#I'm gonna get him like $40 in quarters so he doesn't have to worry about laundry for a couple months
snowshinobi · 1 year
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uh what about your brain. and stomach. and eyes
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neenahnah21 · 4 years
Find my Way Back Home XII
Summary: Bucky Buchanan Barnes is smitten to a four insignia military officer—you. How do you think things will unfold? 
 Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
 Word Count: 2,232
 Warning: Swearing?
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When Bucky left your office you felt like your body triple its weight and you can no longer stand. You can't help but bring your self to reminisce your time back in the days.
"Sergeant Barnes? What the hell are you doing in my tent at Zero dark thirty?"
"Scratch that, you're not even allowed in here unless something is urgent and important? And do you even know how to ask permission sergeant? You even forgot to render a salute" you reprimanded. On Bucky's defense he can't really render a salute considering that both of his hand were occupied.
Instead of feeling guilty and bad though Bucky only plastered you a cheeky smile.
"Thought I might bring you a coffee" he simply said, like this is the most casual thing to do when in fact this is highly inappropriate.
"You've come here at this godforsaken hour to deliver a coffee?" you asked incredulously. Bucky waited no further invitation and took it upon himself to sit on the chair opposite to your table offering you the mug which you hesitantly took.
There was a comfortable silence embracing the surrounding, in all honesty you appreciated the coffee—and the gesture. And him.
"Well I thought I might pay you a visit General, you were freakin' glorious in the field so I figured out you might be restless" you could feel his solemnity and sincerity through his words and you were glad there was a table between you two, giving you sufficient distance that disables him from hearing the thumping of your heart— how it was beating so fast that you could swear it will breaking your ribcage.
"Don't worry, 'probably the only one noticed it. You still look hot as hell" he remark and winked at you. How bold of man he is to say it to you—his superior. Nevertheless, it is one of the those reason he manage leave a mark of himself to you, make you cease from relinquishing his wake on you. Perhaps, it's one of Bucky Barnes' charm.
You playfully glared at him and reprimanded him from his vulgarity but his expression was never altered.
"That was indeed a very bold of you to say to your superior Barnes"
"Hmm, wouldn't have it any other way though, or else I won't be your favourite Sergeant" you couldn't help but laugh. He was certainly not your favourite Sergeant, you don't have favourites, but you can't deny the certainty of your fondness to this ocean blue eyes Sergeant.  He's someone you will certainly remember.
Bucky cleared his throat and brace himself, gathering all the courage he might to execute what he really came for— or main reason why he came into your tent.
Bucky might be a confident man but when he is before you he was weak on his knees.
"We're are being deployed tomorrow" he asseverate. This is something you knew already, prior to the other soldier. Something you're aware before the memo could even reach him.
You hum in understanding. It doesn't mean that you knew it beforehand it will ease the anxiousness you were feeling. It baffles you to be honest, this was part of your job, sending troops, battalion and  crops on the field, deploying them to make them do what they're made for—but for some reason deploying Bucky and his troops feels like something else; something different from the rest. You almost felt fear and resort to being irresolute, like you almost wanted them to stay at where they are—safety. But a soldier was never a soldier to feel safe. A soldier must be the one to feel anxious for him to secure the safety of others—their self were the last receiving end of their deed for they were the Forlorn Hope.
Bucky gazed deep into your eyes almost pleading and begging that whatever he was about to declare you may be in his favor.
"And I thought I might ask you on a date" certainly not what you've hope nor anticipated for. You didn't really know what you were expecting but definitely not this. In your career field, there's no room for these things.
"Come again soldier?" you reaffirm. You saw him swallowed deep and once again muttered "Please go a date with me, tonight, today , right of this moment" he said boldly.
"I know I should've of have asked you earlier, spend time with you longer but I was a coward mess and I can't find my shit to asked you out" you looked into his eyes to look for some sort of trace of ridiculousness but it was all solemn.
"This might be the only time I could do it so I'm taking my chances" he said hopefully.
You have to put down the mug of coffee in your hand or it might slip from your grasp.
"I'm sorry Buck, but I must refuse your offer" you said pitifully.
"It's just not the place" you added.
Bucky prepared himself for all the possible scenarios that might occur and this was one of those—he brace hisself for this. He prepared to armoured his ego and his heart for this, the possibility of you crushing it; and he thought he did enough but it wasn't. He thought that he was ready for the blow but he didn't expect for the actuality of it to hurt this much, just the thought of it was excruciating and he didn't thought experiencing it raw can make it ache any further.
You saw the hurt and disappointed crawled his feature and it wrenched your heart beyond words you could muster.
"Oh" was all he could respond and you understand. "I'm sorry for bothering you ma'am, I think I must keep going now" which you only replied with a court nod.
When he was about to reach the opening of your tent, back facing you, you decided to bid him your good-wishing.
