#I'll probably end up deleting it
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vignirek · 11 days ago
Wukong + Macaque headcanons (part 3)
(part one & part two of previous hcs)
- optional headcanon 1: in JTTW the monkeys all adopt Wukong's surname "Sun" (if I remember that part correctly), so perhaps in the Monkie Kid universe the monkeys still share Wukong's surname like they're all one family in a sense (and maybe it also applied to Macaque while he still lived on the mountain)
- has less scars than Macaque, but the ones he does have are from pretty severe injuries that his immortality was unable to heal for various reasons (and maybe he got some of them from before he became immortal and didn't have op regeneration abilities yet) - his favorite flavor is sweet and he dislikes spicy + bitter foods (while Macaque is the opposite, though he does eat moderately sweet things) - Wukong's fur is short and soft, while Macaque's fur is long and smooth - he and Macaque were the troop's go-to babysitters when the monkey parents wanted some rest from taking care of their babies (after their fallout, Wukong had to be the babysitter all by himself, but then Macaque started picking up his babysitter duties again since his return to the mountain after S4) - likes to play videogames in his spare time, his favorite types are tower defense and fighting games (while Macaque's favorites are fighting games and story-driven games) bonus: they're mutually afraid of horror/scary games (partially inspired by Monarch and Cyyu playing Mortuary Assistant) - optional headcanon 2: Wukong became depressed sometime after the journey, but he's been isolated on his mountain for so long that he doesn't even see it as a problem (and even if he did, he'd just deploy his good ol' "ignore the problem until it's not a problem" tactic) (it definitely wouldn't work all the time though) bonus thought: at some point Macaque realizes that his ex-best friend is depressed and starts secretly helping him out by making him proper meals and making sure he always has a set of clean clothes available (and just doing the house chores in general) (he feels like a jerk for always clowning on Wukong for being smelly after realizing this, so perhaps he does the chores as a way of making it up to Wukong) - he and Macaque used to have a very intertwined/synced fighting style; now they're grown used to fighting separately after their fallout, but they can still subconsciously slip into the familiar pattern sometimes - headcanon for funsies: he/she genderfluid
- continuation & sorta update of my headcanon where Macaque has another name besides "Six Eared Macaque" - still kinda stuck on which one would be most fitting for him, but I've narrowed it down to my three favorite options after a lot of digging:
1) "Fēng Wǔ" (风舞/"wind dance"; my main interpretation is that it's a nod to his manner of dancing being light and carefree like the wind (in my headcanon at least))
2) "Yǐng Wǔ" (影舞/"shadow dance"; somewhat similar to "wind dance", but with his shadow powers, could be interpreted as him guiding his shadows in a dance of sorts)
3) "Jiāo Yè" (姣夜/"charming night"; mostly a nod to his black fur and maybe his appearance in general- perhaps the backstory behind this name is that Wukong gave Macaque a nickname in an attempt to help him feel less self-conscious about his own appearance, and the nickname eventually grew into an actual name that Macaque started using)
(note: I'm absolutely not an expert on chinese names and these options are mostly results of me slapping together chinese characters and seeing which ones sound good together in theory- so don't expect them to be 100% accurate to how chinese names actually work)
- has a big amount of scars from various past scuffles that happened before and after his resurrection (mostly because he doesn't heal quickly like Wukong does, so Macaque is not as "untouchable" as him)
- very good at vocal mimicry (basically he copies people's voices really well) and can adjust his voice to copy anyone he hears (his ears help him a lot with that, bc he can easily copy the voice just by listening closely)
- optional headcanon 1: Macaque gets a pair of headphones at some point and spends at least a couple hours a day listening to music; one of his favorite genres is metal (though overall his music tastes range from gentle tunes to something more like rock or metal) and he sometimes sings along (he typically goes into a room covered in noise-cancelling spells to do it) (maybe he takes those precautions because one time he got too into it and received multiple noise complaints the next day /j)
- the vision in his right eye (from his point of view) is pretty bad because of the injury, he's pretty much considered legally half-blind in that regard; the most he can see is blurry moving shapes, but he tries to make up for it with his hearing, so usually the blind right eye is not much of a hindrance to him, though he refuses to get glasses or lenses of any kind for vague reasons - prone to losing his appetite when he's really sick or stressed (he struggles maintaining a healthy weight because of that) - optional headcanon 2: Macaque had already been living on FFM for some time, but then one day he witnessed Wukong hatching from his egg and basically went "oh cool, new friend c:" and brought him along, and afterwards they became friends (basically he's older in this backstory interpretation) - in terms of shapeshifting, Macaque's strengths are in disguising himself as other people, while Wukong is more proficient with the 72 transformations (they can do both, but Macaque only has a few animal forms and hides his tail, while Wukong has his tail at all times when he's transformed into an animal or is using a disguise) - used to be fond of peaches, but after so much baggage involving Wukong, they taste almost bittersweet to him and he rarely eats them nowadays - a decent teacher when he puts his mind to it (he's typically the more organized one when it comes to teaching, though he isn't afraid to push limitations when he feels it's necessary) - headcanon for funsies: he/they nonbinary
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disposal-blueeee · 9 months ago
" it's so stupid how we always seem to do it again . "
vargas by @zarla-s
frames under the cut !! XP
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melestasflight · 4 months ago
on days like this it's that I most appreciate this community and anyone who bothers to do something creative. You are giving me a chance to read something and escape, in a different, kinder world, and take some comfort, or read tragedies that make ours seem silly in comparison. I'll be escaping today mentally but around if anyone wants to decompress, my ears are open.
