#I'll try to draw an ask I have in my ask box later because I'm leaving for actual vacation tomorrow morning
arttsuka · 2 months
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tarotwithavi · 1 year
What will draw your future spouse to you?
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Paid services
How to choose a pile?
Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Kindly ask your spirit guides to show you the right pile for yourself and then open your eyes. Whichever pile catches your attention is the right pile for you.
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Pile 1
Hey pile 1! I'm getting that you guys don't really allow negative feedback from people to get to you and you move on from things really easily. You are not afraid to let go of things. I am also getting that you really try to evolve yourself and let go of the old habits that do not serve you anymore. You guys are also very in tune with your emotions and you are not afraid to be vulnerable. If something hurts you , you are not afraid to talk about it to the person who did that rather than locking your emotions away and blaming yourself. You guys really know how to invest your money in the right place. You guys might be into saving or you don't spend money impulsively. You guys know how to manage your finances. I am also getting that there is a sense of competitiveness inside you, and you don't like defeat. If you really like someone or something you are not afraid to fight for them and that will draw your future spouse to you. You guys might have the mentality of "I will for my lover doesn't matter if the whole world will turn against me" Or "I'll do my best so I don't have to regret later". You guys know when to let go of someone and when to fight for them. Your future spouse will admire this about you. I'm also getting that some of you may be obsessed with saving or investing your money into something that will double your money with time, like stocks or something. By the time you'll meet your future spouse you will accomplish a lot of things and still be humble, you're down to earth nature will attract your future spouse a lot.
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Pile 2
Welcome Pile 2! Your ambition and passion for life will draw your future spouse to you. I'm also getting that some of you may love to travel or you guys may love to learn about different cultures. Your future spouse will love how understanding, respectful and humble you are. Another thing I am picking up on is that you guys are always looking forward to the positive side of life and you guys are not afraid to try new things. I am also wearing that some of you may like swimming or spending time by the beach. You guys have great patience and you are willing to wait for them. Your future spouse may be working by the time you meet them so They will want to focus on their career and they won't be working. You will still be very patient with them and you will not Rush them into doing things that they don't want to do. You will be willing to wait for them and that is what they will admire the most about you. For some of you I am getting that you guys may have a very interesting personality or you guys know about a lot of things and your future spouse is someone who is very attracted to intelligent people. I am also getting that you guys don't show your cards at once and you guys have a lot of interesting aspects to you. Your future spouse will not be able to put you in a certain box because they will always be finding new things about you and you will always keep them wondering about you. There is also something very pure about you. I am getting that you guys are waiting for marriage and won't lose your V card before marriage. Your future spouse will think of you as a pure soul and want to protect you.
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Pile 3
Hello pile 3! The first thing I channel there is that you might be very seductive to your future spouse. You may not be a very sexual person but it's just your energy. There is a very alluring and mysterious vibe to you. I am also getting that you are your future spouse's Ideal type. They have always wanted someone just like you and you are like a dream come true for them. I'm also getting that there is no way that they will let you go because your future spouse is very much obsessed with you but not in a negative way. Yours pose Mein seed and thousand you and I am also get in that you bring back memories of their childhood and you give them your nostalgia. Your future spouse is going to feel an instant connection with you and they might feel as if they have known you for a very long time. Or it could be that you have already met your future spouse. You guys are very understanding and no matter how your future spouse will act you will always teach them the right things and help them evolve. Now I'm also getting that your future spouse sees you as someone who has made them a better person. Another message I'm picking upon is that your future spouse will be drawn towards you because of your nurturing and caring personality. They will like how you are always willing to help others and how you are always evolving yourself. This might sound cliche but your future spouse will think that you're not like others. They will like how in tune you are with your feminine side. Your future spouse will be drawn to you because they will think that you can bring stability into their life. And I'm not saying that they'll depend on you . They just see you as a perfect partner.
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marleyybluu · 1 year
Oscar x pregnant!reader
Wc: 1.9k
warnings: daddy issues, use of OMB scenes so spoilers I guess, sad Spooky, shitty ending cus my attention span cut out
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"No, no, no! You can not put down two draw fours!" Yn shouted at Cesar while the two dabbled in an intense game of UNO. Cesar chuckled waving his one card in her face. "You're just mad because you're losing." He bragged. Though it was confirmed she would never admit it, she quickly pouted and placed her hand on her stomach, he chuckled shaking his head knowing the card that she was about to play. "I'm gonna tell your niece or nephew you didn't let their mommy win."
Her boyfriend Spooky could be heard letting out a bellyful laugh from down the hall, he emerged from his room making his way toward them where they sat around the table not too far from the living room. "Mamita, you can't say that every time you don't get your way." She stuck out her tongue. "I can and I will for the remaining six months."
He rolled his eyes and planted a kiss on the top of her head. "Fine," She reluctantly picked up eight more cards just for Cesar to dramatically slam his last one on the table. He stood up took the last swig of his beer and rested the empty bottle on the table, he was next to kiss her head before grabbing his things and heading out. "I'll see you guys later, I'm with Monse if you need me."
"Have fun." She called out. The door closed and the house was once again silent, Yn gathered the cards and packed them nicely back into the box they came in. She heard the sound of the front door opening and assumed it was Cesar, she said "What'd you forget knucklehead?" But frowned when she was met with their father, Ray. A few days ago the older gentleman had found himself across from the traphouse, Cesar panicked about a stranger just stalking outside so Spooky went to investigate, and with Yn's nosey ass at the window, she noticed Spooky's body language and he was not happy.
Spooky never spoke about his dad, maybe once, but that was it. She could tell he had resentment in his heart for that man, he was a stranger and for him to pop back up after all these years wasn't ideal for anyone in this situation. YN had to admit it was nice seeing Cesar happy and hearing him talk about all the things they were going to do and how much they had to catch up on but judging by the look on Ray's face right in front of her... those plans would never set in motion.
She pitied him a half-smile before dodging into the kitchen. Spooky sat in the background on the couch observing the cold interaction, internally smiling that she would be on his side no matter the minor details that she knew. Ray disappeared into one of the rooms, Spooky was curious as to what he was there for but was brought out of it when he was called to the kitchen. He got up and followed her voice, she was desperately trying to reach the third shelf and was failing miserably, usually, she'd grab a chair but with a baby inside she was more cautious of what she did.
"Can you grab a plate for me papito?"
"Of course, baby."
She squealed and applauded the small gesture as he handed the plate over to her. "Thank you." She blew him a kiss but he wanted a real one, his hand snaking around her waist he pulled her in tightly. Her hands ran up his neck and landed under his jawline. Their lips touched, fitting like pieces of a puzzle, melting together like it was the first time. She could feel his hands slide a little further down, she gasped at the hard squeeze he delivered she pulled back smacking his chest. "Why can't I have one little innocent kiss?"
"That question is what got you pregnant in the first place." He joked gently pressing his hand on her little belly. Yn shooed him off. Oscar laughed and left her alone only to return to the main area and see Ray with his duffle bag on top of the table packing his clothes up. "Finally cleaning up your mess?" He asked. Ever since he arrived it'd practically become a pigsty, his girl often complaining that she wasn't some maid for a grown-ass man, especially one she had no relation to. Ray avoided eye contact as he answered. "I'm leaving, think I've caused enough drama."
Leaving. All he did was leave, run away from his problems, and scram when things got serious. It wasn't the first time Oscar experienced it but there was no doubt that it still hurt, he felt himself shrink into that little kid again, watching the man who was supposed to be there for him vanish, the man who was supposed to teach him how to become one disappear without a trace leaving him and Cesar alone to fend for themselves.
"Good," He responded. "You tell Cesar your plan?"
There was a moment of silence, Ray had stopped packing and sighed making eye contact with his oldest. "I'll tell him when I get to Bakersfield, there's a guy up there who can help me out... help you out too-"
Spooky had turned cold, that scowl plastered on his face, the boiling hate flashing in his eyes. "I don't need help, I got everything I need."
Ray let out an amused chuckle. "The Santos? That girl?" Oscar took a step forward, fists balled up, father or not he would put down anyone that disrespected his girl. She was his home, his family, she was everything that he needed. "Her name is Yn, and she let you stay with us, not me... if it were up to me you'd be out on the street with the rest of the stray dogs."
Little did they know they had an audience for this performance, not too far off Yn had poked her head from the kitchen she had stopped what she was doing the minute she heard their voices. "I hope they don't sell you out, I hope she's good to you because one day all that love you think you're getting from them is gonna be gone."
"Ray." He warned. "This street shit isn't the life man, you don't have to stay here, go and make something of yourself."
Oscar's eyes softened, and he began to nod in agreement. "Thanks, Papa, you're right. I could be president or a fucking astronaut, maybe even a movie star right? Because I had such a great fucking role model!"
"I had a shitty dad too, mijo," Ray's tone was so nonchalant when he said it and something about it was making Yn's skin crawl it just sounded like he didn't care. "But you gotta let that rage go."
It took everything for her not toa put in her two cents. How do you let the rage from constant and consistent disappointment go? She could tell Spooky had this overbearing feeling that he was a failure, that he failed Cesar, failed the Santos and even failed her-- so how was he just supposed to let that go?
Yn had thought the fire between them had died down, that Ray had left and Spooky was just standing there disassociating at the fact that he was in his twenties and still being abandoned. But when she brought herself into frame the two of them had gone, their muffled argument had moved outdoors. Her feet carried her to the front door, where she stood behind the screen watching it go down from a distance.
"Everything bad that's ever happened in my life is because of you! You're gonna crush Cesar the same way you crushed me!" His voice weakened, almost cracking like he was fighting to keep that little boy inside. Ray was already at the end of the path, one foot almost on the black tarmac road, he dropped his bag and turned around to face Spooky. "You never wrote to me... you didn't call, you didn't even visit not once! Did you even think about me?"
YN placed her hand over her heart, she wanted nothing more than to drag him inside and coddle him for all he's been through but he needed to let this out he'd been holding it in for far too long. She looked as Ray walked back toward Spooky.
"Oscar-" He began but Spooky shut it down. "You wanna know the worst part about not having a father? I had to be a father to my brother without having been a son first!" He sniffled. "I have a girl in there who loves me, who taught me how to love since I didn't have you or mama as examples... she's having my baby and I'm scared that I'm gonna end up like you!"
