#I'm Not Looking To Cause ~Discourse~ I'm Merely Expressing My Anger And Frustration At People Who Can't Act In Good Fucking Faith
xaykwolf · 2 years
It baffles me that people really take "I prefer Yas.ha to be buff/have black streaks in her hair" to mean "Ashley DOESN'T know her character and her interpretation is NOT valid" like... y'all... BREATHE. Literally no one is saying that. Many of us have good reasons not to like specific choices in Yas.ha's new character art, but we all recognize that we are both not in control of Ashley's decisions nor the final arbiter of what Yas.ha looks like.
To the people who think the black streaks are indicative of her trauma, and that's why it's GOOD that they're gone, I ask you to think for a moment why you believe markers of trauma do/should go away completely. I'm not even arguing at this point that that's what Ashley was intending, but that seems to be a common sentiment in the fandom. That Yas.ha's hair is an indicator of healing. (Whereas I'd always figured her smiling, talking, and asserting herself more often were already good enough indicators. But what do I know, with decades of my own trauma and years of psychological training? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Also...I feel it needs to be said aloud: biology would suggest that, in a more stable, safe, and nutrient-consistent environment with access to bodybuilding equipment, Yas.ha's muscles would GROW from what they were when she was on the run, swordfighting to survive and without a consistent source a nutrient-rich foods (with the exception of her life with the Nein after Obann, with Caddy to make meals). Again, the art is what the art is. Most of us who like her buff...well I think it's kinda obvious why that is. Any dissatisfaction I've seen has also only been expressed with personal posts, none of which were designed to get back to Ashley or the character art artist. So like...let us be thirsty and move on.
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