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hellonerf · 2 months ago
through it all caname having the same face is pretty crucial to it all. because i'm crazy
under the cut because i'm a little crazy and i don't want to deal with people going why are you so crazy. i was just thinking about how they behave to each other and concern and selfishness. i think i portray them a certain way because i rarely think when i draw but anyways. they still project onto each other to insane degrees and them having the same face doesn't help it at all. in their worst moments they'll see the other as more of a "___ version" of them. it really is like that image with the model of someones model in someones head What okay
i actually think cana is guilty of this a lot but i'm gonna be honest i think about canada's stream of thought more these days because ame is too much of a coping freak to me sometimes. i think he displays a lot of concern and worry for ame but it's not entirely selfless. i don't think he's that selfless. like i think if ame met someone and for whatever reason that other person made ame improve himself and actually be better cana would feel pretty empty about that. well ok i just think they're crazy with each other. it's not even really that he wants to be responsible for him it's just if he, as he is, as his relationship with ame is, turned out to be completely unremarkable to ame he'd like shoot himself or something. no that was a joke i bring up suicide too fast Sorry. sometimes i think his anger with ame is more about himself. not to say he has no reason to want to beat his shit in but more that he himself is also an enabler and not an innocent person it feels reflected back to him 😇 and he crazy hates himself. cana living in his own head and mumbling all his frustrations about himself and other people only to himself is the kind of cause for a tunnel vision self centeredness. when he gets aware of this he starts slamming his head in the wall. it's kind of a feedback loop with being reclusive...
i'm too assed to string into words what i think their deal with what they desire from one another is. i actually think they want similar things but if not a lack of communication then the way they'd want it is too different from each other to work. caname can never work guys it's so over. i have to yandere kill everyone else on their behalf to force them together it's so over. like i think cana thinks ame is a psycho unreliable arrogant asshole and ame thinks cana is a stupid lying coward bitch with no spine but they're also bffs and also the same person(wrong)(this is why everything is wrong) and they want the other to Understaaand them. in the true way. in the True way 🌤️ ame is like ohhh i'm eternally alone ohhhhh this fucking sucks and this spineless fag i call my brother is my last hope 😭😭😭(exaggeration) and he still doesn't know anything. ohhh you don't know anything about about This worlddd this world we're in....(attempts suicide for the 1000th time) and cana is like all my relationships are pointless and nobody likes each other including me. and there's my brother who doesn't care about anything but himself and mindlessly causes harm to everything. what do i even do😭😭😭 i'm tired. i think at random cana will be like No OMG this is horrible i can make this not horrible(yes?maybe?) which is like the context for that drawing where he hugs ame and doesn't let go when he yells and pushes him i think. you genuinely have to rip their skins off to get them anywhere. wow. KILL YOURSELF CANAME 😭😭😭😭😭
they're too cringe aware that's why they will never even kiss. that won't stop me from drawing them kissing and getting married because i don't care i like to play with dolls. caname is good. caname is a net positive. caname is actually so sweet and encouraging and super nice to each other and i'm a maniac
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tee-dohrnii · 7 months ago
Is it normal to have this many OCs all dating the wizard in their own respective universes
I see people have one OC for one companion yet here I am with *counts on hand* 3 OCs so far who are all just kissing the wizard in their own universes, 2 Astarionmancers, and more playthroughs in the future with probably more Galemancers? I'll eventually date the other companions but am I normal? (no)
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stoned-frog · 13 days ago
hai :3 hows you been?
