#I'm doing my best to be kind and make him feel welcomed because the whole situation with him being kicked out of his home mist suck a lot
on the topic of fandom racism.. wanted to ask an outside opinion on this.
so without much detail bc i don't wanna get this person harassed or something, i'm in a fandom where most of the characters are japanese and look pretty similar, so the diversity is Not Great. recently i saw an artist, who is white, draw a character with slightly darker skin than the rest of the cast as Black, where he was ambiguously brown before. my problem with this as an outsider is that i think that plays into a ton more stereotypes than if he was just tan or something. this character is regarded to be misogynistic, overly sexual, and especially to his #fffff white japanese (girl) friend.
i, as a white person, would like to approach this artist and ask if that's really the message they wanna send, but god forbid i do not want to sound like those people that believe in "black-washing" or just hate to see more diversity in an anime lineup. would it be white knighting to point this out, or approach that, hey, maybe your only person of color in this cast shouldn't be the one that acts Like That...
Hm. I see what you're saying. I'd suggest a few things, which is really my go-to for everyone white fighting fandom racism:
1) first, look out for the voices of Black fans in that space and see what they're saying. If they are perturbed by what they see, then I would amplify their voices and support them first. Let them know they're not crazy. They're the ones experiencing the harm, let their voices be the ones prioritized. If no one Black has said anything, that could be a sign that this entire fandom isn't safe for that kind of feedback (which... Often.)
2) look at that person's page to see how they treat this character. Do they actually offer them depth? Are they a fan? Have they shared anyone's good perspective of him? Do they actually care about him, and think his being Black serves a better narrative? Or is it really just this character is a douchebag and now he's "Black" because they wanted some diversity points without thinking about it. Hell, does the original media do right by this ambiguously brown character lol? Because that can often be the larger issue too.
3) does this person positively interact with Black people at all? Like people, opinions, topics, politics, anything at all? Or is this their Token Black Blorbo Barbie™? Because that's a red red flag lmao.
4) if you still feel strongly about it, send them a DM. I'd say make sure to be genuinely polite, not because you should be respected more because of it, but so that it's on record that you wanted to give them the space to amend ("Hello, I mean no harm, but I was worried that this may-") You're white too, so it'll be safer. DMs are really a kindness, a last chance for grace; sometimes people are just like "fuck it, that's a racist and imma treat them like it". And I don't begrudge them that, this shit is exhausting and enraging.
5) accept that you may very well approach with the best intentions, and this artist may very well act a complete asshole* about it. They may make excuses, the classic "I would never be racist", they may accuse you of all those things that you just said, try to cast you as the problem, and their friends may very well make you out to be the racist for pointing out the racism. Welcome to fighting antiblackness and racism in fandom 👍🏾 it's a minefield out here.
*keep in mind, even if they "respond sweetly", the whole "thanks 💕" schtick is still them being an asshole. Racism in sweet words is still racism.
6) if they do respond like an asshole, it is not a reflection of you, but of them. 👍🏾 They are now purposely choosing racism. Block them and move accordingly.
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there-will-be-a-way · 22 days
I was diagnosed with DID three times. The first time when I was 17 - and my therapist suspected I have it before I even knew what DID was so I couldn't have faked it for attention. But I fear she "over diagnosed" the disorder with her patients idk.
The second time I was diagnosed at a clinic by a whole treatment team plus they interviewed my mother and sister for a third party anamnesis.
The third time I was diagnosed at the rehab clinic by using the SKID-D and I was very careful not to exaggerate my symptoms. At the end the therapist asked me how severe I thought my symptoms were. In pretty much all points I said moderate. She said she viewed them as severe and the test also came out with severe.
Yet I still doubt I have it because my current therapist hasn't diagnosed me with it. I know that I use different names and am forgetful, but I think my forgetfullness is normal and I don't have an explanation for the different names tbh. Maybe I'm just weird.
Anyway. Last session my therapist and I talked about how I was diagnosed with BPD at the age of 15 - and he agrees with me that it clearly was a misdiagnosis. I literally don't have any of the BPD symptoms. My relationships are stable. My ex had BPD though and we talked about how it affected the relationship. How he put me on a pedestal and idealized me which led to him never seeing the real me.
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a-lexia11 · 1 month
Meeting in Barcelona (part 1)
Alexia Putellas x reader
Warning: slow burn but like painfully slow… fluff, tiny angst
Words:Around 9k
Summary: You relocated to Barcelona for a new job as a third-grade teacher. During this time, you met and fell in love with your colleague's sister.
Note: Most of the dialogues are in Spanish because I really wanted to practice it since I feel like I’m losing it so yeah…but don’t worry there translation!
Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5
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Barcelona is the city where I have always wanted to live. It's truly the city of my dreams. How can you not love a place where it's always warm, the people are welcoming and friendly, and the food is exceptional?
That's why, after living in New York my whole life, I decided to quit my job as a third-grade teacher and pursue my dream of living in Barcelona.
I have always had a deep love for teaching children; it is one of my greatest passions. I truly enjoy imparting my knowledge to these young humans.
That's why I accepted a job as a teacher for third grade children in Barcelona.Living in my dream city and doing my dream job—what more could I ask for?
I've been studying Spanish for some time in preparation for my move. Although Spanish people talk rapidly, I'm managing quite well.
My parents supported my project. Initially, it was a bit tough for them to accept that I was moving out since we're a close-knit family, but in the end, they backed me up.
“Just give me a call once the plane land, okay?" My mom squeezed me so tightly that I could barely breathe. “Sure, Mom, I will” I replied, attempting to break free to hug my dad, who was patiently waiting his turn.
We were currently at the airport, and I was bidding farewell to my parents before departing for Barcelona.The day before, I had already said my goodbyes to my best friends, Madison and Carter, who are also my only friends. It was an emotional day, filled with tears and heartfelt moments.
After my mom finally let go, I turned to my dad. “I'll miss you, butterfly” my dad affectionately said. He always called me that because butterflies are my favorite insects.
“I'll miss you too, Dad” I responded as we separated and he kissed me on my forehead.
“Alright, I'll give you a call once I land. Love you guys” I informed them, grabbing my suitcase handle.
My mom wiped away her tears and said, “We love you too, baby. Take care of yourself.”
“I will” I assured her before making my way towards the boarding gate.
As the plane touched down at the airport in Barcelona, a wave of excitement washed over me. Stepping off the aircraft, I was immediately greeted by the warm Mediterranean air and the bustling energy of the terminal. The vibrant city awaited me, with its promise of rich culture, stunning architecture, and delicious cuisine. With a sense of adventure, I collected my luggage and made my way through customs, eager to explore everything Barcelona had to offer.
I decided to take a taxi to my new apartment in downtown Barcelona, time to try out my Spanish, I guess.
“¡Hola! Disculpe, ¿estás disponible?” (Hello! excuse me, are you available?) I asked one of the many yellow taxi drivers waiting in front of the airport.
“Sí, sí, estoy disponible. ¿Necesitas un viaje?” (Yes, yes, I'm available. Do you need a ride?) he asked, already stepping out of the car. “Si,por favor” (Yes, please) I replied, and he helped me with my suitcase, placing it in the trunk.
We got into the car, and I gave him the address of my new apartment. Shortly after, we arrived there. I paid the kind driver and said goodbye to him.
As I headed upstairs, I sent a quick text to my mom, letting her know I had landed and made it to the apartment.
I paused at the door, rummaging through my bag for my keys. After finding them, I unlocked the door and stepped inside, pulling my suitcase behind me. I made a beeline to the couch and collapsed onto it, utterly drained from the seven-hour flight.
A little nap would not hurt anyone I suppose, so I got comfortable on the couch,laying down, and closing my eyes.
After a while, I’m awoken by my phone ringing. I jump a little, startled, and pick up the phone, seeing that it’s my mom calling me.
My mom's voice came through the phone, “I told you to CALL me, not TEXT me.” I laughed a little, “Mom, it's basically the same thing.” “No, it isn't!” she insisted. “Anyway, you finally made it. Is everything alright?” she asked.
“Yeah, Mom, everything's great. The apartment, the weather, the people—everything's just perfect!” I responded cheerfully.
“I'm so happy to hear that, sweetheart” my mom said. “And you know what they say about Barcelona—it’s the city of love and romance. You might just find someone special there” she added excitedly.
“Ugh, Mom, not this again” I replied, feeling slightly exasperated. My mom has this thing about my love life, always eager for me to meet someone.
“What? I'm just saying! Plus, Spanish people are as hot as the weather there” she commented dreamily . I grimaced, “Eww, okay, Mom, I'm going to hang up now. I need to unpack! Love you and Dad! Kisses” I said, making kissing sounds. She echoed my words and hung up.
I wandered through the apartment, well-acquainted with it from my numerous visits. I went to my bedroom, set my suitcase on the bed, and began unpacking.
In the midst of unpacking, my phone rang, and I saw it was a call from the principal of the school where I will be working,Valeria.
"Hola"(hello) I answered the phone. “Hola! Y/N es Valeria” (Hi! Y/N It's Valeria!) she replied. “How are you?” she continued in English.
“I'm doing great, and you?” I asked her.
“Estoy fantástica, gracias. Llamaba para ver cómo estás. ¿Tu viaje fue bueno? ¿Te estás acomodando bien?” (I'm fantastic, thank you. I was calling to check on you. Was your trip good? Are you settling in properly?) she asked.
“Sí, muchas gracias. El viaje fue muy agradable y me estoy acomodando bien.” (Yes, thank you very much. The trip was very pleasant, and I'm settling in well.)
“¡Veo que tu español ha mejorado desde la última vez que hablé contigo! Has estado trabajando duro.” (I see that your Spanish has improved since the last time I talked to you,you’ve been working hard) she said
“Gracias, y sí, he estado estudiando y tratando de mejorar mi acento sin descanso” (thank you and yes I’ve been studying and trying to improve my accent non-stop) I laughed a little.
“That's good, so I'll leave you be. I'll be waiting for you on Monday to introduce you to all your future colleagues and your co-teacher” she said once again in english.
“Okay, no problem. I can't wait. I'll see you on Monday” I answered.
“Yes, I'll see you on Monday. Have a good evening” I echoed her words and hung up the phone.
After a while, my stomach started rumbling. I don't have any food right now, so I'll handle errands tomorrow. I'm too tired to run errands and prepare food.
I made the decision to venture out for some food, and during the taxi ride earlier, I happened to spot a charming little restaurant that caught my eye.
Being my first night here, I wanted to try something authentically Spanish, like paella.
So, I took a quick shower, threw on some comfy clothes, and left my apartment.
After wandering around and getting lost twice, I finally made it to the restaurant.
The moment I stepped inside, I was struck by the cozy, rustic atmosphere created by the wooden tables and colorful tiles. The lanterns hanging from the ceiling cast a warm glow, while the delicious scent of paella and tapas filled the air. Vibrant flamenco posters and traditional pottery decorated the walls, adding to the place's charm.
The restaurant was bustling with activity, creating a lively and vibrant atmosphere that filled the entire space with an infectious energy. Diners chatted animatedly at their tables, the clinking of cutlery and the hum of conversation blending into a harmonious background noise. The warm lighting and the aroma of delicious food added to the inviting ambiance.
A kind waitress greeted me warmly and escorted me to a table, assuring me that she would return shortly with the menus.
While I was busy taking in the ambiance of the restaurant, the door swung open. At that moment, I saw the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on. Her presence was captivating, and I couldn't help but be mesmerized by her beauty.
She stood tall, around 5'8" or 5'9", with dyed blonde hair. Her hazel eyes and adorable smile were captivating. She wore a long denim skirt with a side slit, paired with a white crop top and a small leather jacket. Large hoop earrings completed her look.
She was accompanied by a shorter, older blonde woman who bore a striking resemblance to her. I assumed she must be her mother.
The same waitress who had greeted me now welcomed them with a warm smile and guided them to their table, which happened to be quite close to mine. As they walked in my direction, I could feel my heart race a little.
Not wanting to appear like a creepy person staring at the woman, I quickly averted my gaze and pretended to be deeply interested in the cutlery in front of me.
The waitress guided them to the table right next to mine, ensuring they were comfortably seated. She informed them with a warm smile that she would return shortly with their menus.
About a minute later, the waitress returned with menus for both my table and theirs, placing them in front of us with a friendly smile. She instructed me to give her a signal once I had decided what I wanted to order.
I thanked her and opened my menu, eager to see what the restaurant had to offer. The variety of dishes was impressive, with many options that made my mouth water. After carefully considering all the tempting choices, I finally decided to go with the classic traditional paella, a dish I had always enjoyed.
I saw the waitress and, as she had instructed, I signaled for her to come over. She approached and asked, “¿Ya sabes lo que vas a pedir?” (Are you ready to order?).
“Sí, ¿podría tener la paella, por favor?” (Yes, could I have the paella, please?) while looking up at her.
“Claro, ¿y qué te gustaría beber?” (Certainly, and what would you like to drink?) she inquired, writing down my order in her notebook.
“Solo agua, por favor.” (Just water, please) I replied.
“No hay problema, estará listo en breve.” (No problem, it will be ready shortly) she said, collecting the menus and giving me a friendly smile as she walked away.
I could sense someone’s gaze fixed on me, so I instinctively turned my head and found myself locking eyes with the beautiful woman sitting to the table next to me.
My cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and she responded with a gentle smile before returning her attention to the menus in front of her. In that brief moment, my mind wandered, fantasizing about what our future children might look like. Yes,Yes you can call me delusional.
A few moments later, the waitress returned, carrying my steaming paella and a carafe of water. She carefully placed them on the table in front of me and, with a warm smile, said, “Buen provecho” (Enjoy your meal) I thanked her and she walker away.
As I take my first bite of the beautifully presented paella, I can't help but let out an internal moan of delight.It's undoubtedly the best paella I've ever tasted.
As I continued to eat and occasionally stole glances at the woman beside me, a man came over to my table. His hands gripped the chair in front of me tightly.
“Hola, aquest seient està ocupat? Puc agafar aquesta cadira?” (Hi is this seat taken, can I take that chair?) He asks, in what I assume is Catalan.
Well shit, I don’t understand Catalan.
“Umm… what?” Out of instinct I started to speak english “I…lo siento pero no entiendo” (I…I’m sorry but I don’t understand) I continued.
Before he could repeat himself, the woman at the table next to me, speaking with a distinct Spanish accent, kindly interjected, “He want to know if he can take the chair.”
“Oh,si,puedes tomarlo” (Oh, yes, you can take it) I said looking back at him. He smiled gently at me, took the chair, and walked away. I then turned to the two women at the next table.
Looking at the woman who had helped me, I said, “muchas gracias” (thank you very much) with a grateful smile. She nodded in acknowledgment and smiled back at me.
“Eres inglesa?” (Are you English?) the other women, who I assumed is her mother, asked me “Soy estadounidense” (I’m American) I answered.
She smiled at me and said “Te escuché hablando con la camarera, tu español es muy bueno. ¿Vives aquí?” (I heard you speaking with the waitress, your Spanish is very good! Do you live here?) she continues.
“ Gracias y sí, me mudé aquí oficialmente hoy” (thank you and yes,I officially moved here today) I told her with a big smile.
“Bienvenida a Barcelona” (welcome to Barcelona) she said smiling warmly at me.
“Muchas gracias” (Thank you very much) I told her looking at her, I then turned to the other women who was looking at me with a shy smile, I smiled back and went back to my paella.
After finishing my paella, I asked the waitress for the bill. She brought it over, I paid, and then stood up. As I was leaving, I smiled at the two women nearby and said, "Have a good evening." They smiled back and echoed my words in Spanish.
As I’m walking out of the restaurant, I can't help but steal one last glance at the beautiful woman, hoping to catch a final glimpse of her captivating beauty before leaving and probably never seeing her again.
To my surprise, she was already looking at me. Our eyes met, and I couldn't help but smile. I waved goodbye, and she mirrored my gesture with a warm smile of her own.
Once I got back to my apartment, I quickly changed into my pajamas and headed straight to bed. Exhausted and ready to sleep, I put my phone on charge and lay down. I couldn't help but think about the woman at the restaurant. She was incredibly beautiful and had such charisma and presence. With thoughts of her lingering in my mind, I eventually drifted off to sleep.
The following day, being a Sunday, I decided it was the perfect time to run some errands. I needed to stock up on food, so I took a shower, had breakfast, and left the apartment.
One of the perks of living where I do is that everything is within walking distance. Luckily, the store is not too far away.
Once I got there, I started picking up my groceries. After spending over 45 minutes shopping, I was finally done. I walked back to my apartment and began putting everything away.
The rest of the day was quite laid-back; I spent my time watching TV and having conversations with my parents and Madison over the phone.
Eventually, I grew restless and decided to take a walk.Locking my apartment door, I ventured out into the bustling streets of Barcelona. After wandering for a bit, I stumbled upon a charming park. I decided to enter and found a cozy spot on one of the benches, where I could sit and enjoy watching people play with their dogs and children.
Suddenly, a small, fluffy dog appeared in front of me and began barking. It was the cutest dog I had ever seen. I knelt down in front of it and said, "Hi there! How are you?" in a playful tone, not really expecting a response. The dog started jumping up and down, licking my face. I giggled and stroked its soft fur.
"Nala! Nala!" I heard a woman's voice calling out for the dog. As she came into view, I was stunned—it was the beautiful woman I had seen at the restaurant yesterday. I could hardly believe my eyes.
The woman approached and carefully picked up her dog. “Lo siento mucho” (I’m so sorry), she said, looking down at the dog in her arms. "Está bien, no te preocupes" (It’s okay, don’t worry), I replied. She looked up and gave me a gentle smile, and from the expression on her face, I could tell she recognized me.
At that moment, I noticed the height difference between us. Standing at 5'4, I wasn't very tall. She was dressed in a Barcelona tracksuit, her blonde hair flowing freely, and her sunglasses resting atop her head.
"Your dog is very cute," I said to her in English. Since she had translated for me what the man said in English yesterday, I assumed she speaks the language. And maybe, I also just wanted to hear her charming accent when she spoke English. There was something captivating about the way her words flowed, and I couldn't help but be drawn to it.
“Ah, thank you she really is but she also like to not listen to me” she said in a broken english. I giggled a little at her remark.
“Can I pet her” I said gesturing to the dog in her arms, “yes of course” she responded. As I start caressing her dog I could feel her gaze on me,I look back up at her and smile softly which she returned.
"The paella was good?" she asked suddenly. I was so mesmerized by her eyes that I didn't register her question. "Huh?" I responded, feeling a bit foolish. "The paella you had yesterday, was it good?" she repeated, sounding a bit awkward and shy.
"Absolutely, it was absolutely delicious! The most exquisite paella I've ever tasted," I expressed with a wide smile directed at her.
“My name is Y/N by the way" I introduced myself, extending my hands for a handshake. Her hands, large and soft, gently enclosed mine as she replied, "I'm -."She got interrupted by her phone ringing “oh! Un momento,lo siento” (just a moment,I’m sorry) she said as she reached for her phone.
I stepped back to give her some privacy. She quickly ended the call and turned back to me, saying, “It was nice meeting you, but I have to go now. My sister is waiting for me.” I nodded understandingly and replied, “Oh, it's okay, really. It was nice meeting you too.”
She flashed me a warm smile before turning to walk away. As she moved further down the path, she turned around once more, catching my eye. She sent another smile over her shoulder and waved at me, making my heart skip a beat as I watched her retreating figure disappear into the distance.
Shit! She never told me what her name was…
After about ten minutes, I made the decision to head back home. It was getting late, and my stomach was starting to grumble with hunger.
When I arrived back at my apartment, I decided to whip up a quick meal of ramen noodles. I settled down in front of the TV, enjoying my dinner. As the clock approached 10 pm, I realized it was time to get some rest. Tomorrow marked the beginning of my new job, and I was pretty exited about it.
I changed into my pajamas and brushed my teeth, preparing for bed. After plugging in my phone to charge and settling an alarm, I lay down, my mind still occupied with thoughts of that woman.I still can’t believe that I did not get her name.I found myself drifting off to sleep thinking once again about her.
I woke up to my alarm blaring and let out a groan. I rolled over, blindly reaching for my phone to shut it off.
