#I'll still be a bit afk tho
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harbringercharacteraskblog2 · 3 months ago
In-depth dive into...The Mummer (Kuker)
Again, most if not all is from my chat with @bunnybird-afk. It all started with me writing the "Damoiseau" and his story, then I chose to keep the 'trend'. So it's mostly lore(?), nerding out about this cryptid.
"Also here's clips of Mummers and their games + dances-- To help add to how Valen- The Balladeer looks and sounds like when dancing/chasing off/after evils:
-This is also a documentary on them. At 4:24 starts the dance part
5:15 starts a different part
6:50 starts another dance part
7:24 part ends.
It's pretty much those/ the moves aren't very different. Clanging/rattling of bells -Jumping, ''wild-dancing''
just focus on the dances/Mummers. Not the text
...Simply imagine: You're in Ryeham or Holistone's turf/Remnant Peak, and hear this 'hellish'/'ungodly' racket or also see this masked fur-figure dancing 'wildly' while making THAT sound on top of his ruckus while tapping the stick on the ground. " -Finch
And here Bunnybird opened my eyes with something I overlooked-
"Also the idea that it originally was for young boys to represent them maturing into adults, and now Val dons the outfit while 'maturing' from a man to a cryptid." -Bunnybird (I really didn't clock this in at first. But I love this concept so much, it fits right in!)
And I'll just spoil my responses to asks as him with this tid-bit but eh.
"The Balladeer's responses would likely involve him communicating through dance/movement or signing ...in a lingo he knows/made up. Tho he CAN talk.
If asked why he mostly doesn't, he'd probably say something about his voice being.. "....I don't want to scare others with Death speaking.."
And always will have the ghostly song play/linked in his posts." -Finch "And these guys are.. not sure what kind of ballpark outside of their shtick being cryptids/SCP-sort of things."
Merlinverse lore/ ideas/ possibilities for the Balladeer=
Starting with his relation to Sena.
"If Sena is still Val's dad in this au, then he is firstly horrified at what his boy had to go through to get to this point. But afterwards, when Val has accepted his role as a guardian of Holistone/Ryeham? He's weirdly proud. Like Sena tends to minimize his divinity and his 'old habits' (*cough* being unapologetically Desi *cough*) but seeing Val as the Balladeer?? It would probably awaken that old latent spark of his again. Especially the bells since I headcanon Sena as knowing how to dance Kathakali.
Just Sena playing more into the fact that he's a god of the old faiths and now that his son has embraced a role that fits into an old faith (not his but still), it'd probably let Sena feel more comfortable slipping into his old self too." -Bunny
"And given he sees Pirin as his son too.. "The Balladeer- Two sons for the price of one!" :D (Morbid joke but..I mean.)
And since i'm subverting who could be who-- Valen was originally supposed to be Damoiseau while Soren's Arlecchino.. Berial was initially going to be the mummer and by extension, the Balladeer.
So why not make Berial, this gleeful mischief-maker clown, as the coldly-calm and stern/stoic Arlecchino? And by proxy home-in on Pirin's fire/rebirth/death themes plus combat? (Besides cold-bloodedness.)" -Finch. Yup. Val was originally supposed to be the Damoiseau (Inspired heavily from Collumbina, the Damsellette. Except somehow it didn't sit well/too cliché or obviously on the nose.)
"This whole project gives me heavy uhh.. scientist fuses his daughter with their dog in the name of science FMA episode vibes... Sans the close relations part."
"Next on the block for this is Valen-- Kuker. The fusion could happen sort of Majora's mask way or like in ... Occarina of time I think? Where you collect the masks of various dead people, and when you put it on, you become that person."
Just me generally talking more about the concept of this ''timeline''.
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kyoupann · 3 years ago
Hi, besties! I’m back to talk about Encanto and Encanto only because I’m tired of non-latinos/Hispanics posting their bland ass opinions on a movie they definitely did not care to understand <3 ( warning: spoilers, I guess)
1. "Abuela was evil and didn't deserve to be forgiven that quickly"
Amix, did we even watch the same movie? Because to me Alma wasn't forgiven on the spot. Not one of them said "sure abuelita don’t worry we still love you." And the thing is, in a toxic Hispanic household, you won't get an apology so easily. Alma admitted how she fucked up and that is a huge step for them as a family to start figuring out their own shit and how each member contributed to the cracks appearing. The moment where they all come together to rebuild their Casita is a perfect depiction of that; it takes days, months and years to pick up the pieces and put it back together, and maybe just then they can start healing.
