#I'm also posting this bc the amount of notes the angsty posts I do makes me wanna eat GLASS why do we suffer so much
curapicas · 7 months
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CXS: Shut up I'm trying to think
LG: *smiles smittenly about it*
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obsidianbaby · 4 months
Don't Love Me Like A Brother - Prologue
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Brothers Best Friend Series - PROLOGUE
series synopsis - ronnie's younger brother, tyler, is a famous youtuber & influencer and is best friends with the sturniolos. This series will be following ronnie's life as she befriends the triplets and catches herself developing feelings for a certain someone...
**series will contain smut as it develops but warnings will be added to those specific chapters
**found myself writing a few flashback chapters before present day just to build up the established friendships bc I'm impatient and don't want the slow burn to drain anyone 😭
warnings/notes - no smut in this as it's just the prologue to introduce y'all to the story.
a/n - starting this series and im very exciteddddddd i hope y'all fuck with a slow burn, friends to lovers best friends brother type beat. Buckle up mfs it's gonna be an angsty ride
a/n pt 2 - im not gonna share who ronnie develops feelings for just yet I want y'all to be on edge okok enjoy MWAH xx
ronnies pov
having a brother who's famous on social media is humbling to say the least.
The amount of fan girls who have followed my accounts just because they're obsessed with him makes me question many people's sanity (including my own).
But tyler is one of my best friends. And thank god for my dad, who from the jump, did not tolerate any misogynistic bullshit from my brother.
Raising two kids as a single dad after my mom passed away (before ty and I were older than the age of 5) was tough for him and he embraced the times when he needed support (like when i first got my period, bless his heart he bought almost every type of menstrual product off the shelf).
His values were the perfect structure for us to grow up following; respect, open communication, giving our best efforts to everything (even if the only effort we could offer up was a 60% instead of a 100%)
My childhood friends would always whine about how "chill" my dad was. And it's not cause he didn't care, (he probably cares too much) but he didn't want to shield us either, knowing we need to learn how to exist in the world without him constantly up our asses.
"As long as we can talk about shit at the end of the day then we're good" one of his favorite mantras he would spew to me and ty when we would get caught doing something you might call a "right of passage" as a teenager.
And since it was just the three of us, we've always leaned on each other a lot. Sunday family dinners at nans' every week, taking turns helping my dad at his shop after school (he's a car mechanic), movie nights every thursday night where my dad would close up shop early, setting up the projector in the shop garage and ordering us pizza. My brother has been a best friend to me since I held him in my arms at the age of 3 when he was born.
And of course, we have the usual chaotic fights to the death like most siblings do, him pranking me in the most annoying ways, me making fun of his dumbass, him eating all of my food, me stealing his cool clothes, him begging me to uber him around everywhere, etc.
But we also just really enjoy each other's company too; going on late night walks around town, sitting in bed staying up talking all night, playing mario cart for hours (id always kick his ass), going adventuring together to forests or beaches, hanging out at the skate park together (me laughing at him eating shit and him chasing me around trying to whack me with his board), us both ditching our friends to stay at home and yap to each other instead, us having campfires in the backyard with both of our friend groups together, working on restoring mom's 1967 ford mustang together that she left us when she passed.
So when he came to me a few years back, during the pandemic, asking my thoughts on him posting on youtube, I was in full support (after teasing him that no one would find him, an 18 year old lanky white boy about to graduate high school funny or interesting. I have to keep him humble ya know?)
But his first few videos on youtube went viral and his following kept growing daily, especially when he started posting on tiktok too.
He's had me (and even my dad) featured in his videos which i don't mind at all (since im the one that's editing them)
I can see why the internet loves him (i did help raise him of course).
But since he's hit over 3 million on youtube last year, he's been doing a shit ton of collabs with other influencers and youtubers; the sturniolo triplets, larray, emma chamberlain, jake webster, tarayummy, vinnie hacker, carrington, etc.
And these days I try to stay behind the scenes as much as possible, trying to enjoy my solitude away from the opinions of crazy fans. (why do they care so much about what im doing anyways?)
