#I'm gonna be wracking my brain all day.
jacobglaser · 1 year
I had an idea for a gifset before I fell asleep last night and was like, oh I don't need to write it down I'll remember it. WELL.
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sstargirln · 4 months
art donaldson x fem!reader
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TW: smut MDNI - p in v, oral m receiving - infidelity, art is a little bit of a perv, derogatory language
word count: 2047
¡! ❞ a/n: bold = art's thoughts!
art knew it was wrong. he knew it was wrong when his eyes tracked your body with every stretch, every jump, when his dick began to rise as he watched you play, when he caught himself thinking of you while fucking his wife.
he knew it was all so, so, so wrong.
but yet, when you came up to him, after winning his match at the tournament the two of you were playing at, asking if he coached (he didn't), he found himself blurting out a desperate and high-pitched "yes!"
you raised your eyebrows slightly at his tone, but smiled brightly nonetheless. "great!" you responded, looking up at him through your lashes. "i'm gonna try out for the olympics, sooo. i need a really good coach."
i'm not a coach. tashi's a great coach, art thought. my wife, she's a great coach.
"well, i'm a great coach!" art assured you. why did i say that? "at least, that's what, um, they tell me." who's they? shit, just shut up. he clamped his mouth shut.
"good," you nodded. "here's my number. just text me your availability." you fumbled with your purse, producing a wrinkled piece of paper with your phone number scrawled on it.
"will do," art answered, curt, dry, and professional so he wouldn't say anything too stupid like i'm super infatuated with you and i was staring at your tits the whole time you were talking and i want to bend you over and fuck your brains out every single time you make eye contact with me. or something along those lines.
you smiled again, flashing your perfect teeth before turning around on your heels and flouncing out of the court, leaving art standing there, jaw slightly agape as he watched your hips sway. he felt a tent begin to form in his pants and he cursed under his breath.
"i'm so fucked." art downed another shot of vodka, slamming the glass down on the chipped wood veneer of the bar. "she's got, like, fucking pornstar tits, pat! it's so crazy."
patrick sat on the barstool next to him, cigarette dangling from his lips and fingers tapping a rhythm onto the bar. "and you're not gonna do anything about it?"
art looked at him with a look of disbelief, brows furrowed and lip captured by his front teeth. "obviously not! i have a wife."
"well, that's clearly not stopping you from thinking about her pornstar tits."
art sighed loudly, leg bouncing on the stool. "nothing wrong with having a little crush." he definitely wasn't thinking about how you'd look under him, pinned against the mattress of his fancy hotel room, eyes crossed, mouth agape, yelling his name. definitely not.
" 's long as you don't fuck her at your little private sesh," patrick sang, taking a long drag of the cigarette. art shot him a glare. "i'm not even discouraging it, bud. i think it'd be good for you."
"cheating on my wife would be good for me?"
"variety feels good," patrick said, passing him the cigarette. art took it gratefully, bringing it up to his lips and inhaling deeply. the two boys sat in silence for a few seconds, art surveying the dingy bar and patrick surveying the group of girls in the corner.
"i think i should tell her i don't coach."
"i think you should have sex with her."
the day of your first private practice, art was wracked with emotion — mostly lust.
the night before, he called your number, almost creaming right then and there when your voice rang out, soft and sweet, exclaiming his name. he was perched on the bathtub of him and tashi's hotel room, afraid that simply talking to you was infidelious, and that any moment, tashi would burst in and just divorce him on the spot. but the conversation went smoothly, and the next morning, art was stumbling out to a private court, racket and a bucket of tennis balls in hand.
you were already there when he arrived at the court, dressed in a white tennis skirt and black tank, stretching your legs. you smiled when you saw art and bounced up to your feet. "you're late," you quipped.
"a little," art responded, already flustered. "sorry." he gave you a crooked smile.
you smiled back and beckoned him over to where you had been stretching. a notebook sat flipped open on the ground, and you bent over to pick it up, skirt hitching up high enough that art could see the beginnings of blue lace panties.
"i watched over the recording of my match yesterday," you explained, handing him the notebook, which was filled with pretty handwriting and tennis diagrams. "my boyfriend and i just kind of wrote down everything we thought i needed to work on."
art didn't hear anything else you said after boyfriend. 'course she has a boyfriend. why wouldn't she? he nodded anyway, distracted by the light brush of your arm against his hand as you pointed out different things on the page. he can smell your shampoo. the scent of your perfume invades his senses, making him feel a little dizzy.
you looked up at him as you finished explaining, grin widening at the expression on his face. he was staring straight at you, eyes slightly glossy and breathing slow. you had him right where you wanted him.
"yeah, sounds great!" art's voice was strained, and he blinked quickly to focus back in on your voice, which was now detailing how much time the two of you had to work.
two hours. that's all. c'mon, you can get through that without a boner.
no he could not. the way you moved on the court, combined with your little squeals every time you hit the ball, combined with your tiny little skirt, combined with the grin you were flashing him, combined with you just being you, made his dick strain against his pants as he watched you from the bleachers, hitting balls into the wall.
"try to, um, keep your knees bent a little more." he was trying to coach, imitating the way tashi would talk to him when they were on the court. he barked commands that didn't really mean much and drew diagrams on the book that looked less like people and more like limp noodles.
you didn't really need the coaching — you were a beautiful player, fast and relentless with perfect technique. but you wanted art there, wanted to feel his gaze burning into your ass, or your tits, or the curve of your spine while you hit the tennis balls with amazing accuracy. he hadn't seemed to notice that you didn't need his help, because he continued to order you around in a tone that made your thighs clench and your panties soak.
after an hour, art joined you on the court, expression neutral but eyes still trained on your chest as you played a couple of sets. you kept making low eye contact with him, and it was driving him crazy.
fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
your skirt flipped up as you jumped to the side for the ball, flashing him a gorgeous view of your underwear. it flew up again, and you seemingly didn't notice as you bent over to grab another ball. art noticed. he also noticed the prominent wet patch that was forming around your entrance, making his breath hitch in his throat yet again.
she's wet. for me?
you continued to play, but art was distracted, faulting again and again. "are you okay, art?" you called from across the court, noticing his troubled expression.
art nodded and replied with a pained smile, holding up a thumb.
"your serve."
after your practice, you made your way back to the locker rooms. you were chattering about technique, taking great pleasure in the way art was looking at you, pupils blown and eyes low.
you split at the entrance, art making his way to the men's showers and you to the women's. "shit," you muttered, looking up at the big CLOSED FOR MAINTENANCE sign.
art was just standing under the water, letting the cold hit his skin as if to rid him of the thoughts he was having and the absolute raging desire that coursed through him. he jumped when he heard the creak of another shower knob turn behind him.
you were already undressed, and the sight of the perfect tits art had been dreaming about bare made him dizzy. you gave him a crooked little frown. "women's showers are closed. hope you don't mind."
art shook his head slowly, eyes locked on your figure. "not at all."
fuck this.
he couldn't contain himself any longer. he sprung at you, grabbing you by the hips and latching his lips onto yours as water continued to cascade over the two of you. you reciprocated the kiss sloppily, hands roaming over his toned skin as your tongues tangled.
you didn't really care, but you felt like you had to say something to protest, make up some type of excuse that made you seem like a little less of a bad person. "we really shouldn't," you panted, pulling away. "you have a wife."
"you have a boyfriend," art spat, hands still freely exploring your chest. "an' that didn't stop you from being a little slut back at the court." art's words were stinging, because this was all your fault. how was he supposed to focus on his wife when you were here, so beautiful and willing?
that was all you needed to kiss him again, nodding and swirling your tongue against his. art continued to grope at your tits, pinching and pulling at your nipples. you glanced down at his dick, which was brick-hard and glistening under the water. dropping to your knees, you tease his tip with soft, sloppy kisses, making him buck his hips against your mouth.
slowly, you took his dick down your mouth, sucking at the tip hard enough to elicit a low groan from the man. up and down up and down up and down on his dick went your mouth, your pace quickening as his hands reached down to grip onto your hair. "shit, love," he grunted, snapping his hips so he was fucking your throat, causing tears to spring into your eyes. you had never looked more beautiful in art's eyes, sopping wet, mascara smudged and hair sticking to your face in little ringlets. he continued to shove his cock down your throat despite the little gagging sounds you were making. with each thrust, his moans grew louder, his fingers tangling in your hair. finally, he pulled out of your mouth with a pop!, spurting cum all over your face and some into your open mouth.
"turn around."
you turned your body so you were flush against the wall, ass sticking up and chest pressed up against the cold tile. art surveying your folds, unable to tell if the sopping entrance was covered in just water or arousal too. either way, it served as the perfect lubricant, allowing his cock to slip right into you, making you arch your back against him. the moans slipping past your lips were practically pornographic as he rammed into you hard enough that you could feel the bulge in your belly. art grunted with each snapping movement of his hips. "fuck," he hissed lowly, the feeling of your beautiful, tight little pussy around his cock so good he heard himself whimper.
your whole body moved as he pounded into you feverishly, hands slipping against the wall as you tried to stabilize yourself. your pussy clenched around him, legs shuddering as your release rushed through your body like an avalanche of pleasure. you glanced back at him, taking in the way his eyes fluttered and his mouth shook. "does tashi feel as good as i do?"
and that was it. 8 words that threw him right over the edge, spurting into you with fervor. infidelity shouldn't turn him on this much, shouldn't feel so fucking good. but it did.
and when he stumbled back to the hotel room, pecking tashi lightly on the lips, cock still throbbing, he thought to himself — patrick was right, variety felt amazing.
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¡! ❞ © niya-writesshit 2024
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bleedingoptimism · 6 months
part one -> 📱💞🚙
part two -> 📱💞🚙
It only takes a week for Steve to show up at this door again. He knocks on the door late at night and he’s panting as if he’s run all the way there, “I had to see you” he says and it's overdramatic and kind of romantic, and Eddie barely resists the urge to jump in his arms and kiss him. Or check if there’s a filming crew and it’s raining because of how much this feels like a movie, but it’s a beautiful night outside.
“Come in,” he tells Steve, immediately turning and running around the living room, throwing away empty food containers and tidying up a bit. 
Steve watches him amused, but stands by the door, hands in his pockets, “So…” he says, “Came home today to find Chrissy, Vicky, and Robin all sitting at my dining table with their heads buried in a phone” 
Eddie looks up at that, because what the fuck? He looks at Steve confused and Steve nods, like he agrees with Eddie.
“The three of them lifted their head at the same time, it was kind of freaky honestly,” He keeps going and Eddie chuckles, curious as to where this is going, “They wanted me to see this,” Stevee finishes, lifting his phone up, the first episode of the van series playing, right at the part were Eddie first sees Steve and blushes while looking at him.
Back in reality Eddie is blushing again too, Steve saw the van series, he knows. Steve knows. “Steve…” he starts even though he has no idea what he’s gonna say.
But Steve doesn't let him try, doesn't let him think. He takes two long steps towards Eddie and kisses him, hard but short, pulls away holding Eddie’s face between his hands, and brings their forehead together,
“I didn't know,” he breathes.
Eddie shakes his head, “How could you not, I was so obvious I-”
Steve just kisses him again, once more short and sweet before pulling back, “You never said.”
Eddie wraps his hands over Steve's wrists, just holding them there, moving his thumb over Steve’s pulse slowly. He can feel how hard Steve’s heart is beating, can feel it match the rhythm of his own heart. And he wracks his brain, trying to remember if he ever did ask Steve out, or if he ever stated he liked him out loud.
He ends up laughing at the stupidity of it. Everyone knew Eddie loved Steve, except Steve, “I’m- I don't what to say. I'm sorry I-” he starts but Steve shuts him up with a kiss again, “It’s okay, I know now”
This time when they kiss, Eddie doesn't let Steve keep it short. He keeps him close, kissing him deeper, harder, longer, until he doesn't know where he begins and Steve stops.
The next day a new video gets uploaded. “Goooood morning!” Eddie says, even though it is clearly noon, from the passenger seat of his van, “Guess who is ready for their road trip!” he smiles and pulls the phone away from him, so both he and Steve are in frame. Steve is driving, eyes on the road but a huge smile on his face, Eddie’s hand is clearly visible on Steve’s thigh in the shot before Eddie moves the phone back to his face, “We’ll keep updating you guys, can’t tell you exactly where we are going cause we’d like a little privacy,” he says and wiggles his eyebrows, a soft gasp and a whispered and heated ‘Eddie!’ is heard in the background, “But we will upload videos from where we’ve been in a few weeks!” he films Steve once more, who looks at Eddie with a big sappy enamored smile on his face and then films the road for a few seconds, the world passing by the window. Finally, he twists the phone back to his face and says, “Oh! And don't worry about who’s going to drive… we’ll switch” and he winks and ends the video.
the end
☕🥐💕 coffee? by a roadhouse?
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chaoticharrington · 5 months
Chapter One: Professor Harrington and Mr. Munson
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Pairing: Professor! Steve Harrington x Best Friends Dad! Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Not much...YET.. lots of smutty smutt smutt to come. Vague mention of depression/ bad childhood/anxiety , mention of drug use/ cigarette smoking, Eddie and Steve being hot, Reader is in their mid 20s and Eddie and Steve are early to mid 40s
Summary: Reader moves to the one and only Hawkins, Indiana and meets her sexy new sociology professor and realizes she might have a crush on her best friends dad..oops
Authors Note: Hi folks!!! this is so nerve wracking i've never really properly written for either of these characters before except in my head and reading lots and lots of smut! I really hope you guys like it, i'm really excited for what's to come for this series, I haven't thought of a name for it yet so i'm just going to go chapter by chapter but its gonna be a fucking wild ride so buckle your seat belts :) 4k words (Also older Eddie pic by the lovely @eddiemunsons-missingnipple )
**Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five**
(banners and headers by @cafekitsune)
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Were you doing the right thing? Could you do this on your own? What if you failed?
Your head filled with doubt now that your dreams you’ve had since you graduated high school were now coming to fruition. You saved up all the money you could, working odd jobs for a few years after high school to have enough money to get out of your hometown and into a good college states away.
You shake away all the negative thoughts, no. This had to work you were going to make sure it worked. This is your new start, to create your own life. It had to be better than back home, where no one gave a shit about you and your own parents didn’t care enough to stick around after you graduated high school, not that they were the most involved parents to begin with anyways. Even the friends you had back home were just party related or friends of friends, you were always on the outside looking in, never properly fitting anywhere. The only reason you decided to move specifically to Hawkins was because your only real friend, Violet, that you’ve had since you were 12 had moved here 10 years ago and you’d made a pact long ago that if you ever got out of that town, you’d follow her here.
You pinch your fingers to the bridge of your nose, willing the thought of your parents and back home to go back into the little dark corner of your brain. You can’t breakdown now, not right before your first class, how pathetic would that be?
“Focus focus focus, come on you got this.” you muttered quietly to yourself over and over until the anxiety subsided. You take a deep breath, willing your lungs to fill with air to cool down your buzzing insides. You look in your car mirror to make sure your makeup still looked good and fidgeted with your clothes.
You were never one to obsess over your appearance by any means, but you really wanted to make a good first impression. You had your hair pulled up into a butterfly clip and had on your favorite dress a pair of black tights and your trusty Dr. Martens. With one final look in the mirror, you sigh and grab your bookbag and get out of your car. You look on your phone to triple check that you were in the right place, the last thing you needed was to be lost or even worse late to your first class.
You’d only moved into your apartment off campus the day before so you haven’t had time to look around the town or get used to your surroundings yet. You noted that your car didn’t stick out like a sore thumb. Your car was a few years old and was always something of an insecurity for you. But most of the cars that filled the almost completely full parking lot were older or used cars, which put you at ease. You head into the Humanities and Social Sciences building and check for a fourth time, Sociology 101 room E142 Professor Harrington.
The room is much bigger than you thought, chairs and desks circling the podium at the front of the room. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding as the room was only half full of other stressed out looking students preparing for their day ahead. You decide to pick a seat towards the middle of the room to not look too eager.
As you’re getting your laptop and books out of your bookbag you hear footsteps walking into the room and the girls behind you immediately start giggling and whispering to each other. You look to see where they’re looking hoping they aren’t making fun of you, you see them biting their lips and looking at the front of the class. You follow their eyeline and your breath hitches.
Where your sociology professor should be standing is an Adonis, he has thick honey brown hair, peppered with grey, that frame his handsome face. His skin impossibly sun kissed like he’d just come back from a tropical island and not living in Hawkins, Indiana. He smiles nervously at the class; his smile is warmer than the sun despite his nervousness, warming you from the inside out. He’s wearing a white button down covered by a navy blue sweater, a pair of grey slacks and black high top converse.
“Ahoy folks! Are you guys ready to set sail on this vast ocean called Sociology with me? I’ll be your Captain Professor Harrington!” he claps his hands, his eyes waiting and hoping for a response.
The girls behind you giggle and a few other students around the room follow suit, he sighs contently. He goes onto explaining the syllabus and assignments for this semester. The class flies by, he’s easy to listen and pay attention to, sure his looks help but he seems genuinely interested in what he’s teaching. Which is a breath of fresh air, you diligently take notes, making sure not to miss anything. Before you know it, class is over and people start packing up their things.
“Oh class before I forget, if any of you are commuters, come get a parking pass from me unless you want a ticket.” he announces to the class, most of the class you assume living in the dorms hurry out of the room.
“Because not only are we charging students tuition we are also charging students just to park on campus, capitalism at its finest folks,” he snorts, shakes his head, and walks to his desk leaning against it.
After finally putting all your things away and checking where your next class is you head up to him. Just being near him makes your heart beat a million miles a minute, like your unworthy of being in his presence let alone so close to him.
He smiles warmer and wider as you stand in front of him, “Hey what can I do ya for?” he asks brightly.
“Oh, uh, I just need a parking pass if that’s okay,” you say quietly.
“More than okay my dear!” he declared. You blush at his words while he picks around in his desk drawer for a parking pass. His nose scrunches up in frustration as the digging becomes hastier and more urgent.
“I coulda swore I put em in here… or did I leave them in my office?... shit,” he breathes.
You giggle at his disorganization, and he looks up at you embarrassed, you wondered how a man who looks like how he does could ever be embarrassed about anything. The girls who sit behind you would agree.
“I promise I’m not usually this discombobulated.. just uh first days always come sooner than I think.” he chuckles
You nod knowingly at him “No worries I can always get it tomorrow or something.” you say waving his worries off.
He looks up at you through his glasses relieved “Really? That- that would be amazing. I would go grab them from my office, but I don’t think I have enough time to before my next class.” He studies you for a second like he’s actually looking at you for the first time.
“What’s your name again hun?” he says casually, as he opens his computer and types on his keyboard.
Your heart flutters at the continued use of nicknames, you take a second to study him again before you respond. He’s hunched over his desk, typing and clicking away on his computer like he’s searching for something. His eyes crinkled at the edges with age, memories of many days smiling and being in the sun. You notice his freckles that adorn his face and neck that you couldn’t see during class. If you had it your way, you’d take your time to count them all to try and make sense of his godly beauty. And his hands.. his hands look so strong effortlessly gliding across his keyboard.
You must have taken too long to answer because he looks up at you expectantly and raises his eyebrow and smirks. You shake your head slightly trying to regain your composure.
