#I'll definitely explore this troupe more
hoshinaideas4all · 1 month
Hoshina who comes home from work one day to find that his lover, along with her belongings, have gone missing. Not a single letter or note explaining why, but he knows you well enough to have a few guesses already. Three hours have passed and he's still sitting in their his couch thinking about you.
Then a stinging sensation courses through his heart and onto his eyes. You're crying— God, you must be crying. Tears start swelling in his eyes as the realization hits him. He's flooded with guilt as he remembers how you always needed someone to hold you when you cry. But who'll be there for you now that you're alone? It must be because of him, right? Why else would you leave if not for him—why else would you be crying right now? Maybe he'd done something wrong...or maybe you just couldn't take him any longer. Not when he's barely home nowadays due to the spike of Kaiju attacks. And certainly not when he could come home as a cold corpse at any moment. His insecurities are getting to him and he didn't blame you for leaving.
In his weakest moment, Hoshina bolts out the door and makes his way to a nearby train station. Maybe if he drowned himself in his work, he wouldn't have to feel the pain that threatened to creep into his professional facade.
My, oh my. Had Hoshina stayed in your shared home for longer, maybe he would've found the positive pregnancy test lying in the bathroom's trashbin.
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steddieunderdogfics · 16 days
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is:  LadyKailitha! @ladykailitha has 33 fics posted to AO3 in the Stranger Things fandom and 32 of them are in the Steddie Tag.
Our anonymous nominator recommends the following works by @ladykailitha:
Little Runaway
Staking My Claim
I'll Be Your Knight
Eddie's Big Stevie Rescue
"LadyKailitha is a wonderful writer both on Tumblr (shout out to WIP Wednesday, makes my day!!) and on AO3! They absolutely deserve all the recognition and respect for their work. And now I'd like to share the love 🫶"-- anonymous
Below the cut, @ladykailitha answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
I’m obsessed with them. LOL! On a more serious note, it’s because I relate to the two characters a lot and want to see them happy.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
Childhood friends. I just love watching them be friends as kids and then grow apart and then back together again. I could read it a billion times and do it again. As long as there’s a happy ending of course.
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
AUs. Just all of them. I like canon Eddie and Steve, but putting them in different worlds and still finding ways to make them who they are. chef’s kiss
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
There are so many good ones but one that I’ve read several times is STRIKE TEN by oaseas. So good.
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
That’s the best part of steddie is not knowing there’s a troupe I want to write for until inspiration strikes. Like I never thought I’d do a sugar baby/daddy AU, but I’m currently writing one. Ditto for omegaverse, but now I’ve written two from the same universe. But as I’m typing this… probably sentinel/guide. The idea has always intrigued me.
What is your writing process like?
First is day dreaming up an idea. Then depending on how long the idea is, I’ll do a short write up about. If it’s long, then it gets treated with plot beats I want to hit. I don’t consider it an outline, because they aren’t in order. Then I will sit down and start writing. I will do at least 400 words a day and keep at it until I have at least 3 or 4 chapters into it before I start posting.
Do you have any writing quirks?
I have to have a backlog of unpublished chapters because I worry if I’m not putting out stories people will lose interest. It’s also so that if I write myself into a corner I can go back a couple of chapters if I have to and change it to fit the new direction the story is going.
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
Definitely on a schedule. I’ve tried waiting until I’m done and I just get too excited for other people to read it and start posting.
Which fic are you most proud of?
Well Met By Moonlight. I’m really proud of the world building and mystery.
How did you get the idea for Little Runaway?
When I first got into the fandom, there was a severe lack of Eddie and Steve postseason 2 and I really wanted to lean into that a bit.
When writing Little Runaway, what was something you didn’t expect?
Max becoming a reader insert in a way. Where you see the characters through her eyes at the end.
What inspired Staking My Claim?
LOL! Steve licking Eddie’s hand like he was a cupcake he didn’t want to share.
What was your favorite part to write from Staking My Claim?
Jeff. I loved how he just kinda rocked up and said, “As Eddie’s boyfriend, you are now my responsibility and no, you don’t get a say in this.”