I'm better! ( ̄▽ ̄)b
Getting really comfortable in the new fandom, my overall anxiety is calming down (I just had real life shit going on, I mean I still do and it's not getting better... but I'm feeling better about it!) and yea I'm just trying to get ready for my final exams and not go insane😃
Hope things are well on your side💚 take care
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bl0ssom-skies · 2 days ago
Going ahead and saying this for the sake of comfort, but please keep beast x ancients off my blog!! They are a major discomfort and are a pretty big trigger for me lol
I don't care if you post about it or if you ship it or whatever since I have all the tags blocked, do ur own thing ofc, the internet does not belong to me lol
Just keep it away when reblogging my posts or mentioning me or anything yk? Thank you in advance, much love <3
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which-qsmp-egg-would · 1 year ago
I just realized that I made a pfp of Poll, then completely forgot to do anything with it. I don't know how many of you are here right now, but what do we think of this for a pfp?
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I tried to keep in line with the current one, so the change isn't jarring? It'll definitely work as a temporary one until something better shows up. Just like. Comment if it's good I guess?
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thebramblewood · 10 months ago
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This cat is already an icon without even being properly introduced!!!
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daughterofhecata · 2 months ago
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So. Today was my favourite grandma's funeral. And she was funny and strong and witty and silly and cool, but as a young woman she was also just. Absolutely gorgeous?
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pia55tri · 3 months ago
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mikkeneko · 4 months ago
For the current ask game: FIRST!!!
FIRST — the first two sentences of my current project
Alarms blared, jerking Shen Qingqiu out of a slumber that had already been fitful and restless. He stared at the ceiling overhead for a moment as he tried to piece together where he was.
no excuses writing meme
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pekoeboo · 5 months ago
man. I've been reworking a lot of content involving Act II of Home Is Where You Are and like. ugh. it'd work so freaking well in novel form but I just Do Not have the dedication or the drive to start from scratch and rewrite everything that happens.
idk how else to share the updated version of that part of the story with y'all tho, considering that Khalan's journal is insanely outdated now and isn't entirely canon anymore, so I'll probably just have to accept that I likely won't ever be able to update the story for y'all in the way I wish I could. >n<;;
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kooldewd123 · 11 months ago
i really like the idea of an arospec rex. because the thing is, his love for pyra is an undeniable part of his character, but it’s a remarkably subtle one. the audience can read into his actions and extrapolate, and the other characters make occasional side remarks about it, but rex himself never really acknowledges it at all. in fact, i think there’s actually a solid argument to be made that rex doesn’t even realize it himself. he has such immense love for all his friends that i don’t think he actually consciously processes the difference between romantic, platonic, familial, or whatever love. when nia confesses that she loves him and rex responds that he loves “all you guys,” i have always felt that it's 100% within rex’s characterization for that remark to be entirely sincere (especially with nia’s response that that’s “just like you”). he’s a pretty straightforward guy, emotionally speaking. he tends to wear his heart on his sleeve. rex loves nia, and gramps, and tora, and zeke, morag, vandham, auntie corrine, whoever. as far as he’s aware, his love for pyra is no different. and i dunno, that just feels like a super aro thing to me? loving indiscriminately, trying not to play favorites, being semi-oblivious to romance. it's probably not a label you would immediately think to apply to him, but i find it to be a fascinating lens to analyze him through.
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timelessbian · 9 months ago
ok i've slept and i'm feeling marginally more normal again but like honestly what if i wrote cartinelli fic again haha jk unless
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withacapitalp · 2 years ago
Here have a snippet of the next chapter for HTRAJ y'all :D I'm mid write and I'm vibin' with what I have so far
“He’s long gone, Eds. Can we go back inside now? It’s fucking freezing out here,” Gareth asked, rubbing at his bare arms and shivering as the frigid winter wind raced past them. Eddie could barely feel his own body, but he ignored both the cold and Gareth’s words, walking towards his van. 
Steve was there. He had to be. He had to be, or else Eddie was going to lose his mind worrying over what was probably nothing, and he might say something incredibly stupid when they actually found Steve, and that would ruin everything they had worked so hard to build.
Luckily for Eddie’s increasingly fragile heart and mind, he spotted a familiar pair of beat up old converse poking out, attached to dark wash jeans that he instantly recognized. Eddie practically melted in relief, jogging around to the other side, needing to see Steve’s face. 
He opened his mouth to spout off some stupid quip about dining and dashing, but he stopped short the second he saw Steve’s state. All of the relief instantly vanished, replaced by a bone deep dread that overtook Eddie’s entire being. 
Steve was sitting on the ground, his knees pulled close to his chest and his eyes staring firmly at the pavement. He was as still as a statue and just as silent, barely even blinking as he took shallow uneven breaths. Eddie could see him shaking from where he stood, trembling like a leaf in the wind as he continued to just stare at nothing. 
Something was wrong. 
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