“S-sorry first day jitters, my heads a bit scrambled,” you confess to him. You tell him your name quickly, you hoped that your cheeks didn’t look as red as they felt.
His eyes softened a bit and nodded and continued to type on his computer for a couple more seconds before turning to you again.
“I emailed campus security to let them know that it’s my fault you don’t have a pass and if they do give you a ticket just bring it to me and I’ll sort it out for you, okay?” he states and steps away from his computer to face you again.
“Oh wow thank you so much Mr. Harrington, I really appreciate it!” you chirp
His face scrunches up at the name, and chuckles, some of his honey brown hair falling in front of his face, his hand ready to catch them and put the strands back in place. You were mesmerized.
“Uh Mr. Harrington is my father, call me Steve er Professor Harrington works to if you don’t want to be on a first name basis.” He says kindly
“Oh well thank you regardless…Steve.” his name sounds foreign but good on your tongue. You stare at your shoes and then realize that you’ve been in here looking at your professor for far too long.
What the fuck were you thinking? He probably thinks you’re insane but is too nice to say so.
“Ya of course,” he dismisses you easily.
“Anyways I don’t wanna keep you, have a good day,” you apologize.
"You too Y/N,” he calls, as you head out the door, glad that your back is to him so he can’t see you blush again just because he said your first name.
“Get it the fuck together.” you mutter to yourself as you walk aimlessly out of his classroom.
The rest of the day goes without a hitch, you find yourself actually excited for the upcoming topics in your classes. You’ve never given yourself the opportunity to properly nerd out about the things you’re interested in.
You finally get back to your car after all your classes and groan at the sight of a ticket stuck onto your windshield.
“Fuck…” you whine
Too tired to get it taken care of today you drive home and plop on your bed. Even though your classes were super interesting, it was very mentally draining. Extra draining because you’ve tried to force your brain to focus on classes and not think about your sexy sociology professor.
Was he this nice to all his students? Did you catch him eyeing you up while you were talking or were your eyes playing tricks on you? You keep trying to reassure yourself he is just really nice. But his hands… his smile…
You groan and rub your hands against your face trying to shake all the whirling thoughts out of your head. You force yourself to think about literally anything else, then your tummy rumbles. You haven’t had time to grocery shop considering you had just moved in yesterday and your fridge was completely empty except for some bottles of water and condiments.
Your phone buzzes next to you on your bed, you open it and smile.
“BITCHHHH I MISS U COME OVER! You’ve been in Hawkins over 24 hours & ive gotten radio silence from u! ur presence is being requested in the munson household immediately!
P.S Bring food my dad is starving me over here”
“At your service m’lady, cheeseburgers good?” you respond quickly
“ur a life saver babe<3”
Your mind drifts away from your professor and the ticket that is burning a hole in your bookbag. This place already feels more like home than any time you’ve ever spent where you were born. You missed your best friend so much. Violet Munson has been your ride or die best friend for as long as you can remember. You two became friends when you were sitting alone in the lunch room one day and she came and sat right down next to you and you two have been inseparable ever since… that is until her dad decided to move her back to Hawkins to be closer to family after the divorce right before freshman year. You had been crushed getting your best friend ripped away from you like that, but then you guys made the pack to get out of dodge when you could, and now you’re here… in Hawkins,Indiana.
You change into comfy clothes and grab some cheeseburgers, fries, and onion rings from the only burger joint in town and headed over to the Munson residence. You’ve never actually been to her house before because your parents never allowed you to visit after she moved away, so you two mostly kept in contact over constant texts and lots of facetiming.
Pulling up to her house you were more nervous than you thought, you hadn’t seen her in so long and hoped things wouldn’t be awkward. You turned off the ignition, grabbed the food, and went to open your door when you heard a scream come from the front of the house. You lift your eyes to see your best friend jumping up and down on the front porch in her pajamas. Violet had long bright purple hair and thick black eyeliner, kind eyes, a wide smile, and an infectious laugh.
You laughed and dropped all the food in the front seat of your car and ran to meet her in the middle of her lawn and tackled her to the ground. You hugged her tight, squeezing your eyes together wishing the tears at the corner of your eyes to go away.
“Vi I missed you so fucking much.” you whisper
“Awe babe I missed you too.” she shares
You both get up off the grass and you grab the food and head inside. You set the food down in front of the tv like you used to do when she lived closer to you. You sit down on the couch and while she grabs plates. You sigh deeper into the couch, everything was just picking up exactly where you two had left off, you were gonna be okay. You smile quietly to yourself and then head to the kitchen to help her bring everything into the living room. You decide to watch a new horror movie that just came out, the two of you always bonding over everything creepy and spooky. You let Violet tell you about her partner Quinn, who she met a few years ago and was head over heels in love with.
Then the front doorknob jingled, and you heard the familiar thud of heavy boots.
“Ho- holy shit is that Y/N?!”
You turn to face the familiar voice at the door. “Hey Mr. Munson, long time no see!” you breathe.
Fuckk… when did Vi’s dad get so... hot?... what the hell is wrong with you today? First your sociology professor and now your best friends DAD?!
He grins widely at you just like his daughter, he shrugs out of his boots and walks into the living room.
“I got you a cheeseburger on my way over, still like double meat and cheese on your burger?” you question.
Mr. Munson puts a hand over his heart and falls into the love seat next to the tv.
“You remembered, I’m touched sweetheart.” he beamed.
“oh yeah no problem at all!” you blush.
“Well I’ll let you guys catchup, don’t need me harshing the vibes, Vi’s been nonstop talking about you coming to Hawkins  a month!” he chattered
Out of the corner of your eye you see Violet roll her eyes at her father.
“Dad no one fucking says “harshing the vibes” anymore or at all, you’re aging yourself old man,” she chortles
Mr. Munson chuckles and puts his hands up in the air in surrender “Alright alright I’m leaving, if you guys need anything I’ll be in the garage. Thanks again for the burger Y/N!” he says kindly holding up the burger in one of his large tattooed hands.
You beam up at him happy to help, and this time you get a good look at your best friends dad. He’s aged so much better than you could ever imagine a man with Mr. Munsons lifestyle to ever age, the expression aged like fine wine captures it perfectly.
His brown hair still wild and curly as its always been but tied up into a low bun at the base of his neck. Only difference is the now visible little grey streaks that run through random curls. He has more laugh lines at the side of his mouth and the corners of his eyes. Still wearing his normal garb, black jeans with loads of rips, a band tee with a leather jacket. His chocolate brown eyes still full of mischief and debauchery. His nose ring ever present but you spy a few more additions to his tattoo collection, specifically a new neck tattoo and a few more on his hands.
Fuck his hands… wait you have to answer him. Answer him before it’s weird that you’ve been staring at him so long.. you’re really on a fucking roll today.
“It was my pleasure Mr. Munson really,” you gush.
He gives you a wink that goes straight to your core and vibrates in your bones and heads to the garage.
Violet didn’t seem to notice how flushed you were, eyes still on the screen, interjecting at random times when a scene looks to fake or when the blood splattering doesn’t look real enough.
After the movie the two of you head upstairs to Vi’s room, she wanted to show you her new additions to her every growing crystal collection and a few polaroid pictures of her and her partner.
“They literally make me feel like a princess I feel so lucky, for our 3 year anniversary they gave me these black tourmaline pentagram earrings, aren’t they so cute?!”
Your heart fills with warmth, Violet has always been loud and unique, you are so happy for her that she found someone who accepts her for who she is and loves her for it.
“That’s really sweet Vi, i'm so happy you have them, and that they treat you so well,” you grin.
“Thanks… what about you though? You’ve always been very singular… looking to change that any time soon? You deserve to be happy babe, even if it just means getting laid you deserve to get some. You’re a fucking catch dude” ,she compliments
“I mean you know I had a thing with Dylan for awhile before he got back with his girlfriend...” you murmur
“Oh COME ON, you know that’s not what I mean, not some assholes rebound!” she insists
“Vi I don’t have a line down the block like you used to have, you’ve got that whole hot sexy goth girl shit going on, I’m just me.” you babble and point to your gorgeous best friend
“What about Tom? You were with Tom for a long time what happened with him?” she asks obliviously.
“Fuckin cheated on me,” you sigh. Re-living your lack of romantic endeavors to your very not single best friend being up there in the top 10 most pathetic things to date.
“Oh fuck that guy, how fucking dare he!” she sneers while she tries to light the perfectly wrapped blunt in her hand.
“Shit I think my lighters dead, can you go ask my dad if he has an extra?”
You nod and head downstairs and search for the door that leads to the garage, finally you find the door you’re looking for and the image in front of you almost makes you audibly gasp.
Mr. Munson has a cigarette between his lips hes strumming along to some metal song that he’s humming the tune to, occasionally sucking in smoke and blowing out the side of his mouth. His head bobbing to the tune of the song completely in his own world. He’s beautiful.
You look at the way his fingers move to the beat and strum the strings on his guitar, mesmerized by how pretty they are. You can see all the calloses on his hands from all of the years of playing.
Your hand moves without thinking and knocks on the side of the garage door, getting Mr. Munsons attention.
“Oh shit, hey honey, ya need something?" He questions
“oh yeah sorry, Vi’s lighter ran out, and we were trying to light a blunt, you got an extra?” You ask.
Growing up, Mr. Munson had always been the more laid back between Violets two parents, letting her test the waters herself allowing more than the normal parent would. But as long as she was being safe and not doing any hard drugs he was mostly lenient with her. Not that it mattered much now that she’s grown.
“Uh yeah I probably got one around here somewhere, come pop a squat while I look.” he gestures to the chair beside him.
Your legs wobble while you move into the garage, it smelled so uniquely of him. His leather jacket draped over the back of his chair, smoke in the air, and metal music playing lowly in the background.
His space made you feel at home, the garage door was open so you could see the sun setting in the sky, and the metal music is weirdly comforting. You find yourself tapping your feet to the beat.
Eddie went to his truck looking for an extra lighter and your eyes wander to his guitar. You can tell he really cares about it, its clean, the strings look freshly changed, and recently polished.
“Oh yeah she’s a beaut isn’t she?" He observes proudly, leaning against his car with a new found lighter in hand.
“Yeah really pretty Mr. Munson,” you remark.
He smiles at you, “Here ya go, I don’t know how much juice is left in it.” He hands you the lighter, for the few seconds your hands connect you see how much bigger his hands are than yours, it almost makes you topple over in your chair.
“Thanks,” you reply. You grab the lighter with your hand and put it in your pocket and push out of the chair headed back into the house.
“Were you always this shy?” he asks inquisitively.
You turn around to face him confused by his question, you never really considered yourself shy, it just takes some time for you to come out of your shell.
“Shy?” you reply. fidgeting with a loose string on your sweatpants, your lips in a fine line.
“Yeah..you just seem.. shy or sad maybe, you doin okay?” he presses
You sigh hard trying to find the right words to explain the last few years and what would be appropriate to share with your best friends dad. “I’m fine really, just a long few days.” you share and smile to try and make it convincing.
He clicks his tongue and you know that he doesn’t believe you, your heart sinks. You never want to put your sadness or hurt onto anyone else, you’re a big girl and you can handle it on your own. You change the subject to the empty beer glass on the table in front of him, “Need another beer?” you ask
“Read my mind darlin, thanks,” he replies.
You head to the kitchen to grab him his beer and head back to the garage to bring it to him. When you get back he’s back at it strumming on his guitar in his own world, you wish for a second maybe you could just sit in his little world with him, it’s quiet and peaceful, no thinking required. You set the beer on the table and turn to head back upstairs.
“Hey Y/N, if you need anything or even just to talk I’m around, I know I’m not Violet, but if you need another friendly face, I’m here.” he smiles warmly at you.
Your heart melts, of course he’s the sweetest man in the whole world. “Thank you Mr. Munson that really means a lot,” you blush. Thankful to have one more person in this town on your side.
You close the door behind you and rush back upstairs hoping Violet doesn’t notice how long you’ve been gone. You hear voices and giggling on the other side of the door,
She’s on the phone with Quinn.
“She’s returned! Come here I want you to meet Quinn!” she exclaims. You breathe out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, no excuse necessary. Your friendship with Violet has always easier than breathing. You spend the rest of the night smoking weed and talking on the phone with her partner, glad to have the distraction from your recent interaction with her dad.
Did he really mean what he said? Or was he also just being nice? I guess he kind of has to be nice to me, being his daughters best friend. Plus he’s so out of my league, a man like him would never go for a girl like me, right?
Only time will tell.
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No Pressure Tags!: (Just tagging some mutuals I thought might enjoy!) ** If you wanna be tagged in the next fic lemme know**
@untitled74745 @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @munsonology @lesservillain @tlclick73 @dukesmebby @cozyquinn @rowanswriting @succubusmunson @teddyeyeseddie @lofaewrites @chaoticmunsons @ryan-waddell11
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babyseraphim · 4 months
so, the show's been cancelled, i know. but if they're not gonna make any more content, then by god, i'm gonna fucking do it myself.
my healing needed more than time
Chapters: 5/? Word count: 22.4k
After tangling with the spirit of a mad scientist, Edwin is left with a seven-year-old Charles that has no memory of him or their afterlife together. Edwin learns about Charles’s childhood in steps, as Charles finds his way back to the family he’s built by working through the trauma of his past.
dye it all, rosary
Chapters: 2/2 Word count: 9.2k
Edwin doesn't understand how trauma works. He and Charles learn the hard way. (A fic based on the long-lasting consequences of the Lust circles of Hell on Edwin's psyche)
I'm So Aces at Babysitting
Chapters: 2/2 Word count: 3.7k
Edwin babysits little Charles, and Charles babysits little Edwin. They go to the planetarium and the skate park, respectively.
foolish flame
Chapters: 1/1 Word count: 5.6k
Orb-based will-o'-the-wisp mythology case fic written for Painland Week. Charles finds out what it's like to be the brains for a day, and Edwin is enraptured by his partner's endless talents. They kiss about it.
Chapter: 3/3 Word count: 9.1k
The aftermath of being used as a witch's magical battery has left Edwin's spectral body wracked with daily pain. Despite Crystal's protests, he does not think that Charles needs to know.
By Lantern’s Light
Chapters: 3/3 Word count: 13.6k matching playlist
Edwin is kidnapped by a demon during a case, leaving Charles and Crystal to pick up his trail. It takes them four days to find him. AKA, a heartbreaking story of love and near loss told from three separate perspectives.
All of the below fics are part of my pre-canon series and should be read in order
The Case of the Selkie’s Skin
Chapters: 4/4 Word count: 14.1k matching playlist
Charles and Edwin are hired by a recently deceased selkie to track down her skin, which was stolen from her and hidden away by her husband before he passed on. Charles finds that her story hits a little too close to home.
Victrola Blues
Chapters: 1/1 Word count: 3.6k
"[Edwin’s] past with music had unfortunately set him down a road that eventually ended with being murdered and imprisoned in Hell for seventy years. Most days, Edwin cannot help but believe that if his love of music hadn’t been so all-consuming, he may have gone on to live a full life."
The Case of Eros’s Arrow
Chapters: 4/? Word count: 13.2k matching playlist
Charles and Edwin are hired by a deity of love four days before Valentine's Day to seek out a stolen magical item. What could possibly go wrong?
Series OC Masterpost
Writing Scraps
x x x x x x
Charles & Edwin Crystal Niko Esther Monty
(please feel free to send me song suggestions for any of these
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readerthatreadsss · 1 year
Sweet Fantasy | Dean Winchester
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GIF by born-to-be-his-baby88
(gave myself an actual pat on the fucking back for finding this gif like y'all are gonna see how perfect it is in a second!)
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem! reader
Word Count: 3.9k
Summary: Dean won't eat his vegetables...until you offer to cash in on a very recent fantasy of his, that is.
Warnings [18+ MINORS DNI]: P*rn w/ some solid plot action actually, a bit of domestic fluff sprinkled in, reader and Dean are married (don't know if that's a warning but you should know?), reader dresses up in a sexy Zorro costume with the hat and mask included, handcuffs (Dean receiving), mentions of a safeword but not used, fingering/masturbation (reader receiving), oral sex (brief Dean receiving), a whole lotta teasing (Dean receiving), p in v sex (cowgirl, missionary), unprotected sex (wrap your willy before you fuck her silly!), dirty talk, switch! Dean, switch! reader, very vocal Dean, brief choking (Dean receiving), creampie.
A/n: Hey! Sorry for disappearing for 3 months again...So classes finished almost 2 months ago and I've been wracking my brain about what to post. I tried finishing some of my drafts and it just wasn't working for me idk. Then, like any normal person, I was randomly watching some SPN bloopers this morning and it got to a scene where Dean said sometimes he wants to get spanked during sex by a girl wearing a Zorro mask and my brain ran with that shit IMMEDIATELY. Now, I'm so sorry I couldn't actually write him actually getting spanked without it sounding corny and just wrong to me? But I did write all of this in 7 hours without stopping so I'm honestly proud of it regardless.
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It was a Sunday evening in the bunker, meaning you were responsible for dinner. With that task came the additional task of getting Dean to eat whatever vegetables you cooked without complaining and engaging in a rant that would end with him calling himself the “meat man”.
It’s not that you were concerned about Dean's weight or appearance, after 7 years of marriage you were confident that there was nothing in the world that could make you love Dean Winchester any less. But having a steady diet of beer, beef, and pie was a surefire way to kill any man of Dean’s age faster than any monster or demon.
And God knows you’d do anything to ensure he didn’t die before his time.
Hell, you have before.
Which is why you made Dean agree to eat a side of only vegetables with whatever meat he wanted at least once a week. This week it was string beans and sautéed mushrooms, aka his least favorite vegetable.
But you didn’t have the time to make the 45-minute drive to the grocery store earlier that day so he would have to deal.
Or you wish he would deal…
“Mushrooms? Baby come on,” he complained when you placed his plate before him.
“Hey, it’s all that was left in the fridge. Eat up,” you shrugged, placing a kiss on the crown of his head.
“You know, we could always do no vegetables,” Dean offered with a wide grin.
You chuckled and used a finger to squish his stubbled cheek. “You wish, Winchester.”
He sighed in defeat and turned to pick up his fork.
You looked to make sure Sam was out of earshot before leaning down to where your lips grazed Dean’s ear. “Tell you what, if you eat those vegetables I’ll do that thing you told me about…later” you whispered.
Dean’s eyes lit up immediately, “The thing?” he harshly whispered.
You nodded with a smile.
“Costume and everything?” He made a gesture with his hands.
“Yup, I’ve been hiding the costume for weeks.”
“I’m game” Dean agreed, digging into the mushrooms first.
You turned away to share your own plate with a smile.
“I’m gonna go grocery shopping later,” Sam announced as he sat beside Dean with his plate. He met your eyes, “Anything else you forgot to put on the list?”
“Yeah stop at the liquor store and grab me a bottle of red? I ran out,” you answered sitting across from the boys with your plate.
Sam grabbed a pen and a piece of folded paper from his pocket and added it to his list, “Yeah, no problem. What brand again?”
You swallowed a piece of your chicken with a smirk. “I’m sure you already know seeing as you’re the one who emptied the bottle to the very last drop,” you addressed Sam.
His pen slipped from his grip, his green eyes widening to meet your narrowed ones.
“You drink red wine?” Dean pointed at Sam in disbelief as a laugh rumbled in his chest.
