#I'm already so shaken up why am I taking risks???
carolinanadeau · 6 months
note to self: do not fly too close to the sun
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mcflymemes · 1 year
PROMPTS FROM REIGN *  assorted dialogue from the television show
you don't sound very enthusiastic.
now's not a good time.
i opened my heart to a liar.
you are a necessary evil whose orbit i can't seem to escape.
there is always risk.
what happened between us can never happen again.
do you flirt with everyone?
how do you feel?
if the price is my life, i will give it.
my heart says i should be with you, no matter what.
you shouldn't be here.
we belong together. i won't lose you to another.
we can only love each other.
i can't bear to think about a future anymore, not without you.
i'm scared of being alone.
are you alone? are you with someone?
i know it's not what you want to hear.
i never said i was a good man.
it's not about that.
we were supposed to dance under the stars.
i can't believe this is goodbye.
to see your smile is to feel the sun.
you don't want to marry me.
you want to hear something honest? i would do anything to keep you.
i love you. i am your equal.
those memories are a part of me. but i am stronger than they are.
there were other ways of handling this.
you must continue to sacrifice.
history is written by survivors.
you will blame yourself, most of all.
i am quite happy with my view.
i don't care what you learn, as long as you don't forget.
you have no intention of marrying me.
i refuse to surrender.
you're beautiful and clever and unpredictable.
danger surrounds me here, and i am in your debt.
are you in danger too?
i never saw any ghosts.
whatever happens, i'll never leave you.
now i am lying to you.
i love you, and i thank god for the time we've had.
i lose everyone i love.
i'm not sure i trust my own fate anymore.
what odd turns our lives have taken.
do we trust each other?
love is irrelevant to people like us.
there are forces that conspire, forces of darkness, forces of the heart.
your taste in men always did leave something to be desired.
how awful must you find me to do this.
you do realize that we're going to be married someday, don't you?
i don't know who you are, or why you hide, but your warning saved me.
i'm sorry we've come to this.
tell me why you're so afraid.
i am yours this night.
love is never simple. not that i'm any expert.
it makes me feel better.
my spirit is inside you as yours is inside mine.
you don't want this at all.
you fought so hard for me.
stop shutting me out.
this is the most dangerous thing you have ever done.
i'm not scared of death anymore.
i've learned to live with wanting things i can't have.
ruling requires that your hands be drenched in blood.
what if they saw you?
i show no mercy.
i don't know how much time we have left, but every moment matters.
you are so beautiful.
i want you to know i did not mean those words i said. i didn't even mean them in the moment.
our love will die here.
i take no pleasure in being right.
we've been over this already.
i don't know who to believe or to trust.
i'll protect you.
i can barely bear to have you look at me.
is this how it's going to be from now on? both of us constantly wondering what the other is up to?
things could change.
you seem shaken.
i'm still in some pain and i prefer not to be touched.
why is this so difficult?
take a stand, my love.
have you learned nothing?
i want you to listen to me carefully.
we're alone. there's no need.
you're not charming me tonight.
you crushed the rebellion by yourself.
love like that doesn't just disappear.
we can't do this.
may god have mercy on your soul.
is that what you want to hear?
do not test my power and do not tempt my fury.
what have you been discussing, the weather?
you cannot relent.
to what do i owe this surprise?
i won't let you do it.
the more we try to help each other, the more harm we do.
safe choices don't always make us safe.
i want you forever.
i think i shall never see you again.
when you came into my room, i shouldn't have said what i did.
i know you had a life before i got here.
stop being so strong, so perfect...
it's not that simple.
real love never fades, not truly.
tell me, what would hurt more? knowing the person you love will die, or knowing they're alive but you cannot have them?
i'd probably try to kiss you.
i love you. and one of us should be happy.
we have been given a miraculous second chance.
i thank you for your protection last night.
this was not an action of passion.
if i'm as responsible as you say, i will never forgive myself.
you must leave immediately.
i take things sometimes.
i had sex in that greenhouse once.
tell me when you want me to stop.
your life is more valuable than this.
just know whatever happens, this is not the end i dreamed for us.
men in general like to win.
why are you here?
i pay attention.
i love you. you do know that, no matter what i've done.
look where that love has brought us.
i'd rather have hope with you than certainty anywhere else.
i was only interested in claiming you.
your heart was my light.
you just said something about my ass.
i will spill blood to defend what's mine.
you must love again.
without you my heart is closed as tight as a fist.
why do you dismiss me?
you do not need to seduce a man who already wants you.
i wanted to give you the chance to do the right thing and i still believe you will.
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sexygirleverlovingit · 2 months
'Just smile and wave.'
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HIII, My name is Moxie or mox whatever you want to call me tots I got this blog page because well why wouldn't Im famous! Well was. I was a model for lots of things 😍😘 if you get what I mean. I am 19 years old nearly 20 I don't have any lebal on my sexuality I like what I like at the time. I'm a female she her all the way but whatever you are I don't care you could be a pig if you want still wouldn't care!
Backstory and trap story below!
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Backstory: Growing up moxie was in a broken home her father was just a drunk man all the time and her mother was the type to only care about herself and go gambling. She grew up just with herself and learnt how to take care of herself so took pride in her looks when she went to primary school so got praised for it and her mother did to so her mother put her into modeling as a child she loved it all eyes on her. In highschool she became a bully and selfish making fun of girls or boys or anyone who didn't look like her. She became a famous well known model on magazines.
Trap reasoning: duo to her bullying others and doing things that put her life at risk, she found herself among those who been trapped. She was a horrible girl growing up making others feel down about their looks but really she didn't appreciate her own looks she wanted to get plastic in her face. When she already had that natural beauty.
"hello moxie, I know you but you may not know me. But I want to play a game. You must be confused but soon you will not be. Remember all back in high-school. Those girls you bullied for their looks. While you where just feeling all those things. Every girl you bullied back then it affected them bad making them take away their natural beauty. You were willing to do dangerous surgery's to yourself to make fake beauty that could of cost you your life. You will cherish your life now. You will notice you tied to a board and you can't talk because of a wire that's in your mouth but you can see to your side. Many scarples are there. You must take them and at least make many new beautiful scars for yourself in every part of your body. If you do not the wire will move back in your mouth till your jaw is off. Will you finally appreciate your life or will you perish. Good luck you have 3 minutes."
Moxie eyes widened and dart around she could see the timer counting down she tried to move but all she could move was her arms she tried to get the wire off her but she couldn't she felt it slowly pulling back hurting her mouth she cries out in a panic and then slowly picks up the scalpel she first started with her thigh she cried out in pain making wounds to herself as the timer goes down she goes faster her arms her stomach chest and all but she didn't go for her face. Never. The timer was nearly out and she still wasn't free she cries out knowing the last part of her body was going to be her face. She shaken lifts her arms up to her face slowly cutting into it letting the blood spill like the rest of her wounds all over her body.
When the wires stopped pulling at her mouth and the things that tied her drops she falls to the floor coughing her hands going to her mouth feeling the sides of her mouth all cut up. She survived but at what cost.
This is an oc saw blog!!
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morimakesfanart · 3 months
Sweetie are you alive?????
Somehow??? ;0;
I know I disappeared and I've been trying to figure out how to explain it when I post the next chapter. I have been unwell in multiple ways ;-;
I'm going to use this ask to try to figure out how to say it
First, the day after my birthday (yes the day after posting the last canon chapter) I went through something extremely scary that I don't want to talk about. I thought I was okay, but I'm the type to compartmentalize until I am actually safe enough to feel which turned out to be a few weeks after the event. I was actually so shaken up by what happened that I couldn't write or draw or do anything for fun for nearly a month. I was like a robot
Second, just as I was getting better emotionally, I got very very sick, had to see many doctors and specialists to figure out what was wrong. I had 3 conditions making each other worse. I won't get into the details here but it hurt to open one of my eyes for a long time and then I developed sever vision fatigue in both. Last week I was finally diagnosed as being infection free after months of treatments, but it went on for so long that I'll probably be having symptoms for at least another month as my body calms down.
The biggest saving grace is that I now I know I've been fighting an infection for who knows how long and got cured of it, maybe I won't get as sick all the time for a while???? ((Please🤞🤞🤞))
I started working on the art for the next chapter 2 weeks ago as the pain started fading enough that it didn't hurt to look at my art tablet. Not sure how long it will take because I keep getting vision fatigue very quickly. Patreon got to see the sketch version already. I'm practically desperate to draw and write at this point so as I'm slowly able to do so it's rushing out of me like tsunami. I have chapters 40&41 mostly done being written now too
Medical TMI for the morbidly curious :
(not a lot of details, but I wanted to hide it because I know eye stuff can be scary for people)
I learned that I had an ongoing eye infection in my eye lids and around my eye lashes for the past several years that was misdiagnosed (that doctor definitely didn't like me so I'm not surprised tbh). It only revealed the truth because my immune system couldn't keep up anymore and the infection started spreading under the skin in an extremely huge and painful way. The past several months I've been doing treatments. It was only last week that I was diagnosed as cured of both infections, but it will still be a month or more of living with the after effects. It has hurt to use my eyes and keep them open for most of the past several months. It doesn't hurt much anymore at least. I have another appointment coming up to see if the current symptoms were from the infection+ meds, or if all of this was so bad that I have glaucoma now. It runs in my family so I'm at risk. Also, it looks like I will need eye drops for the rest of my life, and developing dry eyes was most likely a big factor in why I got the first infection.
I'm so done with being sick
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In loving memory
Chapter 3/?
(This is a story about the events of Clay's death from the perspective of Aaron)
"I live to serve my master, Monstrox"
It's usually pretty hard to scare me, I'm basically fearless
But right now seeing Clay come back to life and side with the bad guys? It terrifies me
That thing I said about it being cooler if clay could talk? Yeah I take that back
I like Clay being alive again but not when it has a being evil side effect
Oh no he's running straight at me
His hit is so strong it sends me flying away
Before I can get up he's already knocking Axl back
"Alright mister 'Grey Knight' i think I've had enough of this!"
Lance no!
"You can't hit Clay with combo nexo power"
Luckily Macy jumped in to stop him
Who knows what will happen to Clay if we hit him with our nexo powers
He's a statue! We'll smash him into pits and he'll go into the cloud
Then we'll really lose him forever
We have to defeat these monsters without hurting Clay
"What do we do?"
I wish it was a simple answer Macy but all the questions I'm getting lately are harder than any exam I've ever had
We can't hit Clay but by not doing that we're risking the lives of everyone in the village
As a knight, the safety of the people is my main priority
But as Aaron, I don't want to lose Clay again
"We got no choice"
We have to get the people out of here
"Merlock get the fortress out of here we have to withdraw"
Sorry guys but we can't take the chance on losing Clay
If he wasn't a bad guy now, he'd be furious at me for this
He was always ready to risk his life if it meant he could save others and in a way he did
But I'm not about to risk anyone's life, especially his
"Well, we could look on the bright side"
"What bright side?"
Don't make this so hard Macy I'm already not convinced of what I'm saying
"Clay is alive again!"
"Alive yes, also an evil granite-covered destruction machine that we can't touch!"
Gods damn it guys how am I supposed to be positive when you're all acting like this
"Baby steps, Lance. baby steps"
Come on! Clay is back to life, that's a good thing! We just have to de-evilify him or something and he'll be back to normal
See even Merlock agrees he's talking about a spell to do that right now sounds like a really powerful spell
It's all going to be fine
Why am I still nervous?
I'm probably still shaken up from that fighting, nothing like a good battle to get my blood pumping
I just have to step away for a while till I calm down
Yeah I just need a little rest that's all, I'll go back when I'm feeling better
I'm fine
I'm fine
"Um, yeah?"
"Are you ok?"
"Of course! Why do you ask?"
"Well, how do I put it, you seem more... jumpy? Than usual?"
"What does that even mean?"
"It means you don't look ok, Aaron. Are you sure you're fine?"
"Yeah! Why wouldn't I be?"
"Um, hello? Clay?"
"Oh yeah! Clay! Man, how could I forget about that? Thanks for reminding me, Macy!"
Why is she staring at me? I don't like this
"Aaron I don't know what you're going through but I know this whole thing is definitely impacting you just as much as me"
"Nope you're wrong I am totally A-OK"
"You can talk to me if you're feeling down you know?"
"Macy, I told you, I'm fine, f, i, n, e, fine"
"Sorry, I really need some rest rn, battling those monsters is tough even without Clay there trying to stop us"
"Well! Nice talkin' to ya bye!"
Since when did conversations drain so much energy
I rest my back against the door as soon as it closes
I don't have the power to stand anymore, slowly sliding down till I'm just sitting on the ground
What's wrong with me? I'm supposed to be the happy one, this is exactly the situation where I come in and make everyone feel better
So why can't I do it?
Why can't I keep it together
I'm not just another knight I'm the leader now how can I cheer up the others if I can't cheer myself up?
Oh no, here comes the tears
Why now
Why why why
Why is this happening
I just want everything to go back to normal
I want Clay to stop being evil I want to go back to being a regular knight I want everyone to stop being sad and miserable
Is that too much to ask for?
I cover my face with my hands trying to block the sound of my crying
I don't want anyone to hear me cry
What would Clay think of me right now? Crying cause I can't handle the responsibility
I can imagine the disappointment on his face, the thought of it makes me want to cry even more
I'm sorry Clay I'm really sorry, I know you trust me but I'm not strong enough
I'm not the brave and fearless knight you think I am I'm just a loser who can't do anything
You shouldn't have trusted me on this
I just want you back
Suddenly I feel a strong force shake the fortress
Break time is over I have to go make sure the fortress is safe
I wipe my tears and take a few breathes I can't go out looking like I just cried even if I did
I'm still trying to convince Macy that I'm fine
Whatever higher beings are in charge of this world, they must really hate me
Bet they're sitting with bags of popcorn like "oh boy can't wait for even more bad stuff to happen to that Aaron guy" "yeah I really wanna see him holding back evil Clay from trying to destroy the digital wizard"
As if enough stuff didn't happen already apparently I can't even sit down for two minutes anymore because even worse stuff keeps happening
Like that Clay thing!
Even with the four of us together we still can't beat him that's how hopeless we are
We have to hold him back until Merlock finds a spell and he sure is taking his sweet time with that spell
"I will destroy you all!"
Yeah yeah heard that before try being original won't you?
I've been through enough stuff this month alone the least of my concerns is wheatear you're gonna "destroy me" or not
Merlock is gonna find a spell and you're gonna be fine got it? So shut up and slow down a little
"Here goes!"
