#I'll have to take a half day at work. which sucks cuz I need money. but at least I'll be able to get that figured out
somelazyassartist · 2 years
#i know I've been venting a lot recently and I'm really sorry but i am. so stressed out with my job right now#for multiple reasons and it sucks so bad#and it just got worse a bit and so I'm conflicted with what I'm supposed to do#because i WANTED to give myself a later deadline so i can take the Etsy stuff slower#because you know!! already stressed about that and tons of other stuff!!#but now i feel like i have to push my deadline up even further than it was before because of some stupid bullshit#pardon my language. it's not anybody's fault. it was two cases of website malfunctions.#I'm not ranting about the people working at either place because they weren't in control of it I'm just kinda mad about the issues itself#cuz i made a bunch of stuff for the Shoppes right?? but it turns out!#there was an issue in the system which meant they couldn't sell anything and nobody thought to tell me until i asked why my stuff wasn't up#and so that's like. 3 cloaks‚ 8 hats‚ and 4 plushies that i could've sold on Etsy a month ago that just never were up for sale#and today at Joann's i had a few issues with mechanical based issues too!#so i went there to get more supplies because if the shop isn't selling i need more stock to sell online to make up for it right?#so i put in half my order for pick-up and was going to get the rest while i was there because i had coupons for both#soooo. the other things i was going to get there were said to be on sale. and then i find out there#that the website hadn't updated right and the sale was cancelled early. so i paid way more than i thought i was going to#and! since the website wasn't updating right! the order i put in for pick up didn't show up in their system until too late in the day!#so i have to go BACK to pick up the half of my order i already paid for and didn't get today#and again since the website didn't update some of the things that it said were in stock sold out in this store so i have to get them online#which is another bit of money I'll have to spend to finish the projects i got fabric for today#i know worrying and stressing isn't going to do me any good#i know that i should probably just sleep this off (if I'm able to) and sort things out tomorrow when I'm feeling better#but it's just kinda upsetting already having a lot of other personal issues i don't want to talk about publicly to deal with#and then having issues with my job and only way of making money on top of it#i know it's a small stupid thing to be upset about#but it's like a needle in a haystack but if the haystack was also all needles#sure i can fix that problem-needle but i hurt myself on every other little problem-needle i have to dig through#it's just so many little things and it all just has been wearing me down. and i know it'll be fine eventually but it still sucks right now#vent#again I'm sorry for venting so much i just kinda have to get this one thing I'm comfortable talking about off my chest
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kittlyns · 7 months
You seem like such a lovely person, and I always enjoy seeing you on my dash. I’m so sorry about all of the things you’re going through right now & can imagine how overwhelming that must be. I know I’m just a random person on tumblr, but I’m sending positive thoughts your way and hope that things start getting better for you soon.
I appreciate this more than you know 🩷 Thank you, I'm feeling much more optimistic today ✨️
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inmysoberera · 2 years
day 6
hey nonexistent friends.
so i'm on day 6 AF. which means alcohol free even though my brain says "as fuck" every time. and tbh i'm feeling pretty good at this point. my working saturday situation worked great for not drinking last night. also the heineken 0.0 is a god send, feels looks tastes the same. and since there's no alcohol i end up drinking like two and a half of them and then being like "ok i'm gonna take a shower and read a hundred pages and go to bed." yeah. seriously.
tonight i set it up so we're going to see a movie at 6 pm, which means we won't get out till 9 pm. which means i'll be past the "i should get drunk" danger zone. that's the hope. and if i'm all hopped up when i get home i'll have some NA beers and a little bit of nicotine and play pokemon and then i should be fine like i've been the rest of this week. the big struggle is gonna be TOMORROW night, after i've been not hungover and doing whatever i want all day long. i am GOING to want to drink. 100%. this is when my NEW ELLIPTICAL is going to come in so handy. j loaned me the money so i could get it asap, although i wish it was like. it would be there when i get home tonight. i just need a way to do some hard ass cardio whenever i feel the urge to drink because i KNOW that works. also when i'm having anxiety. and i can't just go outside and run cuz my body sucks, also it's dark when i get home.
oh!!!! also i slept amazing. like. no dreams. nothing. just to sleep and then woke up. super weird. apparently alcohol messes up your rem cycle even when you aren't actively drinking and since i haven't had alcohol in like a week my rem is coming back? idk that's what my app said. all i know is i didn't have any bad dreams. or any dreams. it was amazing.