“How did you know?” He asked you, ignoring Dean’s quip.
“I saw you passed out in the library clutching the bottle the other night.”
“Listen Dean finished all the beer and it was the first thing I saw,” he defended himself.
“Oh, you’re getting more creative with your excuses. I'm impressed!” You gushed, sarcasm evident in your tone, “What was it again last week? ‘Oh Eileen wanted to taste some’ " you mimicked his gruff tone causing him to roll his eyes and Dean’s laughter to grow louder. “-when we all know that Eileen is a white wine type of gal.”
"I-" Sam tried to come up with a retort but eventually gave up. “Whatever.”
“Yeah pick up 3 bottles this time in case Eileen wants a taste,” you replied with a grin.
“Three bottles?!” He exclaimed.
“You aren’t the one paying for it, genius,” you reminded him, referring to the unlimited card Charlie hacked for you all those years ago.
“Yeah but I’m gonna have to lug it up here,” Sam mumbled as he stuck his fork into his chicken.
Dinner continued mostly in silence with Sam thinking about the two lousy trips he’d have to make between his car and the kitchen once he returns with the groceries, Dean thinking about the reward he’ll be getting for the vegetables he’s actually grown used to eating, and y/n thinking about all the ways she’s gonna make Dean squirm later.
~ ~ ~
Hours had passed since dinner and Sam was now on his way to the grocery store leaving just you and Dean in the bunker.
To say he was excited would be an understatement.
Dean first told you about this fantasy of his after a case you had months ago required you to take a trip to an adult costume shop to question the owner. It took mere seconds for the image of you in the very specific costume to cross his mind after laying eyes on the packaging.
You laughed at the idea when he told you and silently decided you would try and find the costume.
Of course, he didn’t believe you would actually indulge him but you were actually excited too. Costumes and toys weren’t new territory for you and Dean but they were few and far between with your unpredictable hunting schedules.
Dean now sat at the edge of your shared bed wearing pajama pants and a t-shirt waiting for you to return like you had promised.
But it had been almost 20 minutes since you left to get changed and his patience was wearing thin. He was seconds away from getting up and coming to see if you needed help or if you were even hurt.
Which you predicted would be the case.
So you had been standing out of sight by the doorway for less than a minute now waiting for him to try and leave.
“Damnit,” Dean eventually gave in to his worries and began to make his way to the door.
You smirked once you heard his determined steps drawing closer.
Dean’s eyes widened once you spun from your hiding spot against the wall to stand before him. “Looking for me?”
You watched his throat bob and his pupils dilate as he took in your full look.
Atop your head and face rested a sexy black Zorro mask and matching hat. You were also wearing a black sleeveless leather top that stopped in your midriff region and had strings tied between your breasts that allowed a whole lot of cleavage to be on display. The leather skirt that accompanied was low-waisted and stopped at your upper thigh, matching the black thong you were wearing beneath.
You had stretched the thin straps of the thong along your hips above the skirt for added flair.
In your right hand, you held a fake silver sword similar to the one Zorro held in the movies, and hanging from the left side of your skirt were two handcuffs ready and waiting to be used.
You were sex on knee-length boot-covered legs.
Dean felt himself growing hard already.
You bit your bottom lip at the way your husband’s eyes roamed your body, hoping the dark red lipstick covering it was as transfer and waterproof as the box advertised.
“You look...stunning,” Dean marveled. The model on the packaging of the costume didn’t come close to how it looked on your body.
Your heart swelled at the compliment before remembering the persona you had practiced for the night ahead. “Oh I know,” you took a step closer and leaned against the doorway. You pointed the sword in Dean’s direction. “Why are you still dressed, Dean?” you asked with furrowed brows and a smile.
A chuckle almost left your lips at the sight of Dean fumbling with his pant strings and tripping over his own legs to send the pajama bottoms flying over to a random corner while throwing off his t-shirt with record speed.
He stood before you in only his boxers, his enjoyment of your costume evident by the bulge in the center.
“Get on the bed.” You told him, your tone not excessively commanding but sexy enough to make him obey immediately.
“Yes ma’am,” he smirked, quickly sitting and sliding up to the headboard of the bed.
You walked further into the room and placed your sword down before climbing onto the bed and slowly crawling to where Dean sat. His green eyes followed your every move as you moved to straddle him, but not fully.
You then grabbed the two pairs of handcuffs attached to your hips and twirled them around your fingers. “How you feeling Dean?” you checked in, your hips hovering above his thighs, making sure to not touch his erection just yet.
“Oh, I feel great. Real great. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this great,” he nodded eagerly as you cuffed each of his hands to each bedpost, getting a face full of your boobs in the process.
"You sound nervous," you teased him, "Am I making you nervous baby?"
"Me? Nervous? Pfft!"
You scoffed, not believing him one bit. "What's our safe word?" you asked him gently.
Dean leaned forward as much as his restraints would allow to press a sweet kiss against your stomach. " 'Oklahoma', baby," he grinned.
You then let your clothed ass sink down on his covered erection. Dean groaned and tried to reach for your hips instinctively only to meet the restriction of the handcuffs. “I hope they aren’t too tight 'cause they’re gonna be on there for a while,” you nearly bust out laughing at the look Dean gave you.
“A while?” he repeated, dreading not being able to touch you at a time like this.
You shrugged, “If you behave I might change my mind.”
Before he could argue further, you leaned forward and connected your lips in a searing kiss. His breath was hot against your face as your lips drifted to his neck while your hands found themselves in his hair.
A breathy groan slipped past his lips when you nipped a specific spot beneath his ear lobe. “You’re so loud. Maybe I should’ve bought a muzzle,” you whispered in his ear teasingly, feeling his dick jump beneath you at your words. “I'll remember that next time,” you replied to his body's response.
“Baby, do you have any idea how amazing you look? ” Dean gushed, struggling against his restraints as you began to grind your hips against his covered cock.
You smiled and met his lips in a kiss once again. He slipped his tongue between your welcoming lips, allowing his taste to flood your mouth. You pulled away seconds later, nipping his bottom lip, and removed yourself from his lap.
He watched nervously, awaiting your next move while you scooted farther away from him along the bed. You slowly slipped off your boots, your confidence unwavering as you held Dean’s hungry stare.
He watched you use a hand to hold yourself upright before spreading your legs open to reveal the lace thong covering your already-drenched pussy. “Are you about to..." he trailed off, jaw clenched as he spoke.
"Hmm mhm. And there is not a damn thing you can do about it...except watch," you slowly removed your thong and threw it at Dean’s lap. He immediately became hyperaware of the feeling of the wet lace draped over his dick.
You slowly brought two fingers up to your lips and sucked them even slower to coat them in your saliva and give Dean a show before bringing them down to where you needed them the most. You began slow ministrations against your aching clit, pulling moans from yourself that made Dean impossibly harder.
He took a deep breath at the sight, imagining his own fingers parting your folds and rubbing at your swollen clit.
“You are a menace,” Dean laughed in obvious distress, licking his dried lips. He couldn’t handle watching you touch yourself without being able to touch you any longer so he looked away, swallowing harshly at the sound of your wetness against your fingers.
“Look at me Dean,” you mewled, continuing to rub your pussy in small quick circles. He turned reluctantly, watching as you slowly pushed two fingers inside your dripping hole. “See this, baby? It’s all for you,” you said, melting into a moan when your fingers grazed a spot inside you that drew your orgasm closer.
“I gotta taste you, baby,” Dean pleaded, “Open these and let me taste you, please,” he rattled the handcuffs against the bedposts.
The pure agony in his voice had your fingers and breathing speeding up and soon your climax was approaching. Dean’s breathing picked up in response. “Fuck, Dean I’m gonna cum,” you moaned, pressing a thumb to your clit while your fingers kept working inside of you to bring you to the edge.
A thin layer of sweat appeared on Dean’s forehead as he watched you keenly. He bit his bottom lip hard enough to draw blood, his self-control draining by the second.
Your eyes remained open and locked onto his, your moans growing louder and borderline pornographic. You were putting on a show and he was losing his mind.
“I’m cumming, fuck-“ you panted as your first orgasm of the night slammed into you and caused you to make a small mess on the sheets beneath you. Your body shook sporadically with aftershocks of your own work
Dean’s head hung low. “Jesus baby,” he huffed, his own voice strangled, “you’re trying to give me a heart attack aren’t you?”
You smiled as you crawled back up to sit on Dean’s lap, taking your thong and throwing them somewhere unseen. “Ehh maybe,” you replied coyly, straightening your hat and mask. “And since you behaved so well,” you reached a hand down to touch his clothed cock, “I think you deserve a reward,” you pressed a quick kiss to his lips.
Dean allowed you to pull his boxers off his body, watching you wrap a hand around his painfully erect cock. “Fuck,” he groaned at the feeling of your hand wrapped around him.
You slid down to where you could lay flat on your stomach between his legs and leaned down to briefly swirl your tongue around where precum was gathered at the tip.
“Take the hat off and look at me pretty girl,” Dean said.
You complied, throwing the hat off to the edge of the bed before diving down and licking his tip once again, but this time keeping your eyes locked onto his.
“Holy shit,” Dean groaned, his hips twitching upwards. You then opened your mouth and wrapped it around his length, slowly sliding down until your nose was nuzzled at the base, staying there for a few seconds before coming back up for air. “Hell yes, baby that's perfect,” he panted as you began sucking faster along his length, a few lone tears flowing from beneath the mask from the familiar stretch of his cock in your throat.
Your head continued to bob up and down Dean’s length for some time, drawing shallow moans of your name and grunts from him before you finally let up and pressed one last kiss against the side of his cock.
Dean’s chest heaved as you licked your lips and used a hand to wipe your face clean. “Goddamnit," he whined at your sudden stop, feeling his impending orgasm return to its hiding place.
You grabbed your previously discarded Zorro hat and placed it back on your head before hiking your skirt up to allow you more room to move your legs around Dean’s lap. “Can’t have you cumming before I’m done with you sweetheart,” you replied while untying the strings of your top and removing it.
The keys to the handcuffs dropped onto Dean’s lap from where you previously hid them in your top. You had honestly forgotten you put them there but it just presented yet another opportunity to get Dean all whiny and desperate, which was a rarity that you rather enjoyed.
“Oops would you look at that,” you exclaimed playfully, taking them up and dangling them in front of Dean’s eyes.
"Alright baby you broke me. Come on, just let me go, and trust me, I will make it worth your while,” Dean bargained with you.
"As enticing as that sounds," you paused and brought your hand up to caress Dean’s cheek before pulling him in for a sloppy kiss. You pulled away with a grin. “I love hearing you beg, so no,” you whispered against his lips.
Dean loudly groaned watching you gently place the keys down on the closest nightstand. “Shit,” he shut his eyes.
But they shortly shot open once you used a hand to grip his length and bring it between your dripping folds.
A pleased hum left your lips once the tip glazed your clit causing Dean to swallow harshly. “Aren’t you sick of teasing me,” he hissed.
Fuck no.
You used a free hand to grip the back of his hair. “Take a deep breath for me, Dean,” you told him, feeling his chest rise against yours soon after. And as it fell, you slipped his cock inside your entrance.
You slowly sank down onto his length until it was fully buried inside you, groaning at the welcomed stretch.
“I love those sounds you make for me,” Dean whispered against your lips.
“Oh you’re gonna be making some of those sounds too,” you smirked, clenching around him causing a sharp grunt to reach your ears.
You guided your hips up and down Dean’s length, riding him at a quickening pace. He jerked his hips upward to match your cadence drawing a gasp from your lips when his cock hit that spot inside you that had you seeing stars. “There you go baby,” Dean groaned, “you look so fucking good riding my cock.”
The hat and mask from your costume managed to stay in place as you slammed down on Dean’s cock repeatedly. And it was an image that he would never forget.
Your hand released Dean’s hair and instead found itself wrapped around Dean’s neck as you rode him faster. A whine that shot straight to your cunt escaped his lips when your fingers slightly tightened their grip around his throat.
You suddenly slowed down and instead began to grind your hips against his, moaning loudly when your clit grazed his pelvis. “I’m gonna cum again shit!” You threw your head back in obscene pleasure, releasing Dean's throat and holding onto his shoulders to steady yourself.
“Fuck yes. Use my cock to get off, sweetheart,” Dean urged you on before leaning forward to suck one of your nipples as best as he could.
This soon pushed you over the edge, your climax tearing a scream from within you as your hips faltered around Dean’s cock, your hat flying off your head once more. Dean relished in the way your cunt pulsed around him from your orgasm as well as the look of sheer pleasure that crossed your face at that moment. “You’re so beautiful,” he smiled up at you, meaning every word.
You kissed his forehead with a smile and reached for the handcuff keys. “I think I’ve tortured you enough,” you freed his right hand first, pressing a kiss against his wrist, then did the same to his left, “This is supposed to be a reward after all.”
Dean’s lips curved into a smirk at his newfound freedom. “Yes it is, sweetheart.”
A surprised yelp left your lips when Dean gripped your hips and flipped you onto your back. He grabbed your hat and placed it on his own head before sending you a wink. “And I’m not feeling rewarded just yet.”
You nearly came just from the sight of Dean hovering above you in only that hat. “We’re gonna have to talk about my sexy cowboy fantasy when we’re done here,” you raised a brow.
A low chuckle echoed from Dean’s chest. He reached up and tipped his hat in your direction, “yes ma’am.” He replied with a deep southern drawl.
Your pussy clenched instantly.
“That was hot as fuck,” you breathed.
“Thank you darlin’ “ he replied in the same accent with a wink.
You giggled before pulling him down for a kiss. He pulled away and touched the mask still wrapped around your eyes. “And thank you for doing this for me, baby,” he smiled down at you, “It was so so much better than I imagined.”
“It was definitely my pleasure,” you nodded happily, feeling his hands glide down your sides.
“Was?” He protested playfully. “The night is still young, sweetheart!” He threw your legs over his shoulder causing you to exclaim at the sudden move. He placed a kiss on each of your thighs and lined himself up with your entrance before entering you once again.
“FUCK” you cried out at the sudden intrusion, feeling your eyes well up with tears of pleasure in record time.
Dean pulled out and slammed into you once again, his grip on your legs tightening as he eased into a quick pace.
“YES-Dean holy shit,” you moaned, eyes quickly rolling to the back of your head and back arching up and off the bed as he fucked you with reckless abandon.
“How’s it feeling baby?” Dean said, bringing a hand down to play with your clit.
“So good, Dean, so fucking good,” you rambled, your skin buzzing with pleasure, “Harder, please, I'm almost there,” you found yourself begging.
“You gonna cum for me already pretty girl?” He sped up his slaughter on your cunt, "Maybe I should make you beg for it?" his voice was low and demeaning but only spurred you on more.
You shook your head adamantly while your hands fumbled around Dean's waist for a solid grip. So he simply released your legs and grabbed your hands before holding them down above your head, driving his cock into you even harder at this new angle.
“Dean!" you broke off into a strangled moan.
Dean’s lips attacked your open neck. “I wish we had neighbors so they could hear you screaming my fucking name,” he all but growled as the sounds of your moans and skin against skin plagued the air.
You came with a yell seconds later, your release coating Dean’s cock and the sheets. “That’s my girl. There you go baby,” he released your hands and held your face, guiding you down from your high.
Your hands gripped Dean’s hair harshly as you kissed his lips and his hips stuttered, his cum coating your insides soon after. You swallowed his grunts as his cock continued to leak and twitch inside you.
Broken pants befell both your lips in between sloppy kisses while your orgasms passed and your shared spend flowed between your legs. You eventually released his lips for air, “That was-“
“-Incredible,” he mirrored your thoughts, removing your hat from his head. Dean used a hand to remove your mask and brush a few strands of hair behind your ears once he moved to lie down beside you.
“Hi,” you grinned in awe of the man you called your husband. “Hey sweetness,” he grinned back, adoration evident in his deep green eyes.
Your cheeks flushed as he pressed a kiss against your forehead. He quickly grabbed his previously discarded t-shirt and used it to clean up the mess between your legs before throwing it in the laundry basket nearby.
You snuggled into his side once he returned to the bed.
“So uhh what was it you were saying about your cowboy kink?” Dean smugly asked after a few seconds.
“Goddamnit Dean,” you shamefully groaned into his side, gaining a chuckle from him.
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Hope it wasn't too bad seeing as I gave up on editing it like 75% through it.
Tbh I highly doubt more than 20 people are gonna see this because I have no idea how strong the Supernatural fandom's presence is on here, which also means that I don't know if anyone has used a plot like this one before so don't be afraid to let me know if that is the case and I will make changes as I see fit!
(Also let me know if you want a sequel one shot with sexycowboy! Dean and reader. Or feel free to make any other requests)
Reblogs, likes, and comments are ALWAYS appreciated :)
divider creds : @cafekitsune
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swampstew · 1 year
Period HCs with Monster Trio + Law, Killer, and Kid
Ya girl is wracked with cramps, overflowing with emotions, and seriously lacking in chocolate :( enjoy this utter nonsense my blazed brain baked as I curl back into fetal position.
Summary: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Law, Killer, and Kid ranked by how they would handle themselves while you have your period. Implied established relationship♡
Minors DNI.
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The worst actually. Not on purpose but Luffy's lack of awareness or self-restraint makes it difficult to appreciate his efforts. Not to mention he eats your snacks. You'd think with Nami and Robin on board he'd have some idea of what you're dealing with. Nope, you have to explain it again, it'll stick this time but it comes with another round of curious/invasive questions.
All your period comfort foods? Gone. The replacements? Also gone. You're lucky if there's a crumb of your favorite snack left over. Thankfully for everyone involved, his crew lends him a hand to make sure you're (eventually) satiated with alternatives and don't go on a murder spree during your cravings. On the flip side, Luffy abuses his power as Captain to have Sanji bring you both all the food when the kitchen is finally restocked. Good luck and bite him back if you have to!
His saving grace is using Gear 2 to cuddle and keep you warm. Giving you heated massages, foot and belly rubs until you're purring like a kitten. Unfortunately, he can only do the same thing for so long before growing bored. He needs a lot of intermittent breaks.
Has no tact, will ask you uncomfortable questions about your "thing going on" or your "comma" because he's so very curious and maybe also looking for ways to "fix you." Once he finds out about period poops, its over for you - there will be hourly check-ins. He'll make sure you're well stocked up on absorption products so there's that (also say thank you Nami, Robin and Franky)!
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Zoro is shockingly adaptable but I guess if you spend enough time with one girl for two years - and also live with 2 full time - you're gonna learn a thing or two about having a period. Also, surprisingly reliable at getting you what you need, so long as you don't mind 2 hours to 2 business days to get it. Look he's trying ok?!
Be careful with what you say though. If you joke about cutting your uterus out, he'll take you at face value and have his blades ready. No one is a better slice master than he! Why is Chopper having a heart attack? BRB gotta tend to the younger bro.
Is not phased by your bodily changes or anything you might perceive to be "gross." Bodies are natural and they're just doing what they're meant to do, and for what it's worth he's trying to say things that will make you feel better but they don't always land. This comes from a guy who showers maybe twice a week so take the compliments as you will. He means them with his whole heart!
