#I'm having a bit of a crisis lads
Sometimes I'm like am I really trans? Really? Would it be easier to just go through life as my AGAB and save the special delicacy gender for the queer circles? Does it really matter that much to me?
Then I spend an entire evening getting misgendered and it's like ah yes. The Despair.
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yearningaces · 6 months
Ok ok enough of humans being scared
I want a monster that's scared, that's the prey in the relationship, that's instincts are so different it makes you realize just how scary you can accidentally be
Reader is described as strong/heavier/ carnivorous/a predator (keep in mind though, this is a human being compared to small rabbit-like creatures so regardless of your stature it applies)
Reader is referred to as 'he' once in passing, beyond that everything is up to interpretation
I want a monster that's intimidated and horrified by humans because humans are a predatorial species, specifically pursuit predators. We just keep going- humans do insane shit for fun or adrenaline, or because it's a dire situation and their brains have hit fight/flight and at that point has dropped any barrier of "can't do that, too much effort would hurt the body" and will lead to humans doing insane feats in crisis mode, even if it damages their body. Once the adrenaline wears off they're gonna feel it but essentially at least for a short time a human is capable of hulking out.
And I want you to imagine with me, say a rabbit monster, small, quick, agile. No excessive strength because they're made to evade which means being light and being fast.
A bunny-boy if you will. Triangled nose that twitches when he smells things, upright ears that when relaxed lean back against his head. Fur patches on random body parts like arms or legs or along the spine from his hair to his hips where the humanoid body morphs into a pair of anthropomorphic rabbit legs. Springy lad.
I'm calling him Nyx
And Nyx adores his human partner so much. You.
He just adores you, you know that post about the rabbit with his gf that's 3x his size? Similar case but this rabbits got a human for a partner.
And whenever he brings you home to his families burrow, you note there are many burrows of different families around here. Almost only burrows. As if it's intentional.
Now, in your eyes you're an average human. Maybe a bit strong when you need to be, but your not the strongest or fastest or smartest. Even if you're very capable you're not the best of the best, and You've told Nyx this whenever he goes on his tangents about being the lucky guy to score such a capable partner.
But you realize just how different you are once he brings you inside and you have to duck down to get into the burrow. When you see the children and the adults alike freeze as if something truly terrifying has entered their home.
You have to soften yourself right now, overly deferring to Nyx in a way you never thought you'd need to just so this family of prey monsters will feel safer. Strange isn't it?
And Nyx -happy as can be- drags you along, not ducking, not concerned, not out of place, brings you to the kitchen to meet his Da and his Ma. His Da is at the stove cooking something a bit clumsily as if there's something he's unfamiliar with as his Ma is setting the table with one spot given the most room. And they both freeze for a moment, noses twitching, taking you in before it's Nyx's Ma that finally takes the plunge and greets you with what you can clearly define as nerves.
No one else seems to notice though, or remark on it.
You'd followed your little Nyx here wondering how his family would threaten you about 'if you ever hurt him' the way human families would, but these creatures seem overly appeasing. Nonconfrontational.
Eventually you ask Nyx's Ma -as she seems to be the one in charge- if she has any questions for you. She takes a breath, looking back to her own partner and mentally decides to ask something. "What sort of human are you?"
It takes you some time to understand her words, but Nyx chimes in before you can. "A loyal one." And the way his gaze flutters up to you, so enamored and adoring, his form leaning into your side where your arm automatically wraps around him. It must be comforting with how he sinks into your hold with a content little sigh. You never did notice how fragile he is until right now when it's so obvious around his families home how out of place you are.
With a tilt of your head, you feel the need to experiment a little. With one hand you grip onto his shoulder, supporting the weight easily and with the other hand you grab onto his hip. And lift up.
He's light- so, so light. Weighing nothing to your heavier body that's built for heavier task than the rabbits swiftness and agility.
Nyx is having the time of his life, delighted at the curious display you've demonstrated, his family has their own shock to get over- as do you. With such care, you set him back down again with the absent minded remark of- "You weigh nothing, hun... I gotta feed you more." Because to you that's what it means, he's not eating enough.
To the families confusion, Nyx clarifies for you. "It's a human thing. They feed others they care about, really big ordeal food is. Share it with loved ones, make it to express care or appreciation, even old phrases like "the way to a humans heart is through their stomach", it's a big deal!" And he's so delighted to explain something you never really thought about too much yourself because it's instinct. Natural. But there's something so sweet about how he describes it and he is right, so you nod your head, holding him close once more as he turns to you. "And I promise I'm eating enough, I'm just made to be a lot lighter than predators like you." His tone is soft and comforting as if intentionally trying to appease your own instincts you've never given much thought of.
With a tilt of your head, you shrug and agree but mentally swear to give him bigger portions in the future regardless.
He leaves to help his Pa in the kitchen, and you're left to entertain a family of rabbit-like monsters. It's surprisingly easy when the youngest are released and immediately ask you to lift them up like how you did Nyx. So you do, one after the other, occasionally giving a little toss where they're caught immediately once more.
They're so weightless and tiny, almost like your stuffed animals when you were little. But they squeal and giggle like they've never been lifted so easily before. As if it's impressive.
You chatter aimlessly with the older rabbitesk creatures, speaking of how you and Nyx met, what sort of accommodations you've worked out to live in a place suited to both you and your much smaller companion, whatever topics come to mind. Though you seem to be the one unintentionally driving the conversations, no matter how socially adverse you feel, or how confident. The floor is yours, practically given to you without any trying to speak over you a single time.
When you sit for supper you note that you'd been given a different plate, the plate that Nyx and his Da had been working on. A clumsily cut, undercooked steak. Not wanting to be rude, and knowing red meat won't hurt if it's not entirely cooked through, you tear into it.
You don't quite notice any of the stares until you hear your little Nyx voice his thoughts.
"See? I told you, eats like a carnivore he does!" His voice beaming with pride. You glance over with a confused expression only to really notice how every other rabbit creature sitting at the table is staring at you with different expressions. That's when it really kicks into your head your plate is the only one with any meat.
You give a sheepish grin and instead eat one of the steamed slices of eggplant that's on your plate.
Strange isn't it? To be human and to be viewed as something dangerous... But I suppose you are, just not in ways you'd notice because it's so normal for you.
Not to them it isn't, not to those monsters that are more prey than predator.
Isn't it just so strange?
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ego-meliorem-esse · 9 months
Could you talk a bit about Matthew and Alfred relationship? Our boys need love too
The lads! The fellas! The absolute units!
Bear with me here I wanna give a little bit of a context and a personal explanation as to why I'm really fascinated with these two countries in general.
If there is one nationfolk relationship that comes as close to pure and friendly as it possibly can, it would be the Us-Can one. Of course, it has major problems and unavoidable disputes. But let me tell you, as a balkan, ex-yugoslav cretin, I cannot help but be intriqued with the way these two comunicate. They make fun of eachother sure, they have disputes and squables, sometimes outright clashes, but when there is crisis in the US for example, all I hear is Americans straight up saying "ok well time to move to Canada". It's fascinating to me! As a Croat who, after returning from Serbia from a 3 day trip, brought home souveniers (key chains mostly, with the Serbian flag) I was yelled at by my dad who afterwards didn't talk to me for a few days. All because I dared to bring this enemy countrys flag into our home. Now, I was born in 1999. I have no connection to the war 8 years prior. No excusable, personal vandetta. But still it' s very much acceptable to hate so strongly. And even if it wasn't 8 years that passed, but 80, there still would be a widely accepted resentment. But alas, I am not talking about people, cus frankly people are just people. Alliances and relations between countries are another thing. Imagine sharing a huge fucken border with another country and being friends. My euro brain is imploding. Uncomprehensible.
Now I do understand the US is often described as a bit of a phycho, and frankly Canada is an expert at dealing with the phycho. Kudos. Keep the yanks from whipping out their home protection assault rifles and unleashing hell fire is risky shit. Canada manages tho. What I'm really interested in is the USA's view of Canada. They aren't a threat. They aren't suspicious. They are a force to be reckoned with tho, but they are friends. If there is one ally the USA can rely on its the maple sucking french/anglo bastards up north. So much history in such a short time. Fascinating.
To relate this to the bros, I think these two understand eachother better than most. Matt is quiet, obsetvand and passive (mostly), while his unit of a brother is loud, idealistic and prone to thinking the world owes him time on the world stage. And it works. Matt is the one to talk to his brother in a way that gets Alfred to listen. H speaks Alfreds language and can communicate with him freely. I think that that is a skill and in the modern era, a privilage that not many have. Not many dare to tell Alfred to his face that he fucked up majorly, but Matt can. He knows he can. Alfred knows he can. So he does. Matt can pull his brother aside after an outburst, and for the lack of a better word, humble him.