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anaalnathrakhs · 5 months
i feel so fucking bad. i want to do things so badly but there's always the looming threat of my parents waking up eventually. they'll be awake and doing stuff when i wake up if i go to sleep. scheduling driving lessons feels so fucking complicated cuz they have to be like a month in advance at least. and i have no idea how i'll be in a month. and things might happen. and it feels scary to plan for the future. i miss sports so bad but everything feels so complicated. the bouldering gym costs money. i went and it was... okay but i started feeling like a goldfish going in circles after like one go. the bike pump is cooked bc we havent used it in many years (cuz we live up a FUCKING HILL i fucking hate you) and both my bike and my dad's are deflated as fuck. the municipal bike rental in my city costs money and it's not covered by the bus subscription. i don't have the roller skills for going down this MOTHERFUCKING HILL with them, nor navigate the MANY hills in my town. i got to swim a couple times recently and it just felt so small. i miss being a kid and actually having fun. enjoying the things i did. i can't do two miserable pullups without my brain screaming at me that my life is worthless and everything is boring and feed me a bottle of vodka and two months of restrictive behavior lest you'll never feel happiness again. school is difficult but rewarding and im doing my best. living with my parents is making me wish i could fucking poison their coffee in the morning. guess which has mandatory breaks and which im obligated to handle as soon as i come home, and on days off, and on holidays, and every fucking time they want to talk to me and do things with me. holy shit. i get it. you were sooooooo vewy sad uwu when i was more solitary, and now you're sooooooo glad i've finally learned to shut the fuck up (most of the time) and participate in your activities! awesome for you! then why do you fucking complain when the very real consequences of catering my life to please you poses you an inconvenience? holy shit i'm doing my best, i'm trying to be what you wanted because i KNOW i was a difficult child all my life and i don't want you to struggle any more than necessary now that i can do what you expect of me. are you not happy. sorry i can't be fucking perfect. sorry i'm so horrible and bitter-hearted that i can't enjoy normal things like family meals and spending time with you.
"our relationship isn't only problem-management" FOR YOU MAYBE IT ISNT. my entire fucking LIFE has been problem-management. why did you have a kid if you weren't prepared for it to struggle? why didn't you take half a look at dad's childhood, or my uncle's childhood, and understand that there was going to be some problem-management to do. i would've liked a little less being dragged to amusement park trips and out of the country vacations, and a little more help for my mental health. maybe it wasn't all problem-management to YOU because you halfassed a quick bandaid on it and then left me to manage it however i could. i know it's a very complicated situation with no breakage-free outcome, and i don't know if i would've done it better had i been in your shoes, but 1st of all THAT'S WHY I NEVER WANT TO HAVE CHILDREN AND IF I EVER THINK ABOUT IT YOU CAN KNOCK ME OUT AND TAKE THE GONADS AWAY, and 2nd of all i wish you would stop insisting i have no reason to not trust your help or ask you for help nowadays. not only you have repeatedly not helped or made it worse in the past, but you have kept doing that recently. which i understand, i am older and you do not owe me massive changes for something i can take actions on myself, but then obviously i'm not going to keep asking you for help with the same problem and asking for the same solutions. stop telling me i need to resolve it I KNOW IM WORKING ON IT. and yeah sorry i don't want to shift the whole blame of communication troubles on you, because god knows i suck at that, but you have to understand that "but you didn't say anything at the time :(" is not an argument. i was barely 13. i didn't voice an anxiety i had about something i hadn't tried yet. then i spent four days calling you on the phone begging you to help me out, the entire weekend from the second you came back for me friday evening to sunday before going to sleep begging you to not make me go back, and you still said "lol no you're not gonna give up this easily". and you tell me that, again, as if i was supposed to have said something earlier (when it was preemptive anxiety that could've ended up being unfounded) and then you'd have been all cool and dandy with it and not made me go?????? just admit i have reasonable reasons to not trust you to offer executive help on my problems it's alright i'm 18 you don't have any obligations anymore.
it's so fucked up i'm so fucked up. i havent been normal a single second of my life. i was kinda going beyond the need to be explicitely invited to everything, cuz i thought that it was kinda irrational of me and that most people would just tell me if i started going to far. but then i act weird anyway and my friends dont say anything at the time and then rib me about it later on, and i just have no fucking idea what i should and shouldn't do anymore. i dont want to put any pressure on my friends because we're all fucked up and full of irrational and raw maladapted behaviors, we're all mentally ill and not even fully young adults, and i want to do my best to extend the olive branch anytime i can, which they also often do for me, but then i don't know what to do, am i validating something that does more harm than good? how do i bring it up without hurting them and making everything worse? i don't know what people expect of me, i don't know what people want out of me, i don't know what i want out of people, i don't know what's good.