Alma deserved to realise how much pain she was putting her family through and be given the opportunity to try to be better, and saying otherwise is interpreting the movie to fit your ideal ending. And the thing is, Alma had no malicious intent in her words and actions, once you know what happened to her, you notice everything she does and says is tightly tied to her traumatic past: bestie watched her town be invaded, her husband brutally murdered while holding her newborn triplets, became the leader of a whole ass new town the next morning and was probably never given the time to mourn.
And before any of y’all Abuela-haters come to me to say trauma is never an excuse: yeah, abuse can’t be justified under any circumstances, however, if you want to criticise Abuela��s character, you have to look where she is coming from. It’s not a matter of it’s fair or not, because in real life these situations most of the time are never fair to anyone involved.
2. "Omg, everyone was so mean towards Mirabel and Bruno, how could anyone allow that? That's so fucked up!"
Oh, wow, the privilege of watching a movie about intergenerational trauma and not noticing the trauma. Qusiese, chicaaa, pero no pudiese. LMAO I was going to go into how Alma, Isabela and Pepa treated Mirabel, but I feel that’ll be better left alone in their separate posts because it’s a lot. Instead I’m just going to explain why I think “We don’t talk about Bruno” was an attempt to protect Bruno from people shit-talking him even more.
It’s undeniable that the Madrigal family is obviously the equivalent of royalty in Encanto. They are a public figure and Abuela specifically works her ass off trying to maintain that image (yeah, by manipulating her family into being of service but). Because if shit went down, then she’d find herself having to flee her home again. Big yikes, nope.
Now, imagine, your youngest and only son who can see the future comes up with a prophecy about your home/family so bad that he runs away. Bruno may have done nothing wrong, but his disappearance brought a bad image to the family. So what did the family had to do to save face? Not talk about him. And more than it being a “fuck Bruno, all my homies hate Bruno” move, it is more of a “Hey, this is a sensitive topic and we as a family have decided to speak no more of it, thanks!” move, not only to cope with his absence, but to prevent townsfolk from also talking about him. It might not have been the nicest thing to do, but so was Bruno’s leaving without saying more. Please, stop infantilizing grown-ass men.
3. “The magic doesn’t make any sense”
HI, Welcome to Magical Realism! It does not need to make sense to you. It is what it is in its own world and its inhabitants accept it. If y’all can watch Marvel movies and eat that shit up as if it were the most complex worldbuilding in existence, then you can absolutely believe that miracles are a commonly accepted occurrence in this world.
What creates a miracle is not really important, because throughout the movie we’re not trying to make a new one, but to preserve the one that already Alma manifested. What determines what kind of gift each character gets is not important, or at the very least I’d think you’d be able to assume that it’s something related to their personality or a skill they excelled at. Being utterly rude, if you whine over how the magic doesn’t make any sense, I feel like you’re the type of person who wants to have every single thing explained in detail because you’re simply too lazy to use your imagination.
I find the magic in this movie very adequate to its context; in Latin-America, when you talk about a miracle it’s something of religious origin that cannot be explained by science (as opposed to English, in which it can be simply boiled down to something extraordinary). Additionally, “Milagro” is also used to refer to religious charms that can be carried on your person for protection and good luck. So, the candle serves as both types of miracles and I find that so damn cool.
Now, I’m not blindly in love with this movie to deny the fact that it definitely should’ve explored its world and characters so much more. It’s not perfect, but it’s definitely one of the best movies the mouse has made in years and I do hope it gets some kind of show or whatever; it’s got the perfect elements for it.
P.d: do yourself a huge favour and listen to the Spanish version of Dos Oruguitas <3<3<3
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ceabu · 4 years ago
Gamkar au anon >:3 OK so. The au is multi fucking layered but I'll start at the gamkar. Karkat has to run like hell from the drones, realistically leaving his lusus but I don't like the idea of him dying so he's fine just Not Here. He comes across gamzee's place and hides there bc he thinks it's abandoned. The drones come knocking & karkat thinks he's screwed until gamzee answers the door & is like No I haven't seen any suspicious activity officers I was busy being stoned outta my gourd :o) karkat realizes he was saved by the stoner & gamzee isn't as lonely anymore so there's no harm in staying right? Mutually beneficial scenario, except they're both on eggshells around each other terrified that the other will change their mind. 1/? Need to go afk for a sec
ok im back where was i. gamzee n karkat tiptoeing around like cats trying to get acclimated to each other. gamzee ends up watching a romcom bc the cover looked cool & karkat very much pretends like hes not interested but watches from the kitchen. they start developing a genuine friendship & start trusting each other more, and eventually gamzee gains the social safety net (& concern/responsibility of his friend) to wean himself off sopor (2/?)
