#I'm essentially just writing an entire fanon au book to fill the space between
bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
I finally read chapter 13! I still have some catching up to do, but I think that was my favorite chapter so far.
The cave!!! Echo!! The dragon!!! Whatever the fuck is going on with Marella!! The cliffhanger!!
That cave was honestly so cool, I could picture it really clearly and I really want to know more about why Marella and Echo went there. And why Marella took Echo with her. And what the dragon’s role in all this is. And I just have so many questions in the best possible way.
I wonder if now that Marella’s found a dragon, we’ll get answers on why the dragon scale has that effect on people. I also wonder if Echo’s trying to lead the kotlcrew somewhere/to something? It seems like it has a plan of some sort because it always seems to show up when someone in the group goes off somewhere weird.
don't mind me just going back to chapter 13 because all the events of the au have blurred together and I don't remember what actually happened in that chapter. ooohhh this chapter! I'm glad you enjoyed it!!
We've gotten so far into the au that I'm starting to doubt all the chapters like does this actually make sense? am I using these plot points to their full potential? so it's really nice to hear that you're enjoying it. If you ever do catch up, I hope you like that too! There's a lot I'd like to do with these characters, so it's been really nice to see you all enjoying what I'm doing!
the cave! the little echo! I have to be entirely honest a lot of Echo's purpose is to make the story smoother and to help introduce big plot things just by existing, but there is more to it! It's not only a useful creature I can transition with and does have a larger role within the world! Not sure how much of that will be fleshed out, but I'm thinking it'll be a least a little bit more.
and Marella! What's going on with her is answered in the following chapters at least in part. I do know that I'm still writing parts of her story several chapters later, but I'm not focusing solely on her. The plot thing introduced in this chapter lasts a while. But I'm not gonna focus on it permanently and am kinda letting it find it's conclusion on its own.
also super cool that you could picture the cave clearly because I couldn't!! I just knew a few major details I wanted to stand out and went welp hope the rest works itself out. Like I wonder if I could draw a picture of the place, but then again it's so amorphous in my mind. I'm pretty sure I had to go back several times to reference my own descriptions of the place. Like I'm pretty sure I included a river but I don't remember if it was frozen or not...
all the questions! I love knowing what people are wondering about because it helps me determine what I should focus on in the future! Should isn't the best word as I'm not obligated, but I like to include focus on things people express interest in!
I have a confession. Originally neither Bronte nor Oralie sent Sophie a message at all. That was a last second addition because I know there's interest in those characters and I could reasonably work it in. It was literally a single sentence, something like "Oralie and Bronte had both sent her private messages." And I had no plan for the messages!! I figured that all out later and now it's gonna be a major plot point in the book!! So I like adding details like that based on what people comment on
I won't say what questions are and aren't answered as you've still got some catching up to do and I don't want to spoil it, but that is a fair question! Echo exists for a reason in the world, so Sophie will probably figure that out at some point in time in the future. I don't know when, but I love it enough that I simply must include it somewhere.
It does show up when things are funky a lot, which is partially because it's convenient for me in terms of writing like I said, but it's also something else going on with it--I just had to make a canon explanation for it!!
thank you for reading!! I love hearing what you think of the story!! When/if you read the rest of the published chapters, I hope you like them!! Or that at least they make sense. Everything gets more complicated the longer I write and this au just doesn't want to end!
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