A strong wave of nexo power comes crashing through the door it felt like an explosion
Is this what the monsters feel when we use nexo powers on them? Cause it really hurts it must suck to be a monster
I get up and make sure everyone is ok
We're all beat up pretty badly but we'll live
"Where's Clay?"
That explosion, it was a spell for him but where's he?
Is he back to normal now? What happened? He's not dead again is he?
I stare out the open garage door trying to find him
It looks like that explosion knocked him all the way to the other side of the kingdom
The others get up and stand next to me
We're all looking outside hoping to see Clay but no one sees him he's too far away
What if we lost him again? What if that spell just destroyed him? What will I do now?
All this thinking makes me tear up and the others are looking at me
But I don't have the energy to keep hiding it anymore
I fall to the ground and start sobbing
I'm tired, I'm just so tired
Tired of all those monsters tired of that stupid cloud tired of whatever is going on with Clay right now
My sobs become full on cries
I feel someone wrap their arms around me, it's Axl he's also crying
No no no I'm supposed to make them feel better not worse
Lance joins in on the hug crying as well
Hamletta's here too trying to comfort him
Macy joins the hug too we're all crying on the floor now and it's my fault
If I held it together until I was alone none of them would be crying right now
I can never let them see me like this again
< | >
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callaofmageros · 3 months
Fanfic: Robert Muldoon/OC (Jurassic Park)
Man of Action ch. 1.
Notes: implied sex, bickering (lighthearted), alcohol
“Just a second!”
The unexpected sound of her doorbell had just about shaken Tessa’s soul straight out of her body. The sudden surge of adrenaline shook her hands as she hurriedly tried to finish ponytailing her sandy blonde hair. At least she was in something comfortable.
She jogged across her new living room in her flowing leopard print dress, wondering who could possibly need her after six in the evening. She had already checked in with Mr. Hammond and Mr. Harding when she arrived a few hours earlier and then she was shown to her quarters to settle in.
Settling in was what she'd been trying to do when she'd been interrupted by her doorbell.
“Tessa, come on!”
Tessa's hand paused over the door handle. She'd know that impatient command anywhere at any time, but how had he discovered she was here already? Unless Hammond or Harding let it slip. That was her fault though. Thinking she'd have ample time to surprise him herself she hadn't bothered asking them to keep quiet.
Taking a deep breath of the sage incense stick she had burning on the coffee table, she willed calm and imagined the soothing sound of waves crashing on the beach. Anything to buffer her against the seething fury of a game warden who warned her vehemently against coming here.
Tessa let out the breath as she turned the handle and gently pulled the door open. Her face brightened with a wide toothy grin as she met her visitor's steely gaze.
Robert Muldoon. The new Jurassic Park’s game warden and her significant other of more than two decades.
“Ey up!” She greeted him a little too enthusiastically and then winced at how desperate she sounded to mollify him.
He ignored her and pushed past her into the living room. His stern, penetrating gaze swept around the small quarters as if he was on one of his big game hunts.
“Where is it?” He asked in that no nonsense tone of his.
Of course, after more than twenty years together, she knew what Muldoon was talking about.
“Seriously, Muldy…,” She faltered at his angry glare. She knew he hated it when she called him that, especially since she did it when he was being especially stuffy. Stale, like old bread.
“Of course, seriously, Tessa. I know you have it so where is it?!” He insisted even more impatiently.
"Flippin'eck! I know you've got your own stash. Why are you over here trying to raid mine?!"
"Because I know how you work. You'd bring me the good stuff to appease my anger at your coming here against my wishes and I mean to enjoy what's mine. Every last drop."
Tessa's eyebrow lifted in indignation, but she couldn't deny that Muldoon's assessment was correct. He was a maddeningly perceptive bastard at times and he didn't play games. With a sigh, she jerked her head toward the furniture.
Muldoon followed her gaze to the little green couch perpendicular to the bay window and sliding glass door.
A large, navy blue duffle bag packed with clothes and other necessities rested open on the couch. Some of the clothes and her makeup bag had already been lifted out and set to the side.
Muldoon stomped over and rummaged through the bag until he found the longed for item.
It was like the maddeningly tedious task of peeling an onion as he unwrapped the shirts. Finally victorious, Muldoon’s blue eyes lit up as he cradled the bottle of Scotch in one large hand. Tessa looked on with her arms crossed. She shook her head in amusement.
“You're happier to see that dusty old bottle of Scotch than you are to see me. How touching. At least I'm good for something.”
Muldoon glanced at her sharply and Tessa realized he was hurt that she thought that.
“I am not happier to see this bottle of Scotch than I am to see you, love.” His gaze softened as it did in that way only for her. “But I meant it when I said this place is too dangerous. I did not want you risking your life here. But since you are, you're about to be good for something else tonight.”
With a mischievous gleam in his eyes and a slight upward tugging of his normally stern mouth, Muldoon knelt next to Tessa. Wrapping his arms around her thighs he hefted her over his right shoulder with his immense strength. Tessa squealed in surprised delight as he carried her off to her bedroom with the bottle of Scotch still tucked securely in his left arm.
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jockbrannigan · 11 months
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Not everyone's an asshole
Maya and Jock catch up with each other at the Redwood Prom.
-Honestly, Jock was overwhelmed. This whole night had been a risk for him and he was still undecided if it had been worth it or not. He had gotten to hang out with Mayra again and meet new people like Vi and Vivienne but all the good stuff was overshadowed by Zack and his stinky, violent attitude.-
-The temptation to run home was strong and honestly, Jock didn't think he had the will to fight it off. So he started to leave the prom. That was until he spotted Maya. Despite still wanting to get home as soon as possible, the part of his brain in charge of fighting against his agoraphobia and anxiety took over and directed him towards the familiar and friendly face.-
"Hey Maya. You OK? You having fun?"
Maya Cho
-Maya had wandered off to the bathroom and was on her way back to the party when Jock spotted her. She smiled and gave him a wave as she met him halfway.- Hey, Jock. Yeah, I'm alright. How about you? Honestly I'm surprised you came to something like this.
"Yeah, I surprised myself with this one!"
-Jock looks around nervously-
"Hey, so, be honest: not everyone here is a complete jerk, right?"
Maya Cho
-Maya notices how he's looking around and looks around with him- No, not everyone here is a jerk. Why? What happened?
"I might have found a not so friendly person. And by 'I might have', I mean I did."
Maya Cho
-Maya wondered if it was the same guy who had scared her- Who was it? What did he look like?
"Some dude called Zack. Tall, would be handsome if he wasn't so fucking sour, dark sandy hair. Sound familiar?"
Maya Cho
-it wasn't the guy, then. At least that was one guy to scrub off the list- No, can't say I've met him, but now I know to steer clear of anyone named Zack. What happened?
-Jock scratches the back of his neck and then shakes his head. He feels like he's already been over this enough times for one night-
"I pissed him off so he pushed me around. Pinned me to the floor at one point. I'm fine. Shaken, not stirred, you know?"
Maya Cho
Yeah, I know that way too well. -She realizes what she just said- I had a guy here corner me and attack me in the Laundromat.
-His eyes go wide as the realisation hits him. Before he can ask about it, Maya is filling in some of the details. He frowns.-
"I thought the Council vetted everyone here. You telling me they let in not just one but two psycho assholes? Are you OK? Dumb question, I get it, but are ya? OK, I mean?"
Maya Cho
They do....vet, I mean. But I guess psycho assholes know how to beat the system. -it was a good question- I'm better now, but I'm still a little shaken. I've been staying with Alex because I don't feel safe at home by myself, so that helps.
"Man, I'm so sorry you're going through this. It's good you've got Alex to help you through it. Things going good with him, I take it?"
Maya Cho
Yeah. I mean, we're just friends, of course. But he's a good guy. What about you? Make any friends yet?
-He raises one sceptical eyebrow at her in the wake of the 'just friends' comment but he doesn't push it any further. If it was his business, Maya would've told him the additional details.-
"I'm working on that, I swear. I mean, that's the whole point of me coming here, right? Meet new people, put faces to names or whatever."
-He cringes over his rambling and the too fresh memory of Zack looming over him-
Maya Cho
Well, I'm proud of you for coming out. I'm just sorry you had to experience an asshole. But I guess the world is still full of them.
"Not everyone's an asshole. You're not an asshole, for example."
Maya Cho
-Maya smiled as she gently nudged Jock with her fist- Aww, thanks Jock. You're not too bad yourself.
-He gives her a wide grin, a genuine one too-
"Thanks. My ego needed to hear that!"
Maya Cho
You are very welcome. I am glad to feed your ego.
-His cheeks flush a little and he scratches the back of his neck for a moment.-
"Hey, so I know you said you have Alex but if you ever want to stay with me- wait, no. My place is tiny. So if you ever want me to stay with you, I can do that. Say if Alex can't for whatever reason, I can be the back-up, you know?"
Maya Cho
-Maya notices his blush and she laughs a little as she nudges him- You're so sweet. But do you mean that? I already owe you for that one Winter....
"I wouldn't say if I didn't mean it. Plus you promised me a tattoo in return for that one Winter. Maybe now you can owe me two!"
Maya Cho
If I can get a working tattoo needle and ink and everything, I will give you as many tattoos as you want. -she gave him a smile- You are amazing, Jock. Thank you. Can I hug you?
"I could get a sleeve tattoo!"
-He laughs softly before his cheeks fully flush as she praises him. He nods in reply to her question and he opens his arms out to her-
"Yeah, you can hug me!"
Maya Cho
-Her smile gets huge as she leans in and hugs him tightly- See, now I'm extra proud of you. I'm glad you found your way here.
-Jock returns the hug and grins at her-
"I'm glad you're here too. Makes this whole experience much easier to face."
Maya Cho
Well, I'm glad I could help by just being here. -she lets go- Maybe I should stop by one of these days and check out your place. Maybe work on that sleeve of yours.
"Yeah, I'd love that! I can make you tea, I have a kettle and everything. You're welcome over any time."
Maya Cho
I am going to hold you to that, so don't come complaining to me when I show up randomly
"You get a pass because you're my tattoo artist. It's very exclusive!"
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smolcobie · 3 years
Hyunjae | Butterfly Effect
↪ Summary: After a dangerous fire, Hyunjae is unable to hide his feelings for you.
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Word Count: 3,5k
Warnings: Suggestive | Fire | Friends To Lovers | Heavy Making Out
Genre: Hyunjae x Reader | HYUNJAE FIREFIGHTER AU | Female Reader
Dedicated to my fav deobi friend @santacruz-sand​ <3
Human beings are known for their daily mistakes. We used to say that every day we make a mistake, some don't make that much difference, others can change the course of your life, better known as the butterfly effect. Each action has its reaction, gradually shaping the path you will take in life.
Some say that this is fate, that no matter how much you try to escape, it will happen. Others prefer to believe that you create your own destiny. I didn't believe in any of these theories, in fact, I always preferred to think that it is easier to do your best every day than to be disappointed by the path you took because you thought that this was your destiny after all.
The greatest example that my theory was real, was seeing how my best friend lived. Every single day he left early, before the sun came up, and came back when it was night. Being a firefighter required perfection in his form, discipline, punctuality, courage to face his fears, and a lot of willingness to risk his own life for the benefit of society.
I watched him cautiously, analyzing his ways and manners. The way he slammed the gate hard to make sure it was locked, or how he sighed and gave a silly smile when he managed to do something he liked, but what I liked most was the way he struggled every day to cheer people's lives.
- ▪︎ -
"[NAME], do your best every day and no one will have the courage to speak ill of the way you live." He said with his red cheeks and heavy eyes from the soju he drank.
"What are you talking about? I live very well, you're the one who lives next to my house and keeps risking your life." I laughed, fixing up his fringe that was messy "You're already starting to get drunk, let's go home." I got up pulling on his shirt and he made a weeping face.
"[NAME], why are you so mean to me?" He said slyly and I lifted him up with all my strength hugging him around the waist "Hyunjae, come on, you need to rest." He sighed and started walking making a pout on his lips.
"Stop pouting, you know you need to rest. You work a lot and when you take a break you want to drink soju and philosophize about life with me." I commented while walking down the dark street.
"But you are my best friend, you have to listen to me." I laughed at his comment "If you paid me I could even quit my job, after all, listening to you is all I do." "That's why I love you." He chuckled and put his head on my shoulder as I opened the door to his house, after entering the password.
"I love you too, so go to sleep." I tossed him on the bed and he smiled happily hugging his soft pillow.
- ▪︎ -
It was almost always like this. Hyunjae coming to my house to vent about life, I laugh while making some cards to post on my Instagram and the company. Being a calligraphy artist was a happy part of my life, being able to decorate bookstores, houses, gifts was something that gave me the strength to live.
Hyunjae was such an essential part of my life, that I only realized when our mutual friend asked why we lived so close to each other. My first thought was to think that it would be easier to go out, have fun and talk. My second thought was that I was completely in love with him, and I didn't want to admit it.
It was complicated, an old love that I knew had no way out, but nothing was going to change because I couldn't find any nice guys. I lived with Hyunjae and I had already accepted my condition. Romance went from something I dreamed of as a teenager, to something I value as an adult, but not as much as my sanity.
It was easier to live with Hyunjae than having to go on blind dates with bizarre guys that our friend Sunwoo arranged (probably from the deep web). And I keep ignoring my feelings, being inspired by its way of life.
That day was more beautiful than usual. The sun was shining brightly, the sky was clear and blue, the traffic seemed calm and the weather was perfect for an outdoor meeting, perhaps a date in the park. The subway was surprisingly empty, although it was very early, and I was completely rested.
It seemed like the perfect working day. I had made many cards at the company, sent some orders by mail, and placed new orders for a major literature event that would take place at the company. Lunch was great and our boss was in a good mood telling stories from when she was in college.
The day had gone well, my colleagues finished their jobs earlier than expected so we were able to go out early and eat fried chicken in a new restaurant near the company. I returned home happy and completely shocked at how perfect my day had been.
I got home and changed my shoes. I took a relaxing bath while listening to the news of the day through my radio hanging from the bathroom sink.
I immediately turned off the shower, drying myself quickly, putting on any clothes, and going to the living room to turn on the TV and see the news.
All the channels were talking about the fire. It even seemed ironic, as I had a great day, and now a building near my company was on fire, and I had to see desperate people on the TV screen.
My heart stopped and my eyes lit up when I recognized Hyunjae running away with a long sheet and other men helping him from afar. This was apparently what he was supposed to do, try to stay calm and help people in a tragedy that could cost their lives.