Oscar broke, completely shattered. Yn didn't think there'd be a day when she heard her partner weeping from the deep sadness that he felt, the sadness that was cloaked in anger. Ray didn't say anything, he pulled Oscar in for a hug and he resisted at first but once again his inner child betrayed him and he loosened a bit returning the embrace and they stayed like that for a while. Oscar buried his head in his father's shoulder, nothing was said, it was a bittersweet and brief moment before that rage entered his system again. That wall reappeared in seconds.
He wasn't little Oscar Diaz anymore he was back to Spooky who aggressively shoved his father off of him. "Take your shit and go, make sure I don't see you here again."
And just like that, he was gone again. Spooky turned around with a pout on his face, he stopped at the front door seeing Yn through the screen. "Did you eat?" Funny that even in his obvious time of need he was still worried about her. She shook her head, stretched out her hand to his and gently pulled him inside. Once the door closed the tears that he had just soaked back up were released once again. Yn pulled him over to the couch, sat him down and then took her place beside him.
He fell apart in her arms. "I fucking hate him." She rubbed his back. "All he does is fucking leave me... what did I do?"
"Ay! You didn't do anything papito, he's just an asshole."
"Am I not good enough?"
She frowned. "You are more than enough my love, I promise you. You are more than enough for me, for Cesar and for the baby. You did a great job raising him and you will do an even better one raising ours."
He lifted his head from where it rested on her shoulder, she swiped her thumb across his cheeks to wipe his tears. "How are you so sure?"
"You already do enough for the baby and they're not even here. You make sure I'm eating enough, you make sure I'm relaxed. I wish you could've seen your face when I told you." Now she was tearing up. "I couldn't have picked a better person to make a family with."
He softly smiled. "I love you."
"Duh." She sarcastically answered which received a decent chuckle. "I love you too, we're good okay? I'm not going anywhere."
"I know." He mumbled. She smiled and pulled him in for a kiss. "Let's eat, yeah?"
I just felt like writing something kind of sad. idk why.
for the Pedro girlies im working on Truth or Drink3
for the Rio girlies, working on The Nanny 3
trying not to burn tf out lol just put me down at this point.
if you liked this fic feel free to like this fic, reblogs and comments are appreciated.
peace and love.
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s4ndg3m · 6 months
Status: Open!
okay, gonna start this with.. i have no idea how to make a comms info post. i was going to try and make a carrd but it's... a lot! so, under the cut, i'll have some examples and prices and some info on what to expect! (LONG POST) (YE BE WARNED)
Rules! (and some general info)
because we need that
Don't haggle with me. I'm not selling you old furniture, you're paying me for my time and effort.
For smaller commissions, I require pay up-front
Larger commissions (over $30) can be paid half up-front, and half later. For both ours' insurance!
I can do cashapp, zelle, or paypal.
Time taken on each piece will vary, of course, and I can give you an estimate when we hash out details. I can provide updates as well! Don't be afraid to check in whenever! I won't feel rushed or hassled if you just want to know how progress is :)
If you have literally ANY questions. ANY OF THEM. at all. just message me. Even if you're not sure if you want to commission, or don't intend to at the moment. Have a curiosity? My dms are open, friend. And my ask box too, if you'd rather. I'm so open to questions it's unbelievable. I am almost begging you to ask... If you have something to ask.
YAY / NAY / MAY(or, what i will and won't do)
Roblox avatars/characters
Light/medium mech
Ships (including selfship)
(Artistic) nudity
Multiple characters
Whatever's not on my "no" list! Please please just message me and ask if you're unsure. Even if you're not sure about commissioning and just want to see if it would be possible! I won't bite, I promise. :)
Fetish (even if not explicit)
Heavy mech
Heavy gore
Anything proship/comship/whatever the hell they're calling it. NO KID DIDDLING! OR INCEST!
Anything vivziepop related. I don't like her or anything that she makes.
Celebrities (actors in a role, sure, but just the guy? the plain dude? just some guy on our earth who works a job? a real person with a life? no.)
MAY! (or, things I'm on the fence abt)
Minor gore
Large scenes (not my strongest skillset)
Whatever! I'm okay with stepping outside of my artistic comfort zone, so long as you're okay with the result varying in quality (and possibly taking longer, depending on what you ask for) Again, and I CANNOT say this enough, JUST ASK ME!!
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Okay, so, as shown here, for a standard commission i'll have 3 sizes, along with 4 stages of completion.
The stages are sketch, line art, flat colors, and render (shading/lighting)! sketch is the cheapest, and render is the most expensive. I'll list some prices for each size below :3
Sketch - $5
Line art - $7
Colors - $10
Render - $15
Sketch - $10
Line art - $15
Colors - $20
Render - $25
Full body
Sketch - $20
Line art - $25
Colors - $30
Render - $50
Background (any commission automatically comes with a simple one, free, to be pictured in examples) - $15
Extra character - $7-$20 depending on what you're getting! just ask
COMPLEX object (like a weapon) (simpler ones r free) - $5-$10 (again, depending. just ask)
Anything that would take me more time and effort than usual, really. Time and effort is what you're paying for! I try to keep most of these pretty cheap, cus you're already paying for the drawing itself lol. Just ask if you're unsure.
Other kinds of stuff I'll do!
Icons! (or emojis, they're very similar)
These are basically just the head w/ colors, so $10 If you want an emoji set (or icon set, i guess?) it'll be +$5 for each additional one!
Reference sheets!
These are fun to make! They'll include 2/3 full-body shots of your character (front, side, and/or back), 1 head shot, flat colors, and some spaces for info! You can add in the info yourself, or have me add it in for you (no additional cost). They'll run you around $50 (however, you can add/take away stuff to change the price.)
Character page!
I will just. draw the character a bunch of times. $30 base price (sketch quality) can go up to $70 if you want them VERY spruced up (full render)
FINALLY. What we've all been waiting for... Examples!
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These are fullbodies! (with their categories and prices in alt) (First is a commission of one of my friends ocs, last one is moff, @/sneablebeable 's character!)
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these are rendered pieces w/ backgrounds! (though pokémon like these, I would consider chibi, making them a slightly lesser price.)
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Reference sheets! Highly customizable, these are 2 I did for art fight a lil while ago :)
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sketches! (with complex background, with extra character) For these, I can include basic values to help with composition, but usually done just cus i feel like it. (no extra charge if I do).
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Half body (in the style of a valentines card)
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Thanks for considering me! or... just checking this out! reading this far! whatever!
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spaceistheplaceart · 2 years
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body swap - heading to SNS (Mob's POV)
Reigens POV
First Comic (this one you're reading now is the 3rd)
okaaaaaaay i had a lot of trouble w this one. so below is a bonus page that i had to scrap because mob actually has a flip phone in canon :/ ough. hope u enjoy it. also the transcript is below the cut.
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Transcript of the entire comic + bonus page starting now... I really hope all of you who use screen readers can actually access these.
(Mob is in Reigen's body because this is a body swap. But I'll be referring to him as Mob. Just keep in mind he looks like Reigen.)
Mob stands awkwardly on the sidewalk and thinks to himself "I'm lost. I thought if I could find school from master's place I could find my way to the office, but. I've never been where master lives before."
He looks down and puts his hands in his pockets. He thinks "Maybe I'll wander until I find something familiar..."
He is surprised to find Reigen's flip phone in his pocket. He lifts it out and thinks "Oh, master left his phone in his pockets."
He opens it gingerly and smiles. He thinks "I'll call a taxi! (And pay Master back later)."
The flip phone is opened and we see the contact list. from top to bottom it says: "911. Mob. Bank. Serizawa. Dad."
Mob looks at the phone with shiny eyes, the word 'flattered' above his head. He thinks "I'm master's first contact...?" Then his face falls back into a neutral expression and he thinks "Ah. it's probably to call me for jobs."
He calls his (mob's) phone from Reigen's phone, scratching his cheek and still thinking "But still... that means master thinks I'm reliable, right? I'm glad."
We see Mob's phone ringing on his bed back at home, forgotten.
Closeup of Mob's face. He's sweating with the phone to his ear. "Voicemail. What do I say...? give me back my body? who are you? Please call me back i'm the person who's body you're in? Those all sound weird. I'll just be direct."
He says: "Hello. You have my body. Please give it back. Um... this is shigeo kageyama, by the way. I sound different, though. Uh... call me back please. thank you, bye."
He closes the phone. His arm goes limp and he looks off awkwardly into the middle distance. He mutters "Well." to himself.
Cut to later. Mob is in a big crowd of people, nervously trying to get their attention. He's saying things like: "Uh-" "excuse me!" and "do you know where salt- ah-". A text box at the top reads: "~conveniently, reigen's phone died after that call so mob had to try and ask for directions... it wasn't very successful." There is a small drawing of the artist in the text box, smiling cheekily and giving a thumbs up.
Mob's shoulders slump and he sighs. Someone off screen asks "Excuse me, sir, are you lost?"
Mob turns around, hopeful. "Yes!! could you-"
The person who was speaking to him finishes by saying: "- In the endless seas of the dating world?"
"huh?" Mob says, smile gone, background dark.
He is dragged off by a woman in a dress. She smiles and says "C'mon!". He sweats and says "ah-wait."
Cut to later. Mob is sat at a table. On his left and right are men. The woman from earlier has a hand on his shoulder and is gesturing to in front of him. She has long hair, full lips, an earring, and a low cut dress. The woman says: "Hey everyone!!! We have a new guy to add to the mixer!~" With a heart emoji at the end of the text.
Two women sit across from mob. In the background there's a sign that says "We accept cash, credit, checks, debit, foreign currency." The woman in the middle has heavy makeup on, long hair, and a low cut dress. (woman2) The woman on the left has curly hair, long eyelashes, and a lot of jewelry. (woman3) The woman who found mob earlier (woman1) says: "I found him wandering the streets still in his pajamas, lost and alone..."
Woman2 says: "Oh. you poor thing."
Woman1 leans closer to mob. "what's your name?"
Mob looks up to the ceiling blankly. There's a lone light bulb hanging and a cobweb. He thinks: "Do i really say my name? or master's? This place is shady, too, so maybe I should use a fake one?"
