#I'm just a wuss. ya know?
transgender-catboy · 11 months
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Look at my gorgeous beautiful (beat up) girlfriend!!!
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syrma-sensei · 3 months
→ Somewhere In Your Heart, Ch.1: Tenderly.
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pairing: Soldier Boy x fem!reader.
rating: explicit.
setting: pre-canon; in the early 1980s.
warnings/tags: Ben's foul mouth, sexual innuendos, misogyny, racism, antiquated mentality...
summary: soldier boy lives through the ennui of his peak, but everything is about to change when he has a shift in his heart.
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Soldier Boy rolls his eyes at Legend, “No, ain't doing another stupid song. Let Noir do that shit, the kid's been so fucking eager to see his star shine.”
“It wasn't that bad, people loved it. Your fans loved it, and they want more from you,” Legend tries to reason, “Plus, can't win a Grammy award for best record of the year if it sucks. Moreover, it's pretty popular among the young folks.”
The supe sneers, taking a gulp from his drink, he relishes in the burning in his throat even if it's momentarily, “The young folks can suck on my balls. Honestly, the fuck went wrong with young men these days, huh?” He clicks his tongue, “Christ, it is true; good times do create weak, sappy men.” His head jerks to the side sardonically, “Bunch of pussies seeking some women's attention with shitty songs and snivelling lyrics. Chicks don't want no men like that.”
“Yeah well,” Legend shakes his head, a sly grin on his face, “The world's changing, Soldier Boy, if you don't keep up with it, you might end up outdated, just saying.”
Soldier Boy raises a conceited eyebrow, “I'm America's son, hero of all heroes, an actual fucking legend; people practically worship the ground I walk on. In what fucked up sense would that seem to you outdated anytime soon?”
“Time is a tricky thing,” Legend answers with a sigh, “But only for us I presume. I mean look at ya, your sixty-fourth birthday was last month and you don't look a day past thirty. Some lucky bastard you are.”
Soldier Boy grins smugly, placing his glass on the coffee table in front of him where they sat in the living room of his personal quarters in Vought America tower.
Legend decides not to take the time topic any further, because he knows better, such discussions with the strongest supe ever lived are futile and meaningless. Furthermore, he doesn't want to poke Soldier Boy's massive ego, the latter isn't infamous for his temper for nothing. Legend is back to ground zero. So, he tries another way.
“You'll be doing it, though. It's your next mission.” The playful tone from Legend's voice vanishes, a more professional, assertive one replaces it, “It's nothing you can't do. Think of the gals who'll cream their panties when they hear your voice singing their favourite hit.”
Soldier Boy’s lips flip pensively, “Tempting. But still no.”
“Can arrange a collab with whoever female singer you want.” Legend tries again.
“Can ya pair me up with Monroe?” Soldier Boy gives his manager a shit-eating smile.
“For fuck's sake, Soldier Boy,” Legend says with a frown. The little shit, greatest superhero or whatever else, can honestly be a huge pain in his ass. “Be serious.”
“Oh, I'm dead serious,” Soldier Boy grumbles, “Can you do it or not?”
“She died thirty years ago for Christ's sake, of course I can't pair you up with her.”
“Then the answer's still no. I'd rather spend time rubbing one out at Pauline from Donkey Kong than contributing to entertaining a pansy dogshit audience.”
Fuck you. Legend really wants to spit it out loud but he carefully curbs himself. He pinches the bridge of his nose, “Can't help but notice that making my work harder everyday is your new favourite sport, isn't it?”
“C'mon, don't be such a wuss,” Soldier Boy drawls, “Where would be the fun of an easy job? I'm doin' ya a favour; making you truly earn each penny you get paid. It's something we used to call 'hard work' back in my days.”
“Hard work can kiss my ass in that case,” Legend says humorously, shaking his head. Soldier Boy shares an amused chuckle with him.
“Seriously though—”
“Noir's cut out for that shit, not me. He'll be thrilled to do it.” Soldier Boy smirks wickedly as he interrupts him. The kid may not be funny. Fuck, he ain't, and that's precisely why he didn't get Axel Foley at Beverly Hills Cop — but it'd be hilarious to watch him fail in singing. Even if he didn't, nobody can beat Soldier Boy's performing talents.
Before Legend can answer he proceeds, “And tell him while you're at it that he has me to thank for giving him a window like that. He may as well make it fucking count. Make sure he does.” Legend shakes his head.
Soldier Boy and Legend continue to discuss business for another half an hour. Among the offers though; Nintendo wants to make a video game about Soldier Boy.
“For fuck's sake, do those Nips have any dignity?” Soldier Boy jeers.
“Well, it's all about business nowadays.” Legend says. “Arcade games have a large foot in the market, y'know. And, we're hiring many Japanese developers into our new entertainment department. So, I friendly remind you to tune down your slurs.”
Soldier Boy scoffs again. “I’ll see about that…”
When the talk is done, Soldier Boy dismisses the Director of Superhero Management of Vought.
“See ya at the wedding.” Legend says before he steps out of Soldier Boy's quarters.
“Hope fucking not.” The supe murmurs, taking the last gulp of his drink.
This evening Soldier Boy is to attend Dr. Jonah Vogelbaum's daughter's wedding as the guest of honour. The bride is a huge fan of his; her father has personally invited him to the wedding. What more honour can one get than having the greatest superhero ever lived as a guest at their wedding?
Soldier Boy heads to his dressing room to choose a formal outfit for the occasion. He's not going to wear his supe gear even though Vogelbaum made it very clear that he should. But Soldier Boy takes no shit from a nobody, and who the fuck Vogelbaum thinks he is to tell him what to do? Plus, that attire is for business, and him going to that wedding is a mere pursuit for pleasure. He isn't on some mission tonight but to find a good fuck for himself. Women, nonetheless, would throw themselves at his feet regardless of what he puts on. However, fancy tailored suits and bowties seem to pull women more effectively into his charm. When he clads in his supe suit, he's more intimidating; a god walking among men. Women would sigh at his sight and eye-fuck him, but beneath the layers of infatuation, he can perceive the lick of fear in their eyes. Like he's an invincible idol that cannot be touched by lesser hands. Not that he doesn't fucking relish in having such an impact, but he still prefers to pluck a catch in such occasions. Some nice chick who's eager to warm his bed in fearless vigour, some girl who can actually handle his raw strength and superhuman stamina. Especially when Countess won't be up his ass sulking like the bitch she is whenever he pays another woman his attention.
His relationship with Countess is nothing but for show. Pure business. Vought thought they looked good together and had an appealing chemistry in the public eye. Power couple and that shit. But in fact, Soldier Boy has no ounce of romantic feelings for her. Sure, they fuck around every now and then, but nothing more to add to it.
When he's fully dressed and spruced up he looks at himself in the full-length mirror and nods in approval. He'll definitely make the ladies' panties drop tonight.
Soldier Boy arranges a few lines of coke for himself on the coffee table. It'll help him  handle all of the cock-sucking kiss asses he's going to interact with tonight.
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God fucking damn.
It takes the mightiest of his steel aplomb not to roll his eyes or hiss a curse. The moment he arrives at the wedding in the swanky hotel, he has everyone's attention all to himself. Guests swarming around him with hearts in their eyes, already forgetting about the wedding. Happy shrieks emit from the gals, and full admiration in the eyes of pals.
Ben puts on an expertly-feigned and charming smirk as he nods his head and shakes hands.
“Oh my Gosh, it's really him!”
A pretty woman in a dashing white dress wobbles down in his direction. The fucking bride. Soldier Boy's grin couldn't get any wider. The girl practically left her fucking husband standing with his groomsmen and came marching to him. Something huge and satisfying sprouts in the depths of his chest when he sees the young man briefly stink-eye in his way.
“If it ain't the queen of the show,” He drawls with a stentorian voice and a conceited raise of his brow. The bride holds a breath, her companion bimbos of bridesmaids sighing dreamily, “Well, congrats on tying the knot, darlin',” Large hand taking the bride's gloved one as he leans down to press a light kiss on her knuckles, and the girls squeal.
“Thank you, sir,” The corner of Soldier Boy's lips curls up into a half grin as he hears the groom's curbed voice, “A huge pleasure for us having the greatest man alive honouring our wedding,”
The man extends his hand out for a shake and Soldier Boy doesn't disappoint. “What can I say, Sonia is one of my best girls,” He sends a playful wink to the bride, and her groom's face rises in colour. However, she giggles timidly with blushing cheeks, and covers her mouth slightly.
“Thank you again, sir, for coming,” Sonia chirps, “Means a lot to us… to me, right, darling?”
Her new husband answers with tight lips, “Yeah, of course, please enjoy your time here, sir.”
Sure hell I'll do.
After signing some autographs, which mostly came from the bridesmaids on this special occasion, Soldier Boy lets out an elongated sigh before plucking a flûte of champagne from a server wandering around with a full tray of pleasantries. With the first sip invading his strong taste buds, he regrets it instantly. That shit is extra fruity with enhanced floral notes, it made his face controt in disgust.
“You're late,” The Doc's voice comes curt when he appears next to him, eyeing him disapprovingly. His unpleasing presence made the twitch of his face worse. The little shit. He should be kissing his ass and thanking him for wasting his time on this crap. Soldier Boy should hand it to him, though, he's got some balls. He scoffs. Ever since Vogelbaum gained Stan Edgar's infinite corroboration and support, he's become insufferable. And perhaps sometimes looming dangerously close to make Soldier Boy's hackles rise.
Ben grins indifferently at him, “Had a tight schedule,” Be glad I'm here you ungrateful old fuck.
Vogelbaum stretches his lips and nods, “You have my thanks anywho,” He grumbles, “Though I strictly told you to honour us with your presence in your suit.”
“Yeah, you did,” Soldier Boy replies with a shit-eating grin, “But wasn't in me to steal the light away from your breathtaking helluva daughter,” He patted the doctor's shoulder, “Cheer the hell up, Doc, it's your daughter's wedding and you have the greatest man ever lived as your guest!”
Ben can't endure another second of this man's company. He hands him the flûte and threads his way to the bar to order a drink. A real fucking drink. He sights a vacant stool next to a pretty woman who seems to be without company. He grins to himself when he catches a better angle of her. She is a beauty. Maybe she's the lucky one tonight. He smoothes his suit jacket and adjusts his bowtie before sliding nimbly on the stool.
He orders a strong liquor from the bartender and the beauty next to him cooes, “Make it two, please.”
He turns his head to her with an arched eyebrow, because fuck does he appreciate a woman who's not a lightweight, “Tough night?”
Her painted mouth curls up into an inveigling smile, “Should I ask you the same question?”
Brave. Tempting. He loves brave. Whereas most women are intimidated by him, this one here though, she looks unfazed. He likes it. He wonders what she's gonna sound when he's balls deep inside of her. Timid, brave, strong, weak, they all sound the same in his bed when he touches the magic button. One thing he was certain of was she'd sound pretty in her throes of pleasure.
He gives her figure a quick scan; she isn't one of bridesmaids that's for sure. She's wearing a forest green dress. Her skin is glowing beneath the velvet, and a pleasant fragrance emitting from her body. Her neck and ears are adorned with gold and rubies. She looks hazily beautiful.
“Groom's or bride's?” He asks when their drinks are served.
She flashes him a grin with those tempting lips, “Why wouldn't you hazard a guess like when you do on a minefield?” She winks, taking a gulp of her drink.
Interesting, he raises an amused brow. At least she ain't playing easy. He has to give her that; she's making his night way more entertaining. He likes to play prey and predator let alone when she's practically inviting him to do so.
A playful grin graces his lips, replying, “Can't risk bursting a pretty lady like you tho, can I?”
She lets out a small laugh, “God forbid, what kinda superhero would you be then?” His eyebrows knit together slightly as he watches her grabbing her purse and preparing herself to leave.
