#I'm even afraid to change his head and fists. Any advice?
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strongestbanner · 3 months ago
YOOOOOO I got my first Marvel Legends, HE'S SO HANDSOME WTFFF
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You can't imagine how much I love Victor from Earth-295 😭💕
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Hugs and love for y'all uwu~
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charliedawn · 4 years ago
Imagine Alice coming back to you after being away for a long time
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As soon as you are home, you don't notice the shadow standing in your living room as you put your groceries on the table. You still have your earphones on and Alice doesn't want to disturb you. Finally, you look up and freeze on the spot as you see the woman of your dreams, standing there, as beautiful and surreal as you remembered her. You stand there for a few seconds, wondering if you are dreaming ? However, when you see her smile at you and open her arms wide, you don't waste any time before running towards her to embrace her.
" You're here ?! You're really here ?!"
You don't let her answer before kissing her passionately. Oh..How you've missed her tender lips and lovely golden eyes..She reciprocates before taking a step back to look at you with a small smile.
" Yes. I'm here. And I'm never living your side again."
You gently cup her face and she smiles tenderly at you.
" I missed you, my flower.."
You smile happily and nod before guiding her towards the couch so she can tell you everything that happened to her during her absence. You never met the Cullens, but you knew Bella and she usually came to you for advice, as she was the only one who knew about your relationship..
" So, did Edward succeed in staying away from Bella ? I saw her at school today, she looked so sick. She was in an even worse state than me. Are you going to stay ?"
Alice smiles through your questions without interrupting you and leans towards you, as if she is going to tell you a secret.
" Edward was in a very bad state too..He still thinks he can control love. But, he doesn't have the gift to see what is ahead, and I know that it is inevitable. We don't control who we fall in love with. We can just accept it. Those last few months have been a torture for me, and I'm so happy to be back.."
However, you nervously twitch your fingers together and she senses your uneasiness. She sneaks her arms around your neck and whispers.
" What is it ?"
You sigh, of course she would notice..
" I..I know you said it wasn't the time but..I still want to you to give me the bite, and meet your family. We could spend more time together, and I wouldn't be forced to stay hidden."
She frowns and takes a few steps away from you before looking at you with seriousness.
" We already talked about this. It is not time yet.."
You run your hand through your hair frustratingly and ask impatiently.
" Then when ?! I'm tired of waiting, Alice. It's great when you visit and all, but..I want to meet your family and follow you wherever you go. I love you."
Her eyes soften at your last words and she takes your hands in hers gently.
" I love you too. But..it's too soon. You know that Edward and Bella are already a big deal. Do you imagine the shock for my family if they knew that not one, but two Cullens are in love with a human ?"
You know that of course..but it doesn't mean the pain in your chest leaves whenever Alice is away. You take her in your arms and she snuggles against you like a cat.
" If only I wasn't so afraid of what the Volturis would do to us if they knew..I'm not afraid of dying, not really. But, I'm afraid they'll take the person that I care about the most away from me.."
She tenderly strokes your chin and gives you a sweet kiss on the lips before leaning back down.
" There is nothing I cherish more on this earth than you."
You close your eyes and gently run your fingers through her hair, something you came to get used to as it always seem to calm you both. She suddenly stands up and looks at you with a bright smile.
" But, we could go shopping together ?!"
You groan and bury your face in your pillow. You knew she would ask..Goodbye hoodies and normal pants..
" Noooo..You always end up buying me things that I never wear.."
She giggles excitedly before taking you by the arm to make you stand up as well.
" Oh, come on ! The cowboy-hat was cute !"
You roll your eyes playfully before answering her sarcastically.
" Yeah..I especially liked the part with the two very glittery sparkly antennas.."
Alice can't help but laugh at the memory, your shoulders had been covered for a long week afterwards. She still had the hat actually. However, she stares at you with big puppy eyes and you can't help but agree.
" You're a little demon..You know that ?"
She only smiles mischievously before winking at you and dragging you to the car waiting outside.
"~I know."
She replies in a sing-song voice before you both enter the car.
When arrived, you can't hold Alice back as she drags in every single shop she wants. She squeals nearly at each article while showing it to you with stars in her eyes.
" This ! It would look so good on you !"
Don't misunderstand, Alice has incredible taste. She is a fashion queen. But, for some reason, when it concerns you, she can't help but find everything good on you. Absolutely everything..
" Get out!"
" No!"
" Why not?!"
" Because I look ridiculous!"
" Oh come on! I'm sure it's not that b..!"
You suddenly open the door and get out with the t-shirt saying "Sorry can't. My girlfriend said no". She has to stop herself from bursting out laughing while you roll your eyes dramatically.
" See ?! Ridiculous."
You repeat, but she only grabs a t-shirt and goes in a nearby dressing room to get changed as well. When she gets out, she does a superman pose with her fists on her hips and a large proud smile on her face while you read what's written on the t-shirt.
" My boyfriend is a badass.."
She smiles even wider before taking you by the hand to the cashier. This is how you end up wearing those shirts all day, walking hand in hand in the mall. However, suddenly, Alice freezes and you quickly notice that it's because a group of teenagers that are staring straight at you both with frowns on their faces. You quickly understand that they must be in Alice's class. You try to reassure her by squeezing her hand slightly, they would probably ignore you and get on their way..However, you hadn't planned on one of them to actually approach you. A pretty fair-haired girl with very pale skin. She smiles and says hi to Alice that is obviously embarrassed.
" Hi Alice. Who's this ?"
She asks before turning towards you.
" Hi Nina..This is Y/N. A friend."
Okay. That stung. But, you force yourself to swallow your pride and shake the hand of Nina. However, you quickly see the girl's eyes do the math when she notices the t-shirts and your hands, still intertwined.
" So, little Alice found herself a friend then ? How nice.."
The way she tells it makes you think that she doesn't think any of it the things she said. You glare at her, but do not let go of Alice's hand. You even take a brave step forward and look down at the woman.
" Yeah. I'm her friend. And you are ?"
She only chuckles before looking up and down at you with obvious disdain.
" Just a girl that doesn't like the two of you together. Can't you see that she's a freak ?! Come on. Hang out with us instead.."
You ark an eyebrow and almost laugh at the proposition.
" Can't you read ?"
You show the t-shirt with a small smirk.
" My g..friend said no. Now, could you just back off ?"
But the girl stays put and only crosses her arms. You then see her gang circling you and one particularly muscular teen stepping forward to put his hand on her shoulder defensively.
" Everything' alright, babe ?"
He looks at you intentively and decide to hold his gaze. You couldn't fight vampires, but you could still beat a human..or you hoped. You take Alice's hand again and she squeezes yours lightly. She couldn't fight, you knew that. This is why you had to protect her. However, after a few seconds of stare-contest, Nina only smiles, as if satisfied, and only shakes her head negatively.
" Yes, everything's fine. I'll leave you two be."
To your surprise, she smiles genuinely at Alice before saying.
" He's a good guy."
Alice quickly comes back to her usual joyful self once the girl says those words and she then drags you towards the car before you can ask what that was all about. As soon as you're in, you want to ask her if she's okay, but she only jumps in your arms and buries her face in your chest. You are surprised for a moment, but finally wrap your arms around her with a worried frown.
" Hey..Are you okay ?"
She only nods before looking up at you with her bright golden eyes sparkling and a huge excited smile.
" I had a vision..They're going to love you ! I'm ready !"
You let out a sigh of relief before tightening your hold her and letting out a small laugh at the sudden news before asking.
" So..should I wear this shirt for the meeting day ?"
She seems horrified by the proposition and shakes her head vividly.
" Oh no ! In the Cullen family, everyone is fashionably styled ! We'll just have to find you a suit or something and..!"
You kiss her sweetly to stop her from getting too fat in her thoughts and she chuckles before melting into the kiss.
"..Or we can just do that.."
You laugh and kiss her even more until you need air. Suddenly, someone's voice makes itself heard just outside the car.
" Friends, huh ?"
You both look outside and see Nina standing there with a big smile on her face and her phone in hand. Alice gets out of the car and you want to get out as well, but Alice smiles reassuringly at you, assuring you that there is no problem. You can feel the tension. However, you are taken aback when they start smiling at each other. Suddenly, Nina looks straight at you with an eyebrow raised and asks with a certain apprehension.
" So, it's him ? He's the one ?"
You don't understand until Alice nods and turns towards you with a big smile.
" Yeah. He's the one, Rosalie.."
Rosalie ? You don't understand right away, but you manage to connect the dots pretty quickly. Pale face. Golden eyes. Rosalie Cullen..This meant that..You open your eyes wide at the realization and get out to see the rest of the group she was with a couple of feet away.
" Wait..You're the Cullens ?!"
They all seem to be amused by your reaction as you awkwardly try to tame your disheveled hair and hide the t-shirt by zipping your hoodie.
" Nice to meet you all..I thought I would be a bit more prepared but, like that's fine too."
You say politely, trying to hide your embarrassment and some of the members laugh while others only smile understandingly. They each present themselves and you finish by whispering to Alice.
" You could have told me..I thought there were some bad people from your school..You didn't even have any vision, did you ?"
You ask knowingly and she only smiles widely before kiss you on the cheek.
" Nope. I just thought it was the moment..You're right, I've kept you in the dark for too long. I also wanted the reaction of my sisters and brothers before presenting you to my parents.."
You sigh loudly, understanding now why Alice had dragged you away so quickly, before looking at the group and asking with a hopeful smile.
" So, did I pass the test ?"
It's the muscular man that steps forwards and answers you with a wide smile.
" With flying colors, man. You're very cool. I especially liked the part when you stared at me dead in the eyes. I could totally snap your neck but, I admire the courage. I knew at that moment that you would protect Alice with everything you got. We needed to know that you would be willing to protect our baby sister, as human or vampire. So, you pass. It's a yes for us."
You smile when he extends his hand towards you and you chuckle while shaking your head at the mad theatrics.
" Me who thought Alice was exaggerating when she told me that you were pretty intense.."
" Well, better get used to it. Once the Cullen clan approves, you are family."
Rosalie says with a small smile and they all nod in agreement.
" Do you love her ?"
A guy who you think is named Jasper asks while eyeing you suspiciously. You look back at Alice and smile widely, knowing the answer and confidently replying.
" With all my heart."
They all smile and Alice suddenly yells with a fist raised in the air.
" Well, what are we waiting for ?! Carlisle and Esme are waiting for us."
You open your eyes wide as the whole gang seem to kidnap you in their family van.
" W..Wait! I thought I would change first !"
You scream while trying to get out of their grip, but they don't listen to you and Emmett even laughs.
" And miss Carlisle's face when he sees you ?! Ah ! Not a chance !"
Emmett says while pushing you inside. Alice tries to reassure you by giving you a quick chaste kiss on the lips.
" Don't worry..They'll love you. I know it."
Welp, looks like the Cullen family adopted you..Congrats. You passed the test. After such a long wait, it is finally time for your great adventure.
This was a request from @werewolf-himbo. Hope you like it !
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isitstraightvodka · 5 years ago
in which gwil doesn't like you and it's your mission to find out why.
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pairing: gwilym lee x fem!reader
word count: 4.5k+
warnings: enemies to lovers, smut (the rough kind), oral (both m and f receiving), angst, swearing, alcohol use
a/n: hello my loves! i present to u what i have been working on for a while, it's filthy so read ahead w caution 😂😳 i really hope u enjoy it and please let me know if u do. any feedback, asks / rbs, would be much appreciated xx also gif credit is @mazzelloplots​ 💕
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You had no idea what you'd done for Gwil to hate your guts but it must be dead serious because he just about didn't give you any attention whenever you were in the same room. It was infuriating, as each day passed, you racked your brain to remember if you'd done or said anything for him to act like this around you but as always, nothing came to mind. All you got was a cold stare, or no eye contact at all, and at the very least, a few sentences but that was it. It made it even worse that both of you were friends with Ben, after all that's how you were introduced to each other, you figured he'd be a good guy as was evident the first time you met, a regular mutual friend greeting; first handshake, small smiles and twinkling new eyes but ever since then, everything had changed.