After rubbing my eyes, I dragged myself to the bathroom for a quick shower. I tie my hair up in a ponytail and picked out a casual outfit.
I headed to the kitchen to whip up a simple breakfast. Once I was done eating, I grabbed my stuff and headed out.
The school where I was starting my new job was pretty close by. A short bus ride later, I found myself standing in front of the building, ready to take on the day.
I made my way toward the entrance of the building and stepped inside. The secretary greeted me with a friendly “Hola” as I entered.
“Hola, soy Y/N, la nueva profesora. Tengo una cita con Valeria.” (Hello, I’m Y/N, the new teacher. I have an appointment with Valeria) I informed her.
She smiled warmly and responded, “ Ah sí, Y/N, te estábamos esperando. Solo un momento, le avisaré a Valeria de tu llegada” (Ah yes, Y/N, we were expecting you. Just one moment, I'll notify Valeria of your arrival) I thanked her, and she got up and walked away.
"Good morning, Y/N," I heard from behind me, and I turned to see Valeria approaching with a wide smile on her face. "How are you?" she said in English, kissing both my cheeks.
Valeria is such a sweet and welcoming person. I've had the pleasure of meeting her numerous times, both in person and over video calls, to ensure I was well-prepared for my new job. Our conversations often lasted for hours, and through these interactions, we became quite close, almost like friends. Her warmth and friendliness have made this transition much easier for me.
“Hi Valeria, I'm great, thank you! How about you?”I asked her. “I'm amazing. Let's go talk in my office” she replied. I nodded in agreement and followed her, taking a moment to thank the lady at the entrance as well.
“So, how was your first weekend in Barcelona?”she inquired as we stepped into her office, her thick Spanish accent unmistakable. “It was wonderful! I went out and had the most amazing paella ever” I responded enthusiastically. She laughed and said, “I'm sure you did.”
I took a seat in front of her desk. “Alright, let's get down to business” she said. “The children are excited about the arrival of their new teacher, and your co-teacher is also eager to meet you”she informed me.
“I'm looking forward to meeting them as well”I replied. As we continued our discussion about my upcoming responsibilities, a knock on the door interrupted us.
“Entra” (Come in) Valeria shouted. The door swung open, and a woman about my height, with long, flowing brown hair, stepped into the office.
“Hola” the woman greeted us, and I responded with a smile. “Ah, Alba, estás aquí. Me gustaría presentarte a Y/N.” (Ah, Alba, you're here. I would like you to meet Y/N) Valeria said as Alba approached me. I stood up from my chair and extended my hand for a handshake.
“Encantada de conocerte, soy Y/N Y/L” (Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N Y/L/N) I introduced myself warmly. She took my hand and offered a radiant smile.
“"Es un placer conocerte, Y/N. Soy Alba Putellas."(It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N. I'm Alba Putellas)
We released our handshake and both took our seats again, facing Valeria. Valeria began to outline how we would collaborate in the classroom with the children. She provided detailed guidance on our roles and responsibilities, and offered valuable advice on effective co-teaching strategies.
After approximately an hour of reviewing all the necessary information, it was time for the children to start school. “Vale, entonces, te dejaré ahora, Alba. Te permitiré guiar y explicar a Y/N cómo funciona todo aquí.” (okay so, I’ll let you go now, Alba I’ll let your guide and explained to Y/N how everything works here) she said looking at Alba, she smiled at me and answered “por supuesto!” (of course).
We both stood up. Valeria then wished me well in english, “Y/N, good luck on your first day, and I’ll see you at the end of the day.” I nodded, expressing my gratitude, and said my goodbyes to her before heading out with Alba.
Throughout the entire day, Alba has been incredibly helpful and understanding. She assisted me whenever I needed help and translated for me whenever I couldn't understand a child.
We shared lunch together and discovered that we have a lot in common. Not only are we almost the same age—I’m just a year older—but we also enjoy the same activities. We both have a passion for shopping and listening to music, among many other interests.
I can already tell that we are going to become amazing friends.
The children were absolutely adorable and exhibited a remarkable level of patience, which is quite unusual for kids. I suppose it might be a trait in the Spanish genes.
At the end of the day, the parents came to pick up their kids from the classroom. Alba and I stayed behind to tidy up.
"Tía ¿Qué haces esta noche? (Girl, what are you doing tonight?) Alba asked as she bent down to pick up some papers and threw them in the trash.
“Nada” (Nothing) I replied.
“¿Quieres cenar juntas? Hay un nuevo restaurante de sushi que acaba de abrir, y quiero ir alli.” (Want to grab dinner? There's a new sushi restaurant that just opened, and I've been wanting to check it out)
“¡Amo el sushi! ¡Me encantaría ir!" (Oh, I love sushi! I'd love to!) I responded with enthusiasm.
Suddenly, Valeria appeared at the door. “Hola chicas!” (Hello, girls) she greeted us, and we returned the greeting. She turned to me, “I just came here quickly to ask you how was your first day?” She asked in english.
“It went really well. Alba was super helpful, and the kids were adorable. Everything went smoothly” I answered.
“I'm happy to hear that, now I’m sorry but I have a lot of meetings so I have to go” Valeria said. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Adios, chicas!” We echoed her words as she left the room.
Once Alba and I finished we gathered our things and exited the school.
“¿Dónde estás estacionado?”(Where are you parked?) She asked me , “No tengo coche todavía, tomé el autobús para venir aquí.” (I don’t have a car yet, I took the bus to come here) I answered.
“¡Oh, ven conmigo entonces, puedo llevarte a casa!” (Oh,come with me then I can give you a ride home) she told me “¡Oh, no quiero molestarte! Está bien, de verdad, puedo tomar el autobús.” (oh no I don’t want to bother you it’s okay really I can take the bus)
“¡No, no, no! No voy a dejar que mi futuro mejora amiga y colega favorita tome el autobús. Vamos, te llevaré a casa, no me importa en absoluto.” (No,no,no I’m not going to let my future best friends and favorite colleague take the bus, come on I’ll drop you home I don’t mind at all)
I was hesitant at first, but eventually, I nodded in agreement. Together, we walked towards her car. She unlocked it, and we both got inside, ready to head home.
“A ver, dame tu dirección” (Okay,give me your address) I gave it to her “¡Qué casualidad! ¡Yo también vivo cerca de ahí, a solo cinco minutos! (What a coincidence! I live near there, like 5 minutes away) she exclaimed happily.
“¿En serio? ¡Eso es el destino! Estábamos destinados a conocernos y convertirnos en casi vecinos” (Really? That’s faith! We were meant to meet each other and became almost neighbors) I joked and, she giggled.
After a short drive filled with Karol G’s music we finally arrive in front of my apartment.
“Te recogeré alrededor de las 9, ¿está bien para ti?” (I will pick you up around 9, is it okay with you?) She asked.
“Sí, está bien, ¡gracias por el viaje!” (Yeah that’s fine, thank you for the drive!) I responded as I exit the car. “¡No hay problema, nos vemos esta noche!” (No problem, see you tonight!) She says excitedly and drove away.
I made my way up to my apartment and decided to get some work done in preparation for tomorrow's class.
After about an hour of hard work, my parents called me. They were eager to hear about how my first day of school went and if I had managed to make any new friends, almost as if I were the student rather than the teacher.
I shared everything with them, telling them about Valeria and Alba, and how I was planning to go out with Alba tonight. “Wow! Not even a week in Barcelona and you've already managed to get a date! Good job, butterfly” my dad exclaimed enthusiastically.
“ Dad, no, it's not like that at all! She's just a friend and a colleague. It's not professional” I tried to clarify.
“Sure, honey... just a friend” my mom said with a suspicious tone. “Ugh, you guys are so annoying” I muttered, rolling my eyes at them.
After ending the call, I made my way to the bathroom to freshen up and change into a new outfit.
Alba arrived promptly at 9 o'clock and honked several times to signal her arrival. We really need to exchange phone numbers.
I locked my apartment and made my way to Alba’s car. “Bueno, bueno, cuánto tiempo sin verte, amiga” (Well, well, long time no see, friend) she joked, which made me giggle.
After a brief drive, we arrived at the sushi restaurant. Alba parked the car, and we walked towards the entrance together.
A friendly waitress greeted us at the door, escorted us to our table, and handed us the menus. We placed our orders, and the food arrived fairly quickly, allowing us to dive into our meal without much wait.
“¿Hablas o entiendes al menos un poco de inglés, o tendré que hablarte siempre en español?” (Do you speak or understand at least a little bit of English, or will I always have to speak to you in Spanish?) I joked, trying to lighten the mood. She giggled and replied, “¡Lo siento, pero no, no inglés!” (Sorry, but no, no English!)
Alba then shifted the conversation, “Entonces, cuéntame sobre ti” (So, tell me about yourself) I smiled and asked, “Bueno, ¿qué exactamente quieres saber?” (Well, what exactly do you want to know?)
“Pues, todo, donde vivías, tienes hermanos?…” (Well, everything where do you used to live, do you have any siblings) she’s responded.
I told her that I was born and raised in New York, a city where I have spent my entire life. I mentioned that I do not have any siblings. I also expressed my long-standing dream of living in the vibrant city of Barcelona, a place that has always fascinated me. Additionally, I conveyed my deep passion for teaching.
“¿No tienes novio o novia?” (You don’t have any boyfriend or girlfriend?) She asked teasingly “no, no novio o novia”(no, no boyfriend or girlfriend) I replied.
“Estoy segura de que encontrarás a alguien especial aquí” (Ooh, I have no doubt you'll find someone special here) she exclaimed enthusiastically. “Sí, tal vez” (Yes, maybe) I responded.
“Sabes, tengo bastantes amigos solteros, y mi hermana también está muy soltera”(You know, I have quite a few single friends, and my sister is very much single too) she added with a mischievous grin, wiggling her eyebrows.
I giggled “No, gracias, no me interesan tus amigos ni tu hermana, pero ¿sabes qué? Conocí a una mujer durante mi primer día aquí” (no thank you,I’m not interested in your friends or your sister, but you know what I’ve met a women during my first day here)
Alba's eyes lit up with curiosity “Bueno, cuéntamelo todo. ¿Quién es ella? ¿Cómo la conociste? (Well, tell me everything! Who is she? How did you meet her?) she asked eagerly.
I hesitated, feeling a bit uncertain. “Pues... no lo sé realmente” (Well... I don't really know) I admitted.
Alba's brows knitted together in confusion. “¿Qué quieres decir con que no lo sabes?” (What do you mean you don't know?)
“Quiero decir, no sé quién es ella.” (I mean, I don't know who she is) I explained.
“La vi por primera vez en un restaurante y pensé que era increíblemente hermosa. Luego, al día siguiente, la volví a ver en un parque. Intercambiamos algunas palabras, pero fue muy breve. Así que, sí... no sé su nombre ni nada sobre ella” (I first saw her at a restaurant and thought she was incredibly beautiful. Then, the next day, I happened to see her again at a park. We exchanged a few words, but it was really brief. So, yeah... I don't know her name or anything about her)
Alba smile in amusement “¡No puedo creer que tengas un pequeño “crush” por alguien cuyo nombre ni siquiera conoces!” (I can’t believe that you have a little crush on someone whose name you don’t even know!) She said laughing.
I made a funny face at her, then tossed one of my chopsticks in her direction, and playfully stuck my tongue out at her.
Her phone then rang, “un momento por favor, es mi hermana” (just a moment please, it’s my sister) I nodded at her and continue eating my sushi but I still heard her conversation.
“Que quieres Ale?…si…si..ok no problema…si.. escucha estoy comiendo con mi amiga, te llamaré más tarde,te quiero,adios” (What do you want Ale?..yes…yes..ok no problem..yes..listen I’m eating with my friend right now, I’ll call you back later,I love you,Bye) she said to her sister and hangs up the phone.
“¿Ahora, dónde nos habíamos quedado?” (Now, where were we?) she asked playfully, raising her eyebrow.
We spent the rest of the evening getting to know each other better. She shared stories about her mom, Eli, her late father, and her sister, Ale although she did not say much about her.
Eventually, we finished our meal and decided it was time to go home. We got into her car, and she drove us back. Once we arrived at my apartment, we exchanged numbers, and she insisted on picking me up for work the next morning.
I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheeks, asked her to text me once she got home safely, and then stepped out of her car.
I did my night routine and went to bed, scrolling through my phone.I received a text from Alba.
Alba: ¡Estoy en casa a salvo, no te preocupes, nadie me mató!😉
(I’m home safely,don’t worry no one killed me!)
I chuckled at her messages and wished her a good night.
I’ve been in Barcelona for a full two weeks now, and to be honest, not much has changed. Alba was kind enough to introduce me to some of her closest friends, who turned out to be really nice and welcoming. It’s been great getting to know them.
However, there’s still no sign of that mysterious woman. I have to admit, I’ve visited the park multiple times over the past two weeks, hoping to see her again, but unfortunately, she hasn’t shown up. I think it might be time to move on and let go of the idea of meeting her again.
On a brighter note, Alba and I have grown much closer. We spend almost all of our free time together, and she’s been coming over to my place nearly every day.
Today, being a Saturday, Alba and I decided to go shopping together. We spent the entire afternoon wandering through various stores, and enjoying each other’s company. I absolutely love spending time with her; she’s genuinely the nicest and sweetest girl I’ve ever met.I feel incredibly fortunate to have such a wonderful friend by my side.
Alba, on the other hand, has been complaining non-stop because I made her walk instead of taking the car. She’s been whining about it all afternoon.
“Si hubiéramos tomado mi coche, ya estaríamos en casa ahora mismo” (If we had taken my car, we would already be home by now) she whined for what felt like the hundredth time.
“¡Caminar es bueno para ti, Alba!” (Walking is good for you, Alba!) I said cheerfully, trying to lighten the mood. She glared at me with a look of pure annoyance and retorted, “No, no lo es. Mis pies me están matando” (No, it’s not. My feet are killing me.)
We finally arrived in front of Alba’s apartment building after a long day. She turned to me and asked, “¿Te gustaría quedarte un rato?Mi hermana va a venir, me gustaría que la conocieras.”(Would you like to stay for a while?My sister is coming over,I’d like you to meet her.) I appreciated her offer but politely declined.
“No, gracias. Tengo mucho trabajo que debe terminarse antes del lunes ¡Conoceré a tu hermana otro día!”(No, thank you. I have a lot of work that needs to be finished before Monday.I’ll meet your sister another day!)
She nodded understandingly and then asked, “Está bien, no hay problema. ¿Te gustaría que te lleve a tu casa?” (Alright, no problem. Would you like me to drive you to your place?)
I smiled and shook my head. “No, no te preocupes. Deja que tus pies cansados descansen” (No, don’t worry about it. Let your tired feet get some rest) I replied reassuringly.
She laughed softly, and we shared a warm hug. She kissed me on both cheeks, and with a final wave, we said our goodbyes and parted ways.
I walked home, and as I got closer to my apartment, I started rummaging through my bag, searching for my keys. Distracted and not paying attention to where I was going, I accidentally bumped into someone dropping all my shopping bags.
“Oh my God! Lo siento mucho!” (I'm so sorry!) I exclaimed, looking up to see who I had collided with.
There she was.
I couldn't believe my eyes. Standing before me was the beautiful woman I had been inexplicably obsessed with for the past two weeks.
“Y/N?” she said, recognizing me instantly. Oh my God, she remembered my name.
“I... hi!” I responded, perhaps a bit too enthusiastically. “I'm really sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going.”
“It's okay, do not worry about it” she reassured me with a smile. I took a moment to take in her appearance; she looked amazing. Her hair was down, and she was wearing a white cap, denim jeans, a white long-sleeve shirt, and a sleeveless vest.
I bent down to retrieve my bags, and she kindly assisted me in gathering everything. “Thank you” I said, expressing my gratitude once we had collected all the bags, and she handed them to me.
“You're welcome” she replied with a gentle smile. “You really did a lot of shopping” she added with a soft laugh, and I couldn't help but smile at her comment.
“Yes, I did. My friend definitely influenced me to buy quite a bit” I explained, and she laughed along with me.
“Well, it was really nice seeing you again, Y/N. I have to go now because my little sister is waiting for me” she informed me, her voice tinged with a hint of urgency.
“Oh, okay, sure. Have a wonderful time with your sister then!” I replied, offering her a soft smile. She returned the gesture warmly and began to walk away, her steps light and hurried.
“Wait!” I called out impulsively, unable to let the moment slip away. She turned around, a look of mild confusion etched on her face.
“You know my name, but I don't know yours” I said, my curiosity getting the better of me.
“Ah, si es verdad. Me llamo Alexia” (Ah yeah,that’s true my name is Alexia) she responded, her tone friendly and open.
“Okay, Alexia, that's a beautiful name!” I exclaimed, genuinely appreciating the sound of it. She smiled broadly at the compliment, her eyes sparkling with a hint of amusement.
Boosted by a sudden surge of confidence, I found myself asking, “Can I maybe have your number? You know, so we can stay in touch or maybe become friends...” My voice trailed off, the initial bravado giving way to a touch of nervousness.
She looked at me with a sympathetic expression and gently said, “Umm... I'm sorry, but I don't think it's a good idea” her words kind yet firm, smiling pitifully at me.
A wave of embarrassment washed over me, and I felt my cheeks flush with color. “Oh, it's okay, really... um... have a nice day” I mumbled, not waiting for her response.
I turned and walked away quickly, my heart pounding with a mixture of regret.
As I stepped into my apartment, a wave of intense embarrassment washed over me. I couldn't believe I had decided to be confident. Why, oh why, did I think that being bold would lead to anything good? Look where it got me—feeling utterly humiliated and regretful.
I made a solemn vow to myself that I would never, under any circumstances, bring up this humiliating moment again.
To help myself forget, I decided to immerse myself completely in the stack of paperwork that was piled up on my kitchen table. I hoped that by diving into the work I could push those embarrassing memories to the back of my mind and eventually erase them altogether.
On Monday, Alba arrived to pick me up for work. At this point, it had become a well-established routine; she would come to get me every morning and ensure I got home safely every evening. This daily ritual had become an integral part of our schedules, making our commutes together a regular and comforting part of my day.
“Estas bien?” (Are you okay?) Alba asked, her eyes filled with concern as she looked at me for a second before turning her eyes back to the road “Has estado muy callado esta mañana” (You've been very quiet this morning) she continued, her voice gentle but probing.
Truthfully, I was not okay. My mind was still preoccupied with the sting of rejection from Alexia last Saturday. It had been a difficult weekend, and my thoughts were consumed by what had happened. Yes, I am an overthinker, and I couldn't help but replay the moment over and over in my head, analyzing every details and wondering what went wrong.
Even though Alba has quickly become one of my closest friends here in Barcelona, I want to move past what happened, so I’d prefer not to share it with her.
“Estoy solo cansada, nada demasiado grave.” (I'm just exhausted, nothing too bad) I said, flashing her a gentle smile in an attempt to put her at ease. She seemed skeptical, but thankfully, she didn’t press for more details.
To comfort me, she placed her hand on my thigh and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
“Parecía que todos se sentían decaídos” (It seemed like everyone is feeling low) she sighed heavily. “¿Por qué? ¿Qué pasó?” (Why? What happened?) I asked her.
“Mi hermana conoció a esta chica, y aunque no la conoce muy bien, la encontró muy atractiva. Sin embargo, siente que debido a su trabajo, no puede salir con nadie en este momento... así que esencialmente se está impidiendo encontrar el amor.”(My sister encountered this girl, and although she doesn't know her that well, she found her very appealing. However, she feels that because of her job, she can't date anyone right now... so she's essentially stopping herself from finding love) She told me looking kinda sad for her sister
“Eso es realmente desafortunado. ¿Qué tipo de trabajo tiene tu hermana que le impide encontrar el amor?” (That's really unfortunate. What kind of job does your sister have that prevents her from finding love?) I inquired.
“Ella es futbolista profesional, y su agenda está llena de entrenamientos y viajes.” (She's a professional footballer, and her schedule is packed with training and traveling) she explained.