Out of all the guys, he's the only one who will respect your craving habits in a supportive way. That's to say he'll give you everything you want, but he knows when to cut you off before you make yourself sick. He also has a (terrifying) gift of knowing when your body is flushing itself out and he'll be right at your side with a tampon or pad in his hand at the ready. "I'm very in sync with you."
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Ranks third because he's so fucking logical and doctorly. The kind of doctor that expects his medical advice and prognosis to outweigh your personal experience/feelings. Has Law ever experienced intense cramping and a headache while gushing a pint of blood and also pulled a full day's shift? No! "Doctoring" immediately invalid. Unless he gives you paid time off in which case his license is once again formally recognized.
On the OTHER hand, he will always have a colorful variety of options for you to take care of your personal business. He buys all biodegradable products, recyclable ones too! He also offers the best choices in birth control for you. Gynecology wasn't his specialty but taking care of his crew is so he studies and gets his license on the downlow.
Is VERY particular about his time spent and frankly, cuddling in bed isn't something he's entirely excited about. Sure he can do it with Bepo but that's like sleeping with a teddy bear you've had your whole life. Another person is different, especially one that needs his undivided attention and comfort. He'll give it and he won't complain about it, but he's not familiar with it and might be awkward at it for a time. Once he figures out what works best for you and let's himself relax around you, he's got the cuddling and rubbing your belly/lower back down to an exact science.
Questionable palate offerings when he first experiences your cravings. You had to teach him what's what when it comes to comfort eating and nutritional eating when you're in pain and your brain feels a bit scrambled from existing. Ikkaku had tried in the past to broaden the snack closet but it never stuck. With you, Law suddenly remembers to get things outside of his own personal preferences and comforts. It's comfort food for the BEPERIODED, LAW.
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It's entirely because he's a chef and a well-groomed cutie that he ranks this highly. Honestly it was neck and neck between him and Law. His resume in the kitchen makes you forget about his perviness and near-infantilization of you.
You'll never have a craving unsatisfied because Sanji will go to the ends of the Earth to curb your hunger. The One Piece and All Blue can wait, his darling needs a rich, velvety chocolate mousse two minutes ago! He absolutely spoils you which may lead to overstuffing you until you feel worse than how the cramps made you feel.
Sanji waits on you hand and foot during your period. Practically carries you from point A to point B if you so wish. It might get annoying after a while if you don't like a hot blonde popping in your face every 10 minutes to offer you something you knew you needed but didn't know you needed right that second and you're kind of annoyed that he got it before you could even vocalize your own needs! Does that happen to anyone else or...? If you're into that pampered lifestyle, Sanji is the guy for you.
He wasn't around women a lot but living with Robin and Nami he did learn about products used and comfort items sought out, which he gives you in abundance. Sanji's weakness - period boobies. The slight swell has him a blubbering mess and he will always try to sneak a peek. He may or may not be able to smell your pheromones - its unclear but he is definitely sniffing you from time to time.
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The clear winner out of the others its not even a joke. Is the trifecta of caring, supportive, and intuitive. The Period Manager™ everyone else should go back to their ship. No I am not biased.
Killer is the Chef of Carbo-loading but he knows his way around the kitchen and can make anything you desire at any given time. Desserts aren't his strongest suit but its the effort that makes it taste all the sweeter. You will never be without chocolate, praise be.
You've seen him so you know he knows muscles. Yours will become putty in his hands as he gently massages your aching body. With the help of low dose pain killers, Killer will slay your pain one sore muscle at a time.
Killer is so intuitive that he knows you have your period before you. Has your cubby on the bathroom countertop that includes: pads, tampons, flow-cup, aspirin, fuzzy socks, eye mask, and bottled juice. Your robe is hanging behind the door. He loves you so much.
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Haha bitch you though. Kid is the true winner. Killer was the favored winner but you might have forgotten this is me we're talking about and Kid has never done anything wrong in his life ever. I support all his rights and wrongs, and I cheerlead at every speck of effort he puts in.
Where everyone else had mentors or positive authority figures to bond with, Kid had Killer - and Killer tried his fucking best. But not even someone as amazing as Killer can be a single mom and raise a mentally stable, well functioning person in society in a corrupted, gang-ruled regime. HOWEVER - Killer did teach Kid how to treat his period-having partner during their woes and Kid's success is Killer's pride and joy.
Like Luffy, Kid will definitely swipe your snacks and food because he's a greedy, greedy glutton. Prove you can bark back at him to stand your ground and he'll yield to you with a scoff and a pout. He doesn't even LIKE your snacks, he claims🙄 He'll make sure you have enough to satisfy your craving and then have a month supply in the hull of the ship just in case. This is where he'll sneak a few for himself without your notice.
Being the King of Treating Himself, Kid will generously make you things to comfort you. A weighted, heat-controlled blanket; a vibrating teddy bear that hugs your belly; a snack organizer to keep your preferences nearby; a personal cold/hot water cooler; pretty things to make you smile; dirty things to excite you for when its over; the gifts are boundless. So are the period products that he basically just steals from the other women in the crew.
“Captain you better reimburse me for those heavy flow tampons!!”
“I’m busy Quincy. Go bitch to the piggy bank (Wire) about it!!!”
In his line of work, he's used to nitty gritty and things better left to the imagination. Also a bit grimy himself on occasion. That said, nothing your body does will ever disgust him. He rolls with whatever you throw at him. Bloodied bedsheets? He'll gently toss you and the sheets in the tub. He'll help clean out your soiled clothes. Buy or steal whatever you need to ease your comfort. Embarrassed by the way you feel or look? He'll give you a reassuring kiss on the cheek and say, "Eh, I've seen/heard/smelled worse."
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mariposa-writes · 2 years
The Assistant - Part 2
Summary: I hate writing summaries...
Word Count: 1.6K
A/N: let me know what you think! I love feedback, thanks!
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It was 9:56 when Travis texted you asking for your apartment number. You didn't bother replying and just walked outside to find his car, which was parked in front of the unit you stayed in.
He was standing outside the car, leaning against the hood. "I was going to see if you needed help." He said, opening the door for you.
"I'm fine, but thanks."
"So this is where you live?" He asks eyeing the building suspiciously.
You could tell he wasn't fond of the place and wouldn't be spending an extra time here if he didn't have too. Argentine wasn't the best area to live it, but it was more affordable than Johnson County.
"Do you live with anyone?" Travis asked, realizing he really didn't know much about you.
"Maybe you should." He said under his breath but still loud enough for you to hear.
"Why would I? I like living alone."
"Well, I was just thinking that maybe if you had a roommate you could afford a nicer and safer place."
You were slightly offended that he was judging your apartment so harshly. "It's not a bad place to live. Most of the neighbors are good people, just trying to survive with the little money they have."
"You said most not all." You rolled your eyes, already regretting this little doctors appointment.
"Well the few that aren't so great stay out of the way. They actually aren't that bad, they try to keep the violence away from where the kids play and try not to included innocent people in their beef." You liked where you lived, maybe you could do without the nightly gunshots but for the most part it wasn't bad.
"Alright, whatever you say." He said holding up a hand in mock surrender, while keeping the other on the steering wheel.
The rest of the ride was relatively quiet, besides the music playing softly in the background.
The doctor’s appointment went well and in 5 days you were supposed to have your surgery. You just first had to get your knee to bend to a 90 degree angle.
You spent all week working on it, and it was much harder than you thought it would be. You were about to call your best friend when Travis’s called ID popped up in your screen.
“Hello?” You said answering the phone, confused on why he was calling
“Hey, it’s Travis” he replied
“Yea, I know.” You we’re wracking your brain on why he was calling when it finally hit you. “You’re not calling to cancel on me tomorrow right?” You asked starting to worry.
You let your mind get the best of you more often than you’d like to admit.
“What? No. I was actually calling to see if you wanted to stay here so we wouldn’t have to wake up as early tomorrow” he explained, “ I know you’re not really a morning person.”
“Uhh, are you sure?” Over the past year and a half while working for Travis you’d had many late night and early mornings, but you had never once stayed over at his house. Even if you were only gonna get 3 hours of sleep, you would go home for them.
To be honest, you didn’t really want to be alone tonight. You were nervous about the surgery, even though it was a basic routine. You’d never been out under the knife before and this was stressing you out more than you cared to admit.
“Yea, I’m sure. I can pick you up in an hour. Also the doctor said you’d need someone to watch over you so I figured you could stay at my house for a few days. Maria will be here and she can help you.”
“Okay, sounds good. See you in an hour.”
About an hour later Travis was knocking on your door. “It’s open” you yelled from your bedroom. He slowly entered not, wanting to over step.
“You ready to go?” He called.
“Yea, just grabbing my bag.” You walked into the living room with ur bag slung over your shoulder. Travis was standing in the middle of your living room, looking around at what he could see.
Your apartment had always been the perfect size for you, one bedroom with a living room, kitchen, and bathroom but with Travis in the room it suddenly felt to small.
He hadn’t noticed that you had walked in yet, you cleared your throat getting his attention “Ready to go?” You chipped, ready to get Travis out of your space.
He cleared his throat like he’d forgotten how to talk. “Yea, let’s go.” He took your bag from you and and carried it to the car.
It was silent for the first half of the ride, which you were normally fine with. You guys didn’t talk much unless it had to do with work. “Thanks for doing this Travis.”
“Yea, it’s not a big deal.”
You wanted to protest tell him that it was a big deal. He was paying for the extra expenses you couldn’t cover, he got you a good doctor, and most importantly he was there for you through this whole thing so far.
Which was something you never expected from him. You expected him to fire you since you wouldn’t be able to do your job for at least three weeks.
Maybe he wasn’t as bad as you thought. He wasn’t ever some raging asshole boss, but he liked things a certain way.
You guys never talked about your personal lives, you knew more about his due to your job but you never openly discussed or asked about his. You just let him tell you what he wanted to.
He pulled into his garage and helped you out if the car. Your knee was only getting worse, it was giving out more often and becoming more painful to walk on.
Travis kept a hand on the small of your back, the whole way into the house. Catching you when your knee gave out, on the way to his kitchen. "Hungry?" He asked as you sat down on the stool at the island in his kitchen.
"Yes, but I can't eat until after the surgery tomorrow."
"I forgot that you had to fast."
"Yup, worst thing about this dumb surgery." You laughed, earning a small chuckle from Travis.
"Ok, I figured it'd be best if you stayed in my room since there's no stairs to get there. Maria changed the sheets and set it all up for you."
"You don't have to give up your room."
"It's fine, I'll be staying in one of the guest rooms upstairs."
"Don't argue." He said placing a glass of water in front of you. You glared at him, but didn't argue. "I have some stuff I need to do tonight, but I was thinking we could hang out once I'm done."
"Yea, that's fine."
"Perfect, make yourself at home. I'll find you when I'm done." You nodded as he walked upstairs to his office. You got off the couch, not sure what to do. You felt like you needed to work and be doing something productive.
But instead you sat on his couch and powered on his gaming console. He already had NBA 2k23 in so you decided to play that. You play with the kids in your apartment complex when you watch them for their mom. She normally pays you back in the best baked goods in the world.
You'd been playing for about an hour when Travis walked into the living room. "You play?"
"You any good?" He asked sitting down besides you and grabbing the other remote.
"I'm okay," You lied not wanting to brag. You liked to think you'd gotten pretty good at the game, often times beating the kids you watched. "Why, wanna play?"
"Yup, just don't be sad when I beat you."
"Ok," You said, rolling your eyes.
The rest of the night consisted of you and Travis playing different videos games, you beating him in NBA and MLB. He beat you at Madden, "That's not fair you have an advantage over me!" You protested, "You can think all strategically about the game since you play in real life!"
"Oh, your just mad you lost." He said powering off the console. "You're a sore loser." he mumbled.
"I am not a sore loser. It just doesn't happen often so I'm not used to it."
"Oh really?" he raised an eyebrow at you, clearly not believing you.
"Yea! See your used to it, I'm not." You smirked, knowing you were getting under his skin.
"I'm used to it? Who has a super bowl ring and who doesn't?" He asked pointing between you two.
"Oh, that was like 2 seasons ago, get over it." You laughed, as he rolled his eyes.
"Alright, well I think this is a sign to call it a night. We gotta be ready to go by 6:15."
"Okay." You nodded, getting off the couch. Travis walked you to his room.
It felt surreal being in his room. You rarely came in here, not ever really needing too. If you did come in it was to grab something from his closet real quick and leave. "Bathrooms, in there. Call if you need anything."
He said getting ready to leave, just as he was about to close the door you called him. "Travis?"
"Thank you." He smiled, "I mean it."
"I know, you're welcome. Now go to bed." He shut the door to his room and you could hear him walking away from the door. You climbed into his bed, it was comfier than you could ever imagine and it smelled like him despite Maria changing the sheets.
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cruel to be kind - chapter one
pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (90s college AU)
summary: it started with a dare. Bucky restlessly pursues Y/N, seeking just one date. as he chases her, he realizes she's different from she challenges him, so he starts to catch feelings. but it all falls apart when she learns about his initial motivations. based on 10 things I hate about you!
warnings: alcohol use, cursing
word count: 1.4k
series playlist
series masterlist
taglist: @sebsgirl71479 @ozwriterchick @notmeddy @drewsuncrustables @lokidokieokie @nats-whore @m4nulup1n @arcanebabe @tanyaspartak @jackiehollanderr @princezzjasmine @pono-pura-vida @mavrellover91 @helluvapimp @charmedbysarge @blackwood-bodecker-housewife (message me to be added)
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There were three bangs that came from the other side of the wall and a voice yelled, “KEEP IT DOWN. SOME OF US HAVE STUDYING TO DO.” 
The small group of college boys playing Nintendo 64 groaned and turned the music down a few notches. This was a usual occurrence for a Thursday night.
“She is such a bitch!” Zemo said.
“Come on, cut her some slack,” Bucky said.
“Since when are you defending her?” Sam asked.
“I’m just saying, if you guys were my neighbors, I’d be annoyed too.”
“Alright then Barnes if you like her so much-”
“I don’t even know her,” Bucky interrupted.
“I’ve got a proposition for you,” Zemo continued.
“What’s that?”
“Take her on a date.”
“No chance,” Bucky scoffed.
“I dare you.”
“I’m not ten years old. Daring me to do something isn’t gonna work.”
“Oh I see,” Sam added, “You know she won’t say yes.”
“That’s not it-”
“I didn’t think you were afraid of a challenge,” Zemo added.
“I’m not-”
“Sounds like you’re making a lot of excuses,” Sam said.
Bucky clenched his jaw in frustration, “Fine, fine. I will take her out on a date if it’ll get you two to shut up.”
As the other two went back to playing video games, Bucky started wracking his brain on how he was going to pull this off. Y/N was Zemo and Sam’s next door neighbor and she had a bit of a bad reputation on campus. She was the star player on the field hockey team and the only thing more lethal than her stick handling was her sarcasm. She didn’t put up with any bullshit, and people found that to be intimidating. But Bucky wasn’t intimidated, he just had to think through his first move.
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He sat on the bleachers watching as field hockey practice drew to a close. Once the final whistle sounded, he took a final puff of his cigarette, dropped it on the ground and crushed it under the heel of his leather boot. He sauntered over to the bench where Y/N was gulping down a cup of water.
“Hey there doll,” he said, capturing her attention, “How are you doing?”
She crushed the cup in her hand and said, “Sweating like a pig.” 
“Now there’s a way to get a guy’s attention,” he replied. She started packing up her things in a duffel bag.
“My mission in life. But I caught your attention, so you see it worked.”
She grabbed her things and started walking off the field as he followed. “Pick you up on Friday then?” he replied.
She rolled her eyes and said, “Oh right, Friday...uh-huh.”
“I'm serious," he added.
She stopped walking and turned toward him, “Do you even know my name?”
“I know a lot more than you think.”
“I highly doubt that,” she said, picking up her pace. He stood there watching her leave.
“Think about it!” he called.
She turned around just for a moment to flip him off with both hands and then continued off the field. He stood there shaking his head with a smile. He lit another cigarette and watched her leave, wondering what his next move would be.
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Bucky stumbled across Y/N rather unexpectedly a few days later. He spotted her in the window of the record shop, browsing through albums, and decided to wait out front to say hi. She walked out of the store with a few vinyls and stopped in her tracks when she saw him. 
“Hi,” he said, with a smile.
“What, are you stalking me now?”
“I was in the laundromat and I saw you in the window and thought I’d say hi.”
“Hi,” she said, walking away from him.
“You’re not much of a talker are you?”
“Can’t say that I am.”
Bucky took a few quick steps so that he was ahead of her and then came to a stop, blocking her path.
“You’re not afraid of me are you?” he said.
“Afraid of you? Why would I be afraid of you?”
“Most people are.”
“Okay well I’m not.”
“You may not be afraid of me, but I bet you’ve thought about me naked,” he said in his most sultry voice.
She stared at him for a moment, choosing her words very carefully. 
“Wow, am I that transparent?” she replied, sarcastically. With that she nudged him out of the way and continued on her path. She turned around and saw him standing there, watching her walk away. She stuck her tongue out at him and continued on her way. He lit a cigarette as he watched her trudge off in the opposite direction.
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Bucky wasn’t giving up on her that easily. It wasn’t because he wanted to win the dare, now his interest was piqued. He could always rely on his good looks to charm women, but this girl was different. His normal moves weren’t even scratching the surface. He would have to get creative. He deduced from the run in at the record store that she liked music. As luck would have it, a local girl band was playing a set at one of the bars nearby and Bucky thought there was a good chance he might run into her there.
He walked into the bar and he immediately stuck out like a sore thumb. The place was filled with women and Bucky stood about a foot taller than everyone. He immediately made his way to the bar where he caught up with one of the bartenders he knew.
“What are you doing here man?” he asked Bucky.
Bucky downed a shot of Jameson and said, “I have no idea.” The bartender poured him another drink when Bucky saw Y/N dancing in the crowd. He almost didn’t recognize her with such a big smile on her face. She was usually scowling at him, but tonight she let her hair down and was laughing and dancing with her friends. He watched her for the next few songs when she suddenly started weaving through the crowd toward the bar. Bucky brought his attention back to the bar where he took a big swig of his drink and then gazed back up to watch the band. He saw Y/N approach the corner of the bar but he kept his attention focused on the band, waiting for her to approach him. She ordered a round of drinks and then she spotted him. 
She slid over toward him and said, “If you’re planning on asking me out, you might as well get it over with.”
“Do you mind?” he said, glancing at her briefly before looking back at the band, “I’m trying to listen.”
“You’re not even going to offer to buy me a drink?”
Bucky signaled to the bartender and ordered them two tequila shots and smiled at Y/N. The bartender placed the shots in front of them and Bucky took the salt shaker and sprinkled a pinch of salt on the back of her hand before doing the same to his own. He wedged the lime slice between his fingers and he held up the shot glass to her. She clinked his glass and they licked the salt, downed the shot, and then sucked on the limes. 
“So what are you doing here?” she finally asked him. 
“I come here a lot.”
“Not sure if you noticed, but you are one of the few guys in this bar right now.”
“Maybe this is where I come to pick up women.”
“I don’t believe you,” she said.
He shrugged, “I needed a change of scenery.”
“Ah, did you get hustled at your regular pool hall? Can’t show your face there anymore?”
“Something like that,” he smirked at her. 