“It was nice running into you, sir,” She remarks, “But you'll have to excuse me…”
“Sure, sweet cheeks…”
She nods as she moves away with such grace and swiftness. Ben doesn't realise he was holding his breath until it clicks within him. Fuck, he forgot to ask her her name. But nothing to worry about, he catches her entering the powder room. In moments, he'll go after her and take this rather interesting conversation somewhere else.
He waits though. For more than fifteen minutes. Vogelbaum makes his way on the stage to raise a toast to his daughter and her groom, and he doesn't forget to give Ben a word of gratitude for being here. People cheer and applaud when the lights shine upon him, and he smiles and nods at them. On another occasion, he'd enjoy this to the fullest. His mind, however, is occupied by finding a pretty seductress. Can it be that she left? No, he doesn't think so. Fuck, if only he could distinguish her voice out of the many nattering and yapping voices despite his superhuman hearing. He considers asking Vogelbaum about her later. Maybe the man would be useful to him for once. But he will not have to, though.
The lights of the hall ebb away, save for the ones above the music stage.
A wide grin slips into his lips when he sees her behind the microphone, and their eyes lock for a moment. She gives him a teasing wink.
The little minx, he thinks.
Tender music emanates from the piano and she starts to sing with a silky voice.
The evening breeze caressed the trees tenderly
Damn, he likes that song. And her voice couldn't be more on brand for it!
The trembling trees embraced the breeze tenderly
He feels the said breeze of her cooes and it makes him shiver.
Then you and I came wandering by
And lost in a sigh were we
Ben conjures a vivid image of her sighs of pleasure.
The shore was kissed by sea and mist tenderly
She's the shore, and his mouth is the sea.
I can’t forget how two hearts met breathlessly
Your arms opened wide
And closed me inside
You took my lips
You took my love
So tenderly
A loud applause erupted from the guests when she finished, and Ben found himself amongst the riveted clappers.
God fucking damn.
Ben knows a lot of singers, hell, he works with them sometimes. But never has he ever heard such a mellifluous voice like this one! How come he hasn't known of her before? A new face, he guesses. He wonders if Legend knows her.
Ben stops clapping as his conversation with Legend that afternoon flashes through his mind. That's it.
Shortly after the wedding, Ben heads back to his quarters in Vought's tower, impatiently dialling Legend's number.
“That sappy song you wanted me to do—” He says right away.
“Well, good evening to you too,” Legend drawls from the other end, “As happy as I am to hear that, Ben, but I'm kinda fucking tired to talk business right now. Despite my marvellous traits, I'm still a human.”
“I'll do it.”
Soldier Boy could hear Legend switching the handset of the telephone to the other hand. And before the latter says anything he proceeds.
“Only on one condition...”
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🦅 Next Chapter: A New Window.
🦅 Somewhere In Your Heart Masterlist.
🦅 The Boys Masterlist.
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Taglist: @thebiggerbear, @zepskies, @deanbrainrotwritings, @deansbbyx, @deans-spinster-witch
@venus-haze, @kaleldobrev, @k-slla, @ketchupjasmin...
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sakumz · 17 days
[ n. gen x fem reader ]
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" vice captain l/n is so cool! " narumi couldn't help the vein popping in from hearing such comments. the poor civilian just wanted to comment on their favourite leader and narumi can't enjoy a simple meal outside without hearing all the compliments on your latest victory.
so what if you've killed a huge kaiju? he had killed plenty more. you're a newly appointed vice captain in the sixth division. he had never met you face to face but if he did, he might beat you into a pulp to assert dominance... of course he wouldn't do that.
lost in his thoughts, shinomiya had to slap him.
" what!? can't a man enjoy his meal! " he held his cheek as he glared daggers her.
" we got to get back to headquarters now! vice captain l/n is here! " shinomiya shouts as the man can't feel bothered to go.
" and why should I go? it's my day off, tell them to go home. " he turned to look out the window.
" she's here to temporarily replace vice captain hasegawa since he's in another base, let's go meet her now! what kind of example are you setting if you're not going to greet her. " she pulls his arm as he doesn't budge.
contemplating before agreeing, hasegawa would kill him if he doesn't greet you properly after all the nation regards you as a flower more like a rose, too pretty and one with deadly thorns.
upon arriving at the building, you sat in the dining table alone. with a cup and a notebook placed on the table and your hands aggressively tapping away from your phone.
you placed your phone down and then slammed your hands on the table. the action caused narumi and shinomiya to jolt.
" h-h-hi vice captain l/n, welcome to the first division. " shinomiya greets you as she tapped narumi, hoping he'll say something.
" hello- " you were cut short.
" you play that game too?! " he shouts, noticing the similar game and the lose written over. how embarrassing for you.
" that game sucks, the gameplay and gacha are both definitely rigged! the maximum level your characters can get to is level 90 but the enemies go up to 100 with a ton of hp. " you ranted out as a smirk tugs upon his lips.
" skill issue much? " he says with a triumph smirk plastered on his face as he leans down to your seated self.
" HUH!?! " you slam a hand as you got up.
" why don't you try it? " you hand him your phone as he quickly takes a sit on your seat. you and shinomiya by his side as you watch him play.
" if you lose, you should buy me the limited figure of [character] , " you bet as narumi stared at you.
" and if I win, you should give me a big ol kiss on the lips. " he bets as he points to you, leaving you and shinomiya stunned.
" ew gross, im leaving. see you around vice captain l/n, " she bids farewell as you say your goodbyes. looking back at your phone and the wonders of narumis hands.
narumi wants to win so bad, you're so pretty. you can't be single well even if you had a boyfriend he'd rather make your love life hell.
" see? skill issue, " he says as he stands up and hands you, your phone. the victory staring back at you, he won.
" you! color me impressed, " you say as he grabs your chin.
" now for my reward, " he leans down as you quickly shut your eyes. no way is this gremlin stealing your first kiss.
after a minute or two, he didn't kiss you. you open your eyes to see him staring back at you. he's trying not to laugh as you flushed red in embarrassment.
" hey, were you really expecting a kiss from a man you just met? " he teased as you looked down.
" just admit it, you're a wuss! I bet you've never dated before, " you grab his hand that's holding your chin.
" so what if I've never dated? I bet you haven't too. seeing you get all worked up over a kiss, adorable. " you flushed harder if possible, tears threatening to spill. he's making fun of you.
" shut up- " he pats you, catching you off guard.
" I'm sorry, I'm not that mean. ya know? " he jokes as he starts to ruffle your hair.
" stop that! " you pushed his hand away, he laughs at your antics. maybe you weren't so bad after all.
" hey if you wanted to kiss me so bad, why not just hit a few dates with me? you wouldn't want your first kiss to be that miserable, right? nation's little rose. " you can't help but blush over the title.
" yeah sure whatever, just admit you fell head over heels for me too. " this time you've rendered the man speechless.
when news got around on how you and narumi started dating, let's say the hoshina brothers won't stop teasing both of you. the nation fell in love with your relationship too, having tag narumi in all your kaiju fighting clips or even interviews well as long as you're in the media.
um idk how to end lol
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neteyamslovrr · 2 years
Hello! how are ya?? May I request a boyfriend Ao'nung with sully!reader? thank you so much <3
Boyfriend Ao'nung
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summary: headcanons of ao'nung being a cutie patootie bf!!
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Ao’nung being a boyfriend to his sully girlfriend! <3
At first he was mean to you just in a different way
He’d be almost intimidated by you and how he thought you were so beautiful
Ao’nung would just straight up refuse to acknowledge your existence rather than ridiculing it
You hated that. Immensely.
So, one day you forced him to face you.
“Ao’nung! Come ride an ilu with me!” You chirped skipping over to where he laid on the sand. He grimaced hearing your voice.
“Oh c’mon, don’t be a wuss.” His head perked up. He was no wuss, he however was one easily persuaded man when he looked at the way you glimmered in the sunlight. He might’ve drooled at the sight of you.
“Hurry up then.”
After that day, he continued to use your ‘ilu races’ as a way to continuously talk to you.
He always won, and he always managed to keep a hand on you after the races
He thought it was subtle but really his touches felt like he was ravenous for you
Now Ao’nung as you boyfriend after months of ilu races and pining you let Ao’nung call yourself his
He’d be really protective, keeping you behind him in the small amounts of hunts he took you on, keep an eye on you whenever you swam in case your breathing failed. He wanted no harm to ever come your way
The ilu races would become a weekly tradition, like a date night where you raced and when you eventually got tired you would lay on the sand watching the stars
Ao’nung loves when you take his bun out and redo his braids. He feels so close to you and to have your work on him as a trophy and memory that he was in love with the best woman he’s ever met
He’d still be tough though
Refusing your teases and pleads for him to be softer.
In the earlier days on your relationship, he would’ve been quite reserved but you let him feel comfortable enough to open up and not be the chiefs son but Ao’nung in front of you
He would get jealous easily
Never at you though, if he saw a fellow Metkayina flirt with you he’d take matters into his own hands and have you never know
(You always knew)
Overall, Ao’nung would be a protective boyfriend and he would only ever show his soft side to you.
“Y’know Ao’nung I know you keep starting fights with the guys who talk to me.” You said to him as you comb through his hair as he lays peacefully in your lap.
He stiffens his grip on your shins slightly tightening.
“I don’t start fights. I just finish them.” You scoffed at him rolling your eyes knowing he couldn’t see
“Sure, tough guy…”
“Hey! I am tough. Look at these.” He begins to flex his arms a smile spread across his face. Slapping his arm lightly you giggled with him.
“Yes of course, you’re my tough guy.”
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authors note: just a cute little short one! i'm also clearing my inbox so i am going through my requests! i'll be writing the ones I like soon!
taglist: @aonungmybf @melovehiddlestan @dngnmtr-blo
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kylecorbeau · 3 months
I've been asked for the link to my post of the fan sequel I wrote to Jack's Filthy Ass. I couldn't find my original post of this story, so I'm reuploading it.
Liam's Filthy Mouth
By Kyle Corbeau on Tumblr
A fan-sequel to Jack's Filthy Ass by writinggross.
[Contains: M/M, Face-farting, hypnosis, Dom/sub, rimming, scat, scat consumption, Non-con.]
I have a hard time not thinking about what happened with Jack. It's only been four days and I still panic whenever I hear someone moving in the hall.
But tonight, I know I have reason to panic. My mom and her boyfriend have gone out of town for TEN DAYS over spring break, leaving me here alone with Jack's filthy ass. Just as I anticipate, the doorknob to my bedroom jiggles. I take a shaky, deep breath as I remind myself that I obsessive-compulsively locked the door when I got home to an empty house.
Then I hear a sound that makes my blood turn ice cold.
The jingling of keys.
I whine in my throat as I shake my head in denial, but of course it's just an involuntary reaction, not preventative one. The door lock clicks and the handle turns. I'm suddenly wishing I'd worn more to bed than a skin-tight white tank. Jack's already in the doorway, smirking mischievously at me where I'm hiding under the covers.
The only thing he's wearing is a pair of horribly stained once-white briefs and pair of sweat socks than sound a bit like sponges when he takes a step. I can smell how foul he is from here, but unfortunately, i know from experience that the closer he gets, the more heinous the stench will become.
Then i realize what he has in his hand. It's an overnight bag.
"'Sup, Liam. I figure we can skip all the bullshit if I make this simple. You know what I need. You know I'm going to get it. I can wrestle you with the chains and shackles I have in the bag and do this the hard way, or you can remember that I can still tell everyone at school that you're my little ass-bitch."
I just nod at first, conceding that I can't stop him. He saunters over victoriously, sets the bag down next to my bed and sits down next to me on the mattress as I scoot over to give him as much room as possible. He chuckles, evilly, in my ears, though I'm sure it's probably his normal gentle laugh and I'm just biased.
Justifiably biased.
