#I'm getting tired way earlier than I usually do from just the raw amount of visual processing my fuckin brain has to do in this fight
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the-punforgiven · 8 months ago
Man for real do I have to start warning my epileptic friends about the end boss of Shadow of the Erdtree? Because like I do not have epilepsy and despite that this dude's second phase is fucking rough to look at
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goldemas1244 · 2 years ago
Kastiya Mas Dating Headcanons!
(Note: Separate list from the initial headcanons post! He's got such a way to date I love him so much! @kikiwooo I love the attention you've given him so HAVE AT YOU!!!)
He's slightly problematic. I mean his parents and friends are all blown up so really he's got a lot of trust and attachment isues. Do take note.
Dating KM is a fun adventure no matter where he takes you! From kayaking to dinners, he has an extensive bucket list of places to go and you'll both love it!
If it's a more relaxed date he'll wear something formal. He likes dress-like outfits a lot. His favourite restaurants are shellout restaurants. The lobster is a must-have. He'll take you out to a restaurant on your first date, classic.
If it's an adventurous date he'll look like his normal nude self. He'll bring a fanny pack with him though. You can never go wrong with a few spare energy bars! He'll start out with the more chill ones of course, like walks in the park.
If he doesn't know where to go he'll ask you. Just make sure to tell him two days in advance, he has a very horrid sense of time.
If you want to Netflix and Chill well then that's all the more better! He gets an excuse to stay at home and show you the ungodly amount of media he's pirated. He's gonna put on the Pirates of the Carribean movies at least once.
He likes movies with strong orchestral soundtracks, but he's not against rom-coms. He has a collection of CDs with old-timey movies in them and he soaks them all up like a sponge. His favourite is My Fair Lady.
When he watches with you expect a lot of physical contact. He'll rest on your shoulder, hold your hand, snuggle up close to you, steal your nachos (he's allergic to popcorn), maybe even sleep on you if he's tired. He likes it when you wear cologne too.
When you take it to the bed, the first nights are always nice. Cute hugs and snuggles, spooning, AC on and blankets thick. He relishes in the warmth. He's a bit of a night owl though so you really should help him sleep earlier. He'll sleep with his back towards you before he gets more comfy and uses you as a stinky pillow instead.
Mating session! He's very inexperienced so do start out slow. He likes knowing he can trust you with the next step. Aftercare is always on his budget and he'll spare no expense to make sure you feel comfortable enough for bed.
But of course as time passes on things can get a little rougher. When he lets you take full control that's how you know you've truly sealed the deal. There is no way out except either a permanent relationship or first-degree murder. No going back now, he's letting you raw him. That's a privilege right there.
Bath time is usually solo. But the more comfortable he gets with you the more he'll let you get closer. Until eventually of course he'll stop using the shower curtains and shooing you out, altogether ending up sharing the same shower AND towel.
He likes to go out shopping too, but he usually window-shops. No, what I'm saying is, take him to a bakery. It's cheaper than a new shirt AND the bread's gone in three days or less. Make sure your wallet's loaded, he's a beast when it comes to chocolate buns.
Sick days are best spent alone. It's no good if both of you get sick. Screentime is limited. You'll have to help him manage his Twitch content. But if YOU'RE sick he'll spare no potato. He'll force feed you bread and chicken soup until you get better.
Gaming dates are always fun. You get to game together and boost both your accounts! He's not the swear-y type of person though and mostly watches his language on-cam.
He likes to give and receive trinkets. Little keychains, fancy lighters, you name it he'll buy it. He'll remember the most minute detail you've mentioned and then buy you it on your birthday.
Birthdays! Pizza party instead of cake, he hates icing. He likes being fed though so treat him like a prince.
If it's been a sad day make sure to be there for him. He doesn't want advice. He just wants to know you're there for him. And he'll treat you the same way. It'll take him a while to open up to you but once the tears start to flow it means he's begging you, praying you're not like the others. You've also got to be thick-skinned though. He's very violent when he's breaking down.
Your first kiss with him is also his first kiss. He loves it when your two lips meet. He'll want another one after the first one. And another one. And another one. And so on and so on. Until there's nothing left but kisses all over, may or may not escalate.