How do/did you feel writing I'll Be Your Knight?
I love this one. It really does not get enough praise honestly. I loved the idea of the sound of Steve’s lighter as he lights and puts it out over and over again. I just really loved the idea of Steve guarding Eddie because he’s part of the group now.
What was the most difficult part of writing Eddie's Big Stevie Rescue?
The subject matter. It’s one of my darkest fics because Steve gets slipped a date rape drug and the fall out of not trusting the people you care about with the deepest parts of yourself. Also, keeping the tension ramped up.
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
I absolutely love the scene with Billy and Steve from “Never Hold Back Your Step…” when Billy gets Steve’s lifeguard job and Steve calls him a washed up surfer. That whole takedown was cathartic as hell.
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
I’m currently working on a couple that I think are just so much fun. “The Hellfire Exotic Club” a stripper AU that has been a blast to write. And “Of Butterflies and Backstrokes” the Olympic swimmer AU. I’m proud of that title, too.
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
Thank you to our author, @ladykailitha, and our anonymous nominator! See more of LadyKailitha's works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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bluegekk0 · 2 months
Ik this question is like WAY ahead of the current timeline, but once the kids grow up to be adults will some of them have aspirations that lie outside of dirt mouth or even hollownest? Maybe some want to study abroad, help out other settlements, or simply just explore the world by themselves and become independent? Or maybe some are just fine chilling in dirt mouth. Very outlandish question in terms of timeline but I think a very important one when it comes to their character.
I haven't really thought about that before, it's one of those veeeery distant scenarios that I just don't really consider. But I do see them all staying in Hallownest, I don't think there would be anything outside that would call to them specifically and make them want to move out. At most, I imagine they would get their own houses in Dirtmouth or nearby, with maybe the exception of Milo which I'll mention later.
That said, I definitely think Asta would enjoy traveling with Grimm, I think she would share his old passion for seeing the world and experiencing new things. I can see her reaching the destination and just exploring everything while Grimm and the Troupe handle their business. But I don't think she would want to live outside of the borders, the familiar connection is very important to her, and considering their world doesn't have phones or video calls, it would be a much more drastic change than what she could experience in our modern times. Not to mention, the area outside of the borders is known to be very dangerous, so I don't see her traveling on her own. But the moment Grimm starts packing to leave for a performance tour or a ritual, she would always be there and ready, with a full backpack and excitement painted on her face.
Milo would not want to leave Dirtmouth, I think he would be happy staying close to his parents. After all, he does need their care, and I do think he would need it even as an adult. I can't imagine him living far away on his own, and I think he wouldn't either. He would be content spending his adulthood helping Vyrm in his workshop, I could see them expanding the business together, and I think Milo would be happy with that kind of life. If he ever decides to travel with Grimm, it would be to learn more things about his skill of choice, I don't think he would care much about traveling for the sake of it (I definitely think he would get homesick very fast, and I see him finding traveling in general to be overwhelming). Sure, maybe at times he would be jealous of his more confident and capable sister who isn't as scared of traveling, but I think he would ultimately find the close proximity to his parents to be comforting, and I think he would be happy staying with them.
For Lewk it wouldn't be the desire to stay close to his family as much as that he would simply grow very invested in Dirtmouth. He already shows a lot of interest in all of its matters, and I can imagine him growing to be a very important figure for the town. I think just like Asta he would like traveling with his father, but mostly for the purpose of learning more things about how towns and cities work, gathering resources and making connections. He'd definitely be the most social of the kids, with a very clear fixation on the town he was born in. Perhaps at some point he would study abroad, but he would eventually return home and stay there after finishing his education.
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transhawks · 2 years
Just read the latest chapter of Minutes to Midnight and I actually love the 4th universe so much! It's so very different from the other 3 universes (not saying that they aren't unique, they are). But the spin on Hawks joining LOV and the LOV found family trope being explored with a different approach (and in my honest opinion, a realistic one at that) had me putting my phone down on many occasions and try not to scream because it's. JUST. SO. GOOD. And the cherry on top was definitely the Shigahawks interactions. Like bro I didn't even realize something totally not-platonic was going on between those two until I read the tags and had an 'oh' moment. I was literally so immersed in this chapter and then you said that maybe you would like to come back to this AU some day in the near future. And just know that if you ever do I'll definitely read it 😊💕
Hi, thank you so much for sending an ask about Minutes.