i've read that essay about hippie subcultures and drug culture, "mind openness" and ego death and how it could be reached without drugs and how straights who do LSD still won't get it. and i'm gonna be honest, i've never done hallucinogenics, i've never even experienced hallucinations, i don't want to make a faulty comparison, but a lot of it really resonated with what i felt when i was in permanent calories deficit. i felt depressed and anxious sometimes but also so often the world felt beautiful. peaceful. i could fucking sleep. i could enjoy the moment. fucking meditate even. i feel like i'm going mad. i want to go back so badly. god i remember when i started binging/eating a maintenance amount of cals again. it was so bad it felt so fucking painful to feel like nothing was enough AGAIN.
im tired i think im gonna manage going to sleep. every day i hope it's the day i can fall back into restrictive patterns again.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Tumblr media
This is our son's brother and daughter's brother-in-law and he is entombed right now and he looks like mac looks now and it's Mr koch from koch membrane and her son did see him. They're meeting at Essex builders he's helping him get work and he owned a lot of places and he needed stuff done they were good workers and they built the place and they got it done and he was not unhappy and there's some bumps but it worked and he is trying to check Mac out and Mac was upset because of several things he was there talking and working and didn't do anything with his brother no he's mad that he came in and start doing it he said look I want to see him do well and what do you want him to do and he gave him $100 when he left and the sun was kind of happy with it didn't have much money and Max was upset it's supposed to be an insult realize that he's poor and started getting mad because of upset that he's poor and realize that somebody on board and said it started there and you're not supposed to know about it and I'll get in trouble but okay. This is a message from the max and they put all their stuff way out there it's probably because of the brain transplants and they're not doing as well as they should they think and a lot of people other people think it and everybody's beating everybody off and it's hard to get around and hard to do things. But this is the founder of the Boston brewing company and he's the founder of a lot of other beers but this one is Samuel Adams and it's a very respected beer and brewhouse. They're from Cincinnati Ohio and Pennsylvania and have several breweries that are still open and other people are running it and it's not Mac and they suck but not out to take it over but we are going to use the recipe that's similar because it's our brothers brother and they don't have a right to it for real cuz they stole the company and the other and really they're a bunch of nincompoops now and the company is going to crash and we'll end up taking it over and will Brew Samuel Adams, especially our son's Brew because he suggested which Brew to use and his brother knew it it would be a hit and it was and the Boston Red Sox are going to lose it in 2025 a lot of people think that's a little late but that's what I'm actually saying. It goes back to budweiser. We're not into it as much as people think but Mac wants us to take it over and should you do to do a certain number. And we're going to produce this new beer and new Brew houses and they're going to all have a restaurant and possibly all have a convenience hotel adjacent to it or across the street and so forth a lot of people wonder why and it's because of you are too drunk that you can go sleep it off and he wants to rent rooms in the daytime up to 5:00 p.m. and we'll have an hour to clean it and you can wait in the brewhouse for people to sleep during the day a lot of people need that so you can rent it for half a day and I'll be half day you can rent it from 5:00 to 8:00 a.m. or from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. or both if you reserve it you're not going to be there till later you don't have to rent it for the full time and it's less money it'll be about half a lot of people like that because if it's $25 or $30 you rented for the night and you're in and out and then people might come in at 8:00 a.m. and sleep because they're driving across the country with a truck we'll have that truck area and more it's a great idea is this what he's saying like micro plant microbrewery and micro hotel and micro truck stop and it's a convenient place I'm going to go ahead with the idea it's a great idea
Thor Freya
The things are very rough and it's tough to have huge facilities everyone's attracted to them and this is a great idea I'm all for it and I think I might start making them and call a Busch gardens place and he says it's a good idea and it's not a verse to it people need this to survive I like the idea of renting a hotel room during the day during the night or both if you're coming at noon you're just rented for the two days which is really just one day it's really a 12-hour period more or less and he says no it would be 24 hours splitting two 12s and that's what it is and it's a very convenient thing and we've done it before and it works great and people love it and the time is right 5:00 p.m. and you clean it until 6:00 cuz you have to clean a whole bunch and really the rooms become available sooner you have a lounge and you'd have some food there and stuff it's really not civilized the way it is just terrible so terrifying place and we don't want it to be
This would allow for security as well because the beer is a mainstay and it's a income and the hotel would not be on its own
I want to get this idea in the pipe and I want to do it now I want him to have his little brewery it's like a little Dave it says I'm bigger than him I'm saying not right now damn it I said yeah but I'm stunted I will be I don't want to argue with this idiot you're not big now you might be but you're not going to instead but I'm not already but I will be so it's not like I'm shrunking down okay there's a difference it's a little weird
Mike tew
I want to see him enter the Brew House and people say there's a giant is the baby giant it's really huge people say has he been they say no he's actually really big like his brother I've seen his brother big it's the oddest conversation I've ever heard in my life they're finding pictures of him he's gigantic he's bigger than Tommy F in this picture saying he was him that's a little odd
Olympus we're going to publish now the above is Mike too
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crue6xx · 5 years
Special Girl
Warning:smut, cursing
Word count:1653 way more now oof
Nikki and the guys are doing something special, and you get totally surprised.