"Sarge" you called last minute and Bucky was quick to turn around. You get up from your sit and walks towards him. Bucky knows the drill. At every deployment, a general would usually bid their farewells, and good tidings. Bucky couldn't be ungrateful though, he knows he would take anything from you any day even it as a small nod or attention—as long as it was from your. The dame he desperately yearned for, like a star in the sky which he couldn't quiet reach but he knows he would still gaze up on it and dream of it, quiet satisfied with even gazing upon it. That's all enough for him, he could work for that.
"Put you head on the swivel Sergeant Barnes, stay alive and come back home from the war" Bucky could only smiled at this, still flustered even to the smallest trace of concern you would display. Flattered even, that you would spare him even a modicum time of your day.
"I know you're a green eyed beast so come back home and consider it a date" you said smugly, the smirk on your face never ceasing to leave.
Bucky couldn't explain the delight he was feeling and he literally leapt his way towards you closing the distance between the two of you. Without second doubting he crashed his lips to yours, full of passion and promised, the feeling you were sure to cherish till the dawn of time. Bucky deepen the kiss and there's nothing left to do but to let him have his way on you, completely savouring this moment with him. After the kiss he gaze deeply into your eyes, unspoken pledge and sweet promises were made, you know the risks of it being broken but you were willing to held unto it will all your might and faith.
This will surely hurt you, not that you could care as of the moment, Bucky Barnes was worth it all.
"You bet I will" he said and his remarks makes the both of you chuckle and that was the last moment you shared with him before his departure.
In the year 1945, nothing devastated you more than the news that reached your quarter on the day of January; the news that bear about the fall of the Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes.
The only promised fulfilled on the night of your sweet pledges for one another was the heartache you've anticipated.
You wanted to take his offer earlier. You really do. It was extremely tempting to do so but as much as how selfish it is you wished that he would ask you to go on a date because he remembers that he promised you in the 40's the he would. But looking back at him earlier you knew just right away that he didn't.
You need to be honest when you hear about the Winter Soldier escapade and when you saw him, you wished that he would finally come back and go look for you, but he didn't. And you figured what they have done to him. How they've racked his brain to forgot and manipulate him you beat yourself for the first couple of months, blaming yourself for not being able to save the love of your life from the hands of those monsters.
Then this mission came, you thought and highly hoped that maybe if he will see you he will finally remember, Steve did, so maybe he would—but he didn't. Yes, you could see his eyes lingers to you, you can notice how he purposely let his body and skin touch yours every chance he got, the concerns in his eyes, but never the trace of recognition.
So when he asked you, you refused. Until he remembers, he's nothing but the Bucky of the 21st Century and not your Bucky back in those days. You don't necessarily want him to be the same man, no. That would be hypocritical of you. You just want him to recognize and remember you. Know that after all those years and decade he still remembers your like how you haven't forgotten him even a single day.
Your silent reminiscing were halted when Bucky immediately barged in into the room without knocking nor saying anything. Because of the intrusion you were jolted and now standing. When Bucky got a glimpse of you he waste no time at ceasing the distance between the two of you, crashing directly his lips into yours and enlacing you with a bone crushing embrace. His left arm immediately snaked at your waist and the other one holding your face gently but firm like an instinct.
"Well that was such a bold move Sergeant" you said in between the kiss when you were trying to grasp up some air to make up for the air lose during the kiss.
"Didn't even bothered to knocked. That was a left hand salute"
"Well are you gonna reprimand me?"
"Are you gonna finally listen to me?" you've retorted.
"That depends, do you want me to be a good soldier because I think I knew you prefer me bad" he answered back, his smug never leaving his face. But a moment pass and it was altered by a loving and adoring one.
"Well aren't you such a bold and vulgar, Sarge"
"And I think that's why I'm your favourite" he said proudly which earned a chuckled from. Definitely.
"I thought you forgot" you said solemnly looking in his eyes longingly, not really fully grasping that you were finally in his arms once again. Never you've thought this dream of yours will still come into a reality.
"And I couldn't believe I didn't remember"he said sounding so regretful.
"How could I forget" he stated—more to himself.
"It doesn't matter though, you've come home, you've finally came home and remembered" you said placing both of your hand unto his face, reassuring yourself that you were not dreaming, you need to feel his warm skin that always comforts you to reassure yourself.
"Yeah, I'm home, and I think I owe you a date" you couldn't help the smile that is creeping its way to your face.
"You're late" you release and laughter that lingers fondness. Oh how music it is to Bucky's ears.
"Almost a century late" you said feigning solemn.
And then a smile breaks again "but that's fine, I can probably make an exemption . Like a certain soldier asserted, you were my favourite Sergeant" and laughter from the both of you were emitted in the four corners of the room.
"Who would of have thought you would make a dame such as I to wait for less than a century for a date" Bucky chuckled at your remark and stare at you with all fondness, making up for all the time he loss and failed to show it.
"In my whole long century life, never have I met such a remarkable women as you are"
"And in my whole century being never have I met a century old man that still possess such virility"
And Bucky could only laugh at your vulgarity, remembering how cheeky you were back in the days. Oh how he have longed to be in his dame's arm. After a century long, he have finally found his way back home. He is finally home— and you're his home.
Always and forever—till the end of the both of your times.
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