He sprawls out on the bed, leaving me barely any room on the mattress, but I'm backed against the wall now and he scoots himself ever closer, his rank stink making me shudder in disgust and fear. Soon, he's laying right up against me, pulling the blankets out of the way, shedding the last of my shield as he pushes his big gut and massive thighs against me, wrapping his sausage-like arms around my shoulders and head as I whimper. His juicy, ripe pits are right by my face and his ass stink of rotten shit is permeating my entire bed.  He lifts an arm and pushes my face into his armpit as I start to shed tears. One huge meaty leg is wrapped over mine and he kisses my hair softly as he rubs my face hard back and forth in his armpit. No locker room has ever smelled this bad. The smell is unfathomable and it's absolutely nothing compared to where my face and mouth will be... Fuck... My poor tongue is going to be eaten alive by his rotten, gungey hole.
I realize my body is shaking as I sob and he's laughing as he smears my face in his armpit. "Just get used to it, ya wuss. I have a week and a half to desensitize you. Once you realize your place in life is beneath a filthy fat slob, you're going to be begging me to do anything and everything I want to you. And we start like this."
Jack reaches into his briefs and pulls out a wadded up cloth item. It's one of his ratty white wifebeaters, but it's covered in greenish brown smears and completely drenched in buttcrack sweat and the familiar odor of his ass-juice. He lifts it to my face and I turn away in panic, but he smashes the putrid shirt against my face and I inhale from surprise. He holds it there like a toxic gas mask over my face and says, "Don't worry, Liam. You'll love that smell soon enough. Hell, if you want to let everyone at school know you fell in love with my filthy ass over vacation, I guess I can put up with people knowing about us. I can't imagine you just passing me in the hall like you usually do once I'm done with you."
"Jack," I say through the ass-juice-drenched shirt as I gag, "Isn't this just about you rubbing one out?"
"Remember my science project a couple of weeks ago?"
"You want to plant trees! You and every hippie in history!"
"No, Baby Boy. My project was on replenishable resources. This isn't about rubbing one out. This is about rubbing one out as many times as I want for as long as I want to. ...You like that nickname, Liam? Baby Boy?"
I sob harder when I realize he's planning to condition me to be his ass-bitch potentially for the rest of our lives and as I begin again to soak the shit-stained shirt with my tears, I figure out the nickname.
He's calling me 'Baby Boy' because his vile odor makes my eyes water.
Finally, he moves to put down the shitty wifebeater and starts peeling my own tank top off of my chest. As he pulls it up over my face, I'm suddenly met with a passionate kiss, his unwashed mouth and tongue that's probably got food from last week stuck to it, pushed flush against my own as he slobbers into my mouth and licks the back of my throat. I struggle for the first few seconds but realize there's no point. He rolls over on top on me, surrounding and crushing me with his massive form and ripe and rancid stench. He sloppily slobbers on my face in what I could only call an act of claiming.
Then, he takes his nasty wifebeater, puts in it his underwear, and at first I think hes wiping, but instead, he's cramming it into...
He's stuffing that shirt inside his nasty asshole!
It isn't long before he's unwadding the fetid garment and forcefully putting it on me.
The next thing I know, he's getting me positioned on the bed. I can't fight anymore. Not even a little. Something in me broke when he put that tainted tank on me.
So as he mounts my head and says, "Open up, Baby Boy... my pretty little ass-bitch... Lick inside me. You know you love it!", all i can do is physically obey, opening my jaw, sucking and tonguing his rotten insides. They taste like rotting meat that's been out in the sun for a week, and his hole clamps tight around my tongue, making me whine. I can hear him talking, but I can't consciously understand everything. Something about counting and relaxing and feeling his stink saturating my body with pleasure.
The last words I hear before I fade into unconsciousness are about needing his ass stink to get hard.
When I wake up, I'm still wearing the shit-tank and Jack's shit-smeared briefs are strapped to my face like a dust mask. I look at my clock. It's been ten hours. There's a recording of Jack's voice soothingly encouraging peaceful thoughts when I smell him and telling me how it feels so good to crave his filthy ass.
I roll my eyes at the stupidity. Hypnosis? Really? Jack's so desperate to make me his ass-worshiping bitch that he's turning to phoney pseudoscience?
I chew on the browned briefs for a moment, feeling better when I suck on the flavor.
Fuck. I'm keeping these. He's got plenty of filthy briefs and he can always make more.
I get out of bed, stuffing the shit-stained briefs all the way into my mouth and moaning as my morning wood throbs. I walk into the hallway, looking for Jack to tell him what a fucking idiot he is for thinking he could hypnotize me into wanting his foul fat ass, but when I don't see him in his room, I call out to him.
"Yo, Jack? Where you at?"
I hear his voice from his en suite bathroom shout, "I'm taking a dump!"
I perk up at the prospect, briskly heading for his bathroom door. "Mind if I join?"
He laughs his ass off before telling me threateningly that I'll regret if I don't. I quickly open the door, rush to him and kneel. He smirks down at me as I jerk away from the fetid odor and frown with visceral nausea until he takes my head in his hand and pulls me forward. "Sniff my shit, bitch. I'm making your breakfast."
I'm utterly revolted, on the verge of vomiting, but as I autonomically obey him and sniff the toilet from between his legs, my forehead pressed against his junk, euphoria and serenity wash over me and I hum in pleasure as I go boneless against his lap.
I've completely forgotten what I was going to say to him and somewhere in my mind, I realize what he meant about breakfast and my stomach growls.
He finishes shitting in the toilet, then he gets up and turns his unwiped ass towards me. The smell is worse than a port-a-potty and the stink is like rotten eggs saturating decomposing meat infused with sewage fumes.
I sniff deeply, my nose touching his crack as I fight my flight instinct. I want to run to somewhere safe and never witness this again.
But this is my safe place. I should be running to the very thing that engenders my panic.
"My ass isn't going to lick itself clean!" Jack growls at me.
My tongue dives in before I can stop it and I slurp and swallow the smears of fetid refuse until his ass is depressingly clean.
Then, I come out of myself and realize what just happened.
"YOU FUCKING NASTY BASTARD!" I scream, licking the revolting shit from my lips as he looks back at me in shock.
Then, he's laughing.
He's laughing hard.
Then he says two words that freeze my entire body.
"Ass Master."
I cant move. I can't move at all!
He backs up a few inches, reaches back to roughly grip my hair in his fat fist and shoves my face between his cheeks.
"Suck my pucker!" Jack commands, and without my consent, my body obeys.
As my mouth wraps around his hole, sealing my face to his obscenely disgusting insides a long greasy fart hot as the sun is pumped into my lungs.
Then I feel it on my tongue.
It's hot, it's wet and it's worse than I ever imagined.
The clumps of shit pop out one at a time, filling my mouth, and Jack says, "Keep sucking my hole, mash my shit around in your mouth, swallow it and hate it even though you need it.
I feel like I'm going to vomit, to pass out or even maybe die, but as I use my tongue to press Jack's shit against every surface in my mouth, my morning wood rages and leaks.
I smell the shit from inside my mouth, the putrid fumes traveling up from the back of my throat, and even though I can't move my body away, I cry, tears streaming against the inside of Jack's asscrack as I sob, making him moan loudly.
When I swallow it, gulping the lumps down my throat, I cum hard and shoot my copious load all over the tile, but the sounds I make are anything but euphoric. With my mouth still sealed to his hole, I scream in visceral horror.
Jack sighs in pleasure and says, "Relax, Baby Boy. Just be yourself." I can suddenly move of my own accord and I stumble backwards on the bathroom floor. He turns around with hunger in his eyes. "Thank me for making you breakfast, bitch."
I can choose what to say now. I feel it. "Is this really happening?" I ask as I shake in terror.
His eyes darken and I realize that wasn't the right thing to say.
"I'm sorry, Jack. Th– thank you... I hate you...."
Jack pats me on the head affectionately with an evil smirk. "You're getting a full load for lunch. I'll let you know when I need to piss. Go cry on my bed until I'm ready to collar and fuck you."
I can't help it.
By my own choosing, I lean forward and reverently kiss his filthy, musky balls.
And he lets me.
After Jack enjoyed my first display of genuine admiration and affection, he shaved my shoulder-length hair down to a near-bald buzzcut, shaved my entire body completely smooth, had me rinse all the haircut debris away in the shower pissed all over me and down my throat, occasionally smearing his foul, acrid piss over my lips with his fat dick like he was putting my chapstick on for me.
Then, he declared that this is the first day of my new life.
Given our situation and encounters thus far, I expected words like that to be sadistic, threatening, mocking or some combination.
They weren't. He seemed genuinely happy, not just for himself but for me.
I'm just now realizing just how much this really is a new phase of life.
I'm walking out of my possible-stepbrother's/hopefully-boyfriend's bathroom naked after participating in things I never imagined while he walks with me wearing only the track pants he had on when he started this insanity.
This is the first time I've actually looked around Jack's room. Until today, I've been avoiding him as much as possible, and when I passed through through it from the hall to his ensuite bathroom less than two hours ago, I had single-minded focus and only observed enough of my surroundings to see which way his bathroom is.
Now, I look around in stunned silence as I realize how long he's been planning all of this: attacking me and riding my unwilling face, threatening me into submission then cuddling and kissing me as if he loves me – all before using some kind of aggressive brainwashing on me to make me his unwilling but devoted autonomically obedient, fart-addicted, shit-noshing slave.
We've known each other for less than two weeks and about ten days ago, my mom and I moved in to live with her boyfriend and her boyfriend's son, Jack.
As far as I knew, Jack had barely tolerated me.
Which is why it strikes me as odd that my favorite possessions (which were mysteriously lost in the move) are arranged throughout Jack's room as if they're his.
It's obvious the totality of this room's books, trinkets and miscellaneous items are from two very different people!
Jack's room looks as if we both live in it!
He planned this whole disgusting coercive seduction thing at least ten days ago, only a few days after we first met.
Possibly, the day we met.
I'm suddenly enraged! I feel like I'm going to belt out a primal, wordless scream at the top of my lungs, but Jack's thick arm curls around my waist and my anger drains away in a heartbeat as he kisses the top of my head.
"Cheer up, Baby Boy," Jack says with encouraging mirth. "You'll love living in here! It's over three times bigger than your old room, which means we have room for the fridges, sofa, spare bed, my reading chair and your new desk. Most importantly, we have a <i>private</i> bathroom, there's fantastic soundproofing and, after fourteen years with me in it, my personal musk is soaked into every inch of this very lucky room."
I laugh softly and playfully elbow Jack in his huge, studly gut before dropping to my knees in front of him and leaning forward. For a few moments, I let him think I'm leaning towards his exposed cock, then I abruptly bend down and take a big whiff of the carpet.
"Yep! This inch passes inspection!" I say as I try to lighten my own mood
He snorts loudly before falling down in a fit of (feigned?) hysterical laughter and with suspicious accuracy, he lands on top of me, his knees straddling mine, his fat belly weighing down on my back and his hands gripping my hips. He roughly pulls my hips backwards to grind his hard-on against my ass.
I shiver in revulsion, and for once, it has nothing to do with his heinous hygiene, his disgusting habits, his dominating-my-face-with-his-ass-and-anything-that-comes-out-of-it-fetish , or even the fact that almost all of our interactions have been when he forcibly dominated me, my will be damned.
I'm actually starting to like him, despite all of that.
After the ten hours of hypnotic bullshit, I'm starting to like him because of it.
I even like him enough to eagerly let him fuck me.
My instinctive revulsion is entirely because I am (was?) straight and having anyone's dick touch me at all viscerally grosses me out.
He groans happily above me and says, "Don't worry, Baby Boy. You're gonna get lucky too. Maybe right now..."
I start to lose control of my body as my own thoughts are disregarded and unheard. That's happened a lot this morning and at this point, I know it's more fun to enjoy hating it than to hate hating it.
"Fuuuuck!" I groan in a mix of anguish and euphoria. "Go fuck yourself, you fat, filthy, vile asshole! Your personality is even more shitty than your actual shit!"
Jack keeps a steel-strong grip on my hip as I hear the slide of his track pants against his skin.
"You get away with talking like that to me once," he growls through gritted teeth. "Would you care to rephrase?"
I keen in my throat as I feel his bare dick thumping against my asscheek.