“¡Wow , ¿es futbolista profesional? ¡Eso es increíble! ¡No puedo creer que nunca me lo hayas mencionado antes!” (Wow, she's a professional footballer? That's amazing! I can't believe you never mentioned that before!) I exclaimed, giving her a slightly reproachful look. “Pero es realmente lamentable que ella sienta que no merece amor solo por su carrera tan exigente” (But it's really unfortunate that she feels she doesn't deserve love just because of her demanding career)
“Sí, lo es, pero afortunadamente para ella, tiene a la hermana más increíble que la llevará a salir esta noche y la ayudará a olvidarse de todo eso. ¡Noche de hermanas!” (Yes, it is, but fortunately for her, she has the most amazing sister who will take her out tonight and help her forget all about it. Sister night!) Alba declared proudly.
“¡Sí! La mejor hermana del mundo” (Yes! Best sister ever) I responded with playful sarcasm, matching her enthusiasm.
“Solo estás celosa porque no tienes la oportunidad de tener una hermana como yo” (You're just jealous because you don't get to have a sister like me) she teased, giving me a pinch on the thigh where her hand had been resting.
I laughed, turned up the radio, and started singing along to Lana Del Rey.
It’s been a month since I’ve been in Barcelona now, and everything has been absolutely perfect, well, minus the rejection incident from Alexia…
Work has been exceptionally good, and with the generous help of my parents, I was finally able to purchase a car, which has made life so much easier.
Alba and I have grown closer than ever. Our bond is very platonic and sisterly, and she’s been eager for me to meet her family. She especially wants me to meet her sister, with whom she shares a very close relationship, from what I understand.
That's why, at this very moment, I'm seated at a cozy bar with Alba and four of our friends. We're eagerly waiting for her sister to join us, and I'm looking forward to meeting her.
If her sister is even half as nice and amazing as Alba, I'm sure I'm going to absolutely love meeting her. I'm really looking forward to it, especially since Alba has set such a high standard with her wonderful personality.
“Alba,donde está Ale, tengo hambre!” (Alba, where’s Ale? I’m hungry) Bianca, one of Alba’s friends who has also become my friend, asked Alba with a slight whine.
“Acaba de enviarme un mensaje. Su partido duró más de lo esperado y ahora tiene algunas entrevistas que hacer, así que llegará un poco tarde.” (She just texted me. Her match went on longer than expected, and now she has some interviews to do, so she’ll be a bit late) Alba responded, her eyes fixed on her phone as she typed back.
Bianca giggled a little and said, “Ah, no hay descanso para La Reina.” (Ah, no rest for La Reina.)
From what I understand, Alba’s sister is an exceptional football player, which is why she’s called “La Reina.”
Honestly, I haven’t looked up much about her since I find football really boring and I hate it.
“Vale, ¿entonces supongo que podemos pedir algunas bebidas?” (Okay, so I guess we can order some drinks then?) Marco, one of our other friends, asked.
“Sí, vamos a pedir. Ella no estará aquí por un rato” (Yes, let’s just order. She won’t be here for a while) Alba responded.
We all picked up the menus and decided on our drinks and some food too. After a few minutes of discussion and suggestions, we placed our orders with the waiter. The atmosphere was lively as we chatted and laughed, waiting for our orders to arrive.
About thirty minutes later, I got a call from my best friend Madison, which is odd since she usually texts, she doesn't call.
I excused myself from the table and stepped outside where it's quieter.
Answering the phone, I heard a frantic Madison, “Where are you, girl!?”
Confused, I replied, “What do you mean, where am I? I'm in Barcelona. Are you drunk?”
Madison's voice was joined by my other best friend Carter, “No, we're not! We're outside your apartment, but you're not here.”
Shocked, I exclaimed, “WHAT! What do you mean you're outside my apartment? You guys are in Barcelona?!”
Excitedly, Madison confirmed, “Yes, baby, we are!!! We wanted to surprise you, but you're not at your place. Where are you?”
Realizing the situation, I quickly said, “Oh, I'm at a bar with some friends. I'll say goodbye and be there in 10 minutes.”
“Okayyy, we'll wait! Hurry up” Madison replied before hanging up.
I made my way back inside the bar, feeling a mix of emotions.
“¿Está todo bien?” (Is everything alright) Alba asked me, concern evident in her eyes as she saw me returning to the booth where we were all sitting.
“Sí, todo está bien” (Yes, everything is fine) I assured her, “pero tengo que irme” (but I have to leave) I added.
“¡No! ¿Por qué? Ale me envió un mensaje y me dijo que llegará pronto.” (No! Why? Ale texted me she’ll be here soon) she informed me, frowning.
“Lo siento mucho, pero mis amigos acaban de llamarme y están en Barcelona. Fue una sorpresa, y ahora están esperándome frente a mi apartamento.” (I’m really sorry, but my friends just called me and they are in Barcelona. It was a surprise, and now they are waiting for me in front of my apartment) I explained, feeling a little bad.
“¡Está bien, ve a ver a tus amigos! Ya la conocerás otro día.” (That’s okay, go see your friends. You’ll meet her another day) she replied, understanding and supportive.
I went around the table to give each one of them a hug and a kiss on the cheek, saying goodbye.
As I left the bar and made my way through the parking lot to my car, I was so eager to see my friends again that I wasn't paying attention and almost got hit by a car. Luckily, the driver stopped just in time.
I turned towards the car, a black Cupra, and gestured with my hand to apologize to the driver. Although I couldn't see the person clearly, I could tell it was a blonde woman.
She gestured back to let me know it was okay, and I continued on to my car.
After a 10-minute drive, I arrived at my apartment and saw Madison and Carter waiting in front of the building.
"Hey!" I called out, waving excitedly. They looked up, grinned widely, and ran towards me, calling my name repeatedly.
I laughed and met them halfway. We hugged and jumped around, thrilled to see each other after a month.
“Alright, let's head Inside” I suggested as we made our way back to the building.
“How long are you planning on staying ?” I inquired. “Just a quick 3-day visit” Carter responded. I grinned, “I'm so excited you guys are here! I've got so much to tell you”
After they freshened up and changed into more relaxed outfits, I filled them in on my Barcelona adventures, sharing stories about Alba, my friends, work, and life in the city.
“So, any luck in the love department?” Carter teased, wiggling his eyebrows. “Not quite” I confessed, feeling a tad embarrassed, "there was this girl, but she rejected me when I asked for her number."
Madison and Carter exchanged glances before erupting into laughter. I shot them a mock glare, “Not funny, guys” playfully hitting them with a pillow.
“It's funny” they both said simultaneously. I huffed at them and give them the finger.
After their laughter died down, Carter reassured me, “Don't worry, there are plenty of other fish in the sea; you'll find someone else.” Madison chimed in, “Yeah, that girl doesn't know what she's missing.”
“Thanks, guys! I love you” I said, smiling softly at them. “We love you too” they responded, and I jumped on them hugging them tightly.
Those three days flew by so quickly, but we had an amazing time nonetheless. They met Alba and her friends, and although the language barrier posed a bit of a challenge, we managed to get by.
Naturally, we went shopping, hit the beach, and enjoyed the nightlife—basically all the fun things you can do in Barcelona.
When it was time to say goodbye, I dropped off Madi and Carter at the airport, giving them tight hugs and receiving their promise that they would visit again soon.
“¿Qué vas a hacer el sábado por la noche?”(What are you doing on Saturday night?) Alba asked me as we enjoyed our lunch break at school.
“No mucho, ¿por qué?” (Not much, why?) I replied, taking a bite of my pasta.
“¡Ale está jugando y tengo entradas! ¡Por favor, ven conmigo!” (Ale is playing, and I got tickets! Please come with me!) Alba pleaded.
“Alba, sabes que no me gusta el fútbol.” (Alba, you know that I don’t like football) I said.
“Lo sé, y a mí tampoco, pero es mi hermana la que juega. Es una gran oportunidad para que la conozcas” (I know, and neither am I, but it’s my sister playing. It’s a great chance for you to meet her) she explained. “Además, después del partido, vamos a cenar con mi mamá, y también puedes conocerla an ella.” (Plus, after the match, we’re going out to dinner with my mom, and you can meet her too.)
I considered it for a moment. “Okay, pero solo porque voy a conocer a tu familia.” (Alright, fine, but only because I get to meet your family) I agreed. She cheered and leaned over the table to give me a kiss on the cheek.
I was in my apartment with Alba, getting ready to go to her sister's game—Barcelona against Real Sociedad. According to Alba, it should be an easy win.
“¡Oh! ¡Tengo un regalo para ti! No te pongas una camiseta.” (Oh! I have a gift for you! Don't put on a shirt) she exclaimed, standing up from the couch and heading towards her bag.
She pulled out a Barcelona jersey.
“¿Qué es eso?” (What's that?) I asked, examining the jersey. “Es la camiseta de mi hermana. Mira, ese es su nombre en la parte de atrás.” (It's my sister's jersey. Look, that's her name on the back) she said, turning the jersey around so I could see. It had Alexia written with the number 11 below her name.
That name brings back some embarrassing memories...
“Espera, pensé que el nombre de tu hermana era Ale” (Wait, I thought your sister's name was Ale) I said, confused.
“No, "Ale" es su apodo, su nombre real es Alexia.Ale no es ni siquiera un nombre real” (No, Ale is her nickname. Her real name is Alexia. Ale isn't even a real name) she explained as if it were obvious.
“Bueno, para mi era real. ¡Tú y todos tus amigos la llamaban así!” (Well, it was real to me! You and all your friends called her that!) I replied.
“Sí, porque ese es su apodo. ¡Todos la llaman así! De todos modos, aquí, póntelo. ¡Es para ti!” (Yes, because that's her nickname. Everyone calls her that! Anyway, here, put it on. It's for you) she said, handing me the jersey.
“¡Oye! ¿Por qué tengo que usar uno yo y tú no?” (Hey! Why do I have to wear one and you don't?) I complained.
“¡Porque es el primer juego que verás en persona! Necesitas experimentar todo al máximo.” (Because it's the first game you'll see in person. You need to experience the full thing) she said excitedly.
I rolled my eyes but put on the jersey anyway.
“Vamos mi amor” (Let's go, my love) she said excitedly and slapped my butt. I laughed at her and grabbed my bag as we exited my apartment and headed to the stadium.
Once we arrived at the stadium, we settled into our seats, which were quite close to the tunnel where the players come out.
While Alba was preoccupied with her phone, I took in the atmosphere of the stadium, noticing that many fans were wearing jerseys with Alexia's name. She must be an exceptional player for so many people to sport her jersey.
“Tengo hambre, voy a buscar algo de comida. ¿Quieres algo?” (I'm starving, I'm going to grab some food. Do you want anything?) Alba asked as she stood up from her seat.
“No, gracias” (No, thanks) I replied, glancing up at her. She nodded and walked off.
Lost in my thoughts, I was suddenly brought back by the sound of cheers from the crowd. Turning my head, I saw players emerging from the tunnel for their pre-match warm-up.
The cheers grew even louder as a blonde player stepped out. I couldn't see her face, only her back and her blonde hair tied in a ponytail.
When she turned around to greet the fans it felt like time stood still. There she was, the woman who had turned me down!
I couldn't believe what I was seeing, so I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. What is happening?I- I’m speechless. So I got rejected by a famous football player then… great…
I can't believe it. Alexia is a football player and a very famous one. She—
Wait... Alexia... Alexia... Ale—Oh my God, are you kidding me?! Alba's sister is Alexia, my Alexia??? The woman I thought about almost every night before bed and who rejected me!
Alba came back with her bowl of popcorn in hand, but I was so shocked I couldn't move... How the heck did I not realize this before?
“Estas bien?” (Are you okay?) Alba asked, noticing my state. "No" was all I could respond.
She put her hand on my thigh. “Que paso? (What happened?) she asked. I looked her in the eyes.”Tu hermana es Alexia” (Your sister is Alexia) She frowned. “Sí, te lo dije” (Yeah, I told you that) she replied.
“Alexia es la chica de la que te hablé esa noche en el restaurante de sushi,la que encuentro al restaurante, la que me pareció hermosa pero de la que no sabía nada...” (Alexia is the girl I told you about that night at the sushi restaurant, the one that I met at a restaurant and I thought was beautiful but knew nothing about...) I said, looking her in the eyes.
“¡¿Qué?! ¿Eres la chica por la que ha estado deprimida durante semanas?!” (What?! You're the girl she's been depressed about for weeks?!) she practically screamed, surprised.
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armageddon-generation · 3 months
Empire of Death was bad and cemented several fundemental flaws in this season.
I watched this in the theatre, and the contrast between everyone's excitement before Empire, and their universal disappointment leaving the theatre was super disheartening. I'm gonna try to articulate my problems with episode, and how they're linked to fundenental structural issues of this season.
The moment the UNIT characters died the story was robbed of any stakes. (Also? Kate and Ibrahim?? During Pride month?? Disgusting)
Sutekh was pointless, big CGI spectacle who was barely there. Saying he's been latched onto the TARDIS since Pyramids of Mars was such an asspull. Why couldn't he have latched on during Wild Blue Yonder? wouldn't that make much more sense??
You're telling me the guy who holds all life in contempt is invested enough in learning the identity of Ruby's mum he willingly reveals himself??
And then they defeat him by dragging him through the Vortex just like before, which it's been explicitly stated *didn't work* last time? He just *lets* Ruby leash him??
The 'death of death is life' bit, and the idea of the Doctor representing life as a Ying to Sutekh's Yang, is a cool concept just jammed in there with no real buildup or depth.
The issue is bringing Sutekh back takes so much effort- a literal, clunky clipshow of Pyramids of Mars, a whole episode spent building up to the reveal of a silly anagram entirely unrekated to Sutekh's previous appearance. And it just... amounts to nothing. What a silly way to cap off a season meant to be jumping-on point for brand-new viewers.
Mel was just takingup space. Pointless.
Ruby's Mother
I don't have a problem with the *concept* of Ruby's mum being normal. I really like the idea thematically. The execution was terrible.
First of all it leaves so many unanswered questions (why the snow? Why was time changing? Why was she shadowed? Literally just for the sake of the mystery-box?) and represents the worst thing about this new era- RTD using fantasy logic to handwave any logic at all, and just do whatever he wants without properly justifying it.
Second, I *hate* how easy and simple and neat the reunion is. Ruby seems incapable of getting angry with anyone. She has never once argued with 15, or Carla, or anyone besides that one moment in 73 Yards. She has never expressed any kind of negative feeling towards her mother for abandoning her. And it's fine for her to reach that conclusion! It's just bizzare we never see Ruby struggle with her feelings beyond the shallow goal of wanting to find her.
(Also Carla? Has nothing to say?? Just welcomes that woman in with basically no comment? Carla is a 2D cutout of a person, used as a plot device and otherwise relegated to the single character trait of I Love My Daughter. The children yearn for the ilk of Jackie Tyler, Sylvia Noble, even Francine Jones.)
15 & Ruby
The emotion behind 15 & Ruby's split felt entirely unearned because we've never seen their bond develop. They never argue, never disagree, Ruby hasn't learned anything about herself or grown or changed. The closest we got to that is 73 Yards, which was undone. She was already brave and kind and musical and sure she loved her adoptive family when we met her in Church on Ruby Road.
Similarly, 15 tells us Ruby encouraged him to talk about family in a way he never has, but that was in what, two moments across the season? And they seemed random, unrelated to Ruby being with him. New viewers will assume 15 is just that open anyway- he was discussing fatherhood with a dead man's hologram- and old viewers assumed trauma-dumping was just a new trait of 15's personality, not Ruby-specific.
The problem is we're told Ruby & 15 are best friends but it isn't earned. I liked 15 crying initially but both he and Ruby do it so much (15 cries about 5 times in this one episode) it loses its impact and I'm becoming numb to it. There is no contrast, no downtime.
Season Structural Issues
I think the biggest problem is Season 1's storytelling priorities. It's much more interested in selling *the show* (look at our big budget! And guest stars! And how flexible our format is! Musical episode! The Beatles as props! Bottle episode! Indie folk-horror! Black Mirror! Gay Bridgerton!) it forgot to put effort into developing and investing us in its characters. I liked a lot of the individual stories this year but in retrospect a lot of them feel like they're wasting space that needed to go to essential character and theme setup.
These skewed priorities, combined with the cut down episode count, really impact the pacing of the season. Ruby and 15 were barely together! Even in Rogue they were seperated for most of the story!! We only loop back to a flashback of 15 meeting Carla in Rogue!
This is made worse by the baffling insistence on a 45-minute runtime. We know key sequences were cut from almost every episode, with highlights including:
The Gobin King invading Ruby's flat and her banishing him with scratchcards in The Church on Ruby Road: Her missing 'companion saves the day' moment!
Refrence to the Toymaker in The Church on Ruby Road, which was itself referenced in The Devil's Chord. 'I told you about the Toymaker when we first met' sir, objectively you did not.
The TARDIS jukebox playing the Sugarbabes' Push The Button in the opening scene of Space Babies, hastily cut around in the final edit. This is the setup of a running joke still in the episode, and part of the story's climax. The first encounter with the Bogeyman was also longer, with 15 taking particular interest in its skin
Extended scenes in Abbey Road from The Devil's Chord, including an apparently significant speaking role for Cilla Black, according to her annoyed actress.
Cut dialogue from The Devil's Chord explaining the musoical number was caused by Maestro's power lingering, and that banishing them undid everything they'd done. Fans inferred thos based on the rules established in The Giggle, but again, new fans haven't seen The Giggle and were left clueless.
An opening sequence for The Legend of Ruby Sunday where 15 & Ruby meet Susan as a nanny in 1947 America, a blue-skinned waitress, and an astronaut meeting a colony of giant, sentient ants. At the end of this we actually see 15 decide to go to UNIT for help. In the broadcast version he just sorta shows up.
Really what Empire of Death exposed to me is how emotionally hollow the season was. I enjoy the exoperimentalism, but not at the cost of character. And then in the finale Russell reverts to almost a parody of his RTD1 finales, with the nonsense logic and lack of consequences. All the worst bits of Last of the Time Lords and The Giggle put in a blender.
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sansaorgana · 6 months
OMG I need a Buck x reader with Bucky as a third wheel I think it'd be brilliant! Buck just wants a moment alone with his girl and Bucky keeps popping up
thank you for this request, honey! it made me laugh so much and it reminded me of that song "me, you and your friend steve" 🤣
I currently have like 6 requests in my inbox 👀 so please, be patient with me, especially that I'm also working on Feyd-Rautha multi-chapter lol
my inbox is open for blurb/short fic requests for major cleven 🤗
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You adored Bucky, really. He was funny but also kind and helpful. He loved to mess around and to make you laugh by making funny faces and teasy comments. You were glad that your boyfriend had a best friend like that and you enjoyed his company, too.
But everything has its limits.
Bucky’s company was more than welcome but sometimes you just wanted to be alone with Gale. Especially since there weren’t many moments like that on the base where you could just sit somewhere alone in silence and make out or cuddle or talk about serious things.
Each time you luckily had a moment like this, Bucky would spoil it. He was like a dog sometimes, following you around and constantly requiring attention.
“You should talk to him,” you whispered to Buck the other day when you were sitting with him behind one of the buildings. Hiding from the rest of the world but mostly hiding from Bucky. “I mean it, I adore this guy but I sometimes feel like I have two boyfriends. Or an annoying son,” you pouted.
“And how do you think I feel?” Gale chuckled and shook his head as he pulled you closer to his chest. “Do you think I enjoy him following us everywhere?”
“Then why can’t you talk to him? It will be less rude if you do it, you know him for a long time,” you insisted. “Also, I will just look like a jealous girlfriend. It has to be you.”
“It’s difficult, you see, I think I’m the only person he has. The only person he cares for, I mean,” Buck explained. “He rarely mentions his family, he doesn’t have any girl waiting for him at home or anything…”
You pursed your lips. You felt bad for Bucky, you really did.
“I understand this but… I sometimes just want to kiss you…” you teased and Buck leaned in to place his soft lips on yours.
“Like this…?” He smirked.
“Like this,” you nodded your head.
“Hey, what’s up?!” Bucky’s voice made you both jump in your seats as you looked up angrily at Bucky standing right above you, blocking the sunlight.
