#I'm having dysphoria so i have to say mean things about lucy's mom-- joking joking
yallemagne · 1 year
Me: *thinks of another aspect of Mrs. Westenra's horrid parenting* "AND ANOTHER THING---"
Lucy has her sleepwalking condition and Mrs. Westenra knows it is a problem and instead of approaching her daughter about it and assigning a maid or even hiring a medical professional to tend to Lucy, she first shirks all responsibility on her daughter's friend who was invited to a vacation, not a new unpaid job. And then, with the knowledge that Lucy is still sleepwalking post-vacation -- because there is no indication she has stopped, nor anything to give us the impression that Mrs. Westenra could rightfully assume she'd stopped -- she sends her daughter away when she comes to her asking to sleep in her bed.
What happened to the concern about Lucy leaving the house in her sleep? Huh? Is it somehow no longer a concern now that there isn't a literal cliff she could fall off of?? Is Lucy's health suddenly less important just because you have your death warrant and soon it won't be your problem??
Are there any complications with letting Lucy sleep in her bed aside from just "I might die soon and I don't want her to know"? Does her heart condition perhaps cause problems in the night that would make it unwise to let Lucy share her bed? If so, this is the perfect time to explain to your daughter what is going on with your health and perhaps present a solution for both of you: a compromise. Perhaps pull up a cot beside your bed so she can sleep in the same room without it negatively affecting your health--
Oh, wait, that's something a good parent would do, and we're in a horror novel.
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