Yeah, I think... All the other verses were leading up to 4 so I think perhaps 4 is where I really get to just...go off? I think, as a writer, I really like character exploration and fleshing out, so the chapter just appealed to my passions, perhaps?
And yeah - halfway through writing, I had to change a lot for this chapter because my perspective on the LoV changed. The more I realized that the LoV found family is a myth in canon, the less I could really discard that realization. I feel like the process of becoming a tight-knit friend group is just never written. People just want their LoV found family right off the bat. No one wants to make the characters work for it.
So that's what I did. I went back to Compress's speech in 194? and essentially reworked it for Minutes.
“It's what I think caused this. I love the League, make no doubt. But those early days, during our first act as a troupe, when we were simply the dregs and wretches of society banding together around a simple concept with little want or need to dig deeper into each other outside of comradery… I think that was too fragile for what we have to deal with now. Suddenly, we cannot not pry into each other’s pasts. The egotistic existence we led before we pried him open from that canister has been left behind and now all I can do is… try and weather this intermission and hope the curtains haven’t closed on us for good.” 
Compress's words of how they just didn't pry into each other's pasts and just accepted each other get shown to be something that backfires when a character really needs to do maturing and needs to be protected by his group. Namely, Tomura - because they took him from the pod earlier, AFO and Tomura are essentially fighting over his body and given there's no AFO to make them comply, the League are actually in a position where they have to make decisions about and for Tomura, and that requires coming to terms with the fact they all could have watched him get possessed. The guilt from that too.
For the friendship to get deeper, they have to move beyond the superficiality of sharing the same goal and really let each other in. Vulnerability is so important in bnha. Allowing other people, to help, is so important. Not all the League did that and it shows. Also, yeah!! Mind you the shigahawks is subtle and it's really like... it's just a window into another universe that Keigo is seeing. TBH in the actual reality universe 4 is based on, Keigo and Shigaraki, have at the point of Minutes, probably kissed once and it was immediately a "shouldn't have done that". I see shigahawks as a very slowburn sort of pairing due to Tomura's character. However, Keigo and Tenko have like... I always explain Shigaraki and Hawks meeting would have been interesting in the "people who are in extremely circumstances meet someone who has taken the lessons from those circumstances and done the opposite of you, and seeing them teaches you a lot about yourself". It's why I think Horikoshi didn't have them interact in canon; Keigo is also a button-pusher and would have pushed too many buttons that would make Tomura think. Meanwhile I think Tomura would have so much to say on Keigo's denial and hypocrisy.
I'd probably just make a post explaining the universe tbh. It would work well for a fic but I don't think I have the energy for a long fic like that right now, unfortunately. Thanks again!
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aspiringsophrosyne · 1 year
Episode 9: A Test of Pride.
Oh, don't you hate cliffhangers? Unless the movie's damn good enough to justify it, and those kinds are a rarity these days.
The Good.
This was another episode written by Sam and Travis, and it shows. Later I'll talk about the show's humor compared to the stream, but for now, I'll say that this one had some pretty good gags. The return of Boulder, Parchment, Shears, and Grog slamming Pike face-first into a barrel are peak Critical Role jokes.
You can catch an early nod to "When the Bald Man Cries" before Scanlan takes off; the beret on the dragonfly was a great little touch. 
And hey, Cobalt Soul cameo!
I appreciate the Grog backstory. Especially since, in-game, Travis has been repeatedly reticent (at best) to explore his characters' pasts. Ironic, given that, so far, they've turned out pretty damn hype. The level of brutality is perfect; it shows just how little freedom, care, and love Grog would've gotten had he not spared Wilhand and been given away through him and Pike.
Also, I love the detail that Kevdak has one blind eye in the present day because Grog slashed it out in their backstory. Took me a re-watch or two to pick up on that.