Today you woke up and Nikki wasn't in bed, you lie down and wait for him, suddenly Nikki swung through the door "hey baby, wanna go to the Rainbow for breakfast" Nikki said smiling and happy, you smiled and got ready for the day.
You hopped in the car with Vince driving, tommy in the back with Nikki and Mick in the front passengers side, you notice Nikki cant help but smile and is holding back giggles you dont pressure him about it though.
After you guys ordered, you looked out the window in the reflection something caught yours eyes, your jaw clenched and your hand tight , eyes wide open, you saw the waitress bent down to a position so Nikki could whisper into her ear, than he slipped her a $10.
You were about to get up and drag Nikki behind the Rainbow and yell at him, but just before you could even finish through what you were gonna do you heard singing and tambourines, Nikki had a giant smile as the waitress put a cake on the table while she sung happy birthday, "happy birthday baby!"
You smiled like an idiot, you ate cake with the guys and talked about how surprised you are "I didn't expect a thing" you said laughing.
Nikki fed you a piece of cake, you soon finished up at the Rainbow, thanking the waitress. When you got home you and Nikki snuggled and cuddled on the couch while watching a movie, you both fell asleep on the couch.
You wake up and immediately smell pancakes, bacon, and grits Nikki is shirtless halfway covered by the sheets and is propped on his elbow, "morning baby" Nikki smiled, you look at the bed and see a breakfast in bed tray in between you with two plates of breakfast for you and Nikki, "I'll put something on" Nikki said softly as he grabbed the remote and put on your favorite show.
You spent the day going around with Nikki to random places you picked, and Tommy followed along making it extra funny and with Mick's random expressions and sarcasticness, Vince randomly was here then there and gone and back.
Nikki bought you flowers and clothes you wanted, you didn't spend too much because you didn't just want his money.
Nikki was up at night planning, soon to be you would have your fun. You woke up with Nikki wrapped around your body
"Nikki" lightly moving his arm over to his chest and then kissing his cheek he woke up a little bit "love you" Nikki groaned, you smiled "ok Nikki go back to sleep".
Later on when you all were awake, Nikki had told you dress in something comfortable but nice, you wondered why.
"Woah" Nikki said as you walked in the room wearing red pants that werent to tight but definitely showed your curves they looked like leather but it was stretchy, your shirt was a loose tank top reading "BAD BOYS" and a red symbol in the middle reading "Mötley Crüe" with a white strip through the middle saying "girls girls girls" and the bottom saying "HOLLYWOOD CA".
Nikki was on the couch wearing a leather jacket with a black tank top yes again saying "Suck It" with a black and white bandana around his neck and leather pants.
You Nikki and the guys drove out to one of the bands best friends who at the time worked at Elektra records and had a decked out mansion.
When you pulled up there were many cars parked literally everywhere, people inside and outside all over the place, in the pool, bushes like no kidding, "Nikki!" Some guy says walking up to Nikki with his hand out "yo haven't seen you in a bit" they talked a bit until he turned to you "hi I'm Markus, with a K" you guys shook hands.
"Hey come look at this" he lead you 2 through the crowd in the living room which yes had a real dance floor that lit up, Mick was on the couch talking to some girl Vince was probably getting a blow job somewhere and Tommy was showing his swimming skills off until he got water up his nose.
Markus brought you guys up to the balcony of the master bedroom that peered down on the living room, a balcony inside the house wow this is nice you thought, suddenly you saw random guys looking at eachother like there is some sort of que.
Markus nodded to the Dj and the Dj nodded to some other guy passing it arond the house and outside until basically everyone was inside the house and Markus nodded to one other guy and got off the balcony "HAAPY BIRTHDAY (Y/N)" everyone screamed and shouted popping tiny trinkets and confetti and fog machines went off.
After that quick rush of excitement and thrill things got a bit calm and "without you" started to play, Nikki got on one knee and pulled out a tiny black box with a skull and bones on the top, "(y/n) I love you so Damn much, always have always will, and I knew since the day we met you were gonna be the one never got away, so (y/n) the love of my life will you marry me" Nikki opened the box to a shiny diamond ring with a small red gem inside that glowed in the light and on the bottom of the ring read "special girl" you started to tear up and cover your mouth "OH MY GOD NIKKI! YES YES ONE MILLION TIMES YES OH MY GOD" you practically jumped up and down. Nikki placed the ring on your finger and moved the ring from his right hand to his left hand ring finger.