Woman2 and Woman3 look annoyed. Woman3 asks "Are you, like, okay? it's a simple question." Woman2 asks: "Are you an idiot or something?"
Woman1 waves her hand. "Oh, girls, be nice! He's probably just not used to being around so many beautiful women! Why don't you just tell us your age?"
Mob looks up at the woman, and his face (reigen's face in this case) is drawn in a way to purposefully highlight his older features such as eye bags and wrinkles. He says. "I'm 14."
He freezes up.
Woman2, Woman3, and a new woman are all looking at him, disturbed. He thinks: "I answered without thinking! How embarrassing... I think I creeped them out."
He gets up and bows. "I'm sorry but I really do have to go. I hope you all enjoy your evening."
He walks off hurriedly, woman 1 and a man watching him leave.
Cut to later, Mob is receiving help from a man with a map. A text box above reads: "Eventually, someone gave mob directions and he went on his way."
END ID for main comic.
BEGIN ID for bonus comic
Mob opens Reigen's flip phone, smiling. "I can just use mobgle maps!"
He taps on the phone. Text points to him saying "Has never used a flip phone.". His thoughts are scattered around and read: "menu..." "are there apps? no, no, there wouldn't be. Um..." "I could still try, maybe. Or look up a map..." "ah, internet!" "app store... mobgle..." "???"
He is pressing the number pad on the phone and looks very frustrated. His thoughts are again scattered and read: "2. ok. that's 'a'". "77. q? no, ah... where's backspace?" "...ok. 7.7." "NO I don't want Q I want two P's!" His percent raises to 34%.
An Author's Note reads: "it was here the artist remembered that mob owns a flip phone and their own percent went up by 30. girl help why do they all have flip phones. fuck you one. /jk"
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tawaifeddiediaz · 1 year
I was just wondering if you have a tutorial on how you created this effect in your gifset, it's something I'd like to try but have no idea where to start. Your set is so pretty! Any helps appreciated x
Hey Nonnie, thank you! This is super late, but I don't actually have the psd for this set anymore (I delete them as soon as I post them), so we're just gonna wing it with a gif I made the other day. I think this ask is about the text, but if it's anything else, just drop me another line and I'll get to it when I can!
I'm pretty sure I got this tutorial from the wonderful @eddiediaaz but I then turned it into Lazy Girl Hours :)) anywho, here we go!
We’ll be making this gif:
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This tutorial assumes basic knowledge of gif-making, Photoshop, and coloring. I’ve only described the typography tutorial in this, but you can reach out if you have any questions.
Tutorial under the cut:
Couple things to note beforehand:
There is a lot of trial and error involved when doing any sort of effect, and this is no exception! You might have to play around with the colors and the settings before you find something that looks good and readable and that fits your set!
This text effect works better on big gifs (540px width).
For this, I find that a simple font works better than a fully-cursive one, but play around with what you like. The boxes may need some adjusting if you use a font with too many tall or tail letters (i.e. text where all the letters aren't on one uniform line - that's why capital letters work so well.)
Movement works really well with effects like these, but again, it depends on your gif + readability. If you have a blended gif, it may take a little more trial and error.
I work in frame animation for all my text effects, but this works just as well in timeline as well.
We’re going to start with this gif:
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First, I like to put my text on the gif. You can obviously move this around later so don't worry too much about how it looks right now.
The dialogue is "Just don't feel it." "Feel" is one of those Big Words for this quote, so I'm going to emphasize it with cursive text.
I am using Moon for the sans serif text, and Santa Fe Spring for the cursive text. Keep both of these in white for now:
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Next, we're going to use the rectangular marquee tool to draw our rectangles around the capital letters (we're not touching the cursive text right now). I just eyeball this, and then try to center it as much as possible.
(The rectangular marquee tool has a keyboard shortcut of M, and it's the second tool in that little toolbar on the left of most people's Photoshop.)
This is what that'll look like:
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Next, we're going to go down to the icons at the bottom right of the layers panel and select the half-black half-white circle > Color Fill.... You should get a color dialogue box. Choose your color - I'm using #8d0000. Then, we're going to move that layer below the corresponding text layer, and set its blending mode to Difference. This is what that looks like (click the image for better quality):
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I'm going to repeat that with the other two boxes as well, using the same color. The boxes will look different with the Difference blending mode because of the shadows underneath.
For example, the box with "it" looks like a solid red square because it's against a completely black background, while the other two have some blue shading to them since there are some highlights behind them.
This is what my gif looks like now:
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Next, I like to go The Lazy Girl™ route and put all three color-fill layers into one group underneath all the text layers. This just lets me edit the drop shadow of all three of them at the same time.
Right-click the group and open up the Blending Options. In Drop Shadow, these are the settings I'm using. The drop shadow color is #0c6477:
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(Note: uncheck "Use Global Light" especially if you're working in frame animation to make sure all the drop shadow has the same angle on all frames.)
This is what my gif looks like now:
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Now that we've finished that, time to move on to the cursive text.
I usually match the cursive text to the palette of the rest of the text, and since the drop shadow is our "accent" color, so to speak, I'm going to use a lighter version of that color. I am also going to add a drop shadow for readability.
The color I used for the text is #acfffe and I actually ended up adding two drop shadows, just because I needed something subtle that doesn't overwhelm the text, especially since it's a delicate font. Here are the settings for both layers:
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And here's what my gif looks like now:
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Now, before we move on to the lines, just check the adjustment of all these text layers, see if there's anything you want to change. It's easier to change now than after the lines are added, since you'll most likely have to redraw them if you move the boxes after the fact.
To draw the lines, we're going to use the Line Tool. I just freehand all of this, and I try to go from center to center of the boxes when I can. It all depends on your angles.
My lines are 2px thick, but you can change these depending on your preference. Here's what mine look like right now:
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We're going to do the same lazy hack that we did for the color fill, and put all three line layers into a group. Move this group below the text layer and the color fill layers. The reason for this is so that the lines look like they're coming seamlessly from the box, rather than from on top of them or something.
Then, set the group to opacity 50%. I like more subtle, simple looks in my gifs, so I don't like super high opacities.
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And that's it! This is our final gif:
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Some final notes:
Absolutely play around with the blending modes of the color fill layers for this effect. These two gifs are the exact same color we've been using, just two different blending modes. You can see how drastically different they look. The first one is Linear Dodge (Add) and the second one is Vivid Light:
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It can change how your gif looks in a BIG way, so play around with it, see what you like, especially if you don't really like the "two toned" thing going on.
Sometimes, I also like playing with the width and height of the text in the font settings, making it shorter and wider, or making it taller and more compact. You can play with the letter spacing as well. The world is your oyster, etc etc.
One other thing I've started doing is erasing the lines with a big brush, just to fade them from his face a little, like this:
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To do that, use a layer mask on the line layer folder, and a brush that's 0% hardness, and at least 200px big. For this gif, I also changed the opacity of the lines back to 100% so the fading effect is a little more pronounced:
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(this gif isn't the best example for this, but oh well. Anywho, hope this helps, Nonnie! Let me know if you have any questions.
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urnumber1star · 3 months
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I never thought I would be here right now but I'm honestly so happy that so many people like the weird little things I write <3
I'm going to do a few little things on here as a little thank you.
Ramble to me about your WIP in my ask box! As long as you want and I'll even give my opinions and critiques if you want them just put those areas in purple.
I'll make a mood board for you or any of your characters
I'll assign you a song that I think fits your blogs vibe
I'll make you a few emoji aesthetics
Everything the followers have
I'll attempt to draw your characters (Fair warning it will not be very good but I will try my best you can do up to three)
I'll assign a book I think fits your vibe (I have read a lot of books)
+other things that I can't think of right now because I'm very jittery lmao I'll put them in later
Also tagging all my moots because I love you guys (platonically) <3
@dorky-pals @leahnardo-da-veggie @the-ellia-west @illarian-rambling @sunset-a-story @thisisntrocket @kaylinalexanderbooks @tinadablackthorn @sunglasses-in-the-bentley @themortalityofundyingstars @magscrane >EVERYBODY GO FOLLOW THEM
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zombeebunnie · 3 months
Trembling Essence:💙Choice exploration + finished scenes💙
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Hello and welcome new followers, here's an update on how things are going with the game! Firstly a big thank you to the sudden influx of support I got this week, I'm happy knowing people liked the little meme video I did! :,]
This post might be a little long since I had to rewrite a few things, I was trying to upload a picture of one of the new areas you can go in but I got an error and couldn't save what I wrote. :,S
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Anywho, I mainly focused on quality of life changes and continued working with the one of the endings you can get at the start of the game.
I don't really know where to start but this ending took a lot longer than expected to really hit what I've been trying to go for. At first, it was going to have two different endings. I took out one of them because I didn't have much of a connection with it and I liked the idea of it being straightforward instead. When I went back over it, everything happened too quickly for my liking. To fix this I went back and added a few choices to at least give you an idea of what the area is like and how it effects the player(Y/N) while making sure the dialog transitioned correctly with what you see on the screen. It's nothing too wordy but I do like it a lot more than I did before. Even though this is still considered one ending there is a alternate version you can get depending on a certain choice. Towards the end I fixed up all the spelling errors I could find and happily enough, there wasn't many. For right now I'd say this ending is finished! Yay! x]
Here's one of my favorite CG's I drew for it:
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I love how it turned out because I really want to do different angles and perspective through the terrain, I think this one is my favorite so far! :,,]
Here's a evening time version of it:
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It's suppose to be raining in this image but I still need to practice getting the angle correct. :,,]
I'm also fixing/brainstorming up the second/third ending. This one will have two different areas you can navigate through to get an idea of where you are and a few hints of lore that will be referenced later on in the game. Those that have played the [Extended Demo] you probably know which ones I'm talking about. >;]
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I already like the idea of them but for one of the paths, I didn't have enough time to branch it out and make backgrounds for it in the [Extended Demo] so here's a peek of a placeholder since I'm still sketching stuff out, nothing is finalized yet. :[]
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Super close to the cabin section, yay! I actually miss writing/drawing out the segments in the cabin a whole bunch so I really can't wait to fix up that part once I'm done with the swamplands. :,,]
I said last week I'd post some of the new backgrounds/areas so here you go:
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Kofi update:
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I also had a small talk with my play testers and one of the things they brought up is that I should be promoting my ko-fi better so from now on I'll have little mini doodles doing so at the end of every game development post as a way to promote it! :] All donations and tips help tremendously while I work on the game. If you like what I create, please consider supporting what I do here! I was able to use previous tips to get a new wrist support brace when I'm drawing so a very big thank you to everyone who gave a tip! :,,]
Q&A / Ask box is open:
If you have any questions about Trembling Essence/Noah feel free to ask here or on itch.io please. This makes it easier for me to see and answer accordingly! I would really like to hear from you guys!
