuckled. "Yes sir. Would you like to get married now, sir? I think I still have my old bicycle pump in my garage if you need it. And some duct tape in case your fiancee gets a hole."
He threw his head back and laughed, tightening his grip on my hand. Not hard, but in acknowledgment that it was a good laugh. "Fuck the lot of you."
"Damn, already cheating on me. And with three other men no less," I crooned, pouting my lips.
That caused another round of laughter.
"I think I'm in love with your girlfriend, " Calum huffed out. "She knows how to give back shit we dish out."
"Dont be hitting on my wife," Ashton fake growled. "I worked hard on this relationship!"
"Oh yeah? What's her name?" Rae jumped in, bemused laughter lacing each word.
A slow silence fell across the table, followed by abrupt laughter for everyone.
"Oh. My. God. You didnt even ask her what her name is yet?!" Michael bellowed, tears forming in his eyes. "I can see it now. The priest standing there like do you take this girl for your wife? And you being like, who's that?"
"Fuck all of you," Ashton gasped out through laughter again. "I'm gunna marry her one day and then shes gunna kick your asses for making fun of me."
I grinned, reaching over to poke my finger into his dimple. "Yeah? I'll kick their asses for you if you ask, darling." I agreed. "Just as soon as you get my attention and ask me. Oooh, right. You can't. Dont know my name," I beamed.
He threw back his head and chuckled. "Fuck you too, sweetheart," he remarked, leaning over to place a quick kiss to my cheek.
"Only if you scream my name out while you do," I joked.
"Fuck, but do I love a smart mouth," he agreed.
The conversation flowed easily. Two more rounds of drinks were bought over the course of a few hours, until the cafe was getting ready to close.
We all agreed to meet up next weekend, have enjoyed each others company and realizing the six of us were going to be amazing friends.
"Can we bring our girls next week?" Luke asked.
"Hell yeah " I agreed readily. "Me and Rae need all the help we can get against you four."
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ozcarpin · 7 years ago
I would love to read the posts you wrote about them! So I'm really curious to know how you differ Oscar and Ozpin in your writing. Like, speech patterns, body lanaguage, narrative style of their thoughts. But also how they overlap and if and how do they kinda "bleed" over to the other? I would also love to know how you see their merger going in the future, as in my story they're stuck togther for 3 years -ish. Thank you for humoring me!
Alrighty! So, to start off these three ( bing, bong, boom) can give you some quick insight to my thoughts on them. You can also search the tags ‘headcanon’ ‘Wizard of Ozpin’ and ‘Oscar the great and floofy’ on my blog to see some more things that I’ve linked to them in the past. 
In terms of how I differ them in writing, there’s a few things. 
First of all with their dialogue I’ll typically have it so that speaking outloud is in quotations, speaking in thoughts is in apostrophes and Ozpin speaking in thoughts is in apostrophes and italicized. While just a stylistic choice, I find that it can make it much easier when the two of them are going back and forth, just so it isn’t necessary to identify them repeatedly. 
Now, for speech patterns, I’ll typically have Ozpin speaking in a more flowery manner than Oscar. He’ll typically use a larger vocabulary, have a more diverse manner of structuring his sentences and be more round-about with how he says things. Ozpin is, for lack of a better term, constantly in ‘speech mode’. He thinks about what he wants to say at length, and he’s very considerate with his word choice and mannerisms. Ozpin is deliberate.
Oscar, on the other hand is very direct in his dialogue. If he wants to say something, he’ll typically use the least amount of words needed to say it. He’s not trying to impress anyone with his wording or anything like that, he just wants to convey this thoughts and feelings as concisely as possible. That said, Oscar himself isn’t a very confident person typically, which can get in the way of this goal for him. Sometimes he’ll start to say something and backtrack on it upon realizing that it might not sound that good outloud, sometimes he struggles to get across what he’s saying and he’ll start to ramble. He doesn’t always think through what he’s saying before he says it and this can lead to him getting frazzled easily. Oscar is earnest. 
For body language its a similar situation. Oscar isn’t always in control of his emotions. He can get easily overwhelmed in the heat of the moment. Oscar moves about very naturally. When he’s speaking, he’ll usually be gesturing to highlight what he’s saying, if he’s anxious or nervous he’ll shuffle about or fidget and when he’s talking he’ll often reach up to touch his own face or rub the back of his head as a nervous tic. Oscar is a very physically expressive person and this makes him incredibly terrible at hiding his feelings or lying. 