Alfred respects his brothers oppinion more then other nations'. He went from seeing Matt as a weak, self-pitying and ambitionless dominion, to accepting his views, ideas and even asking his oppinion on certain matters. I like to draw a parallel here. Matt had to sacrifice everything and himself to have Arthur call him into the war room and ask Matthew for his oppinion. Alfred is not much different. It takes time for Matthews voice to be heard, but when the time comes, it's desperately needed.
Alfred tho, is and always will be Alfred. And if somthing else catches his attention, he will ignore the house on fire across the street. He is prone to isolation and ignoring his brother for extended periods of time, just sending him a tiktok every month or so. That being the only indication to Matt that his brother is alive. Alfred has so much shit going on and his 13 braincells have to spread evenly across to cover it all. His brother is a constant in his life, stable and therefore forgotten.
That being said, I don't think there is another person on Earth Alfred loves more than his brother. Showing it is not something he ever learned tho. He knows he cannot buy his way into showing his love for Matt, so with his lack skills of other forms of love expressions, he does nothing.
As for Matt, he checks up on Alfred as much as he can. His history and past have tought him to expect nothing form the people he loves. So he doesn't. He knows Alfred is his closest ally and best friend, but doesn't ask for anything Alfred himself isn't giving. He is a person who waits to be asked to hang out on Saturday instead of asking his friends himself.
So while almost all I talked about is sad and somewhat negative, I do think the bond and conversations these two share are one of the most honest and true expressions of brotherly love. And by god I usually don't use the world love when describing nation-folk relationships, but in this case there isn't a replacement.
sorry for the personal shit and Alfred slander, I love him.
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needle-noggins · 1 month
Since you are oc pilled.. what can you tell us about Fanny? I'd love to hear all about them!
So. Frances Paine (Fanny Paine. pain in my fuckin' ass) is my beloved Trigun OC for a ttrpg I'm in. You have have seen me tag things as #gunsmoked; that's the game. Fanny is a thomas rancher by trade. She grew up in Hopeland. Her best friend, a girl from the orphanage named Nova, went away when they were 12. Nova got shipped off to the Eye of Michael and sent Fanny letters about how bad it was until the letters just... stopped. Fast forward 20 years. Fanny left Hopeland, starting ranching Thomases in a little town called Gunpoint. Killed her husband (backstory) when she found out he was trafficking kids for the Eye of Michael. I wrote a little thing for it.
Within the span of game.... well, Fanny has done some truly buckwild shit. First thing she did in the game was punch the mayor's boytoy so bad that the local gang burned her house down. She helped rescue another character's brother (it's amnesiac Millions fucking Knives) and in the process killed the mayor. Who ended up also being the gang leader. It was Brilliant Dynamites Neon.
Fanny in that moment became the town mayor and the leader of the Bad Lads gang. Like, okay!!?!? OKAY! After grappling with the extremely sudden new responsibility, she discovered that the neighboring town was a front for the EOM. She and her best friend, another sad cowboy named Charlie, went to fuck up the EOM base and quickly discovered they were outgunned and outmanned. It did not go well. Also, Fanny ran into her childhood friend Nova in there. Nova didn't recognize her. Come to find out Nova didn't remember her. At all. Cue Fanny panic. Fanny gets another character, a plant scientist named Aggie, to give Nova the old childhood letters. Aggie, love her dearly, decided to do this in the most unhinged way and just scatter letters around Nova's office for her to get jump-scared by emotions while doing her job. This also did not go well. I mean, it worked, but... Nova went apeshit. Murder mode angry.
Some fuckshit happens, the Eye takes over Gunpoint. Fanny and Charlie shenanigans continue (RIP Knife's beautiful tank), and they try to take back the town but Fanny gets a little too obsessed with making Nova remember her and she's on a suicide mission about it, actually. Because Nova is freaking out that she can't remember this person and is trying to kill Fanny. Fanny almost gets shot with a punisher laser just as Charlie shoots Nova, saving her life but putting Nova in grave danger. We discover Nova is part cyborg, now in a robo-coma, and it takes about a week in-game to find the parts to fix her. Fanny spends this entire time just losing her goddamn mind about it. She may be a little bit gay for Nova. Maybe. Perhaps. But absolutely obsessive.
Nova gets fixed and comes to, bounces, Fanny has a mental crisis about it but realizes she can't fix her childhood friend. Still wants to kiss her, though. But the party has got bigger plans, like saving the world, first. And she still has responsibilities to be, ya know, the town mayor and Bad Lads leader.
Fanny is an absolute idiot, chaotic as hell, with the second-highest known body count in the party (Tesla did July; hard to top that. Knife is a new man so his past crimes don't count. Wolfwood has not told us shit about himself). She wears some Orville Peck-esque Neon Cowboy shit. Her thomas is named Cash, after Johnny Cash. Her gun was her momma's and it's an ornate little thing. She thinks half of being a cowboy is about the drip (she's right). She's a coward, she can't hurt people she cares about - even when they're threatening to kill her. She means well, she's actually not half-bad at being a leader because she's compassionate, but she's impulsive and has no self-confidence. She cannot catch a fucking break. She's hopelessly in love with her childhood best friend, she blames herself for everything that happened to Nova, she thinks she failed her by not following her to the Eye at the age of 12. She's a small town girl who is finally realizing that the world is so much bigger than her small town drama, and other people have some much bigger problems. She's can be condescending and controlling, but she's also nurturing and wants to help. She's insulting and doesn't know how to comfort others, but she's loyal to the death. She just wants to save everyone. She cannot take her own damn advice. She is extremely accidentally Vash-coded. When I play her she and her goofy-ass southern accent just take over and I don't know half the shit I say. I adore her and the absolute disaster she is. She compels me SO much.
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kvetchinglyneurotic · 1 month
*face smacks into the windows, cracks appear in the glass*
can I please hear about ‘jamie’s autism crisis’ and/or ‘through the desert repenting’?
I answered one for Jamie's Autism Crisis here, so this one's for Through the Desert Repenting! The premise is that Sam decides to be more proactive about his social advocacy post-Dubai Air and, in campaigning to get the charity gala changed to something less creepy, sends Jamie into a bit of a spiral by talking to everyone about consent and bodily autonomy because he not only hasn't processed the Amsterdam of it all, but is also having some weird feelings about his time on Lust Conquers All. It features Sam and Jamie slow-burn friendship, plus Jan Maas as Sam's first recruit to his anti-charity gala efforts.
I have a bit of it written (because I intended to work on TtDR and Wrong Answers Only concurrently, but it turns out I'm really bad at working on more than one fic at a time), so here's a snippet:
He’d gone out with the lads, three nights ago, shirt shimmery blue and unbuttoned nearly to the navel to distract from the way he kept his arms covered past the wrists even in the muggy summer heat. Not like it mattered much anyway; he’d posted up at the bar inching his way through his vanilla vodka while his teammates danced and drank and enjoyed themselves the way Jamie couldn’t seem to fucking manage, these days. But he was still young, and fit, and a famous footballer, and so it didn’t take long for a woman to drop into the seat beside him, maybe a decade his senior with sleek dark hair pulled back in a bun and deep red lipstick and a black blazer open over a black shirt, formal like she’d come directly from work. She held out her hand to shake and said, “Jamie, my name is Molly.” Business-like, not pretending she didn’t know who he was like people sometimes did. “Hey,” he said. Considered telling her to piss off but company might be nice, actually, if only to keep him from spending another night in the empty cavern of his house. Maybe they could go to hers. Stay the night, shower together in the morning. If dad asked where he’d been... well, dad liked when he did shit like that. Proved he was a man. She leaned forward on her elbows. Smiled up at him like they were sharing some great secret. She said, “Jamie, I’m a producer on Lust Conquers All.”
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piplicious · 11 months
Dip Week Day 3!!!
Hello I wrote a little something based on a conversation I had with @/pipcorn. But I have like no experience as a writer!!! So you have to be nice to me. + theres a drawing inside :3
Word count: 1366 words
Ship: Damien x Pip
Warnings: none whatsoever
Summary: it's Damien's Birthday and everything is on fire.
"By the power of all unholy and evil I command --all the mortals come to my birthday party!!!"
Despite the very clear and easy to understand demand of his highness son of Satan, no one was there. Creatures of darkness were present, of course, but that was about it. The little black demon beings were all sat at a special table, reserved specifically for them, with all the appropriate evil meals served and ready. But what about Damien's other friends (or so he'd like to think of them)? Did he not manage to make everyone in class like him by being a little asshole?