"Yeah, Jack, I would. What I meant to say is I'm jealous of your bedroom. I wish you were inside me every night and I can't wait for you to soak your personal musk into every inch of me, because you're hot as fuck and I want everyone I meet to know I belong to you."
Jack slaps my ass so hard it feels like a punch and his dick begins sliding back and forth between my asscheeks, grazing across my pucker on every thrust. I can't tell if he's erotically teasing me or silently threatening me.
"Anything else, Baby Boy?"
My hips start grinding backwards against him, and to my shame, it's not because of the hypnosis.
"Y-yeah, Jack...  Look I...  I love you. I love you and I want you to own me use me and be my boyfriend. Please, Jack. I need you."
I'm about to start crying again until I feel him lean over me and sensually press his lips against my jaw from behind.
"Yeah, bitch," he whispers in sadistic apathy. "You do need me. You need me to own you, control you and use you. I'll always give you what you need, Baby Boy. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't?"
The words sting at first (more from Jack's tone than their significance), but then Jack hugs me from behind and rubs the head of his thick, filthy cock against my hole, nearly breaching it. I relax happily, knowing this is my place and suddenly realizing he implied we're dating.
"Thanks, Jack..." I mumble with genuine gratitude. "I'll give you everything you need and anything I have to give."
He breathes hard against my neck as half an inch of his cock pushes past the ring of muscle. "Yeah. I know you will, Liam," says in a soft, loving tone. Then he kisses my neck, lifts away from me and helps me off the floor. I'm startled when I find myself launched through the air, but giddy when I land on Jack's bed.
The steel chain he locks in place with a matching padlock has a rusty iron finish, and just after the lock audibly clicks, we both heave joyful sighs of relief.
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igot-sarang-ggg · 1 year
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Small Summary: Polnareff and the others over hear you and Jotaro in the hotel room together
Small mentions: A bit suggestive but nothing really happens (Writing will still be slow)
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"Polnareff, I think you should check on Jotaro and y/n. They've been taking a while to get here." They were both supposed to meet us in Mr. Joestar's hotel room to discuss our next plan of action, but they haven't arrived yet. "Alright, I'll go get them. You three stay here."
I hope they're okay. Avdol had called them earlier, he said Jotaro sounded out of breath when he answered. I finally made it to the room. I stood outside ready to knock when "Jotaro be more gentle." Y/n's voice could be heard. "Sorry, I'm just trying to hurry."
"Well, it hurts! So slow down a bit will ya."I stood at the door not knowing what to do... What are they doing in there? "Ah, that hurts stop." Are they...? it can't be. Jotaro and Y/n are too young for that.
"Polnareff what are you doing?" Kakyoin spoke causing me to jump. I quickly shushed them and singled them over to the door to listen with me. "Jotaro, I get that you're in a hurry, but pl-please slow down you're hurting me... Jo-ah~" What are they doing in there?!
"Polnareff I think we should leave them alone... plus it feels a bit uncomfortable listening in on them like this," Avdol stated. "You're fine y/n just hold still okay... I'm almost done." Jotaro grunted as he spoke to them.
"Avdol, do you have a spare key?"His eyes widen. "I don't want to interrupt them Mr. Joestar." We all looked at Mr.Joestar he looked angry. "I don't know what's going on in there but it needs to stop." Avdol handed him the spare key, he barged in opened the door, and ran inside we all followed in. "Jotaro what are you doing to y/n!"
"H-Hey guys, what going on?" Y/n was standing in front of Jotaro having their shirt lifted slightly, Jotaro was facing Y/n with a hand on their side holding a bandage and wrapping it around their body. Avdol and Kakyoin started laughing. "Sorry, we're taking so long. My wound had opened up and Jotaro was helping me cover it up." Mr. Joestar tipped down his hat, "It's fine, next time just tell us what's happening when we call you." Y/n was confused by what he meant, "Good grief old man, get your mind out of the gutter. Whatever you heard outside, that was not happening in here." Y/n winced, Jotaro had tightened his grip on the bandage.
"Jotaro, why don't I help Y/N." Kakyoin offered, "Sure..." He stood up handing the bandage to Kakyoin. "But the two of sounded like you were.." Jotaro smacked the back of my head. "Again, get your mind out of the gutter. Y/n's just a wuss when it comes to patching them up." Jotaro slightly pulled his hat down.
"Done, all better now." We looked over at Y/n who now had the bandage properly wrapped around their torso. "Thank guys. Jotaro was being a bit rough since we had to meet with you guys." Y/n adjusted their shirt and stood next to Jotaro.
"Your welcome Y/n. Just be careful what you say out loud next time. You gave Mr. Joestar a heart attack." Kakyoin chuckled as he walked out of the room waiting for all of us to leave the room. We were all standing in the hallway, "Let's go to Mr. Joestars room we need to plan our next course of action." We all agreed and headed towards the elevator.
Y/n and Jotaro stayed behind us, "Hey, guys hurry... up?" I turned around to look at them and caught Y/n kissing Jotaro's cheek. I quickly turned around before either of them could notice I saw anything. I knew something was happening between them! If Jotaro knew that I saw Y/n kiss his cheek... there's no telling what he might do.
"Polnareff..." Y/n ran towards me wrapping an arm around my neck and whispering in my ear, "Telling anyone what you just saw and I swear I'll kill in your sleep... M'kay?" Y/n drew out their stand, I nodded and they moved away standing next to Jotaro again calling back their stand. "Hurry up you three... Polnareff you look like you've just seen a ghost."
"I don't want to talk about it."
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abubblingcandle · 2 months
Augusnippets Day 1 - Brainwashing - Ted Lasso
CW - Past Child Abuse, Emotional Manipulation
Jamie was loving this whole therapy thing. Time to just talk about himself ... amazing! Until Dr Fieldstone starts asking questions about his childhood.
Here on AO3 @augusnippets
When Jamie started therapy with Doctor Fieldstone, he hadn’t thought twice about it really. Keeley seemed to think it was a good idea and he just got to sit there and talk about himself. Doctor Fieldstone just nodded, smiled and wrote stuff down. It was relaxing really. He should have started doing this sooner.
But then the bubble burst. Because turns out therapy isn’t just paying people to let you talk at them. You are expected to talk about certain stuff that you don’t want to talk about because you need to do that to get better. Which Jamie still thinks is a massive pile of horse shit. Jamie fucking Tartt does not need to talk to someone to get better. He’s already the best.
Despite that Doctor Fieldstone was determined to talk about his dad.
She had found out about the rules somewhere in Jamie's ramblings. That made it sound worse than it was. Jamie wasn't trying to hide his dad's rules from her, he genuinely thought she wouldn't care. But she did care, cared about it quite a lot really and they spent the whole session talking about them which was odd because every parent had rules for their kid. And they were just good things to keep in mind while he was still playing. They made him good. So yeah ... Jamie didn't know why Sharon was determined to talk about them but she got him to make a list and now the list was taunting him as he read it out to her. 
1 - Take any opportunity to show your talent.
"It's simple son. This game is all about being noticed. If you sit back, let others take the glory then you'll get dropped. You'll be forgotten. You'll be worthless. You don't want to end up like that. Football's all you've got going for you. Don't give them the opportunity to forget you."
2 - Only spend time around people who can make you better or make you look better 
"Friends? With that prat ... Jamie. Jamie I expect better. Both from you and for you. Friendship is a waste. They'll work out who you really are, what you really are and then either try and use you or throw you away. We don't want that do we? Friendship is only worth it if it benefits you. Does this friend ... Jacob? Does being friends with Jacob being anything to your career? ... No. Then you won't see him again."
3 - Your money is money for the family
"You don't get to say no Jamie. I need this which means we need this. You wouldn't want your family to go without would you Jamie? Do you know how much money I spent keeping you alive brat? Huh? Speak up. Yeah, a lot more than your little toys. I kept you in football which is why you are getting paid. It's time you repaid the favour."
4 - Any available time must be spent improving
"What are you doing? Fucking video games. Who said you could play games Jamie? No, get up. If you've got time to play games you've got time to train. I don't care that it's raining, you'll have to play games in the rain won't you? So stop sulking and run."
5 - Tartt men are not soft. Emotions are a choice and a waste of time. 
"Get up. James I told you to get up. Stop that noise and get a grip. Being a soft fucking wuss. So what it hurts huh? You wanna see your fucking mummy? You're a Tartt. We ain't fucking soft, we don't fucking cry. You are in control of your own emotions. If you show people you are weak then they won't trust you yeah. They won't like you. I don't even fucking like you right now as your fucking weeping and I'm your dad. Get yourself together or you're walking home."
6 - Playing through the pain makes you stronger 
"You ain't earnt any drugs lad stop sulking. You can walk can't ya? Then you're fine. When I were a lad we didn't get tablets for nothing. It toughens you up. You play through the pain you hear me then if someone takes you down in a game you'll get back up to make them regret it. See? It's for your own good. Now up we get."
7 - Stop hunting for praise
"Nobody in life kid is going to throw you a fucking party for doing your job. If you're waiting for someone to give you a well done for trying medal then you'll be waiting an age. Scored a goal, so what. Should've scored two. The only time you deserve a pat on the back is when you have a real winners medal that you've earnt right. So stop asking if you've done good, the answer should always be do better."
8 - Losses are your responsibility and need to be apologised for
"You're the best player out there junior. You know that. Everyone knows that, if they don't they're fucking dense. So if your team loses huh, that's on you. You fucking lost and that makes you are fucking loser. No Tartt is a fucking loser on my watch. Apologise. Say you're sorry for being a fucking loser Jamie."
9 - You see a goal scoring opportunity, you take it
"You think those other lads out there are thinking about you when they get a chance to shoot. No one on that team gives a flying fuck about you Jamie. Only I care about your success here and you need to start caring too. If I see you pass when you could shoot again Jamie you'll regret it alright. You'll regret it." 
10 - Instructions from me are not optional
"No? Did you just tell me no? Did that fall knock another bleeding screw loose in that empty head of yours. You don't tell me no Jamie. You don't tell me what to do. You are not in charge here and you never will be. You get that junior? Has that knocked it's way into that thick skull. You don't get to say no."
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genevieveskingdom · 7 months
Pixie Party 🪩
If I didn't know that Zarina poisoned them with her alchemistic pixie dust, I would think that they're having a hardcore party with disco lights and deep house accompaniment 😂😂🪩
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Let's imagine this scenario 🤣 (Take it with humour please 🤭)
Sunflower: "Hey Hyacinth, you wanna dance?"
Hyacinth: "Me?? Hell no!"
Sunflower: "Come on, Cinthirella! It's just a daaaance!"
Hyacinth: "Wha- what did you call me?? Cinthirella? I am not a princess!!"
Sunflower: "Oh, yes you are, dear love! And now don't be such a wuss and join me!"
Redleaf: humming some melody
After a while...
Redleaf: "I think I am gonna leave."
The voice in his head: "If Sunflower finds out, you'll get busted. She hates when fellas are missing fun."
Redleaf: "Who said I'm gonna miss the fun? The real fun begins tomorrow morning when I'll see Hyacinth having pixie dust hangover and I'll send pictures of him to Pixie Hollow's best junkyard media. The money I'll get from it, that'll be the fun!!"
Milori: dancing with Clarion "Wow, Clarion, your dress lights up!"
Clarion: "You know why?"
Milori: "Hmmm, because you're the most beautiful fairy and the most accomplished dancer out there?"
Clarion: laughs "Oh no! It's because I started running a secret factory on firefly light. You catch some fireflies, suck the light out of them and voilà you've got the fluorescent light for your dress!"
Milori: ... "I thought you were peaceful."
Clarion: winks "There are so many things you don't know about me, frostbite!"
The next morning...
Sunflower: walks clumsily "Oh, Cinthy, you know how sweet you actually are? I have never told ya, but I pretty like you, eh."