As a Kastiyan, his moral code is a... tad skewed. Meaning if you dare enrage him he will not hesitate to shut you down no matter how much he really truly loves you. So unless you're very good at fighting and calming him down, consider yourself dead. He'll stay indoors for a grieving period of about three months. You'll stay seven feet under for the rest of your life.
He doesn't understand social cues all that much so you should help him. He can act a bit childish at times so be patient with him. Don't tease him if he makes a mistake, he's got a sensitive heart.
He likes anybody really but he's more oriented towards men. He finds a strange sense of comfort in their tummies.
He has a tendency to bite. You. No chew toy can suffice the need to severely pin you down and rip off chunks of your flesh. It's a repressed instinct. So just... let him nom on you cutely. He won't go that rough usually. Usually.
He owns a pat cat who can run on two legs. No his house isn't haunted BUT IT SURE DOES FUCKIN FELINE IT. (Get it? Feline? Feel like? Wordplay? No okay I'll see myself out-)
If he suddenly asks you if you love him, that means he's starting to feel down. Hold him by the chin, look into his eyes, say clearly that you love him, and give him a hug. And maybe opt to book a psychiatric appointment for him.
He's terrified of losing you. So within a year or two of you two dating, he'll pull the ring on you. If you're not ready, he'll try next month. And so on and so on. He's lost so many people dear to him, so you'd better not be his latest (and probably last; who knows what he'll do to himself if he loses you...).
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purplesurveys · 1 year ago
Do you have a fan/air conditioning on right now? I have my aircon turned on, yeah. The colder weather flew by in the blink of an eye and now it's back to being hot and humid and gross and needing to have some sort of ventilation in front of my face 24/7.
When was the last time you sang along with a song? Which one was it? It was when I was singing along to Turn It Off by Paramore in the car earlier this afternoon, on my way home.
Are you currently wearing any hair accessories? Which ones? I have a hair tie on since my hair's in a loose bun.
Have you ever wished you had a different name? Which name would you choose? Wanting a different name was more the case when I was a kid, because children were brutal and bullied me to oblivion for my name; at one point I was insisting my family start calling me Isabelle just to escape the flinches I'd get whenever I'd hear my name.
Over the years and as those kids got older and started leaving me alone, I warmed up to my name and now think it's pretty badass.
Do you often press the wrong keys on the keyboard? No I'm pretty good at typing and the only time I get kind of clumsy is when I use a keyboard I'm not super used to.
Have you ever customised an item of clothing? What did you do to it? I've never done that; I've never been creative enough to DIY stuff.
When was the last time you got a splinter stuck in you? D: Less than a year ago.
Do you prefer drawing or painting? Any particular reason why? Painting. It's more therapeutic for me and at least with painting you can use the most random colors and shapes possible and it'd still, like, amount to something lol. I can't draw to save my life.
Are you saving up for anything right now? What? I'm saving up for life in general. With my resignation taking effect and me being down to my last four paychecks while I look for my next job, I don't plan on spending much until I settle the latter.
Are you any good at playing pinball? Nope.
Do you own any figurines? Of what? I don't. Not really my cup of tea to collect.
If you have any siblings, how much rivalry is between you all? I don't speak with my brother; my sister and I are great as can be.
When did you last have itchy eyes? It's been a while. This doesn't happen a lot.
If forced to go camping, would you rather sleep in a tent or a caravan? I would go with the caravan.
Is it dark outside right now? It is, since it's nearing midnight.
How often do you get jealous of other people? What is it usually about? Tbh no not really. I'm usually so much more caught up in my own life and my own problems that I've stopped paying attention to the ways I could possibly compare myself to others lol.
Do you prefer framed photos or just sticking photos straight onto walls? I don't do either of those but I wouldn't mind placing photos directly on my wall. It gives off a kind of raw aesthetic that I'm into.
What’s your favourite type of cake? I would never turn down cheesecake.
Have you ever woken up from a dream and believed it to have been real? All the time, which is why I always need to take a while to wake up lol.
When was the last time you brushed your teeth? Earlier this evening.
How tired are you right now? I'm not. I'm all excitement cos it's a long weekend hahaha.
