#I'm freeeee to be annoying
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theflickersystem · 6 months ago
What if...heh...No I shan't say
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tigercomplex · 7 months ago
i finally got back into platinuuummmm
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2demondogs · 1 month ago
I just saw your self-insert art on Instagram, and I am SOO intrigued. I'd love it if you went on a little rant about them because I wanna know MOREE!!
WAAA thank you :3 you sly dog you got me monologuing.. Eugene's a little feral freak. He's kind of a vent character in a way, just for fun in others. He's giving Dutch a run for his bipolar money.
CW: Assault, addiction, transphobia, starvation.
The only solid lore I have for him is:
Ran away from an abusive home when he was in his teens after being outed as trans. Drifted around the country starving and stealing to keep himself alive. Developed a drug addiction shortly before being found by Dutch.
Eventually is assaulted and left in a ditch with severe injuries while high as fuck, I call it his back alley top surgery. Is this realistic? No. Is it the first time he's been dying in a ditch? No. Is it the last? Also no.
Bled to the point Dutch tried to mug Eugene's body thinking he was dead. What kind of fucking UNIT survives that and still has the spirit to be annoying as fuck? Join the gang boy!!
Chest is covered in scars, he has many cigarette burn scars (he puts them out on himself for no reason except to be weird.), scars on his face (lol on the side I never draw) where he was attacked by stray dogs as a kid.
He has chronic pain and uses a cane about half the time. Some of the gang would like to kick him out (and sometimes he'd agree with them), but he brings in way too much money robbing and pickpocketing for Dutch to consider it.
Close with Hosea, they got a little book club going, he does the same with Mary-Beth. Eugene also talks with Dutch about his books but not as often.
Eugene takes the girls shopping and he is kinda their Pet Man(TM). If no one else will do it or listen to them, he's there.
He struggles to make friendships with the men and hides it by acting jokingly gay with them. As long it's insane and overzealous enough it'll make someone laugh which is better than them hating him.
Stuff that's up in the air/mostly joked about w my friends:
Eugene homewrecking Dutch and Molly because he would be a third but he prefers to be evil
Alternatively Eugene and Molly forming a queerplatonic relationship bc there is no greater bond than that of a gay man and a bisexual woman who want the same washed up middle aged loser
Need to ponder more his relationship with Swanson because there'd likely be one over drug addiction but they would butt heads over religion
Eugene homewrecking mostly any relationship in camp for the sole reason that he was lowkey bored
IDK if other people do this but I like to yumeship(?) him with multiple characters and each is like its own little AU. hosea, dutch, molly, javier are my usuals that bring me comfort or joy and i got a little story in my head for each of them bc I'm so cringe but I'm SO FREEEEE!!!
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this is the hi nanna anon again, and oml i do agree w you about yashna crossing the lines!! the black saree thing, her acting like she has a right to question viraj's decisions about mahi, etc
but overall it was overshadowed by the number of things i loved in the movie/the emotions
I think Mrunal being drawn to viraj/mahi did make sense in my head, because I felt like- even though she forgot those memories, her body would remember? i'm not fully sure what I meant but something along the lines of recognising the comfort viraj gave her & subconsciously recognising bits of herself/someone she loved in mahi? but all that might just be the romantic in me being delulu lmao
and I get what you mean by not vibing with it/feeling like it was Too Much, (especially after the malayalam movies), that does make sense.
I desperately needed both the lead characters to go to therapy so many times 😭 helping yashna cope w her trauma before conceiving mahi would've helped in so many ways, no? and like. my brain has been full of thoughts of them dealing with their trauma after the end of the movie (if they make a part 2 exploring their dynamics, i'd die of joy. unfortunately it's not likely to happen at all smh)
and yes 65 roses was so cute and genius
anyway, thanks for answering!! (and for dealing with my unprompted essay lol)
YASHNA i could not for the life of me remember their names lmfao -- and yeah like as far as she knows shes a random stranger and she's demanding traumatic memories and answer from literally a guy at a coffeeshop like 😭😭 please he just spent all day frantically searching for his daughter maybe find him a therapist instead
for me her being drawn to him made sense in like a, the dog recognizing the kid and him, the fact that they didnt stray from their life paths after the accident, like if they were married they would be in the same place not just because they were together but because their lives just played out like that. but i can see how you see it (im a hopeless romantic too so i want this more than the analytical way) and especially with how much trauma yashna went through and only found comfort in viraj, so even without conscious memory her subconscious would still find comfort in him..................... anon i am subscribing to your beliefs
I KNOWWWWWW LIKE PLEASE 7CUPS IS FREEEEE!!!!!!!!! if i was in that movie i would be getting my degree in psychiatry specifically for them. on god we are getting your mental health above the ground bro
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yesssssssssssssss, nani has such a Father Face in a way i cannot explain so its for me specifically that he's playing more now that he's older. if i wasnt in love with him i'd ask him to adopt me (and tbh. he's more than old enough to.)
jersey was so sad, i still tear up when i listen to the songs :(((( its a movie i definitely want to watch again when my emotional capacity is more stable lmaoo
no worries at all, i loooooove essay asks like we r having an intellectual conversation in this chilis tonight 🙏🏽🙏🏽 i will literally never be annoyed im like omg friend :]
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fruityyamenrunner · 2 years ago
My guy, you get blocked because you’re really annoying and make nonsensical arguments, not because Americans secretly want to fuck their cats.
i know. there's something more specific about why what I was saying was annoying and why you can quickly identify it as "nonsense" which you will find rewarding to look into.