“Jesus Christ!” Gale raised his voice. “Were you spying on us?”
“I don’t have to. At this point I know all your secret places,” Bucky shrugged his arms and sat on the other side of you. You clenched your jaw, trying very hard not to say anything.
“Has it ever occurred to you that we go to those secret places because we want to be, well, ALONE?” Buck asked. “Just a thought,” he added sarcastically.
“But we are alone here,” Bucky leaned back and smiled at the feeling of the sunlight on his face.
“Excuse me, we?” You asked.
“Well, you two, doing whatever you’re doing there, and me. Don’t mind me at all,” Bucky mumbled with his eyes closed.
Suddenly, an idea popped into your head. If he said he didn’t mind, your goal was to make him start minding.
You moved slightly to sit on Gale’s lap and face him. You tangled your hands in his hair and started to make out with him in the sloppiest and most passionate way you could think of, as if you tried to devour him whole. Buck was shocked at this sort of behaviour from you but he couldn’t say no to you, not ever. He was kissing you back and pulled you closer.
Bucky opened one of his eyes and looked at you two, a little taken aback. But he still remained silent.
You got rid of your jacket in a haste and went back to tugging on your boyfriend’s hair as you moaned into his mouth.
Bucky moved uncomfortably but he still pretended not to see or hear anything.
You pushed Gale down and he landed on the grass with you on top of him, still attached to his lips. You placed his hands on your breasts and began to work on the buttons of your shirt.
“Aaaaand I think it’s time for me,” Bucky stood up suddenly and you stopped all your movement to look up at him. He was blushing slightly but he still pretended not to be bothered at all. “I just remembered I have some papers to fill…” he scratched the back of his head. “Major’s duties, you know… See you later,” he waved at you and walked away as fast as possible.
You smiled triumphantly and looked down at Buck, visibly proud of yourself.
“Jesus, woman, what was that?” He breathed out. “I didn’t know you had it in you.”
“There’s a lot you still don’t know about me, Major Cleven,” you teased him.
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Since then you started to do similar things every time Bucky was bothering you and Gale. And as much as Buck found it amusing, he also noticed a slight change in his friend’s behaviour. He became less cheerful around him and he made a few remarks about you to Buck.
“Hey, will you help me with that?” Gale asked Bucky the other day as he struggled with filling one of the papers by the desk. “I don’t know what they want me to write here…”
“You can ask your girl to help you,” Bucky teased but in an unusually mean way.
“What is your problem, Bucky?” Gale looked up and furrowed his brows. “You’re acting weird lately.”
“Me? It’s you and her acting weird,” Bucky crossed his arms and leaned on the desk.
“What do you mean acting weird?”
“When we’re hanging out together, you two are dry humping each other. Like, gee, get a room!” Bucky rolled his eyes.
That was the moment when Buck just couldn’t stand this anymore. The audacity…
“For God’s sake, we are getting a room. We are alone. But then guess what, you are showing up out of nowhere and bothering us!” Gale raised his voice. “Forgive me for wanting to kiss my girlfriend. Maybe find yourself one, too, and stop following us.”
He immediately regretted his harsh words but it was too late to take them back now. Bucky didn’t say anything at first but he looked hurt.
“Forgive me for wanting to spend time with my best friend,” Bucky said finally.
“I didn’t mean to…” Buck sighed. “I’m sorry, man, but… We really want to be alone sometimes, you know? I spend most of my time with you. Like here, now, can’t you see? We have beds next to each other, we eat by the same table, we go on missions together. I don’t get even half of the same amount of time with her.”
“It’s okay, just…” Bucky sighed and smiled sadly, “she could have just told me herself if she doesn’t like me so much…”
“Jesus, Bucky, it’s not about that!” Gale shook his head. “She adores you. She thinks you’re fun and kind and she knows how our friendship is important to me,” he explained as Bucky’s eyes lightened up. “And she loves to spend time with the both of us. But sometimes, listen to me, just sometimes, she wants to be alone with me. And I want to be alone with her. Alone, do you understand? Alone means without you.”
“When am I supposed to know then, if you want me around or not?” Bucky whined.
“Well, I don’t know, maybe by assuming that you’re not wanted around when you haven’t been asked to join us?” Buck asked, ironically.
“Are you done with those papers or not?” Your voice interrupted them as you walked inside the room, visibly irritated. “You’re slow as hell and I’m done with Colonel yelling at me for the work going slow. I told him it’s not my fault my boyfriend is a knobhead when it comes to filing the paperwork.”
“A knobhead?” Buck pretended to be very offended. “Watch your mouth, miss.”
“I’m not in the mood, give me that,” you approached him and took the papers from him.
“Hey, hey, hey…!” Bucky suddenly raised his voice and you raised an eyebrow at him. “Why are you interrupting our alone time? Are you following us around? Can’t I just have a moment with my friend?” He asked and grinned.
“Another knobhead,” you rolled your eyes. “I think I’ll ask for a free weekend, I’m sick of the both of you,” you sighed and walked out of the room.
“Wow, thank you very much,” Buck gave Bucky an unpleasant look.
“Come on, I can’t interrupt you two but she can interrupt us whenever she wants? It’s gotta be fair, man.”
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redeliminator · 4 months
Well, they did NOT survive their teenage codependent homoerotic friendship
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I have the priviledge of being an adult and being able to look back on my teenage years happy that I made it out. It wasn't easy and I had my fair share of pretty dark experiences, so I've been thinking A LOT what would have happened to me if I had found myself in a position like Andre when I was 17. So I wrote it down - the story of Andre and Cal's relationship from (mostly) Andre's POV and the whole emotional turmoil of ending your life alongside your best friend. All with a couple of not-so-subtle personal throw-ins. It's a mess and a long one on top of that, I'm sorry ;__;
After years of living with all these thoughts you’re too scared to open up about, suddenly it turns out that your (only) lifelong friend is actually not that different. Not only doesn’t he flinch at your uncanny remarks; he actually thinks they’re spot-on and laughs at your jokes that would probably send you straight into detention.
So far, the more people learnt about you, the more they drifted away. Suddenly, it doesn’t happen. Quite the contrary, the messed up things seem to strengthen the bond instead. For the first time, someone welcomes you into their inner life just the way you are and doesn’t expect you to “mend your ways” before they let you in. You gradually uncover the parts of yourself you have never shown to anyone before. It feels like the weight of the world is lifted off your shoulders. Like it was destined to happen. It feels real.
It is not at all surprising that in the end, you brought out the worst in each other. After all, your final bond was built on the acceptance of the darkest parts of your personalities. You fed off each other to the point of lethal codependency. You were nothing without him and he was nothing without you.
It was insane. But you felt validated. Starving for someone who understands, you clung to each other and never let go.
So, when you’re standing in that library, guns slung over your shoulders and blood spilling beneath your feet, and that guy, who led you out of that lonely misery and gave your life a spark, tells you that you’re done - well, you’re done. You’d follow him anywhere because what other choice do you have? You killed people. You’re not getting away on your own. You’re not doing it without him. It’s either both of you or none of you. So you agree.
But deep inside, you know there’s so much left to say. The world is wide enough for the two of you, why wouldn’t you want to explore it? We had a plan, we were supposed to last. All of that is suddenly cut short. Just like the lives you’ve just taken. What an irony.
And suddenly you wish you had never left that car. Or that you had swerved it just before pulling into the parking lot. What the fuck are you doing?! That’s when it should have been said: I’m done. You’re done. We’re done.
You never figured out if it was platonic or romantic. You probably didn’t even know what platonic meant. But there was one thing you had no doubt about: that loving him was the easiest thing in the world.
… until it wasn’t. 
That love tripped you up just when everything you thought you wanted was only a few inches away. Suddenly, it felt like jumping into a lake only to realize that concrete bricks have been tied to your feet.
You might have been done with the revenge, but you weren’t done loving him. In fact, you barely even started. You never even fully acknowledged it. You repressed it, scared of and confused about the intricacies of your own identity and feelings.
But what are you supposed to do about it now? Where will all that love go, if you refuse to go down together? Do you even have a choice at all? You won’t make it on your own. The only choice you have is whose hand will fire the shot that will end it all. There is no “if”.
It’s pretty safe to say that you agreeing to a double suicide is a spur-of-the-moment decision. No one would think clearly when faced with this kind of choice under such circumstances. You have just taken more than a dozen innocent lives. If they catch you, it’s game over. It’s a pathetic failure.
You were supposed to escape in a blaze of glory: a getaway car, a police chase, a rain of bullets fired towards you as you take one last look in the rearview mirror knowing you’re never gonna see this town again. You’ve turned the place that destroyed you into smoldering ruins and now you kiss it goodbye. It doesn’t get better than this.
But it’s not what happens. Suddenly, as you look around the room and glance over the dead bodies, you realize the thrill is gone. The excitement has vanished into thin air. The only thing you’re hearing are police sirens and people whimpering in pain. The reality of what you’ve done and what awaits you comes crashing down on you. It’s not glorious. It’s not rewarding. It’s bleak and hopeless. It’s a dead end.
Andre had to tone down Cal's carelessness during the preparations. No, we’re not gonna break into Brad’s garage and risk being spotted. No, your open mic poetry evening was not a fun idea; it was inconsiderate and dangerous. No, even if we had an M-80, we wouldn’t use it for a ceremonial explosion at my family’s vacation home where everyone could see it. 
And suddenly, as they’re wandering through the school looking at the carnage they caused, the roles get reversed. It’s Cal who has to lead Andre into the grim reality. 
We’re not making it out. We can still leave on our terms though. It’s your call.
The question is, did Cal really believe they didn’t stand a chance or did he use the circumstances to get what he wanted: for both of them to die?
If Andre didn’t agree, would Cal have the guts to shoot him himself? I don’t think he would. There was only one way Cal wanted it to end. I think Cal may have had some sort of feelings for Andre, but, in a fashion similar to Andre, he didn’t know exactly what these feelings were as he never got around to disentangling them. Cal was mentally ill, heavily unstable and out of touch with reality, but I think deep inside he still had the ability to feel. He could barely connect with that part of him, but it was still there. And Andre kept it alive because he did something no one else would ever do for Cal. He provided Cal with the means to die the way he wanted. A spectacular way out. 
And Cal would be forever grateful for that, even if that “forever” would come to an end in just a matter of seconds. How do you even thank someone for a favor like this? Thanks for letting me die, even though you didn’t know I planned it? How do you find someone who you don’t even have to ask for it? Hey, what would you say if we killed a bunch of people to send some twisted message that only we understand and then we blew our brains out? 
The thing is, none of them had to ask. The idea was already there. Maybe except for the “blowing our brains out” part. In any case, this is a one in a million chance that you find someone like this.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
i just want what's best for you. — miles 42 x reader
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summary: no matter how much miles may love you, you still have to get through his mom for you two to be together. first impressions didn't go so well, and now... now you're starting to think she's right about you. but somehow, you both come to an understanding, and... eventually, an understanding can be made between you two. pairing: miles 42 x gn!reader genre: slight angst + comfort word count: 2,646 request: Could you do a miles (42 or 1610 or both) x reader where his mom isn’t to fond of her but, it’s only because she doesn’t want to see him get hurt. And reader considers breaking up with him and his mom overhears and feels bad. a/n: hello, my lovely anon !! omg i loved writing this ngl, I INTENTIONALLY PUT MORE ANGST HERE THAN I DID FOR 1610 MILES AAAAA please multiverse, don't let this flop PLEASEEEE also SORRY FOR THE CRAPPY SPANISH AND OOC RIO, I TRIED UUEUEUUEUUE BUT I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE THIS !!
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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you had never felt any more intimidated and nervous than you did right now as you sat down with miles' family for dinner. you had partners before and met their parents, it wasn't all so bad; you actually had fond memories of those people and sometimes would reminisce how kind they'd treat you, how they'd welcome you into their families and give you a home away from your home when you'd need it. however, when it came to miles' family... it was so-so.
his uncle aaron, without a doubt, was one of the nicest father figures you had ever encountered in your whole life. he was a sweet man who cared for miles and would, be proxy, care about you, too. he'd tease you and miles when he'd see you two together in the most low-key ways and still make miles lose all his cool and stoic composure around you when his uncle would expose how much he talks about you.
"this kid can't ever go through another day without thinking about you. like seriously, all i did was take him to the convenience store downtown and i see him with all these snacks i've never seen him eat before, snacks he told me he hates with a burning passion. i look at him and ask him why he's got those snacks, and he mutters under his breath... 'these're for them, not for me.' how cute of my nephew, no?" he said with a chuckle as miles glared up at his uncle and pouted at him, with you giggling at the story as everyone but his mother was laughing about that little anecdote.
uncle aaron nudged rio a little, to which she shot him a glare similar to miles' and muttered something under her breath in spanish. uncle aaron sighed as some tension was caught in the air and enveloped the entire dinner table, with no one else uttering another word or sound as you all ate in silence. you felt rio's gaze on you at times while you all ate, and unlike the other mothers you had encountered with your previous partners, she had a gaze that felt a little... judgemental, in a way?
you felt pretty self-conscious as rio looked at you, and you felt yourself jump slightly in your seat when she'd ask you questions about you and her son. she called your name randomly, shattering the silence and causing the hairs on the back of your neck to stand up as you nearly sprang up from your seat in utter surprise. "y-yes rio?" you asked her as she winced, as if she heard a discordant tune when you uttered her first name. without even looking up from her plate, she asked you, "did you know miles got a b in spanish? ay, i'm proud of you, mijo, though... you usually do so much better than that. i'm worried, have you been missing classes recently? and do you know anything about it?" she asked you as she turned her gaze up at you, causing you to freeze up and instinctively shake your head.
miles breathed out a small huff as he tried to think of a reason to give his own mother, who he promised he'd never lie to, as his uncle aaron tried to tell rio that maybe now wasn't the right time to talk about it, but rio told him in spanglish that now was as good a time as any, she had to know if her son was being distracted by... she didn't dare finish that thought. she looked over at you then at miles and raised an eyebrow. "so? is no one gonna tell me anything?" she asked the two of you as you bit the inside of your cheek, feeling pretty intimidated by her right now. "mama, it's nothing, i promise you, i--" "it's nothing?" "oh, no." uncle aaron muttered as he silently excused himself and left the table with his plate in hand, gesturing to you to follow what he did and to seek refuge into the kitchen, away from the mother and son.
you did as he directed and excused yourself, nearly stumbling out of your chair as rio's eyes followed you with a kind of suspicious gleam in those hazel eyes of hers. indistinct conversation and arguments between the mother and son were heard, with the sound of running water, the squeaking and setting down of plates being tuning their voices out as you gratuitously helped uncle aaron wash the dishes. "hey, sorry about them, miles' mom hasn't been in the best mood lately." he muttered to you as you nodded. "i-i understand, aaron. it's really okay..." you murmured back as you both finished, with uncle aaron wishing you a good night as he disappeared into the garage doing who knows what.
as you exited the kitchen, you heard rio's muffled voice from the dining room mention your name, and you walked over in a morbid kind of curiosity to know why she mentioned you when she was scolding miles; though a part of you thought of why, you hoped what you thought of wouldn't be the case. "sé honesto, ¿te estás distrayendo con ellos?" she asked miles with a stern voice as miles looked down at the ground, clearly frustrated, but wasn't about to run his mouth off at his own mother. he shook his head and murmured, "mi amante no tiene la culpa de lo que me ha estado pasando, mama."
rio sighed exasperatedly as she looked at her son in disbelief. "and you mean that? you seriously... look, mijo, no quiero hacerte infeliz, y sé que crees que entiendes lo que es bueno para ti, pero… no puedo permitir que ellos te pongan en peligro. they might... not be a good influence on you." she said with a soft voice as miles looked up at her with an incredulous expression on his face. "mama, you have no idea who they really are." he said as rio kept talking to him, but he stormed off on her. she called for her son repeatedly, but he marched into his room, with her sighing aloud and storming off herself, too.
you felt a heavy weight on your shoulders as your anxieties and worries over what miles' mother thought of you were realized; she doesn't trust you, and she doesn't think you're good for her son. you felt so weak in the knees at that moment, thinking that you would never be able to love miles freely without his mother intervening or trying to convince him you're not right for him, that you're a distraction for him. you didn't want any conflict between the two anymore, so you thought of a way to end their feud peacefully, and the only way that'd work was... one neither of you would particularly like.
you snuck upstairs to miles' room and gently rapped at his door, muttering that you were there, and that you wanted to talk to him. miles opened his door a crack, and when he could confirm it was you, he opened the door wider and gently took your hand in his. "cielo," he greeted you softly with a light squeeze of your hand as he looked at you. "am i ever glad to see you." he said as he led you into his room, with you reciprocating his touch and squeezing his hand back. he gestured for you to sit down on the side of his bed as he sat down, with you following him and sitting down on the plush of his bed.
he brushed a few hairs from your forehead and kept his gaze on you as you looked down at the floor, unsure of how to tell him what you were articulating to yourself in your head; unsure of how he'd take it, if he even will be able to. you sighed a little longer than you planned to, causing miles to pull away from you and have worry drawn on his face as he tried getting a better look at your expression. "cielo, are you okay? did something happen...?" he asked you as you shook your head gently. "nothing, nothing, i..." you began, but you stopped yourself, trying to think of how to tell him all over again as all you could think of at that moment was that: miles' mother doesn't think you're any good for him.
you took a deep breath and faced him with saddened eyes. "i'm sorry, miles, i just... i don't think you should be dating me anymore. it's not because of you, of course not, it's... it's on me." you whispered, with miles feeling like he took a blow to the gut, feeling utterly helpless and confused at what you just told him. he wasn't sure what you meant by 'it was your fault', but he wanted to let you know right now that you weren't at fault, for whatever it was that'd come between you two.
miles appeared a little more hurt and distressed by what you told him, the matter at hand still not sinking in, that you told him you'd break up with him... he couldn't, wouldn't, believe it. "what? amor, what do you mean? 'your fault'? i doubt that..." he began as he tried to reassure you, feeling himself coming undone at the seams and desperate to know why you wanted to part ways with him. was it because he couldn't spend as much time with you as before? because he was too busy with his job as the prowler to be with you? if you only told him, then... then he'd find ways to make it work, not make you feel alone ever again, make up for what he lacked in the past by working hard for you now in the present.
"is it... is it because i'm not able to spend much time with you as before? mi vida, i'm sorry... i'll make up for it, i promise!" he said as you shook your head. "no, miles... it's not your fault. it's mine, even if you don't say it is." you said with a melancholic voice as miles looked at you with feebleness filling his face as he tried to understand how it's your fault for anything. he defended you in front of his mother the best he could, and yet... he'd still lose you in the end, if not the argument.
you couldn't figure out how to tell miles that you didn't wish to break up, you wanted to be with him still, but there was no better way of getting his mom and him to make up if you were still in the picture. you heard his mom say it himself, you didn't seem like a good influence on him, and maybe her behavior towards you was a sign that you really weren't being good to miles, good to his parents, and just... weren't good in general. you sighed, trying to keep the tears from flowing as miles tried to tell you that if you really wanted to break up with him, he'd respect your decision, but... he begs of you to tell him how it's your fault.
you felt your heart throb and your throat flare up as you tried to stifle your cries and sobs. "i'm just, i'm not good for you, okay, miles? i'm sorry... you deserve better." you told him in a quieted voice as you got up and went over to his door, about to leave him and give him an easier time with his family than stay with him and just ruin his relationship with his mom even more.
"espera, mi cielo! hold on a minute, can't we talk about this...?" he called out to you as you opened the door to leave, to keep yourself away from miles to keep him and his mother from getting angry at each other and fighting all over again. however, when you opened the door, you saw a familiar face look back at you, and a familiar voice shrieking in surprise--it was miles' mom, who was eavesdropping on you two. you shrieked at his mom's shrieking, as miles shrieked at your shrieking.
"mama!" miles exclaimed as he saw his mom at the doorway, with her telling the two of you to calm down, and that nobody needs to break up with anybody. "i'm... i'm sorry i eavesdropped, but i came here to... to say sorry, mijo, and... i'm sorry to you, too." she said as she turned to look at you with guilt and shame in her eyes. "you didn't deserve to hear all that... i shouldn't have said that." she muttered as she looked at the two of you. she leaned against the doorway and sighed as she began to speak again, looking around miles' room.