When was the last time you had an argument with someone? What was it about? Idk if it counts as arguing but I guess I had a bit of a back and forth with Leah earlier this week? We met to discuss my resignation - she was offering all sorts of counterproposals, from a sabbatical to an all expense paid trip to anywhere I want - and on my end my goal was to be able to make her understand why any offer from here would be met by a firm no from me, as shitty as I feel about it.
If there’s a bug in your room, can you sleep or do you need to get it out? That bug would need to get out.
How long have you gone without sleep? Like, today? I've only been up for around 14 hours.
Can you drive yet? How good are you at it? I can drive, but idk, when can you start self-claiming that you're a good driver haha?? I'd say I keep careful while knowing how to use my tiny car to my advantage, but I do get major anxiety when I have to merge or switch lanes. That shit takes me way too long to accomplish hah.
Do you prefer travelling alone or with people? With people. I can barely take care of myself and know it would be a mess if I ever tried traveling on my own. It's something I want to try, of course, but I'm also well aware of my own watchouts for myself lol.
Did you listen to the radio today? Briefly when I got into my Grab rides to and from the office. I ended up listening to my own music both times.
What was the last baby animal you saw? That cute little puppy from a work-related TVC shoot.
Generally speaking, is it warmer or colder in your house than outside? It's ever so slightly colder; but if it's humid outside then it would usually be just as shitty inside.
When was the last time you threw up? Less than a month ago. Work anxiety.
Do you give people high fives or hugs more often? High fives and fist bumps.
Have you ever tie-dyed something? Just once, when it was an activity in school. We did it to a t-shirt.
Name something you thought was cool when you were younger but don’t now: Having an iPad. It felt almost revolutionary a decade ago and now it's like "well everyone has a tablet and it's kind of necessary for a lot of situations now so eh" lol.
How long does it usually take you to get to sleep? Less than 10 minutes. It's easy but it's also because I knock myself out by using my phone.
When did you last get a papercut? December.
Which do you prefer: Blackboards or whiteboards? Whiteboards. Blackboards are a bitch to clean up.
What sort of things do you have bookmarked in your internet browser? I never really bookmark things on my browser anymore.
Are / were you spoilt? Would others agree or disagree with you? To an extent, but I never was a dramatic kid and my parents only ever bought things for me so long as I earned it. I just say 'to an extent' because compared to my siblings I admittedly have more expensive preferences that my parents provided for me whenever they could.
What are you wearing right now? A sleeveless top and shorts.
What was the last book you read? Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982.
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Reposting this Jaskier sickfic now that it's all done and together
Geralt cast another glance behind him, eyeing his bardic companion. He had noticed over the course of the day that the usual near constant chatter and song behind him had petered out into nothing but the sound of Roach's hooves. The quiet wasn't unwelcome, necessarily, but it was starting to get worrisome.
"Nothing of note to compose about today?" He asked, watching Jaskier. The bard looked tired and wan, scuffing his feet as he walked. He jumped at the sound of Geralt's voice, and it took him a beat longer than it should have to reply.
"Not particularly, I suppose." And the fact that he left it at that and didn't say anything more was more worrying to Geralt than anything. Geralt let them walk for another ten minutes or so, long enough that Jaskier wouldn't immediately think that their stopping was because of him. If he assumed the stopping was because of him he would have vehemently insisted that he was fit to continue, and as far as Geralt could tell, he looked half ready to drop.
"Say we set up camp here for the night?" He said, tugging Roach to a stop and hopping down.
"Isn't it another few hours to dark?"
"Maybe an hour, but this place seems secure. I could use the rest."
Another worrying thing was that Jaskier didn't protest or ask anything further, just nodded and went about setting up camp with relief written on his face. Definitely something strange afoot. Geralt made a note to keep watch of him without making it obvious that he was doing so and began to unhook and spread out their bedrolls, tightly side by side as always. As soon as camp was made and a campfire was crackling merrily in the center, Jaskier bid a rather quiet goodnight to the Witcher and curled up wrapped around himself. He was asleep within minutes, and Geralt sat awake for some time, half watching him and half lost in his own thoughts. Eventually after the sun died completely he lay down himself.