I closed my fists tightly, my mouth dried and my heart sped up. Hyunjae had entered that burning building, risking his life, to save another one.
The fire subsided until it was extinguished. Reporters were still talking about how the police were already investigating everything and how fortunately no lives were lost and the victims had only minor injuries. I sighed with relief and sent a message to Hyunjae, congratulating him, but mostly asking how he was doing.
[Are you okay? I just saw it all on TV, I'm so worried!]
[I am proud of you, you were amazing.]
[I hope you're all right, send a message when you see this.]
I sighed and laid down on my bed covering my eyes trying to remember that he was fine.
"Nothing happened."
"Hyunjae is fine. No need to worry."
I was trying to convince myself that he was fine, alive, and doing his job, but my heart couldn't calm down. I decided to take a light tranquilizer and lie down again.
Maybe he would answer me in the morning, I would wait patiently and everything would be fine.
I turned on some drama on TV while I was busy watching cute animals on Youtube to pass the time. After a few hours and having a quick nap, I was surprised by the ringing of my cell phone and saw that it was Hyunjae.
I got up and answered quickly.
“Hyunjae ?! Are you okay? Where are you?" I hurried over and felt him give a tired laugh on the other end of the phone.
“I'm outside your house, please open it for me. It's a little cold here. ” He made a little joke like he always does, maybe, trying to calm my worried mood.
"Okay, I'll be right back." I hung up the phone and ran out to the door.
I opened the door feeling my heart racing, my joints tingling from suddenly getting up and automatically everything calmed down when I saw his face.
He had his bangs glued to his forehead, his face was dirty with some ash. He still had his work uniform on and was holding some bandages probably bought from the pharmacy near our homes.
"I came for you to heal me." He gave a sarcastic smile as I felt relief wash over my entire body.
"Come on, staying in this serene is bad." I pulled him inside, locking the door and putting his usual shoe in the doorway.
"Unfortunately I bought anything I saw at the pharmacy, so I hope you help me, I'm deadly tired." He started talking quietly trying to hide how he was shaken by that night.
"Hyunjae... are you okay?" I asked seeing him sitting on a chair in the kitchen taking off his uniform, leaving only the standard white blouse and pants.
"Yeah." He said dryly biting his lip and looking away. The habit he made when he lied.
"Stop lying to me." I walked towards him crossing my arms “If you were really well, you would have gone home, answered on your cell phone, and slept in peace."
He sighed and looked at me with a look that made my whole body tremble. He looked scared, anxious, but mostly nervous about something.
"What is it?" I touched his cheek and he sighed, closing his eyes and leaning into my hand.
"I almost lost my mind today." He stood up scratching the back of his neck with a choked voice as if he were about to cry.
"What do you mean?" He looked at me so sincerely that I felt my heart soften.
"We were on the traffic patrol when we heard the call." He laughed, but it was sad. "When they said the address, and I realized it was on the same street as your job, I despaired."
My eyes flew open and he sat on the edge of the couch burying his fingers in his dirty, messy hair.
“I thought you could be there and I lost it. When I got there, all I could think about was you.” I approached and realized that in fact, his eyes were watery "I know I should be concerned with other people, but I could only think ‘What if it is her building? What if she is there? What if she is in danger? What if I can't save her?’ And I went into eternal despair.”
I felt my heart racing so fast it could come out of my mouth.
"I-I didn't care if other people were hurt, as long as you were fine..." He looked at me and I felt a huge urge to hold his face "And it scares me. The way I was afraid of losing you and I couldn't think rationally, on the professional side.”
I sat next to him listening to everything he had to say.
"Hyunjae, anyone would feel the same way, you don't have to feel guilty about it." I wiped away his tears and held his cheeks in the palm of my hands "I would have done the same, thinking about you all the time."
He gave a smile sniffing before holding my hands.
"But it's different this time." He said before looking into my eyes with an invisible force that made me nervous "I thought nothing would make sense if I didn't have you by my side."
I took a deep breath trying to follow his argument.
"I don't want to lose you." He whispered as if it were a forbidden confession "You are the most important person in the whole world to me." He touched my cheek with the palm of his hand "You know that, don't you?" He swallowed hard, leaning his forehead against mine.
I took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair.
"I know Hyunjae, you are also the most special person for me." I said seeing how he had relaxed a little more "Now get up, you need to take a shower and put bandages on these cuts."
I stood up first, but I felt his hand close to my fist. He was taller than me, not so much, but his body was so strong that it made me feel small around him.
"What? Come on, you're very tired. ” I took the lead before I felt him pulling me again.
"[NAME]." He said hoarsely as I studied his face curiously.
Hyunjae was too different that night.
“What is it Hyunjae? Your face is dirty, you need to take a shower. ” I touched my hips trying to understand what he wanted.
Hyunjae approached pulling my wrist towards him before giving a kiss there.
"Come with me." He said making me petrified on the spot.
"W-WHAT?!" I asked nervously as I felt my heart pound so loudly that I was afraid he might hear "I-That's not funny, Hyunjae."
He released my fist and pulled me by the hip, staring deep into my eyes.
"I'm not kidding." I felt a shiver down my back when he admitted it wasn't a joke or a friend flirt "I got tired of pretending I don't feel anything for you."
I couldn't say anything, I was too shocked to reply.
“[NAME], you are the most important person to me and I don't want to live any longer having to treat you just like a best friend.” He touched my chin and raised my gaze to his “Please, be honest with me. Am I just a best friend to you? ”
I felt his gaze enter my soul and I knew I had no way to lie anymore, this was the only chance I would have to admit what I feel.
"No." I swallowed and stared at his mouth, which formed a small smile of satisfaction.
It was amazing the effect that Hyunjae had on me. Even if I wanted to run away, I wouldn't be able to lie because it was already obvious from the way I act.
"Great." I felt my stomach churn when I felt his left hand hold me tighter as his right landed on my cheek, making his thumb touch my chin, caressing it. "I hope you don't mind this."
"Mind wha—" I could barely finish the question and I felt his lips on mine.
I pulled away unintentionally from the shock and looked into his eyes that seemed to be staring at me with an indescribable fire. I swallowed and felt my heart racing as he just smirked sideways, as if he knew what I was thinking.
He approached me slowly, touching our noses and I closed my eyes feeling his breath warm my face. I felt my face heat up and my palms sweat when his lips brushed against mine again. I held on to his white blouse with the rest of my strength and waited for Hyunjae to close the distance that bothered me so much.
I felt his hand move and his fingers pulled my chin down, opening my mouth that was closed by shock. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding and felt him laugh through his nose before wetting my bottom lip with his tongue lightly, kissing me gently.
I lifted my hands to his hair where I pulled slightly, feeling my back against the bathroom door. Hyunjae took a quick breath, trying desperately to open the bathroom door, trying not to break the kiss.
I opened my eyes after Hyunjae got rid of me, feeling my heart stop at the sight of him focused on trying to open the bathroom door. His face was flushed, but his ears seemed to burn at how red they were. His dark eyebrows were furrowed and his mouth was pink and inviting.
"Aish." Hyunjae said finally opening the bathroom making me smile slightly.
I held on to his blouse when I almost tripped over my own rug and Hyunjae grabbed my waist with his arm. He gave me a shy smile before leaning his body against mine, making me even more nervous.
His fingers played with the old buttons on my wool blouse. I held his neck intoxicating myself by his smell invading my senses. I felt a shiver down my spine when his fingers touched my skin gently, as if it were the most expensive porcelain that should be handled with care.
Hyunjae started the shower making me more and more nervous. He pushed me with some force making my back touch the tile on the cold wall of the bathroom. I felt his wet abdomen touching mine and tried to take his shirt off awkwardly making him laugh with amusement.
I looked into his eyes feeling my cheeks flush hard as I held his necklace in my hand. I smirked when I realized it was the gift I had given them for his last birthday. It was a sun necklace that was completed with another necklace, which was mine and was shaped like a moon.
I used to say that he was the sun that lit up my life and that reflected in me. I didn't expect him to wear it every day, because he is so critical of his clothes and his style, so I was surprised when I saw the jewel on his soft, wide collarbone.
"I-I like that necklace." He justified himself by making me smile as I felt my hair gradually get wet from the shower water.
I caressed his cheeks, removing all the dust and ashes from his face. He closed his eyes as I carefully wiped his face by raising my hands to his hair. My stomach churned when I kissed the corner of his jaw and he let out a long breath squeezing my waist.
"I like you." I confessed by kissing his neck, stroking his hair "Really."
"N-Noona." He said slyly in my ear making me smile. He only called me Noona when he was embarrassed "Don't do this to me."
"What?" I asked, acting like I didn't get his thoughts while looking at his beautiful body in front of me. I moved my hands down his chest feeling my whole body softening and looked him in the eyes hoping he understood the message I wanted to convey.
"You know." He responded by pinning me to the wall as he fiddled with the buttons on his pants, leaning his forehead against mine, chuckling through his nose.
I hugged him feeling slightly embarrassed when I felt him take off my bra and toss it on any floor in the bathroom. I closed my eyes tightly as I felt his lips kiss my neck slowly and lovingly.
"[NAME] ..." He sighed and kissed my collarbone "I-I know you like romantic guys, but the last thing I want to do now is to be patient and romantic with you."
I felt my whole body tremble and my thoughts were confused.
"I-Is this okay with you?" He asked suspiciously and I nodded, unable to speak, "Are you sure?"
I just answered him by kissing him again. He returned it immediately, deepening the kiss, holding me in his strong arms.
So, I closed my eyes and just let all those feelings accumulated from so long being satisfied without thinking about anything else.
- ▪︎ -
The truth was that love could come from anywhere, from a friendship for years, from a complete stranger, from a colleague at work or college. There are no limits to define where love should be born.
For Hyunjae and you, it was born out of years of extreme care. An affection that could not be limited by friendship, and by the undeniable attraction you felt for each other. There are people who spend years like this without the courage to declare themselves.
At that moment, a questioning is born within you. What if you hadn't declared yourself that night? What if you had run away? Hyunjae would probably walk away and leave your house feeling his heart broken. You weren't going to have the happy ending you wanted, and you could probably lose a precious friendship.
Ultimately, the butterfly effect has been proven and you should admit that your best 'mistake' was to have overcome your fear and admitted your senses. His best 'mistake' was sleeping with his best friend.
The question that remains is: Was that your destiny, or just the butterfly effect?
Ultimately, none of that mattered, because you both loved each other deeply.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎! 𝙰𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚣 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚜: 𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚆𝚘𝚘𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐
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Disclaimer: In no way am I condoning, promoting, encouraging, justifying nor romanticizing yandere behavior or lifestyle. This is all a work of fiction and not meant to represent real life scenarios.
Warnings: Mentions of toxic relationships, yandere behavior, bullying, harassment, blackmail, sexual scenes, abusive relationship, manipulation, verbal abuse, abortion, attempted murder.
𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧:
𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚎: 𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚆𝚘𝚘𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐
𝙳.𝙾.𝙱: 𝙽𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟼𝚝𝚑, 𝟷𝟿𝟿𝟿
𝙷𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝: 𝟷𝟽𝟹 𝙲𝙼/ 𝟻'𝟾 𝙵𝚝.
𝙰𝚐𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝙻𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚕: ■■■■■100%
𝙾𝚋𝚜𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝙻𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚕: ■■■■□90%
𝙼𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚕 𝙸𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚋𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢: ■■■■□80%
𝙾𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝 𝙻𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚕: 𝙷𝚒𝚐𝚑
𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙲𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗: 𝚃𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚘𝚛
𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛𝚊𝚕 𝙰𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚜:
𝙰𝚋𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢 𝚝𝚘 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚕𝚢 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚔 𝚑𝚒𝚖𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏 𝚊𝚜 𝚊 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚜/𝚘.
𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏𝚏 𝚙𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚞𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚏 𝚘𝚋𝚓𝚎𝚌𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚝 .
𝚄𝚜𝚎𝚜 𝚋𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚕 𝚊𝚜 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚜.
𝙳𝚎𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚜𝚎𝚜 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚘𝚋𝚓𝚎𝚌𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚏𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚘𝚋𝚎𝚢.
𝙽𝚘𝚝 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚕𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚙𝚑𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚕 𝚙𝚊𝚒𝚗.
You had known him for the longest time, probably since you were both learning the alphabet.
Even back then he was a troublesome boy.
Loved to dip your hair in paint, pour glue inside your backpack.
Or always pushed you off the swings cause he wanted to play in it.
This didn't really faze you back then.
Most of the boys that age played such tricks on almost all the girls.
They all had a specific target and you were Wooyoung's.
You remember telling this one day to your mom, who simply chuckled.
"Honey, boys tend to tease the girls they have a crush on."
You remember looking at her with confusion.
How could they treat someone they like with such utter disrespect and rudeness?
"Because they don't know how to express their feelings."
Like an idiot you believed that, and being the naive little girl you were, you kinda started developing a crush on him.
You remember the first time you talked back to him, it's engraved in your head because it was the first time of many to come where his words, and actions, hurt you.
"Just admit you like me Wooyoung! You only tease me cause you're in love with me."
You remember the rage and disgust in his eyes as he shoved you to the ground, making you scrape your knee on the pavement.
"Get this through that dumb brain of yours Y/N....
No one will ever love a dirty little rat like you."
You came home crying that day. Hurt physically and emotionally at his words.
And the years to come weren't better, as you grew up, Wooyoung's bullying towards you escalated.
You hoped that after you graduated high school and started going to university, you'd be free from him, never see him again.
You could finally be happy for once in your life. Focus on your goals and career.
Everything was going great for you!.......
Until you walked into class and found out not only had Wooyoung been accepted to the same university...
He was majoring in the same field as you!
"Hey dirty little rat. Missed me?"
His cocky smile sent shivers down your spine, you were already fearing what he had in store for you.
If you thought high school was hell, it was nowhere near as awful as the torment Wooyoung was now putting on you.
Tripping you down the stairs to the point you had severe injuries.
Writing nasty and derogatory names on your desk that now wouldn't come off and you'd be forced to look at every time you went to class.
One time he went as far as stealing your assignments, ultimately leading to failing an entire semester.
You were so heartbroken and just done with his shit. You felt no more motivation to even continue studying.
Until a cute boy named Yeonjun transferred and took an interest in you.
He was super nice, friendly and not to mention good looking and hella tall.
It was more than obvious too that he wanted establish a relationship with you, anyone and everyone could see that.
Especially Wooyoung and he did not look the way someone else was making you happy.
So he devised a plan, not caring how messed up it was.