I enjoyed answering the asks I got recently this week! I'm trying to finish the rest when I can including the ones I remember that got deleted. There were some I genuinely couldn't answer because it would require me to mention major spoilers/the questions have spoilers in them. :,]
This post is getting really long now so that's all I have to discuss, thank you guys very much for all of the encouraging support this past week, I appreciate it a whole bunch! :,,]
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saturnsorbits · 2 years
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Help a Guy Out
Fandom: My Hero Academia, Warnings: Suggestive, Silliness, Saturnari Coded. Word Count: 0.8k.
Summary: Kaminari really hopes Bakugo has condoms.
A/N: It's been a shit day, so have some silly self-ship-ish comfort I wrote. I shall be back to sort some kind of ‘header’ situation out in the morning.
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‘Psst.’ Denki’s tapping is frantic. His knuckles redden, the endless beat of his knocking almost mind numbing in its repetitiveness as he starts up again at the door. 'C'mon, c'mon...' He mumbles under his breath, hissing soft as he restarts his assault anew.
It takes another volley of knocking and a handful more hushed whispers before the door eventually flies open, revealing an extremely annoyed Bakugo Katsuki. He squints against dull light of the corridor as sleep tries its best to drag down his eyelids. The rough spikes of his hair have flattened to one side of his head and he's bare, naked, except for a pair of boxers that are slung too low on his hips to have not been dragged on at a moments notice.
He growls. 'The fuck do you -.'
Words are tumbling out of Kaminari's mouth before he even has chance to draw breath, cutting Bakugo's sentence clean in two. 'I know. I'm sorry, but I promise if you help me just this once I won't bother you for the next month.'
Bakugo snorts. Even in his sleep deprived state, he can tell a good deal when he hears one. 'A whole month.'
'Yes.' Kaminari's desperate, eyes wide as he clings to the door frame of Bakugo's bedroom. 'Please, man – just...'
'What do you want?'
Biting his lip, Kaminari continues his mumbling. 'Well I was wondering if -.'
'Spit it out or fuck off, Sparky.'
'Uh, so I had that date tonight – yeah...'
'I'm aware.'
'And it's, it's gone well, like really, really well – and...'
Bakugo's eyebrows arc, a smirk pulling at his lip as he folds his arms across his chest.
'… And I know you probably don't wanna know because she's like your best friend and all, but -.' Kaminari stops dead, nose twitching.
'But?' Bakugo winces.
'I was really...' He coughs the awkwardness from his throat. 'I was hoping that you had some condoms I could borrow.' Flushing down to his collarbones, he swallows, stammering before launching back into anxious mumbling. 'I'll give them back... Not, not the used ones obviously. It's not like you'd want a condom full of my.... Anyway, I'll, I'll buy new ones – to, to replace the ones...'
Holding up his hand, Bakugo silences Kaminari's run-away train of thought. There's a dull pulsing at the base of his skull that he's sure will turn into a headache if he spends a moment longer in Kaminari's company and he has no desire to let it. Making sure to half-close the door to prevent any light from leaking in, he ventures back into his room.
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'Baby?' From underneath the bed covers, something moves. It wiggles, scrunching up like an awkward caterpillar until a soft crown of red hair pops into view. Kirishima creaks one eye open to search for his boyfriend in the dark. 'Who's at the door?'
Finding Kirishima's hand, Bakugo laces their fingers and squeezes. ‘Denki.’
Kirishima perks up at the name. 'Oh?' Wriggling further up the bed, he blinks to try and clear his vision. 'How did his date go?'
Releasing Kirishima's hand, he stoops to dig about in the top draw of the near-by beside table. He roots for a moment before retrieving a large pack of condoms. ‘Good enough that he’s asking for these.’ He shakes the packet.
'Those are our last packet...' Kirishima pouts.
A chuckle rumbles in Bakugo's chest as he leans forward to press a soft kiss on the other man's cheek. He lingers, lips ghosting his ear as he whispers: 'Guess I'll just have to fuck you raw for a little while, huh?'
With wide eyes and a shiver breaking out down his spine, Kirishima sinks deeper under the duvet to hide the furious blush breaking out on his features.
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Bakugo returns moments later, small cardboard box in hand. ‘Here.’
Snatching it, Kaminari stares at the box like it's just saved his life. ‘Thank you' He blinks, remembering to talk to Bakugo and not the box. 'I mean it - thank you...' A wicked glint flashes in his eyes as he lifts them to look back at Bakugo, but it's gone as quick as it appears. He clears his voice. 'I asked Sero but his where way too big. These look perfect.’
Bakugo blinks, trying not to focus on the rude double epiphany that has just slapped him in the face. He growls. ‘Yeah, now fuck off. It’s late.’
Excitement fizzes in Kaminari's stomach making him feel light again. His mind is buzzing, images of you - waiting, possibly in a state of undress - fill his mind and make focusing difficult. ‘I’ll replace them. I promise - I.’
‘Yeah yeah…' Bakugo takes a second to analyse the smile tugging at Kaminari's lips and then, drop his eyes to look down at the carpet. He clears his throat, scuffing his toe against the floor. As much as he rips him to shreds, Kaminari isn't the worst you could do - and if he's being truly honest with himself, he really does want nothing, but the best for both of you. He thinks about your friendship, of all years you've had each others backs. 'If you do this right, she's gonna be the best thing that has ever happened to you, y'know.'
Kaminari's mouth drops open, his eyes shining as he stares at Bakugo. There's a warmth in his stomach, a combination of the butterflies that have hatched for you and the faint tingling sensation of watching Bakugo Katsuki be complimentary to someone willingly. ‘Yeah… Yeah. I - uh.' He blushes, swallowing. 'I -I really fucking like her, like I really... Really like her.’
Bakugo nods. ‘Good.’
‘Thanks Bakugo.’ Kaminari holds up the box, tapping it awkwardly as he turns to leave, but before he can begin to head down the hallway Bakugo's voice is calling him back.
‘Whatever. Oh and Kaminari…’ Maybe it's the still burning wound of knowing Sero's hung, or the faint irritation that he’s being messed with, but he finds himself giving in to the mischief swirling in his chest as Kaminari practically skids to a stop. ‘Play with her ass, yeah? She likes that shit.’
Kaminari's eyes blow wide, realization trickling into his veins as a shocked: ‘Bakugo!’ is tossed from his throat.
Bakugo shuts his bedroom door, leaving Kaminari to gather his bearings outside and throws himself back to his bed chuckling.
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In the morning, he awakes to his limbs tangled with Kirishima's - his boyfriends drool marking out a sticky patch on his chest and a text message.
Kaminari: Thanks for the advice man! Don't think I've ever nut that hard in my life.
Kaminari: Also, you can have your condoms back. They were too small, after all.
Bakugo blows up his phone.
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...And, Kaminari's, after calmly and rationally demanding a literal dick measuring contest in the boys locker rooms to prove that he certainly isn't the smallest and that Kaminari is full of shit.
He comes in second...
To his own boyfriend.
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dogtoling · 1 year
Something to link on my blog because I keep having people ask me the same stuff like, every week. So here's a summary of the blog and stuff
Q: What is this blog? A: Hi, I'm Dodo! And this is my Splatoon blog. This is primarily an art blog but somewhere along the way this has become a speculative biology blog and headcanon space. Put simply, it's "trying to turn Splatoon real".
Q: What do you post here? A: Mostly my Splatoon OCs. Occasionally, I post five mile long rant posts and essays about Splatoon, or Inkling biology, or my headcanons in educational comic form. If you've seen the Kraken Post or Inklings and Color or whatever I called that, those are mine.
Q: Why do your Inklings look like that? A: I approach Inklings from the angle of them being squids that evolved to be bipedal, rather than "human with some squid traits" as they're often depicted. Within the community, this is often referred to as "xeno inklings", which just means Inklings with animal traits. I don't really tag my art as such, but contextually it's the same thing. If that kind of thing makes you mad for some reason just don't follow.
Q: Your [insert headcanon here] is not canon compliant. A: Right, disclaimer now: a lot of the things here are NOT canon compliant. I try to keep most stuff canon compliant, but sometimes things are stupid or make no sense and that's when we build around it.
Q: Can I use your headcanons/inkfish designs? A: This is a question I get regularly. Feel free to use my headcanons and inkfish designs! You can also build upon them or use them as inspiration for your own headcanons. All I ask is not to copy my OC designs.
Q: Where can I see/read your headcanons? A: My headcanon tag is #squidthoughts.
Q: Where can I see your art/OCs? A: On the blog, my art tag is #dodo art, you can also see comics at #dodo comics (and here is a masterpost of links to the bigger ones). If you want to see profiles for my OCs and more comprehensive art galleries, see my toyhouse)
Q: What program do you use to draw? A: Clip Studio Paint. i change up the brush i use every now and then when I get bored of drawing, but I use the defaults.
Q: Do you do requests/commissions/art trades? A: None of these... sorry!
Q: Do you have Art Fight? A: Yes! My page.
Q: Can I send an ask? A: Yeah, but keep in mind I sometimes take a while to answer. Also, if you're just going to send your own headcanons, consider just publishing them to your own blog (it gets frustrating getting "asks" where there's not actually anything to answer).
Q: Can I ask about your OCs? A: I accept asks for and about my OCs with open arms. In fact, you can send asks directed to my OCs in my ask box and I'll draw a response in most cases. (Tag for these: #ask oc)
Q: What's your main weapon? A: I've grown as a person and am no longer an E-Liter 4K main. I don't really have a main. Let's say Gold Dynamo Roller, that's my son with every disease and he sucks. Wouldn't have it any other way... Q: Are you American? A: Despite the fact that I'm always posting shit at US afternoon times, I am in fact from northern Europe. My sleep schedule is just all over the place and I get productive at 11pm onward. lol. (Guess what time it is right now!!??!?)