Some time later, what must have been hours but still long before dawn, Geralt's heightened senses caught some sort of sound, some movement, and he snapped awake, staring into the darkness, lit only by the dying embers of the campfire. Jaskier had risen and was stumbling away from their camp in what seemed like a hurry. Geralt took up a lantern from their bags and, without even bothering to lace his boots, started out after him.
"Jaskier?" He called. Jaskier didn't respond, didn't seem to have heard. He braced himself on a tree some 20 feet from camp, bent over double and pressed one arm across his stomach. He finally caught sight of the light of Geralt's lantern and tried to straighten himself, as if afraid to lose dignity. Geralt shook his head.
"If you need to vomit then vomit," he said, "best get whatever it is that turned your stomach out of your system."
Jaskier shook his head. Geralt wasn't sure if he was denying his need to throw up or telling Geralt to leave, but he fought against his own body for another few moments before losing the fight and retching hard. He bent in half with the force of it and Geralt moved around behind him and pressed a hand between his shoulder blades, an uncharacteristically tender act as he rubbed the spasming muscles there. Jaskier dry heaved a few more times and then brought up everything he'd put into his system since the day before, dropping to his knees with the force of it. Geralt braced a hand around his stomach, half in comfort and half fearing that he'd fall forwards into his own sick if someone didn't hold him up. Tears streamed down Jaskier's face and he gulped for air around the heaves until they finally subsided. He went limp and Geralt caught him and pulled him back into his lap. Jaskier's head fell bonelessly against the Witcher's chest, and Geralt pressed a light touch against his sweat-soaked forehead.
"I think I'm ill." Jaskier's voice was horse and spent. His skin was so pale it was almost grey.
"Are you also prone to understatement?" Geralt asked, but there was none of the typical harshness there. He moved his hand from Jaskier's forehead to the back of his neck. "You're warm. Did I not tell you that the pheasant you cooked was still raw at the bone?"
Geralt regretted his question as the bard further paled, pressing the back of his hand to his mouth and closing his eyes. "If it was the food why aren't you sick?" He asked, not opening his eyes.
"Witcher constitution," Geralt mumbled, still smoothing little circles across Jaskier's stomach almost subconsciously as the bard leaned into him. "Takes a lot to take me down. Do you think you're done trying to turn yourself inside out for now?"
Jaskier didn't look much better but he nodded and tried to rise. His legs wobbled beneath him and Geralt caught him and kept him upright. "Let's get you laying down before you fall down, then." He didn't pick Jaskier up even though he could have with little effort; he wanted to afford the man some modicum of dignity.
"You didn't tell me you were feeling ill," he said, once they were both back. Jaskier didn't answer and his eyes drifted closed. Geralt guessed the conversation could wait until later, when he could properly scold Jaskier for hiding the fact that he was unwell. "Don't sleep yet, I need to get some water in you first."
Jaskier shook his head again. "Probably just throw it back up."
"And then you'll drink again." Geralt pressed the cantiene against Jaskier's lips, helping him to sit up, and when he felt like he'd gotten an appropriate amount of fluid into the bard he capped it off and let him lay down again.
"Sleep," he said, "and get well. I'll be here if you need me." He set to rifling through his bag, looking for herbs to make a soothing tea and watching the rise and fall of Jaskier's chest as Jaskier slept on fitfully.
Geralt found the proper herbs he was looking for in his satchel, perhaps a bit stale but maybe of at least some comfort. He rekindled the fire with the thought that it was going to be a long night and then tied their kettle over it, heating water from the stream they'd set up nearby. Jaskier was tossing and turning in his sleep, struggling to fight off the extra blanket that Geralt had tucked over him and then shivering in the night air. His face was stark white except for two points of flush high on his cheeks from his growing fever.
The water was coming to a boil as Jaskier shot awake again, fighting to get away from his bedroll but making it no further than to turn and vomit to the side, entire body trembling. Geralt made a low noise of sympathy in his throat and moved to his side again, leaving the tea to steep for a moment. Jaskier, still hunched over and trembling, reached out a hand towards Geralt and Geralt caught it, giving it a little squeeze of comfort. He vaguely remembered a pressure point that was meant to relieve nausea and he tried to find it on Jaskier, somewhere just below the pulse point of his wrist. Whether it helped or whether the bout was over Geralt wasn't sure, but Jaskier let himself collapse back down onto the bedroll. Geralt found a cloth and dipped it into the cool water of the stream, wringing it out and bringing it back to Jaskier.