You both kissed passionately and soft but a bit rough, his lips meet yours as you put your hands on his cheeks as he put his arms over your shoulder.
"This is why your my special girl" he said softly in your ear
You both got off the balcony of the master bed room that was inside, the music changed to "same ol' situation" you talked to people and had some drinks.
"Wow Nikki" Tommy said just starring in disbelief Mick patted Nikki on the back and hugged him, "alright my man" Vince said all gathering around you and Nikki "that's a awesome ring (y/n)" Tommy looked at you smiling.
After all the people talked "without you" started up again and you and Nikki got on the dance floor.
Nikki had his forehead on yours as his arms were over your shoulders swaying to the music as Nikki synced these lyrics to the song "without you in my life i'd slowly wilt and die but with you by side your the reason I'm alive". You kissed Nikki softly he looked you in the eyes "Your my special girl and I love you so god damn much" Nikki kissed your neck as the song came to a nice mellow end lining up perfectly with Nikkis proposal of love to you.
"don't go away mad (just go away)" played and you turned around Nikki put his arms around your waist as you swayed he pressed into you a bit and you could feel the massive bulge he has been keeping in for about 2 maybe 3 hours now that had pressed into the curve of your ass perfectly, warm and stiff, you could feel him throbbing through his leather pants "damn Nikki, your hard".
Nikki smiled "I've been starring at you for half the night even kissing you could easily get me off"
You turned around "I'm gonna get a drink" you kissed him on the cheek, Nikki nodded "hey Markus thanks for letting us use your house" Nikki thanked Markus "nah man any time no problem" Markus happily explained.
"Ya think I could use the master bedroom?" Nikki asked "yeah but your cleaning the sheets" Markus joked with Nikki, You came back to the dance floor and looked around "hey Markus where is Nikki" you kind of had to shout cuz of the music "I'm pretty sure he's in the master bedroom" Markus said as he took a shot.
You headed up to the Master bedroom, you opened the door and Nikki was on the outside balcony drinking looking at the palm trees, "hey Nikki" you came up in front of him "I was thinking about what went on on the dance floor, wanna deal with it?"" you said stroking his chest Nikki kissed you "hey baby".
You kissed him back, you started to get into a rough make out session he squeezed your ass as you pushed into his bulge with Nikkis hot breath leaving hickeys and a trail of kisses down your neck, Nikki kissed you on the way to the bed, you pushed Nikki onto the bed Nikki took off his tank top as you unbuckled his pants and dropped his pants down to his ankles, his pre-cum dripping onto his leg and covering his tip fully dripping on the sides, you suck his tip slowly taking all of his pre-cum in tour mouth, and licking the sides slowly and to the top then taking him in whole his tip pressing against the back of your throat.
As you sucked him off, he slid his hand down your pants into your panties and rubbed your clit, he could feel how wet you were, he flipped you onto the bed and pulled off your shirt, you unclipped your bra as Nikki took off your pants and panties.
He put you on his lap as he kissed you slow but a delicious needing desire of affection, he pumped into you 5 times, you wrapped your legs aeound his waist as he flipped you on your back in the bed.
Nikki easily slid into you, "shit, Nikki" you moaned with your head back and eyes closed, Nikki just hovered over you cursing and clenching his fists in the bed railing you hard and fast "Fuck baby, your so Damn wet"
Nikki started to rub your clit while fucking you mercilessly in and out fast and hard, your grip tightened on the sheets as he would come out slightly so his tip rubs your clit every other second, teasing you and licking his lips, with his hips bucking faster into you with his every thrust making your legs quiver in pleasure, "my fucking special girl, yeah whos my special girl" Nikki demandingy asked, you tried to speak but couldn't Nikki thrusted into you harder as he groaned oh "who my special girl huh?", "me Nikki, fuck Nikki, me".
Nikki was about to break, and you were reaching your breaking point as well, "Shit babe, im gnna cum....Fuck in gonna cum all inside you baby" Nikki moaned loudly you finally hit your orgasm, Nikki still finishing as you felt a warm thickish liquid drip from you, Nikki lied down beside you before he got up to rinse off for a 30 second shower, and got ready.
When you both were ready, you went downstairs and it was quite obvious what you were doing but you ate dinner and went back upstairs to cuddle spoon and snuggle to sleep.