Unfortunately, Hell was going through a bit of a financial crisis, and some unplanned budget cuts had to be made. Instead of a big fancy banquet Damien had to make do with a regular size birthday party. Well, it was a bit below regular, you can't underestimate the impact inflation and excessive risk taking by systemically important financial institutions have on otherworldly dimentions. Obviously.
As a result, materialistic humans didn't really feel like attending such an underwhelming event.
The AAARGH didn't help. So strange! At least one boy should've come. One very specific little lad! And a very important one, too, but shush about that.
And yet no one was there. The party had started whole 5 minutes ago after all! Could it be… that maybe the invintations got lost? Well, no, because then Pip surely would've come. Damien made sure to personally disturb the signal in the 500 meters radius area by shooting his rubber duck-like voice all the way to Pip over the phone exactly 5 times. One time -- a month before the birthday, so that the blond has enough time to prepare the presents. Then a week before the celebration -- enough time for Pip to make sure to cancel all the plans for the special day. Then one day before the birthday - in the morning and in the evening. And don't forget the mandatory 5 AM call.
And so, utterly dissapointed, the grumpy lump of rage continued pouting even harder than usual. I'd like to say that his hope for humanity was completely gone by that time (6 minutes past the official beginning of the party), but let's be honest, it's South Park, why would it ever be there in the first place.
"Happy Birthday, son. Today is a beautiful day and you're only 9 years away from the day I tell you the truth about how you were made."
"Dad. WHE--??"
"I know, I know what you want to say, I see that half of the room is on fire already. But first I have a very important gift for you."
And there, a sudden strike of silence hit the room. Damien's instincts freezed and crashed! The "gift" that loomed out of the hallway made him unsure whether to hiss or wag his tail. Or both?
"G-good morning, Damien! I'm here to wish you a very happy birthday and hopefully entertain you for the duration of my stay here…! Hope you didn't… miss me?"
The little british boy that just came in already managed to pick up that something about Damien's reaction was off, as the later made incomprehensible noises and it was hard to read what exactly he was feeling at the moment. It would seem illogical, as Pip was the exact person lacking at the event, and yet the way he appeared rubbed the demon in a wrong way.
"Are you… mad at me? Ohh… I see… No one has come to your party? No worries!!! I understand how you feel, sogga, no one attends my celebratio--"
"Why are you wearing that!!!"
"Oh it's a clown outfit, your father asked me to--"
And so Satan had to step into the conversation between the fourthgraders. What an interesting sentence out of context!
"You see, due to the financial situation we couldn't afford a professional entertainer, and dead soul tortures are already reserved for when you get good grades, so I figured getting your buddy to pretend to be a clown for your birthday would be good enough."
"But why?"
Giving absolutely no answer, the hissy boy left the room and it almost seemed like he had a little tear in his eye. And so, Pip, Satan, and a hoard of unholy creatures whatever they are, were left astounded in a room with more fire in it than food or tables.
What a confusing situation! But of course giving up would mean missing the chance to save your lo-- your friend's important day, right? That's not a very caring behavior. Pip would not want to leave Damien behind, no. It takes some thick gloves and a lot of bravery to deal with wild kittens like that. And a heart big enough to give them all the space they need to not feel intimidated anymore.
"There, there."
Pip sat near the curled up demon, petting his back and waiting for him to cool down and relax his eyebrows at least a bit. And boy did he take his sweet time cooling down, this is not your average tray of freshly baked brownies.
"I-I don't want to rush you or anything, but could I perhaps get a hint about why you're mad at me?"
Nope. Not happening.
"It appears I have to try guessing myself… Do you want me to leave?"
Damien shook his head. Somehow everything became even more confusing.
"Are you… afraid of clowns?"
Not that either.
"I don't know what else it could be then…"
"…I wanted you to come because you want to. Not because you have to."
The boy who for some reason had to remind Pip about his birthday 5 times looked away in embarassment. Could it be that there was actually some kind of thought process happening behind those eyes? It seemed that this time his friends' intentions actually mattered to him and it wasn't just about seeming cool in front of the elite of the class. Pip was nice sincerely and it made a big difference! If he came willingly it would be clear what he came for. Damien's smile or something gay like that.
"…How much did he pay you?"
"For what?"
"For you to come."
"Oh good golly i'm going to get paid?"
The utter confusion in blonde's eyes eventually cleared up all the doubts in Damien's mind.
"Oh alrighties."
"I think I understand. Only a brit would willingly attend a party where the only food being served is unholy goop and satanic porridge."
"It's not that, Damien, I just--"
Pip started fidgeting awkwardly with the fabric of his clothes like a shy anime girl. Unusual, since most of the time when he liked someone it was extremely visible to everyone around. Well, it was, it very much was visible this time either but somehow not to Damien.
"You see, back when I was born as a little baby in a small town of--"
"I have feelings for you."
"Oh. Wait what. Wait. That's gay."
"Indeed it is, Damien. I understand if you want me to leave even harder than before now, I--"
Instead of jokingly utilizing the diverse pallete of homophobic slurs in English language the demon boy's eyes immediately brightened up. He didn't exactly know why yet, but it actually… cheered him up? His buddy was actually more than just a buddy! They could spend so much time together like those two yaois from their class! Now the hard part is actually somehow returning feelings and admitting the same thing. Oh Go-- Oh man it sure is more embarassing than he thought… But it must be oh so worth it!!!
The poor British thing just sat there waiting for any even remotely coherent answer. His anxiety was only soothed by the fact that the fire in the house began slowly extinguishing, which probably meant that Damien wasn't angry with him. Fortunately he didn't need to wait too long.
"You're my boyfriend now."
There. The hardest part is now behind, time to jump straight to the part that has handholding and fun dates in it.
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ineffabildaddy · 6 months
6, 8, and 21 for the soft asks <3
omg hiii hehehe
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical)
oh god okay, physical: my tattoos are sick, my beard's coming along nicely, and ermmm i'm stacked in the back lmfao
non-physical: i try to be a friendly person, i'm very organised and clean at work which i'm proud of, anddd i'd like to think i know a good amount about music
8. tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good
this bit's gna be long so i'll put it under the cut dlfjlkdg
@raining-stars-somewhere-else he's an inactive king atm but he's my bestie and i love him<3 so so hilarious and observant and talented and kind. he's my dude and he means a lot to me go away
@sad-chaos-goblin i feel like i can be totally insane around you and you'll get on my wavelength immediately, it's amazing dlkkkljgfjkld. also i feel really lucky to be friends with someone so well-rounded and driven and fun, not to mention compassionate<3 i'm really really lucky to have met you and i hope we get to do irl adventures in the nearish future!!! until then we're great friends from afar!!!
@omens-for-ophelia we're just perfectly matched for our headcanons and kinks and shit and i absolutely love it. u get me, i get u, we get each other on this front and on many others!!! ur an extremely nurturing person too. i also love having u around bc ur full of fun facts and passion and energy, and of course ur art is absolutely incredible, i'm scratching at the walls just thinking about it dklkjldfgjkl. can't wait to create more absolutely feral works of crowley and aziraphale [redacted] in various ways hahahhkshjdf. and also hopefully have some london hangouts soon<3
@queer-reader-07 of course i've gotta mention ya because you're one of my fave blogs! i feel so warm and welcome reading all your posts and tags because you're a very lovely individual, and you've also got so many valuable things to say and i really look forward to seeing your takes on everything<3 also as i said before ur a very funny person and i enjoy that heh. i always get so excited when u pop up in my notifs i'm like little old me????
@foolishlovers bestie your writing makes me so happy but chatting and things makes me even happier<3 you're a really enthusiastic friend to have and you've got so many wonderful qualities that i just wanna share the love as much as possible hehe. i'm very glad we're doing shhh it's a secret together and that we've become close in general uwu
@crowleyslvt ur a little lad who's always got something hilarious and insightful to say about literally anything i come to u with, whether it's fkn silly memes or an existential crisis lol. you have such a unique way of looking at the world and i really enjoy it. also having a giggle with u is always top tier and on top of that ur a very supportive king<3 and of course u writing's delish at all times in any context
@voluptatiscausa i can literally tell you my most redacted thoughts and you'll be like yeah this is just another day at the office dkffjddgl. you're a silly and goofy guy (gn) who's simultaneously very easy to open up to which is always a comfort<3 the fact that we both like mitchell and webb makes us collectively Not Like Other Girls and we need to capitalise on that more tbh. also i greatly enjoy ur writing ofc
@bowtiepastabitch you're jokes. also we're very different and yet somehow the same brand of fucked up which i love<3 the lore could not be more disparate but the vibes could not be more immaculate. pls continue to be my friend smh
some more legends i love @crowleyholmes @fearandhatred @crowleys-bentley-and-plants @celestialcrowley @sabotage-on-mercury @quoththemaiden @ineffable-rohese @crawley-fell
21. if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
probably this - one day you're going to start sticking up for yourself, i promise<3
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biblioflyer · 19 days
Burnham is not "always right": The Vulcan Hello (Rewatch)
Just a snap reaction. I'm struck by the sense that yes, in some sense, this first episode is headed to deconstruction. Starfleet is definitely depicted as extremely decent. To the point where Burnham and Georgiou are on a mission to discreetly dig a well that is beyond the capabilities of the local species. Its very much a setup for an innocence lost, but ultimately regained - at least in part story.