Q: What if a question I was going to ask wasn't here? A: My ask box is open. Just send it there and if it's a common enough question, it'll probably pop up in this list later.
Mandatory addition: I also run @splatreference. If you're an artist or writer, the blog has pose references for weapons in the game, and references for stages and in-game areas.
yup thats the FAQ thanks for reading
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Tickles and Tunes
2012 Leonardo x Reader imagine
Info + Warnings: References this song. No gendered language, pronouns, or Y.N used for Reader. Set post S5, pre finale.
Commentary: Sorry for projecting my basic music taste on all of you. It will happen again.
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"It was a brilliant solution!"
"Sure, sure," you said, walking into Leo's room. "But let's not act like Ryan had that planned. He's good, but he didn't even know that planet existed-"
"No, of course not." He followed you, taking your coat and bag from your hands and moving to set them on his desk chair. "But he adapted quickly, rolled with the punches. He had it planned by mid-episode."
"That's giving him a whole lot of credit, Leo. Just because you would have figured it out that quickly-"
"You saw his face on the bridge! He was cool as a cucumber. There's no way he didn't have a plan."
You smiled and shook your head, switching on his speaker. "Sure, fearless. Whatever you say."
"You don't agree?"
You glanced back at him with a smug smirk. "Let's just say I know what it looks like when a leader is totally winging it."
"And what's that supposed to mean?" He asked, playfully stern.
"It means," you drew out the word, tapping through playlists on your phone, "That I'm an expert on his kind."
"S'that so?"
"It's so."
Music flowed through the room, light and happy, just loud enough to make Leo's already nearly-silent movements truly inaudible. Luckily, you anticipated the way his arms looped around your waist.
What you didn't expect was his hand snaking up and taking your phone to move it to the desk- or him lifting you up a moment later.
"Leo!" You exclaimed as he quickly crossed the room to his bed and deposited you on top of it, prompting a little oof as you landed.
"Tell me, oh wise expert," he grinned over you, "Did you know that would happen?"
"No," you admitted, biting back a laugh and schooling your expression into something serious. "This is new behavior to me. I'll need to study it."
You didn't need to be an expert to catch the mischievous sparkle in his eyes as he placed his good knee on the bed and leaned down, boxing you in with his hands on either side of your waist. "You'd better be ready to take notes."
It was times like these that dating a speedy ninja had its disadvantages: by the time your clever retort reached your throat, it dissolved into shocked giggles- he was tickling you.
"Leo, Leo-"
"What, drawing conclusions already?"
"Only that-" you shrieked, squirming backward to try to escape his fingers- "You're clearly- clearly- evil!"
Leonardo laughed. "Interesting conclusion."
"Mercy!" You managed between laughs of your own. "White flag, uncle!"
He relented, stilling his fingers and moving to instead rub up and down your sides affectionately. "Evil doesn't usually respond to 'uncle'."
"Maybe I had more faith in you than I thought," you said breathlessly.
"Doesn't sound very scientific of you."
"It was plenty scientific. I knew from repeated experiments that you're a merciful specimen."
"So, not evil."
"Not evil," you confirmed, "Unless you're tickling me."
"Good to know."
You realized the song playing had ended. or, more accurately, the distinct opening of the next song caught your attention, making you huff out a laugh in exasperation.
"What is it?"
"The song. The timing of it."
The turtle hovering over you paused to listen, eyes shifting towards the speaker. "I don't think I know it."
"Ah." You smiled sheepishly, blood rushing to your face. "It was uh… it's… it's my you song."
That brought his curious eyes back to your own. "Me song?"
You nodded. "Yeah, like… you." With that, you looked away, studying the wraps on his wrist instead of his face. "Always makes me think of you. Has for a long time."
Leo crawled the rest of the way onto the bed and quietly settled down beside you- opposite the speaker.
Feeling his eyes on you, you hid your face in your hands, making him chuckle.
The two of you sat quietly, listening to the song play. You couldn't help feeling exposed; it was like he was reading your diary in the chords of the guitar.
When Leo finally spoke, it was to tease you. "… I don't have hair to-"
You heard him laugh again. His hand landed softly on your wrist, gently pulling your hand from your face to intertwine your fingers.
The singer finally reached the chorus, and you studied the cement blocks of the ceiling as the most damning line of the song played.
"Oh, I see."
"I don't think I've dragged you anywhere head first."
You snorted. "A, you're taking this too literally. B," you turned your head to meet his gaze, "You absolutely have. Missions, obviously- repeatedly, okay- but-" your voice dropped, less confident as you moved out of teasing him and into something more serious- "Dragged me head first into loving you, so."
His smile took on a distinctly bashful note as his grin grew. "I see."
"Oh," you grumbled, looking back at the ceiling, "Shut up."
He did not shut up, but his voice did soften. "I'm not sure I did the dragging."
"I'm sure."
Leo pressed a lingering kiss to your temple, falling silent again to hear the rest of the song.
You could see him bobbing his head out of the corner of your eye, and suspected that if you actually looked you'd find that his grin was replaced by a much calmer smile. You did not look. Instead, you let your eyes slide shut, savoring the way his hand felt against yours.
You wondered how many times you'd listened to this song. How many times had you found yourself flustered by it over the radio? How many times had it been the background music to butterflies in your stomach and heat in your cheeks?
What would the you of listenings past think of this moment?
You almost laughed at the thought. the idea that you and Leonardo would ever be together had been almost forbidden in your own mind: he was the leader, he was a mutant, he was almost certainly not interested.
That last point had been proven incorrect.
Leo's voice pulled you out of your thoughts as the song ended. "It's a good song."
"It's a great song," you corrected, emboldened by your trip down memory lane. You had come a long way, the both of you. "It's- the lyrics always- they fit. but…"
"Hm?" he prompted gently.
Your new-found confidence faded again at the softness in his tone, at the way he rubbed a thumb over your hand. You glanced at him and found yourself feeling sixteen again, shy under his gaze.
To fight it, you screwed your eyes shut again. "It sounds like the feeling I'd get around you," you admitted quietly. "That fluttery feeling. The guitar, that sparkly sound in the background, the way she sounds giddy- especially at the end of each verse, how she like, raises her voice? Like she's excited?"
You peeked one eye open to find him staring at you, a bewildered smile on his face. "I love you," he breathed.
You rolled to face him, opening your eyes completely and melting into his mattress. "I love you too."
He scooted forwards, wrapping you in his arms and tossing a knee over your own while pressing a smiley kiss to your forehead. "That was the cutest thing anyone's ever said to me."
You found yourself without a response.
Instead, you wrapped an arm over his shell, bringing your other hand to trace his jaw.
"I should show you my you song some time, huh?"
Your eyebrows shot up and Leo laughed. "You have a me song?"
"What, you think you're the only one that listens to music?"
"No," you huffed, struggling to put your question into words. "But… me?"
You were almost overwhelmed by the answer in his eyes, by how much love was visible- how much was directed at you. "Of course, you," he mumbled, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. Then, impossibly quiet, "Of course it's you."
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Your shriek of laughter echoed through the lair, followed by Leonardo's quieter but no less genuine chuckle, and Raph felt Casey glance at him. "Dude, I can't remember the last time I heard them laugh like that," Casey said quietly. "Didn't know Leo even remembered how."
April hummed from the beanbag chair in front of them. "I think it's nice."
"Nice and loud, maybe," Raph mumbled, his words lacking any real bite. "Can barely hear the TV over all that."
"You should try watching Crognard when Mona's over." Casey threw his voice up into a high pitched squeak. "Oh, mona, you're so cool, I may faint-"
Raphael tossed a pillow at him, satisfied by the whump of it hitting him in the face and knocking him sideways onto the couch. "Shuddup already, will ya?"
April and Casey laughed, and Raph barely managed to bite back his own grin. He wouldn't say it out loud, but it had been nice to hear Leo goofing off- add the mention of his own girlfriend and the delight of hitting Casey with something and you had the start of a great mood.
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itsawhumpsideblog · 5 months
Angie Has A Cold pt. 2
CW: colds and associated symptoms. This is just good old-fashioned sickfic and fluff.
Advice from the Box Boy Liberation Movement:
Some rescuees find their greatest healing in serving others. It seems counterintuitive, because many of them experienced abuse while being forced to perform tasks by those who claimed to control them. However, rescuees are often keenly aware of the difference between enforced servitude and service given freely out of love.
Angie pulled the blanket Tim had given her more tightly around her shoulders and shivered. Her hands and face felt very hot, but the rest of her was freezing cold and so sore. She tried to watch TV, but her eyes kept sliding shut and she knew she kept falling asleep. Every time she woke, the rest of the household looked away, a sure sign they had been watching her.
It was while she was dozing that her phone rang, startling her awake. The screen read "Mom!" and Tim was kind enough to pause their show while she fumbled with the lock screen and put the phone to her ear.
"Hi, Mom," she said, trying to sound more alert than she felt. The rest of the household eavesdropped on her side of the conversation, with varying degrees of discretion.
"Yeah- yeah, me too," they heard her say. Then, "Oh, no- are they still gonna make it on the honeymoon?... That's good... Yup, not great. I'm congested and I have kind of a bad fever... No, you don't have to. I'll be okay. Plus it's like three hours on the plane... Yeah, I will... No, I won't. But I don't mind... Okay, I will. Love you, too."
She finally pushed a button and put her head back against the couch, laying her hand over her eyes. "That was my mother," Angie reported, as though they hadn't figured it out. "Half the wedding party is sick. Luckily my sister doesn't leave for her honeymoon for another week."
"That's terrible luck," Tim sympathized. "Except the timing of the honeymoon, of course. You should all feel better by then. I'm sure of it."
"Looking forward to that part," Angie mumbled. She sneezed into her elbow and mopped at her red nose with a tissue. "Okay, I think I'm ready to go back to bed."
"That sounds like a good idea." Tim offered her a hand, which she took gratefully. He helped her up, then retrieved her blanket and tucked it around her.
"See you guys later," Angie said, making a point to smile at the rescuees. Nathan returned the smile, still not looking upset, but Francis and Mikey remained worried.