"i didn't mean that you were a bad influence, i just... i default to worrying about what miles could be doing because, you're a teenager, miles--you're both teens and... you both wanna do your own things. it worries me when miles doesn't tell me anything, it makes me feel like i'm failing as a mom when... i'm the only parent you have now." she said in a soft voice as she looked at miles sadly and up at you. she sat down next to miles on the bed and held his hand. "i wish you could just be honest with me." she muttered to him as miles looked at her with sadness in his eyes. "i am being honest with you, mom. you don't even... you don't even know how amazing my partner is, you hardly give them a chance, and that's what hurts me every time." he said as you looked at the two of them.
miles' mom got up from the bed and placed her fingers underneath your chin and lifted your head up to look at her and sighed. "i'm so sorry i judged you too quickly, i just... mom instincts kicked in, and... i got a little carried away and thought i knew what was good for my baby boy, but... i guess i don't know as much anymore. maybe... i'd know him better if i trusted him, if i trusted you." she said with a slight smile on her face as you gave her a slight smile back. "again, i'm so, so sorry for how i was earlier, and... just, in general." she uttered as you nodded. "it's okay, mrs. morales." you told her as she smiled wider and pulled away from you. "y'know what, that just made my evening much better. i think i like you a bit better already. 'mrs.' morales, finally." she said with a slight chuckle as you chuckled back at her little quip, with miles smiling to himself as he finally witnessed you two get along. she let miles keep dating and seeing you, only if he promises to get his grades back up to how they were before.
as his mom left the room, miles told her you two needed to talk, alone. she understood, but reminded him not to lock the door. "lo tengo, mamá, entendido." he said as he closed the door the minute she headed down into the hallway, leaving you both in an awkward silence after you two had 'broken up' a few minutes ago. before miles could say anything, you wrapped him in a big hug, muttering under your breath how happy you were to be with him, that his mom finally accepted you. miles slowly reciprocated your hug, holding you close and kissing the top of your head as he smiled against your hair. he was beyond happy and relieved to know his mom finally saw you as a person he loved, not as a distraction to him or a bad influence, just someone he cared a lot about to devote himself to, someone he wouldn't leave nor let anyone, not even his own mom or uncle, get in the way of him loving ceaselessly.
he gets that his mom just wants what's best for him, but... maybe it was time for him to decide what's best for him on his own, and that'd be to love you with all his heart and stay by your side, never leaving you once because he loves you too much to let you go that easily.
tags !! @ii01vq @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @k4tsu3 @solecitoszn @toneystank-3000 @fiannee @popeheywardssecretgf @lovefrominaya @onginlove @meowmoraless
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sissyisawitch · 7 months
Be My Valentine (Be Mine)
Relationship: Sebastian Sallow x f!You
Summary: It's Valentine's Day, and Sebastian is all about making you feel your best and giving you everything you need… whatever that may be.
Word Count: ~4.5k
Warnings: NSFW, MDNI, 18+ explicit sexual content
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!💝
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It was past nine p.m., and the night Healer had finally turned up, meaning that your long, exhausting evening on call at St. Mungo's was finally over.
Almost all your colleagues had deserted to spend time with their partners on Valentine's Day. That was how you had found yourself managing an entire department on your own, because you were the only one who had volunteered. Of course, you did not do it for the fun of it – Merlin knows that you too would have preferred to spend the day with your boyfriend – but it was your first few months as a fully trained Healer, and you hoped that volunteering for as many shifts as possible would help you get promoted as quickly as possible. Fortunately, you were lucky enough to have an understanding boyfriend who supported you completely in this process.
Speaking of the devil, you only had one desire... to get home to him and his welcoming arms.
You let out a long, exhausted sigh, then eagerly removed your lime green uniform robes, and disapparated without wasting any more time.
In the blink of an eye, and with a loud crack, you found yourself on the doorstep of you and Sebastian's flat, not far from Diagon Alley. As soon as you arrived, you heard a hurried commotion coming from the other side of the door. Sensing that something was odd, you slowly turned the doorknob.
“Seb?” You called out tentatively. “I’m home.”
And then you stopped dead in your tracks, speechless... Several boxes of chocolates were waiting for you on the table, wrapped in big red ribbons. The whole living room was covered in red, pink and white flower petals. And there were all those candles scattered all around the flat, on all the furniture and windowsills. Their perfume filled the air with a subtle and enchanting fragrance, while their flames danced and flickered. Their gentle yet warm glow brought a soft, intimate illumination to the romantic decor. And in the midst of all this, there was the most important thing...
Sebastian Sallow, your devoted boyfriend, was standing in front of you, greeting you with a breathtaking bouquet of different kinds of roses that formed a vibrant colour palette to match the theme of the special occasion. It was incredibly huge, unlike anything you had ever seen. It was as if its size symbolised the depth of his love, and its flamboyant petals reflected his fierce feelings for you.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, darling.” He approached you, eyes sparkling with anticipation.
Blushing as red as a poppy, you took the bouquet in your arms and were immediately embraced by the sweet fragrance of the blooms, “Sebastian! You didn’t have to!”
“I have to deserve you, don't I?” He replied, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
“Oh, shush.” You gave him a playful little smack on the arm. “I’m the one who doesn’t deserve you. I didn’t get you anything!”
In response, Sebastian wrapped his arms tightly around your waist, pressing you against his body, and placed an innocent kiss on the tip of your nose, “Doesn’t matter because tonight is all about you. I'm yours and at your disposal for your every wish throughout the entire night.”
“Every wish, huh?” You quirked an eyebrow while your smile was slowly replaced by a mischievous smirk. “…So if I tell you my back is sore and I want a massage, you'll do it?”
“Your wish is my command, princess.” Sebastian replied, grabbing one of your hands and bringing it to his lips to place a loving kiss on it.
Without wasting another second, Sebastian took the bouquet from your hands and placed it more or less delicately on the table beside you. Then, out of the blue, he lifted you in his arms, bridal style, and carried you in the direction of your bedroom with ridiculous ease, as if you weighed less than a feather. You rested your head on his chest, now able to hear his soothing heartbeat, and let him manipulate you to his heart's content.
Through his dress shirt, you could make out the outline of the muscles in his strong arms as they contracted to support your weight. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, allowing you to admire his forearms wrapped around your body, with his tanned skin dotted with freckles, accompanied by a few beauty spots here and there, all enhanced by the prominence of his bulging veins.
Sebastian laid you down on your shared bed, and it was only when you had left the warmth of his arms, missing it dearly, that you snapped out of your admiring reverie. Without saying a word, you watched him carefully kneel on the floor in front of you. He untied your heels and gently removed them, relieving you of their confinement after walking in them all day. He then stood up, towering over you, leading to the inevitable of you internally gushing over how tall he was compared to you. You never took your eyes off him, not even for a second, while he was busy attending to you, something he did often, but that you never got used to. It always sent thousands of butterflies into your stomach, which began to flutter even more intensely when his fingertips pulled the hem of your blouse out of your skirt before gripping it.
For the first time in what seemed like forever to you, his mesmerising and familiar gaze met yours, before he spoke softly, “Can I?”
“Of course.” You breathed, your voice barely above a whisper.
His long and deft fingers worked on each of your buttons, one after the other. You could not tell whether he was going slowly on purpose to tease you, or whether your anticipation had altered your perception of time. Nevertheless, he eventually opened your blouse completely and slid it down your shoulders, revealing your almost naked torso to him.
Like magnets irremediably drawn to each other, his rough but warm palms came to rest on your delicate skin. You took in a sharp breath as he traced the outline of your ribs until he reached your back and unhooked your bra, sending it flying into a corner of the room.
His next move surprised you when he pushed you by the shoulders, and forced you to lie on the bed, half-naked under his hungry gaze that never left your breasts and their perked-up nipples, as if he were discovering them for the first time.
If his eyes were locked on a very specific target, his hands, however, had a mission to fulfil. He lifted your hips, hooked his fingers into the waistband of your remaining clothes, and killed three birds with one stone by removing your skirt, tights, and panties all at once, so as not to waste any time, even though his hands still lingered on your arse, then your thighs, to feel your delicious curves.
Now completely exposed to him and at his mercy, his eyes roamed every inch of your body, embedding them in his memory for the umpteenth time. You felt the blood rush to your cheeks, but made no move to try and hide yourself, never with Sebastian. You knew he was doing nothing but worshipping you. And anyway, even though his persistent gaze made you blush fiercely, it did not last long, because very soon you were no longer able to see him. He had flipped you onto your stomach.
The bed creaked, and the next sensation you felt was the mattress sinking under his weight, with his legs on either side of you, caging you underneath him. Then you felt the warmth of his torso and the slight tickle of his chest hair against your back. You flinched slightly when his breath surprisingly brushed against your ear. You had not expected him to be so close to you, given that you could see nothing of what he was doing.
“You’ll see, I have magic hands.” He murmured in your ear with a low, husky voice. It sent shivers right down your spine, making you exhale loudly.
Sebastian's skilful hands settled on your upper back and began to work their magic, tracing soothing patterns on your skin. The warmth emanating from his touch, combined with the care and attention he put into every movement, instantly melted away the layers of stress and tension you had built up throughout the day.
His hands seemed to have an intuitive understanding of your body. He effortlessly found the knots and areas of tension, coaxing them to release their grip. The sensation of his long fingers rolling your skin beneath them sent waves of pleasure through your whole body, awakening every nerve ending and igniting a profound sense of relaxation. With every sigh of relief that escaped you, you felt yourself sinking a little deeper into the soft mattress, engulfed in a state of tranquillity that blotted out all the worries and anxieties of the outside world.
However, when his strong hands reached down and began to cross over the small of your back, your serenity was quickly replaced by a much more intense feeling, one that was capable of sending sparks deep into your body and down into your core.
You let out a demanding grunt, before drawling, “Lower, Seb.”
He complied, taking care of your lower back, applying enough pressure to reach deep into your muscles... but it was not what you had in mind.
“Lower…” You repeated needily, sounding almost out of breath.
This time he understood what you really wanted. His large hands travelled even further down to cup your bum, making a keen moan escape your lips. This was Sebastian's cue to continue. He began to massage your arse – which was surprisingly also tense from the stress of your day – and his fingers dug deep into your skin to knead your muscles. You were sure you would have the purplish prints of his fingers tattooed on your skin for the next few days.
You closed your eyes, making the movements of his hands the only thing you perceived. You concentrated on the pleasure they gave you, how loved and pampered they made you feel. It was everything... and yet very soon it was no longer enough.
Still not quite satisfied, you turned round, now lying on your back and able to admire your boyfriend's handsome face, adorned with adorable freckles. Sebastian frowned at you, confused as to what you were doing, wondering if he had done something wrong for you to stop him.
Dying to flatten the crease between his eyebrows, you grabbed one of his hands that had been resting on your waist and brought it to your lips. You started with light pecks on the back of it, and then on each of his fingers, before turning it around to leave open-mouthed kisses on his palm. With heavy lids, you made eye contact with his intrigued gaze, and nuzzled your cheek in his hand.
“Show me what else these magic hands can do.” You asked in a soft voice, playing coy.
Sebastian smiled brightly at your newfound boldness, showing off the tantalising dimple in his left cheek, “You’re not ready for it, darling.”
In response, you let yourself sink further into the mattress, arching your back to give him a better view of the entirety of your naked body beneath him. You gave him complete control over what would happen next. You wanted him to do whatever he wanted with you, to play you like he would a musical instrument.
Sebastian let out a beastly growl before diving on top of you and attacking your neck. He nipped at your skin, pinching it between his front teeth. He stayed like that for a while, as if trying to get a grip on his impulses before letting go. But when he eventually did, Merlin, he made you feel loved and desired.
His lips ventured down your neck at agonising slow pace. His licking and sucking left trails of saliva and marks of different shades of crimson on you. He offered the same ministrations to your collarbones, and then your breasts. You let out all kinds of soft moans and quiet sighs as he played with your stiff nipples between his teeth, but still, you could not help but feel like something was missing…
His hands.
“Seb…” You whined, before continuing. “Your hands. Touch me. Please.”
You felt his lips quirk into a smirk against your breasts, before you felt his amazing hands on you, grabbing your arse and giving it a prompt squeeze.
“Aah!” You gasped out loud, unable to supress your eager reactions after finally being given what you yearned for.
His hands kept exploring the body that he knew like the back of his hand after all those years together, and yet he continued to slowly trace the curves of your hips, waist, ribs, and breasts, taking the time to caress them back and forth, as if trying to memorise even more details about you than he already knew.
As time passed, you spread your thighs more, inviting your boyfriend where you wanted to feel him the most. Sebastian did not have to be told twice before using his index to tease your entrance and slide it up to your clit to separate your lower lips.
“Eager, aren’t we?” He asked playfully, but actually amazed at how wet you already were, with slick dripping down your inner thighs.
All your blood rushed south, leaving your brain inoperative. You were incapable of putting a single word together. The only way you could respond was to nod vigorously, making Sebastian chuckle lowly.
Deciding not to torture you any longer by teasing you further, Sebastian slid two fingers inside you. He relished the ease with which he did so, given how wet you were, making it all the easier for him to appreciate the sensations of his girlfriend’s soft and feverishly warm walls. He curled his fingers inside you, putting pressure on the point he knew made you wail… and wail you did.
Given the angelic expression of pure delight on your features, Sebastian knew that asking you if he made you feel good was pointless. It was not like you would have been able to form a sentence to answer anyway. So he started pumping his fingers in and out of you, trying to coax more of those melodious sounds out of you.
On your part, you could only focus on the way his fingers reached far within you and stretched you the perfect amount. An overwhelming warmth started to pool in your core, making your muscles tighten as they begged for release. Your legs opened up even more, enticing him to take a step further, which he did.
Sebastian pressing the pad of his thumb and rubbing tight circles on your clit was your breaking point. With nothing more than his hands, he was able of giving you sensations you knew no one else would ever be able to give you. With one last thrust of his fingers, your thighs clamped around his wrist as you cried out loud, feeling your walls clench around his fingers before slick dripped out of you.
“Coming with just two fingers?” Sebastian asked smugly, sitting back on his heels to observe your delicious chest heaving up and down as you tried to catch your breath. In the meantime, he had rested his hands on your thighs, caressing invisible patterns on them with his thumb.
“Just wanted to show you how much I love your hands.” You replied quietly, a soft and dreamy smile gracing your lips, as you were still recovering from your orgasm.
“Like I hadn’t noticed.” He smirked, squeezing your thighs.
He brought the hand he had been pleasuring you with to his mouth, and then made a show of licking his slick-covered fingers with the tip of his tongue, making sure to look deep into your eyes the whole time. If your cheeks were not already flushed from your hot activities, you were sure you would have been as red as a beetroot by now.
“Mmh… Sweeter than the chocolate I bought you.” He drawled before moving his hand closer to you encouragingly. “Go on, taste yourself, love.”
Whereas he was expecting a little timid lick, you felt a fiery courage sweep over you, and decided to fully wrap your lips around his fingers, twirling your tongue languorously around them, bobbing your head several times. Sebastian's only visible reaction was his Adam's apple jutting out after he swallowed heavily. What you did not know however, was that, upon watching your obscene actions, Sebastian’s cock twitched in his pants in jealousy, begging to be taken care of too.
“Good girl.” He praised you with a dark tone, as he placed his hand under your chin, tilting your head up in order to make you look up at him. He wiped the corner of your mouth with his thumb, before caressing your cheek lovingly.
You seized the occasion to take in his enticing appearance. His cheekbones were tinted a discreet shade of pink, bringing his freckles out. His chocolate eyes were fixed on you and only you, with his pupils blown wide with hunger. However, you could not help but find his appearance… not depraved enough. You wanted to see his hair tousled, his lips swollen from kissing, his skin covered with crescent shapes of your teeth and nails. You needed to make a mess out of him, just like he had done to you.
You sat up and slowly began to unbutton Sebastian's shirt, savouring every inch of his torso as it gradually revealed itself to you, making your heart beat faster. When you had finished with the last button, you looked up, realising that Sebastian had been staring at you the whole time with an intense gaze, curious as to what you were going to do next.
You placed your lips carefully on his as you slid his shirt down his muscular arms. As you did so, you managed to feel the relief of the veins running down his arms, which excited you even more and made you deepen the kiss. Seized by a sudden fiery passion, you grazed his bottom lip between your teeth and began to nibble on it, earning several guttural grunts from Sebastian, which were largely muffled by your lips pressed against his. Nevertheless, you soon became addicted to them, and wanted to hear them louder and clearer.
Your mouth travelled further down, exploring his sharp jawline, then his neck where you lingered for a moment on his pulse point because you could feel his veins pulsing on the tip of your tongue. When you were satisfied with the ruddy mark you had created on his skin, you paused for a few seconds to admire it, feeling an enormous sense of satisfaction, knowing full well that all his colleagues – especially the women – would see this bruise and understand what you had done to him, because he was yours. No one else's but yours.
Sebastian brought you back to reality by grabbing your wrists and pulling you against him. You were now skin to skin, sharing each other's body heat, your breasts were pressed against his chest. If you were close enough for him to feel every detail of your curves, then you could certainly feel his too, and more specifically his arousal pressing into your hip bone.
You were unable to hold back your wide grin, and decided to attempt to conceal it by continuing your delicate ministrations on your boyfriend. As your hands ran up his toned chest before settling on his broad freckled shoulders, your lips got back to marking his skin, and more particularly his collarbones this time. You could taste the bitterness of his perfume, and the subtle saltiness of the sweat accumulated over the day.
A hypnotic moan escaped Sebastian's lips as he threw his head back under your expert touch. Needless to say, this brought the irrepressible throbbing back to your most intimate part.
You slightly pulled away from him, just enough to be able to look him in the eye, and whined his name, “Sebastian…”
“Yes, love?” His husky voice whispered.
“Be my Valentine.”
Sebastian let out a low and deep chuckle, “Darling, I already am. I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t.”
“That’s not what I meant…” You trailed off, an obvious glimmer of mischief behind your eyes, as you slowly unbuckled his belt.
Your fingers then slid down his trousers to his mid thighs, before doing the same with his boxers, eagerly pulling them down by the elastic. His cock sprung free from its painfully tight confines, his tip smacking against his stomach. Sebastian sighed in relief as he helped you remove his underwear completely, by lifting one knee after the other.
If Sebastian thought you would stop there, he was kidding himself. Your next move was to fully take him into your hand and play with him. Once again, you realised just how thick and well-endowed he was. With your palm, you felt how unbelievably hard he was, and with your thumb, you traced his blood-gorged veins that led to his tip, where the skin was even softer than on the rest of his body.
“…Be mine.”
After emitting an animalistic groan which took you by surprise, he leant forward to grab you behind your thighs and sweep you roughly off your knees. With a shriek, you fell back onto your back, and Sebastian immediately caged you under his large body, hovering over you once again.
“I told you I’m all yours tonight.” He growled right in your ear.
“Only tonight?” You taunted him with a falsely innocent air.
“What an insatiable minx you are.” He smirked before diving on you to capture your lips and suck on them for a hot minute. “I’m yours. Every single day and forever.”
“Sebastian…” You snivelled from frustration, as you could feel yourself dripping again. Tears began to gather in your eyes from how much you needed him. It truly was a pathetic sight. You were incapable of putting two words together without being interrupted by a whimper. “I-I can’t wait… I want you… you inside me… now.”
Normally, Sebastian would have been vicious and continued to tease you until you begged him time and time again. But today was different. You had been lying naked underneath him for a while, without him doing anything to you. He himself could no longer wait to enter you to rediscover your familiar, comforting inner softness.
He therefore grabbed you by the hips to lift you up, so that he could align his tip with your entrance, covering himself with your juices at the same time. As his hands grasped you, his veins and tendons bulged out, and his knuckles turned white.
Next thing you knew, Sebastian pushed himself inside of you in one swift movement, all the way to the hilt. You both let out loud moans at the same time, he because he was squeezed all around by your tight walls, and you because you felt incredibly full and stretched from the sudden intrusion. In any case, it was paradisaically good for both of you.