Every time you went out and saw Gwil, he either said nothing to you but "Hi." or he'd rush off somewhere else the moment you approached him. The cold shoulder did not do anything for your confidence, you were a friendly person and loved meeting new people but this was something else entirely, the confusion soon turned to tension and anger, ripping at your hair during lonely nights in your apartment, thinking why doesn't he like me? Then you went to Ben who just shrugged and said he'd warm up to you eventually, which you found incredibly difficult to believe, you weren't having it, it had been almost half a year and no progress, you'd had enough, you had to confront him.
Your opportunity arose only a week later, during a party at Joe's house.  it made your muscles tense up knowing you were going to see Gwil, and it wasn't fair of him to give you this sort of treatment without a shred of explanation. Everything was in full-swing when you arrived by your lonesome, but you didn't waste no longer than ten minutes making your move, so there you were, drink in hand, when you cornered him talking to Lucy. Walking head held high, you approached them, and Lucy smiled when she noticed you, you shared a kiss on the cheek before exchanging respective compliments on each other's looks, then your attention went to him.
"Hey, can I talk to you?"
Both he and Lucy looked at you before the blonde nudged him with her arm, giving him a cool stare, as if to say, "Go sort this out", which was true since you and her had talked about the situation too, and her response was "It's between you and him, so get in there girl and stand up for yourself", and right now, tonight, you were going to heed her advice.
Gwil took a deep breath and walked next to you as you made your way to the nearest room, where it was quiet enough to talk, but the walk there seemed to stretch on for hours instead of a matter of seconds. You could feel the anxiety flooding through your body when his arm brushed your shoulder, you could tell he wasn't looking at you, his fingers gripping his wine glass a little too tight. Some sort of emotion hung between the two of you, you couldn't put your finger on it but it was something strong, something deep, Great another thing for you to be confused about. What you didn't know is that Gwil felt it too. 
After what felt like an age, you entered the guest bedroom, all neat and empty, leaving the impression nobody had stayed in there for a long time. Gwil had his free hand tucked into the pocket of his dark jeans, standing by the door once he closed it, silencing the bustle of the party, but still didn't give you his attention. You took a deep breath and tapped your nail on the rim of your drink, allowing your heartbeat to decrease, opening the conversation very kindly.
"I believe there is something we have to discuss."
All he did was part his lips and take a swig of red wine, leaning back against the wall, crossing one ankle over the other. Not one word left his mouth, he didn't move an inch and it took a lot in you not to start raising your voice. Why does he not want to talk to you? What is up his ass? Fucking say something, you bastard! The tension in the room was too stifling for you to cope with so you spoke again, but harsher.
"Fuck, you should man up and talk to me like a decent bloke, I thought you would be."
And that's when he finally looked at you. Without even realising it, the suddenness of eye contact made shivers run down your spine, deep blue eyes staring into yours, brows furrowed in faint disgust.
"Hate to burst your bubble then, love."
More shivers, rippling throughout your bones so fast you were almost afraid he'd be able to notice you slightly trembling. His voice wasn't supposed to do that....but it did, from the way he said it, from the way you finally saw his eyes in clear view, how fucking hot he looked just standing there, how had you not noticed that before? Because his blind hatred of you clouded that fact. You shook the thoughts out of your head and stood your ground.
"I seriously have no clue why you been acting like this around me. I have been nothing but kind to you, I haven't said one bad word to you, I truly wanted us to be friends but you find an excuse to escape me every chance you get!"
Your cheeks flushed red once the words left your lips, your free hand scrunching up into a fist, nails digging into your palm. Gwil all but sighed and...was that a smirk you saw? No, just a trick of the lights. The point of his shoe tapped the carpet as he looked down at his half-empty glass, collecting his thoughts.
"Not a bad word? I heard you talking to Joe the other week, you called me a dickhead."
"I have every reason to, you barely talk to me. This is the most you've talked to me in weeks."
"If you have reasons, then I have them too."
"Fucking tell me then instead of practically ignoring me! It's childish."
"So I'm the child but you're the one yelling." He cocked an eyebrow, was that another smirk? He's got me so confused? Is that what he wants?
"How do you expect me to react? I haven't appreciated the cold shoulder, Gwilym."
"I don't appreciate you running your mouth."
"Could just tell me whatever reasons you have instead of this."
You and him went back forth, trying to fight each other but it didn't seem to do anything good, it only heightened the tension between you two but a specific kind of tension. One you knew now and one he managed to figured out seeing you in front of him, raising your voice. In this moment, he saw how attractive you were, more so than he already thought, your face heating up and your hair glowing from the muted lights, the dress hugging your body almost provocatively, silver diamonds hanging from your ears and cherry-coloured lips parted slightly between words. You were so sexy and the alcohol buzzing through him wasn't helping, but this was the reason for it all. He fancied you.
"Look, it's complicated." He sighed, resting his head back against the wall. You had to bite back a laugh, is he serious?
"No, it's not. Open your mouth and just tell me."
But it turns out he didn't need to open his mouth, at least not the way you expected him to. It happened swiftly, too fast for you to comprehend, all you really saw was his glass fall to the floor, wine staining the carpet, then he crossed the room over you within three strides, took your face in his hands and crushed his lips against yours.
Your eyes flew open in surprise at the sudden pressure of his kiss...his kiss? You could barely understand what was happening, he held onto you like he needed air to breathe, you could taste the wine on his tongue, it was intoxicating, it felt...nice but was the wine nice or the aggression of his mouth? Questions swirled your mind, it didn't help your emotions during this moment, you didn't realise your mouth had opened on its own which allowed him to slip his tongue in a little and close the gap between you again, the second kiss even harder and more passionate, the softest groan of relief and delight from him ringing in your ears. You almost let yourself fall under his spell before you caught yourself and made a muffled squeak, your hand finding his jacket and pushing him away from you, gasping for a breath.
"What the fuck, Gwil?"
Thoughts circled your head, words bouncing off the walls, your hand brushing over your bottom lip, the gloss transferring to your skin as it had done on his lips, stained and shiny, you were surprised you were still holding your wine glass. He cocked an eyebrow at you as heat rose to his cheeks, he raised his hand almost as if he was apologising but you stopped him, holding up your own hand and shaking your head.
"What was that?"
"I...I kissed you."
"No shit Sherlock! Why? How is that supposed to explain anything?"
"I'm- I..." He couldn't seem to find the right words, he hesitated reaching his hand out further before deciding against it and pushing it back through his hair. You gulped, why is it so hot when he does that? You were so glad he couldn't read your mind right now, if he had heard what you just said, you sure would wish for the floor to open up and swallow you whole.
"You think a kiss is going to solve everything? I'm not some plastic doll for you to play around with however you please."
"I..I know, I just..."
"Just what? I thought you'd tell me with words, I though-"
"Oh for fuck's sake, I like you, okay?"
His pupils were blown wide as much as yours when he half-yelled the words and this time you were sure the glass was going to slip through your fingers but it still didn't, in fact you had a right mind to just down the whole thing after what he told you. You thought he didn't like you...he liked you? If you were confused before, then you were even more now, your hand fell to your side as you stared at him, eyes like glass, you couldn't even blink. Gwil's gaze had turned to the floor, pretending to be interested in the pale white carpet, his fingers moving to the back of his neck where sweat began to form. He waited for you to speak, the seconds ticked by painfully, it felt so long before you said anything.
"You...like me?" You gulped, trying to process his revelation. He chewed on his bottom lip and tucked both hands back into his pocket, nodding as his eyes flicked over to you.
"Yeah, I do, I like you. A lot."
His voice seemed fearful, anxious but with an underlying desperation, like that of a teenager admitting a big brush, it was rather cute in your eyes; first hot now cute? How can he be both? Stop it, stop questioning everything. You cursed yourself, fingers wrapped around your glass harder you thought it might crack. Instead of replying, you drained the wine, it was the only thing you could think of doing. Gwil watched as your throat moved, as you swallowed, he shuddered and prayed he wasn't showing through his pants, now wasn't the best time, especially with how you reacted. You sighed as the last drop fell into your mouth and rushed through your veins, you finally let the glass fall from your grasp and land with a small thud on the carpet. Your fingers came together in front of you, interlacing as you twiddled your thumbs, eyelids fluttering as you collected your thoughts, one deep breath and you looked at him.
"I don't understand. You like me, but you have been acting like you hate me, why do that?"
Gwil didn't answer right away, he fidgeted, hands still in his pockets, his vision now turning to eye the golden lamp on the bedside table. In this light, you could see the sparkle in his eyes, the deepest blue, like a calm ocean, like a pair of warm sapphires, you found yourself not looking away. 
"I didn't mean to be that way, I was just afraid." He said, still not looking at you.
"Why afraid?"
"Of rejection. Of you already being taken. I didn't want to admit anything if I had no chance with you." He confessed, raising one hand out of his pocket to massage his neck, your eyes locked to his fingers, wondering what they'd feel like around your ne- Cut it out! You banished your dirty thought and continued the talk.
"The worst I could say is no, and I'd mean it without any offense. And I'm not taken, I think you'd know if I was."
"That's the thing, I thought you were!"
"How did you come to that conclusion?" You peered at him. He sighed and scratched his beard, stubble littering his cheeks and chin, and right then, another X-rated thought entered your brain, You wonder what that would feel like between your legs...will it tickle? Itch? Arouse you? You think you wanted to know.
"Because you and Ben, and I...didn't want to get in the way"
You and Ben? You gave him a perplexed look as you tried to work out what your friend had got to do with any of this. Ben was really a great guy, you enjoyed his company, years of friendship had blossomed between him and you, and you loved being able to see him when he wasn't busy with his star-studded career, but there wasn't anything there to insinuate something more was happening between you two. 
Then it hit you.
"You thought that Ben...and me...that we...? Oh god no we're just friends!"
You bit back a giggle. Ben was easy on the eyes, anyone could see that, even Joe said it, multiple times, many conversation he'd told you, "That fucker's stupidly gorgeous isn't he?" but he was not your type. He was more like a brother to you than anything else. Sure there was the occasional kiss on the cheek, hugs a little longer than usual, his arm around your waist or ruffling your hair when you told a stupid joke, but friends did that, they could do that without having feelings for each other. Gwil almost lost his balance after what you said, Just friends...Just friends...
"Are you sure? I mean he's the pretty boy."
"Okay he's pretty but he is like family to me, I wouldn't hit that even if I was piss drunk." 
Your mouth curled at the corners, as did his and both of you shared  a small laugh. Your eyes fell upon the empty wine glass on the floor, teeth tugging at your lower lip; you could see Gwil's body shift a little closer, one foot in front of the other, until he was standing before you, chests almost touching. His fingers stroked your jaw, moving underneath your chin to bring your gaze up to his face. He looked...intense but still had a softness behind his eyes, something sweet and hesitant but at the same time, you could feel he wanted to continue the kiss he gave only minutes ago.
"So...no Ben?"
You rested your hand on his wrist, giving him a smile as your eyes went from his to his lips, mouth watering at the memory of them on yours.
"No Ben."