More to the point, and this is going out on a limb here, without having rewatched the next episode, my gut is telling me I've been right for a long time. Namely that this is an example of a situation where Burnham was objectively wrong and narratively wrong. Which also undermines one of the most prolific critiques of the series.
Had she backed Saru and persuaded Georgiou to withdraw the Shenzou there is a good chance they lose track of the coffin ship if it decides to cloak again which is a very serious risk, but - and Burnham doesn't know this yet - it will probably undermine T'Kuvma. Had T'Kuvma lit the beacon and the Klingon armada met empty space, there's a strong possibility that the other House Leaders grouse about him screwing around with ancient artifacts, if not outright blaspheming to try and assert moral authority over the other Houses. Maybe he gets a chance to bribe them with his cloaking technology and maybe he doesn't, but the way I remember it, its the fleet battle and his subsequent martyrdom that unites the Klingons.
On the other hand, if Burnham got her way, there's two scenarios. One is that she gets the shot off before Voq departs to light the beacon. The chronology is a bit ambiguous but I don't even think T'Kuvma decloaks until Voq is away. But lets say that T'Kuvma decloaks because he needs to for Voq to depart or as a distraction to buy Voq time. So IF Shenzou's sucker punch works, the bridge neck is hit, the ship is crippled or destroyed and the beacon isn't lit, then its all sunshine and roses. Mission accomplished.
I still think there's a good chance that maybe someone comes along later, discovers that T'Kuvma got himself killed messing with the Federation, and it provokes a Klingon blood debt or something something honor. We're led to believe T'Kuvma is a savvy operator in politics and religion. We have no earthly idea why he's lighting the beacon now as opposed to years ago (maybe it was lost, due to the whole scattering field thing) but perhaps it has to do with internal Klingon dynamics. Maybe he's spotted a Gordian Knot in Klingon society and has decided never to let a good crisis go to waste, so he's going to start a war with the Federation because his instincts tell him that if he plays his cards right, this is a doable thing.
The second scenario is that Shenzou gets her sucker punch in only after Voq lights the beacon or Voq is able to light the beacon after T'Kuvma gets himself blown up. Maybe the other Houses arrive and decide T'Kuvma was a mad lad and he got what he had coming to him. On the other hand - and maybe something will come to me a few episodes later - I'm not aware of anything at this juncture that alters the fundamentals of T'Kuvma being martyred. I'm not at all sure why it matters if it was from giving Shenzou taking him out or from a Starfleet boarding team offing him in a rescue attempt that turns into an accidental assassination. Clearly while T'Kuvma is some sort of outsider type, his death at the hands of the Federation is hugely significant - if not to the House Leaders, then to their constituents who must have a fair number of devotees and sympathizers in their ranks.
Given that by the end of the season, Burnham will have disavowed preemptive violence and doubled down on Starfleet's original mission and ethos, I feel very confident in saying Episode One Burnham is wrong and she's not just wrong from a Watsonian standpoint, we are supposed to understand from the narrative that she's wrong. She will spend the entire season and maybe the next three seasons even trying to live down this mistake because I think its rather critical to understanding the character and her trajectory that had she taken Saru's side, Shenzou and her crewmates may have lived and a war might have been avoided.
That it might take three years and saving the Federation three times and the galaxy twice to get herself to a place where she really thinks she deserves to be in Starfleet, let alone as a Captain, really puts things into context. A context that the comment sections of the usual places are content to ignore because they are stuck on the idea that Burnham is right because of narrative fiat.
Also Sarek is a terrible, terrible father and this is one retcon that I think doesn't work. Maybe it will improve. Spock and Sarek had their differences yes, but prior to Discovery, I think it would be fair to read it that they were deeply principled individuals that clashed at the level of application of those principles. Like a PHD whose profoundly gifted child decides to join the military rather than joining a think tank to draft policy. This version of Sarek and his obsession with making a human into a Vulcan is difficult to watch and kind of less interesting, personally.
On the subject of retcons, if the idea is that an aggressive response to T’Kuvma’s ship prowling inside the extreme edge of Federation space and potentially menacing colonists is supposed to be objectively correct or at least more narratively ambiguous, this is where the TOS setting conceits actually would work way better. Namely that Starfleet is spread “age of sail” thin and comms with the nearest higher authority take hours or longer.
This is actually really reminiscent of the scenario in Master and Commander which I rewatched over the weekend with Shenzou as HMS Surprise and T’Kuvma’s ship as the French heavy frigate Acheron. What compels “Lucky Jack” to hunt a ship that’s faster, more resilient, outguns, and out ranges Surprise is that Surprise really is the only one who can conceivably run down Acheron before she takes more British merchants. Even though it’s suicidal, there’s no backup coming it’s just Surprise trying to pull off a desperate win or choosing life but condemning every civilian in Acheron’s path.
Shenzou being in real time contact with Starfleet and half a Wolf 359’s worth of ships being two hours away makes the idea of a preemptive strike against a game changing major threat noble, assuming it doesn’t start a war or war is inevitable unless this incursion is decisively defeated before it can get going, but ultimately undermines the whole idea that Shenzou must be decisive in order not to show weakness. Taking a big risk and staying to monitor this new cloaking dreadnought or regrouping with the fleet to rapidly deploy to at risk colonies are both very sensible with the information Georgiou has. For the conventional Starfleet thinker, Burnham’s historical analogy doesn’t seem to map to a Federation that has spent the last century having the luxury of trying to unravel the cultural ambiguities that can lead to conflict because apparently it can whistle up a task force pretty darn fast.
The weird bullying of Saru on the bridge also doesn't sit well with me. If he's that timid, how did he advance in Starfleet? He must be extremely competent and deserve his position, so why set everyone up to act like he's a coward? I really think they would have done him more justice by making him a stronger and more articulate advocate for deescalation. If the narrative needs to prove him wrong, then the narrative proves him wrong, but at least give him a good argument. I suppose he got stuck being the weenie because Georgiou needed to be the cooler head mediating between him and Burnham, but I think it could have been handled better.
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larissa-the-scribe · 7 months
Terrarium Lights, Part 2.1
Continuation of my Inkling's Challenge story, started >>here. Next part >>here. Not sure if I'm supposed to tag @inklings-challenge anymore since times have moved on, but will do so just to be on the safe (the tag may be ignored if so desired). Last time on Terrarium Lights: The ghost disappeared after getting an existential crisis when he realized he didn't know his own name, to everyone's surprise.
"I'm sorry."
Gail nearly jumped out of her skin, scattering her basket of freshly cleaned rocks across the dining room table. She wheeled around toward the kitchen, which had been empty a few moments earlier, to see the lad from before standing sheepishly in the middle of it.
She released her apron and took a deep breath.
"Oh?" She replied—with only a slight quiver in her voice—and allowed him to insert his own explanation.
Truth be told, she wasn't sure what he was apologizing for, unless it was scaring the living daylights out of her. It was, however, reassuring to see him again and to know she wouldn’t be stuck for the rest of her days with the mystery of what on God’s green Earth had happened.
"Well, I feel like I may have overreacted." He was looking at the floor, so she couldn't see the state of his eyes.
"About your memories?" She asked, and then mentally smacked her palm against her forehead. Perhaps it wouldn’t be wise to bring up the incident that had so upset him right the second he came back—in her defense, her heartbeat was still rather drowning out thought.
"I see." Gail turned back to the table and started picking up the rocks—mostly shale and creek pebbles—from where they'd been flung, gathering her wits with them.
It had been several days since the ghost had come and gone.
At first she toyed with the idea that her mind was going on ahead of her to heaven. They did say solitude did odd things to mind, but while she didn't have concrete proof that the lad had been there, in the end she had decided to regard it as fact until proven otherwise. There were her sodden clothes and her pail of moss, confirming that she'd gone out in the rain at the very least.
After she'd settled that, she started to go over the interaction in her mind.
She had had no idea if he'd come back or not. Her gut reaction was that he would, someday. The whole venture was rather too strange and unfinished—he was clearly haunted by something, still. Whether or not she would be there to see it, she did not know.
