#I'm drunk da bu di dabi da
boyakishantriage · 11 months
Stumbling her way into the alley, she burped. Laughing as she pushed the large bird like man away.
"LISTen. Hic. Florida? Listen here you cunt! If I wanted. ERP. If I wanted to be threatened by a turkey, I'd."
Puking onto the floor, the acid unnerving the aliens as she staggered through it.
"I'd- is that a rape victim? Alright cunt. I'm gonna. Gonna, fuck this."
She'd somehow not fallen over during any of it, jumping forward, crashing into a crate, before pushing off the wall. Jumping back at forth, a knife in her hand as she stumbled, smashed. Then slashed a bloody gash through his chest. Laughing, the large bird cawing in rage as he threw a flaming kick.
The human ducked under it, grabbing his thigh as she threw the man through the wall then into her puke.
"Fuck. Urgh, beer's gone. Hey. You cunts. Go. Fuck off!"
She threw the knife, the Stainless steel blade embedding itself into the stone beside them as she pulled out a revolver, hiccing and giggling as she pulled the pin before drunkenly firing. The bullet ricocheting between the ground as she drunkenly mumbles, gripping the wall. Gun now aimed at the puke covered slashed turkey.
"You. Hic. Cunt. Fuck- urgh. No, no. Guns don't fun. I know!"
Slamming the bottle against her head, a stupid grin now plastered on her squashed face as she swung it blindly around the alley, smashing into walls as she gripped her head. By now, the gang were very spooked. Stumbling and running off, dragging their friend away as she leaned against a crate. It snapping open as she find a bottle.
"OMG, corona!"
Biting off the top, chewing the glass the human takes another swig as she stumbled her way out the alley.
Moments later, her friends find her. Clothes torn, face mid tears and ignoring the human acid. Helped her back, a drunk voice shouting at the officer.
"I'M TELLING YA MATE, THERE'S. hic. There's a girl down that alley, go- fucking."
The noise of her puking into a bin echoed down the alley, the officers seeing as she's clearly no danger, look down. A buzzed eye looking down the alley, fully in control the woman watches the officers as they take her hand. Leading her out. As she drunkenly mumbles, spinning around the drain.
"You spin my head right down right down- what was I doing? Ooh look, beer."
Drifting towards the crate, she breaks the cap tossing it into the box as she then walks out the street.
"Ah, don't bother. She'll be gone by tomorrow anyways."
"Humans are weird."
"... Agreed."
Stated the lady, before her friends carried her exhausted body away.
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