The climb up the stairs felt like more work than usual and Angie was relieved to sink down on her own bed and draw the blankets around her. "Thanks, Tim," she said. "I know you didn't need more work right now."
"I don't mind," he assured her. "This is still less chaotic than working in a hospital."
"Yeah, I guess. But you were busy enough this weekend, I bet." Angie sighed. "I'll try to be back on my feet soon."
"Don't worry about it. Just rest and take care of yourself."
"Sleep well and I'll come up this afternoon to check on you."
"Everything go okay?" Nathan asked when Tim got back downstairs. Personally, he was confident that it had, but Francis and Mikey looked so concerned that he wanted to make sure they heard it.
"Yup," Tim confirmed. "She feels pretty lousy, but I think she'll sleep for a while and that should help. I'll go up in a couple hours for a temperature check and her medicine."
"Great," Nathan said, looking over to Francis and Mikey to make sure they looked satisfied with the information.
They said nothing and Tim sat back down and picked up the book he was reading while they watched TV. He soon realized, however, that Francis seemed restless and kept looking over at him. When he didn't settle down after several minutes, Tim put his book aside and said, very gently, "Francis, you okay?"
"Yes, Sir," Francis replied automatically. Then he paused and Tim nodded encouragingly. "Sir," Francis went on. He looked nervous and was wringing his hands, although it was hard to say whether he knew he was doing it. "May Francis go upstairs and watch over Ma'am?"
Tim was about to say that he was sure Angie would be fine, really, and they should let her sleep, but, to his surprise, Francis kept talking.
"Francis will be very quiet and will not disturb her rest in any way," he promised. "But... what if Ma'am grows more ill and nobody is there to notice? What if she needs help? Fevers can be very frightening."
For Francis, Tim thought to himself. He considered the idea, debating the merits of it. Finally he replied, "Let me go see what Angie thinks." He resigned himself to finishing the book another time and went back upstairs.
"Was it two hours already?" Angie asked when he peered through the door. She coughed and waved him in regardless.
"Not even close- I'm sorry to keep bothering you."
"You're not bothering me. What's up?"
"Francis wants to come upstairs and sit with you," Tim said. "He's worrying."
"Oh, poor Francis," Angie said indulgently. "He's such a nice guy- wait." She paused and seemed to be thinking hard before pushing herself up in bed to look intently at Tim. "Sorry, I just heard that. Stupid fever's slowing me down. Did you say Francis wants something? How do you know? Did he tell you?"
"He actually did. He flat out said, 'can Francis go upstairs and sit with Ma'am" almost like a normal person might. I mean, there's still the matter of him speaking in third person and calling you Ma'am, but... yeah, he just asked straight out."
"Wow!" Angie lay back down with a sigh and rubbed at her forehead. "That's... that's remarkable."
"I know. I told him I'd ask you, but it really is your decision."
Angie shook her head. "I think we have to take advantage of this," she said. "I mean, I really don't feel great but when I took this job, I said I would do anything to help rescuees recover. If Francis actually told you he wanted something, I think we have to make sure he gets positive reinforcement. Even if it's just hanging out in my germy room while I sneeze all over everything."
Tim made a face. "I'll bring up some more tissues, if you need them."
"Nah, I don't mean it. I'm okay."
"If you're sure. I'll tell Francis and help him get up here."
Francis was relieved when Sir and Ma'am accepted his offer of assistance. He had been worrying about Ma'am since she had failed to appear as usual for breakfast and found that he didn't want to be far from her if he could help it. Francis had suffered his share of illnesses and somehow could not put aside the awful mental image of Ma'am locked in some basement, as he had been, having her fever all alone on a bare mattress with no one to comfort her.
Sir helped him up the stairs and he found that he felt a little silly when he actually got a look at where Ma'am was when she wasn't downstairs in her usual place. The room had soft, light pink walls and the bed was piled with pillows and a warm black comforter. There was a table next to the bed that held everything a sick person might require, in addition to a lamp, a book, and Ma'am's phone.
Most reassuringly, there was Ma'am, still wearing her flannel bathrobe and tucked up in bed the way someone who was ill ought to be. True, her eyes were a little glassy and her face was flushed, and she winced when she blew her rather red nose, but she was smiling at Francis all the same. Sir drew a chair up next to the bed and helped Francis settle into it.
"Thank you for coming to take care of me," Ma'am said. Her voice sounded a little rough and she had to stop and cough, but Francis was more relaxed than he had been downstairs, just because he could keep an eye on her.
"She won't need much," Sir told Francis. "And she can tell you when she does need something. There's not a lot to do but keep her comfortable and let her get enough rest. And if either of you needs anything, we're just downstairs. I'll keep coming up to see how things are going. Okay?"
"Yes, Sir," Francis replied obediently.
"You got it," Ma'am added, and Sir smiled at them and left the room.
When Sir had left, Francis set about tending to his patient. He had done a few of these things for his old Master, but that was usually when he had been feeling the effects of drink, and that was very different. He hadn't worried so much for Master.
The first thing he did was straighten the comforter on the bed, which was a little wrinkled. Then, Ma'am sat up and began to cough, and Francis took the liberty of plumping her pillows while she was thus engaged. When the bout had passed, she lay back and closed her eyes, breathing deeply.
There was sweat on her forehead and Francis took a washcloth that had been draped over the edge of a small bowl of water. He folded it and dabbed at her face, taking particular care to cool her brow and cheeks. When this was done, he laid the backs of his fingers on her head, as Sir had done for him when Francis was sick, to test his fever. Francis wondered how he had felt to Sir's gentle fingers and what information he was supposed to learn from the gesture. Perhaps Sir would explain later; for the moment, he only knew that Ma'am was much warmer than she ought to be.
Angie's eyes were closed, but she was grateful for the cool washcloth and half comforted, half amused by Francis soft touch on her forehead. When he had whatever information he thought he needed, Francis withdrew his hand and sat in that silent way that all three of the rescuees were masters of. Angie had expected the presence of another person to keep her awake, but Francis was so still and patient that she succumbed to her exhaustion and fell asleep for a while.
When she woke, sometime later, Angie was aware of feeling very cold. For a few minutes she tried to go back to sleep, but she quickly had to admit that it would be impossible until she was warmer. A rattling sound nearby might be her teeth chattering, she realized, and she finally opened her eyes.
Francis was still next to the bed, still watching her with his worried gaze as she began to struggle to sit up. Without a word, he reached over to stack pillows behind her and put another blanket around her back. He drew the blanket close in the front and she grasped the edges of it, pulling them tight.
Angie was shaking ferociously with chills and she stuck one hand out of the folds of the blanket to feel her forehead. It was sticky with sweat and the only warm part of her body, as far as she could tell. She closed her eyes again and allowed one moment of visible weakness, a sad, small, whimpering sound. Then she quieted herself, thinking of Francis and how he would worry, and she forced herself to open her eyes and smile at him.
"Sorry," she said. She could barely recognize her own voice, it sounded so rough. "Just not feeling very well, I guess."
Francis nodded, understanding completely. "Francis will prepare a cool cloth, or perhaps Sir might bring a water bottle."
"I'll text him," Angie said and groped around the bedside table for a moment before Francis put her phone in her hand.
I'n awwake and not feeing good. Got chillks. Can francis givr me medicine? Angie hoped the text was at least readable. She didn't have the strength to pay more attention right now and her hands were weak and trembling.
The answer came back almost immediately. Yes, it's time. Have him take your temperature, too. Can you read the thermometer, or do you want me to come up?
Nopr well be okkay, she wrote back. "Okay," she said aloud. "Tim says it's time for more medicine and he wants you take my temperature while you're at it."
"Yes, Ma'am." Francis peered at the spoon as he poured the medicine and very carefully dosed Angie with it. He then allowed her a sip of water before putting the thermometer under her tongue. When it beeped, he showed her the result and she sighed.
102.4, she texted Tim. Flu? Thougbt was a cold.
The actual flu is usually more serious, he wrote back, and she resisted the urge to roll her eyes, mostly because her head ached badly enough already. This is likely a virus of some kind, although it looks like a particularly nasty one. Sorry you feel so bad.
Me too, she replied and gave her phone back to Francis to put on the table. He set it down and then took up the washcloth to bathe her face, looking very concerned. For a few minutes, he dabbed softly at Angie's hot face and then folded the washcloth and pressed it to her forehead. Then he began to stroke her hair, softly and rhythmically.
There was so much of Tim in his movements that Angie couldn't help but smile. Then she thought about how greasy her hair must be and felt a twinge of guilt that, thanks to his training, he probably wouldn't say anything about it. She hoped he would stop when he wanted to.
"Is this pleasing to you, Ma'am?" Francis asked.
"It feels good, yeah," she replied, ignoring the weird phrasing. She had gotten used to it, where rescuees in general were concerned, and with Francis in particular. It might have been the quiet moment, with no work to be done or anyone else in the room to account for, and it might have been that her fever made Angie more bold than she was otherwise, but whatever the reason, she kept talking.
"I have so many questions about all three of you," she said to Francis. "I wish I knew where you came from. I think a lot about whether anyone is looking for you."
"If they were, they wouldn't have had to try hard to find Francis," he said in a voice that was heavy with resignation. "Francis was often in the society pages of magazines, in the home of his old Master." There was a silence and then, surprisingly, Francis continued speaking. "Francis thinks about this sometimes, too. Francis knows he was... was normal once. Was human."
"You're still human."
"Francis is not human the way that you and Sir are human," he clarified. "He is something between a human and a pet." He sighed a little sadly.
"Well," Angie started, wanting very much to say something comforting. "You have a home here, anyway. And we just think of you as human. Tim and I."
Francis' hand stilled and he withdrew it, folding his hands in his lap. But he didn't seem upset with her- not that she would ever know, she thought to herself. There was another silence and then Francis spoke again. "Ma'am? May Francis be so bold as to ask a question?"
"Anything you want."
"Why are you and Sir doing this?"
"Doing what?"
"Why are you and Sir taking in old Pets? You explained that you are setting us free, and Francis understands. But he does not understand the use of giving us to ourselves to own. We are used up- except maybe Nathan, who is still human. But Mikey and Francis are worn down and useless. " Francis looked down at his feet, the bandages lighter than they had been and encased in soft walking casts to protect them from injury when he was ready to learn to stand again.