I dig the focus on civilians. I like seeing how not everybody in this world is a mercenary or can defend themselves as the protagonists can. In the game, there would definitely be individual NPCs that got focus and love, but you couldn't do too much, or blood vessels in the DM's brain would eventually bust.
I love Kaylie's design; it's a cute pixie-ish look that doesn't conflict with her justifiable distrust and angry behavior and makes the family resemblance clear as crystal. 
In terms of characterization, I appreciate that she and the troupe are trying to get help for the rest of the town; you get the impression Kaylie at least could sneak out on her own, but she's not doing that; she specifically charges Scanlan with the task of getting everyone out.
We got to see a little more from Zanror, too. Most of his portrayal was off-screen before the Kill Box fight in the original, so I liked seeing his and Grog's former closeness and Zanror's misgivings about Kevdak before that in these Herd-centric episodes.
The Bad. (Or at least, not great.)
I have something to say about Dranzel's troupe, but I think it fits better a couple episodes down the road. Keep them in mind for now.
I wouldn't have minded it if they'd made the flash back in the beginning of the episode a montage of different towns instead of just the one instance we saw. This would give us more info within the same amount of time, plus you can show multiple pillaged towns and Grog never encountering someone who was completely unprepared to fight back to any degree. Until he meets Wilhand.
This makes his change of heart make more sense and hit harder.
This is another episode with less-than-stellar pacing. 
Grog and Pike's part of the story is handled well, but Scanlan and Kaylie's storyline should feel much less drawn out than it does. There's a cut back to those two, Dranzel's troupe, and the various townsfolk a couple of times; nothing really happens with them before Scanlan convinces Kaylie he can get them out before he reunites with Grog and Pike.
We can fix that.
There's a dragon in the neighborhood: have his presence shake the walls, have Scanlan peer outside only to see a long black tail slinking around the building, or have Umbrasyl's acid breath seep through the roof and down onto the people below, who cry out in fear and pain and then desperately try to stifle themselves so they don't draw his attention. 
You can play up the suspense and uncertainty of the moment and make it feel like something catastrophic could happen at any time.
Pike's Mom?
I believe it was Sam who acknowledged during the watch party for this episode that there was some confusion over whether the gnomish woman we saw in the flashback was Pike or maybe her mother. This confusion was due to her hair being black, and her calling Wilhand her grandfather. Sam said that they didn't want Pike to say "great-great" every time she spoke of him, and that's reasonable. 
If you've got a scene where a character looks markedly different than usual, to the point they can be mistaken for another character or a relative, you have to. If there was any scene where Pike needed to refer to her great-great-grandfather as such, it was here, so it would be clear that this woman was Pike.
We'll talk more about Ralph Ineson and how fucking intimidating he and the animators made Kevdak in the next episode...but I gotta say, he comes across as a little generic here compared to his stream counterpart. Kevdak's scary, sure, but not in any specific way. He feels scary the way any big, brutal dude would feel scary.
I like the idea of one of the folks Zanror was talking to about a rebellion getting impulsive, attacking Kevdak, and either getting mutilated (losing an ear, or maybe a finger) or being killed outright in turn. This tells us two things: the rest of the Herd is not and maybe has not been happy with Kevdak's leadership, but he is very good at putting down dissenters. It's a reminder of the Herd and its leader's specific brand of brutality.
In the same vein I would've liked to see them do more to tell us what Kevdak's motivations were. In the wrap-up for the first campaign, the DM revealed that, as had been hinted at during the stream, Kevdak had been biding his time until he would eventually try to take down Umbrasyl. By contrast, the audience doesn't even get hints about what Kevdak's deal is in the show. Is he genuinely cowed by Umbrasyl? Is he biding his time until he can rebel against him? Is that just what he's telling himself to avoid coming to terms with the fact that he's a dragon's servant? What's going on with him? Despite the show having multiple opportunities to clarify this for us, it doesn't. 
That's it for this one folks. The last three episodes of the last season were nuts, and this one's no exception.