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His name was like chocolate on your tongue, as his tongue worked over and against your slick folds. One hand in his hair and the other curled behind your head, back arching with every hum he made against you, his mouth was insane, you hadn't felt such pleasure in god knows how long; he really knew what he was doing.  And he seemed to enjoy it as much as you did, smiling as he pressed kisses to your swollen clit, groaning with each flick and lick, with each tug you made on his hair, and that mixed with the feeling of his stubble rubbing your inner thighs and right above your mound as he angled his lips in the most delightful of ways. 
You were getting closer, you could almost taste it, feel it....but he stopped and raised his face from between your legs, his arms still wrapped around your flushed thighs. His mouth was wet, his hair in disarray and his eyes dilated; he looked fucking hot, but right now, you wanted to scream at him for stopping it right when you were about to finish. He could see you were almost angry at how suddenly he pulled away from your heat, he stroked the curve of your left breast as he began to lay down next to you, his free hand resting over his mouth.
"Come sit here."
It took you a few seconds to realise what he meant, your breath got caught in your throat, slowly blinking at him in surprise.
"Are you...are you sure?"
"Yes, you're so beautiful, I'd love nothing more than for you to ride my tongue."
You certainly did not expect something so foul to come out of his mouth but fuck you loved it. A smile grew on your face as you sat up, as he brought his hands to your hips just as you were about to face the headboard, he pushed you in the other direction a tad.
"Sit the other way, baby."
Your cheeks became hot and you were almost embarrassed at how flustered a simple petname made you. You gasped as you got into position, his nose right there against you and in your line of eyesight was his sweaty body, his happy trail disappearing into his jeans, and through those, a bulge was unmistakable.
You'd made him hard and you hadn't done anything but kiss him, you giggled at the reality of it, the embarrassment fading into smugness. Gwil moved his hands over your thighs, giving one of them a slap and you yelped in shock.
"What are you laughing about, huh?"
You bit your lip as you answered.
"You're hard."
"O'course I fucking am. Eating you out did that to me, hell you make me hard just by looking at me." He murmured on you, and before you could say anything, his tongue was back on you, licking back and forth, covering the length of your heat, he didn't leave one spot untouched by his tongue. Moans flew out of your mouth, sweat beading on your skin as he switched between his lips and his tongue, going so far as to telling you to bounce, and doing that was one hell of an experience. You leaned forward and raised your hips so you could move more, his tongue stuck out flat so you could feel it inside you, warming you up, stretching you out, he really cared about making you feel good and giving you the best feeling before you reached your high.
Your hands latched onto the belt around his jeans, curled over his body, grinding over his mouth, his facial hair once again giving you that cherry on top, his growls of hunger and delight pushing you over the edge. One palm slapped your ass cheeks, his name flowing from your lips again.
"Cum for me, cum on my face, sweet girl."
And you did just that, body shaking as you rode out your orgasm on his face, his lips never detaching from your clit, intending to make you have the most explosive high, and it sure felt like that. Your toes and fingers were on fire, your heart shot through the roof and you had trouble catching your breath as he lapped you up, "Mm you taste so good", another slap to your ass, chuckling against your heat, nose bumping on your clit, making you whimper a little given how sensitive you were. You slowly sat up and ran a hand through your damp hair, laughing through deep breathes.
"Fuck, you're amazing at that."
"Thought I wouldn't be?" You could feel his smirk beneath you.
"No no, just...wow."
Gwil smirked wider and gave your clit one last kiss, your eyes back on the even-harder bulge in his jeans. He'd just made you feel incredible. You wanted to do the same to him. So instead of moving from your position, you simply leaned down over his toned chest and started unbuckling his belt.
"Oh I see someone's hungry too." He laughed, hands resting on your red ass. Something came over you, the sexual side of you suddenly arose and within seconds, his belt was off and you were pulling his jeans down. He gave you some help by lifting his hips, you pushed them down to his knees and now you could see how hard he actually was, almost bursting to be released from the prison of his boxers. You didn't want to keep him waiting, you giggled and tucked your fingers into them, and pushed them down to join his jeans, more giggles spilling out when you got the first proper look at his cock.
The tip was pink, precum already forming, he was thick, very girthy, bigger than you thought but still you weren't that surprised. You slipped your fingers around him and gripped him and he hissed, his breath hot on your cunt. You smiled to yourself and pumped him a few times, relishing how warm and hard he was in your hand, the pads of your fingers rubbing over the veins, satisfied with your work, you puckered your lips and wrapped them around the head of his cock, and the noise he made was so fucking sexy, the sweetest groan and the hottest whine.
"Holy shit..."
You concentrated on where you sucked and moved your mouth, your hand tight around the base of his shaft. From previous experiences, you knew lubricant of any kind worked a treat, so you took a moment to pull your lips off and spit over the head, gently rubbing wetness all over his length; that got him considering the deep moans he was making right against your clit. Feeling his mouth so close to you while you sucked him off made you powerful, like you had him in your corner, it was your turn to give him pleasure and in his hand, he hadn't felt this good in a long time. 
When his eyes were open, they were on your cunt, fucking you with his vision, his hands moving from your ass to your hips to your upper thighs, gripping your skin as his own hips started to move with your mouth and before long, Gwil was fucking your mouth. You choked and whimpered around his cock, delicious sounds from his perspective, leaving marks on your ass from how hard he was holding you.
"Your mouth's so warm and tight fuck baby I-"
His words encouraged you to do more, fingers away from his cock and moving to his balls, you grabbed one and he let out a cry of delight, jerking his hips up faster until your eyes started to water; it burned but it was a good burn, making Gwil feel this way made you feel good, pleasing him made you feel good. As you squeezed his balls, his eyes rolled to the back of his head, neck craned all the way back over the pillow, his toes curling over the end of the bed. Your own thighs started to shake and your throat tightened around him, and he lost his hand.
"Just like that, yeah."
And with your mouth around him and your fingers gripping his balls, he finished, quicker than you thought; it wasn't even three minutes and you tasted hot thickness, his cum, him. You gagged a little as you removed your lips softly like sucking a lollipop, strings of your saliva dripping from his cock. You gasped and swallowed; you never spat out, it was a rule you gave yourself, what a waste it would be to spit, especially after sucking Gwil off, and speaking of him, his breath was heavy and fast, chest puffing in and out as he came down from his high, eyes glittering and a cheesy grin on his face.
"You're amazing at that."
All you could do was giggle and say, "I know."
࿐ ࿔*:・゚.·:*¨༺
He was buried deep inside your walls, stretching out every inch and corner of you, the strokes of his cock were heavenly, easily hitting your g-spot over and over again. Your legs were wrapped high around his waist, ankles crossed over, nails digging into his back and dragging down his spine, one of his hands gripping the headboard and the other on your thigh, keeping you in place as he fucked you raw.
"Gwil, Gwil...please.." 
"Please what? What do you want?" He grunted between thrusts. Tears burned your lids as your hips smashed with his, lips inches away from his, his warm breath setting your face alight.
"Please...I want to cum, I want us to cum together..."
"Oh fuck.."
The way he moved got harder, faster, more aggressive to the point where your legs were turning into jelly and all you could feel was his stiff cock, you could not even get a proper sentence out anymore, if you did, it was laced with high whines. As his body meshed with your own, your eyes glanced at his arm, where his hand held onto the headboard with so much force you wondered why it hadn't broken. You felt yourself melt into the bed at the sight of his bicep, skin wrapped thin around the muscles, a sheen of sweat coating over his arm, more sweat on his forehead and at the back of his neck, face dipping close to your jaw, the air humid between the two of you.
"I'm gonna cum, shit- but I'm not wear-"
"I'm..on the p-p-pill, cum in me, Gwil." You gripped at him, pulling his chest closer, clenching your cunt around him, desperate for him to finish. The "fucking hell" told you he was only seconds away and sure enough, you felt it, you felt his orgasm, how his cock pulsated inside you, even better inside you than in your mouth and you followed barely a minute after when he was still riding out his high, your back off the bed and your legs trembling around him, harsh scratches left deep in his back because of you. 
Gwil collapsed on top of you, your fingers finding their way into his sweaty hair, as he slowly pulled out of you, the remnants of what you'd just did together dripping down your thigh, something he found extremely attractive. He attached his lips to yours in a passionate sweet kiss, as if you two hadn't just fucked each other's brains out, smiling as he broke the kiss and pressed another to your nose.
"Didn't think this would happen coming here tonight." He guffawed, rolling off you to get comfortable beside you. Like second nature, you curled up into him, your arm draped over his chest and his over your shoulders, sheets askew down to his waist as well as yours; to the both of you, cuddling after sex was as special as the act of sex itself.
"Neither did I...but I like that it happened." You smiled up at him. His fingers stroked your hair, his lips against the top of your head.
"Yeah? Me too."
You and Gwil stayed there, having cuddle time and striking up a conversation about what this meant for your relationship; you liked him and he liked you but for right now, it was agreed upon that the sex was great and that's what it would be, unless deeper feelings crept in. Time was lost, you felt safe with him, his hand in your hair as you traced patterns on his skin, but as much as you loved having this, you knew you couldn't stay here all night.
"We should get back. Everyone will be wondering where we are." You sat up and gathered the sheets up to your chest, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. Gwil joined you and rubbed the back of his neck.
"You're right about that, let's go, love." He said, and just as he was about to get out of the bed, there was a knock at the door followed by a very familiar American accent.
"I don't know what's happening in there but if you two are done defiling MY guest bedroom, you'd better come out and watch Ben do Jell-O shots off me." 
You burst out laughing and your head fell into Gwil's neck at Joe's statement, he chuckled along with you and sighed deeply, eyebrows raised; he didn't want to leave this room either, not with having you in the bed, gloriously naked and beautiful. But still, the two of you had to rejoin the party. He kissed your temple and rubbed your shoulder as giggles slipped through your lips, he couldn't help but smile even wider at the sound of your laughter.
"Well well we can't miss that, can we?"
taglist: @rhapsodyrecs​ / @bens-jawline​ / @itsametaphorgwil​ / @queen-paladin​ / @joeneslee​ / @almightygwil​ / @deacyblues​ / @zyanmaik​ / @hermajestyborhap​ / @yourlocalmusicalprostitute​ / @coincidence-ithinknots-blog​ / @grigorlee​ / @captvinswaan​ / @taliaphobia​ / @gwil-lee​ / @hannafuckingsucks​ / @benders-diamond-earring​ / @supersonicfreddie​
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thestupidhelmet · 4 years ago
Hey there, can you pls help a fellow writer? Here's the thing: I've been writing T70S fanfic for a while, and I feel that I'm managing to keep the characters in character, writing dialogue and their thoughts is easy for me now, but I'm having a whole lot of trouble with their body language.
For instance, when Jackie's really happy or excited about something, she claps her hands enthusiastically, smiles and gives those small adorable jumps. I've seen her doing that on the show and I try to bring that to my stories, but I'm having trouble writing her body language in other situations.
And that's a problem I'm having with all the characters. Like, I know Kelso and Eric both tend to gesticulate a lot with their hands when they're excited about something, but I don't know how to write them when they're scared, or sad, etc. Does that even make sense?
Anyways, I have no trouble writing about the character's feelings, I do have trouble when they need to express their feelings with something other than words, usually, their body language.
I want to give each character their own unique way to express themselves through their body. Like, Hyde and Eric, for example, will behave differently when they're like, really happy or really sad.
Hyde is not the type of guy that claps when he's really excited about something, he's a chill guy and he's the one I struggle the most to write when he's experiencing a strong emotion.
What I mean to ask is: can you give me some tips? I'm really struggling with this. Sorry if this was way too long, I don't even know if this ask made sense to you, but... well, I just could really use some help.
Hi! For my own T7S stories, I’ve made specific choices for the characters’ (emotional) body language based on my understanding / interpretation of who they are, and you can do the same. You’ve obviously observed quite a bit from the actors’ performances from the show, but I’ll describe body language you might not have spotted.