Ozpin on the flipside is very restrained physically. He has his own tics, such as preferring to pace or be in motion when he’s thinking or nervous, and he will always prefer to be in close proximity to his cane (which is at odds to Oscar who prefers to have it stowed away out of view). Ozpin will also gesture with his hands, but its typically done more to accentuate a specific point he’s making rather than having them be constantly in motion. Ozpin will physically play to an audience just as much as verbally and will always seek to hold himself in a very well-kept posture with a composed expression, though he will adjust if the emotions of a situation call for it. 
The best way in my opinion to really portray their difference is that when you’re writing for Oscar, write what would be the most natural action to do in the moment, what first comes to you for motion. For Ozpin, focus on the goal. Write the physical actions that would be most likely to get him closer to his goal in the scene, whether that be comforting someone, conveying a plan of attack or even just answering questions. What actions can he do that will cause the most flow to the scene that he can achieve what he’s set out to with the least interference.
For thought patterns and puzzling, Oscar works in the moment, in the immediate. If he’s asked ‘how will you beat Salem?’ his thought process is ‘by getting stronger’ by doing something he can do in the moment. He’s capable of planning ahead if he needs to, but once more, he can get too overwhelmed and stressed when everything builds up on him like that. He’s not stupid, in fact he’s very clever, but he prefers to work on things as they come to him, one step at a time. 
Ozpin is a strategist. He is always thinking ahead, always planning multiple contingencies for the future. His answer to ‘how will you beat Salem’ would be so vague there wouldn’t be much point in asking, one part because Ozpin will tell you what you need to know when you need to know it (sometimes because his plan depends on you acting a certain way) and also because his plans are constantly changing, always evolving. Ozpin doesn’t take setbacks as hard as other characters because he knows that he has time on his side. Even if something goes wrong now that doesn’t mean he can’t make steps to recover it in the future and make something better out of it. 
Together, Ozpin and Oscar actually compliment each other in many ways. They’re both very clever in their own ways and they both believe that people are inherently good in nature. They’re very protective of those that they care about and while neither of them are very good at initiating friendships, the ones which they do have are forged in fire and stronger than steel. They both lean more towards being selfless, and will put aside their own needs for the betterment of others, and they will both be deeply hurt in moments of betrayal. They’re both incredibly curious, which also works well for their relationship since Ozpin knows more useless facts than the encyclopedia and Oscar actually loves learning them, especially ones about different places. 
Now, as for the merger, my take on it is that once conceptualized, the full course of it will be completed in 2 years (you can of course adjust this to fit your story). They will start out as entirely different entities though over the course of this timeline they will gradually become more similar. Ozpin, in a younger body, will need to adjust to all the lovely corporeal things that go on with it, such as hormones being out of whack, things changing ect. and Oscar will in turn need to adjust to the gradual acclimation to all of Ozpin’s previous memories (not that this will be incredibly apparent to him). This could be as simple as someone asking Oscar a question that he shouldn’t necessarily know the answer to and him answering it without needing to consult first with Ozpin. Things will be more automatic for him and require less mental queuing to access. 
The way that I see this happening is that over time they will start to pick up on each other’s quirks and personality traits, the two of them very slowly becoming more similar as time goes on until they’re simply the same being. A good example of this could be Ozpin doing his little triple-axel backflip into the chair, while Oscar wouldn’t have the confidence to do such a thing, one could make the argument that Ozpin was influenced by the boy’s more dynamic nature and this could be expressed further as time goes on (ie. Ozpin being more emotionally expressive, Oscar having more confidence, taking a liking to hot beverages ect.). By the end of it they will be someone who isn’t exactly the same as Oscar but also isn’t quite Ozpin either, a mesh of the two of them with a single consciousness that is both of them as one.  
I hope that this helps explain a few things, and if you have any other questions I’m more than happy to answer them! (Honestly I could talk for days about these two). 
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vexkader · 5 years ago
Solis Part 5
  An orange and yellow glow of an eastward sunset, shone over the sandy beach. A large hideaway full of lights blasted music. The synthetic sounds moved through my ears. The feeling of slightly sandy bamboo under my paws as I looked under this hideout, on the far side a full bar serving glowing drinks. 