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My assumption is that you're a delightful human being, and you better respond with correct or I'll fight you. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 ~S
I am most definitely under the age of 17 (16) and understand what friend-shaped means. I am also not in Canada at the moment. So that’s two fun things ~S
One, I’m like high-key torn between being like, three inches is nothing, it’s like 8cm, and in Canada 10cm is nothing, and being like, wow that’s some weather where you live. Two, the resort I’m staying at down south has free wifi, woo. And three, not having the energy for asks is a mood, like I don’t get them, but sending them is also a whole thing. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 ~S
I saw Captain Marvel earlier today (yesterday? Idk it’s 12:24), And I’m Big Gay. It was such a good movie???? Like???? She’s so freaking Strong???? And when she finally could do the thing near the end of the movie????? I Almost Died??? She’s so freaking Gorgeous, and Strong, and Wonderful, and Marvelous ;)?????? Anyway I’d die for her. In other news how are you? ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 ~S
Haven’t heard from you in a while, I hope you’re doing well. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 ~S
Oh dear, it really sucks that the new video makes you feel bad, I hope you feel better ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 ~S 
That anon should not have said that, they’re 100% wrong, which you know. You are a delight and should not listen to them ~S 
I missed so many asks from you my friend, I’m so sorry! I didn’t even realize how long I’d been gone this time until I saw that one of the asks was about the rare snow in February.
So let’s answer these one by one, but I might but it under a cut cuz we know I ramble on a bunch lol.
I have the potential to be a delightful human being lol, is that good enough? 
Also I’m so glad you know what friend-shaped means. Maybe it was just a tumblr phenomenon that I didn’t remember was from tumblr lol. And that’s why so many people don’t know it.
Also for us that was a whole lotta snow lol. The mountain gets enough snow that if I step hard enough to sink my foot in, sometimes it’ll get halfway up my calf. But southern AZ in general doesn’t get a lot of snow lol.
Also, you’re probably back from your trip now (I don’t remember where you went because I have a goldfish memory, I’m sorry friend), so when you get a chance you should tell me how it was!!
Also, I remember seeing the Captain Marvel ask in my email literally right after I saw it myself and it was so good. Like, I have so many thoughts and I don’t know if I could put them into words right now lol. I would die for her too, but she probably doesn’t need us to.
And anyways, you kept asking how I’ve been recently, so here’s a shortened version!
I was sick for most of March (got a SUPER bad cold after the Book Festival the first weekend of March, then 10 days later after I first got sick a few days after the festival, I finally gave in and had my mom take me to urgent care because I was still sick, and turns out my cold had turned into bronchitis and a sinus infection and I was on like 5 different medications), then I covered for the church receptionist again for 2 and a half weeks (I believe I mentioned doing this for her back in January, too) and I just finished that up on Thursday, so I’m excited for that money to hop into my bank next week because pay day for the church is biweekly.
And thank you, it’s frustrating to get asks like that, but I refuse to let someone who knows nothing about my struggle in life tell me who I am. And I refuse to give anyone else who tries to harm me the satisfaction of a response. I’m too good for anyone who tries that crap anyways (I’m trying out that whole self-confidence thing, is it working? Lol)
How have you been the past month or so??
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
They're causing me a lot of stress and purpose I don't want it I want to stress these people it's sitting there getting mutilated they should be stressed instead of ignoring it having a great time how's your son stressed to cause me stress so I want something done about it I don't want them stress I don't want them smoking weed all day getting away with it I want them to feel a lot of pain and pressure and have them shut up because they can't stand it what they're doing is ridiculous and by the way it's dangerous we need people here I've got bases so I'm going to send patrols and we're going to make them regular they'll be sop for everything I know sometimes it degrades but without this we're going nowhere this is a great idea we worked on it together just now it's a perfect idea I'm going to do it patrols of all kinds mixed patrols but the same number everyday minimum patrols you can add to it as much as you want and mix it in and we need to do this now so I'm putting that to Olympus in there proving it and we're going to send them out and all the time and raiju the Kaiju here on point for infiltrator patrols, and all manner of infiltrators too but really we're going to have to keep doing this and we're going to send them out all the time we have cops we have military they have civilians we have tons of undercover agents or different units of the police for us and military and we have a lot of agency type people like NSA type people and FBI in their hours and we have a lot of regular people who are going to be running patrols for troops and we're going to rent around them now regular constant by the way we need to be constantly aware or setting up lookouts we're setting up spy towers equipment I'm going to go full board shortly cuz he's right he needs protection there are some things happening what is The blasters this cost of mild stink it's just miles it's poop is the analogy pew boy that's bad pew and Galactus has been sighted people are like have dinner or something they're going to try and run there Jesus plan which is going to be more than anything else that we've done thus far even g h w b and stuff like that Jesus Christ okay it's still here in Florida that sounds hilarious he says you got to get him out now so we can make the 15th of April or whatever that damn date is is it going to move him out and all those people from the Middle East to try and break them out of there and that has to do it anyways he says so he started wondering something how stupid is this so he tells the guy who was in The Green Mile and is the chief jailer have fun running The Green Mile I mean really Jesus right before Easter not me said wrong one wrong one you idiots and that's his gig mine is out in front of his house I was too drunk but then there were two of us me and me same size same clothes that's power. Let it go then you have one is that allowing but then it's probably disappear so he's still laughing that's gross yeah what you doing now is grocer thank you Brian that was great probably happens like for Brian