“Look at you taking me so well. My perfect girl.” Sebastian praised you, looking down at where you were joined. Your only response was a broad blissful smile.
With his fingers still buried forcefully in the skin of your hips, you clutched his large wrist, not sure if it was because you needed a grip on anything to remain conscious, or because it was your silent way of begging him not to take his hands off you. Surely both.
With that angle, Sebastian was able to thrust very deeply, reaching parts of you that you were not even aware of. It had you letting out all kinds of excited sounds, making him groan at the vibrations.
“Don’t s-stop… Please!” You implored into their kiss, your hand curling around even tighter around his wrist – if that was even possible. It was certainly going to be another bruise that you were going to leave on his body.
Sebastian fulfilled your every wish, just like he had promised. He did not stop. He even gradually increased his speed, until he was eventually slamming into you, his balls smacking against your arse. You started moving along with him, meeting his thrusts halfway, always searching for more friction. The feeling of completeness had you both letting out frenetic, desirous moans which soon became a sublime chant of encouragement to keep going.
It got to the point where you could not even scream anymore, completely overwhelmed by his cock taking care of you in the best way. Despite your vision having become somewhat blurry, you managed to make out his dishevelled appearance, with his ruffled hair sticking to his forehead and falling in front of his eyes, which were screwed shut, unlike his gaping mouth, which was letting out ferocious, hungry growls.
You gasped and caught a whiff of his sophisticated cologne, a fusion of woody and vetiver undertones, and you became a little more entranced by his undeniable charm. It was as if you were falling in love with him all over again.
Your nails dug into the back of his hands, so deep that it must have hurt without a doubt, but Sebastian had no reaction, because you had already saturated all his senses. Your eyes rolled back in the back of your head, while his impressive length stretched your walls to their maximum capacity, repeatedly hitting that one spot that made you feel on the verge of ecstasy.
Sebastian knew you were about to come again when your thighs began to spasm. The fun was not going to last much longer, but that did not matter because it had been intense, and Sebastian was close too anyway.
Still overly sensitive from your first orgasm, you reached your second peak in record time as you properly screamed, “Sebastian!”
Your velvety walls clenched around him, almost making it impossible for him to move, and that was all it took for him to see stars (on top of the enormous sense of pride he felt since his name had rolled off your tongue). There was nothing he could do to stop himself from falling over the edge and spilling deep inside you.
He remained buried within you for a moment longer, and gave a couple of slow, lazy thrusts in order to pump himself dry of his seed, and give you a moment to ride out your orgasm. He then rolled over beside you, trying to catch his breath.
“Seb…” You called out, just as breathless. “That was amazing.”
“Suppose I’ve been a good Valentine, hmm?” He asked as he snaked his arms around your waist to tug your figure against his. His fingertips started tracing your smooth skin up and down your arm.
“You know you are. You’re everything I could ever ask for.” You rested your head on his chest and listened to his soothing heartbeat. “I love you, Seb.”
“And I love you more, darling.” He whispered, as he felt you starting to fall asleep in his arms.
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slutshamethesquirrels · 3 months
Shamesy's Fic Recs
(this post will forever be under construction. you can find my own fics here if you like, or you can munch up anything on this list)
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Authors of The Highest Honor:
All of these authors get my umbrella stamp of approval, assume any of their work is good because it IS. This is a rarity from me so trust if they've got my approval their writing is supreme!! I also will not post any authors here that are unkind/rude to their readers, so you can feel comfortable exploring their AU's as needed and feel comfy with commenting and showing them some love!
I will not be diving into any fic reviews from these guys here bc all of their work elicits such emotion from me that i could write a fucking collegiate thesis on why I love them. I'm serious. Read everything they've ever written.
hayakawalove (Ao3) // @hayakawalove
vallification (Ao3) // @vallification
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Chaptered Fic Recs:
Dishonorable by loversfleur (Ao3) (Geto x Fem!Reader)
Regency era Geto??? I fuckin- ASHSJHASJAB
Capacity by silkscreams (Ao3) (SatoSugu x Fem!Reader)
I cannot describe to you what this fic has done to me. It's tragic, it's hornknee, its a fucking masterpiece that makes me sob with every chapter im so for real. a must read.
Honesty Corner by mimiquack (Ao3) (SatoSugu)
my brother in christ this fic is a treasure. its sweet, its corny, its horny with just the right amount of angst. the way i would pop my whole shamussy for this version of geto IM-
Stop Me by septembersummer (Ao3) (Gojo x Fem!Reader)
!!! guys please be mindful of tags when reading anything by septembersummer. they are a crazy talented writer but they do like to get kinky and freaky and bed squeaky or w/e chappel roan said that one time !!!
oh god stop me is so fucking fantastic, i have no words. its dark AS HELL and deffo made me cry but y'all need it in your life if you haven't read it yet. septembersummer EATS idc idc call me a horndog
Embrace me tight (till I can't breathe) by Cynical_Bunny (Ao3)(Geto x Fem!Reader)
The Cult Leader's Quarry by QuinnyUndertow (Ao3) (Geto x Fem!Reader)
another one where you must be careful about tags but quinny is an absolute peach,, one of those authors i followed before i ever talked to and just absolutely fell in love with her beyond her great writing once i did. this ones raw, its horrific, its sexy. a must for our demented sugu lovers.
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One Shots / Shorties I can't forget:
Blurred Lines by yasu1234 (Ao3) (Gojo x Fem!Reader)
mmmmmmm this gojo is my favorite gojo. love him. love him irrevocably.
Wisteria and Ciabatta by hayakawalove (Ao3) (Geto x Fem!Reader)
i lied uptheread im so sorry this one deserves a highlight. not HISTORICAL WHIPPED SUGURU?????? hayakawalove is my personal beyonce- just crazy talented and for what
Amen by agent_cupcake (Ao3) (Geto x Fem!Reader)
CULT LEADER GETO! CULT ! LEADER! GETO! kinda kinky tho fair warning
Rub You The Right Way by daisynik (Ao3) (Choso x Fem!Reader)
daisynik has blessed us with the possibility of more chapters for this fic and i screamed when i found out. this is my favorite reader character kind of ever. choso and our mc are fucking DORKS in the best way. we love.
Welcome To The Itadori's! by tonycries (Tumblr)(Choso x Fem!Reader)
i am selective about my choso fics and this one is phenomenal! i love the way he's characterized here!! 10/10
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heart4reigns · 1 year
hii, It’s possible to get an jey uso x reader where reader is a very confident wrestler who openly flirts with jey all the time and makes it know to the whole wwe universe that’s her man when they’re not even together. jey laughs it off because he thinks it’s all for the cameras till reader stops flirting with him and ignores him because she thinks jey doesn’t like her like that. jey realizes that he does like her and now he has to chase her now
REALITY, jey uso.
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warnings: curse words, pet names
summary: you will never know what you have until it's gone
IT was well known that you were head over heels for the man sitting down next to you with a beautiful smile plastered on his face. every single person inside this building knew that you were practically in love with him. it all started as an inside joke with the creative board that they were going to pair you up with none other than the main event, jey uso. but you caught real feelings and it wasn’t for the show anymore.
he was everything that you have ever wanted in a boyfriend. kind, funny, and most importantly–he was patient. you loved him with all of your heart. “you look handsome.” you winked at him. “thanks, how do you like my new hair, (y/n)?” “beautiful as always.” you grinned. “you’re such a flirt.” jey chuckled, opening the door for you. “hey, i only flirt with you, baby.”
you fixed his mic and he helped you with yours. “ready?” “yep!” you were going to shoot a video with him on your day off. “the undisputed tag-team champions are here! this is (y/n)!” you introduced yourself to the camera. “jey uso right here and welcome back to playback!” he continued the introduction. you were shooting a youtube video with him today. “we’re gonna watch one of our best matches ever… god, this was life changing! my man and i against becky and seth.” you narrated the fight.
"that stomp was so devastating." you cringed at the memory. "got my ass complaining backstage." jey added. "right! i felt my soul flying as soon as his boot connected with your neck." you shuddered. "my man takes all the bumps and i have to take care of him backstage. countless medic dates with him." you nudged him with your elbow. "but i still love you." you snickered. "yeah, yeah. she takes care of me a lot."
“and… cut!” you immediately stretched out your body, still feeling sore after yesterday’s workout session. “looking pretty tired, mama.” he patted your back. “still have the energy for tonight though.” you were going to help jey unpack with his furniture, he recently moved to your neighborhood. jimmy and trinity were also going to help, the 4 of you were a pack, even after trin left the company. “should i buy you a housewarming gift?” you suggested. “it’s such a shame you moved before us getting married! you could’ve moved in with me, hubby.” you teased him. jey just shook his head in response. "whatever you say, mama."
several crews were paying attention to the two of you. “are they married?” one of them whispered. “oh, you must be new here. nah, (y/n) just likes to flirt with him.” the other one replied. even the staffs knew that you were always attached to the hip with him. people were practically wishing that the two of you would end up together. “come on, baby. let’s go. trin is spamming me with messages.” you intertwined his hands with yours. “yeah, yeah. we’ll go now.”
you picked up a box, putting it down in his living room. "i can't believe we're neighbors now!" you were practically jumping with excitement. "i mean... i think it was about time that i moved, that apartment was falling apart." jey chuckled, remembering his old place. "and lucky for me to have my hubby near me." jey ruffled your hair. "hey, don't touch my hair!" you pouted. "yeah, what are you gonna do about it?" "i'm gonna fight you." you threatened him in a joking way. "bring it on." that commenced the play fighting you had with him.
"okay, maybe we came in at the wrong time." jimmy opened the door, seeing you on the floor with jey. "hi guys!" you greeted them with a smile. "what were you doing?" trinity put the cake on the counter. "fighting him like usual." you had jey on headlock, causing him to groan. "i swear if we weren't acting on stage, you could actually beat my ass." he sighed. "let's get to work so we can eat cake!" you grinned, letting go of his head.
trinity and jimmy knew that the love you had for their little brother was pure. but jey uso was just unaware of that. he'd brush it off, acting as if this was all a long-running joke. "okay, i think i'll take my leave now. i have to call my brother tonight." you announced to your best friends. "oh, you're not staying here?" jey tilted his head. "i'd love to have a sleepover with you, hubby! but i can't, i'll stay over next time. bye!" you went over and kissed the top of his head, only causing him to chuckle.
once you were out, jimmy shook his head. "swear no one loves you like she does." "nah, it's just a best friend thingy. she doesn't love me like that, dawg." jimmy and trin groaned in unison. "whatever you say, man."
friday came by and you arrived early to run some lines with jey. the two of you were going to cut a promo together, building up for a match against sami and kevin. “hiiiii!” you greeted him, walking into the locker room. “hey.” he replied with a smile. you couldn’t help but to feel butterflies in your stomach. “soooo,” you paused for a second, taking a seat next to him. “are we gonna kiss tonight?” jey rolled his eyes in a joking way. “you’re always trying to kiss me, mama.” “maybe that’s because i like you and i think you’re pretty.” you winked at him.
“the undisputed tag-team champions, jey uso and (y/n) (l/n)!” as usual, you were walking hand in hand with jey, your belts hanging off the your left arm. “let’s go, let’s go!” you hyped yourself up, taking in the energy from the crowd. “ay, ay! miami, we are in your city!” jey yelled to the microphone, lifting his finger up, playing out the script. “hiiiiii everyone!” you greeted the crowd with your usual cheery tone, earning a ‘hiiiii’ from them. “right, right. it’s about to be brutal for sami and kevin, i love their asses but they attacked my man last week! i’m gonna make it personal.” you played out the part.
jey was standing next to you, fully paying attention to you. he loved how you were so passionate about your work. especially your role. he thought that your flirty act was part of the joke, so he was used to you flirting around. but jey never thought of it being serious. with the gimmick you played out together as boyfriend and girlfriend, he grew accustomed to your flirty nature.
“damn, what a promo we did.” jey jumped on the locker room couch, feeling tired. “you did great babe!” you teased him. “and you look very boyfriend-ish today with your outift.” you added, winking at him. “i don't get it why you still flirt with me, it's so funny to me that you still play out your roll when we're off stage. that's very funny to me, i respect your dedication, (y/n).” he chuckled. his sentence made your heart drop.
your felt a pang on your chest. oh… oh, you thought. you didn't say anything. "you're riding with me right?" you shook your head. "actually, i think i'm sitting with bayley, she was trying to tell me something earlier." you lied, still trying to hold back your tears. he thought you were just messing around this entire time and that hurt your feelings. "oh, okay."
thankfully, you spotted bayley coming out of the locker room with iyo and dakota. "i need help." you muttered. "you looked stressed out, what's up?" she raised a brow. "can i just ride with you guys?" the women immediately knew that you were trying to avoid someone. "our bus is always open for you, babe." dakota patted your back.
jey didn't spot you on the way back to the bus. "anyone seen (y/n)?" he asked his coworkers. "she went with bayley, their bus left like 10 minutes ago." bianca replied, not looking up from her phone. "oh." jey took a seat on the back of the bus, alone, of course. "weird seeing you not sitting with (y/n)." montez added. "this is my first time not riding with her in years." jey admitted. it does feel weird, he thought. but like usual, jey immediately brushed it off, plugging in his headphones, not wanting to think about anything.
the night felt long to you. you sighed, brushing your wet hair as you felt a pang on your chest, replaying the conversation from earlier. “hey gir- are you okay?” trinity picked up the phone, clearly concerned about your current situation. “are you with jimmy?” trinity shook her head. “jey thinks i’m just joking around babe, isn’t it obvious that i am in love with him?” trin immediately understood your sentence. “i’m sorry, babes…” she sighed. “whatever, i guess. i’m being dramatic. i don’t want to deal with him.” you wiped the tear stain on your cheek.
“maybe i should just distance myself, trin. yeah… i'm not going bowling tomorrow.” trin smiled at you, pity plastering her face. “you know what’s best for you, babes. i’m here if you need to talk okay? i’ll even beat his ass if you want me to!” that sentence made you chuckle. “you don’t need to do that trin… i guess i’ll just watch some sad movies. good night, i love you.” “i love you too! let me send you some ice cream!” as soon as you sat down on your couch, you heard your notifications going off.
jey!!: still up for bowling tmrw with roman and the others?
jey!!: i’ll pick you up if you want to
jey!!: hellooooo?
jey!!: damn did you pass out or something?
jey!!: aight text me when you wake up good night
he furrowed his brows, waiting for you to respond. it had been a day and you still haven't replied. “(y/n) didn’t reply all night, you know where she at?” jey asked trinity. “nope, she didn’t reply to me too. think she’s out cold.” trin lied, trying to keep your secret. “damn… she loves bowling. i guess i’ll take her next week.” trin wanted to roll her eyes but she just nodded.
jey was walking alone in the arena. you didn’t reply to his text messages and it felt weird walking alone, not having you near him. “I’VE BEEN SAYING LIKE… THAT SHIT WAS SO FUNNY!” he heard your loud voice, decorating the empty hallways. jey immediately smiled and went inside the locker room, expecting you to jump in his arms, hugging him. the two of you hadn’t seen each other in a week and he missed your positive radiant energy.
you didn’t realize that he entered the locker room, you were still laughing with bayley over some dumb incident that happened weeks ago. “(y/n)! where have you been?” jey greeted you. this time, the hug he was expecting wasn’t there. all he saw was your smile dropping and a simple wave. “anyways, i need to go get ready for my interview, see you bayley.” you walked pass him. after closing the locker room door, he heard your laugh again. “iyo! hi, missed you!”
that was weird, jey thought. but he brushed it off as usual. sure, you had your days where you were not your usual self, but this was all new to him. you never ignored him before. showtime came and you were going to come out with him like usual. jey was already in gorilla position, waiting for you to come. “where were you?” he asked, clearly confused. “i was with iyo.” you shortly replied, not looking at him. “are you okay?” jey furrowed his brows. “perfect.” your music started and you immediately took his hand like usual.
“you killed it, mama!” the segment ended and the two of you walked back to the hallways. “thanks.” once again, you shortly replied. before jey could say anything, you walked to the bathroom, avoiding further interactions. you really didn't have the energy to talk to him. you loved him but he didn’t feel the same and you were still in denial about it. so you chose to push him away–despite wanting to hold his hands like usual, you couldn’t.
“anyone know what’s wrong with (y/n)?” jey entered the bloodline's locker room, earning glances from his faction. “what do you mean?” roman asked, furrowing his brows in confusion. “i don’t know, she’s ignoring me and my texts.” jey sat down on the bench, feeling all confused. “she asked me what tie i was wearing so we could have matching sets.” paul joined the conversation. she even replied to paul, jey thought. you hated replying to the old man’s messages because it would end with a long paragraph about taking care of your own health. something was definitely wrong.
practice day came and jey was in front of your house, waiting for you to come out. you didn’t pick up his call and replied to his messages, but he was still going to pick you up like usual. his train of thought was cut off by his phone ringing. “dude, where are you? everyone’s here and we’re waiting for you!” sami’s voice was loud and clear. “i’m waiting for (y/n), in front of her house right now.” “what do you mean you’re waiting for (y/n)? she came here with roman like an hour ago. they’re warming up.”
“okay, i’m here now!” jey saw the entire faction, sami, and kevin waiting for him. “shit, (y/n). i didn’t know you went with roman, could’ve replied to my texts or calls.” jey complained. he was expecting a snarky or sarcastic reply, or even a flirtatious respond, but you only nodded at his sentence. “sorry.” you muttered. “you wanna go now?” sami asked you. “sure!” your tone switched when you replied to sami.
you got into the ring with sami, practicing the choreography. jey watched you from the side, puzzled with your cold behavior at him. you were all smiles when sami accidentally tripped over your foot. “come on, get up!” you chuckled. “sorry, sorry! it was my fault.” sami replied, pulling you up from your current position. “come on, (y/n)! you can do this.” you looked at jey and didn’t respond, only focusing on hitting a punch on sami’s shoulders. “wanna tag me in?” jey jumped inside the ring. “just wait a bit, i was having fun with sami.” you stared at him with a deadpanned expression.
“did i do something wrong?” jey finally asked the question. “no?” you raised a brow. “then why are you acting cold to me, (y/n)?” you shrugged your shoulders. “nothing is wrong, jey.” you never said his name after you gained feelings for him, it was always cute pet names like ‘baby’ or even ‘hubby’. but hearing you say his name, his chest tightened a bit. “just tag in,” you paused for a second, slapping his hand in a quick motion. “i’ll be with kevin in the ring next room if you need anything.”
"good practice guys!" you smiled at them, not paying attention to jey, who was still in the ring. "alright, let's go, you haven't packed right?" roman spoke up. "yeah, thanks for reminding me. let's go home!" you nodded. "you're not riding back with me?" jey spoke up. "no, i came here with roman." "you know his house is like a 30 minute drive from ours right?" he raised a brow. "and? he offered to drive me home, jey. do i see him complaining?" you stared at him. everyone felt the tension surrounding the two of you. "okay, okay. calm down." solo patted your back, completely diffusing the situation.
roman definitely knew what was going on. "so, you broke up with him or what?" he asked. "no... we weren't even dating, uce." you sighed. "but why the hell are you acting all cold to him?" you went over the story of how he thought you were just joking around. "damn, that man really needs a reality check." roman said after you finished your ranting. "maybe he just doesn't like me and i'm trying too hard or i am just being dramatic." you sighed. "nah, (y/n). we all know you love him, just don't be too hard on yourself."
jey ended up riding with jimmy. "you look pissed as hell, what's up?" jimmy asked, munching on his food. the two brothers were in a random parking lot, eating their feelings out. "(y/n) has been very cold to me. i don't know what i did." he sighed. "what do you mean by that?" jimmy furrowed his brows. "she never replied to my texts, she doesn't flirt around with me, avoided every interaction, she's not touchy, and overall... it feels weird without her." jimmy smacked the back of his younger twin's neck.