Eventually, she decided that if he did return to her, she should handle him with more care and tact, and make him feel more generally comfortable before prodding at him again. That seemed like the best way to figure out what was going on, at least. From there—well, she didn't know. But one so rarely did know what one was doing, so that wasn't a great matter in the long run. Besides, if this was the Lord’s doing, he’d hardly abandon her here. Wasn’t His style.
And here the lad was, once again standing in her kitchen, though this time much shyer and more unsure, and she’d already prodded him more than she meant.
"I appreciate your thoughtfulness," she replied, rubbing her thumb across a smooth piece of shale. "Though I suppose I should apologize, myself, for startling you."
"Well, technically I think that was the kettle," he said with a nervous chuckle.
She snorted. "True. Dreadful loud that kettle is."
As she swept the last bits of rocks towards her, she heard him shuffling his feet. It was an odd sound. Not quite all there. "It… it doesn't seem to be raining anymore."
"Nice and sunny out, indeed." She kept an ear on him, still managing her rocks.
"Um. Thank you for letting me borrow your roof."
The rocks clattered back into the basket. "You're welcome to it as long as you might need."
"…Even if it's not raining anymore?"
She turned back round to face him and smiled. His eyes were a satisfying shade of brown. "Even then."
He beamed back.
Gail walked over to a makeshift desk to the side of the room and started sorting the rocks into their proper containers. Hesitantly, the lad hovered into the doorway between the kitchen and the dining room space.
“I… I still don’t really remember anything,” he said. “I think I have amnesia.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Gail gave him a sympathetic look. “I don’t suppose there’s anything I can do to help with that?” She gestured for him to come closer.
“Well, I don’t know.” Like a puppy prepared to be yelled at, he edged further into the house. “In all honesty, the fact that I couldn’t remember anything terrified me. Still does, kind of, but it’s not as shocking now, I suppose. I don’t know why I didn’t realize. I mean, how do you forget your entire life but just not think about it? Doesn’t make sense.” He trailed off with an attempted chuckle.
“Maybe it was something that happened recently?”
He squinted at what she was doing, seemingly half-intrigued about her activity, half-absorbed in his own nervous narrative. “I… I don’t think so. Or maybe the amnesia was recent? I don’t know. I kind of… remembered bits? But it’s very fuzzy, like it might have happened in some odd kind of dream, a long time ago. Or maybe not that long ago. Dreams can be weird. But so can memories. Like when something happens yesterday but it feels like it’s always been your past, that kind of thing. Or at least that’s what last time I was here felt like, I think, but that could just be because that’s all I can remember right now. But I don’t even know how long ago it was that I was here. I get the impression that memories are tricky.”
“True, that,” Gail chuckled. “You said you remembered something, though?” She rubbed her thumb over the ridges of a large creek pebble appreciatively, then dropped it into its jar with a satisfying clink.
“What are you doing?” He asked, tilting his head, curiosity temporarily overshadowing his dilemma.
“Oh, me? Sorting rocks.”
“If I don’t, they’ll just be a mess.” She waved her hand over the assortment. “This way it’s easier to get at the ones I need.” She wasn’t sure if he was dodging the question again or just distracted.
She chuckled again. “For terrariums, that is. I’m not just mad about rocks, though I do like them.”
“It’s a hobby of me and my husband’s. While he’s away, I gather materials—and sometimes do a few myself—and then when he’s back, we work on one together.” She was sorting them roughly by size and color. Absently she wondered if she’d need to take a trip to the shore sometime soon to stock back up on driftwood.
“Could I… maybe… see one?” He had his cautious puppy act on again.
Resisting the urge to kid him a bit for his skittishness, she nodded and went to the living room (really only a bulge on the side of the dining room, but still rather nice for sitting), and picked up one of the first ones she and Michael done together, in the bottom of a large, broken canning jar that had once been the size of a small bucket.
“Here,” she said, and held it towards him. “The edges aren’t sharp anymore. We sanded what we could and covered the rest with a sealant.”
It was a simple terrarium, really. Not much more than moss arranged around a large lump of red flint they’d found when wandering along the creek, with a few small little plants stuck in. And the container wasn’t the prettiest, with the sealant smeared across most of the edges around the opening. Still, it was a good memory, so she liked to keep it watered and tended, and even though she didn’t know what kind of moss they’d gathered, it was one of her favorites—it flowered in the summer and smelled lovely.
"Can I touch it?" He asked. When she nodded, he slowly reached out and put his hand in the container, running his fingers along the rock and pressing their tips gently against the moss. "It's so strangely soft and not soft." He looked up and smiled and his eyes were very brown. "It feels nice. Almost scratchy, but comfortable. I like its texture."
"Isn't it just lovely?" Gail agreed. "Moss is one of those things that isn't hard to find, but is still so satisfying every time you do. I think it's one of the marks that God made this world with love."
The lad nodded absently. He was frowning slightly, and for a moment didn't seem quite all there, his edges ever so slightly blurring.
"I think I remember something about moss," he said. "I'm not sure. But it wasn't very green, and there were whole plains of it. Underground, I think. And blue. I think we might have been safe there, but I don't know." He looked back up at her. "Does any of that sound… familiar? Since you know about moss."
The lad looked so hopeful, Gail wished she could say yes. "Well,” she replied, pursing her lips as if in deep thought, “we don't have many caves around these parts. Soil's not built for it. And I don’t profess to know much about the subject one way or the other, but I can't say as I'm familiar with blue moss."
"Oh." Feeling along the edges of where the rock and moss met, he pressed his hand down again, softly. Gail noticed that it did not leave much of an impression, if any. "Maybe it was just the way it looked? Maybe it wasn't blue." He withdrew his hand. "But if there are no caves around here… I don't know. It was certainly underground." He frowned. "Well, I'm pretty sure. I… I guess I can't say for certain, can I? Since I don't know."
Gail resisted the urge to set her terrarium down and pat his back or try to hug him. The poor lad looked frightfully lost. "Perhaps you were a traveler in your time, before coming here. I will admit, I don't know much about what lies beyond my little corner of the world, so who's to say caverns of blue moss might'nt be out there, somewhere?"
Even as she said the words, they felt unlikely. Maybe because she didn't quite believe them herself—but it was true, at least, that she didn't know much about the world beyond Florida, or even beyond this northern slice of it. She could have hope in her own ignorance, for the lad's sake. Perhaps her Michael might know, or she could write to her son up in the Northern colonies. They were both much more widely traveled.
"As your memories come back, mayhaps you might learn to know more about it."
He nodded, stuffing his hands in his pocket, eyes still on the ground. "I hope so. It's… disconcerting, to know so little about what you can trust from your own head."
"We'll figure it out," Gail said, wondering if there was any way to physically console someone who couldn't be touched.
"I… I also really don't mean to drag you into this," he said. "We're both just strangers to each other. I wouldn't want to presume too much on your hospitality."
Gail clucked her tongue at him as she put the terrarium on the table, where he could still find it if he wanted. "Trust me, young man, this would be the best use of my time. I couldn't in good conscience just turn you out, anyway, and well, what can I say? I'm a meddlesome old lady. I like fixing other peoples' problems, if I can."
"Oh." He picked at the edge of his waistcoat. "That's… that's really kind of you. I… I'm not sure what to say to that."
"You don't have to say anything, if you'd rather not. You're welcome to just be here for a bit, if you'd like."
"I… I think I'd like that." He looked up at her again. "I wouldn't be a bother if I just stood by and watched you work?"
"No bother at all." Gail waved a dismissive hand. "I guarantee you'll be a lot easier to work around than toddlers, though admittedly it has been… a few years, since I've had to do that. I'll just be working on a new terrarium, anyway, for old Mrs. Oberson. She's been quite sickly for a while now, and having living things about you really brightens a room up."
He followed her back to the desk, where she pulled out a largeish jar and set it up, hunting down the different components she needed from the desk, and adjusting her glasses to a higher zoom setting to better view the details. The plan for this terrarium lay on a card pinned to the desk, half-recipe, half-sketch. Michael had helped her come up with it before he left, and now was as good a time as any to get it going. She’d need more time, too, since her hands weren’t as steady as they used to be.
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albatris · 1 year
Hiii tell me all about Nat I love him sm
Hi hello! Absolutely I can tell you about Nat! I’m glad you like him and thank you for the question!!