Hyacinth: "But me, I have no reason to like you. Not after yesterday. If I accidentally didn't switch the glasses I would end up like you - completely smashed. Was it your plan all along? To let others make fun of me?!--"
Sunflower: "Wha-? Of course not, or maybe yeah? I don't remember.- Oh look, there are some flying mushrooms... I'm gonna catch them!"
Redleaf: hidden in the bush "Holy autumn! This won't do. Sunflower is on the front page every Friday, I needed the uptight Hyacinth to bring me some action! Now I missed the bucks and my dream to fly to the Mainland, buy a mansion on Costa Rica and leave this preindustrial village full of sentimental bugs for good!!!"
Okay, they're hilariously out of character! 🙈 Sunflower the party animal, Milori the dumb boyfriend, Clarion the secret villain and Redleaf the antihero, I have no idea how it happened. 😅😂🙈
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maplebean2003 · 2 months
I'm like fresh in the marble hornets fandom so maybe I'm missing context but I've seen so many conversations bringing up tim in the last few days that I've even stepped foot here and just wow ...this isn't what I expected from this fandom at all wtf.
Tim from marble hornets is literally not fat in the slightest he's got a average body type wtf is wrong with y'all being so fatphobic and weird in general when someone isn't even in the slightest bit chunky also literally why does it matter anyway plot wise :/ mind ya business,like...he's a real dude playing that character not some anime kawaii man
He probably doesn't need people even having 'discourse' over it when he's literally uncomfortable in general due to y'all sexualizing him as is why do y'all care so much about a person's body it's fucking weird
I don't understand why its bein mentioned in the first place - just leave people alone and be happy they even made something you enjoy/enjoyed,respect people and move on without making it weird dude it's not that fucking hard
And again maybe I'm missing context of some sort and assuming the worst but this has baffled me significantly where I'm genuinely concerned about it cause it's really not cool to be bitching about something that doesn't matter or effect anything or anyone
I've seen the conversations a lot on Twitter as well as here on Tumblr for context so I hope I don't just sound like I'm unhinged lol but I scroll passed anyway cause I don't wanna see it but then more appear and it's like ....okay clearly this is something being talked about currently
Idk maybe I'm butting in and shoving my nose where it doesn't belong as I don't think people are intending to be malicious or at least I hope not but it's...very odd to me to suddenly see especially RIGHT as I enter the door to the fandom ^^" I'm not trying to be a dick or anything it's just kinda appalling is all
I don't mind if people draw him fat to clarify or like skinny ECT I do not give a shit about that lmao do whatever you want its fictional art I just mean when people are specifically targeting Tim's irl actor in the conversation that it's really not cool
Sorry for the rant btw I just kinda wonder if I'm the only one raising an eyebrow at these conversations or if maybe I'm over reacting when it's not that deep or if maybe I have the right to be icked by it and am not alone
I don't have any @'s to tag to show the posts I've been seeing as again I typically scroll passed them as to avoid the algorithm from thinking I want to see more of that conversation
Now I'll probably be stuck seeing it by even posting this lol but meh I just wanna know if I'm tweekin about nothing or if this is weird genuinely
Or if maybe I'm misunderstanding possibly even! Please do be gentle with me in the comments I'm a wuss lmao I don't want to fight I just want to understand wtf is going on and why it's being talked about
Why do I care? Personally it just weirds me out in general to be so focused on someone's body like that is all so of course I am a bit concerned and curious if the fandom is always like this or what
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mysticficti0n · 1 year
At long last
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Warnings- fluffy, swearing, mentions of drugs, romance, part them drunk (thats all I think) words- 3480 N/A- Hey guys this is my first Ryan Dunn fic and I don't know how to feel, I feel part of it is good but others not much but I wrote it literally all day, so enjoy ♥︎
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"dude just ask her out!" Bam whined poking at his best friend who just sulked onto the sofa "whats the worst that'll happen?"
"she says no and I've ruined a relationship I've had since I was 14 years old- thats the worst that can happen" he huffed playing with his watch, Ryan wasn't usually that nervous about girls and romance but something about asking his long time friend out scared him shitless "plus she wouldn't wanna be with me anyways I'm a fucking ass" Bam rolled his eyes, Bam knew his friend was a wuss, but he though he'd have the balls for this, it was Y/n for gods sake not like they've never met before 
"look man we are all going out tomorrow so why not just ask her out to dinner? thats not going 'BE MY GIRLFRIEND' its kinda... breaking the ice, even though you've know her for 10 years" his friend laughed at the words coming from his own mouth "10 years and you're fucking scared!"
"yes 10-fucking-years so it is a big deal! me asking her to dinner could sound sketchy I mean come on the girl knows stuff I do before I do!" Ryan covered his face with his hands and groaned erring a slap on the head from Bam
"you need to stop being such a pussy" the brown hair boy spat walking out the room to who knows where leaving Ryan to his own thoughts which only made him feel 100x worse, but he did realise Bam was right he needed to stop being a pussy about it, he's been in love with Y/n since they were in high school but never said anything to anyone... until one night at a party were he drunkly told Bam who hadn't forgot 
┍━━━━━━━━━━ ⋆⋅Flashback⋅⋆ ━━━━━━━━━━┑
"Oh dude Y/n's over there!" Bam called pointing to her, god she looked stunning, the red dress hugged her body perfectly
"she looks beautiful" Ryan whispered, eyes struggling to tare away from the girl as she laughed grabbing a drink with another girl but she wasn't a scratch on her 
"you like her or something?" Bam asked turning back to his friend 
"yeah man, she's fucking gorgeous how could I not like her!" Ryan hadn't realised the words that came out but he did feel somewhat relieved. The night carried on, nu metal music blaring through the house they were in and people screaming and shouting everywhere 
"Hey Bam!" a voice that Ryan knew all to well spoke "How are ya? sorry I was gonna come over but Kayce caught me, Kayce come meet Bam!" he looked up to see Y/n the same red dress but he could see every detail on if now, lace and red sequins embezzled down the length, rings and bracelets decorated her hands and wrists, chunky black heals with a gold clasp "Hey Ry!" she called 
"how you doin' doll" Ryan spoke getting a laugh from the girl 
"weirdo! I'm good, you?" she side hugged him and his hands settled on her hips "you look nice by the way, is that the shirt my mom bought you for Christmas?" she asked stroking his chest 
"I'm better now you're here and yeah it is, it matches your dress" he smiled down at he girl who's Y/E/C eyes were already on his 
"I feel sexy in this dress, Marcus called me a whore when I wore it" she sulked, Marcus was her ex-boyfriend, evil bastard he was but thanks to Ryan and Novak she didn't need to worry anymore 
"I bet Dunny boy finds you ravishing in it Y/N/N" Bam laughed tapping her shoulder getting a death glare from his best friend "sorry sweetheart!" he blew a kiss to his friend and walked away again 
"don't listen to him" the blonde spat "dickhead"
"do I not look ravishing Ry?" Y/n spoke jokingly swirling her hair around her finger, if he could Ryan would get on his knees then and there and tell her how good she looked, Jesus Christ he'd worship the women, but he had to keep himself from doing so...
"you- you look beautiful Y/n" she blushed pressing a kiss to his cheek
"thanks Dunn"
Bam saw the interaction and knew one day he'd be a uncle to their child, it was disgustingly obvious the two liked each other but he also knew neither would say a thing "fucking pansies"
┍━━━━━━━━━━ ⋆⋅ reality ⋅⋆ ━━━━━━━━━━┑
The next day came round quicker than Ryan could think, he grabbed blue jeans and a white shirt, his wallet, cigarettes, lighter, phone and car keys "BAM COME ON WE'VE GOTTA GO!" Ryan shouted hearing footsteps quickening down the hall and Bam stood with a CKY shirt on and baggy shorts "come on I told Y/n I'd pick her up Dico's already at hers" 
"oooh think they fucked?" Bam pushed getting a slap "someones jealous"
"fuck off" Ryan stormed walking out the door to his car, the engine began and the two sped off to Y/n's house, luckily it wasn't to far so in five minuets Ryan was knocking her door "Y/N HURRY UP! GET DICO OUT HERE" he began to pound the door which was opened at the end of his sentence
"Ryan Dunn! will you cut it out bloody hell!" her mom Vicky warned making him laugh 
"sorry why is she taking forever though!" she rolled her eyes 
"I don't know hun- oh and Dico isn't here he went with Chris" Ryan nodded leaning up the door "what are you doing today? CKY things?"
"I think so, we found this abandoned rail way thing so were checking that out and Y/n wanted to come" she smiled 
"why don't you go up and grab her knowing my daughter she's either still doing her eyeliner or still finding what to wear" Ryan laughed pressing a kiss to the older women's cheek and jumped up the stairs, he went down to the door with the sign 'Y/n's room' and stood outside 
"well I don't know... what if- yes Jessica I know but what if I doesn't go right.... I'm not scared... he'll be there! you don't know what you're fucking talking about... fuck off Jessi" he herd a click from the room and a furious groan "Stupid fucking bitch can't listen to a single fucking thing I fucking say I swear to god I'm gonna fucking kill that whore-" the words kept spilling out before Ryan decided to knock the door "Yeah?" he twisted the doorknob and walked in to see Y/n, black tube top, blue low waisted jeans held up by a studded belt and her belly piercing jewel shining in the light, a cross necklace hung from her neck and her make up looked- goddess like- smokey eye, red glossed lips accompanied by her nose-ring "oh hey Ry" her voice sounded happier than before
"what was all that about?" he asked leaning on her closet "thought you and Jessica were friends" she rolled her eyes 
"so did I until now... it doesn't matter though, ready to go?" Ryan was concerned about the girl, she wasn't one to usually be in a mood or angry but he brushed it off as in fairness they needed to go "you look nice by the way" she complemented going past him out the door to grab her hoodie
"thanks I'm liking the absolute no coordination between us, you look like Bam if he was a girl and I look like a basic white man" she laughed at the boy coming out her room and closing the door "bye Vic, we will probs be back by like 9-10 o'clock ish and I'll drop her off" her mother nodded hugging Ryan then her daughter
"be safe you two and Y/n don't let you're father see you in a outfit like this, he'd kill you, zip your hoodie when you come home!" she warned 
"will do mom, see you later!" the two waved and ran to the car were Bam was sat with his eyes closed "so were are we going?"
"shit! you took your fucking time" he spat looking at the girl, Bam and Y/n were good friends, even went to prom together- now though they smoke weed, drink and skate together along with the others, but they fight like brother and sister most days
"fuck off I was busy- I take pride in how I look unlike some" he huffed, Ryan started the car again and made their way to the old rail way, luckily the roads were mostly empty so in quick time they made it, as there 3 got out they were met with Rake, Novak, Dico, Raab and Rake's sister Sophia "SOPHIA!" the girls ran to each other hugging and giggling about something, in which the boys thought they'd do the same 
"OH RAABY!" Bam kissed the boys cheek "TEHEHEHEHE" he said rather loud getting a 'ugh' from the girls the group decided to start going through the woods to the railway line
Y/n and Sophia stayed chatting toward the back of the group while all the boys were huddled together, Novak said it wasn't a long walk but then again Novak did crack so who was he to trust? Ryan didn't notice but he constantly kept checking over his shoulder to see Y/n which Bam found amusing seeing his friend so desperate to just have a glance at the girl 
"dude she isn't going to run off" he shoved at Ryan "you gonna ask her tonight?" 