He made sure someone convinced you to go to a party he'd be at.
You found it odd that he was suddenly acting super nice to you, not even calling you those mild nicknames he called you in front of others.
And it shocked you even more when he suddenly apologized to you for everything he'd done to you, even offering to talk to your professor about your assignment.
His eyes seemed so sincere, you actually believed him.
Perhaps he finally decided to change, realized his behavior was unnecessary and immature and of course, like an idiot you accepted his apology.
You got wasted for the first time in your life that night and could not remember anything at all.
Until Wooyoung was 'kind' enough to brief you in on what happened.
He pulled out his phone and made you watch a video he had filmed of you two that night.
Your stomach hurled over as you realized it was a fucking sex tape, you and Wooyoung had actually fucked that night.
"What! No no! This couldn't have happened! There's no way!" You refused to believe it.
Wooyoung just smirked at you.
"Oh but it did happen kitten. You were so eager too as the video displays, you kept asking me to go harder, begging me for another round and wanting my cum all over you..."
"I wonder what would the whole school say if I posted it online....especially Yeonjun."
Now you realized what his game was. He was never sorry. It was just another form of him to torture you, and this tipped the scale.
You were so shaken up, you got down on your knees and begged him not to show anyone the video.
"Please Wooyoung! I'll do anything! Anything!"
"Anything?......really? How about becoming mine then?"
And now you were forever tied to your worst nightmare.
Wooyoung especially enjoyed seeing Yeonjun's disappointed and heartbroken look when he announced that you two were now dating.
Now he couldn't even look at you anymore, feeling somewhat betrayed by your actions.
You wanted to tell him you were sorry and explain to him what was going on, but Wooyoung had eyes on you 24/7.
He even made you move in with him and now even your free time had to be spent with him.
You hated living with him.
He not only made sure to verbally abuse you, but actually seemed to have fun causing tiny accidents to happen around you.
His favorite was when he'd peer over your shoulder as you tried to study.
He scoffed. "Why even bother if all you'll ever be good at is spreading your legs?"
Those were his favorite insults: "whore" "slut" "bitch".
One time you were just so fed up with him, that you ended up snapping back.
"Shut the fuck up Wooyoung! You're such an insufferable piece of shit, no wonder your mom left you and your dad back in middle school."
As soon as the words came out, you wanted to swallow them back in.
Wooyoung was livid at your words.
He not only yanked you up by your hair, but he actually threw you to the floor and started kicking you harshly.
He didn't kick you for too long though, he did not want to risk anyone questioning when he told them you fell down the stairs.
And especially not take you to the hospital.
You had no choice but to stay home as you tried to recuperate.
You remember one of those days, you came home from a quick trip to the convenience store and found some girl blowing Wooyoung on the couch.
You weren't fazed. He often brought girls home and fucked them right in front of you.
You just sighed and decided to ignore the shit eating grin he'd give you whenever you caught him.
You decided long ago it wasn't worth it.
You two weren't even dating cause you wanted to.
He just loved controlling you, having power over you, holding something over your head.
He had this obsessive need to make you miserable.
And you hated that you had no choice but to allow it.
Even when there were things you didn't want to do, you had to or he'd once again blackmail you.
The one time you adamantly refused to was when you found out you were pregnant.
Wooyoung was just as shocked as you.
"And you're telling me I'm the father?"
"Uh......I can't have sex with anyone who isn't you, obviously you're the father."
Wooyoung couldn't let you go through with the pregnancy.
"Get rid of it." He told you.
You wrapped a protective hand around your bump.
"No! This is my baby and I won't allow you to harm it!"
You weren't going to budge though.
"Show the tape to everyone! I don't give a fuck anymore! But I'm not killing an innocent child who has done nothing wrong. "
Realizing he was losing control of you, Wooyoung knocked you out unconscious, deciding to take matters into your own hands.
You woke up a day later, feeling sore and aching in your inner thighs and lower abdomen.
You immediately panicked and sensed something was wrong.
You didn't need Wooyoung to tell you, you knew he had taken you to a clinic and had the baby removed.
You were so shaken up, cried your eyes out and no longer had any will to fight against Wooyoung.
You felt like it all all your fault, the death of your baby was your fault.
You weren't strong enough to save it and it was killing you inside.
You no longer trusted anyone, and you didn't have the heart to talk about it to anyone. Not like they'd believe you or care about you.
But someone did notice, Yeonjun never stopped caring about you and although he was hurt you went with someone else, he still had feelings for you.
And he was very observant and noticed that ever since you started dating Wooyoung, you were skipping a lot of classes....
And you were having a lot of accidents...too many in fact.
And now he just saw you completely lost and like a walking dead.
"Hey Y/N, are you ok?" He asked you one day.
You were going to respond, but the devil made an appearance by your side.
"She's fine and was just coming home with me. Weren't you baby?"
To everyone, it looked like a sweet and caring smile from your doting boyfriend, but you knew it was all fake.
Nonetheless you just kept your head low and went home with him.
Yeonjun noticed the way you trembled when he put his arm around you, noticed the frightened look in your eyes and he knew something was wrong in your relationship.
When you got home, Wooyoung was pissed off at you and immediately struck your face.
"I thought I told you not to talk to him! Can't you obey a simple order you fucking bitch?!"
When he pulled out a knife from the kitchen, you were now scared for your life.
You tried to fight back, but Wooyoung was stronger than you and you were still in pain after the abortion.
He knocked you to the floor and managed to land 2 stab wounds into your right side.
You could never forget the wrath and hate in his eyes as he told you:
"I'm going to fucking kill you."
By some miracle, someone taller and stronger than Wooyoung got him off you, that someone being none other than Yeonjun.
He felt glad about following his hunch and followed you both back home, otherwise he'd end up reading about you in the newspaper.
He had no trouble in subduing Wooyoung and calling the police.
The only thing on his mind was getting you to the hospital as soon as possible.
"It's ok Y/N. You're going to be fine." He assured you
Your physical injuries were easy to recover from, but the emotional trauma and abuse Wooyoung put you through was not.
Yet Yeonjun was there every step of the way, going with you to therapy and just listening to you and your terrifying story.
For the first time in your life, you felt truly loved and happy....
And safe.
A year after the ordeal, you were doing much better and were nearly fully recuperated.
Yeonjun and you rented a place together and were completely in love with each other.
Everything seemed to be going perfect....
And then one day your phone rang.
Picking up, you asked "Hello?"
"Don't think it's over yet you dirty little rat."
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aerodaltonimperial · 2 years
2,8, and 28 for the ask game, if I may! :)
2. Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
To be honest, at this point, I'm not sure there's anything I haven't tried, but maybe more of structural things I haven't tried a ton, like writing a story backwards (did this once)? Not so much tropes, but definitely fic related. I feel like I can take more risks with fic so I'd like to maybe do a bit more of that.
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
THIS ONE WAS SO FUCKING HARD LOL but I settled on this.
“I have a problem.”
“With Kain.”
“Yes, with Kain, what else would we be talking about?”
Edward waves his hand a bit. “Sorry, continue. What’s the issue, exactly?”
“I want to pound him into a mattress,” Edge says.
Edward coughs into his wine, sputtering a bit, and then leans against the chair back. “Oh, thank the Gods.”
“This is obviously a huge predicament, and I—wait, what?” Edge narrows his eyes across the room. “Why is that a good thing?”
“Yang owes me gil.”
“Excuse me?”
Edward shrugs a bit, tendrils of blond hair falling over his lapel. “I already mentioned Damcyan doesn’t have any treasure yet, so the extra coin is appreciated.”
Edge straightens. “You were betting on me?!”
“It was either this, or you were going to murder him,” Edward admits, “and I had a hunch. Yang’s a little too prim to believe things, sometimes. He’s a bit old-fashioned like that.”
“How much gil?” Edge asks.
“Doesn’t matter.”
Tbh this snuck up while I was writing this fic and became the reason I firmly believe that Edge and Edward are bros, unlikely besties, and absolute disasters who have decided to bond together lol. I'm proud of this absolutely batshit friendship this conversation created.
28. Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
Oh this is so damn hard, so…
Sevdrag- my original love, the person who probably dragged me into writing better all those 15 years ago when we started writing and bouncing ideas off each other. Sev has a writing style that is lyrical as much as brutal; her turn of phrase can punch you right in the face when you least expect it. I adore her and her writing, forever and always.
Entanglednow- it's not super often that I end up finding an author I love in a Fandom who then moves to another Fandom I am ALSO in, but that happened here, and all their fic is so amazing. I've got so much of it bookmarked. Some of their fics have really stayed with me, re-reads when I want something I know I will love.
Komodobits- would probably be remiss if I didn't mention this one, as one of their fics legitimately messed me up for over a week. Like, I was physically shaken. That ability alone is awe-inspiring, I will never read the fic again but oh, wow, will it remain with me until I die LOL
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Of Ice and Blood
Part 5
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Look who's back with a 5k+ word count chapter?! Me!
I was planning on posting 1k+ at a time but stuff happened and I'm posting it all at once!
Enjoy and I'd appreciate it dearly if you reblog! Thank you!
Edit: Reached the 250 block limit so... The inevitable decision had to be made! Part 5 has a total of 3.42k words! The rest will be in a separate post <3
Pairing: Tai'chi Kashharzol (Orc) x Pearl Blackbell (Human OC/Reader)
Warnings: Cursing, Violence, brief mentions of blood and injury.
Overall SFW (but 16+ for language)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 Part 6
The walk back to the school building was quiet.
Or so I thought.
Because it wasn't. At all.
Whispers, mutterings, echoed from the rooms as we passed by.
Are they doing it on purpose, or is my hearing sharper than usual?
"Hey look it's that girl."
"You mean the freak who sat beside the orc—"
"First day of school and someone already got killed. Should've expected him to be a savage."
"You think she wears a mask to hide her identity? Maybe she's a criminal-"
Probably the latter.
I shrugged. There stood a decent amount of distance between us anyway. So it's likely my hearing.
Students were watching us with weird suspecting eyes from a distance behind the windows. Sensing apprehension and outward hate when they saw Tai'chi next to me, his face in a neutral expression. But with my nose at this proximity, he smells pretty annoyed.
Just— why are there so many people,— humans–garnering these feelings towards someone they don't even know! And to even mock him like that! How dare —
"Pearl," Tai'chi called. His rich voice resonating, making the gossips of the students stop for a brief moment before they continued. Most likely slandering my name now. I didn't know I was standing still. Looking up, Tai'chi was a decent 9 meters away, with the staff members further ahead of him. He gave me a wondering look, worry along with his natural fragrance, drifted through me, carried by air.
I straightened up and took long strides, Tai'chi beside me, to catch up with them.
"Yeah, just thinking. I'm okay." Replying, not looking up to him. He didn't ask, but I felt like he would.
************short pov shift************
He was a bit bothered by the change in your scent and looked back when he noticed you weren't beside him anymore. There you were, standing in the middle of the wide hallway, brows scrunched up in aggravation.
He called out to you, probably a little louder than he meant to, but you looked up and hastily made your way beside him, both of you catching up to the rest towards the dean's office. He didn't ask, but you answered, only making him worry even more.
**********first person pov**************
As soon as we entered the main office of the center building, we were greeted with the sight of the dean and David, together with Miss Holson. He was a white fat man, though a bit taller than me, wearing a light grey suit with a few buttons open revealing a white undershirt, and a silly yellow, violet polka dot tie. I barely held back from snorting at the sight.
Mr. Silverstone was fussing over his son, his voice raised in slight panic was heard by everyone.
They went ahead of us then.
"My son! My dear, dear David! Who did this to you?!" he cried out. Once David, that son of a bitch, spotted me, he flashed me that blasted grin of his. He was acting, pretending to be hurt.
I hardly even left a scratch on him for fuck's sake. How I regret not punching him straight in the face.
Reverting to his fake, frightened, and miserable state, he pointed at me. "I-I-It's her father! She is the one who attacked me! Along with that thing with her."
Thing?! That sick bastard!
The dean whipped his head in my direction, eyes scanning me up and down before he diverted them to Tai'chi.
Well, it seems I'll ve packing up sooner than I thought.
My shoulders sagged.
Some professors were alarmed by this, frantically pushing forward to grab his attention.
"Mr. Silverstone, we still do not know what's for certain. We must interrogate them properly and listen to each of their sides before we make a decision." Mr. Dulrik asserted, his voice strained and close to animosity. He was not pleased with what the student had said.
The elder professor from earlier followed up.
"Listen to Mr. Dulrik, sir. We cannot take any risks and ju—"
"Silence!" the dean shouted. "I will not hear your reasoning. My son has told me everything I need to know. Miss Holson supported his claims and that's enough to decide what to do with these criminals."
"The girl and that orc shall be expelled from this institution immediately. We do not need any murderers or barbarians here. I have always suspected why that Ernestine brat even allowed these monstrosities to be with us. To breathe the same air and walk the same land as we do, endangering our safety no less! A pathetic excuse of a founder she is! If it were me I would've—"
"You would've what?" Words came out before I stopped myself, my voice low, but it was heard still, drawing their attention to me.
"What did you just say?" He demanded, his anger slipping out more. The room was silent, except for the subtle ticking of the wall clock behind me, and the movement of air around us.
I lifted my head and looked at him dead in the eye. "You would've what?" This time, I replied, louder.
Before he could retort I went on, emotion fueling my words as I advanced with every question asked.
"Would've banned every single, non-human race from the university?
"Would've taught every human that they are greater beings and the ones that were different were meant to be stepped on?
"Would've ordered and tolerated bullying on anyone who was unnatural and weird looking?
"Would've put them in their place?
Isolate them? Degrade them? Despise them for being alive?" No-one stopped me as I approached him, the teachers separating and making way. Even Mr. Dulrik was regarding me curiously.
I scoffed. " 'If it were me' you said. You think I wouldn't notice how everyone else, that isn't human, was oppressed and treated like shit in this school? It seems to me that you already did what you would've done, didn't you? You are no dean, you are a clown, a pillock, a dumbass, and you call yourself human? You are more monster than any of us in this room."
I breathed heavily as I stood a couple of feet in front of him. His face grew to a crimson hue, my ears catching the sound of smoke seething out of him. At the back, David and Miss Holson were dumbfounded, shocked into place, shaken like ugly statues.
Finally, the dean spoke, his fists clenching hard as he faced me, almost drawing blood.
I am so gonna beat him up. Hell yeah, I will.
"Keep out of trouble if you can." Well, shit happened Mama, forgive me.
