#I'm almost 23 and I can tell you with zero regrets I'm glad I never dated in my teens
cabinofimagines · 2 years
When you’re almost 19 and have never dated before :)
No offense to this anon but this kind of comment piss me off cause it's literally the least important thing in the world whether you date someone before your 20s or not
Do you know what do you want to be for the rest of your life?? What are your dreams ten years from now? Build a circle of people that in the long run will make you just as happy as a significant other and most likely will last longer than a romantic relationship you had in your teens
Learn about yourself as a person instead of overthinking how many people have you touched and how many have touched you, I promise you in the long run it's like a -1 in the scale of things that will matter after you get out of your teens
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