“Well as much as I’d love to hear that story, I have people waiting on me,” she said, grabbing the round she ordered. She collected the glasses and turned, walking back towards the dancefloor. But Bucky wasn’t finished yet. He brought his drink and followed in her footsteps.
“Come to a party with me tomorrow,” he leaned over her shoulder and spoke in her ear. She turned to look at him, rolled her eyes, and shook her head in disbelief.
“Was that a yes?” he added.
“Was it a no?”
“Great, I’ll see you at 10:30.” Before she could protest, he disappeared in the crowd.
“That smug son of a bitch,” she muttered to herself, returning to her friends.
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
Hawkins Boys (Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader angst/fluff)
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Summary: You work up the courage to ask Eddie to the prom, but he seemingly turns you down in favor of Chrissy Cunningham. How will he feel when you show up with Steve Harrington?
Warnings: language, sadness, Eddie is an idiot, brief violence, Chrissy is lovely as always
WC: 2.7k
Today is the day you do it. The day you face you fears, swallow your anxiety, and ask you best friend to the prom.
Eddie Munson is not a prom guy. He doesn't wear suits, he doesn't slow dance, and he probably wouldn't know romance if it smacked him in the head. But you've had a crush on him for ages, and you had to make your move. If he was going to fall for you, it would be on a night when you were dressed up and gorgeous.
He's sitting at the lunch table alone, waiting for the rest of Hellfire Club to come back with their trays of hot food. He nibbles at a pretzel, smiling when he notices you plunk down next to him. You fish two peanut butter sandwiches out of your bag and hand him one. You've been telling him that your mom insists on packing you two, but the truth is, you always make an extra one for him.
"We're almost done with this godforsaken place," you remind him. "You're gonna walk that stage and finally get your diploma."
"Can't come soon enough," he replies, taking a bite of the sandwich. "Told you all that '86 is my year!"
You giggle. "Would've been more believable if you didn't say the same about '84 and '85." He gives you a playful shove, making you laugh harder.
"Yeah, yeah," he mutters, but he's still smiling. "I'm gonna miss these sandwiches when you go off to college." He raises it for emphasis.
"I'll send you peanut butter so you can make your own," you tease, though the idea doesn't sound half-bad. You just imagine him opening up a package filled with jars of Jif.
He cocks an eyebrow. "I thought I was supposed to send you care packages," he says.
There's a brief silence before you begin to speak again. "Eddie?" you start, "would you wanna go to prom with me?"
"Would you wanna go to prom with me?"
Eddie feels himself freeze. He was going to ask you later today after Hellfire, but now he's caught off-guard. He wracks his brain for what to say.
Steve had given him advice, the same that he had given to Dustin: don't seem too eager, too desperate; keep it casual.
"Oh, uh..." he stammers, running his fingers through his coarse hair. "I dunno...I was thinking of asking Chrissy." There. That would throw you off until he could ask you properly.
He notices as your face falls, and while it makes his heart pang, he doesn't read too much into it. He's already planned how he's going to ask you to prom, and he'll make up for it then.
Tears sting at your eyes when you hear that Eddie's asking Chrissy Cunningham to prom. It makes sense: she's beautiful, sweet, kind, and recently broke up with Jason Carver. You blink until your watery eyes clear, but you know it's only temporary. As soon as the Hellfire boys crowd the table, you quietly slip away. The tears start to fall when you burst into the girls' restroom; sobs make your chest heave.
How could you be so stupid to think that Eddie Munson liked you. You'd been friends for ages; if he wanted to take things farther, he already would have. You lock yourself in a stall until you begin to calm down, at least enough so that you can wash your face and look halfway presentable for your next class.
You're blotting your cheeks with a paper towel that resembles sandpaper when she walks in. Chrissy fucking Cunningham.
"Y/N!" she exclaims, worry evident on her pretty face. "What's wrong?"
"N-nothing," you lie plainly, buying time to think of an excuse. "Just overwhelmed with the idea of everything being...over." Mostly your fantasies of you and Eddie, but you omit that crucial detail.
Chrissy nods knowingly. "I get it. It's like, we're big fish in a little pond, and soon we'll be little fish in a gigantic pond." She manages a small smile. "At least we still have prom!"
Your voice catches in your throat, and you cough before speaking. "About that..." You're not exactly sure why you're doing this; maybe because you really care about Eddie's happiness, even if it kills you. "I think Eddie Munson wants to go with you. But he's shy about it--you should ask him."
Chrissy wrinkles her nose in confusion. "Me?" she asks. "I've, well, bought from him a few times, but I never knew he was into me."
You laugh. "Chrissy, you're the Queen of Hawkins High," you say gently. "It doesn't take much for the guys here to fall in love with you."
She blushes, tucking a strand of blond hair behind her ear. "Well, it's not like Jason's gonna take me anymore," she laments, "and Eddie's always been nice to me. Sure, why not?" She pulls you in for a quick hug before flouncing off.
Eddie's relieved when you leave the table; it gives him a chance to go over the plan with the rest of Hellfire.
"So remember," he states, "the goal of today's campaign isn't to win; it's to ask Y/N to prom. Got it?" He looks around sharply at his flock of sheep.
"Got it," they chorus, and he grins.
"Excellent," Eddie says, clasping his hands together. "Now, Sinclair, you're going to--"
"Eddie?" a polite voice breaks his train of thought. He glances over to see Chrissy Cunningham, ponytail swinging in its green scrunchie. "Hi!"
"Um, hi," he answers with a cautious smile. He's not totally opposed to dealing in the middle of the cafeteria, but he prefers the privacy of the woods. "What's up?"
"I was just talking with Y/N," she starts, and Eddie's heart leaps at the mention of your name, "and she said you wanted to take me to prom but were a little nervous to ask."
The other Hellfire members gawp, puzzled at what's unfolding in front of them.
"Anyway," Chrissy continues, "I'd love to go with you! Meet at my place for pictures around 5?"
Eddie sits, slack-jawed, which Chrissy mistakes for introversion. "Here's my address," she slips him a piece of paper and beams. "I really thought I'd have no one to go with after Jason, you know..." she trails off, thinking about her ex's infidelity. "So I really appreciate this." She presses a chaste kiss to his cheek and heads back to her table.
"Dude," Mike Wheeler says finally, "What. The. Fuck?"
Eddie buries his head in his hands. "Y/N asked me to prom, and I told her that I wanted to take Chrissy so she wouldn't be suspicious of my plan, but I guess she...FUCK!" He slams his fists on the table. "What do I do now?"
Dustin slaps a hand to Eddie's back. "Looks like you're taking Chrissy Cunningham to prom, hot shot."
You drive directly to Family Video after school to visit your friend Steve, ditching Hellfire without a second thought. Keith doesn't work Friday afternoons, and you know Steve will let you hunker down in the break room while you throw yourself a pity party.
The tears start up again as soon as you walk through the door. Steve notices immediately, hoisting himself over the counter.
"What happened?" he murmurs, pulling you in for a hug. His eyes widen when you relay the story to him.
"That doesn't make any sense," Steve mutters under his breath, rubbing your back with his strong hand. Eddie had just come to him for advice about you, like, last week. He'd made it abundantly clear that he wanted to take you to prom. Steve hadn't a clue about what changed since then.
"It makes perfect sense," you choke out. "Chrissy is perfect. Everyone loves her; it's not like Eddie is immune to her charm."
Steve takes a deep breath. "I can take you to the prom, if you want," he offers. "I know I'm not your first choice, but at least you won't have to go alone."
You nod gratefully. "Thank you, Stevie," you hug him, smushing your cheek to his chest. "You're the best." The thought of watching Eddie and Chrissy slow dancing still makes you feel sick, but you feel safer knowing that Steve will be by your side.
Your stomach is in knots as you, Robin, Nancy, and Vickie crowd around your vanity, teasing hair and applying makeup. The four of you look incredible: Robin in a red pantsuit, Vickie in a matching knee-length dress, Nancy in a baby pink tulle gown, and you in an emerald dress that ends mid-thigh. You've never felt more beautiful.
Your hand shakes as you bring the mascara wand to your eyelashes, and Nancy notices.
"Nervous about seeing Eddie?" she asks knowingly, and you just nod. She sighs and takes your manicured hands in hers, squeezing them tight. "He doesn't know what he's missing. Chrissy's great, sure, but you two could be soulmates. If he's too dumb to see that, he doesn't deserve you."
You give her the best smile you can muster and go back to readying yourself.
Steve arrives right on time. He takes a sharp breath inward when he sees you make your way down the stairs. You'd been friends since you were kids, seeing each other go through all the awkward stages of life, and he always considered you to be a little sister to him. Tonight, with you in that dress, he's thinking different kinds of thoughts.
"Y/N, you look amazing," he tells you, sliding a corsage onto your wrist. You pin the boutonniere to the lapel of his suit jacket, giggling as you accidentally prick your finger.
"You look so handsome, Steve," you say truthfully. "Thank you so much for taking me."
"My pleasure," he says, losing himself in your eyes for a moment. He clears his throat suddenly. "All right, let's ship out!"
The gym is decorated beautifully; it's hard to tell that it's usually filled with the sound of squeaking sneakers and basketballs bouncing on the wood floor. You make your way to the dance floor with Steve, Robin, Vickie, Nancy, and Jonathan. You're swaying your body and having such a great time that you don't even notice Eddie walk in with Chrissy.
But he notices you.
You're the first thing he sees when he enters the gym, looking absolutely breathtaking in your green dress. Eddie watches as you take Steve Harrington's hand in your own, twirling around and laughing. It's then that he realizes that Steve's tie matches your dress--he's your prom date.
That son of a bitch gave me shit advice so he could steal her, he thinks angrily, clenching his fists. I knew he was still a douchebag. I shouldn't have ever trusted him.
Chrissy wraps her hand around Eddie's bicep, pulling him closer. "You good?" she asks.
"Yeah," he answers too quickly. "Actually, no. Chrissy, I-I think you're an amazing girl. But I wanted to bring Y/N; I got scared when she asked me and made up something about wanting to take you, and not that I don't, but--"
"Eddie, relax," she puts out her hands to stop his rambling. "I thought it was kinda weird when she said you wanted to take me. I mean, everyone can see that you're in love with the girl."
Eddie blushes, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Is it that obvious?"
Chrissy laughs. "Do me a favor?" She waits for him to nod before continuing. "Go after her." The band starts playing a slow song, and Chrissy grins harder. "Perfect timing--ask her for a dance."
Eddie pushes aside his anxiety and turns to go find you. And he does--just as Steve leans over and pulls you in for a kiss.
The band starts playing "Take My Breath Away" when it happens: Steve kisses you.
His soft, pillowy lips crash into yours haphazardly, like he hasn't thought his actions through. He gently places his hand on your forearm. You're too stunned to moved, and even more so when the kiss ends abruptly.
Or rather, it's ended by Eddie grabbing Steve by the collar, slamming him into the nearest wall.
"Harrington, what the fuck do you think you're doing?" Eddie snarls, shoving Steve so that his head nearly hits the wall.
"I could ask you the same thing!" Steve retorts. "Get your hands off of me and go back to your date!"
"The only reason I had to take Chrissy was because of your shitty advice," Eddie hisses, never letting go of Steve. "Telling me to play it cool, not to show too much interest. See how well that worked out for me."
"I said be aloof, not be an asshole!" Steve spits back. "Y/N asked you to prom--you should've said yes. Is she supposed to sit around and wait for you? After you straight up rejected her for the head cheerleader?"
And then Eddie finally sees it from your perspective. You worked up the courage to ask him out. You stood there while he seemingly chose Chrissy over you. You set him up with her, still wanting to ensure his happiness. And now you had moved on, moved on with Steve Harrington, and Eddie just had to accept that.
Unless he didn't. Unless he fought for you, like she should've been fighting for you this whole time.
"Where'd she go?" he asks, wide-eyed.
"Put me down, and I'll help you find her."
You run out of the gym, desperate to escape the escalating drama. Footsteps echo behind you, and a male voice says, "There she is."
A large hand grabs your small one. You're pulled back, finding yourself face-to-face with Eddie.
"We need to talk," he says, his voice serious but gentle.
You shake your head. "Go dance with Chrissy and stop worrying about me," you tell him. "Please just leave me alone."
"I don't wanna dance with Chrissy," he says. "I wanna dance with you. I had this whole campaign planned out where I was gonna ask you to prom at the end, and all the Hellfire guys were in on it, but then you asked me and I panicked."
"I don't need your pity, Eddie."
"It's not pity," Steve interrupts, hands in his pockets. "It's the truth. He's an idiot, but he's an idiot who loves you."
"And you?" you ask quizzically, still confused about the kiss.
Steve chuckles softly. "I'm just an idiot who got caught up in the moment. I shouldn't have...I'm sorry."
"It's okay," you tell him, and he nods before starting to leave.
"Hear him out," he says before going back to the gym, jerking his thumb at Eddie.
You cross your arms over your chest as you turn to the metalhead. "It's really hard to be mad at you when you look so good in that suit," you admit shyly.
Eddie takes a step closer to you. "Remind me to wear suits more often," he jokes lightly,
"Or just stop doing dumb things."
He nods. "Noted." He turns slightly towards the gym doors. "Can I...will you dance with me?"
You grin. "Only if you tell me about that special campaign you had planned. Piqued my curiosity, I can't lie."
Eddie leads you back to the dance floor. You wrap your arms around his neck; he places his on the small of your back.
"So," you start, "that campaign?"
"Oh, right," he says, and you sense some anxiety in his tone. "Yeah, I'll tell you about that. But first..."
And then he kisses you, parting your lips with his own. You kiss him back, never wanting to break it.
It ends naturally, with Eddie smiling too wide to continue.
"What are you so happy about?" you tease, rubbing your thumb against his smooth cheek.
He presses his lips to yours again, more briefly this time. "You're finally my girl. Finally mine."
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ashleycatchemm · 4 months
03: The Return Of Five
Part 3 of ??
Parings: Five x Reader
Summary: (Y/n) Hargreeves has 7 adoptive siblings, all of which were born on the same day, of the same year, at the same hour. This phenomenon, somehow caused them all to get special powers. (Y/n) loved her siblings with all her heart, but there was one she just couldn’t stand, one that always seemed to get under her skin, and that was Five Hargreeves. The years flew by, with one sibling dead and another missing, the 6 that remained all went their separate ways. That is until the death of their father, Reginald Hargreeves. Now 29 years old, with all their own lives. The 6 remaining Hargreeves were brought back together for their fathers funeral, only for their missing brother to reappear out of no where, in his 16 year old body, saying that the world was going to end in 10 days. But it’s gonna take a lot more convincing for this dysfunctional family to even THINK about saving the world.
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~19 years ago~
Poking my head out my door I noticed Five's door ajar, the light from his desk lamp shining into the hallway. I could hear the smart ass grumbling about something that he was working on. Hoping to be able to sneak by him for once. I pushed my door open a little, activating my powers, camouflaging into my environment. Slowly closing the door quietly behind me, I started making my way over to the steps, only for the creak of a board to stop me in my tracks.
I heard from Five's room, a bright blue light shined in the middle of the hallway followed by the fluttering noise of his spacial jumps. The 10 year old boy appeared in the middle of the hallway, hair a mess, still in his uniform. "When are you gonna learn that-" he cut himself off, realizing that no one was around. I slowly started to continue towards the stairs on my tippy toes, as to avoid causing to much noise. The dark haired boy stood there, wracking his brain for some kind of answer to explain the creaking noise of the floorboards.
I was only a few feet away from the stairs, as an arm swung around my shoulders "And just where might we be going this fine evening?" A growl passed my lips in annoyance, shrugging his arm off my shoulders, I revealed myself to him. "How did you even know I was there?" My arms crossed as I faced the boy, shoving his hands in his pockets, a knowing smirk on his lips as he leaned forward.
"That's my little secret."
Green eyes sending a wink my way, only for him to straighten back up "And as much as I hate asking things twice..." he huffed "Where are we going this evening?" I scoffed, a confused look crossing my face "What do you mean 'we'?" Shoving past him, I quietly made my way down the steps. Only for Five to be standing at the bottom of the steps upon my departure down them. "Go back to your room Five." He shook his head, eyes narrowed at me as I walked passed him, having my eyes set on the front door.
Reappearing in front of me, I once again stopped in my tracks "I'm not letting you go out there by yourself." Rolling my eyes in response to Five's statement "I can handle myself out there." Five's hands moved in front of his uniform jacket, sticking them back in his shorts pockets "You aren't going out there alone." Crossing my arms in front of my chest, an annoyed look sat on my face as I stared down the boy in front of me.
"Oh yeah? Says who?"
His eyes narrowed, the corner of his lips lifting up into a small smirk "Says me." It was quiet between the two of us, both of us staring the other down, eyes unwavering. A look of amusement sat on one face, while the other held utter annoyance. Finally, I gave in, knowing he wasn't going to stop pestering me unless he tagged along. Stubborn ass. I thought, letting a small huff pass through my lips "Fine." I managed to walk past him, shoving my left shoulder into his own. "Just, keep up. I won't care if you need to stop to tie your shoe, I'll continue on without you." I almost reached the door, when Five's arrogant self appeared next to me.
"Trust me, I won't let you stray far from me."
Glancing over at the dark brown haired boy, a shit eating grin on his face, uniform jacket behind his arms, hands shoved into his shorts pockets. Rolling my eyes, I looked back towards the giant entrance doors in front of me "Whatever." I grumbled not wanting to drag this conversation on any longer. Opening one of the doors, I was quick to walk out, the troublesome Five Hargreeves following close behind me.
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My ears picked up the sound of shoes hitting the floor, step after step. It was slow and barely there, but still able to be heard, I focused on the sound of someone walking, only for it to stop. It didn't sound to far away from me, a heavy breath could be heard from the person in the room.
My eyes fluttered open, letting out a small groan as I slowly sat up. "What the hell..." I mumbled, bringing a hand up to my head, pain coursing through it for a quick second, my body quickly healing itself, slowly making the pain stop. Then, I heard it. The voice of the boy who I used too love but also hate. "Welcome back to the land of the living." Closing my eyes, I refused to believe he was actually there. Because I knew that he was never coming back.
I thought I was passed this? I can't be hearing his voice again.
My ears picked up a noise, the movement of fabric. (E/c) eyes opening back up, darting around the room, hoping to god I wasn't just hearing things again. But at the same time, I hope I was. Because dealing with the voices would be easier than having to see him again after all these years. My mind went blank as my eyes caught sight of a familiar figure, Five Hargreeves stood in an (obviously borrowed) umbrella academy uniform, hands shoved in the shorts pockets. Leaning over my vanity, his green eyes examining every picture and piece of jewelry on it (which was very few). He got taller, dark brown hair over his forehead on the right side of his face. A hint of a chiseled jawline could be seen, his features having matured since I last laid my eyes on him.
All I could do was stare, so many emotions working their way through me all at once. I felt angry for him abandoning me, after promising that he would never leave. Happy that he's back, Five Hargreeves, the boy I hate, but also loved, was standing in my room again after all these years. Scared that he would leave once again, and I'd lose him for the second time. And finally, Sad, because deep down I knew this couldn't be him, after all, I used to hear his voice when no one was there, I could be seeing him now as well.