"How dare you speak to me like that! I, a pure-blood Silverstone, a line of royalty! If we were still at war I would've had you executed from where you stand—"
"How about you do it yourself then, oh mighty Silverstone jerk?" I mocked and gave a toothy smile, then I remembered he wouldn't see it. That was all it took to have him launching himself at me, the professors running to the sides to avoid his wrath.
His hands were balled tight, a fist aiming for my face, eyes filled with deadly intent.
Oh, he really wants to kill me.
Before it connected, I sidestepped, causing him to stumble forward. Even so, he immediately regained his balance and reached to grab my hoodie. I didn't dodge this time, but before he touched me, I used my right hand to slap it away. With my other hand, fitted with my crimson knuckle dusters, I met his fist with mine. Almost instantly, he stumbled back and crouched down, his left hand holding his bloodied one.
"You bitch!!!" he screamed in agony.
I think I broke his hand.
I glanced to my brass knuckles, some of the blood covering them, merely visible because of its color.
Shattered it perhaps.
"I will have you killed you insolent brat! I'll kill you!" he cursed.
"Now, now, Silverstone, you will do no such thing." A feminine voice cut through the large room. We all turned to the door to see a slim, tall, tanned woman who seemed to be in her 40s, her slightly wrinkled face showing it. She was wearing a black high-waist pencil skirt paired with a black one-button suit and a baby blue undershirt. The lady also wore classic white loafers and white hand gloves made of leather, with her ebony hair tied up in a bun.
Everything about her screams 'important'. I scented an intimidating yet reassuring aura around her.
I met her eyes and a sense of familiarity fell upon me. I know her and I've seen her before.
Wait. Could it be— she's—
"Madame Ernestine!" A professor exclaimed.
That means she's, "The founder," I said out loud.
She began sauntering in my direction, each step clicking on the floor, carrying herself with grace.
"M-Ma-Madame Ernestine!" The dean, shrieked as he stood up, shaking, his busted hand in his chest, his back facing me. "I didn't expect you to visit this year! We could've prepared for your arrival—"
"You shut your mouth now Welmir." She spoke out, her voice firm and borderline hostile. "I've had enough of your blabbering mug. I made it so that my arrival is unexpected. Leaving my outside duties rather early and rushed this year when news got to me that you, the dean, were neglecting your duties, or so, doing it wrong. Not to mention I had my assistant install extra cameras in... certain places last year and because of that, I saw what you did in the shadows. Maybe not all, but it confirmed my suspicions of you, and so," She clapped her together, "I decided to visit you today. And what a surprise it was to see you get beaten up by this lovely young lady behind you."
Me?! Lovely—
My face warmed from her comment.
"Listen here, brat." he regarded the founder. The founder. "I do not know what you are talking about. I have done my duties and more for this university. I made it so that everyone here is safe and this girl,"— he spat— "harmed me, my precious son, and his friends!"
"And all of you deserved it, severely," she responded flatly. "You put my dear students at risk and antagonized them with your schemes, tolerating the behavior of treating other races like animals, disrespecting even the professors who are different in kind," she glanced at Mr. Dulrik and the others. "You even forced a minotaur, an elf, and a dwarven student to act the part of being in a student council, hoping people wouldn't notice the crimes you did behind our backs. Did you expect me to turn blind eye to this?"
It was all pretend?!
The mere thought of what he did to threaten them to it makes me wanna puke.
"I am furious, Welmir Silverstone. To think I believed you'd change your ways after my father's death with the renovation of the institute. Trusted you to do your job as dean and make the students comfortable, welcomed. But, no. You chose to follow his footsteps, became selfish, blinded by greed and pointless hate. You are a disappointment to all of us."
I smelled her rage under that near non-expressive facade of hers. It was spicy, like fire having an odor of its own.
"You are but a child! You know nothing of this world! This world of ours needs to be purged off of those rats. You cannot tell me what to do!" He yelled as he brought up his uninjured hand to hit her. I was about to step in when Madame Ernestine grabbed his arm and threw a right uppercut, blood spilling out of his jaw. The punch sent him a few steps back, he would have landed on me if I didn't move out of the way before he collapsed on the floor groaning and holding his mouth.
Ooh she's strong! Nice! I grinned.
"You are hereby stripped off of your job as dean along with all of your titles, properties, and henceforth banished from these grounds, together with your son and Emma Holson, whom I found out laid with him, and the abusive acts they had engaged in." Her words laced with poison, disgust and anger as she gave the final judgement.
"Never show yourselves. Ever. Again," she spat. "Take them away."
Out of nowhere, men in black suits came in and apprehended the young instructor, who twisted her heel trying to escape. She yelled at them to let her go, saying she has done nothing wrong. David, the bastard, was held in place by one of them as he struggled in their grasp. The dean— or should I say, Mr. Silverstone, in pain and bleeding, was dragged up by two others and headed straight out of the door. He shouted ;
"Mark my words, brat! I will—"
And the door slammed close.
With my gaze following them, my eyes landed on Tai'chi. I took off my dusters and waved, tucking them back up my sleeve.
He is smiling! And oh wow he's damn gorgeous— wait what?
My attention was drawn away to the lady in front of me. I got distracted by Tai'chi that I almost forgot about her.
"Oh my God I uhm— hello Madame Ernestine." I took one step back before bowing. "It's an honor to meet you. I—"
"Oh dear, please raise your head. No need for such formal gestures. I am Valerie Ernestine, founder of the new Ernestine State University." She stated as she beamed at me.
"I uh- Yes ma'am I know of you. I'm quite a fan actually— I mean! My name is Pearl Blackbell, ma'am."
Oh God, that sounded so stupid.
Then she hugged me.
"Ma'am?!" I squeaked. My arms went stiff, nervous to even touch her. Before I could, she pulled back, a gentle expression on her face.
"Nice to meet you, Pearl Blackbell."
"I- nice to meet you too Ma'am Ernestine!" I stammered, praying my face and ears isn't as red as I feel them to be.
"Please, call me Valerie."
"Ma'am Valerie."
"Just Valerie, dear."
"I'm so sorry ma'am but I can't— my mother will hit me in the head with a frying pan if I forget my manners."
"Very well, then. It brings me joy that you were raised properly by your parents."
"Thank you ma'am, I really am happy to have them, and I only hope for them to be proud of me— oh wait. Uh, ma'am Valerie?"
"Am I gonna get punished or expelled?" I shrunk, expecting the worst.
"Why ever did you think of that?"
"W-Well you see, I did harm uh, students and they're probably in the infirmary right now and—"
"Oh, Pearl, no." She let out a light chuckle. "You won't be punished or even expelled for that! In fact, I saw how you defended yourself and your friend from them. They did attack you first, sweetie. And what you did was impressive!" She clapped her hands. As I stood there in relief, I couldn't help but shot up when the words sank in.
"Oh, thank you. But how...?"
"Apparently, I had my assistant install some cameras in the forest area for particular reasons. I watched you from the monitor as I made my way here," she replied.
"Oh. Oh, wow. That's actually pretty awesome," I sighed.
"Indeed, it is," she smiled. "Excuse me for a bit."
******pov shift to 2nd person (two characters)*****
Madame Ernestine turned and walked towards the remaining teachers to talk about important matters at hand.
"Greetings, my friends." She beamed at the staff and looked at Professor Dulrik and the woman who supported him earlier. "Hello, Roldo and Amila. I have missed you dearly." She bent down to hug the two of them before she went on. "I apologize for not taking action immediately. To think he did this to all of you right under my nose! Why didn't you contact me Roldo?"
"My apologies, Madame Ernestine. I didn't have any proof to show his plot against you and the others. He was very elusive and kept us very busy in our own offices for the past year with you away. That was until today, with the young lady over there standing up against his son, he snapped."
"It really is a good thing she came here, didn't she?" she whispered.
"Indeed, Madame," Amila replied.
There was a brief silence, before Valerie spoke up again. Her gaze locked at the dwarven professor.
"Roldo, my old friend, I want you to take your place as the new dean of this university. I trust you to do your duty a hundred percent better than that impudent man ever did. Will you accept this responsibility?"
"I- Valerie this is-"
"Roldo, you are wise and have seen things most of us here have not. I will not force you on something you do not want, but I put my faith in you, to help me, along with the rest of the staff, to teach everyone here that all of us stand in equal ground, and that we must respect and acknowledge each individual, regardless of their kind. No one, no student, should ever feel uncomfortable in this haven of mine."
"I understand, Valerie." The dwarf took a deep breath and vowed;
"I, Roldo Dulrik, son of Grol II, son of Frerin, accept the responsibilities given to me as dean of Ernestine State University. I will do my duty to the best of my abilities, and remain loyal to you and to this institution." He responded as he thumped his right fist against his chest.
"I know you will, my friend." Valerie grinned at him, her eyes full of trust and hope.
While they were occupied with discussing certain issues, you tried to sneak away, only to be called back by Madame Ernestine.
"Pearl, my dear."
"Yes ma'am?"
"Thank you."
She had a soft smile, emotions clear on her face, directed at you. The founder, Valerie was thanking you for your bravery, kindness and overall honesty. You simply nodded and grinned from ear to ear behind your mask. You were, however, suddenly nervous when Valerie and the two professors approached you. No, actually, all of them were, but the others are heading out of the office, perhaps to go back to their respective classrooms and start working, they gave their thanks as they went out.
"Pearl Blackbell, a wonderful name!" Professor Dulrik remarked. "May the Gods bless you and shine upon you in all your days," he grinned. Before you could reply, Professor Amila hugged you and whispered. "Thank you, for beating up those idiots," —which made you giggle— "It was the right thing to do, and also I had to defend myself. and thank you, Professor Dulrik."
"Nonsense, call me Professor Roldo, lass." He patted your shoulder as he went past you and out of the office, but not before he slapped Tai'chi's forearm.
"You best protect her if you can, lad. Even so, it is obvious she won't need protecting!" He laughed, and went on, quietly, as if whispering. "...Be her friend, my boy. Her eyes...they show the pain she had gone through. You saw that in her, didn't you?"
Tai'chi simply nodded in response. He knew what he meant.
"Then do what you must. If word ever comes to me that you hurt her, I will hunt you down with me battle axe hidden in my office, you hear?"
This time, he chuckled. "I hear you, Professor. I won't. I swear on the the name of my clan, no harm will befall on her." He told him, his voice firm and true.
"That's what I'm talking about, lad!" He replied as he finally exited the room.
Tai'chi shifted his gaze to you. You and the dean were still talking so he stood there, patiently.
"We best be on our way. We still have a number of things to set straight. We will see you around, Miss Blackbell. Don't get into trouble now." The founder giggled.
"I will try my best, ma'am."
"Oh sure you will, sweetie. Goodluck. And oh, the two of you should start going back. It's past lunchbreak afterall." She said as the two ladies sauntered past you and went out.
"Thank you, we will." You said, mostly to yourself.
Part 6 will be posted shortly! Like, shortly shortly. Like, an hour or so shortly. Stay tuned! Thank you for reaching this point uwu✨
Tags: @crackinanutshell @kokokatsworld @mitchiesdungeon <3
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nicistrying · 4 years
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I managed to get out for a little run this morning before work. I started off just kind of plodding along taking it slow bc my shoulders, back and calves were all already achey from work yesterday and Monday, but after the first 2km or so I felt like I could pick up the pace a bit, so I did, and my average pace was going down so I kept speeding up little by little and I ended up with my best average pace! I've been chasing 6min28/km for a few weeks and either I've slowed down coming home or I've had to walk up big hills and it's dragged the average down but today I was tactical about which hills I took and I went up them as fast as I could. So for what was intended to be a slow, chill jog just for some fresh air and exercise, I'm very happy with how it turned out.
Will try not to rant too much about work bc since the manager got suspended things have actually been so much better and less tense (although it is pretty shit that we don't have a manager with 5 weeks to go til Christmas lol). But we had 3 fucking shoplifters today in the space of about 2 hours and it was so frustrating. The last one, I happened to be walking past him on his way out the door and I confronted him but like, I'm not going to lay hands on someone bc if they turn round and punch me it would be my own fault bc we're obviously trained to not try to physically apprehend people? And I'm not going to run after them bc again, if I get beat up no one is going to do anything about it. And also a few bottles of booze is just not worth it. Nothing really is worth it. But I felt like such shit afterwards bc I saw the bottles he was just fucking carrying, not even hiding them, looked him in the eye and he just fucking ran and I stg he laughed at me and I just felt so useless. Like we lose so much shit to theft it's ridiculous. But we don't have a security guard any more so people know we regular staff can't really stop them. Anyway I was a bit shaken up by it bc my immediate thought was 'why didn't I at least try to grab the bottles or something instead of just standing there' and obviously the answer is bc no amount of money is worth actually putting myself in danger, like a few weeks ago my deputy manager ran after a guy and he pulled a knife on him (I work in a really rough area lmao) and like I am just not going to put myself at that risk. It's hard not to blame myself though.
Anyway some good things about today though: it was the chain's 50th birthday so we got sent a big cake and free ice creams for staff. We also each got a letter with a £5 voucher to spend at work and a £1 scratchcard. I won £12 on mine! So the good definitely outweighs the bad today. Now I'm snuggled up in my blanket watching I'm A Celeb. I don't normally watch reality TV but there's a radio DJ I like on it this year so I want to see if he's any good. Might go stretch if I can get myself up off the sofa later bc I have a feeling I'm going to be very achey tomorrow 😬
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sparklyafterdark · 5 years
[05142019 Anon request: Detention smut, Chan]
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Sometimes you just want to punch yourself for having no control over your stupid mouth, but you can’t help it. That asshole that you call a teacher had no business calling out your friend for showing up to school in a slightly off-shoulder top. It’s the middle of summer, for fuck’s sake, what is his problem? Meanwhile, some boys in your class were wearing sleeveless basketball jerseys and he doesn’t bat an eye.
You’re already swamped with summer classes and to make things worse, here you are, in detention, with the resident bad boy in your school, Chris. Who may not be totally bad at all, now that you take a proper look at him.
He’s the typical brooding bad boy type not just girls in your school drool over, with his messy dark curls and piercing eyes and charming smile that can make anyone fall at his feet. And you refuse to admit that he made you feel the same way. You couldn’t help but be amazed when he was the first person to snap at your- ugh, he doesn’t even deserve to be called a teacher- when he made that inappropriate punishment towards your friend. As her friend, you were in shock at first, but when you realized what that fucker was doing, you had to step up as well.