  I looked around to see familiar yet aging faces, a few with their spouses as well. I wanted to try to talk to someone, but I felt so out-of-place here. This gut feeling that I'd rather be back at my ship. All other parties I've been to have been full of CEOs looking to talk business with me, not people catching up with their lives. 
  I moved carefully and quickly across the floor, making my way to the bar. Away from the humans and anthros dancing, talking, and laughing. Drinks, food, phones, all of them in their hands and paws. Groaning, I set myself at the bar, small blue and orange flames coming out around it. 
  "Anything you want?" The human bartender asked me, wiping the counter down from the last set of drinks served. The flames reflecting in its shine. 
  "Umm yeah, just give me a mountain jungle." I ask him quietly, looking around seeing who I could approach. My tail flicking gently behind me. 
  "Mhmm alright, don't do anything stupid now."
  "I can handle my drink." He starts to mix liquids, pouring this glowing brown and purple drink. Honestly hated how this thing looked, but the deep fruity flavors from Venus just hit everything right. Along with a hit of alcohol. Downing it, I could feel the burn in my throat. Putting the shot down I shake my face a bit. 
  As the shock of the drink wore off, I heard a voice at the other end of the bar. "Vex? That you? Where have you been all these years?" The booming voice startled me as I turn around to see a beastly sized human. Tanned skin and a dark blonde hair, he sets a beer down on the counter as he looked to me. 
  "Mhnn.. Kenneth right?" I asked, as I wasnt to sure on who this person was. To my surprise his eyes lit up, lifting his bear up in almost a celebration. "You remember! I'm kinda surprised to see you in a joint like this, how the hell did you get here?" He asks me, acting like we were longtime friends. Truthfully I only knew him from being occasional partners in group work. 
  "Well, the promise of free alcohol is usually a good way to get me out." I say with a half-joking laugh, even though that really was the reason I was out here. 
  "Cant argue with that I guess, what have you been up to man!" He takes a sip, turning the chair toward me as I prepared for an uncomfortable conversation. And as I tried to think of a convenient lie to tell him, as most of my work wasnt exactly legal.
  "I uh, do mostly free-lance retrieval. Ship goes down in the jungle, or some other place say on Earth or Mars I retrieve the data and whatever valuables I can find for the client."
  He nodded his head, at least pretending to be interested in what I was saying. "Mhmm okay, can seen a bit dangerous. You go into those jungles often?" 
  "I can yeah, was just in there the other day. Ran into slashers." His eye widened as he drank, looking like he was going to spit. "Salshers?! The hell kinda items are you retrieving?" 
  "Special ones, good pay though." 
  "I bet, I'm finishing up a degree in engineering. Not a masters or anything, but its gonna get me a good job on a few cargo ships. Already a job lined up for when I'm out on an Earth bound freighter."
  I nod, listening to his plans for life. Even if I was going to find someone to help me, it wasnt gonna be him. 
  "Nice seein ya Vex!" He gives me a pat on the shoulder, taking another drink. "You take care out in those jungles!"
  "I'll try my best."
  As he left to mingle with others, I kept an eye out. Others coming to say hello to me, and wanting to see what I've been up to. No one heard from me after graduation, one even thought I died. Which I can thankfully say I havent. However, one did catch my eye. 
  A brown and cinnamon furred coyote, almond-shaped icy eyes. Short not quite petite build. She strutted over in some casual clothing, over to the bar asking for a normal drink. Her name.. what was her name? 
  "Just have a cola please." She asked in a softer voice to the bartender, as he poured her a fuzzy drink. "Dont have a ride home?" He asks her as she shakes her head, sipping the drink. 
  She looked to me, a bit of shock in her eyes. "Vex?" She asks, setting down the drink. "That you? I never expected-"
  "Yes, it's me surprisingly." I interrupted, I was honestly getting tired of the question. "I didn't expect to be here either, yet I am!" 
  She smiles a bit, taking another drink. "It's good to see you though, highschool wasnt easy on you so it's good to see you here and looking decent."
  I felt awkward from the compliment, I was far from decent really. This old clothing I had was well below what most people were wearing, stained and muddied up from exploring planets. "Thanks I guess." I look away shyly, I wasnt here for this small talk. I hated this small talk shite! 
  "Oh jeez, you don't remember who I am do you?" She cocks her head, a sly smile almost laughing as she lifts her drink. "Friday remember? Friday Tisek?" 
  The name rushed back as I raised a finger, waving it a bit. "That's right, shite what did your parents do?"
