#I'm a Luaisy shipper first and foremost
gnomey22 · 5 months
Luigi and Bowser's Dynamic
The only fundamental difference between Bowser's dynamic with Luigi, compared to his dynamic with Mario, is that he hates Luigi significantly less, by virtue of paying less attention to him. This is my opening statement, and these paragraphs are my argument.
Both Mario and Luigi hold an equal amount of hatred in their hearts for Bowser - not hatred for him specifically, but rather the pain and atrocities he's committed/tried and failed to commit. Neither of them, throughout the games, make an active effort to guide Bowser to redemption, because they both know he won't listen to them. Even if he did, he'd be too prideful to take the advice. Not from Mario, because he's his arch-enemy, and not from Luigi, because he's nothing to him.
On Bowser's side, he sees both brothers as living blockades for his plans and schemes. He can have a good time with them if they aren't getting in his way, but as soon as they start to mess with his authority, he isn't afraid to throw down with them and prove himself better than these small, moustached men. The difference lies in the fact that he exclusively uses Mario as the scapegoat for these insecurities of his, and never Luigi, because Mario's the first in his sight, every time, the leader of the charge against him. Luigi is a problem, sure, but Mario's the name he needs to remember here.
Then comes the hypothetical Bowser redemption. Where hopeful speeches from Peach, ramblings from Bowser Jr, and mutterings under the Mario Bros.' breaths, are finally enough to convince the Koopa King that he's wasting his time on the evil business, and that proving himself as a good leader is a much more fulfilling life. He makes a peace treaty with the Mushroom Kingdom, but of course, that isn't enough to mend the thousands of bridges he's burnt, in an all too literal sense. Almost every member of Mario's group holds a justified hatred for him, one that they're willing to push back for fun and games, sports and parties, but not for actually befriending him after everything he's done. The Mario Bros. themselves, in Bowser's eyes, should be the greatest extent of this, considering how much effort he's gone through to harm them specifically.
He's right about Mario. He takes a long time to view Bowser as a true friend, rather than an acquaintance he can put up with if necessary. He's wrong about Luigi. He was never Bowser's arch-enemy, it's much easier for him to find himself on Bowser's good side.
Bowser never opened up to Luigi as a villain, which gives him more opportunity to open up to Luigi as an almost-hero. Luigi's seen what he's capable of, but he hasn't seen the detail of Bowser's personality underneath his heinous actions. He can discover that now, without the lens of his villainy, and see the likeable aspects much more clearly now, than when it was a terrible idea to like him. Luigi is soft-spoken with well-defined confidence, but doesn't see the value in himself. Bowser is loud and insecure, but he knows where his strengths lie, and commits to them in full. Luigi learns self-importance from Bowser, and Bowser learns humility from Luigi.
With Mario, their relationship was in a near-unfixable state, after Bowser's ruthless attacks and Mario's need to match his strikes.
With Luigi, they fixed their relationship much more quickly than either one of them expected, because they balanced each other out.
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