She displays a variety of behaviors when she’s sad or upset, depending on what lies underneath her sadness. It also changes depending on her life experiences (basically, how many times her heart has been broken and by whom). You’ll find some commonalities in her body language when she’s upset, however.
When she feels hopeless or is grieving, she stays relatively still, sitting in one spot. She’ll hug a pillow or pick at a stuffed animal’s ear until her feelings overwhelm her. Then she’ll full-out cry while continuing to stay in one spot and picking at whatever she’s grabbed for comfort. See “Ski Trip” (1x13).
As she experiences more heartbreak, her stillness remains when she’s upset. She’ll stare off into the distance while crying. But unlike in “Ski Trip,” she sometimes cries silently. See “Kelso’s Serenade” (2x21).
When she’s depressed, she loses affect in her voice. Her movements are slower. See “Jackie Moves On” (2x22).
When she’s fighting to be understood -- whether she’s angry or sad or wanting desperately for someone to do something specific  -- she becomes animated. She makes pleading gestures with her hands. She’ll also place her hand on her heart.
When she’s fighting for her life -- her emotional life / happiness -- she’ll let snot run down her face while trying to get the other person to understand her needs. See “Don’t Lie to Me” (7x12).
When frustrated, she’ll slap her leg, slam a door after leaving a room, or even kick or pinch the other person. (No! Bad, Jackie!) See “Nobody’s Fault but Mine” (5x23) and “The Immigrant Song” (5x24).
When annoyed or disgusted, she’ll grunt or lean her head back -- or do both at once. With Eric, she’s also sneered. (Too many examples exist to list a specific episode.)
When she’s trying to coax someone to doing what she wants, she’ll do a subtle shoulder shimmy (which I bet she picked up from her mom). She’s done this with Hyde and, I think, Donna. See “Kelso’s Serenade” (2x21) for an example with Hyde.
When she has a sudden idea she thinks is important, she’ll gasp and put her hand on Donna, Kelso, or Hyde’s knee (depending on whom she’s talking to).
Jackie will rub a person’s knee or arm as an expression of emotional support. She’ll also lean her temple against a friend’s (or lovers) when she’s feeling affectionate toward them.
Honestly, I could keep on listing body language for her. But you can find it yourself by watching the episodes. Find an episode where Jackie experiences a specific emotion you’re looking to write into your own story and see how it’s portrayed. This advice stands for the rest of the characters, but I’ll list some body language for them, too.
When he’s scared, he closes in on himself physically, trying to make himself a small as possible. He also shakes while doing this. Or he’ll scream. Or he’ll shove someone -- even a person he supposedly loves -- out of the way to get himself to safety. He’ll also find someplace to hide if he feels it’s necessary, usually under a pierce of furniture.
When he’s sad, he’ll cry. Sometimes he’ll hug something with sentimental value to his chest, like a photograph while crying. Or he’ll rip apart something symbolic of how he’s feeling, like a cookie shaped heart.
If feelings of anger or loneliness are mixed into his sadness, he’ll sometimes cry but it’s less forceful. He’ll slump to the couch.
If he feels particularly betrayed, he won’t look at the person who hurt him while in that person’s presence, even if they’re talking to each other.
When anger and betrayal mix, he’ll get physically violent -- usually, but not always, to his own detriment. He’ll run into a screen door then yank it off its hinges. He’ll shoot someone with a BB gun, etc.
When he’s confused, he often stares blankly with a strange expression on his face.
When he’s scared, the pitch of his voice rises. He’ll swallow more. Sometimes he stutters. He’ll fidget. He’ll look from side to side. He becomes hypervigilant of his surroundings.
Eric often expresses his anger either directly or passive-aggressively. When direct, he’ll shout his feelings and thoughts or speak them at a louder volume than normal. He’s not particularly cruel in what he says.
When passive-aggressive, he’ll smirk smugly while or after making a sharp insult. He’ll rest his hands on his hips or hook his hand / thumbs in his pants pockets in between gesturing. He’ll also laugh smugly while sticking out his tongue then blow a raspberry. This last sequence of behavior seems to be one he and Hyde share, so maybe one of them picked it up from the other while growing up.
If frustration is mixed with his anger, he’ll shout and shove furniture around.
When feeling a particularly overwhelming emotion, whether pleasant or unpleasant, he tends to get on the hood of the Vista Cruiser and look up at the sky. If deeply upset, he might cry silently and slam his fist onto the car’s hood. See “The Promise Ring” (3x25).
After making a devastating choice he believes is right but breaks his heart, he’ll shove his hands in his pockets, look down at the floor or his shoes, and stay quiet. See “Love, Wisconsin Style” (4x27).
The quality of Eric’s voice often reveals a lot about his emotional state. He’ll speak really quietly, not whispering, but as if trying not to scare away a doe when delivering bad news.
Fez is relatively open and direct with his emotional expression. When he’s sad, he cries. When he’s angry, he shouts. When he’s hurt-angry, he might cry-shout. When he’s happy, he might sing a song and/or do a little dance. Or he’ll hug and kiss his friends (male and female) when he’s grateful.
He’s generally not afraid to speak his mind. If his feelings are particularly intense, he’ll demonstrate his emotional state with a physical display (e.g., ”You dump Fez? I dump fries! There’s your scene!”)
When he’s scared, however, he sometimes pulls in emotionally to protect himself. He won’t speak his mind. Or he’ll clasp his hand in prayer, look up, and ask God for help or answers. He might disregard another person’s boundaries to feel safer (see “Ski Trip” when he’s cold). On the opposite end of the spectrum, he can become obsessive (e.g., calling Eric at three in the morning to ask if they’re still friends).
Fez tends to keep his hands on his hips a lot, regardless of what he’s feeling at any given moment. It’s one of his characterizing personality quirks.
When she’s angry, she can yell her feelings or an insult (or both). Or completely swallow her anger and talk / act as if she’s fine. She’ll stomp away after an argument, whether up a flight of stairs or to her yard. In season 3, she also takes on a quality of becoming emotionally distant and dismissive, which is reflected in her body language by maintaining a physical distance while looking the other person squarely in the eye.
When she’s sad, she’s doesn’t tend to cry. She’ll talk about what’s upsetting her with emotion in her voice. She’ll gesture with her hands or bite her thumbnail. If she’s discussing her feelings with Eric, she’ll hug him.
When she’s depressed, her posture slumps.
When she’s terrified or feeling betrayed, that’s when she’ll cry. She might reach out to the other person (Eric) with her hand.
Donna tends to act out and/or become self-destructive when she’s feels powerless. Her body language gains a swagger (her walk, her facial expressions, her tone of voice).
If she’s happy, she’ll gesture in excitement with both hands. She smiles and laughs, too, while explaining what’s made her happy. 
Donna will hug friends and family to show emotional support.
Hyde does not like people knowing how he’s feeling at any given moment, whether it’s happy, angry, sad, etc. But he does express emotion through body language.
When he’s nervous and he’s sitting, his leg might bounce or his foot will shake. More often, though, he’ll cross his arms over his chest protectively. This latter behavior is true for many of his emotions.
He’ll pace when he’s conflicted. Or stand still and pinch the bridge of his nose while considering all the variables of his internal conflict. He’s very careful when speaking or purposely revealing his (emotional) truth, and he might take a few breaths before actually saying it aloud. 
He’ll also pace and scratch the back of his head he’s antsy or edgy.
Generally, though, he tries hard to suppress his feelings. This often makes him stand stiffly with his arms dangling still at his sides.
When he’s amused, he doesn’t hide it. He’ll chuckle or laugh. If he’s very amused, he’ll laugh hard and press his hands against his stomach. If he’s laughing that hard with a friend, he’ll hold onto that friend for support while lowering his head.
He’s rarely happy, but with Jackie he is. His joy beams out of him like sunlight. See his private moment with Jackie at the start of “Magic Bus” (6x03) and the circle scene with Jackie in “I’m A Boy” (6x08) for examples.
He’ll hug his male friends when they’ve been gone for months or they’re about to leave for a long time. He’ll also hug Kitty and Red when he feels happy for or grateful to them.
That being said, he doesn’t like when people hug him spontaneously. Depending on who’s doing the hugging, he’ll either shove them off angrily (Kelso, Fez, and Eric), endure the hug until he figures out how to make it stop (Kitty), or even panic a little (Roy). Hyde has to be the initiator or co-initiator of the hug. He likely feels trapped and out of control otherwise, which makes sense considering the physical abuse he experienced from his mom.
He’ll clasp or sling his arm around a friend’s shoulder in camaraderie or support.
If you’d like more advice about showing character emotion through body language, I recommend The Emotion Thesaurus: A Writer's Guide To Character Expression by Becca Puglisi and Angela Ackerman.
I hope this post helps! :D
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heyyyharry · 6 years ago
Chapter 9: Three’s A Crowd
(from the Flatmate Trilogy: Two Hearts, One Home)
…in which Harry learns a big lesson, and Y/N cannot tolerate his assistant.
Word count: 6.4k
Chapter 8: The Assistant - Y/N helps out a friend, and Harry also helps out a “friend”.
Wattpad link
"Hi, I'm Kierra. I'm here to see Harry."
Y/N was taken aback when the girl pushed right past her to enter her living room. They had never met officially, but the walls in this flat were thin. You couldn't pretend like you didn't know someone after you'd heard all the sounds they'd made during sex. Now Y/N couldn't even look at this girl without blushing.
"H-Harry's at a group study. He'll be back at five, I think," Y/N mumbled, eyes on Kierra who had made herself comfortable on the couch.
Idling for a moment at the door, Y/N decided that it'd be rude to retreat to her room, so she ended up sitting down with her flatmate's guest. She always got nervous around the girls Harry brought back to their place, probably because she'd never seen herself as their equal. They always had more than one thing she lacked, and the thought of not being good enough was intimidating to her. She was jealous of their beauty and their confidence, but she couldn't hate them. They weren't responsible for her insecurities.
That was why each time she met one of them, she subconsciously tried to look for at least one quality that she found pleasant about the girl. Only then would she feel slightly better about herself. It didn't always work though. Most of the girls Harry had brought home were mean to Y/N. She couldn't figure out why, but they probably assumed Harry treated her differently because...he liked her. Oh, she could only wish. Deep down, she had always known he treated her differently because she wasn't his type. He would never be interested in her sexually or even romantically.
"Those are cute," Kierra spoke, breaking Y/N's train of thoughts as she poined to the blue tie-dye window curtains. "They weren't here the last time I came over."
Smiling bashfully, Y/N tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and her hand quickly returned to her knees. "They...they're mine."
"You made them yourself?"
"Yeah, the ones in my room are purple, but Harry likes blue so..."
Kierra pressed her lips into a faint smile. The silence took over for a few seconds before she spoke again, "were you two friends before moving in together?"
"No." Y/N giggled. "We hadn't known each other until then. It's a long story but...Harry tells it better than me so you can ask him..."
"Can't. He doesn't like talking about himself." Kierra gave her a shrug.
Y/N could see it in the girl's eyes that she was disappointed. This gave her a different view on Kierra and those before her. Maybe they were equals after all. They wanted someone they could never have. Still, Y/N didn't know if she'd rather be herself or Kierra, to have him but never really have him, or to never get to have him at all. Either way, it probably hurt just the same.
Hugging her knees to her chest, Y/N sat in silence on the couch as her dreary eyes shifted between Niall and Layla.
"I am telling the truth," Niall said. "I've warned him and he didn't listen!"
Layla raised her voice, "warned him?! You should've stopped him?! Gosh, men are dumb!"