I couldn't even get a sentence out, this seemed to grab the boy's attention, he straightened up as he looked over at me, forest green eyes sending me a hard glare. "Are you fucking stupid?" My eyes went wide at Five's sudden burst of anger, stomping towards me. I tried to sputter out something, anything, as he made his way towards me but my mind was blank. "What the hell were you thinking?! Sticking your damn hand into that portal!" An enraged huff left his lips, teeth clenched in anger.
I backed up a little on the bed feeling threatened I was still trying to process the fact that Five was here, standing in front of me. "I-I...Well... I just..." I couldn't find the words as I tried to say anything to explain myself but Five didn't give me the chance to continue, going back on his angry rant "You weren't thinking dumbass! Now we're both stuck in these pubescent bodies!" Gesturing between the two of us. Confused from his words, I let out a small scoff while asking "What do you mean 'both stuck'? You're the only teenager here." Green eyes rolling in annoyance, moving off to the side, he gestured towards my vanity with his right hand.
"Go take a look for yourself."
Moving my legs off the side of the bed, I quickly stood up, only to receive a dizzy spell in response to the fast movement. I closed my eyes, a hand shooting up to hold my head as I stumbled to the side, feeling as if I would fall. Five's eyes went wide, holding his arms out to catch me if I did fall. "Hey. Hey. Take it easy." The dark haired boy stated in an almost caring way. The dizzy feeling left as fast as it came, causing me to shake my head, the hand that was just on my forehead waved between me and Five. Grumbling out "I'm fine." My eyes opened as I made my way over to the vanity.
Placing my hands on it, leaning over a little to stare at the girl in the mirror. What the fuck? I recognized the person staring back at me in the mirror, it was my 16 year old self. Looking down at my clothes, there wasn't much of a difference, but they did seem a bit baggier than usual.  (E/c) eyes landing back on the mirror in front of me, hands gripping onto the vanity as if to stabilize myself from the shock of being back in my 16 year old body.
Anger coursed through me as my hands turned into fists on top of the vanity. Slamming them down against it, a small growl passed my lips, only for me to quickly close my eyes and try to steady my breathing. Calmly, I asked "What the hell did you do now?" Not bothering to turn towards him "I miss calculated when I jumped back in time." My brows furrowed in confusion, letting out a small breath as my anger faded, I turned back to face the 16 year old boy in front of me.
"What do you mean 'back in time'? You were in the future?"
Five let out a small huff, his eyes glancing off to the side for a quick second, gaze landing back on me "For over 4 decades." I shook my head in denial, trying to wrap my head around things. "That's impossible. You've only been gone-" Five finished my sentence with a nod of his head "For 16 years I know. But that's in your time." Walking a little closer to me "For me it's been over 4 decades." Closing my eyes for a few seconds I tried to piece things together.
Opening them I stated "That would mean that you're over 50 years old." Five's shoulders shrugged "58 if we're technically speaking." I narrowed my eyes at his 16 year old self "So then how..." I gestured to his whole body, causing his green eyes to roll in annoyance, letting out a huff he asked "Did you not hear a thing I just said?" Taking a few steps forward, an aggravated look sat on his face.
"No. Because I was to busy trying to process all this shit."
Gesturing around me Five pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath he moved his hands back to his pockets, while opening his eyes. "I hate repeating myself, but since you are just as dim witted as the rest of the morons here..." Stepping forward, I scoffed in offense "Dim witted?! I-" Five didn't move an inch as the two of us stood face to face, staring down at me with the annoyed look that he always seemed to wear, as I looked back up at him anger written across my face.
Cutting me off " I- Five Hargreeves, miss calculated- made a mistake, when coming back here- to the present." I realized Five was purposely dumbing things down. My teeth grit in anger as I dug my nails into the palm of my hands. Five gestured between us "Which caused the two of us, to be stuck in these damn teenage bodies." A growl arose from the back of my throat, I turned away from five, closing my eyes as I tried to calm down, not wanting to get out of control. I heard the boy behind me suck in a small breath almost nervously, feeling his stare behind me.
I huffed and opened my eyes, feeling myself calm down a little as my nails dug into the palm of my hands, causing me to focus on the pain. "You're not getting angry?" Five asked skeptically, taking a few more deep breaths, I felt myself calming down. Turning back to face Five, my eyes opened, along with my fists. "Yeah. Something I've learned over the years." I stated, watching as his eyes fixated on my hands by my sides, that now had blood dripping down them.
"Bit of an unhealthy way to calm down, don't you think?"
Five's green eyes met my own, concern shining through them. His face held the same stoic expression he seemed to always wear, while his eyes held all his feelings on the matter. I glanced off to the side "It helps keep me grounded whenever I feel like I'm loosing control." My eyes moved back to meet his, the dark haired time traveler in front of me holding his stare on me, not wavering for a second. "Does this happen a lot? (Y/n), how much does this happen?" Five questioned, almost desperately, trying to put the pieces together as to why I need something to ground me.
My (e/c) eyes dropped down to my feet, hoping to avoid the questions he was currently asking. A small sigh passed Five's lips, "Come with me." He stated, looking up at him I opened my mouth to give him some kind of response. But he didn't seem to give me a choice in the matter as his right hand gently wrapped around my left wrist, carefully pulling me along behind him.
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Once we reached the bathroom, he let go of my wrist only to start looking through the cabinets above the sink. "Five I-" quickly shushing me, I sent him a glare.
Pointing at the closed toilet seat, his eyes never wavered from trying to find what he was looking for. I let out a small huff in defiance, only to end up giving in anyway, sitting down on top of the toilet seat. Placing the, cotton balls and gauze wrap on the counter, along with the Isopropyl Alcohol, he shut the cabinet and moved over to stand in front of me. "Hand." My (e/c) eyes stared up at him, dark brown hair hanging over his forehead, obstructing my view to his right eye.
When I didn't give him either of my hands, I noticed his green eyes roll, before his left hand came down to hold my left wrist. Gently pulling it towards him, palm open and facing up at him. "Shit. (Y/n), how many times have you done this?" My eyes drifted down to look at my open palm, scars, scratches and blood littered it. I shrugged, not wanting to answer his question. I heard a small huff escape his lips, his hands moved up to my sleeve and started to roll it up, only for my eyes to widen in fear. Trying to quickly move my arm away, but Five grabbed ahold of my wrist causing me to wince in pain.
He seemed to catch my small reaction, loosening his grip, I relaxed just a little. "I can take care of myself." Five's eyes seemed to narrow in anger, teeth clenching "Is this what you call taking care of yourself?!" Yanking up my sleeve, my eyes widened as I sucked in a breath of air, feeling the fabric rub against my recent cuts. "H-How did you-" scars and cuts now visible to the boy in front of me "I know a lot of things about you (Y/n)." Dabbing a cotton ball in the Alcohol, he continued "I know about you and Ben." It was barely there but I was able to hear a small waver in his voice as he told me. Five didn't waste anymore time as he gently rubbed the soaked cotton ball against my palm, covered in dried blood.
"I know about how Reginald treated you while I was away."
Once my hand was cleaned he moved up to my arms, running it over the irritated cuts a couple of times. It stung and hurt, but I didn't show it as I just watched the boy fix me up. Something that no one has ever done before, not even Diego when he was glued to my side for 3 years. But even through this nice gesture, I felt angry. Angry for him leaving me, angry for him not coming back. Why did he just come back now if he knew everything? A small growl left my throat and I tried to close my palm, only for Five to stop me and straighten my hand back out.
"You're angry, so talk to me about it. Don't try to push it down. Why are you mad?"
I glared up at Five, his green eyes staring right back into my own. "Why didn't you come back?" Fives eyes drifted back down to focus on wrapping up my hand "I couldn't." a huff in aggravation passed my lips. "What do you mean 'you couldn't'?" Once he finished wrapping it, he shoved the hand back towards me "Because I couldn't go back in time. I could only go forwards." Grabbing the other one he slowly rolled up my sleeve, his brows furrowed, teeth grit in anger as he looked over each and every cut and scar.
"You must've used your own hands. Didn't you?"
I stayed quiet my eyes drifting down towards the cuts and scars that littered my arm "Because I know that you can't heal from yourself, if these were normal knife wounds they wouldn't be here. So it was your own claws wasn't it?" I didn't want to answer him, but even if I did it wouldn't matter, because he already knew the answer anyway. Five's hand tightened around my arm for a quick second, only for him to let out a small breath, calming himself down before running a wet cotton ball over the wounds.
A burning sensation ran through my arm and hand like it did for the other, but I paid no mind to it. Different questions and thoughts flew through my head as he silently cleaned my wounds. After a minute or so I finally decided to ask the one question that's been on my mind. "You said you know a lot of things..." his eyes glanced up into my own, only to let out a small scoff as if I somehow insulted him. Throwing the now dirty cotton ball away "Yes, I do. What about it?" his green hues drifted back down to focus on wrapping up my hand.
"I just..."
I paused, debating wether or not I even wanted to ask the question. Not wanting him to know what I did years ago, but then again, I had a gut feeling that he already knew about it. "Well? Spit it out." My eyes stayed trained on Five, watching as he wrapped the gauze around my hand in his own caring manner. "What else do you know?" he stopped his actions to look up at me. I continued to clarify myself "About me, I mean." His forest green eyes held an emotion I couldn't quite place, lips twitching down, but quickly moving back to their original spot, keeping same stoic expression he always seemed to wear.
Five's brows furrowed, putting the pieces together behind my question, as to what I was really asking. "You want to know if I know about your attempted suicide." I swallowed the lump in my throat just what I thought. Of course Five knows. My eyes darted off to the side, confirming his statement to be true. I felt embarrassed, and ashamed. I was hoping that he wouldn't know, but I had a strong suspicion that he did. Five continued to wrap up my hand, my eyes stayed glued to my hands, not really knowing what to say.
A small sigh escaped the dark haired boy "(y/n), look at me." I didn't want to look him in the eyes. I couldn't. Because I'm not the same girl he once knew, I'm not the strong independent girl who never ran from a fight. No. I'm constantly terrified of when I might loose control next, always living in fear and never able to hold so much as a glimpse of a smile. I have to much death on my shoulders, and it seems to be following me everywhere I go.
Once Five finished wrapping up my hand he grabbed my chin and was quick to turn my head to face him "Look at me." His lip twitched down a little, his face holding a look that seemed to be remorseful "You're here with me now, which shows just how strong you can be. And proves that there is some hope still left in you." I stared at the 16 year old boy in front of me, watching his face go back to the same look it always has while his eyes continue to hold the same sorrowful emotion.
"So please don't stop trying, because I don't know what I'd do without you again."
I didn't know how to respond so I just sat there in silence, mouth held slightly agape. Rattling my brain for some kind of answer to his statement. Letting go of my chin, Five turned around and started making his way towards the door when my mouth finally caught up to me. "Five." Stopping in the doorway Five turned his body slightly to show that he was listening, but kept it so I only saw the back of his head. I continued "I won't stop trying. So don't worry." Five didn't give a response, standing there for a second or two before continuing to march out the doorway.
"Hurry up and get dressed. Meet me back downstairs when you're done."
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~18 years ago~
A fluttering noise, followed by a flash of blue was quick to wake me. Sitting up in my bed, my eyes caught sight of the person who disturbed my peaceful slumber. "Five?" I questioned, squinting my eyes as I rubbed them to wake myself up further. "What are you doing here?" The dark haired boy shushed me a little before walking over to the side of my bed. "Come with me." His hand stuck out towards me to take, the light from the windows casting a glow onto the side of his face.
I noticed he was already all dressed in his uniform "What time is it?" Fives eyes rolled in annoyance at all the questions "it doesn't matter. Just, come with me." Now fully awake, my legs sat criss crossed under the covers "Can I at least know where we're going?" Five didn't respond, green eyes glancing down at the hand held out to me, as if begging me to grab ahold of it. I let out a small huff before moving the covers off me. "You're being real secretive this morning." A smirk graced the boys features as I stood up.
"When am I not?"
Taking his hand in my own, he pulled me closer to him, head leaning over, he whispered "Focus on me." Mouth a good distance away from my ear, knowing if he said anything to close he could hurt it from being to loud. I knew exactly what this boy was about to do, glaring at him from the corner of my eye "Five. I swear to god if you-" a chuckle escaped the dark haired boy, the fluttering noise of a spacial jump could be heard, successfully cutting me off as the two of us disappeared.
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When we reappeared, my head was pounding in pain, ears ringing from all the loud noises that hit me at once. Five let go of my hand, only for both of my hands to be brought up to my ears. Closing my eyes I let out a small huff as the ringing in my ears slowly subsided. I felt someone grab my face in their hands, causing my eyes to shoot open. I was met with a pair of forest green ones staring back into my own, Five's lips moved but I could barely hear anything.
"Damn it Five!"
Bringing my hands away from my ears, I placed them on his chest, shoving him away from me. "I hate it when you do that!" The dark haired boy stumbled back a few feet, eyes blown wide in surprise. My hearing slowly began to clear up and focus on the boy in front of me. Quick to catch himself on his feet, he stated "I told you to focus on me." Sending Five a glare I let out an angry huff "Yeah well you didn't really give me a chance to!" He quickly jumped towards me, covering my mouth with his left hand "shh." His right hand held onto the back of my head, preventing me from moving my head away.
His eyes glanced over at the building next to us, which just so happened to be the mansion which we live in. "Do you wanna get us caught?" He angrily whispered, only for a growl to arise in the back of my throat. Opening my mouth, I bit down on the inside of his hand, causing Five to bring his hand away and let go. "Ow! Did-Did you just bite me?!" Five whisper yelled, eyes blown wide from surprise. Crossing my arms a crossed my chest, eyes narrowing at the boy in front of me. "What are you up too Five?" Looking down at the palm of his left hand "Jesus, you really bit me!" Rolling my eyes at his dramatics.
"Oh please. I didn't even break skin. If I wanted to hurt you, I would've done it by now."
Five messaged the palm of his hand with the thumb on his right hand, eyes trained on it "Well yeah. It just surprised me is all." I huffed a little starting to get annoyed "Are you going to tell me what you woke me up for now?" His eyes drifted from his hands, to the mansion-like building beside us "I forgot something inside." Green eyes landing on me, he narrowed them, a serious tone being held in his voice "Stay. Here." Looking back at the building he continued "I'll only be a second or two." I went to say something in response, only for a fluttering noise and blue flash to cut me off, letting me know that he was already spacial jumping away.
"Damn it Five." I grumbled out.
Annoyed and tired, I flopped down on the rock wall near our house. As much as the boy annoyed me, I could never stay mad at him for long. Five was quick to spacial jump back, gift bag in hand. "Couldn't find the damn thing at first." My eyes narrowed in confusion at the small bag "What's that for?" I asked, only for his arrogant smirk to grace his lips. "You'll find out soon enough." He stated, all while hiding the bag behind him. Holding a hand out for me to take, I shook my head in defiance.
"Oh no. I'm not going anywhere with you. You're just gonna spacial jump to our destination."
Letting out a small huff in annoyance, Five responded "As much as I would love to spacial jump there, I feel like taking a stroll this morning. Care to join me?" My eyes narrowed at him, not fully believing the dark hard boy. But as his eyes stared into my own, lips twitching up into a small uncharacteristic nervous smile. Closing my eyes, I let out a small sigh as a smile over took my lips, opening my (e/c) eyes meeting a pair of green ones. "Don't look at me like that." Taking his outstretched hand in my own, he quickly pulled me up, bringing me close in front of him.
"Like what?"
An almost genuine smile now sat on his lips, eyes shining with happiness. Our faces were inches apart as I stated "Like that, like you're actually happy." One of his brows lifted in a questioning way, all while that happy look stayed glued to his face. "Am I not aloud to be happy?" My eyes widened a little, of course he can be happy! I thought it's just different seeing it on him of all people. I quickly sputtered out exactly what I was thinking "of course you can, it's just... I never thought I would see that look on you." Fives eyes danced around my face, I couldn't tell if he was ignoring my statement, or didn't know what to say. His eyes finally landed back on my own after a small gap of silence.
Fives smile quickly faded into his normal stoic look "come on" turning around he started dragging me off "let's go." I fast walked to catch up to him, the two of us walking side by side. "Do I at least get to know where we are going?" Five's infamous smirk appeared on his face as he looked over at me.
"Not a chance."
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I wasn't to surprised when the destination turned out to be a park we would always hangout in, after getting some food from Griddy's. Considering that it's 3 in the morning (I got the information out of Five) and Griddy's is currently closed, this is the next best thing. Whenever we came here we'd always sit underneath this giant maple tree at the top of the only hill in the entire park. It was nice and peaceful, it gave the two of us a break from everything so we could just talk or even sit there quietly doing our own things. But Five never seemed to take a break, considering the fact that he'd constantly be trying to figure out the right equation for time travel.
This time was different, Five seemed carefree his morning, like the only thing on his mind was here and now. He didn't have some kind of math problem going on in the back of his head and he wasn't angry about some argument with our father. Once we made it to the tree, the two of us sat down at the bottom and stared out at the rest of the park. "It's so peaceful out here." I stated, Five hummed in agreement before saying "Yeah, it is very beautiful as well." I let out a small huff in disbelief, looking over to him "You can't even see anything, it's to dark." To my surprise, he was already looking at me with a look that I couldn't quite place.
Shifting his view to the park, he cleared his throat before defending his statement "The streetlights in the park, it shows some of it, so it does have its own beauty at night." I nodded my head in agreement, while staring out at the park "I guess you're right." Five chuckled, sending a glance my way, smirk gracing his lips "And when am I wrong?" The dark haired boy smugly stated. Rolling my eyes, I bumped my shoulder into his own "Shut up." I stated playfully, causing him to let out another chuckle as a smile appeared on my face.
I started to feel the warm rays of the sun on my face as the park lit up around us. Looking over to my left, I noticed the sun slowly rising over the horizon. Hearing the noise of a bag crinkling, I glanced back over at Five, only to see the bag in his hands along with a small nervous smile on his face. "Happy birthday (Y/n)" my eyes widened a little, watching as the sun lit up his face, causing his hair to shine, showing just how brown it is. Fives forest green eyes could be seen clear as day holding an emotion I couldn't quite place, one that I've been seeing a lot more on the spacial jumpers face.
"Our birthday isn't till tomorrow."
"I wanted to get a head start and give you your gift now."
I should've known that it was that, Five always loved to be one step ahead, even if it was by a day or so. The dark brown haired boy pushed the gift more towards me encouraging me to take it. I slowly took ahold of the gift bag, curiously taking a peak inside "What is it?" A chuckle passed Fives lips at my question "Why don't you open it and find out?" Looking up at Five, his infamous smirk sitting on his face as a smile graced my lips. Opening the bag, my eyes landed on the light blue Polaroid camera, my smile broadened at the sight of it. Pulling the camera out of the bag Five explained "I always see you looking at it through the window of the camera shop we pass by, so I figured that-" I cut him off, eyes glued to the camera in my hands.
"Is there any film in it?"
I struggled to try to open it as Five gave a quick answer "Well yeah, I put eight in there so you can use it right when you get it." Turning the camera on I gave a quick response "Perfect." As I lifted the camera up to face us, throwing an arm around Five, all while he looked down at me, a confused look on his face. A joyous smile crossed my lips as I snapped the picture, bringing it back down to my lap a small Polaroid printed out of the slit at the base of the camera. "I wasn't ready. Let's take another one." Taking the picture from the camera, I shook it a little while teasing the boy next to me.