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You dont have to answer this publicly or at all<3 I just Had Thoughts about my last question.
All your answers to the dca questions are valid. I always liked Vanny/Vanessa because I didn't know all the complications around her character at first. Even after understanding the game and where everyone's frustration about her came from, I still really like the idea of her. It's the same way that I love Sun/Moon, not because their canon content is especially spectacular, but because I love the idea and potential they have. I definitely agree with your feelings on the dca community sidelining Vanessa and the Glamrocks. Though, I can't really fault anyone because I myself don't generate many ideas about anyone other than Sun/Moon.
I also definitely agree with your take on Sun. I am an enthusiastic enjoyer of all flavors the Attendants come in. Wholesome, angsty, evil, unhinged, innocent, manipulative, etc. I love me some red flags in my fictional men, but I just can't get super into content that portrays normal, vanilla Sun as a master of manipulation. It's just a personal preference, and how I percieve him. You put it into words very well. It feels like many can only find him enjoyable/compelling/attractive/interesting if he's somehow a mastermind. Like he only has value and dimensions after the headcanon is applied. When, imo, he already has plenty of depth to be explored as he's canonly presented. I've seen this happen with many characters, and it always rubs me the wrong way.
But I get it. What scratches the brain is what scratches the brain, and everyone should be able to indulge in their headcanons. I still enjoy me some manipulative Sun every now and then, but I'll still hold this opinion
THIS ^^^^
haha. worded better. (and I'll share publically cus I have nothing to hide) I tried to make a point that I don't mind those troupes at all, and Iove what the community has done with the Daycare Attendant as a whole, and I'm in the same boat.
Like aus focused on the Daycare Attendant only are great too! You get more character focus that way
I love Vanny for her potential much like the DA.
Like, I love Vanny so much I ordered that plush of her over the Daycare Attendant. lol
But yes, yes. All well said <3
Like chase the blorbos and hyperfixation in your brain that makes you happy.
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wromwood · 3 years
"Hey, here's a fun new game. Put "📓" or some other version of a book emoji into my inbox and I'll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven't written but daydream about."
Ohhh boy, you're in for it now.
You see, right now, I've mainly got original fiction ideas floating around my skull. But there is actually one fanfic idea that's currently making its rounds in there. A fanfic idea that I know I won't write because I don't think anybody here knows the book series it's based off of-- the Samuel Johnson trilogy-- and because I'm too busy with other things.
This fanfic idea was created because I found the last two installments of this series-- the third book of its trilogy and a relatively recent short story-- to be a bit unsatisfying. (The third book definitely has issues. The sort of issues where I need to say "OK, look, perhaps you should know something before you pick up the third book..." to people who want to read the trilogy. Hit me up if you want to read this series for yourself so you can be warned)
And so, without context and what are probably major spoilers, I will briefly cover what would happen in this fanfic. (Spoiler warning for the Samuel Johnson trilogy by John Connolly)
It would pick up on something established in the post-trilogy short story that wasn't really elaborated on- the fact that Samuel (the protagonist) and his friend/love interest Maria tried doing a magic act together. Maria asks Samuel why he got the sudden interest in magic in the first place, as it WASN'T ESTABLISHED IN THE MAIN TRILOGY. Samuel would answer that he took it up because in a strange way, it makes him feel closer to Nurd, his absent demon friend. Despite Hell's attempted invasion of Earth (and of Samuel's own transportation to Hell) technically happening via the manipulation of science, Samuel can't help but view the events of his book trilogy as a strange sort of magic. In his own way, he wants to explore the connections between magic and science, and how one can be more like the other. Learning the tricks of stage magic, while definitely far from the actual topic at hand, is a fun way for him to think about it while also impressing others. (Despite his own skills being very unimpressive.)
Maria finds this sweet and wishes Samuel well before she leaves. She's totally unaware that once she's gone, Samuel takes out a book that is covered in runes and teeming with energy. Samuel tells himself that he's only trying to educate himself, that it isn't necessarily DEMONIC, that he's not trying to mess with things he doesn't understand. At least, not without a good reason....