Y/N agreed, men were dumb. However, she'd better stay quiet because everything she said now would only add fuel to the fire. In this moment of chaos, ironically, she felt truly at peace. She watched her two friends keep on shouting. Their mouths were moving but they didn't make any sound. And they were in slow motion, almost like a music video without the music.
This took her back to her childhood years. Whenever her parents got into a fight right in front of her and her siblings, she would pretend that they were in a music video, so she wouldn't feel scared. Like she and Harry, her parents rarely fought. Her mother could be problematic yet her father loved that woman more than anything in the world. So Y/N hated whenever they raised their voices with each other. They claimed to be so in love but when things got bad, where did all the love go?
Now that she was older and wiser, she had learned that fighting didn't always go counter to love. Sometimes two people argued because they loved each other too much, and refused to let go even when it was the easy way out. Had it not been for those fights, her parents' marriage probably wouldn't have lasted this long. So maybe Y/N needed to be at home shouting at her husband, not hiding at her best friend's place like this.
"You should've told me everything! You're a liar just like Harry!"
"I'm nothing like Harry, I report everything to you! Who tells their wife about their co-worker getting hair extensions? I do!"
"Guys, I'm going home." Y/N's statement ended the argument in a heartbeat.
"You sure?" Layla asked in concern as Y/N rose from the couch.
"Yeah." Y/N nodded with a smile. "We'll be fine, don't worry."
Layla and Niall seemed doubtful of their friend's decision, still, they let her go. They walked her to their front door and kept reminding her not to throw a tantrum when she spoke to Harry. It was weird coming from someone as bad-tempered as Layla, but then they actually got a point. Y/N kept that advice in mind as she took a taxi home alone. She told herself to stay calm and think this through, for the spoken words could leave permanent damages. Still, a part of her wanted nothing more than to shout at him to release her frustration.
Soon she had arrived home. She took a deep breath before pulling out the key card from her pocket. But right before she could enter, the door swung open. Her husband burst out, frozen completely when he saw her face. He looked as if he'd seen a ghost. He was pallid, his eyes were round and expressionless, his mouth parted and his chin trembling. They exchanged a silent look before he spotted the barrel bag she was holding. She'd planned to spend one night away from him. And now she was glad she'd changed her mind.
Harry frantically grabbed her like she was the last thing in this world that could keep him sane. He panted the words "I'm sorry" into her neck, repeatedly and desperately. Maybe just a second ago, he'd thought his apology would never be accepted again. He'd thought that she'd left him for good.
Y/N hadn't seen him this scared since she returned the promise ring in that hotel in New York. And her heart ached just from thinking Harry wasn't afraid of anything, but losing her.
"Let's go inside and we'll talk," she said, pushing him away though she wanted nothing more than to stay in his arms right now. Her eyes were cold while his were filled with fear and anxiety.
He stepped back into their living room, watching her intensely to search for a sign that they would be okay. "Please hear me out," he said as she closed the door and put down the bag. "I can explain."
"Sure you can. You always have a lot to say, but never when you should."
Harry's eyes quickly shifted to the floor. It was funny how he had just asked for a chance to explain, and when he'd got it, he didn't know where to start.
"I almost stayed at Layla's tonight," Y/N went on, not wanting to waste their time by waiting for him. "Then I realized marriage didn't work that way, so I came back. And I want to hear everything from you. Niall has told me what he knew, and I've also made my own assumptions from the video. But now I want to hear your own version of the story."
"She was gonna send it to me," he finally spoke, his head hung low. "B-but she saved your name as Mrs. Styles so she sent it to you by accident."
"And you believe her?"
He didn't answer. That was how she knew he did. He believed what Kierra had told him.
"It seems to me that...you believe in everyone..." She said with a faint laugh. "Everyone. Except for me."
"No, I—"
"You didn't think I could handle it, was that you lied? Was that why I was always the last to know?"
Again, silence.
Despite all the things she'd told herself on the taxi ride home, she couldn't stay calm anymore.
"Why don't you say something?!" She screamed at him. She was furious. Still, he was just standing there like a statue, his eyes stayed glued to the floor. The frustration building up in her chest made her burst into tears. "You can't just keep doing this, Harry! This isn't the first time, I've forgiven you too many times before. I was always one of the lasts to know when something big happened. Olivia coming back, your internship in Japan, your dad offering you his company, you accepting your dad's offer and relocating an entire business, you hiring your ex to be your new assistant, and now you possibly having a child with another woman, then you going to see this child and staying to play happy family with them! I've always had to find out from another person, this time from a video that woman 'accidentally' sent to me. What do you have to say for yourself?"
His answer left her dumbfounded. Her mouth snapped shut, her shoulders were tight as her breath burst in and out.
"I don't want to defend myself because I know I'm wrong." He slowly lifted his face to meet her eyes at last, and then, with a sigh, he began, "when...when I discovered that I might be the father, I was...terrified. Not because of the responsibilities that would come along with that, but because...I realized I-I never deserved you."
Seeing his fingers gathered into fists and his knuckles turning white, she wanted to hold him and tell him he was the only one who deserved her. But her limbs were numb and her feet were rooted to the floor. Now she could do nothing but listen.
He swallowed hard. "I told myself...if I kept pretending like my past before you hadn't existed then everything would've been okay. But I always knew I couldn't pretend forever. Maybe that's why I'm so afraid of you leaving me. Maybe at one point, you'll see that I'm not good enough and you'll regret all the years you've wasted on me." He thought for a few seconds and exhaled sharply. "I told myself hiding these truths from you was protecting you. But all along I've been protecting myself from you realizing you'd be better off without me."
He stopped to wait for her reply. And when he got nothing, he stepped forward and cupped her face. This time she didn't push him away. She couldn't. His fingers were shaking as tears shone in his eyes, and it hurt her so much to see him like this. My God, she truly loved him. Her love for him was so massive that all of his mistakes, his stupid, careless, childish mistakes, could not make her love him any less.
He didn't let her go. Her silence urged him to go on, his voice was strained and fragile, "you have every right to be angry at me. Scream at me if you want to, give me the cold shoulders, the silent treatment, anything, just...don't leave me. Tell me how to fix this, and I'll do anything. Just please don't give up on me."
He ran his thumb across her flushed cheek to wipe away a single tear making its way down. His lashes fluttered as his brows knitted. He continued, "I came home, and you weren't here, the closet was opened, some of your clothes were gone. I-I thought I lost you, and I was so scared."
For all those years they'd lived under the same roof, Y/N rarely heard Harry say that he was scared. It might've resulted from him growing up trying to protect the women in his life, since his father had not been there for them. Now standing before her, he had accepted that he also needed protection.
Sighing, Y/N stepped forward and pressed herself against his chest. The love of her life automatically embraced her. "We don't do that in this household," she murmured, one hand stroking the back of his head. "We don't leave."
She felt his muscles relaxed as he gave her a slight nod and a 'thank you'. But his grip hadn't loosened one bit, for a part of him still feared she might change her mind. Still, she pulled away. They were eye-to-eye again, and her hands were on his shoulders, his on her lower back.
"But you need to stop this," she said. "Stop trying to protect me from the truth. I'm an adult and I can handle anything. And stop worrying that some bad news will make me stop loving you. Nothing will. I chose you because I'd known who you were, even before you did. I fell in love with my best friend and I never looked back, not when Olivia showed up, not when you were in another country for months, not when my parents hated me for being with you. Of all the mistakes I've made in my life, you are not one of them."
He nodded, sighing in contentment as she combed her fingers through his hair. She held his gaze, her eyes were much more tender now. "You lie to me one more time and I'll leave for good, got it?"
"Got it," he spoke softly. "Thank you."
She frowned, taking a deep breath. "I want to sleep alone tonight, just to clear my head. Is it okay?"
"Y-yeah, sure, I'll sleep in the guest room," Harry said quickly. Though he wasn't thrilled about sleeping alone, he believed giving her some space could be a good idea for now.
Y/N shut her eyes as she gently brushed their noses together and walked past him toward their bedroom. She felt his eyes watching her go, and something came to her mind as she stopped halfway, turning back to look at him.
"Were you disappointed that the kid wasn't yours?"
"Of course not," he answered right away though the question was unexpected.
"Really?" Her one-word question was filled with doubt.
He sucked in a breath and flashed her a reassuring smile. "Yes. I only asked Kierra to take a photo because...because I knew how much you loved kids. I wanted to show it to you after I've explained everything...I don't know why she recorded a video."
Y/N said nothing more. He wasn't sure if she still believed him after all the secrets he'd kept; however, he was glad she'd come forward instead of keeping it to herself.
"Goodnight," was all she said before going to their room. The door fell shut, the flat fell back to silent, but the thoughts in his head were deafening. How could he go to sleep?
Harry was appalled when Kierra asked him where Y/N was. Just like all the other girls he'd been with, Kierra had never shown any interest in getting to know his 'boring' flatmate, or the fact that he was living with a girl he'd claimed to have nothing to do with. But the first thing she noticed today when she entered his living room was that Y/N wasn't here. 
"She's probably babysitting the kid upstairs," he said, thinking the girl would just move on to a different topic, but he was wrong.
"She told me she was making a Halloween costume for that kid."
He widened his eyes at her. "You've talked to her?"
"Yeah, the other day I came over to see you. I had to wait for too long so I left."
"Oh right, she did mention that." He nodded, pointing to the tie-dyed curtains. "Y/N made those. I told her it was a waste of time and she didn't listen. But I think I'm kind of in love with how they look now. She's very good at this stuff."
"Yeah, I see." Kierra giggled. "That's why I asked her to make me a Halloween costume, I'm gonna be a sexy nurse. Can you believe she agreed to do it for free?"
The girl probably expected a different reaction so her face fell as she saw how upset he was. "What? You don't look happy." She smirked. "Role-playing is so hot don't you think?"
Harry let go of a sigh and removed her hands from his chest. "You can't just ask my flatmate to make you clothes for free, Kierra."
"She said she'd be happy to do it."
"She'd say anything to make everyone happy, she's Y/N!"
"Okay, chill! I'll tell her I don't need it anymore. Are we good?"
He stayed quiet for a bit and nodded. "Thank you."
The silence gradually sank back in, adding more weight to Harry's heavy thoughts. Maybe he'd overreacted a bit. To be honest, he couldn't explain it himself. He always felt the need to protect for Y/N even when she wasn't around, for he thought she could never do it herself. It almost became a hard-to-change habit.
"She's a sweet girl," Kierra spoke after a while.
"She is," he agreed, not adding anything else.
Still, the girl continued, "she's so shy though, she needs to go out more."
"That's just how she is." Harry shrugged, trying not to show how annoyed he was. She was getting on his nerves with all this talk about Y/N. "She hates crowds, there's nothing wrong with that. But I hope I can convince her to go with me to that Halloween party."
Kierra was taken aback, and Harry was too. He couldn't believe he was careless and stupid enough to say that aloud. He had no control over his words, thoughts, and actions when it came to Y/N. Though she wasn't here, it was her fault that Kierra knew way too much.
"You two are going together?" Kierra asked, looking slightly puzzled.
He stuck out his bottom lip and gave her another shrug. "I haven't asked her but...Yeah...she needs to go out more, right?"
"Right." The girl pressed her lips into a forceful smile, and then she changed the subject.
"Linen or beige?"
"That's the same color!"
Harry's response made Layla growl. At this point, she'd already run out of patience.
"Are you fucking color blind?" She almost shoved her phone into his face, pointing to each of the two photos aligned side by side. "This is linen. This is beige. Pick one!"
"Uhm...linen I guess?"
With a sigh of relief, she gave him a solid nod. "Okay, beige then."
"Are you serious?"
"What?" She shrugged. "I don't trust your and Niall's opinion so it's easier to go for the opposite."