You sigh in frustration at how unfair this situation is. Meanwhile Chris looks unbothered, like he’s so used to being in detention. Oh. Of course he’s used to being in detention, with all sorts of trouble this guy has gotten himself into. Still, you want to thank him for at least being a somewhat decent person and being on your side.
“Is she okay? Have you talked to her already?” Chris’ voice snapped you out of your thoughts, his eyes full of concern.
“Oh… Well, I talked to her for a bit earlier, she’s pretty shaken up. But I’ll check up on her later, don’t worry,”
He nodded in understanding, the expression on his face softer than what you usually see from him. You spend the next few minutes in silence, your chairs right next to each other on the same desk, both of you stealing sideway glances at each other until you end up looking at the same time.
The air is tense the entire few seconds your eyes were on each other. You clear your throat, attempting to speak up first.
“Why are you even seated there? We have the entire room to ourselves,” Shit. You really didn’t mean it that way. What you meant was why isn’t he seated farther, and not to bring any further attention that you two are alone in the room. You take back what you said about him being a somewhat decent guy. He’s still the school’s resident fuckboy for a reason.
“If you haven’t noticed, we’re in a dusty storage room… The storage room,” He laughed teasingly, the dimples on his cheeks becoming more prominent. “And we have an entire hour and a half to spend here, so… If you want to make the most of it, just let me know,”
You shake your head in disgust. Of course you know the unwritten rule and history about these old storage rooms. Who knows how many girls this fuckboy has brought to this damned place?
And the last thing you should be thinking about now is everything Chris has done in this room, how many times he has fucked someone bent over the very desk you were resting your arms on, or pressed against the cold brick wall. You shift uncomfortably in your seat, an unwelcome heat pooling in your core at the thought. Fuck. Why did he have that effect on you, why now of all times?
It doesn’t help that he’s watching you like a hawk, his eyes looking like he can feel the storm going on beneath your legs.
“Baby girl, if you need help with that, you can always tell me,” He smirked, knowing he has that effect on you.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “What are you even so proud of anyway? Five-minute quickies? No thanks,”
As expected, you have struck a chord. You smirk to yourself. This little shit can’t get to you.
Or so you thought.
He towered over you, turning your chair so you can face him. Both his hands rested on the backrest of your seat, caging you in his strongly-built arms half exposed by the rolled-up sleeves of his pristinely white button-down.
“Oh baby girl, you have no idea what you’re talking about,” His voice is low and menacing, dripping with lust. You gulp hard. How can you not lose all of your inhibition with him looking at you like that? Chris is the perfect definition of everything you shouldn’t want but still do, and here you are completely enamored by his spell.
“Enlighten me then,” It was both a challenge and an invitation, and you decided fuck it, before you lose this spark of recklessness, you’re gonna get this over with. Just one taste and he’ll be out of your system.
He wastes no time in crashing his lips into yours, his kisses hungry and needy and passionate. He dips his tongue into your mouth, smirking against your lips when he heard you moan into the kiss.
His hands travel down to your neck, then unbuttoning your blouse, nipping at the soft skin enough to leave dark purple marks in the areas hidden by your uniform. In one swift move by his free hand, he manages to unclasp your bra, sucking on your nipples right away the moment he frees your breasts.
“I’m making you feel good, aren’t I? Let me hear you,”
Your moans come out soft and restrained, not wanting to risk getting caught but the idea immensely turning you on. You can’t help the whines that escaped your lips when his hand went underneath your skirt, rubbing you through your already soaked underwear.
“See? I am making you feel good,” He slipped a finger through the waistband and rubbed circles on your clit, making you squirm and gasp in your seat.
“Up,” Pulling his finger out, his hand grips your arm, guiding you to stand up and lean against the desk. He kisses you one more time, then pulls your panties all the way down. With a smug smile on his face, he sits on the same chair you were sitting on, bringing his face between your legs. Chris smirks at you one more time, meeting your eyes before disappearing under your short skirt.
You clamp a hand over your mouth to muffle your moans, his tongue swirling expertly on your clit. Holy shit, you take it back. He is so good, every flick of his tongue adding to the building pressure in your core. Even more so when he inserted a finger, then two, curling them just the right way that hits your g-spot. It didn’t take long before you’re a whimpering mess under his mercy, his curly locks tight between your fingers, shaking from your walls to your thighs with the intensity of your orgasm.
You haven’t even caught your breath yet, and your heart is already pounding at how he wipes your juices off his mouth with the back of his hand, knowing he’s far from done. You close your eyes as he breathes in your ear.
“Fuck you,” You whisper harshly, breathlessly.
“Don’t mind if I do,” He peppers kisses into your collarbones as he unbuckles his belt, then unzips his pants. He pulls away from you briefly as he pulls his pants down to his knees, along with his boxers, making sure you can freely see his hard cock springing into view.
“Like what you see baby girl?”
You swallow hard, unable to form words. He strokes himself in front of you, proud and teasing.
“Bend over, here,” Chris pats the desk you were leaning on to for support. You're fast in obeying him, wanting him inside you so bad.
“Mmm, look at you, so wet and desperate for me,” Running a finger over your slit, he fingers you a few more times before lining up his tip to your entrance.
A wave of pleasure washes through you as he pushes in, teasingly slow at first, and you bite down on your fingers to keep your noises to a minimum.
“Fuck, fuck, yes, you're so tight,” Chris groans through gritted teeth, gripping your hips tightly, thrusting into you hard but slow. You whimper in pleasure, wanting more of him, and the clenching of your walls urge him to go faster.
Soon enough he's taking you at a frantic, brutal pace that has you seeing stars, a delicious heat pooling in your core. You whimper helplessly as his hips snap against yours.
Anyone can walk in here right now, and it makes you even wetter. You must look so dirty right now, blouse and bra undone, skirt lifted, panties pulled down, getting fucked mercilessly from behind.
“C-Chris, more, m-more please, I'm so close,” You bury your face in your arms, muffling your moans and whimpers.
“Five- minute- quickie- huh-” He punctuates each word with a hard thrust, and your muscles squeeze tight around him as your second orgasm hits you. You can tell he won't last long either, his thrusts getting more erratic until he pulls out of you, guiding you to your knees, and fucks into your mouth until he cums into your throat with a low, drawn-out moan.
Both of you are at a loss for words after, and it's surprising how Chris is also flustered as hell as he's cleaning up and fixing his clothes.
“Our resident fuckboy, speechless after sex? Wow,” You chuckle at his fucked-out state even if he's the one who fucked the hell out of you, but his confidence is quickly regained once you noticed.
“Admit it, you want a round 2 after what I just gave you.”
Yes. Of course you do. He would have to work harder for it though, old and dusty storage rooms won't cut it anymore with you.
A/N: Well holy fuck I got carried away with this one. Who knew a one-word prompt would get to me like this lol. And that photo!! I immediately thought of it once I saw the prompt!
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highpriestofpalkism · 5 years
Darkness between Two Worlds -
Please, reblog if you like!
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"Darkness between Two Worlds: A king isn't enough, we need a god. Cover by: Paolo Bagnato, Made by: Arceus92 (me)"
Rick was looking particularly worried at the computer monitor. There were some rather notable anomalies regarding Titanus Gojira's journey into the North Atlantic Ocean, a few hundred kilometers from their outpost at Castle Bravo, in Bermuda, and he could not understand their nature. Godzilla had been reported in the same place for the past five minutes, and was frantically stirring in the water: his signal dot continued to shake, while the patches of colour around him, which indicated the radioactivity of the area, only became more vivid every second.
«What the fuck does that mean there is a higher level of radiation? And to say that until recently he was swimming calmly! He is moving as fast as he can! I think he is...»
«Rick! You have to calm down, I don't think it's something dangerous...maybe he's taking a tunnel to Hollow Earth...?», Chen replied, starting a list of possible rational solutions to that unusual problem.
«And since when does he become more radioactive if it moves? It only happens when he fires a nuclear beams or is under particular stress... »
«Consider that there is a very strong force five hurricane going near his location, he may have used it to clear the fog or dispel the clouds.»
«But why stand still on the spot wagging your tail? It looks like he's struggling with nothing!»
«It is impossible that he is fighting! There is no known titan nearby, and I don't think he would use atomic rays for simple preys...»
«Whatever. I'm not understanding anything!»
«What do you mean Godzilla is emitting more radiation?!»
Mark intruded into the discussion inside that small computer room: the events of 2019 had shaken him a lot, and, despite having managed to recognize the role of Godzilla within the ecosystem, he had become slightly paranoid after them, and when the titan began to make strange or unusual movements, he immediately panicked.
«Oh well, the hysterical has come...»
«I'm not hysterical! I just want to prevent that...thing from causing other problems!»
«You have to blame the yellow dragon and that ecoterrorist if the other half of the family almost died.»
Doctor Russel clenched his fists with bitterness.
«Come on, Rick, don't provoke him like this! We have far more important things to deal with.»
«Well, you're not wrong, but this one goes crazy as soon as Goji breathes!»
«"This one"?»
«Okay okay...»
«Let me see.» Mark moved the chair Rick was sitting on to see the monitor. There was the dot that indicated Godzilla, the radiation around it, and the huge storm marked in yellow that was raging around him.
«Well...apparently that Gonorrhea resurrected»
«You like Sam's expression, huh, Mark?»
«For what he did, a nickname like that deserves it, don't you think?»
«It doesn't seem appropriate to me, actually...», said Dr. Chen, once she got up and moved closer to the two, to better observe the movements of the titan who had already saved the world twice.
«We're just kidding, Ilene!», Mark replied, «Three storms of a death song, the One who is Many, Gonorrhea...all synonyms-»
«Look here!»
The doctor pointed to the screen to signal a sudden movement of Godzilla, who had started moving again with energy after that sudden arrest of a short while ago. Apparently, the furious hurricane seemed to follow him, as the levels of radioactivity rose dramatically. They were proceeding to the outpost. Everyone in the room sweated cold. «I-it can't be...», Mark stammered.
«Ah, shit, here we go again...» «Ghidorah can't be seriously alive!» «Evidently Godzilla forgot a few pieces of Ichi on the street...», Dr. Stanton tried to play down, failing miserably.
«It generates storms in which it hides, it has been fighting with Godzilla for at least ten minutes, it increases the radiation levels...it's obviously him!» «Here I have to correct you, Mark.», replied the doctor. She was rather skeptical about any return of Ghidorah, which seemed impossible given her obvious death in the Battle of Boston. She wanted to find an explanation for that absurd riddle. «This unidentified entity does not emit any type of radiation, unlike the One who is Many or the King himself. We don't even know if it exists or not, if it was a coincidence that the hurricane followed Godzilla...»
«I propose to send a drone there, or even to go there to see what it is. It's all too strange...»
«With a force five hurricane that seems to get stronger with every passing second? No, thanks!», Mark exclaimed, rather agitated by the situation.
«Well, we have to somehow find a solution! All this could become dangerous if we do not intervene!» «Er...Doctor Chen ...»
Rick made a long line of concern mixed with discomfort and doubt, putting a finger on the screen and turning to Ilene.
«...He are approaching...»
«The hurricane...is approaching...together with Godzilla...»
«Fantastic! Now let's die in here too!», Mark said desperately, putting a hand on his forehead, massaging it.
«The outpost is storm and hurricane-proof...we are in an area at risk, it is natural that this is the case, otherwise we would not have even built it!»
«Thanks for the story lesson, Dr. Chen, but as you said earlier, we have more important things to think about!»
Doctor Chen looked at Mark a little annoyed by his statements.
«Russel, maybe it's better if we go check it out...»
«We don't talk about i-»
The three jumped into air with fright, when the room was suddenly pervaded by a red light and assailed by a deafening din: it was the alarm. The hurricane was getting closer, and with him, a probably furious Godzilla.
«...Maybe it was better to be more careful with the monitor.» Rick complained sarcastically.
«Ah, everything goes perfectly as you said!»
«I never said that things are going perfectly, Russel...»
«Godzilla will kick our asses, he won't be as kind as he was two years ago!» «Oh, for God's sake, Mark, you're breaking-»
Dr. Stanton's voice was interrupted at the end by the sudden opening of the door of the room in which they were. It was Sam, pale, with immense fear in his face (as usual, I would say), as if a close relative had died, to bring bad news.
«Gentlemen...and madam, I believe you already know what I am going to tell you. G-Godzilla and a force five hurricane are approaching the base-»
A very high-pitched and bursting scream, which in a few decibels would have broken glass, seemed to pierce the air at full volume, penetrating the ears of the unfortunate listeners. A scream never heard before, which placed fear in the souls of all the present ones.
«W-what the fuck was that?!», Mark exclaimed with his mouth open. «Certainly not Godzilla.»
Dr. Chen imposed herself with her voice, almost reassuringly typical of her. She was the only one who seemed not to be worried about that screaming throat thrown by who knows what: it was curiosity that moved her soul.
«We must go and see. Put on a jacket and let's go upstairs. I am alredy convinced he is fighting.»
«Ehm ... do we have to go?»
«Come on, Sam! We certainly can't sit with our hands!»
«... Ilene is right.»
The mythographer turned her gaze to Mark, almost surprised by his statement; after all, they had been in conflict for a few minutes.
«Can't I stay here?»
«No, Rick, you can't stay here. You will come with us.»
«And-what about me, Dr. Russel?»
«You too, Sam. Put your coat on and let's go.»
Rick got up from his chair, sighing heavily, rather annoyed. He swore in his mind that if it was yet another planetary threat, he would have thrown himself into the ocean. They all did as ordered, some with his times, some with others, and went out, taking the elevator, with the huge head of FeM.U.T.O. which watched them silently from above, attached to the wall of the base, beheaded by Godzilla in the battle of San Francisco in 2014. They arrived upstairs, with the saline ocean water around and the rain that beat wildly and uncontrollably against their clothes and their faces, as well as against the entire structure, against which the waves caused by that immense storm also clashed. Everyone, apart from Sam, who remained in the rear just before them, looked out at the metallic railing facing the gigantic whirlwind, still far but more than visible. The sky was obscured by gray and black clouds, while the turret continued to play the alarm signal.
A beam of blue light came out of the waters, pushing them by force and piercing the sky.
«...Well, there was no doubt that Godzilla was there, I think?», said Mark, in a mixture of fear, sarcasm and surprise.
«That was obvious...but I don't think he became a psychopath, you know! He must be fighting something!»
«Yes, Rick, but what?», Ilene asked rhetorically.