"I don't know man she isn't in the greatest mood today and I don't want her to have extra stress on top of that and-" Bam waved his hands at the man cutting him off 
"Ry stop making excuses if you don't ask her today I will for you" panic rushed through the blonde 
"no don't do that" he whispered getting a smirk from him "Bam"
"hey Y/n!" Bam turned back to the two behind 
"Bam no fucks sake I'll do it, I'll do it!" Ryan shouted 
"yeah?" Y/n called looking confused
"you look like a whore" she gave the boy a thumbs up and went back to her conversation like nothing happened "you are a lucky man Dunn" 
after another half hour of walking the group finally got to the tracks, they were all decade and rotting, spray painted and worn "wow... glad we walked here to see this shit" Sophia crossed her arms "Novak you said this would be 'cool' its literally dead pieces of wood"
"sorry baby, it looked cooler last time I was here" he huffed "the view's good though, you can see west town over there and here is were I smoked pot with Nabi" everyone laughed 
"well I was meant to get my lip pierced.. now" Y/n spoke checking her phone "i'm thrilled we're doing this instead" Ryan watched the girl slump down to the floor and just stare into the sky, he felt bad and knew if she wasn't in a good mood before, she defiantly wasn't now 
"why don't we look round for stuff, there's gotta be something cool around" Dico spoke kicking sticks on the floor 
"yeah okay, lets go" Raab agreed and the group began to go back into the wood, Ryan looked back at Y/n, she just sat their and hugged her knees 
"I'll catch up in a sec" he yelled to the group who said their okays and carried on walking, he went back to the girl on the floor "what did Jessica say?" she looked up to him, her eyes had tears forming in the corners 
"she and Marcus are getting together... and she wouldn't listen to what I was saying about him that he's not a nice person! and she kept saying shit about the guy I like and all I was doing was looking out for her" she whimpered wiping her eyes "Marcus nearly fucking killed me- emotionally but still, everything he did to me he'll do to Jessi and I just want her to be okay" Ryan reached a hand to the girl and pulled her up into a tight hug, letting her get it all out her system on his shoulder, he knew this is what she needed, just to talk... he had an idea 
"do you wanna go? I can call Bam and we can go out for lunch, just me and you?" her eyes met with his brown ones and nodded "okay, lets go" His hand instinctively went to hers to which she gladly excepted, with his free hand he pulled his phone out and called bam 
"yeah?" he answered
"me and Y/n are going to get lunch-"
"use protection!" Bam snickered 
"get fucked" Ryan ended the call and put the phone back in his pocket 
after an extremely long walk they finally made it back to the car which was warm due to the West Chester summer  heat "what do you want to eat?" he asked starting the engine 
"Limoncello sound good?" she nodded and the two set off back to town listening to the random songs the radio played "besides the whole Jessi thing, how are you?"  she laughed
"I'm good, I mean wish I could've got my lip pierced but I'm getting a free dinner at Limoncello so I'm not complaining" Ryan looked to the girl
"free?" she nodded "who said it's free?"
"me I forgot my purse, thanks babe for paying" she laughed rubbing his chin "I'll give you the money don't worry" Ryan shook his head 
"its a treat... date even" he blushed slightly seeing a smile spread across her face
"was this a big elaborate plan to get me on a date with you Ry?" her eyes seemed drowsy in his, Y/n's hand combed back his hair 
"maybe but it wasn't huge, more last minuet... would you be annoyed if it was?" the Y/H/C haired girl shook her head "good" he smiled 
after another 10 minuets they made it to the restaurant which wasn't to busy, they walked in and waited to be seated by their server "okay here we are, can I get you any drinks?" the man asked looking toward the table
"Stella for me" he nodded and looked towards the girl 
"and for you darling" Ryan felt him self become tense at the word 'darling' who did he think he was talking to?
"cosmopolitan please" she grinned up to the man
"of course, have that to you soon" he walked away and Y/n looked back to Ryan
"you okay?" he nodded "you look angry"
"I'm fine, anyways we were saying about Marcus and Jessica" she nodded explaining her story, Ryan could've listened to her voice for ever go on and on about anything
"and she said he said he could do so much better than me and called me a tramp!" Y/n said angrily slamming her hands on the table 
"well- you could do much better than that lanky red head anyways he was a dick to you" she nodded bringing her drink to her lips "actually didn't you say she was making fun of the guy you liked earlier" Ryan spoke inquisitively 
"yeah what about it?" 
"who do you like?" he cooed to her making her giggle at the childishness of her friend "do I know them?"
"Ryan we're 24 and 23 not in 9th grade why do you wanna know so bad" Y/n smiled 
"because I wanna know if my best friend has good taste in men" she furrowed her brows "Please Y/n" he begged 
"its embarrassing" she spoke trying to escape the conversation "lets just order food" her eyes scanned for a waiter or someone but her face was pulled back- literally- Ryans hand cupped her chin and made sure she couldn't get out of his grip "Ry-"
"you can tell me Y/n, I wont be mean or judge or anything" she sighed seeing a smile grow across his face she played with the idea of actually telling him but it kind of fell out
"it's you Ryan"
Ryan felt his heart jump into a halt... him? no she has to be joking he thought "what?" is all that came out with a laugh
"I like you- like a lot and have for ages...yeah laugh it up" confidence grew in the girl as she spoke "and I get if you don't feel the same its totally fine" she blabbered on as her speechless friend just sat listening "I mean we've been friends for 10 years and this is crazy" 
Ryan knew he could now let his feeling be free "I like you too, so much I've just never had the balls to say it to you" her eyes widened and so did her smile "since we were kids I've always thought you were beautiful then after High school I just fell even more for you" the two's eyes locked together and they seemed the only person in the world to each other, everything was silent besides the one talking 
"so you're fully serious" she asked hoping it wasn't one of Ryans many pranks 
the two ate dinner in near silence besides a few thank you's and hums of delight, underneath the covered table Y/n intertwined her legs with his and using her foot rubbed his leg reassuringly, Ryan paid the bill and got up offering his hand to the girl, they walked out to see the street lamps illuminating the Barron streets 
"thank you for dinner" Y/n gleamed up to the boy who was just a bit taller than her 
"no problem, we should do it again" he smirked leading her back to the car, as the two climbed in and set off again Ryan tipped a few mints into his mouth and Y/n did the same "so home?" she nodded.... through out the drive Ryan's hand went from the wheel to her hand and then her inner thigh giving Y/n butterflies every time his finger tapped along to the song playing in the background
The car pulled into her street which Y/n internally sighed as she didn't want to leave Ryan after the night they had, they came to a stop in front of her house which was dimly lit from the inside "I'll walk you up" Ry spoke letting go of the girl who now felt cold, he came over and opened the door giving his hand once again 
"such a gentleman" she laughed seeing a redness appear on his face, she got out and lent against the car "thank you for tonight Ry, I loved it" 
"I'm glad... tonight didn't go how I expected honestly, but I'm glad it did... sorry that felt like a shit way of saying it- I'm bad at these things" he grinned dopily, he knew it was time to say goodnight to her but he couldn't let go of her "ready?" he asked she nodded solemnly and they begun up the drive to the front door with every step it meant the night was coming to a end... he didn't want to let go of her hand, it felt so right in his, the pair got just before her front door and sighed "Thanks for today Y/n"
"no thank you- again- I didn't think we'd ever do this either but I really enjoyed it" Y/n nervously bit her bottom lip, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she gazed up into Ryan's warm eyes. the night slipped away, there was still one thing that Y/n needed to do before saying goodbye though.
"Ryan," she whispered softly, her gaze flickering to his lips for a brief moment before meeting his eyes once more. "Can I... can I kiss you goodnight?"
Ryan's eyes widened in surprise, a warm smile spreading across his features as he took a step closer. "I was hoping you would ask that," he replied, his voice low and husky with a hint of anticipation.
Without another word, Y/n leaned up on her tiptoes, closing her eyes as Ryan's hands came to rest on her hips. For a moment, they simply stood there, drinking each other in as their lips brushed against each other in a tender, gentle kiss. It was soft, slow and filled with all the promises of what could be.
As they parted, Y/n looked up at him with a shy smile, a flush spreading across her cheeks. "Goodnight, Ryan," she whispered.
"Goodnight, Y/N," he replied, a sparkle in his eye. "Sweet dreams."
With one last lingering look, Y/n turned and walked into her house, her heart beating wildly in her chest. For a moment, she wondered if she had made the right choice but she knew that this was just the beginning of something truly special.
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raw-law · 4 months
In response to the other anon asking if you guys look for our identities, frankly i couldnt care less if you know who i am, its fairly easy to figure out. i just like reasons to relate myself to Deer. I did a self portrait once as a deer mount pouring blood. it was quite...something. definitely got a lot of responses to that one.
as for art being subjective vs objective:
i can see where each of you in coming from in that sense. some things ARE blatantly what they are and it would be kind of wild to say otherwise. like who am i to tell Da Vinci that the Mona Lisa is actually an space cat alien, not a woman. but i do still think its possible to get multiple interpretations out of her.
i will also be the first to say im not a fan of the genre of what is technically in the art world called a "ready-made". basically like what you said, taking an object that already exists, fastening it to something, setting up lighting for it, etc. ya know, MINOR changes and calling it art. im not a big fan. its lazy and unoriginal in my blunt opinion. it doesnt create new ideas and thoughts in my brain unless i BS them. like if i see an apple on a pedestal, im taking it at face value, because its simply an apple on a pedestal. it being placed on something doesnt make it any less or more to me. its just an apple. and according to your definition, it would not be art since it does not cause or create new ideas or conversation to flow. it furthers nothing.
unfortunately, in the art community, its hard to have this debate because the widely used definition is the "everything is art" one and some people cannot take criticism to save their life. if you tell suzy sue that her michael jackson x barack obama fanart is not visually compelling and offer her advice, she might cancel you on twitter. we all need to stop being wusses and also stop being rude in the art world. its important to give your fellow artists helpful and meaningful critique and feedback without being harsh or condescending. and it is of equal importance to learn to accept that feedback and use it to better yourself as an artist.
i think another big thing for me and whether something is actually art is the design itself. does it have an interesting composition? does it use an impactful color scheme? does it have a focal point? etc, etc. if these points can be argued for a piece, im more willing to call it art.
realism is also a point of contention because some will ask "whats the point if it just looks like a photo?" the skill, the effort, the time. the unique touch of human hands that gives it a slight charm even in the most hyper realistic pieces. that is the point.
have another piece as a treat. a drawing i did from life for class last semester, its a plant. about as opposite as you can get from the other piece i shared:
Ooh, that's interesting. Why the choice of deer, though, so specifically? Is it for some reason, or just an instinctive decision?
And I agree with your point on what you've referred to as "ready-made". I guess, for art to be meaningful, it has to mean something in the first place, and an apple sure as hell doesn't mean anything to people. Honestly, it seems like lazy artwork to me, even though I'm not an artist. But I'd like to ask you: what exactly would you define as 'ready-made'? Would that mean, then, that photographers' work are technically also 'ready-made', as all they're doing is taking picture of something preexisting and hence not creating, in that sense? What's the boundaries between something that's art, and something that's 'ready-made'? Is it something that you can define at all?
There's this branch of art called 'Dadaism', and there are some works inside that may be considered 'ready-made' in a way. For example, Marcel Duchamp's Fountain and Bicycle Wheel are famous examples of that art movement. And Dadaism was actually made up of artists who wanted to use this nonsensical, crazy form of art to express horror and disgust of the bloodshed that occurred during World War 1. It was commonly known as the 'anti-art' movement, and its main purpose was to create art that would confuse, shock or even aggravate the public.
This ties in to what you'll see Ryuzaki discuss below. Perhaps the occurrences of this 'ready-made' art isn't really the art itself, but it's the thoughts and emotions the artist wanted to express when making the art. And, if this 'ready-made' art exists because of a true effect the artist intended to create on the general public, then it's arguable that it could be considered as art, because isn't art used to express your feelings in the first place? Even though I still don't really consider 'ready-made' pieces as art...it's still interesting food for thought.
And your piece is wonderfully drawn. I love how you rendered the leaves; it looks really beautiful. Kind of reminds me of Chinese bamboo paintings...I'd love to see more of your work, if you'd like to share!