Breathing into his palm, Harry checked his watch for the third time since Layla entered his office. She'd promised it'd only take around five minutes of his time, but now it's been fifteen and she had only finished choosing the wedding tablecloths. She didn't care how bored he seemed and went ahead to show him two different types of flowers and told him to pick one.
"Ahh, I don't know. Whatever Niall chose."
"I didn't come all the way here to hear what Niall thinks, asshole."
"Fine." He rolled his eyes and pinched his forehead. "White roses. Classic."
"They're Gardenias!"
"Look like roses to me." He chuckled at the look on her face. "Did Niall also choose them?"
"Yes." She shot him a glare. "But at least my baby's an intellectual who knows the difference between roses and Gardenias."
"Lucky you," he teased, only to receive a middle finger in response. "Hey, aren't you supposed to be at your store? It's not even lunch hour yet."
The girl gave him a proud smile as she put her phone away. Thank God, he thought.
"Unlike you, I pay people to work so I don't have to," she said, making him chuckle. "But fine, I'll leave. You can get back to work now."
"Wait," he stopped her before she could walk away. "Has Y/N told you anything lately?"
Layla pursed her lips. "Nope. I thought you two had gone back to normal. It's been several days since the secret child thing, right?"
"Well, yeah, she finally let me sleep in our room two nights ago. But well, I mean, she tries to act like everything has gone back to normal, but it doesn't feel that way to me. She wasn't even home when I woke up this morning. Something's still off."
"Give her time." Layla waved him off. "She's probably still upset. I wouldn't blame her though. Your crazy neighbor threatened her that one day she'd find your assistant sucking your dick, and now the girl you used to fuck is your assistant. How convenient is that?"
"That's bullshit. You know I love her more than anything in the world."
"I know." Layla snorted as she rolled her eyes. "You love her too much sometimes that you forget love comes with trust. By the way, if I were you, I'd fire that bitch."
"I can't just fire an employee for no reason, Layla."
"No reason? Well, first off," she raised a finger, "if you just want a hot assistant for the aesthetic of your office, I'd be happy to fill her shoes, because this bitch is shit at her job. She didn't even stop me when I walked straight in here."
"She knows you, Layla."
"No, bitch, she didn't even see me. She was on the phone with a friend talking about a bikini wax. And if that's not a good enough reason to fire her, she's also obsessive, has no respect for people's personal space and she hates your wife."
"You don't have proof that she sent that video to mess with Y/N."
"Yeah, I fucking do." Layla nodded quickly, crossing her arms. "She literally told me back in uni that she hated Y/N. She knew Y/N had feelings for you, so she asked the poor girl to make a sexy Halloween costume for her just so she could strut around in it and flirt with you when Y/N was around. How's that as proof?"
Harry's expression dulled for a moment before he could speak. "Are you serious?"
"Oh God, how oblivion could you be?!" Layla exclaimed. She sat up straight, placed a hand on her chest, and took a deep breath to keep herself from exploding. "Look, I love you—"
"You do?"
"And I will mess up your perfectly symmetrical face if you interrupt me again."
"Where was I? Oh, right. I love you, but you could be really stupid sometimes. You're overprotecting Y/N from anything but the things and the ones that actually hurt her. This Kierra bitch is just another Rose in your life, pun intended. She's a psychopath who deserves no sympathy. Like my family marriage counselor used to say, 'three's a crowd, and any problem that arises from a third person is always much harder to fix'. And that man was a genius. Most of my parents' arguments were about another woman and now they're divorced, and me, the product of that failed marriage, is miserable."
"I'm really sor—"
She put up a hand to stop him. "Save your sympathy for Y/N. Want my advice? Fire that crazy bitch and make up with your wife."
Just like that, she clicked her fingers in front of his face and picked up her handbag to go. He watched in confusion as she stopped at the door.
"You don't have to thank me for saving your marriage by the way," she said with a cheeky grin. "Just bring me the most expensive wedding gift you could find."
"Miss, where do you think you're going?"
Y/N looked at the redhead she'd never seen in her life, though confused, she asked, "is Mr. Styles in his office?"
"Have you got an appointment?"
You've got to be kidding me.
"I'm his wife."
The girl squealed so loud that everyone turned to look at her at once. With her face all red, she quickly apologized for her behavior and almost knocked over her own coffee when she bumped into her desk. Where did he find this kid? Y/N thought while keeping a straight face so the girl wouldn't feel more embarrassed.
"Oh God, I'm so sorry Mrs. Styles," she said fast. "Mr. Styles is having lunch with a client. I don't know if he'll come back to the office after."
"Thanks." Y/N sighed. "But I'm sorry, who are you?"
"I'm his assistant, Marie," the redhead said with a beam. "I just started today."
"What happened to Kierra?" Y/N's eyes narrowed with confusion.
"She got transferred to a different department. Uhm...HR, I think. I don't know much, today's only my first day," Marie said while fidgeting with the buttons on her blouse.
Y/N couldn't help but wonder, why had her husband replaced someone as experienced as Kierra with someone entirely opposite, like Marie here? Still, she said nothing more than wishing Marie good luck and a good day before making her way back to the lift.
As she walked past some employees enjoying their pizza for lunch, she wondered to herself if she should get something to eat before calling Harry. But the warm feeling suddenly rising in her chest sent her straight to the ladies' room.
She stumbled like a drunkard to one stall. She kept swallowing, but it didn't go away, and she could already taste it at the back of her mouth. With each step, her throat clenched and ached more and more. Hot tears spilled from her eyes when she dropped on her knees and emptied her stomach in the toilet bowl.
Yup, she was definitely sick.
But why?
She'd been eating fine and exercising regularly for the past month, but she felt like her health was getting worse. Her body had turned on her this morning when she woke up with nausea clawing at her throat. She hated being sick, but she hated skipping an important workday more. So she'd left the flat before Harry woke up to make sure he couldn't convince her to stay at home.
But then, for the entire morning in the office, she missed him terribly. She sat at her desk, constantly thinking about how she hadn't got a chance to kiss him goodbye. And then she almost she burst into tears. This wasn't like her at all, and she blamed her being ill for her acting out of character. She couldn't wait until she got to see him. She needed to see him right away. However, with her condition, maybe she should just go back home and call it a day.
Y/N flushed the toilet and dragged her heavy feet to a sink to wash her hands and mouth. That was when an employee entered the room, looking shocked to make eye contact with her in the mirror.
"Kierra," Y/N spoke, throwing on a smile. "Hi."
She thought it was a must to always be polite to her husband's employees, even the special cases like Kierra here. But this woman didn't need her politeness. Kierra walked straight to a different sink to reapply her lipstick. The only interaction she'd made with Y/N so far had been that cold stare when she first entered.
"I heard you got transferred to HR," Y/N said, looking at the girl who paid no attention to her. "It must be fun. The manager is a sweet lady."
"Just stop faking it, all right?"
Kierra put the lipstick back in her purse before turning to face Y/N. "I know you talked Harry into getting a new assistant. So don't pretend to be the girl next door here. I'm not buying that crap anymore."
"Wow." Y/N scoffed, raising both hands in the air. "I have nothing to do with any of my husband's decisions in his company."
"Clearly." Kierra rolled her eyes as she placed a hand on her hip. "You just never grow up. You're still as insecure as you used to be."
"Excuse me?!"
"You were scared of how much Harry enjoyed being around me and my baby girl that you had to find a way to get rid of me."
Y/N laughed wryly, shaking her head as she said, "was that why you sent me the video? To show me that I'm the one who's scared?"
"No, I did it to piss you off." Kierra gave her a shrug. "He came to me first, hoping that my baby was his. It's not his fault that you can't get pregnant."
"How do you—"
"Oh, everyone knows." She smirked. "This rumor has been circling around for a while now, but judging from your reaction, I suppose it's not a rumor after all?"
Y/N's face contorted as the realization hit her like a train. "So you heard the rumor and purposely applied for the job, then you made him think the baby was his to get his attention."
"No, I was just lucky. Maybe we were meant to meet again." The bitch gave Y/N a cold, hard, plastic smile. "You know, the day you and I had our first conversation, I was actually there to tell him that I was pregnant. I thought the baby was his. If he hadn't been so crazy about you back then, maybe I would've stayed and let him believe he was the father. But if he was really the father of my baby girl, would he have chosen you over a real family?"
"Okay, you're obviously sick in the head," Y/N said as she picked up her bag, but Kierra stopped her at once.
"If I were you, I'd work harder to fix my marriage."
That's it, Y/N thought to herself as she turned around, her eyes glinted with rage. The fear was obvious in Kierra's expression as Y/N stepped forward and stopped when their faces were inches apart.
"My husband is a CEO," she said with a straight face, "and your husband doesn't exist. So don't lecture me on how to fix my healthy marriage, when you can't even fix your life. The next time I catch you trying to sabotage our happiness will be the last day you show your face in this company. You understand me?"
Kierra blanched at those words, her mouth fell open. But Y/N didn't have time to wait for a nonexistent response or comeback. She turned her heels and walked out with her head held high. Layla was right, she thought, smiling smugly. This feels fantastic!
Harry was working late again.
He'd been dead in front of his laptop to prepare for the important meeting tomorrow. This was a meeting that would change the future of this company. Just one more day, he thought to himself, one more day, and he'd go home early and take Y/N out on romantic dates like he used to. She surely would love that. After all, the only reason he was working hard was for her and their future. Everything he did was for her. One more day, and he'd have his old life back.
Those lovely fantasies kept him motivated and concentrated. It was only until his mother called to ask about him and Y/N that he realized how late it was and he should probably head home.
Strange. It was usually the thought of going home to his wife that made him sigh in relief, but now he was gripping the steering wheel, anxious as he could be. Maybe he'd been over-analyzing everything. Maybe it wasn't even that bad. Maybe she'd been having some bad days at work. Maybe she still wanted him. He reassured himself with those thoughts as he stepped into their flat.
The living room was dimly lit by the soft light leaking through the gap beneath the kitchen door. His wife should've been in bed by now. Lately, she had overworked herself, thinking he hadn't noticed, but he had. So what was she still doing in the kitchen at nearly two in the morning?
"Baby?" Harry spoke as he stepped in to find a sight he could never have expected.
Y/N was sitting on the floor in her white silk gown, the fridge was open and she was eating the leftovers as if she'd been starved for days. He laughed, shaking his head when she looked up like a deer in front of headlights. Her eyebrows furrowed as she spoke with her mouth full, "you're home early."
Oh, the sarcasm. He'd missed that.
"Sorry, darling. I got held back at work. But just for today, I promise."
"I hate you." She took another spoon of chocolate cake into her mouth and turned away like an angry little girl.
Beaming, Harry put down his laptop bag to join his wife on the floor. He sat with his legs crossed and his chin on his knuckles. "My assistant told me you came to my office today," he said, his eyes bored into her.
She gave him a slight pout. "Yeah, but you weren't there."
"Did something happen, love?"
"No...I just...I just missed you. That's all." Her voice went quieter toward the end, for she was shy to admit that she'd come to his office because she'd missed him. Little did she know, hearing that made him happier than ever.
He stroked her hair and threw on a soft smile. "If you miss me, you can always call me. I'll drop whatever I'm doing to talk to you."
"I know, but I wanted to see you." Then she put down the empty plate and wiped her hand and mouth with a paper towel. Her eyes had never left his. "Did you miss me?" She asked bashfully.
He nodded fast and picked up her hand to press it to his lips. "All the time."
"Good." Her mouth twitched as she stroked his chin with a thumb. "I like your new assistant. Sweet girl, a bit clumsy though."
"She'll get the hang of it," he said. "I was gonna tell you in person, but you'd already found out."