  "Own a ship building company, BlueStar?" It all started coming back. While everyone was rich in my school, it was private after all, she was the rich of the rich. I mean hell, her parents sold ships and tech to the government and military sometimes. They had money, and of course that came with the thought of her being above everyone else. Come to think of it.. this may be what I need.
  "Right right, been on a few I believe, umm." I snap my fingers, thinking of the class of ship I was on. "Nova liners? They're a subsection right?" I ask her, my face puzzled. 
  She shakes her head, paws facing me as I had her interest. "Not really, they're more in good faith with mine. We occasionally share details, but that's about it really." 
  I nod, pretending I understood the business jargon of it all. "Ah, because I was on a cruise liner once for a trip around Mars. Very formal business you see." 
  Scoffing, she takes a moment to chew on some ice, swirling the rest around in her glass. The little spheres dancing about in the fizzy soda. "What kind of business do you run to take a line around Mars?" I told her it was mostly retrieval, leaving out my activities beyond the asteroid belt. 
  "Interesting, maybe you'd be up for some work for my father?" My ears perked, a job opportunity with some powerful friends with even more powerful friends? I'm all paws in. 
  "What kind of work is it?" I ask, leaning forward. 
  "You said retrieval right?"
  "I did." 
  "My father is holding a party for business associates and the like, seeing how you're a fan of them why don't you swing by. This weekend, I can forward you the details."
  I groan, not another party. I'd prefer she just give me his details, and not dance around the point. 
  "Any more information you can give me?" I tried to pry from her, hoping shed give. 
  "Hmm," She looked around the room, making sure no one was listening in. "Since you said retrieval, my father has bugged about something. Under Iceland."
  "Iceland?" My ears perk, whatever what could be so important in Earth's frozen north. Especially some island no one has lived on in centuries. 
  "Yes Iceland, I can't talk about it too much in the open." She tells me, looking around the patio to all the faces. 
  "Care to come back to my ship after this? I'd like to know a bit more before committing." 
  Groaning, she reluctantly agrees to come with me back to my ship. Honestly I wasnt a fan either, but a job is a job no matter who it's from. 
  We ordered a few more drinks, her another soda me some more alcohol. She tried small talk again, but honestly once business was over I had a hard time feeling it. 
  "No idea how you're able to handle drinks like that." She starts. "Last time I had alcohol I nearly threw it up."
  "Well, I mean I guess I'm just used to it. Always mixed the stuff myself."
  "Might've been the problem, I just had straight whatever it was. Burned the whole way, tasted terrible." She waves a paw, drinking from the soda. 
  I gave a slight chuckle, sipping on my drink. "Drinking straight was your first problem, gotta ease into it. Youd probably like something that has more taste to it than alcohol. Let's try something more customizable, and good for this beach."
  I order her a margarita, an old drink from Earth. Making sure the bar tender only put in a hint of alcohol. Trying it her eyes lit up, maybe not from taste however. "Well it's not terrible, kinda salty though." She licks her lips, her canine tongue trying to get the salty taste out of her mouth.
  "That's cause they salt the rim, after this one you want another without the salt?" She stops to think about my question, swirling the drink in her paws. Occasionally tapping a claw. "Sure why not, can't go that bad could it?" Taking another sip, she agreed to it. Leading to a long night ahead of us. 
  Unsurprisingly a lightweight, me and Friday probably drank for another hour. Or two. Getting a bit heavier and heavier, making the rest of the night an uneasy blur. 
  The things I do remember, I remember walking or more practically stumbling along the beach. As the sun set over the mountains beyond, the only light coming from the city and the party itself. Mine and Friday's paws sinking into the damp sand as we walked along. 
  Occasionally she touched a paw against mine, laughing at the smallest of things. One thing I'll give alcohol is I feel dumb enough to talk openly to people. A real confidence booster that one, although it very well leads to trouble for me. 
  As we stumbled back to the ship, I let her in. Making sure BB kept his AI mouth shut. From here things got really blurry, and I certainly don't remember talking about a job opportunity with her father. 