"Aww, is Mr.Grumpy pants mad that he didn't look good in the picture?"
Five rolled his eyes at me, taking the camera from off my lap "Hey!" I exclaimed, all while he grumbled out an annoyed response "Shut up and look at the camera." Five threw an arm around my shoulders pulling me closer to him as the two of us looked at the camera, a gentle smile sat on his face, all while a broad smile appeared on my own. The dark haired boy was quick to snap the picture, the Polaroid popping out soon after. Five took the Polaroid before handing the camera back to me "This one's mine to keep." Taking the camera out of his hands, I watched as he stared at the picture, patiently waiting for it to develop.
A small smile appeared on his lips, eyes shining with the same glow it's held all morning. Looking back out at the horizon, I noticed the sun rising higher and getting a bit brighter. "We should get going, before dad realizes we're gone." Glancing back at Five to see his response, he had his eyes glued to the currently developing picture. "Five." Snapping his eyes up to me, narrowed in almost an annoyed look, seeming to be aggravated that I distracted him from the picture. Five's eyes softened after a minute, and slowly stood up, lending a hand out for me to take.
"Come on."
Putting the camera back in the bag, I grabbed ahold of his hand. Pulling me up, a small smirk graced his lips, only for my eyes to narrow.
"Five don't you da-"
And with that the two of us special jumped back to the academy
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kozidraws · 2 years
Kirishima likes to make paper cranes and "flies" (flicks) them over to Bakugo when he gets bored. Bakugo naturally sets them aflame. After a while Kirishima gets the brilliant idea to write compliments to Bakugo on the crane paper, knowing Bakugo will just blow it up.
It was a terrible battle always sitting near Bakugo and resisting the urge to blurt out his every thought about the blond.
But doing it this way, Kirishima gets to pour out his feelings on paper, because his love for Bakugo is too big for even his body to contain.
He tests the waters first, just writing 'You're cute when you glare' then with practiced ease, folds it into a crane and flicks it at Bakugo.
And lo and behold, Bakugo doesn't even look up from his homework, just snatches the paper in mid-air and lights it up with a small explosion.
Kirishima grins to himself.
So it becomes a routine at their study sessions. Bakugo makes him study, Kirishima mind wanders as he stares at the blond, then has to write his feelings down.
Fold paper, make crane, throw at Bakugo, repeat.
Bakugo doesn't even snap at him for the increased amount of paper birds, just goes through the motions of capture and destroy.
Until one day.
Kirishima's mind just would not stop thinking about how much he loves Bakugo, so onto the paper it went. It was the fastest his pen moved this study session, that's for sure. He surprised himself that within five minutes he has a whole page written.
He had to stop there, no way was he gonna write on the other side. Too risky.
He folds the paper into a crane, turns and throws the crane-
Bakugo is looking right at him.
'Oh shit.'
The crane flies neatly into Bakugo's hand.
But it doesn't explode.
'Play it cool. Do not break out into nervous sweat, that will make him suspicious.' But now he's also been too quiet, damn it.
Bakugo looks down at the crane, still intact, then back at Kirishima.
"Now, I'm going to give you a chance to tell me what you just wrote."
There is no way in hell he was going to confess. Nope, nope, nope.
Wracking his brain the first excuse to pop up was "Uhh, new gym routine?"
Bakugo raises his eyebrow.
"Is that so?"
"Yup! Watched a fitness video so wrote down the routine to try it out."
"Which you then threw at me?"
Kirishima winces, "...yes?"
"Fine," Bakugo leans back on his chair, he almost looks relaxed, but his eyes harden in challenge. "Then as your gym buddy I better make sure it's up to my standards then."
Bakugo quickly starts to unwrap the crane.
Kirishima stares in frozen terror.
Bakugo clears his throat, lifting up the paper in front of him, a smirk gracing his features as he starts to read aloud.
"Dear Bakugo-"
Kirishima lunges.
They both grunt as they tumbled to the ground, Kirishima thought he'd have an advantage since he landed on top of the blond but Bakugo instantly got defensive.
"Fucking knew you were lying!" Bakugo shouts as he blocks Kirishima's hands.
"Okay! You got me! Just give it back!" Kirishima pleads, getting blocked again by an elbow.
"Y'know if you have an issue with me, you could say it to my face instead of a letter!" Bakugo snarls.
"It's not that either!" Kirishima shouts back. He tries to get under Bakugo's arm.
Wrong move.
Within seconds Bakugo had managed to flip him using a headlock. He's back is on top on Bakugo's chest as he stares at the ceiling in shock. Kirishima tries to pry the arm that locks around his neck but it's no use.
"Now let's see what you had to say to me."
Kirishima closes his eyes, sighing in defeat as he stops trying to escape. Can't delay the inevitable now. Now his friendship is going to go up in flames because he couldn't keep his feelings to himself.
The crinkling of paper feels like a loaded gun.
"Dear Bakugo, once again I can't help myself, and I blame you, this is all your fault," Bakugo pauses, a sour tone in his voice before he continues.
Kirishima mentally pleads with the blond not to read the whole thing aloud, he's going to die of embarrassment.
"How can you just sit there doing your homework yet I can't take my eyes off you, you're so handsome it hurts."
"It's the same when we fight, or when you cook our meals, you're so graceful and skilled and I just lo-" Bakugo stops reading aloud but Kirishima knows he's still reading it. His fate is sealed.
Oh how he wish he had a teleporting quirk now.
Kirishima can feel his eyes start to sting, he doesn't want to be here when Bakugo finishes reading, afraid of the consequences. With renewed desperation he tries to move again, grabbing onto the arm still locked around his neck.
Instead, Bakugo's arm tightens.
Kirishima keeps tugging, squirming while he can feel a few tears start to slip.
"Bakugo, please, just let me go." He chokes out cursing his voice for sounding so broken.
Bakugo must have finished reading it because he hears the paper flutter to the ground.
In the next moment Kirishima feels Bakugo's other arm wrapping around his waist as the blond sits them both up, Kirishima now sitting in between Bakugo's legs but he refuses to turn to face him.
Kirishima sniffles, wanting to wipe his tears but Bakugo has locked his arms in a tight embrace. He can feel the warmth radiating off Bakugo as the blond leans even closer against Kirishima's back, hooking his chin over Kirishima's left shoulder and sighs.
Here it comes.
"I'm going to move you but don't try to run off." Bakugo warns, he waits for a small feeble nod before loosening his hold, arms hooking Kirishima's legs so he's now sitting in Bakugo's lap, his right side flush against Bakugo's chest.
"As I said before," Bakugo starts, raising his hand to cup the side of Kirishima's face, wiping away a few stray tears, "If you have something to say to me," the blond leans forward to touch their foreheads together, "say it to my face."
Kirishima barely feels like he can function being so close, he stutters out a breath, another tear leaks out but Bakugo is quick to remove it.
"I, I..." Kirishima stalls, Bakugo nuzzles their noses softly together and it's enough encouragement to whisper out "I love you."
Bakugo tightens his arms around Kirishima, pecks the redhead briefly on the nose before he presses their lips together.
Kirishima is so shocked he doesn't move at first, frozen because he couldn't believe this was happening.
That didn't bother the blond, he was a good tutor after all. He lifted Kirishima's arms up to wrap around his neck and kissed him again.
"I love you too Kirishima."
That was all Kirishima needed to hear.
He surged forward, renewed courage to kiss Bakugo back.
This time when they landed on the floor Bakugo let out an amused huff, bringing Kirishima closer so the redhead could pepper his face with kisses.
Bakugo seemed to enjoy Kirishima's enthusiasm, couldn't stop grinning and chuckling as Kirishima kept going.
Kirishima was addicted, he wants to hear his laugh and see his smile for the rest of his life.
"I love you so much!"
Bakugo intercepts him, sneaking another kiss before getting up.
"Let's go, I need to cook your favorite meal to celebrate." Bakugo says, holding out his hand which Kirishima gladly accepts. Bakugo doesn't let go of his hand and walks them out of his room to the kitchen.
"Also, I'm sorry for blowing up the other notes, I didn't know."
"That's okay!" Kirishima squeezes his hand in reassurance.
"I could always write you notes to make up for it." Bakugo offers.
Kirishima grins.
"Nah, just say it to my face."
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always-andromeda · 1 year
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ 𝐋'𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐋 𝐃𝐔 𝐕𝐈𝐃𝐄
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ✯ Jeff (Gone Girl) x Fem!Reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 ✯ 3197
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 ✯ “Tell me you want me back. Tell me I'm forgiven.” + the toxic exes trope
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 ✯ listen, I know this dirtbag had probably a whopping four minutes of screen time in Gone Girl but it's Boyd and I love a good scruffy Boyd character. I'm weak for greasy men, sue me (please don't I would never financially recover).
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ✯ smut (minors, do not interact), vaginal sex, slight overstimulation, mentions of jail, alcohol, and cigarettes, pet names (princess, honey, girl), Jeff is lowkey super manipulative and kind of gaslight-y lmao (please understand that this is fiction and I do not condone that kind of behavior in real life), sliiiight mentions of pregnancy lmao, that's all I can think of! let me know if I need to add more!
(mdni banner template credit goes to @cafekitsune!!)
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Absentmindedly you watched your neighbor Darlene's television. With a thin layer of static warping the picture, you were hardly motivated to follow the plot of the true crime show that played out. So when Darlene spoke from her place on the other side of her couch, it caught your attention quickly.
“You hear Jeff's back in town?” she asked thickly as she took a puff from her cigarette.
Though she was hardly one for pulling your leg, you held your breath and answered wearily, "You're joking, right?"
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Darlene simply laughed snidely before answering, "Folks are already sayin' he got let out on good behavior."
"Bullshit," you spoke through your teeth.
"Amen, sister." Then she added with a nod in your direction, "What the hell are you gonna do when he comes sniffin' around again?"
"He should know better than that by now."
"But he doesn't. He's a fuckin' idiot. You should know that better by now," Darlene shot you a look that was meant to be patronizing.
You rolled your eyes and insisted, "He ain't gettin' any more of my time than he's already gotten. If he knows what's good for him, he'll give it up."
"We're talking about the man who robbed the same liquor store three times? Same motherfucker, right?"
You snorted, "I never said he's the sharpest tool in the shed..."
"That's a fuckin' understatement. Honey, the Lord poured his brains in with a teaspoon and somebody joggled his arm."
Now that made you double over with laughter. But obviously Darlene didn't find her joke nearly as funny as you did. Because once you recovered, getting out the last of your wheezes and catching your breath, she moved her cigarette from one hand to the other and laid the free one over your knee.
Her touch was firm, the seriousness of the situation saturating her tone. She knew better than anyone in the park how Jeff had stomped on your soul over and over again. She'd been there for the sleepless nights when your entire being was wracked with sobs and shakes over him. He wouldn't talk to you. He cheated again. He ran off. Going to jail for petty theft was your last straw. 
You were only a handful of months removed from the day you vowed to Darlene that you weren't calling or sending him letters anymore. And she knew just as well as you that it was for your own good that you didn't underestimate his gravitational pull.
"Don't let him in, honey," she spoke softly. "He's just gonna to break your heart again."
With the smoke from her cigarette wafting above your heads and your eyes already starting to water, you blinked quickly and nodded even faster. Darlene removed her hand and went back to staring at the television screen. You tried your best to shake her words off, to forget that weary look in her eye that said she didn't quite believe your conviction.
So you cleared your throat and fiddled with your fingers before awkwardly declaring, "You should get Travis to straighten out your antennae. Can hardly see that John Walsh through the static." And you zoned out as Darlene grumbled about how she'd asked that husband of hers to fix it ages ago.
You tried not to give a shit about what Darlene thought about you or Jeff. He wasn't good, no. But she didn't know him like you did. Nobody did. Not even Jeff himself.
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It was three days after that when Jeff showed up. And you tried to ignore it, you really did. The second you peeked out your kitchen window and caught a glimpse of his beat up Ford pickup pulling into your driveway you rushed around the trailer drawing the curtains quickly before sitting cross legged on your couch and lowering the volume on your television.
Your hand shook around the remote. He'd pound on the door and you'd chew on the inside of your cheek just hoping he'd take the goddamn hint.
"C'mon, darlin'. I know you're in there. Keith told me you had today off," came his voice calling from the other side of your trailer door. You couldn't ignore that. He would never let you ignore it.
Throwing the remote aside, you stormed towards the door and opened it. As soon as he was presented with an entrance, Jeff was eager to use it, forcing his way in and attaching his lips to your neck.
For a split second you leaned into it and let him get the chance to really sink his teeth in. And fuck, it felt fantastic to have him near you again. It was the painful burn of moonshine and the comforting warmth that flooded your chest afterwards. And you had to quit before he got the chance to destroy you again.
You pushed him away, glad that the first sound he heard from you is one of disgust instead of a moan.
Jeff chuckled lowly, "Well, nice to see you too, princess."
You returned the once over that he gave you. You didn't even know what you were searching for. He'd hardly changed. The smell of cigarette smoke on him was only slightly masked by cheap soap and a bit of his musk. And that damn sleeveless denim button-up exposed a little too much of his chest for your liking. Not only that but it showed off his broad shoulders and toned arms. They're marked with tattoos that you'd once memorized the lines of. The sight of them now made your throat ache with some sort of nostalgia.
"What are you doing here?" you managed to ask.
Jeff stared back at you with a strange expression. "To see you. Why else would I be here?" Then, with open arms he added, "I'm home. Ain't that good enough?"
You shook your head and scoffed, "No, absolutely not. This isn't your home–"
"Since when did you kick me out?"
"Since you got yourself thrown in jail, Jeff. Since I stopped talking to you. Since right now, where I'm telling you that we aren't together anymore."
To your surprise, Jeff merely clicked his tongue and shook his head before looking back up at you with those baby blue eyes that were always primed to get exactly what they wanted out of you. "You know, you've always been good at workin' yourself up over nothin'. Somethin' tells me you're just confused. And once I get you back in that bedroom, I'll straighten you out. How's that sound?"
You wanted to be angry. Hell, you wanted to scream and pound on his chest until he finally got the message that you didn't need him anymore. Darlene's concern surfaced in your mind. But the growing hum between your legs was louder than any sort of rationality that Darlene could've inspired within you. And bigger than that...his words hit harder than you thought they would and he knew it.
He smiles slyly before encroaching your personal space again. "C'mon, princess, tell me you want me back. Tell me I'm forgiven. And I'll take care of you again, just like I always do," his breath is warm against your lips and his grip on your hips steady like an anchor. He keeps you from swaying too much. Because you feel like you could faint at the promise of intimacy with him again.
You missed it. You weren't afraid to admit it to yourself. You missed him.
You missed sharing cigarettes in the bed of his truck as you both stared up at the stars. You missed him stealing kisses (and other, more devious touches) when your manager wasn't looking as you waited tables. You missed waking up in the morning. The momentary panic as you'd feel around for him behind you. Then the flood of relief when you'd feel his solid body; when you'd feel him stir and pull you back into his arms. As much as you hated the sound of it, you missed feeling like you belonged with him. You missed that unwarranted pride that used to swell in your chest knowing that no matter how much trouble he'd get himself into, he'd always come crawling back home to you.
That was the thing that made you fold. The thought that made you kiss him softly and murmur, "I forgive you."
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It didn't stay soft; things rarely did when they involved Jeff. His fingers dug into your thighs greedily but made their way to your backside as you straddled him. It was so easy to fall into the pattern you'd once had with him. Whether it was in his truck, the back alley of a bar, the bathroom at your work, or the bedroom you'd once shared with him, Jeff was always the same. Always equal parts cocky but needy.
He'd keep you firmly in place on your lap and roll his hips, sending a shock wave directly to your core that made you squirm for more friction.
"You gettin' frustrated already, girl? You can't be patient for me?"
Then the next breath he'd take was closer to a gasp as you nipped and licked at his Adam's apple. The taste of his skin was lace with the salt of sweat and the burn of bourbon with none of the sweetness. Maybe that's what you liked most about being with him. He was infuriating, yes. But he was straight forward. He didn't try to hide all of his awfulness from you. And part of you wondered if he only allowed you to see it because you accepted it.
Either way, it was worth it. It was worth the heartbreak to hear the sound of him groaning while you worked him up.
"Says the man who jumped my bones the second he got home," you giggled.
"What can I say? I missed ya'."
"I think you missed something in particular about me more than anything else," you eyed him teasingly.
Adorned with that southern charm, he reproached you, "Oh, princess. I missed all of you. Missed those eyes, that smile..." he trailed off with a suggestive look, " how those pretty lips–"
You smacked his shoulder before he could finish the thought.
Jeff only laughed then continued, "But, yes, if you're really dyin' to hear it. I think I missed that pussy of yours terribly. Missed stretchin' it out and hearin' you scream. Missed makin' it all wet. I think she was prettiest like that. All puffy and beggin' to be filled."
Every word fell from his lips low and slow like honey. And it only served to glue up your insides and make your head heavy with the weight over overwhelming arousal.
"Aww," Jeff pulled back your bottom lip lamely with his thumb before letting it snap back in place; just another sign of how thoroughly you were wrapped around his finger. "Look at how worked up my girl is. So dumb and she hasn't even been fucked yet. You're adorable, princess. How about we get you out of those clothes, hm?"
You nodded quickly. Jeff tapped your ass and you were on your feet, working to shed your too tight jeans and the shirt that was rubbing uncomfortably at your hardened nipples. It wasn't a graceful display, but Jeff wasn't making an effort either as he leaned back slightly and unbuckled his belt before swiftly pulling himself out.
You'd forgotten how enticing his cock was to look at. He wasn't the biggest or the thickest you'd ever seen, but that didn't matter. What made sparks erupt inside of you was that slight curve. You knew just how that groove felt when it was inside of you and nothing excited you more than when you were back on his lap.
Taking a hold of his length, you slowed when Jeff hissed sharply. "Gotta be gentle on me now, alright? Been almost a year since I've had you and I'm not bustin' a load before I can make you come, you hear me?"
Once again, you nodded. And Jeff smirked, pleased at your compliance.
Lining him up and lowering down, you both breathed in deeply once you were slotted together again. Judging by the way he squeezed his eyes shut and gripped your thighs, you knew he was right at home buried inside you again.
With a sob at the edge of his tone and his forehead pressed against yours, he whispered, "Fuck, I missed you so much, honey." It was so soft that you doubted he'd repeat the admission.
And you figured right. Not even seconds after you got the feeling that he was simply enjoying your presence, Jeff was moving your hips, slightly thrusting into you. You matched his pace, bouncing on the balls of your feet and grabbing his shoulders for support on the lumpy mattress.
That mattress had been witness to many fucks. But this one was probably your favorite of them all with the way Jeff was breathing deeply and pressing the occasional messy kiss to your swollen lips. And before too long, Jeff took over almost entirely as he quickened the pace.
"Thought you wanted to go slow?" you whimpered. "I'm not quite there yet, Jeff, I–"
"Then hurry up, I'm gettin' close." Nearly out of breath, he moaned, "Fuuuuck, I need it. I need to come inside you, princess. Need to fill you up. Need you to be mine."