Lastly, thanks for your ask. I love having these kinds of discussions, even though I unfortunately took a long time to get back to you..
wow.. the plant piece is beautiful.. all of the strokes come out so nicely and eloquent. it really makes me want to see this deer self portrait now. that sounds even more intriguing. no pressure though, of course. i just think it's a really fascinating idea.
and as much as i despise "ready-made" pieces too, i honestly have a slight respect for them. i would still consider them art, because i do think it evokes a conversation, but specifically the kind of conversation that makes you question it's existence, if that makes sense.
for example, that duct-taped banana i mentioned in the last ask, that's actually what made me question the whole idea of art in the first place. if something so insignificant can be considered so valuable to people, then who am i to tell them that it's not really art? maybe it is. or maybe the questioning of what it is was the whole point. maybe, the conversation it was actually sparking was more-so like.. a rebellion. a taunt. almost as if it were saying: "you want art? i'll give you art. and you'll be forced to take it." if i remember correctly, there was actually another artist who did that exact thing. his name was richard mutt and he submitted a urinal with a signature of his name as an art piece. it was stupid, and absurd, and that was the point. he submitted it to prove that if he signed his name on it and paid the application fee, the group he submitted it to would've accepted it no matter how thoughtless. he made an art piece that was meant to depict what stupid art looks like, and it worked. so as much as i despise the pieces, i do still think they're art, at least to an extent.
it's things that are made with the intent of gaining either popularity, money, or whatever else there is that i don't consider art. i'd go into more detail about it, but there's already a video out there that depicts it really well, so i'll just link it here. it's by cj the x and he's known for being very chaotic, so it might be a difficult to listen to at first, but i personally really like it. their points always wrap together really nicely as the video continues and the humor is my style, so i swear it's worth a watch, hah.
anyways. i'll stop myself there so i don't annoy you too much, but i do also agree with your points on the design, process, and overall thought that gets put into art pieces. i really like this discussion overall, actually. i apologize if i sounded rude at all, i have no intention to. i enjoy being able to converse about these topics, haha. so thank you for letting me, truly.
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thegayfromrulid · 2 years
Since you're mood for writing...
SAO gang x reader in a spooky event!
The gang must survive the haunted house as they prepare for a challenge. Will the gang survive the night, or they'll forever lost from the headless knight, The Hallow Echo
I apologize for the wait! I'm wrapping up a really big paper this October, but I wanted to get this one done before Halloween! I hope that you enjoy! Link to AO3 version below, and Tumblr version below the cut!
AO3 Link: The Hallow Echo
         “I-I don’t know if I can do this any longer!”
         “I-It’ll be fine! Just a b-bit longer, guys!”
         “A-are you sure?”
         “Kyaaaaaaa! Something touched me! Something touched meeee!”
         “You’re fine! Just bear with it! You’re fi–aaaagh!”
         Perhaps, at this moment, you’re wondering how it got to this point. All of your friends are trying their best to find one another in the pitch-black space while also keeping their guard up; this certainly wasn’t how the morning started. In fact, it had been a normal Saturday morning of just lying around in bed until a very excited text game through the group chat.
         Kirito: guys! theres a horror event happening tonight!
         Lis: waaah Kirito why did u wake me up for this
         Kirito: we should totally do it!
         Asuna: Kirito-kun, you *know* I don’t like this sort of thing…
         Silica: im not scared!!!! i have pina! <3
         Lis: ofc u would say that Silica
         Silica: ;-;
         (Y/N): ig im down. what time?
         Klein: yeah, deets kiri-bro!
         Sinon: wth are we all yelling about @ 10 on a Saturday???
         Silica: spooky event…
         Kirito: starts 10pm and runs til bout midnight. meet at the house in 22 @ thirty til?
         Asuna: Kirito-kun! Come on!
         Sinon: you don’t have to join, Asuna
         Lis: ofc she does!!! dont wuss out Asuna heh
         (Y/N): haha yeah, ill be on. see ya then.
         Since Kirito had been a bit sparse with the details, you did yourself the favor of looking up what he meant. Alfheim Online was hosting a single-day event for Halloween that took place on a special map. Players could enter the space in groups to take on the challenge, giving each group their own scrambled map. There was no chance they’d run into any other groups during the challenge, so it wasn’t a fight for a single prize. Basically, it was a haunted mansion that was being disturbed by a field boss-level enemy called The Hallow Echo. No description was provided about what this mysterious boss looked like, but players would enter the house and be trapped inside of it for the duration of the event. They had two options for completion: survive the time limit without dying (flight) or defeat The Hallow Echo and escape (fight). The rewards were different for the two completion styles, with defeating the boss as having more desirable prizes.
         The intensity of the quest mentioned that it was somewhere between medium to very hard depending on the overall stats of the party that entered and whether they chose fight or flight. It was designed in a way that ensured that the players who chose simply to play the evasion game could still get something out of it, even if higher level players wanted to challenge the difficult boss monster and reap the rewards of a battle well fought. You assume that the group will likely be trying to defeat the boss monster; if Kirito suggested it, then there’s definitely a cool prize he wants from the rewards. It’s an exciting event to look forward to.
         At a little before 9:30 PM that evening, you log onto ALO and confirm that you’re in the log cabin. You typically log out there, but every so often, during a big quest you can’t be peeled away from, you’ll stay at an inn in the closest town over night so that you can get back to it faster. You’re relieved to find that you did, in fact, log out from within the cabin. Kirito appears to have already beat you there. He holds up his hand for a high-five. You grin and give him one.
         “Glad you could make it, (y/n)!” he says.
         You let him know that you’re excited to start the quest. It’s been a while since something big has happened that everyone could show up for. The others start appearing, the chatter in the little player home increasing until the last member, Agil, shows up. He had to wrap up some things at his café and bar before logging on, but the gang is finally all here. Asuna opens up a map with an uneasy look on her face and shows everyone where the haunted house appeared. Everyone checks their inventory to make sure they have enough potions, and then you’re off.
         The haunted house itself it about a ten-minute flight from the cabin. It doesn’t take long for everyone to get there, and a small crowd of players has already started to gather around it. There’s a timer display in front of it, counting down to when the event will start. A few people are trying to shove their way to the front, but you know there’s no reason to do this. After all, every team will get their own map separate from the others. There’s no limit on how many people can enter at once; if that were so, they’d have to make more than one version of the house. The exterior is dark and gloomy, and the weather around it seems to have turned from a clear, moonlit night into a stormy one, with flashes of lightning cracking close enough to the top of the house that it might sound rather alarming from the inside.
         “Ohhh, this is gonna be so good!” Lisbeth exclaims.
         Asuna awkwardly chuckles.
         “You don’t think there are any astral-type monsters in there, do you?” she mutters.
         Kirito reaches down and grasps her hand, giving her a soft look.
         “I’ll make sure they don’t come after you,” he says.
         Sinon rolls her eyes.
         “Get a room, you two,” she says.
         Lisbeth laughs and smacks Asuna on the back.
         “We’ll be fine!” she says.
         The timer finally hits zero, and players all dash forward to enter the haunted house. Each party is sent into a separate map, so there’s no worry if some members are faster than the others. They’ll all end up in the same map as long as they’re registered in the same party. The speedier members of your party arrive first, so when you enter the space, Kirito, Asuna, and Leafa are already taking a look around the dimly lit hallways. Sinon trails in right on your tail. Lisbeth practically pushes Silica into the space, and Agil and Klein trot in behind her. Alice, for some reason, is bringing up the rear, her hand perched on the pommel of her sword as if expecting something to attack the group from behind. An NPC appears out of the shadows when there’s been about thirty seconds of no new entries to the space.
         This NPC is an elderly woman with spindly grey hair sticking out of a tightly wrapped bun. She’s wearing clothing that you would expect to see the proprietress of a traditional Japanese inn wearing, which seems a bit out of place for the fairy world setting. It isn’t quite accurate, though; the cut of the fabric is wrong for a kimono or yukata, making it more of what one would imagine a quick, from-memory sketch of Japanese traditional clothing looked like from someone who’d seen it perhaps once. The designs on her dress also could be European in nature. Its coloring is either a dim blue or a grey, but it’s hard to tell in the low lighting. She bows at you all, and Kirito walks up to her. She starts to talk as soon as he initiates with a “hello.”
         “Weary travelers, I’m afraid that this abode isn’t the friendly stay that it used to be,” the NPC says. “For years, I offered beds to those traveling across Alfheim, and I fed my tenants enough to fill their bellies for the road ahead they had to travel. As of late, however, there’s a disturbance in this house that keeps me from keeping adventurers overnight, so I’m afraid I can’t arrange beds for you this evening.”
         It was a natural enough way to start a quest. Kirito prompts her for more.
         “What kind of a disturbance?” he asks. “Is there any way we can help you out?”          The old woman scrunches up her forehead and sighs.
         “There’s something haunting my home,” she laments. “It’s too much to ask of you, but if you would be willing to check it out for me, I’d be willing to pay you quite handsomely if you can get rid of it.”
         A quest menu popped up in front of Kirito. He clicks the button to accept the quest, and then a darkened map appears in the corner of your vision. It seems like the map needs you to walk around in order to see the pathways. You suggest splitting the group in half. Everyone else agrees that this is a good plan, since the goal of the party is to locate The Hallow Echo and defeat him. You go with Kirito, Asuna, Silica, and Lisbeth. The other group of Sinon, Agil, Klein, Leafa, and Alice goes to the left, while you all go to the right. Along the path, there are smaller monsters that don’t take too much work to defeat as a team.
         But things change when the lights all go out.
         An echoing, guttural voice laughs in the halls. You can’t tell from which direction it’s coming; it’s all-encompassing. A light flickers in front of you for a moment as Kirito, you think, holds up a torch. In that moment, you lay eyes on its form—The Hallow Echo, a knight decorated in a dark armor that soaks up the blackness around it, with a sword hovering dangerously close to your own neck that is dripping with something wet and thick. A lone detail stands out in the center of the light; a gaping, dark hole sits where the knight’s head should be. As soon as you note this, Kirito’s torch is extinguished with a sizzle and a hiss, as if something licked its fingers and pressed them against the tip to put it out. The group lets out a collective scream, and they all leap backwards to avoid possibly getting hit by the knight’s weapon.
         “Was that it?!” Lisbeth shouts.
         Metal clangs against something solid in the dark, most likely the wall.
         “That’s DEFINITELY it!” Kirito shouts back.
         A yelp comes from your left. It sounded like Silica.
         “Headless…why did it have to be headless?” Asuna mutters.
         “How the hell are we supposed to defeat that thing in the dark?” Lisbeth asks.
         Another clang slams down. It sounds like it hit the floor this time. Silica shrieks and you hear her jump up to her feet and start running. She winds up bumping into you.
         “S-sorry, (y/n)!” she stammered.
         You tell her it’s all right and give her a gentle pat on the head. The same echoing laugh as before greets you again, still feeling as though it’s all around you.
         “Listen to the sound of its footsteps!” Asuna cries out. “When it’s close enough, attack it! If you hear it stop for too long, then it’s getting ready to use one of its attacks. Jump back if you hear no footsteps for more than six seconds!”
         Despite her fear of the ghastly, Asuna takes full charge of the fight immediately. Her prowess as a leader always comes out in situations like this. Her methods work well for a bit, and as the group fights, you run into the others, who join in on Asuna’s strategy. Everything seems to be working well, up until you see The Hallow Echo’s HP fall into the last bar. Suddenly, his footsteps vanish all together, and his echoing laugh zooms around as if he’s floating through the air around you.
         Suddenly the battle changes from a physical one to a true test of courage. You can feel things making grabs at your body in the dark. Touching the walls often renders a slimy, unpleasant texture. More than just the one laugh surrounds you; other voices echo in the halls, and sounds of chittering or scurrying accompany it. Now in an astral form, The Hallow Echo flies around you and sometimes through you, sending a cold chill inside of the space he passes through.
         “I-I don’t know if I can do this any longer!” Asuna finally wails.
         There’s a grunt from Kirito as he swings at the specter flying past him. You can hear a metal “clink!” as his sword hits the core inside of the ghastly figure.
         “I-It’ll be fine! Just a b-bit longer, guys!” he reassures you all, though the words were most likely directed at Asuna more than anyone else.
         “A-are you sure?” she stammers back.