"But you took us in," Francis went on, "And you tended us, even though we cannot be properly refurbished anymore. You feed and bathe Mikey, since he cannot care for himself. Sir carries Francis up and down the stairs. You have held Francis' head in just this way when he was unwell." He pressed his free hand to the cool washcloth and stroked her hair again, demonstrating how she had cared for him.
Angie smiled at him. "I guess..." she tried to collect her thoughts, which was not easy right now. "Well, you'd have to ask Tim exactly why he did it. I know he's a Quaker- it's the kind of thing they do a lot, but I don't know much about it. And he's a nurse. The Network said they needed people with medical training and he volunteered because of that."
"Me... I don't really know. It felt like a good thing to do, I guess." She paused, mulling over what had been a fairly impulsive decision. "We never had a Pet, when I was growing up," she said. "I have three sisters and there wasn't money, for one thing. But also, my parents never really liked the idea. They didn't say much against it, but whenever they heard of someone having a Pet, they would shake their heads and frown and we could tell they didn't approve."
Angie stopped to sneeze and then cough. "Ugh, sorry. I'm so gross right now. Anyway, after school, I used to go stay with a family down the street and they had a Pet. Her name was Bella, which I guess is at least a human name. Her job was to take care of the kids and I didn't really think about it much at the time, but... she can't have been happy. It was messed up, what they were making her do. I don't know if they hurt her, but I remember her being scared a lot and crying sometimes, so maybe they did."
There was another pause as Angie caught her breath and blew her nose. "This stupid cold," she mumbled. "Can't wait until my stupid fever breaks." Francis offered her a cup of water and she took a sip, wincing at the feeling of it on her sore throat. "I heard about the Network when I was in college and I figured out I had a friend who was volunteering with them. My friend doesn't run a safehouse, but she does some other stuff. She told me all about what happens to Pets and I started having nightmares about Bella. When I said I wanted to get involved, they needed people to staff houses more than anything. I just- said I would. And here we are."
"Thank you." Francis was speaking in little more than a whisper and his voice sounded thick.
"You can always ask questions," Angie said. "Tim and I will tell you anything you want to know, if we have answers for you."
"Thank you, Ma'am," Francis said, still in that odd tone. Then he blinked very rapidly and his body language relaxed again. "Ma'am, if Francis may be so bold- Francis thinks you ought to go back to sleep if you can. He will sit with you and stroke your hair, if you find it soothing. Sir would want you to rest, Francis knows."
Angie smiled and closed her eyes. "Yes," she agreed. "Tell Tim I'm being a good patient. And thanks, Francis."
Part 1
Master List
Notes: I always write more than I think I will. But that character development at the end of Part 1 absolutely needed a follow-up. Plus, I wanted to write more comfort for poor Angie!
Tag list: @pigeonwhumps, @cepheusgalaxy, @i-eat-worlds, @honeycollectswhump @taterswhump,
@starfields08000 @whumpsday, @fruitypinapple00, @currentlyinthesprial
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iztea · 10 months
hi! I saw your post about critiquing another persons art work and it made me realize i dont like my current drawing process
Mostly because I have shaky hands and don’t really like line art because it takes me too long and i still dont like how it looks so im trying to switch to a more painterly style
Do you have any advice? Particularly on defining 3d forms?
(I love your art style! You draw so beautifully and I love how you stylize anatomy and hair particularly)
yeah i feel you, i think everyone starts digital art with a lineart heavy style in mind and then gradually drop it as it is pretty hard to master
i'm not sure i'm the best person to ask about defining 3D forms as i myself struggle with that, but i thing that i noticed is that if you don't have a stable base or foundation to paint over then the process will become exponentially harder. So what i do is i make sure i have a cohesive sketch. Not a clean one, not a pretty one, but one where i am sure where everything goes and one that helps me predict and better visualize how things will end up once i get there. If the sketch is so messy to the point where i can't tell a leg apart or i don't know the general form of the fabric then i'll have a much, much harder time rendering later on.. So i think making sure the "skeleton" of your art is set in place. Again it's not about it looking good or clean it's about knowing what you'll be doing with it in the later stages.
But let's say you do have a clean sketch, or even lineart. I think the easiest way to give form to your subject is by choosing a light source ( it doesn't have to be dramatic, it can just be ambient light ) and then paint shadows in the areas where light can't reach. It depends on your style really, but for me i use a darker (but still saturated) color under the chin, under the eyes, where the bangs/hair meets the face and for the nose area i kinda just make a blob (i don't paint noses that much as you might have noticed bdshj but you know,, check out other artists you like and examine how they handle shading). Just try to think of everything as oversimplified shapes. limbs are cylinders, the torso is like a parallelipiped or a box or a sack of beans or whatever you see fit, the head another box etc... just keep it simple, Less is more
Oh and also, for a painterly style, i suggest avoiding overkilling it with the rendering. Let the brush strokes speak for themselves and keep it vague/ abstract. Our brains are smart and they loove filling in blanks for us if they're given some general information so let the viewer do the hard work, don't explain everything.. this is also a good way to practice developing an artstyle but i'm getting off topic if i wasn't blabbering enough already. A painterly style is imperfect and messy and vague at times and you should let it be that way, don't force perfection onto it as you'll deprive it of humanity these are my two cents on the matter hope it made sense and helped in any way? if not you can always watch yt videos or listen to more qualified people than me
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taggedmemes · 1 year
SENTENCE MEME ⟶ OXVENTURE PRESENTS: DEADLANDS / ch3 always feel free to tweak the sentence to fit your muse.
'you can box him up to go.'
'isn't there some kind of gravedigger's union?'
'aw, you read the rules? aw dang...'
'you just stood there. you didn't do anything! you didn't even try!'
'now we've gotta get justice.'
'i wasn't there, but that sounds awfully wise.'
'oh, sorry, hang on. i've gotta kill someone real quick.'
'he'll think you're trying to kill him. which you are.'
'you've just gotta push that anger all the way down until the time is right.'
'well, it's already dusted in opium.'
'young man, do you know what jerky is?'
'can you move away from the house now, please?'
'we could pack the coffin with dynamite.'
'you'd be amazed how many people try to bribe me to declare people dead.'
'so you take bribes, you say?'
'people who love opium famously think they don't need any more opium.'
'well i enjoy getting paid money.'
'lost to a child. embarrassing.'
'doctors make mistakes all the time!'
'he might have the appearance of a dead child...'
'do you know what'll happen to me? do you know what he'll do to me if he finds out?'
'he won't be capable of anything when he's dead!'
'do what i tell you, or... i'm gonna have to hurt you.'
'man i get a kick outta you!'
'i don't know, i'm young, i don't think about illness.'
'looks like this chump doesn't wanna die!'
'i seen quicker molasses than her draw!'
'what kind of contest is this?!'
'i've been countin'. he's only got one bullet left.'
'i drank a lot of whiskey today, i could do with a milk.'
'once we've stripped anything valuable off the bodies what's the point?'
'then he comes back into town and he's all shooting the ground and making us dance and all that kind of stuff...'
'i'm increasingly not worried about making good decisions.'
'he seems pretty smart and pretty evil.'
'never seen him love on anybody.'
'he's very angry. that's a sort of weakness.'
'but you'll be dead because he will have shot you at the same time.'
'no one's this lucky this many years in a row.'
'does he look like his spirit has been crushed?'
'listen up fella, i didn't wanna do this...'
'you ain't so humble though.'
'let's push over something big at the same time.'
'there's a piano in the saloon; you go push the piano over.'
'we'll ask his cold, dead corpse, i guess.'
'well now i'm mad. i'm getting increasingly mad and vengeful.'
'it's like this fella's doing some kind of witchcraft or magic. i wish i knew more about this stuff.'
'i don't understand it, but there's something going on.'
'if things go weird, you throw this at him and i'll do the rest.'
'dynamite's not a weapon, it's a tool.'
'it's like any other tool. like a hammer.'
'this is just my walking-around dynamite.'
'if anything happens to me, you kill this man dead.'
'he was disinclined to hand over his weapons. it's his way, so.'
'this is slightly awkward, i was mostly interested in talking to your friend.'
'i've been impressed by the way he killed those men.'
'you line your enemies up in a row and you gun them down.'
'i've not seen many come through with skills like him.'
'let me just go run it up the flagpole.'
'he's a big fan. he likes how you shot those people in the throat.'
'folks like that, i don't think they like people who're as good as them.'
'but... not above cheating. love to cheat.'
'if you get an opportunity to just outright kill him...'
'seems a shame for a young man of such obvious talents to die out here in the middle of nowhere.'
'i don't see your name on it!'
'there's no need to be raising your voice now.'
'this is the emergency prybar for when we put someone in a coffin who's not ready.'
'you're a dead man! the doctor said!'
'i'm glad you're back but, um, we're in the middle of a firefight outside.'
'springin' out of the grave!'
'did i get shot? or did i just get nearly shot?'
'we have a man to kill! shoot now, ask questions later!'
'i'll duel you right now! i'm young and i'm crazy!'
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armpirate · 1 year
Tumblr media
Pairings: tattoist!jk x fem!reader
Genre: smut, angst, friends to lovers, tattoo au, virgin reader.
Summary: They say there are two versions for every story, and it's important to hear both of them. Everybody is hearing your side of the story, but it's just fair to get to know his.
After breaking up with his girlfriend, the only thing he wanted was to have fun with no attachment. You wanted to get rid of your virginity, and he wanted to tick you off his list. What he didn't expect was getting so emotionally attached to you that he would regret the deal.
Previous || Next
She doesn't live in one of the best areas of New York, but it's not the worst one I've been in either. Although this building... It looks like it might fall down at any point.
The cracking sound of the door draws my attention back to Y/n, finding her fighting to open the door. Her left hand twists the key, while the right one keeps pulling from the door until it finally opens. That sudden move almost made her fall to her back -and I say almost because I hold her by her arm before she's able to stumble enough to fall.
When she's aware of my hold, she hawks and moves her arm away cautiously.
—You do this every time you go in? —I look at her surprised— Last week I thought you were just so mad and frustrated you fought with the first thing you found.
