#I'm gonna start selling wet clay pots
bees-bees-fear · 1 month
On the topic of "don't pre-order games! Wait until you know it's a finished product!"
Stop playing Early Access titles. Unless it's a "pre-order and play 3 days early" you're not accessing anything early. That's the state of the game in the now. That's what it is. You're paying full price for an unfinished product, with no promise it ever will be finished.
I'm so tired of seeing a new game "come out" and it's not finished, and I have two choices
Wait for it to actually be finished, perhaps over a year from now. Get hype for it. Watch other people have fun playing it. It comes out. I've lost interest in the meantime. It is now an "old" game despite just now coming out. It's old news. It was a flavor of the month last year
Or actually play Early Access. Do all the stuff there is to do. It's not much. Kind of boring. Frustrated that I'm locked out of so much content. Wait a few patch cycles for it to be "really good" and before I decide to come back to it because there's enough new content compared to when I played. That day never comes. The game is released. I only really remember that it was a percentage of being considered fun and it wasn't really that good, and I don't want to replay back through all the progress I've lost. I don't feel like playing on release.
EA is inherently a cash grab. Its either a death knell for a studio desperate to finish a project, or it's outsourced QA that pays the dev. It's not a fun little treat for all our devoted fans who really just want to help out the little guy.
They've turned "gamers don't want us releasing unfinished games" in their favor. They flipped it onto you where you're perfectly excited to be SOLD an unfinished game, on purpose, to your face.
All of this obviously with a grain of salt. BG3 clearly had a full game waiting in the wings you were just locked out of. Likely the same with Hades II right now. But take the time to consider if you're just burning yourself out on a game that you won't be able to come back and enjoy when it's actually done. Consider if it even seems like it will ever be done.
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hol-eage · 8 years
hi holly! i was going to message you but then I got too shy, do you have any tips for someone who wants to start painting? i know you're an artist and thought you might be able to help, I really have no idea how to start, I'm just a clueless newborn fawn :( if not thank you anyway for reading this!
hello lil fawn! im sorry that u got 2 shy! i would love to talk to u if u ever want to, oh pupper i have so much to say and its all fuckin shit but maybe it could be helpful! im not a teacher idk remember this is all my perspective and u should do what u feel u should do!firstly i think you need to look at making art in two separate ways that should inform one another and sometimes work together, but while youre first figuring out how u draw/paint i would suggest working more with the 'honest kind' though i know a thousand tutors who say the opposite!!!! the honest kind~~~the im sitting with some paper and idk fuckin know what media, i just found this chewed up crayon on the floor and im going to run it across the paper,the i feel like drawing a dog and im just going to draw it like fuck proportion just draw it and have fun fun fun draw so many dogs that you start laughing because this one has the longest snout and you're imaging he would make a knughling noise, but this one! has the roundest belly with the smallest legs and would plod around wowthe i am hurting or so happy or so obsessed with this one thing and i am just going to put it on the paperthe technical kind~~~~i dont know what resources you have access to but life drawing is invaluable, if u arent on a course that offers it then i'd highly suggest looking for sessions in your community that u can go to! im gonna assume ur alone in this and not on a course, i'd say research proportion, medias, other artists and how they work, i really dont know what to say for this but try to learn how to really look? and how to accurately draw an object or figure or whateverum go to public places and try to just draw people, practice practice practice im not really the right person to ask idk idkthe thing is~~~i know alot of people who have, and i did for years, not separate the two, sometimes not even engage in the 'honest kind' which is so sad because then everything is empty!!! its so fuckin flat!!! like i used to work on hyper real drawings and they were pretty but they were nothing? they werent excited, they wouldnt get anyone excited except for people to be in awe which is useless??? and im all for pretty, like if u want to design things like patterns for use that is no lesser than fine art (i mean im a designer so?) u just have to love ur craft or learn to love it and it might take forever but pal go go go! honestly you need to learn your process, its kinda very personal and very fun to work on,say mine is~~~for my bowl ladies (my really crumby art blog is @hgjosephine u can find examples there) : process lead, where i spend days and days in the ceramics room and teach myself how to throw pots but then learn how the clay moves and how it can be manipulated into non-traditional shapes, then from making shape i look for patterns across my work, analyse it and see how the shape feels feminine and that when i hold the they feel like wobbly stomachs, then also see how it reminds me of all of the many traditional paintings depicting women dancing naked in a circle, so figure out how to show this with illustration bla bla bla in other process lead projects i have sat for a week just fuckin drawing, using paint, mixing paints, seeing how they layer! how they can be translucent! what colours work! and my project will go on from thereOR often its research lead, where i spend weeks over sketchbooks filling them with thoughts, conversations with myself, article clippings, artist works that make me go wow!fuckin!what! and from there i get a thousand ideas and experiment with them and then just search out the good, the things that excite you and make you run home to tell everyone how EXCITED you are TIPS~~gouache is the king of layering and translucency and clean work? its my favourite paintone good paint brush is ur main man, if u can afford to then a £10+ brush (art is expensive, however it doesnt have to be this is just helpful, but tbh u could use a kitchen spoon to paint with and make the best thing ever!) also tiger sells some real cheap soft brushes dont leave ur brushes in the water 4 too long (lol @me) also dont let paint dry on ur brushes (particularly arylic the most evil dried paint) good paper is worth it!!!! when ur painting with water based paint u need a high gsm paper, i dont really paint with acrylic much but i think thats chill on most paper oil is an arsehole (v beautiful tho) and wants all sorts of paper prepping bc otherwise it will make the paper go weird and oily like chip shop paper however oil pastels r my fave pals!!!! and indian ink!!!!!! ink ink ink ink (play with water and ink, like putting water on the paper and then painting on ink in the wet its FUN) idk i just started talkin and didnt stop but good luck, have fun!!!!
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