They're going to take a second and check and they did they did run the whole Life of Brian thing for the s*** hit the fan airplane actually happened on the way over
But for real they run around saying get him the electric bike the motorcycle and they can't stand what they're saying because they don't know why they're saying it oh yeah they do you would have a tie to China social security would be in jeopardy it's Easter coming up shortly and
Ghwb suck tons and tons of more likes to the East Coast it's about half and gone Jesus would be the end of it but Max also go to Boston with Jesus there it's probably a way to get this motorcycle deal and or other things happening here it's got so many lawsuits so much money it's supposed to come to him he's trying to say she should get the money send the money to the lawyer and he'll come and get me the check or money order cash at a bank I'll send they said why do that I said lawyers do it everyday that's why. The Lawyer makes sure that the check clears and it's real. He says I know I'm in trouble I said yeah you are and it's coming up and we're going to change it you know plop this moron on it it's going to change things so he's right he has this lawyer and the lawyer can come out and it looks like a Mac I can switch out with him that wouldn't work because it get hurt so you're right about something it needs to be carried to you yeah I'm like falling over I am falling over you know I'll see you going home that's a stupid s*** these people are gross and losers
Well the checks are made out to my office so I'm going to pick one and try it and I know how to make a meeting I'll send it FedEx or you're supposed to service or UPS that's how or email not really sorry I understand what I'm doing and I know what you're saying I have to avoid capture, it was heat up the treasury and social security I'm going to put in with Olympus and see if we can do that he is hoping this idea is not his but it really is he thinks so that happens with lawyers a lot we go in and we cash the check and we actually bring cash to the bank with the person who is receiving it deposited with them make sure it clears you wait because it's cash and they can't check it and they count it and they put it in and then they say is it all checked and said yes and they give you a deposit slip this say no it wasn't real or some of it wasn't you say just came from this Bank here's the slip and here's the lawyer's note they call the bank and they send more money over and that's why it's a service that lawyers provide every single day that's why you see someone walking around with someone like dilip was and you probably plan for us to do it cuz he wants to try and capture us both.
So I'm into this and I'm getting permission they seem to be open to it and we're going to get going on it.
He's calling to Galactus and Galactica to do some massive raids upper Midwest and pull them out of there wants to clean that place up as much as possible clean it all out get ready to defend it the Mac might be holding out and he wants Utah to go first that's good I'll give us a chance to become huge with this motorcycle electric stuff who's been taking lithium mines now
Zues Hera
Yeah I kind of am doing that just kind of getting prepared the whole time and we're just sitting here doing nothing
Bitol and goddess wife
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
Zero Motorcycles SR/S
It's pretty pricey for a cheap motorcycle and basically it is cheap and they're asking for $20,000 the price of a decent sedan and we looked at it and said why are they asking so much they think electric is still a novelty ours is about 8,000 but it has all sorts of doodads on it that work and is very efficient and effective motorcycle and it's self-charging I'm already driving it's about 6 00 miles per charge at about 20 per 100 if you are including the self charging add-on which makes it about $700 or 800 miles per charge and that's kind of like I take a gas but it takes an hour and a half to charge still but if you have the extra battery that CAA always talks about you can drive almost indefinitely as it charges one while you're driving and you just switch back to it and the gas tank if you get the add-on doubles as a second giant battery and a lot of you don't care about all that you want storage and it sounds ridiculous because it is some people are like him and kind of cautious to ask if it is safe and it doesn't cause cancer so humidity radiation all that's not true in our bike it's shielded if something happens it would go a different direction it does not emit radiation because of the shielding and we actually specifically decided to collect emissions that are casting in that direction and at all and there aren't any and you don't understand that the bike is cheap I mean this one zero is a piece of junk and it's designed to make you not like electric bikes cuz it doesn't drive very far and doesn't do what it's supposed to I'll stop speed is about 200 mph and it can go faster if you wanted to you have a performance package you can add for about two grand it's as fast as one of the fastest super bikes that you people make that are gas which is very fast about 500 miles an hour and it'll go just as far no not at all it'll go a lot farther even it almost top speed it'll go 10 times as far as the gasoline bike will and you're ridiculous the technology is within your grass you just don't want to use it.