Meanwhile, Samuel's friend Nurd is continuing his sightseeing trip across the multiverse with his fellow demonic traveling companions. He's surprised to see what looks like evidence of human life in universes where there should be none at all. At first, he thinks he's being paranoid and "homesick" about Earth. After all, anything could look like a human footprint. Or human clothing. Or the remains of a human settlement? Something strange is happening in the multiverse, and unfortunately for Nurd, he's stumbled upon quite the mystery....
Finally, in our C story, we see the return of the traveling acting troupe of little people whose group name is sort of up in the air, for the most part, considering how it was unfortunately and accidentally changed to Dan's SODS in book 3. This section is devoted to the actors realizing that they've driven their manager Dan into a deep depression, seemingly sucking out all of his previous optimism and kindheartedness. The four of them promise to find a way to revitalize their manager, as SOMEONE in the group needs to be the moral compass and ray of sunshine, and it certainly won't be any of them. As they try to not resort to their casual lives of crime and mischief, they encounter a self insert character of me who is purely there to say "Trans rights", because goddamn, I need someone to say "Trans rights" after something that happens in book 3.
And that's about all that's been "planned" out. Obviously, I don't think anyone is interested in seeing this completed, and I have no plans to do so because of my other projects. Still, the first two books of the original trilogy mean a lot to me, and I care about a bunch of these characters. It'll be a while before this fanfic idea stops floating around my head.
Hopefully you don't regret sending this ask!
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bluegekk0 · 6 months
do you think there are any book series' vyrm or the kids are interested in?
this is completely biased but maybe something like warrior cats with hallownest wildlife? sorry i have to include the silly cats in my brain
I'll be completely honest, I don't think I've read enough book series that I can still remember to properly answer this question. But I suppose I could talk about the family and book genres they'd enjoy?
Vyrm would struggle a bit with focusing on large plots, he's definitely more into more technical books. Anything about tinkering or engineering would be right up his alley and he would be completely lost in any well written book on that topic. That being said, I think it was my friend who had this idea, but I love the mental image of him picking up some romance books prior to hibernation, and after separating with WL. He never really thought about romance before (WL wasn't really the romantic type, and for the longest time he thought he was the same way), but once he started suspecting he might have feelings for Grimm, he gave romantic novels a try, to see if what he's experiencing matched their portrayals of love. Despite that, however, he didn't get the confidence to confess until after he woke up from hibernation. These days he doesn't read them, as I said, he's not actually a novel type of person, and he finds learning romance through his experiences with Grimm much more pleasant.
Grimm on the other hand loves sappy romance novels. It definitely hits right into his desire for intimacy and affection that he experienced for most of his life. He'd imagine himself in those romantic situations, though for many years the realization that he'd never find that life only made him feel worse afterwards. After meeting Vyrm, those thoughts finally had some merit, and he found comforf in picturing himself and Vyrm in such scenarios, as this time there was a chance he could finally get to live that life. Well, he got his wish at last, though he still finds enjoyment in the genre. But doesn't limit himself to it, he fancies all kinds of stories, he has a large collection of various books in his Troupe chamber that he collected during his travels.
Hornet really likes adventure books, I think she'd enjoy Lord of the Rings for example. Stories are an escape for her, she lived many years convinced that loving anyone would just bring her pain, but deep down she really wanted something more. And books let her immerse herself into experiences that were perhaps more hopeful than her life. Of course, she now has a family again, and despite her fear of attachment, that sense of escapism isn't as strong of a driving force for her anymore. She still absolutely loves books and has read through Grimm's entire collection at least twice. She tries to hide it, but she's always ecstatic whenever Grimm brings new books from his travels.
Holly enjoys slice of life type stories, they grew up wanting that type of peaceful life, though unfortunately they wouldn't get their wish for a long time. They prefer stories with low stakes, something they can read to find comfort and reassurance that things are going to be okay. Though I think they'd like poetry as well, particularly that of very personal kind - it's difficult for them to interpret, but they're always willing to learn, especially in areas that give them a better understanding of emotions and things others struggle with. They didn't get to develop good communication skills in their childhood, but they really want to be a proper part of the Dirtmouth community, and exploring such themes in fiction certainly helps.