—It'd be easier if we could fix it. But most of us earn just enough to survive every month.
I understand what she is trying to say. I guess that, if they're living here, it is because they can't really afford a lot more than enough to survive. But it still doesn't take away the fact that living like this is a headache. What if one day that trick doesn't work out and she's just stuck outside?
Sooner or later, they'll have to repair that door. Either it'll be by choice or they'll be forced to do it.
—Lift or stairs?
—It depends —I put my hands in the pockets of my cargo pants.
—I live on the fourth floor.
After driving for more than four hours, only stopping to get some gast? Yeah... no.
With no need to say a word, I lift my hand and point to the closed metallic lift. And if the door problem was something to worry about, the elevator only makes me concerned for her safety and genuinely makes me ask myself if she actually dares to go up and down on this thing. Being able to see the wires in charge to move this box up and down the building, the flickering lights giving the best horror movie environment and the buttons that Y/n almost had to punch to get this thing to move? She shouldn't be living in these conditions.
—Welcome to my humble home —she informs me after opening her door.
The big contrast is mind-blowing.
Opposed to the unkempt building, her house is tidy and cozy. And that floral scent that welcomes me as soon as I step inside only makes it even better. Everything just sticks together. There's a lot of white, gray and pastel colors -which is something I'd have never related to her if I had had the chance to guess.
Somewhere across the room, I see a similar turntable I have at home, and it seems like she has a big collection by the big amount of vinyls displayed on the small shelf next to it.
—Oh —I point to the old turntable in the living room corner—, I have the same model.
Pathetic way to try to start a conversation with her right now. I'll give myself that.
—It was my grandma's —she shrugs—. I also have a collection of all the vinyls she bought —she points to that same shelving, that's as tall as the furniture where the turntable is lying on.
Pressing my lips together, and aware of the grimace expression I've made, I simply nod and keep looking around, trying to find something to talk about. Or more like trying to find something that could give me a hint about who she actually is.
—Do you want something to drink?
—I'm fine.
I walk around, looking at all the details and seeing some pictures displayed on the furniture near the entrance door. A more innocent and smiley Y/n appears in one of the pictures, next to an old woman.
—So, are you going to rate my house?
And there she goes. Peace lasted way too long.
—Will you still play the enigmatic and interesting role? —I turn to her— You were about to set some rules.
—About that...
It doesn't take me long to guess she didn't think about anything, and probably she was sure she'd be able to come up with something while I was here.
—You didn't think of anything —I finish and think of the most important rule—. Then let me start: let's stop bitching at each other. Let's move on from that.
Whatever happened between us, needs to stop. We're both grown ups to still be bickering and fighting because of a misunderstanding three weeks ago.
Time to let that shit go if we're doing this.
—Two: Limits —she continues—. I want to set the pace of whatever this will be.
Which makes total sense.
—Of course —I let my body fall on the couch—. Three: Communication. If you don't feel comfortable with something, or you think you aren't ready, I need you to tell me. I will stop and I will mold to you. Like... If you don't feel like talking with a dude, or do something in bed with me, it's fine. We are here for that, so no need to rush it.
She crosses her arms on her chest, keeping her eyes on me as I sit comfortably on her sofa, as if I had been here more times than I could count them.
—Four: We can't tell anyone —she points a finger at me, as if she were warning me—. Let's keep it between us and as low key as possible.
—They'll think it's weird we get on well out of nowhere.
—As if they'll care that much about it. I'm sure they have more things to think about rather than you and me, and our childish fights —she interrupts me—. Doubt they'll notice.
I tilt my head, accepting her proposal.
—Five: No jealousy.
She cackles at my idea, which makes me frown.
She's laughing now, but at some point it'll happen -and probably it'll be from her side. It's good to set some things straight before we get into business.
—Okay, fine. I'll try not to fall for you. And I'll try not to fight every girl that drools for you. Alright?
Rolling my eyes, I decide it's a good idea to write all of this down. So as I try to remember everything we settled for now, I typed them on the phone.
—We need to write down all of this —I justifies myself—. I'll send you a screenshot when we're done. Your number, by the way? —I look up to her, and huffing, she finally gives me her phone number—. Six: You can't go out with the same dude more than once.
She huffs again, and I'm seeing every intention to protest against it. But I stop her before she's able to.
—You need to hang out with different guys to be able to get all the skills you need.
—Or more like you won't be able to enjoy your part of the deal if I fall for someone.
Oh... she really thinks I haven't thought about that.
—Let me get there —I type the rule on my phone before I say it out loud, sitting carelessly and resting my back on the backrest—. Seven: You can't fuck anyone. At least not until I do it first.
That sassy smile slowly vanishes away when I speak up about my idea.
What did she expect? Me getting her ready to be with a random guy, just for them to get a reward of all my hard work? That's not fair.
—You're kidding, right?
I shake my head, playing with my fingers on my lap as I let my phone rest on my thigh.
—It's a transaction, that's what the deal is about —I continue—. This is your part of it.
—And what if I like someone and I want him to be the first time?
—That's exactly why the sixth rule exists —I smirk—. I want to be the owner of all your first times, Y/n. I'll be working for it, and build you up to be ready for it.
And being the first one to taste her and feel her, after the big challenge she's been, is the best reward I could think of right now.
Moving my phone to the side of the couch, I reach for her hand, guiding her to move closer to me so she ends up standing in between my thighs. Both of my hands bring her closer by pushing her from the backside of her thighs, something that cuts her breathing momentarily as I try to place her on top of me, straddling my lap. My hands move up, until they both cup her hips over her gym pants.
—If I can't fuck with other guys —she whispers—, you can't fuck other girls.
—You want exclusiveness?
—No, fairness —she corrects me—. This is our deal, remember?
And I think it's a fair rule.
—Rule number eight: My release is yours —I rub my lips against hers.
—And my first times are yours —she finishes under her breath.
I move my hands over her body, delighting myself with being allowed to touch her this way after thinking about it for so long, deprived and forced to look at her from the distance.
I trace her jaw with my fingertips, moving up to her face to place one of her locks behind her ear. A route that my lips follow, from her lips, to her jaw, until they reach her earlobe. I can feel her fast paced heartbeat against my mouth as I travel over her skin, and I'm convinced she likes it when her mouth lets out a heavy breath as soon as my teeth get in contact with the spongy part of her earlobe.
Still holding her with my left hand on her neck, I reach the phone and manage -hardly- to type the rest of the rules down on the notes. I can see her eagerness and impatience whenever my eyes go up to her. And I know she's totally done when both of her hands rest on both sides of my head, as she tries to bend closer to my neck to be the one teasing me. But I move faster. I throw my phone somewhere on the couch, and cup her face with both of my hands again just to redirect her lips to mine before she can even think of being in contact with my neck.
Her lips are a bit clumsy at first, finding it difficult to follow my moves. But damn, don't they feel soft and addictive. Slowly, she catches the pace and encourages herself to directly touch me, making it hard for me not to groan when her cold fingers lie directly on the exposed skin of my neck.
She opens her mouth a bit wider, letting my tongue dig in her cave. That first touch with her tongue, mixed with the taste of her spit is making my brain go places it shouldn't go to right now. She gasps when I twirl my tongue around hers, and I can't help but grin at that reaction.
It really is making it difficult for me to hold back everything I want to do right now.
—Is this your first kiss? —I ask, breaking up the kiss.
She doesn't answer straight away, instead... I kind of feel bad for making that question when she frowns, and looks at me concerned.
—Was it that bad?
I move my thumb on her cheek. It was obvious she's inexperienced, but not in a bad way. If I hadn't broken up the kiss, I'm sure I'd be hard like a rock in my pants.
—Not at all, and that's dangerous.
Stopping myself before it's too late, I lift her up and let her rest back on the couch. She's confused, probably expecting more from this first time than just a kiss.
—You're leaving? That's not fair, you're such a teas...
—I'm leaving —I start walking to the door—. Now we're in a tie.
Of course mentioning what happened in the studio is way better than saying I'm so turned on, I'd probably would be ready to fuck her just with a kiss.
She doesn't need to know that.
—Anyway, this was an introduction of how it'll go between us from now on —I make a small pause—, cocktease.
—Stop calling me that —she warns me.
Oh, if she only knew she's only encouraging me to use that as her nickname from now on. The more she hates it, the more I'll use it.
—Okay —I sigh—, cocktease.
I rush to close the door of the apartment as soon as I see her taking her shoe off and see it fly across the room. Although I'm fast enough so I just hear it collide against the door.
Smirking again, I take my phone out and see her contact. On her name, where she wrote "Y/n", I edit it just to write "Cocktease".
It'd have been better if she had just ignored it.
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don't really have a proper ship name in mind for them, I really just call it CyMixRod but omgoooorsh they consume me sm. Should mention first my Mix I'm this case uses She/It and Cy uses she/her just to prevent confusion :3
My story with it is, Rodimus and Cyclonus were originally dating and then Mixmaster joined the Lost Light crew. Mix like very fast caught feelings for Rodimus, but ofc he was already with Cyclonus (didn't really stop her from trying ti get his ass!!) so it started hanging out with Cy too to maybe stirr feelings there. Took FOREVER because Cy is the most aroflux mfer sometimes. So they ALL started dating. Rodimus gets two scary dogs (and boobs to gaze at) and strong badass women to love.
I've drawn them a lot as of late bc the brainrot hits strong as a damn TRUCK
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I have more drawings in the making but gehehehehe. I love them sm
And with like. Humanformer lore. Golly there's. Lot. It's a somewhat diff story where Rodimus is asolo preforming guitarist who falls for a widowed librarian (Cyclonus), and then later is joined in that love by a scarred up butch constructicon worker (Mixmaster). Rodimus originally helps Mixmaster out of a cement mess she'd gotten itself stuck in and Rodimus being the hopeless romantic she is kinda falls into a puppy crush on Mix. Cyclonus doesn't mind too much, in fact she agrees to meet Mixmaster in an offer to join their poly. Takes a few dates, but Mixmaster does eventually.
The amount of headcanons I have for all of them is mental illness. But I'll get outta ur ask box now :3 ty for hearing me ooout
Also ty for colour coding names it was nicer to read! No ones forced to do this or has to but I liked that
And your art was so cute wth…
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