"It's okay." She pressed her lips together, looking slightly amused. "Kierra didn't seem so happy about it though."
Her comment left him surprised. "You talked to Kierra?"
"Yup, she's batshit crazy. She threatened me, too."
"She threatened you?!"
"It's okay—"
"No, it's not! I'll fire her for that!"
Harry, though mad, was now even more confused when instead of agreeing with him, his wife just burst out laughing. Before he could question her reaction, she pulled him in for a sweet kiss on the mouth and a few others all over his face.
"I wish nothing more than to get rid of her, but her daughter doesn't deserve an unemployed mother." She ran her fingers through his hair now that she was straddling his lap. "But don't worry. She won't bother us again."
"You sound sure." He arched an eyebrow.
"Because I am," she said happily. "All this drama only makes me realize how much we love each other. We should only focus on the two of us from now on, building our own family, living the life we've been dreaming of since college. No one else is allowed to change that."
He chuckled. "Three's a crowd, yeah?"
"Yeah." She nodded. "I hate crowds."
Slowly, Harry leaned in to kiss her again and then pressed their foreheads together, smiling contently.
"Oh, wait," She pulled back as her eyebrows snapped together. "One last question about Kierra."
"Go ahead, love," he said, laughing.
"If she hadn't left, would you...would you have fallen in love with her?"
To her surprise, he cracked up. "That's an easy question. Of course not. Why?"
"She was so good at pretending like she wasn't a shit person that I actually liked her. I assumed you would've fallen for her, given more time."
"Nope," he asserted, lips curved into a smile. "I was already in love then. How could I have fallen for someone else?"
"You were in love with me?" Her face lit up.
"No, with our handsome gay neighbor Ben. Of course I was in love with you, Y/N! Why was that even a question?!"
The couple immediately dissolved into laughter Harry held her to his chest and kissed her forehead. He felt so much joy at this moment that he didn't want to ever leave this kitchen floor. But then sadness clouded her face again, and her voice nearly cracked as she spoke, "I love you so much it hurts sometimes."
"Aww, babe—"
"I'm sorry I didn't kiss you goodbye this morning. I got sick, and had to leave for work before you found out, so you couldn't convince me to stay at home."
"You were sick?" He felt her forehead with the back of his hand, his expression hardened.
"I still am, I think. I-I threw up twice today, and now I can't stop eating and I even start crying for no reason," Y/N said tiredly as she scooted closer to nuzzle her nose against his neck. She even grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers, as if she couldn't get enough of him. Harry loved these intimate gestures, he loved how clingy she was now, but a part of him still found it concerning because she'd never been so needy.
"Also, the smell of pizza makes me wanna vomit," she quickly added. "Maybe I should see a doctor tomorrow. It might be food poisoning."
"I don't...uhm...I don't think..."
"What?" She pulled back a bit to study his face.
He squeezed the hand that was holding his and looked deep into her eyes. "I don't think it's food poisoning."
That was when realization dawned on her face.
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hypermanga · 6 years ago
Out of my mind (Victor Creed x reader)
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Word count: 2402
Summary: After recieving an unexpected visit in the X-Mansion, you engage in an adventure that will test your life as well as the relationship you have with a certain feral man.
Debris was all you could see : falling from the sky that landed dangerously near you, creating big craters. Then you saw them, both jumping, Victor first and Logan next, before they disappeared in the dust.
Running towards the mist, you came face to face with Gambit, the only mutant who had been able to escape the island "Remy?" "C' mon (Y/N), let's get you to safety" You wanted to protest, to run to the feral brothers, but you found yourself too tired to put any fight. As you were being dragged to the helicopter, a bang could be heard in the distance, two, three.
And darkness.
Waking up in sweat, you gasped for air "Nightmare?" Ororo asked, startling you "How long have you been here?" "A couple minutes, I guess, I came to tell you-you have a visit". Still startled from the nightmare, you bolted out of bed and freshened up a bit. It was not every day you had someone visit you.
The thing was, you had no clue who could that be.
Straightening your jacket, you descended the stairs, where you could make out some voices at the Mansion's entrance. As you saw who had come to visit you, you skipped the three last steps, jumping right into his arms "Victor!"
“Long time no see, kitten” He smirked, engulfing you in his arms. You were more than surprised to see Victor, and even dumbfounded that he remembered you "How did you-" "Hightened senses, remember?" "Oh...Yeah, that's true" You laughed sheepishly.
Even all these years apart hadn't changed the crush you had on him "Well, we'll leave you be" Ororo concluded, turning back to Victor" Don't try anything. If you betray us, it will be worse for you"
Closing the door to your bedroom, you turned to Victor, who watched you intently.Your smile turned into a straight line "I have to tell you something"
As soon as you said it, sparks appeared in your hands, making Victor's eyes widen "Since when?" "Five months ago, nobody knows…You're the first one" They danced in between your fingers, settling on your right hand before a ball was formed "Do you control it?" "More or less…But that's not the issue…I'm afraid I will put people in danger with my mutation, or even kill someone accidentally…Charles always says that this is a gift, but to me, it's a nightmare" Your sad eyes held embarrasment and fear, and the feral could feel the latter emane from you.
Victor's eyebrows furrowed, and a growl escaped his lips "Look" He said, taking your hands in his "I'm not the best one to give goodie two shoes advice, but this ain't something that can be taken from you, you're stuck with it. This changes your life, you and I both know it, but you either suck up and train to be strong or get experimented on and killed" Your eyes watered,even though you knew everything that having a mutation involved, the reality seemed much crueler "Hey kitten, don't worry, you'll be fine. I'm with you, ain't I?" Reassuring you, Victor gave your hands a soft shake, before retreating to his room.
"Well, if this is true, what are we waiting for?" Scott interveened, making you turn your head "For all we know, this could be a trap" Logan replied, crossing his arms "But what if it is not?" Your voice rose from the back of Charles's office "What if there are kids imprisoned or being experimented on?" "There's only one way to find out" Charles's concluded, ushering everyone out while Scott and Hank went to prepare the helicopter "(Y/N), could you stay for a minute?" "Of course, what's wrong?" "You'll be staying" "What?Why?" "Your mutation is not controlled enough, and we are not certain if the person who is conducting the experiments is-" -My father" Your balled your fists, making a disgusted face "But I know how to control it! I can be useful" "You won't go to this mission and the decision is final"
Leaving the office, you ran to the main entrance, where you found Jean "They left already" You opened and closed your mouth,she didn't need any questioning "But Victor is in the living room, if you were wondering" Smiling, you thanked her and went to find him.
"Charles doesn't let me go the mission" Plopping on the sofa, you awaited his reply "But you want to go, right?" "Yes, I feel that perhaps I will find answers to my questions" "Then don't listen to the old man and go: if there are kids congratulations, and if there is your father then you hit jackpot. If not, well at least you made a daytrip" He shrugged, getting up from the armchair he was resting on "The factory is not far, but how are we gonna get to it?" He didn't reply, just guided you to the back of the mansion, where a van stood "Your ride , princess"
"It seems pretty abandoned…" But even if it looked abandoned, you knew better than that, as the Island had looked like this factory.The eerie atmosphere was overwhelming, and the feeling on your gut that there was something very wrong made you shiver to the core "C'mon let's go" You took off running, Victor following close behind "I'm coming with you" "Suit yourself, but if we want to end quicker, we must divide"
After half an hour or so, there was still no luck in finding any kids, nor did you encounter the Xmen "Now…Let's see" Standing in front of a locked door with coding, you created some lightning to break in, expecting that there was to be something important inside. As the door opened, you stared into a dimly lit room, full of pipes and wires "What the-" Before you could finish your sentence, your head started to hurt, as if needles were inserted to them "Shit! Victor!" You cried, falling to the floorn, withering in pain "Please Victor! Help!" Starting to feel numb, you stopped fighting the tears, screaming with all your might "Screaming won't help you much, (Y/N)" A figure stepped from the shadows, wearing a soldier's suit.
William Stryker…Your father.
"What?Why?" "All in time, my dear daughter…For now…I have some questions that need answer…"Was all you heard before you succumbed to the pain.
Stryker smiled proudly, calling some guards to take you to the laboratory, where someone was already waiting for you.
"Shit! Victor!" In no time, he was crossing the factory, leaping through the floor in marvelous agility. His heart was pounding, and he could not concentrate on anything, but getting to you "Please Victor! Help!" He sped up, if it was even possible anymore. It all became blurry, he just saw the door, which looked to have been blown up, and crossed it.
"Where's (Y/N)?!" He roared, preparing himself to fight against the whole team of soldiers that were awaiting him.
But what was waiting in the last lab of the corridor was something he was not preparing to face.
Clutching on the safety ropes around your ankles, you watched frantically around the room : Needles, tubes, machines…Something out of a sci-fi horror movie "My (Y/N), so young and yet so dangerous" He looked old, tired "You don't know anything about me! Let me go!" "Sorry, but you're too much of a trouble to let go…You see, your mutation is something out of this world…Almost godly, you see" Zipping your mouth, you listened to him making his speech, trying to charge your power "So…It is of vital importance that you are subjected to experimentation" "You would to this? To your own daughter?"
"Well, I had to do it to your brother too, didn't I?" As if on cue, a light revealed a man, disheveled, and on a wheelchair. Was this…
"You fucking psycho! You'll pay for this you bastard!" As a blast was thrown from your hand, your brother's mutation kicked in, making you scream once again in pain "Please! Stop this!" Your screaming did nothing but increase as you saw your father approaching you with a syringe "This will prevent you from escaping nor killing me" "Nothing will stop me, I will not stop fighting to end with your madness!"
Just then, a ruckus was heard, getting nearer and nearer "It seems we have company…I should have killed Victor in the island when I had him under my control" "He would've beat you, you're no rival to him" "That's why you'll be the one to kill him" Your eyes shot open at that statement, fear pumping in your veins "This is a mind control serum, I'm pretty sure your new self won't have any inconvenience in killing him…Now don't cry (Y/N), don't feel sorry for the monster that he is" "He is no monster, you are!"
His face scrunched up in disgust at that, he even looked hurt "To know that my daughter feels anything for that…That animal…Makes me even sicker" A sharp pain shot up in your body, making you dizzy "I won't…Kill him…I won't succumb to this…This serum" Tears fell from your eyes, as you fell in a deep sleep.
At last, Victor arrived to the lab, throwing the door down with a swift kick "Kitten?" There was nobody, it was quiet…Way too quiet "Ah, Victor, so glad you could make it" Stryker appeared, clasping his hands together "Where is (Y/N)? I'll kill you if anything has happened to her" "Your "kitten" is here, she's adjusting" "Adjusting? To wha-?" He had no time to finish, as an electric blast sent him across the room. Your form appeared, levitating from the ground: your body was surrounded by lightning, as well as your eyes, that held no pupil whatsoever. Your clothes also had changed, they seemed godly like.
"To this. She fought hard, but not enough" "You'll pay for this!" He launged himself, but was yet stopped by you "Kitten! Goddamnit, get some sense in your head!" He dodged every attack, what was he else to do? He couldn't harm you in any way, he had promised it to himself. Your bolts were getting more precise as time passed just as Victor grew tired and started to lose hope.
"Now, (Y/N), that is enough playtime, just finish him off" His eyes widened, as you used a lightning bolt to strangle him, applying more preassure as you shocked him "Kitten, you don't want…To do this!" He choked up "Oh, I think she does" Stryker smirked, as he saw the feral starting to lose consciousness" "You've got to take control! Get your self back! Please, (Y/N)!"