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gireferig · 8 years ago
Top 5 videogames
HELLO FIRST OF ALL This is going to be a wall of text because videogames are arguably my favorite thing on this hell hole of a planet. Here are my top 5 games in no particular order
Baiten kaitos is a short series that consist of like… two whole games. The story is set place in this fantasy world where people have wings baised on their spirits and can get around using them its quite the party. My favorite of the two games however is origins for its amazing soundtrack (the battle music is always a bop for me), Amazing combat system which felt SO satisfying once you finally mastered it, and underrated voice acting (even as a kid i recognized how well bein’s voice acting was). Overall the writing in origins is much better and makes for some very lovable characters you get attached to throughout your adventure. This is one of my childhood classics and it has tons of replay value for me due to the fun combat system and insanely difficult boss fights. (I actually just… recently beat the full game because I couldn’t for the life of me do it as a kid) Its for game cube and if anyone can get their hands on at least origins I highly recommend it.
Another reason this game is my favorite is guillo, just.. everything about them they’re great.
Ironically, I never enjoyed this game to its full potential since by the time I started playing it the “online” part was no longer an option as they disconnected the servers. But this game was still an insanely big part of my childhood and I easily sunk at least 500 hours into it. Phantasy star is a dungeon-crawler esque game about some humans attempting to colonize a foreign planet. Something goes wrong with the first ship they sent down to explore so of course they send you in to investigate, WHAT CAN POSSIBLY GO WRONG!?!? The game progresses and you get deeper and deeper into the chaotic wildlife of this planet and discover there’s more to disappearance of the original colony than previously thought! Once you beat the original story a hard mode is unlocked, which allows you to fight tougher enemies and get better weapons, scaling all the way from hard, very hard, to ultimate, which is where all the enemies completely change and the chance of getting legendary weapons skyrockets. This was a very fun co-op game again with a ton of replay value (replay value means a lot to me in a game cause WE WERE VERY POOR KIDS) 
Even looking at this opening sequence for the game is giving me major nostalgia, I might crack it open again after this actually.  
Pokemon has been such a vast influence on my gaming life and if I could pick them all to be in my list I would. I’m going to have to pick one specific pokemon to be on this list though…
no but really my favorite is pokemon platinum 
Pokemon platinum was the pinnacle of the series for me because it improved on the classic that was gen 4. Gen 4 is my favorite gen for many reasons, namely adding tons of great evolutions to previously forgotten pokemon (I love you roserade and mamoswine) Also paired with the absolute jamz that were the elite 4 battle music and Cynthia’s theme, it was absolutely amazing. Plus Dahlia is probably one of my favorite pokemon characters ever and she came in for platinum!
4.) The Legend Of Zelda: Majora’s Mask
Majora’s mask is probably one of the most hauntingly beautiful games nintendo has made in their entire history as a company. Really painting with broad strokes here I know. What really sells this game to me is the intricacy of the little details scattered throughout the game. The way an ever-present threat is not constantly thrown in your face but is ever looming, the way the game handles serious and harrowing topics like death in a macabre yet beautiful manner, the interesting events that happen in the game that are not necessary to the story but add to the lore. All of this adds just a level of polish to a game that was originally considered a scrap project of Ocarina of Time. I suppose in this last point I should also give credit to Ocarina of Time, but these two games also prompted my fascination with music. Both games loaded with amazing songs throughout their soundtrack Really improve the immersion experience of the player and add more substance to an already beautiful story. 
5.) The World Ends With You
I really racked my brain around about what to include in this final spot, but none of the games I was thinking of honestly had quite the impact on me the way this game has. The World Ends With You is a jrpg from the perspective of this mopey guy named Neku who hates the world and everyone around him woe-is-me boo who. Neku DIES (Get shit on Neku) and winds up being trapped in something called the reaper games. The reaper games give you another shot at humanity if you win, but to enter you must offer up your most valuable possession. (If you win you could also become a reaper, the opponents of players in the game but thats uh, thats a whole nother thing)
This game had a completely unique fighting style where you had to control two different characters to fight enemies simultaneously on the DS’s dual screens. It was insanely difficult to master but once you could the game becomes incredibly addictive and fun. Throughout the entire game and Neku’s quest for humanity you discover what people really love and what it truly means to be human. Even the villains in the game offer amazing insight and philosophies on life that just kinda… stick with you? (I still remember that bullshit ass boss ho screamed ENJOY THE MOMENT every time you died) I guess it taught me to not take everything so seriously and just enjoy your life while uh, you’re, you know… alive. All while packaged into a neat fun game of course!
WOW THIS WAS A JOURNEY If you’re still reading this bud thanks, this was a joy to write!
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