"Will you sit up for me?" He asked.
"Don't want to," jaskier mumbled, his voice wrecked, but he sat up anyways, watching the Witcher with fever-bright eyes that didn't quite properly track anything. Geralt lay the cloth across the back of Jaskier's neck and then sat down behind him, giving him something to prop himself up on. It was almost alarming how quickly Jaskier had gone from walking alongside him to barely even able to hold his own head up. Geralt figured he would take off for a healer if Jaskier wasn't looking any better by morning's light, but there was no use trying to travel in the dark.
"I made you tea," Geralt said, producing the cup. "Spearmint and a few other things. Should help settle your stomach. Get some fluids in you at least."
Jaskier took the cup and pulled it in close to him as if trying to absorb the warmth. Geralt could feel the heat radiating off of him and wondered how he could possibly be feeling cold.
"Just little sips. Don't throw up on me."
He was almost hoping for a snarky answer back by then, something to let him know Jaskier would be alright. What he got was a little nod and Jaskier taking a microscopic sip of the tea as if to test his body's reaction and then a slightly larger one.
"I'm sorry," jaskier said, almost letting the cup fall. Geralt caught it for him and righted it before it spilled.
"Sorry for what?"
"All of it. Slowing you down. Making you take care of me."
"Hmm." Geralt pressed the cup towards Jaskier's lips and Jaskier took another sip. "You couldn't make me do anything if you tried. I'm taking care of you because-
I love you, he thought. I want you to be okay, he thought. You're worrying me, he thought. He let his words trail off.
Jaskier always knew what he meant.
The next time Jaskier woke up it was with tears in his eyes and his breath hitching, coughing out a "fuck, Geralt, it hurts, make it stop, please."
"Your stomach?" Geralt asked, though he didn't need to with the way that Jaskier was curled around himself, fists balled up and pressed into his middle. He'd gone from worry to some sort of gnawing panic that clawed at his own insides like an animal.
"Come here." He helped Jaskier lay down in his arms again, hoping a change of position might help, and started rubbing the knotted, spent muscles of Jaskier's abdomen. He felt helpless. Monsters, he could do. Wounds, he could patch up. Fever and sickness were another thing.
"Can you do the thing you did earlier?" Jaskier mumbled, face pressed into Geralt's chest.
"You did something to my arm and it made the sick stop, for a moment."
Geralt found the pressure point again with the hand not over Jaskier's stomach, glad to have some sense of control in the situation.
"Go back to sleep, Jaskier." He said when he noticed the bard's eyes growing heavy again. "I'll still look after you."
Somehow Geralt's ministrations lulled Jaskier and he fell asleep, entire body curled up in the Witcher's lap.
At some point Geralt drifted off as well, and the next time he awoke it was to the morning sun. His heart stopped for a moment before he realized that Jaskier was alright, looking wan and more sick than he'd ever seen him but still breathing, the most important.
"Feeling any better?" Geralt asked, running the pad of his thumb over Jaskier's cheek. He was almost certain he'd never committed a gesture so tender before, not to any lover or friend.
"A bit, I think." Jaskier sounded exhausted. "Feel pretty weak. Not sure I'm up for much travelling today."
"You spent the entire night trying to rid yourself of your internal organs and you think I'd make you travel?" And then, as if to prove again that he was going soft, he pressed his lips against Jaskier's forehead, testing for a fever that way. "You're still too warm.
The slightest smile crept across Jaskier's lips at the gesture. It still looked too pale, too thin. Geralt brought some cold, clear water to his lips and Jaskier sipped at it.
"Are you okay?"
"I told you it takes a lot to make me ill."
"Not like that. You look... haunted."
Humans lived for so much less time than witches. This human in particular always seemed to be getting tied up into messes. Just travelling with Geralt was a mess waiting to happen.
It was terrifying. Gerslt pushed it aside. Jaskier was fine, he was probably over the worst of it and he'd be on the mend and any further worry was useless, especially in the situation at hand.
"Don't worry about me, focus on feeling better, bard." And he pulled Jaskier close to him, and thought, this time he is okay. This time he will be well. And he finally let his own body relax.
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