Zote claims he's above reading, but deep down he loves literature about knights and heroes. He always pictures himself as the great hero that saves the day and gets all the fame and appreciation for his heroic actions. He does struggle with separating those fictional heroes from reality, and he'll often start quoting his favorite knight characters pretending to be them, much to the amusement of others. It certainly feeds into his conviction that he's a great knight, but as he tones down his arrogance throughout the span of the AU, it becomes more endearing than harmful.
Lewk can only read very simple books for children, but he loves whenever someone else reads for him. Vyrm and Grimm would always read him various stories to bed, those of heroes and villains, of family, and who knows, maybe also some kid-friendly equivalent of a Warrior Cats story like you mentioned. He particularly enjoys looking at the pictures in Vyrm's technical books, and asking him what those things are and how they work. He's incredibly curious about everything, and is definitely shaping up to be an avid reader like Hornet or Grimm.
Asta and Milo are way too young to read, and they don't fully comprehend things that are read to them either. They do understand some words, but mostly those they hear often - mainly things like "papa" which they hear from Lewk, that they repeat to get the attention of Grimm or FPK. They like when someone reads them to sleep, but it's mostly due to the comforting vibe created by their soft blankets and their dads' voices.
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bluegekk0 · 11 months
i wasn't quite sure how to interpret this one but google says it's often used when talking about space and wonder, so maybe something related to exploration?
obviously grimm loves traveling so i won't go into too much details here. fpk? not as much, but i do think there is a sense of curiosity about the world deep within him. he doesn't remember a lot about what the world was like while he was still a giant wyrm, so he doesn't have any memories about the places he's been to. and i think part of him would love to travel and see new things, to explore the unknown and experience it. but he's too afraid, there's simply way too much he has to deal with, mentally, and the idea of leaving dirtmouth and venturing into unknown territories simply scares him. perhaps one day, though. i had the idea that grimm brings him painted "postcards" from the places he visits whenever he leaves for a ritual, and i think it would be interesting if fpk put them on the wall in his room/workshop to look at from time to time. hoping that one day he'll find the courage to join grimm on his ventures
but i always talk about fpk so i guess i'll mention the rest of the family as well
holly would be in a similar spot to fpk, they're very curious about the world but they also feel comfortable just staying in dirtmouth. i imagine it has to do with the more plant-like part of their being. plants don't really move much, so i can't see them having much interest in traveling and exploring. obviously they're not all plant, so they do get occasional sparks of interest whenever grimm talks about his travels. would they join him, though? maybe, they don't have the same fear as fpk, i think they're generally a lot more social than him and don't get overwhelmed as easily, so the prospect of visiting new towns, cities and kingdoms wouldn't scare them as much. but they're also perfectly content in their current position
hornet would love to leave dirtmouth, though. not that she hates it, of course, but she's been on the move for most of her life, so traveling and exploring is part of her life. she didn't travel outside of hallownest before, she wanted to stay and look after her father's kingdom, but now that it doesn't really exist (and since she reunited with fpk), there isn't much for her to do here that isn't simply a force of habit. i do like the idea of her occasionally joining grimm and his troupe, at least later in the au's timeline, when she's a bit more open to spending time with him instead of being the angry self that pretends to hate him. i think she would enjoy that very much. she'd definitely separate from the troupe during their stay in whatever place they visit, and explore it by herself. she is a lone wolf, after all
lewk would be similar, though he's obviously too young to travel with grimm. he shares grimm's interest in exploration, and he frequently daydreams about the whole world. there's so many places to see, and he would want to visit all of them, good or bad, no exceptions. i can absolutely see him joining grimm when he's older, and even now he frequently accompanies hornet whenever she patrols around hallownest, at least in the safer areas. he's still a child so i don't think his parents would be too comfortable with letting him roam around dangerous places haha
i'm not sure if this is what you expected, like i said, i wasn't quite sure how to interpret it. if you want to hear about something else, let me know, but for now i hope this was still enjoyable to read haha
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