«We'll see-»
Everyone covered their ears again. That majestic and unknown cry, recognized as a battle by now, was issued again: the King of the Monsters came out of the waters violently with something white between the claws. It seemed to have fingers, and as the whole body emerged, thanks to the just dragged back covered with blue scales, it was understood that this was actually a wing. The colossal figure of Godzilla, almost entirely out of the sea by that time, answered the cry of struggle, more than supremely:
Everyone looked with open mouth, more or less terrified, at the titan and that unknown being who moved and rebelled against his grasp, still more than half submerged in the waves.
«What ... what the fuck is that?!»
Rick screamed, to say the least in amazement.
«I-it doesn't look like any of the titans we've identified so far!», Sam allowed himself to scream in the, who had now positioned himself with them on the fence.
Doctor Russel thought, and in this he was not even wrong: «{I have a bad feeling about all this ...}»
I'm not a native English speaker, so forgive me if you find mistakes!
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sunyoonandstars · 5 years
BTS One Shot || Who, if not us? || You x Hoseok (He finds out you’re pregnant)
〖 Requested 〗
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Prompts 48 "Why are you crying?" 39 "I can't do this on my own."
angst, fluff
⇛ featuring best friend Jimin 
Word Count 3.623
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❝ At this point, [Hoseok] fell silent for a few agonizing second, shaking his hanging head in utter disappointment.
“Truth be told, I'm offended, Y/n. It grieves me to think that you believed I [...] would desert you, now of all times."
You had never seen Hoseok this hurt before, not even when you had that terrible fight two months back. He was not exaggerating. His pain was all too evident. And knowing that you were the cause of his anguish tore your heart to pieces.
"I'm sorry, Hobi. But –"
“There is no but, Y/n. How could you think this was a decision for you to make on your own?❞
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Who, if not us? 
You had a feeling this was a bad idea. Going to meet Jimin at the dorm and thereby risking to cross paths with the one person you did not want to see right now.
Regardless, you didn't know where else to turn. Jimin was your most trusted confidant, after all, your shoulder to cry on, your friend when you believed you didn't deserve any. And he always knew just what to say to make you feel better. Although, this time, words of comfort might not be sufficient to defuse the situation, you were afraid.
As soon as he had seen your face, pale as ash, and the pleading look in your red-rimmed eyes, Jimin had known something was off and excused himself from the small group gathered in the living room to take you by the hand and lead you to a secluded corner of the hallway.
"Y/n, you're white as a sheet," he remarked, instinctively lowering his voice to a whisper. "What's going on? Are you okay?"
Lips pressed together, afraid you might start crying again the second you opened your mouth, you silently shook your head, fighting to hold back the tears. Seeing the worry apparent on Jimin's face, however, his soft features contorted, mirroring your own pained expression, didn't help. So, before you knew it, the tears started flowing once more, running down your cheeks unchecked.
As your body was being shaken by soundless sobs, you watched Jimin's eyes grow wide with shock and helplessness, his brows shooting up, jaw tight.  
"Jesus, Y/n, what happened? Did somebody hurt you? Should I get Hoseok?"
"NO!" you cried out at his last suggestion – perhaps a little too quickly and a little too loudly, your voice clearly resonating with sheer panic.
"What? Why not?" Jimin inquired, still holding on to both your hands, his gaze scrutinizing now that your unexpectedly strong response to the idea of seeing your boyfriend in this time of need had certainly raised suspicion. And rightly so.
"Please, Jimin," you hissed, looking over your shoulder, startled by the sound of steps headed in your direction. "Can we talk about this somewhere else? Somewhere a little more private?"
"Sure. Of course," he stammered, taken aback by the urgency in your tone. "Follow me."
Your tense shoulders dropped only after Jimin had locked the bathroom door behind you.
"But now you have to tell me what the hell is going on, Y/n. Because you're starting to scare me," Jimin continued, taking a clean glass from a cupboard over the sink and filling it with water from the tap.
"Here," he offered you the water. "Drink that. You look like you're about to pass out. And I can't have you fainting on me. Or Hoseok will kill me because I didn't call him right away."
Thankful, you took a couple of sips of the soothingly cold liquid, clearing your throat a few times before you trusted your vocal cords enough to try and speak up again.
"I'm sorry, Jimin, for dragging you into this. But I – I didn't know where else to go. Because this is all a big mess. And I can't exactly talk about my relationship with anyone outside of BigHit. But I really couldn't keep this to myself a second longer. I'm freaking out, Jimin. Like, seriously. I can't breathe. How do lungs work? I – I feel like I don't know anything anymore. And I – I don't know what to do! What should I do, Jimin? Should I tell him? Or just break up with him? But I don't want to break up with him! I think I love him, Jimin. And I can’t screw this up."
Out of eyes as big as dinner plates, Jimin simply stared at you for a few seconds before regaining his composure.
"Wow. Jesus." He sighed. "Y/n. Slow down. You're so anxious I'm about to have a panic attack. Are these things contagious?"
"Not funny, Jimin."
"I wasn't trying to be. I just – What are you even talking about? All I got from your word vomit just now is that it has something to do with Hoseok. Am I right?"
"Kind of."
"Okay. Then, just guide me through this. Let's take this step by step, okay?"
The mere sound of Jimin's soft, low voice already helped calm down your racing heart.
"Okay," you nodded.
"Good," Jimin smiled as he gently sat you down on the edge of the bathtub and squatted down before you, proceeding to remove the half-empty water glass from your shaking hands. "Now, slowly tell me what happened. Start at the beginning. Why are you in such a turmoil, hmm? What set this off?"
Looking up at you patiently, Jimin wrapped his fingers around yours, giving them a tender squeeze.
"Well, first of all, I started feeling sick about a week ago. I barely got down any food. And whenever I managed to actually eat something, I threw it up again minutes later. I couldn't keep down anything. I tried, I really did. I had to call in sick at work, and on the fourth day, my boss told me to go see a doctor. So I did."
Even though Jimin tried to mask his concern with a warm smile, you could tell he was afraid of what news you might have for him, probably expecting the worst. But most likely not anticipating what you did indeed have in store for him.
"All right. And what did the doctor say, Y/n?"
"Well, now comes the tricky part ..." You couldn't bring yourself to say the words. "I – I'm –"
Once more, you burst into tears, violent sobs drowning out your voice.
"Shh, shh. It's okay, Y/n." Holding your gaze, his own fond and steady, Jimin went on to rub your shoulder in soothing circles. "Take your time. Just breathe."
A few minutes went by before you were able to regain control of your emotions. With your eyes closed, you inhaled a shaky breath, grappling with mustering the courage to finally speak the truth out loud for the first time that had been weighing down your heart ever since you found out about it this morning.
"I'm pregnant, Jimin."
You could hear him gasp.
"And Hoseok is the father," you finished, now meeting Jimin's eyes.
"Wow. I – Should I congratulate you?"
You could only shrug your shoulders in response.
"Well, of course, congratulations are in order!" With a nervous laugh, Jimin got up to wrap his arms around you for an awkward hug. "I mean, that's a good thing, right? That it's Hoseok's baby? Just earlier you said that you loved him, so –"
"But, Jimin," you cut him short. "We've only been dating for five months! And our relationship is not even official yet! Hell, I couldn't tell my own parents that we're dating, because, apparently, BangPD doesn't think we're 'serious' enough to go public. So, if fans find out that we have kept this relationships under wraps – And then suddenly we're presenting them with a baby – It will be a disaster, Jimin! Like, way worse than a regular dating scandal. I can't do that to Hobi!”
"But that's not what's important right now, Y/n. You're having a baby. Our fans should be your last concern."
Sniffling, you dried your cheeks with the sleeves of your sweater.
"That's where you're wrong, Jimin," you then shook your head. "You and the guys, Hoseok, you're at the peak of your fame right now. You can't afford to slow down. You can barely afford to take a day off here and there. And, knowing Hobi, he would feel obligated to take care of me and, in the future, our child. And I bet he would even happily do so. He would want to be there for us every step of the way. Which is something I love about him. But it would also entail serious consequences regarding his career. And Hoseok’s life is not the only one that would be turned upside down. Having this baby with me would change everything, not just for him, but for all of you guys."
"That may be true," Jimin calmly agreed. "But, shouldn't you be having this conversation with Hoseok instead of me?"
"I couldn't," you whispered under your breath, choking back tears. "Because, once I tell him about the baby, there's no going back, Jimin."
"So, does this mean – You – You won't tell Hoseok!? That you will keep his child from him?" You could tell he was appalled by the idea. And so were you. But part of you still believed it was the only right thing to do.
"I don't know, Jimin. I mean – I'm also scared. Because I can't do this on my own. And I know my parents won't support me. I would always have to keep the father’s identity secret. And the baby would never get to know their wonderful dad. It would break my heart. But, Jimin, can I really do this? Wreck his life like that?"
"Well, it's not like this is your fault. It takes two to make a baby, after all."
"It does. And I have no idea how it happened. We took all the necessary precautions. The doctor called it fate. A miracle."
"And that's what it is, Y/n," Jimin smiled, by the looks of it wholly convinced of the veracity of his statement. "I think you should tell Hoseok."
"Tell me what?" you could hear a muffled but familiar voice coming from the other side of the locked bathroom door.
"Shit!" the hissed curse escaped your lips.
"Hey, what's going on?" Hoseok demanded to know as he repeatedly rattled at the door. "Y/n, is that you? Are you in there? Open up!"
"Shit, Jimin, what do I do?"
"I guess you don't have too many options," he said, already getting up to answer the door. Frozen in place, unable to move, you listened to the lock click and watched as the door flew open, revealing your boyfriend's face, pale with worry.
"God, I thought you were sick or something!" he exhaled with relief when he saw you sitting there, hands folded in your lap. "You can't scare me like that, Y/n!"
"I'm sorry," you quickly mumbled, attempting a smile. And failing miserably.
Hoseok's expression changed, the second he noticed your tears.  
"Wait. Y/n. Why are you crying?"
"I think I should better go."
But before Jimin managed to slip past him and out into the hallway, Hoseok grabbed him by his arm.
"Not so fast." His tone was dangerously calm, his voice cutting through the tension like a katana. "No one's leaving before you tell me what's going on here. Why did you barricade yourselves in the bathroom? Kookie said you looked like it was urgent when you came earlier, Y/n. And still, Jimin was the first person you sought out instead of me. I think the two of you have some explaining to do. And you should better hurry before I get the wrong idea."
Shoulders hunched, cowering before Hoseok like a scolded child, Jimin slowly drew back, reluctant to meet the older one's gaze when he spoke up.
"I think this matter should be discussed among yourselves, Hyung."
Hoseok's scrutinizing glance now abandoned his Dongsaeng and fixated on you instead. Brows furrowed, he glared at you out of narrowed eyes.
"What's going on, Y/n? What's Jimin talking about?"
You swallowed hard, your hammering heartbeat drowning out the sound of your own voice as you raised it to answer him, realizing that any further reticence on your part would only make things worse.
"He's right, Hoseok." You couldn't bring yourself to look at him. "Jimin should leave. He has no place in this conversation. Besides, he's done enough already."
You shot him a quick look, silently thanking your friend for his patience and guidance. Jimin acknowledged the gesture with a nod of his head before he excused himself with a bow and closed the bathroom door behind himself, leaving you alone with an incensed Hoseok, choking on the quiet that had made itself at home in the small space.
"So, would you care to let me in on your little secret now, Y/n?" Hoseok hissed through gritted teeth, hands on his hips, anxiously shifting his weight from one leg to the other, his posture tense.
"It's not what you think, Hobi."
You calling him by his nickname seemed to propitiate him, even if only a little.
"I don't know where to start," you eventually whispered, getting up from your uncomfortable seat to pace the bathroom, wringing your hands and gnawing at your lower lip in a futile attempt to bite back the tears.
All these being signs Hoseok knew to read all too well.
“Babe, what’s the matter? Why are you crying, hmm?” he asked as he enwrapped you in his arms, tenderly pressing your head to his chest, no trace of anger to be found in his voice anymore. Relieved, you leaned into his welcome embrace, hugging his waist tightly, clinging to Hoseok's warm body for the comfort you had so desperately needed.
You could feel him stroke your back and kiss your hair, breathing in your scent with a sigh.
A few minutes passed before either of you moved again.
Hoseok was the first to break the silence.
"Whatever it is that upset you, I'm sure we can work it out. But you need to talk to me first, Y/n. Do you feel like you're ready to do that now?"
Hesitantly, eyes cast down, you nodded your head yes.
"Good. Then tell me. What's wrong, Y/n? I meant it when I said you can talk to me about anything. So, whatever it is, I'm all ears. I won't judge you."
"You're saying that now," you mumbled, your voice barely audible.
After unsuccessfully racking your brain for the right words, you decided to let the three positive pregnancy tests speak for themselves, slowly pulling them from your jacket pocket and holding them out to Hoseok, for him to see the results clearly.
“Wait, what!? You're –? Are you –?"
His eyes grew wider the longer he stared at the tests clutched in your trembling hands.
"Yes, Hoseok, I'm pregnant."
Obviously still processing, his eyes slowly wandered from the tests to you and back, before the brightest of smiles started spreading across his flushed face.
"Wow – That's – I mean, are you sure?"
"Well, there are eleven more tests at home, just like this, every last one of them positive. So, yes, I'm pretty sure."
"Wow – I'm – I –“ Suddenly, his expression darkened and his arms, extended for a hug, withdrew. "That still doesn't explain why you would talk to Jimin first, though. Unless he is – Wait, is he –?"
"What? No! God, no!" you quickly exclaimed. "No. No! Hoseok, I'm a hundred percent sure that it's yours. There is no doubt in my mind. I haven't been with anyone else since I met you."
"Then why would you go to Jimin instead of coming to me? I would think the father of the child should be the first to know."
"Well, that's ..." You paused, heart pounding in your chest, afraid that your next words would change everything. "Because I initially considered not telling you. At all. And I knew I could trust Jimin. He has kept my secrets before, so –"
"What??" Hoseok gasped, all colour drained from his face, shock and chagrin written all over his beautiful face. The look in his eyes pierced your heart like a dagger. "You – What!? I – You really wanted to keep this from me? My own child? Our child? Why – Why would you do that? What right do you have to just eliminate me from this equation without even giving me a chance to find my place in it?”
At this point, he fell silent for a few agonizing second, shaking his hanging head in utter disappointment.
“Truth be told, I'm offended, Y/n. It grieves me to think that you believed I wouldn't want to be a part of this. That I would desert you, now of all times."
You had never seen Hoseok this hurt before, not even when you had that terrible fight two months back. He was not exaggerating. His pain was all too evident. And knowing that you were the cause of his anguish tore your heart to pieces.