Here is a big ol' chunk of words, some bits I've nabbed from other posts, too :3
Nathaniel Felix Finch, a good boy, a sweet boy! He’s the protagonist of our silly little horror trilogy, much to his dismay
He’s 25 years old and works at Stop ‘N’ Go 24/7 Petrol and Convenience, where he is prone to falling asleep on the register and shoplifting (both encouraging it and participating in it <3). He’s a bit of a hermit, not because he doesn’t want friends, but because he’s awkward, anxious and paranoid. He’s got schizotypal personality disorder like me, so it’s tough for him to engage with the world and feel comfortable
His story kicks off when he wakes up on the side of the road in his rental car covered in dirt with no memory of the past nine days. All attempts to return to regular life are quickly thwarted when it becomes apparent he’s turning into something inhuman and ravenous. He spends a week in agony and coughing up blood and almost passing out in public and being starving and existing in constant sensory overload… which reaches a gory climax when he kills and eats someone in a botched robbery of his petrol station and he's like Ah Fuck Apparently I’m A Vampire Somehow And I Just Ripped Someone’s Throat Open I’m Going To Go Have A Panic Attack Now
He is yoinked from mortal peril by shifty fucking bastard with a mile long list of ulterior motives perfectly ordinary kind selfless human person Quinn Cooper, and a bonkers plot ensues <3 Book one mostly sees Nat struggling with his new condition and trying to figure out what happened in his blackout and why he got vampired, and slowly uncovering the grim secrets Quinn is hiding. Book two and three wander into more “Nat Finch Is Going To Kill And Eat Vampire God (The Garble)” territory
What to say about Nat… hm…
He’s an excited, friendly, cuddly lad, if you can get past his layers upon layers of anxiety! He loves people although he’s afraid of them, and believes people are good and that he can do good in the world. He’s prone to bouts of depression and apathy on occasion, though, and especially struggles to balance his kind, gentle nature with the fact that he now has to eat people to survive. He's got a big existential crisis coming hahahaha
He loves animals! He regularly donates to wildlife charities despite not having that much money to begin with, and used to volunteer at a cat café for rescue cats (with Yvonne, another of our main characters!), and only stopped due to his social anxiety. He has a sweet little rescue kitty named Grub, who's just the scrungliest ugliest thing you've ever seen (he'll cry if he hears you say that, though). He's been a vegetarian since he was 17, and still considers himself one despite the fact that he's now an entire vampire who preys on humans. So you get like..... bits in the story where Nat drains some guy like a capri sun then the next day is like "no I can't come to check out the new Korean BBQ place with you Quinn I'm a vegetarian :((( you'll have to take someone else :((("
He's also a good cook and especially loves cooking for other people and sharing meals! This is one of the most common ways he shows affection :3 If Nat drills you about your favourite food and offers to cook it for you sometime, this means he wants to be friends :-) Most of his dishes are vegetarian, but if he really, really likes you he’ll cook meat as long as you ask nicely
He loves to be useful! He’ll gladly rush around and help with errands or putting furniture together or organising things. If you tell him you appreciate him or he did a good job he will bask in that compliment for weeks like a golden retriever that’s just been told it’s a good boy haha
Tragically he can be a bit of a doormat, especially at the start of the story. Though he pretended to be fine with his solitary lifestyle and loneliness, he’s always desperately wanted connection and friendship, and this makes him prone to letting people take advantage of him or manipulate him.... purely because at least that way he feels "useful", and they're more likely to keep him around...... he improves a lot on this front, though, so don't fret! We get to see the lad's self-esteem improve! He initially doesn't really like himself that much, but the story gets to see him come into his own and find his values and worth....! He's a good, kind, intelligent person with a lot to offer, he just takes a while to figure it out!
Oh also he's a huuuuge drama queen and is completely willing to play up being sad and pathetic to get what he wants <3 this is an important Nat Fact to know
Hmmmmm.......... what else......
So, it becomes clear as the story goes on, he’s not exactly a regular vampire… he can access a lot more of the Garble hivemind’s power than other vampires can, which left unchecked can result in an overload of power affectionately referred to as Monster Mode Nat :P a big ol’ body horror vampire creecher! Violent and aggressive and jumpy, out of control. It’s usually a state of intense fear for him, something that occurs when he’s in very dire straits, when he or his friends are threatened, etc etc… a Nat too far in Protector Mode, basically, that can easily become dangerous even for the people he's meant to be defending. He is still able to recognise Friends, though it takes him more effort, but struggles to make sense of unfamiliar people as anything other than resources, food or threats
As far as regular vampire Nat in the day-to-day goes, he's prone to all the usual vampire instincts. He’s got extra anxiety and paranoia and jumpiness on top of what he already had, he's got that usual insatiable insufferable vampire curiosity, he loves to bask and be cosy and snuggle with friends. He can purr and it's extremely cute. He has a moderate to severe allergic reaction to sunlight though it won't kill him immediately, he struggles with garlic much to his despair as a cook, n he has an extremely high prey drive that he has to work very hard to manage
Oh and Nat mostly preys on rich pricks and abusive bosses, as well as the occasional creeps at bars, which is very valid of him <3
Anyway yeah! This has been Nat Posting with Monday! I hope you have enjoyed these Nat Facts <3
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unnecessarywriting · 1 month
Back? And new suggestions (fandom/fics etc)
So...I've been inactive for like over a year now. oops...
But I have some time. I'm currently just getting over college and still looking for a job, so I have some time to write so stupid stuff. Plus I'm bored so this seems like fun.
Anyway, I'm sure most of you don't know me which is cool. It's nice to meet all of you and welcome to my poor excuse for a blog.
While I have my bearings, if anyone has any fandom suggestions or requests you can send some in. I have rules (fandom/character stuff is open though because I fully have been so busy that I haven't engaged in like content for too long).
So please, help a gal out. I'll try writing some of my longer stuff in the meantime but I like shorter stories. If you have any questions just lemme know. Also feel free to explore my masterlist (link on my pinned post) to see my style, although it has changed a bit. Plus you can check out any rules I may have.
Thanks for helping this little lad entertain herself as she undergoes a minor existential crisis!
(also I'm actually pretty cool and friendly so feel free to just message me anytime)
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Tumblr media
Send me Ⓐ and my muse will rate yours || Accepting !
@defyxoblivion sent: Ⓐ Klarion Bleak, the Witch Boy
Tumblr media Tumblr media
repulsive || hideous || ugly || not attractive || unappealing || not unattractive || meh || no preference || ok || mildly attractive || nice looking || cute || adorable || attractive || pleasant on the eyes || good looking || hot || sexy || beautiful || gorgeous || hot damn || would tap that || perfect || godlike || holy fuck there are no words
"Woh? I gots eyes. Th' lad's good-lookin', n' aye, he's sort o' cute when he dun gets th' most basic social shite." Cue to an amused snort. "N' I bet tha' he could look...appealin' under the rite circumstances. If yeh catch me drift."
grating || irritating || frustrating || boring || confusing at best || awkward || unreasonable || psychotic || disturbing || interesting || engaging || affectionate || aggressive || ambitious || anxious || artistic || bad tempered || bossy || charismatic || appealing || unappealing || creative || courageous || dependable || unreliable || unpredictable || predictable || devious || dim || extroverted || introverted || egotistical || gregarious || fabulous || impulsive || intelligent || sympathetic || talkative || up beat || peaceful || calming || badass || flexible
"Personality wise, he's a wee bit...less attractive. Dun get me wrong, th' lad 's bright, even too bloody smart for 'is own sake at times, but he ain't th' easiest person to deal wit'. He can be a friggin' pain in th' arse. N' I'd know, 'cause I'm one too. Blimey, I swear tha' if I gots white before me time, it's goin' to be his fault."
How likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending || fuck no! || never || no way || not likely || not sure || indifferent || I’m asexual || maybe || probably || it depends || fairly likely || likely || yeah sure || yes || would tap that || hell yes || fuck yes! || wishing that could happen right now || as many times as possible || we are already having sex
"Theoretically speakin'? I wouldn't mind at all. He's attractive n' I'm curious to see 'ow he'd act if propositioned. Cor, th' last time I mention fuckin' to 'im, he said some shite 'bout friggin' marriage. It was hilarious."
Level of Friendship:
never in a million years || worst of enemies || enemies || rivals || indifferent || neutral || acquaintance || friendly toward each other || casual friends || friends || good friends || best friends || fuck buddies || bosom buddies || practically the same person || would die for them || true friends || my only friend
"Me official role is Klarion's 'babysitter'. Zee calls it 'guardian', but trust us, I'm bleedin' babysittin' an eternal teenager wit' a jus' as lastin' identity crisis. It wouldn't be too bad, if it wasn't tha' said lad 's far too powerful for e'eryone's sake. But we've been in each other's 'air for a while now n' I think yeh can say tha' we're mates too."
First impression of them:
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
"Our first meetin' wasn't woh yeh'd call pleasant. N' after tha' Zee dumped 'im under me protection n' I spent a bloody week keepin' 'im n' 'is fuckin' cat under locks. It wasn't easy. At all. I slept even less than I usually did 'cause I felt like I couldn't turn me eyes away from 'em. Tho, I gots to say tha' by th' end o' it, we were already startin' to get alon'. Yeh sure as 'ell can't be bored 'round someone like 'im."