I don't think they want to fuck their cats. Firstly everyone knows that american women fuck *dogs*. Cats are about secretly wanting to be masters
Like do you notice this recurring thing where people impersonate their cats and are like *cat voice* "im a god, I'm you're master, im not do what you tell me not like nasty doggg! no no... doggies are all slaves but im freeeee"
meanwhile objectively the cat is just a little animal trapped inside a house, dependent on their owner for food and medicine and attention. i don't like this disconnect - this feels perverse and kinky to me. I think the person who speaks like this isn't using the cat as a sex toy, necessarily, but they're certainly using it as a toy to play BDSM games.
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2dkapsddr · 5 months ago
October 12th, 2024 - Arcaea, vivid/stasis
about time it happened... but at long last, i finally knocked out INTERNET YAMERO (FTR-10, MAX-27) as FTR PM #199!!! i'm freeeee!!! (bonus edit from the future: as of Arcaea v6.0, this chart -- despite still having an internal CC of 9.9, has been rerated to and placed as a Level 10 in the game and its sorting options... which i guess retroactively makes this 10 PM #6??? it's quite weird and very annoying to have to go back and change, but i mean i guess i'll take the rerate...? gotta do this for chunithm too now that they turned Elemental Creation ULTIMA into a 15 and adjusted everything else... gahhh)
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went on a MAX'ing spree in vivid/stasis as well because i really wanted more powersaves n' stuff for my tamasatchi but lacked the points... so what better way to go than to MAX every Middle/Opening chart in the game to secure those points!!! ...unfortunately though, this Does include the Middle/Opening charts full of gimmicks and antics that i really don't think should be permanently in the charts themselves (as they give way to some really ugly and painful experiences to play through if you're just trying to get a MAX out of the way... though i'm sure that's not what they were intended for tbf)
the worst offender(s) of this by far has to be All The Times . extremely good and creative as a modchart, right? HORRIBLE experience to try MAX'ing all around . pretty much everything in the charts are broken, from a super delayed judgement bar (turning all judgements off doesn't work and just shows type 1 judgements) to some gimmicks not playing properly to the effects dragging the chart FPS down to ~30 FPS to the chart intentionally halving your scroll speed to make the gimmicks "easier" to read!!! NO!!! it just makes timing a nightmare because you still have the regular timing windows which were my whole reason for using such a high scroll speed damnit!!! erugh,,, and to think i still have to do a Finale and Master MAX of this very same song... i think i'd rather gouge my eyes out than sit through something like that anytime soon... but hey -- with this session, i've finally gotten a MAX on every Chapter 1 chart, [MIDDLE] difficulty!!!
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with that finally out of the way, the rest of today was actually spent on finally succumbing to the horrors and playing through the end of Final Verdict!!! since i'd already cleared the other 4 boss songs, all i had to do was complete the ARG response thingies for the very last song... and after Solving Them Normally Just As Intended (lie), i regained +0.03 PTT from Grievous Lady and then finally had the chance to play the chart... which was HELL . scary ass chart i'm supposed to still do this handheld??? well, can't really relinquish my thumb player title now, so i really had no choice but to just learn and execute it...
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....aaaand i normal cleared it handheld within the hour!!! insane progression!!! ...though i still have no idea how i'm gonna upscore it anywhere past that, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there... at this point though? i was too tired and sweaty to get through the rest of the story, so i left it off at The Part and vowed to someday finish it off...
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matchaloverlikesflannel · 7 months ago
I just watched the statistical probability of love at first sight and I cried like the whole time but not because of the movie but because of a random rude person. I really tried my best to not make a big deal out of it but also not letting her be rude to me and well it didn't work and she was unfair again and that made me feel very shitty. People. Group projects. Well well and I kinda gave up on that biochem exam. I'll take it, I'll probably fail but it will be fine. Not a big deal. Just three more weeks and I'm freeeee of this really annoying semester (and free of two of my closest friends here (I have 3), but no biggy 🙂🥲)
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4ngelofmydreams · 2 years ago
good morning i hate my ex btw
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riccardass · 3 years ago
finally i can stop pretending i ever gave a rats ass about that ugly orange team and its annoying poster boy lando whomst i despise, like i'm freeeee worst experience of my life
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sixmorningsafter · 6 years ago
Hi, I feel like you probably avoid all question like mine, but there's nothing mean about it. We're reader and we need to know. ARe you going to continue SMA ? like really? because the wait is way too long and I'm tired of just having a ton of gif in my tl,so could please answer this question so I can stop following you.
blanket statement to all of y’all: rest-assured, I’d let you know if I wasn’t going to continue this anymore. my glacial ass may will take absolutely forever between chapters but if I haven’t formally said I’ve stopped writing, that means I’m still tortoising along (got a few scenes done last weekend actually, WHADDUP). strict no-ghosting zone on this tumblr.
that said, there’s no obligation to stick around or wait it out - I write this for free because it’s a creative outlet and y’all are (usually) a blast. there are a lot of wonderful fics out there that update faaaaar more regularly than I do and I’m only getting busier as I head into neuro and peds, so if it annoys you so much, unfollow me dude - set yourself freeeee! 
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pompomplum · 5 years ago
I'm freeeee 😩🙌🏻 two free dayyys fuck yeah. i swear I almost snapped at customers today, no rest, they just kept coming and coming and buying more than a person can even carry, i swear I was so annoyed
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datapadz · 5 years ago
Alright SO today I am going to get a haircut and then I should be freeeee!! Just in the nick of time too, I had to start doing guided meditation because I was getting so stressed and annoyed it was manifesting as hives lol. I'm one of those people!! Thank u again for all your patience friends ❤️
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