Yet he understands (thank god) and he's always inviting me to come hangout with the friends he's made through social media, and i can't lie and say i don't enjoy being in the company of such dope (and attractive) people.
a/n - hellooooo i have a few more parts already written for this but im gonna wait to see how this post goes first (because i have a dire need for validation and praise) anywaysssss thank you for reading mwah xx
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crystalflygeo · 1 year
i was thinking about you (and ovipos!morax...again) earlier, and i just want you to know that your writing inspires me to throw caution to the wind.
like, i used to hesitate and ask myself how will this be received? will ppl get mad or offended if i write my wildest fantasies? will i alienate certain readers if i go too far?
but i've realized while writing this zhongli scent thing that you've given me the courage to just let it all hang out. to write what i'm passionate about and put it out there. it takes courage (or is it madness?) to throw your creation to the wolves in hopes that it won't be torn apart. i've also taken a few pages from your book, as it were, and fkd,dmdjdkddk CRYS? my depravity has graduated to a whole new level and it is exhilarating.
so...just...thank you. for being a fearless writer and an amazing human! i give you kitheth mwahmwah! 🧡
hahaha omg I really did give you brainrot huh welcome to my world//HIT
I mean I would say it depends on what you want to do, what you hope to achieve or what direction you wanna go with your blog, most people write sfw with a dash of nsfw around or half and half. I specifically just do nsfw and hyperfixate on zhongli only (hehe) but that's bc idk I never expected to have "an audience" even less actually find friends!
I genuinely just expected to like leave my weird ass posts and stories here floating in tumblr and get no notes just oh I'm anon I can do whatever I want just go wild go feral LOL and if ppl like it cool, if ppl don't like it cool too, not my problem.
I never though I'd found this lovely precious community and I LOVE it!! <3 I love everyone here.
And tbh finding friends here is both an incentive but also quite honestly it makes me a little scared/self conscious bc yeah like you say what if these ppl I now care about get upset or something. I actually made a small rant exactly about this some months ago (not me bringing attention to my own cringy rant acfsxgsavbhjabj)
point is, I TOTALLY get your. for reals. 100% but I've learned people here are so welcoming and nice and accepting and we all just have fun being chaotic and horny and loving our characters and our writing in the craziest ways!!
And like you say it's just idk it's fun!! All liberating and exhilarating LOL I just ask minors not to follow me/interact why is that so hard sckbjasnclxa
and like
you'd be surprised....
ppl really do enjoy the craziest things we write like I made two versions of the same story more or less and to my absolute SHOCK the one tagged with rape/non-con has DOUBLE the amount of notes as the angsty/bittersweet one. HMMM??? Dark content enjoyers be thriving I guess???
also not your piss post getting almost 100 notes LMAOOOOOOOOO
I've seen enough weird shit to be desensitized at this point (I mean even before coming here, genshin shippers community in general be SOMETHING ALRIGHT and Zl just attracts all the kinks HAHAHAHA)
Anyway GODS this got so long I'm sorry but I just wanna say I fully 110% support you and I'm suuuuper happy we're friends sharing the same one braincell that's horny for zl 24/7 it's so much fun!! Do what makes you happy, don't feel pressured, and I know you have a genuine passion for writing so yeah follow your heart go wild!!
Love ya!! <3<3<3
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ziptiesnfries · 5 months
putting under a readmore bc it got Long, but i decided to ramble a bit about my personal relationship to whump/the whump community/my writing
i'll be real, i was really confused when i first found the whump community. i came here from writeblr, so i was like, "...okay, but why is this a separate community? don't all of us writers already torture our characters?" after a little while it became clear to me that there is a difference, because whump is specifically about the hurt, whereas writeblrs do a lot of things with their characters that don't always involve hurt. but i've been writing very angsty, violent stories since i was a kid, so for me it's all basically the same thing.
and for that reason, i feel like i don't consider most of the things i write to actually be "whump," even if they contain violence or characters getting hurt. i could describe it as whumpy, but for me to consider something i wrote as whump is like ... i wrote it for my whump blog, with the intent/main goal of portraying gratuitous amounts of violence or a specific trope or what have you. and most of the stuff i write doesn't fall into that category. i write a lot of stuff (fun fact: i am a Writing Major), and 99% of it is never posted online, especially on my whump blog, partly due to personal preference but partly because a ton of it is character-driven stuff that doesn't qualify as whump and would probably get like 3 notes on here (if my other character-specific blog is anything to go by, lmao).
it took a long time for me to start an actual dedicated whump blog, separate from my writeblr, and when i did that, i decided to just make new characters that were "my whump ocs." partly that was so that no one could identify me by my ocs (which is something i no longer care about; now all my blogs are cross-contaminated with blorbos from my brains), and partly it was just for organizational purposes. like, i have these characters over here on my writeblr, who i'm writing a novel about, and then i have these other characters on my whumpblr who i'm just messing around with and torturing.