Current impression of them:
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
"Th' crazy lad grew on me. I could say tha' he didn't, but it's bloody obvious. He still drives me mad more often than not, but...he's fun to be 'round. He challenges me n', while I love a quiet day as any other bloke, I enjoy th' rite kind o' stimulation too. Also, he grew up n', blimey, he turned out friggin' easy on th' eye."
How good of a kisser:
worst kisser ever || terrible || bad || awkward || just okay || alright || pretty good || good || makes me moan || excellent || exciting || oh god they’re good || I dream about it || fucking amazing || absolute perfection || we haven’t kissed
"I dunno 'ow much kissin' experience he gots, but I bet tha' he probably kiss like a bloody virgin. So, 's goin' to take 'im lots o' practice to catch up wit' oul me. Or, even easier, I could teach 'im a few tricks meself."
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Good morning, Delicious Partaaaaay! I've got a feeling that it's gonna wonderful day!
The sun in the sky has a smile on his face, I forget the rest of the lyrics but it's probably okay!
Anyways, Episode 22 is out, I don't really know what else to say.
Spoilers, I guess...
-Damn, right in with the action.
-Get fucked, Takumicchi.
-No projectiles, got it.
-"Run along, boy! The girlbosses are playing~!"
-Damn, Finale said "get outta here."
-Shortest Ubau-zo fight ever. Didn't even get to see Kokone and Ran be cool.
-"I can't wait to laugh at your cringe epic fail fighting style again!" -Narcistoru, 2022.
-Minato-san... the legendary crepe...
-Grandma Nagomi, I realize we're all about food, but Takumicchi's having a bit of a crisis.
-Mmmm... crepe...
-Awwwwwww, his friend's hurt :(
-Never underestimate Yuin's genius, Minato-san. She's our only hope.
-Sweet Shiny Luminous, that sweetstack's fruitier than Rosemary.
-Oh, Rosemary. I uh... didn't mean "fruity" in a bad way.
-Kome-Kome! Got even bigger!
-Oh yeah, Amane probably didn't notice.
-How long until her teenage rebellion phase, do you reckon?
-She can speak like people now!
-The Legendary Crepe... I hear the
-"Ehhhh? Your friends!? Errrr... Idk, I'm probably a bit too fail cringe..."
-Sold out in minutes.
-It's probably like a good couple thousand yen, too...
-Well, Ranchi... would you say it had... tropica-shining flavor?
-Awwwwwww, Kome's becoming more sociable~!
-That's adorbs.
-"She's my father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate!"
-Koko-neechan, I think "same one" is a bit beyond our current capabilities...
-"Let's do this!"
-That's it, Takumicchi! A real man knows how to cook!
-There's a ton to the fine art of dessert baking. KIRAKIRA Patisserie would be proud.
-...I really hope they're all not wasting all these crepes...
-They're definitely not, but like...
-"What, no! I don't like helping anybody, I'm evil! I'm a supervillain!"
-Secretoru, you've been doin' nothing this whole season, who died and made you leader?
-...proably Godatz, but still
-"Aw, crepe..."
-We're hitting our ultimate stride!
-Oh c'mon man, your friend got hospitalized and you didn't visit her once? That ain't cool, man.
-Maybe apologize to her? Stay with her for a while?
-An apology card! That's the ticket!
-Oh wow, these guys're... pretty old!
-Oh nooooooo, they've been snatched!
-"Oh fuck, it's that annoying blonde man."
-Yep, there they are!
-...wow, reusing monster designs in the same episode? Goddamn, Narcistoru, no wonder you're getting your ass kicked so much.
-Ooooooooooh, epic! A proper four-way sequence! At last!
-Tablespoon Cutting Board!
-You just made him thicker.
-Hello, Black Pepper!
-Hell yeah, cure that amnesia!
-Let's wail on that bitch!
-Ayyyyy, he's calling his attacks out! Good for you, man!
-Ohhh, Pepper Mill... and it's a Spin Kick... very clever, lad.
-A proper Precious Spicy Yum-Yum Flavor beatdown.
-...kinda sounds like a Jamba Juice supplement.
-"Heh-heh-heh... you're not so cringe fail after all! One day, you might become a based giga chad like me..."
-Good job, Kome-Kome, very cool :)
-Yeah good job Takumicchi.
-...so wait, did Yui know Takumi was Black Pepper, or did she just hand it off to him next Ubau-zo? I'm a bit confused.
-Awwwww, Kokone :(
-Ayyyy, the banger ED again!
-Yeah, my stance on this is unchanged, this fucks.
-Oh shit, Kokone's mom is a proper MILF.
-Her dad ain't bad either.
-Oh yeah, Kokone's relationship with them is fairly distant, that's uh... not good. Guess I'll be seeing you all again soon!
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weregreatatcrime · 3 months
AYO CAN I GET UHHHH number 9, 22, 24, 29, 30 and can i get some fries with that?
Ask meme here!
9: How much time do you spend drawing on an average day?
Very hard to say just because when I'm hyperfocused on art I might spend two hours a day or so and fill up like ten pages a day, but then go like two weeks without touching my sketchbook lol. Currently not in a drawing mood so iiiiii haven't actually touched it in a sec. Last thing I drew were maps for dnd
22: Are you confident that you’re improving steadily?
Absolutely. To a degree. I'm positive that I've always been improving in my art, except for my health crisis in 2021(? Ish) when I spent two years without picking up the pencil. Both for mental health reasons and because I literally couldn't hold one lmfao.
Getting back into art after that was hard. Having to train myself to hold a pencil was rough and my skill definitely suffered. I don't think I've gotten back up to where I was in skill before that time. Sometimes it's really, really frustrating. But also I've found that I've gone a bit of a different style since then as well, which I think is really cool and interesting. Some things I'm picking back up faster than others. Fuck, sometimes I SHADE my art now. I never used to do that lmao
24: Do you feel jealous when you see other people’s art, or inspired? (Be honest!)
Nope! My personal journey with art has taught me a lot about the technical skills that go into art. My personal problems being unable to draw for so long taught me how to sit back and stop thinking about what I can't do, but to admire what others Can. I don't get jealous of other people's art- I'm just in awe of it. It's amazing what different people can create with different skill and ability sets and I think there's something real fucking magical about that. Sometimes I use other people's art as inspiration, seeing little techniques I wanna try out, but overall... idk. Leaving art for the reasons I did gave me a much bigger appreciation for everything about it and I just can't find it in myself to compare art because everything is unique and amazing
29: For traditional artists: How do you usually start on a big piece? (Light sketch, colored lead, sketchpaper, etc)
I use a really cool red toned oil pencil from Faber Castel for my under sketches! Then I follow it up with just normal pencil lines. If I'm feeling spicy, I'll lightly shade or add deeper values with the red. I'm a simple lad. My art is almost entirely sketches and anatomy work because that's what I love to do
30: What inspires you to not just make art, but to be a better artist?
*points up to 24* All of that. My personal experiences have given me a pretty solid love of all artwork and it all inspires me.
Most of all? Collaborative work of any sort. Fandoms are considered collaborative work. Drawing things for my own writing. Drawing things for a friend's writing. Drawing OCs interacting. Shipping friends' OCs, with each other or Canon ships! Making stupid funny shitposts that haunt the collective mindscape for years to come. (I don't think the Trollhunters Fandom will ever forgive me for Thiccmar) Writing something that inspires someone to draw. Drawing something that inspires someone to write. Art trades. Are collabs. Countless role-playing. My friends who commission me to draw or write them the craziest shit that I have an absolute ball with. Just stuff that makes other people see it and go "I can play with these toys too!"
Collaborative work fuels my fucking soul and I love love love getting to do things with other people, when I have the capability of doing so
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nie-rants · 9 months
2nd October 2023
A captured thief's tale.
Hello lads lads and loes (loes???😕) Living whores (what the???) I mean it's okay to be a whore as long as you not deliberately maliciously messing with someone's lives Whore lives matter!! (...) Let the whores live!! (now dear what's this about, the rant I mean the reason you're here) Oh yeah,😄 well first things first today's moi's birthday.(yay✨ me✨🎉) one year older every 2nd October (congrats honey🎉) uhm, thanks 😳. Anywho onto greater things, my last rant turned into my sob story extinensial crisis as a struggling queer in a extremely homophobic, traditional, "modern minded" country and how will I never find love. (With myself and others) And big news I think your girl might be bisexual, your girl also told someone outside her head and miss author said news (I'm proud of you nie🙂) 😳 but brighter things as I say I don't even remember when the last post was out up so miss editor and I decided to put dates at the top of the posts (I'm the editor can't believe that didn't come up earlier, I'm sorry guys) You were busy it wasn't your fault so stop it. Besides you suggested it before and like you always say what's done is done, Kay?? (Mmmm) so anyway I decided to add my struggles as a stuggling queer in a struggling country as a bit of a common thing. It wasn't intentional at first but then I decided to just do it since all my drafts addressed the issue in one form or the other.