This was a side of him you'd only seen a few times before. The sloppiness of his ruts and his solid hold on your body; he was desperate. And he only ever got like that when he was worried he was losing you. He'd fuck you like it was the last time he'd be able to. Like he was dedicating every last sensation from your smell to your sound to your touch to his mind.
As much as it worried you, you were adamant to reach your own high. You reached down and began to quickly circle your clit with a deft hand. All those nights without him...you'd gotten real good at getting yourself to the edge on your own.
"That's it, baby, touch yourself for me. Make a mess on me," Jeff begged.
At this point, he was thrusting so deep that the curve of his cock was brushing right at the sensitive, spongy bit deep inside of you. The place that made you throw your head back with a strangled cry as the invisible electricity of your climax overpowered your being. Jeff followed soon after, his spend painting your walls as they fluttered weakly. With a few more weak ruts as he was emptying out the last of himself inside, you were whimpering from the overstimulation.
But Jeff had never been merciful. "C'mon, baby, you can take it. I've got ya," he mumbled. When you pressed your face into his shoulder, he held you by the nape of your neck and kept you in place until he was satisfied.
After he finally let you go, you rose on shaky legs to retreat to your bathroom for cleanup. But you lose yourself looking in the mirror. You caught the thin sheen of sweat covering your skin and the goosebumps that were now erupting over it in the cool bathroom. You were a tangled up mess. And all you had to show for it was messy hair, the remnants of your mascara smeared under your eyes, and a dull soreness between your legs. He'd fucked you so well that if he went back to jail the next day, you were sure you'd be satiated until the next time he came back. You tried not to linger on the thought for too long.
You flicked off the bathroom light and padded back into the bedroom where Jeff laid, arms folded behind his head lazily on his pillow. Settling down beside him carefully, Jeff was quick to pull you towards him. For a few seconds there was quiet. Just the sound of crickets and country music playing faintly from a radio from some other trailer.
"You're still mine, right?" he asked out of nowhere.
Your body and your mind spent, you were exhausted. Your eyelids threatened to give up on you any second. And you barely heard what he'd said. But this configuration was familiar enough that you let out a weak hum before nuzzling closer into his side, figuring it was a satisfactory response.
You'd never know if it was though. Because the last piece of Jeff you'd get before falling asleep was the feeling of his lips leaving a chaste kiss on your forehead.
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Nearly two months went by. You hadn't heard from him. Because of course you hadn't. You'd simply woken up the morning after he came back home, felt around the bed behind you for a few seconds only to be met with nothing. The sheets on his side were still warm. Like he'd slipped away just for a second. But for all you knew he was halfway across the country with a different woman of the hour, dreaming up new methods to rob tourists. Frankly, you didn't care.
There were no tears left for you to shed. Just that thunderous guilt that made you feel so stupid for falling for his bullshit all over again. But you couldn't even chastise yourself for the lapse in judgment for too long. There was something far more pressing on your mind.
Your period was late. And it was almost comical. You weren't stupid. You didn't need to waste the money on a pregnancy test. You could put two and two together yourself. Unfortunately, two and two added up to a pregnancy you were already attempting to ignore.
However, it wouldn't let you. Every single night you laid a hand over your stomach as if it were old enough to kick. If you were quiet and still enough, you could convince yourself that you felt it thrumming with life as it floated in amniotic fluid. It had only existed for a few weeks and already it was taking on the dread-inducing nagging of its father. 
It scared the shit out of you; scared you more than Jeff ever had. But it was in the darkness of the night when you felt Jeff's absence most that you heard the call of the void. You envisioned a future with this baby where neither of you had to be afraid of him.
Instead, there were summer barbecues at the trailer park, you and Darlene sipping cold ones while your baby played in the grass. There were trips to the laundromat down the street, you holding your baby up so they could count out the change to put in the machine. There were tearful first days of school and homework scattered on your coffee table. You'd work late some nights and you wouldn't always be able to afford the newest toys and clothes. But you'd do your best. And you'd love them.
You'd love them the way that Jeff could never love anything. You'd do it all on your own if you had to. So, as you stood on the edge of the cliff, you decided you'd take the plunge.
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sickficideas · 2 months
okay, recently this idea has been infecting my brain, idk where else to put it, here we are :D
y’know how Kenji’s ability requires him to be hungry? and how not eating for long periods of time can give you a head rush?
and y’know how fevers can do the same thing? yeah, I got ideas w/ those
him going in to work, assuming he feels sore because his gift gives him strength.
he feels warm, maybe because he’s out on field duty?
he feels tired, but like he said, it’s sunny out, must be related to the heat.
his stomach hurts, but meh, he’s just hungry. probably should’ve eaten dinner last night, but he was so tired, he just fell onto his bed when he got home.
he sits down at his desk and is wracked with chills, because it’s so hot out, they must have turned up the air conditioning.
he always feels dizzy getting up from his desk, so this time is no different. even if as the hours go on, the dizziness gets worse.
his coworkers keep looking at him funny, but he’s used to ignoring that by now (although, it’s a little odd coming from people he knows)
the final straw is when he stands up too fast, and instead of just closing his eyes to block out the dizziness, his knees shake and he’s forced to sit down, the second change in elevation only makes his head hurt. he feels like he’s gonna pass out, and he resists from putting his head between his knees, choosing instead to tense his shoulders. it’ll go away eventually, like it always does. he heads someone say his name distantly.
meanwhile, Kunikida had been watching all day. he and Atsushi had already said something multiple times, which resulted in either a polite denial, or no response at all. he sees the exact moment Kenji falls back into his seat, and gets up immediately, shouting his name. everyone turns to them, but he doesn’t care, he just walks over to set a hand on his shoulder.
aaaaand idk what to do so imma just leave it there 👍👍👍
anyway, thoughts on the kenji hc/idea?
this is a beautiful sequence of events and description on your part, please let me know if you ever write bsd sickfics !!!
This is so cute I really do love Kenji so much he's just baby...I can totally see this happening because he's very politely stubborn lol he has a Taurus soul...the nature of his ability would definitely make him dismiss a lot of uncomfortable symptoms in general...there's an Anthology chapter about him getting a cold/fever from overworking himself and the other ADA members feeling responsible for not looking after him so I like that angle too...!! They worry about him he's their emotional support dog for real they have to make sure he's taking care of himself too 🥺
I'm thinking about Beast Kenji too because really the closest person to Kenji in any iteration of BSD is Beast Akutagawa 😭😭 Their friendship means so much to me 😭😭😭😭 I love the idea of this happening to Kenji while they're working together, and Kenji is too out of it to walk so Akutagawa carries him back😭 he's concerned because he knows exactly what not eating for a long time is like and how that can cloud your judgement when you're already unwell so he tries to look out for him more closely from that point forward🥺🥺
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slptkns · 2 years
I'm really enjoying your fics! Can I request a comfort fic where Vessel comforts the reader after they've had a bad day?
Of course!! I hope this is alright! I've been so busy with work, gonna try and get some more requests out this weekend though! Thank you for the request love, and I hope you're doing well!
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You really tried to to hold it together before getting to your apartment. You wanted nothing more than to be okay, than to walk into your home and be completely fine. But your brain was not letting that happen.
Tears pricked your eyes as you neared your door and sniffled slightly. You were trying your absolute hardest to not cry, you did not need anyone seeing you so distressed.
You opened the door of you apartment and walked in. You closed the door behind you and your back hit the wood. You slid down the door and a sob wracked your body. You pulled your knees into you and tried to catch your breath.
"My love," Vessel caught you off guard, causing you to slightly jump, "what's wrong?"
You could not answer. You looked up at him with big, sad eyes, and your breath caught in your throat. Vessel walked over to you from the couch and crouched down in front of you.
"May I?" He asked before making any moves towards you.
You nodded at him and he was quick to pull you into his arms. You leaned into his touch and let out another sob as soon his arms were all the way around you. Your forehead pressed to his shoulder, tears running down your cheeks and onto his hoodie. His hand rubbed your back.
"You're okay," his voice was soft, "I promise, nothing is going to harm you."
You gulped for air and your grip on him tightened. He was your lifeline and you were not letting go. You could not talk at all, it took all you could do to actually keep breathing.
Once you had calmed down, Vessel slowly pulled away from you and placed his hand below your chin, lifting it up so you could see him. "Would you like to talk about it?"
When you nodded at him, he cocked his head, waiting for you to tell him about what had upset you so deeply.
You still struggled to breathe, but words started to form, "It was just one thing- One thing after the other! People are so mean!"
Vessel was listening intently, his thumb still under your chin. He nodded at you and encouraged you to keep speaking.
"Ves, I'm just- I'm so fucking tired," you pouted at him.
"Come on," He stood up, pulling you with him. "I'll get you some tea."
He walked you to the couch and sat you down. He walked towards your kitchen and you waited patiently for the tea. You started to get caught up in your thoughts again, until you suddenly realized it'd been a few minutes and it was oddly silent. And then a bang came from the kitchen.
You stood up and rushed towards Vessel and found him standing in front of a counter, and several pots and pans at his feet. His hand was on his head and turned towards you slowly.
A smile began to pull at your lips and you stifled a laugh as Vessel looked at you. The image of everything falling on top of him was too much and you forgot about everything that had happened to you that day.
"Where the fuck do you keep your kettle?"
You promptly lost it. You were doubled over, absolutely losing it. You heard Vessel let out a little huff.
"I could have a concussion and you're laughing at me." You knew because of Sleep he in fact did not have a concussion. His shoulders dropped, he relaxed and watched you. "Well, I'm glad I could make you laugh."
"Come here," You, still laughing, walked over to him, "It should be here." You pointed to a cabinet and pulled it out.
You were wiping tears from your eyes as Vessel gently took the kettle from you.
"Can I trust you to make it by yourself, or do I need to supervise? Since you're so worried you may have a concussion."
Vessel let out a loud laugh, before glaring at you. "I'm going to ignore that since you had a bad day." He paused, crossing his arms, "Can you help?"
You were sent into another fit of laughter. Vessel groaned and did not respond. At least you were laughing instead of sobbing so hard you couldn't breathe.
Vessel's arms wrapped around your waist and he placed his chin on you head. You made the tea, and asked him to watch but you knew he was too caught up in you to even listen to your instructions.
Your day had started off horribly, but it wasn't ending that way. You were thankful for Vessel. Even if he couldn't find the kettle in your kitchen or make tea for you by himself.
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gaybananabread · 1 year
Hi Kasey! I'm honestly happy everytime I read your fics, it was all beautifully written & looks so effortful!! If you have time, please consider writing a fic with lee reader, with lers todoroki and bakugou hehe (I'm thinking the reader is a new/transfer student to UA, and initially scared of bakugou and todoroki because of their "intimidating presence" during the UA Sports Festival). Deku wanted to show that both of his frends (Baku and Todo) are actually approachable, so Deku introduced the reader to them, and somehow say something that makes them tickle the reader lol (probably deku's saying the reader is ticklish or telling todo & baku in advance that the new student "reader" is intimidated by them so they show their playful sides when introduced to the reader) The readed can be male/gender neutral, but please no foot tickles, thank youu!!! Have a wonderful day Kasey!
AJASHSJ THANK YOUUUU!! That is so sweet, I'm happy you like my writing! 💚 Hopefully they arent too OOC, I really need to watch the new season (TwT) Little disclaimer, the bitch went and deleted itself when my platform updated, so I pumped most of it out at midnight. I'm sorry this is so late, I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Gender Neutral Reader
Lers: Todoroki and Bakugou
Summary: A new transfer student at UA, you're a bit scared of Bakugou and Todoroki's whole demeanors. Midoriya gives them some tips on how to seem less threatening. 
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!!
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You had been at UA for almost two weeks, most of class 1A warmed up to you pretty quickly. You had finally figured out your class schedule, gotten used to Aizawa's power naps, and made a few friends. The only thing you hadn't gotten used to was how... intimidating some of your classmates were.
Todoroki and Bakugou weren't bad, they just didn't have a very friendly air to them. Bakugou screams and cusses, you were afraid to look at him wrong. And Todoroki... his stoic silence was enough to ward you away. He always seemed like he wasn't in the mood to talk.
One student you managed to befriend was Izuku Midoriya. The greenette did his best to make sure you were comfortable, introducing you to other students and rambling about their interests and skills. It was a bit hard to follow, but he helped you. He also couldn't help but notice your aversion to his two classmates.
He decided to do something about it.
"Come on Kacchan, you know I didn't mean it like that!" 
Midoriya had tried talking to the pair about their demeanors, and it went about as well as you can image. Bakugou was not pleased.
"I do NOT need to change for the newbie!" His signature scowl was on his face, his palms crackling as he yelled. He was a touch offended that Midoriya had asked him to dial it back a bit. He's not that scary... right?
"Kacchan... Please? I just want them to feel comfortable around you two." Todoroki hadn't said a word, though his brows were slightly furrowed. He didn't think he came off that intimidating. Sure, he didn't talk much, but you weren't afraid of him... right?
"Look, I'm not saying you two need to change. Just... show your human sides. Be playful, show them you can have fun." He wracked his brain, trying to think of what his classmates could do to show their new friend their playful sides. 
An idea popped into his head, making his face light up. Each of his friends had wrecked him within the past month. It's mostly harmless, and a great way to establish a playful relationship with the new student. "I got it! How about you two tickle them!"
Both students blinked, registering his suggestion. Bakugou was the first to react. "Uh, the fuck? How is that gonna help, Deku?!" Todoroki nodded, seeming to agree with the firey blonde.
"Okay, you two need to seem less intimidating, more approachable. You need to be playful! What's more playful than tickling?" Todo bit his lip, considering this. It had admittedly been kinda fun to tickle Midoriya, but with them? He didn't know if it was the best way to go about it.
"I don't know. What if it makes things worse?" Deku sighed, choosing his words carefully. Bakugou was still mumbling, surprisingly giving him a moment to talk.
"I'm not saying it's guaranteed, but it may help. And you didn't hear it from me, but... they kinda like it." That simple sentence took almost all hesitation out of Todoroki. He was still a bit iffy, but if they like it, it's worth a shot.
"Okay, I'll play. They like it, it's an idea. But you seriously think they're just gonna let us waltz up and tickle them? I'd beat the shit outta someone if they did that." The blonde's tone was shockingly neutral, the usual heat replaced with curiosity and skepticism. He wanted to meet you, to take away most of that unnecessary fear. You seemed decent.
"Well, no. Be sneaky about it. You guys are creative, just use a little teamwork. I believe in you!" These ideas could work. You needed to get used to the duo, and they needed to work on their people skills. It's a win-win, if they go for it.
Todoroki huffed before nodding. "I'll try it." His answer was short, yet it was all Midoriya needed. The dual-quirked student was willing to try and get to know you. If that meant being a little silly, so be  it. 
"Okay! What about you Kacchan?" 
The blonde rolled his eyes, a small smile forming on his face. "Fine. Let's try it." 
You were sitting on the main room couch, trying to relax. Training that day had been a bit rigourus, leaving you kinda tired. Needless to say, you were more than a little surprised when you saw both Bakugou and Todoroki enter the common room. 
You were downright shocked when they both waved at you, coming to join you on the couch. Todoroki leaned on the back of the couch while Bakugou sat down beside you. Tension quickly found it's way into your frame, their combined prescence wracking your nerves.  
"Uh... hey guys. You need something?" They look between eachother, as if having a silent debate. Apparently, Bakugou lost, grumbling something before he speaks to you. 
"Jus' wanted to say hi. You seem decent, not like the other extras. Great smile, too." Okay, that's a bit out of left field. Hot-tempered Bakugou, complimenting your smile? He seems... almost playful. It's a complete 180 from the Katsuki you're used to. 
Todoroki, who's been characteristically quiet, said something that surprised you. "He's right. Your laugh is quite nice." You let your guard down, just enough to loosen the muscles in your shouders and arms. This... wasn't what you were expecting at all.
Seeing you relax, they moved onto Phase 2 of their poorly-discussed plan. Bakugou moved his hand to your side, stopping just shy of your skin. You couIdn't help but freeze up, seeing his fingers twitch ever-so sligty, just inches away from making contact. Clearing your troat, you looked back up at Todoroki.
Both students wore the same mischevious expression. The smile compliments, wiggling fingers, smirks... Oh shi-
Before you could react, 10 wiggling fingers descended on your sides. Baku's tickles were rough and fast, quickly sending you into a giggle fit. "Bakugohohohou! Whahat are you dohohoing?!" 
The explosive teen smirked, continuing the onslaught on your poor sides. "Tickling you, dumbass. What else would I be doing?" You batted weakly at his hands, not putting up much of a fight. You didn't really mind. At least not nearly as much as you were pretending to. 
Feeling a bit left out, Todoroki grabbed your arms, holding them above your head. Using his free hand, he gently prodded at your armpit. The difference between Todo's light, teasing tickles and Baku's fast, rough torment had your head reeling, little squeaks dotting your laughter. 
You could fuel Bakugou's hands exploring, slowly making their way across your stomach. Todoroki contined to tease your armpit, occasionally moving down to knead your ribs. The moment the blonde's fingers reached your belly button, you squealed and twisted in Todo's grip. 
Baku took the opportunity to tease you, wanting to establish a playful mood. "Found your giggle button, eh? The squeaking is cute, keep it up." 
If you had the choice, you would *not* have kept it up. Being called "cute" by Bakugou wasn't something you felt like reliving. But, with a teasing explosion boy on your belly, you couldn't help but continue.
Todoroki kept his pace steady as he teased your  armpit. He didn't want to go too far. The gentle tickling was somehow worse, building up you anticipation and setting your nerves on fire.
You wriggled and squirmed, making a show out of trying to escape. They saw right though your act. It was adorable, they thought. 
"You really do have a nice laugh. It's good that you like this, we're having fun as well." It was shocking to hear Todoroki say this. The typically stoic, resigned teen's comment sends heat to your cheeks. They chuckle at your blush, deciding not to comment on it. 
"N-noho I'm nohot! Shuhuhut uhup!" The teasing made it all twice as bad, their sweet words ramping up your sensitivity. On top of that, Todoroki started to actually tickle you, digging his fingers into your armpit and ribs. It's not unpleasant, but just enough to bring loud belly laughter from you. 
The intensity increase wasn't awful, but you were reaching your limit. A bright red hue had taken over your face, slowly spreading down your neck. Your squirming had doubled and contained actual effort at this point. It was getting to be a lot.
The pair picked up on this rather quickly. Todoroki was the first to stop, nudging Bakugou to do the same. After a few quick scratches on your belly button, he stilled his hands and backed off. The half-and-half student started to rub small circles into your back, letting go of your arms.
You were still giggling softly, phantom tickles buzzing on your belly and ribs. Todo smiled as you caught your breath, rubbing the calming circles while Bakugou grabbed some water. They had both learned from Midoriya that aftercare is important.
One glass of a water later, you had managed to stop giggling, your cheeks' glow fading to a light pink. Bakugou sat on the couch beside you, a small smirk on his face. You felt like you should say something, though your mind came up blank at the thought. They seemed to understand this, sitting on either side of you as the TV is turned on. Words aren't needed, those two have got this covered. 
As for your thoughts on them...
You definitely weren't as intimidated by them after all that. At least, not for the same reasons. The difference then: they were seriously good at tickling you. They know you enjoy it, but don't judge you or take it too far...
Maybe they aren't so bad after all.
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