more recently, i've kinda come to realize ... i don't care as much about my whump ocs? like, maybe this has to do with How I Make Characters. they have to age like fine wine; i can't just make up a dude on the fly and expect myself to care about them for more than a few weeks before i lose interest. i don't wanna say that i don't care about the ocs i post about on here At All, but my interest in them definitely comes and goes. this is why i sometimes vent about the frustrations of everyone else really liking my One-Off OC Of The Week - because i have characters that i've put literal years into developing, and they never seem to get as much interest. and like, obligatory disclaimer that obviously i really appreciate it when people like any of my writing! it's very validating! i just have a weird relationship with those oneshots, because usually the characters seem very shallow to me and i'm not actually interested in developing them; it kinda seems like everyone else likes them more than i do 😅
so i guess the TLDR here is i write a lot of stuff outside of what i talk about on my whump blog, so whump occupies a pretty specific niche in my writing-life. and that's also why i go for long stretches of time without posting any writing on this blog. like, i'm always writing something, but 9 times out of 10 it's not particularly suitable for here.
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anxietywriter · 2 years
slash prompts
more prompts! usually follow a formula of hope/get hopes crushed/realize it's mutual/happy ending, bc i'm an absolute sucker for that. ofc you could always twist it to be more angsty, bc sometimes you gotta break hearts yessir
loser/popular, wherein the popular one has this MASSIVE crush on the loser and they're actually super shy when it comes to interacting with new people. So they finally work up the courage to shuffle over to the loser during lunch or at an after school club and tell them how they feel/ask them out and- the loser being in complete disbelief and denial. Thinking it's a prank and pulling out all the stops to make the popular one back off. And it works, the popular one shrinks away and whether their friends know or not, they hide behind and are comforted by them. The loser hears about how the popular one is heartbroken over a rejection and has a moment(tm) of realization. Cue the slow burn and the groveling.
villain/follower, the follower is just always in awe of the villain's knowledge, their cunning, their wit, and how they're oh so gentle and patient with the follower. sweet, honeyed words, praises, nicknames. the constant touching and almost-flirting, the winking and hand under their chin. everyone around the follower keeps commenting on how that's not usual, friends teasing about how it's obvious. the follower firmly denies it, they're no match for the villain at all. but their heart still jumps and aches, they still hope against their rationale. then one day, during a plot gone slightly wrong, the villain has to make a hasty escape and in doing so, they throw the follower at the hero as a distraction, like a sack of flour. and the follower is wrecked, their heart used as a rug, and they just, let themselves get arrested.
shy or straight laced/outgoing prankster, saving the straight laced one from being caught out past curfew. blatant flirting, walking them to class, blowing kisses from across the table, exaggerated winking, notes, the whole shebang. they get teased by their friends and the straight laced one just thinks they're having a bit of a laugh. that it's not serious. friends or good acquaintances sure, but love interests? absolutely not. the shy one just thinks it's a bit of teasing, banter, even if the notes are sweet and the walks to class are fun, surely it can't be anything more. just something to get a rise out of them, who's seen mostly as serious and stoic and uptight. but the prankster is wholly genuine, thinks that they're already dating because the shy one's letting them do all this for them and for pete's sake half the notes are asking to hang out or go on a date. so, through the power of misunderstandings, feelings get hurt, they take a break, feel miserable and guilty and bleh, cautiously approach each other, talk it out their feelings, take it slow, make up, and bam happily ever after
news photographer/villain, whenever a photo goes on the front page, it usually centers the hero either by themselves, or pummeling the villain into the ground. pictures of the villain are generally very small and tame, nothing nearly as flashy as what photos of the hero are posted. but if you look into the camera roll of a certain photographer, they have some insanely good shots of the villain, when they have the upper hand wrestling the hero to the ground, flaunting their weapons, so on and so forth. there's also some zoomed in photos of the villain's lower half. mainly their thighs. back and front. the photographer is a thighs person what can i say. they tell absolutely no one. not even the internet because of the amount of anxiety they feel at even the thought it getting leaked everywhere and getting flamed for it. so no one knows. except for the clerk at the store who helps with getting photos ready to get picked up because hey, the photographer wanted physical photos. thing is? yeah the clerk has to at least peek at the photos to see if they're the right ones and wow, yeah the proximity of thigh to crotch means they see a whole lot of crotch. go figure though, the clerk actually happens to be a henchman of the villain (hey, can't judge them for working two jobs in the city) and very awkwardly offers to wingman the photographer. cue the most awkward meet-ugly ever with the villain, who totally thinks the photographer is some kind of spy. the villain totally cases the photographer's home to figure them out and think they've totally cracked the case upon seeing a bunch of photos pinned in the wall. yeah then they see the photos in the nightstand. which absolutely, totally fluster the villain, looking back at the photos and down at their thighs, back at the photos and just thinking yeah there's no way this photographer is a spy.