         Another thud comes from behind you.
         “Kyaaaaaaa! Something touched me! Something touched meeee!” Silica cries.
         Someone else hits the core.
         “You’re fine!” Leafa cries. “Just bear with it! You’re fi–aaaagh!”
         An arrow whizzes past your ear and hits The Hallow Echo’s core. The light from the arrow gives you enough space to swing at it. Your sword connects with the core inside, and this time, instead of just hitting it, it slices through it with a sound like glass shattering into hundreds of tiny pieces. White light bursts from the spot, and everyone can see The Hallow Echo in his full form once more as he dissipates into a black mist and gets swallowed up by the center of the light where the core burst. Everything is pitch black for a moment, and then the hallways light up with the same dim candles that you’d first seen when entering the haunted house. Right on cue, the elderly NPC walks up with her hands clasped together.
         “Oh, thank you!” she cries. “How ever can I thank you for taking care of that monster for me?”
         Kirito lets out a strained laugh.
         “I-It’s our pleasure,” he says.
         A few of the group members chuckle at his statement. The NPC waves her hands and points them at the group.
         “Will this be enough?” she asks.
         You all get a dialogue box showing you the quest rewards for beating The Hallow Echo. The prizes, as mentioned in the notice for the event, are quite handsome. A large sum of yrd is given, as well as some crystals that are useful in smithing. Everyone receives a weapon in their specific class that has quite high stats. Some rare potions are present as well. As you all leave the haunted house, high-fives are shared for a job well done.
         As you log off for the night, you know you can rest well, as The Hallow Echo has been defeated, and the limited time quest didn’t escape your grasp.
         Well, that is, unless he returns for revenge next year…
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dont-f-with-moogles · 8 months
How are you, Terra Darling? 💜
I'm here for the Bingo Stray Dogs with my baby Atsushi 💜
Everyone is just so mean about Atsushi, smh. Mostly those who complain on Crunchyroll that he’s too much of a wuss or isn’t deserving of being the series’ protagonist. Way to feed into his inferiority complex guys. Tch. He’s a work in progress, ya know. Who are you, the orphanage headmaster? (Sure, that flashback got annoying after the 20th time and it did evaporate my sympathy somewhat).
Still, whether Atsushi is cringing at his own ability to leap to action or yowling in a pool of his own blood whilst Akutagawa coughs impassively into his hand - our Tiger Boy always comes up trumps in the end 🐯
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cherishcherubi · 1 year
Offscreen post: Shalour Airport.
Callisto stands in the middle of Shalour Airport, arms sternly crossed. The green-haired Skull Grunt rapidly approaches her.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
Iolana skids to a stop.
"Whadya' mean the fuck am I doin'? You're sposed' ta be HAPPY ta see me, bitch!"
"Iolana, you- Do you know how busy I am right now? I can't just put you up without any warning. And why the hell would you text me to come to the airport from a new number? What was your game plan if I didn't show?"
"Wh- okay, wow, bitch, first off, MY phone died. I texted ya from Paulie's phone."
She gestures behind her, and almost on queue, two more Skulls round the corner. The one in front, a tired looking older man (well, for Skull standards) with purple hair, approaches her. He seems to be pulling around everyones luggage.
"I told you this was a stupid idea, Lana. Also, if she told you my name is Paulie, it's not. My names fucking Jason."
The second Skull finally catches up to the group, seemingly oblivious to the argument. In fact, the Egg she's holding seems to be more aware than her.
"Jason, you can't just abandon your kid like that!"
She lifts the Egg, indicating that it is the said child.
"Look how said they a- oh shit the girls are fighting? Mmm. Okay, no, I'm gonna go buy a 25$ slice of pizza."
The blue-haired grunt exits as swiftly as she enters. Callisto sighs, placing her head in her hands.
"And I certainly can't house THREE of you. And an Egg. And all your Pokémon..."
"What? C'mon, Calli! I'm smarter than that, girl! We're gonna be livin' in that old ass hotel!"
"Living??? You're moving here??? Iolana, you don't even SPEAK Kalosian. Also, that hotel is extremely haunted."
"Awww Calli, I can handle a couplea' Ghost t-"
"Sorry. Haunted?? Ghost types???"
"Shut the fuck up Paulie, ya wuss. Skull's Kalos branch needsa' place ta stay, and were pretty fuckin' used to creepy crawlies and decrepit conditions, so I think were capable of handlin' it. I'm just tryna get a ride there from you, ya asshat!"
Callisto simply sighs again. She's 6'4" in these shoes and towers above the fairly petite Grunt... or, is she a leader now? Either way, that fact doesn't seem to be intimidating her in the slightest. Callisto is silent, seemingly deciding if it's worth her time to try and change their minds.
"Arc above... I don't have a car, Iolana. I got a taxi. People don't drive here... Hell, they don't drive in Alola either! Why would you assume I... Fuck. Fine. I'll show you where the hotel is tomorrow. But tonight, you're either shelling out for a hotel or sleeping here."
The taller woman then abruptly turns and leaves.
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underhanded-lamb · 1 year
Tumblr media
What's up art demons, it's me
ya boi
Y'all I can't tell you how many times I said I'd join Art Fight just to wuss out, this year I'm making the jump and just doing it because cringe is dead live your dreams kids.
I included a little brief description of of my OC's in their Art Fight profiles so you can get more context (except Mede just know they are a bastard)
come fight me nerds
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mhb-oficial · 11 months
🇺🇸 Mandatory intro post 🇺🇸
I don't know who would bother reading any of this or if it'll reach anybody out here, but I bid welcome to all who stumbled upon this small and tragic corner of social media.
I'm an aspiring writer who simply wants to do what I like and make the most of it with whatever time I'm given. Reading stories and writing them have always been the one true joy of my life from the second I was brought into the world. I'd also really get into gaming and a good deal of other stuff later on, but I didn't forget at all about my fixation on storytelling, how much I like to write and watch stories, whether it's a book or another medium such as movies or games. This has always stuck with me ever since I had use of my hands, and now that I'm a so-called novelist, I can at long last turn the thoughts and ideas that have been stored in my mind into whatever I believe they should be written as, be it short tales or full-on novels.
I'm also not afraid of speaking my mind about what's going on with my life, or in my town, or even my home cuntry in general, so if you're one of those sensitive folks who are easily offended, then yeah, this blog of mine is simply not for you. I'm not the kind of person who sugarcoats everything like a habitual wuss about certain topics that some are too nervous or too polite to deal with directly. There's just some things that must be said as soon as possible, regardless of who winds up insulted or hurt or angry upon hearing/reading them, whether or not the words spoken were addressed to them or somebody else, and if it's the right time or not to talk about them given the ever-changing circumstances around us.
With all that said, I hope the four or five people who'll likely stumble upon the blog by mistake or out of boredom find my presence to be tolerable at the very least, and I'll do my best to post on a frequent basis. Just don't be surprised if I go quiet without warning. Everyone without exception has lives, and we can have our hands full with issues that require our attention and various commitments, as well as other events that causes us to not have enough time to do what we want. It's the same for me, so I wish to focus from time to time on what's going on in my life instead of leaving it all half-done for too long.
Well then, all I have left to say is thank you so much for taking your time reading this long and useless intro, and please look forward to my shitty works. Sign off!
🇲🇽 Introducción obligatoria 🇲🇽
No sé quién se tomaría la molestia de leer todo esto o si todos podrán verlo, pero les doy la bienvenida a éste rinconcito trágico de medio social.
Soy un aspirante a escritor quien sólo quiere hacer lo que me gusta y aprovecharlo lo más que se pueda con el tiempo que me queda. Leer y escribir historias siempre fue el verdadero placer de mi vida desde el momento que llegué a este mundo. Luego también estaría bien metido en lo que son los videojuegos y otras cosas, pero en ningún momento olvidé mi fijación en la narrativa, lo tanto que me gusta escribir y mirar historias, ya sea de un libro o de cualquier otro medio como películas o juegos. Eso siempre se aferró a mí desde que tuve uso de mis manos, y ahora que soy un supuesto novelista, por fin puedo convertir los pensamientos e ideas que guardé en mi mente en lo que sea que deberían ser escritas, ya sea cuentos cortos o novelas completas.
Aparte, puedo dar una opinión franca sobre lo que sucede con mi vida o lo que ocurre en mi ciudad, o mi país natal para variar, así que si eres uno de esos lectores sensibles quienes se ofenden con facilidad, pues este blog simplemente no es para ti. No soy el tipo de persona que habla con pelos en la lengua como un maricón habitual sobre ciertos temas de los cuales algunos son muy nerviosos o muy amables para hablar directamente al respecto. Hay simplemente cosas que deben ser dichas lo antes posible, sin importar quién acabe insultado o herido o enojado al oírlas/leerlas, si las palabras fueron dirigidas a una persona o alguien más, y si es el momento debido o no de hablar dada las circunstancias actuales que nos rodean.
Habiendo dicho todo ésto, ojalá las cuatro o cinco personas que se topen con éste blog por error o por aburrimiento puedan por lo menos tolerar mi presencia, y haré la lucha de postear de manera frecuente. Sólo no se alteren si me quedo callado sin advertencia alguna. Todos tenemos vidas sin excepción, y podemos estar ocupados con asuntos que requieren nuestra atención y con varios compromisos, así como otros eventos que hacen que no tengamos tiempo suficiente para lo que queremos hacer. A mí me pasa lo mismo, así que quiero concentrarme de vez en cuando en lo que suscita en mi vida en vez de dejarlo todo a medias por mucho tiempo.
Pues ya todo lo que me queda por decir es muchísimas gracias por tomar tu tiempo en leer ésta introducción larga e inutil, y por favor esperen con anticipación a mis obras de mierda. ¡Me despido!
➡️ Born and currently living close to the border | Nacido y viviendo cerca de la frontera
➡️ Left-handed | Zurdo
➡️ Non-binary (I'd like to be referred to with He/They/Them pronouns) | No-binario (Me gustaría que me refieran con las pronunciaciones Él/Ellos)
➡️ Autistic and easily distracted | Autista y fácilmente distraído
➡️ Multilingual but prefer to speak in English and sometimes Spanish / Multilingue pero prefiero hablar en Inglés y a veces en Español
➡️ Shut-in sometimes | A veces un recluso
➡️ Cannot play well with others | No me llevo bien con otros
▶️ Infrequent tips and tricks for other up-and-coming writers starting on the art (How-to guides, what you should/shouldn't do, general advice, etc.)
▶️ Random quotes and inspirational words from different authors and other people of interest (Started at least here on Tumblr, maybe later elsewhere depending on mood)
▶️ Updates and announcements in regards to my current and upcoming works (!!! I WISH TO WORK AT MY OWN PACE SO DON'T BOTHER ASKING ME ABOUT THEIR PROGRESS !!!)
▶️ Articles and rants of varying length about several topics that catch my attention (Gaming, real world news, local happenings, etc.)
▶️ Will try to make my posts in both English and Spanish, but some will be available in only one language for personal reasons
For non-Spanish language readers:
▶️ Tips y trucos infrecuentes para otros escritores primerizos quienes incursionan en el arte (Guías básicas, lo que se debe/no se debe hacer, consejos en general, etc.)
▶️ Citaciones y palabras de inspiración de diferentes autores y otra gente de interés (Empecé al menos aquí en Tumblr, quién sabe luego en otras partes dependiendo de mi humor)
▶️ Noticias y anuncios con respecto a mis obras actuales y futuras (!!! ME GUSTARÍA TOMAR EL TIEMPO QUE SEA NECESARIO, ASÍ QUE NI PREGUNTEN CÓMO ESTOY PROGRESANDO !!!)
▶️ Artículos y columnas de tamaño variable sobre una variedad de temas que llamaron mi atención (Juegos, noticias internacionales, ocurrencias locales, etc.)
▶️ Intentaré postear en Inglés y en Español, pero algunos artículos estarán disponibles en un sólo idioma por razones personales
🔷 X (a.k.a./alías TWITTER)
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