"I'm sorry, Hobi. But –"
“There is no but, Y/n. How could you think this was a decision for you to make on your own?"
"Well, I am the one carrying this child, am I not?" you snapped back at him, tears of anger and defiance clouding your sight. "I am the one who has to raise it. To love it and teach it how to be a decent person."
"And what about me? Hmm?” You could barely withstand the intensity of his gaze as it drilled burning holes into your soul. "Am I not this child's father? Are those not my responsibilities as well?"
You found yourself paralyzed, unable to reply, petrified by the truth and gravity of his words.
"Y/n, I had an equal part in this. So, naturally, I'll take responsibility. I thought, no, hoped you knew me well enough to understand that I wouldn't abandon you and this child just because I'm an idol."
"Exactly. You see it as your responsibility. A burden. Something you must do." Your voice sounded shrill, strange to your own ears. "That's exactly what I was afraid of! Because you don't have to do anything, Hoseok. I'm not expecting you to drop everything and be the perfect dad all of a sudden. If you don't want to, you don't have to be in this child's life. I didn't get pregnant on purpose to pressure you into paying me alimony or something. I –"
"I'm gonna stop you right there, Y/n." Hoseok silenced you by putting a finger to your lips, his gaze surprisingly tender. "Because I don't feel like I have to do any of these things. You're not a burden to me, Y/n. You never were. I want to be there for you. And our baby, our child. Don't you get it?"
Hoseok paused, stepping up to you to cup your tear-streaked cheeks with his soft, warm palms.
"I want this. Us," he then went on while his thumbs carefully brushed away your tears. "Sure, we haven't been dating for that long a time. But ours is the first relationship I've had since becoming an idol that survived the first three months. And, usually, it's such a hassle. But with you, it didn't feel like work at all. Of course, my schedule didn't exactly simplify things, and, for as long as I continue on this career path, it will always be packed. Being an idol unquestionably puts a strain on this relationship, on any relationship, really. But we managed, somehow, didn't we? And, honestly, ours is the first relationship that I believe can actually last. And I don't regret anything. Not one single moment I shared with you, Y/n. And I don't regret this, either."
With a warm smile, Hoseok placed a hand on your stomach.
"To be perfectly candid with you, this little miracle comes totally unexpected," he continued, eyes wide, his expression more serious now.
"Of course, it does."
"No. I mean, like, I never thought I'd be a father. Not so soon, at least. I was afraid my lifestyle wouldn't allow that luxury. Not for another ten to fifteen years or so. So this – This is actually a pleasant surprise. A blessing, if you want to call it that. Sure, raising a child in our situation will be a challenge, and there is a lot we have to sort out before we can make it public. But it's a challenge I’m excited take on. With you, Y/n. Because I firmly believe that we can make it, that we can do this."
"You do?"
You failed at concealing your amazement.
"Yes, of course," Hoseok replied without hesitation. "I mean, who, if not us? We're the power couple of the century. And I say this with the utmost confidence, Y/n. Not because I feel obligated to you."
Grinning, he bent down to place a soft kiss on the tip of your nose, squishing your cheeks and marveling at your adorableness for a few seconds before proceeding to lean his forehead against yours with the most content of smiles.
"Meeting you, Y/n, and having you in my life has been the best thing to ever happen to me. Seriously. I mean. Our debut, BTS, our fame, the opportunity to be an artist and perform all over the world, bringing joy to millions of people, that's all wonderful, and I'm grateful every single day. But you. You gave me a home in a world where I felt like I didn't have one. You became my safe haven. You showed me what love feels like. Real love. Not just a fling, sexual attraction, passion. But love. And I am the luckiest man on earth to have you by my side. And this child. Because I believe it was meant to be. Everything that happened between us was bound to happen. And who am I to question the universe? I mean it when I say we can do this. Together."
This time, it was tears of joy that ran down your hot cheeks as you stood up on tiptoes and wrapped your arms around Hoseok's neck.
"You have no idea how happy you make me, Jung Hoseok," you whispered against his lips before meeting them in a tender kiss.
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Hope you enjoyed the read. 💙 Love, Ana 
None of the GIFs used are mine. Credit goes to the original creators. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. 
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nicolewoo · 5 years
Speakeasy Part 1
Pairing: Fergal Devitt X Reader. Finn Balor X Reader
Scenario: Desperate to make enough money to live on during the great depression, Reader gets a job at a Speakeasy, and finds a dangerous ally. Can she trust this man and his stories or should she listen to her friend's advice and steer clear of him?
Warnings: Part 1 has no warnings. Future parts probably will.
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The minute I walked in, I could smell it.... the stale smell of cigarette smoke and alcohol were practically oozing out of the walls. This wasn't going to be good for my throat, but then again, this wasn't going to be good for anything except paying bills. It's 1930 and a girl's gotta do what she's gotta do.... especially living alone in Chicago.
I had a job at a diner, but the breakfast tips weren't enough to get by, and I'd been frantically trying to get a job in a proper theater. The problem was that everyone wanted dancers that could sing. I had the singing part down. The dancing? Well, I've got 2 left feet. No matter how many lessons I took, I just couldn't dance. So, here I am, in a speakeasy, getting ready to try out for a bunch of mafia guys, risking getting arrested just so I could pay the bills.
Count your blessings, girl. A lot of people are a lot worse off. I told myself as I remembered leaving Hutchinson Kansas due to The Great Depression. I remembered the sight of homeless families and bread lines and brawls for crumbs. Yes, I was doing something illegal, but I was going to be able to live because of it.
I was shaken out of my thoughts with the sound of a trumpet squeaking out. I knew before I even looked that it was my friend Tony getting my attention. “You made it. You look great, doll.” Tony said coming up to me. “Let me introduce you to the band.” He placed his hand on the small of my back and led me over to the stage.
“Marty,” Tony called out getting the band leader's attention. “This is Y/N, the singer I told you about.”
Marty barely looked up from the sheet music he was reviewing, “Hey. Let's hear those pipes, doll.” He sounded less than enthusiastic. “Guys.” He yelled to the band. “Give me some Mean to Me.”  He motioned me over to the mic.
Ok, well, let's do this. I sidled up to the mic, trying to insert some extra swag into my walk so I'd look more experienced than I was. The music began and I reached up to hold the mic stand as I started to sing.
“You're mean to me. Why must you be mean to me?” Marty looked up with a look of surprise.
“Gee, honey. It seems to me. You love to see me crying.” Tony gave me a big thumbs up to encourage me.
“I don't know why. I stay home. Each night when you say you'll phone.” I started to see the band members nodding and smiling to each other.
“You don't and I'm left alone. Singing the blues and crying.” I saw a couple of men come from the back room to see who was singing, but I couldn't make out their faces in the dark room.
I was ecstatic to see such a great reception, and I was pretty sure I'd gotten the job. As the song swelled to the harder part, I focused on hitting all the right notes and making the song sound as sexy as possible.
I saw one of the men who'd come in from the back signal to Marty, but I didn't know what the signal meant. I peeked at Marty, but I couldn't read his expression. He made me wait until the end of the song.
“Ok, kiddo. You got the gig. We'll see how tonight goes, and if you do well, we'll talk about something permanent.” Marty showed no emotion. I'd gotten the impression that he'd gone through a lot of singers, and didn't expect any better from me. “Guys,” He yelled over the sound of instruments playing different sections of the songs and talking among themselves. “We start a full practice in ½ an hour, so go get some food now. We're gonna be busy tonight.” He dismissed the band with the same lack of emotion as when he'd hired me.
Tony ran to me as excited as me. “You did it, doll!” He hugged me tight. Then started to lead me outside. “Lets get some chow.” He said as he pointed to a diner across the ally from the speakeasy.
As we sat down, I asked, “So, does Marty want me here or what?”
Tony chuckled under his breath, “Oh yeah yeah! He doesn't show emotion,” he explained. “But don't worry. You're in!” He assured me.
“I didn't know what the signal was from the guys in the back.... or even who they were.” I explained.
“Yeah, Hey. So....” Tony paused. “Ya know not to talk about... ya know.”
He didn't finish his thought, but I knew what he meant. Although I'd never spent any time in this seedy underworld, I was no dummy. “Say no more.” I replied.
“Ok. If you have any questions, just come to me, but not at the club.” He assured me. “Just focus on singing and let them do their stuff.” His gaze bored a hole in me, and I nodded in understanding. “Most importantly,” Tony reached over and put his hand on my arm, “DON'T get romantically involved with any one there. Do you understand?”
“You don't have to worry. I know who they are.” I assured him.
Tony was like a big brother to me. He'd been a regular at the diner where I worked; me always starting my day as he was ending his over breakfast. We became great friends, and Tony and his wife had taken me under their wing, inviting me over for dinner, watching out for me. Working at the speakeasy wasn't what Tony and his wife wanted for me, but when I couldn't get a theater job, they had finally given in and got me the audition. Tony had promised his wife that he'd protect me from the going ons of the club.
After dinner, I sat with Marty going over what songs I knew and what songs I needed to get to know in order to keep working there. He was pleasantly surprised at my song knowledge, and we both felt we had enough to put on a good show tonight. It was perfect because Marty had had to sing himself since losing their last singer. We went over the songs with the band until we were comfortable with each other's styles.
Afterward, I practiced in the back, pouring over the pages of sheet music Marty gave me while tinkering the notes out on an old, out-of-tune piano in a side room, hoping to add in some of these songs soon. The closer we got to show time, the more anxious I got. It was more than if I'd be entertaining... I was worried about getting arrested. Tony had assured me that if the cops came in, and I couldn't get away in time, he'd bail me out before morning, but still. A proper girl like me didn't get arrested. What would my parents think if they were alive? I pushed those thoughts out of my head and tried to focus on the music again.
I heard the band start, happy music flooding through the whole building. I peaked out at the crowd and was shocked to see the club almost full already. What surprised me the most was the class of the people in the club. I had expected to see hardened criminals and desolate prostitutes, but instead, the crowd was full of Chicago's best. Ladies in fine dresses with fringes everywhere. Men in tuxedo suits sporting walking sticks and monocles. I glanced at my own aged floor length dress that I'd bought from a theater who was throwing it out, and lamented at the state of it. Would these rich muckedy mucks accept me in this ragged thing? Before looking at them, I thought I'd looked good, but now. Now, I was wracked with every insecurity I'd ever felt.
I saw Tony rise from his seat at the bandstand and come backstage to me. “You ready?” He asked all excited.
“Tony!” I almost started crying. “Those people. They're all so fancy. This dress is so old and ratty.” I started to say, but he placed his hand on my shoulder.
“Doll, the minute you open your mouth, everyone is going to fall in love with you. You've got the voice of an angel. We can buy you more dresses when you get paid. In the meantime, don't worry about it. You look amazing, and the stage lights are going to hide any imperfections in the dress.” He gave me a quick hug as I heard Marty announce me.
“Ladies and gentlemen, We've got a special treat for you this evening.” How the hell did Marty have emotion now? He sounded positively jovial. I guess he was just a good actor. “Tonight, for the first time at Club Red, we are proud to present our new singer, Y/N.”
The crowd responded to Marty's happy announcement with excited applause. Tony took my arm and escorted me out to stage, depositing me in front of the mic before taking his own seat in the horn section.
We started with Ain't Misbehavin', and the crowd went silent as they focused on me. I prayed they were enjoying the performance, and I poured every ounce of energy I could muster into making the song sound sexy. I wasn't sure how I was doing until the song ended, and the crowd went nuts! They were applauding and giving me standing ovations. I even heard some lewd whistles from near the back where the mob guys had been earlier. I was a hit!
When I turned to find out what song we were singing next, Marty smiled warmly at me. “You did great.” He whispered just to me. “Am I Blue” is next.
The music sounded and the crowd quieted as the slow song changed the mood in the room.
“Am I blue? Am I blue? Ain't these tears in my eyes tellin' you.”
Marty whispered over my shoulder, “Go walk through the crowd, engage them.” he encouraged.
“Am I blue?” I slowly left the stage, pleasantly surprised when the spot light followed me with no notice. “You'd be too. If each plan with your man just fell through.” I placed my hand on a lady's shoulder emphasizing the phrase and she reached up to pat my hand in understanding. I wandered to another table. “Was a time. I was his only one.” I crooned to a table of men, and they smiled broadly at me. “Now I'm the sad and lonely one.” I continued to wander through the crowded room, placing my hand on a shoulder here, singing closely into a gentleman's ear there. The crowd was eating it up. “Now he's gone, and we're through. Am I blue?”
My eyes settled on a man at the table next to me in the back of the room. He was quite frankly the most beautiful man I'd ever seen, with a chiseled jaw, perfect black hair, sparkling blue eyes and his black tuxedo, black shirt and white bow tie matched by a white pocket square. He oozed money and sex. Logically, his table should have been the next I visited, but the way he was looking at me... lustfully... deterred me, and I skipped his table. He made no indication that my turn away from his table bothered him, but his eyes didn't leave me for the rest of the song causing butterflies in my stomach. He gazed so intently at me, I felt like he could see through my dress to my naked body.
I managed to gather my wits again as the song ended and I walked back up to the stage. This job was too important to me. It was this or I ended up being the one in the bread lines tomorrow. I couldn't let anyone, not even this wickedly beautiful man, get in the way of me making this money.
I stayed on the stage the rest of the night. I already had the crowd eating out of the palm of my hand, I didn't need to pander to them anymore. At the end of each song, the crowd cheered for me, and I noticed the lone man in the back smile as he gauged the mood of the crowd.
It was late... very late.... and I was tired when the show ended. “Heya doll. How bout I give ya a ride home?” Tony said as I started leaving the club with an extra few bucks in my pocket as the sun peeked over the horizon.
I was so tired, I could barely speak, but I nodded yes to Tony. He was full of energy, praising my performance, telling me how happy he was. Saying he was sure I'd be hired permanently tomorrow. I fell asleep in the gently rocking car, and Tony laughed when he had to wake me up. “Guess you're gonna have to get used to the schedule.” He teased. “Good thing you're not working at the diner this morning.” After I thanked him for the ride, Tony watched until I was safely in my apartment building before heading to the diner to get some breakfast before he went to bed. I didn't care that I was hungry, I took off my dress and fell asleep in my underclothes.
I dreamed of music notes flying through the air, of gathering them in a bag and presenting them on beautiful sheet music to the guests. I dreamed of the smoky bar and the man seated in the back and that he paid me for one of my music sheets, a small contained smile on his lips.
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