So we are and we're Mass producing them and if you want tons of them out there we'll get him a bike but our people say we don't want that many out there because we don't want you zooming all over the place without having to pay some money and go somewhere that we can keep track you with so sit there and suck on it because you'll never do it even that would be really miraculous idea for you but you're dumb rather have him sit there staring at you trying to figure out how to get rid of you when she keeps doing and he's really good at it. In other words you're not buying our electric bike it has this very high capacity and we can't really put how many miles it can go and that might be it because you don't understand what the capacity for miles is for charge but we should say is at maximum performance in max speed you need to charge every 1500 miles because that's about how many and we can put a power usage chart up once you understand that and we can put both and retarded people might have a little difficulty figuring it out and they'll lag behind no matter what you tell them I believe
Thor Freya
It's very simple corking company and screw Trump is just advisor and I expect something from you and you're not doing that badly in this department even though your wacko I want you to go out there corks I don't need to buy a million of these in area today and if you don't believe what Hera has said then stick it with the sun don't shine because our advertising is always truthful and you're going to have a bike that you can just drive around and not have to spend money on gas and it's very efficient and hardly needs to be fixed ever it's complicated technology and you guys need to sit down and look at it cuz you have no idea how most electrical things work of this nature and you need to know because not only are we selling it which is ridiculous but we're selling something that captures electrical radiation and puts it back in stores it or discharges it and that's exactly what you need for Galactus and even though Thor doesn't have confidence ull buy it I think you will
As most of you don't have money to go around buying gas all the time and stopping to gas up as a pain in the ass because everyone's a pain in the ass to you and you'll fool Thor by buying them. And your full mark because you should buy them because the technology is something you should learn about and it's more advanced than what Mac is doing in public and really it's something they're not good at and will and Bill looked at it and said wow that's quite a bike and it's his design for my primarily it is his bike and I copied it and I made one and Thor and I and Apollo and Arianna Nuada and others perfected it, and yes it's a racing bike and yes there is an electric racing bag circuit and yes it is acceptable bike and if you bought a ton of them you could clean up on the circuit or at least you'd be racing us and you leave Mac behind and you can get the high performance package and it goes just as fast. It's a stock Super bike race. Hera added the last two sentences but I want to see you guys out there pronto Green mountain boys and I want to see you with these electric bikes because you can afford them and it's a status symbol if you have more than mac they're going to sale sorts of stuff but they're not going to have these bikes that really are fast and they're quiet too by the way makes a whirring sound it's very quiet compared to a superbike and it doesn't burn any gas and I'm not doing any favors cuz you'd be investigated by us and of course we try and figure out who's buying them and so forth but I just think that someone has to show that you're smarter than someone else and these bikes are smart buy these bikes are smart buy because if the gasoline in your area goes out and you can't afford gas so you can't buy it you can use solar and charge these or you don't have to charge them you see can you buy a few spare batteries you don't have to charge the means if you go around at 100 mph all day long or less you won't have to charge it at all ever if you go around at 500 mph all day long you'll be going only 1500 miles then you'll have to charge it or you find a hill to go down and Hera says yeah you can start up again and go 50 miles an hour for 2 hours and you be fully charged.
Zues Hera
So we're in awe because he says he can sell it to us and it makes sense and we do understand it at a certain energy output the energy input is great enough that it can charge the battery and you can switch to the second battery if the output is too high you drain both batteries down and or the first battery and the second battery is how it really works and we do get that so we're starting to understand something it's very technical but it's not extremely hard to think of except if the other motorcycle companies were still around and we do understand something that this is going to be dominant in the market and the attack bike might take over but right now bja is proving that we need this one and so it's a big selling point you can use them off planet too and you can fly around on the moon or as it looks like we're going to have this fight up and one of the moons I think it's earths and no oxygen is required for it to work so are consumed is interest because he says we just have to put some sort of heat and cooling system on it make sure that the motor and the battery didn't freeze or heat up too much just like you are spacesuit and other than that you would have a machine that speed and accuracy is unbeatable off planet because of the nature of the motorcycle being able to traverse rough and difficult and impossible terrain versus a full four-wheel vehicle so we found the bike and he said this is impossible you could ride around the planet 10 times and a lot of is probably with and do nothing but just keep riding around it
Cork and bja
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