elegant/lower class, love it when the super classy elegant one could have literally anyone and they decide, ah yes this one, the gremlin, because they're just so in love with the honesty, the lack of sucking up, the lack of attention paid to social status. wanting to spoil their partner but being discouraged from doing so. love when the two go to events together and the elegant one swans about, politely making conversation, love of their life at their side, and when someone makes a comment something about a mismatch or how the lower class one isn't good enough, the elegant one just snapping and defending their love in quiet tones. the lower class one loudly gasping, confusing everyone and then just going "WELL, I think it's SCANDALOUS, I mean, making a move on the MAYOR?" the elegant one falling deeper in love and ushering their love away as everyone titters and gossips about the person rude enough to comment. the lower class one humbling the elegant one and showing them that good homemade food can be made on a low budget
stoic/touch starved, the stoic one obviously hardly ever expressing their feelings, making the touch starved one nervous at points. the stoic one noticing and reassuring them with small pats to let them know that everythings okay. the touch starved one being super phsycially expressive and clinging to the stoic one, the stoic one allowing and returning the affections because they really want the other to feel comfortable and loved in any way possible. the touch starved one feeling guilty that the stoic one goes out of their way to do everything and trying to apologize only to get shut down with an "i don't mind" and just the stoic one showing that they care in any and every way possible. their other friends being shocked and a little jealous because the stoic one was never as physical or reactive, usually keeping to themselves and being nonverbal with their responses.
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you know what I think would just be. really funny. like it would be so good.
is if (bear in mind I know v little abt dc canon except that apparently even the canon is inconsistent as hell so like-) Jason Todd before he died on several occasions made quips that implied that he either wasn't gonna die and or wasn't gonna stay dead.
because as far as I know, nobody knows how he actually came back right? I think? Like the timeline I mostly see in fanfic I've read is
1) Joker kills Jason
2) Funeral, Jason is buried
3) Some time later, Jason /wakes up/ and fucking /crawls out of his own grave/ but he's not having a fun time
4) League of Assassins dumps him in a Lazarus Pit
so they know that the Pit healed him, but the impression I got is nobody has any fucking clue how or why he initially woke up right?
So I just really want there to be more content like the prompt I just reblogged (Bury me shallow, it will make it easier when I come back), or the post from a while back where Jason-as-Robin tells Riddler that when Jason dies he had better "check my grave yourself to make sure I'm really gone". And then I want there to be a fuck ton of fics where various characters, post-resurrection, are like. Wait. Wait. Wait hang on I just remembered something potentially critical. Do you remember when Jason said-?
Jason did you know you were going to come back
Jason did you ever really die
Jason can you even die? Are you immortal? Will you come back every single time? Like. Do you want to change your funeral arrangements because man, climbing out of your own grave sounds pretty fucking traumatic the first ti-
Jason where are you going
I can't decide whether it's funnier if Jason does actually know how he came back or not. Either way I think it would be excellent if a) Jason is very cryptic and infuriating about it, no answers (or no helpful answers, at least), lets them run in circles for his own amusement b) they don't tell him his suspicions and are just secretly trying to figure it out and or figure out whether he knows how he came back meanwhile he's like ?? why yall acting so weird
Alternative, equally funny option. Two things happen, either order works: "Hood is back but nobody knows its Jason" and "Somebody actually checks Jason's grave- it's empty holy shit"
And then final point on top of those two: Hood makes similar jokes re: better check my grave yourself, /if/ I die you're invited to my funeral, etc etc. Based on approximately nothing, characters wonder if this means that Hood can come back from the dead the same way Jason presumably did (they don't know where the fuck Jason is and are very concerned but there's only so many ways you can interpret an empty coffin broken from the inside okay) and so start hounding him for information. He has no idea how to react to this.
And/or they go "Okay. So we have no idea who Hood is apart from - probably born and lived in Gotham, came from nowhere x amount of time ago. What if. We can't find him. Because he was dead before that???" Cue ridiculous attempts at finding his secret ID that are all wildly off point
I just want death/immortality themed one liners, miscommunication, and Jason fucking with people as much as possible okay I just think it would be very good. Esp bc like. This could be crack or very angsty depending on how you spin it yk
(Also please note that throughout this post I was v careful not to clarify who the people/characters are....I think batfam/villains/random goons (Hoods men?) are all equally amazing possibilities
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