"are you fucking serious?" jimmy groaned. "what?" jey gritted his teeth. "bro, do i really need to be the one saying this to you?" "just say it." jimmy sighed. "she's in love with you, bro. do you think it's all an act? she's been in love with you since day 1. i know it's all for the gimmick, acting out as boyfriend and girlfriend," he paused for a second. "but she's head over heels for you. what the fuck did you say to her to make her act distant?"
then it hit him. "i laughed it off. i told her that she could drop the act since the cameras weren't rolling..." "i swear if you weren't my brother, i'd beat your ass right now." jimmy rolled his eyes. "now, do you love her back?" that question made jey drop his phone on his lap. do i love her? he thought. jey had never felt so comfortable with anyone but you. jey loved seeing your cheery attitude, he loved the way you could light up the room with your laugh, he loved the way you were always there for him, and he just realized that he loved you.
jey breathed out the cold air of december. he was in front of your house, carrying a bouquet. it took him only 5 minutes to walk to your house as you were neighbors now. he knocked on your door, waiting for you to open it. his heart was beating faster than usual as he tapped his foot in nervousness. "wait a bit!" jey heard your footsteps. you opened the door, seeing him with a smile on his face. "yes, how may i help- jey?" "i'm sorry."
"what are you doing here?" you furrowed your brows. "just... hear me out," he paused for a second. you crossed your arms, listening to him. "i'm sorry." he repeated. "for what?" you barked at him. "i'm sorry for not taking you seriously, i should've realized that you were in love with me and i was blinded by the fact that i thought it was an act..." your cold persona dropped after hearing his sentence. "i'm sorry that i brushed it off." you sighed.
"thank you for apologizing. i know that you don't see me the same way, i'll just stop the way i act-" before you could finish your sentence, he dropped the flowers and pulled you closer. jey kissed you and you were over the moon. "i love you, please don't ever ignore me... i'm sorry, baby." he apologized once again. "you love me?" you looked up at him. "i do." his sentence made you smile. "sorry for ignoring you, i thought that would make it easier for me to stop loving you." you admitted. "please don't ever ignore me again, i could literally die without you." he kissed your forehead. "i'll bother you until the sun burns out."
a/n: OMGGGGGGGGGG I LOVED WRITING THIS i hope y'all enjoyed it because i did... i love writing jey so much tbh like i just love him omg!!!! <3 feedbacks are highly appreciated like usual <3
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buggybambi · 7 months
exes with benefits | lip gallagher
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inspired by: olivia rodrigo's "bad idea, right?" (2023)
wc: 1.83k | nav post mae note: okay i hate the ending of this so if anyone else hates it please lmk and i will adjust it because ugh i changed it like three times and it still feels... meh? idk i feel like i need to make a part two (if people even like this??)
rating: 18+ post, minors dni. :-) content warnings: fem!reader / afab!reader, unwrapped p in v (wrap it before you tap it!), kinda public sex??, exes hooking up, plot with little plot, unsettled ending lmfao, fem!fingering, oral (f recieving) bc lets be honest lip is a munch, brief mention of reader wearing panties/a bra
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House parties were never really your "scene".
The chaos and uncertaintiy of whose house you're even in, the smell of colognes and perfumes and sweat, the alcohol being mixed together in plastic cups that are discarded on the floor later that smell like Disneyland if it wasn't cleaned in a month-. Every part of a house party sounds awful. So, why are you standing in one now?
Well, your friend Lauren would be the reason why. Work had been a bitch for her recently - her words not yours - and you had gone through a breakup recently, prompting her to suggest a girl's night out. How you ended up at a house party from the crappy bar she dragged you to in downtown Chicago was beyond you.
"C'mon! This is totally gonna distract you from Lippy and all the drama he brought. To being single!" Lauren drunkingly cheers as she holds up her plastic cup of (you're sure) three different kinds of alcohol. You hold up your glass of water barely, running a hand over your face. "Yeah, can we not announce that?" You ask.
Two seconds later, she's giggling with a guy leading her up the stairs. You sigh, turning to go get some fresh air when there he stands. Lip Gallagher. Your freshly appointed ex-boyfriend. Or Lippy, as Lauren refers to him.
You and Lip had dated for two years, but you'd known him since you were kids. Your relationship was perfect, until one night. When he called you clingy, a bitch - this was of course after not talking to you for almost a whole week. You told him that night you were done with him. That he could call when he figured himself out.
He didn't call. It'd been a month.
It doesn't feel real that time has passed that quickly, because part of you is still stuck in his bedroom. Right where he left you. A lesson well learned.
"Hi." He says, as he stares at you. You stare right back.
"Hi." You manage to get out, clearing your throat. "I have to go-"
"Wait. Can we talk, please?" He asks, walking over to you, a hand on your arm as he whispers to you. The world stops for a pause before you nod. "Fine." You agree.
You let him lead you upstairs into an empty room, taking it in. It looks to be a guest bedroom, few decorations other then picture frames with the "welcome to our home" and flower vases on the nightstands.
"Welcome to my hell" would be a better fit.
"Why are we avoiding each other like this? You've been my best friend since I was fucking ten years old, I don't want us to lose each other like this." He says as you sit on the edge of the bed, taking note of the floral bedspread. "We already lost each other, Lip. A long time ago." You point out.
"Don't do this shit, don't be all cryptic." He rolls his eyes as you stand right back up, almost giving yourself whiplash. But that's disregarded when every memory floods back to you.
"Oh my God! What the hell do you want from me, Lip, huh? You want me to just forget every single thing you said to me? Or maybe you want me to just forget how you avoided me like the damn plague for a week before you finally did call me just to blow up at me and tell me you didn't want to be with me anymore. You can't go from telling me I was your favorite person to telling me you think I'm a bitch. And I can’t even look at my favorite person anymore, so what the fuck do you expect me to do?" You burst out, turning away from him, staring out the window.
It's silent for what feels like an eternity before you feel his arms wrap around your waist from behind. "I don't want to lose you. I- I haven't been me since you left. Please." He isn't sure what he's even begging for from you, but his voice is soft enough where you feel yourself wanting to give in.
This was a bad idea, right? After all, he was your ex. But you're both mature adults, can't two people reconnect? You'd only see him as a friend this time, it wasn't like he had to be something more.
You sigh as you push his arms off, walking for the door, waiting for a moment before locking it. You turn back around to face him, walking over to him and barely grazing his lips with your own to tease him before he kisses you. His hands find themselves on your waist like how he used to put them there when he kissed you like this.
Used. It still doesn't feel real to use parts of your relationship in the past tense. How you used to kiss him, how he used to hold you, how he used to be yours.
You kick your shoes off, and he does the same.
He pushes you back onto the bed, deepening the kiss. His tongue slides into your mouth easily, one hand on your back, the other sliding up your thigh. He knows your body so well, it's almost a science to him. He knows how your body reacts to certain touches. Certain places to kiss to make you giggle. Parts of your body that if he touches them, your back arches or you naturally move closer to them.
Like right now. His hand teasing around your sex, not quite touching where you so desperately want him.
His mouth only parts from yours to begin kissing down your jaw, then onto your neck. Finding solace there, he makes a mark on your pulse point, low moans erupting from you. Hands running through disheveled curls.
His hand finally reaches your cunt, and you hear him groan at the wetness growing on your panties. He looks at you for confirmation, and you nod desperately in return, not sure what he’s planning in that genius brain of his.
He removes your shirt so he can kiss your chest. Then your bottoms, leaving you in only your bra and panties. A finger slides those panties to the side, and he lets out another groan as he slides the digit past your slick folds, and you let out a gasp in return. You give a little tug to his hair and he almost moans at it, which you make a mental note of.
He thrusts his finger out, at a torturously slow pace, all while kissing down your body. You quickly realize when he grins up at you what he wants to do. What he feels he needs to do. You give him a nod of your approval, moans still flooding out.
He stops thrusting and removes his finger, only to replace it with his tongue. Sucking and kissing your clit, sliding his tongue in you while his hands run over skin on your thighs. You bite on your hand just to muffle your moans from the still active party outside, just as his nose bumps your clit.
“Shit, Lip. I'm close- fuck..” You whine as he laps desperately at your sex, and you can feel his smirk. "Language. Let go for me, baby, please." He requests softly, rubbing tiny circles on your clit.
You don't last long after that.
He lets your climax drip down your thighs, grinning to himself as he watches, feeling some of it on his jaw. "Need to feel you, please, Lip." You beg, and he frees himself from his boxers. Giving himself a few strokes before he lines himself up with his enterance. "You ready, sweet angel?" He asks, pressing his forehead against yours and lightly trailing slobbery kisses down your cheek before connecting to your lips. You pull away only after a second, whispering a soft "yes, please" before you're kissing his jaw in anticipation.
He groans, inserting himself past your now damp folds, thrusting gently in and out. He watches as his dick is swallowed by your cunt, your walls fluttering around him like it’s a familiar friend coming back.
Truth be told, he wasn’t sure why he pushed you away. Maybe he let the negative thoughts that you were too good for him take over. Maybe it was just the Gallagher thing to do.
But he’d regret it for the rest of his life.
Your moan brings him back to reality, hands on his shoulders as he finds a new position to fuck deeper into you, and he finds himself groaning as your nails dig into his skin. You quickly learn by the way his dick twitches he enjoys that.
And he learns by the way your walls squeeze around him you like it when he hits that spot in you. The spot that makes your head feel blurry, the spot that replaces every thought with his name. The spot that makes moans come out of you, the spot that makes the familiar heat in your belly grow.
“Fuck, Lip, I’m gonna-” Your words are cut off when he hits that spot again, even with a new angle. His forehead pressed against yours, sweat connecting with sweat. “Shit angel, you were just made for me. Pretty pussy just missed me, huh?” His words slur from the pleasure clouding his senses.
Your moans and mixtures of his name are more of an answer for him. The room smelled like sex, sound of skin slapping against skin filled it. He pressed his lips against yours, swallowing your moans as he rubbed small circles on your aching clit, and he feels the familiar white heat pouring out of your cunt.
He doesn’t last long, burying his seed deep in you. Swallowing your whines and moans as he pulls out, only breaking the kiss to stare at you, both of your chests heaving as you catch your breath. Watch your eyes having a silent conversation with his.
He lays down beside you. He watches as you run a hand over your face, and he decides to wash you both up. Returning with a damp washcloth, he helps get you cleaned up and setting your clothes on the end of the bed.
“So, uhm..” He tries to think of a conversation starter, and you shake your head, holding a hand up. “We shouldn’t have done this.” You whisper, frowning as you grab your clothes, slowly redressing yourself.
“You don’t have to go. We can go back to your place or mine and we can just talk.” You don’t realize he’s begging rather than requesting. This can’t be how you and him say goodbye after seeing each other again for the first time.
"I can't do this, Lip." You point out as you fight to get your shoes on.
You’d only see him as a friend.. biggest lie you ever said.
"I love you." He says. "I was an idiot for not saying it before so I'm saying it now. I'm in love with you and I always will be."
Definetly a lie now.
˙ ✩°˖🌸 ⋆。˚꩜
thank you for reading! please feel free to engage with this post by reblogging, commenting or sliding into my inbox to leave feedback! i appreciate all of you! if you enjoyed reading this you can definetly check out my lip gallagher masterlist here -> click me!
- mae:)
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scar-lie · 1 year
You’re Mine [Scarlett]
Summary : Scarlett got jealous over Tom Hiddleston
Pairing : Scarlett Johansson x Actress ! Fem ! Reader
Warning : Curse, unprotected sex, cock warming, rough sex, praise kink, creampie
Word count : 1,877
No one has permission to repost my work anywhere, if you see it let me know.
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We're here on the set of Civil War. Well, it's 1 a.m., and here we are outside talking around a bonfire, eating marshmallows, and just asking one another
I'm sitting besides Scar, my girlfriend of 3 years now. We sit in a love seat, and my legs are on top of hers. Her right arm was behind my neck, making it like my pillow, and her left hand was in my inner thigh.
Me, Scar, RDJ, Hemsworth, Evans, Lizzie, Anthony, Sebastian, Jeremy, Paul, and Hiddleston, who visited us and decided to stay the night here, and the others are already asleep in their trailer.
"Ok... Ok Y/N," RDJ said, and look at me. I hum.
"So who's the best kisser and sex you have besides Scarlett?" I look at Scar, who was eyeing all of them, giggling. I'm not sure if I should tell her because things can escalate pretty quickly.
Then I see Lizzie, Anthony, and Paul whispering while giggling. Oh no, they're probably thinking this will be a long night for me and Scar.
"I don't think it's appropriate to talk about it," I say, going even closer to Scar and putting my right arms around her waist, then kissing her neck.
"Oh, come on, it's not like Scar will kill them," Robert teases.
"Yeah, it's just a little game; come on," Anthony says, and I roll my eyes at them.
After some time, they started bugging me. I got irritated and sat up straight.
"FINE. FINE!" I yell frustratedly, then I look at Scar, then at Tom, and I sigh deeply.
"It's Tom," I whisper enough for me to hear, well me and Tom got together 6 years ago; we've been dating for over, like, 6 or 7 years; he's one of my greatest loves, what can I say? He's charming, kind, thoughtful, and everything good; even in bed, he's the second best. Of course, Scar is the best in the bedroom; she makes me feel so good that I've never felt it before.
He's the last ex I have, and after him, 1 year later, Scar courted me, and she spent 2 years earning my yes to be her girlfriend. Why did she spend two years courting me? Well, let's just say that after Tom, I have trouble trusting anyone who likes me, so it takes time to say yes.
"What? Louder Y/N, we can't hear you," Hemsworth said, and I closed my eyes tightly and sighed deeply.
"Tom Hiddleston, ok?" I say louder for them to hear and look at Tom.
Then I heard a loud 'ohh. Then I could feel that Scar are getting jealous, so I broke eye contact with Tom.
"So Tom was good in bed, huh?" Anthony teases, so I just nod, then another 'oohh' again.
"Is he rough? Probably yes! Duh, and probably a Daddy vibe." Robert teases and wiggles his eyebrows looking at me, so I just giggle and roll my eyes at him.
"Robert's right; I'm probably rocking your world," Evans teases and winks at me. I just roll my eyes, and then the teasing goes on until Scar gets involved too, saying that if she can rock my world, Tom can do it too.
So I snuggled up to her; she didn't say a single word this whole teasing time. Feeling her jealousy, her jaw was clenching tightly, so I buried my face in her neck and hugged her, then kissed her neck.
"I love you so much," I whisper, only for her to hear. One last tease, and Scar is already beyond her limits.
She just stood up, put me over her shoulder, and just walked off. I looked at them, and they were winking and thumbing up at me.
"You're welcome," Robert mouthed to me, giving me a thumbs up. I just put my middle finger up for him, and they all chuckled.
Scar, go to her trailer, lock the door, go to the bedroom, and throw me on the bed.
"Sca-" I got cut off when she kissed me aggressively, but I melted to it and kissed her back.
She sat up and tore my shirt off, which made me moan and bite my lips. I saw her bulge, so I touched it but got stopped immediately.
"You don't get to touch me, slut." She husked in my ears and grabbed my both wrists and took a silk rope from her nightstand, then tied it in the bedpost.
"Sca-" I got cut off again by her.
"That's not my name, slut." Then she tied it tightly, but not so tight that it could hurt me.
"Sorry, Mommy," I correct myself, that she smirked, then she tore my PJ pants, which left me with a navy blue lace lingerie set.
"I don't like how you acted minutes ago," She whispered seductively in my ears while she was teasing my folds through my thin fabric underwear.
"Is Tom your best sex mate?" she asks, then rips my underwear, which makes me moan.
"N-no..Mommy." Then she started to circle and put pressure on my clit
"Is he that good in bed, slut, huh?" then she starts to suck on my sweet spot, which makes me gasp and throw my head back, tugging the rope.
"Mo-mommy...." I moan loudly, and she sits up, which makes me whine.
"You're too loud, baby." Then she took my ripped underwear and put it in my mouth.
"You look so beautiful like this slut," she said, then tore my bra too and started to suck my tits.
"Mmmmhhh," I moan, arching my back and chest.
"Are you going to be a good girl?" she husked, reaching into her nightstand, then pulling out a vibrator.
"Mmmmhhh," I moan, and then I hear a vibrating sound that makes me moan.
"Mmhh, I'll take that as a no for an answer." She smirks, then continues sucking my breast, then puts the vibrator on my clitoral area, which makes me squirm.
"Mo-momny..mmhh, please." I moan, the words muffled, and tug the ropes, wanting to touch her.
"Look at you, so desperate to touch me, huh?" Then she went lower and lower until she came face to face with my center.
"Mmmhhh, please, Mommy. Please fuck me." I'm begging, but it's all come out muffled because of the fabric in my mouth. Then I arch my hip towards the vibrator, and she slaps my inner thigh.
"Stay," She growled, so I tried my hardest not to buckle my hips.
"Good girl." She praises me, and she blows an air in my clitoral area that makes me throw my head back.
"AAHH!" I moan, wanting her to just fuck the shit out of me, then she starts to lick me.
"Mmhh, so sweet." Then she put three fingers in me, which made me moan louder and arch my back further.
"So wet for Mommy." Then she started to speed up to an inhuman speed that left me panting.
"Such a good girl for mommy, aren't you, slut?" She took off the vibrator, to be replaced by her mouth sucking it hard.
"AAAHGGHHHHHH!" I'm screaming at this point, and she continued her assault, destroying my pussy
"I'm so close; I'm clenching around her fingers, and when I'm near cumming, she suddenly pulls out and takes her mouth off of my clitoral area, which makes me whine.
"Mmmhhh," I whine, and she slaps my pussy, which makes me jolt up, pleasure rushing through my body.
AAAHHMMMMM," I moan, and she teases my folds.
"You think you can cum that easily, slut? Oh, Mommy has many plans for you." She smirks at me and starts to edge me again, leaving me so desperate to cum.
She did that for like 30 minutes, and the fabric in my mouth was long gone minutes ago, and now she was pumping in and out a fake dildo in me.
"Please........please Mommy, let me cum please, I-I'm sorry......aaahhhhh fu-fuck........ Yo-you're the best of....fu-fuck, the best, please Mommy" I'm gripping the rope tightly, knuckles go white, while I throw my head back and my legs are shaking wanting to cum
"Is that so, slut?" Then again she pulled out, leaving me on the edge.
"Mmhh, yes, Mommy, please........ I-I need you-your.....fat cock inside me, filling me up with your warm seed. Please, Mommy." I moan, bucking my hips to nothing, finding some friction to pleasure me.
"Such a slut for me." Then she suddenly trusted in me instantly, then pulled all the way out. That makes me whine.
"Mmmhhhh, please, please mommy, fuck me. Fuck me senseless, please." I'm rolling my hips to reach out for her, and she chuckled.
"So desperate for Mommy, huh?......" Then she put both legs together on her left shoulder, holding it tight.
"I'm going to fuck you real good; I'm going to destroy this beautiful little cunt of yours." Then she trusted hard and faster, making me moan loudly and grip the head board tightly.
"You. Are. Mine. Slut. Mine," She said with a hard trust, and I didn't say anything or moan because of the pleasure I'm receiving; only our skin slapping can be heard all over the room.
"Not. Tom. Not your exes. Nor anyone. You. Are. Mine," She said, and I was a moaning mess under her.
"I'll make you remember it, slut." My legs are shaking, wanting to cum. I'm so close that I'm clenching around her length, which makes her groan.
"Aaahh. I'm go-gonna cum. Please, Mommy, let me cum." She fastened her pace so much that I thought the bed would break.
"Hold it, slut, you don't get to cum without my permission." She's now jackhammering me, which made me squirm, throw my head back, and acrh my chest.
"AAAHHHHHH, I-I... CAN'T HOLD IT!" I scream, and I know she's close too because of her speed and her member twitching inside me.
"Hold it," She demanded, so I kept holding my orgasm until she's chasing her orgasm.
"Cum." With that one word, I cum hard on her, which makes my cum drip down to her balls and thighs to make a wet patch in the bed, and my cum drips down to my ass hole and butt going to the sheet, creating a wet patch too.
With that, she trusted hard and cummed all over inside me. She kept trusting hard, twitching her member inside me while she shot her warm seed inside me.
"AAAAHHHHHH....FUCK!" I scream with her, and she slows down her trusting to help us from our high.