At that, the pressure stopped, it seemed to have hit a nerve. Your head decayed to one side, as if you could be listening to him "(Y/N), you have to fight this, do not believe him, you're not like this…You've never been and will never be a monster! You're the most beautiful human being I've ever met, as well as the most caring…(Y/N) I…" Just then, his neck was missing air again "And you thought some cheesy love declaration would help anything?" Bolts were springing to Victor's body, making him growl in pain, baring his teeth "I'll bring you back, I will never stop trying it…Because I love you" He grabbed your waist, pulling you to him, making you gasp as his lips came in contact with yours.
"That's your last resort? Pathetic" Stryker spat, watching the scene in front of him.
He felt the most unbearable pain, but didn't care anymore.
He had to break you out.
You kept trying to overcome the serum, but try as you might, it wasn't enough, it was too strong; You were going to kill Victor, and there was nothing you could do about it.
You were ready to give up, to succumb to it, when you felt Victor's arms pull you to him, and his rough lips on yours. A gasp escaped your lips.
He still believed in you, he was sure that you wouldn't give up.
Not now, not ever.
With this new wave of energy, you resumed your fight against your father and your brother. Gathering all the strength you could muster, you fought against the chains that held you to this ill-driven fate.
Victor broke the kiss and watched as your eyes changed to normal and back to no pupils at all. "C'mon (Y/N), make them bite the dust" Clutching your trembling form in his arms, he awaited the lightning bolts that were to come. He was never going to let you go, even if the pain was too much to endure.
Your body changed from trembling to convulsing as the lightning strikes became stronger and deadlier, making Victor scream in pain. With a final blood-curling scream, you let out the biggest wave, falling unconscious and consequently making you both fall to the ground.
Victor got up as quickly as his healing factor let him, watching your silhouette, which wasn't moving at all. He heard your heart beating, making him huff in relief. Your eyes opened, quickly closing them as the blinding light hit you, but soon Victor's form shielded you from it "Victor?" You let out a breath "Yes, (Y/N)?" His gaze held worry, which soon turned to tenderness "Is this a dream?" "No (Y/N), this ain't no dream" He smirked, kissing you softly. It was not the kind of kiss you had imagined from the feral man, but reciprocated nevertheless.
Stryker could not believe his eyes. He had been defeated by something out of a children's book, a true love's kiss "This is impossible! How could yo-" His form was thrown against the wall, Victor's hand in his neck "Victor! Don't" You slithered to them, holding Victor's arm, preventing it from delivering the final blow "He deserves to die for what he's done" "His death will make matters worse, we will embark in a war we have to be prepared for" Baring his teeth, he knocked your father unconscious "If I didn't love you, I wouldn't have let this through…Nobody gives me orders" "Lucky me huh?" Smiling, you took Victor's hand, pulling him away from the lab and back to the X-Mansion.
Your words proved to be true, as the army was prepared to attack if anything had happened to your father.
Lucky for you, you were going to live today to fight tomorrow, but not alone.
With Victor at your side, not anymore.
@creedslove @imagines-to-quench-thirst
Requests are open!
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Hey Noe, maybe you can help her? Your a vampire so maybe you can be helpful for her? Or do you know a bit about her?
He had no words to be honest thinking about it but his eyes were red, looking down at the floor standing near Megumi's door. He saw the reason why even after getting permission to drink some of her blood. He saw the reasons and the start of her life.
How she came from a hunting family but they only go after the ones that fallen and couldn't be save. She was in training to learn about everything in her bloodline. However, he saw even more.
The fire that burned her home down one rainy night.
The parents being surrounded by other blood hungry vampires getting back at her family for killing their partners. The head vampire killed her father by ripping his head right off his shoulders. He saw her mother defending her while seeing her afraid shaking in her mother's arms. Her voice scared but sniffing.
"Mommy.....I'm scared...I'm scared.."
"Don't be scared, my little one. I'll always protect you...you dad did as I will to."
He remembers seeing her fight but ended up hurt and sees them kill Megumi's mother next.
Her eyes were wide in horror seeing her parents killed in front of her. As she tried to run but ends up being forced into the mud with vampires surrounding her.
The leader gripping some of her hair and forces her up to whisper,
"Since your family took the heads of my followers, I'll be sure your one of mine. You'll always suffer...no matter what you little brat."
Noe closed his fist remember how each one went to drain her almost dry with the leader changing her being the last one. They leave her under a rainy thunderstorm bleeding from her wound on the neck to die. However, he saw her dulled grey eyes with tears running down her cheek.
Aki's memories were foggy after but he saw her being taken in by miss Alessia who found her and treated her.
Her first change under the moon almost like back at his home. Seeing her lose under the control of blood lust. How scared Megumi looked as tears ran down her eyes that was a blood red. Her hands stained in someone's blood. That's when fake blood came in to help her but he knew the more stronger she became, the harder fake blood will help her. She had to drink real blood or else she'll become mindless.
Noe looks to the anon but he slowly looks away. "I don't now if I can be of any help for Mademoiselle Hiyashi. She's.....I never expected her memories to be that bad. No wonders some of the anons find her as a monster." He closes his eyes feeling bad.
"She's half vampire..so the urges are three times worse. I can offer assistance....but I never knew her memories would be so...heartbreaking." he said but his eyes open looking ominous.
"I don't know how long she has..before she really craves the blood for humans but she's good. She's not like that so....I'll try to assist and help. Maybe I can ask Mr. Blanche for advice too."
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May I request HCs for Chuuya, Tachihara, Mori and Dazai with an s/o who's an idol (similar to AKB48) (my love live ass needs this tbh I'm so sorry)
I don’t know that much about idols and the surrounding stuff but I did my best♡
Nakahara Chuuya
Forget any dance coach or any of your other group members; your best practice happens when Chuuya’s the one guiding you through routines. Even if he doesn’t know the ins-and-outs of your dances, if you’re uncomfortable with a move, he zeroes in on that immediately. “You’re doing great,” he assures when you ask for advice, “but you need to work on these bits here.” If he can wrap his head around how the move’s supposed to go, Chuuya does it, walking you through the motions. If not, he simply makes a mental list of what you need to work on with your dance coach. Consulting him is the perfect solution when your routines need a bit of fine-tuning.
Fuck group transportation; Chuuya ensures that when you’re on the road, you’re kicking it in one of the most spacious limos or private jets money can buy. Naturally, if you want to travel with the other members, he lets you, but in case you just need your own space he ensures privacy is always an option. Chuuya makes sure your personal transportation is always well-stocked with everything from your favorite foods to entertainment systems with a built in wifi hotspot to a few changes of clothes. Chuuya knows first hand how much road trips can suck, and he’ll be damned if you’re anything less than in the lap of luxury. 
Since your busy schedules mean that you’re away from each other a lot, Chuuya ensures every date you have is absolutely private. No matter how many strings he has to pull to make sure you’re not mobbed by paparazzi the second you pull up to his house, he’ll do it; no one’s going to risk the Mafia’s wrath just to catch a blurry picture of you. Often, he rents out an entire building if you want to have a date there; the last thing you need is crazed fans ruining the moment by screaming “Oh my god it’s ______!!!” just as Chuuya’s leaning in for a kiss.
Tachihara Michizou
No matter how embarrassing a piece of merchandise might be, Tachihara unashamedly buys it. He has every single officially licensed t-shirt, poster, key chain, album, etc. that exists scattered somewhere around his house (for a while he considered putting it all together to make a shrine for his awesome idol girlfriend but then rightly decided that was bordering on serial killer territory and decided not to). He has some random merchandise from promotions your group did for different companies, too; his favorite is the shower curtain with you on it. “This way you can take showers with me even when you’re away,” he points out. No matter how embarrassed you are he refuses to change it.
Despite the fact that being so public with your relationship isn’t a great idea, especially considering he’s in the Port Mafia, Tachihara shamelessly uses your relationship to gain a gigantic following on social media. Don’t trust him when he’s aiming his phone camera at you for a ‘cute selfie’ or ‘candid shot for his phone lock screen’ because the image is probably going to end up on Instagram with some cheesy caption about how you’re his whole world. Anyone that posts a negative comment immediately gets blocked; depending on how bad his mood is, they may or may not end getting shot in the kneecap in a back alley.
Tachihara knows every single bodyguard that’s ever worked within a two mile radius of you. Somehow he got it into his head that all security guards are raging creepy pervs and they’re just lying in wait to steal away his precious love; naturally, the logical response was to start stalking all of them ‘just in case’. He’s actually straight up punched a few because he thought they were staring at your chest. Regardless if Tachihara’s gotten in a fist fight with them or not, he’s got beef with every last one of your bodyguards. 
Mori Ougai
One of Mori’s favorite things about the whole situation is your cuteness; sure, he knows a lot of makeup and contact lenses and not even remotely practical clothing go into creating the perfect, adorable idol persona, but he can still appreciate your look. Some of his favorite pictures of you are images of you performing onstage, dancing in all your glamorous glory; he has a few photos of you in one your idol outfits framed in his office.
Not long after Mori brings Elise to see one of your concerts, the girl develops a bit of an obsession with the idol scene, something Mori’s endlessly pleased about. Of course, you’re her favorite idol (Mori wouldn’t have it any other way, of course). Elise’s passion for you absolutely melts his heart; naturally, he ends up feeding it a bit too much. Before long, replicas of your performing gear line her closet and she has way more than a reasonable amount of your merchandise. When you ask Mori why he’s letting her go a bit wild when it comes to adoring you, he simply puts on a sweet smile and shrugs; it’s almost like he’s using her as an outlet to show how much he adores you.
Appearing as your lover in the public eye is an absolutely horrible idea; who knows how many people would be hunting you and your group members down if they knew you crawled in bed next to Mori every night? Even if he can’t publicly show off you relationship, he certainly does it in private. Mori often subtly (and not-so-subtly) references your idol status while chatting with his subordinates or in meetings. He’s endlessly proud of your talent and fame, and he’s not afraid to sing your praises at every opportunity.
Dazai Osamu
Without exception, Dazai shows up to every single performance sporting a T-shirt with your name on it under his coat and a gigantic sign reading ‘________ is the best one’, followed by a ton of exclamation points and scribbled hearts. He claims a spot in the front row (he’s your boyfriend after all; scoring prime tickets is a breeze) and screams how much he loves you the whole time, usually in the most high-pitched, annoying voice he can manage. Dazai claims to be mocking your crazed superfans if you call him out on his wild behavior, but honestly, he might just be one. If it bothers you, he’ll tone it down a few notches; he still brings the sign every time, though.
After downing a few shots before coming to one of your performances Dazai decided that throwing a pair of panties onstage would be a hilarious way to imitate the fanatics. The only underwear he could find was yours, though. Naturally, noticing your favorite panties hurtling at your ankles while you’re finishing up a song isn’t the best way to end a show. You never did find that underwear again, after that.
This is the same performance that he ripped his shirt off and begged you to sign his chest. The only reason he wasn’t escorted out is because the security guards recognized him as your boyfriend.
Dazai always scores backstage passes and chills with you and the rest of the group before and after performances. He always brings your favorite snack—not too much, of course, he doesn’t want your stomach upset onstage— and cuddles with you to calm your nerves. Sometimes, if you have enough time before you have to go on stage, he sneaks an Xbox in and lets you kick his ass in a few games (of course he claims you’re cheating when you win) to squash the stage fright.
One of Dazai’s favorite pastimes is trolling shady people from social media. If he’s bored, the first place he turns to is Instagram comments. Anyone that posts a hateful comment immediately becomes victim to Dazai’s ire; he messes with them mercilessly, commenting on all their photos, their friend’s photos, especially their significant other’s photos, until they’re on the verge of deleting their account. Once in awhile he loves to leave completely inappropriate comments on your posts, just to see if you use the official page to respond.
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