Today I was like coming back home like at 7:30-ish from work, strolling cause I'm broke and my money isn't for ise unless I'm dying and my headphones broke so... While we're walking there's a thief and people are chasing said thief into a busy street (very busy for those of y'all who don't know nie lives in a border town of the country) yeah so like there are plenty of trucks that move along that road like big heavy petroleum tanks. And that road's been known as a black spot (an area where accidents commonly occur) and so you've gotta be extremely careful anywhere in it's vicinity even the pedestrian path. Back to the thief this guy ran straight into that traffic in hopes of escaping those in his pursuit but when that didn't work out (his pursuers also ran into the traffic) he went back to the pedestrian path but he was eventually caught. And as with all thieves caught here (as in her, nie's country) the norm is for the application of job justice. Mob Justice is common here in my country and most prefer it for someone caught red handed. Typically thieves were restrained and put through a tyre, poured on petrol and burnt alive. Yep you're hearing it right burnt alive, for stealing which is bad because the cause of this punishment (like that thing you were caught stealing) is often unknown to even your executors once you've been deemed a thief you have no chance of defense you can try to run to the police for help which is unlikely since (you're probably not Hussein Bolt) yeah it's like these people unleash their inner flash to get you, it's probably the end for you no matter your age (it's a pretty savage country no matter the pretty and pathetic picture it presents) but a few years back this had stopped. The mob justice executions had been getting out of hand so the heavy military hand had been applied. And in this instance today I assumed they would just grab the dude rough him up alittle and take him to the station which happened to be few blocks away. That's... not what happened, these guys didn't rough him up a little they started hitting him with the intention to KILL as I saw it at least. I voiced this out to my companions I was walking home withand they pretty much confirm that's the intention, one of the people mostly the crowd that had been assaulting the thief had been men, young and middle aged alike with the older ones unable to participate urging them on. To hit harder like what??? So like we keep moving cause the crowds started getting more hostile and no one wants to get caught in the crossfire but long story short this is fucked up.
This rant is so long so there will obviously be a part two to talk more by the subject because I'm definitely not done
Editors note: (Also forgive any of my mistakes my exams are around the corner so I'm kind of in a study break while I'm editing this)
To be continued... It's 10:47pm I'm tired I'll post part two soon bye. (Goodnight form miss editor)
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orieriee · 2 years
Get to Know Portgas D. Ace! A Character Analysis ✮
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masterlist here
Author's note: disclaimer, this is my own interpretation based on what I've seen and some information I gathered from blogs here and there on the internet. I've wanted to do this for so long because I like to make and read fictions about certain characters but sometimes it can get too OOC (which is not my preference) so I'm making this to help me understand about the character more and write more accurate fics! Also english isn't my first language so forgive me if I worded it badly :'
I might do more when I'm free so let me know which character(s) to do. Feel free to leave some thoughts on this too in the comments/reblogs or the ask box!
warnings! do not repost anywhere. some minor spoilers.
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Please read the disclaimer beforehand, I don't want people to misunderstand :'') and before that, I've seen people interpreting him a bit out of character, which is not really my preference when reading fanfics about him (which is ok and it is also totally ok if you're ok with it or you do prefer it) I don't blame people for making him have those "stereotypes" because it's a fic, it's up to their interpretation and it's fun. But I wanna dig a little deeper on his CANON characteristics.
Also before we get into the analysis, the difference between Alabasta's Ace and Wano's Ace 😭 I'M SOBBING. I'm sorry Alabasta Ace lovers but I tend to roast my favorite characters and ACE MY BOY LMFAO. They did Alabasta Ace dirty, he has very greasy hair and what is he so smug for?? 😭
read more about his overall personality down here!
Overall Personality based on data
Based on personality database, Ace's an ESTP. I've read some articles about it and did a little bit of research on it and I do agree that Ace's an ESTP.
☆ ESTP - Extroverted, Observant, Thinking, and Prospecting.
ESTP people tend to be action-oriented, sociable and energetic. They tend to be straightforward risk-takers also, diving right into the action.
ESTPs also tend to have their own strong beliefs about what they think is right or wrong. They are usually direct or blunt, they don't like playing mind games. They can be defiant, they want their freedom so to say and move at their own pace.
Sometimes they can be insensitive and have trouble acknowledging and expressing their feelings as well. ESTPs like to solve problems here and there, perhaps too much, that they may miss the bigger picture and often ignore the rules which can create unexpected failures.
☆ We can see these traits of Ace, especially in his younger years when we get to know him more. Ace can be impulsive when it comes to action. He headbutts in first when it comes to a fight.
We can also see that Ace has trouble expressing his feelings in his younger years. He won't talk to Sabo or Luffy about his problems. But when it comes to something he thinks should be said, he's often blunt about it. He also refuses Garp's wish and wanted to become a pirate instead, despite Garp constantly arguing with him to become a marine instead. This shows Ace stands by his own will and he wants his freedom instead.
It is also shown in how he went against Whitebeard's order not to chase Teach. He was impatient and wanted to settle down the problems with Blackbeard, making him hasty which led to his, well, his time in impel down :/.
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About Him
Enough about the data, let's talk about Ace overall from what we can see from One Piece.
I must say the data has already provided a rather accurate explanation/analysis of his character in One Piece but I'll sum up some more.
Despite the fact that during his younger years, we can see how rude of a kid he was, he matured up to be a rather polite lad. Apologizing for disrupting a family's meal because he broke some walls even searching for Shanks to say his thanks because of Luffy. In his younger years we also see that he struggles with his self-image and existential crisis, on how he questioned his entire existence while in his older years, it doesn't quite show that kind of a struggle.
It seems like he is finally at peace with his own existence and accepted the fact that he can't change that about himself as we can see in his interaction with Yamato in the later episodes. Though internally, I think he's still a little bit self-conscious given the thought of what he has been through as a child, it must've left some emotional scars but we don't know since that issue doesn't get shown much in the anime.
In conclusion, he had this character development and we got to see him grow from being a brat to a mature, easy-going young man that we know of Ace in One Piece.
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Another point is that he's a good brother period. He's very protective of Luffy, Pre and Post Sabo's "death". Although I must say he was more of a "tsundere" when Sabo was still around. He's also passionate, a kind, good person, he always tries to keep his promises even though sadly he passed away before he could fulfil some of them :(. (Spoiler alert: I'm talking about Tama and Yamato)
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What I recommend - A Headcanon
Ace... I would say I'm pretty flexible with Ace unlike Law, where I don't really like Law being out of character. Ace can be portrayed as cold or a ray of literal sunshine based on the situation the headcanons are in. I can picture him where he can come off as cold if he dislikes the (person), a bad boy in modern AU where he likes to fight but still keep up those playful manners of Ace, a literal sunshine because he likes (person) very much.
☆ Romantic tropes that I can see him in are friends to lovers, soulmates, crushes, and perhaps childhood friends to lovers.
But most definitely, I can see him in a platonic soulmates relationship with the reader since that's just kinda how Ace is tbh. Or a scenario where Ace likes you like romantically but he doesn't realise he's in love romantically is also a cute trope to think about (in a headcanon).
Crushes + friends to lovers is also another trope that I really like. A headcanon I like on this take is that he's really blushy when he realized that he has a crush. Even his ears and neck are red. This headcanon applies on both anime-oriented and modern setting. I could see Ace being the golden retriever boyfriend who likes to wear those college jersey jackets (although he likes being shirtless more), 99%. Also please consider him to be the clingy boyfriend, I might be biased but I would love to baby him, you get what I feel?
Talking about a type huh... That's definitely up to your interpretation but to me he lowkey gives me Itadori's ideal type vibes (big bust and all that stuff, probably jennifer lawrence too but leaning towards Nicki Minaj or Doja cat and maybe Harry Styles too) but that's just his outside cover you know. Like he didn't know you have to have a certain type so he just splat that out because people kept pushing him. So now he just tells people that if they get too annoying (my headcanon). I think you just have to be kind and loving. That's all it is to Ace if he does desire a partner.
That's all I can brain up for Ace. Let me know if you have more ideas on his character :D I would love to hear more about your opinions too! <3 Hope you enjoyed it loves <33 Ace's appreciation post!!
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