(cont) he eventually does but realizes hes SUPER mentally screwed over both from a lifetime of ostracization from the church that was supposed  to be his familly and a lifetime of drug usage. he starts trying to fix some of the more pressing gaps, but it's not something that's wholly fixable. for the most part his friends are understanding, and don't see him any less for it. meanwhile, karkat's still traumatized! gamzee's adapted to help accomodate some of karkats issues, but still. (3/?)
(cont.) ok so a quick break for AU Lore. my whole theory as to why the church is Like That is because non-mutated psychic abilities are always attempting to be used, even on the troll that has them, and most trolls w fear-inducing chucklevoodoos have anxiety attacks 24/7. i specify non-mutated because karkat also has psychics. ive got this whole Explanation for how but the tldr is he's got "stagnant" psychics & is an empath with no ability to Use it. the empath bit is also a mutation btw(4/?)
(cont) last one unless you actively want more. but even tho both of them are anxious as hell, when gamzee (originally accidentally) uses voodoos on karkat theyre just. quickly overpowered by karkat's hella psychic buildup, and it ends up creating a feedback loop of "yo dude calm down we're both fine" and ofc it starts out as Just Lending A Bro In Need A Hand but eventually they cant really do anything but acknowledge yea thats pale as hell and maybe we have fallen ass backwards into Romance(5/?)
oH!!! OH I LOVE THIS!!!!! whoa whoa anon uve got all this already figured out!! id love to read more yeah yeah!!!
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discountdps · 3 years ago
There was so much cool shit in the PLL this morning. I kind of already screamed about it with my pals on discord, but I'll scream here too, because I took tons of screenshots for our FC discord.
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I'm really curious to see what the new relic weapons look like. I'm happy they're at least finding a way to get more people to actually do the Hildibrand content. There's so much fun stuff hidden in there, including one of my all time favorite trials (Kugane Ohashi)!
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I know a couple of us were speculating that tho Omicrons were probably gonna be a tribal quest hub. There was NO WAY they'd leave that little cafe area alone. I'm really kind of interested to see what it ends up looking like in the end.
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I'm not quite sure how I feel about savage being pushed back a week. On the one hand, it gives us time to get some gear from normal and kind of look into mechanics a little bit. On the other, it will make getting gear in normal a little tougher if EVERYONE is prioritizing certain things.
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I probably won't do unreal in 6.2 lmao. I hate Sephirot EX as it is, I cannot imagine how awful it will be in party finder and I know half of our usual crew already said they're not doing Sephi. I have the gil to just buy whatever new mount they come up with, so I don't really care either way lmao.
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NGL, I still haven't done ARR duty support stuff, but just the fact that Ysayle, Alphinaud, and Estinien are your support for the Aery is pretty neat.
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Steps of Faith being made into a solo instance is everything I could ask for. Actually, it's exactly what I asked for in voice the other day when we got this in roulette lmao. And Thornmarch being revamped will be nice. I do hope they don't change the EX because I really do like it, but I'll be glad to not have to deal with normal moogles in trial roulette.
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Variant dungeons sound cool. I like that you have to replay it multiple times to get the full story. But what I'm REALLY interested in are the savage Another Dungeons. Me and my friend have been waiting on like, harder dungeon content, so this feels like it'll be a ton of fun.
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Everything about Island Sanctuary sounds amazing. I'm kind of sad we didn't get any footage of it, but Yoshida said there were bugs still when he was testing it out, so I understand why we didn't get to see anything. Will probably spend all my free time AFK there instead of at the FC house lmao.
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This update to portraits is gonna be so good. I've been so irritated every time I swap jobs and glam that my Instant Portrait breaks >:[ Having one linked to a gearset is a great idea. Also! Instant Portraits during mahjong!
Being able to request repairs in duties will be so good. I can't tell you how many times we've had to back out of a duty because someone's gear broke during prog. It was ESPECIALLY bad whenever we'd reach the door boss and couldn't continue progging, but backing out also meant having to redo the first phase.
Doubling the glam dresser will be nice. I'm still not at 400, but I'm getting there, so having it pushed to 800 will be a relief lmao.
IDK I'm pretty excited about all of this and kind of wish it were the end of August already u_u Though it being almost two months away for the new savage tier means we might actually finish UWU before then lmao.
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