We were panting while she's still trusting, and she dropped my legs down, and she stopped trusting, looking down to see her dick still deep inside me. That made her moan, and she slumbed down in front of me.
Both of our bodies are covered in our own sweat, but we couldn't care less; we're still panting and recovering from our high.
Then she turned us over, so I'm now on top of her, and she buried my face in her chest.
"I want you to cock warm me, sleep baby." And she kissed my head, and I hummed, tired from our hot session.
"I love you so much," She whispers, hovering over my lips, so I smile and peck her lips.
"I love you more," She chuckled, drawing shapes on my back and playing with my hair.
"Not possible, love." We both giggle until she sings me a lullaby that I love the most.
In just a few minutes, I fall asleep with her, happy and content with who we are and what we have right now!
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missmarveledsblog · 1 month
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Summary:  the gang made  a plan to set steve up and Y/n hopper up, did they expect it to go so well ?
Warning : smut , soft dom steve , praise kink , daddy kink , hair pulling   , spanking just steve unleashing his inner eddie to be fair . also everything nancy did and tension during season 4 we're just going to pretend it was us instead.  steve being fluffier than his hair . this is 18+ minors not welcome
As far as failed night go , he was starting to think this was possibly could be the best night of his life.  All he had to do was well  tell her how  he felt . which kinda was hard to do watching to move around her trailer wearing his t-shirt  making them popcorn  to watch a movie alone , together . the girl of his dreams , one that stood by everything , one who appreciated him .  little thing she would do told him as much  when they were hanging as group. she stop them teasing him about his failed love life , made sure eddie didn't eat his favourite snacks if he was running late , hell even having his favourite snacks there .  how she would actually listen to what he had to say during the whole upside down situation .  checking his wounds and making sure everything was healing  or cleaned properly.  how when he was pulled under water she was straight in after .. maybe shit he was idiot . the kids were right and it was right in front of him the whole time . he for once didn't think of his action , when she came over he helped her with placing the things down not before pulling her on to his lap and  cuddling her close , god her giggles made his day, a melody he could listen to on repeat he was sure of it .  " what has gotten into you harrington, not that i'm complaining  " her smile , that damned smile could make anyone's day brighter  . " something that took me way too long to do " he said proud his voice didn't squeak or waver  . " and what would that be " god he had the usually confident teasing yet kind and caring y/n nervous.  " taking that step   ,  a step we both wanted , to finally stop kidding myself and finally go after the girl i want so bad it physically hurts sometimes , making sure no one can take her away " he smiled leaning up and capturing her lips with his .  she wanted to punch herself the shit she  used to say about how ridiculous movie kissing was bullshit . she could literally eat her words with how wrong she was .  how his lips against hers felt like they were meant to be there . two puzzle pieces connect to reveal the whole picture. souls reconnecting after eternity searching for  each other , nerves coming to life , fire work the lot . 
Needing air they reluctantly pulled back , both shit eating grins on there faces .  " about time harrington i was beginning to lose hope " she sighed dramatically head falling against his chest. " hey you could have said something you know " he defended finger lifting her chin to make her eyes align with his . " maybe i was scared " she bit her lip which wasn't a lie  , she'd been the same telling the group they were seeing things .  " well i was was terrified , i mean imagine losing this beautiful , kind , sweetheart , kinda an asshole sarcastic woman and one of my best friends because i told her i love her so much it drive me insane" he bared it all everything he was feeling over the years . " wait love " she sat up looking at him fully searching his eyes  making sure it wasn't some stupid prank between him and the kids or eddie .  " love like full blown burn the world down for you love " he  repeated .  what words failed , actions didn't she crashed her lips against his  hungrily showing him how much she loved him , how he made her go on when she thought she couldn't , how he gave her the strength to fight when she felt weak . steve harrington held a place in her heart  since the moment she met him , those puppy brown eyes had her locked , hook , line and sinker .  she pulled the back of his neck in a bid to get closer , while her skin burned with a need  only he could satisfy .    a quick turn of positions and she was now straddling the man she dreamed about for so long .  steve kissed back harder like she was his only source of oxygen while his hands land on her hip pulling her closer .  like it was on instinct her hips rolled making the man  under let out the sexiest almost primal moan she had ever heard . it was surreal she had steve the hair harrington moaning beneath her .   " if we gonna do this baby girl then we are going to need that bed of yours " a husk almost whisper against her ear making her whimper. steve harrington made her  give out the neediest whimper  something she wasn't aware could happen.  " take me to bed steve " she moaned feeling his strain against his jeans . 
without be breaking the kiss , he lifted her effortlessly up off the chair , holding her steady as he kissed down her neck  the t-shirt he love seeing on  her was now in his way . she could feel her skin almost burn with desire pulling the shirt over her head showing  the pink lace bra hiding underneath . " i definitely died and now in heaven" he teased kissed down her chest as he hand pushed her bedroom door open and kicking it closed . laying her softly on the bed as she pulled her shorts off . " eager are we " he smirked seeing the lust blown eyes , kiss bitten lips and it was all for him .  " please steve fuck touch me , kiss me do something " she kneeled before him pulling him by his waist band .    "yeah i died and this is heaven " he growled pushing her on her back while giving her almost a bruising kiss .  licking , biting down her neck as he unclasped her bra sitting up to admire her , the dream he had were nothing in comparison to the real deal. " fuck you are so beautiful baby girl " his hand giving teasing pinches to her now hardened peaks .  " oh you like that huh baby" he grin bowing his head . at first it teasing kitten licks , before a hiss broken moan came from her lips feeling him sucking and  biting her nipples soft mouth making her core throb with a need . her panties drenched at the way he handled her in such as short space of time.  she felt a fire burn deeper when his kissing began to continue down her body .   even touch of his lips felt like her wildest dreams coming to life yet it still wasn't enough she needed more of him , all of him . " can i take these off"  he asked a false coyness lilt to his deep husky voice. " fuck yes please i need you " she whimpered . " oh baby girl daddy's gonna take care of you , be a good girl and sit back while i eat this little pussy of yours,  can you do that " fuck this was definitely a dream ." yes daddy i'll be good " .   she hissed feeling his finger sliding up and down painful slow yet not even where she wanted . " all this for me such a good girl ..mmm you taste fucking heavenly i knew you would my sweet beautiful girl " he moaned tongue swirling tasting her slick . never did he think he would have her  tasting so sweet on his tongue dancing on his taste buds it was safe to say he was already addicted. " mm fuck daddy " she cried feeling his tongue swirl around her puffy clit sending her head crashing against the pillow  the pulling his hair and her back arching at the sensation . steve harrington ate pussy like it was a five course meal and his last meal all in one . she felt her coil tighten and windup so tight she almost screamed when it snapped making his actions faster lapping up her orgasim . " fuck i'm doing that daily fucking hell baby you taste so good " he groaned wiping her juices from his face.  
" now i need to be in that pussy because i near damn came in my fucking boxers like a little virgin , can i fuck you my sweet girl " he smiled down seeing her blissed out face.  she couldn't speak all her mind consisted of was him and him needing to be inside her . " too cock drunk speak  that's ok daddy will take care of you " he growled teasing his cock through her folds coating him up ,underestimating his own control but slowly he began pushing in , feeling the softness of her walls  it was like she was made for him and him  alone .  she couldn't help the pleading and begging that flew out of her mouth nor if someone told her this would happen she'd laugh in their face yet here she was doing just that  .  " FUCK" she cried as he began to thrust hitting spots in her body she never knew where there ,  her nails  scraping down his back in a bid to pull him closer anyway she could but what surprised her most was when he pinned her hands above her head , fucking her into the mattress like it was his main goal in life  turning her on more that she even thought was possible . babbles and moans filling the room along with the filthiness spewing from the  mans mouth .  " daddy fuck just like that " she cried wanting to grab him but hell even the restricted movement made it better somehow. he let go of her hands gliding them down pinching her nipples as he passed them before he began circling her clit  . " we cum together baby i can feel it  " he growled as she clenched around . " now " his thrust sloppy then she felt his cum filling her up painting ever part of her cervix as she herself clenched down milking ever part of it .  " fuck that was...." she panted . " totally happening every chance we get .. i totally agree" he joked pulling out of her. " steve you know i love you too right .. so much it drives me insane " she leaned up lasily kissing him as he pulled her to his chest .  
bonus : 
" i'm not going in there but it's safe to say the plan worked and dustin is traumatise " robin nodded face in pure disgust. " who knew harrington was a kinky fuck " eddie smirked . " can we please just go " dustin whispered . " come on we can get the money of steve for therapy " robin led him toward eddies van . " HARRINGTON YOU ARE MY HERO " eddie yelled in . " munson come on before henderson barfs in your van " robin hissed. 
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hi! I'm not sure if your taking requests or not, if your not please ignore this, but could you please write a self aware dazai, or any characters you'd like, learning that the reader has similar trauma as dazai, just some small aspects are different? thank you for your time!!
Hello! Hope, you like this. You are welcome.
When they learned, that you have similar trauma
Self-Aware! Dazai Osamu x GN!Reader
(Slight Self-aware! Oda Sakunosuke x GN!Reader)
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Warning: Yandere, OOC, BSD characters stalks Reader, slight spoilers for "Dazai Osamu and dark era", mentions of death, few years ago Reader wasn't in the best place in their lives, English is my second language.
🪢🦀 It happened after you installed BSD Mayoi app and BSD gang gain access to the rest of your phone.
🪢🦀 Now they can hear your talking not only when you are using their app, reading manga/Light Novel or watching anime. Now they can hear you in your everyday life.
🪢🦀 Of course, they are looking after you for your own good. When they finally get to your world, they need to know who they should punish for wronging you.
🪢🦀 This cashier, who was rude to you and tried to scam you? Fitzgerald will destroy him financially.
🪢🦀 The terrible entitled parents in the park, who try to take away your phone and give to their children? Fukuzawa and Yosano will make them apologies.
🪢🦀 Entitled brats that ruined your notebooks? Elise and Q will show them, that you shouldn't be messed up with.
🪢🦀 Creepy old man that made you uncomfortable? Hirotsu and Melville will taught him some respect.
🪢🦀 But, until they find a way to your world, they only can send you some messages to lift your spirit up.
🪢🦀 Ango recently add another menu called "Message for you" to the game that allows them to leave you messages without adding presents. It's not that they were stingy, no. It happened because Gift Box won't allow them to send long messages. Moreover, they can send only one message per day. So, a new menu allows them to send more messages to you.
🪢🦀 You, for the most part, seem to be a cheerful person.
🪢🦀 So, when one day BSD gang felt that you are grieving, they were worried.
🪢🦀 They wanted to help you. But, the only thing they can do is sent another message to you.
🪢🦀 Dazai asked to be the one, who sent the message.
A familiar notification from "Message for You" popped up before your eyes. You mindlessly open it. It was a message from Dazai.
"[Y/N], dear, I hope you are doing well. If you are not... Well, do you want to talk about it? Dazai Osamu"
Little chibi Dazai was standing under the message text, looking at you. You stay silent for a moment. Then you start talking.
"I guess I can talk about it. Yes, you can't hear me, but, at least, I will talk this out. Today is the anniversary of my dear friend's death."
And you talked.
You talked about what happened few years ago. About feeling out of place. About feeling empty. About trying to find anything that can make you feel whole. About uncertainty in the future. About pressure from your family. About you failing in classes.
You talked about meeting your friend. About them been the best person in your life. About them helping you more than anyone at that period of time. They just were there. They didn't force you to speak about your feelings. Not only that, but they didn't shame you about your grades.
They were your anchor. Because of them, you were able to feel better. Life became good again.
And then they died.
You were crying, you can't manage to tell, how exactly they died. But you manage to say, that your friend died in a hospital. And that they managed to tell you something important. That you are good enough, that you shouldn't try to prove your worth to others. That your happiness matters.
Through sobs, you managed to whisper:
"If you think about it, Dazai, we are kinda the same. Both of us were lost, both of us were saved by a kind person, you by Oda, I by my friend, and both of us lost them. Thanks for listening. But, I think, I will go now."
You closed the app.
You didn't notice that Dazai sprite has tears in his eyes.
🪢🦀 For a moment, everyone was quiet. They were sad after learning about your past.
🪢🦀 Yosano, who already felt bad for hating you before, felt even worse.
🪢🦀 Some of the characters cried. They thought that it's unfair, that someone like you suffered through such traumatic experience.
🪢🦀 All characters were concerned about you. You didn't deserve to experience this pain. They will start working harder. They will reach your world.
🪢🦀 But Dazai has the strongest reaction.
🪢🦀 Dazai was paralyzed. He feels tears running down his cheeks. You two were the same. But, you did something, that Dazai can never do for you. You brought Oda back.
🪢🦀 Dazai looked at the Infirmary door. Oda was standing there, leaning on the wall. Oda also looked concerned and sad.
🪢🦀🍛 Few days ago, you got Oda's card from scout. And Oda, like Shibusawa a few months prior, appears in ADA's office. He was dizzy and lost, but, according to Yosano, he was fine mentally and physically and just needs some rest. Soon he will manage to walk around.
🪢🦀🍛 Dazai was ready to work 24/7 just to reach your world. Oda manage to stop Dazai, before he tried to threaten to shoot Ango, Katai and Fyodor if they didn't find a way to your world immediately.
🪢🦀 Dazai want to hold you in his arms. Dazai want to protect you. Dazai want to take your pain away. Dazai will do anything he can to be with you. You will be happy and safe. He will let you cry on his shoulder.
🍛 Oda want to console you. Oda want to be near you. He isn't planning to replace your friend, but he wants to become as important to you as them. When Oda recovers, he will do his best to help others with finding a way to you.
🪢🦀🍛 Both Oda and Dazai will send you encouraging messages. They will try to make you smile.
🪢🦀🍛 You may not see each other eye to eye, but you are important to them. And they want to keep you safe.
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howlingday · 3 months
Weiss: ...I wonder if Bleiss is happy or pissed that both the SDC and Jacques are dead.
Ruby: Why? What makes you say that?
Weiss: Judging by our last conversation...
--During the timeskip between Vols. 3 & 4--
Bleiss: Some days I can't stand being the literal Black Sheep of this whole wretched family.
Weiss: ...Is this in reference to-
Bleiss: Both.
Weiss: I think i'm starting to see where you're coming from.
Bleiss: I honestly can't wait for the day I get to see this damned company burn to the ground.
--Present Day--
Weiss: I wanna say pissed because she didn't do the deeds herself.
//Honestly, I headcanon that Bleiss is a Faunus to really fuck with the Schnee's.
"Mm... Darling?"
"Morning, Bleiss." The dark-haired young woman yawned, stretching before rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Did you sleep okay?"
"Yeah? Why wouldn't I?"
"Well, your... Your dad died."
"Oh, shit, that wasn't a dream, huh? Remind me to send Irondick a thank you basket."
"Bleiss, he's dead, too."
"Even better! He was the other half the reason Atlas was such a cold shithole."
"You don't feel bad about it?"
"Why would I?" She sat up. "The only person I liked in Atlas was my brother and my mother. And Willow, too, I guess."
"What about your sisters?"
"Prude and pruder?" Bleiss snarked with a curled lip.
"I'm serious, Bleiss."
"Jaune..." She sighed. It'd been ages since she'd used his real name. "Not all of us grew up in one, big, happy family, okay? Winter saw me as nuisance, at best, and Weiss might as well have put me in the same box as the White Fang. The only one in that family who actually wanted me was Whitley." Jaune was quiet. "Before I started living in their house, I was on the street, struggling to keep my real mom alive. And when she died, the only thing I had left to remember her was my hair." She reached up and pulled a bundled strand of curly, black hair out. "And it wasn't until I met you that I started letting it curl again. Everything there was so... strict Everybody needed a good dicking, and I was lucky enough to get mine from you."
"So... you don't regret it?"
"Regret what?"
"What?!" Bleiss whirled from where she sat to find no one beside her. "Darling?! Jaune?!"
"NO!" Bleiss awoke with a start, clutching her chest. She patted around her, blinding feeling and hoping that this, too, was only a dream. But it wasn't. It was real. Jaune was gone. If it wasn't for Winter, she would have stayed where the gate collapsed and waited for him to come through. But he didn't.
"Bleiss?" She spun to face the door, where Winter was standing. "Are you alright? I heard shouting."
"I'm..." Bleiss grit her teeth, looking down and gripping her sheets. "I'm fine."
She didn't look up, but she could hear the footsteps across the floor and feel the bed shift from the weight added. A cool hand was placed on her back and gently rubbed up and down, no greater than a few centimeters in motion. Bleiss responded by latching onto her big sister and heaving sobs into her chest. And she was embraced in kind.
A distant memory came into recall, on a similar night to this one. Bleiss had just moved into the Schnee home and had spent her first few nights weeping in her room. On one such night, someone had entered her room and held in this same way. Thinking back on it, this comfort likely came from the same person comforting now, just a decade or so younger.
"Thank you..." Bleiss whimpered.
"You're welcome, sister."
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We Are Ep.14: Part 1/3
Hello!!! =D
Welcome back to my crack posts!
Part 2, Part 3
Ep 14 ruined me, just so y'all know. I'm honestly scared for what the next episode will do to me. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!
Warning: long, long post 😊😅 (also divided into three parts this time because I wanted to screenshot the whole damn thing, but this is next best)
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I did not expect Q to be the one to stand up for Phum, but I wasn't really surprised after the last ep. Previously, he'd be the first one to go up in arms, but he's starting to understand maybe everything isn't that straightforward, and despite his friends meddling in his own relationship, he wants to leave Peem alone.
Conclusion: he's a very good friend.
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Of course. I should've known something like this would come up 😭
Of course they've taken baths together.
I love this friendship so much.
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You again. 😶 I swear to the gods, this guy will give me high blood pressure or something. Please please just leave Peem, alone. Learn to take a 'no' and mantain social distancing.
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Peem... you're too kind for your own good. (I get it though)
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You have no right to say that, especially without knowing the full story. But I'm feeling kind, so you're still a (mostly) decent human to me. Try not to ruin that impression. And never, ever again say anything to my babie Phum. Ever.
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Oh my gods my heart broke for Tan 🥺 Here he was, probably never having dated after he fell for Fang, so knowing that Fang had dated even after whatever they went through must be so painful to him.
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Just like we see Tan waving away Fang's insecurities every time, Fang does the very same for Tan.
I love them. <33
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They're both so whipped-
Fai: I didn't see anything 👀😗 (we all know she's fangirling so hard inside)
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Fai is me, I am Fai.
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No but, Phum, are you sure Peem staring at you for a long time won't make your heart race?
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Whipped. They're both so goddamn whipped. *sighs fondly*
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The horns I'm dying 😭😂
Phum wasn't even surprised 😭👍🏼
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Okay, not the best impromptu band performance/concert I've seen, but this is Thai BL, and they need some music and at least like 10 scenes with some band to pass whatever standard of approval, so I'll let it slide. Also, I'm terribly fond of these idiots. <3
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They're besties for a reason hehe
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You're asking the question, but are you ready for the answer?
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I have already gone crazy over this too many times, I really don't have the energy anymore.
Peem is definitely winning Best Non-Confession Confession of the Year Award.
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Are we still talking about the painting, or...?
Honestly though, when he was saying this I got actual flashbacks of Phum kicking the ball into his painting and how their relationship developed from there till where they are right now.
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He named it "Happy" because it's all the things that make him happy. 😶
I had to pause here to take a deep breath so I didn't break out in tears two eps in a row.
Also, taken together, they are a story in 3 pics.
I'm just gonna go sob in the corner.
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When faced with that smile and that "na, Peem, na" how could he ever deny Phum anything 😭
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Textbook definition of a blushing boy who just became boyfriends with his crush the boy he loves. <3
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No, he thinks he's a babygirl and rightfully so.
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THIS HUG. That's it. That's all I have to say. I have no words for how this made me feel, and will make me feel for the rest of the forseeable future.
I end Part 1 here. Part 2 and 3 will be out tomorrow (because they are quite a bit long and I have Thoughts about them that I need to write in detail)!
If you've gotten this far, thank you so much for reading!! 😊
Here, have a taco 🌮
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